The New Secretary 2.0: CYA free porn video

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The New Secretary 2: CYA (October 24, November 28-29, December 4-5 2018) "Hey, you there!" Art looked up from his desk, from his monotonous data entry, to hear where the voice was coming from. He had been just going the motions of the day: punch in, do your work, lunch break, punch out and then go home. This routine he had been doing for the past 5 years, and while it was boring the work meant a steady income stream and the occasional bar session with the guys. He glanced around, then started to resume his work..... "Hey, are you listening?" Art looked to see Lorelei Sera Harts, the hot new executive secretary standing by his desk, with a rather annoyed look on her face. She had joined up a few months ago, fresh from business school and worked for Art's boss in the Finance department, though she only saw her in passing. She was quite the stunning young woman, with long ebony tresses. She had on quite the elegant outfit: A cyan blazer covering a plain white blouse with a pencil dark skirt, her lithe legs encased in smoky black hose ending with modest 2 in heel navy pumps yet strangely she wore white gloves all the time-huh must be some reason for that. She exuded an air of elegance and refinement. But that wasn't just what Art noticed about her. She had quite a beautiful face to gaze upon. Pale skin, adorned with light dust makeup made her look like a precious gem, with a nice beauty mark upon her right temple. Her supple lips a slight burgundy, a strong contrast to her pale skin and also her dazzling turquoise eyes which had subtle grey reading glasses upon them, giving her a hot librarian look. She flashed a brief smile to Art, then resumed her scolding face. "Oh sorry, Miss...." Art trying real hard not to gape at her most impressive bosom. "Lorelei Harts, Mr.... Art Robinson was it?" she answered sternly, holding a clipboard real close to her chest, perhaps as a measure of covering it up. Art noticed some of the guys around making some hard leers in her direction. She looked around, her stern face giving way to concern and perhaps yearning. "Oh yes Ms. Harts, I am so sorry the work distracted me. What can I help you out with?" Art replied back deferentially as he put his hands away from his keyboard and look at Miss Harts straight to the face. "Ah yes, well I need to speak to you in private. The conference room in 10 minutes, if you please?" She asked in a pleading tone. Oh, what could she want with me, Art wondered. Well it must be something important as he nodded affirmatively. "Uhh sure, I'll see you there, Ms. Harts," as she strode away, shaking her bum subtly. A bunch of other guys in their cubes stopped to take a moment to see her walk away, mostly looking at her luscious ass encased in that scrumptious skirt. Art was struck by a sudden strike to the nerves. What could she possibly want with me, I am just a lowly financial clerk, on no way the same level as her, an executive secretary. Art was sweating profusely as he was wrapping up his current task, before getting up from his cube, leaving a note at his desk letting people know where he was going. The conference room Ms. Harts was referring to was down at the end of the long pale white corridor separating the cubes of the Finance department with other groups on this floor of the company building. As Art got close to the conference room, he heard at least two voices: a soft feminine voice and a rougher male voice. Oh dear, Ms. Harts might be getting yelled at by manager, I did leave my desk for this meeting. He resisted turning the knob, expecting whoever was in there with her to leave, only to turn and yell at him at the "Hey get back to work!" before departing angrily. That situation he had imagined in his head far too many times, it had been a factor as to why he hadn't gotten past his current positon. But when he opened the door, to his surprise, it was only Ms. Harts who sat in a chair on one end of the large conference table at the room's center. She had a laptop placed in front of her at the table, and he could heard the scurried typing from her gloved hands. He walked slowly over to her, before taking a seat next to her at the table. THe chair squeaked a bit, spooking Art a bit but he noted she wasn't fazed by it. "Ah excuse me, Ms. Harts....." Art spoke softly, hoping to get her attention. She looked over to see Art sitting in the chair, and exclaimed "Oh sorry, Mr. Robinson....I will be with you in just a moment!" as she finished her rapid fire typing then putting her finger aways from the keyboard, followed by soft cracking of her fingers to relax them. "Ah yes, Mr. Art Robinson..... how glad to have you here. I need your assistance with some login credentials for this high end account." She then passed the laptop over to Art, while flashing a bright smile to him. Art adjusted his glasses, then took a look at it. "Oh my.... Ms. Harts.... this is....." which she nodded. "Oh yes, Mr. Robinson, that account.... the one linked to a major client of ours, maintained by yours truly." as she placed a gloved hand upon her bosom, which Art found slightly arousing. Lorelei Hars noticed that and smirked a bit, hehe got him. "But why you need my help with the login?" Art asked with a note of hesitation. Lorelei gasped with surprise and responded "Why Mr. Robinson, surely you must have the login detail for this account, after all you are one of the senior clerks in the department." She looked into his eyes with pleading kitten like eyes. Oh man, that's a weakness-helpless women, always needing some assistance from a figurative knight in shining armor. Sighing a bit, Art then went "Alright, let me see the computer.... one moment....." as he grabbed the laptop to log in and go over to the website for accounts management. She looked, with a lovely grin on her face. "Ok, so.... Ms. Harts....." Art spoke up, to get her attention again. "Ah yes, well.... this is embarrassing.... but I need you to transfer this much....." she sliding a small note to Art, "from that account to this other account, I have written down that information as well," flashing a clear smile to Art. He blushed a bit, but when he glanced at the note, he nearly did a spit take "Ms. Harts.... that... umm, quite the amount for transfer! Did you get approval....." before his mouth got shut by one of her gloved hands. "Shh now, dear..... I did, from the VP of Finance himself, if that soothes your nerves." She giggled then resumed, "Anyway, it was a request that he requested for and I would have done it myself, but.... " her eyes tearing up a bit "I have forgotten the login provided to me for that. So please, Art, please!" as she dabbed her eyes a bit. Oh man, this is quite serious, Art realized. Art looked at her, taking a moment to glance at her this close up. Her white, nearly porcelain skin was a sight to behold, adorned with light makeup, atop which long lustrous black hair showered down her backside. Granted, she had on thick dark red lipstick, striking azure eyes adorned with and that beauty mark but Art found himself feeling aroused near her. Though, he found her outfit to be a bit odd: gloves on her hands yes, but she insisted on wearing a high collar blouse with long sleeve blazer, especially considering the slightly warm room temperature of the building on most days. Heck, Art was sweating a bit in that temperature range. But he noticed that Ms. Lorelei was like a statue-beauty from a distance, but close up a few things stuck out. "Ah ok then.... let me see....." Art said as he typed in his login credentials, then following the instructions he placed the funds transfer to the account Ms. Harts had given him. :Ok, done, well there you go, Ms. Harts...." but before he finish that statement, she plated a deep, wet kiss on him. "Oh thanks Mr. Robinson... or would you prefer Art?" she questioned as she planted another sloppy one on him. "Great the company would be pleased with your efforts, Art-who knows I could put in a good word for a promotion? Anyway, mind if we go out to dinner tonight?" She mentioned in passing as he took in her beauty once more. "Uh yeah, sure.... how about that Italian kitchen place downtown?" he heartily suggested, having noticed it on his commute to work that morning. Be nice to go out with someone as radiant as she, he figured. "Oh sounds lovely, how about we meet up at 630 for that? Oh wait hang on, let me give you my number. " as she pulled out a iPhone, clad in hot pastel colors. "Here you go, Art, see you then... thank you." The she walked out of the room, taking with her the laptop. Art sat there for a moment, then made his way back to his cubicle, his walk a few step lighter and grinning like a giddy schoolboy. So it was, at Lorenzo's, an Italian kitchen restaurant adjoined to one of the big name hotels where Art found himself at. He wore one of his more finer, but still slightly worn suits: khaki suit with green and white plaid dress shirt with tan dress pants, topped with black shoes. He got there a bit early-to be on time is to be early the motto went- and was sitting at a table looking out to the night lit cityscape. Then he sniffed the scent of sweet lavender perfume "Oh excuse, is my date here?" he heard then looked over to the front lobby, then saw .... her. Lorelei looked.... well stunning would be an understatement. Her hair was worn in straight down the back fashion, but was just the beginning. She had on a dark purple dress, adorning and hugging her curves in all the right places, going all the way down to her high heeled feet. He noticed that her dress showed her bosom quite prominently, but had a light sheer material covering up that modest maiden's treasure. She still had on her light makeup from before, including the deep red lipstick, but that was alright-she looked amazing. The dress slit down starting near her hips, going down her legs, clad in dark sheer hose. Lastly she had on a large silver bracelet band on her left wrist, with her dove white gloves upon her hands. "Oh there you are, Art dear!" she exclaimed as she strode over to the table, placing her purple purse down on the floor near the table, then took the seat across from him. "I must say, this place is quite the find!" she noted with a clean grin. "Ah, yeah of course, Ms. Harts.... I just happen to find this place out.... and what a view indeed!" he noted confidently, pointing towards the city scape, adorned with bright lights the dizzying speed of traffic. "Oh yes its quite beautiful, Art. Now what shall we have?" she asked as she took hold of a menu. Art smiled as the two placed their orders and went into a lovely dinner of eating fine Italian cuisine and fine wine. "Ah so you have been with the company for some time eh, Art?" She asked, as she took a small bite of her pasta salad. He replied quickly "Uhh yeah, well.... been doing the same thing for 5 years now," looking downcast for a moment. "Oh hey, don't worry, after tonight you won't have to worry about anything at all-your future is secured," she remarked happily. "Cheers" she uttered as they clanked their two wine glasses together. But one thing Art noticed, now of all times, was that she had no rings on her fingers. "Say, pardon if this is rude, but do you happen to be single, Ms. Harts?" She looked shocked for a moment, then giggled a bit. "Why yes, Art I am. Though I just broke up with a guy I dated back in business school.... I thought for sure he was Mr. Right... but he... liked it rough." she said that last part in a covert whisper and a mere shudder. Art stammered, "Oh I see..... well, now here's the check? What are we to do now, its a Friday night-surely you got some girlfriends to hang out, eh Ms. Harts?" Art asked quite directly. "Uhh well, I have only been part of the company for a few months now, only made a few friends with some of the other secretaries.... besides...." she then clasped a hand over Art's on the table ".... I need some ..... intimate comfort, if you catch my drift, Art," she finished with a slight giggle. "I got a hotel room for the night here, mind coming up for a night cap.... maybe something more?" Art stammered for a moment, he hadn't quite planned for that. "Uh well, Ms. Harts... while I appreciate the offer, but I.... " before she once again smooched him hard on the lips. "Oh please, Art.... I know you want this....I noticed since our little meeting in the office today..... cmon, big boy...." she uttered huskily as she ended up paying the check for the meal and the two walked up to the elevator, to a night of passion. I am only lucky guy, Art muttered to himself. Lorelei grinned with small degree of menace. Hook, line and sucker, she snickered to herself. The two made their way to the hotel room. As soon as the door was open, Art and Lorelei were in hot embrace, kissing and making out. "Oh yeah.... hic.... we are in for a great night right, Ms. Harts.... gulp?" Art asked as she made her way to the single bed of the room, with a long closet off to the right. She sat herself down upon bed, striking a sexy pose. Art started to approach her, ready to ravish her though his mind was in a wine addled state before she called to his attention "Hey, Art! Listen, you can call me Lorelei.....please this is quite intimate for me, i mean, for us. We should enjoy ourselves, yes?" as she stretched her supple body out on the bed. "Umm... uhh, yeah I suppose that could work.... Ms. Lorelei? What are you doing?' as he saw her move to lifting up her dress hem and lowering her sheer dark hose, revealing her panty clad ass and woman rose. "Sorry, Art dear, but its my time of the month, but I assure you that this might be a suitable alternative?" she beamed to him. He stood there in the hotel room, utterly dumbfounded. "What do you mean, Lorelei?" "Oh well, I suppose you needed a reward for your efforts. I provide the highest clerical service, don't you know?" Lorelei replied back in a soothing seductive tone, as she moved her panties away from her ass, revealing her clean poop shoot, nice and smooth. "Cmon, plunge the depths, boy!" she whispered seductively as Art gulped and then he took off his pants, revealing his man rod... and went to town on her ass..... which he then blacked out from shortly after due to the sheer arousal, but not before he noticed her flashing a menacing grin..... huh that looked off on such a pretty face, he grinned goofily...... what a lovely secretary..... He woke up the next day, back in his mundane adobe, before shaking his head. Oh my what was that? A Dream? he thought as he got up to use the bathroom. Sure enough, he noticed his dick smeared with cum. Ah right, I guess it wasn't as he grinned a bit. It was the weekend, time to relax and get ready for the next week. Perhaps he could score a round 2 with the lovely siren Lorelei..... "Art Robinson, report to my office immediately!" a voice bellowed out of the intercom. Yeah that woke him up from his monday funk, alright. Art stood up, he knew that voice-his boss, the VP of Finance. Oh no, what could that be, he wondered as he got up and walked towards the VP's office. Then a brief though of hope emerged. Aha, maybe Lorelei put in her good favor, and he was going in for a promotion talk. He walked a bit more lighter, but as he reached the boss office, he heard some shouting. Huh, wonder what that's about? He knocked on the door. "Come on in!" a voice uttered, and Art made his way out. THe VP's office was,even in the daytime, curtains closed and quite dark. Save for a single lamp light at the VP's office desk, it was like a dim room where all hope and joy died a dreadful death. Hell, might as well include "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here" for good measure. Art rarely saw his VP boss, even in his own office. That was due, not just to the lack of light but the waft of deep grey smoke hovering around the office, coming from the long cigar inside the VP's mouth. "You wanted to see me, sir?" Art asked with a clear trembling tone in his voice, taking a seat in front of the VP's desk. He was clearly sweating, as he noticed the temperature on the AC wall unit was marked at 86 degrees. The VP took a deep sigh, and clearing his throat, posed a simple question" Do you know anything about this?" as he gave a report over to Art. He give it the once over, then gasped-it was that account transfer he had done last Friday, at her prodding. "Uhh yeah, why you ask?" Art asked, rather uneasily. "Well, as it turns out, whatever you sent this to, we can't get a hold of those funds and that's quite a lot of money...." "Uh-huh, that it is, sir and.... so what....." "And I got a feverish call from the client linked to that account, wondering why they are suddenly short on funds now. Please... " The VP took another drag of the cigar, the smoke surrounding Art menacingly " Explain, to me, Art why you did this and where's that money?" the VP's face contorted with controlled rage, but Art could tell he was not happy about this. "Ah, well.... I was told by Lorelei Harts...." Who is that, pray tell, Art? I know of no such woman working in this department" the VP rejoined. That sent a shock from Art. No.... no way, he thought, had he been had?, he wondered. "But wait, last Friday she was here, we had a meeting..... " but stopped there. "Boss, please check the videos for the conference room......" "I will stop you there, dear boy, the video cameras in there have no evidence except the ones in the hallway show you going in then coming out..... so once again, I need an explanation..... where's that money, Art?" He knew his job was on the line, but without Lorelei-his dear siren-he was left hanging out to dry, literally. He hung his head in shame and responded "I don't know, sir." The VP then replied back "You may pack up your stuff, your are relieved of your job starting today. You will be sent your last check in the mail by end of next week. Now, get out of my sight," as the VP swung a free arm to the door, a final gesture to Art. He left the office, packed his stuff, turned in his credentials and walked out the door. Man I goofed up badly, he lamented as he drove back to his apartment, unsure of what to do..... Meanwhile, back at an apartment on the other side of the city, Lorelei Harts got up after a nice long slumber. "Augh" she moaned as she got up from the bed. What a night, she thought, then flashed a sly grin to herself. She walked over to her vanity, and glanced at her beauty encased in this purple cocktail dress. She had taken off her heels earlier, ugh my feet will be sore, she thought, but oh so worth it. She began to grope her bosom, while kneading her crotch, before she felt a slight twinge from down below. "Oh how silly of me, got to let you loose eh?" she muttered as she disrobed the dress, leaving in just her panty thong, hose, corset and bra. She then slid the hose down her supple legs, then unclasped her bra, letting loose her bra. Next she took off the panty thong, revealing a gray gaffe. "Poor Art, it wasn't my time of the month.... it never is!" she exclaimed as she pulled down that, a 8 inch penis strung to attention, relieved to be released. She then grabbed this incongruent man tool, and pumped it a bit before it let out some cum as she cried out in a loud womanly cry. Satisfied with that release, Lorelei continued "Well Art, you might have wondered why I wore no short sleeved outfits, or why I wore gloves all the times you saw me? Heh well that should be obvious." as she tore off the gloves and the silver wristband. The reason was made clear: her hands were quite manly, with no nail polish and at odds with her pale skin on the rest of her thin arms. "Oh my, I didn't do my nails today! Oh silly me, teehee!" she remarked as she unlaced her corset wrapped around her midriff. It came down, showing off a slender, but clearly male midsection, with skin tone a shade or two darker then the breasts above or the hips below. " Ah yes I am no mere woman" she spoke up as she grabbed a makeup remover, taking off all her makeup upon her face. Once that was done, seams around her shoulders and neck, just under her bosom and around her waist, appeared. Next, with some effort, she pulled at her arms, the thin pale skin giving way to tan but rough skins underneath. Then, she grabbed her bosom by the hands, and pulled at them like taffy before they came off like the photorealistic breast forms they were. Lorelei looked down at her waist. The prosthetics around that area had provided her with a nice ass, birthing hips but had a detachable vulva front that for her purposes left it off for this.... excursion of financial chicanery. SHe grinned as pulled at them, the fine ass and hips sliding down her legs then they landed with a plop upon the floor. She noted the ass still had some man seed in there. Ah that will need some cleaning later, Lorelei or rather Eric noted mentally, before flashing a clean grin again. Eric glanced in the mirror as he still had the Lorelei head mask on. "Oh poort Art, I hope you understand....its not personal, its just business." as he tilted Lorelei's head to the side, before pulling out the dentures and contact lenses. Finally he removed the mask, pulling it up and over his own head, Lorelei's beautiful face contorting then falling blank, lifeless, until Eric was left with nothing but a mere mask. "After all, Art, you must keep up with your tracks....." before turning over and finishing "and cover your ass," with Eric slapping his ass as he went into the shower, Another day, another sucker. FIN

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The Secretary

The Secretary By Morpheus Gene Howard frowned as he stared at the numbers dancing on his computer screen. He pulled his eyes away from the monitor and dug through the stack of papers on his desk, matching them and double checking them. After the third time, he knew that it hadn't just been a miscalculation on his part. There were several discrepancies in the company records. Discrepancies which could mean that up to 3 million dollars was missing. "Damn," Gene muttered, wiping his...

2 years ago
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I Was Promoted from CFO to Secretary

To our readers, I would like to introduce a new coauthor Cagivagurl. Do yourself a favor and check out her story page on FM. We were so impressed with her resume of stories we went out and actively recruited her to join our team. For our faithful readers you might be able to detect a more sensual leaning to this production. We hope you enjoy this tale. Marina and Monica Promoted from CFO to Secretary. Beth Johnson sat out on the patio relaxing with her morning...

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I had begun serving on the neighborhood board to be sure things were done correctly. I had a lot of money invested in my house, and even though I was single, I wanted to be sure it kept its value. The board oversaw all the maintenance and improvements to community property; collected the homeowner dues; made sure everyone obeyed the covenants; and checked that new houses were built to our code restrictions. We also promoted social events and neighborhood parties. It seemed like a lot...

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Ken Summers8217 encounters with his married secretary and her two daughters

Part 1-Office Respite ——————— “Yes, sir. I completely understand. I’ll have it done for you when you come in first thing tomorrow morning.” I lowered the phone from my ear and will depressing the end button to end the call, my other hand ran through my short black hair and I exhaled a soft sigh of disgust. My overbearing boss had just given me yet another unreasonable deadline. A deadline that I knew that I wasn’t going to meet...

2 years ago
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Becoming My Husbands Secretary

My husband, James, secretary quit last year after marrying one of his clients. And he was struggling to find a suitable replacement.   He had hired a number of secretaries, but they just kept quitting sometimes not even working a full week.   James is a major distributor of swimwear and leisurewear for women, which is imported from Brazil. Most of his clients are in coastal areas of the United States and Mexico and sales are seasonal and very competitive.   We have been married for twenty years...

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Becoming My Husbands Secretary

My husband James’s secretary quit last year; after marrying one of his clients. He was struggling to find a suitable replacement. He had hired a number of secretaries, but they just kept quitting sometimes not even working a full week. James is a major distributor of swim wear, club wear, and leisurewear for women, which is imported from Brazil. Most of his clients are in coastal areas of the United States and Mexico and sales are seasonal and very competitive. We have been married for twenty...

3 years ago
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Becoming My Husbands Secretary

  My husband, James, secretary quit last year after marrying one of his clients. And he was struggling to find a suitable replacement.   He had hired a number of secretaries, but they just kept quitting sometimes not even working a full week.   James is a major distributor of swimwear and leisurewear for women, which is imported from Brazil. Most of his clients are in coastal areas of the United States and Mexico and sales are seasonal and very competitive.   We have been...

Wife Lovers
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My Wife Found Me A New Secretary

I’ve always had a great fondness for women.  I’ve always had a roving eye most of my adult life.  My wife and I married right out of college.  She saw a good thing and wanted to get married right away.  I wanted to wait a little while.  However, she talked me into getting married.  We’ve been married for twenty years.  We never had children, which I believe put a strain on our marriage.  My wife found out early, she couldn’t conceive.  She didn’t want to adopt.  Don’t get me wrong, I love my...

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Mommy Adriana Makes Greta Become a Secretary

Dear Readers, it took me a while because reality caught up with me, but now the next chapter is ready. I simply hope you don't get bored and enjoy also the 6th installment of my little story. Mommy Adriana makes Greta become a secretary By: Greta Finally I lay in bed. I heard Mommy Adriana was sound asleep while I tossed and turned. I simply couldn't sleep after today's events. I would never be the same man again....

4 years ago
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Sex With the New Secretary

Last week was a week full of celebratory events. Agatha Smith finally retired. She gave thirty years of service at Anthony Roma’s company. He made sure that she got a nice pension and his company gave her a retirement party. She was the best administrative secretary he ever had. The best part of her retirement was interviewing dumb blondes to take her place. There were many that were perfectly qualified. Mr. Roma wasn’t really looking for somebody who would be able to get her work done...

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Secretary part 2

This is based on a game of the same name. Made by a user named DeeDee. Enjoy!17:55 Tuesday 28 jun. 20335 minutes left of the work day, and Chris has nothing, but the 16% Alex found for him. Suddenly a yellow blinking pops up on his desktop. It’s from Mrs. LaCroix. His boss. It reads: [Chris, this is about your mishap with the Nintendolls game data. I need to see you in my office as soon as possible.]With a sigh of defeat, Chris reads the message and close the computer. He gathers his things and...

2 years ago
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Story Of Arpita 8211 Part III 8211 The Private Secretary

Hello readers, welcome back for the third part of the Story of Arpita. For those who had been a regular follower of Arpita, a brief recap first – Story of Arpita – Part 1 – Wife at Stake – Pritam, Arpita’s husband had lost his job at a very crucial time of his life. He had just got married to Arpita and was beginning his life, when his sacking came as a bolt from the blue. And he had no other choice but to offer his wife, Arpita, to his bosses, to save his job. Unmesh, Rahul, and Anjan, his 3...

1 year ago
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The New Secretary

Although I particularly like comments on how wonderful my writing is, I can accept constructive criticism as well. If you want to tell me how great I am, make suggestions for story ideas, or just BS about something contact me at: [email protected] The New Secretary By Amy Brett Chapter 1 THE RUMORS HAD been flying for weeks and everybody was walking on eggshells around the office. I'd always done my job as a high paid clerk in the payroll and records department to the...

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Productive Day With Secretary Payal In Husband8217s Absence

My name is Rahul Raj. I am 39 years old. I am 5ft 10″ tall and muscular. My tool is 8.1″ long and 3″ thick. I work as an operations manager for a steel plate company. I handle the operation in the Middle East and India. I am located in Dubai, and I am a frequent traveler. This is a continuation of my previous story, “Milking My Secretary – Part 1.” I had mentioned in my previous story about my secretary. Her name is Payal. She is a Punjabi girl, 27 years old with a sexy and slim figure. Her...

1 year ago
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Productive Day With Secretary Payal In Husband8217s Absence

My name is Rahul Raj. I am 39 years old. I am 5ft 10″ tall and muscular. My tool is 8.1″ long and 3″ thick. I work as an operations manager for a steel plate company. I handle the operation in the Middle East and India. I am located in Dubai, and I am a frequent traveler. This is a continuation of my previous story, “Milking My Secretary – Part 1.” I had mentioned in my previous story about my secretary. Her name is Payal. She is a Punjabi girl, 27 years old with a sexy and slim figure. Her...

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MTVs Flipped My Fair Secretary

I plan on making several stories in this series, and if others want to, you are more than free to do so. Flipped By Po The 21 year-old rich and spoiled Brad, who was mysteriously bribed 100,000 dollars by MTV, agreed to appear on MTV's brand new show "Flipped". But exactly who he would be switching places with was still a mystery. But he didn't let it get to him... as long as he got paid and added more money to his illustrious bank. But... he had no idea what was about to...

2 years ago
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The Bored Secretary

The Bored Secretary Belladonna Jerome Gustafsson tapped the butt of his pen against the desktop as he stared at the clock of his computer screen. Another minute clicked by while he awaited the arrival of Lily Ghosn into his home office. It was one of the few places Lily had never been in his home before. She was his wife's best friend for decades. She had been the Maid of Honor at their wedding. He cared for the girl, even though he detested her forced intrusion into his...

3 years ago
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The Futa Experiment Part 1 The Secretary

Bianca sat in bed, absentmindedly scrolling through her social media feeds on her phone, whittling away the hours of the early morning. She didn’t have any plans for today, and tried to find some entertainment in the postings of others. One of her friends, Amy, posted a picture of herself in a skimpy swimsuit, captioned “missing the summer sun.” Her cleavage drew Bianca’s attention and she began to imagine those huge tits exposed to the warm, summer air, glistening with sweat. Her girl cock...

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Secretary For A Change

Secretary For A Change It was a typical day at the firm I work for as an office admin. Robinson's Accounting was a great company to work for, with twenty offices in North America. My name is Karen Matheson, I'm 26 and have been working in the Toronto branch office for four years. I got in, made myself a cup of coffee, fired up my computer and checked my emails. One email caught my eye from my boss, George McLean, with the title of 'womanless secretary contest'. I immediately opened up...

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Naughty Secretary

I walked into the office again. 'Holy shit, is she just putting herself on display? She has that big crack on there, so is she just pretending that I won't notice? Is she plotting for a raise or what?' I thought as I stopped in front of her desk. "Brooke?" "Yes, Mr. Green?" she asked, failing to look at me. I clenched my fists and got closer to her. "Would you mind covering your cleavage? This is a law firm and I want our clients and potential clients to think we are serious and respectful....

Office Sex
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The Sexy Secretary Gives at the Office

Working as a tranny escort is my favorite way to earn money and get lots of cock, at the same time. I love to put on sexy panties and show off my body to men, so it is a job I enjoy doing the most. The fact that lots of men really like me and call me back again and again makes me feel wonderful, as well.I have long hair that makes me look like a woman from behind and my breasts are big for a man's and they get played with and sucked on like a woman's. In fact, most of my clients tell me I'm...

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New Secretary Chapter 1

When I bought the company I had the opportunity to pick my own personal secretary. So I asked HR to send up some suitable resumes for me to review. Thank you to the government because all of the files had copies of the candidate’s driver’s license – I get to see what they look like first. I interviewed three but as soon as Marie walked in I knew who it was going to be. She was about thirty, and according to her license, five feet six and 120 pounds. She had a nice pair of tits and great legs...

Straight Sex
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Nelson Enterprises VP of Sales becomes a Secretary

Nelson Enterprises - VP of Sales becomes a Secretary The VP of Sales - Dan Watkins - sexually harassed one of his talented sales ladies - Kelly Weir - to the point she quit and then he used his influence to destroy her career. He will now be inheriting that body and the remains of that career and must learn to interact with his 2 ex- wives from a new perspective - as their maid. Summary to date: Bill: Bill Nelson was a famous billionaire inventor and playboy but now finds...

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His special secretary Part 3

I went home like a ghost, my wife asked me what was wrong and I just told her that it's hard at work and that I'm stressed and we have a mostly silent dinner. I see that it does not seem much better for her and ask how she goes. It's also hard in her work and the restructuration is not going well, the employees are pressured like hell and she's afraid for her job too.I go to work the next morning and Sir Vatier is already there, he welcomes me and I sit at my desk to start my work when he calls...

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My sexy secretary

My name is John Lampert. I've been with someone for like 4 years straight now. From one relationship to the next. You could say I'm dependent on relationships. I don't know why, but I've been that way since I was 26 and I'm 34 now. But at the time I was single. I'm 6 feet tall and have black hair and brown eyes. Since I really didn't have anyone to go home to, I worked late a lot. I worked in an office building as an executive. I have a secretary that I think might have a thing for me named...

Straight Sex
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New Secretary Chapter 2 Maries first month

New Secretary - Chapter 2– Marie’s First Month If you have read the previous story about my new personal assistant Marie, you’ll know that she may turn out to be a great addition to the company. At this point how far she is willing to go remains unknown. I do know I underestimated her commitment. I must admit that I had completely underestimated the effect on Marie of making her my personal assistant and sex slave. She had always been effective, efficient and professional beforehand, but our...

Straight Sex
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Mistress Dyvias Secretary

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and have themes of bondage, feminization and other deviant sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Mistress Dyvia presents: Mistress Dyvia's...

3 years ago
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From Salesman to Secretary Part 3

Chapter 4: Nearing Emilia's Endgame Tracy looked up from her computer to see James arriving to work. It was Thursday and Emilia had told the girls that her plan was going to be complete by Friday. Tracy wondered what humiliation the secretary was going to unleash on her boss today, but not enough to keep her from her work. Tracy was a no nonsense, go getter type of woman. The type you see on all of the advertisements for women in the workplace, but with none of the cringe. She knew...

4 years ago
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The new Secretary Short Story

Mary Monroe, 21, secretary, single, enjoys one-night-stands more than a continuous relationship. In her vivid fantasies she uses her body to entice and encourage men to a spontaneous encounter without responsibility. Making love with the same partner for more than once seems to bore her and to hinder her for the all so fascinating new adventures: I'm a bit nervous on the first day of my new job as a secretary. The manager that introduces me to my duties is young, handsome and very lively. With...

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Secretary to the CEO

Secretary to the CEO by theduck1930 I’m a retired CEO of a small-cap company. Our market was agriculture chemicals. Rather a smelly business. If you had ever sprayed weed control products on your lawn you could appreciate what I just said. I had worked my way up the ladder starting as a janitor around the formulating mixers. The odor could knock your socks off if it had not been for everyone wearing a respirator. Every day when I came to work I could smell the plant as soon as I opened my car...

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The Perfect Secretary

The Perfect Secretary By Cherysse St. Claire "Cissy, would you bring in the projected revenues on the l'Audace line, please?" "In a minute, Ms. Fontaine. They're coming off the Laserjet right now." I reached over and withdrew the reports from the output stacker. The stark, white paper was a contrast to my long, slender fingers with their ultra-long, crimson nails. I patted an errant lock of my full, fluffy, golden-blonde mane back in place, checked my make-up in the desk-drawer...

3 years ago
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The secretary

She had spent too long waiting for a long promised fuck but tonight was the night. Even though she was in a relationship, for her the best sex was with others – the lustful dark fucking that she would only dare to do with others. He had been teasing her for the past year and she had finally told him to fuck her or fuck off. She was going to a conference where he would be and they had arranged to accidentally have adjoining rooms. It was the best cover for both of them. The worst part was...

4 years ago
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The secretary

She had spent too long waiting for a long promised fuck but tonight was the night. Even though she was in a relationship, for her the best sex was with others - the lustful dark fucking that she would only dare to do with others. He had been teasing her for the past year and she had finally told him to fuck her or fuck off. She was going to a conference where he would be and they had arranged to accidentally have adjoining rooms. It was the best cover for both of them. The worst part was...

3 years ago
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Best Secretary A Man Ever Had

‘Just fucking great.’ I thought to myself as Henrietta left my office to go back to her desk. This had to be Frank Johnson’s idea of a joke again. He was the main boss for our section and handled personel also, I had been slowly climbing the corporate ladder and had gotten to the point of actually having a secretary. Vice President the sign read, with my name on it. Another of Frank’s ideas, a title like that got respect when speaking to a potential customer, at least that is what he...

2 years ago
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Watching my Father fuck his young Secretary

As Deborah bends over at the filing cabinet, John glances up from his desk and admires the view. The coffee-brown, wrap-around dress she’s wearing today highlights her stunning, statuesque figure, her long shapely legs, womanly hips and well-proportioned behind. Its late and there’s no one left in the building and John’s son is not due from the train station for at least another hour… He gets up and wanders over to stand behind his voluptuous secretary. As she rises back up from the filing...

1 year ago
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My conservative old secretarys panties

Saturday afternoon I arrived home and, as I was getting out of the car, I recalled some documents I had left on my desk.It was a little late; but I really needed these dossiers and papers to complete an office job at home. My wife came out as she saw my doubtful moment and I explained Ana that I needed to get back to the office. She smiled with an evil grin, saying my sexy slutty secretary would be waiting for me, naked and spread eagle onto her own desk.I laughed, telling Ana that she knew my...

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Trainee Secretary RequiredChapter 7

I eased out of Dani and slid off so I could lie next to her and look across at Sara and Natasha, just on the other side of her faintly trembling body. I stroked the fine, Mediterranean skin of her arm, then her pert left tit and its nipple which was still erect. She sighed happily. “Enjoy borrowing our toyboy, who you just met for for the second time?” Sara teased. Dani was right next to Sara, almost touching. She wriggled onto her side to face her challenger and snuggled back into me. The...

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Editing Reality Book Two Sultry Fantasies UnleashedChapter 8 Creating a New Secretary

Steve Davies I shoved my teaching materials into my satchel while admiring the naked girls in my classroom. Two weeks had passed since I’d edited my classroom to have every girl strip naked. I had a lot of fun. I’d enjoyed all my female students, savoring their underage snatches quivering about my cock. My students were learning even better than before. Two weeks of fun. Two weeks of improving things. I was editing the people I knew, making their lives better. I found friends that were...

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