River - 31 free porn video

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Chapter 31 - Mark at School So far: River had her first day at high school, and all goes well. Her Ojibwe teacher had a sly way of letting her teach the language and history to the other students, without them knowing that she was really in charge. The river cured a newcomer to the school, although not in the way one would expect. And finally we discovered what Chip's secret was. Now we go back a few hours and go to Mark's first day at school. ----- ------ ------- Mrs. Cutler looked about the room, and her eyes fixed at the big boy at the back, crammed into a desk too small for him. They had moved a larger desk in from the Grade 8 class, but it was still tight on him. Clearly the boy must have learning difficulties to still be in Grade Five at his age, she assumed. She decided to test his reading ability by letting him read the first passage in one of the books in the small classroom library. Traditionally she let the first student pick the book. Even his choice of book would be an indication of his ability. There were a few Grade Three and Four level books on the shelf, as well as a few at Grade Six or Seven levels. She looked down at her seating plan. "Mark Waters," she said. "We need a story. Your choice." Mark looked up sharply, a bit surprised to be called on so early in his first day in class. He paused for a second, and then started to speak. "Thank you Mark," Mrs. Cutler said. "That will be enough for now. Tell me, where did you first hear that story?" Almost every student booed her decision to pause the story, crying out to find out what happened next. "Just now," Mark said. "I have heard other stories like it, and Tall John George, my Ojibwe teacher, tells me stories like it, but I made it up when you said you wanted a story. I hope it was good enough." "It was, Mark. Do you think you could finish it? Do you have a computer? Can you type? I think the students would like to hear, or read, the rest of the story." There were cheers of agreement in the room. "This class is about reading, not making up stories. You will do that in later years. But if you could get the rest of the story on paper, then other students could read it. It would help them with their reading, and everyone else will hear how the story turns out." "Yes ma'am. My father has a computer, but I don't type very fast. Not as fast as I think, anyway. But my sister, River, is a very fast typist, and maybe she can type the story as I say it. It is a very long story though." "But an interesting one," Mrs. Cutler said. "One we all want to hear. But reading time is over, and now we have to do math. Here is a worksheet for division, to see how good you all are with numbers. Do as many as you can, and then stop if you don't understand." She handed out a sheet of questions, and the students hunched over their desks as the teacher went from student to student to assess their grade level in arithmetic. Most had no problem with the first half page, dividing with single digit numbers. The bottom half of the page had division with double digit numbers, and most students could do that, although a few were struggling. On the back, the same two levels of work were involved, but now remainders were required. When she got to the back of the room, she saw Mark's paper neatly on his desk. He was talking to the boy next to him, and Mrs. Cutler was about to rebuke him for it when she realized that he was helping the other boy. Brian Johnson had been a borderline student in math last year, actually in all subjects, but Mark was showing him how deal with remainders in the problems. And the other boy seemed to understand, and was working out how to do it on his own. The teacher flipped Mark's paper over, and scanned the answers. They all seemed correct, including the most difficult section. "Very good," she said. "Let's take up the papers and see how you all did. Every student will give the answer he or she got, and if others got something else, put your hand up and we will find out what the right answer was." They went through the first nine questions quickly, and no one had different results. But on the tenth question, a student said 66 divided by 11 was 5. Mrs. Cutler waited for the others to put up their hands, but only Mark did. She asked him what he got, and he said 6. That led to more than half the class also raising their hand in agreement. The teacher had seen the correct answer on many of the papers, and realized that they didn't want to say their answer was different in case it was wrong. "Mark, can you come up to the board and show us how you got that answer," Mrs. Cutler asked. Mark came up and took the chalk from the teacher, who realized that the boy was several inches taller than her, which she found unusual and unsettling. Mark wrote out the problem on the board, and completed it, telling the class what he did in each step. The teacher then changed the question to 68 divided by 11 and Mark then added the remainder into his work. After the worksheet, Mrs. Cutler had a good idea which students had been successful at a Grade Four level, and went into her first lesson, which dealt with decimal fractions. She continued that until the bell rang for recess, and she let the students out, with Mark following behind. Mrs. Cutler took the break and went to the principal's office to speak with Mrs. Karsen. "It's about Mark Waters," she started. "Oh no, he's already causing problems? I was worried about that," the principal replied. "No, it isn't that. He's a great student. Polite, helpful, and he is even helping other students that aren't so far along. His English skills seem to be at a Grade 9 level or more, and he is well ahead in math. I'm wondering why someone his age has been held back to Grade 5." "He hasn't been held back," Mrs. Karsen said. "He is only 10, soon to be 11. I suggested a higher grade for him, but his mother insisted that he stay with his peer group, even though he is physically much bigger." "He is only 10?" Mrs. Cutler asked. "He looks like he should be in high school." "Just a growth spurt," the principal said. "Although I don't know of any other kids with that kind of spurt. I sent for his records from Toronto, and the picture shows Mark, although his height and weight are listed much lower than now. There was no record of any aggressive behavior. In fact, there was one notation where someone else was accused of bullying him." "Goodness," Mrs. Cutler said. "I'll have to get back to class before recess ends. I intend to keep an eye on the boy." "Please do, and let me know if there is anything I should know." The rest of the morning went normally, and Mark went down to the cafeteria carrying the paper bag containing the sandwich that River had made for him this morning. He stood in the doorway, and looked around, seeing his classmates primarily at two tables. He started to head that way, and then saw a boy sitting alone at a table, with no lunch in front of him. Mark headed that way. "Can I sit here?" he asked. The boy looked up sharply, and then down again. "You are too late," he said. "They already took my lunch. First day too. I have nothing left to give you." "I wasn't planning to take anything from you," Mark said. "Who took your lunch?" The boy looked up confused, and then apprehensively pointed to four boys laughing at a table in the corner. "What is your name?" "Chester Mims," the boy said. "I'm in Grade 6." "Wait here Chester, I'm going to get your lunch back." Mark then headed over to the table and stood in front of the boys, who immediately noticed, and stopped laughing. "What's up, Tonto," one of the boys said. Over the summer his time in the sun had darkened Mark's complexion, and he really did look like a First Nations student especially with the native necklace he wore. To Mark that was a compliment, not a slur. "You took Chester Mims' lunch," he accused the group in general. "I want it back." "Yeah?" What if I don't want to give it up?" one of the bigger boys said menacingly. Mark put his hand on the boy's shoulder, and started to squeeze. "I suggest you give it up quickly, or there might be trouble. Are you left-handed?" "Nooo," the boy said, grimacing at the pain. "Well you will be for the next few months while your arm is in a sling, if you don't give me that sandwich. Now!" "Here," the boy said, tossing him a brown paper bag. "Probably wasn't anything good in it." "Did you take anything else that doesn't belong to you from him?" Mark continued to keep the pressure on. "Yeah, a twoonie," the boy said. "It's in my pocket. Let go of me and I will get it." Mark let go, and as the boy fished for the money, he spoke to the entire group: "Chester Mims is my friend, and if any of you do anything to him, you can count on me doing much worse to you. And the entire Grade 5 class is off limits to you as well. He turned and walked away. As he did, he heard one of the other bullies complaining to the first for giving up the food and money. "You didn't feel what I felt," the boy said. "He is stronger than my Dad." "I am so dead," Chester said as Mark tossed his lunch and the two dollar coin in front of him. "They will kill me now." "No they won't," Mark said. "If they even look at you funny, you tell me. You are my friend, and I don't let bullies bother my friends." "What?" "I said I don't let bullies bother my friends," Mark repeated. "No. The bit where you said you are my friend. Do you really mean that?" "Yes, why?" "I ? I've never really had a friend before. And you are so big. Why do you want a little Grade 6 for a friend?" "I'm only Grade 5," Mark said. "Though I am pretty big. Don't you want a friend?" "Yes. Yes please. I ? I just can't believe it. My life has always sucked. I can't remember when anything this good has ever happened to me." The two boys chatted over lunch, getting to know each other. Mark actually compared Chester to Paul, his old Toronto friend, who was into the same comics, computer games, and books. Chester was actually smiling as he headed off to class. Meanwhile, over at the bullies' table the four were plotting revenge. "We can't let that punk muscle into our action," the tallest of the four, Josh Neil, said. "I don't think he is muscling in," Aiden Roush, the boy who still had a bruised shoulder, added. "I saw him give the money to the little squirt." "Well we can't let him cut off the entire fifth grade. We need to find punks in there with cash," Tyler Tutt said. "He's strong," Aiden said. "My shoulder still hurts, and I don't think that is the worst he could have done." "But there are four of us," a chubbier boy, Zak VanEssen said. "We can take him." "I don't know," Aiden hesitated. "Listen, this is what we do," Josh said, and kneeled over the table, ignoring the warning bell for the end of lunch. ----- ------ ------ It was the following day when the bullies pulled their plan into action, Mark was among the last of the boys headed to the bus. Suddenly, four boys leapt out of the bushes near the entrance, holding a hockey stick, baseball bat, a large stick, and a knife. "You're going down, punk," Aiden said, holding the knife. "Are you sure you want to do that?" Mark said. "The last kids to jump me wound up in hospital. And they were a year older, and bigger than you guys. Drop the weapons and you won't get hurt." "You're the one getting hurt," Aiden yelled. "Get him, guys." Tyler came in from the left and Josh from the right, both swinging their weapons, the hockey stick and the baseball bat. As they swung, Mark dropped to the ground, and their blows missed. Missed Mark, that is. The baseball bat collided with Tyler's face, and Josh got the hockey stick full on his temple. Both boys dropped, even as Mark was rolling back into a defensive stance. "Shit, he's a ninja," Zak shouted, dropping his stick. Aiden hesitated and then turned to run as well, but ran right into Steven Handel, the Grade 7 teacher, sticking his knife into the man accidently. "Ow!" the man said, grasping his side but holding Aiden with one arm. The knife had barely scratched him but had ruined his suit jacket. "I saw it all." He turned and Mrs. Karsen was there. "Those four punks from my class last year did it. They attacked this new boy, and hurt themselves. Are you okay?" he asked Mark. "Fine. A little dusty. I tried to warn them," he said. "Somebody should call an ambulance for these two, and the police for this one. Carrying a knife will interest them," Mr. Handel said. "Are you sure that other boy had nothing to do with it?" Mrs. Karsen said. "Boys don't just go around attacking other boys for no reason." "It was because of me," It was Chester, speaking up tentatively. "They took my lunch yesterday and a twoonie. Mark got them back. I think that is why they went after him." "Had they ever taken money from you before?" Mrs. Karsen said. "Nearly every day last year," the boy said. "And others?" she asked in amazement. The students had abandoned the buses when the fight had started, and now were clustered around them. More than a few students in the crowd nodded. "I told you last term that those students were causing problems and bullying," Mr. Handel accused the principal. "But you didn't want to listen." "But they were such good boys," she replied. "Yes, in Grade 3 when you had them. Kids change. We need to get them straightened out now, or they will wind up as thugs." Mrs. Karsen paused for a second, and then shook herself into action. She clapped her hands to quiet the chattering crowd of students. "I want to see all of you on the buses immediately. Except for Chester and anyone else who these boys had taken money or possessions from." Just then the ambulance pulled up, and EMTs rushed out to tend to the fallen boys. Tyler was stirring groggily, but Zak was still out cold. "Who was the fourth boy?" Mrs. Karsen asked. "Josh Neil I expect." "Yes, he ran off when the others went down," Mr. Handel said. Come on you lot. He took a rather large group of students into the Grade 7 classroom, just inside the door, and found that the 32 seats in the room were not enough for everyone to sit. Mark stood near the front, as well as several others who lined the back wall. The police arrived a few minutes later and Mr. Handel described what he had seen. He had come out of the door just as the boys surrounded Mark and started yelling at him. Mark was taken into a separate room to talk to one officer, while the other took names and information from the others who had lost money to the boys last year. Apparently four others had been accosted that day. Chester was led off with the officer who had taken Mark, and was relieved to see his new friend was smiling as the officer brought him back. It made him less apprehensive about being questioned. "Just tell the truth," Mark whispered as they crossed paths. Alison arrived about a half hour after the end of classes, which meant she must have been speeding on the trip to Terrace Bay from St. Mary's. She was relieved to find Mark unhurt, and then proceeded to take a strip off the principal, threatening to take Mark out of school if they couldn't protect him. Mark finally had to get her to calm down. He pointed out that the school had done nothing wrong, and that Mr. Handel had been at hand to see everything. As the adrenaline let up, Alison realized she may have overreacted, and apologized to the principal, who graciously accepted, and offered her apologies in kind, noting that the four boys would be suspended, with possible worse repercussions, depending on the police investigation. Mark would be held completely blameless. Everything would have been fine at that point, but then Charles VanEssen stormed into the meeting as it was about to break up, screaming that he wanted to know which boy had put his son into the hospital. "You should have asked at the hospital," Mr. Handel said. "It was Tyler Tutt who hit your son. I saw it. They were attacking another boy, and missed, hitting each other." "I spoke to Tyler at the hospital. He said there was a high-school or college age boy in the school, and they were just protecting themselves." "I can assure you that there are no students in the school this year who are older than Grade 8," Mrs. Karsen said. Mr. VanEssen then noticed Mark. "What about that boy? He certainly looks older than Grade 8." Mark stood up, and moved within a few feet of the irate parent. "I am in Grade 5, sir." "Do you think I am a fool?" the man said, starting to lose his cool. "What I think is not important," Mark said calmly. The man was four inches taller, and 50 pounds heavier, but Mark was not intimidated. "What you say or do is what people judge you by." "Why you little ?" The man took a swing, and Mark ducked it easily, dropping into his defensive stance. The older man had no chance to take another swing, as the two police officers grabbed him. But he tried, and struck the female officer on the side of the head with a glancing blow as they subdued him. He rode back to the police station in the back of a cruiser. Mark drove home with Alison, and got to the campsite where an anxious River was preparing a dinner for the family. Dale, who had been called by Alison from Terrace Bay, was home early, and Mark had to recount his adventures for the family. River wanted to know if Mark needed a trip to the river to cool down, and he declined. "The river gave me what I needed already," he said. "I'm big enough, and quick enough, and I have a sense when someone is about to hit me. That lets me get away most of the time. There is something I would like you to do, though." "What is that?" River asked. "I need someone to type some stuff up for my English class. Quite a bit, actually." He recounted his telling of the story to his fellow students, and the teacher's request that he get it on the computer. "That sounds like a lot," River said. "Do we have the computer at home?" "Yes, I brought it to do a few things tonight," Dale said. "But I don't want you taking it into the river and ruining it." "I do want to take it into the river, and I can promise that it won't be ruined, or hurt in any way. We really will need to get another one. I need some time with it for my homework too. Now that the house in Toronto is sold, we should be able to afford another one." "The house is sold," Dale admitted, "but that doesn't mean we have the money yet. When it comes through, we'll talk about another computer." "Okay, but until we get one, can you make sure to bring the old one home each night? I can do my homework in the river in the morning." River then turned to her brother. "And it sounds like we have a couple hours of work if you want the whole story on a stick. You'll have to get up early with me." "River," Alison shouted. "You can't wake him at two a.m. He's only 10. He needs his sleep." "Why? I certainly hope it isn't because he is a growing boy. He doesn't need to do any growing for a couple more years. Relax. He will be refreshed and energized by his time in the river, just like I am. And you will even be able to save cooking him a breakfast in the morning." "Nooooo!" Mark said. "I still need my breakfast. I like bacon."

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So the boys are on bed and I am on the floor all filled with cum, sweat and saliva all over my body!! All the guys fucked me like a slut for 2 hours !! The boys – Manav, Akash, kumar, Rahul (my manager) and Rohit who used me in that order are now ready for next round!! It is decided that it will be two at a time sex!! it was Aksah and Rohits turn to fuck me now!! I was already wet by hearing there abuse but the though that 2 guys will be inside me now make me more hornier. As soon as Akash came...

2 years ago
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A Christmas Fire

Dear Reader: I hope you enjoy this second installment into the lives of Rich and Ellen. With love and respect, ~Blondiesheart~ .oO(@)Oo. ‘Do you remember our first Christmas together?’ Ellen asked Rich as they lay curled up on the sofa, gazing off into the roaring fire. ‘How could I forget?’ he replied. ‘It was the first time you went down on me.’ ‘Rich!’ she scolded, and his soft laugh filled the following silence. Rich looked down at his wife, her head tucked against his chest and arm....

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A normal friday

I am wrong or are mistakes as such. I also like opinions and tell me what I should add and do in my story. It is also quite short too but it is just an introduction and need ideas. Eliza and Me. It started off being a normal friday day at school. I was 15 and at that age everyone knew what they had on their minds which was ofcourse sex. I was a muscular young teenager standing at 6"3, I played in our team for football I would go to the gym at least 3 times a week and I would jack off...

3 years ago
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Wait Until We Are Married Chapter 2

Introduction: Girlfriends mother has words for Adam. (I REALLY liked the plot of w1dmgs Adam series, and just felt it need a little something more. So the characters and some lines are directly used buy the authors permission.) ***************************************************** Youre not going to believe the horrible thing that happened!, Megan cried as she walked into my dorm room at college. Megan and I had been dating all year now. We were both nineteen and nearing the end of our...

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New Job First Lesson with Mistress

New Job, First Lesson:It all began when I moved to New York to get a fresh start. Always a shy loner, I was teased throughout school for being somewhat short and effeminate in looks. After my mother passed away right after I graduated college, I no longer had any ties to Chicago, and I wanted to move to New York to find a new life for myself. I had very little sexual experience, and was hoping to be able to find a girlfriend in a new city. Landing an apartment in Manhatten and a job as a...

4 years ago
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The Heavenly Feast From Lady In My Dreams

Hi readers I’m back as I promised with my second story. Last year was a festive season for me and my grandmother no no no not grandmother my mistress my lover and my partner in bed. She was awesome. But as everything every person will get tired or fed up when they use the same thing continuously. I too started to get bored of my grandma’s pussy and body. At the same time my thirst for my aunt increased a lot. I forgot to say one thing she delivered a girl and was in leave. Like every night at...

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CAW Just One

She got up each day and ate her breakfast and drank a cup of coffee. She dressed for work and walked out the door of her apartment. She walked to work each day. It wasn’t far and she had no car. She walked the same streets each day stepping over the same cracked sidewalks and seeing the same rundown buildings. She went to her job where she sat in her cubicle and did her mindless tasks. She could do most of her job in her sleep without thinking. She didn’t socialize much with her fellow...

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Mamas Little Family

I struggled under the weight of the grocery bags as I made my way to the front door. Dammit girl, I thought to myself, take two trips next time! Shaking my head at my own stubbornness I shoved the key in the back door to the house and let myself in. The lights were on in the kitchen thankfully so it was easy for me to navigate to the kitchen table, someone was home it seemed. Luckily none of Bowser’s toys were littered on the floor to trip me up, he must be out with one of the kids....

3 years ago
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The Hydrant aka Squirter Slut Annette Vuygent

The HydrantAnnette Vuygent turned forty-three about two months ago. She was Italian/Jewish/Irish mix and she would claim which ever ethnicity was convenient for whatever situation she was in. When she met her first husband who was Italian, she was Italian. When she met her second husband who was Jewish, she was Jewish attending Temple with him and the 'whole nine yards'.Annette stood 5'11" tall and had DD's that hadn't really been affected by gravity in the thirty one years she had them....

4 years ago
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Sister Catches Brother Watching a Porno

Daniel and I had the whole house to ourselves for the weekend while our parents were out of town. Unfortunately, they’d made us promise we wouldn’t go out, see our friends, or have anyone come over or else they wouldn’t go. And if we did disobey while they were gone, they’d take the car away that we shared for a month, regardless of who’d broken the rules. So, we were both pretty motivated to keep our asses inside the house.At sixteen, I was a year younger than my brother, so we were always...

3 years ago
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Minati bhabi aur renuka mami ki choot ki jabardast chudai

Hello doston.kaise ho.Mera Naam Babu Hai.Mai Berhampur ka rehenewala hu.ye kahani Mai thoda alaga hai ki kaise main ek sath do do choot ki chudai ki.Ek hai mera cousin Mama ji jo ki titution padaha ti hai unki ki wife Renuka & dusri hai mera Bhabi( Bhua ji ki bahu) Minati.Nick name Tiki. Mera age 20 saal hai aur mami ki age lagbhag 32 sal & Bhabi ki age lagbhag 26 sal ki hai.ye bat us se thik 3 sal purani hai.Ek din mami ne hamere ghar aaya or wo ek blue colour ke nighty pehene hui the.Wo...

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JLA From Batman to Call Girl

JLA: From Batman to Call Girl by BobH (c) 2010, 2014 With the aid of Kryptonian technology, Batman undergoes his most amazing transformation ever in order to track down the serial killer targeting the call girls of Gotham City. An LGBT Justice League of America tale. (First posted 06/02/10 - now rewritten) All characters herein are owned by DC Comics. ************************ 1. Alien Technology The Man of Steel watched thoughtfully as his friend paced the great...

2 years ago
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Rich BitchChapter 3

Karen woke me up when she got up, "Come on Bob. You have your special assignment starting today," she said and I rolled out of bed. I put on my uniform and headed out, Karen gave me a big kiss, "Last night was great honey. But my ass is a little sore." I drove to the station and sat through roll call and then got in my vehicle and drove out to Barnett's. Alfred answered the door and showed me in to the study and told me to have a seat. Mr. Barnett came in, extending his hand as he...

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The bets and dares between us

As of the end of January there have been three bets between us. I have won two and Jane has won one. Its quite hard to think of dares for each other. So when I won the first bet I was struggling a bit for ideas and just came up with daring Jane to model some of her underwear. I dared her to model 5 sets. Like a catwalk model, she gets changed in my bedroom then enters the front room and slowly walks the whole length of the room twice before returning to the bedroom to change for another walk....

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How I Fucked ISS Reader

Hello, everyone, this is Sahil Kumar back with another story of how I fucked one ISS reader. If you are a new reader of my sex story, then let me tell you about myself. I’m Sahil Kumar 20 years old from Pune city studying in a well-reputed college of Pune which comes at the 3rd position in the city. I have a 6″ fat dick which girls and ladies have liked till now. And they have been fully satisfied with it. My email id is My last story was HOW MY CHILDHOOD FANTASY BECAME REAL. Now coming back...

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Kelseys Confessions Chapter 6 I give myself to my stepbrother

Introduction In chapters 1 through 5, I told you the story of Christmas Eve 2013, during which my stepbrother and I explored each other, petted, necked and masturbated each other to amazing orgasms. That remarkable evening, nearly a year ago, started a period of intimacy and sexual discovery between my sixteen year old stepbrother and me that we both will always cherish. For the next eight months, Michael and I enjoyed each other, explored each other, and pleasured each other. We enjoyed...

3 years ago
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Winner Take Nothing

Life’s ironic. You live your first few years thinking you’re special. Then you spend the rest of it finding out how ordinary you are. There are people who never get that memo. Those are the guys who spend their entire life as self-important assholes. I envy their ignorance. The war between our high opinion of ourselves and the actuality of our day-to-day existence might bother some folks. But all it did was turn me into a pragmatist. You know the fable about the pessimist and the half empty...

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Las Vegas

Toni und ich eilten durch den Flughafen, um nach Las Vegas zu fliegen . Wir waren wie immer zu spät dran und es waren nur noch drei Minuten, bevor das Flugzeug abflog. Egal wohin wir gingen, wir schienen immer zu spät zu sein. Obwohl ich kein Problem damit hatte, bereit zu sein, musste Toni immer sicherstellen, dass Haare, Make-up und Kleidung perfekt waren, bevor sie das Haus verließ. Für mich als ihr Ehemann hatte dies Vorteile und Nachteile. Meistens war es kein Problem, einfach zu spät zu...

4 years ago
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CHAPTER THIRTEEN Broken Morning came sooner than Eric cared for as he rolled around awkwardly in the makeshift bed on the floor of the bedroom. Above, sprawled across the queen sized bed, slept Julia, comfortable and peaceful without him. It was still early, the sun was slowly brightening against the closed window shades leaving the room cloaked in dim light and shadows as another day began. Eric woke disoriented at first, foggy, crawling out of some bizarre nightmare, trying to...

2 years ago
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How I came to own my daughters pussy Ch 8 10

A couple of weeks later, Mel moved into our house. Having her there wasn’t a huge change since she spent so much time at our house anyway. But now the girls almost always slept in my bed with me. Only I truly can attest that these girls are not lesbians despite what others may think. The girls now freely hold hands out in public and we went to a jewelry store and bought matching engagement rings. They weren’t expensive rings with big diamonds. The girls wanted to be a little more...

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Tabitha quivered with excitement. Carly called her to come over to her house. She had been in love with Carly for a long time, an unrequited love. That's okay as long as she can be near her love. Tabitha pulled up to the curb for the first time. She'd never been to Carly's house. She turned the engine off and got out. A musty smell hit her nostrils as a slight breeze tangled through her golden locks. Gray clouds slowly move across the sky. Looking at the house, red bricks cover the front and...

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Full Circle Ch 02

I entered my foyer. The aroma of sautéing onions and garlic hit my nose. My stomach rumbled. ‘Paul! I’m glad you’re home.’ Danna bounded from the kitchen into the living room. Her red hair was tied in a clumsy ponytail. It left her face bare and fresh looking, almost girlish. I barely had to lower my head to receive her kiss on my cheek. Danna was a leggy thing. She was the only woman I could say I literally met eye to eye. ‘Gosh. I must look a mess.’ She tamed a few unruly curls back into...

1 year ago
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Good secretary mature

Worker Helen breathing heavily. She stood leaning his elbows on the cancer desktop Sergey and diligently podmahivala ass. Sergei stood behind and pulled her like a dog ssuchku. Sergei did not even took off Lenochiki panties. He just pushed them aside. Its strong, long skirt is fully secured. Gone are the days when Helen was a secretary and had a simple cause miniskirts. Now Helen was a serious girl and let myself skirt just above the knees. Strong and rough hands gripped her ass Sergei helping...

1 year ago
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Possessing Bella Ch 09

Authors Note: This is a chapter in this series primarily based in BDSM practises. If that is not to your tastes please stop reading and find one of the other wonderful stories on this site more suited to your kink. Thank you once again to everyone who leaves comments and feedback on my writing, it is much appreciated. ~ellie ***** Under the watchful eyes of Stephen Bella carefully got into the car and smiled up at him as he closed her door. She ached all over and felt exhausted after a night...

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A Jump With Molly

Jamie was like most men and could be talked into almost anything by a pretty girl.  That was never more evident than now—sitting in a small plane, looking at Molly with her beautiful, bushy brown hair sticking out under her helmet, blown in the fierce draft of the open door.  Her smiling features looked excited, not frightened, and her incredible body looked ready to go, as always.   In a few moments, she would jump out of this, perfectly functioning, plane, and he would follow her. ...

Straight Sex
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XXXmas Party

I was about to attend my first Christmas party at my new job. I didn’t know what the protocol was in terms of what happened after, whether we all hit the town together or called it a night and went our own separate ways, so I had made arrangements to meet a few friends. We were under strict instructions to meet for lunch at 2pm and so was a little surprised when we all started leaving at noon to make a 15min journey. As it turned out the tradition is to hit every bar on the way down to the...

1 year ago
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Only Nudes! Everyone has heard and enjoyed some of that trendy OnlyFans content at this moment, right? Well, if you haven’t, this is your chance. Onlynudes.org has compiled some of the most desirable girls on OnlyFans and their hot content. The platform is probably one of the best things an average porn browser can hope for in the way of accessing porn that resembles content you can find on the original. After all, Onlynudes has one important thing going for it; the website is entirely free for...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Chote Bhai Ko Sex Karna Sikhaya

Hi, this is Fransis from Pune my email id is this is happend in real life ye story mere ek frnd ke sath hua hai ab aap unhi ke jawani suniye ye story Suddenly, the room lights burning at night father of Bnti was awake. Bnti had to urinate. Sister was sleeping nearby. Bnti opened the door and went into the bathroom.Bnti come out of the window saw a glimpse of his father. They were all bare. He was anxious that the bare father do? The window was wide open, I felt that all of the night at...

4 years ago
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In The Beginning Chapter 14

Luke“What are you two ugly bastards doing here?” I turned to the person approaching from the car, “Sorry, Cara, I am, truly, that you had to share a car with these two.”“We were passing and we thought, well, we wondered what you were doing for New Year. Got any plans?”"Passing? What bull! You're here sniffing after your boyfriend and Diane."“Actually, mum and dad are hosting a party here, if I’d known you were at a loose end, I would have called.”“Oh my god! Rob!” cried Sam as she pushed me...

Love Stories
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 407 Setting Up the Consummation of My SCS Project

Mid-November 2007 It took a week for things around me to settle down after my lid-blowing revelations. On Friday morning, November 16, I was thinking about having fun on the weekend. Over breakfast I checked what my families thought. They agreed with me, being delightfully sure that there's no chance that anyone in our Government would try to spy on us. More potential baddies may have their suspicions about us, and they may even be absolutely convinced that their suspicions are correct,...

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Gordys ProblemChapter 8

I tried to phone Sue, but got voicemail. I phoned my Mum, but was far more interested in her grandchildren than in her younger son. I promised her that Weena would call if there were anything to report from Patrick's school. And that was that. Mona wanted to know what I had been laughing about, so I printed the page from the BBC for her. She didn't "get" it. I explained that, apparently, Mr. Darrell felt that I had interfered with his real estate / development deal up in Geraldton — even...

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wife tells all 5

Sipping my drink and trying to relax I asked my wife, "How many men were involved with this episode with the builders?""Do you mean how many did I have sex with - or how many I misbehaved with or in front of?" she replied."Well seeing you make such a distinction between the two I'll let you tell me your way," I said very sharply. "How did that start then?""I think the one called Bob got his thrills more from watching than joining in. He always seemed to be the one that pushed things that bit...

2 years ago
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Banging My Friend Who Used Me In The Name Of Love Like A Bitch

Hello Readers. Its been sometime since I started following ISS and thought of sharing my own story. It all started way back in 2009 when me and the girl(Kavya) became close friends. Let me introduce her first. She is 5 feet 3 inches height, fair in color, flawless face, strawberry lips, well shaped figure(32-26-32). I’m of 5 feet 7 inches in height with athletic body and 6-7 inches dick. We became good friends as soon as we met and slowly I started loving he and expressed her the same. She did...

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The 3rd man

The call started and I first saw her beautiful smile as she says “Hi Daddy”. He spaghetti strap top was falling off her shoulders as she tried to readjust the, I immediately realized she had gotten started before calling me. She sat the phone down on a table and tried to adjust it so the majority of the room was visible to me. The quality of the call was superb, I could see everything clearly, everything including the two black men sitting on the bed behind her. I could also hear well enough as...

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Strong Coffee With Cousin Kajal 8211 A Week Before Her Marriage

Hi All, I am Akshay Ganna 36 years old with an athletic body structure standing 6 feet tall. Lot of girls ogle me and show hidden desires, so I use it to the maximum of my advantage. I hope you have read all my stories at https://www.indiansexstories2.net/author/akshay-ganna/ or you can also do a search by name “Akshay Ganna” inside the website (as some experiences are not listed under my profile page). This is an incident which happened in Aug 2013, with my cousin sister Kajal. Kajal is 25...


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