[UC] Last Regrets free porn video

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This story is set a week or two after the events of the story "Natural Affection". It can be read independently, but I recommend reading the other story first. (Link: https://www.fictionmania.tv/stories/readxstory.html?storyID =1485298405603389174 ) * * * * * * * * * * Brad swallowed hard as he stood before her door. He had stood before it several times and none of those ended well. Behind this door lives Sarah. He had a crush on her for years. A few months back he hatched the plan to gift her a present that was enchanted. Once presented she had to accept it. By the laws of this universe, it would have made Sarah like him more. Artificially raising her affection for him. But it hadn't been her that opened the door. It was her mother, who foiled his plan. It had taken Brad weeks to find the courage for a second try. That time a divine creature of sex and allure had opened the door. Again his plan to win Sarah's heart was thwarted. Worse yet was that in that moment of weakness he decided to pursue Valerie. The woman that had opened the door. She had been sexy yet strong and an aura of dominance around her. Back then he hadn't known that Valerie was Sarah's father. Changed by an unfortunate incident. Brad still didn't know the details, but in hindsight, he cursed his own raging hormones that led him to focus on Valerie instead of Sarah. The third time Brad had been before this door played out very anti- climactic. No one opened, yet when he listened to it just a bit he heard moaning. Voices of passion that haunted his dreams for weeks. It took quite a while for Brad to try again. When the door opened a very tall and muscular woman had stood there. She looked similar to Sarah's mother that he had assumed her to be Sarah's aunt. How wrong he had been. Later Brad found out that she had been Sarah's mother. Changed by her new class. With her spectacular physique and massive bosom, she was fuel for his teenage wet dreams. How fickle had been his will at that time. Sarah and Valerie had been forgotten and the fifth time Brad had stood before this door he chose to pursue the Amazonian beauty. This time Sarah had opened the door, but she was unlike he remembered her. She had matured into a confident young woman, who radiated strength and confidence. Sarah had made clear what she had thought of Brad and his enchanted presents. He still could hear her taunting him. Sarah had become a necromancer. Capable of ordering the undead and spirits. She had vowed to order a ghost to haunt him if he would ever show up here with a present again. Maybe that moment would have been a good a good time for Brad to reflect on his misdeeds. To grow as a person. But it needed yet another woman to do just that. Cathy Bates had been pursuing Brad like Brad had pursued Sarah. Silently from afar with wishful thinking. Cathy shared another similarity with Brad. Just like Brad, she showed up one day with an enchanted present at his door. Unlike Sarah, he hadn't a person who opened the door for him. His parents always traveling the world for pleasure or work. So as he opened the door she gave him a present that was enchanted. He couldn't refuse as the magic made its work. One might be tolerable, but Cathy gave Brad present after present. With each gift, Brad's affection grew for Cathy. Such was the world and rules he lived in. Cathy soon got her wish and both started dating. The relationship lasted a little longer as Cathy's money to buy gifts. The moment the artificial affection wore off Brad could think clearly again and broke it off. Brad was angry at Cathy, but not as angry as with himself. Just a few months before he had tried the same trick. The same loophole in the rules of the universe. First to woe Sarah. Then her parents. He knew the damage was done. The dream to get together with Sarah forever shattered. Yet he found himself before her door again. Brad rung with himself to finally find the strength to ring the doorbell. As his finger hovered over the button the door suddenly opened. "Brad. What brings you here?" Sarah demanded. Not angry, but with a strength in her voice. He needed a moment to take her all in. Sarah stood confidently in a pink dress overlaid with black lace. Her hair up in an elaborate braid. She looked young and beautiful, yet mature and with a presence. When Brad found his voice he quickly blurred out his reason, before she could cut him off. "I am here to apologize. To you. And to your parents. Are they here?" A single eyebrow rose and Brad was smitten with her yet again. How such a simple gesture could convey so much was beyond him. Brad saw the curiosity in it, yet a playful amusement. A moment later she turned her head and Brad saw the delicate braiding on her head in detail. "Moms! Here is someone to see us," she said with confidentiality and a strong voice. A string of regrets tore through Brad yet again. Through his own means, he had destroyed any hope to ever get to know her better. A moment later two figures appeared that had haunted his dreams. Valerie. A beautiful, supple and sexy Empusa. A type of Succubus. And Bethany. The tall and muscular perfection of an athletic female body. Both their faces darkened as they saw Brad. "Relax," Sarah said with a cool tone. "He is here to talk, right?" Brad quickly nodded and words sprout from his mouth like a waterfall. "I am here to apologize. To say I am sorry. Recently things happened that made me realize that ... I had been an asshole. A fool and an ass. I do not expect any of you to forgive me, but if my father taught me anything then it is to own your mistakes. It was wrong of me to try to buy your affection. I see that now. I am here to say I am sorry and that I regret my past actions." Silence followed for a moment and Brad drew in a nervous breath. It was Valerie who broke it. "Damn, I guess no stabby stab stab," she said with a grin. Brad's mind immediately returned to the very sharp spear Valerie owned and the thread where she will put it if he ever showed up again. "What my wife means to say is that we accept your apology," Bethany chimed in and then led her wife away. "Come on. You can do some other stabby things with your tail in our bedroom," she promised Valerie as she lured her wife away. A moment later Brad was alone with Sarah again. He was painfully aware that Sarah had chosen to be silent till now. Finally, she pointed at his hands. "What is that?" she asked. Brad thought to hear a hint of amusement. He looked down and noticed the small bouquet of flowers. They completely had slipped his mind. "Flowers," he replied and immediately wished to take that obvious statement back. "My mother taught me to always bring flowers if you apologize to someone. Not sure if they are the right ones-" He trailed off. To his amazement, she took them from him. "Maybe there is hope for you yet-" she simply said before closing the door. Stunned Brad needed a few seconds. He had given up all hope of ever winning Sarah's heart. Yet her words just now stroked a fire in him. Maybe the was a chance. Small as it might be. Grinning like a fool he walked to the elevator. A ding announced the cabin and the door opened. In it was a refined older woman who reminded Brad of Sarah. If he hadn't just met Sarah's mothers he would have mistaken her for just that. She appeared to be around mid-forties and dressed a tad old-fashioned. Most of all her braided hair threw Brad off. It was made up the same way as Sarah's. She gave Brad a warm smile, yet he couldn't shake the feeling of being prey under the gaze of a predator. "Come on in Brad. I am Miss Kirin," she said with a strong voice. Brad did as told, but was flabbergasted nonetheless. "How do you know my name?" She gave him an enigmatic smile. "You could say I recently moved in close to Sarah. For the past few months, I have been a friend and advisor to her. A close one at that. Now be a dear and push the button for the ground floor." Brad pushed it on instinct. Distracted by his own thoughts. What she had told certainly explained why Miss Kirin gave off a similar vibe as Sarah. "Do you think your apology went well?" she inquired. "I think so," he admitted. "Well, you made a big mistake. But one that offers a chance for both of us." Again she gave him that smile that vexed him. "What do you mean?" Brad asked confused. "The flowers Brad. It was a fortunate mistake on your part," she stated. "Did I get the wrong ones?" With a ding, the elevator doors opened and Miss Kirin walked out. "No Brad. The flowers in general. Loosely interpreted they are a present, right? Do you remember what Sarah swore last time you came to her home with a present?" It only took a moment for Brad's mind to catch up. "Oh no! She told me she would get a ghost to haunt me!" "Bingo," confirmed Miss Kirin. Just as she walked through the apartment buildings front doors without opening them. "You are a ghost?" Brad half shouted. "Stop being so dramatic and come on. Yes, I am a ghost and yes you are stuck with me. Let's head home, your home, and I'll clue you in." "Shit," Brad muttered. He had to agree. This was a big fuck up. As he walked out he recalled another detail of Sarah's rant that day. "Wait. Are you that ghost that wants me as a baby girl? Sarah said that-" Her immediate loud laughter made him cringe. "Don't tell me you believed that. Yes, my last regret had been that I have never raised a baby girl. That is what creates a ghost. Regret." As Brad was still standing like a statue she urged him on. "Come on. Use your brain. Okay, gender changes can happen. Just ask Sarah's new mother. But have you ever heard of a way to regress someone's age? If I had known a spell like that I would have been rich when I had been alive. Besides. Ghosts can't use magic. You know that, right?" "Normally they can't," he interjected, but quickly had to agree. It was ridicules. There was no way a ghost could make him an infant or a girl. "So why haunt me then?" he finally asked. "That is a little complicated. I tell it to you on your drive home. While driving it might also be less suspicious." Miss Kirin confidently walked towards his car. A bright red sports-car he had gotten for his last birthday. Personally, he would have preferred something less flashy, but it was hard to tell that to his parents. He swiftly took his seat and started the engine. Then he hesitated as he saw Miss Kirin take a seat beside him. "How can you sit there? Shouldn't you be immaterial?" he wondered out loud. "Oh, please. I have been a ghost for centuries. You pick up some tricks. Like floating in place as if you sit somewhere. I learned that free- floating freaks living people out. Now drive and I tell you the answers to the really important questions. Why do I haunt you and not somebody else." After he pulled out of the parking lot she started to explain. "Well, my last desire or wish was for a baby girl. Not that I am very fond of babies or so. It sprung forth from my wish to pass down my knowledge to someone worthy. And someone worthy I found. Sarah is for most purposes an ideal candidate. I saw her raw potential and I mean not just based on her class." Miss Kirin fell silent. Just as Brad wanted to urge her she continued. "Once she will have proven that she learned all that I could offer I will be free. I will finally go into the real afterlife. With all the time I spend teaching her I grew fond of her. I want her to be not just powerful, but also happy. For that, I need someone in her life that could fill the role of being her partner. I think that could be you." At once Brad's heart started beating harder. "So you want to help to get Sarah to like me?" Her loud laugh made him twitch and a slight blush crept on his face. "No, you fool. She already likes you. Why else would she send her most important and trusted advisor after you? It is just the way you handled things before are seriously lacking in ... Well, everything." He could hardly disagree. He had fucked up royally and he knew it. Still, hope blossomed in his heart. "So you can tell me what she likes and I'll-" "No!" came the strong objection from Miss Kirin. "I may have had my faults when I had been alive, but a lack of loyalty hadn't been one of them. If I would be to tell you all her secrets and desires I would betray her. That is out of the question. However-" She turned towards him and gave him a devious smile. "I can teach you. Form you into something worthy of her. But don't be too quick to sign up. My teaching might be the hardest you ever have to endure. Do you know why?" Brad shook his head and Miss Kirin continued. "Sarah is confident and strong-willed. Dominant if you so will. There are two ways for her to be an ideal partner. The first one you truly ruined for yourself. To be nearly or as dominant as her. The very fact that you showed up with enchanted gifts tells all. Even you don't think you are worthy of her on your own. No. Dominant is right out. The second best way, the only one left for you, would be to go the opposite way." "You mean to go submissive?" Brad asked. "To become someone weak-willed? I am not-" "Oh no no no. You are jumping to conclusions again. Submissive yes, but a weak-willed person will never earn her respect," Miss Kirin corrected him. "Isn't a strong-willed submissive person paradoxical?" he asked skeptically. "Absolutely not. I admit there are many submissive people out there who lack will and favor giving their freedom for that reason to someone else. But there are others. People with a strength of will that chose to surrender their freedom. For them, it is not giving up. It is a way to give the ultimate present." "A romantic gesture that can't be topped," Brad concluded. Miss Kirin gave him a bright smile. "Now you are showing the reason I saw potential in you. Yes. You are right. But there is more. A strong- willed submissive can go deeper than a weak-willed one. To endure more. Because they have the will to do it not for themselves, but for the person they love." Several heartbeats passed in silence before Brad found his voice. "I am not sure I am that strong," he admitted quietly. "Of course not. No one is born that strong-willed. But it can be taught. That is why I am here. If you accept me as your teacher I will teach you the strength you need to fully embrace your own submissiveness. The choice is yours. Sarah set up the haunting in a way that allows me to break it up. If you want I'll be gone from your life in a heartbeat. Or I can teach you. The choice is yours." Brad's mind raced. It was so much to stomach. The whole day had been a rollercoaster so far. Now before him was a unique opportunity. One he could reject or embrace. Was it worth it? He didn't know. However, he knew that Sarah was worth it. For years he had longed to be with her. Now he had a chance. Did he have the will to do so? If not he would be giving up. Always be a half measure. Miss Kirin was right. Only dedicating oneself full was the way to Sarah's heart. In this moment that he decided he also realized in part what Miss Kirin had talked about. The strength and will to go through with it. He had found it. He took his eyes for a moment from the street before him and looked her with resolve into the eyes. "Sarah is worth it. Please. Will you be my teacher?" "There is the spark I had anticipated. Of course. Now. Let's start right away. Take the next exit on the right. We make a detour to the mall." * * * * * * * * * * It didn't take long for them to arrive. Miss Kirin steered him towards the big department store. "To the lingerie section. Now, remember. Only you can see me, so be a bit guarded about how you talk to me. We don't want people to think you are crazy." "Why the lingerie section?" asked Brad while trying to be inconspicuous. "We are here for your first task and lesson. Women need panties for one of two reasons. For daily wear and for times when they want to be sexy. I want you to pick out five for the latter reason. Chose the ones you think would be best for Sarah." Brad nodded but couldn't help himself. He had to ask. "How will that help me? I don't think they would make a fitting gift. Well, not as the first one." "Right you are. The reason is simple. I see how uncomfortable you are with the task. Besides. If you manage to win Sarah's love the ability to buy her undergarments without turning beet red is a plus. Don't you agree?" Brad nodded and started his search. There were a lot of attractive choices and he needed a while. If he would have shopped for himself he would be out of the store by now. Miss Kirin, however, urged him to take his time. In the end, he found five he liked. Four were very lacy and slightly see through. One was more on the frilly cute side. Miss Kirin held back her opinion. Only correcting him on the size. Personally, he thought Sarah wore smaller ones, but Miss Kirin surely knew her stuff. As he walked to the cashier Miss Kirin gave him a last tip. "Now don't embarrass yourself. If you hand the panties over don't try to explain yourself. Many men buy Dessous for their women. However, if you explain yourself then you appear guilty of something. Just act if you buy the underwear you normally buy for yourself." Brad gave her a slight nod. He was nervous but did as told. The bored cashier rung up and packed away Brad's purchase in seconds. Just as Miss Kirin had predicted. Walking out of the store he felt strangely proud. It had been a tad scary for a moment. Yet afterward he knew how stupid it had been. "Okay. Next step. Go to the restroom," came Miss Kirin's instruction. Brad was a trifle confused but did as told. On her instruction, he entered the last stall. He was a little freaked out that she followed him in. "Relax. Now take your purchases out," she told him. As he did she continued. "Now I want you to feel the material. I bet it feels a lot different than your normal underwear, right?" "Yeah, it's pretty soft," he agreed. "Well, time for the next step. Drop your pants!" she firmly ordered him. "What?" asked a flabbergasted Brad. "There is nothing I haven't seen yet. I mean ghosts can see everything. Many are more undead voyeur spectators than specters. Believe me, I know what you are packing. I even know the silly faces you make when you are masturbating." "Holy shit. Hell no!" Brad half shouted. "I know how that is. Gotta watch what you eat, right? Hang in there buddy," came a shout back from another stall. Brad quickly held his mouth shut with both his hands. In shock, he didn't notice that he held the soft panties right under his nose. "Don't make a big deal out of it," Miss Kirin chastised him. "I had to research you before I could be certain that you are right for Sarah." Slowly Brad calmed down. Right. Sarah. He was doing all this for her. He guessed a ghost couldn't go gossiping about him anyway. The only living person she could talk to was Sarah. If she wanted to do that she would probably already have done that by now. He wasn't happy about it, but in the end, he complied nonetheless. "Your boxer shorts too," she admonished and reminded him of the task at hand. Once bare naked below his waist she continued. "Now pick one of the panties and wear it." That gave Brad several seconds of pause. He gave her an unsure lopsided smile. "Are you sure this isn't an elaborate plan to make me a girl?" "Look. I am a ghost. There are only so many things I can do as I can't take a more hands-on approach. Excuse the pun. The fact that you are so weary of girly stuff makes it a good challenge. Why else would I suggest this?" "For revenge?" Brad volunteered. "I taught Sarah better than to be after petty revenge," she squatted his idea aside. Brad had to make a decision. Should he continue? Once again he had to remind himself for whom he did all this. He took a long look at the panties in his hand and chose the frilly one. It was the one that was the least see-through. He quickly stepped into it before he could lose his resolve. A moment later he had settled it in its place. "Well done. Now wear your pants over it. Then put on your shoes and meet me at the food court. Don't forget to flush the toilet." She was gone before he could reply. Quickly he followed her instructions and headed out. Once outside paranoia made itself know. To him, everyone looked at him and just knew what he was wearing. Of course, that was a stupid assumption. With a racing heart, he arrived at the court and saw Miss Kirin a moment later. "Get yourself some lunch and then join me," she told him before he could settle down. She sat at a table that was slightly away from other tables. Or to be more precise she floated in a way that made it appear to him that she was sitting there. The smell of fast food woke the hunger in him. By now it was nearly noon. He got a burger menu and then made his way over. "By all means start," she urged him. He wanted to, but a question burned in him. Maybe to distract himself he blurted it out. "Don't you miss it? Eating I mean." "A little, but my last bite had been so long ago that I barely remember what it's like. Don't worry. I don't mind seeing you eating." He nodded and took his first bite. After swallowing he had to ask another question. "So. How does one become a ghost?" "Haven't they taught you this in school? Very well. I shall enlighten you. There are two ways to die permanently. One is to be of old age. Not even being bound to a respawn stone will save you. If your time is up then it is time to go. The second is the one that has the chance to make you a ghost. You see if you die by any other means then old age you respawn. At that moment the connection to the respawn stone is severed. If you get killed before you can rebind yourself you are dead for real too. Now here is the thing. If you harbor in your soul a strong wish, desire or regret it could bind you to the world of the living. In that case, you go through a natural class change. What class of ghost you end up is random or beyond my knowledge of reason." "I didn't know that ghosts have classes," admitted a baffled Brad. "Yes, they have. You could say they are stuck in the ultimate undesirable class. Now. I see your lunch is gone. Time for your next task." She must have seen the uncertainty in his eyes as she quickly expanded on it. "This one is a pure mental hurdle. No risky business. I want you to tell me honestly how you feel right now and how it feels to wear such feminine panties." Brad took a moment to collect himself and search his own feelings. "Nervous I would say. At first, my heart did beat like crazy. I was convinced everyone knew. That settled for now. Instead, I feel jittery right now. In my arms and legs." "That is the adrenaline, my dear. The rush put you right between your fight or flight reflex responses. Now the adrenaline wears off. That causes your slight trembling," Miss Kirin explained. "How do the panties themselves feel?" "Very soft and maybe a bit cool? It's hard to describe. They also... Well, they don't offer much support for ... You know. Also, the edges dig a little into my skin.” "Well, that is to be expected. After all, they are designed for the female anatomy. Anything else?" Brad hesitated and then remained quiet. Miss Kirin knew she had to push a bit more. "Look. One of the goals is that in the end, you have the strength to be completely open to Sarah. That there is no secret between you two. You have to trust her. Right now Sarah isn't here. So to train it I have to be the substitute. Do not worry. I won't laugh or do anything disrespectful. I promise." Brad nodded after a moment. Despite reaching a decision he blushed. "My little guy is-" "Saluting," finished Miss Kirin for him. "Don't worry. That is quite normal. Just now a lot of blood rushed through your system. Some of it was bound to end up down there. That doesn't mean you have a fetish for wearing girly stuff. It could as well be the excitement of the moment itself. And honestly, I could tell you for your chances with Sarah it wouldn't make a difference if you have or have not such a fetish." She took a moment to muster him. Sure enough he looked like he had been through a lot today. But she also saw a hint more of self-confidence. Not much. Maybe not even enough that Brad noticed. "Well done Brad. So far I am glad I took a chance with you. I think that is enough for now. Time to head home wouldn't you say so too?" Brad nodded. The relief may be a little too evident on his face. * * * * * * * * * * It had been a week since Miss Kirin had started haunting him. If someone might even call it like that. Most of it played out normally. The only difference was that he wore panties to school. Not every day. Wednesday was his P.E. class. Every other day he wore his new undergarments. Slowly his nervousness settled. Most of his time at home he spends it with only the company of Miss Kirin. As usual, his parents were away. They spend weeks away on their various travels. Be it for pleasure or work. They had a hired maid, but she was usually done and gone by the time Brad arrived home after school. He had to admit it was nice to have Miss Kirin around. She often talked about things of the past. It made the big house not such a lonely place to be. Saturday was the first day a new lesson awaited him. "I bet you rarely visit this room," jibed Miss Kirin as they entered the small laundry room. "More like never," admitted Brad. "Well, this will change. To be completely available to Sarah means not only to be sexually available. I hope you realized that." Brad gave her a strong nod and satisfied she continued. "By now you have worn every pantie you bought. Time to clean them. That might be a skill that could impress Sarah. I think we both know Sarah has the potential to become big in this world. As a good partner, you should be able to support her in every way. That includes leading a household. Starting with how to clean dirty panties." "I can do that," he replied with conviction. Miss Kirin gave him a bright genuine smile. It looked more and more that she had chosen wisely. Slowly she explained the steps how to wash delicate clothes by hand. Right in the middle, he turned to ask her a question. "Part of leading a household means I have to learn cooking too, right?" Miss Kirin raised an eyebrow. "Of course. Is that a problem?" "No," Brad quickly corrected. "It is just that my previous tries didn't end well." "So you are interested in it? That is good, but why did they end badly? Surely your mother or father have taught you a few things." Brad gave a heavy sigh. "No. In fact, I barely see them. They are always traveling. You could say I have a better connection to my teachers at school than to my own parents." "I am sorry to hear that," Miss Kirin said with sympathy. "If I am being honest, in the last week with you, Miss Kirin, felt more as a mother to me than my own," Brad admitted. Miss Kirin saw his wet eyes for a moment before he turned away ashamed. "Hearing that makes me sad, but also very proud. If I could I would hug you right now. But as a ghost, I have a little trouble with that." That elicited a small laugh out of Brad. Slowly the heavy moment cleared and they returned to the laundry. * * * * * * * * * * Once again Brad found himself at the department store. "So what humiliating item do I have to buy today?" Brad whispered to Miss Kirin. "Remember. The humiliation is only a tool we use. One that quickly seems to lose its purpose," she said with a chuckle. A moment later they arrived at the lingerie section again. "This time we go full out on the underwear. If mere panties don't faze you anymore then overkill it is. Stockings, garters, pantyhose, bras, and corsages.If we can hide it beneath your regular clothes it is fair game. Oh, look. You turned so pale one might think you are the undead out of the both of us. Granted if the people around us could see me." Brad had to swallow hard. Wearing panties was one thing. Even buying those wasn't as bad as he had thought. But his new filled shopping list proved to be a whole new challenge. All the while he had to remind himself for whom he was enduring all this. Slowly his shopping basket was filled with lacy things. "May I help you, sir? You look a little lost." Brad nearly jumped as a salesperson managed to sneak up on him. Brad's mind raced to come up with a reply but was cut short when sales clerk continued. "Oh let me see. Does the Kappa Delta Tau frat do their famous pledging trials?" Brad was stumped. Was she thinking he was old enough to be a student? He spared a glance at Miss Kirin who gave him an amused smile. "No," he admitted. "I do this to prove myself to a girl." Brad didn't know exactly why he didn't take the obvious way out. "And these are for you and not for the girl?" the sales clerk asked. Her smile never wavering, but he could hear a curious undertone. "Well, it is a challenge. Sort of," he stated. "Can't exactly ask her to wear something like this without knowing how to deal with the bothersome aspects. And if I do this I might as well do it right." It wasn't exactly a lie he told himself. There was some truth to his statement. Just the furthest away he could think of. "What dedication. I am sure the girl is a lucky one. Well, in that case, we should go take your measurements. You don't want to appear sloppy in your grand romantic gesture, right?" the lady beamed. No hint of if she really believed him. Brad guessed this was the difference between amateur and professional. "Well done," was Miss Kirin's compliment when he followed the salesperson to a changing room. ***** "Stop it," Miss Kirin admonished him. Brad's hand twitched away from his chest. A moment before he had scratched an itch under the bra he was wearing. Of course, Miss Kirin had made him wear the newly purchased underwear. New panties. A garter belt that was for now without stockings. And a bra. The sales clerk had even pushed some small false inserts onto him. Looking in the mirror he could barely see the dent they made in his shirt. Nobody would suspect, but he was very aware of them. "So this is my new day to day wardrobe?" he asked after munching on some leftover fries. Once again they had chosen to sit at the food court after their shopping. "Yes. Don't worry. It is not permanently. As you said. It is a challenge. Now if you are done with your meal we have another stop to make." Brad swallowed hard. What else had Miss Kirin in store for him now? Then again he was determined to face every challenge. He quickly cleared away his tablet. As he followed Miss Kirin they soon stood before their destination. "A beauty salon?" he asked flabbergasted. "Of course, my dear. This is less a challenge and more a lesson. No, you are not to get a girly makeover. We are here to get you all polished up and refined. Don't you think Sarah deserves a partner that takes care of himself?" "Yes, you are right," admitted Brad. "Just tell them you want to look good for a job interview. They will take care of you," Miss Kirin. Brad nodded to himself and stepped confidently into the salon. ***** He felt refreshed when he stepped out of the beauty salon an hour later. Overall it hadn't been that bad. He still looked like himself. Just a little crisper. "Looks like someone cleans up nicely," commented Miss Kirin. "Thanks, I guess. I feared worse. It was actually pretty nice and soothing. The only irritating was the girl who tried to sell me permanent hair extensions," Brad openly admitted. Miss Kirin gave him a snicker."Well, if you wanted to avoid that you shouldn't have flashed your bra at her." "I didn't," Brad quickly interjected. "Remember when you leaned back so she could wash your hair? It pushed your chest out and in turn the bra against your shirt. It wasn't very obvious, but the girl must have noticed," Miss Kirin explained. "Oh damn!" Brad exclaimed. "Speaking of your chest. Along with the rest of your body, it could use some tweaking. It's time we get you to do some physical training," Miss Kirin added before Brad's mind quelled too long on the shocking reveal. "That doesn't sound so bad," Brad agreed. "Of course, it is also a good opportunity to wear your new sports bras," Miss Kirin needled. Earning her a roll of Brad's eyes. * * * * * * * * * * "Excuse me, Mister Cooper?" The maid had knocked on his room's door. Brad put away his homework for a minute."Yes, Anna?" "I just wanted to ask if ... Am I being fired?" the maid asked with a slight quiver in her voice. Brad frowned in confusion. "No. Not that I know of. What makes you think that?" "Well, Mister Cooper. Some of my usual workloads are already done. There must be another maid at work here." "No," Brad sheepishly admitted. "That was me. I recently tried to become more self-dependent. That's why I did some work around the house." "That is good to know. I must admit you gave me quite the scare Mister Cooper," the Maid replied. After some more assuring that her job was safe, the maid left and Brad was alone. Or so it would seem to an outsider. "Busted! Well, you handled the situation quite good. Although you missed an opportunity," Miss Kirin commented. "And what opportunity might that be?" asked Brad with a weary grin on his face. By now he was used to the slight needling Miss Kirin so enjoyed. "Well, she could have given you private lessons on how to wash your female undies." "I think I have proven that I can take care of that. As well, as every other chore, you seemed fitting as a challenge. You might as well demand next of me to dress up as a maid because Anna is right. I might as well be the other one in the house," Brad shot back and couldn't help to give a smug smile. "No. That wouldn't accomplish anything. It probably wouldn't even faze you for long. If it even does. In some regard it is impressive. You took every challenge and lesson and plowed right through it. Yet it makes the progress to expand your submissive side harder. Besides the clothes and the chores, you cleaned up well. Even your personal grooming comes along." Brad blushed slightly. He was well aware that Miss Kirin didn't just mean the work on his face and hair. For two weeks now he wore daily the full ensemble of female underwear. Stockings included. He quickly found out how the small hairs on his legs could be nipped and pulled. The solution proposed by Miss Kirin had been a quite simple one: just shave them off. He wouldn't admit it aloud, but he quite liked the feeling of the stockings on his smooth skin. To his luck, Miss Kirin hadn't asked him about that yet. Part of the deal was that Brad is totally open with his feelings and had to share everything if asked. Then again maybe she didn't need to ask. Brad wouldn't put it past Miss Kirin to completely see through him. "So what is the next step?" he asked. "Now we are in a tight spot. We are in an area where I have a harder time to teach you. That is as long as I only can order you, but can't do a more hands-on approach. If you are willing to spend some money there are other options." Brad nodded along. It made sense. To only have her voice in his ears was quite limiting. "Well, my parents are rich and my allowance is quite high. What do you have in mind?" Miss Kirin gave him a mischievous grin. "One option would be to look for a teacher that can handle the physical aspects. There are some professionals out there that are trained for just that. I think the currently used name for them is Dominas." "That wouldn't work," interjected Brad. "I am still a minor for a few more months. "Good point. Well, in that case, there is a slightly more expensive option-" * * * * * * * * * * Brad pushed the buzzer and hoped someone would open soon. He didn't like being in this backstreet. It all reminded him too much of the time when he purchased the enchanted present for Sarah. An Item that hadn't been exactly legal. Now he stood before the door of a specialty shop. Not some backstreet dealer. Still, he was nervous as his intended purchase was just as illegal. The door opened with a squeak of hinges that haven't seen a drop of oil in years. A shifty looking man eyed Brad wearily. "What do you want?" the shopkeeper croaked. "I am here to purchase a certain material for a friend," Brad replied. Unwilling to let himself to be discouraged. "Look boy. What we sell here ain't cheap," the shopkeeper replied and moved to close the door. "I am well aware," Brad hastily said. "I have the money. But if you don't want the business there are other shops." "Okay. Okay. Come in." The shopkeeper opened the door wide and Brad could finally enter. The shop itself was mostly a temporary storage and it looked like it. Many shelves stood in neat rows. Filled with various goods. Brad saw trinkets and raw materials alike. "So, my young friend. What are you looking for?" "Komoro crystals. I know you have some in stock worth fifty thousand. I take them all," Brad replied confidently. To emphasize it he put a manilla envelope on the counter. "Now listen, boy. Those crystals can be dangerous. Especially the refined and unbound you ask for. Do you know what they can do? They-" Brad quickly cut him off. "They're a medium that Necromancers use to strengthen their abilities and summoned spirits. Unbound crystals are dangerous because roaming spirits can use them to interact with the world of the living. I am well aware. I want them for a friend who is a Necromancer," he stated confidently. More so than he felt. All the points he just made were true, but also facts he only repeated. Miss Kirin had told him everything he needed to know. Not just about the crystals. He knew details about the shop too. Sadly the shop was shielded and warded off, so Miss Kirin couldn't help him right now. This was all on him. "Then you should know it is illegal to sell them to not qualified people," the shopkeeper added smugly. "Good thing then that I have all the necessary documents here. A copy of them in fact. You can check them and keep them. Provided I get the crystals," Brad said equally smugly. He placed a second envelope on the counter. Filled with the required documents. Further five thousand in bills. The shopkeeper looked and then grunted. "Remain here," Brad was warned. The shopkeeper walked at a slow pace to somewhere between the shelves. When he came back he had a solid looking satchel with him. "Don't open it without a necromancer," the shopkeeper reminded him. "I know. Satchel is warded and once open the seal breaks," Brad replied. "Was a pleasure doing business with you. Come again," the shopkeeper said with a slimy smile. Brad nodded as he grabbed the satchel. Time to get away from here. * * * * * * * * * * "We have the crystals. Why are we in a hardware store now instead of being at home and testing them?" Brad wanted to know. "To teach you patience," admonished Miss Kirin. She led him straight to a shelf with spools of rope. "Do you know how to choose a good rope?" she asked Brad. "No. I don't even know for what purpose we need them," he admitted confused but curious. "Well, the purpose I demonstrate you later. I promise you that. For now, you have to judge what rope is best. We are looking for one that is synthetic for now. Look for one that has the diameter of your pinkie or slightly smaller. Yes, like that one. Now we try to judge how the friction is. Take a length of it and lay it over your hand. Slightly close over it and pull the rope slowly out of your grip. The warmer your skin feels the higher the friction. High friction can be good, but not for our purpose this time. Try finding one with low friction and is tightly braided." It took Brad quite a while to follow the instructions and judge the available ropes. In the end, he settled on a dark blue synthetic rope with maybe a quarter of an inch in diameter. It was tightly braided and quite solid at its core. 60 feet of it ended up in his shopping cart. It quickly got company by some special scissors, a thick sewing thread the same color as the robe, and a sewing kit. After paying they headed home and Brad was eager to find out what exactly was in store for him. * * * * * * * * * * "Okay. The coast is clear," announced Miss Kirin. She had made a last sweep through the area to make sure she was the only ghost around. "You want me to open it now?" Brad asked. He held the satchel close that contained the Komoro crystals. "Yes, empty the satchel on your bed and then step back," she instructed him. He complied and emptied five elongated hexagonal crystals on his bed cover. For a moment nothing happened. Then one started to glow and pulse in a light varying between red and purple. It slowly started to float and to spin around itself. A second one reacted and joined the first one a moment later in a dance around themselves. Gradually they moved closer and closer until they finally touched. A bright light erupted and Brad heard a sound that reminded him of two snowballs pushed into each other. When the light dialed back a single crystal remained. Flawless and the size of both previous crystals combined. Another crystal started to float and the spectacle repeated itself. Soon all of the five crystals had fused into a big dim glowing single one. "I told you I learned some tricks," Miss Kirin told him with a smirk. "And now you can touch things?" Brad wanted to know. "Let's find out, shall we?" she said with an amused smile. Leisurely she walked over and let one of her fingers trace Brad's cheekbone. He could feel it. Not just the cold feeling he had expected. He felt the slight dent in his skin as her fingertip traveled. It wasn't as uncomfortable as he imagined. His mind had anticipated the coldness of an ice-cube. Instead, he got the chilly caress of a raindrop running down his face. "That felt strange," he admitted. "Well, you will feel stranger things. But for now, we have some crafting to do," Miss Kirin told him with a mischievous smile. Their little crafting project involved the rope. They cut it to specific lengths. Then they used the needle and thread to secure the frayed ends of the rope pieces. "Good," Miss Kirin commented when they were done. They both sat on Brad's bed. The many lengths of rope between them. "Now the fun part can begin." Brad watched intently as Miss Kirin picked up a length of rope and skillfully found the middle. She then used the point to fold it into a length of double thickness. Brad could tell, even without her saying it, that she had done this before. The familiarity and confident movement told him that it was an often practiced skill. He also saw her elated mood. Of course, his mind also came to the conclusion for what the intended use was for these ropes. "You will use these to tie me up, right?" he asked with certainty. "Smart boy. You are right, but can you tell me why?" she challenged him. "As a challenge? To endure physical discomfort?" Brad guessed. "Ahh, there you are thoroughly wrong. Don't worry. At first many get it wrong. Tell me why do you think someone would let themselves be tied up?" "I am not sure. Maybe they get pleasure out of it?" "For some, sure. But not everyone. At least in the traditional sense. Some like it for the discomfort or the signification of their submissive status. Others enjoy the suspense of responsibility as they give all of it away to the person who ties them up. No matter what the reason they all have one thing in common. They have to give their consent to being tied up. At least if you want to stay legal. Now in order for a dominant person to get the consent of a submissive person, there is always one thing needed." "Trust," came Brad's guess. "Correct. Trust is always needed. It is won the hard way and is easily lost. Trust itself can differ. If you are in a private setting then you trust your partner. If it's a professional then your trust in their professional image. Which brings us to you. Yes, I want you to feel and learn how it is to be powerless. How uplifting it can be to give up your freedom, even if it is only for a short while. But most of all I want to give you something I think you lacked for quite some time now. Tell me honestly, besides me, who would you trust enough to tie you up?" An uncomfortable silence settled as Brad thought about persons he knew. Judged them step by step. In the end, he remained silent. It was Miss Kirin who spoke up first. "There are none, right? There are some you would like to trust. Your parents maybe? It is hard to trust someone who is barely around. I guess Sarah is on that list too. The crush for whom you endured so much. Yet you don't know her well enough. Besides those, the pickings are slim. Come. Hold your hands up like this." She held her arms and hands straight away from her chest. Both parallel and close together. When Brad did as he had been told Miss Kirin picked up the rope and started her work. She placed a small loop near one of his wrists and then started to wrap the rope around his wrists. It wasn't tight like he expected. In fact between his wrists was a good two inches of space. After five windings neatly coiled around his wrists she suddenly changed her pattern. Instead of wrapping the rest around him she wound it around the strands that connected his wrists. It pulled those parallel strands together and in turn tightened the slack between his wrists. A moment later he felt his hands thoroughly secured. There was only a small slack left as both of his wrists were connected by the stiff coil of rope. "Now, we are nearly done," Miss Kirin told him. She held up with one hand the loop she had placed aside earlier and with the other the rest of the rope. Around four feet in length. "If I use both of these, I can bind a knot that effectively binds your hands and makes them useless. Without the knot, you probably could slide out pretty fast. These are synthetic ropes after all. Now is the time to decide. Do you trust me enough to risk this? Being helpless in my hands?" His eyes were riveted at her hands. In a moment she could give the rope slack and set him free or tie a knot and seal his fate. Yet her hands remained unwavering and steady above his wrists. Could he trust her? Over the past weeks they had often talked and Miss Kirin seemed to be an infinite supply of stories, wisdom, and teachings. Yet, he realized, he still hardly knew any facts about her. He knew that so far she had kept her word, but would her path really led to him getting together with Sarah? She had been the carrot on a stick for him the whole time. In the end, he came to a conclusion. He didn't trust her completely. Just enough to take yet another leap of faith. "I trust you. Do it. Please tie the knot," he said with conviction. "Very well," Miss Kirin replied in a muted, but cheery way. The knot tightened the ropes further. Seemingly taking away the rest of the slack. A small amount remained, but Brad knew it was not enough to escape. "Helpless, but not as helpless as you think. You see a submissive holds more power than most realize. It is their consent that gives the foundation. You and every other one has the right to withdraw it. To do so you need a safeword. One that lets me know if it is going too far or if there are some physical problems. Think of one thing that you connect with the feeling of being safe." Brad had to think long and hard. Nothing came to his mind. There was not a thing that made him instinctively associate it with safety. It took some thinking till he found a word that most would associate with protection. "I think I go with *shield*."? "Shield it is," confirmed Miss Kirin. "Now the most important part of a safeword is that we both know it works. On the side of the submissive, it is hard to judge. Hence the need for trust. But the dominant also needs to trust that the submissive will use it. Brad, I want to make this clear. To use or not use a safeword is not a challenge. There is no shame in using it. But there is shame in failing to use it. Got that?" Brad nodded. "Well then, let's get started. After all, we still have a lot of rope left," Miss Kirin said as she pulled the rope's end that held the knot to the headboard of Brad's bed. Putting aside the ropes, she made space for him to lay on his bed. One rope found it's spot around his ankle and it pulled it aside as it was wound around a bedpost. The other ankle followed soon after. She let him stew for a few minutes. Let him test his limits of the restrictions imposed by the ropes. The was a slight give, but not much. He was thoroughly caught in her web of ropes. After ten minutes she removed the first rope around his wrists, only to redo them individually. He felt quite helpless, yet felt no danger. She always made sure he was as comfortable as he could get given the circumstances. Another ten minutes later she untied his legs. He was instructed to cross them like if he was sitting in a lotus position. Each foot on the other leg's knee. A few ropes later and he couldn't uncross them even if he wanted too. Slowly she added another rope around his chest. He wasn’t sure what it was for as it didn't restrict him further even with it being snug. The purpose became clear soon after. Miss Kirin untied his arms only to tightly bind them to his chest. Using the harness made of rope as the fixing point. She left him like this for a few moments. Not tied down to anything, but with all of his limbs made useless there was no need. All he could was wiggle slightly. Soon she took even that by using one rope to connect his chest harness to the ropes around his legs. With a steady pull, she made him fold like a clam until his legs touched the arms. A knot later he was a human ball. Robbed of even the slightest movement. * * * * * * * * * * Brad rubbed his wrists and made sure that the marks of the ropes couldn't be seen. He had been surprised how quick Miss Kirin was able to undo her work. In under a minute he was free of every rope. She advised him to take it slow. Just to be safe. At first, he was more surprised that their session had ended so quickly. Of course, Miss Kirin had a good reason. His parents had come home. A whole week too early. Now, not even two hours later, he sat at the dinner table. Lazily he picked at his food. This was typical for his parents. They spend all their time traveling and amassing money. Once home they order takeout. Brad sighed. He had offered to cook. Eager to show off what he had learned in the past weeks. They had looked if he had grown a third eye and then blandly ignored his suggestion. As much as they traveled one might think there was a lot to talk about. Yet their talking had stopped not long ago. The silence that had settled over the room that was all too familiar to him. Sometimes he wondered why they even had him in the first place. He was hardly part of their life. Practically living alone if it wasn't for the maid. This thought made him nearly jump as he had an epiphany. He might as well live alone. "Father, I have been thinking," Brad started. "You always told me it was important for you to stand on your own feet. To be your own man. I think I have to do the same. I would like your permission to move out." Brad's heart was beating hard as he expected arguments against his decision. Yet none came. His parents pretty much rolling over. They even agreed to his suggestion for a private tutor and on leaving public school. He chose not to tell them that the private tutor was undead. Then again they probably wouldn't have cared either way. In the end, he got his wish. Documents signed by them allowing him to move out and renting an apartment, as well as papers for the school. It had been easy. Too easy. Shouldn't they be more concerned? Question his motives more? He felt sad, but most of all he felt disappointed. As he entered his room he saw Miss Kirin nearby. He half expected her to praise him. On the other hand, she might be disappointed that he hadn't confronted them more. "I know you deserve more," was all she said. Pulling him into a hug. He didn't mind that she was cold as a corpse. Just glad there was someone there that cared. Someone who understood. Not surprising was that the hug lasted very long. * * * * * * * * * * Brad swiped away the sweat after emptying the last box from moving. It had all happened so fast. Finding the small apartment in the artistic part of the city. Packing up his stuff and realizing he hadn't that much, to begin with. He remembered all the teasing in school. The rich kid that could have anything. Yet here he was. Hardly anything of note. Looking around he somehow felt proud. His own flat. Already furnished as the previous renter hadn't bothered to clean out. The landlord happy to have a new renter who didn't mind the stuff. Exhausted, but happy, he let himself fall into the armchair he now owned. "What are you searching for?" he asked his private tutor, Miss Kirin. She was busy surfing the web. After gaining the ability to touch she started to spend a lot of time on the web. Once Brad had asked how a century-old ghost was so good at using a computer. Promoting a long lecture about how being dead doesn't equal to being stuck in the past. That you could still learn and become better at things. "Class stones. I think it is time that you switch yours," she calmly replied. That got Brad's attention. It was a decision he had put off for now. Something he could have done for nearly two years. His parents had given him an account for just this purpose. The enormity that he had about a half million sometimes was heavy on his mind. It was a big responsibility to choose the right class. Did Miss Kirin know about that account? While he trusted her a lot he chose to not divulge it for now. "A class change? Do you have some in mind? They are pretty expensive, so I am kind of curious. What type of class do you think would be good for me?" he asked. Miss Kirin turned around and gave him her full attention. "I am looking for two specific classes. One of them is perfect for you or rather it is perfect for you in your quest to conquer Sarah's heart. It is called the Majune class and is a monk-like class. Luckily this class won't be as expensive as you think." A monk? That was curious. He heard stories of dedicated monks who stood out in certain areas. Some were quite religious. For a short moment, he saw himself at Sarah?'s feet praying at her like a goddess. The mere thought made him smirk a little. "If it is a good class why would it be cheap?" he asked intrigued. "Well, as most monk classes it thrives on dedication. Dedication takes time and in modern times that is a commodity that becomes more valuable by each year. Let me tell you a little about the Majune class. Did you know that the world record holders for highest strength, stamina, and dexterity are all held by a person with the Majune class?" Brad shook his head and motioned for her to continue. "You can look it up yourself. In fact, I insist you research the class by yourself later. Now then. Before I continue let me ask you: do you know that Sarah had been held hostage a few months back?" Miss Kirin asked. "I heard she was trapped in a building with a lot of others. But I don't know any details," he admitted. "Well, long story short Sarah and her mothers escaped their cage. They chose to stay and fight instead of fleeing. While posing as a formidable threat to the kidnappers, in a critical moment the fight came to a stop. You see one of the enemies managed to breach their defenses and take Sarah hostage again at gunpoint. Well, knife tip to be exact. Do you know why that happened?" Brad shrugged his shoulders. He had no clue how serious the situation had been. "Sarah has grown to quite the talented Necromancer, but like most mage classes she has a weakness. One that I shared in my lifetime too. Physical weakness. If she had more dexterity she could have maybe avoided getting caught. More strength and she could have broken the hold on her." "So as Majune I could be her counterpart?" Brad asked. "Giving her support in the areas she lacks?" "Yes, but not quite like the way you think. As much as I hope you and her come together, you still can't be always by her side. A Majune can support her even when not around. You see Majune's can transfer part of their physical stats or attributes if you so will. You could literally strengthen her even when you are not around. But here is the thing: as every class that has an overpowered ability it has an equal weakness. Namely that the stats are transferred. What she gains you would lose. It would be temporary, but a hindrance to your own life nonetheless." Brad needed a moment to stomach it. Become weak so someone else grows strong. In a way, it was submitting to someone too. It reminded him of something Miss Kirin had said weeks before. "The ultimate gift," he said aloud. "Ah. So you remember. Good. However, there is more to the Majune class. Most of the physical stats are determined by your muscles. Now, what do you think happens if you transfer your physical stats?" Miss Kirin challenged him. "Oh, they would atrophy, right? Muscles physically reflect the strength stat." "You would think so, but no, they do not. The normal system, for the lack of a better word, glitches. Majune's keep their physical bulk even if their stats are below what is warranted. The same counts for their targets. Their stats are higher, but their physical build doesn't reflect it. Now here comes the real rule breaking of the class. Their muscles can regain their stats through training. Up to their previous level. If they undo their transfer they suddenly have more than they had before. Of course, that un-glitches the muscles and they try to mediate with their stats. Resulting in rapid muscle growth in a few days. Of course, a Majune can simply transfer the overhang again together with some of their retrained stats." "So they can slowly build up enormous stats," Brad mused. "Provided they are dedicated enough. That's why they are technically a monk class," Miss Kirin confirmed. "Is that why you had me train more the last few weeks?" Brad wanted to know. "Correct. Not so much for stats gain for now. More for getting used to training in general. You see one of the more frustrating parts of a Majune is that with glitched muscles you don't see progress and with each new transfer you start anew. Someone with a weak will might give up easily." Brad nodded. It was a very intriguing class, but he could see how others might judge it as not desirable. It required a lot of work, but after weeks of steeling himself in body and mind, he was certain he could make it. There was, however, one other thing on his mind. "You said you are looking for two classes. If the Majune class is so perfect why look for another class?" "Ah. Well. That is complicated. It is more of a favor to ask of you. There is another undesirable class that is very powerful, but very hard to master. I should know. After all the class was named after me. Yet even I could never unlock its full potential. I would be very grateful for the opportunity to try again." "But how can that be? You are a ghost," Brad pointed out. "Yes, I am. But I am not really dead. I told you before. Ghosts are just trapped in a very undesirable class. One that lacks the ability to interact with things. But in recent years three spirits so far found their way back. All that was needed was a specific crystal of high quality and a class stone." Brad glanced at the Komoro crystals slowly pulsing on a nearby shelf. So there had been a hidden motive. As if she could read his mind Miss Kirin continued. "Of course, once I am back as a living being, I can look for work and pay you back. Not just for the class stone, but also for the crystals. I know that is a lot to ask. Please promise me to think about it." "I will," he promised. "But what makes you sure you will find work?" "Oh believe me a sorceress with over three hundred years experience is hard to come by. Even with me being most of the time sort of dead. If we find my old class then it will be a whole different thing. Back then I managed with that class to defeat half an army." "What happened to the other half?" Brad teased. "What do you think killed me in the end?" she replied seriously. That made Brad hesitate for a moment. There were clearly some aspects of her he hadn't a grasp on yet. "I think I need time. That is all a lot of information to take in." "I understand," she replied. "Don't forget to research and check the facts." She vanished to who knows where and left Brad alone to think. * * * * * * * * * * "Finally," Brad nearly yelled. It took him a week to track down the Majune class. It looked like a store on the outskirts of the town had one. This was at least something he had found. The web had been sparse on information about the Majune class. The only concrete information was that it existed and lost popularity about seventy years ago. This at least he found out thanks to websites dealing with world records. Miss Kirin was right. The record holders for stamina, strength, and dexterity were all held by Majune. Unbeaten for over ninety years. In his mind, he already saw himself breaking those records. After all the current record holders were women. He should have a slight advantage with his male body, right? He informed Miss Kirin and together they drove down to the shop. It looked respectable and in the league of high-end jewelry stores. On his way in he was inspected for hidden weapons and magical contraptions. Good thing they had left the Komoro crystal at home. As they passed the front door a sudden pressure build up around him. Security wards. Judging by the length he had to endure it there were many and strong ones too. He was relieved as he saw Miss Kirin emerge with him. It looked like none of the wards targeted spirits. The interior was spacious and held several counters inside. Propped up behind glass he saw dozens of class stones. Many with a decorative background to illustrate their class. A salesman hurried to greet them and Brad had to fight off to wince. It was one of those slimy ones he sometimes had to deal with if he accompanied his parents. An occasion thankfully rare. He didn't like these overdressed brownnosers and their fake smiles. "Young Sir. How may I help?" Brad had to suppress rolling with his eyes. "Your online stock lists one Majune class stone. I am also curious if you can help me get another specific class stone." "Majune? That class does not ring a bell, but let me check our inventory real quick. Ah yes, there it is. You are aware that this class is on the undesirable classes list?" "I am well aware," Brad replied and tried not to sound to tense. People like him exploit weaknesses like that if given the chance. "Good. Good. Now, what is the name of the second class?" "The Kirin sorceress class." Brad saw the salesperson frown. Not a good sign. Even if it was most likely some kind of act. "Sir, store policy is that I must warn you. The Kirin class is not only on the undesirable index, it is also flagged as one of the top uncontrollable classes known to mankind. I must implore you to look for another class." "The class stone is for a friend. She had the class before and she can handle it. Can you get it?" Brad was a little wound up. If it hadn't been for Miss Kirin signaling to calm down, he might have said regrettable things. "I am afraid not," the clerk announced after doing some search query on his stylish pad. "But we do have other excellent sorceress classes to chose from-" "Not interested," Brad cut him off. "It will be just the Majune class then." "Of course." The guy hurried

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Michael wiped his hands on his jeans. Sucked in a few deep breaths. He waited until his nerves calmed. He pulled the double glass doors open. He entered the high school office, most of the secretaries had gone home. Tomorrow is the last day of school. Michael walked up to the counter, wide and shiny as a new penny, when Mrs. Harbaugh noticed him. ‘What may I do for you, Michael?’ ‘Nothing really.’ She smiled politely as she always had for the last four years he’s attended school. Her...

4 years ago
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You ever regret being with someone in the most intimate way possible? Not because of them but because of what they make you realize something about yourself. Here it is I'm a mature fifty something white woman. Happily married with two wonderful c***dren and an husband who adores me. I work as an assistant at a prominent business firm. My husband makes good money as a car salesman and where in need for nothing. I have big breasts and a nice round ass that gets me attention from all types of...

4 years ago
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My Daughters Best Friend Chapter 5 No Regrets

I woke up the next morning with a slight guilt; I was also afraid of facing Sara, worried that I may have scarred the poor child forever. I had crossed a line; most parents don’t even think about. I’d never be able to look Sara in the eyes. It was Sunday morning so she’d be home, as would I. I finally dragged myself out of bed and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and walked under the hot shower. I took a lot longer than I usually do. I thought about what had happened the night...

2 years ago
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There and BackChapter 112 No Regrets

“If you wanted to run your hands through my hair, my dear Leliana, you had only to ask, yes?” Leliana sprang away from the blond elf like someone had hit her with a taser. It might have been hilarious, if it hadn’t been so shocking and serious and horrific a moment before. As it was, not one of us didn’t gasp, twitch, jump, fall over, scream, or otherwise express horror, which rapidly transmuted into humour, as the reality of Zevran’s survival sank in. Aedan leapt out of my arms, lunging...

3 years ago
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No Regrets

See it all started last week when Leah revealed her secret to me. “im not a virgin anymore,” she said with a big grin on her face. “what! What do you mean?” I asked her. “I’ve had sex,” she said proudly. “with who?” “Dan,” Dan Johnson is Leah’s boyfriend and the most popular guy in school, which is why everyone is jealous of them. Guys want to be with Leah and girls want to be with Dan. I know what you’re thinking, if we’re identical twins then why don’t guys want me. They...

2 years ago
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Connecticut Regrets

They’d been emailing for more than a month, exchanging hot, sexy fantasies so well written they often didn’t need a rewrite. What a pleasure it was, she thought, to ‘meet’ an articulate, creative writer for her online role-playing. They exchanged photos. Shell had hit pay dirt. Now a completely unexpected event was to take place – he was coming to Connecticut! A family wedding. She was so fevered by this turn of events she couldn’t sleep for two nights. He’d made a veiled reference to meeting...

2 years ago
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Poem No Regrets

  A touch of skin, soft and slippery, With a hint of sweat, Eyes meeting briefly, begging for a chance, To abandon our uncertainties. You began your work on my lips, Probing gently, as if drawing sex, Then heated tongues met in the midst, Of quickening and hottening breath. Our clothes found resting place on the floor. Piece by piece, Until there were no hiding places, For our glistening bodies.   Then skin meshed with skin, And the floor became the stage. As a gasp broke the kiss, Your...

2 years ago
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No Regrets

Introduction: What starts off as a little bit of fun for Amie, might land her in big trouble with her family. My name is Amie Henshore, Im thirteen years old and I live with my mom, dad, twin sister Leah and older sister Jordin. I have bleach blonde hair, Leah dyed hers dark brown so people could tell the difference between us. Were both 53 and weigh in at about 110 pounds. Jordin has blonde hair just like me but she takes after my dad so shes 58. See it all started last week when Leah...

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No Regrets

Once you open Pandora’s Box there is no turning back; conversely, once you let your son fuck your box there is definitely no turning back. My life was ruined my loving husband had caught my darling son turning me into a submissive woman.My adult son had seduced me completely and I knew from that moment on I was his, and after a long day of lovemaking… where lust overwhelmed common sense… I woke up to the aftermath of my decision.My husband had caught me handcuffed to the bed. Cum all over my...

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Rogue reliving without regrets

She had many names attached to her, most of them she didn’t want nor would she want to call anyone who she liked… She was curled up on her bed unable to sleep. So many memories came back to haunt her in the deep of the night. She looked around the shared room and despised how she and the Brotherhood were floating from flop house to flop house while her former so-called friends had rebuilt the mansion and were living in luxury. She looked out the cracked window as spotted a shooting star… A...

3 years ago
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Here I lay in my bed, face buried in my pillows as Daniel grinds his enormous dick deep in my aching bung hole, Daniel had called on me, as usual, at my window and I helped him in and let him climb in bed with me to satisfy his desire for sex. Daniel was cognizance of my folks room down the hall and was particulate not to make much noise. In order not to make my bed squeak we would have sex on the floor, but to night Daniel had insisted on having sex in my bed. The first night Daniel was in my...

2 years ago
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Her Revenge 8211 Part 2 Husband Has No Regrets

Sneha saw the pics and videos sent by her husband, Nitin, on my phone. He was fucking prostitutes and taking erotic massage in Bangkok. Sneha got upset and went back home. I called my wife and updated her and asked her to speak to Sneha. She would certainly listen to my wife. I was completely taken back by her behavior towards me. I expressed it to my wife. It was in the heat of the moment I understood that. But I felt very bad. My wife called me later and told me that she has spoken to Sneha...

4 years ago
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Dressed No Regrets

Toooooo many of the stories on here concerning cross dressers have to do with forced feminization or masters or mistresses. That’s total bullshit. Most do the deed because it’s what they desire for their own satisfaction. So I will do my best to portray this story as it was told to me. Married late 30’s 6’ 190#. Totally absorbed in interracial porn. Trying desperately to but to no avail y’all my wife into an interracial experience. She barely tolerates my obsession. But not without the regular...

3 years ago
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Any Regrets

Trapped by a treacherous landslide and now metres below the trail we found ourselves marooned on a rocky outcrop hundreds of feet above ground level. Regardless of which path we might have chosen to risk our lives on there wasn't enough time to outrun the volcano. Had it not been for the peril and distress we were feeling we might have taken note at that moment of the most prolific view imaginable. One could see endlessly from there to the dim orange skewed horizon. My sister Carmen was...

2 years ago
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My Wife with Another Man Thrills and Regrets

Chapter 1 I've always fantasized about my wife with other men. Jen is no prude but she's always thought I was crazy. I'm certain she's been completely faithful to me for the 10 years of our marriage. Sometimes, though, she humors me by fantasizing about other men while we're making love. One guy we liked fantasizing about was Ralph, who was married to Lynn. Whenever we'd get together Ralph would flirt with my wife, and she loved the attention. Ralph is handsome and athletic, and I know...

3 years ago
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Big Brother He lives just beside my house, he was like a big brother to me since I was young. I remembered once it happened when I was five, a big and fierce dog was chasing after me, afraid and scared as he could be, he still took up a stick and shouted at the dog, miracly the dog just ran away. I, scared out of my wits, I cried. All I remembered next was I was lying by his hug. My First Relationship He was a very smart boy, since young, his grades are all distinctive As. I was just a...

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I know I'm to blame. It was my idea in the first place, after all. Now I get to lie here and listen to my wife purr, I swear she's actually purring, in contentment without me being the slightest bit involved. And it burns my britches 'cause I've no one to blame but myself. It was a bit of laziness on my part, actually. The wife's always been one to enjoy herself in bed. A hurried job once in a while is OK, but try that too often? No siree, Bob; that dog just won't hunt. Well, you have...

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Earths CoreChapter 2 Fifty Three Regrets

Zetsa's dark gold aura began to emit wild contrasting temperatures, like oil and water, cold and heat that exchanged places unceasingly. Though she made progress in the past three years and advanced to the Advanced phase of the Mist Lord level, Zetsa was still stuck in the Radical Fiery Icy Provocation Qi refining technique's last phase of the third stage. However, by taking a step farther from the first two phases of the third stage and reaching the state of merging the characteristic of...

2 years ago
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Glastonbury 2013

Chapter 1 Tuesday 25, June My name is Tony Gates and I own and run a ten bedroom, Georgian period guesthouse in Shepton Mallet, Somerset. I work long hours sometimes and I don't get rich as a result of doing it, but I'm my own boss and I suppose that I'm relatively happy. Most of the bookings are made through the Internet nowadays, so all that I have to do is check my email account for the automated notifications every morning after I've made the breakfasts and then cleared everything...

4 years ago
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lastmales tale

My name is Jack Lastmale and it seems like I'm the last male in the world. 16 years ago, nobody knows why, but every male vanished from this world. But somehow I'm still here and I want to save the world! I don't think I can get every women pregnant in this world but i want to try it so I'm boarded a caravan to see the world. I came from a little village in the south, my family has a farm there. I lived there with my mother and with my three sisters. I'm the smallest in the family and the only...

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It was a beautiful sunny day and I decided to have my coffee and cigarette outside, as I sat there minding my own business I was looking across the road where the neighbour was having some work done in their house. I saw an older man about 40 plastering a wall and his younger assistant, probably about 20, was helping him.Then the older guy pushed him against the wall and started to kiss him, his hands were somewhere else as the younger man had his arm across his shoulders and his head in the...

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plasterer fucks rich mature lady

this is a true story. I am a plasterer (dryliner) and when this happened i was 29 years old and running my owe business.I went too the job and with my college john (dad who is a lot older 58) the job was i harrogate an expensive part of north yorkshire and when i pulled up outside the house was very old and very big there was a nice car on the drive and the place smelt of money.I went to the door and rang the bell the lady of the house answered the door she introduced herself as Caroline and...

3 years ago
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Lastnights dream fuck

This is an dream I had lastnight. I do know the woman in the dream. I have wanted her for almost an year. Shes 5 foot 5, her breasts are b maybe c cup, she has black hair, she white and she wears thick black glasses but her still is somewhere between punk and emo.Another guy and I are standing in an large department store when Tiffany comes out of some room. The other man and I talk her and we find an empty room. He and I take turns stripping her down. He takes off her shirt and bra and I take...

1 year ago
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Longlasting Desire For My Neighbour

Hello friends, this is Ajay. This is about how i had sex with my neighbour girl who is just 19 years old. My neighbour is a Orissa family who recently got a baby girl. Since both are working, my neighbour brought her sister to Bangalore. She is the heroine of the story. She is just 18 years old. But has a very good body & structure. She is definitely a virgin. The most beautiful asset of her body is her ass. Her ass is well shaped and tightly packed. I always had an eye on the girl from the day...

3 years ago
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Plastique Surgery

Master Mold Plastique SurgeryBy Darqside Her blindfold was removed and she could see before her a laboratory with several computer panels and monitoring devices. ?Miss Williams?? a voice from behind her crooned. ?Roger Vaincroft!? Her eyes were now filled with hatred and anger at the sing-song man standing behind her. ?Ah?so you remember me, my dear?that?s good!? I was hoping the very reason my career as a plastic surgeon ended would at least remember my voice, if not my face.? The man...

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Reddit PLASTT, aka r/PLASST! Have you ever heard about PLASTT? If you are a part of Reddit.com and have been for a while, then you must have run into a subreddit called r/PLASTT/. However, if you have not, I am here to explain all that you really need to know. Starting with what r/PLASTT/ even means, to what it offers, and whether I think that this subreddit is worth your time.Let’s not forget who you are talking to… I am a pro when it comes to talking about porn and telling you what is what....

Reddit NSFW List
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Jav Last! There are currently so many tube sites on the net and more continue to pop up every day. The thing is, though, tubes often don’t focus on specific niche content and instead dedicate their time to availing large quantities of all kinds of content. The result is websites with a little bit of everything that’s often not enough to satisfy your needs fully. So what can you do when you want to jerk off to a fantastic assortment of, say, quality Japanese adult videos (JAV) without having to...

Asian Porn Sites
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Longlasting desire for my Neighbour

100% fiction!Hello friends, this is Ajay. I am from bangalore. this is about how i had sex with my neighbor girl who is just 19 years old. My neighbor is a orissa family who recently got a baby girl. since both are working, my neighbor brought her sister to bangalore. she is the heroine of the story. She is just 18 years old. But has a very good body & structure. she is definitely a virgin. The most beautiful asset of her body is her ass. her ass is well shaped and tightly packed. I always had...

2 years ago
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Lasting Impressions The Pregnancy Chapter 1

Lasting Impressions the Pregnancy: Chapter 1 By: ASTRO Jess and I have spent a wonderful two years together since our last body excursion. We both understood each other on a deeper level and found that our love grew more and more each day. We were happy, but I could tell that Jess still longed for the day she could swap with me again, and I secretly wished for it too. Do not get me wrong, I hated having a period and having 20lbs of flesh hanging and...

3 years ago
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Lasting Impressions The Melting Pot

L.I. - The Melting Pot It was just another day in college to me or so I thought. The spring semester had started about two weeks ago and I was in a hurry again. I was just a normal guy in the mix of things. I am 5'10" with a medium frame. I had a flat stomach, but I was not cut; actually there was not much muscle to me at all. I have dark black hair that was only kept the first few days after I got a haircut. I come from a middle class family from northern Michigan. I was a...

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Lasting Impressions How It All Started

Lasting Impressions: How It All Started The new white paint on the outside of the laboratory did it little good. The water damaged roof, broken gutters, and busted window still gave the place a "drug production" look. "Finally, the city will quit hounding us over the graffiti," Eagan said. Catherine just rolled her eyes. The bars over the few windows the lab did have and the steel door on the front was not esthetically pleasing by anyone's standards. The grass in front...

1 year ago
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Lasting Impressions The Change

Lasting Impressions By: ASTRO Many people used to wonder what it would be like to experience life from the opposite sex's point of view. I, like many people have their own story to tell about how new technology changed my life. My name is AJ. I am married and a father of two little girls. I am a 25 year old Caucasian male with an athletic body. My life has been pretty normal. I am a mechanical engineer and live in a nice home near the city of South Bend,...

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Lasting Impressions The Pregnancy Chapter 2

Day 23 AJ and I have been screwing each other like bunnies. We would get a session in every morning and every night. Each day I would wake up use a bio sensor to see if I was pregnant and then go screw my husband's brains out. AJ kept telling me that I had to be patient. It could take a month or more for my body to find its own natural cycle and that coming down off birth control takes a little time. Well it took too long because I had to go through another one of my painful...

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Lasting Impression Chapter 2 Day 1

Lasting Impressions: Chapter 2 By: ASTRO Day 1 The next morning I felt like I was waking up from a dream. I reached over to wake up my wife only to find that no one was in bed with me. I looked at the clock after pulling my hair out of my face and looked at the time. I paused as my actions started to sink in. First of all the clock must be broken. The time read 9:28 AM, and second why is there hair in my face. I sat up in a panic and felt the weight of...

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Lasting Impressions Chapter 8 Last Day

Lasting Impressions: Chapter 8 By: ASTRO Day 35 The alarm clock went off at 7 AM. I was my normal groggy self as I moaned and complained. AJ had to take the covers off of me so I would wake up. We had to be on the maglift by 10 AM if we were going to make our appointment. We had a little time and AJ knew exactly what to do to wake me up. My vision was just beginning to clear when I felt AJ grab my feet and pull them up in the air. I was flipped on my...

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Lasting Impressions Chapter 3 Day 2

Lasting Impressions: Chapter 3 By: ASTRO Day 2 I woke up the next morning again with the surprise of finding myself in my wife's body, but I was quicker to calm down this time. AJ had set the alarm for me at 7 AM as he left for the gym before work. I was very out of it this early in the morning. I slid out of bed and walked into the bathroom. There was a note on mirror. Jess you are acting like an idiot. We had sex yesterday and you have not taken...

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Lasting Impressions Chapter 6 Day 18

Lasting Impressions: Chapter 6 By: ASTRO Day 18 I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock. AJ was a work today and I had an appointment with the doctor this afternoon. Thankfully AJ was going to get off work early to watch the kids. I went about my day unchanged from before. I was dressing as conservatively as I could, considering my options. I really did not feel sexy today. I was also very fearful of going and seeing a doctor. As a nurse I had...

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Lasting Impressions Chapter 7 Days 2530

Lasting Impressions: Chapter 7 By: ASTRO Day 25-30 I woke up this morning feeling a little off. I was for the most part really tired. AJ had set the alarm for me like he always did, but for some reason I was pissed off that he set it to wake me up. I calmed down pretty quickly and thought that I was acting a little irrational. I pulled the silk sheets off and stretched as I got out of bed. I was happy to be waking up as a woman, and I was starting to...

4 years ago
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Lasting Impressions Chapter 4 Day 67

Lasting Impressions: Chapter 4 By: ASTRO Day 6-7 I woke up to the alarm clock going off at noon. I rolled over realizing that my plan to stay up late last night worked out. I had to work the night shift tonight as Jessica and I was a little nervous. I had not tried to use her memories yet, and I did not know what that was going to be like. I rolled out of bed without any surprise from the feelings of my body. I had come to accept the swaying of my...

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Lasting Impressions Chapter 5 Day 14

Lasting Impressions: Chapter 5 By: ASTRO Day 14 It has been two weeks since the switch and I felt fantastic. I never realized being a woman could make me feel so energetic and alive. Working part time was nice too, because the hospital did not need me this weekend. I woke up this morning with a smile on my face and grabbed whatever underwear was easily available. I grabbed some jean shorts ... really short shorts, and a tight feminine t-shirt with...

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Linus woke up normally, just as any other. But one thing felt odd, he felt a bit too loose - like after having a really good massage. He didn't think more about it besides it feeling really good, all of his normal stiffness was gone. He checked his phone but nothing interesting got his interest. After a few minutes, he decided that it was time for breakfast, so he sat up, placed his legs over the edge and sat there staring at his stomach. Normally his stomach was flat, with a bit of excessive...

3 years ago
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Everlasting Summer

I'll be updating this story as often as I can, and as inspiration comes. For now, I hope you enjoy what's here! Atlanta, Georgia, 1988. The hottest summer of the past fifty years. The Cold War is reaching its climax, but things have never been hotter. America is absolutely burning up, and the temperature is only rising. In one of the busiest cities in the South East, even finding a place to cool off is starting to become a rarity. An ice cold glass of Coca-Cola, even one that's lukewarm is...

2 years ago
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Everlasting memory

Life is all about memories. You never know when a small incident can turn up into a memorable time and long lasting memory in your life. Well, I am Anand; I am working in Bangalore now in an IT industry. About myself, I am a very average looking guy. The incident I am going to share with you is of about 13 years back when I was a student studying in a college. I used to travel by train to reach my college everyday which is 60 Km away from my home town. Very first day in my class, I saw a very...

3 years ago
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Everlasting Love

I can't remember when Amy and I weren't best friends, we were both very small when they moved in next door to us and my parents tell me that within half an hour Amy and I were playing together in out garden. Our parents quickly became friends with each other too and we were always in and out of each other's house, we all went on holiday together and Christmas days were always spent in company with them, both sets of parents even invested in an extra bed so we could stay over as often as we...

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EverlastingChapter 2

Back to the fall after their trip to Maui... Amie is crazy about fall. It always seems to her that it is the start of something new and exciting. This year, she and Lex are seniors in high school and only one more year and she'll start college. "Your father must be home Amie, his car is in the garage." "Yes, Mom, he said he would be home today. He must've caught an early flight because I didn't expect him until around 6:00." Marnie pulled the car up to the curb and Amie threw the...

1 year ago
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EverlastingChapter 4

Spring, a month before high school graduation... "Did you ask my mother about going to Maui with Dad and me after graduation, Lexi?" "Yes. She raised a huge fuss, but I told her if I couldn't go for the month, then I was going to move out. She relented, but she is not at all happy. I don't really give a shit if she is or not actually." "I didn't want to cause trouble, but I know how much you liked the last trip. Dad wants to show us 'the other side of Maui'. The side that is away...

4 years ago
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EverlastingChapter 5

The wind was howling and there is a light snow falling. School was out for the day and Alexis wouldn't drive in the snow, so the girls are spending the first "alone time" together in awhile. Amie and Alexis were sitting on Amie's (and her father's) bed looking through some picture albums together. They were dressed casually in panties with a top and nothing else. Amie's back was to her best friend who has her arms around her and her chin on Amie's shoulder trying to see over her...

4 years ago
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plastic breathplay fun

James and Rebecca had always enjoyed an erotic lifestyle in the bedroom and got up to loads of fun such as tying each other up in bed while making out and while Rebecca enjoyed this, she wanted to push it further.Rebecca had been trawling through the internet sites on kinky fun looking for something she could entice James into trying out and stumbled upon a picture of someone wearing a latex catsuit while covered in plastic, the sight of this picture made her horny and she really wanted to try...

3 years ago
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Plastic Wrap Self bondage Direction

true story: Many years ago, I loved to chat on the internet.... it was still new. I've been enjoying self bondage since puberty. Essentially straight, I would fantasize about a dom leather couple making me their little sissy slave. I love bondage, plastic and submission. One evening, I started chatting with a dom... a guy. It was hypnotizing. This is what happened on one of the rare times I cammed. I could see him from the waist down. Leather vest, chaps and gloves. His man parts not...

3 years ago
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Plastic Pansy Puff

Dear friends, sorry it's been so long. You can buy the dress online, just use a search engine... ------------------------------- The dress was his idea. You like black, frilly, satin maid's dresses, yeah OK, even pink.... But Daddy knew that you liked that and Daddy didn't want you to feel too sexy. Not today, not the first time. Daddy knew what you wanted deep down. He knew that guys like you, who end up in this situation, talking to him, listening to him, dressing for...

4 years ago
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Blast from the past 2

Introduction: Birthday Surprise! Blast from the past part 2: Birthday Surprise! This part of the story isnt true, although I wish some parts were&hellip,happy reading. It was Saturday November 3rd, the day before Doms birthday. I havent heard much from him since I met his mom. He said Katie (the girlfriend) didnt suspect anything, but she was still pretty pissed about it. I couldnt believe that she wasnt blowing up my phone. I know if the situation was reversed that is probably what I would...

2 years ago
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Plastic Surgeryholics

Plastic Surgeryholics By Leticia Latex (formerly BlowMuP) (c)2002 "So...? What do you think?" asked Amber as she walked out of the surgeon's office. "I love them and I can't wait to try them," answered Mike as he reached out for her. A wicked smile formed on her full lips, "Try them? Michael Fraser, you perverted little tease!" she said. Amber Fisher and Mike Fraser had found in each other a common passion for plastic surgery. Their combined salaries allowed them to start...

3 years ago
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Plastic Danni Chambers reached for the small plastic object on the desk, and then pulled her hand away as if it had been burned. She put her one hand on top of the other, trying to stop the trembles that started at the tips of her fingers and went all the way to her core. It was just a piece of plastic, after all, an innocent object. In fact its presence here represented the best news of her life - she was finally whole, complete, and its purpose was to make sure that the...

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