My Daughter free porn video

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Saturday, later in the morning, I had been outside early mowing and doing other yard work. Nothing special, I had come in and cleaned up taking a shower and wrapping a towel around myself as I walked out of the bathroom before heading down the hallway.

Her door was open. Not much, but it was open far enough that I could see her nicely tanned and broad shoulders. Thick. Dark. Soft. But that wasn’t the best part of her. No, it wasn’t. Not at all. It wasn’t even her thick and long but luxurious long light brown hair even, although I always liked it. Reminds me of her mom a lot.

See, her mother, my wife, passed away a few years back and I’ve tried to bounce back as best as I could, but it’s been tough. Real tough although I’ve kept an open mind on it all. Nevertheless when I passed my Michelle’s room and saw her like she was, I accidentally stopped, and I accidentally stared at her, from the back.

Whoa! Yes, whoa. That’s right. My “little girl” had grown up and by that I mean she has sprouted into a full grown woman with character, with charm, but with looks no man has the courage to tell her how beautiful she has. See Michelle isn’t a little girl any longer. Michelle is a full grown woman of 24 soon to be 25 and she still thinks she has to live here at home to take care of “her” daddy.

That’s the other problem. See, I’m not her daddy. Not biologically I’m not. Her mother is or should I say was her real mom. I only raised her. That’s where the fun starts, so to speak. We were swingers. Marilyn and I were swingers for many years. The first five or so years we were still madly in love with one another. But afterwards, something changed, a little that we did something not many couples do. We hooked up with our neighbors. Marilyn loved me. There’s no denying that. I absolutely adored her too. But we met our neighbors, did the neighborly thing, and we had parties and we hung out and talked. She and I were the first to talk.

Oddly, she “felt” something she first said. I never would have guessed her to be the one to say it to me. “I like you Chuck.” And I told her, in a friendly way, I liked her too. “No Chuck, I mean I LIKE you.” I didn’t understand, at first. I asked her to clarify herself. I suppose I was a little suspicious. “You work, Marilyn works, but anyone can take off an afternoon couldn’t they?” she said.

“Huh, what?” I said.

There wasn’t anyone around. Nobody for miles so to speak and she more or less came up to me and rubbed against me and said to come over some day, during the week, and she said we could spend the afternoon together getting to no one another, better. So I went in to work. But I left at 12:30 never to return. That was a couple days later. We had what was an excitingly superb time. I never in my life thought kissing another woman, the way she and I kissed, would have been as thrilling as it was. We hugged and rolled off and back on to her couch. Our clothes, at first, did not come off, but her lips and that tongue of hers made its point.

“Talk to Marilyn or would you like me to talk with her?” she told me after we flattened out our clothes and our hair as well. “By the way, you’re a great kisser.”

I’m a great kisser. I am a great kisser. I liked it. I loved her body although I hadn’t seen it yet. She ended up speaking with Marilyn and the rest is history, kind of. Except for the part about Michelle. That was almost 25 years ago. Don’t believe me? Well then don’t.

“Wow honey” I said to Michelle as I stared at the back of her body. Her hips and her ass were tremendous looking. Although she isn’t my daughter, I raised her as such. But I had always known she was not my flesh and blood. Michelle swung around in what she had on. She was looking at herself in something she had bought. “Who is that for?” I said. The towel hung around my waist. If you didn’t look at my face you’d think I was 35 years old, but of course I wasn’t. She had on a red satin corset. Her body, her flesh looked like silk to me. Her curves smothered and smoothed out the lines of my imagination. My eyes made it easy to see that I was enamored with my daughter.

“No one” she said. “You like it?” I blinked or must have blinked a couple dozen times. She smiled. “What do you like best about it?” she asked.’

Oh god. If only I could walk up to her, hold her close to me, and feel her body against mine then I could tell her, but I couldn’t. “You have no idea” I said by mistake.

“What does that mean, daddy?”

I cleared my head, right away. I told her I’d be right back. I went and got dressed. I came back. “Sit down” I said. She was also changed into sweats. Damn. “I’ve got to tell you something. Wait, let me ask you something first.” She said okay.

I sat down. She sat down. I smiled into her eyes. She has her mother’s eyes. I could have ripped the clothes off her body. She asked me what I wanted to ask her.

“Are you a virgin?”

There was silence.

“What? Do you want me to tell you yes? Then yes. I am a virgin daddy. Honestly, I am a real virgin. I’ve never ever had sex before.”

At 25, almost, and my girl hasn’t ever had sex before, I thought. Wow, now that’s truly amazing as beautiful as she is. But I’ve got to tell her. She didn’t seem embarrassed at all about that. Would you like to, I said to myself.

“Oh” I murmured. “Really, truly?” I said.

She nodded. “Is there something wrong with being a virgin?” she asked.

“OHHH NOOOO. NOT AT ALL” I told her and I shook my head.

“So why would you ask me that then?” she asked.

“I don’t know. I really don’t” I told her. I shrugged. “There’s something else. I’m not your real father.”

There was a silence. She was looking down. Finally, she looked up. She didn’t seem surprised. She didn’t actually smile. She gave me this look. I liked it, a lot too.

“You aren’t my dad?” she repeated. Her head was cocked. Her face was quizzical. “Wow, now maybe” and she looked away and stopped speaking. “Oh wow” and she looked back at me. Daddy… I mean… Should I call you daddy or Chuck?” and her eyes closed. She didn’t say another word for a moment. She finally looked at me. “I have to ask you something then.”

“What Melissa?”

“You were uhhh looking at me, right?” I said yes. “Why?” she said.

There was silence.

She was looking down at herself. She looked into my eyes. “Why?” she said again.

There was more silence.

“Because in all honesty, Melissa… I find you a very, very sexy woman.”

She stood up. “Can you leave my room?” she said. I stood up and left, apologizing.

Ten minutes later, she walked in. Wearing a nice top, not too low cut, it had short sleeves. It was one of those where the sleeves rode high up on the arms. I loved those because they are to me an arousing turn-on. Showing off that flesh on a woman’s upper arms always taunted me for the most part. Also, it was tucked in. And with her jeans she had on, she looked merciless.

“Wow, that’s a nice outfit” I said.

She smiled. “Thank you” she said. “Now I’m going to ask you again. Do I call you daddy? Or do I call you Chuck?” Her chest, her tits seemed to be saying something to me. But what was the question. “I have to know” she said. “I just have to.”

“Why? What difference does it make Melissa?”

“A lot” she said. “See, I’ve wanted to try making…having sex with another person, but see…I get scared. I really do. And seeing as you’re not my real daddy…maybe you can help me with that.”

I think I gave off a weird and quizzical expression. “Umm how could I help? What could I do?” I asked, hopefully and possibly knowing a good answer.

There was silence and she looked down at the floor. She looked up.

“I’m a woman, right?” I nodded at her. “Do you really think I’m attractive? Is that right?” I told her I did. “So my question is this. Do you think I’m a sexy woman?”

Is she sexy? Is she sexy, I asked myself? Oh my god! Oh my… Yes oh yes you’re sexy. I wanted to have sex with her for some reason. How, I didn’t know. How could this be? “I’ve always thought you were pretty and truth be told… Yes Melissa I do think you’re” and my eyes took a look at her from top to bottom before saying “sexy.”

“Then do me a favor” she began. I didn’t expect this at all. “Have sex with me” she told me. What…what did she just say? “Show me how… Prove to me how sexy I really am.”

My cock hadn’t begun tingling, yet. I was not turned on, yet. However, I knew, in time I would be. Could I really do this with my own daughter? Have sex with her…with Melissa? Could I, I wondered?

“Chuck?” she said.

The sound of her voice…it was so, well it was soft. It seemed to invite me, if nothing else. With visions of her in that red corset…the one which was tightly wrapped around her body…the one which showed me her beautifully wrapped hips, ass, and showed off her legs fort the very first time in my life. Oh shit, I thought. Then for the very first time I felt it. It tingled. I pinched my legs. Oh was it a…it was a neat…uh ooooooohh it felt wild to me. Those images of her body a little while ago in that corset she was trying on, they wreaked havoc on my mind, thankfully.

“Chuck…oh Chuck?” she said again.

“Huh…huh?” I replied.

“I made a mistake.” She was shaking her head. “I shouldn’t have…” and she looked me in the eyes “I’m an idiot. I should know better.”

“God, you’re sexy” I told her out of no where. “Did you know that? Did you?”

She stood there, silent, and she looked at me, again. I don’t know how she felt or what she was thinking, but I do know I wanted to bring her into my bed and undress her with my eyes closed and with them open.

I wanted her body. I wanted to feel it. I wanted to discover it. I wanted to hold it, naked, against mine. I wanted to undress it. I wanted to show her all the beauty she stores within it. I wanted to tell her how gorgeous she is. Then I wanted to have…no make love to her body and I wanted to do this all day long.

“I’ll make love to you” I said.

I was 24 when she was born and I am a very young 49. I could pass for ten to fifteen years younger and that’s no lie. She’s going to be 25 in a few days. I want her to feel me and hold me and touch me all over. I want her to feel my cock, a guy’s cock, and I want her to be happy about it all too.

“Umm, so uhhh…here or in your uhhh room or uh where?” she said.

“Do me a favor. Change into that piece you had on and come over in say…five minutes, okay?” I told her.

God, she looked incredible. She did. With her long light brown hair lying against her shoulders and her thick and curvy shadowing physique practically calling out to me, I felt I had to be with her, against her, and on her. Oh did I ever.

“You…look…absolutely…gorgeous” I told her.

She mimicked a smile. It was an extremely attractive one. Her shoulders dipped. She looked away. She looked back at me. Her eyes couldn’t meet mine. We sat. We didn’t do anything, at first. We only sat side by side. I tried to “feel” her by me. Nothing at all but her by my side and although she looked gorgeous as ever, nothing was initiated because it didn’t seem to feel to be the right time or right at all, I told myself.

“I don’t know” I said.

“You don’t know what?” she came back.

“You want me to…to make love to you but I’m not sure now is the…is the right time or moment for this” I told her.

She didn’t move. She didn’t get up. “I want to know. I want to…do it…with someone.”

“It will. It will happen…soon enough” I told her.

She stood and left the room. I sat on my bed. All I pictured was her face, her sadness, and I also pictured her body and how it made me feel. I was slightly intrigued as well as a little aroused by her features. “God, Melissa…if you only knew…if only you felt me” I said to the air.

She went out, around 7 that night, and I played the piano. I always love playing it on rainy nights. It’s romantic and soothes me a lot. It was almost eleven when I went to bed. I lay quietly listening to the sounds around me especially outside. I was at peace. I was lying on my back when I heard it. I heard the car come in and park. The door closed. I listened as the front door opened. My door was closed, but not locked. I left it cracked.

“Hi Melissa” I said.

She didn’t reply. Hmmm, I thought. I heard her doing something as I turned over on my side. I heard the door open, finally. I could smell her. Wow, could I ever too. It was soft, not too flowery, but it suggested ideas in my head. I didn’t see her, yet, either.

“Hi” she said. “May I…sit down?”

I turned over on my back. I was naked except for my underwear I put on earlier after taking a shower. I told her to feel free. I put my hands behind my head. I couldn’t see her at all. It was too dark out.

“Will you do something?” she said. I said sure. “Touch me here. Touch me boobs.” WHAT…TOUCH YOUR…BOOBS, I had said to myself. “Will you, please?”

I had begun to see her form take shape. She was wearing some kind of gown. What was she wearing beneath it? I sat up. She told me to hold her, touch her, and especially feel her boobs. My heart rate excelled. Did it ever. I sat up some more.

I began to reach forward. I was hesitant. Something grabbed at me hand. Initially I pulled away from it but quickly realized it was her hand grabbing mine. She pulled at it and moved it towards her tit. We suddenly heard something weird outside. It had begun to sprinkle. Then it began raining, lightly. I kind of liked that. It made the evening romantic.

Then I touched it. I felt her boob. It wasn’t very romantic but the palm of my hand and her boob touched one another. WOW. JESUS CHRIST, I thought. OH MY GOD, I told myself. I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING. I breathed a few times as she pressed my hand harder into her tit.

“Do you…do you like that?” she asked. Silence as I adjusted to what was going on. “Chuck, do you like feel me?” my daughter asked me.

God, do I. Oh I wish I could hold them both. God, I wish I could remove this gown of yours and feel both of them. I’d even love to…to…oh god you have no idea I told myself as my eyes closed. She let go of it. No, don’t…don’t let go. Keep doing that, I told myself. Doesn’t she like it?

“I like how it felt” she told me.

Sitting and facing her I told her how I loved how her perfume smelled. But for some reason I couldn’t tell her how turned on I was about feeling her tits. I wanted to. They did turn me on. Feeling them, her tits, was extraordinary. Feeling them was heightening. I felt my cock tingle, more. I wanted her to know that too. I wanted to tell her how amplified, how turned on I was getting, but I couldn’t. Not at the moment I couldn’t.

“How do you like this? How does it make you feel?” I asked her out of nowhere.

Nothing. She was silent as I rubbed them lightly and gently. She sat facing me looking at me, I think although it was too dark to tell if she was actually gazing at my face. She sat breathing and taking it all in. But finally, after a few moments, she spoke.

In her quiet voice she told me she liked it, a lot. “What else should I do?” she asked.

What else…what else should you do? Put out…give it all up, I thought. Tell me to pull off your clothes and kiss your body all over, everywhere I guess. God that would be…it would be awesome, Melissa. You have no idea. You…have…no…idea…at…all I told myself.

She grabbed hold of my hands and pulled them away telling me that was enough. I stopped and didn’t pursue her. She told me maybe another time but that she really did enjoy doing what we did- me feeling her breasts. “I liked that a lot” she said in a quiet voice, “but I’m going to go to bed. Thank you.” She stood and pulled herself together and thanked me again. She left. I didn’t know what she did afterward but I lay in the darkness thinking about her svelte boobs. They really did feel great underneath my fingers.

Lying in bed I thought about her. I kept flashing back to the visions of her body in that piece she had on. Her hips, her legs were fabulous looking I kept telling myself. It got quieter and I became lonelier. I liked her being with me. I liked it a lot. Laying on my back I found myself beginning to rub myself. First my chest, then lower around my stomach, and all of a sudden I was rubbing my crotch and specifically my cock of course.

I continued. I closed my eyes. I think I smiled some. I pictured her next to me. I pictured her running her hands, her fingernails up and over it. Slowly, softly, and easily she ran her fingernails across my hardening cock. I wished she was in here, doing that, teasing me, and letting her hand and fingers dance across and under…

“Chuck…dad?” I swear I could hear.

I stopped everything I was doing. I listened. Nothing. Quiet air all around me. I listened some more. Still nothing. Was that Melissa? Did she just call out my name? I swear I heard her say my name. I’m sure of it. Did she just…


Oh my god…she did. It was Melissa saying…calling out my name. I started to stand, slowly, not sure if it was the right thing, but I adjusted my underwear and went and for some reason put on a pajama top. I walked out and down towards her room. I began to look in it.

“Melissa” I began “did you just…call out my name?”


“Yes, would you come here…for a minute?” I walked in to her room and over to her bed. “It’s okay, you can sit down” and she patted the bed. I looked at her. I looked at her hard. It was difficult to see her seeing as it was so dark in the house but there was some light flowing into her room from outside. Her voice was quiet and soft. “I did like it, a lot, when you touched me.” She was quiet again. “Would you do it again, please?”

She lay back, completely resting her head on her pillows. Something was telling me I was going to totally love this, but to be careful too. She had to do it again. She reached out and found my hand and planted it on her boob. She and I nestled her hand over and over her tit.

“Mmmmmm Chuck…I love how that feels. God do I” she told me. “Come here. Lay next to me. Hold me. Hold me close…and tight. Will you?” she said.

I felt my cock tingle but it didn’t become hard. Reach down and pet it. Reach down and stroke it, continuously. Reach down and inside my underwear and stroke me. Ohhh if only you really knew, I thought.

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IT WAS quite late when we reached Liverpool Street station and I knew that by the time I got home to Mile End I would miss Mrs McPherson’s evening meal, yet again. It was Thursday, which meant cold cuts and home-made pickles with watery mashed potatoes, made with margarine instead of butter under war-time rationing, followed by something like tinned peaches and Bird’s powdered custard made with water rather than milk. It wasn’t much of a meal to miss, even though I was quite hungry. Miss...

1 year ago
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Its Just Politics

It's is only Politics "Oh, oh," Gina moaned in ecstasy as Kathy grinned at her with a final thrust, pulled out of her and moved up the bed. The black plastic 'cock' at her crotch was swinging and she moved it to Gina's mouth. It went in deeper to encouraging words from Kathy. Gina took it to the base tasting her own juices. "This is a great way to start the day," Gina said, removing the dildo from her mouth and sitting up. "Do you think Mark will allocate the funds to us?" Kathy...

3 years ago
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Diane And The Lawn Guy

Diane was lying in her tub with the water pick gently spraying her open cunt. She was older but still good looking and was thinking of her last young boy. She knew that young boys had powerful hormones and, if you didn’t scare them away, they were fucking machines. She was lonely now that the pizza delivery boy had moved. Her orgasm was getting closer as she remembered his hard young cock pumping streams of cum in her mouth and then fucking her to crashing orgasms. Just then the door bell...

1 year ago
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Blame Our Sister

Copyright © 2004 by Jefferson "Shh, you need to be quiet." Sonora Sheridan repeated as the two men followed her into the apartment and down the hallway, shutting the door behind them. Sonora led the two young men through the dark apartment and into her bedroom. She touched each of their arms as they moved past her into the dark bedroom. She then closed the bedroom door before finally turning on the light. Sonora then turned and looked at the two young men and smiled. "We need to...

2 years ago
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Lust Part 2

Introduction: Lust, A story full of new sexual experiences that drove me to cheating on my husband, orgies, incest and many others. Part 2 On my drive home from the gym I could notice the wetness coming out of my pussy. I was really excited because finally, things like this didnt feel as wrong anymore. Knowing that my husband was approving of everything I was doing, was a huge turn on for me. When I got home there was nobody there. I went upstairs, got on the bed and watched the two videos I...

3 years ago
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My Scottish Girl

A few years ago I went for a family trip to Scotland. I drove up on my own because I didn’t have a girlfriend at the time and all my other family already there. So when I got there I checked into my hotel room where my aunt worked and then unpacked and waited for her to finish because she was having a party at her house and I offered her a ride. So the next morning I wake up with abit of a headache but I go for breakfast with my family and they go on about how we’re going out for dinner tonight...

2 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 78 The Carl Buckman Experience Part II

“Give me a break! There is no such thing as the Carl Buckman Experience!” “That’s not what your friends said,” teased Marilyn. “We were just friends!” I protested. “Yes, it certainly sounded friendly!” I refused to answer but unlocked the car and opened the door for her. As I went around to my side, I couldn’t help but think about the movie, still years in the future, with Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson, A Few Good Men. - ‘I want the truth!’ ‘You can’t handle the truth!’ - I redid it in my...

2 years ago
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Choices Ch 10

In memory of my editor, adetaildiva. * On Friday night, two weeks later, I had to work late. We initiated an overseas movement for training on short notice. It had been on our schedule and was a surprise only to the battalion that had to move. However, I had to stay in the office until our part of the movement order had been fulfilled and everything had passed to Ft. Bragg. When I cleaned up around 8:30, I called Nan’s cell. ‘Finally, done here, beautiful. Do you want to get together?’ ‘I’m...

1 year ago
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Ruby Jha Looses Her Virginity in Style

Dear ISS Readers,This is Rajiv again, Rajiv Dogra. I am here with my second story of fucking a beautiful neighborhood damsel Ruby, a mere 18 years young eye candy who was still studying. Friends first take a look at my and don’t miss the feedback I got there from friend readers. I am tempted to make a feast to all you fuck-story-lovers with my second story and hope to gather many more friends… Girlfriends …… only. Please…Here we go.. Her name was Ruby Jha. She lived just next door to me where...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 30

The Society of Sisters and their compound at Liberty Mountain were the pride and joy of Sheila's existence. She devoted almost every waking hour toward her mission of building an organization that could withstand anything the apocalyptic whims of fate might send our way. The Colony's boss was an innovator who served both as a leader and also as a follower.Like the Caesars of old, she had the authority to issue any order necessary to secure the safety of the group. Unlike the dictators of...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Aliens sind auch nur Menschen

ASCII Pictures praesentiert: "Auch Aliens sind nur Menschen" von Mark Soul Der Sturm wurde schlimmer. Marcel bereute es bereits, sich nicht mehr beeilt zu haben, womoeglich haette er dann den Bus noch erwischt. Aber wie ueblich hatte er die Zeit vergessen, und es blieb ihm nichts anderes uebrig als zu Fu? zu gehen. Er hoffte nur, das er Zuhause ankommen wuerde bevor es anfing zu regnen. In diesem Augenblick entschied sich der Himmel, seine Schleusen zu oeffnen, und ein wahrer ...

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Mike and MalokChapter 12 The Next Few Days

The following day I woke up in a crowded bed. I realized that I had no more room for other mates in my existing bed. There was the king-size mattress on the sleeping platform that could probably hold four more, but I really liked having all of my mates with me. Besides, I really did not need any more mates (I was having enough trouble spending individual time with the eight I now had). Speaking of mates, the last eligible unmated women were wedded to their new mates last night (Jonab had his...

1 year ago
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Racial SwapNight

Chapter 1 Eddie Frampton folded his tall but lithe and muscular frame into the brand new Porsche, started the motor, jerked it into reverse gear and rocketed the machine down the drive into the quiet street. Tires squealing and engine reving like mad, he headed toward Manna Avenue and back to the club. The ache in his loins and his feeling of sexual deprivation told him, only too clearly that there was a big void in his married life although in almost every other direction, his life had ...

3 years ago
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good uncle

the first week out of the closet , having told mom after moving outmy uncle started coming to my appart and fuck mehe just knock around midnight at my door, i was in my pijama watching netflix''uncke what you doing here''him getting inside closing the door''coming to see my sexy boy''''ive been so hard since your mom told the wife you like cock''he pushed me down his fucking big man 8 cock out and i slide in my mouth in a split second , both his hands on my head helping me savour how big he...

2 years ago
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Going For My Prize

It was a warm day, and a cool breeze was blowing across the bay towards your apartment. You are on your balcony stretched out on a lounge chair enjoying the warming rays of the sun. With your computer in your lap, you are typing away at your next erotic story. I enter your apartment and move out onto the balcony, you look so hot without a shirt, wearing only sunglasses, and board shorts. I can’t help but want to disturb your quiet time, just like you had done to me that morning when I was still...

2 years ago
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Taking Revenge On Husband

Hello everyone my name is Hema. I am 32 years old. For privacy reason’s i have changed my name. In this I am gonna tell you how I took revenge on my unfaithful husband. Forgive me if my English is not proper or if I make any grammatical errors. I was one of the beautiful girls on my college. Many boys used to stand on the bus stops and stare at me. And a few of them proposed me but fearing my family members and reputation i neglected them. After I finished my graduation I got married. I was...

2 years ago
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Midsummer Blues

“I wish this summer would never end!” Lying on a bale of hay, one naked leg stretched into the sky so my red-painted big toe made a dangerously gleaming eye in the wolf’s head which drifted above our heads in its fluffy whiteness, I suddenly felt strangely grown up and serious. This was the last whole summer at home, and this time next year I’d probably be staying in the city or go travelling with college friends. Kirsty hummed a dark tune which I didn’t recognize right next to me, and...

3 years ago
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Amanda My SiblingChapter 3

It wasn't very long after that birthday that things between my sister and I began to get complicated. Nothing bad happened - it wasn't like Mom and Dad caught us screwing each other or anything like that. In fact, the sex between us continued on a regular basis and left both of us completely satisfied. But the relationship between us changed in subtle ways. Amanda began telling me things - things that she had kept hidden deep inside herself. These were things that I would never have guessed...

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The Futas MindControlling Panties Chapter 8 Futa Enjoys the Reverends Wife and Daughter

Chapter Eight: Futa Enjoys the Reverend's Wife and Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Mildred Dean I smiled at the trembling Christabella Tuft. The reverend's daughter stood shell-shock at the debauchery she found in her living room. I stood naked. Her mother, Elouise, had her tongue licking up the last of the pussy juices from my cumming pussy. My futa-dick thrust over her head, the tip buried in the mouth of Mrs. Quick, my MILF...

3 years ago
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 26 A Horrible Passing

Joseph continued his conversation with Liala and Octavia on lighter subjects than religion and justice. He tried in vain to keep from shifting his eyes from the bulges in Octavia’s dress to the ones in Liala’s tight tunic. He was gratified when Morane came into the room. “I apologize, Sire,” the newly ordained bishop said, “but I require your time if you are available.” Joseph made his excuses – and took another look at the female’s anatomy – before departing with Morane. They walked in...

2 years ago
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Star ChamberChapter 12 The Gunfight

The strange man drew his weapon, but before he could fire, five 115-grain 9mm regular rounds and one 150-grain hollow point made a nice circle on the man’s belly. His eyes stayed open, his knees buckled, and he ended on his back with his legs bent under him in a most uncomfortable position. Two more approached and fired. John’s shield stopped 90% of the blasts. People around them took several steps back to widen the circle. Reverend Jacobs yelled, “SHIELDS UP.” The Secret Service was...

4 years ago
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On my period

It was Sunday morning and I had started my period on the Saturday. My husband was going away for 3 nights leaving the Sunday evening. That morning we went to the shops together with my daughter. While shopping we ran into our neighbours son Nick and his gf. Greeting them, and my husband and Nick got into a conversation about his sport and studies as usual. He then told them that he would be away for a few days again. Once they finished chatting we finished our shopping before heading home. Once...

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Hell in Paradise

Chapter 1: prelude Barbara was smiling happily while packing her suitcases. Her business missionhad been a success, and now, as an added bonus, she could look forward to anunexpected business stay – but in fact a vacation – deep insidethe Amazonian rainforest. Thanks to Robert, she thought, and Kimiko. She had inherited Robert from Kimiko, the svelte Japanese girl who had beenher predecessor in the post of Business Development Manager for South America.Robert was her bigger client, but, as...

4 years ago
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Equal SharesChapter 17

Anne & Stan On Saturday morning Stan had woken with Anne, each feeling very slightly awkward with the other, not knowing what to say, and then a smile, a touch and all was well again. Anne had looked coyly at Stan, who'd given her a long, lustful, lingering kiss. The kiss turned into a more extended make-out session, before Stan broke it off. He was a little embarrassed: he ought to have been physically aroused, but nothing was happening. 'Tempus fugit, ' he thought ruefully while...

2 years ago
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A present for my step mother

My step mother and I have always been close. When she was left at a young age to bring me up on her own it was inevitable that I should be the one man in her life from then on…but I didn't realise how much she thought of me until one Christmas when she came to visit.I had moved out a few months before into a flat I was renting, it was comfortable with enough room for me and any guests - my mother arrived looking immaculate as always pulling a small suitcase on wheels. She beamed at me and...

3 years ago
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A BOY Can DreamCant SHE Part 2

This is a work of adult fiction and any resemblance to actual persons, places, or events is not intended. Readers who have reached the legal age of consent in their jurisdictions are welcome. I am not responsible for those who choose to ignore the above and read this story. This story may not be reproduced or posted on another site without the express permission of the author. [email protected] A BOY Can Dream...Can't SHE? - Part 2 By: Simonne...

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The Crawl

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING! This is adult oriented fiction of a strong sexual nature. If you are under 18 years of age or easily offended by such material, then click your browser's BACK button now. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give you the rights to post this on any website without obtaining the author's permission...

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Out Of Afrika Chapter 45

Out of AfrikaA Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van, Satinlvr_mwf andWunderboi******​Our story thus far:Hawksville with the assistance and influence of its major employer, Rhino Industries, has become a truly interracial community where complete harmony between Black and White and every colour in between exists. Interaction between the races is encouraged and because there is no stigma or shame attached to having a mixed race c***d inevitably there have been many...

4 years ago
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Welcome to the Academy

“We are leaving!” his Aunt called from the doorway. Brian hurried and pulled on some pants and rushed to her side. “Sorry…,” he began. “Now, now. No time for apologies, we don’t want to be late!” He followed her into the car and took a seat; noting the bags in the trunk. “Where are we going Aunt Stacy?” he asked. “You’ll see soon enough,” she said. After a quiet car ride winding through small streets and underused roads, the car pulled up to a large, grand building. “Where are we?” Brian asked....

1 year ago
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The takeover

I stood on the deck of the luxury yacht with the nine other women in our bikinis, sweating. For the past week, we'd been entertaining the party of rich men on board the vessel. Being summoned to their cabins to service them when they felt like it. They were a collection of company executives and other wheeler dealers who'd met to hammer out an arms sale. Some very shady characters and not pleasant. Myself and the other whores had the bruises on our bodies from some rough fucking. Now it amused...

Erotic Fiction
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Part Four Taking Dot out for a drink

For the second morning in a row, Dot wasn't in bed when I woke.I found Dot in her third bedroom, come office, at her computer. "Cal as sent the photos," she told me."Great, how do they look?" I asked Dot.Unlike yesterday, when Dot was having second thoughts, she grabbed my hard dick and gave it a kiss when it was in her reach."See for yourself." I watched the slideshow while Dot stroked my dick. "What do you think?" she asked.I told Dot I loved them, and she should be proud. "Do you? Really?"...

1 year ago
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The Wifes Cumming Out Party

Coming into the party, I didn’t pay you too much attention. You were a bit late anyway, and I was already occupied with Cher, a favourite of mine. We were soon to make our way to the play room, wall to wall with mattresses on the floor. But I did notice how shy you looked, and how modestly you were dressed. At a gathering where most people’s sole purpose was to get fucked, hopefully by someone new, most girls dressed a bit on the slutty side. You wore a loose peasant blouse under corduroy bib...

1 year ago
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Relaxing Ride Chapter 1

Relaxing Ride Ch. 1 F/f      by Dudetodude ©      Comments and suggestions are always welcomed. Please do not copy or distribute this story without my permission. This is a story involving sex between a middle aged and a 21 year old woman. This is a subject near and dear to me. If anyone has any lesbian stories involving age differences, I would appreciate reading them.       * I was invited to spend a few days at my older brother's condo in Florida with his wife and my niece and nephew....

1 year ago
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My life as a bull

Later that night I turned on the computer and googled hotwife. This was my first exposure to the subject of hotwife and cuckold lifestyle. My mind went rampant. The thought of this little white woman Laura was willing to give herself sexually to me and her husband was OK with it. My dick immediately swelled to it's limits. As I stood up and looked In the mirror, the years of working out had done wonders to my body. At 6'4" and 285lbs I was well sculpted. My 10" dick was standing at...

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BlackValleyGirls Maya Bijou The Black Valley Girl Next Door

Maya Bijou lost her keys and was hoping her neighbor Bambino could help her out with a place to chill until she can get a replacement. This would usually not be an issue, but his prissy girlfriend was over. She did not like Maya and her black ass from the start. She thought she was after her man, and tried to explain that to Bam. Maya overheard the conversation and thought that Bams girlfriend was on to something. Bam came out and Maya seduced him by showing her perky black tits and grabbing...

2 years ago
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Swift Justice Crossing the Boundaries 2

WARNING: Transgendered characters (under 18), adult themes, spanking. Rated R. Swift Justice: Crossing the Boundaries 2 By Transfemme "Hold it RIGHT THERE young man!!" Alex Fairfield froze in shock, eyes swivelling towards the living room door. A cold finger ran the length of his spine: he knew that tone, recognised the naked anger in his Aunt's voice. It was a tone he'd come to fear over the past three years, one he'd learnt to treat with the utmost respect. His pulse...

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