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Acting? Janet L. Stickney [email protected] As I stood there enduring the torture of being laced into the corset, panting from the loss of breathing room, I felt a foot in my back as the laces were pulled tighter, until at last, my mom said she was done, tying a knot in the strings and tucking them into the lacing of the corset. I already had on the ruffled, knee length pettipants, a camisole and a bra stuffed with very realistic breast forms. Standing up, the dress was put over my head and zipped up, the dark green satin skirt laying low on my legs as she slipped several petticoats under the skirt, all the way to my waist. Elbow length sleeves capped with white lace stood above the white gloves I wore. The decollete was impressive, especially since I had no real bustline of my own, but it was accented by my now tiny 22 inch waist, drawn down to that size by the corset. I stepped into the white satin shoes and stood still as mom made some last minute corrections to my hair, which had been set with rollers the night before. "You could do it you know," Tom told me, "in fact, I'll bet you would be better at it than most girls!" "That's ridiculous," I said, "and you know it! And what makes you think that I would look better than say...Janet?" "Ohhhh," he said with a smile, "that time you wore that Cinderella dress for the school party, or maybe that time we saw you and Cheryl together at the Burger Bin?" Tom sat back grinning. "No, you can't say that you haven't done it before, all you can do is try to go for it." "But that's a girl's role!" "Yeah," Tom said with a smirk, "but after Kenny sued them, they have to make all parts open to everyone, and that's you!" "What about Kenny?" I asked. "He might try out too..." "You can't be serious? Kenny?" Laughing Tom went on. "You know how he looks, sure, he won the right to wear dresses to school, but he doesn't even try to look like a girl! No makeup, nothing!" The school annual play was being cast, and having been in every production since I started high school, I was familiar with most aspects of theater. There were not many good male parts, and while I was a logical candidate for one of them, those roles traditionally went to the seniors. Leaving barely anything for the rest of us. Tom and I grew up together, like brothers almost, yet for years I had managed to hide my secret from him. I liked to dress up as a girl, I always had, and until that costume dance last year, I had never dared leave the house. It was only under intense pressure from my sister Cheryl that I did it. Then, about a month later, when I was completely out of my mind, she and I went out for the afternoon, which is when he saw us at the Burger Bin. Now he was urging me to try out for the lead female role in the play! Tom was a shoe in for one of the parts in the play, tall at 5'10" he had "the look" that masculine easy manner that drove girls crazy, and he carried himself in a manner that didn't fit his looks, but he didn't really date. He told me that when the right girl came along, he would know. Until then, why waste time and money on girls that only wanted to be seen with him? On the other hand I fit in about average with the rest of the guys, although I'm a tad shorter than most of them at 5'7" tall. Having Tom tell me to try out for a female role sounded ludicrous, and at first I dismissed it as just so much air, even when the leading candidate for the starring role transferred because her dad got a new job. The director for all of our plays was an odd duck named Ethel. An older woman, she always had a very firm vision on how a play should look and sound, which always demanded a high level of detail not usually found in high school plays. Her standards were very high, but that's why she held 14 National trophies for exceptional productions. Having dismissed Tom's suggestion that I try out for one of the female leads, regardless of what he knew, or thought he knew, you can imagine my surprise when I was called into Ethel's office. She began without any preamble the minute I sat down. "As you know, Janie is no longer available for any role in our play, which leaves me without anyone to play the lead." "What does that have to do with me?" I asked, wondering if Tom had talked to her. "What about Chelsea? She's pretty good, and I know that she could do it." "Yes," Ethel said, "Chelsea is a good actress, but she doesn't have the 'look' that I want. The lead has to be a woman that's strong, harsh in some ways, yet be able to be feminine when it's called for. All of the other girls are too inexperienced for me to even consider, which led to my asking you here today." That's when I knew what was coming, shocked that she would even consider it! I was unable to say a word. "I want you to consider the leading female role." "Me?" I asked incredulously. "You want me to play the lead female? Are you out of your mind?" Pausing when I realized what I said. "Sorry Ma'am, but..." "Just how many male actors have played women's roles in history?" she asked me. "Starting in Shakespeare's time? How about Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis? Or maybe Patrick Swayze? All of them are without a doubt very masculine men, yet all of them have played women's roles on stage and in film, so I see no reason for you to think that you are any better than they are! Now really," she said softly, "we both know that you can do this if you put your mind to it, and your voice has not yet gone so deep that you could not raise it a bit to sound a little more feminine, so, will you give it a try?" It was an impossible situation. On the one hand I really wanted to do it, since I would have the chance to dress as a girl again, and be perfectly legitimate about it, while on the other hand, I knew that the script called for the leading man, in this case probably Tom, to kiss me at least three times! Ethel, without asking me again, and after waiting for me to respond, simply told me that she was going to assign the role to me! Then she told me that I would need to be fitted for my costumes, giving me the address of the shop I would have to visit. When I left her office I didn't know whether to shout in dismay or joy. Keeping the news to myself all day, it was only when my sister asked me during dinner, while she passed a plate, if I had the taken the leading role, that it came out. I told everyone what Ethel had said, expecting dad, an avid theater fan, to say that I couldn't do it, but all he said was that I should do whatever it took to "capture the role and bring a new dimension to it." Mom on the other hand gave me a funny look. As Cheryl and I finished the dishes, mom asked me to join her in her sewing room, "for a quick chat", which I just knew was going to be interesting. Mom sat in one chair, pointing at the other, then, when I sat down... "I'm sure," mom said as I sat down, "that Ethel picked you for this role because she knows that you can do it, but we both know something she doesn't. The fact that you like dressing up as a girl,! Don't try to deny it! Now then, given what I do know, have you considered just how hard this is going to be?" Mom paused slightly, but kept talking without waiting for me to answer. "Ethel has had nine of her last twelve plays on tour, and there is no reason to expect that this one won't be just as popular, and given the fact that you'll have over twenty performances here alone, I am wondering if you had even considered this. Would it be better for you to simply dress as a girl all of the time?" "You want me to dress as a girl all of the time? Mom!" "Don't play stupid and try to outfox me young man! We both know that this is going to be the most demanding role of your life, and there isn't any doubt in my mind that you'll want to do your very best, you always do. But that leads me to think that becoming a girl full time would let you get used to all of the mannerisms a girl uses, and you'll certainly feel less inhibited on stage, especially if there is a love scene!" Waiting for what she said to sink in, "Having my son wearing dresses is not what I had in mind when you were born honey, but there is no fighting mother nature; if she wants you to be a girl, then you'll become one, and given the number of times that you and Cheryl have played dress up, I'm almost certain that you're putting up a fuss because you think it's the manly thing to do. It isn't. It's the stupidest thing you could do." "Huh?" She lost me. "What I mean is, if you take this role, and we help you become more like a girl, your performance will be that much better, won't it? If you attend school as a girl, then you'll always have that experience to draw on during your performance. Plus, you'll get to dress as a girl, which you obviously like to do anyway, and on top of that, you will not be as out of place during rehearsals." Sitting back, she grinned at me. "What name do you use when you and Cheryl play dress up?" With a sigh I sat back in the chair, looking at mom for some sign that she was being sneaky again. Seeing none, I sat up quickly, deciding to take some of the wind out of her sails. "Carol is the name I use mom. Say I do this, and do attend school as a girl. Then we have to do it my way, not yours. I don't want to end up looking like a 40 year old teenager, so Cheryl and I will pick out my clothes, not you, and I want your word that you and dad won't put me in any awkward positions." "So!" mom said with a smile. "Now we finally get to the truth!" With that, I realized that mom had neatly managed to maneuver me into admitting that I liked to dress as a girl, then tell her the name that I used! I was crushed. "Carol, that's a very pretty name dear, and since you have admitted that you like dressing up as a girl, at least well enough to give yourself a girl's name, let's cut through the rest shall we?" Smiling she went on. "I will agree with you that Cheryl has more idea about being a teenage girl than I do, however, you will be properly dressed at all times, just like she is, and make no mistake, I will insist on that. No matter where you go, or what you do, you will always be properly dressed." At last! I thought mom got it! "Now tell me, I'll find out anyway, how do Cheryl's clothes fit you?" "They fit okay I guess, a bit tight in the waist, but other than that..." "You stand right there," she told me, "and I will get a few measurements, then on Friday after school, your days as a boy are over until the run of the play is done. Then we'll talk some more. Now stand up please." Mom measured me from head to toe, reassuring me that she wasn't going to embarrass me, but once again reminded me what she had said, that I would be "properly dressed at all times." I gave it no thought because I thought that as long as I dressed like Cheryl, I would be okay. Only the thought of appearing in school as a girl dragged at me. My only redemption would be if Ethel informed the school I was doing it as a prelude to doing the play, and made a mental note to ask her to do just that. I knew that I wouldn't look as bad as Kenny, but he didn't even try either. He was making a statement while I would be the girl I always wanted to be. The next day I talked to Ethel, and while she seemed a little shocked that I would even consider coming to school dressed as a girl, she agreed to smooth the way for me when I appeared as a girl on the following Monday morning, but she was the only one I told. Not even Cheryl knew at that point. The next two days dragged by slowly, then on Friday after school, mom and I went to my room, shut the door, and she told me just how proud she was of me for doing this. "Who knows? Maybe this will be your big break!" Sitting next to me on the bed..."I'm sorry if I sounded harsh the other night, but you have an exceptional talent on stage, a charisma that not many have. That's why I suggested that you dress as a girl all of the time. You don't have to of course, but given that you LIKE dressing as a girl and the demands this role is going to place on you, there isn't going to be very much middle ground I'm afraid. As I see it, either you dress full time and learn how to be a perfectly lovely young lady, or you risk becoming a parody, which is the very last thing you want to have happen. Since perfect is the goal, we have to make sure that you at least look like a girl! But first, we have to talk a little. Last years play was on tour for what? 19 weeks?" "Yeah," I said, "we were doing so well that there was even talk of going longer!" "I'll remind you of what I told you the other day. What happens," mom said softly, "if that same thing happens this year? What I mean," she went on, "is that if you take the lead female role, you might find yourself dressing as a girl for up to six months!" She let me think about that for a moment, then... "what I think might not matter to you, but I'm guessing that having to constantly change from boy to girl and back again, three, maybe four times a week for probably the next six months, is going to get tiresome pretty quickly, especially if you have early classes the next day, or a big test, or your extra tired, whatever. How soon would it be before you simply say the hell with it and go to school as a girl, simply because it'll be easier?" "You're telling me," I said, "that's why you think it would be better for me to just become a girl for the run of the play, right?" "Only if you want to honey, but given the fact that you seem to like dressing up as a girl, I thought you might jump at the chance to do this. I told you before that this is not what I had in mind for you, and if you elect to try and do this by changing back and forth all of the time I will not stop you, but..." "I get it mom," I said somewhat quickly, "if I agree, then it will have to be my decision, right?" "Right. Neither your father or I will make this kind of decision, that will be up to you." I sat there next to mom, silent as all kinds of thoughts ran through my mind, especially starting with going to school as a girl. Even though Ethel told me that she would take care of it, and I knew she would, and even discounting Kenny because all he did was wear dresses, but still looked like a guy. If I did it, I would have to look like a normal every day kind of girl. According to mom, and she was very emphatic about it, there would be nothing, to tell me apart from the rest of the girls in school. Just that alone would put me way out on a limb, a thin, reedy limb. Oh, I knew how I looked, and I knew that I could do it, probably anyway, and I was sure that most kids would understand, but a few wouldn't, and that's what made me think about this carefully. The few that would not understand were the same ones that could arrange a quick beating, just to show their displeasure. As I looked at mom, she gave me no indication how I should decide, yet as my mind drifted back to that time Cheryl and I went out, and the many times she and I had played dress up, I knew there wasn't any way I was going to let this chance slip by. I just couldn't pass up the chance to live my dream. "Okay," I said calmly and without smiling, "I'll do it." As soon as I said that, mom went on to carefully describe what she thought I would have to do, starting with the complete removal of every trace of hair on my body below my eyebrows, including my groin, then she told me how we were going to do it. After my heart stopped beating so hard that I was sweating, I went to my room with mom, undressed, then stood there and let her slather on that cream, holding my arms out and spreading my legs, so she could reach every part of me. I had not planned on her doing that, but she insisted, and embarrassed or not, she had her way. After what seemed like a long wait, I went to the shower and washed it all off, seeing my body hair, what little there was of it, wash down the drain. My groin looked...bald, and I felt itchy all over. Mom and I rubbed in a lotion which made the itching go away, then mom handed me some panties to put on, telling me that in the morning we would finish the rest. Over dinner, mom told everyone that I was going to begin getting into the role by dressing as a girl every day for the run of the play, and that she and I would be the only ones to decide how I was going to do it. Her comments were said to everyone, but specifically directed at Cheryl. I said nothing while dad merely choked a little. Mom reminded him that he told me to "capture the role and bring a new dimension to it", adding that becoming a girl was also method acting. Dad didn't say a word. The next day, expecting to begin dressing as a girl, mom told me to get dressed, then we left together, driving across town to a small plaza. Still wearing my normal boy clothes, but knowing what mom told me was going to happen, I was confused, but said nothing as I anticipated what was about to happen to me. "I called ahead," mom told me, "and they know all about what you're doing, so just answer her questions and everything will be just fine, okay?" Seeing the name of the store, which clearly told what they did when we pulled into the parking lot, I said "okay mom." After a quick introduction, the woman wasted no time, telling me to remove my shirt, then began making a mold that went from my upper chest to my waist, then mom and I sat and watched as, like a mad chemist, she began pouring chemicals into a pot, adding color as she constantly checked my skin tone against what she was brewing. Watching her was like seeing a witch stirring a cauldron while chanting strange words. From the female mold she made a male mold, then used that to create a pair of breasts that looked as lifelike as I had ever seen anywhere, and except for the fact that I knew they were latex, I would have sworn they were real! When she fit them against my skin, there was no discernible line, and they weren't even attached! As I watched in the mirror, an adhesive was smeared on my chest as well as the forms, then she attached them to my chest as a single unit, like a band across my chest. After a few minutes, when she told me I could touch them, I was stunned to find that they felt like the real thing! While they were not warm to the touch, she told that after an hour or so they would be, and since they were an exact fit against my chest, I would be able to feel every touch, bump, and with a wink, she added, squeeze. Taking me by the hand, mom and I went in a small room where she handed me a bra, waiting until I had it on before she gave me a blouse to wear. Paying the bill, she and I left, the unfamiliar bounce and tug of breasts making me feel as if I had taken one giant step towards being a girl. Then mom took me to her salon where I had my hair cut and styled, my nails cleaned, filed, made longer and painted a soft plum color, then we went home. On the way... "I am led to believe," mom said, "that those breast forms can be worn for months at a time without taking them off. Janet, the woman that made them told me that they are the current state of the art and very popular with many women that need them. Just looking at them, I am certain they will make it much easier for you to feel like the girl you are supposed to be. Now remember, when we get home, a friend of mine is coming over, and she will help us make you look even more like a girl than the breast forms do!" "Better than this?" I thought that I had reached the pinnacle of what was possible, but of course, after mom told me there was more, I knew that I had not yet reached that pinnacle, yet I didn't have a clue as to what mom meant by what she said. Only a guess, that and the fact that she had told me that she had a way to insure that no matter what I wore, nobody would ever think I was a guy! Since she failed to tell me exactly what her "friend," was going to do, all I had was a guess, but there was only one thing left. I wasn't even sure it was possible without using a knife, but mom wouldn't do that, so I kept silent. Nobody was at home when we got there, and mom quickly made a call. Then she and I went to my room, where she told me exactly what she had in mind, which sounded just as crazy as I thought it would be, and at first I wasn't sure it could be done! As much as I wanted to be able to dress as a girl, I wasn't even sure that I was ready to lose it, but when mom pointed out that it might have a mind of it's own, almost certainly at the wrong moment, she also asked me, "Just how much of a girl do you want to be?" Unwilling to say it out loud, I simply nodded my head in agreement, hoping for the best but fearing the worst. When the woman arrived, mom told me that she was a Registered Nurse, adding that she had done this same procedure twice before, both times for her husband, a shrink that had patients that wanted to examine living as a woman before they made the final commitment. The woman told me that what she was going to do would remain in place for as long as I wanted it to, was perfectly safe, and completely reversible. Then she went over every step of the procedure with me, beginning to end, letting me ask questions, making sure that I understood everything. When I said that I did and agreed to let her do it, I lay on the bed, on my back, letting her slip the needle into me just below my belt line. I fell asleep within moments, and when I woke up, my hand went to my groin as a natural reflex. I did not find my familiar weapon, but a thin slit! I was all alone in the room, so I explored with my fingers, finding that if I were careful, my finger would go in to about to the first knuckle! I lay in bed until my senses returned, then I got up, slipped on my panties, my jeans, flats and a blouse. Wandering into the kitchen I found the nurse and mom sipping on coffee. The nurse asked how it felt, I said fine, then she and mom went outside, leaving me to sit there. So far, only mom and I knew what had happened to me. In one day I had gone from skinny guy to buxom girl, and had my hair and nails done! I now looked like my sister! When mom came in, she told to go change into a skirt and blouse or a dress, using something of Cheryl's, adding that I should also put some makeup on. Touching her arm, she stopped, and I hugged her to me, holding on tightly. "Thanks mom." "I wasn't going to do any of this at first," she told me, "then I knew that I had to do it, not to make it easier for you at school honey, but when I realized how you felt about this, I had to let you do this, just to make it easier for you to understand yourself." Mom paused. "The play was the catalyst, but you needed to find out about yourself, and this is the best way, since everything can be reversed." "Dad's going to have a cow when he sees me mom." "Probably, but he'll get over it, and besides, you needed to see what it was like to be a girl all the time, and this just seemed the right thing to do. Now you'll have to suffer through all of the things guys take for granted, like standing in a long line just to use the bathroom, or just how messy it is to be a girl, and all the work it takes to look nice every day, but you knew all that or you would have stopped me somewhere along the way. Having your manhood adjusted that way, turning you into what looks like a girl was the last thing to do, and you had the chance to say no, but you didn't, and that says a lot, doesn't it?" "It says that I'm a girl now mom!" "No, it only says that you look like a girl now. To become a girl you'll have to learn all the things we know instinctively, then manage to hold back all of your male instincts at the same time. Believe me, that is going to be harder than anything else you'll ever do!" Mom and I went up to my room where she straightened out my hair, told me to fix my makeup and how, then selected a dress for me to wear, telling me that I might as well make a really visual statement when Cheryl and dad saw me. The dress she picked out revealed enough of my breasts to make it clear that I was no longer the brother and son they had seen leave the house that morning. Mom and I were on the patio when Cheryl and dad came home, and as I stood up, I saw Cheryl's eyes go wide while dad stopped dead in his tracks. Cheryl could wear the dress I had on, if she padded a little, so she knew right away that whatever we had done, it was terrific. Dad however asked me if I had used tape or something to create what he saw. I told him, "or something," without going into detail. He didn't have any need to know right then. Maybe later. Unable to hold in her curiosity in check, Cheryl wanted me to come to her room, but just as she asked me that, the doorbell rang and Cheryl went to get it. Cheryl called my name, so I went in the house and saw Tom standing there. His mouth dropped open, then listened as I was introduced as Carol. "Holy shi... you don't look like you in any way!" "That's the point isn't it?" I asked him. "Besides, you're the one that told me that I might as well try it, and if I remember correctly, you said, "I'll bet you would be better at it than most girls!" Do you think I'm better than most girls? Now that we have met I mean?" Tom was tongue tied for a moment, then he mumbled something about hitting the mall, just walking around for a while. "Strutting," we called it. Looking at Cheryl, I saw her nodding her head yes, so I asked Tom to wait, then went to my room, grabbed my purse, and rejoined him, wearing a big smile on my face. Flustered, Tom stood there for a moment, then mom and dad walked in, and I told them that Tom and I were going to the mall, just to cruise. After mom whispered in dads ear, he didn't even hesitate when he gave me his credit card, telling me that I had to get a few things, adding that mom told him that I knew what to get, and I should go ahead and get them. Then he told Tom to be careful, which he never did when I was a guy! Tom and I went out after I opened the door, leaving for the mall. There was no way to avoid having that short dress ride up, so Tom got a real eyeful when I got in the car, and I could swear that I heard him swallow hard. On the way to the mall... "You look..." Tom said suddenly, "you do know there's going to be a bunch of very unhappy girls the minute you show up that way don't you?" In a way, he sounded pleased. The girls he meant were led by a girl named Jill, a stuck up rich little girl who always got her way at home. "She wanted the part in the play that you've been assigned, and she's been telling everyone that there is no way I guy can look like a girl and make it believable, so I can hardly wait until she gets a look at you!" He was grinning broadly. "She'll get over it Tom," I said, "she never had a chance anyway." "Just how in the hell did you manage to..." he was looking right at my breasts. "make those? I mean, they look...real!" With a smile I said, "Well, they won't fall off, and that's all I can say about that, except to say that if we went to one of those pool parties Bill is so fond of throwing, nobody would be embarrassed, even if I wore a bikini, which I won't do by the way." "I figured you would look okay, but..." "Thanks Tom, now just stay close to me in the mall. I can use the support, Okay?" At the mall we walked around for a while, then I dragged him into a lingerie shop, taking great pleasure in the fact that he knew he was out of place. But he stood there calmly waiting for me while I tried on a corsolet, bought it, plus two bras, then, startled him by taking his hand when we left the shop. I had bought two skirts and a dress when we saw Jill walking towards us, surrounded by her minions. Tom introduced me, telling her that I would be starting school on Monday without going any further. I saw her eyes momentarily narrow, then she radiated a big smile before she and her cohorts walked off. As we stood there, Tom did not, as I expected, let my hand go. Instead, he held on, squeezing it now and then. Later, as the mall was closing, he drove me home, first stopping at an ice cream place, asking me what I wanted. Now, Tom had never treated me to anything, being the skinflint that he was, so a bit startled, I said nothing until he nudged me. I smiled and told him what I wanted. When Tom pulled up in front of my house I half expected him to try something. Maybe even kiss me, but he didn't, simply watched as I went inside. In my room I began to get undressed, and was down to my bra and panties when Cheryl came busting in, quickly shutting the door behind herself. One look was all it took for her to realize that I wasn't padding my bra, but to tweak her a bit, I released the bra, and let it hit the floor. Her eyes went wide, then I slipped my panties off. As I stood there, I slowly turned to face my sister, a grin on my face. She almost started to squeal but I made her be quiet, telling her that dad didn't know yet, and if I were lucky, he never would. Well, she wanted all the details, so we sat on the bed and I told her about everything, how it was done, and so on, then told her that as long as I wasn't having any trouble with my body parts, I was going to keep everything. By the time we went to bed it was late, and I was tired when I got up the next morning, my first day of school beckoning. I went in the bath, temporarily forgetting my new condition, but for the first time, I relieved myself as a girl does. It not only felt strange, I quickly understood what mom meant when she said girls were messy. I wore a plain white bra and panty set with pantyhose, a skirt and blouse, full makeup and my hair brushed into place. I took my purse and books, then went to my car and drove Cheryl and myself to school, confident that I would have no trouble, but as Cheryl and I walked in together, some kids saw us, and quickly made the connection between the old and new me. The way I was dressed raced through the school faster than you might imagine, and by the time I reached my first class, almost everyone knew who I really was. Having been warned by Ethel, all of my teachers went on as if nothing had changed, but the undercurrent around me, that soft murmuring of whispered secrets never abated, and only came to a head when, after my third class, I went in the ladies room. I did not expect much resistance, but after I finished my duty, I was met by Jill, some of her friends, and Heather, the real alpha girl in school. Heather had it all, looks, money, personality, a figure to die for, and the best looking guy in school for a boyfriend. "You're not supposed to be in here," Jill said in a very nasty tone of voice, "this is for girls only, and you're not a girl!" "Quiet Jill." Heather spoke softly, and everyone, including Jill shut right up. "We all know that you have the lead female role in the play, but isn't this going a little far? I mean..." "I don't think so Heather," I said to her in a light tone, "after all, what better way to get the practice I need?" "Shouldn't you be using the guys rest room?" she asked me. "Yeah sure! Take a good look at me Heather, and tell me, just what kind of reaction I would get if I went in there!?" "You don't belong here either!" Jill was almost screaming... "You''re not a girl!" "Be quiet Jill," Heather told her, "or leave! I'll handle this!" As Jill and her friends backed off a little, I moved up real close to Heather, speaking softly, just to her. Having been a guy all my life, I wasn't the least bit intimidated by Heather or Jill, so I said..."There's nothing to handle Heather, I'll continue to use the ladies restrooms because it's the right thing, not because you say it's alright. And Jill there can bitch all she wants to, but it's not going to change things, and you don't want to bet me that I'll have my way. You'll lose, and that'll be bad for your image, so take Jill and her pack of stuck up brats with you, and leave me alone!" With that, I left the restroom with a swirl of my skirt and a smile on my face. I knew, because Cheryl and I talked about it, that I would almost have to provoke one of them into making a stupid move, just so I could prove that they had no way to stop me from dressing as a girl. The first shot had been fired, and I hit Heather right on her ego while at the same time openly castigating Jill for being a bitch. I went to my next class, which happened to be drama, and was run by Ethel. She took one look at me and almost went into rapture, hugging me, then telling everyone that I had the female lead in the play while I stood next to her. Strangely, Tom, my closest friend did not look for me, nor did I see him that day. Three days went by, with each day getting easier as everyone got used to seeing me. I had worn skirts and dresses to emphasize my new status, not planning to wear jeans or slacks unless the weather went sour. That afternoon Heather tugged my sleeve, and we walked outside by the tables. "I'm not your enemy Carol. Jill thinks that I'll protect her, but I won't. I talked to your sister," she started, "and she tells me that somehow, you have managed to become just as much a girl as I am. I find that hard to believe, but I've known you both since grade school, so I'll take her word for it. But I want you do one thing for me." "What's that?" I asked her. "Well..." she started, "Jill is being a real pain in the ass about this, and isn't going to believe Cheryl, she is your sister after all, so what you need to do is find a way to make her quit being such an ass about this. It's just a play after all, but her daddy has lots of money, and she is threatening to sue you and the school, one for letting you use the ladies restrooms, and two, for not assigning her, rather than a guy to the role." "Men have been playing women's part for centuries," I said somewhat shocked, "and there isn't a judge anywhere that will stop that!" "But she might have a case if you keep using the ladies restrooms, which means that you'll have to find a way to make her believe that you have every right she does." Heather and I went back inside, went our own ways, then I had an idea that would not only shake up Jill and make her silent, it would shake up the school as well. On Saturday's the school held an open session where the pool was open to everyone, and as the idea of mine grew in posture, I couldn't help but smile. Then I whispered to someone, who I knew would tell Jill, that I would be using the pool and all of the facilities that coming Saturday. Then I went to find Cheryl. She was with Tom and Bill. When I told them what I wanted to do, the guys split, leaving me to plan my little party with Cheryl. I think Tom and Bill knew that the best course of action around feuding females was to let us have at it, and stay out of it. On the way home Cheryl and I stopped at the mall where I bought a bikini that was so short and tight on the bottom that I knew it would barely, if at all, get passed mom's radar, especially since the top was nothing more than two small triangles held together with string, but when Cheryl saw me in it, and after she quit choking, she also bought one, telling me that I couldn't do this alone, and she wasn't going to miss this for anything! That night after dinner, Cheryl and I changed into our bikini's, then hand in hand, walked down the stairs. Dad saw Cheryl first, and popped right out of his chair, but when he saw me, he fell back into it. Mom saw us moments later, and we both saw her eyes go wide. Cheryl was the first one of us to say anything, then it all came out. Dad, listening to her tale, began to understand, especially since he was looking at the evidence, that I was more like mom than him, and with his eyes wide, they both listened to Cheryl explain what we were going to do, and why. After a long pause, mom told us we could do it, but added that she and dad would be there, just in case. Friday night I made sure there wasn't one extra hair anywhere, then once again tried on that next to nothing suit. The bottoms were cut like boys shorts, but were so tight that there wasn't any way I could hide anything, probably not even a mole, which meant that I couldn't be hiding anything! Besides, the bright red color looked really good against my skin. The next morning, like Cheryl, I wore shorts and a top, my bikini in a small bag with my towel. Dad drove us to the school, then Cheryl and I went in the ladies locker room, which was almost empty, and quickly changed clothes, grabbed our towels, and walked out to the pool. Within that short span of time the pool area became crowded, and as I looked around, I saw Bill but not Tom. He waved at us, Cheryl mostly, then I dove in the pool, swimming a few laps before I pulled myself out of the water. Jill was standing nearby, so I walked over and casually asked her if she was going in. She looked at me from head to toe, seeing my top clinging to what were obviously breasts, and didn't look the slightest bit fake, then almost choked. Smiling I walked away. Then I saw Tom walk in and head for the men's lockers. Cheryl and I were talking to some other kids, when Tom joined us, telling me that he was expecting fireworks from Jill, but while he was talking his eyes barely made it up to my face. Cheryl nudged me as I grinned inwardly, then grabbed Tom's hand and yanked him into the pool, following him with a deep dive. On the way to the surface I felt his hand on my butt, and raced to get some air, but didn't swim away. He had come up next to me, smiling that silly grin of his. Bill and Cheryl were hand in hand while Tom and I kept close to each other until, about three hours later, I went to take a shower and change clothes. As we hoped, Jill and a few of her friends followed me. I didn't even think about it as I simply stripped off my wet suit, walked to the showers, and went in. I was under the hot water, all soapy when I heard them come in, then a shriek. Opening my eyes I saw Jill standing there, her mouth set in a grimace while some of her friends were giggling. "Anything wrong honey?" I asked her that with a very calm voice, letting the water rinse away the suds. "'re aren't a...dammit!" she said as she started to stalk off, but she slipped on the wet tiles and fell right on her ass with a hard smack. "Did you hurt yourself dear?" Sarcasm infiltrated my voice I'm afraid. "Shut up you..." "What?" I asked sweetly. "Girl?" I went over and stood above her, my legs spread a bit looking down on her. "Now then," I said quietly, "if you so much as make one more move to cause me trouble, I'll be back, and I won't be quite as polite! Now get out of here and leave me alone!" With Jill looking right up between my legs, there was no longer any doubt about my status, since she could clearly see that I wasn't hiding anything. I slipped back under the shower spray as Jill's friends quickly ushered her out of the showers. Tom was waiting for me, as were Bill and Cheryl. "Well?" Cheryl asked. "What happened in there?" "She won't be a problem any more," I said, "I have removed any doubt she might have had." "Let's get out of here Carol," Tom said. Tom took my hand, and as Cheryl and Bill watched, he almost dragged me out of there! I barely had time to tell my parents that Tom was taking me home, but he didn't take me home. He drove to the lake instead, with a look of confused anger on his face, which made me wonder why he was so mad, then if he was mad at me. Once we were there, he got out of the car, walking to the shoreline, pitching stones in the water as he stood there. I stood next to him, waiting for him to tell me why he was so angry, when all at once he grabbed my arm, spun me around and yanked me close to him, then put his lips on mine in a very passionate kiss. Stunned I did nothing, then he stood back, his hands on my upper arms, holding me in place. "Dammit Carol! Don't you have any idea what I've been going through?" "What does that mean Tom? I have no idea what you're talking about!" He flopped on the ground cross legged, pulling me down with him. "You're my best friend, right?" "Right," I said. "We've shared food, clothes, even slept in the same bed a few times, and that doesn't count the number of times I've seen you in the buff!" "So?" I asked. "So, if that's all true, and we both agree on it, just how is it that you were able to go in that shower and convince Jill that you're a girl, and if you can do that, why didn't you tell me?" "Tom," I said softly, "you didn't need to know, not then anyway, but now..." "Now? I already know!" he said loudly. Then I got it! "But that's not why you're like this Thomas. You're attracted to me! You think I'm..." I never got the words out because he grabbed me and kissed me again, several times. I was so shaken that I simply let him. Tom, the one person I thought would be immune to the changes I had made, was not only not immune, he was apparently infected with the passion virus. As I lay back, he stood there towering over me, grinning, making me smile back. I had no idea that my grin was just the invitation he wanted, and I soon found myself entangled in his arms. As he lay there next to me, I realized that what was happening to me was never in my dreams or plans, but it felt so good that I did not stop him, even when his hand slipped under my blouse, then my bra, to hold my breast in his hand. Breathing hard, Tom grinned at me as I rolled on my side, facing him. He tried desperately to get me to touch him, but I never did, knowing that if I did, we might go a whole lot further than I ever had thought possible. Even though I was busy denying what was happening, we had already done more than I ever considered. Tom was my best friend, and I had never thought of him in any other way, yet he had drawn me closer to understanding what being a girl was all about. Struggling to my feet, I straightened out my clothes, brushing away the grass as he quickly stood up facing me, looking a bit embarrassed. At my urging, we left the lake before things got out of hand. Tom and I stopped for a burger, then he took me home, his hand on my leg the entire way. Tom was confused because he knew that he liked girls and not boys, yet he also knew that I was a boy that had somehow managed to look exactly like a girl, and because he was attracted to me, he was angry, not at me, but himself. I always wanted to be a girl, yet I had never thought about the reaction a guy might have around me. I did not feel ashamed about what happened, I was afraid. Tom had caused me to tingle all over, an entirely new sensation that made me wonder if I was more of a girl than I thought. When he pulled up in front of my house, he turned to say something, and I kissed him, gently, right on the lips. "You're still my best friend Tom, and you always will be." Then I went in the house as soon as I grabbed my bag and purse. I was as confused as Tom, but while he got angry, I knew that whatever it was that drew us together, it was based on our friendship, and I wasn't going to let that slip away. Mom casually asked me how it went, and I told her, "Fine," thinking she meant with Jill, but she wanted to know about Tom and I. "There's nothing to tell mom, we're still best friends." "I'm sure of that Carol, but is it getting to be more than that?" "He kissed me, it was nothing mom, really." Honey," mom said as she pulled me into her sewing room, shutting the door, "remember when you told me that you were a girl? And I told you that "to become a girl you'll have to learn all the things we know instinctively, then manage to hold back all of your male instincts at the same time. Believe me, that is going to be harder than anything else you'll ever do! Do you remember that?" Nodding my head yes. "Well, this is one of those times," she said as she sat down, "Tom is attracted to you, and by the look on your face, whatever you two did, it was more than just a kiss or two. Honey, he does not think of you as his guy friend any more! He can't! You have become a girl, and after that little stunt you pulled today, nobody is going to believe that you were ever a boy! Don't you see that?" It just came out, I had no control of it. "But he and I...he's known me all my life mom! He knows that I'm really a guy!" I flopped in the chair, then said, "He touched my breast mom." "That's exactly what I mean Carol! Tom thinks of you as a girl because you are a girl! He can't tell the difference between the friendship you two have because he is attracted to you! You let him, so he did what all men would do! He touched you!" "But he and I have..." "All of that is gone now Carol. Tom knows that somehow, you were able to convince Jill and her friends that you're a girl, and he also knows perfectly well that not many boys could, or would, be able to do that, which is casting doubt on your relationship. That's why he isn't even thinking of what he knows, because that old relationship is obviously gone! He likes you Carol, maybe he even loves you, but he can't relate to you as if you were a boy now. He still wants that friendship, and the only way he knows is to seduce you. I'll bet that's why he is so angry. Maybe even with you, but surely with himself." Mom hugged me, then I helped her make dinner. At school on Monday nobody bothered me when I used the ladies, and when I went for my first fitting for the costumes, only the girls stayed behind, throwing the guys out because I would be down to my bra and panties. The word had been passed, and the word was that I was a girl, and regardless of what everyone, including the guys knew, the word was that I probably always had been a girl. Cheryl had told me about that rumor, and without my say so, she helped push that idea as often as possible. My waist was normally 25 inches, but all of the gowns looked horrid on me, and much to my dismay, Ethel decided that I would have to wear a corset, telling me that since all women in the time period being presented wore them as well, I could think of it as simply part of the costume. I was fitted for a corset and laced into it. I had no idea that women gladly wore one of those. I certainly didn't want to! When my waist was down to a measured 22 inches, the dress was slipped over my head, then altered to fit me at that size. I wore that stupid corset every day for weeks in order to make it more comfortable, and while I will admit that it did give me a fantastic figure, there wasn't much bend to it, and I was forced to bend at the knees to pick up almost everything I dropped. My posture improved due to the stiff ribbing, and after a few weeks of that, it was evident that my natural waist was beginning to conform to the corset. I was down to a 23 inch waist. Tom and I went out a few times, but our long history together contorted our relationship into something we did not recognize, and I soon found myself mutually unattached, which was fine, because the play was taking all of my spare time, leaving me little time for school work. The play ran to full houses for the entire six week run, then we went on the road, playing at schools all over the area for another ten weeks. During that time I no longer felt as if I were anything but a girl, and had a hard time remembering what it was to be a guy, only those times when Tom and I were together were still vivid reminders that lingered in my mind. When we finished our run at our own school, I was surprised when I walked off stage and into the entryway to see Tom standing there, a sheepish grin on his face, a huge bunch of flowers in his hand. "As usual," he said to me, "you were beautiful out there." He held out the flowers, I took them, then he grabbed my other hand. "Carol, I... we..." He stopped, and right there in the hallway in front of everyone, he took me into his arms, crushing the flowers by the way, and kissed me! "I'll be here after you change, right over there." He pointed at a chair. "We need to talk." I scampered into the dressing room, and with several girls helping me, managed to get out of that dress, the pettipants, corset and slips in record time, pulling on my skirt and blouse, then washing off the stage makeup and redoing my own before I stepped out of the room. The girls were busy telling me that Tom was a hunk, but I knew that already. When our eyes locked he stood up, came to me, took my hand, then we walked out to his car, which is when I remembered that my parents and Cheryl were still there! "I have to go back inside Tom, my parents..." "Have already left. I told them we would be late." Tom charge, and I did not resist as he took me for a late dinner, then stopped at the lake on the way home. I could say that he abused me, that I fought back to hold my feminine honor, but that would be a lie. I was by then a woman, and everyone knew that I would always be a woman, so when I touched Tom, I never once considered it as a male to male contact, but the contact a boy and a girl have. Still wearing my fake boobs, he still managed to find spots that lit my fires, and like most women, I responded to him. We did not get home until very late, almost early for some people, and as we parted, I knew that whatever conflicts we had before, those were gone now. I went to my room, undressed and slipped into bed, feeling as if I were a woman at last.

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Santa Mrs Claus

Note: My stories usually include pics that makes it more enjoyable to read and look at. Unfortunately Xhamster says that photos can't be uploaded right now due to technical reasons. So I used my videos instead. I hope this is fixed soon and that you enjoy this story anyways and am able to use your imagination. Thanks! Kisses!-Chrissy In my story called "Santa Likes Femboys," here: I explained that I discovered that last Christmas when...

2 years ago
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Coming OutChapter 11

Rachel saw the scarves at that point and realized that Sarah and I played some kind of kinky sex game with them before. Then she saw the handcuffs and understood just how wild things could be between us. She surprised me by walking over to the spot where the handcuffs lay, picking them up, and handing them over to me. It was a clear offer to submit to whatever I intended for her with them. I smiled at her and then at Sarah before I slapped one half of the pair on Sarah’s wrist and the other...

3 years ago
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Butterfly Beach X Seasons or Dance of the Butterflies

Autumn.Eventually, I felt the need to feel the sun and the wind once more, and ventured to the surface, accompanied by my alien lover, Isshu.  It was nighttime, and the air was brisk upon my naked flesh.  I could not remember the last time I bothered to cover my nakedness – the memory was as distant as that of my life before this island. Paris and London had become places in barely remembered stories. I remembered my companions, of course, especially Em. I contented myself with the knowledge...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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EvilAngel Bridgette B Blowbang

Voluptuous Spanish knockout Bridgette B. poses in a skimpy string bikini. She kneels for a multi-racial titty fuck and blowbang with heavily hung studs Nathan Bronson, Bambino, Kyle Mason, Alex Jones and Isiah Maxwell! The busty blonde eagerly sucks their huge cocks, sucking ball sacs and drooling on her massive tits as she flaunts her exquisite blowjob skill. Bridgette deepthroats dicks until her oil-slickened jugs glisten with her own spit. The guys rut in Bridgette’s slippery cleavage...

2 years ago
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Anjali Aur Poonam Dono Sath Me

Hello friends, ek bar me phir se aap logo ki seva me hajir hu…. Meri sari kahani o ko aapne khoob saraha is liye thx… Us din mene poonam bhabhi ke sam ne anjali bhabhi ko khoob choda, anjali bhabhi meri chudai se kafi khus thi, aur bolo aaj tum ne kafi dino se meri chudwana ne ki tamanna poori ki….. Mene poonam ki aur ishara kar te hu a kaha abhi meri iccha poori nahi huai, poonam ne ajali se kaha yar tera yeh devar to bahot hi acchi chudai kar ta hai….Muje aise devar jyada pasand hai jo apni...

3 years ago
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Caught And used The rest of what happened

So I walk back into the master bathroom to work on my hair. I grab a comb and start teasing my hair up. After a few minutes I really like how my hair looked so I stopped and started checking my makeup. Looking into the mirror I was so turned on by what I was seeing. I looked like a woman. But i realized I looked like a white trash slut. Not a little. I was full on white trash bar whore. I loved it. Now fully dressed I turn to head back into the living room. Looking down at my feet seeing my red...

2 years ago
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Lightning in a BottleChapter 40 The Handsome Stranger

July 26, 1983 I was having yet another long-overdue discussion with Inez and Evie. But the subject matter was different this time; much more earthy and lowbrow. They were telling me about their experiences with fighting off male groupies. They'd regaled me with tales of socially challenged, lovelorn dudes who'd wandered into their midst, and meekly asked for dates. I'd also heard more disturbing stories about drunken schlubs who staggered up on stage after shows, and boasted of their...

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swapping the wife

I would like to tell you of something that happened many years ago, hoping you will enjoy it as much as I did. Let me set the scene I was working for a security company and had heard of a female guard, who was an easy lay and was any ones for a few drinks, I had also heard she was fantastic in bed, as I bought her home one night from a site I asked her out for a drink, excepting I dropped her off and told her I would pick her up in about 1½ finishing off I shot home and got ready picking...

2 years ago
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Wyoming 4

Wyoming, 4 By; Malissa Madison The drive home took a bit longer as we kept turning off to drop off even more people than we'd brought with us. But it was part of being a member of the Family, yes the tribe was like one big family. All looking out for and taking care of each other. But like most families it too had it's bad seeds that tended to go against the flow. Like Brenda, who was a notorious man hunter as they called her. I was so relaxed that on the way home all I wore in...

3 years ago
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Sex In The Mountain With Pooja

Hey guys, thanks for appreciating my previous . Today, I’m going to tell how I had sex with a girl whom I had known just for say 8-10 hours. I went on to fuck her for 3 hours later that too in the wild. I’m Rohit 23 from Nagpur. I have an 8 inches long hard hairy dick having great girth for some perfect sex and pussy drilling, 5.6 height and athletic body and good looks. The girl of my story is let’s say Pooja (name changed). She is 25 years from Mumbai, 5.2 height and fair and curvy body with...

1 year ago
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The Interview

My wife, Lisa, and I met at the same workplace and, whilst it was years after, she told me about how she was hired. Lisa was 27 when she applied for the job and didn't think for one second she stood any chance of getting it. She was under qualified, at the time out of work and had no references but really wanted the job and saw it as a great opportunity to get other jobs of the same ilk once she got her foot in the door. The job in question was a call center operator for a large company based...

3 years ago
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Black List IV MalevolenceChapter 13

“Duìzhǎng!” an officer aboard the Gang un shouts. “Captain!” Delun Tong glares at the officer addressing him. He is not in the mood to receive bad news. So far his fleet has taken quite the beating and he is close to losing the battle. If he is defeated here, the blame will befall him, sending his name—his family name—into shame. Somehow he only hopes he can turn the near defeat into a victory. “What is it?” he asks with anger flaring in his eyes. The officer steps back involuntarily,...

2 years ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 11

Present – Jens – In the tunnels Hammer dragged a person into the room, Linus just finished one of his terrible jokes (thanks Daddy!), and I declare, "I'm not sure which was worse the drugged water or the joke. Now Hammer what makes you think this man isn't a Marine?" Hammer answers, "Th' dobber gart up some tossel an' bull story abit hoo he'd saved th' General. He was braggin' tae aw th' other men." Daddy looked at him and swore, "Like hell he did! I've never seen this man in...

3 years ago
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Her husband pissed her off so she blew me

Cristy had worked at our office for about six months. She had wavy dark hair, a bit of a tummy and occasional bad breath, which we all ignored because she had a spectacular pair of D-cup tits that she would sometimes brush against you. She had fair skin, stood about 5'3" and often wore low-cut tops. So you got it both ways: If you went to her desk, you got a cleavage shot, and if she came to yours, she might lean over your shoulder, and gently and "accidentally" rub her breasts against you.She...

2 years ago
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Adventures of Diana and Mike A Slaves Story

My name is Dee and I am 26 years old. This is the story of how I became the slave of Mistress Diana. Mike and I had only worked a month when we took our first business trip together. It was pretty uneventful and I was glad when we were headed out of the airport. We shared a cab as we only blocks away. During the ride he asked me if I wanted to stop by his apartment for a drink. At first I was taken aback since I hadn't known him that long and it was only professionally. Then I figured, what...

4 years ago
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Controlling Nicola Ch 02

Though Nicola was aware she was sitting on the same couch as her father with a cigar case up her ass, it wasn’t until about half way into the movie that the full impact of what she’d done over the past couple of hours really hit her. There was no end to the inner conflict in her mind of how she’d humiliated herself before an almost complete stranger, and not only that but she’d enjoyed it tremendously and part of her even wished Alec would still be there when the movie was over. In fact, she...

1 year ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 108

It took only a single phone call from the PR team to get me booked on “At Night, Tonight.” They were willing to do a late taping if I wanted to drive right up from San Diego. I didn’t so we elected to drive up the following morning. Like most late-night shows, “At Night, Tonight” taped its segments in the middle of the day to be replayed after the 11 o’clock news. We made our decision early enough that the host, Denny Daniels, had time to alter the end of the Tuesday show to promote my...

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Phoenix ch 05

His army was destroyed and his war-horse had foundered at the base of the hill. His breath ragged in his chest, he ran desperately up more than a thousand steps, ignoring the macabre remains of the dead soldiers and prisoners staked out along the path leading to the high castle. His chosen few were manning the gates and the castle walls, but they would not be enough to ward off his brother’s black guard – the army that had crushed his own dragons. Exhausted and gasping with each...

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Mage Pirate

Mages were feared and hunted by the Federation. They were the bogeyman my mom and dad used to scare me with as a child. Now I was staring at the floating weight I had lifted with but a gesture. I was the son of an engineer and a ship designer. Years of school behind me, including those used to design and build ships. I was barely twenty and working for a lousy company, building system racers. I was two meters tall and broad in the shoulders from heavy work. I gestured and the wreckage moved...

1 year ago
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Earths CoreChapter 24 Klokyrsquos Decision

“A fourth level Martial Mortal?” Kloky was so bewildered that he could not believe. “Where is he or she? Can he sense us?” Whether it was true or not, it was more important to stay safe. “It’s a He, surprisingly a Bishop of the church. I thought unless they receive permission, Martial Mortal members of the five powers aren’t allowed to intrude on each other territory”. Zax said as he concentrated on making sure his dark attribute energy enhanced Soul Sense remains at an undetectable...

3 years ago
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toga party

      Toga Party Fun   Well-sounded like a bit of fun a roman style toga party, could be interesting she thought as she went to work that morning. Now standing in front of the mirror wearing nothing more that what equated to a bed sheet, with a belt attached she was not so sure. But she had promised to go so she would have to. My big mouth strikes again never mind. The setting was pretty luxurious mind you a top hotel, that catered for all kind of theme party’s.   She got out of the lift...

1 year ago
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AnalOverdose London River Deep Double Anal Penetration

When hot blonde MILF London River is in the PervCity house, you know that things are about to get rough and raunchy. She looks like a Hollywood starlet as she teasingly strips by the pool, but proves beyond a doubt that she’s a porn valley nympho when she demands an aggressive DP threesome. John Strong and Ramon Nomar have no problem with that, and spank, slap, and choke her to a squirting orgasm, before hammering her shaved pussy, big ass, and deep throat with their big dicks. But face-fucking...

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Afternoon at Steviersquos

So my wife, Dianne and I are laying in bed on a Sunday morning. The watery early morning sun is coming in through the window. We are snuggling close and she’s gently massaging my semi erect cock. Then she says,“I’ve been chatting to a guy on a swinger site and he’s invited us to his house next Sunday. Can we go?”Well this was a new wrinkle in our sex life. We’d been swinging for a while and we’d met couples at their homes and often played with single men in clubs, but Dianne had never asked to...

4 years ago
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Living life in the locker room

"Hey Lexi, how's my favorite captain?" She said "Oh fine and dandy coach." She replied sliding off her jeans revealing her pink G-string. "That's good." She said not caring about the naked teen infront of her. "Yeah, Coach, do you think I can play center today and me and Kelsey can be in reserves? We have a project we need to finish in chemistry." Lexi replied bending over ass in front of the coach slipping off her G-string "Hmm, I'm not sure" She said, "We have a...

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Would You Like Ketchup With That 3

You’d go down on me if I asked you to. I blushed, recalling her words and my reluctant answer.“Yeah, I would,” I repeated quietly, my voice drowned by the sound of Louis Armstrong’s trumpet floating out of the speaker as I pulled into the drive-thru.It had taken me three days to build up the courage to see her again. Three days of turmoil before hunger won out over my better judgement. I glanced in the rear view mirror, carefully appraising myself. Red lipstick and sunglasses. Nothing out of...

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The Devil Never Dies

It happens to everyone. That moment you glance across the crowded room, and suddenly your pupils lock with a sinful pair of azure eyes. The stranger's razor cheekbones highlight the devilish grin sliding into place. He holds a whisky glass or did before the rich golden brown color vanishes down his throat. He strides in your direction, stepping to the music. Unconsciously, of course. He can't help himself. Man's got a sense of rhythm that infuses his being. And now he's so close you can almost...

2 years ago
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Dolly Takes A Lover

Rob was dead! Gone after 20 years of marriage! GONE!! And the nagging empty loneliness was starting to tell on his stunning mature widow, Dolly. Rob and Dolly had been through and seen it all in their long union. A May-December marriage that started out like a torrid sexual inferno had subsided into a friendly sterile cohabitation, only to be thunderously resuscitated when Dolly had been repeatedly raped by escaped convicted rapist, Lyle Buhr. Buhr's monster cock had stretched Dolly's...

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Wife made Whore Ch2 Cum sucking whore

Ch.2- Cum Sucking Whore of A Wife Every time he comes over now he would eat my pussy like a mad man. He even posted several videos of him eating my pussy and ass right there on my kitchen counter. My legs are spread wide eagle. He would put the video camera right in my face for the whole word to see. He would say, “smile for the camera let the world see the cum sucking whore of a wife that you are!” I would then say, “I’m a cum guzzling, dick sucking, smut of a wife, but Tommy I love you.” One...

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Public Restroom Fun

I was in Sydney on business and decided I needed to suck some cock so headed off to a retail store that used to have a reputation as a great spot to meet like minded guys a few years ago. I took the lift up to the fourth floor and found the toilets to be in the same position they used to be in but I was a little dubious as the rest of the store had been renovated and modernised. I needn't have worried as all the upgrading had been front of house though re painted there was little difference in...

4 months ago
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My girlfriend moves to a schoolappartment

My girl gasped loud, O that big fucking cock are really filling me up so nice. Im impressed that you that is so small and have a so tight cunt could get me in balls deep. Shut up and just fuck me with that wonder-tool, my fiancee must wait for a while before I can feel him again. He really fucked her and she came nearly all the time. I had been a good lover I thought for three years to my tender slim girlfriend.She was a sight for males, a slutty looking girl.She always flirted with the boys...

2 years ago
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Sucking him

I love to suck a cock. I love the cum and can suck for as long as he lets me. My boyfriend loves his cock sucked and I usually suck him as we drive in the car. I have sucked many cocks and in school sucked the cock of most of the football team and the coaches.I was at my boyfriends house watching tv as his parents were not home and decided to suck his cock and make him cum. He has a thick nine inch cock and is alway full of cum. I unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out. I ran my tongue over...

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knocked up

I keep getting pregnant. I can't stop. It's almost like a sport for me. I swear, I deserve a damn medal. I've spent eight out of the last ten years pregnant, and my pants are getting tight once again.It started in high school. I was a little slow getting to the perks of puberty, but when I got them, I got them in spades. Less than five feet became almost six feet and less than an A cup became a snug C cup almost overnight. Naturally, I wasn't the only one that noticed. It wasn't long before I...

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The Trespasser Returns

Chuck's POVAs I looked at the photos retrieved from my trail cam, I thought to myself, 'Holy shit! I hope I don't get caught with these.' There were a number of photos on the memory card. Some deer and other critters came down to drink from the pond, mostly in the evening. The camera has a ten second delay and a motion sensor and it flashes at night. But on the day when I met Alice, there were photos of the most angelic critter to visit my pond. She clearly arrived and undressed without seeing...

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