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La agente especial del FBI, Grace Miller, esperaba en el pasillo. Detestaba pasar tanto rato en la morgue. Pasillos blancos, as?pticos. Comentarios entre murmullos. Gente movi?ndose de un lado a otro, con prisa. Caras tristes y caras indiferentes, eso era lo peor, la mezcla entre la desesperaci?n de familiares y el intento de poner cierta distancia emocional por parte del equipo forense. Ella misma intentaba aplicar esa distancia cuando trabajaba en un caso. Ser?a imposible hacerlo de otro modo. Lo malo era tener que esperar, convirti?ndose en testigo de todo el proceso para otros agentes. Sin embargo all? estaba, la agente m?s joven de la divisi?n, con solo treinta a?os.

Desde luego Grace pod?a presumir en cuanto a su apariencia f?sica. Med?a casi un metro setenta y cinco. Ten?a complexi?n entre atl?tica y esbelta, con noventa tanto de pecho como de cadera, aunque le sobraba un poco de abdomen para completar el paquete con vientre plano. Pelirroja natural, de tono anaranjado oscuro,  llevaba la melena larga, suelta. Pod?a considerarse lisa, pero ten?a bastante volumen. Ca?a tanto por la espalda, hasta debajo de los omoplatos, como por delante, hasta la altura de los pechos. La raya estaba a la derecha, y por ese lado pod?a verse la oreja, de peque?o tama?o, con un sencillo aro dorado. Por la izquierda un mech?n del flequillo cubr?a media mejilla. Solo intentaba apartarlo cuando se mov?a en direcci?n al ojo, interrumpiendo la vista.

El rostro la hac?a parecer a?n m?s joven. Ten?a los ojos color miel, ligeramente hundidos, con los p?rpados m?s poblados por los lados exteriores. Utilizaba muy poca sombra por encima, casi inapreciable bajo cejas de ?ngulo suave. Sus labios, pintados de rosa claro, ten?an forma de coraz?n sin ser demasiado alargados. El inferior era m?s carnoso que el superior. Por lo dem?s, apenas usaba algo de colorete en las mejillas.

La chaqueta, formal, de color gris muy oscura, iba abierta sobre una camisa gris m?s clara que dejaba ver hasta justo encima de donde empezaban los pechos. Dejaba ver as? algo de piel, ni p?lida ni bronceada. Pantalones y zapatos, sin apenas tac?n, iban a juego con la chaqueta. Como siempre, en aquella ocasi?n llevaba un colgante con un peque?o coraz?n. Nada vistoso. 

Esperaba porque requer?a ayuda extra. Su unidad deb?a encargarse de asesinos en serie. Este resultaba ser demasiado activo. Llevaba a?os haciendo lo mismo en distintas ciudades. Aparec?a, mataba a cinco mujeres, y despu?s se iba sin dejar rastro. Ya hab?a matado a tres. Si nadie le deten?a, habr?a dos v?ctimas m?s. Era un cabr?n realmente dif?cil de rastrear. Nunca se sab?a en qu? ciudad iba a aparecer. Cuando lo hac?a, solo segu?a un patr?n con las v?ctimas. Eran mujeres muy atractivas. En ocasiones adolescentes, otras veces rondando los cincuenta a?os. Morenas, rubias, o pelirrojas. Ricas o pobres. Blancas, negras, asi?ticas. Simplemente daba igual. Tampoco dejaba muchas m?s pistas. Alg?n rastro de ADN, por lo que sab?an que era blanco. Ocasionalmente, como era el caso, utilizaba una pistola. Dicha arma la hab?a robado del padre de la primera v?ctima. Eso era todo. La investigaci?n jam?s avanzaba.

Los compa?eros de Grace estaban haciendo perfiles como locos. Registraban v?deos de seguridad, testimonios. O se mov?an o acabar?an con una v?ctima m?s la pr?xima noche.

Grace hab?a decidido utilizar un recurso menos de manual. Ya hab?a recurrido a "ella" en el pasado, antes de entrar a formar parte de la unidad. Sus compa?eros y sus jefes tan solo aceptaban esa clase de recursos a rega?adientes, aunque una vez comprobada su eficacia, muchos incluso hab?an animado a Grace a hacer la llamada.

La agente escuch? pasos a la izquierda, desde la entrada. Puntual, como siempre.

-Buenas noches Joyce.

La joven de treinta y pocos sonri?, nerviosa, y salud? con la mano mientras se acercaba. Joyce Callahan era medio hispana. La mezcla de rasgos hab?a resultado especialmente favorecedora en su caso, pues se trataba de una aut?ntica belleza de esas que la gente solo esperaba encontrar en revistas. Med?a metro setenta. Su tez era el primer distintivo de la herencia latina. Bronceada pero de tono suave. No le sobraba un solo kilo en el cuerpo. Ten?a la figura de una modelo, con hombros estrechos, cuello largo ni demasiado fino ni demasiado grueso, y bien proporcionada tanto de piernas como de brazos. Desde luego su cuerpo distaba mucho del de una persona deportista porque, aunque se cuidaba mucho, no era en absoluto musculosa. Ten?a la gran fortuna de poseer un cuerpo hermoso sin necesidad de matarse en el gimnasio. Tan solo corr?a de vez en cuando. Los pechos eran firmes, redondos, ligeramente m?s grande de una talla ochenta y cinco, pero como sus hombros no eran anchos y ella era esbelta, resaltaban poderosamente en su figura. Las caderas y gl?teos eran otros de esos rasgos heredados de su parte hispana. Casi noventa de cadera, con el trasero firme, prieto, redondeado. Una aut?ntica delicia desde cualquier ?ngulo.

Vest?a de forma que realzase su espl?ndida figura sin resultar vulgar. Llevaba camiseta blanca de tirantes, con escote en forma de U que acababa justo cuando iba a empezar el canalillo. Llevaba algunas flores bordadas, tambi?n en blanco descendiendo en la l?nea del estern?n. Debajo, para evitar posibles transparencias comprometedoras, usaba un sencillo sujetador del mismo color que el resto del atuendo.

En la parte inferior vest?a falda, casi hasta las rodillas, de color gris oscuro, con bastante vuelo. No llevaba medias ni pantis porque desde luego no hac?a fr?o, y no estaba sujeta a ning?n c?digo de vestimenta, a diferencia de su amiga Grace. Calzaba sandalias de tac?n color azul muy oscuro, dejando ver la mayor parte del pie.

Si Joyce ten?a cuerpo explosivo, la cara no lo desmerec?a en absoluto. El pelo llegaba justo al mismo punto que el escote, por delante y por detr?s. Ca?a formando un tri?ngulo invertido en la frente, que pasaba por el exterior de ambas cejas para abrirse dejando ver el resto del rostro. Era muy ondulado, casi rizado por abajo. Lo llevaba te?ido de casta?o claro. Daba la sensaci?n de ser su color natural, pues no desentonaba lo m?s m?nimo. Ten?a las cejas casi rectas y muy finas, inclinadas un poco resultando en un aspecto sugerente y tierno al mismo tiempo. Ten?a los ojos almendrados, de color marr?n oscuro, con las pesta?as largas y bien marcadas. Los labios, gruesos y carnosos, estaban pintados de color rojo, pero no de forma llamativa, m?s bien elegante.

Joyce se guard? la acreditaci?n de asesora antes de acercarse hasta su amiga. Segu?a nerviosa. Por desgracia no era el primer caso de asesinato, aunque s? el primero con un asesino en serie. Desventajas de ver ascender a su amiga. Normalmente trabajaba en la florister?a heredada de su madre, pero desde luego no la llamaban por sus conocimientos bot?nicos. La llamaban por cierta habilidad, tambi?n heredada (aunque de su padre), que ella habr?a preferido no tener.

-?D?nde est??? , ya sabes, el cuerpo.

Grace sonr?o para intentar tranquilizarla. Rode? con el brazo derecho los hombros de su amiga, y la gui? fraternalmente por el pasillo. Para Joyce, ese gesto fraternal, casi de hermana, resultaba tranquilizador. Grace lo sab?a y, cuando se trataba de casos desagradables, siempre intentaba calmarla un poco. Adem?s, la agente era lesbiana, y caminar de ese modo era agradable. Por supuesto, sab?a que su amiga no ten?a sus mismas inclinaciones, as? que nunca intentar?a nada con ella, pero admirar semejante belleza era casi inevitable. Desgraciadamente era un asunto serio, muy desagradable. Habr?a preferido ahorrarle esto a su vieja amiga.

-No sabes cu?nto te agradezco que hayas venido. No te lo pedir?a, pero tenemos que cazarlo esta misma noche.

Joyce asinti?. Los federales siempre pagaban bien. Ese era el incentivo que cualquiera habr?a entendido. Ella, sobre todo, quer?a ayudar.

-?Has pedido que no haya nadie con nosotras?

Grace asinti?.

-?Y que apaguen las c?maras?

Grace volvi? a asentir, aunque a?adi? algunas palabras.

-Me ha costado trabajo. La mitad del personal quiere sacarte fotos.

Joyce sonri? p?caramente. Era consciente de su propia belleza.

-Puedes decirles que, si atrap?is a ese cerdo, nos vamos a celebrarlo todos este viernes.

Ambas estaban paradas frente al cuerpo de la ?ltima v?ctima. Grace se asegur? de cerrar bien la puerta y de despejar la zona de objetos peligrosos. Esta no era la primera sesi?n. Sab?a que las cosas pod?an llegar a descontrolarse.

Mientras tanto Joyce respiraba hondo. Detestaba hacer esto. Hab?a le?do el expediente antes. No le esperaba un rato agradable. Todo lo contrario. Un infierno.

-Ya sabes que no podr? responderte a ninguna pregunta hasta que acabe.

Grace lo sab?a. Esper? sin dejar de mirar a su amiga. Parec?a indecisa. Tal vez estaba pidi?ndole demasiado.

-Si necesitas m?s tiempo?

Joyce respir? hondo mientras negaba con la cabeza. Sab?a que cuanto m?s se lo pensase, m?s probable era que cambiase de opini?n. Se acerc? al cad?ver. Coloc? ambas manos en el rostro, con las yemas de los dedos en la frente. Entonces empez?.

Joyce ya no ve?a por sus propios ojos, ni escuchaba por sus propios o?dos. Se encontraba sumida en un profundo trance que anulaba todos sus sentidos. En lugar de eso, experimentaba las ?ltimas horas de Erica, la ?ltima v?ctima, c?mo si fuese ella. Sus pensamientos, sus sentidos, sus recuerdos recientes. Todo. Era como ver una pel?cula desde el punto de vista de otra persona. No hab?a ninguna comunicaci?n entre ambas. Joyce pod?a rememorar a la perfecci?n los hechos, pero no pod?a modificarlos. No pod?a hacer preguntas o hablar.

Estaba mir?ndose en el espejo de los servicios del banco donde trabajaba. Era una mujer guapa, de la edad de Joyce. Ten?a el pelo de color casta?o rojizo, oscuro. Se peinaba con el flequillo cubriendo la frente y la raya a la izquierda, con lo cual dejaba despejado un peque?o espacio por encima del ojo izquierdo. La melena empezaba cayendo lisa, justo por debajo de los hombros, pero los mechones de cabello que iban por delante acababan en sensuales rizos. La cara era m?s alargada que ancha, angulosa, con un peque?o hoyuelo en la barbilla. Los labios finos, pintados de rosa oscuro. Iba maquillada pero no de forma festiva si no profesional, con un poco de color en las mejillas y con sombra de ojos. Precisamente sus ojos eran una de sus grandes virtudes. Saltones, grandes, de color verde muy oscuro.

Al mirar en el espejo, Joyce ve?a ciertas similitudes con Grace. Erica deb?a medir m?s o menos lo mismo, cent?metro arriba o abajo. La piel de Erica estaba m?s bronceada y sin duda estaba un poco menos en forma. Los pechos eran un poco m?s ca?dos y algunos pocos cent?metros m?s peque?os. Sin embargo el trasero era muy parecido, y Erica s? ten?a el vientre casi completamente plano.

Tambi?n vest?an de forma similar. Era comprensible, despu?s de todo Erica trabajaba en un banco. Llevaba una chaqueta gris muy oscuro, aunque con finas rayas verticales, muy separadas entre s?, de color gris m?s claro. La chaqueta ten?a escote en V que acababa en la zona inferior del estern?n en una especie de lazo peque?o. Por debajo volv?a a abrirse en un tri?ngulo poco pronunciado. Bajo la chaqueta llevaba una camiseta azul claro que aportaba cierta vitalidad al conjunto. Llevaba una falda de tubo, formal, del mismo color que la chaqueta, hasta la altura de la rodilla, un poco m?s abajo. No le permit?a mucha movilidad en las piernas, pero era id?nea para el trabajo y tampoco ten?a intenci?n de correr. Los pantis oscuros y los zapatos negros, de tac?n, encajaban perfectamente.

Tan solo se estaba arreglando un poco el peinado antes de salir. Hab?a sido un buen d?a de trabajo. Quiz?s hab?a concedido unos pocos cr?ditos m?s de los que sus jefes quisieran, pero eso la hac?a sentirse bien consigo misma. Ahora, algo cansada, solo ten?a ganas de volver a casa.

Su coche no hab?a arrancado por la ma?ana. Volver?a en taxi. No le gustaban el metro o el autob?s. Ese fue uno de los momentos en los que Joyce quisiera haber podido hablar. Le habr?a dicho que pidiese transporte a alg?n compa?ero, o que usase el metro. Nada. Cuanto percib?a era simplemente el pasado.

Encontr? un taxi sorprendentemente r?pido. No pod?a imaginar que era un taxi robado, que hab?a estado esperando cerca hasta verla salir. Mucho menos pod?a imaginar que el ladr?n, su futuro asesino, era quien hab?a saboteado el coche para obligarla a pedir un taxi.

Joyce no era polic?a, pero todo aquello le parec?a demasiado al azar. Erica podr?a haber tomado otras decisiones que la habr?an mantenido con vida. No sab?a que el asesino llevaba semanas estudiando a la futura v?ctima.

Erica tard? un buen rato en notar que algo iba mal. Hab?a estado hablando por tel?fono durante los primeros minutos del viaje. Cuando colg?, se hab?an saltado la salida hacia su barrio.

-Eh? creo que se ha equivocado - dijo mientras guardaba el m?vil en el bolso. - Era esa salida.

No hab?a ninguna rabia ni enfado en la joven. Un simple error. No le dio m?s vueltas. El taxista, que empezaba a resultarle familiar, tom? la siguiente salida. Cuando lo hizo no dio la vuelta si no que tom? un desv?o hacia las afueras.

-No. Tiene usted que dar la vuelta por esa otra calle y?

El taxista par? a un lado. Erica no lo entend?a. Cuando el hombre se gir? en el asiento, apunt?ndola con una pistola a la cara, se qued? helada. Joyce pudo sentir el p?nico de la joven. Sin pensar mucho, Erica intent? abrir la puerta, pero no funcion?. Escuch? un sonido con el que no estaba familiarizada. Joyce si supo que se trataba del arma amartill?ndose, pero solo porque alguna vez lo hab?a escuchado en pel?culas. En cualquier caso, Erica volvi? a mirar el arma. Ya no iba a intentar nada. Escuch? la voz, grave y cruel, del falso taxista.

-El bolso. - Se?al? con el arma. - D?melo.

Erica comprendi? que se quedaba sin nada. Ni espray de pimienta, ni m?vil. A?n as?, el arma estaba al mando. Lo tiro hacia delante, al asiento del pasajero.

-No hables. Asiente si me entiendes. Ahora vamos a dar una vuelta. Si te portas bien, no te har? da?o. Si gritas, si llamas la atenci?n, o si intentas cualquier cosa, te pego dos tiros. ?Comprendido?

Erica asinti?. La iba a violar. Lo sab?a. No pod?a aceptarlo, de ning?n modo. A?n as? asinti?. Ten?a miedo. Acab? reconociendo al hombre.

-T?? te conozco.

-?He dicho que no hables!

Erica asinti? de nuevo. Hab?a visto a ese hombre. Un tal se?or Thompson. Le hab?a concedido un cr?dito ese mismo Lunes.

Desde fuera, Grace ve?a a Joyce sentada en una silla contigua. Parec?a aterrorizada y comenzaba a llorar. Sab?a que ocurrir?a algo as?. Joyce sufr?a reaccionas similares a las de las v?ctimas cuando utilizaba su "don". Le acarici? la mejilla confiando en ayudarla a sentirse mejor. Ojala pensase que iba a funcionar.

Llegaron a una zona industrial. Por la noche estaba desierta. Thompson par? el coche en el callej?n entre dos recintos. No hab?a c?maras de seguridad. Baj?. Mientras abr?a la puerta, Erica intent? salir por el otro lado. La puerta tambi?n estaba cerrada. Escuch? la suya abrirse.

-No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

Sigui? repitiendo mientras el hombre le agarr? por la mu?eca y la hizo salir del coche.

-?De rodillas!

Erica obedeci? r?pido. El suelo estaba lleno de piedrecitas, y se clav? algunas, pero no se quej?. El hombre ya hab?a abierto la bragueta del pantal?n y mostraba su erecci?n.

-Ya sabes lo que debes hacer.

Ella neg? con la cabeza. Primero recibi? un par de bofetones. Despu?s sinti? el ca??n del arma en la sien.

-Y hazlo bien. Como a ese novio tuyo.

Erica se pregunt?, fugazmente, c?mo sab?a que ten?a novio. Joyce s? que at? cabos. En cualquier caso, daba igual. Agarr? suavemente con la mano el tronco del falo. Empez? a masturbarlo despacio mientras acercaba la boca. Primero lami? un poco el glande. Luego fue introduci?ndose el miembro poco a poco en la boca. Sinti? asco, arcadas, a cada instante.

Grace contemplaba a Joyce de rodillas. Ten?a la boca abierta en forma de O. Al igual que Erica, no dejaba de llorar. Mov?a la mano derecha como si masturbase un pene invisible. Con la izquierda acariciaba esos hipot?ticos test?culos. Mov?a la cabeza de adelante atr?s, girando un poco de lado a lado. Era como verla haci?ndole una mamada a un fantasma.

La pelirroja no pudo evitar encontrarlo un tanto er?tico. Incluso se sonroj? ligeramente. Ver a su amiga as?, acelerando cada vez m?s el ritmo, le hac?a imaginarse que era ella quien estaba delante, con la suave lengua de su amiga lamiendo tiernamente sus labios vaginales y el cl?toris. Se sinti? culpable de inmediato, apartando los pensamientos de su mente.

De pronto, Joyce ech? la cabeza hacia atr?s, como si la hubiesen empujado. Tosi? un par de veces. Incluso hizo el amago de vomitar.

Erica quiso vomitar, pero no se atrevi?. Aquel hombre no se hab?a corrido. Tan solo quer?a ponerse a tono para el evento principal de la noche. La oblig? a levantarse tirando del pelo. La llev? contra el cap? del coche y la hizo doblarse sobre encima, dejando el trasero al aire. Trato de ignorar que el motor a?n estaba caliente.

Not? al hombre levant?ndole la falda. Intent? evitarlo con una mano. La pistola en la nuca la hico relajarse. No se resisti? mientras le separaba las piernas, ni mientras le rajaba los pantis o le apartaba las bragas. Cerr? los ojos, apret? los dientes. Se mantuvo as? mientras la penetr?. Grit? y gru?? dolorida. Dio varios golpes al cap? del coche. No pod?a creer que la estuviesen tomando como a un animal.

Grace ahora ve?a a Joyce reclinada contra la camilla de al lado. Mov?a las caderas de adelante atr?s como si la estuviesen penetrando. De nuevo se imagino estar tras ella, apretar sus nalgas firmes mientras acariciaba los pechos con la otra mano. Besarle el cuello, soplarle al o?do, y oler su perfume en el cabello. Llegar al ?xtasis ambas juntas. Cuando vio la mueca de horror que mostraba su amiga, record? que no le estaban haciendo el amor. Estaba viviendo los recuerdos de una mujer violada. Volvi? a sentirse culpable. Agarr? las manos de su amiga, apretando con fuerza.

-Vamos, ya queda poco cielo.

Erica y Joyce, como si fuesen una sola, notaron la eyaculaci?n de su violador. Thompson dio un par de pasos torpes hacia atr?s. Casi cay? de culo al suelo, pero mantuvo el equilibrio. Erica, sin reincorporarse, baj? la falda tanto como pudo. Esperaba que todo hubiese acabado. Pasaron minutos as?. Luego escuch? aquella asquerosa voz a su espalda.

-En pie.

Con los pantis rasgados, pero el resto de la ropa relativamente intacto, la hizo caminar hacia la pared hasta apoyarse de espaldas. Thompson volvi? a tomar un metro de distancia.

-Ahora te voy a dejar ir. Has sido una buena chica. ?Le vas a contar esto a alguien?

Erica neg? con la cabeza. Segu?a llorando, pero todo hab?a acabado.

-?No voy a tener que preocuparme de si hablas?

-No. Por favor. Solo quiero ir a casa. No dir? nada. Te lo prometo. No dir? nada. Solo? d?jame ir.

Thompson asinti?. Luego alz? el arma y dispar? dos veces en el vientre. Erica no entend?a lo ocurrido. Solo not? algo empuj?ndola dos veces contra la pared. Despu?s lleg? un dolor atroz. Se toc? el abdomen. Al mirar las manos las vio llenas de sangre. Mir? incr?dula a su agresor. Las fuerzas le fallaron. Se desliz? por la pared hasta sentarse en el suelo. Intentaba hacer presi?n sobre las heridas. Grit? pidiendo auxilio. Vio a Thompson alzar la pistola de nuevo.

-?Por? qu??

Pregunt? entre l?grimas e intensos dolores.

-No lo s?. - Respondi? ?l. - Pero necesito matarte.

La mirada y la voz carec?an de compasi?n o la m?s m?nima empat?a.

-Por? favor. No me mates. No me mates. - Vio el dedo llegar al gatillo de nuevo. - ?No!

Dos tiros m?s, uno en cada seno, pero evitando el coraz?n. Erica vibr? con cada disparo, tosiendo sangre inmediatamente despu?s. Thompson levant? el arma un poco m?s, apuntando justo entre los ojos.


Joyce despert? del trance. Estaba sentada en el suelo, con la espalda apoyada en la pared. Lloraba y sudaba. Se sent?a humillada, dolorida. Aterrada. Grace la abraz?. Joyce intent? soltarse al principio, sin saber quien estaba toc?ndola. A?n ten?a entremezclados los recuerdos de Erica. Cuando desaparecieron, se dio cuenta de estar llorando.


-Estoy aqu?. Vamos, estoy aqu?.

Se abrazaron un rato m?s antes de que Joyce pudiese volver a levantarse.

Un nombre falso, Thompson, y datos bancarios falsos para el cr?dito, fueron suficientes para Grace. Revisaron las grabaciones de aquel d?a. Buscaron el taxi, milagrosamente devuelto al garaje de donde sali?. Encontraron huellas dactilares. Todo era demasiado poco, pero trabajaron contrarreloj. Al final lo encontraron justo unos minutos antes de consumar su siguiente violaci?n. Hab?an detenido a otro bastardo.

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BDSM Playlist Spanish

LISTA DE PRACTICAS BDSM / Whipmaster'sPlaylist 2 Por Whipmaster [email protected] En otro lugar he expresado mi opinión personal acerca de los contratosde sumisión y de su valor más que relativo como elementos reguladoresde una relación BDSM plena y satisfactoria. A mi juicio resultan mucho más útiles e interesantes las "listasde prácticas" (en inglés, Playlist )algo que es relativamente frecuente encontrar en webs en inglés sobreBDSM y que sin embargo escaseaba en versión española....

2 years ago
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Historia de Corinne Spanish

Sitúo mi relato en el Otoño de 1.993. Era una fría y lluviosa tarde del mes de Octubre, había terminadode cenar. Me había aseado y puesto un camisón de color naranja.Me senté en el sofá para ver el noticiario de las 9 de la noche. En la casa hacía bastante calor. El suficiente para permitirme elpermanecer en camisón por toda la casa. Pero, antes de entrar en mi relato, os diré que mi nombre es Corinney que vivo sola. Mis señas personales son bastantes buenas. Mido 1.70 m. y peso 57kg.,...

4 years ago
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wife and neighbour

i came home early and heard noise upstairs. i crept up and saw our neighbour with his cock [all 10 inches of it] up my wifes arse.they had there backs to me so i stood there and watched as he pounded her arse and she begged him to fuck her harder. i watched for a while then crept back downstairs to the kitchen about 20 mins later they came down and was supprised to see me sitting there.he was dressed she was wearing a dressing gown. i came right out with it and asked her if she had a sore arse...

2 years ago
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Sitter SexedChapter 3

So, Karen stood up and began taking her clothes off. Teri and I were already naked, we usually got that way soon after our parents would leave for their club date. They were generally just out of the driveway when we were in each other's arms playing with each other, looking forward to the hours of sexual fun we would have together the rest of the night. Now, Karen was joining us. Really joining in. She got down on Teri's bed and patted her pussy, telling me, "You know what to do, Zach....

2 years ago
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Making my first friend in an Adult Theatre

I was in my last year of high school when I had my first sexual experience. It happened on a warm Saturday afternoon in April. I left my house under the pretext of doing some research at the downtown library for some up coming project. I liked my independence and I rode the bus downtown. My real destination was a back alley entrance to some obscure building. Inside was and adult theatre featuring gay porn. I knew I might be gay because thinking about girls never gave me an erection, but for...

1 year ago
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What’s in a name? Well, at, I really don’t have any fucking idea. Sixty-nine is the not-so-secret code for one of my favorite forms of mutual oral sex, but the rest is sheer gibberish to me. It sounds like the autistic kid who keeps killing you in Fortnite, but nah, it’s actually a free video tube full of famous Internet babes and social media sluts with their clothes off. Free is one of my favorite prices, especially when I lost my wallet with my pants somewhere along the bus ride....

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
3 years ago
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The Making of a Sissy Part Ten

Bella quickly gulped down her vodka and cherry, her bottom tingling with anticipation as her new mature friend gave her a commanding look; she had so enjoyed being submissive for her at the end of a leash, and now she knew she would be bound tightly on a soft inviting bed, and made completely helpless. Her cock stiffened sweetly at the thought; perhaps she would taste the cane again, she would love that. Ellen took Bella’s little hand and squeezed it tightly; though she had only just met this...

3 years ago
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Cleaning Up

After working all day, I usually come home to a relatively peaceful house. My wife and I don’t make a big mess, so it’s easy to maintain. I don’t eat right after I get home. I prefer to wait and see what we are in the mood for before starting on anything. What I found told me that my wife was in the mood for something else! As soon as I came in the front door, I saw the living room in major disarray. There was laundry all over the floor, couch, and coffee table. Shirts, socks, and underwear...

1 year ago
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XNXX Creampie

I can’t think of many things I crave more in this world than pumping a horny nympho slut full of cum. It’s what keeps me going. Do you know how other cucks have hobbies like fishing, chess, or something? Yeah, mine is filling pussies to the brim. It’s a tough job, but somebody out there had to go and become the best. I figured it should be me. But don’t worry, I know some of you betas like to live vicariously through us Chads that actually get to give dimepieces creampies. And I’m here to give...

Creampie Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Me My Girlfriend and Her br

I met my current girlfriend a few months ago when her f****y moved in a few doors down from where I lived with my parents. Once we met we hit it off right away and got pretty serious. And though she is just nineteen years old, she and I have been quite active sexually. Too often we have almost been caught by either her parents or her b*****r. But so far we managed to stay one step ahead of them and am hiding that fact from them. Or so I thought! Just last month she and I decided to take a trip...

3 years ago
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My Tranny Teacher 4

This is a fantasy story. Every day left me feeling more horny and excited for our next tutoring session with Ms. Bennett (Becca). I was hard about 90% of the time just going thru all of my special clothing and deciding what I could get away with wearing to school that would light up my teacher and make her clitty into a full stiff dick that I could put to use. After looking at everything I decided that black lace top stockings would be exciting and could not be noticed under my school clothes....

2 years ago
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Truth Or Dare Leads To Life Time Memories

Hey Guys, I am Amit and This is the first time I am posting a story out here and i have been reading this site for a long time and eventually got tempted to share my own personal experience with you. The incident that I am narrating occured not very long ago rather just a couple of months ago. I was recently transfered to Bhatinda punjab due to my job and got a house on rent. I have been happily married for the last 6 years with a beautiful punjabi girl. My wife Meenu is a wonderful lady, a...

2 years ago
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Murphy 1Chapter 3

So I’m a sucker for a pretty girl that begs me to let her kiss my dick; what can I say? “As soon as it gets dark, will you be alone?” “Not sure yet, if someone else wants to come too, will it be alright?” “All of you?” “Maybe, will that still be alright?” “What will all of you have in mind?” “Tonight, probably just touching it, and kissing it, and getting naked, will that be alright for the first night?” “Yes, maybe better. What about the next night, if there is one?” “I want you to...

1 year ago
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Easy Edie

As she lay beside the snoring whoever-he-is, she fingered her wet pussy. He was the third one today, and the sixth different male organ in the last week who got her vagina wet with semen, some of them unloading in there on more than one enjoyable occasion. The next morning, after a quick screw with and dismissal of her first-name-only guy, she drew herself a hot sudsy bath and sat soaking, sipping on coffee. Nothing was planned so she just took some time to look inside herself more than she...

3 years ago
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An amazing night with parker

Now we’re in High School. Parker was 17, I was 16. Parker and I are in the 11th grade and we have a few classes together. English and Chemistry. I did good in both and always considered myself a good student. Parker was too but he always had trouble in chemistry. He wasn’t doing well. He had failed a lot of tests and he’d get very frustrated with himself. I’ve had several boyfriends and Parker has been through his girlfriends but we’ve never been romantically involved with each other. I...

3 years ago
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Astrology Dicks

With the astrological foreknowledge on sexual intercourse, lust and the body, the consensus was to focus on the following areas: Sun SignMars Sign8th house Aries: Size and girth: They’ll usually either have very short and less girthy dicks, or very big, juicy ones. It’s hard to find an Aries dominant (Sun, Mars 8th) who’s in between. You either don’t feel it or you start walking side to side. Shape: Not the most pleasing to look at for many people. They’re not clean cut dicks, but rather the...

2 years ago
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Housewife Cheated Because Of Careless Husband

Prateek aur priya ki 5 saal ki relationship tha.Uske badh unhone shadi kiye.Prateek ko accha khasa job mil gaya tha,dono kolkata shift ho gaye the.Ek saal ke ander lake town mei 3bhk flat kharid liya tha.Bohut mahenti tha prateek,careeristic & ambitious tha bohut.Priya bhi bohut well educated the,use dusri saher mei job mili the isliye wo kar nehi paye.Shadi ke badh sabkuch thikthak chal raha tha.Pad jitna din guzra prateek ka focus shift hone laga,wo kam mei bohut jyada dhiyan dene laga rather...

4 years ago
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Your restraints are red

Your restraints are red and your blindfold is blue, but tonight my darling, someone else will punish you! He led her slowly to the chair, guided her into a 180 degree turn and helped her sit down. Her breathing was heavy; he could see her breasts rising and falling and he was tempted to touch her; tempted to fondle her through the satin material of her red dress, but he restrained himself. She too was restrained but her restraints were a length of red cord tying her wrists behind her...

2 years ago
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My First Sexual Intercourse

Hey everyone,yeh mera pehle sexual intercourse tha…Aur anchal ka bhi..Yeh story meri aur meri friend anchal ki hai.. Anchal aur main 6-7 years se friends hai maine kuch saal pehle usse indirect propose kia tha pr usne kuch saaf answer nhi kia… Pr tab bhi hum acha friends rahe..Woh mere ghar aati rehti thi books lene dene.. Jab bhi woh aati…Uff..Bahut mast bankar aati thi. Mujhe lagta tha ki woh bhi chahti thi mujhe. Hamesha sochta tha ki agar ghar pr kabhi koi na ho aur woh aaye toh maza hi aa...

4 years ago
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Bertie part 2

Part 2 of Beth's serial story (A journey and a meeting) 2 days had passed since Sarah's revelation. That night, parked outside mum and dad's we had chatted away excitedly, loosing track of time until mum, peeping out the window, wondering why I wasn't getting out came out to see. During our chat a meeting day and time was worked out, I was to join them the evening after tomorrow. The next night after college and in Sarah's company I spoke with Bertie on her phone, he has a lovely speaking...

4 years ago
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Spirit Ch 04

Jun 18, 2010 Fragmented Pieces Book I Spirit Chapter Four Astral Travel & Dreams Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on June 2010. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories...

4 years ago
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New Career 1930Chapter 7

Arlene pushed me to the shallow end of the pool and instructed Martha to watch carefully. She proceeded to mount me as she usually did. I held her as she spread her pussy lips and guided my cock into her vagina. Once that was done, she slid down and closer to me until my cock was completely engulfed by her pussy. From then on, it was just a matter of repeating something that I always enjoy immensely. When we finished, Arlene said, "Okay, Martha, you see how easy it is, so it is now your...

2 years ago
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Saving Me From Helen

I looked at her standing there naked except for a pair of high heels. She ran her hands over her breasts and smiled at me, "You like?" I smiled back at her, stroked my cock and said, "No, I don't like, I love." Oh baby, for a young man you sure do know the right things to say." As she walked toward me I thought, "Thank God for trashy Southern girls. If it wasn't for one of them I wouldn't be here and loving this." She sank down on her knees in front of me and said, "Stop playing...

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A FuckBike for Wendy

"Thanks for doing this, Luke! I'll make it up soon." "No worries, Wendy. Just let me win this time." "No chance, sweetie. You'll see my backside from start to finish. As always." "Then I demand a compensation fuck afterwards," he pouted, his eyes sparkling with lust. "With pleasure, Luke, with pleasure. Let's find a place to park, we have only 10 minutes left." "Are you sure you'll manage the 50 miles this time without embarrassing yourself?" Wendy smirked, patting his bum...

4 years ago
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Trading FriendsChapter 11

Monday morning I picked up Regina on the way to school. She was all over me all the way in and told me everything she and Paul had done during the weekend. "Paul is such a sweetheart Robert. He is so careful in how he uses that big dick of his; if he hadn't been it could have hurt. On Sunday evening we had dinner with his parents, just the four of us. We went out to the hot tub later and I found out where Paul gets that cock. His dad is almost as big as he is but is just as gentle. They...

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Kissing cousins

I had my 1st blow job from my cousin Joanne,very sexy,great tits,I was at my grandmas house takin a shower and she walked in when I was getting dry(my cousin) and I had a semi hard on,we both froze,then she said,I've seen you lookin at my boobs,you wanna see them,I said yes,my cock was getting harder by the second,she took off her t shirt and her bra covered tits just bounced,by this time I was fully hard,she giggled and put her hand anround my cock and started to jerk,she was lookin at it the...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Anna Claire Clouds Freya Parker My Crazy Ex

Lucky Fae and Anna Claire Clouds used to date, but post-breakup they haven’t really seen much of one another. In fact, Lucky has moved on to Freya Parker. Lucky and Freya have gotten hitched and they’ve begun looking at houses together. When Lucky and Freya arrive at a home for sale for a viewing, they begin looking around and commenting on their thoughts. Lucky receives a text message from his ex. He reveals in his reply that he definitely beats his meat to her sexts, but he tries to play it...

4 years ago
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Its Bad For Men Too

"Now, I just want you to relax," intoned the psychiatrist I've been coming here for three months and up to now nothing was working for me. Luckily my health insurance was paying for his time for it was certain I could never find his high fees. "Let's go over it one more time, shall we?" he said. I don't know what good it was going to do to say it out loud one more time. I closed my eyes and thought back to that long weekend. "We had only been married a few months," I said softly,...

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Hockey Buddy and His Wife Part 9

After hockey season is over, a bunch of guys from my league go up to Canada and play in a tournament. I decided to go along this year for the first time. Pete and I were to be roommates and play on the same tournament team. Pete is my bisexual buddy. I cuckhold him and fuck his wife while he does what every I tell him. We drove up Thursday night and played a game Friday afternoon. Friday evening we went to dinner. Some of the guys were going to a strip bar from there but I did not want to watch...

3 years ago
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Repopulation 2020

January 1st, 2013 Washington D.C., United States CNBS News “The stories and mass media coverage of the “End of The World Theory” peaked last year but then suddenly declined after that fateful date of 12/22/2012. Why? I have a little theory of my own you see. I believe that the end of the world is NOT going to happen at all. People have believed these prophecies all through out history. Why should this date be no different? Its ignorant people believing the government, the media, and...

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Strangers in the NightChapter 4

Strangers in the Night: 4. The rest of the family went home. They created quite a ruckus but they left. The girl, Wendy, stayed. "What was your name before?" I asked. "Wendy," she said. "That's convenient," I said. "Yah," she agreed. "Your English is excellent, but you have an intriguing accent." I asked, "Where were you from in the States?" "Lesson time ... I'm not from your Earth." "How do you mean that?" "When they talk about parallel universes," she began,...

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Visiting Hannah

Prologue. In the beginning was the foot and the foot was the means of motion, next came the ox wagon, horse and camel, the river steamers arrived to carry people and goods along the great river, after that and before the motor car came the mighty railway, sweeping contemptuously aside all other means of transportation arrived. Thus it was in my country. Along the railway line grew up townships to feed the fuel hungry and water thirsty locomotives, and to serve as places to which farmers and...

4 years ago
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Learning CurveChapter 4

Alena was enjoying lunch at a nearby McDonald's when she opened her laptop and checked her messages. There was a second response from one. It had originally read: "Professional, executive white male, I am impressed with you. Attached is my photo. Rest assured it is current, taken a week ago. I would like to meet w/u ASAP; if possible, tonight. Would love to pamper and spoil you! Pls. call Hank, at __________. The second read: "Professional, executive white male: what happened? If still...

1 year ago
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Hired Gun From Santa FeChapter 21

Sam received a letter from his fugitive brother Saul from down Nogales way and he was waxing eloquent about the pretty Senoritas and the cheap price for booze if you didn’t mind the lower quality of the taste. Apparently, he had come under the employ of a widow lady from France that controlled almost all the usable land in his district and she had taken a shine to his rough style of loving that had reacquainted her with the joys of orgasm in her later years. The letter asked that he give an...

2 years ago
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Flames of LifeChapter 06

Arriving at work at 8:45 a.m. Will turns into the entrance to the staff car park at the rear of the firm’s building. The building is on a street corner so their rear access is a driveway in the side street. He’s thinking on what he has organised for today when he starts his turn, but the sight of the large flame coloured van parked on the street in the spot right next to his firm’s driveway grabs his attention. He’s quick to park his car and walk out of the gateway to look at the van instead...

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FamilySwap Aaliyah Love Liv Revamped Shark Time Of The Month

What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Liv Revamped and her swap brother Juan Loco are doing an arts and crafts project for shark month. The swap siblings have made shark mouths, which opens up all kinds of possibilities for fun flirtation. When swap parents Aaliyah Love and Damon Dice walk in on the craft time, they find Juan and Liv “biting” each other’s privates with the mouths. Aaliyah and...

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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 46 Adrianas Shares

Saturday, June 19, 1971 I felt her fingers softly touching me. When I opened my eyes, Nicky was on her side, with her head propped on one hand while she continued to trail her fingers softly over my face and neck and chest. "Good morning, Michael," she said in a voice that matched the softness of her touch. I could feel the love in her touch, so I smiled at her as I told her, "I love you, too!" She leaned over and gave me a gentle kiss that matched her touch and her voice. Nicky was...

4 years ago
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The Masters Project 5 John And JaneChapter 2

I got a call three days later. "Hello, Bob?" came that cultured voice. "Hi, Jane, it's good to hear from you again," I said. "I'm ready to make another appointment," she said. Then, instead of making the appointment, she went on to explain that the time hadn't been right yet to talk to John about all this. He had been called away to Washington and she didn't want to talk to him on the phone. It was late May, and she suggested we meet in a park. Both the place and the way she...

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Journey through the ancient world

You are a young knight from the medieval European kingdom. You are a handsome man, well built, and had light brown hair, blue eyes, and perfect teeth. Every woman liked you, and they worshiped you. You are known for your adventures, and you often travel across the lands and oceans seeking glory and fame. One day you pass through the rich forests of the kingdom of Aeaea, you find a beautiful cave adorned with wild flowers. You pass through the cave leaving your stallion at the entrance. Inside...

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Mamas love

Breakfast of cereal that he had mixed fresh strawberries in with the milk, and a large glass of orange juice, started the day for Ted Jeffery, and as he walked to the shower, he passed his mother's bedroom door. Glancing into his mother's room, Ted stopped in his steps, as his mother was standing just inside her room, and she was nude. s*******n years old, and until now, Ted had never seen a female in the buff. His previous sexual experiences had consisted of copping feels, and a few makes...

4 years ago
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My Fourth BBW Experience with a Twist

When this had happened, it was a month away from our graduation. The stress of final exams, her boyfriend, and our life away from one another, mostly due to neither of us wanting to admit our flings to others, made our normal routine more rare. What caused our spark to grow back was due to one of her friends, Alex, a senior that was to graduate in our year, and had a secret he didn't tell anyone. In order for me to find out what it was, as well as get my chance to fuck Madi once again, I had to...

2 years ago
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Portrait of Jeanne

Tonight, I am taking you into the Courtauld Institute Gallery in London. A glorious early eighteenth century manor in the heart of London, just a block away from the parliament buildings. The night guard tips his hat to us as we enter the building. You in a sleeveless black velvet gown, black shoes, toting a small evening purse. God you are ravishing. My very own Holly Golightly. I in a classic black tuxedo with the bowtie undone from your handiwork in the beautiful old fashioned London taxi we...

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I Love Older Women Chapter Four

Sue got her laptop out. She already had all the evidence in folders. She started to print them out while May was paper punching holes in them then putting them into a folder. I checked how much paper we had. We had another two packets with 500 sheets in each. Sue was also printing all the pictures. This was slowing the printing down. I looked in the desk. There was another three USB sticks. I gave them to Sue and suggested, “It would be faster to put those on these. They then can work what...

4 years ago
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Grand Opening

It's early morning, I wake to Brian's arm d****d across my chest. I lay here in thought of what little things I need to do before opening the door for the first time. I move Brian's arm and go to the bathroom. I turn the shower on and step in. I let the hot water pour over my head and soothe my body. The water makes my nipples grow hard, I touch them gently as they grow harder. I lather the body wash all over my body. I grope my breasts, just as any man would grope a woman's breasts. I...

3 years ago
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Dost Ki Behan Ke Saath Suhagraat 8211 Part II

Hi, Dear ISS readers Mein Apne sex experience “Dost Ki Behan Ke Saath Suhagraat” ke IInd part ke saath aapke paas aaya hoon. Yeh part padne se pehle aap iski starting aur iska Ist part zaroor pade jo14 Dec.2011 Aur 23 Jan 2012 ko “Desi” Mein publish hui hai. Usme aap ko pata chalega ki maine kaise apne Dost ki behan Rashmi ke saath suhagraat manayi aur uski ubtan ki rasam ko kaise enjoy kiya ? Ab story ke aage ka part continue karta hoon:- Rashmi ki us shaam ko mehndi ki rasam thi. Sabhi...

4 years ago
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Bus Journey Leads To Sex 8211 Part II

Hi Readers, this is Atul once again with a new story. Sorry, I could not submit my story for about 1 month due to heavy work load. But now hopeful to submit it at least once in 15 days. So here I go. Once my boss has given me an assignment for Aurangabad, for which, I need to stay there at least for an week. Accordingly, the booking has been made by the office, both for my bus travel and hotel as well. On the day, I left the home with my bag, fully loaded with my clothes and office documents. I...

3 years ago
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Holiday fuck

I was on holiday with a few friends and one day we saw this guy taking photos of his wife in the grounds of the hotel. She was a gorgeous bit of stuff and we’d been watching her in her bikini round the pool and on the beach and all agreed we’d love to fuck her given half a chance. Well, this particular day I asked the guy if he’s like me to take a photo of them together and then got chatting to him and he was telling me how hot his wife was and that she wore him to a frazzle on holiday...

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Carpe Diem Bill and Dianne

We wondered if Molly had meant it when she’d said “see you soon,” fresh from her orgasms with us in the woods and the subsequent public dumping of Ryan. Holidays can be full of such momentary intentions (except that Molly lived in the nearby town, of course) which are rarely followed through when people return to their routine lives. Time would tell, though, and we just had to avoid getting our hopes up. The next morning’s breakfast, shared with our neighbours, Bill and Dianne, across the space...

4 years ago
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My Sexual Reawakening A Journey To Being A Cuck

It was a hot July month; my wife left to visit her mom for a couple of weeks. I had to stay home because I could not get time off from work.  After a couple of days of being alone, I decided to go out to a bar to relax and have a couple of drinks. I sat at the barstool and saw a pretty lady wearing a white top.I could see she was not wearing anything underneath. She was also wearing very sexy red shorts. Her eyes were deep blue, and her hair was a very luscious brown color. Instantly, I was...

2 years ago
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Its not cheating since its still me

I'm very much a novice writer. This is the first thing I've ever put online. I've recently discovered that I have a sort of clone / selfcest harem fetish. I've had a bunch of fantasies and putting them to words has been very rewarding for me. Sharing them is an entirely new experience. Constructive feedback is welcome. Feel Free to join in and add to the stories however you would like, with the following exceptions please: 1) No rape. 2) No underage. 3) No hardcore BDSM. Please comment on a...

Group Sex
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WatchingMyMomGoBlack Brandi Love 03102020

Brandi’s step-son Ricky isn’t developing the way she’d like. He doesn’t seem as interested in sex as a normal eighteen year old should be. So she decides to bring home her personal trainer to show him that sex is natural and not something to be embarrassed about. They show Ricky how much fun sex can be and Jax shows Ricky exactly how women want to be fucked. He comes out of his shell and at the encouragement of step-mom Brandi, he’s soon tugging away while she gets plowed by BBC. It’s a lesson...

4 years ago
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Estelle sat before her dressing table, putting the finishing touches to her makeup. She had prepared herself as well as she was able, as her lover tonight was her benefactor - as the kept "whore" of Marcus Smith she owed her whole self to him and indeed, she loved him, but more than that, she loved the way she had been moulded and shaped into pleasing him as his smoking fetish slut - to be used by him as, and when, he wished.It was Marcus who had taken her off the streets two year's previously...

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Anns Afflictions

                 "ANN'S AFFLICTIONS!"    Part 1. "AAAARRRGH! NUUAARRRGH! HHHWWWOARRRRGH!"The sound of her voice in the clips was burned into my memory, repeating and horrifying me, driving me mad as I lay there in my dark room. Mom, my loving doting Mom, was there on those internet sex sites. The same woman who'd brought me up and who I naturally felt she was my Mom, as was a baby when Dad met her. Clips of her, in that foreign police station, being interrogated and such tortuous things, sexual...

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Jakes Dominates Sissy James

The sight of James tied over a spanking bench while only wearing a pink satin low-rise thong panty with black ruffled edging was humorous. His soft, round butt cheeks are proudly on display. As 4 college girls come walking into the room, James blushed to be exposed so openly. Even so, there was noticeable arching in his lower back to pooch his ass into the air slightly. One of the girls picked up the large wooden paddle lying on the ground and slowly spanked James’ butt cheeks. She swung the...

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