How Do You Say Kinky In Spanish
- 4 years ago
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La agente especial del FBI, Grace Miller, esperaba en el pasillo. Detestaba pasar tanto rato en la morgue. Pasillos blancos, as?pticos. Comentarios entre murmullos. Gente movi?ndose de un lado a otro, con prisa. Caras tristes y caras indiferentes, eso era lo peor, la mezcla entre la desesperaci?n de familiares y el intento de poner cierta distancia emocional por parte del equipo forense. Ella misma intentaba aplicar esa distancia cuando trabajaba en un caso. Ser?a imposible hacerlo de otro modo. Lo malo era tener que esperar, convirti?ndose en testigo de todo el proceso para otros agentes. Sin embargo all? estaba, la agente m?s joven de la divisi?n, con solo treinta a?os.
Desde luego Grace pod?a presumir en cuanto a su apariencia f?sica. Med?a casi un metro setenta y cinco. Ten?a complexi?n entre atl?tica y esbelta, con noventa tanto de pecho como de cadera, aunque le sobraba un poco de abdomen para completar el paquete con vientre plano. Pelirroja natural, de tono anaranjado oscuro, llevaba la melena larga, suelta. Pod?a considerarse lisa, pero ten?a bastante volumen. Ca?a tanto por la espalda, hasta debajo de los omoplatos, como por delante, hasta la altura de los pechos. La raya estaba a la derecha, y por ese lado pod?a verse la oreja, de peque?o tama?o, con un sencillo aro dorado. Por la izquierda un mech?n del flequillo cubr?a media mejilla. Solo intentaba apartarlo cuando se mov?a en direcci?n al ojo, interrumpiendo la vista.
El rostro la hac?a parecer a?n m?s joven. Ten?a los ojos color miel, ligeramente hundidos, con los p?rpados m?s poblados por los lados exteriores. Utilizaba muy poca sombra por encima, casi inapreciable bajo cejas de ?ngulo suave. Sus labios, pintados de rosa claro, ten?an forma de coraz?n sin ser demasiado alargados. El inferior era m?s carnoso que el superior. Por lo dem?s, apenas usaba algo de colorete en las mejillas.
La chaqueta, formal, de color gris muy oscura, iba abierta sobre una camisa gris m?s clara que dejaba ver hasta justo encima de donde empezaban los pechos. Dejaba ver as? algo de piel, ni p?lida ni bronceada. Pantalones y zapatos, sin apenas tac?n, iban a juego con la chaqueta. Como siempre, en aquella ocasi?n llevaba un colgante con un peque?o coraz?n. Nada vistoso.
Esperaba porque requer?a ayuda extra. Su unidad deb?a encargarse de asesinos en serie. Este resultaba ser demasiado activo. Llevaba a?os haciendo lo mismo en distintas ciudades. Aparec?a, mataba a cinco mujeres, y despu?s se iba sin dejar rastro. Ya hab?a matado a tres. Si nadie le deten?a, habr?a dos v?ctimas m?s. Era un cabr?n realmente dif?cil de rastrear. Nunca se sab?a en qu? ciudad iba a aparecer. Cuando lo hac?a, solo segu?a un patr?n con las v?ctimas. Eran mujeres muy atractivas. En ocasiones adolescentes, otras veces rondando los cincuenta a?os. Morenas, rubias, o pelirrojas. Ricas o pobres. Blancas, negras, asi?ticas. Simplemente daba igual. Tampoco dejaba muchas m?s pistas. Alg?n rastro de ADN, por lo que sab?an que era blanco. Ocasionalmente, como era el caso, utilizaba una pistola. Dicha arma la hab?a robado del padre de la primera v?ctima. Eso era todo. La investigaci?n jam?s avanzaba.
Los compa?eros de Grace estaban haciendo perfiles como locos. Registraban v?deos de seguridad, testimonios. O se mov?an o acabar?an con una v?ctima m?s la pr?xima noche.
Grace hab?a decidido utilizar un recurso menos de manual. Ya hab?a recurrido a "ella" en el pasado, antes de entrar a formar parte de la unidad. Sus compa?eros y sus jefes tan solo aceptaban esa clase de recursos a rega?adientes, aunque una vez comprobada su eficacia, muchos incluso hab?an animado a Grace a hacer la llamada.
La agente escuch? pasos a la izquierda, desde la entrada. Puntual, como siempre.
-Buenas noches Joyce.
La joven de treinta y pocos sonri?, nerviosa, y salud? con la mano mientras se acercaba. Joyce Callahan era medio hispana. La mezcla de rasgos hab?a resultado especialmente favorecedora en su caso, pues se trataba de una aut?ntica belleza de esas que la gente solo esperaba encontrar en revistas. Med?a metro setenta. Su tez era el primer distintivo de la herencia latina. Bronceada pero de tono suave. No le sobraba un solo kilo en el cuerpo. Ten?a la figura de una modelo, con hombros estrechos, cuello largo ni demasiado fino ni demasiado grueso, y bien proporcionada tanto de piernas como de brazos. Desde luego su cuerpo distaba mucho del de una persona deportista porque, aunque se cuidaba mucho, no era en absoluto musculosa. Ten?a la gran fortuna de poseer un cuerpo hermoso sin necesidad de matarse en el gimnasio. Tan solo corr?a de vez en cuando. Los pechos eran firmes, redondos, ligeramente m?s grande de una talla ochenta y cinco, pero como sus hombros no eran anchos y ella era esbelta, resaltaban poderosamente en su figura. Las caderas y gl?teos eran otros de esos rasgos heredados de su parte hispana. Casi noventa de cadera, con el trasero firme, prieto, redondeado. Una aut?ntica delicia desde cualquier ?ngulo.
Vest?a de forma que realzase su espl?ndida figura sin resultar vulgar. Llevaba camiseta blanca de tirantes, con escote en forma de U que acababa justo cuando iba a empezar el canalillo. Llevaba algunas flores bordadas, tambi?n en blanco descendiendo en la l?nea del estern?n. Debajo, para evitar posibles transparencias comprometedoras, usaba un sencillo sujetador del mismo color que el resto del atuendo.
En la parte inferior vest?a falda, casi hasta las rodillas, de color gris oscuro, con bastante vuelo. No llevaba medias ni pantis porque desde luego no hac?a fr?o, y no estaba sujeta a ning?n c?digo de vestimenta, a diferencia de su amiga Grace. Calzaba sandalias de tac?n color azul muy oscuro, dejando ver la mayor parte del pie.
Si Joyce ten?a cuerpo explosivo, la cara no lo desmerec?a en absoluto. El pelo llegaba justo al mismo punto que el escote, por delante y por detr?s. Ca?a formando un tri?ngulo invertido en la frente, que pasaba por el exterior de ambas cejas para abrirse dejando ver el resto del rostro. Era muy ondulado, casi rizado por abajo. Lo llevaba te?ido de casta?o claro. Daba la sensaci?n de ser su color natural, pues no desentonaba lo m?s m?nimo. Ten?a las cejas casi rectas y muy finas, inclinadas un poco resultando en un aspecto sugerente y tierno al mismo tiempo. Ten?a los ojos almendrados, de color marr?n oscuro, con las pesta?as largas y bien marcadas. Los labios, gruesos y carnosos, estaban pintados de color rojo, pero no de forma llamativa, m?s bien elegante.
Joyce se guard? la acreditaci?n de asesora antes de acercarse hasta su amiga. Segu?a nerviosa. Por desgracia no era el primer caso de asesinato, aunque s? el primero con un asesino en serie. Desventajas de ver ascender a su amiga. Normalmente trabajaba en la florister?a heredada de su madre, pero desde luego no la llamaban por sus conocimientos bot?nicos. La llamaban por cierta habilidad, tambi?n heredada (aunque de su padre), que ella habr?a preferido no tener.
-?D?nde est??? , ya sabes, el cuerpo.
Grace sonr?o para intentar tranquilizarla. Rode? con el brazo derecho los hombros de su amiga, y la gui? fraternalmente por el pasillo. Para Joyce, ese gesto fraternal, casi de hermana, resultaba tranquilizador. Grace lo sab?a y, cuando se trataba de casos desagradables, siempre intentaba calmarla un poco. Adem?s, la agente era lesbiana, y caminar de ese modo era agradable. Por supuesto, sab?a que su amiga no ten?a sus mismas inclinaciones, as? que nunca intentar?a nada con ella, pero admirar semejante belleza era casi inevitable. Desgraciadamente era un asunto serio, muy desagradable. Habr?a preferido ahorrarle esto a su vieja amiga.
-No sabes cu?nto te agradezco que hayas venido. No te lo pedir?a, pero tenemos que cazarlo esta misma noche.
Joyce asinti?. Los federales siempre pagaban bien. Ese era el incentivo que cualquiera habr?a entendido. Ella, sobre todo, quer?a ayudar.
-?Has pedido que no haya nadie con nosotras?
Grace asinti?.
-?Y que apaguen las c?maras?
Grace volvi? a asentir, aunque a?adi? algunas palabras.
-Me ha costado trabajo. La mitad del personal quiere sacarte fotos.
Joyce sonri? p?caramente. Era consciente de su propia belleza.
-Puedes decirles que, si atrap?is a ese cerdo, nos vamos a celebrarlo todos este viernes.
Ambas estaban paradas frente al cuerpo de la ?ltima v?ctima. Grace se asegur? de cerrar bien la puerta y de despejar la zona de objetos peligrosos. Esta no era la primera sesi?n. Sab?a que las cosas pod?an llegar a descontrolarse.
Mientras tanto Joyce respiraba hondo. Detestaba hacer esto. Hab?a le?do el expediente antes. No le esperaba un rato agradable. Todo lo contrario. Un infierno.
-Ya sabes que no podr? responderte a ninguna pregunta hasta que acabe.
Grace lo sab?a. Esper? sin dejar de mirar a su amiga. Parec?a indecisa. Tal vez estaba pidi?ndole demasiado.
-Si necesitas m?s tiempo?
Joyce respir? hondo mientras negaba con la cabeza. Sab?a que cuanto m?s se lo pensase, m?s probable era que cambiase de opini?n. Se acerc? al cad?ver. Coloc? ambas manos en el rostro, con las yemas de los dedos en la frente. Entonces empez?.
Joyce ya no ve?a por sus propios ojos, ni escuchaba por sus propios o?dos. Se encontraba sumida en un profundo trance que anulaba todos sus sentidos. En lugar de eso, experimentaba las ?ltimas horas de Erica, la ?ltima v?ctima, c?mo si fuese ella. Sus pensamientos, sus sentidos, sus recuerdos recientes. Todo. Era como ver una pel?cula desde el punto de vista de otra persona. No hab?a ninguna comunicaci?n entre ambas. Joyce pod?a rememorar a la perfecci?n los hechos, pero no pod?a modificarlos. No pod?a hacer preguntas o hablar.
Estaba mir?ndose en el espejo de los servicios del banco donde trabajaba. Era una mujer guapa, de la edad de Joyce. Ten?a el pelo de color casta?o rojizo, oscuro. Se peinaba con el flequillo cubriendo la frente y la raya a la izquierda, con lo cual dejaba despejado un peque?o espacio por encima del ojo izquierdo. La melena empezaba cayendo lisa, justo por debajo de los hombros, pero los mechones de cabello que iban por delante acababan en sensuales rizos. La cara era m?s alargada que ancha, angulosa, con un peque?o hoyuelo en la barbilla. Los labios finos, pintados de rosa oscuro. Iba maquillada pero no de forma festiva si no profesional, con un poco de color en las mejillas y con sombra de ojos. Precisamente sus ojos eran una de sus grandes virtudes. Saltones, grandes, de color verde muy oscuro.
Al mirar en el espejo, Joyce ve?a ciertas similitudes con Grace. Erica deb?a medir m?s o menos lo mismo, cent?metro arriba o abajo. La piel de Erica estaba m?s bronceada y sin duda estaba un poco menos en forma. Los pechos eran un poco m?s ca?dos y algunos pocos cent?metros m?s peque?os. Sin embargo el trasero era muy parecido, y Erica s? ten?a el vientre casi completamente plano.
Tambi?n vest?an de forma similar. Era comprensible, despu?s de todo Erica trabajaba en un banco. Llevaba una chaqueta gris muy oscuro, aunque con finas rayas verticales, muy separadas entre s?, de color gris m?s claro. La chaqueta ten?a escote en V que acababa en la zona inferior del estern?n en una especie de lazo peque?o. Por debajo volv?a a abrirse en un tri?ngulo poco pronunciado. Bajo la chaqueta llevaba una camiseta azul claro que aportaba cierta vitalidad al conjunto. Llevaba una falda de tubo, formal, del mismo color que la chaqueta, hasta la altura de la rodilla, un poco m?s abajo. No le permit?a mucha movilidad en las piernas, pero era id?nea para el trabajo y tampoco ten?a intenci?n de correr. Los pantis oscuros y los zapatos negros, de tac?n, encajaban perfectamente.
Tan solo se estaba arreglando un poco el peinado antes de salir. Hab?a sido un buen d?a de trabajo. Quiz?s hab?a concedido unos pocos cr?ditos m?s de los que sus jefes quisieran, pero eso la hac?a sentirse bien consigo misma. Ahora, algo cansada, solo ten?a ganas de volver a casa.
Su coche no hab?a arrancado por la ma?ana. Volver?a en taxi. No le gustaban el metro o el autob?s. Ese fue uno de los momentos en los que Joyce quisiera haber podido hablar. Le habr?a dicho que pidiese transporte a alg?n compa?ero, o que usase el metro. Nada. Cuanto percib?a era simplemente el pasado.
Encontr? un taxi sorprendentemente r?pido. No pod?a imaginar que era un taxi robado, que hab?a estado esperando cerca hasta verla salir. Mucho menos pod?a imaginar que el ladr?n, su futuro asesino, era quien hab?a saboteado el coche para obligarla a pedir un taxi.
Joyce no era polic?a, pero todo aquello le parec?a demasiado al azar. Erica podr?a haber tomado otras decisiones que la habr?an mantenido con vida. No sab?a que el asesino llevaba semanas estudiando a la futura v?ctima.
Erica tard? un buen rato en notar que algo iba mal. Hab?a estado hablando por tel?fono durante los primeros minutos del viaje. Cuando colg?, se hab?an saltado la salida hacia su barrio.
-Eh? creo que se ha equivocado - dijo mientras guardaba el m?vil en el bolso. - Era esa salida.
No hab?a ninguna rabia ni enfado en la joven. Un simple error. No le dio m?s vueltas. El taxista, que empezaba a resultarle familiar, tom? la siguiente salida. Cuando lo hizo no dio la vuelta si no que tom? un desv?o hacia las afueras.
-No. Tiene usted que dar la vuelta por esa otra calle y?
El taxista par? a un lado. Erica no lo entend?a. Cuando el hombre se gir? en el asiento, apunt?ndola con una pistola a la cara, se qued? helada. Joyce pudo sentir el p?nico de la joven. Sin pensar mucho, Erica intent? abrir la puerta, pero no funcion?. Escuch? un sonido con el que no estaba familiarizada. Joyce si supo que se trataba del arma amartill?ndose, pero solo porque alguna vez lo hab?a escuchado en pel?culas. En cualquier caso, Erica volvi? a mirar el arma. Ya no iba a intentar nada. Escuch? la voz, grave y cruel, del falso taxista.
-El bolso. - Se?al? con el arma. - D?melo.
Erica comprendi? que se quedaba sin nada. Ni espray de pimienta, ni m?vil. A?n as?, el arma estaba al mando. Lo tiro hacia delante, al asiento del pasajero.
-No hables. Asiente si me entiendes. Ahora vamos a dar una vuelta. Si te portas bien, no te har? da?o. Si gritas, si llamas la atenci?n, o si intentas cualquier cosa, te pego dos tiros. ?Comprendido?
Erica asinti?. La iba a violar. Lo sab?a. No pod?a aceptarlo, de ning?n modo. A?n as? asinti?. Ten?a miedo. Acab? reconociendo al hombre.
-T?? te conozco.
-?He dicho que no hables!
Erica asinti? de nuevo. Hab?a visto a ese hombre. Un tal se?or Thompson. Le hab?a concedido un cr?dito ese mismo Lunes.
Desde fuera, Grace ve?a a Joyce sentada en una silla contigua. Parec?a aterrorizada y comenzaba a llorar. Sab?a que ocurrir?a algo as?. Joyce sufr?a reaccionas similares a las de las v?ctimas cuando utilizaba su "don". Le acarici? la mejilla confiando en ayudarla a sentirse mejor. Ojala pensase que iba a funcionar.
Llegaron a una zona industrial. Por la noche estaba desierta. Thompson par? el coche en el callej?n entre dos recintos. No hab?a c?maras de seguridad. Baj?. Mientras abr?a la puerta, Erica intent? salir por el otro lado. La puerta tambi?n estaba cerrada. Escuch? la suya abrirse.
-No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Sigui? repitiendo mientras el hombre le agarr? por la mu?eca y la hizo salir del coche.
-?De rodillas!
Erica obedeci? r?pido. El suelo estaba lleno de piedrecitas, y se clav? algunas, pero no se quej?. El hombre ya hab?a abierto la bragueta del pantal?n y mostraba su erecci?n.
-Ya sabes lo que debes hacer.
Ella neg? con la cabeza. Primero recibi? un par de bofetones. Despu?s sinti? el ca??n del arma en la sien.
-Y hazlo bien. Como a ese novio tuyo.
Erica se pregunt?, fugazmente, c?mo sab?a que ten?a novio. Joyce s? que at? cabos. En cualquier caso, daba igual. Agarr? suavemente con la mano el tronco del falo. Empez? a masturbarlo despacio mientras acercaba la boca. Primero lami? un poco el glande. Luego fue introduci?ndose el miembro poco a poco en la boca. Sinti? asco, arcadas, a cada instante.
Grace contemplaba a Joyce de rodillas. Ten?a la boca abierta en forma de O. Al igual que Erica, no dejaba de llorar. Mov?a la mano derecha como si masturbase un pene invisible. Con la izquierda acariciaba esos hipot?ticos test?culos. Mov?a la cabeza de adelante atr?s, girando un poco de lado a lado. Era como verla haci?ndole una mamada a un fantasma.
La pelirroja no pudo evitar encontrarlo un tanto er?tico. Incluso se sonroj? ligeramente. Ver a su amiga as?, acelerando cada vez m?s el ritmo, le hac?a imaginarse que era ella quien estaba delante, con la suave lengua de su amiga lamiendo tiernamente sus labios vaginales y el cl?toris. Se sinti? culpable de inmediato, apartando los pensamientos de su mente.
De pronto, Joyce ech? la cabeza hacia atr?s, como si la hubiesen empujado. Tosi? un par de veces. Incluso hizo el amago de vomitar.
Erica quiso vomitar, pero no se atrevi?. Aquel hombre no se hab?a corrido. Tan solo quer?a ponerse a tono para el evento principal de la noche. La oblig? a levantarse tirando del pelo. La llev? contra el cap? del coche y la hizo doblarse sobre encima, dejando el trasero al aire. Trato de ignorar que el motor a?n estaba caliente.
Not? al hombre levant?ndole la falda. Intent? evitarlo con una mano. La pistola en la nuca la hico relajarse. No se resisti? mientras le separaba las piernas, ni mientras le rajaba los pantis o le apartaba las bragas. Cerr? los ojos, apret? los dientes. Se mantuvo as? mientras la penetr?. Grit? y gru?? dolorida. Dio varios golpes al cap? del coche. No pod?a creer que la estuviesen tomando como a un animal.
Grace ahora ve?a a Joyce reclinada contra la camilla de al lado. Mov?a las caderas de adelante atr?s como si la estuviesen penetrando. De nuevo se imagino estar tras ella, apretar sus nalgas firmes mientras acariciaba los pechos con la otra mano. Besarle el cuello, soplarle al o?do, y oler su perfume en el cabello. Llegar al ?xtasis ambas juntas. Cuando vio la mueca de horror que mostraba su amiga, record? que no le estaban haciendo el amor. Estaba viviendo los recuerdos de una mujer violada. Volvi? a sentirse culpable. Agarr? las manos de su amiga, apretando con fuerza.
-Vamos, ya queda poco cielo.
Erica y Joyce, como si fuesen una sola, notaron la eyaculaci?n de su violador. Thompson dio un par de pasos torpes hacia atr?s. Casi cay? de culo al suelo, pero mantuvo el equilibrio. Erica, sin reincorporarse, baj? la falda tanto como pudo. Esperaba que todo hubiese acabado. Pasaron minutos as?. Luego escuch? aquella asquerosa voz a su espalda.
-En pie.
Con los pantis rasgados, pero el resto de la ropa relativamente intacto, la hizo caminar hacia la pared hasta apoyarse de espaldas. Thompson volvi? a tomar un metro de distancia.
-Ahora te voy a dejar ir. Has sido una buena chica. ?Le vas a contar esto a alguien?
Erica neg? con la cabeza. Segu?a llorando, pero todo hab?a acabado.
-?No voy a tener que preocuparme de si hablas?
-No. Por favor. Solo quiero ir a casa. No dir? nada. Te lo prometo. No dir? nada. Solo? d?jame ir.
Thompson asinti?. Luego alz? el arma y dispar? dos veces en el vientre. Erica no entend?a lo ocurrido. Solo not? algo empuj?ndola dos veces contra la pared. Despu?s lleg? un dolor atroz. Se toc? el abdomen. Al mirar las manos las vio llenas de sangre. Mir? incr?dula a su agresor. Las fuerzas le fallaron. Se desliz? por la pared hasta sentarse en el suelo. Intentaba hacer presi?n sobre las heridas. Grit? pidiendo auxilio. Vio a Thompson alzar la pistola de nuevo.
-?Por? qu??
Pregunt? entre l?grimas e intensos dolores.
-No lo s?. - Respondi? ?l. - Pero necesito matarte.
La mirada y la voz carec?an de compasi?n o la m?s m?nima empat?a.
-Por? favor. No me mates. No me mates. - Vio el dedo llegar al gatillo de nuevo. - ?No!
Dos tiros m?s, uno en cada seno, pero evitando el coraz?n. Erica vibr? con cada disparo, tosiendo sangre inmediatamente despu?s. Thompson levant? el arma un poco m?s, apuntando justo entre los ojos.
Joyce despert? del trance. Estaba sentada en el suelo, con la espalda apoyada en la pared. Lloraba y sudaba. Se sent?a humillada, dolorida. Aterrada. Grace la abraz?. Joyce intent? soltarse al principio, sin saber quien estaba toc?ndola. A?n ten?a entremezclados los recuerdos de Erica. Cuando desaparecieron, se dio cuenta de estar llorando.
-Estoy aqu?. Vamos, estoy aqu?.
Se abrazaron un rato m?s antes de que Joyce pudiese volver a levantarse.
Un nombre falso, Thompson, y datos bancarios falsos para el cr?dito, fueron suficientes para Grace. Revisaron las grabaciones de aquel d?a. Buscaron el taxi, milagrosamente devuelto al garaje de donde sali?. Encontraron huellas dactilares. Todo era demasiado poco, pero trabajaron contrarreloj. Al final lo encontraron justo unos minutos antes de consumar su siguiente violaci?n. Hab?an detenido a otro bastardo.
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Carmela Transcurria el ano de 1776. Las trece colonias Britanicasen la America del Norte habian declarado su independencia, y la guerra contrala corona Britanica estaba en su momento cumbre. Mas al sur, Espana fortaleciatodo su imperio. Mayormente en su apreciada isla: Cuba. La trata de esclavos era un gran negocios para los colonos,tanto como en la isla, como en los de las trece colonias, que habian en laAmerica continental. Las grandes plantaciones de cana de azucar necesitabanesclavos...
LISTA DE PRACTICAS BDSM / Whipmaster'sPlaylist 2 Por Whipmaster [email protected] En otro lugar he expresado mi opinión personal acerca de los contratosde sumisión y de su valor más que relativo como elementos reguladoresde una relación BDSM plena y satisfactoria. A mi juicio resultan mucho más útiles e interesantes las "listasde prácticas" (en inglés, Playlist )algo que es relativamente frecuente encontrar en webs en inglés sobreBDSM y que sin embargo escaseaba en versión española....
Sitúo mi relato en el Otoño de 1.993. Era una fría y lluviosa tarde del mes de Octubre, había terminadode cenar. Me había aseado y puesto un camisón de color naranja.Me senté en el sofá para ver el noticiario de las 9 de la noche. En la casa hacía bastante calor. El suficiente para permitirme elpermanecer en camisón por toda la casa. Pero, antes de entrar en mi relato, os diré que mi nombre es Corinney que vivo sola. Mis señas personales son bastantes buenas. Mido 1.70 m. y peso 57kg.,...
My name is John. An ordinary name, and it fits, because I'm an ordinary guy. I'm fifty-seven, short, and not particularly well-built; I have thinning hair, a weak chin, and ears that kind of stick out. I'm not exactly ugly; I just have the kind of face you don't remember two minutes after you see it. I'm a corporate accountant, which is every bit as dull as it sounds. I drive a twelve-year-old Toyota, and I live in a small one-bedroom apartment. I have no close friends, no brothers or sisters,...
Supernatural"Where do you think we are?" Jewel sat down suddenly on a nearby rock, looking shaken. "We've just come too far east and north, crossing the trail without seeing it." Mak knelt by her side, reassuring her with words that he tried to make sound more confident than he felt. "These have to be the same mountains we've been heading for, the last half a moon. There sure aren't any others around that big. All that we have to do is to head west and south. We're bound to come out into level...
After a couple of days of blocking scenes, it’s time to hear some of our music. Maurice had completed the orchestrations and the overture and entre act. He brought in a couple of his keyboards and synthesizers. We were eager to hear what he’d done. “DARLENE and CAITLYN! -- On stage, please?” They came up, I asked, “Have you looked over ‘I Was Born?’” They both said ‘Yes’ as I cleared everyone off the stage, putting them back to back telling them to sing out, not to each other, but to...
The ride to Uncle James’ house was a short one, perhaps all of twenty minutes in length. House is not the correct term for the marvelous edifice that awaited our arrival. Mansion is the more proper term. Uncle James protested that it wasn’t all that grand, only having fourteen bedrooms, and that Cornelius would not even consider it fit to be a tenement. “Cornelius?” I questioned him. “Cornelius Vanderbilt.” I gaped. “You know Cornelius Vanderbilt?” I exclaimed. “Oh yes, loaned him some...
Zoey Elliston My girlfriend, Stefani, held me from behind, her round breasts pressed into my back as I shuddered. The words choked out of my mouth, admitting that I had masturbated this morning to my little brother. The Squirt. I couldn’t be attracted to him. I was gay. Right? I mean, yes, I once wanted to sleep with my dad, but what girl didn’t have a crush on the strong, hunky man who raised her? At sixteen, I had tried to seduce him, and it had backfired. He rejected me, gently, and I...
"That bitch, that bitch, that little fucking bitch!" I kept repeating that phrase over and over again in my mind. I was trying hard not to lose my composure, not to hit my wife in her pretty, confused, disloyal little face. I am not usually a violent man. Oh the potential for it is always there, just beneath the surface, but I know how destructive, how dangerous an SOB I can be; and I don't like myself when I let the asshole out of the bottle. Maybe I was being unfair, maybe I had not heard...
I looked again at the photographs. I'd often fantasised about having Rebecca like that but somehow things had never worked out that way. I handed the photographs back to Clegg. "There's only one trouble with your suggestion though," I said as I pulled an envelop from my own jacket, took out the sheet of paper within and handed it to Clegg. He peered at it and read it out laughing, "Rebecca, I'm sorry. This will be a shock but there's no easy way to say it. I think we should end it....
Thanks for reading my first ever story I hope you enjoy it. This story is 100% genuine and describes my first ever experience with 2 sexy and naughty TV's. I am a 25 year old bi male 5'11'' normal build, good looking with a 7'' cut cock. I'm usually straight but after a few drinks and poppers, men and especially TV's get me so horny. A few weeks ago I went to Amsterdam with a straight friend, it was not my first time so I knew that sexy trannys were available and had been with them twice before...
TransI was in a relationship but had been interested in exploring my bi side, which had been ignited when I got divorced. I had met a nice guy off a chat site for a few meets. He was, however, busy now, and I wanted to explore more. I decided to join a massage parlor site and began to chat with one or two guys online. One in particular seemed really nice so I decided to take the bull by the horns so to speak, and meet him.We agreed to meet and as soon as I saw him I was immediately interested. He...
Gay MaleShe danced with beauty and grace. Her 18-year-old body was at its bloom of womanhood, and was the envy of all the others in her class. She was dancing in what would be her final recital with this dance company, as the following Autumn would bring her to a distant state and university.Her 20-year-old brother sat in the audience, enjoying the show. He had laughed at the 4 and 5-years-olds doing their cute dances in their cute outfits, some taking center stage, still others crying for their mommy,...
It was a lazy Saturday morning and Jenny Nguyen was spending some time on her computer before starting her day. Jenny is an 18 year old high school senior living in a smallish town in northern California. She's still in her pajamas when she comes across the e-mail that will change her life. "Master PC? What the hell is this?" she asks herself as she clicks on the e-mail. "You have been randomly selected to receive a copy of the legendary Master PC program," she read to herself, "Master PC makes...
Mind ControlI had about a month to go before the baby was due. Now that I knew I was staying, I allowed myself to really grow to love my baby. I had planning to do and not much time to do it. Becky had already been helping me with some things. She was already working with me as my Lamaze coach. When I told her that I planned on staying, she was overjoyed. I wanted to do something to make a nice looking nursery. I realize it was just going to be a corner in my room, but I still wanted something. It was...
Back sixty years ago, Howard was a very shy, six foot tall, skinny, sixteen-year-old high school student. He had been in an English class when he told the teacher that he couldn’t see the black board. She came and stood behind him and said, “I can see the board perfectly.” He told his single mother and she was barely able to afford the eye exam and fill the prescription. Now he was called four eyes because of the horn-rimmed glasses he wore for extreme nearsightedness. Howard was smitten with...
MILFIt’s late and Liv Revamped wants to play. Her mom went out for the night leaving her and her step daddy all alone. Liv decides that it is time to make her move. She sneaks into her parents bedroom and strips off her pants. She turns on the tv and waits patiently. In walks her step daddy. He exclaims that she should not be in his room. Further more, she shouldn’t be in her underwear! Liv dosen’t care, she knows what she wants and she is going to get it by any means necessary....
xmoviesforyouBefore I could actually do anything about whoring for Al, any more sex stuff with Al, Rosali or MIchael,, I got a call from my mom's sister, my aunt Ida."I hear you and your mom are not doing so well right now.. If you can do it, get on the damn train and come up here and see me. You know where I live, right?"That's all she said, but three days later, I received a round trip ticket in the mail for the Santa Fe train that went right through the middle of Berkeley and stopped at the station on...
The Stillman Institute: Power of Suggestion Margaret had joined her neighbors to drive Jenny to the airport, off for a week of training on the West Coast. While Jenny bustled with last minute preparations, Margaret continued the conversation she had started with Jenny's husband James and his best friend, Will, over drinks the weekend before. She was needling the boys one more time and they were rising to the bait. "I just don't agree, Will," James exclaimed. "The power in a...
My entire outlook on sex has turned around in the past year, and I must admit that it has been a turn for the better. I am a thirty-five-year-old business woman who has been divorced for five years and I am trying to get my daughter through college. I have tried to keep myself in relatively good shape so that I'll remain attractive to the opposite sex. About six months ago I was out on a date with an old friend of mine. My daughter, Suzanne, was at home with two of her friends from the local...
However, it did mean that the house had to be sold and this proved to be the end of the line for me and Emily as they moved up north where Louise had got herself a new job. If I was honest, things were never the same again between Emily and my self after I made love with Louise – we never spoke about it and neither did Louise who quickly found a new partner anyway. Emily and I kept seeing each other until they left but the real fire had gone out of the relationship and the promises...
0001 - Tempro 0003 - Conner 0097 - Ace 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste 0908 - Tara 0999 - Zan 1000 - Sherry Duke Risen’s eyes went wide as he read the report from the spy he’d planted in Tauntoff’s court. The bastard fake to the throne of the Empire had more lives and luck than he could believe. Pacing he knew that the man was going to come after him next. Smiling the Duke thought it was...
It was 2.50pm on a Friday afternoon. I had spent the last fifty minutes bored out of my mind, listening to my maths teacher Mr Carlo drone on about something I knew I would never understand. Yet, I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. Whilst he had to be at least in his forties, it was clear that under his tight shirt Sir was big and strong. At over 6ft, you could see his shirt tighten as muscles flexed when he walked around the room. Just listening to his powerful voice made my nipples stir...
Now I'm not a writer so i apologize for any mistakes i make grammar wise.So this story is a true story, it happened on the 7th of September.I got an email from an old friend of mine, one i played with on a few occasions. He told me he was in town and wanted to see me. A few emails later we agreed on a time and place, so after showering and getting ready i went and waited for him.After a few minutes he pulled up beside me in a van, his new "ride" which had a mattress in the back (classy i know)....
The three weeks leading up to their vacation, Rachel had become something of a fixture at the house. She had her own car, so she didn’t have to bum rides from friends or parents. Rachel really liked coming here for she was accepted for who she was 100%. The fact that there were a multitude of holes to fuck and even a couple of real dicks to ride certainly helped. Also, one person at the house seemed to have a serious crush on her, Samantha. For her part she said it was because Rachel was a...
Author’s note: There are other stories with the main characters of this story and precede this one chronologically and give some additional background. The titles all begin with “Sushil’s Wife”. Nisha very much appreciated her husband’s support as she had explored her sexuality, even taking it to the commercial level. She had been looking for a way to balance the books when she was contacted by her sister Mohana. Three years younger, she was still in India with a husband who worked way too...
The names are customizable on the right under Customize Arnold and Amanda Armstrong have always had a social vein. Arnold had inherited a factory from his parents, so he was not one of the poorest guys. After meeting Amanda, they moved into the family villa on the outskirts of town. They had three children of their own: Andy was 20 and had just started his university in Germany, Ashley and Alissa had just turned 18 and were standing just before graduation. Just like his father, Arnold had...
Incest1. “The Priest Hydra is in the clearing up ahead, it appears to be rather large.” The hunter informs me softly patting the head of his soul bound hawk. Priest Hydras are nasty things, they have a body like a lizard, six snake like heads that have hoods that look like the hoods of a Priest, the source of the Hydras name. You have to be careful when fighting any kind of Hydra because the blood of a Hydra is highly acidic to the point that it can burn through most things. Hydra bites...
Jim gazing at his wife from the other side of the bath tub and said, “You know there are so many things that you don’t know about my brother. Do you remember the flowery story that his daughters Kasey and Kaitlin told us of how Raymond took their virginities? Even that nice version of the story shocked not only you but me as well the first time that we heard of it. I am about to reveal to you the real story and events that you don’t know about. Do you when remember Raymond was in...
The temperatures climbed into the forties on Sunday. By evening the snow was gone, except for the a few snow piles left by the plows. Ed, Jeremy and I got together Sunday afternoon to talk about our football season. We discussed what went right in the season and what went wrong. We discussed ideas to help fix things next season. We agreed to go in and talk with Coach Caffrey after our final team meeting. I spent an hour on the phone with Julie Sunday evening. We just talked about things:...
I know this shit is going to be shocking to some of you, because you’ve got preconceived notions about what Muslim women are like. And honestly, I don’t give a shit. My name is Azeeza Amir. Born in the City of Modadishu, Somalia, and raised in the City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario. I’m twenty years old, and study in the Police Foundations program at Algonquin College. I got a story to tell you people. Why else would I be here, right? I’m here to set the record straight about some of us Somali...
This is Sharma and this is my true story of coaxing my wife for a threesome and the quest for a cock. We are happily married for some time now. Happily means happily in every sense. We got two k**s, life is good. She is fair, curvy and beautiful. She was not like the ordinary women, who think its too much sex when it’s once a week. She wanted it every night and she wanted it long. She never did masturbate, for she knew fingers were no good substitute for my cock and tongue. We fucked in every...
On the morning of the winter solstice I woke up before he did. We were in his bed, on the quiet side of the house, and I was wedged in the bed between our large dog, also sleeping soundly, and my boyfriend David. Neither of us is really young anymore, but that doesn’t matter. David’s a big guy, six-foot three, two hundred twenty pounds, silver hair and a salt and pepper beard. I’d rather he shaved the beard, but I’m all for facial hair so I can’t really object. He’s got a little hair around his...
Mera naam Sandeep hay aur meri age 21 years hay main Delhi main rehta hoon aur yeh jo qaqiya main aap ko batanay laga hoon bilkul sacha hay aur recently merey saath hua hay. Sab sey pehlay main aap ko apnay aur family keh baray main bata doon, Hum 2 bhen bhai hain total 4 person we live at home MOM DAD and me aur meri younger sister Depali, Depali muj say 2 saal chooti hay merey dad bank officer hain aur mom Delhi kay sachool main teacher. Main internet par bahut sari sex stories pardi hain aur...
T Ladies Orgy(T minus three weeks)Mike Harris called it 'The Quickening'. He had borrowed the term from the film 'The Highlander' wherethe quickening refers to the awakening of special powers that lay dormant in certain people until theyare triggered by a significant event.Mike applied dramatic licence to the feelings that regularly overwhelmed him and called these feelings'The Quickening'. Mike hadn't felt the quickening for two years; he thought that he had suppressed thefeelings for so long...
Lifting off from the plateau, I rose up higher and higher under the power of my own beating wings. Soon I was high above the Antarctic ice. My eyesight was so much sharper now that I could see a lot farther than I would have thought possible. As I flew high up in the cold frigid air, I saw I was over the northern Antarctic Peninsula and I could just make out the contours of Cape Horn, somewhere near 600 miles north. So I knew where to go. Conserving my strength, I dropped down in altitude to...
It had not been my intention to see Janet and Berry off. I didn't think I could bear to see them leave. But as the hour of their departure approached, Ruth must have seen me keeping an eye on the clock. At first, I declined her offer to let me take a few minutes off. I argued that it was the middle of our rush hour. She whispered something to Ben, and he ordered me to get out of his kitchen, adding that he was concerned that in my present state of mind, I was an accident waiting to...
Introduction: Things arent always as they seem. This is my entry to the Calling All Readers Challenge, Chapter 7. The theme we were to use is Females For HIre. For reasons of my own, I no longer accept comments on my work, nor do I give them. Please send me a PM with any critique you wish. I cant grow as a writer without your feedback. Please enjoy my take on Females For Hire. Hillary sat on the bench outside the courtroom that Monday morning. She tugged at her skirt, trying to make it appear...
Keith had me get in his car and we got naked to fuck again. I had seen videotapes of us having sex at my home and in his car. He didn’t have to threaten me that he would tell his parents. He said, “If the cops find out they’ll believe when I show the tape.” I said, “Keith you don’t have to do that. I want you to fuck me.” He had me get on my back and said, “ I want to cum in your cunt.” I opened the car door and bent down to suck his young penis. He didn’t ejaculate until we got back in...
Vignette: Sssshhh Sssshhh. Quiet. Be still. Can you feel it? The slow, steady drag of air escaping from your parted lips, filling the expectant heavy atmosphere with the moisture of your desire. Can you feel the trembling of your skin and the fluttering of your eyelashes, as weighted by need they press down eager to caress your flesh? Can you taste the wetness pooling in your mouth as your tongue tip teases along the undulating ridge of exposed teeth before flicking further outwards to coat...
MasturbationTall, sexy and a phenomenal body, that’s right it’s none other than the gorgeous Lina Luxa who returns to today in Private Gold, Family and Friends looking for an older gentleman to satisfy her needs. Lina loves a mature man with some experience and that’s why she decides to seduce her boyfriend’s father using her sexy lingerie and stockings as she gets to work with a nice deepthroat sloppy blowjob. Then watch this beauty in action as she takes a hard pounding on the bed before some...
xmoviesforyouWe'd been visiting a pub in the country side about 10 minutes from were we lived, Sarah often liked going further a field for a drink especially when she'd finished a late shift and… We'd been visiting a pub in the country side about 10 minutes from were we lived, Sarah often liked going further a field for a drink especially when she'd finished a late shift and no one knew her.After numerous visits to this pub the landlord would always make an effort to come and talk to us, especially...
WifeExhausted, I flopped onto the couch. Work had been horrible and it had taken its toll on me. I had come straight home, taken a shower, and put on my pajamas. I was ready for a two-day exodus from everything and everyone. ‘Ah, here’s to Friday,’ I said to myself as I twisted the top off my beer. The frothy, amber colored liquid tasted bitter as I downed my first gulp, but it was good and cold. Tempers ran as hot as the late July temperatures outside. No matter, I had videos, beer, and plans to...
Mr Africa had gone out for about 25 minutes, it was really pouring hard outside which in turn made a bit of noise so you can't hear any footsteps, therefore Jackie was forced to stay bended for she may not hear Mr Africa. The 55 years old Africa re-appeared and straight away spoke to Jackie "good news girl, i have managed to convince all the teachers concerned to have you for the rest of the day, we really going to have fun together ant we?" But the girl only had a deep breath and never...
We both agreed nothing could surpass what had just happened, so we packed and left. I'd been typing away on my laptop while Eric dozed. He finally stirred, and asked me what I was working on. "A new Battle Babe. I haven't introduced a new character in a while, and I think the time is right." "Let me guess. She'll be hot, horny, another stone cold fox. Describe her." "Exactly as you said. Olive skin, jet black hair, I think she'll be older than the rest. Might be good for them to...
Chapter 1"Oh, I'm good at following instructions and love to learn new things, kinda like a sponge," she said and smiled at the smart-looking gentleman who was about halfway between her age and her Dad‘s. "So you think maybe I might do? Shall I come back Friday? Anything in particular I should wear?" she asked.He chuckled at the rapid-fire questions. "You'll definitely do,” he replied, “let's see how it goes Friday but I think we’ll be a good match. There's no dress code as such but smart...
SeductionLife for a teen is full of frustration and angst. And lies. Guys talk about supposed conquests. Imagine my shock when Grace told me girls did too. That was a woman's secret I didn't learn in either my first or second life. There's terror lurking behind every shot of frustration and anger. Some guys learn early to take out the anger on someone smaller, weaker or both. And it works, usually. Until the smaller isn't weaker, just younger ... and combat trained in another life. When brute...
01. House of Pleasure: The House of Pleasure is one of the many brothels in Bangkok and has a nightly entertainment performance for its private investors. Unsuspecting business men are abducted and brought to the House of Pleasure's theater located in its lower level. The House gets its information about travelers from their contacts inside selected hotels and with the help of paid taxi drivers, they are brought to the theater. Allen, a single, twenty seven year old program manager, is in...
Well, hello guys. I'm finally done with the first half of my year and I can say, It's been a good one, all A+ grades. ;D Anyways, I just wanted to say that I will be posting more stories around this and/or next week because I have 2 weeks off and I can get around to writing stores for your pleasure. Also, I wanted to thank you all for showing support in the comments in my previous parts. Because of your support I am still writing stories and I think I can continue until the next...
I have to give Escortify credit for the clever branding. The name’s almost as good as ThePornDude if you want to know the truth. And no, they don’t have a hilarious big-headed mascot cracking dirty jokes while he reviews adult websites (and bangs pornstars over at PornDudeCasting). But they’ve managed to come up with a title that sounds catchy and tells you exactly what you’re going to find within. You can cram it as a verb into a sentence, and the whole thing sounds natural. So who wants to...
Escort SitesVanakam thozhargale, indru tamil kama kathiayil en pakathu veetil vasikum nithyavai eppadi sex seithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar muthu naan coimbatoreil vasithu varugiren. Naan ippozhuthu thaan palli mudithu kalluri selvatharku kathu irunthen, vayathu 19 aagugirathu. En pakathu veetil oru pen irukiraal aval peyar nithya vayathu 23 irukum, thirumana vayathil irunthaal. Naan thinamum kama kathaigal padipen, athanale nithya meethu moga aasai athigamaaga irunthathu. Aval mulai miga...
Chapter One Capua, Italy 73 B.C. They were finally free. No longer would they be forced to fight and fuck for the amusement of the Romans. Yet, their journey had only just begun and the worst of the hardships still lay ahead. Only 73 Gladiators managed to escape Battiatus’ Ludus, as well as several female slaves and the Ludus’ medico, out of the 200 men who fought under Quintus Battiatus’ ownership. Most of the men had fallen to arrows from the guards on the balconies as the gladiators had...
To say that Ted was average was a bit of understatement. He was like-able enough, a good personality but he tended to blend in with his non-exceptional looks, and slightly pudgy, though not overweight body. He was roughly 6 foot tall, 190 lbs, with green eyes and light brown short hair. He was shy in almost all social situations and hated being the center of attention. He was 20 but had decided to attend a community college to save money and still lived with his mom, who had always been...
Fetish“I want those launch codes!” “Never Drake, I would rather die than hand you the keys to our arsenal.” The two sets of eyes watched the laptop screen intently. Watching the first edit of a new Napoleon Drake episode together had become something of a ritual for Dylan and Heather. The show was a hit in 13 countries. The Austen Animation team had trebled in order to keep up with the demand for episodes. There was now even talk of a feature length movie version, and yet the pair maintained the...
GeishaKyd, a skinny-spinner golf slut, decides to put her brand new dildo to use for the very first time as she waits for her golf instructor to arrive at the course. After 20 minutes alone with her dildo, she puts her clothes back, makes herself presentable, and readies herself for the coaching session. Finally, her coach Vince who she happens to think is super sexy arrives. But before GeishaKyd can even get one practice swing in, Vince starts rubbing her already wet clit, and the public...