Mommy-To-Be free porn video

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Mommy-To-Be April It was a normal late Saturday morning at my girlfriend's house--- until the screaming started. The screamee was my girlfriend's 16-year-old daughter, Tiffany. "What's wrong? What happened?" I asked anxiously as Linda pulled Tiff through the kitchen, where I was finishing up the dishes, and into the living room. I followed. Linda sat down on the sofa and pulled her daughter next to her. Tiff was sobbing more than screaming now, but... Tiffany no longer looked like the brown-eyed girl that she had been just a few minutes before, when the two of them went to the basement to do laundry. Tiffany looked like... Well, she looked a lot like her pregnant best friend Paige. How was that possible? But it was true. Tiffany's hair was shorter and turning blonde. Her eyes were blue. She was growing taller right before my eyes. And then there was the baby bump. There was no mistaking that. "What happened?" I asked again. "Look at me!" Tiff sobbed. "I'm not me anymore. Who am I?" Linda and I looked at one another and then my girlfriend said, "Sweetie, I think you're turning into Paige." Tiffany looked down at her growing belly and the sobbing intensified. "Oh, my God, you're right! I'm pregnant. I can't be pregnant! How did this happen?" Linda leaned into the daughter who had suddenly grown taller than her and stroked her hair. "Shh. Shhh. It's okay, honey. We'll figure this out." Tiffany now was an exact twin for Paige, only in clothes far too small for her taller frame. For the first time, I noticed that she had some costume jewelry in her hand. Tiff held it up when she saw where I was looking. "This shocked me," she said. "And then I started to change." She tossed it onto a pile of clothes next to her that probably should have gone into the laundry basket. Tiffany typically left her stuff scattered all over the house. Just then, the doorbell rang, and before Linda had a chance to answer it, Paige's mother burst into the house. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I didn't knock," she said. "But Paige is missing. She was supposed to be home hours ago. Have you... " And then she saw Tiffany--- or rather who used to be Tiffany but now appeared to be Paige. "You were supposed to be home long ago, young lady. We're moving to California tomorrow, and you know it. You have to get packed. And your father has to start his new job on Wednesday. We don't have time to waste," she said. "Why didn't you call? Why are you still here?" Paige's mother started toward the girl that she thought was her daughter. Linda stepped between them. "That's not Paige," she said. "That's Tiffany." The obvious idiocy of that statement stunned Paige's mother into silence, for a moment at least. Then she laughed. And laughed. And laughed. "Very funny," she said. Then she turned to Tiffany and added, "Why are you wearing Tiffany's clothes? Go put on your own. We're going home." Linda crossed her arms. "She's not going anywhere," she said. Previously shocked into silence by the insanity of this situation, I suddenly realized that I must get involved, if for nothing else than to avoid the two women fighting. "Linda is telling the truth," I said as I crossed and sat down next to Tiffany, putting my arm around her. "I saw Tiffany change into Paige. It really happened." Feeling an uncomfortable lump, I stood up slightly and pulled the clothes and the jewelry out from under me. Something shocked me. But I was too concerned about what was happening between Linda and Paige's mother to give it much thought. "You're both lying," she said. "Or maybe you're both crazy. Paige, why don't you say something?" Just then, Linda glanced at me and her jaw dropped. "Oh, Bryan, now you're changing too!" she shrieked. Tiffany looked too and her new blue eyes grew as large as saucers. "Oh, no, you're turning into me!" Tiffany then looked up at the woman who thought she was her mother. "I'm not Paige," she said. "I'm Tiffany. Really, Mrs. Mueller, I am. And now Bryan's turning into me. I know it's crazy. I know it is. But it's true." Still, Mrs. Mueller didn't seem swayed by what she heard and what she now saw, a grown man turning into a teenage girl. Even though I wasn't all me anymore, I retained enough of myself to realize that this was a dangerous situation and I had to try to do something to prevent someone from being hurt. Paige's mother still intended to push past Linda. I tried to stand up to intervene, but with shorter legs and a shift in my center of gravity I fell back on the couch next to Tiffany. Fortunately, a phone call intervened. Mrs. Mueller's instinct to instantly answer a call outweighed her intent to do battle with Linda and take her daughter home. "John, I've found..." she started to say after she answered, but never finished. "What? Where? She's at the bus station? With Bill? Are you sure? "Yes, I know you know what your own daughter looks like. But are you sure it's her? Okay, okay. I believe you. I'll be right there." As she clicked off the call, Mrs. Mueller looked totally shell-shocked. "I don't know what's going on here. You should all be ashamed of yourselves." And she stormed out the door. All eyes turned to me. I knew why Tiffany had been screaming. I wanted to scream, but I did not. Tiffany stood up and looked down at me. "Oh, Bryan, I'm so sorry. You are me. I don't know why. But you are. Just like I'm Paige. Linda sat down next to me and gestured for Tiffany to sit on the other side of her. Then she put her arms around both our shoulders. "This is insane, I know," she said. "If I hadn't seen what happened, I wouldn't believe it either. Magic like this just isn't real. But here we are." She pulled me into her. I didn't resist. I just felt numb and lifeless, as if I were a spectator instead of a participant in this Freaky Friday fantasy. For a moment, when there was danger, adrenaline kept me going, ignoring what was happening to my body. Now the danger was gone. And, so it seemed, was the person I used to be. Instead of an adult male, I was a petite girl. My mind simply couldn't process that. "Paige's mother saw you change from Bryan into Tiff, and she still didn't believe it," she said. "I still don't believe it. My daughter's her pregnant best friend. And my boyfriend is my daughter." I sensed Linda turn to me, but I kept my head down. I wouldn't, I couldn't make eye contact. I was too embarrassed. Too humiliated. Even though I had done nothing wrong, it felt like I had. Fortunately, my male clothes were baggy enough that I couldn't see the breasts that I felt on my chest. "Bryan, I know that this is the most difficult for you. You're a 40-year- old man in the body of a 16-year-old girl. I can't imagine how you must feel." She squeezed my shoulder. "But don't worry. We'll figure out what happened, and we'll reverse it. I promise you. "But first things, first," she said as she got up, grabbed my hand and pulled me up with her. "Until we get this fixed, you can't walk around like that. Let's get you into some of Tiffany's clothes, and then we'll research this necklace on the internet. The real Tiffany, now a blonde six inches taller than me and six months' pregnant, took my other hand. "I hate this too," she said. "But we'll get through it together, you'll see. With any luck, we'll be like this for only a little while." * * * * * * * * In Tiffany's bedroom, I made a concentrated effort not to look in a mirror. How I felt was bad enough. To see how I looked, I was afraid, would push me over the edge. I had already stepped out of my shoes in the living room, and if Linda and the new Paige hadn't been holding me up, I would have tripped on my jeans. My too large socks fell off in the hall. "Drop those pants and take off that shirt," Linda said. I did, and stood there in my boxers. The cool air on my bare chest--- my breasts!--- felt so disturbing that I nearly looked down. Instead, I closed my eyes. "Boxers too," she added, and I complied. "Okay, put on these panties and shorts." I opened my eyes just enough to take them. Then I backed up to the bed and sat down to put them on. The soft cotton of the panties snugged up against my crotch--- my now flat crotch. The denim shorts wouldn't go on. "Lie down on your back and pull them up," the new Paige suggested. "That's easier." Linda saw how miserable I was about all this. "I'm so, so sorry, sweetie," she said. "This will soon be over. Now, stand up, please and turn around." With my eyes still closed, I could feel her put my arms through straps and then close a snap at the middle of my back. A bra! I was wearing a bra! And I could feel my breasts---- No, not my breasts! Tiffany's breasts! I could feel Tiffany's breasts lift and lighten, while the straps pulled down on my shoulders. "And here's a top," Linda said. "Tiff, put her--- I'm sorry, Bryan, but that's what you are for the moment--- put her hair up in a ponytail so it won't bother her so much. She's not used to long hair. And find her some shoes, maybe flip-flops. Those are easy. Then you two meet me in my office and we'll see if we can't figure out what happened and how to fix it." MAY Using the internet, we found out what happened to Tiffany and me. The legendary Medallion of Zulo is what happened to us. Linda found all kinds of references to how it worked and how mysterious it is, suddenly appearing and then disappearing at the worst times. Tiffany had found it as the two were doing laundry in the basement, using a washer that came with the house when Linda bought it two years ago. Paige had spent the night before with Tiffany and left some of her clothes behind. Tiff tossed them in the basket to wash with hers. And when she accidentally dropped Paige's bra behind the washer, she touched the medallion at the same time she picked up the bra. Likewise, I had touched the medallion and Tiffany's clothes at the same time when I pulled them out from under me. Finding information that helped explain what happened seemed to bring me out of the almost-zombie-like trance I was in, which was good. But as I came back to reality, I also realized how alien my new body seemed. I was shorter and softer. My hips felt gigantic and my breasts even more so. The bra seemed to be some sort of torture device that put pressure on me in all kinds of new places. Panties and shorts pressed so tightly against my groin that I couldn't believe they weren't crushing my balls... Except that I no longer had balls. As Linda had said, I was a 40-year-old man in the body of a 16-year-old girl. And my toes. My toes had pink nails! I willed myself to ignore the physical discomfort of it all and focus on what Linda told us as she read from the screen. "This all just seems to be hearsay and folklore," she said. "But some of the information does accurately describe the necklace. So that's encouraging. "Also, there's good news and bad news," she said looking up, first at her pregnant daughter and then me. "The good news is that Bryan should be able to change back to himself in 12 hours." "All right!" I screamed in a high, feminine voice that startled me so much that I quickly put a hand over my mouth. Linda and the new Paige laughed at what must have been a shocked look on my face. "All right," I said in a quieter, but still disturbingly feminine voice. Suddenly I had hope and I felt more like my old self, only in drag. "What's the bad news?" the real Tiffany asked. "Well, maybe it's not bad. I don't know," Linda said. "But it definitely seems to be something to be concerned about. "Anyone who gets pregnant while in someone else's body can't change back until the baby is born," Linda says. "But it doesn't say what will happen if you get changed into a body that is pregnant. So maybe you can change back after 12 hours and maybe you can't. You might have to wait three months before you can become Tiffany again. We'll just have to wait and see." The longest 12 hours of my life followed--- 12 hours that we spent making forced conversation, cooking lunch, finishing the laundry, and trying to ignore the bizarre reality that Tiffany now was her pregnant friend and I was my girlfriend's daughter. When the time came, Tiffany touched the medallion and some of her own clothes. Her body shifted slightly. Her hair started to darken. Then the changes stopped and she was Paige's pregnant twin again. "I was afraid of this," Linda said. "And I've been thinking about what we will have to do because of it. "Come on, girls, let's sit down on the sofa and I'll tell you what I think we should do." I shook my head, feeling the ponytail--- my ponytail--- sway to and fro. "I'm not a girl," I said. Linda smiled. "Well," she said as we sat down. "About that. "Tiffany is stuck as Paige until she has the baby in July. That's three months. There's nothing we can do about that." I quickly saw where this was going. "No! No!" I said, crossing my arms under my breasts. "I won't be Tiffany for three months! I have a life too, you know." Linda put her hand on my leg, my smooth, bare leg. It felt good--- and bad. "I know you do, sweetie," she said. "Believe me, I know that. And you're my boy friend. I don't want you to be my daughter for one second longer than you have to be. "But how do we explain Tiffany's absence for three months if you turn back to yourself? She's a child. People will ask questions. Her friends. Her teachers. My friends and the people that I work with. She can't just disappear." I shook my head side to side and bit my lip. Tears welled up in my eyes. "You're an adult," she continued. "Well... you were an adult, an adult who works at home, lives in a rural area, and travels often. Your temporary disappearance won't raise nearly as many alarm bells." She reached over and turned my face toward hers. With a tissue she gently wiped my eyes and then gave me another to blow my nose. I hadn't cried like this since... well, never. I couldn't believe what an emotional wreck I suddenly had become. She hugged me and I sobbed on her shoulder. Intellectually, as a 40-year-old man, I knew that what Linda was proposing made sense. But as an adolescent with a whole new set of hormones--- female hormones-- I didn't want to hear it. I wanted to be me again, dammit! "Okay," I finally whispered. "Okay, I'll do it because I love you and because I love Tiffany. I lifted my head and smiled, not a totally sincere smile, but not a totally fake one either. "But after three months, I'm going to be the manliest man you've ever seen! And you'll just have to live with it, woman! No more washing dishes either!" I said, before blowing my nose again. Linda patted me on the head and handed me another tissue. "You've got a deal," she said with a smile. " * * * * * * * * * Because Paige's mother had seen me change into Tiffany, Linda was able to convince her to not tell the school that Paige was moving away with the family. The story would be that she was staying behind to live with her best friend, Tiffany, and finish her sophomore year before joining her family in California. When the baby was born, it would be put up for adoption, Tiffany would change back into herself, and I would be Brian again. At least that was the plan. Because Tiffany and Paige really were besties, Tiffany would have little difficulty pretending to be her friend, and, because we were living together, she could coach me on how to be her 24/7. And from the moment that I agreed to the plan, Linda said, I would be called Tiff or Tiffany at all times and the real Tiffany would be called Paige. The new name was the least of reality-changing adjustments for me. I had to go to school again--- as a girl. I had to walk, and talk, and act like a girl. I had to wear girl clothes. Oh, the clothes. They were tight, and soft, and skimpy, and, well, embarrassing! When I wore a skirt or dress--- and Linda said that I had to because her real daughter wore them--- I felt naked and exposed. Although my boobs weren't particularly large--- 34B-- they seemed to get in the way all the time. I hated wearing bras. And I hated not wearing bras because it hurt when I didn't. My shoulder-length hair was always in the way too, if I didn't put it in a ponytail. But Mom said that I couldn't wear it that way all the time. And earrings bugged the hell out of me, especially hoops, but Linda said I should wear them too. Finally, though, I started to develop a fashion sense for my teen girl body. I learned which tops to wear with shorts and which to wear with skirts. I learned which shoes went with dresses and which ones did not. I learned to put on makeup, fix my hair, and do my nails. I learned how to walk in heels and properly carry a purse. And I learned how to deal with a period--- Yech! I also realized that I was wearing some of the same clothes and shoes that I had bought the real Tiffany as birthday and Christmas presents. Weirdorama. On Friday of my second week as Tiff, I noticed Linda watching me as I swung my bare legs into the car for her to drive us to school. I adjusted the seat belt between my breasts, checked my face in the mirror of the sun visor... and saw that she still was staring. "What?" I asked, throwing my hands wide. Linda laughed. "Oh, Brian, you're a natural," she said. "Thanks a lot!" I said, as I crossed my arms and legs and kicked off the heel of one of my flats. "Now, can we go to school, please? I don't want to be late." Mom patted my smooth leg. "You bet," she said as she put the car in reverse. "And don't call me Brian," I added as I took sunglasses off my head, put them in my purse, and then adjusted the hem of my dress. "I'm Tiffany, remember?" Keeping her eyes on the rearview mirror, Linda said, "I hope you have Tampons in your purse. You're probably going to need one today." From the back seat, Paige chimed in. "It started last night. I made sure she has some, along with extra panties." Not long after, Paige called to me one night as we lay in our beds in the room that we now shared. "Tiff, Tiff," she whispered. "You're really getting the hang of this being a girl. You're not embarrassing me anymore. "Tiff? Did you hear me? You're doing really good. I know it's difficult for you and I'm sorry if I was too critical." I heard her all right, but I pretended to be asleep. Her words had sent a chill down my spine. I really was getting the hang of being a girl--- and I didn't want to. I was losing myself. I had to remember who I was, even as I pretended to be someone else so that we could pull of this absurd three-month masquerade. I'm not sure how long we lay there in the darkness before Paige made it worse. "It's not like we're pretending anymore," she said. "It's like we really are best friends." Probably worst of all, pretending required that I spend time with Tiffany's boyfriend, Eric, while Paige, for some reason, found herself drawn to Bill, the father of her baby. Our first Saturday night date, just one week after I became Tiff, came much too soon. I wasn't ready, although Paige assured me that I was. She was wrong. Dinner and a movie were okay, but then we were alone in his car in a dark driveway. And I could see it coming. He was going to kiss me. When he did, I feared that I would hurl pepperoni pizza all over the front seat of his Camaro. Instead, I closed my eyes and pretended that I was Bryan kissing Linda. That seemed to help and I actually felt like my old self as I enjoyed the brief moment of passion. But Linda didn't squeeze my breasts. She didn't lift my top and suck on my nipples. She didn't put her hand under my skirt and feel me up. Oh, Christ! It was awful and wonderful. Little electric shocks zapped down through my tummy from my engorged nipples to my wet--- well, you know--- and back again. I wiggled and moaned. I pressed myself against Eric and he pushed his tongue into my mouth. "Oh, yes! Yes!" I hissed in his ear. As a man, arousal had been focused mostly in one place for me. As a girl, it lit me up like a Roman candle, from my tiny toes to the base of my pony tail. My ears seemed on fire. As if he knew that, Eric raised his head and put his tongue in one of them to turn up the heat--- and the desire. "Oh, yes! Yes!" I said again, as he started to pull down my little cotton panties with the red hearts. "Oh, no! No!" I yelled suddenly, as a remnant of the man that I once was gained control. I pushed Eric away and pulled my panties back up. "Not in the car!" I said. "Not in our driveway! My mother might be watching!" What was the real reason? Was I holding on to manhood buried deep inside a teenage girl who yearned to do the dirty deed right then and there, no matter who was watching? Or did I really think that this wasn't the proper place? "I'm sorry," I said and gave Eric a quick kiss. "I'll make it up to you. I promise. I had a nice time. Night." And I was out of the Camaro and running for the front door before he could respond. My mind raced as I stepped inside, hoping to avoid Mom on the way to my bedroom. What did I just say to Eric? That I would "make it up to him"? Did I mean it? Of course I didn't. Or maybe I did. "How was your date with Eric?" Linda said suddenly from behind me. Where had she been hiding? "It was fine," I said, as I stopped and tapped my shoe on the hardwood floor. "Really, it was fine." Linda put her hands on my shoulders. "Oh, Brian, I hope that you will forgive me when this is all over. If there had been any other way, believe me, I wouldn't have asked you to do this." Arms crossed below my breasts, I continued to tap my foot and fought back tears. "I know," I said softly. "I know. Can I go now? I'm tired." Mom turned me around. "Give me a hug first," she said. "I want to know that you're okay." We hugged, our boobs pressing together. As a man for 40 years, I had no idea how such intimacy between mother and daughter was supposed to feel. It was comforting. And it was disturbing, although not nearly as disturbing as what had almost just happened in the Camaro. "Good night, Tiff," Linda said. "Sweet dreams." Yeah, like that was going to happen. From then on, I insisted that we double-date with Paige and Bill whenever possible, although Paige didn't always want to do that. Otherwise, I made sure that Eric and I always were in a place where we could not pick up where we left off that night in his Camaro. I knew that was something he wanted to do, and, with a little encouragement, I was afraid that it was something that I wanted as well. But prom was coming up. I didn't know what teens do these days after prom- -- or maybe even during it--- but I had a pretty good idea. The thought excited me. It made my panties wet and my nipples hard. It also scared me. The real me--- Bryan--- seemed to be slipping farther and farther away. Could I keep hold of the real me until Paige had her baby? Paige and I spent one whole Saturday trying on prom dresses and shopping for accessories. As, side by side, we appraised our appearance in full- length mirror in a dress shop, I realized that Bryan still was alive inside the daughter of his girlfriend. I had been a girl long enough to know that the default setting for judging one's appearance when trying on clothes, especially prom dresses, is criticism. But I could truly appreciate the beauty of these two teens, even as I knew that Paige was thinking that she looked ugly because of her enlarged breasts and the baby bump. As if on cue, she proved me right. "I look horrible," she said. "I can't go to prom looking like this." I shook my head, as we continued to stare at our reflections. "No you're not," I said. "You are beautiful. And you are going. We are besties, remember?" In truth, pregnancy made her even more attractive. With short blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, she stood an elegant 5-8 without heels. She had a straight nose, high cheek bones, and a blinding smile. As a woman, she wouldn't be just beautiful, she would be breathtaking. On the other hand, I could only be described as terminally cute. I had shoulder-length curly, brown hair, big brown eyes, an upturned nose, full lips, and braces. Braces for cripe's sake! And pink, no less! The real Tiffany would have judged my body to be too fat, but the Bryan in me knew that it was just right, with perky boobs and a bottom just big enough to complete my hour-glass shape. With my encouragement, Paige selected a long, emerald green grown. I couldn't make up my mind, but kept returning to a short, flirty dress, with bodice of silver sequins and a sweetheart neckline. The hot pink skirt was layered silk and barely thigh length. Finally, Paige could contain herself no longer. "Oh, my God, Tiffany, take that one already. You know that you want it. And it is so you," she gushed. "Eric will love it!" Then she laughed. "And all the other boys will too. Girl, you are so hot!" June Six weeks after prom, Paige wakened me from a sound sleep. "Tiff. Tiff. I need to talk to you. Tiff, are you awake?" I raise up on one elbow, not even noticing anymore the way the weight shifted on my chest whenever I moved my body without a bra on. "I am now. What's up?" Paige raised up too, and I heard her groan a little bit, which reminded me that the baby was due in just another month. "I don't want to give up the baby for adoption," she said. "I want to keep it." I wasn't sure that I heard her correctly. "Say that again," I said. "I want to keep the baby," she said. This time, I sat bolt upright, and, without even thinking about it, straightened my tank top over my breasts, as I plopped both feet on the floor. "Have you told Mom?" I asked. Paige sat up too. "No, and I'm not going to. You know how she is. She's stubborn. She has a plan and she's going to stick to it." I stepped across the darkness and sat next to my bestie. "But if you're not going to tell her... " Paige put her fingers on my lips. "I'm not going to be Tiffany again either. I'm going to be Paige. Bill loves me and I love him. We're going to run away together." I didn't say anything immediately, and, as I thought about it, what she was saying made perfect sense. Even before the prom, I had noticed Paige wanting to spend time alone with Bill. After the prom, she wanted it even more. The real Paige and Bill had been in love too, but her parents had prevented her from seeing him after she got pregnant. That was one of the reasons that her father accepted a job offer in California. And the main reason that Paige and Bill wanted to run away together. "Truthfully, I'm not surprised," I finally said. "That baby has been a part of you for two months." I put my small hand on her belly. "And it's part of Bill too." Paige squeezed my hand. "But I don't want to hurt Mom. If I run away with Bill, she won't have a daughter anymore once you turn back into Bryan." I put my arm around my best friend and pulled her close. "Well, girl friend, I've been planning to tell you something as well, but I didn't know how to do it because I didn't want to hurt you." Her blue eyes looked down into my brown. "What is it?" she said. "I'm not going back to being Bryan anytime soon," I said, as I pushed long, brown hair behind one ear. "I missed my period. "I'm going to be a mommy too."

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Shoplyfter Athena Rayne Case No 1122187

January 16, 4:38 PM. Case #1122187 – Suspect is a blonde, adolescent female. She has been caught stealing small, low priced items from the storefront. As the value of stolen merchandise does not exceed twenty dollars, standard catch and release protocol is followed. However, while in custody, the suspect attempts to steal the Loss Prevention Officers wallet. An extensive strip search is conducted, and the items are recovered using advanced retrieval methods. Evidence logged on January 16, 2019.

4 years ago
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Coach Kennedys Lesson

Bridget Sweeney rolled her eyes as she listened to the other cheerleaders complaining about having to run laps because they got caught smoking between third and fourth period by Mr. Kennedy, the boys’ gym teacher and the cheerleading and competitive dance team coach. Stupid spoiled brats she thought, everyone knows not to smoke in the second floor bathrooms. Bridget was not above sneaking a quick cigarette between classes, but she was smart enough to use the bathrooms on the first floor that...

3 years ago
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Going Down UnderChapter 4

“Feels lovely, Kate,” I said with a smile. “But you emptied me out. I shot all of my load across your body.” “I know. Those bitches back there licked it all up and I didn’t get any. I want to taste your cum before we get to Frasier.” “Please try, I win either way. But those tits got a lot out of me.” Kate has an amazing mouth. She sucked and licked my balls and ran her tongue and fingers the length of my shaft. She coaxed my cock to full erection, which was an accomplishment in...

3 years ago
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Along the FinkeChapter 2

Gordy I stretched my shoulders and turned the motor off. We were finally in Alice Springs. Getting out of the car, late in the afternoon, I noticed something and told Weena to stand still. I squatted and looked in the dust. "What's there?" "An Odontomachus -- I didn't know there were any around here. Lots further north, some further south. Are you allergic to bites? Bee stings?" "Allergic?" Weena looked at me. "Folks can die from ant bites. I don't want to lose you ... yet."...

4 years ago
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Jenny Episode 1 Lesbians Caught

Introduction: Jenny is a gorgeous size 0 lesbian. She wouldnt dream of having sex with a guy! Untill a special friend come to her Jenny felt her pussy begin to swell as Kate stepped towards her. Kate was completely naked with size 32 D cups. She had the perfect breasts. Her cute pink nipples hardened as Jenny stared at them. Her pussy was bare. Waxed. It began leaking her sweet juices down her legs. Your a fucking slut, you know that babe? Jenny said as she stepped towards her friend. I had to...

1 year ago
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quicky and Crazy 100 true

During colleges I worked famous coffee shop, young and sexually active. I had crazy nights with plenty of young college age coworkers, but one in particular she had a boyfriend for a few years and was pretty wild but she never cheated on him. After one day she cracked and we became like rabbits almost every other day,we fine any opportunity to be alone... Fast forward 6 years into the futer... I just broke up a 4 year long relationship and I came back to my old stomping grounds, I was at my...

3 years ago
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Rositas Rape

Roberto did not like his boss at all. The man was arrogant and boorish but the job was important right now so he tolerated the awful behavior. When Manuel insisted that he be invited over to their house for dinner after meeting Rosita, the lovely wife of Roberto, he dared not refuse. He broke the news to his sweetheart the best he could but she told him it would be fine. She had heard enough stories about this man and it bothered her the way her husband was treated. It was a Friday evening...

2 years ago
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This is a Hentai isnt it

Greetings mortal! I have chosen you, to be my plaything. What does this mean for you? Well my dear little mortal, it means I’m going to pluck you out of your precious little life and drop you into a world of my choosing and watch your antics with greaaaaaat amusement. *feminine giggles* Now, what world should I unceramoniously dump you into I wonder? Hmmmm decisions decisions. So many to choose from you know? From that stereotype fantasy where the Hero has a harem . . . I could even make you...

3 years ago
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Stripped at Work

Follow the misadventures of a group of hard-working woman who all, by some reason or another, lose their outfit in the middle of their workplace. From an office worker who had a disastrous prep to a presentation, to a security guard making unwise bets on her shift, there is no shortage of workplace related stripping. If you have another idea for a story, feel free to add it or expand current branches.

2 years ago
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Rio Grande Games Part 1

This story has a basis in fact, but it has to be said is rather embellished! Big Bend Games – Part 1 The sun was hot, the breeze light, as I set off from the Hot Springs to walk along the Rio Grande to the Cottonwood campground in Rio Grande Village. I love this part of Texas, right down on the border, with glorious mountains as well as such a variety of plant, bird and animal life, and had met up with Jim, a mate from when he worked with me in London, though now back in his home town of...

3 years ago
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Stop the PressesChapter 3

"So what are we going to do next?" Paris Gellar whispered to her friend and secret lover Rory Gilmore. The pair was snuggled together in a corner of the Chilton library. Ostensibly they were studying. Actually they were discussing the newest occurrence in their now rather complicated lives and finding opportunities to touch each other. They didn't quite have the nerve to hold hands but their legs were pressed together and each time one or the other shifted her weight those same legs...

2 years ago
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Geeta the Teenage Prostitute Tames an Attorney

Geeta's heavy 36C breasts jiggled in time to the fucking she was getting from one of her best customers. She had already cum twice as the man's 7-inch cock pounded into her - first a beautiful G-spot orgasm, followed by a massive clitoral orgasm as her vaginal lips repeatedly opened and closed around the cock, pulling her clit in and out of its sheath. Geeta didn't get fucked that much - usually just hand jobs, with some blowjobs tossed in now and again, and so her teenage cunt wasn't that...

2 years ago
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My step mummy

Mera naam raju hai main 22 saal ka hu.mi ludhiana mi rahta hu . Jab main 10 saal ka tha tab meri maa ki death ho gayi thi.uske ek saal baad dady me doosri shadi karli thi.2nd marriege ke samay dady 35 saal me the or meri nayi mummy 27 ki. Ab 38 sal ki hai or dady 45 ke. Unki shadi ke baad meri step bahan bhi hui chhutki wo 9 saal ki hai. Dady touring job me hai wo week me 3-4 din bahar rahte hai. Meri step mummy bahut khoobsurat hai unke bade bade boobs hai or patli si kamar hai jis per pyari...

4 years ago
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Bed Bugs

"What the hell is this?" I mentally asked myself. I'd been absently scratching a spot on my a arm as I worked at my desk, and glancing at it noticed the area I'd been scratching was inflamed with a red rash about an inch in diameter. There seemed to be small welts with small spots of blood in the center. I got up and left my office; heading for my co-worker's office next door. "Hey, Max. What's this?" I asked, showing him my arm. He looked at for a moment before replying. "Jim, it...

2 years ago
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Mondo virtuale

Sto passeggiando per strada quando vengo attirato da un cartello che mi invita a provare il più realistico videogioco interattivo di tutti i tempi. Incuriosito entro nell'edificio e vengo accolto da una donna di mezza età che mi dice:"Benvenuto!Abbiamo messo a punto un videogioco in cui il giocatore è fisicamente presente nel mondo virtuale e ha la sensazione che quest'ultimo sia parteciperai ti sembrerà di essere veramente lì e sentirai odori,rumori e anche sensazioni tattili uguali a...

3 years ago
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Mami Ko Choda Or Chudwaya 8211 Part II

Hello friends i am your friend sunny back again with another part of the incident with the same name. Mami ko choda or chudwaya. Apne us story ko itna saraha uske liye dhanyawad. Ab maine us story ko jahan khatm kiya tha uske age se shuru kar raha hun. Jo naye readers hain unse nivedan hai k pehle iska pehla part padhen. Main or mami zordar sex k bad bed per ake late gaye. Mami mere chest per sir rakh kar mujhe jakad k late gayin or boli Mami: maza a gaya. Main: abhi to mami shuruat hai. ( or...

4 years ago
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Wedding Night ndash Olive and Liam

Wedding Night – Olive and Liam*Olive’s story…Olive was a sweet little femboy standing in front of the bathroom mirror getting ready. His makeup was completed and his large beautiful dark eyes shone brightly as he examined himself. His true love waited on the other side of the door. The man was taking Olive on a special trip tomorrow to get married. But the wedding night was tonight… in just a few minutes in fact. He was so excited he could hardly breathe. He was wearing the special outfit...

1 year ago
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First Time With A Pakistani Part 1

Hi, readers. This is my first sex story (real life incident) in Indian Sex Stories. Hope everyone enjoys it. I would like to hear your feedback about it. So if you had enjoyed reading, do send your reviews over my email I’d Happy reading folks. This happened four years back when I was working in the Middle East. Though this wasn’t my first experience, it was the first time I made love to a Pakistani. Her name was Neelam. She was doing her postgraduate program over there and was staying in the...

1 year ago
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Trade Show

I usually sent a representative for my company to this big national convention once a year. This year it was in Dallas at the convention center. I decided to attend myself to meet people that were regular companies that had booths knew each other and there was this one smaller company based in Florida owned by a family and this year, they had sent their daughter to work the booth. Her name was Sydney and she was 22 and just out of college. I had seen her on set up day and as had happened, she...

First Time
2 years ago
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 28

Mrs. Ibarra stood smiling at the door when I opened it. I wasn't sure if I was happy or sad when I saw that her arms were empty. No gift of lunch today. "Good morning Edwina, please, come on in," I smiled in return, opening the door and waving her inside. "Thank you Cooper," she said and I followed her through the entry and into the living room. "I thought we might sit in the kitchen, if you'd like. I've got tea water on, or lemonade if you'd prefer something cold." "The...

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Nature Seduced Us Office Girl

Hi, this is Vishal and this is my first story. I am reading the Indian sex stories dot net stories from the last couple of months and thought of sharing my stories. Please share your feedback on I am a married man (36 years) having good physics as I am a sports person. I am from Rajasthan and living in Ahmadabad. I am working in an MNC from last one year and handling the training team. I was fully dedicated towards my work so never thought about the girls but unfortunately one of my trainees,...

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Child of a Child Ch 01

Disclaimer* First off this is just a fantasy. A 100% work of fiction. This story includes rape, forced impregnation, easy bondage, and breeding. If you dislike any of these things, discontinue reading. This story is long but I will not apologize for it. If you want a quick fix, this is not the story to turn to. Still reading? Then enjoy. Constructive criticism and good and bad comments are welcomed. Thank you for reading! ***** Chapter 1 My New Home Walking home alone at one in the morning...

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Emmas Instruction

Emma woke up to a text from her boyfriend. ?Good morning gorgeous! Are you excited for our ‘date’ tonight??She grinned. Of course she was excited. Tonight, she and George were going over to his father’s empty house for a little sleepover. The anticipation was going to get her through a long, boring day of work.?Duh! I’m so excited to not sleep all night ;)?Emma worked 30 hours a week in addition to high school to support herself and her ailing grandmother. There were few occasions in which she...

3 years ago
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The License to Impregnate

Prologue The United States of America, land of the free, home of the brave, and the most powerful nation on Earth. Yet, with great power comes great danger, everyone wants to be at the top. When the first woman president, President Aurora Dean, was elected, women quickly made leaps and bounds in society. Before men knew it, women were their equals in almost every way. Fortunately, because President Dean's policies were indiscriminate and wisely prevented women from achieving supremacy, men...

Group Sex
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Niki Comes of Age Part 2 of 4

Nothing much happened the rest of the day but during that evening’s TV session our nightly foot massage varied from its normal pattern. As usual, Niki joined me for TV time already dressed for bed. Tonight’s attire was a feminine little negligee I hadn’t seen before. It was white with little pink bows and very short. As she walked, I could see the bottom of her ass cheeks and flashes of her panty-covered pussy. “Is that a new nightie? Don’t think you’ve worn that before?” “Nah, it’s a few...

3 years ago
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PART 1 Chrissy William Flaherty woke with an erection. Well mostly erect. At sixty five years old his morning woody wasn't all that hard anymore. It was half hard as he liked to call it. He reached his hand inside of his boxers to give it a squeeze. It may not have been as hard as it once was but it still felt good when he touched it. He even masturbated a couple of times a week, probably just to make sure it still worked. He didn't orgasm every time but it still felt good. Since his wife...

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Room 1103 part 1

Finally, Darla and I were going to meet. After 6 months of having hot online and phone sex, we were going to meet. She was flying in and had reservation at a hotel not too far from my house. Both of us had been looking forward to this, knowing that this would be a truly exciting experience. The day finally arrived, and, her plane was late! As it turned out, she wouldn't get in until almost 9. She finally checked in to the hotel, gave me a call and said she was in room 1103. Fifteen minutes...

2 years ago
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Depression SoupChapter 1 The Color Of Compassion

Saturdays were "going to town days." Many farm families couldn't afford to go into town every week because times were so hard and money was scarce. Even though gasoline was only eight cents a gallon back then there were times when eight cents was all some people had. Even before the Great Stock Market Crash of 1929 parts of Oklahoma suffered through bad droughts and farmers saw a whole year's labor lie dying in the fields for lack of rain. Still it was necessary to make the trip at least...

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The Ex

You see me pull up…you watch from the kitchen window as I sit in the car for an agonizing amount of time. Leaning against the counter, you begin to wonder whats taking so long. Finally, you hear a car door slam. As you peek out the window, you catch a glimpse of my little black dress, cinched at the waste, buttoned from top to not quite bottom… Each stride lets you see that the slit in the front is teasingly close to my pussy and with every extension of my golden legs, you strain to see if I’m...

4 years ago
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BetrayalChapter 6

Max stepped out of the Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT-8 and surveyed the mining site. His muscular frame cast an imposing shadow on the rocky parking lot. Through his dark tinted aviator sunglasses he noted the worthless guards doing their best to look competent. The Mole, the reason for Max's unannounced trip to this wretched site, was slinking behind the four pickup trucks the workers used to travel between the nearby town of Eagles Landing and the mine. Like the rest of the miners, he was hired...

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Tenderloin Tales Gavins Misadventure

© 2001, all rights retained. San Francisco has everything. Chinese noodles, Mexican tortillas or good old US of A hamburgers at four A.M. in the morning. Big titted girls with dicks in the evening. A hot mouth in the afternoon. That wasn't gender specific, was it. In this adventure Gavin, our sturdy pawn in the game of sex, drugs and Rock and Roll San Francisco style, finds himself at loose ends one Saturday afternoon. He has an urge for some solo sleaze so chooses to check out one of...

1 year ago
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Private Vanessa Vaughn Hungry Brunette Takes On Four Black Studs

Are you ready for over 50 minutes of pulsating action with the ravenous slut Vanessa Vaughn? Well you’ve come to the right place and in Private Specials, 5 BBC Gangbangs 2 this horny brunette enjoys a sensational interracial gangbang. After inviting four black studs back to her place it doesn’t take long for Vanessa to dive in and start sucking cock, she may love the taste of black meat but what she loves even more is a hardcore pounding. Watch as she gets fucked by each before enjoying it all...

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Daniel Lies

21 year Daniel watched as Jeff argued with his wife Beverley. Daniel didn’t argue with Jennifer though but stood very quietly knowing that quite soon he will be told to follow his 42 year old girlfriend to the spare room where he will be put across her lap and have his bare bottom spanked. Very hard.  He watched as the husband and wife had a real slanging match. Both in their 40’s and have been married for years. Jeff hadn’t wanted to see the film anyway. It was a love story. No action. Daniel...

2 years ago
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Mirror ImageChapter 11

The next morning Cathy was fixing breakfast as Sierra appeared in the kitchen. At sunup, Cathy had packed some of Jessica's things in a suitcase and delivered it to the mirror where, like Jessica last night, it was pulled inside, never to be seen again. Once again, a note had appeared, this time in Jessica's handwriting. The note now lay on the kitchen table. "Where's grandma?" asked Sierra. "Sit down, honey. Have some breakfast. We need to have a talk." "But where's grandma?"...

3 years ago
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Sex Du JourChapter 11

Uh! Stian Elberd is going to fuck me in my anus today. As I bang and thump shut the door to our secretive for not-more-than-two exclusively bedroom, I turn and whirl around to see him completely and fully nude and uncovered and undressed. He is dressed in nothing but in his most sexy and seductive and alluring underwear. I love it! And I find it irresistible so, so, so very much. The way and manner that his thighs are exhibited and flashed about and vaunted and made a great show off of, it...

1 year ago
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A Tale of a True Love

Year 2001. I was then two years away from the ending of my secondary school life. It was the middle of winter and spring. I was then on the age when a boy or girl learns to see the world with a new view. I also got that view, I also opened my eyes wide. I learnt to feel the feeling of something heavenly. I learnt to see a beauty with mind’s eye. I learnt to feel the beauty in the empty blue sky, the beauty in the flow of water, in the sunrise and sunset, in bird’s wings, in little plants, the...

4 years ago
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Christmas Party

A female friend of mine, Laura, who started working with me earlier in the year and who I've known for years has recently been making humor of my love for tights. Phrases like 'He loves a good ladder' and 'get in any tights situations?' are regularly used. Noone else seems to have picked up on it, although when one of our other colleagues occasionally wears them she'll message me asking if I'm thinking about their legs and what I'd do to them. As you can imagine, this inflicts damage on the...

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Gone FishinChapter 12

I was first to the office, but not for long. Des was there at about 9:15 and Shirl was in what seemed to be the very next elevator car. I had looked at my office, which really looked "spiffy," and was standing in the doorway of the other office when Shirl arrived. "You guys have done a super job. This place looks great. It's impossible to believe that we've barely occupied our suite. Now, I'd like you to think about what more we need." "Well," started Shirl, "You mentioned a map...

4 years ago
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Devil May CareChapter 5

Kuz the Shockpod lounged in his cell, his hands laced behind his back. The aches and pains of exposure to vacuum, the bullet impacts, the lacerations, all of it paled next to the happiness of having finally met an alien race that he felt got his people. The restraints were just the right level of restricting to not insult his honor, and the United States Marine Corps Serviceperson that stood before his cell door was a nice touch. Kuz had heard of the United States Marine Corps. He had wanted...

1 year ago
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Ancestry Part 2

I spent the next few days at the church and, when Friday came around, I was dead tired of old manuscripts. I was about to cut the grass on the baseball field size yard with a lawnmower I had been offered by a man in the church when the phone rang.“This is Hans.”“Hi, it’s Annie. If it’s okay with you, I would like to come by in an hour or so to begin the search.”I looked at my watch, it was ten in the morning, and I was already sweating like a dog. “Yeah, sure, I’ll be here.”I parked the small...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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My sexy sister

Gopi was 22 years old but while all his friends in the village who were of his age, had gotten married, Gopi's marriage was in the distant horizon. The reason was he had to work for many more years to pay off all the family debt. His father had passed away due to pneumonia attack when he was 16 without marrying off any of his four daughters and he did not leave any money behind except the house they lived in. So as soon as Gopi passed out of high school, he wrote the public service commission...

3 years ago
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What Dreams May Come

He gets up and as he is now walking away from me, his ass looks HOT... he goes into a bedroom doorway and turns around to glance back at me, with a very strong, what are you waiting for look... I get up and as I enter the room, he closes the door behind me. The moonlight and street lights outside are enough light to see how bad I really wanna kiss all over his chest that I can now see up close! Without realizing anything, my mouth was already sucking on his nipple and I hear him moan. My...

1 year ago
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PropertySex Aryana Amatista Putting The Clients First

Chuck and his partners haven’t been too happy with their employee Aryana Amitista’s performance. While her colleagues close sales within two or three months, it has been taking her nearly half a year! Aryana explains that this is because she puts the client first, not the profits, and though this may come off as soft, Chuck realizes the benefits of her business strategy. Aryana tells Chuck she can show him how naughty she can be, and opens her blouse to reveal her big fake boobs!...

3 years ago
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Sharing my sister

part oneThis story relates to events that began in April 1981.I was 13 at the time and my eldest sister was 15, 2 weeks off her 16th birthday, I was a very shy and naive young teenager with no experience of the female species at all when this started, although I had a group of 5/6 close male friends who had been having group masturbation sessions for around 7/8 months, these started off with just masturbating in front of each other, to actually pairing off and masturbating each other. On the...

1 year ago
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Teaching my sister

A couple years ago I was 18 years of age, brunet, slim laying in bed watching a movie..I forget what one. Anyway it was a stormy night, so my 11 year old sister Taylor walked in my room asking if she could sleep with me tonight since are dad was out of town with his gf. I said, sure hop in. I forgot all I was wearing were pink lace panties and a T shirt. Taylor noticed and told me she liked my . I said thanks and didnt worry about it anymore. She was in her regular shirt and sweatpants. I...

2 years ago
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New ArcadiaChapter 6

"Introducing untrained people into the New Eden culture must be done with care. The newcomers must have a open minds, receptive to new ideas. They must be willing to adopt new methods of relating to each other sexually and socially. Above all, they must protect the organization from unwarranted outside interference, which means respecting the confidentially of the organization and its members. The transition, however appealing, is not without its difficulties, and one must give them love and...

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Hostel Games 8211 Part I

Being a studious girl is definitely boring. But fortunately for me, that wasn’t the case. Though i was brilliant in academics, it didn’t stop me from having fun, thanks to my hostel mates. Before joining the hostel i was like any other girl, who was studious. My life was pretty boring. But after completing my bachelor’s degree, i came to the city to complete my masters. My parents made me stay in a women’s hostel, as i was a girl and they stay in our town which was a night’s travel away from...

3 years ago
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My Sons Black Friend PT1 Gay

No matter how many nights I do it, I've never gotten use to sleeping alone. Lonely nights feel even more so in a king sized bed; room for two occupied by one. I look to my reflection on my closet mirror. I even look pathetic to myself. My chest has grown a thick mat of black fur, untrimmed, trailing down my torso, leading to the dark black bush above my penis. It's not like I have anyone to manscape for. My stomach is beginning to pudge, hiding the six pack I was once extremely proud of. My...

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