Letters From Rose
- 2 years ago
- 30
- 0
Dear George,
I think I told you that our young wife (Lissie) is from Canada, and she was raised by her mom and grandmother to be their sex slave, and that I have been serving both of them when we go up there to visit. What I didn't mention is that it was Lissie's grandmother, Mistress Chantal, who was the one who broke my resistance to being used as a human toilet, and I love her so much for doing that to me that words fail me to describe it.
Lissie's mom, Lorraine, visited us a couple months after we married her beautiful daughter, and it was during those visits, while Lorraine and I were the only people in our house during the day, that she told me that I needed to become a body slave to her mother, and to serve as her human toilet, as I was already doing for both her and my dark wife, Frey.
I don't know why I ever agreed to do such a thing, but I'm sure that it was because of Frey's insistence, as well as Lissie's encouragement that I agreed to become Mistress Chantal's toilet slave during our next visit to Canada.
Within minutes of arriving at Lorraine's home in Vancouver, I was in the suite of rooms used by Mistress Chantal when she visited her daughter, naked and on my knees, begging her to accept me as her body slave, and to train me to properly serve her. She told me that she would accept me as her probationary slave, but that before she would accept me to full service, I had to prove myself to her.
She then told me to lie on my back, and as I did so she removed her peignoir and stood straddling my head. As I lay there on my back, I stared in fascination at her naked body, and tried to make my brain come to terms with what was going to happen.
Mistress Chantal slowly lowered herself to me, and as her vagina brushed my lips, I opened my mouth as I knew I was supposed to. Mistress didn't say a single word to me, but instead started peeing in my mouth with every bit of force she could muster.
Given my lack of training, I was unable to swallow her gift fast enough, and before I knew it, it was running over my lips and onto the white carpet. That made Mistress Chantal very angry, of course, and she told me that I was going to pay for what I'd done.
As she left the room, she ordered me to get cleaning supplies from the cabinet in the bathroom and remove every single drop of pee from the carpet, which I did, while all the time trembling in fear as I tried to imagine what would be done to me as punishment.
That evening Lorraine drove her mother, Lissie, and me to the ferry landing north of Vancouver, and we were soon on our way to Vancouver Island. Nobody said a word to me about where we were going, or what was going to happen when we got there, which just made me even more frightened than before.
When we left the ferry and drove away from the slip, I was even more scared, because they began to describe the place they were taking me, which they said was an S&M club where there were no limits. None of them said what that implied for me, in terms of the punishment I had earned by my failure, and my brain was almost completely shut down in fear.
When we arrived at our destination, the car turned in at a driveway with stone fences on both sides, finally arriving at a closed gate. Lissie opened the glove compartment and took out a tiny box with a button on it, and when she pressed that button, the gate opened, and then closed behind us after we had driven through it. We then continued up a long, winding driveway, until at last reaching a beautiful cedar and stone building that they called the "clubhouse." We parked in the lot filled with other cars in front of the building just as a young woman about ten years younger than me came walking out of it, and as we got out of the car, she was introduced to me as the Manager of the S&M club.
She gave me a wonderful hug and then a passionate kiss. At last getting down to business, she turned to Mistress Chantal, asking, "Is this the little bitch you called me about?"
Mistress Chantal nodded her head in answer, then replied, "I hope you have everything ready for her."
The Manager laughed, then said, "I think you'll find everything just as you've always liked it." Then, leading the way down a nearby brick walkway, she added, "I took the liberty of calling as many other members as I could, and when they heard what was going to happen . . ., well, you can see how many of them showed up to watch." As she said that, she pointed to the dozens of cars that were sitting in the parking lot.
I guess by that point I had already accepted that I was going to be punished, but when I slowly realized that lots and lots of strangers were going to watch it happen, my knees got so weak that I almost fell. It's a good thing that Mistress Chantal and Lorraine were ready for some sign of resistance from me, and took my arms and helped me walk to the large barn that was at the end of the pathway.
We entered the barn, and then turned to our right and walked into a small room. There were several clothes hooks hanging on the wall, with nearly all of them holding the garments that had been placed there. It was no surprise to me when I was ordered to undress, although I was surprised with the other four women also removed their own clothes and placed them on some of the hooks.
After all of us were naked, my wrists were cuffed behind my back, a collar with an attached leash was put around my neck, and I was led out of the room. We headed to a set of double-doors at the end of a hallway, and then as Lissie held one of them open for us, walked through.
God in heaven, but I truly felt like I was going to pass out right there on the floor, because there were more than 50 men and women, and several others who were no older than teenagers seated in row after row of chairs that had been placed in front of an elevated stage. That part was bad enough, but adding to my fear was the fact that they, like me, were entirely naked, and every man and boy that I could see had an erection and every breast was sporting an erect nipple. All I could think of was that I was to be gang raped to punish me for my failure to serve Mistress Chantal as she required.
I was quickly led up two steps and then across the stage, toward just about the strangest thing I'd ever seen. It was nothing more than a large, square post that had been set in a socket in the floor of the stage, with about eight feet of it exposed above that. There was a smaller crosspiece bolted to the upright post, and it looked like it was about two feet above my head. There were cuffs fastened to each end of the crosspiece, and I knew right then what was going to happen to me: I was to be crucified for my failure.
A few feet below the crosspiece was a strange-looking thing, and as we approached the cross, I saw that it was nothing more than a steel pipe that was sticking out of the upright post no more than three inches. Then, as we walked closer yet, I could see bumps sticking out of the pipe all around it, and that was my first introduction to something called a "sedile," although at that time I had no idea what it was.
Below the sedile another two feet was a second crosspiece, that one about four feet in length, and also bolted to the upright. There were things fastened to each end of that horizontal piece that looked exactly like the part of a cowboy spur that fits around the boots he wears, which are in the shape of the letter "U". Those strange things had been fastened so their open end faced away from the crosspiece, and there were straps and buckles dangling from each of them.
The only other things there were a wooden box about as high as a chair seat, a short length of rope lying on the floor, and something I immediatley recognized, because we have three of them in our special room in our garage. That final thing was a flogger, and there was no question it was waiting to be used as part of my punishment.
The five of us turned to face the audience, and then Mistress Chantal, who was still holding my leash in her hand, pointed to me and raised her voice as she said angrily, "This Mexican bitch placed herself in my service, and then when I allowed her to drink my piss, she spit it out! What should be done with her?"
God, George, but everyone just went crazy with yelling at me in disgust with what I'd done to insult my Mistress. Then, in answer to her question, one older woman stood up and shook her fist at me as she almost screamed, "Crucify the dirty bitch! Crucify her!"
As if everyone else had been waiting for those words, every throat joined her in yelling, "Crucify her! Crucify her! Crucify her!" They quickly began chanting in unison, and Mistress Chantal smiled in satisfaction for a long time as she listened to her friends. At last she raised her hands for silence, and when she could at last be heard, she nodded towards the audience as she said, "I agree. So be it."
I was then led to the cross, and my lifeless body was turned to face away from it. Mistress Chantal helped me stand on the box, and then a man came walking from behind one of the curtains that hung at each side of the stage. He was carrying two step stools, which he placed on the floor, one under each end of the upper crosspiece. As he stepped back, my Mistress and Lorraine climbed the stools, and when I had raised my arms as ordered, they fastened the cuffs around my wrists.
As soon as my arms had been secured, Mistress Chantal told me to bend my knees enough that my bottom would be resting on top of the short pipe with the pins sticking out of it. I did that, and then had my first experience ever with sitting on a sedile, and believe me, it is not at all pleasant!
Mistress Chantal and Lorraine then got off the step stools. They knelt beside the box that I was standing on, and then before I could even imagine what they were going to do, they each took one of my ankles and pulled my feet widely apart.
When I had been spread enough, my knees were placed in the metal stirrups and buckled in place, and I was truly humiliated to have my cunt spread so wide while all those strangers stared at it.
The last part of my preparation came when Lorraine took both my ankles and drew them together. That had the effect of not only spreading my cunt even more, but also of making my knees face outward, which made them complain and start to ache within seconds. When Lorraine had drawn my feet together and held them with the soles facing one another, Mistress Chantal used the piece of rope to tie my ankles together, which left my toes a few inches above the box where I had been standing.
After she and Lorraine had regained their feet and faced the audience, she said, "The little bitch has been crucified like you wanted. Can you think of anything else that should be done to punish her?"
Again several voices cried our with their suggestions, but after a few seconds the cry of, "Whip her! Whip her! Whip her!" was being chanted by every throat.
My Mistress turned to me and smiled in that sultry was she has that just drives me crazy, then whispered, "I hope you remember this the next time I piss in your mouth."
She then picked up the flogger, raised it above her head, and brought it crashing down across one of my tits. Before I could even think to cry out with the pain she had given me, she raised it again, and that time the thongs found my other tit.
Then, as if only one huge voice were doing it, every throat in the room cried out, "Whip! Whip! Whip!" Mistress timed her strokes to the cadence of the chanting, and as the thongs found my tits in turn, and then worked their way down to my cunt, they left a trail of reddening stripes on my body.
I have no idea how long I was whipped, but Lissie has always said it wasn't much more than two minutes before Mistress Chantal dropped the whip and fell to her knees in front of me. As she licked the pain from my cunt, I felt my body forcing itself toward her and all her friends, as if offering itself to whatever else they wanted done to it.
And then the next thing I knew, I started to climax, and according to Lissie and her mom, I just went crazy. They said I actually screamed as I had my orgasm, but I don't remember doing that, so they're probably making it up just to embarrass me even more.
The next thing I knew, I was being released from the cross, and then with my arms over the shoulders of Mistress Chantal and Lorraine, I was half carried, half dragged to the front of the stage. At that point, the Manager took over, and I quickly realized that my punishment was not yet at an end.
When she had the attention of every onlooker, the Manager said, "Now it's time for the part of the evening where my wonderful friends will do their best to support our favorite club. The AUCTION!
That brought a round of applause, which quickly faded when the woman raised her hands to call for silence. When she had their attention, she continued, "Mistress Chantal has given me permission to remind you that our club does not have limits when it comes to what may be done to any slave you purchase. So, bid accordingly, and remember that every dollar paid for her goes directly to support this wonderful place."
That marked the beginning of bid after bid being placed for my services for the night. The end came several minutes later, when the final, winning bid was called out by an older couple seated right in front of where I was standing. I could not help noticing, as they stood and walked forward to take possesion of their new "toy" that his penis was engorged so much that the distended head actually glistened in the light from the fixtures attached to the ceiling above. That same light sparkled off the juices that coated her inner thighs, every time she took a step. There was no question both were highly aroused with thoughts of what they would soon be doing to me, but more than frightening me, it made my own nipples become even more erect, and my breathing become more rapid.
As my temporary owners stood waiting for me at the bottom of the steps, Mistress Chantal led me down to them. She handed my leash to the woman, said only, "Try to teach her correct obedience, Marian," and then joined with her friends as they folded up the chairs and piled them off to the sides of the room. As I was led through the doors I looked back over my shoulder, to see everyone dragging large, padded mats from another room, and placing them on the floor, for what I later learned was the upcoming orgy.
That's what happened at the club to punish me for failing my Mistress like I did. I can assure you that the next time she sat on my lips, I did everything in my power to swallow every drop of her pee. Since I haven't again been punished like that, I guess I must have done it correctly that time.
On our next visit to Canada, I was taken to Mistress Chantal's home in Quebec. There I was introduced to the most-beautiful thing I'd ever seen, which was an antique bondage closet that had been cast from glass back in the 19th century, and had been passed down to her by her mother before her, who had received it from her mother, and so on. If you would like to hear how it was used to train me to perform full toilet service, I'll be glad to tell you. Right now I'm going to send this letter to you. It's already too long, and you're undoubtedly bored from reading all those words.
Author’s note: I did not expect I was going to post my short stories on this site. They tend to be tragic, and Letters from an angel is no exception. It’s strange, I want my short stories to be powerful enough to punch someone in the gut. They probably aren’t, not yet, but I’m quite sure that there’s a glimmer of profoundness in each one of them. At least that what I tell myself. I want to make you think when you read this. Write your thoughts in the comments. Gift your insights and perhaps...
You've only been here a few weeks, just long enough to figure out a few of the basics relative to self-preservation. Your cell, which even now doesn't actually feel as though it's your cell, is the very last one on the edge of "No Man's Land" in the middle of the tier, "the tracks," as They call it, located just before the section of black cells begins. You've been hearing rumors about being grabbed by the Black Inmates, but you feel that you're in less danger as long as you're still...
I met Lisa when I was twenty-two and it was love at first sight for me. I had broken my ankle in a mountain biking accident and she was the nurse who helped put the cast on for me. She was blond, gorgeous and had a captivating personality. I loved her despite the fact that she was a widow who was five years older than me and had a ten-year-old daughter, Jackie. Lisa had become pregnant with Jackie when she was sixteen. She had married her rich college boyfriend rather than give up Jackie. A...
TabooLETTER XVII You would have been somewhat surprised, my dear Charlie, at the sudden end to my last letter, but it was already unconscionably long. I was tired and had still to tell of the delicious proceedings of that night, so I determined to withhold them for another letter. With this explanation, I shall resume the current of my amorous adventures. I left off after having inserted my bursting prick into the divine bottom-hole of the beautiful youth while dear Mamma, who was similarly...
You may well scold me for my prolonged silence, for it is nearly a month since I sent you what you call the most damnably exciting letter you ever read. The truth is that our repeated orgies, at last, became too much for me. The one I last described inaugurated a series of others, much too repetitious for me to reiterate them over and over again, even if the laziness produced by such excesses had allowed me to sit down and pen a letter long enough to occupy hours in the mere mechanical...
Another break in the narrative: Harry resumes his correspondence with Charlie where he joins Louisa's family at breakfast. As you may well imagine, my dear friend, after the wild excesses I had just experienced, I was ready enough to sink into the arms of Morpheus. So just giving a chuckle over the successful start that I had made as a participator in the incestuous joys of this delightful family, I sank into deep a slumber and slept the sleep of the just. We were all late for breakfast the...
The graphic and stimulating account that dear girl Louisa gave me of her encounter with her mother's handsome young page, and the fire of lust that flashed from her eyes as the exciting details flowed from her lips, set me all aflame with such a raging lust (and such an erect and hard cock) that I thought it would burst open my trousers to cool its burning ardor. Louisa, whose eyes were too sharp not to have observed the effect of her lively de***********ion upon me, placed her body between...
I cut short my last long letter as I was really too tired to write more at the time. Our dinner party was of the gayest. The lovely evening and the softened light of the waning moon, which had only risen as we left, unusually late, from the dinner table, drew us to the terrace, and Sophie and I soon began to wander away from it, with the benevolent intent of favoring Louisa and Tom. We led the way to the nearest summer-house, and left them to their own enjoyment, keeping watch the while to...
LETTER XVI Harry's de***********ion of Louisa's and Tom's departure for their honeymoon is lacking. Her absence is felt. We had a rather silent dinner, the absence of dear Louisa weighing upon us, and we missed the liveliness and wit for which she was distinguished. After coffee we sat down to a quiet game of whist, previous to which Fred had seized the opportunity of our going together to the terrace to tell me that his father had whispered to Sophie that he should sleep with her that...
At last, the day arrived when my beloved Louisa and I were to proceed to her father's house. We had purposely named to all our friends in Paris the day before that on which we were really expected at her home so that we might stay on the road and have one last night of uninterrupted indulgence in our passionate love of each other. We fixed upon the pretty village of Rosny, not far from the Vernon Station, for the place of our last delicious sole enjoyment of our lascivious revels in love's...
Having left Louisa's bedroom and crept back to my own. At dawn, I was awakened by soft lips sweetly sucking mine. It was my darling Louisa. 'Harry, my love, you must surely have slept enough we are just going to have luncheon.' 'Indeed, is it so late?' said I returning her embrace. Her hand wandered beneath my clothes and encountered my lordly prick in all its glory. She squeezed it with her soft hand and I pulled her into bed with me, gently pushing her down upon it and lifting up her...
It may readily be supposed that I was much more inclined to sleep than to be up and active. So I rang my bell and told them to bring me a cup of coffee and a biscuit. Under the pretence of a bilious headache, I begged them also not to disturb me for breakfast, but to make my excuses and request that I might be left in quiet, as I had had a very restless night, which was true enough. So after allaying my exhaustion with a delicious cup of cafe au lait, I sank into the deepest and most...
While Fred and I were lounging in the delightful shade on the terrace, a neighboring young gentleman, a connection of the family, called to ascertain the particulars of the marriage day. Seeing Fred, he came up to us and stated his errand, and so he and Fred went off to consult with Mamma. I saw dear Louisa looking out from an upper balcony of the house, apparently intensely gazing at some object in the distance. I called to her and she turned for an instant, shaking her hand at me, as much...
I got back to my room without being observed, chuckling over the fact that I was now completely initiated in all the mysteries of the family, and was an accepted participator in all the exquisite excesses of their incestuous intercourse; yet still there wanted the complete enlightenment of both Papa and Mamma as to my relations with both Fred and Sophie. Mamma, who was as capricious as a young beauty of twenty, had taken a fancy to have Fred the following night, and Papa had been so...
The next day, shortly after our arrival at home, Mamma disappeared. We knew it was to enjoy her charming page and to give him her first fruits after her late clearing out. Sophie slyly asked if Fred and I would not like to follow so good an example. After such a challenge, we could not but accept it. So going up to the hut where I had first enjoyed her after her loving Papa had taken precedence, we gratified the dear creature with two double fucks, each enjoying both channels. After which we...
"...how can Sky not live happily ever after?" Letters from Sky By Jan S Part 16 and Epilogue © 2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, May 26th (Morning) Hi, Marsh It's your Sister!! :) You around, Marsha? I still haven't heard from you, I guess 'cuz of the holiday, and things come up. Anyway, I did...
Letters from Sky By Jan S Part 7 © 2008 by Jan S ____________________________________________________ Monday, April 28th (noon) Hi, Marsh, I'm banished to my room by the cleaning lady again. Nah-uh, he didn't really grab me and hold or anything -- just sort of tried to hug, but rough. And I could have asked his mom or brother for my bike, but just didn't want to. And I looked...
You might well be pleased with my last letter but you have merited your own reprimand. You confess to having read it with too much action of the hand, not expecting any such very racy termination, and that when it came to such delicious mouth-fucking you were obliged to spend all over your dressing-gown. All I can say is don’t do so anymore, but come over to see me, and I will do it for you as you did it for me when we crept into each other’s beds at school. But I have more adventures to...
A gap in the correspondence occurs here; Louisa has returned and Tom and she are meeting at Harry’s studio I closed my last letter with an intimation that we turned in for a delicious night. It was so in fact. My darling Louisa, like all her sex who have committed infidelity to us, seemed to grow doubly loving and endearing in her caresses. I don’t think we ever enjoyed a more delicious or lengthened fuck than we had after our first endearing embraces. Louisa excelled herself in the...
I ended my last letter at a moment of utter prostration from the excess of lubricity I was then describing. Since then dear Louisa has devoted several days to ourselves, as well as three or four to Tom. We managed for her apparently to leave the house, but in reality to slip back into a snug little room. I then got rid of Tom very rapidly, and gratified that dear girl’s letch in fresh fucking her while still awash with all the plenteous streams of sperm that Tom had injected into her. I...
I found myself the guest of the most charming and agreeable family. The father was a fine, handsome man of fifty-one years of age. His wife, quite younger to him, was becoming plump. She was, however, evidently in the full force of health and strength, and although somewhat too prominent in bosom and belly, one could see by her remarkably fine arms how firm her flesh was. It was evident also that her arse must be of stupendous proportions. Her step was firm and elastic, her feet small, and...
I was obliged to break off my last letter, as the recollection of those two lovely creatures posing their naked and beautiful forms, all unconscious of a witness to their incestuous proceedings was too exciting for me to continue the de***********ion that day. Now that I am in a cooler mood, I will give you further details of the delicious scenes of which I was an eye-witness. A few minutes passed in mutual admiration of their enchanting forms. Louisa then taking the splendid prick of her...
Letters from Sky By Jan S Introduction & Part 1 © 2008 by Jan S INTRODUCTION: Last spring these letters began showing up in my email. I thought the address had been typed wrong and sent a reply warning the writer, but it bounced back as undeliverable. I know that seems impossible, but the letters are here, and I think the wed holds many weird gremlins. Last night I decided that,...
Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas! And welcome to another episode of Letters To Santa, the show where I read letters form viewers like you on the air. Now before I read this weeks letters, I've got some old business to address. First is the investigation by the authorities about my workshop claiming that it was a sweatshop staffed by children working for little or no pay. Seriously? Staffed by children? I guess they've never seen elves before. Well anyway, that's been resolved. Santa only had to pay...
HumorLetters from Sky By Jan S Part 10 © 2008 by Jan S ____________________________________________________ Wednesday, May 7 (early afternoon) Hi-s, Marsh, Working hard? OK here's your break for the Sky Update. :)) But I don't really know what I can tell you about since just last night really. Well, the shoes I got today. OK, so, Ms Y. didn't tons of time this time, but I wound up...
LETTER FROM HOBSON BENDDear Shoeblossom:I've enjoyed the letters I've read, and I wanted to tell you of my unique relationship with my dominant wife, Beatrix, "Trix" for short.I am Doctor Lionel Lithgow, author of 20 books...University professor of physics... And president of the biggest quantum physics research facility in the Western Hemisphere...But at home I'm just a little slave-bitch!I met Trixie when my old girlfriend, Ariadne, took me to a Renaissance faire.Most of the event was just...
Letters from Sky By Jan S Part 8 © 2008 by Jan S ____________________________________________________ Sunday, May 4th (morning) Hi there, Marsh!! OK, I'm all rested up, had my Cheerios (Honeynut, course), and ready to tell you all about Kaezee. That's from her initials, but she spells it out like that but sometimes puts a capital Z in the middle, and she says the boy in her...
Letters from Sky By Jan S Part 2 © 2008 by Jan S ________________________________________________________ Wednesday, April 2nd (night) Hi!! That was all pretty lame, huh? But I couldn' say, "Hey, there's a bug on your shoulder," in an email, could I? Yeah, I know you don't really need custody things now you're eighteen -- just didn't think of it. And I'm glad we're...
*** He wrote no more about his life, he hadn’t even told me, ‘his wife,’ or ‘his children’ that he’d writing this letter. I only learned about this after his death, and our solicitor gave me a copy as instructed by him. So let me add my half penny’s worth to his story if I may, not about his earlier life, I wasn’t there for that. But considering the things you read in the paper, or hear on the news about abused children, I must say I was very impressed by the way he turned out. But what I...
As the night grew later and the red that was seeping into your cheeks began to fade I realized it was never going to happen. So long have I wanted to touch you, to feel you skin that I have moved past longing and ventured into obsession. But tonight isn’t the night I tell you, so I laugh at your jokes and listen to the story of you most resent heartache until I can no longer bare the sound of your voice taunting me. I excuse myself and hide in the bathroom, trying to suppress my impulses and...
Letters from Sky By Jan S Part 4 © 2008 by Jan S ____________________________________________________ Wednesday, April 9th (night) Really? You missed my letters? I thought for sure I was boring you for sure by now. Nothing much has happened here really, yeah I got my hair cut at that place with Ms Y, and the girls got me another present too, another top. They are...
Letters from Sky By Jan S Part 9 © 2008 by Jan S ____________________________________________________ Sunday, May 4th (night) Hey MIKE!!!! Great to get you letter. I really am sorry about all that. Just blew up I guess, and I'm really sorry, and I'm just so glad you're not all mad about it. Yeah, the hair cut thing. Look, that was an accident, and she didn't really mean to do...
Hello, My Dear Readers. This is the second story from me, having the lock-down and quarantine period as a part of the premise. I do have a few more planned and will be publishing them in the coming weeks. The following is the first among the many letters a son sends to his naive Indian mom during his isolation period. He was quarantined in the special ward of a private hospital in Delhi. The letters that had only a very small chance of reaching his mother. They were ones that should have never...
IncestThis story is adapted from the A.R. Gurney play "Love Letters" Letters from the Front Part 1 Deanna Lea (c) 2002 It is 1968 and David Gates has just revealed to his family that as soon as he graduates from Stanford University he will begin living full time as a woman. This journey takes more than four decades to finally come home, again. Included in this cast besides David are his parents Robert and Martha Gates, Ellen Todd-Gates, his wife, and Sharon Gates, his daughter....
Letters from Sky By Jan S Part 11 © 2008 by ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday, May 16th (morning) Hi, Marsh Sorry I didn't get to write you last night, it was because I have to write Daddy, and don't have much time before Lisa has to go to bed. And OK, I also get busy messing around with them like I can't alone too. But Zack...
Letters from Sky By Jan S Part 2 © 2008 by Jan S _____________________________________________________ Sunday, April 6th (midday) I really don't want to talk about her, Mars. OK? I'm glad Jim was acting nicer; guess it will take awhile like you said. Yeah, Lit. and folklore don't sound like good careers. Wouldn't it be nice if learning about neat stuff could? You...
Letters from Sky By Jan S Part 5 © 2008 by Jan S ____________________________________________________ Wednesday, April 16th (night) Marsha!! Oh, Gawd, Mars!! My weird life just got worse again. I was getting back to the apartment and those two girls that visit their father saw me, Marsh! In that top from Lisa! I went to dinner with them, and when I was getting out of...
During my visit to London for studies where we had an Old Ancestral Home, I stumbled on a family treasure. Apart from money and other things I also found a hump of books, dairies and notes in the treasure which contained classic, Age old, Erotic books, Novels, and Magazines probably collected by my Ancestors. They are all timeless and precious. They are a must read for all erotica lovers. I want to share them on this site, If you will permit it. i am seeking your permission This is One such...
As she runs her fingers through her slightly damp hair, she adjusts the volume on the radio and begins to sway to the music. Her heart is pounding as the music voices her every feeling,her elations, her pain, and her confusion. Hands trembling she pulls the corkscrew from the drawer and begins to open the chablis that tucks her into a lonely bed every night. She crosses the apartment and briefly gazes out the window at the city all lit up down below, then takes a deep breath while heading to...
Letters from Sky By Jan S Part 13 ©2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, May 19th (noon) aawwhh, Marsh, I'd hoped you hadn't looked at that stupid letter, and I could tell you to never read it in the subject to here. I was just being real dumb. I woke up Lisa and everything when I was writing you, and yes I was just real, real upset. But we talked, and she got her mom too, and I called Daddy, and that helped,...
Letters from Sky By Jan S Part 14 © 2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, May 22th, (Morning) Hi, Mars, Gaw, I have got soooo much to tell you! You got a lot of time? Well I don't --bluuckkk -- Daddy says I haveta do tons and more of 'puter class things today. But at least he wasn't mad about my not doing much...
Letters from Sky By Jan S Part 6 © 2008 by Jan S ____________________________________________________ Monday, April 21 (late afternoon) SCREW YOU!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! You're a total, total ASSHOLE. Totally DIE JUST ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Monday, April 21 (twenty minutes...
Letters from Sky By Jan S Part 11 © 2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, May 12 (midday) Hi, Marsh, Andrea is acting real weird to day!! Like friendly and talking to me. I had a hard time getting away to write you. Really. Maybe, she got into the booze or something, huh? But she didn't smell bad or anything, I mean no more than...
" 'To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee,-- One clover, and a bee, And revery. The revery alone will do If bees are few.' " Letters from Sky By Jan S Part 15 © 2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>Saturday, May 24th (morning) Hi, Mars! What you said is a lot like she was lots last...
The first of a series of letters and stories written by Sasha and for Haze during the time before our first meeting. ***** Not a moment goes by when my mind does not wander across the gap of two-thousand miles, grasping at the imagined sensations of our first encounter. I think about each and every piece of you. I think of all those unexplored realms that will be mine to conquer. A girl unknown, soon to be mine. I wonder at your embrace. How warm is your body against mine? How soft? When we...
Hannah December 28, 2010 at 8:50pm Baby, oh baby its gonna be a long 4 months or 6 months or however long it takes for you to bring your sexy ass back here to me. Just know that when you get here its on like freakin donkey kong. You had better put aside at least 4 days to a week because im sucking you completely dry, you will not be able to walk, move and your brain will not be able to function at a higher capacity once im done with you. i have had to wait 6 months already and had nothing but...
EroticSo here I am....my bestfriend Justin's cock lying on my bottom lip. His hand slowly stroking it as I await for his sperm. His moans fill the room and turn me on even more. My mouth opens as a bead starts to form on his slit on his head of his 7 inch cock. It's creamy white in color. I could hardly wait for Justin to cum in my mouth...I watched a lot of gay porn and saw videos of guys cumming in other guys mouths and it was hot! I came a lot just watching them and now I was about to get a hot...
Her: Hey babe!My phone vibrated noisily with the incoming message. The colleague who was standing at the front of the room shot me a glare but quickly got back to his presentation. I hurried to switch the phone to mute and debated putting it down, face-down on my folder just to make a point.But then, the presentation was so very, very boring and that particular colleague was a bit of an ass.So I opened the messenger.My girlfriend’s ‘hey babe’ was accompanied by a gif of two brown bears sitting...
Mind ControlHey Baby, I keep picturing us lying in bed together wrapped up in each others arms. I keep thinkin about how I want to kiss your lips, and your neck...switching from side to side. Moving down to your chest...slowly and softly kissing your body, (This all being assumed you are already naked hehehe) I would move down to your stomach, and start rubbing your dick with my right hand...making it all nice and hard. I would next move down to your dick and put my lips around your shaft. I would then...
EroticLETTER FROM OHIODear Shoeblossom:I really enjoyed "Letter from Los Angeles: Ms. Scunthorpe's Rebuttal" and also the story from the Time-Lock computer Mistress in "Letter from Greater Ponsonby ."I also have a paid key holder, Phyllis.I grew up in a strict Evangelical family, here in Ohio, and our parents were very primitive, sexually...Masturbation and copulation were considered shameful.Of the five boys, Llewllyn, Hycel, Gottfried, Henreid, (that's me) and Tolliver, none came out very normal....
----------------------------- LETTER 2 To really emit is to spoil the thing. Of course, such a scene as I had under my eyes in photographing the secret charms of dear Louisa threw all my philosophy to the winds and, as soon as I was alone, I could not refrain from frigging myself until a copious discharge relieved me from my extreme excitement. I also confess that once, I became so awfully hard when reading Petronius, where the tutor seduces his beautiful pupil after dinner when the...
You are not going to believe this, but I swear it’s all true. My bud and I was hanging over at my bud’s house and we were just chillin. We had a half day towards the end of our senior year. I was all mic’d up, slaying some ass playing HALO. My bud was spotting for me, and I was roaring around just blastin away when in walked his mom. We were too caught up in the game to notice her when she started asking us what we are up to. Soon she started to tickle my bud and he was all “MOM!” and I was...
"Dearest Amy, I know you hate me now, and I've lost the most important person in my life, but I must tell you that I never meant to hurt you. How could I, I'm in love with you. Leave it to me, your old pal Ronda, to fuck up a life long friendship. If I could take it back, I would. It's just that you seemed to like what I was doing and one thing just led to another. I also realize that I made another dumb-ass mistake. I talked to Mrs. Langston, but I was hysterical, you know how I get....
Dear Mario, I hope you'll get this letter. In my heart I know you are coming to free me from Bowser, but please come as quickly as you possibly can! As soon as he threw me in this filthy cell he told me that he would keep me here forever, so he is not after a ransom. I do not know his true intentions, but from the vile lecherous look in his eyes, as well as his minions, I fear the worst. Someone is coming, I'll have to resume this letter after they leave. It was that stupid Magikoopa with some...
Dear Shoeblossom: My cousin Glen is married to a dominant bitch called Jocelyn. When Glen and his brother Gavin, both free-wheeling, bimbo-chasing poker-playing drunkards met Jocelyn in a club, they had no idea that the icy blonde would tempt the two of them, and Glen's boss Monroe, into becoming her slave harem! Now Glen hasn't been out for a poker night in seven years. When he and Gavin are at home, they are forced to wear French maid's costumes, with dildoes or butt plugs up their asses,...
-------------------- LETTER 3 After the scene last described I passed a very restless night, in which I studiously avoided any sort of pressure on my unruly organ. Next morning I was in a sad state of burning desire. I sat before the fire, finishing the picture of Tom for Louisa and then she came, looking more beautiful than ever, with a certain languid air, which made me suppose that she too had passed a restless night after our exciting work yesterday morning and my detailed...
Dear Collette, So you want to hear more of my sexual adventures. Since you have already become acquainted with Carla, let's continue with my relationship with her for the moment. After we got back together for the second time, we dated fairly regularly for quite a while. Looking back, my impression is that Carla and I felt close to one another and trusted each other with all but our innermost secrets. But the defining aspect of our relationship was a consuming passion -Ðlust for sex...
i was home one day when my bestfriend came over she was wearin some boyshorts and they were so tight that u can see every detail of her pussy. she comes in my room while i was sleepin and gets on top of me and at the time i was just in my boxers. she looks down and sees how big my cock is and i automatically feel her pussy juices on my dick she starts to rub my dick and tellin my that she has been wantin my cock since we met and she pulls it out. she sucks my cock and sticks her ass towards my...