A Price To Be Paid-alternative Ending free porn video

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A Price to be paid (A story of Sam's life by Dee Beth) Sam Elloit was an un descript male it seemed, having a life that was if anything, nothing special. That is until late in his life when his hidden desires finally caught up to him, and changed his life forever. But let's start at the beginning to understand how this could happen. As a youngster growing up in the early 70's, he was not athletic, did not do especially well in his class study, and from very early age, felt he was always looking up to everyone, especially the women in his life. He was after all, a poorly endowed male, and took a lot of pity from his mother and older sisters, but also taunting from not only his classmates as he went through the years of education, but some of his boyhood friends as well. On top of this, Sam had developed a curious peeping Tom fetish due to his interest in what his sisters and mother wore for underclothes that were far different from what he and his friends wore. This grew out of a fascination with the soft and frilly things he would often see on the cloths line growing up, as well as the interest he took in women's underthings he saw advertised in some of the fashion magazines he browsed through at home as well as the old reliable Sears catalogue. While in his younger years this was simply innocence played out in his self-gratification efforts, as he became a teen, his inability to even socialize with the girls of his age caused even more devastation to his self-esteem and continued humiliation and pressure from the guys he hung around with. This lead to the first encounter he had with authority over this matter in his 17th year, instigated from a dare he suffered from his group of friends. The challenge was by this age, he should have been with girls enough to have gotten at least one out of their panties, and he had to produce the evidence prior to his graduation from high school or forever be labeled a sissy. Of course the senior prom was close enough to the end of the school term that his buddies thought this should not be a problem. Well for young Sam, it was to be the end of any possibility of respect from his peers if he didn't accomplish this, but he was so nervous about this as he was so bashful around the girls that even the wall flowers would have nothing to do with him. This prompted him to decide to improve his odds by simply sneaking into the girl's locker room during one of the end of day tennis practices and simply steal the first pair of panties he could find. He observed the after school practices for a couple days prior to making his attempt believing he could accomplish this without being caught, and when he finally attempted this feat, he almost made it but! One of the girls had to step out of practice to use the bathroom and caught Sam red handed going through one of her friend's lockers, panties in hand, and she screamed bloody murder. Of course Sam was apprehended, got a week suspension from school but was able to graduate, but unfortunately this went down as a sexual deviation crime on his record, but as a first offense, he was simply admonished for it as it was treated as a kids prank. As Sam left his formal education, he had to find some way to support himself and found work in the general merchandise business, working first as a stock boy in a department store. Sam was a good worker, always on time, and took direction very well and as a result did well in this line of work. He finally got a better job with a large department store, working as a sales clerk where he met his soon to be wife. She was a bit older than Sam, and was the assistant manager for the store, and took a motherly liking to this younger man who was always attentive to anything she had to offer. Sara was a demanding woman, and as a result, not many were fond of her, but to Sam, this was not an issue. Sara was not a beauty queen either, and again to Sam, this would never be an issue as any woman that paid attention to him was not to be ignored. By the time Sam turned 25, he was married to Sara, not that he popped the question, but when she did, of course he could never say no. The marriage was no different than the rest of Sam's life, nothing out of the ordinary other than the fact that he could never father any children. This was due to not only his very small equipment, but also an extremely low sperm count. Sara learned to deal with his shortcomings by requiring him to service her with his other assets, which resulted in fewer and fewer intimate times over the next years as Sara was never overwhelmed by his efforts. Sam was resigned to sleeping in the spare room unless Sara wanted some close personal attention, which times were getting few and far in between it seemed the longer they were married. Sam resigned himself to be a good house husband and take care of all the home things that Sara had little time for. As the years flew by and Sam was isolated from the more intimate encounters with his wife, he tried to satisfy his lifelong fetish by playing with his wife's laundry. While this was some satisfaction to him, there is only so much enjoyment one can gain from doing a plain Jane gals laundry when her sexiest undies were some pink cotton full briefs, as opposed to the white and gray she typically used. Sam continued to use his spare time to explore the selections offered on some of the hot web sites he found through the years which often lead to more self-gratification on his part. As was bound to happen eventually, Sara came home one day early after not feeling good when Sam had a day off as well, and walked in on Sam in the midst of one of his self-satisfaction sessions, fondling her intimate laundry. Sara was not happy to say the least and told Sam that this would be discussed in detail after she was feeling a bit better. The weekend came around and Sara was back to her old self and decided to confront Sam about the incident earlier in the week. She found Sam, sat him down and had a serious conversation with him, of course Sara was doing most of the talking. She started by asking him if he wanted to stay married to her, and he agreed that he did. She then went into how she couldn't understand how he could become excited by playing with her delicate things, and insisted that he tell her about any other fetishes he had which lead to his spilling the beans about how he went to internet sites which displayed sexy women's underwear which he found quite exciting. Sara thought about this a bit and told Sam that she needed some time to digest this but until that point, he was to keep his hands off his privates or she would see to it that they were locked up forcing the issue. She also said that it seems like he needed to spend more time worrying about keeping her sexually satisfied, and that could start right now, resulting in Sam spending the next hour or so with his tongue buried in Sara's nether regions, with Sara constantly telling him what he was doing wrong, or teaching him what to do right to make it more pleasurable for her. This was a learning experience for all. Sara thought about how to resolve this for the next few days, and the first thing she came up with was to find a suitable chastity device on the internet to keep Sam from pleasing himself. She did order a device that was as small as she could find, for quick delivery and had an idea of what would be next for Sam after it arrived. Three days later a package arrived for Sara, and when she arrived home and found it, knew it was what she ordered for Sam. Later that evening, she gathered him up again and once again asked him if he wanted to stay married to her, which he quickly said yes again. The response from Sara was ok, and then there are some substantial changes to be made here to control your fetish with Woman's underthings. The first step we will take tonight, as I have bought a chastity device that you will wear from now until I believe you are no longer interested in playing with your little thing! Sam lowered his head in shame but agreed to follow Sara's new rules, and was soon securely locked in his chastity device. Sara than insisted that he immediately go down on her, instilling the understanding that only her sexual needs were to be met going forward. As he was servicing his wife as only he could now, she continued on with the next demand. She told Sam that since he loved fancy women's underwear so much, he should not be deprived of that, but that she was not going to be wearing it, he was! She went on to say that over the next weekend, they would be going out shopping for new ladies underwear for him, and it would be only the most sexy or sissy they could find, and that he would be trying it on for size prior to wearing some of it home. After hearing this, Sam's little guy tried to grow up a bit due to his excitement but he soon learned how painful that could get due to the chastity device and started to whimper, which Sara picked up on. After her second orgasm of the evening, she told Sam to learn to control his thing or she would come up with a method to help him. The weekend came around and Sara and Sam went out shopping as planned. Sam was taken to several different shops, where he found and purchased about a dozen or so sexy full ladies briefs, some in bright colors, others pastel, but all with lace trim, and even a couple pair of what were called wedding wear, loaded with lace trim and ribbons. In addition, he was fitted for several bras, again very sexy and some of which were matching his new panties. He also was fitted for a couple of matching garter belts to work with his thigh high sheer nylons he was buying, along with other colors of pantie hose for those days when he would not wear his best underwear. Finally he also picked out several very sexy camies, as well as a couple of ladies frilly nightgowns, to use as his night wear going forward. As the shopping trip finished, Sara again had to tell him to stop whimpering, as he was not doing well keeping his thing under control and it was again hurting him. The following week Sam went to work dressed outwardly as he always was, but underneath his pants and shirt, he wore his new underwear. Sara picked out what he would wear the prior night, just after he finished servicing her, based on how well he performed. On evenings that she thought he was a bit subprime, she would pick out an ensemble that included a well-padded bright colored bra, something that was more difficult to miss under his men's dress shirts. On other nights where she was given multiple satisfying orgasms, he would often struggle to contain his excitement, and would end up whimpering before they were finished, prompting Sara to take the next step. Sara was getting tired of the whining that Sam was doing due to the chastity, so decided to do something to help him control his erections. She looked into and found a source of female hormones, which she started to administer to Sam in his breakfast, without his knowledge. In a matter of weeks, his control was much better, very seldom succumbing to painful erections any longer. Sara was very impressed with this, but did not diminish the medications she was giving him, no different than here desire for his attention was diminished. She found a new desire she thought was long gone, and Sam was finding himself servicing her on a very regular basis. Sam's days working changed little, although he found himself getting along with the ladies at work now better than he ever had. What he didn't realize was that the ladies noticed the outline of his bras on occasion, but really never said anything to him about it. Also noticeable to the ladies, was his complexion becoming cleaner , and his hair getting longer and softer, something he was not aware of but the result of the hormones he was getting. Sara was also noticing that his breast were getting very sensitive, and starting to bud, something that made her very happy as well. About six weeks after the hormones were started, Sam noticed that his pants were becoming very tight in the hips. Sara didn't want to tell him she was giving him female hormones, only that it was time to do some more shopping, so at next opportunity they went to the shops together again. What Sam didn't realize yet, was that they would be shopping for ladies slacks as that was what would fit him now. In addition, he also tried on some different shirts, or blouses in this case, that had darts to fit his bra covered chest better, and match his new slacks. Sara suggested one last item for their shopping outing, a man bag or really a purse, as he lost most of the pockets he was used to going into the slacks that fit him now. The next week the ladies at work again noticed his change in outer wear, and commented to him that he did really look better with clothes that fit well. Unfortunately for Sam, he was not so comfortable working in his department which was large appliances, as most of his customers were men or at least women accompanied by men who looked at him like he was out of place. When he mentioned this to Sara that evening, she recommended that he get used to it, but would see what she could do about getting him into a different department at the store. As typical these days, he went on to satisfy Sara as he knew best, prior to going down for the night. The next couple of weeks were more of the same, always getting complements from the women employees at the store about his different outfits when he was at break or at the morning meetings, but still feeling uncomfortable around many of his customers. It was shortly after this that Sara came home one evening with some good news for Sam, or at least some of it was good news. Sara told Sam that there was an opening in the ladies wear department, and if he applied for it, considering his seniority, he should have a great chance of getting it. That was a great night for Sam and he showed his appreciation to Sara by giving her his best performance, bringing her to some of the best orgasms she had experienced for some time. The following morning when Sam got to work, he immediately filled out the paper work for the transfer to the ladies wear department. He was anxious to hear from Sara that night about if he had a chance to get the position, which he felt would be far more comfortable for him considering his changing figure and how he was now dressing. When Sara did get home, that was the primary conversation, but it was not exactly what Sam had planned for. Sara reported that even as his seniority was enough to get him primary consideration for this job, the area manager was concerned his still somewhat male face, hair and overall appearance would intimidate some of the ladies that shop there, potentially diminishing sale possibilities. Sara also added that she had agreed to speak with Sam about this and some possibilities to resolve it. With this in mind, Sara told Sam that if he wanted this position, he would have to soften his appearance by having his now longer hair done in a female style, and start to wear makeup, as well as have his nails done, wear earrings, and the proper shoes. This was a bit much for Sam, and he decided to think more about it. As they went to bed that night, Sam was asked to do his usual for Sara, and although he was a bit halfhearted, Sara propped up his spirits by telling him what a great job he was doing, how he was becoming so much more attentive to her and other women's concerns, and why not just take the next step and fit in more with his developing feminine side. The next morning Sam told Sara that he thought about what she said last night and agreed to take whatever steps he needed to in order to secure the new position in ladies wear. Sara left for work with that and by noon, Sam was advised he got the new job starting next week. That weekend was going to be very busy again for Sam, as he was scheduled in to Sara's beauty shop for the works. The works he got with a great new hairdo, a mani and pedi with very womanly dark red polish applied, and a total makeover. Following that, Sara took Sam to a jewelry store to have his ears pierced, and pick up several different pair of ear rings. Finally they were off to a shoe store, where Sam was fitted for and purchased several pairs of pumps and wedge heals, fitting for a career woman's daily wear. The following Monday, Sam arrived at work looking no different than any of the other sales assistants in ladies wear. He was welcomed by the group as if he worked there forever. While he still had a lot to learn about the merchandise, he was a quick study and soon fit in with the best. He always knew what to offer any customer that wanted a certain look or was trying to find a specific type of dress, skirt or blouse. The customers really appreciated the attention that Sam offered, and had no idea that Sam was anything other than one of the ladies on staff. Sam was very comfortable with his position now and the months flew by it seemed. From Sara's stand point, she was very pleased with Sam's development after the change. More than just the attitude, attention to her needs in the evening, but also with his softening appearance from not only the hair style and cosmetics, but also from what the continued doses of hormones were doing. Sam was certainly developing breasts, as he found that his original bras needed to be changed several times already, and he certainly didn't need the padded bras any longer. Sam still was not aware that he was getting these hormones, only that he was changing in many ways, probably from having to dress like he was, and the continued service he was offering to his wife. When he mentioned another change to his wife, that his little guy was no longer growing or bothering him in his chastity, she decided to remove it and take a closer look as he was anxious to get rid of this extra hardware if possible. What Sara found was that the hormones not only did a job of eliminating his erections, but also reduced the size of his member to a fraction of what it was originally (small to begin with) and also effectively castrated him as his testes were nearly gone. When Sara saw this, she advised Sam that he could get rid of the chastity cage, as obviously he no longer had a need for it. She also confessed to have been giving him hormones for all these months, in an attempt to alleviate the pain he suffered when he couldn't control himself. Sam was stunned with the news that Sara had given him hormones without his knowledge. But Sara being Sara, started to explain that giving him these powerful drugs really had no negative effect for Sam as he was so small already that he wasn't able to satisfy Sara with this equipment or for that matter any woman Sara suggested. In addition the changes did stop him from masturbating and did allow them to grow closer again with all the extra attention he was able to provide for Sara as a result. And finally, Sara suggested that the breast development he had achieved was also a plus, as it allowed him to appreciate the bras he so fancied, and the last bit, which really blew Sam away, is that Sara told him that she found him much more attractive now that he was more feminine and dressing the part! Sara had just confessed that she has lesbian tendency's but wanted to keep them private and this marriage as it turned into is just what she needed to do that. Sam finished the evening again by doing what he did best for Sara, providing her with all the sexual stimulation she could want, but still thinking about what they had just discussed. Sara also was starting to have second thoughts about forcing Sam to do all the work and never getting any sexual stimulation from her, something that she might have to change a bit going forward. At work things continued to go very well for Sam. As the months turned into another year, another opportunity for advancement turned up for Sam, that as the head of the ladies wear department, not only the outer wear department he worked in, but all the women's wear including foundations, and foot wear. Of course he put in his application, and of course there were some issues that Sara had to confront Sam with as a result. As was the case with the last advancement Sam pursued, there were strings attached as Sara advised him. As a department head, Sam would have to be dressed more formally, and he certainly couldn't come to work in a suit and tie. That meant that he would have to start to wear dresses full time now if he took this position. Sam thought about this for a while, but only a short while as he really wanted that advancement at work, so he agreed to the requirements from his employer. Sara was happy to hear this but wanted a bit more from Sam at this stage. She told Sam that if he was willing to go this far, he should go a bit farther to satisfy her desires and she would make it worth his effort she promised. Sara asked Sam to change his given name from Samuel to Samantha, as he really didn't dress like a Samuel any longer, and take her last name ( Sara never changed her last name when they married) and do a bit of cosmetic surgery. She asked him to add some breast implants, bringing his breast up to at least a D cup, as well as remove the remains of his man parts, his now diminished family stones and the bag they resided in. This also allowed Samantha to urinate in her normal sitting position without making the mess of it he typically did with things splashing off the now useless attachment. Sam agreed to this, again looking for reward from Sara as well as thinking about the advancement at work. His work environment was very understanding of sexual tendencies, and he knew changing his name to match his appearance would not be an issue. He would still go by Sam working with his staff but his formal name and signature which would be necessary part of day to day proceedings as dept. head, would now be appropriate as well. The changes were all made quickly, the surgery on an outpatient basis so that little work time was lost. Sam now found that shopping was again necessary to adjust to his new figure and work dress codes. He and Sara had a great time finding dresses, and suites but always with a skirt, as well as the other accessories needed for a professional working woman. He also found he was happier now than he ever remembered. Sam found he became much more comfortable with himself as the hormones followed by the recent surgery, removed all of the urges (by neutering him)he once had to view woman's things as a sexual release, as these were now not only his daily attire but also things he worked with every day. Even though he lost any sexual feelings he once had towards these items, he still never lost the fond feelings he had for them, and as he now had firsthand experience of what it was like to pick and choose the next new ladies fashions that would appear in the store, he thought he was in paradise. His home life improved as well as true to her promise, Sara had done a bit of shopping and found several dildos and strapons that became part of their loving moments. Sara introduced her now Lesbian partner to pegging, something he/she never experienced but would never believe that his still intact prostrate could bring him to these levels of stimulation he now felt. And so for Sam, the price he had to pay for his fetish, allowed him to keep his marriage intact and was not really a penance, but turned into an investment for his lifelong happiness, as he and Sara found their true love as a result.

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AFU Alternative Frs Universum

Guten Tag! Gestatten sie dass ich mich vorstelle. Ich bin ein Wissenschaftler. Ein Quantenwissenschaftler um genau zu sein. Doch im Gegensatz zu anderen meines Schlages sitze ich nicht in riesigen Hallen und vor gigantischen Supercomputern und bin nur einer von vielen. Nein! Ich ziehe es vor in meinen speziell für mich angefertigtem Kellerlabor zu arbeiten und an geheimen, von manchen als gefährlich angesehenen Experimenten zu arbeiten. So fallen Ruhm und Nutzen meiner Entdeckungen allein mir...

2 years ago
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Alternative Medicine

"Alternative Medicine" By: Chiara Hi. My name is Lee. Let me tell you the most amazing story about how I got into shape! I had been in a depression for some time. I am 35. I had been overweight for the last 10 years. I used to be active until about 8 or 10 years ago. I really loved to play soccer or run in those days. I had a nice relationship with Janice back then. All was well. Then it seemed to fall apart.I came into a pretty good inheritance when my parents passed away. I found...

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Alternative Education

Alternative Education by Gingerfred Man Chapter One -- Johnson, Johnson's Johnson, Johnson Junior Mark Johnson, PhD, lay naked on his bed. His chest was heaving as the result of a stupefying orgasm that had spewed a large amount of hot sperm in a semen sauce along the length of his flat belly and hairy, buff chest. His considerable cock was softening as the exhausted educator considered the fact that he had cum three times in the past 45 minutes. The cause of his sexual agony...

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Transgender Sex A Liberating Alternative

Transgender Sex: A Liberating Alternative Sex that involves only men and women, whether it is heterosexual or homosexual, eventually becomes tiresome. Both as entities in themselves and as sexual partners, shemales, as a third sex, so to speak, renew and heighten sex and sensuality by combining some of the attributes of each sex, as such crude terms as "chicks with dicks" and "dudes with boobs" suggest. Just when we begin to think that we know it all about men and women and about sex...

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Momrsquos Alternative

Radhika loves her only son Raju. Her husband Ramesh is a drunkard. He works for an IT concern as a manager. Radhika works as a school teacher. Raju is studying XII standard, and is 18 years of age. Ramesh has to withstand a lot of pressure in his IT job to survive and earn handsomely. Sometimes he returns home after 3 full nights of work. Such is his job. So he drinks heavily to relieve himself. But he does not make any ruckus. He drinks and sleeps off.But sometimes when he dozes off, he...

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Alternative Reality 1

Alternative Reality 1 Written by Dauphin http://dauphinsworld.activeboard.com/ I tried to open my eyes, but had to close them again. Everything was black. I tried to open my eyes. They were so heavy. I did my best to keep them open, but the light hurt them. Everything looked so white. I could see this woman looking down at me saying to wake up. She was calling me Ashley! My name was Ash. I closed my eyes again. I could not keep them open. I closed my eyes again, and I could hear...

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Alternative Version of Actions Have Consequences

Alternative version of Actions Have Consequences By Sarah Goodwoman Marci looked in the mirror one last time to make sure her makeup was perfect. She was shocked and disappointed at how good it was. She has only been doing her makeup for a month now but felt like she was a professional at it. The woman stalling for time was not happy that she did not need to do anymore alterations to her makeup. Marci cursed herself for being too honest, for she was not looking forward to leaving the...

1 year ago
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Better Than The Alternative Chapter 3

Chapter 3 "So, we're in agreement? Relay races in sixty to seventy years?" she asked me with a large grin. I'm glad that seeing the humor clearly on her face defused my emotional 'almost' outburst. I laughed to hide the remaining urge to cry, and told her, "Deal... You know I might have to give you a handicap though... You know I've already got my practice scooting around in a 'chair." She joined in laughing with me. "We'll just have to see about that... Umm... Did you forget your...

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Better Than The Alternative Chapter 5

Chapter 5 I'd like to say that I was able to focus and catch up on the reading that I didn't get done last night due to my meltdown. I couldn't though, my mind kept drifting back to how much the changes terrified me last night and then just now how I seemed more than okay with the possibility. I didn't think I was okay with being a girl, just the thought of my body becoming all curvy sent a shudder through me. I spent most of the two-hour study hall in thought, the only thing I...

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Better Than The Alternative Chapter 17

***Authors note*** Life is slowly starting to return to a semblance of normalcy, at least enough that I have a bit of time to write now. I'm just having to catch up with three writing projects I'm currently behind on. Alternative is of course one of them, along with another story I am slowly starting to write (Muse is not staying focused), and a collaboration I'm writing with a good friend of mine. I can't really say more, but hopefully it will be awesome. Hope you all enjoy, hugs....

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Better Than The Alternative Chapter 18

*Authors note* Hey y'all, I hate that it's taken me this long to complete this chapter. Life unfortunately has caused me to have to place my writing pretty low on my priority list. Between work and my kids I just haven't had enough time in my days to write much at a time. To those following this story I will repeat my promise to you, I WILL complete this story. I just apologize that it's taking me longer than it should. Hope y'all enjoy. ~Rebecca J. Chapter 18 Sam gasped, "Oh my...

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Better Than The Alternative Chapter 19

*Authors note* Both of my daughters were busy today and with it being the first Saturday I didn't have to work in months I didn't know what else to do. So I typed lol. Thankfully I have the rest of this story already written out in my head, its just getting the time to actually type it. I do want to sincerely thank everyone that's been following this story with me. Your words truly mean a lot. Thank you. Hope you enjoy. ~Rebecca J. Chapter 19 Stunned, Brett asked, "Just what kind...

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Loving Alternative Marriage

Please feel free to leave feedback. I would love to hear your comments, suggestions and criticisms. By all means please let me know if this story is a turn on for all girls and admirers out there. Nothing makes me more excited xoxoxo The following is told from the authors perspective. Joyce had a wonderful day at the office. She received an unexpected call from her new Vice President Charles who had just been promoted from corporate attorney. She knew Charles very well. ...

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The other Alternative

© March 2002 I drove thoughtfully westward in the gathering dusk of a winter's evening, windscreen wipers beating a steady rhythm against the light rain that was falling. I let my mind cast back to the start of the events that would culminate later that evening. It had started with an e-mail from a married couple who had found and read one of my earlier stories. We exchanged letters over several months and it became apparent that they were very keen to explore having a third person in...

1 year ago
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One Month of Chuck Steve an Alternative ScenarioChapter 10

CHUCK - Tuesday DAY 9 part # 1 We were enjoying our hotel breakfast when I turned to speak to John. "Please make sure that Steve doesn't over stretch himself after I leave," I told him. "That's totally unnecessary,." Steve protested, "I'm fine today." Unfortunately, he winced slightly as he turned; the girls saw this and ganged up on him, insisting that he certainly wasn't fine yet... He had to accept their ruling... We decided to go get the Citation from McCarran and fly it...

4 years ago
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One Month of Chuck Steve an Alternative ScenarioChapter 23

STAR – The Valley - DAY 16 - Tuesday Today is going to be another busy one, but I am lying in bed thinking of Willie; there was something special about that nice old man. But I have to get up and moving. This Ferdie Felton character (what a name for an important company Vice President.) is due to arrive at 0900. I hope Jennie gets back in time. But I shouldn't have worried, as Dewey's G-5 landed at 0830 with her and Bill on board. The first thing I did after getting into my office,...

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Roberta and Patricks Next Bet The Alternate Ending

…..A king? A completely, utterly, absolutely, entirely useless king! Holy shit was I in for it now! The king was a nice card but of absolutely no use to me whatever. Patrick’s straight was good enough, and my hope of waving a full house in his face was dashed. Patrick, of course, was grinning like an idiot. “Oh, girl,” he said, “I’m afraid it’s time for a little payback.” I had no reason to doubt that assessment. Well….. nothing ventured, nothing gained. “I’ve been waiting for this,” Patrick...

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Dr Jekyll and Sister Hyde an alternate ending

I've always thought the Hammer movie was very well done, except for the ending. This is how I would have ended it. If you haven't seen the movie go see it before reading this. Seriously, it's really good and you should watch it anyway. * Dr Jekyll & Sister Hyde - an alternate ending by BobH (c) 2017 When he heard the commotion in the street outside, Dr Henry Jekyll immediately knew what it meant. The game was up. Accompanied by a baying mob,...

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Girl Problems Alternate Ending

Girl Problems (Alternate Ending) By Justin Felder This is essentially the same story as Girl Problems, but I changed the ending after some constructive criticism. "I still don't understand why it takes you so long," Justin shouted from outside Miranda's dorm. "If you won't accept it just does, then there's nothing to tell you," Miranda shouted back, finishing her mascara. "But you haven't told me anything. Maybe if...

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Nude Bartending

This story is based on a true news report, however I made up everything in it. This is purely fictional. The actual Associated Press release is at the end of the story. Nude Bartending My car broke down in a small hick town in a rural area called Delhi, Illinois. As I quickly found out they pronounce it Dell-ee rather than Dell-hi. Go figure! The attendant at the local repair shop told me that I would have to stay in town until he got the parts sent in from Saint Louis. It was only...

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Price of Security

2nd Battalion Combat Team, 2nd BCT Major Kai (Ghost) Espiritu Commanding The young major inserted his 5.56 mm ammunition cartridge into the last of his 50 round magazines. The Boxer Command APC smoothly rolled through the marsh filled landscape of central Ar’Raq, six men plus the three crews occupied the wheeled combat vehicle. Unlike the other battalion commanders of the Rim-Cats, Major Kai Espiritu known as ‘Ghost’ to others is an infantry and commando operations expert. His very own six...

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Price of Past Miracles Ch 02

New Year’s Eve 1956 in Washington, D.C. was the night Tom and Lynda Seldon made the ultimate sacrifice for their best friends, Charles and Diana Richards. They had made the most gut-wrenching decision of their lives… and they’d had second and third and fourth thoughts about what they did. But at Charles’ insistence, Tom had finally relented to that one-time attempt to help them create a miracle… ********** ‘Kiss me, Lynda. I’m going to lose it because I don’t think I can do this!’ Tom...

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Price of Power 3Melissas new life

The Price of Power 3-Melissa's New Life Near the middle part of the 21st century, several cosmic events occurred at the same time-a massive solar flare, an extra solar comet with a tail of unknown radiation passed near earth, and an experimental power source being developed in the pacific area went online. The results were unexplainable-almost seven million people (out of a population of seven billion) developed some sort of superhuman ability. Some of these were physical, others...

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Price of Power 5The Flying Fox

The Price of Power 5 - The Flying Fox Near the middle part of the 21st century, several cosmic events occurred at the same time-a massive solar flare, an extra solar comet with a tail of unknown radiation passed near earth, and an experimental power source being developed in the pacific area went online. The results were unexplainable-almost seven million people (out of a population of seven billion) developed some sort of superhuman ability. Some of these were physical, others...

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Price of Past MiraclesChapter 2

New Year's Eve 1956 in Washington, D.C. was the night Tom and Lynda Seldon made the ultimate sacrifice for their best friends, Charles and Diana Richards. They had made the most gut-wrenching decision of their lives ... and they'd had second and third and fourth thoughts about what they did. But at Charles' insistence, Tom had finally relented to that one-time attempt to help them create a miracle... "Kiss me, Lynda. I'm going to lose it because I don't think I can do this!" Tom...

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Alternatives By Heather St. Claire Sometimes the course of a lifetime depends on the choice of a moment. Usually, we don't recognize it when it happens. Sometimes, the reality becomes clear in retrospect; but far more often we never see their significance at all. So, we can consider Everett Kent to be particularly lucky--or not-- depending on your point of view. One day, he had the choice of two futures laid out for him as clearly as any of us are ever to experience. Did he...

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Moving To A New Place Alternate ending

Moving to a new place (alternate ending) The day of the move in was at hand. Timmy had told the movers what to move and where everything went. They would do it for her for an additional fee. He had also arranged for the walls to be painted and for carpeting in the rooms. He even arranged for new furniture in Lydia's room. Timmy was in complete control over both of their lives. They moved into the new apartment and Lydia went to her room and saw all the new furniture. She didn't...

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My Sweet Rayne Alternate Ending

My Sweet Rayne (Alternate ending) by Reeb   The cold of the evening air in London on a January night was almost unbearable at times. The chilling cold penetrated deep into my bones through the layers of my uniform. As I stood at the rail terminal waiting my train to Norwich through Ipswich, my thoughts reflected over the last three months of my life.   It was late January 1944 and I had just been promoted to Captain in the US Army Air Force. Along with that promotion, I was awarded the...

Love Stories
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Back to the Future The Alternate Ending

Back to the Future, The Alternate Ending By Bashful "Doc, I did what you said, I changed the past back the way it was supposed to be, what went wrong? My parents got married, my brother and sister are fine, what happened?" "I don't know. I warned you that everything you do in the past has an effect on the future," Doc Brown answered as he put the finishing touches on his latest invention. "Is it really so bad? Biff's son is a much nicer young man than his father was. He's...

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Price of Power 8 Ranger to WAC

THE PRICE OF POWER 8-RANGER TO WAC Near the middle part of the 21st century, several cosmic events occurred at the same time-a massive solar flare, an extra solar comet with a tail of unknown radiation passed near earth, and an experimental power source being developed in the pacific area went online. The results were unexplainable-almost seven million people (out of a population of seven billion) developed some sort of superhuman ability. Some of these were physical, others mental,...

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My Happy Ending

Okay, before we got started here, I want to thank everyone who wrote last week to congratulate me about my upcoming wedding. For those of you who were wondering, yes it's true and I think it's right this time. Now this one is a very long story. it's a character study so those of you who hate long stories might want to pass on this one. On the other hand I have been listening to you and I will be alternating shorter stories that will probably be four pages or less, starting with a short one...

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My Sweet Rayne Alternate Ending

My Sweet Rayne (Alternate ending) by Reeb   The cold of the evening air in London on a January night was almost unbearable at times. The chilling cold penetrated deep into my bones through the layers of my uniform. As I stood at the rail terminal waiting my train to Norwich through Ipswich, my thoughts reflected over the last three months of my life.   It was late January 1944 and I had just been promoted to Captain in the US Army Air Force. Along with that promotion, I was awarded the...

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Losing my virginity an alternate ending

Inspired by true events, but an alternative ending to how I might have lost my virginity.I was 20 years old, and still a virgin. My will to get laid was insatiable, but somehow things just weren't materializing. I had never been much of a ladies man, and picking up chicks at the bar just wasn't my strong suit. So I headed online to see what I could find. I signed up for xhamster and then threw some pics up on craigslist once I got a little more brave. After a few trolls/emails that never...

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Hildy An Alternate Ending

My alternate ending. On my way to the hospital, I began to reconsider my parting words to Hildy. Did I really want to save my marriage? The utter contempt and disrespect she'd displayed during her "act of revenge" was certainly not that of a loving spouse - not even one who felt wronged by my actions, regardless of my guilt or innocence. Then there were my injuries to consider. Did I really want to forgive someone who almost crippled me permanently, not to mention almost killing me by...

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The Cake An Ending

I read and listen to the words that are written in the reviews that are left after my stories, they are what gives me the incentive to write on. All of you who eave reviews I feel close to and regard you as my friends, but when those reviews diminish and become more critical, then it is time to change, or to stop. In many ways I had wanted to bring the cake story to a conclusion a while ago, but I was persuaded to resurrect it. Recently I wanted to find the best ending and at that time...

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Bullies Extended Ending

Bullies Extended Ending When I originally wrote the story I ended at the last chapter including the epilogue. I left the gender of the protagonist intentionally blank. I didn't have any greater truths for anyone. In general, after years of these tg sex stories (even those without sex) I didn't see a need for a happy ending nor justice. If you want happy endings and justice go to the real movies where the hero always wins and the villain gets it in the end. But after reading the...

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