Katie's Summer Revisited 1 free porn video

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It's been a long time since I either read or worked on this.However, I do think about Katie in all sorts of scenarios. In reality, life sort of gets in the way sometimes and circumstances change. I do actually have all sorts of plans of where I can take Katie, who with and why but that is to follow. For now, I just needed to get it all back into some semblance of order. For those who haven't read the previous stuff, this will seem like the ramblings of a fool. For those that have, it may still seem like ramblings but perhaps with more of an idea who is who, their relationships and possibly how Katie came about. Tricia slowly dragged herself from the arms of Morpheus, unaccustomed to the now almost unheard of peace and quiet throughout the house. Ok, it was only 7 am and it was a Saturday but even so not to hear Caroline snoring,( She insisted she didn't but Tricia knew different) feel a wriggly Katie climb into her bed or the ancient heating system gurgling, farting and hissing as it attempted to provide sufficient hot water to satisfy two and a half girls with hot water for baths. A delicious, quiet moment to herself. Her mind wandering over her plans for the day contentedly. A leisurely day with Katie, Caroline off shopping, hunting a Saturday job to provide some money to supplement the mere pittance Tricia gave her as an allowance. Smiling at how desperate Carolines pleading had been last night for additional funds. Her conviction that without the latest fashions she would surely end up as an old maid...like Tricia, with no hope of EVER getting a boy friend. Everybody knew that denim was out now and tight, slinky Lycra skirts were in and without one she might just as well lock herself away and live unhappily ever after. Had she not have compared Tricia to an old maid she may have had half a chance of wheedling some money out of her but purely on principle, the bank of Tricia had slammed its doors tightly shut and additional funding had been refused. Maybe it was the satisfaction of a good nights sleep that weakened her resolve as she slipped out of bed to go and make her coffee, but perhaps she could find a little something extra in her purse for her she mused as she paused in front of the mirror. Well a "just out of bed" look is perhaps only slightly better than a "Just been shagged, just out of bed" but she really didn't look her best but...old maid! How dare she! Shuffling in well worn slippers she quietly went downstairs in just her nightie and into the kitchen, looking at the coffee maker with a malevolent stare. If you dare so much as gurgle and wake anybody up she mentally threatened it, filling it with enough for 4 cups. Two for me, and if you perform as usual, two for Caroline if you wake her. Katie won't need coffee, opening a cupboard to find her sippee cup. After Katie had managed to semi drown her self with a glass of orange juice all over Tricias bed, Katie was restricted to sippee cups or, the ultimate threat, a bottle. Still barely awake she returned to her bedroom, marvelling at the still peaceful house. Mmmm. I could get used to this Tricia thought, laying in bed, alone, coffee beside her, warm, comfortable. But, there was something missing. Her Katie. So used now to Katie being in her bed each morning. Ok, not just being in her bed every morning but suckling at her breast. Her perfect start to the day now. Despite not lactating, her breasts "needed" Katie suckling on them now it seemed or maybe she just loved that feeling so much. Her fingers idling stoking her nipple through her cotton nightie invoked a feeling within her, With practised ease she exposed her nipple and teased and played with it softly. A definite mistake as the other one now demanded equality of pleasant feelings. Bother Tricia thought knowing full well where this was going and where it was going to end up but ...mmmm. did it feel nice. With one hand taking care of her now aching hardened nipples, the other slipped below the covers and past her tummy to scratch another itch that really needed scratching. Maybe it was that one that caused the problem but after a few minutes of her tender attention, that itch grew even more demanding and sent a degree of pleasure through Tricias body.Now in need of something more than her fingers, Tricia reached over to her bedside cupboard to extract every girls battery driven plastic friend. Hers was named Nigel after a drunken night out with Fi some years before where it became girl speak for getting it on. If one was to overhear the two girls in a pub chatting and one said to the other that she was going to be "making plans with Nigel" later, who could possibly know the real intention or planned activity.Maybe the smile and giggle sometimes aroused suspicions but to all intents and purposes an innocent evening was planned. Mentally hoping that the batteries hadn't gone flat, Nigel wasn't going to be overheard buzzing and she could manage to keep her vocal appreciation to a minimum, she slid open the drawer and felt his slim, cool hardened plastic in her hand. With perfect timing designed to frustrate her even more, her mobile began to ring. Cursing the blasted thing she grabbed it hurriedly to hopefully avoid wakening the rest of the house and enable her to return to the job in hand once the call had been dealt with. Her blood ran cold as she glanced at the screen on its way past her face to be put to her ear, automatically answering it on the way. Sally. Its amazing that with all the computing power of IBM, Google and the rest of the tech world put together, they still cannot come up with a computer that can get anywhere close to the human brain in speed, problem solving, alternatives and answers all in a split second. Tricia's brain had recognised the name, searched the memory banks, put a face to the name, recalled all the history of her and Sally, the association of Sally to Kevin, Kevin to Katie, Katie to her, what this all meant and that the only possible reason was Sally was calling was to reclaim her obnoxious brother. Sally was now going to take her Katie away .All in the time it took her to put the phone to her ear and say Hello. Maybe not the best way to start a phone call but as the brain was continuing its process of assimilating all the available information and forming a plan of action, it actually forgot to engage the mouth part and begin a conversation. The conversation was fairly brief, somewhat curt on Tricia's side and with obvious annoyance. "Sally, you always were selfish and it seems that you haven't changed much. To expect me to drop everything for you at the last minute and meet you at Gatwick in time for you to catch a plane is the last straw. I did have plans for today( perhaps a bit of a white lie) and its hugely inconvenient to change them but as its obviously so important to meet up I will see you in the departure area cafe at midday. Even that doesn't give me much time to change everything around but I will try. I will see you later". Hanging up the call, the poor brain really kicked into overdrive. Rearrange plans for today. Check. Speak to Caroline, sort her, Check, explain all to Katie, leave Katie at home alone, check, maybe see if Fi will pop in to check Katie hasn't put the cat in the washing machine etc, check, bath, choose clothes, set off for Gatwick, bugger the weekend traffic, hope to arrive in time, check. Then the biggie, try to think of what she could do to be able to keep her Katie. Whilst the brain is pretty resilient and capable, some things are slightly beyond even its capacity so that thought was put into the storage area to be dealt with after the more practical side took over. With a hugely wistful look and the promise that she did indeed have plans for Nigel, he was put back into the drawer. For a brief moment, the thought crossed her mind that as "it" was made of plastic, not the real thing and only of use to girls, well maybe a few boys as well but that's just yucky, she wondered if it should be Nigella but the brain dismissed that one as flippancy. Priorities. Wake Caroline, inform her of altered plans. Wake Katie, sort out her needs and inform her of plans for her today. Bath, dress, depart ASAP for Gatwick. Slipping into Carolines room she saw the sleeping form of her sister, head on the pillow, arms neatly by her side, her body covered by the duvet, a picture of serenity. Well that was what she would have liked to see. The reality was Caroline was layed corner to corner on the bed, her arms akimbo, a small wet patch beside her mouth where she had drooled on the pillow, her hair resembling a mad witch not so much framing her face as trying to prevent the world having to see the remains of yesterdays makeup still on, the mouth drooping open . The duvet was at least in the same room but nowhere near the bed and Caroline was on her tummy, her scrappy top rather dishevelled and her shorts only managing to cover most of her bum. Oh, good, a normal night then. A quick kiss, a gentle shake, two bleary eyes peering through the haystack. The creature awakened from its sleep could be unpredictable at the least and expecting a savaging Tricia, moved slightly away from the bed but for once, the monster must have been fed or sated somehow in the night as it smiled instead of the usual tirade of why did you wake me etc. Tricia was able to convey to Caroline a brief precis of the phone call, the situation as Tricia saw it, Carolines role in todays plans and with a promise to look in the deep dark recesses of her purse to provide additional funds for that oh so tight Lycra skirt if but only if Caroline was up, dressed and ready for the day before Tricia had to leave. With military precision, Tricia had worked out the bathroom rota mentally. Caroline, Tricia, Katie. Three separate attendees today instead of just a single and one double. Leaving Caroline to her own devices she went to sort Katie out, pausing momentarily as she passed the airing cupboard to ensure the Fires of Hades were indeed lit and heating sufficient water for the three girls to bath, she went into Katies room. With limited time available, she decided that for once, the mountain would come to Mohammed and climbed into Katie's bed beside her instead of extracting her and transferring her to her own bed. Slipping an arm behind Katie's head, her nightie strap slipped off her arm to expose her breast, she eased Katie onto her nipple. One hand behind Katie'e head to support her, she felt Katie begin to suckle. That pesky old brain did its thing again. In a split second, feeling, love, mine, little, girl, dependant, perfect. Mmmm. Despite the urgency of the day, Tricia decided that some things shouldn't be too rushed and allowed herself to enjoy the moment. A girl had to have some pleasure in life she mused. With an awakened Katie in her element, being cuddled, suckled and loved, Tricia explained that she had an important meeting to go to that had arisen this morning and that for once Katie had to look after herself. " So Katie, today you have to be in big girl mode, no excuses. You are 16 now and more than capable of looking after yourself....despite the fact that I would have loved to be here today with my little Katie. So, you will need to sort out your bath, dress, makeup, hair etc and once Caroline has gone and me, you will be here alone so I expect you to behave. It would be a real help if you could sort of throw the hoover around a bit ( instantly regretting the choice of words but it was big Katie she was talking to and not a child). Any problems, you have my number, Carolines and there is always Auntie Fi . So any questions?" Two wide eyes peered at Tricia over the top of her breast as Katie continued to suckle as her head nodded from side to side, signifying she understood and was capable of being big and being trusted. Hmmm, blast this small girl thought Tricia as she kissed Katie's forehead. She only has to look at me and she melts my heart. Reluctantly, after a few minutes and a change of side for Katie, Tricia eased herself out of bed having heard the bathroom open and a cheery "Bathrooms free" from Caroline. Her daily ablutions were accomplished on full auto pilot today as her brain was running through all sorts of scenarios for her, Katie, life etc. A brief thought crossed her mind with regard to child abuse, her treatment of a minor, the possible consequences for her. Prison, ostracised from her normal life etc but then what had started as a punishment was far from it in reality for Katie and at 16, he/she was capable of making her/his own decisions. God, how on earth was he going to live without being able to be Katie and what if he was going to have to go back to living with his real mother. All, horrible, dreadful thoughts but she had to look at all possibilities. As she began to dress she decided on a smart, no nonsense look today. The casual image just wouldn't cut the mustard so a knee length navy straightish skirt, white short sleeved blouse, cami top underneath just in case her bra showed through. Not a good look to have to explain she thought as she clipped her maternity bra together behind her back. Well it gave her a comfort knowing it was for Katie. Tights, navy court shoes to match her skirt, pearls, navy hand bag. She stood before the mirror and checked she portrayed what she wanted to. Young, professional, confident, no nonsense woman. Who was actually crapping herself with worry. With no time to waste, she rushed downstairs to grab a slice of toast and a coffee before she had to leave. A strangely normal looking Caroline sat at the table. Well normal in that she was dressed reasonably smartly especially for a Saturday shopping trip, forgetting that this was also going to be a job hunting expedition as well. With good luck wishes etc for getting a job, Tricia opened her handbag and searched for her purse. The opening of the clasp in front of and when requested by Caroline was a rare occasion so with some ceremony, a ?20 note was extracted and presented to her younger sister. I know the skirt won't be that much but if you insist on going down the skintight, doesn't my bum look cute in this, its a devil to get comfortable in this skirt look....perhaps you ought to consider VPL and get some other panties as well. And if you do end with thongs don't you dare let Katie try them on again. A kiss, a hug and Caroline slipped out of the door and went to track down her bestest bestie, Zoe. Katie in the meantime had bathed, sorted herself out and was now getting dressed. Panties, one of the hand me down bras from Zoes sister, above the knee denim skirt, and pink tee shirt was her chosen outfit. She sat in front of the mirror in just her panties as she brushed her hair. A high pony tail, black scrunchy so her hair was off her face and neck as her planned activity didn't demand a fashion diva, more a Mrs Mop look. Most girls would place their breasts into a bra and adjust it after fastening. In Katies case, it was more a case of fastening the bra and then try to round up what little boobage she actually had and cover it with the bra. But they were her breasts. Maybe tiny, certainly very sensitive( Mm what a lovely feeling if I play with the nipples) very pretty and they were HERS. Not his, not anybody else's business but hers. The girl pills Tricia was feeding her seemed to be doing their job.The padding in the bra and Katie's boobies once combined did look rather sweet, especially when covered with the tee shirt. Black flats, a spritz of perfume, tiny bit of lip and eyeshadow, hint of mascara, bit of blush. Ready.Pausing only to admire herself in the mirror, a sideways look to confirm her bum did actually look big in the skirt, cute, she tripped her way down stairs. The grand entrance into the kitchen did not go unnoticed by Tricia as he tried to eat her toast and slurp her coffee as quickly as possible. A circling finger conveyed to Katie a twirl was required and she as daintily as she could circled in front of her. "Very nice Katie, you have put together a very cute look. Perfect for today. Just a tiny comment, perhaps if you are doing something as mucky as a cleaning, you may not want to bother with the makeup next time but you look super..as always". Praise indeed for Katie at one of her few unassisted wardrobe selections and presentation. "Sweetiepie, you can phone me if you need to, or Caroline or Fi but otherwise you are a big girl today and I trust you to behave as such. Have you got a kiss for me before I go?" Kate sort of fell into a hug and a kiss from Tricia and once released from the hug, was about to sit down again when a stern look from Tricia stopped her in her tracks. Reaching down, Tricia raised the hem of Katies skirt unceremoniously revealing her panties, the waistband of which she had just felt when hugging her. "When did you decide you would disobey me and start to wear panties Katie? You are a little girl and little girls wear knickers not panties. You know that. I am disappointed in you but sadly don't have time for this now." Taking hold of the waistband, Tricia removed them, slipped them into her handbag and with a last kiss, an instruction of knickers not panties Tricia departed, her heels clicking on the concrete like the metronome of doom or the footsteps of the condemned man to the gallows to meet her nemesis, Sally. who was going to take her Katie away from her. Once out of town and on the motorway, Tricia was able to think slightly clearer as brain capacity required for driving reduced. No turns, roundabouts, junctions or oncoming traffic to worry about..she hoped. So... come clean, tell it as it happened, what she did and why, how Kevin dealt with it. Try to explain why she made a 16 yr old boy dress as a girl, made him become a little girl, forced him to suckle her breasts, bathed him, touched his genitalia when he was naked and in the bath, allowed her younger sister to expose herself to him. Introduced humiliating toileting restrictions. Allowed one of her female friends to see him naked and encourage his exposure. Hmmm, All told about 15 years sentence she reckoned, maybe without the hope of parole. So maybe the confession was going to swing it. The affection bit then. I have grown to love Kevin as my little brother, he is so nice and lovely, so caring and thoughtful and I am sure he would come and live with Caroline and me for ever and ever. Not a hope in hell. Sally knew what an obnoxious little prick her brother could be and there was no way she could ever see him agreeing to any of the above. Plus as time went by, he would only become more objectionable and as randy as a rabbit as his testosterone increased. Hmmm, its amazing how Oestrogen has made a yucky boy into such a lovely girl she mused. With no apparent solutions she knew this would require some additional thought and decided to double her brain power. She phoned Fi. The problem explained, her solutions rejected, they tried to apply themselves to the problem, the basis of which was, she loved Katie and there was no way she was going to let Sally spoil her life by taking Kevin away. The one thing she hadn't actually considered was how Katie felt but was fairly sure she knew what the choice would be. Fi's suggestion that Tricia kidnap Katie and leave to live in the jungles of darkest Borneo, whilst a solution may not have been that practical as there was no way Tricia could live without her shopping trips with Fi or girlie nights out so was ruled impractical. Whichever way they looked at it there appeared to be no solution so with heavy heart, Tricia continued on her solitary journey but with the reassurance from Fi that her thoughts and love would be with her and she would go and sit on Katie a little later. Strange girl that Fi, never did understand this childcare process. But then for Fi, life was at a pretty low point altogether with her hubby Richard whose refusal to have children..yet was tearing Fi apart. God what a pair they made. A woman who was desperate for a baby and another who made a boy into a girl and regressed him. But at least they had each other. Maybe if one of them had been a man they would be the perfect pair. Whichever way she tried it, that doesn't work she thought. Fi in a suit ? Nope. Me in a suit? Well maybe a skirt suit but I can't see me wanting to be a man either. Sorted! We just need to become lesbian and get a turkey baster. Blushing, she thought of some of her memorable conquests of the past and the pleasure the sex had given her. Nigel might be good but not that good. Left alone Katie actually felt slightly lost for a while. It seemed so long ago that as Kevin, he had done everything alone, especially living in an all female house. The boundaries that exist between girls and boys are seldom fully crossed and whilst living in relative harmony, nothing that Tricia and Caroline was of remote interest to him and vice versa. Well that was the impression he had attempted to portray. So a new skirt had been bought. Big deal. End of. Move on was the boy attitude. The girl attitude was it had to be seen as bought, put on to display it correctly, the thickness, texture of the material felt and admired and then suitable accompaniments sought for it to be worn with. The boy reply of a grunt when asked if he liked it usually sufficed. That grunt said it all as far as the girls were concerned, just a stupid, ignorant boy who didn't appreciate the sharing of each others pleasures. So a status quo was defined. You live your life as you wish, alone and we girls will share each and every pleasure and sorrow between us. So now being alone, he sort of lacked the backup of the other girls. However, on the up side, he was now an accepted big girl capable of being left alone, a fully fledged adult female...well almost. As an adult, she must behave like one. With steely determination, she set about not only throwing the hoover around as requested but also dusting, tidying, even collecting all the washing that needed to be done. Unaccustomed as she was to such domestic duties she made a good job, not perfect but good and was suitably pleased with herself. Sitting down at the kitchen table, skirt swept underneath, knees together etc, she had made a cup of coffee and was savouring every mouthful. No insipid orange juice today and certainly not in a sippee cup. Whilst pleasant, the lack of company was rather disconcerting, the silence both unusual and rather eerie in the normally buzzing household. She got up and turned the radio on to distract her and carried on with her coffee. In the process of tidying up she had discovered under the sofa, yes she had moved the furniture when using the vacuum, a solitary barbie doll. How the poor thing had been cast aside, semi naked and with only one shoe on wasn't known, Katie resolved that once all her chores had been completed, she would restore the Barbie to its former glory by finding something for her to wear and perhaps even find the missing shoe. The shoe did cause her slight concern for whilst using the cleaner to remove a rather nasty looking 8 foot wide hairy legged spider from behind the sofa, there had been an ominous clunk and clicking as something had been wooshed up the pipe. She had a horrible feeling that may have been Cinderella's other shoe which in itself was no problem but ....the 8 foot spider must be inside the bag clutching the shoe between its legs for safe keeping. It wasn't going to be easy finding the shoe and separating it from the spider she thought. Not being one to let such minor adversities get her down, Katie decided to take one last look under the sofa, just in case the shoe was still hiding under there so...after informing Barbie, now sitting in state on the kitchen table, of her mission and intention to recover her shoe no matter what. On her hands and knees, she searched all under the sofa, chatting away to Barbie as she did. Fi arrived at Chez Tricia Et Al and let herself in with a key. Hearing the radio on in the kitchen she walked in to be greeted by the sight of Katie on her hands and knees, bottom up in the air and her knickers somewhat exposed, talking to her doll as she grovelled about under the sofa. Random thoughts rushed through her mind, what is she doing, how sweet, she is talking to her doll, she has got a cute bum actually, recalling a Tricia comment and lastly how do I announce my presence without scaring the bejesus out of her. Fortunately for her, that problem was solved by Katie who whilst peering backwards upside down between her own legs to hunt for the missing shoe, noticed a pair of real shoes with legs in them just behind her. A very acrobatic if not decorous manoeuvre followed allowing Katie to return to the vertical and smooth her skirt down, blushing at being discovered in the act and talking to a doll. Auntie Fi, she squealed and hugged her hoping not to be teased too much. Almost as if a switch had been flicked, Katie realised that her behaviour was not that necessarily associated with a 16 year old and she after a brief hug, backed away from Fi slightly, straightened herself out a little, tee shirt pulled down, skirt checked for alignment etc and a brief finger brush of her hair. Her apology of how much of a mess she must look explained away by the startlingly sparkle kitchen and house. It would certainly be unfair or plain nasty to say that Tricia, Caroline and Katie lived in a pigsty but it was rather difficult for the three of them, plus Zoe of course, to keep the place as tidy as was possible so Katie's efforts today clearly showed how hard she had been working.. With a teasing comment off how it must have been nice to have Barbie to help her, Fi suggested a cup of tea and sit down would be very welcome. Without hesitation, Katie went to work, kettle on, biscuits hunted for, blast that Caroline, always nicking all the Jaffa cakes. Fi knew that Katie was unaware of her impending doom and certainly wasn't going to be the one to burst her bubble, that was definitely a job for Tricia. Surprisingly, Fi and Katie had a totally adult conversation over tea, no references to her younger self at all and as usual, Katie had adapted herself totally to the role she was currently playing. It was hard to look at her now, just another teenage girl and see the bubbly squealing little girl she had played with just a few short weeks earlier. A fleeting thought flashed through her mind over the some of the clothes that were now strewn over the floor of her sewing room and if their intended model may no longer accept them but soon passed remembering quite how Katie like her little girl times. The dreadful duos absence was explained away by the shopping trip and the hunt for that oh so elusive, Saturday job, hence Katies solitary occupation of the house and her big girl responsibilities of the day, proud of how she had performed. With her school days now over, no way was she going back to do A levels, not her thing, not academic at all, couldn't go back as a boy anyway, Katie mentioned that she thought once the holiday period was over, Caroline and Zoe would go back to school for their second year of A levels, Tricia would be at work so it would be time for Katie to try to find a job somewhere. Always a difficult subject to talk about but understanding Aunties are usually fair game to discuss such things with. Luckily, Katie was over the stage of wanting to be a ballerina, too fat, a Nurse, couldn't stand blood, a model, wrong body, Air Hostess, didn't like heights etc so eventually it was Katie's decision that she may sort of like to work in an office a little bit. Out of the public eye, not on her feet all day, some companionship, a suitable job both for a girl and especially one like her. Whilst Fi was certainly not a careers advisor she did think that Katie had put a fair bit of thought into her future and her gainful employment but she would probably be better advised to talk to her....Fi was going to say Mummy but somehow what with todays likely outcome and how big Katie felt about Tricia after today would remain to be seen so just kept her opinion quiet and made suitably encouraging comments. Whilst mentally she could see Katie as some sort of office junior but feared that somehow she may give herself away as being not quite what she seemed or by perhaps childlike innocence. But all of those thoughts were probably academic as it was likely to be Kevin whose future would soon be under review by both his parents and Sally. Bugger blast and dammit! As Tricia came to yet another standstill on the M25.She cursed Sally, traffic, that prat in the car behind who she was sure was trying to train his car to do naughty things to the back of hers,Saturdays, almost everything she could think of. It was going to be a close run thing if she actually reached Gatwick in time to meet with Sally and she didn't need any more hassle than she already had today. Despite coping with the drive, the delays, everything else to just get there, her mind, like a homing pigeon, kept returning to Katie. Being a completely sane, normal woman( yeah right!) Tricia had tried to analyse her feelings for Katie/Kevin over the last months. From the typical obnoxious teenage boy to the little, sometimes big, delightful Katie that had stolen er heart away. She had decided it was sort of a maternal thing but unlike Fi whose body baby clock was in overdrive, she just loved the caring aspect, the trust that Katie had in her, her delight at spending time with Tricia. The special cuddles, the dressing up, the teasing, the rules she imposed on Katie. How whatever and however she treated Katie the love and devotion Katie showed her. Whats not to like about a giggly wriggly little girl sitting on your lap babbling about her day with her arms around your neck covering you in sloppy kisses. Perhaps she had diverted all her normal urges into loving Katie ones instead. True there hadn't been a man in her life for some time after that idiot with an overinflated opinion of himself and an underdeveloped prick but hey, we all make mistakes. It hadn't put her off men completely but equally hadn't turned her into some form of lesbian, even if she did have rather fond memories of that girl at Uni who shared some time with her. Move on, nothing to see here. It was just a fling, a crush. An insight into a Sapphic lover. Oh my could that girl press all my right buttons! Nope. It wasn't like that with Katie. There was absolutely nothing sexual in her attraction for Katie or Katies attraction to her. She had proved that several times when bathing Katie, when Katie was in bed with her. Katie wasn't turned on by her. Equally, even when Katie was at her breast, that wasn't sexual..although it did make her feel really "nice' but not the same way as with a real man....or even Nigel! It wasn't sexual at all. So how could that bitch Sally even think it was or suggest such a thing! Well Miss bloody high and mighty Sally, you and I are going to have a few words when we meet. How about child abuse with you and your Mother. Do you have any idea how your behaviour had such a profound effect on Kevin, how you made his life hell, how you warped his mind into one of fear. How you made him afraid of girls, afraid of his own emotions. Sometimes, just sometimes, Tricia allowed her thoughts and imagination to run away with each other. She could already see a weeping Sally, on her knees in front of her, begging for forgiveness about how she had treated Kevin. Pleading to be forgiven, her own refusal to back down one inch. Sally would have to live with her own thoughts about Kevin for the rest of her life and regret it to her last day. I must be short term she thought as she finally reached Gatwick and sought out parking. Please God, if I promise to pray a little bit every day from now on, stop swearing so much, please, please let me find a parking space quickly and one I can actually park in. With only 10 minutes to go to the 12 o clock deadline Tricia would need to park, pay, most urgently find a loo, then negotiate the maze of an airport and get this over with. The car parked, her now very desperate need for the loo sorted, with less than 5 minutes to go Tricia sailed forth to deal with Sally. Slightly regretting her choice of slim skirt and heels this morning as she attempted to make her way across the concourse to the cafe area. The heels were too high and thin to move that quickly and the skirt slightly too tight to take larger steps but for a spectator it was quite a sight. The cafe loomed before as with a last check of her watch with a minute in hand, a last minute call to the homestead was required and just possible time wise. Without slowing her pace, her hand into her bag, phone extracted, lifted to her ear and.....promptly slipping out of her hand to fall to the polished stone floor, conveniently landing on its back which allowed to Tricia to watch the glass face disintegrate into a thousand pieces, only held together by the plastic screen protector. Could her day get any worse she thought scooping the remains of her phone into her back, mentally cursing not being able to now phone for some moral support before meeting Sally. Tricia collected a coffee, found an empty table and sat waiting for Sally to arrive. Despite her insistence of 12 on the dot and no later, it was Sally who was in fact late but her arrival spelt Tricia's downfall. To describe Sally as an airhead bimbo may have been insulting to bimbos but clearly time had not improved her. The mutton dressed as lamb didn't either but with her now very blonde hair, a dress that left very little to the imagination, the imitation Gucci bag, impossibly high heels, Dolce and Gabbana knock off sunglasses perched on her face despite being indoors, and a strut clearly practiced to show off her bubble butt ...or was it a wobble butt, Sally approached followed by two Policemen, tall, black clothing, baseball caps clearly identifying them as police, as did the guns held nonchalantly across their chests. With a sinking heart Tricia stood up to face them only to be hugged and air kissed by Sally...as the two policemen strolled past oblivious to her torment." Oh Trish dharling, let me look at you, its been so long" as Sally held her at arms length to examine her. "You look gorgeous sweetie, especially now you have gone up a dress size..or two. It really suits you!" Tricia was initially speechless at both Sally's comment and the fact the Policeman were nothing to do with Sally. Finally gaining her power of speech back she was about to launch into her carefully prepared speech and defence of her actions when sitting down beside Sally took her hand in hers, looked her straight in the eyes and began what was probably her carefully prepared speech instead." SShhh now Tricia, I am something very important to tell you and a teeny weeny little favour to ask of you. OMG, I only have a few minutes to speak to you before I have to meet Geoffrey before our flight . Now just sshhh for a moment or two while I explain sweetie". A stunned Tricia did indeed shhh, not because Sally had asked her to but her powers of speech had seemed to vanish again. The audacity of the girl. How dare she speak to me like that. Sally sallied forth into her speech. "Well its a bit complicated but as you know Mummy and Daddy have moved to Australia to get their new business started but its not been going quite as well as they expected. So when the cruise ship got to Australia, you now that was the furthest South we were going and Mrs Cohen, you remember her? She is the one who I was a companion to . Well as you know she wasn't exactly young, so by the time we arrived there, she decided she would stay in Sydney for a week or two and then hop back onto the boat thing after it had been down to Antartica for that part of the cruise. Its not all easy being a companion to an old lady you know but with the salary and a world cruise I really couldn't turn it down. Anyway, where was I....oh yes, Sydney. Well as Mrs Cohen used to go to bed early as she couldn't cope with the heat so well, legs all swollen...well she said swollen but I think it was fat really ...well I used to go down to the bar ..just for a little drink in the evenings. Well one night I met this gorgeous man.... Really nice kind and I think he is a little bit rich sort of thing. So I ended up having a drink with him on a few evenings...and then dinner ....and one thing led to another and you know you really can't believe everything they say about older men. He is really sweet and so generous to me, he is 64 after all although he can't, you know what men of that age are like, well sort of get it up any more. But men like that can be trained by the right woman how to satisfy them and he sort of likes me being in control of him. So...he has to please me or else! Well he sort of ...it was like love at first sight...and I am sure it will be fine but ..he asked me to marry him and I said yes!" At this point the hand which was holding Tricia's became sort of shown, nay, flaunted in front of Tricia with what appeared to be one of Australias finest, large, diamonds set in a rather gaudy gold ring. "Oh by the way, how is Kevin? Actually its him I need to talk to you about . You see when Mummy and Daddy went off down under, they sort of signed him over to me until he was 18 but obviously, now I will be living in Sydney. Well part of the time anyway or Perth or even Bali. Geoffrey has houses in all of them you see. So I can't really be in charge of Kevin if I am that far away so sweetie, its bad enough keeping Geoffrey exactly where I want him...if I arranged some sort of allowance thingy for Kevin, I am sure Geoffrey won't mind, and I trust you obviously but you were always better at looking after children than I was, except a baby obviously and that was just a careless moment of yours anyway wasn't it dhharling?...will you take on the legal responsibility for Kevin, just till he is 18 of course. Oh goodness, that's my plane they just called. You will say yes won't you sweetie? Its only a little favour and I don't expect he is much bother is he? I will send the paper work over to you but he will be your responsibility from now on"Mwah. Mwah! Two quick cheek air kisses, a hug and Sally and her butt, wibble wobbled off before Tricia could even say goodbye. A stunned Tricia sat motionless while trying desperately to make sense of the last 1 minute and 23 seconds exactly. Her flabber had been well and truly gasted by Sally and her outpourings but all told, a fabulous outcome. It seems all her fears were unfounded and she wasn't going to spend the next 15 years in prison after all. Perhaps even more momentous was that Kevin was now all hers. No having to answer to Sally or even his parents. In one year, 10 months and 15 days, Kevin would become 18 and an adult is his own right, responsible for himself. Until that time, he was now her official ward and she made any and all decisions as to his education, employment, welfare and pastoral care with no input from anybody else. It was a hard decision for her to make and took her at least a nano second to decide. Katie was here to stay, not for the summer, not for a few weeks but for one year, 10 months and 15 days at least, after which it would be his/her decision what to do from then on. With renewed vigour and a "need" to phone and share her news with Fi and reassure her that she would not have to endure the humiliations that Prison visitors have to suffer these days, an overheard comment in a pub about scanners, being patted down and in some perhaps extreme cases, intimate examinations to ensure they weren't trying to smuggle goods into prison"down there" had both surprised the two women a few weeks ago and she knew Fi was a little concerned. Well that was how Fi put it but knowing what a kinky cow she could be Tricia had her suspicions that some part of that process may actually excite her instead. Her phone retrieved from her bag suddenly reminded her she was now cut off from the rest of the world. Not good. Most of us these days have smart phones.(Mine is smarter than me but that's not too difficult anyway) that contain all our contacts details, phone numbers, email, address etc. In days gone by, address books, diaries, scraps of paper would be used to record such details and could be referred to when such information was required. So...when was the last time you actually dialled a close contacts phone number as opposed to finding perhaps Fi in the contact list, telling Siri to call Fi, last number recall, top contacts etc. But actually remembering the number and dialling it? Not often I suspect. Sadly, Tricia was of the same ilk. No phone, no memory of Fi's number, unable to call her. Bugger! So after another quick trip to the ladies, never pass a perfectly useable loo without nipping in was her motto, retracing her steps to the car park and hunting down her car, I am sure it was around here somewhere..or was it the next floor, Tricia leapt in, well as much as you can leap a fairly tight knee length skirt and set course for home. Fi and Katie had spent some time chatting over their tea. In some ways it was refreshing for Fi to see the big Katie without others around to refer to and other than perhaps a more juvenile attitude and mannerisms, she would have no problem being seen as a teenage girl. Perhaps not with the maturity that Caroline and Zoe could display at times but even they slipped out of adult to child mode when there was no fear of anybody outside of the family seeing them. It was perfectly normal for adults to squirt water at each other and run around the garden screaming and giggling after all. And have pillow fights. And stand in front of the bedroom mirror, hairbrushes in hand singing and dancing to the latest hits on the radio wasn't it? So when Katie had cleared the cups up, washed and dried them so as not to detract from the spotless kitchen and announced she was just nipping to the loo, Fi didn't even react. It was only when she remembered the strict rule for Katie regarding use of the loo the devil sort of took over her. She could have just ignored it but decided that maybe it wouldn't do Katie any harm to be reminded of her status as a little girl. "Katie, what do you say when you need the loo sweetie?" Katie looked at her incredulously "But..but Auntie Fi, I didn't think as I have been a big girl all day I wouldn't have to ask you. I mean...especially as we have been sitting chatting, drinking tea just like any other normal women as well" It was probably the reference to women rather that girls that sealed her fate. Fi could see that in her own eyes,Katie was now a woman, above such childish things. That wouldn't fit with what Fi had in mind for Katie at all so it was best to nip such behaviour in the bud. "Katie, you are well aware of the rules. So what would you like to ask me precious?" It was a rather subdued Katie who asked Auntie Fi to take her for a tinkle and accepted her fate. As fi left Katie sitting on the loo, knickers around her knees, noted by Fi as little girl ones rather than panties, she felt a little cruel but also remembered that Katie had admitted to sort of liking the humiliation a little. With that in mind, when a plaintiff little voice informed her shortly afterwards that she had finished, Fi's cue to wipe her and restore her knickers to their correct position, Fi didn't hurry to assist her, instead a cheery,"be there in a minute darling" advised her that for now, she would remain sitting on the loo, knickers down, door open, no privacy until Fi was ready to deal with her. After a suitable delay, Katie was returned to normality and they both returned to the kitchen. Fi sat down on the sofa and pulled Katie gently onto her lap and cuddled an embarrassed Katie. "I wasn't really being nasty Katie, just sort of teasing you a little bit. And I think if you think about it a little, you sort of like being teased as well". A very red faced Katie tried desperately to hide her face in the arms of Fi and she squirmed on her lap, certainly no longer the big girl..for now. This was the picture that greeted Tricia on her return, big Katie on Fi's lap enjoying a cuddle. Whilst slightly jealous of her Katie seeking solace in Fi's arms she reconciled her thoughts that as she wasn't there, in absentia, Fi was her favourite person to seek comfort from and certainly met with Tricia's trust to look after her. Tricia flopped herself down on the sofa beside Fi and Katie immediately shifted sideways to hug her and in return was given kisses and hugs in return. An expectant look on F's face suggested she perhaps out to fill her in on the momentous events of the day but before she could even start to explainTricia was met with a tirade of mock indignation from Fi. "You are so selfish Tricia, not letting me know where you were or what was going on. With no phone call or contact I was already mentally sorting out my outfit for visiting days, looking online or files to put into cakes, escaping from prison for dummies." It was obvious to Fi from Tricias obvious good mood that the day had actually gone well and in reality, she was delighted to see her bestie so obviously happy again. It would have been good to be able to explain to Fi what had actually happened but with Katie present, it was probably not such a good idea. " Fi, lets just say it all went well, well maybe nearly all, that cheeky cow actually insinuated I was getting fat! I think perhaps a family chat when the dodgy duo are back than I can fill you all in with todays news....and explain to a small girl how it concerns her" looking at Katie smiling. "Suffice to say I can only see life getting better for all of us in one way or another."

Same as Katie's Summer revisited 1 Videos

1 year ago
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Katies Awakening 2

How was school today? Katie’s mom asked. Just a regular day. I am glad tomorrow is Saturday. Are you going to see any of your friends this weekend? I don’t know maybe. If you don’t maybe we all can do something. Ok I am up for whatever. Katies mom Sandy was happy that she hadn’t grown up so much but she knew it was going to change real soon. She was a freshman; just starting high school had just started being interested in boys. She was developing nicely, not to fast or to slow but her looks...

3 years ago
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Katies Revenge part 5

Read firts 4 parts for best effect this story is fictional... After 10 mins.of helens continual shitting it finally came to a halt she had been drained so to speak.Katie loosened the ropes holding her Moms legs up high and let them fall to the bed.Her Mother was a complete total shitty mess.Katie asked her mom have you had enough you whore? Helen could barely speak her mouth still full of her feces and quite shocked as...

3 years ago
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Katies revenge part 6

Katie left her mom alone and tied up for about 2 hours.Katie was actually tireing of this game.and feeling a tad guilty but just a tad.She finally decide to end it sooner than she had at first. Mommy I will make you a deal are you interested? Helen asked...what do you mean a deal.? I will end this tonite on one condition..Uh what would that be Helen replied. You have to tell me all the truthfull stories about your sexual escapades over your long life as a slut whore. so I can record them and...

4 years ago
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Katies Revenge part two

Katie slept in and awoke about 9 AM.She stopped into the bathroom and peed before checking on her Mom.She thought to herself Mom probably has to piss like a racehorse..Fuck that bitch she said to herself out loud.I am going to make her pay for fucking with my boyfriend and my good times. After she wiped her young pink pussy and flushed she opened the door to her Moms bedroom.There she was snoring like a drunken...

1 year ago
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Katies Revenge part 4

Read first 3 parts first for best effect..This story is fictional............. Katie untied her moms ankles first and then one wrist.She then faked untying the other wrist her Mom thought she was completely free but Katie was no fool and just had one ankle free and one wrist free.She let the restraints slack but not untied so helen thinking she was loose suddenly grabbed Katies arm and tried to punch her in the face.She swung her arm at...

2 years ago
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Katies begining 8

Caroline and Zoe had a fairly reasonable shopping trip, nothing spectacular. They had both bought a few things but despite trying on all sorts of clothes and shoes nothing had leapt out and insisted that they had to be bought. Which was unusual for the two besties who normally found something that one of other of them had to have. But they had given it their best shot, it just wasn't to be today. Still in a good mood Caroline put on the cd she had bought and the two of them were dancing...

4 years ago
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Katies begining 9

With Tricia gone, Katie looked to Caroline for guidance as to what they were going to do. After checking that Tricia had actually gone and hadn't returned for something left behind she pulled Katie onto the bed beside her. "Katie, some of the stuff we need to go through could be fairly embarrassing for both of us so we need to get over that bit first. So...have you ever seen a naked girl Katie, other than in the books the boys look at" already including her in the girl category. Shyly...

1 year ago
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Katies begining 5

Having arrived at school he was suddenly very aware of how vulnerable he felt to exposure. He realised that even going to the toilet was going to be a problem for him. He was mulling over the options of standing to wee or going into a cubicle but either way had its risks, standing may expose his underwear as could using a cubicle was equally fraught with the gap underneath the door, He checked his image in a window as he walked past and ruffled his hair once more to try to lose the slight...

3 years ago
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Katies beginings 6

The following morning Tricia slept late. Caroline walked into her room, placed two cups of coffee on the side by the bed ,drew back the curtains and climbed into the bed beside her sister. "Someone must be tired, you are usually the first one up " handing her a cup of coffee and she snuggled under the duvet. A disheveled Caroline peered at her through the veil of hair across her face and mumbled something about how draining yesterday had been. The urgent call of future possibly caused by...

4 years ago
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Katies begining 10

When Katie woke up the next morning she instantly remembered that today was not only a school day but that she had to go to school half as a girl. She didn't mind the girl part, but was terrified of being discovered. She slipped out of bed and was just about to slip into the bathroom when Tricia, having heard her door open came out out of her room in her nightie and smiled at her." Is there something you want to ask me sweetie?' She asked and the blank face that looked back at her was a...

3 years ago
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Katies Begining Thursday Evening

The week was passing easily and pleasurably mostly for Katie. Every morning when she got up it was becoming more natural to her to put her uniform on, do her hair and there was definitely a degree of pleasure when she was ready to admire herself and preen in front of the mirror before going downstairs. Once there, any compliments from Caroline or Tricia were gratefully received and her bounciness increased when being told how nice she looked, how her was looking juts right. She really was...

3 years ago
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Katies Begining Thursday

There is something rather nice about putting a child to bed and for Tricia it was an experience she was getting used to. From taking the child upstairs, undressing them and then putting suitable nightwear on, to supervising teeth brushing, face washing and wee wees all had their own rewards and delights. In Katie's case it was further enhanced by her change from a teenager to a little girl in seconds once she was picked up and told it was time for bed. Having what was now a little girl...

2 years ago
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Katies Begining Wednesday

Waking up most mornings, her thoughts usually centred on her scheduled activities for the day, what to wear, who she had to meet during the day, anything particularly important that had to be done. Today was no different from any other day but her thoughts were of the more pleasurable things she was planning for Saturday. If all went well with the girls, she would have an entire day with just her and Katie and possibly a visit from Fiona. That was something she hadn't quite got her head...

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I became a female voyeurrevisited

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A Past Life Revisited

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The Date Revisited

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What NowChapter 4 What now revisited

Revisited: I was through writing this story and was inundated with feedback and comments. I fell to the pressure of the readers and decided to write a couple of more chapters. Many readers had suggestions about both Dorothy and George. What they should do and not do. Most just wanted to hear it all from Dorothy's point of view. What would make a woman think the way she did. Here is Dorothy's story after the reunion. Again, thank you to my friend and editor Techsan for making my story a...

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Katies Begining Saturday

The feeling of her nipple being stroked was a different way to be woken up she decided but once she had identified who was doing she relaxed. Pity she thought as a more erotic scenario flashed through her mind. But even if it was only Katie it was a nice way to be woken up. I t may have been even better had Katie actually been awake but it soon became apparent that she was asleep and the stroking of a nipple a dream or just a comfort thing. Either the way the reaction was predictable and...

1 year ago
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Katies Begining Friday Evening

Katie went put her blazer back on to hide what she was wearing as she left the room..and the stopped. With her blazer over her arm she asked outside to the awaiting girls who were initially surprised by Katie's bravery. Bit her smile and confident talk confirmed, Katie was a girl and didn't care who saw her anymore.It was three confident girls who walked arm in arm, boarded the bus and headed for home. Once home, the school uniforms were removed, never to be worn again, except perhaps...

2 years ago
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Katies begining 7

Caroline and Zoe had gone back upstairs together with ams full of the clothes they had just sorted out downstairs and into what was now going to be Katie's room. They dumped them all the bed and flopped down on the floor with their backs against the wall. " Wow, that was something else. I just can't believe that great big oaf has changed into a sweet little girl...and all over him peeking at some girls doing PE. I have to say I would never have believed that was the motivation behind it...

4 years ago
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Katies Begining Tuesday

With Katie at her breast, that warmth that she experienced before came over Tricia again. She lifted her top slightly to be able to see Katie so content, eyes closed, her mouth just contracting slightly as she suckled. She stroked her face softly, adoring the feeling of closeness between them at that moment. It was hard for her to reconcile in her mind that she was suckling a teenager now and not the little girl as she had done previously. To her it made no difference. She adored Katie...

2 years ago
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Katies Begining 3

"Sit down Katie and we can talk about your new life for the foreseeable future" Tricia instructed as the shy "girl" stepped across the room and flopped into a chair."No!" Now get up and do it again, gracefully back up to the chair, smooth your skirt under you as you sit and keep your legs together, sit up straight and put your hands in your lap" Her eyes flashing anger at Katie's first public exposure and her apparent lack of concern. Katie leapt to her feet ignoring any possible more...

3 years ago
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Katie's nipples were not cooperating.The 17-year-old looked at herself in her bedroom mirror. She had been trying to keep her nipples from being so obvious in her new dress, but it was no use. The lacy bra that matched the party dress didn't keep her twin nubbins from showing through the red gown.Katie had just gone through some weird growth spurt, and her breasts were now much bigger than before. Her nipples seemed to have grown, too. They stayed erect all the time, like small pink pencil...

2 years ago
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Katies story

This is my first attempt at writing anything hope you enjoy it.Moving thru the night like a breeze I enter your room like a mist moving along with the ease of your breathing. As I look deep into your soul watching you dream of my touch as you touch yourself while you sleep as I lean down kissing your ear lobe and biting your bottom lip. You stir boldly sitting up as I kiss you long and deep running my fingers thru your hair as I whisper shhhhhhhhhh in your ear. I hold out my hand to you. I...

4 years ago
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Katies Awakening 6

The afternoon was turning to evening as Katie, Tom and Sandy relaxed partially dressed on the patio. Sandy was on her third glass of wine, Tom had lost count of beers after his third and Katie was just relaxing between them with the sex she just had running through her mind. Katie broke the silence and asked, does the cum always shoot out of your cock like that? No, not always sometimes it just sort of spurts a short distance but what we are doing is sort of naughty and I got more excited so I...

2 years ago
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Katies Wedding Day

I’ve known Katie for going on eight years. She moved to the small town I live in and got a job working at my place of employment back in 2002. We became friends, and up until six months ago, that was that. I turned 39 in September, but two weeks before my birthday was Katie’s wedding. Katie turned 28 last May, and it was at her birthday party that she asked me to be her wedding photographer. I do a lot of photography, and even make some money at it, but I am by no means a wedding photographer....

2 years ago
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Katies Begining Thursday

Tricia gave the matter some thought as she climbed into bed. It seemed to be all pervading in her brain and no matter how hard she tried it wouldn't go away and allow her to sleep. Eventually she decided on how to deal with it once her mind was made up, sleep followed easily. Getting out of bed next morning she slipped into Carolines room and explained her plan and Carolines part in it. She was going to take the morning of work citing a girl thing to faceache at work, lets see him...

4 years ago
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Katies Punishment

Katie’s PunishmentThis is a continuation of the story – Cornertime for Katie.Next, to embarrass her even more, I opened the curtains in the nearby windows, so anyone walking by and looking in could see her standing in the corner. “Stand still and don’t drop the books.” I said. “I will return in about ten minutes to start your real punishment.”Actually, my neighbors were blocked by trees and there was no sidewalk near my house. Even my mailbox was on the street, so no one would walk near my...

4 years ago
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Katies begining 4

Kevin woke the next morning, still feeling tired and exhausted as Tricia came into the room in her dressing gown, wet hair with a pile of clothes in her arms. "come on Katie, time to get up, your bath is running and you have a lot to do before school this morning. No nonsense now, up and get moving" as she pulled the duvet back from the bed. The sudden realisation that she was calling him Katie and that all that was covering him was a nightdress brought back the horrors of yesterday. He...

3 years ago
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Katies Awakening

Katie was awakened by a sound in the night coming from her mother’s room. She heard a thumping sound and then she heard groaning as if someone was in pain. She got up out of bed and walked down the hall as quietly as she could. When she got to her mother’s door she heard better. She heard her mom make sounds like she was crying but they weren’t exactly the same. Then she heard her mom’s boyfriend Tom moaning like he was in pain. Katie then heard them both cry out at the same time “Ahhh!” then...

2 years ago
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katies gets over her boyfriend

katie was crying her eyes out, she occasionally said "why" before continuing to cry. She was stopped by the sound of the phone ringing. she rushed to answer it"john, is that you?""hey katie, its rob, your brothers friend""oh, hi rob" she snuffled."you ok, you sound upset?""its.... well... john, my boyfriend, he dumped me, said he was sleeping with someone else, said i wasnt good enough for him""are you ok? is anyone there with you?"no, im here alone, my brothers out somewhere, try calling his...

4 years ago
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Katies Journey Into Sluthood Part 2

The next morning, over breakfast, Katie told her step-father that she was cooking them a meal tonight and asked what time he would be in.“About 6.30 I expect,” he replied.“Perfect,” she said, and buttered her toast.She looked at her him reading the newspaper and thought, ‘I can’t wait!’Evening arrived very very slowly for Katie, but she busied herself preparing a meal and preening herself ready for the evening. Seeing as her step-father had a liking for schoolgirls, she had found her original...

4 years ago
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Katies Awakening 4

Later that afternoon Katie was surfing the net in her room. She was trying to find movies like Tom was watching. She was glued to screen because she found plenty of pictures of guys and girls fucking and sucking. She saw girls with their face and pussies stuffed by huge cocks and covered in cum. After a while she felt a tingle in groin and she felt wetness in pussy. She ran her hands down her body and over her pussy. She remembered that after the first time she rubbed her pussy she was wet down...

2 years ago
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Katies Awakening 3

Tom saw a silhouette through the crack of Sandy’s bedroom. Oh fuck he thought, closed his laptop and went to her bedroom. He went in and the room was dark but Sandy was sitting up on her bed. Tom lay down on his stomach and hunched himself on his elbows and asked, Hey hun did I wake you? No, I just got up to use the bathroom and I heard you saying good night to Katie. Hmm that’s funny Katie said she got up to use the bathroom and saw me sitting there and came to see what I doing. Ok, were you...

1 year ago
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Katies Revenge part 3

Read parts one and two first for the best effect.This story is fictional.... Katie let her mom rest for a few mins. Helen then asked Please let me up untie me please!!..No way Mom the weekend has just began and I have no intention of letting you free until you have been properly punished for calling me a whore and chasing my first real boyfriend off. Katie then heard her mom mumble..when i get free I will fuck you up...

4 years ago
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Katies Begining Sarah

Sarah For one so young, Sarah Pickles was far from being a sight for sore eyes. From her carefully chosen brown corduroy below the knee skirt, thick beige tights and floral blouse and cardigan to her sensible flat black shoes she looked dowdy, plain and uninteresting. Her hair in a tight bun and no makeup. She looked absolutely perfect. Perfect that is for her current assignment. At 27, she was in fact gorgeous to look at with legs that never ended on sky high heels but not today....

3 years ago
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Katies truckers sperm bank prostitute friend

Long story short, my name is Katie Smith, a one man woman, with my husband only until 2-3 years ago. Life changes, k**s grow up, my body’s desire for sex grows and the more I have the more I want. I love risky sex, being paid for sex, fucking homeless guys, acting the slut, and holding down a job as a senior business woman.This explains why a blond milf, mum, wife, slut is, on a chilly night, dressed in a leather dress, high heels, stockings on a street used by truckers to park up over night. I...

2 years ago
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Katies Begining

As Tricia drove home she mulled over her day, certainly not one of the best as far as she was concerned. The promotion almost promised to her and been given to the golden boy of the bank. Despite her having more experience and certainly being better at dealing with people face to face Ian had managed to persuade the Manager that he was better suited to the role. The way Ian had looked at her as he offered his commiserations that she hadn't got the job was so condescending towards her. He...

2 years ago
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Summering in Femininity Part 1 A Bummer Summer

A Bummer Summer? It was the dream of every seventeen year old, during the summer before his senior year of high school to spend it miles away from all his friends and all his stuff. In case you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm, because for Taylor Hughes, that was the last thing that he wanted. Unfortunately, he had no control over the matter. His parents were going out of the country on business for the entire summer, and trying as he might, Taylor was unable to convince them to let him...

3 years ago
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Dogging Site Revisited

Many of you will have read about our previous adventures. This is the story of Jaq and I revisiting a dogging site. We first visited the dogging site a few years back and "Fifty-Year-Old Wife Goes Dogging" tells the story.Jaq was quite insistent that we should return to the car park where the first encounter took place. we decided on the next Sunday evening that the weather was good enough.Several Sundays passed that were either to wet or too cold. Eventually, on a warmish Sunday evening, we...

3 years ago
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A cdhood Love Revisited

Introduction: A young teen revisits his former “love” and things quickly heat up. Questions, comments and suggestions are welcome as this is my first post here. 4 Months Prior:I paced around my almost empty room contemplating how I should handle my girlfriend. I wasn't ready to let this relationship end; but, in reality, I couldn't put off the fact I was moving any longer. My house was empty, I had not told my 14 year old lover that I was moving from sunny San Diego, California to some random...

2 years ago
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Katies Story

I will get the personal details out of the way quickly. My name is Katie I am 19 and am studying history at University. Oh, and by the way I have always considered myself to be the sort of girl that is only interested in men. Well that was until I met Suzie. She had enrolled on the same course as me and the first time I saw her I think my heart stopped beating for a few seconds. She was breathtakingly beautiful and I admit I was shocked by the way my body reacted, my nipples were soon erect...

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Katies Xmas works do fucked by two of the guys

Christmas is a time for fun, pleasure and excess. It is a time for giving and receiving. I did not realise quite how apt these words were when I got ready for an after works Christmas drink with my all male team. I am the boss and older than all of them. I like to dress smart and business like for work and to be a tease too - I love wearing something tight fitting or undoing an extra button on my blouse or revealing my stocking tops. I think it’s good for morale and, I enjoy the attention. In...

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Her Story to Summer a tale about Summers daddy

In an Assisted Living home but still doing quite well, she thought she saw one of the administrators who might be the daughter of a man she once knew. Now in her seventies the woman sat in her chair and thought back on those “lovely” and very fun days. “Miss ohhh miss” she called out one of the nurses. “I thought I saw a young lady here who possibly might be, well, hmmm how do I say this?” The nurse smiled and waited. “I am not sure honey but I believe her name is Summer? Is there a young woman...

First Time
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Summering in Femininity Part 12 Summers End Continued

The next morning, a Saturday, Taylor was awoken by a gentle knock on his door. He sat up to see Aunt Agnes waiting by the door. "Is something wrong?" Taylor asked, yawning. "I was about to ask you the same thing, Emily hasn't come by yet and I got worried," Aunt Agnes stepped into the room. "Worried? Why?" Taylor reached for his phone and realized that it was nearly noon. "Wow... She let me sleep in?" "Did you two have a fight?" Aunt Agnes asked. "No," Taylor replied. "I...

1 year ago
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Katies Dream

She stands in front of the mirror and ties the collar of the white, satin blouse, white for unsoiled virginity, the wide satin ties hang to her breasts. She slides her hand down the front of the knee-length skirt. She is delectable, unspoiled, a fruit ripe for picking, her juices maturing and longing to be tasted. She closes her eyes, smelling his cologne and recalling his exotic accent. He slides his fingers under the half collar and kisses her lips. She feigns resistance, pushing his hand...

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