Beverly, Ap?ritifs, And A Series Of Peculiar Mornings. free porn video

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Beverly, Ap?ritifs, and a series of Peculiar Mornings. The first time Charline and I met Beverly was at a meeting, back when we did graphic design labs, networking and installs for food companies. She was exceptionally good at first impressions. The building was still in construction, wire and dry wall and tools everywhere. Elevators with green dusty pads on the walls. Riding down the elevator to meet up with her, there was a sweaty, grisly and very bad smelling construction worker. As we got out of the elevator, released from the BO ghost, we could see her in the open foyer, silhouetted. I whispered to Charline "Is that Jessika Rabbit?" She smiled and elbowed me. Beverly in a perfect dark green dress, her parfum announced her arrival, cultured and delicate. The click of her heels on the concrete surface, her impeccable leather briefcase. Darting brown eyes, auburn hair, delicate looking hands but a firm and energetic handshake. She would be lead on Alcohol sales distribution and planning. The meeting passed very pleasantly, all of us laughing like we were old friends somehow. She had an intoxicating quality. Charline was giving me that look. When feeling horny she would always look me up and down, a clever little wink from time to time, touching my ass when nobody was looking. And I was doing the same. Something about hanging out with this woman was making us both a little crazy. Papers signed, cards exchanged, handshakes all around. The meeting was flawless. Bev had brought some little samples for us to try. An exotic tobacco cured brandy from New Orleans, a dark green Galician herbal liquor. Both of them odd yet delicious. Now we had a little buzz on when she left. Down the elevator and wishes for safe travels. Then urgently back up the elevator, to the roof, to the unfinished AC shack, for which we had the keys. And banged each other silly. Years later, we were in Temecula wine country. Not as famous as NAPA, we loved it for its small family owned wineries. Sure enough - a petite winery run by two women making Rhone style white wines. It was unique, making very high end finesse Garnacha and Roussane, in a region mostly known for fruit bomb red wines. We had stumbled upon it by accident and walking in holy smokes there was Beverly. This time in casual skin tight blue jeans, soft looking suede flats, white striped cashmere sweater gracing her ample bosom, a short black jeans jacket. She still had that presence about her, as did the two lovely women winemakers. She had not aged a day, her hair perhaps longer. She recognized and remembered us somehow despite us being grayer, a bit chubbier. As we talked, the wine makers closed the tasting room so we could go to the back and do some barrel sampling. Beverly and the charmingly beautiful wine makers talked and laughed like they were old friends. It turned in to the most magical afternoon of our trip, full of laughter and clinking glasses of delicious wine. At the end of the day, Beverly looked at us silently for a few moments. It was sort of mysterious. Charline and I looking back and forth at each other with a silent "what is up?" Like she made an important decision, Bev dug into her custom British purse, and then gave us a card. On the card was a name, an email address for a resort / winery in... Calchaqu?? "Where is Calchaqu??" we asked. A long sip of white wine, her lipstick on the glass. "Remote Argentina. The best wine you will ever have in your life." She warned us it was Secretive. Exclusive. Reclusive. Expensive. Very Expensive. It would not be easy to get to. We would have to be invited. It was "fight club"; we should not talk about it. "I will call them" she said, "the phone number is unlisted to those who have never been. You will confirm by email. It will be the best experience in your life." She wrote a dollar figure and her phone number on the back of the card. "Call me if you miss my call. I will let you know about confirmation." "More than just a wine experience?" we asked puzzled. "The Best Experience in every way," she replied. "I am serious. It is not for everyone. But it would be perfect for you two." Hugs and handshakes goodbye, we tipsily made our way back to the hotel. That night we looked at the ridiculous amount of money written on the card, talked about it. And as Charline and I did so many times, we chose adventure over money. A kiss and a pinky swear, we were going to go. Years later. Many meals of top ramen, worked our guts out, a bar chart on our fridge, saved change in a jar. We must be crazy, but we are doing this thing! A phone call, an email, a bank transfer. We boarded the plane with our age, more gray hair, a sore shoulder, a few extra pounds. Argentina. Calchaqu? area. We had looked for it on Google maps. Our email arrived with instructions, warned us about the altitude at our destination. Remote was an understatement. We discovered that Calchaqu? was merely the last place they had a name for before heading out to absolute nowhere. All the transportation was pre-arranged. A plane to Mexico City, then MXP to Buenos Aires. An eight-hour train. A six-hour bus. Three hours in a car. A bumpy dented dirty jeep for another three hours up into the mountains near the Argentinian Chilean border. The closer to our destination the more nervous our jeep driver became. He kept muttering something in a language we didn't know, rubbing a crucifix. The altitude, the surreality of the change of where we were. It felt increasingly dream fake. When we finally arrived, our nervous jeep driver unloaded our bags unceremoniously saying nothing, spit, turned around, jumped in and sped off without a word. Only the cloud of dust a sign that he had been here at all. Mouths open wheezing, travel exhausted in the middle of nowhere, we were left to wait at a huge Wood and Iron Gate. There was a stand to the right with a camera and a push button. It had gotten progressively chillier as we gained altitude; we had turned up into a large fog bank and exited the other side of it when suddenly it had turned warm. The sun, even the breeze was comfortable and mild, small gusts of wind still a kiss of coolness from before. As we drove further into the warmth there were more and more and MORE plants, trees, vines, then flowers. Gone were the stones and sparse scrub from the previous drive. Now the air was blossomed and crystalline clean. Songs of birds surrounded us. It felt as if there had been a fresh rain but not a cloud in the sky. The plants were vibrant in a way I had never seen. How was that possible at this altitude? No wonder the driver thought there was something unnatural going on. We were about to push the button when suddenly the gate eased open, revealing a crisply manicured garden on the other side, white gravel, seamless stone walkways, the sun gleaming off an almost Sienese Italian looking building in the distance. Light wisps of cloud graced the snow- capped mountains behind. An incredibly beautiful woman in a yellow sarong driving a dark blue large golf cart. Smiling and friendly, "Welcome to Chalcha Diaguita!" throwing our bags effortlessly in the back as if they were feather pillows. We painfully crawled in, the gravel crunched lightly under the wheels, the sun a warm feeling on our face. As we got closer to the neoclassical compound, the smells of good cooking. There were birds and music, laughter and people talking all at once. I whispered to Charline, "How did they get all this stuff up here?" Travel lagged, an increasing feeling of surreality. We checked in, "you must be exhausted" our hostess another young gorgeous woman with shimmering black shoulder length hair, some explanations about breakfast tomorrow, the itinerary documentation in our room. We were mostly numb from our tiredness and the altitude. A short walk through the garden there were huge trees with massive roots and canopy, then a casita, goldenrod exterior with colorful bamboo. A riot of flowers surrounded our dark wooden door. It had an odd doorknob resembling a serpent, brightly colored with dots of white. She pressed the serpents' head and the door opened smoothly and silently despite its obvious weight. Somehow our bags had already been brought to our room; everything put away, folded and hung tidily. The room was insanely nice. Aboriginal art, burning fresh candles, flowers, a beautiful silver blue divan wooden birds legs on a black slate floor. Light streaming in with shadows from the bamboo dancing on the wall. The bedroom was all rattan, white, green, blending into where a personal Onsen bath, surrounded by boulders then blended into the outside garden. The outdoor shower was a wall of plants and aromatic cypress. A boardwalk extended out to a veranda where the garden dropped away. Below a sea of grape vines extended far onto to the next distant hill. A sort of light fog, an impressionist haze hung over the vines giving the view even more romance. "I know the altitude is difficult at first." She gestured to a small carafe with two apterif glasses. "This is a local cure to help with that. Drink this whole carafe down, a shower and off to sleep. We will see you both in the morning. Thank you for coming to stay with us, to be with us!" She shook hands warmly taking both of our hands into hers, and left with a small bow. "So darling-" "Yes." "Where the hell are we and how did we get here?" We both laughed with as much energy as we could muster. "Charline, let's try this local remedy! Maybe it will taste like Grappa!" "You mean Crappa," she said with an ironic frown. Charline and grappa did not get along. Two small pours of the golden amber looking liquid. We sipped gingerly. It was incredible. It hinted sweet, but was not sweet. Finished with a satisfying bitterness. Once moved the amber fluid had a touch of cloudiness, like it was aged on the lees of yeast or something similar. Mild, but immediately you could sense the hint of alcohol or something else in the concoction. We eagerly poured another glass and toasted one another to making it alive. So smooth, so delicious, we both felt a rush of relaxation, lightly intoxicated, maybe a bit high there was something unique about this stuff. We had been in an airplane, train, car and a jeep for close to 36 hours, my lovely wife had some leaves and dried mud in her hair from our jeep ride. But somehow after a few shots of this delicious drink I was getting some ideas. Or at least my groin was. The carafe was empty; I led her back to the outside shower. We both just dropped our clothes right there and laughed that maybe they should just be burned. Washed our hair, washed each other, kissing in the warm shower when suddenly it mingled with a warm unexpected rain. She was stroking my hard hard cock in the downpour, and I was quickly firmly circling her increasingly hot clit. The sound of the rain was enchanting and romantic. Charline surprisingly quickly came in short gasps, and seeing her face feeling her scalding and hard, trembling I shot a huge load onto her wet thigh. We stood in the shower, in the rain, slowly taking in our feelings, reaching to hold each other close. She whispered, "I don't know where we got the energy to do that, but thank you!" "Thank you! Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" "Never!" She smiled beautiful, the flowers beyond trembled in the rain. We fell into bed and slept like the dead. Strange dreams of us walking, a snow fall on a sunny afternoon. Birds and other sounds the animals of the night watched us from a distance. The next morning, the sun streamed in, a rustle of leaves, thin and complex cries of birds, of animals in the distance. Did I dream that? Charline her hair a crazy mess and her arm angled on my chest. I reached by habit for my phone, expecting the alarm and work. It was 10:23. We had slept for close to 16 hours. I realized where we were; we were on The Vacation. The one we had planned our lives around for years. Smiling, I nested back into bed, nuzzling my bride of 17 years. We had worked together, loved together, discovered we couldn't have children, got over it, discovered that we not only loved each other but really liked each other. And kept our vows to never phone it in, to always keep our love alive. She mumbled something that sounded like, "What time is it?" I answered, "Time to grope my wife," and slid my hand over to her copious right breast. Her eyes blinking, a morning smirk, she put her hand over my hand. "You have done that before, aren't you tired of those yet?" "You obviously seriously underestimated how much I love tits!" She kissed me and swung out of bed, off to the loo, grabbing us bathrobes and the itinerary folder. Putting on our bathrobes I noticed she was little more svelte. As I sat up, I also felt a bit thinner around the waist, my wedding ring looser on my finger. Well it made sense as we starved and walked or ran through the airports bus stations jostled around schlepping our bags. The little double chin she had been getting was gone. I traced her chin "See! All this hard travel agrees with you." She felt her chin, looked in the mirror with a little puzzled face, shrugged. "I guess you are right!" We both felt amazingly refreshed. Most likely as we weren't going to work ourselves to death for the first time in years. Damn, slept through breakfast, but lunch would be at 1300 followed by our first wine tastings in the afternoon. Wait, is that a note on our fridge... Sure enough, in the fridge was cut fruit, yogurt, a little bottle of sparkling wine "NoveChalcha Extra Brut," fresh squeezed pulpy juices in a wine decanter. There was hot water, fresh ground coffee, a French press. A pitcher of chilled water, fresh cut flowers the scent filling the room. "We have a few hours, let's shower, have our breakfast and sit in the onsen tub outside for a while." "Brilliant! I will shower first." And off she went. Read the instructions for the Onsen tub and got it going. Pulled a beautiful mahogany and teak patio set over closer to the built in tub and garden area where it had the best view. Opened the sparkler with a gentle "thup." Beautiful paper-thin tulip glasses were in the cupboard. Set out the fruit and yogurt on handmade dishes. Fresh coffee made and poured. Charline arrived in her robe, her hair in a towel. She looked fresh, younger somehow, maybe as we were living our dream for three weeks. She settled in to the Bellini I had made for her with the pulpy fruit juice, and began mixing the fruit and yogurt while I hopped in the shower. The shower was delicious, I did feel thinner somehow, more flexible and completely relaxed. There was a feeling of excitement building, not knowing what the day was really going to bring, knowing there would be a wine tasting and dinner this evening that Beverly had described as "life changing." Freshly showered in my robe, I joined Charline back at our table for some fruit and a late morning snack. She had also made me a Bellini, but was obviously onto her second. "Love-" "Yes." "Try this, it is ridiculous." I took a long pull on the Bellini. It was pure heaven, sparkling toasty with a crystal pure lychee flavor, it sparked around in my mouth. It was impossibly good. The coffee was hot, earthy, satisfying.Quietly we finished our delicious morning, slipped off our robes and soaked in the cypress tub, the scent of cedar and herbs, we melted into each other and looked out at the sun kissed fields beyond, the green hills, the flowers, an exotic humming bird with twin tails landing on a nearby branch. We again felt so relaxed, a bit high like from the apterif the night before. Not drunk, but clear, happy, relaxed, like something was being healed. Naked we nested out on our towels, letting the soft breeze dry us. 1 PM. Charline was in her cute yellow sundress, a light amount of makeup and her hair scrunched up in a clip. Me gray shorts and coral shirt. Definitely lost a few pounds on this trip. My shorts fit better. The ring I had in left ear was gone, the normal morning headache also missing from my morning. Vacation life suits me! There was a curved stone square, the center of which had a large dark granite cube, surrounded by other cubes, like a seating area, worn on the edges smooth. The fountain featuring stone grimacing animals, water splashing from their mouths. Perfectly pruned trees long eclipses of green against the orange and yellow buildings. Below an arbor intertwined with fig branches, a long table, white tablecloth, charming mix and match chairs. We were led to our place at the long table, perhaps 40 people in all. Fresh blue corn tortillas with seared vegetables and pickled fruit. Quartered Chicken bbq with chorizo, some other kind of interesting BBQ meat (a lizard maybe?), grilled cheese (firm cheese actually grilled on a grill), a corn stew with herbs, potatoes, white beans and bbq sausage. After airplane food, snacks from a vending machine, we ate like wolves. The rest of the guests also and a stillness grew over the table as the food entranced us all. Out of the main building two exquisite women carrying a case of wine each, and a taller woman different striking, exotic, waist long black hair tied almost at the very end, a deep blue long dress, cut such that her upper thighs flashed in the sun, willowy, she moved like a predator, smooth refined, her chin high, she immediately commanded attention. "Hello everyone! , my name is Rehema." "Rehema, what an unusual name," Charline quietly said. "I am so happy, so pleased to see you all here. I know it was not easy to get here. Certainly not easy to pay for!" Everyone laughed as yeah we could have bought a house. She smiled glowingly and laughed along. "But I promise you, you will feel this was a bargain later, that this was the best decision in your life." She waved her hand upward in a circle. "Look around you. This place was once the hidden home for the Calchaqu? Royalty of the Diaguita. While many of the tribes were fragmented, followed their own path, there was the core of the wise ones. The ones with thousands of years of knowledge, knowledge in the way of the forest, the way of stones, the way of metals." I had never heard of that. I assumed Mayan or Inca were the pinnacle of South American culture. "The Spanish came, invaded these lands, appropriated and made slaves those tribes who had fragmented from the core. And with those angry groups, slaughtered the other Diaguita tribes to extinction. Rape and slavery tore apart those who followed the Spanish, and soon this place; the summit of Calchaqu? became a legend. A legend the Spanish looked for thinking it was a horde of endless gold, a fountain of youth." "And while I do have all of your gold" , the fountain I have to offer you is the care, the history and the tradition of our working with the land, working with the ways of wine." A bottle was placed between Charline and I. Clear, pale like a straw color, a flat white label. "All of our wines are first open vat fermented with wild yeasts, then placed in black clay amphorae as they always have been. In front of you is a grape you have never seen, never heard of, as it was lost to time and kept here, tended here safe from those who would steal it. From those who would infect it with phylloxera or worse intentionally or unintentionally. The yeasts also from those who would steal it for themselves." Who would do such a thing intentionally?? Her face turned serious. "There is only one thing you can do here that will get you expelled. You cannot walk through the vines unattended. You cannot enter some of the labs and production areas unescorted. And if you try to steal a cutting, steal our techniques and materials, you will find yourself in an Argentinian gulag never to return home again." There was no doubt that she was deadly serious. She looked over the crowd again with a full on "don't fuck with me" face. Then as quickly as that had appeared, it was gone. And she was glowing and beautiful with a smile. "Sorry, this has happened in the past. We only want to preserve what we have here. We only want to make your stay be a beautiful memorable time, a gem to carry with you into the world. Lets open this first wine shall we? Try this one with the vegetables and the grilled Provoleta cheese; you might also try it with the stew. It will be similar to say a white Garnacha, but with some well defined differences." Bottles were opened. We poured a glass for each other. Then another. And the same as everything else we had drank here, it was impossibly balanced. Familiar, yet distant skies of flavor, it matched the cheese and grilled blue corn perfectly. The same sudden feeling of relaxation, a bit of tingling in our bodies somehow, a clean light drunkenness, maybe a little feeling that things were even more beautiful than they were. Quickly the first bottle had sadly ended. The sun, the deep blue dotted with brilliant white clouds, all of that seemingly in every sip. "Now on to the Red wine of the day. You might recognize this as a Primitivo, but it is an Aglianico. Traded for with the Greeks in ancient times. Careful, this one is significantly stronger!" Did she say the Greeks? Greeks and these people were trading partners?? The second bottle opened. This one was strong, leather, violet, tar, perhaps some barnyard, but brilliantly light fruit and acidic finish. Made the BBQ sing with its own sweet notes. And yes, it was strong. I was shortly hamboned after a glass. Still cleanly somehow, I also had the buzz of when your body knows it is having something really good for it. My shoulder pain was gone, still no ring in my ear or background headache. I felt really like a million dollars. Charline laughed at me, gawking at my empty wine glass. She reached her index finger out under my chin, pulling my lips loser to her, with a little kiss. Then suddenly serious she said, "hoo boy I am drunk!" We both laughed, as yep we were both high as kites, along with everyone else talking at once, the clinking of glasses, jokes and introductions. The afternoon flew. More bbq, another bottle of Red. Somehow we had gotten back to our casita and changed into bathing suits, hanging out by the pool with a glass of red wine. Staff members beautiful and wrapped in brightly dyed sarongs, straining to hold in their assets came by. "Would you care for a digestif? It is again traditional, and somewhat similar to what you had last night. It will also help you with the altitude and how much wine you just drank!" She smiled. "We would love some! Thank you so much!" A little tray, a small carafe and little black clay cups. This one was dark brown. Again a bit cloudy as the sun shone through the carafe. Herbal, numbed my tongue a little bit, a woody taste, but finishing like roasted sugared walnuts. "Holy crap love, this is also delicious!" We sipped carefully thinking about how much we had already drank, and what happened to us last night with hootch from the locals. But oddly, I felt "cleaner," less drunk, a touch high like I was last night, but light and not spinny in any way. I fell into the pool feeling like I was 18, floating on my back, and sneaking glances at Charline and all the beautiful women there. Our first day had slipped by, the sun passing down, the sky even a more perfect lavender and blue. A large fire was made and we sat on the stones warm, satisfied, our legs crossed over each other, the staff came out and sang songs we had never heard, haunting beautiful songs. We should have been sore from sitting on the rocks, but we felt amazing, but also lazy and drifting into sleep. Walking hand in hand we returned to our casita, this time clothes tossed off at the bedside and again fell into a heap, deeply deeply sleeping. Charline tossed and turned a bit that night, a little squirmy. At one point she had her legs wrapped around my thigh almost like she was humping me. In my semi-awake moment I had to smirk thinking about the dream she was having. The next day I awoke. Charline was already up. Looking at herself in the mirror. Full on, then sideways, then looking at the center of her hair, then sideways, on tiptoe. She noticed me awake watching the show. "What's going on?" "Come look at me!" "I can see you from here beautiful" "No smart ass, I mean come over here and really look" So I got up. And really looking I noticed. Her little stomach punch was gone. Her splendid ass was noticeably firmer, higher like it was years ago. The gray in her hair was gone now purely the strawberry blond she used to be. Thicker, fuller. She still had the little wrinkles from her smile (which I loved). But the tone of her skin was different. Smoother. More uniform, like she was wearing foundation without wearing any. Her hands also now smooth, lithe, with no marks or spots. She looked a little concerned. "How is this possible? The plants here. All the semi-mysterious mumbo jumbo. But look at me! Also, my you know," looking down at her crotch. "It feels tighter, my little pleasure spot feels more sensitive, I swear maybe fuller?" Then she stopped to look at me. Rubbing my eyes and scratching my butt I looked up to see her gawking at me. "What!?" She moved out of the way of the mirror. I was noticeably thinner. Finer limbed somehow. I had gotten my waist back and then some. The hair on my body was very fine and there was significantly less. My leg and chest hair which was never excessive before was now completely gone. With skin that looked smoother, perhaps silkier, my hands way thinner, and almost graceful looking. Was I a bit shorter? Standing next to Charline things seemed a bit of a different angle. And my hair was light brown again, without all the gray I had earned. It seemed to be softer, maybe with a bit of curl to it. Was my cock a bit smaller maybe? I didn't mention that. "What is happening to us love?" "It has to be the air, maybe the shampoo or soap they are giving us or something. We are definitely in better shape in just a few days ago." "There has to be a reasonable explanation." I also noticed that Charline, where she normally had a small little triangle above her pussy, that was now gone. She was smooth and hairless. I dropped my hands, and my wedding ring fell off my hand to the floor with a ringing sound. "Can't lose that," as Charline picked it up, and put it back on my finger. "The answer will always be 'I Do.'" She kissed me, and then harder, then pressing my hand into her hot now smooth pussy aggressively. I forgot about our odd morning as her vagina almost gushed with wetness. We always loved to jack each other off. This morning Charline was really into it, forgetting about my cock in her hand obsessed with my quickly increasing speed flicking over her excessively wet scalding and really hard clitoris. Her entire clit area seemed engorged, sensitive to every little touch in a different way. In less than a few minutes I could tell she was going to come, hunched over, holding onto my arm and shoulder to support her, she came in a burst of wetness and a ragged cry. She stood panting for a minute, and then slid down to take my cock into her mouth. Grazing her nails over my balls I almost jumped. It was so much more sensitive than usual, her mouth a swirl around me, she pulled my ass and took my whole cock in. She had never done that before. Completely in, then almost completely out she pistoned my cock in and out of her warm swirling mouth. I was ready to come almost at once. So I came, but still somehow didn't come, then another orgasm this time stronger, I was still hard and wanting more then at last a shattering orgasm, feeling the stream from me into her waiting mouth. She made a little moan sound swallowing my come. I had come three times. I didn't say anything about that either. Charline jumped up to kiss me, mingling her mouth with mine. Where normally there was saltiness, now almost a hint of sweet. Showers. Coffee. Champagne. Crepes Today would be another lunch, an extended white wine tasting, a hosted hike in the vines, a massage before dinner, then lighter red wines tonight. We were loose noodles after the massage. It felt delectable after all the long walking of the day. Again it was laughter, a clean light feeling, drunk but not drunk, just an overwhelming feeling of well-being. Of happiness, that life was light and easy. This evening a fortified digestif made with local berries. Again a touch cloudy, they liked to make an unfiltered style apparently. Again almost like a hangover cure, but a buzz of its own. Another blur me leaning onto Charline's shoulder her arm around me, back to our Casita. All of our clothes cleaned folded the room perfect. Laughing we tried to do better about putting our clothes away before bed, then completely out of gas asleep. That night Charline tossed and turned again, I heard her get up. She stood in the bathroom for a bit the moon silver bright. She got into the shower. I could see her from the bed, her skin wet glistening like stars in the moonlight. Her tits looked bigger, higher. She soaped up her body, then focusing on her crotch slowly, then more rapidly. Clutching at her breasts with her left hand, but her right hand was... Her right hand? It looked like she was boy-style jerking off, faster and faster until she convulsed shivering in the dark, panting She stood for a bit, rinsed off, then dried off, put on her silky black nightgown and came back to bed. I thought I heard her crying for a little time. As I was drifting in and out, I wasn't sure if I hadn't dreamed the entire thing. The next morning Charline was already up and gone. A little heart on a post it note stuck to the itinerary. Looking I had forgotten that this morning was "Ladies Only" day, filled with a full spa experience, tour of the production facility, history and cooking presentation with lunch, the pool closed to only the women and white wine flights all day until the early evening wine dinner at about 6 PM. Looking at my phone it was already 1117. Holy smokes I had slept a long time. Jumped out of bed and I felt it immediately. I felt different. My balance a little off, I tottered over to the mirror. My shoulders and ribcage were now narrow, my arms thin and willowy, my face softened even more, my hair somehow a bit longer and thick dark brown now with a little curl. I had not shaved now in two days and yet my face was smooth and soft. The only hair on my body was now a little patch above my visibly smaller penis and dainty scrotum. But my waist and ass. My waist was truly narrow now; twisting around I had a full and beautiful ass, like a playboy model, like my wife's ass. Looking at it I felt a little tingle in my nipples, my groin. A growing feeling of horniness. I slid my soft hands over my hard nipples with an electric jolt, down my slim frame, exploring my waist, then flexibly back of my plump firm ass. My little penis was immediately hard and twitching. What is wrong with me, I should be worried, but mmmmm I feel so good, so horny, so... My graceful hands looking odd touching my twitching now dripping hairless cock, reaching down to my balls... they were slippery, like they were oozing precum? My little hand sliding down my lubricated balls to find almost like little lips between my balls and ass. My middle finger between them, rubbing this little bit of loose flesh with my other fingers frictionless and again another electric feeling, my balls and cock now really dripping giving me a damp feeling between my legs. Faster now rubbing my little smooth sack down toward my ass touching the little loose area, faster faster, nnnngggg coming my cock twitching but no cum agggnnnng coming again gasping panting NNNGGGGG this time I really came hard tingling in my nipples and cock, a little spurt, my whole body feeling this tingling orgasm. Instead of a big spurt, it oozed slowly out onto my leg, the clear lube seeping from my balls soaking the inside of my thighs. Staggered to the shower, still in the glow of the huge orgasm. Stood and let the water run over me my head dizzy and in a dream state. Warm water, a cool breeze, my body felt like alive with sensations. And so sleepy again. Squeaky clean from the shower I had a little snack, a glass of the delicious apterif that was always available, then padded back into bed. Dreams of the forest, climbing to the top of the tallest tree, then seeing nothing but forest and the tops of strange temples as far as you could see. Then twisting, feeling like I was falling, deep in sleep. Charline woke me up with her wonderful laugh. And another woman laughing. I blinked awake, stretching, suddenly realizing I was almost completely naked fortunately my groin covered by the sheet. She was captivating in a white flowered cover up, her white bikini underneath. Her breasts full, firm, so alluring, she still had her mischief filled eyes, as beautiful this moment as the day I first met her. But a full bountiful voluptuous playboy rev 2.0 of herself. Her strawberry blond hair curly, a little wild from her time at the pool. And Her Friend... Full red hair, clear ivory complexion with maybe a dusting of freckles. A little taller than Charline but not by much, leggy. Orange and yellow wrap over her filled black bikini. They both bumped shoulders looking at me, holding hands, giggling. Holy smokes Charline is drunk, I had to smirk a little bit, as she was always so adorable. "Love, this is Samantha . We have had a fun day today, learned so much..." She looked down and then back up at me as she did, but this time strangely. "I feel so much better, I am feeling hopeful." Charline let go of Sammie's hand leaned over her large tits grazing my chest, gently tenderly kissing me. She whispered, "I love you so much, stay with me, be with me always." I took her face in my hands, "I always will. I love you C!" She looked so happy, maybe relieved? I still felt puzzled with this reaction. Charline stood back up, returned her hand into Sammies, with her other hand pulled Sammie close and kissed her hard, their tongues intertwined wetly, their breasts pressing together. Sammie pulled Charlines ass roughly around so their groins touched, both moaning, they began to slowly grind each other. It was amazing my eyes didn't fall out of my head. C had never mentioned or indicated in any way she wanted to be with another woman before. Well I guess this was our vacation of a lifetime, so many strange things happening and I really didn't care as my groin and nipples were on fire watching these two absolutely stunning women kiss. I had a little pup tent going with a growing wet spot on the sheets, and couldn't help but run my hands over my now hard nipples, each touch an intense thrill. Charline and Sammie stopped kissing, but continued slowly grinding their crotches against each other, looking dazed, horny, drunk, with a dreamlike look on their faces. Slowly they both untied their wraps, Sammie kissing in-between Charlines tits then taking a nipple in her mouth through her bikini. They both turned toward me with amorous eyes. I was soaked hard wet, my body on fire. Sammie reached for Charline's crotch, she gave a little cry of pleasure and joy, and Charline reciprocated. Sammie drew sharp breath, each looking at me. What am I seeing, is that a bulge in their bikini bottoms. They each slowly pulled down their bottoms, looking nervous excited horny scared. Out of my wifes white bikini bottoms popped out a little hard cock. My wife, my Charline had a cock. Along with her friend Sammie. Charline's was the color of a latte, soft looking, almost feminine. Sammie a little shorter white porcelain dick. Both of their cocks twitched with a small crystal drip of precum on the tip. And instead of being shocked. Don't get me wrong, part of my mind was really shocked. But I felt a growing nervous feeling, an excited feeling, like something new was opening to me. My Charline's urgent look, I had seen that before but not like this. She was on fire, she wanted me really really wanted me. But also she needed me, I could sense her nervousness in the situation. I stood up, Charline's eyes widened. I was even a bit more willowy than this morning, my scrotum almost a smooth crotch now, my cock the size of their cocks small and soft looking despite feeling hard as a sky scraper. My thighs glistened with precum from my crotch, my little cock really dripping. My hips perhaps wider than this morning, a little gap between my beautiful thighs now that my balls were gone. "Love, you are so sexy," she said lustily. That began to register, my body even more on fire, full of love for her, full of lust for Sammie. I walked slowly to them, kissing first C, then kissing Sammie, our cocks all touching mingling me touching stroking someone's cock not sure whose, someone stroking touching mine. Something clicked in my mind. I decided. Kissing Charline, I undid her bikini top, lapping then sucking deeply her firm impossible breasts, while stroking Sammies slippery urging cock. They both gave a little cry. I kissed lower, then lower, looking up at Charline. Her eyes grew wide, her mouth panting, she realized what was going to happen. My eyes locked to hers, I took her hard yet amazingly soft little cock in my mouth, first just the head, my tongue slow exploring underneath. Her knees buckled a little bit then regaining her balance tits jiggling deliciously, with both hands she began to run her nails through my thick hair. A little at a time I took more and more of her clean sweet hairless delicious cock into my mouth. The sounds Charline made, I was losing myself to this moment. I was pumping her cock with my mouth, she crying out each stroke. Sammie looking on hungrily, dripping wet sounds coming from my stroking hand. I pulled Sammies cock closer to my face, her eyes closed in anticipation. Then took both of their little cocks in my mouth. My tongue swirling, sticky sweet my mouth was full of precum and warm penis. I focused on their cocks eyes closed. I could hear them both gasping, cries of pleasure, them a muted moans as they began to wetly kiss. Opening my eyes a crack they were both not so much humping my face as involuntarily shivering. Sammies hand on my wife's breast. Charline's left hand in Sammies hair pulling her close, her other hand in my hair clutching grasping at me. Something was feeling different with their cocks, a throbbing hardness, they were both now loudly moaning into each other's mouth, shivering uncontrollably. This time both of them about lost their balance, knees jerking. As they both came into my hot mouth, twitching pulsing, first one load, then another. Sweet and salty somehow, cries and then a long low moan from each. My mouth overflowed spilling what I couldn't swallow their delicious cum down onto my sensitive chest. Pulling away a long crystal strand from my mouth to the end of their cocks, breaking dripping down their beautiful legs. Their cocks seemed a bit larger now. They both leaning back against the wall panting, smiling, astonished faces. Sammie looked at Charline "Holy Shit," then laughed. Charline looked town at me, kicking off her bikini bottom over high wedge espadrilles. She looked down at me with a look of absolute adoration. A smile, then suddenly tears. She helped me up, kissed me deeply, wetly, her tongue in my mouth exploring the mingling of two cocks. I opened my eyes, and she had even more tears, a relieved smile. She looked truly happy. "You are my most amazing love. I knew you loved me, but I didn't know this much. This happened to me last night, I woke up to find I had a hard little penis." She gasped and sniffed between tears. "I couldn't help myself I had to touch it, it was like it was screaming at me, wanting to come so I jerked off in the shower. Jerked off! I came back to bed, and you were sleeping so beautifully peacefully unknowing." She cried in anguish; I gently wiped the tears from her face. Sammie was now also fighting back tears. "I thought you would not ever want me again, I thought you would hate me! I left early before you could find out, to try and figure out what was happening! And then I found out it had happened to every one, well every woman." I kissed the tears from her face. "C, so many strange things have been happening, but somehow still, it seems like it is right, like it is what is supposed to happen. And in any case I will always love you. Well unless you become a big hairy lumberjack with a long beard, that might be a bit over my line." She laughed with real relief, Sammie dabbed a tear from her face. Charline sauntered up close, touching my chest, her thumb grazing my nipple. I jolted with a shock of pleasure. She took my hand, and laid me back on the divan, kissing me. One of her breasts loose from her bikini pressing on my nipple, jiggling deliciously against me her hard nipple against mine. I moaned involuntarily at the sensation, my groin ever more wet. Eyes half open I saw Sammie release her straining tits, pale white like a cloud. She got down to her knees and took my right nipple in her mouth, her open breasts hanging so close. Now I was the one trembling with sensation, my little cock twitching I could feel the wetness oozing out of me. Charline seeing my reaction took my other nipple in her mouth. I began to shiver out of control, her hand stroking my little cock, Sammies hand stroking now my smooth crotch where my balls used to be, feeling and lightly pinching the growing little bit of flesh further down between my legs. I came cascading one orgasm then another not stopping as long as they had this lock on me crying out my voice a higher pitch than I recognized little moans from them seeing my pleasure. An impossibly long sensation, they finally gently let me go and I curled up into a fetal position, panting, my smooth legs gliding writhing twisting over each other. I felt spent, exhausted. They both gave me a little kiss, and I fell asleep again. Did I dream it? ... "Honey, it is time to wake up, we have dinner to eat and wine to drink!" I blinked, stretched again feeling flexible like a cat, a delicious feeling. "C?" "Yes." "Did, um, that really happen?" She came over, ravishing, strikingly beautiful, a dark red dress tonight, mid-thigh, sparkling earrings, her hair perfect pulled up, little strands of her blond hair falling over her smoky eyes. "Yes that really happened love. It really is me." She again looked a bit nervous and sad. I stood up, heading to the shower, twisting around with both hands on my hips, then my ass. I blew her a kiss as she watched me with fascination. "And this is really me" as I hopped in the shower. Getting ready for dinner probed to be a problem. "Um, Charline?" "Yes Love?" "Um..." She came into the room to see me struggling. None of my clothes fit right. Actually none of them fit at all. I could not pull my old shorts up now over my beautiful hips. The ones I did get up were perilously tight, and then floppy loose around my waist. None of my pants would fit. And any shirt I put on felt like I was wearing an old wooly baseball jersey or an onion sack. My sensitive skin made all but the softest shirt unbearable. "What am I going to do?" Charline opened and inspected through the chest of drawers, a hmmmm look on her face. Ah! She pulled out a black pair of stretch pants, about mid-calf length, a conservative white racer back exercise compression shirt, with a bright white golf polo shirt. "Those aren't fancy, but should work!" None of my boxer shorts would fit any more; fortunately I had packed some stretch boxers. As I wasn't ready to wear Charlene's panties yet. Those, then the stretch pants, now tight fitting against my ball-less groin, a strange sensation. The racer back support t-shirt felt also a bit strange, but not unfamiliar to other exercise gear I had worn. Looking at the Polo there was absolutely no way it could possibly fit me. It fit perfectly. "You might as well keep that one," Charline said looking at her now ample bosom vs. the little white polo I had on. Even my shoes were now too large. I borrowed a pair of C's converse, a bit tight, but okay. "I guess I am ready. You are dressed so nice, and I am wearing this? I can't even wear what I brought! It is either too tight or I am swimming in it!!" I suddenly felt like I was going to cry and had to catch myself. "Love..." She looked deeply at me. "You look perfect for a wine tasting" and smiled. The pants felt strange; hand in hand we left for dinner. Then a group of rose wines, followed by something red but light, like a Pinot Noir but again a varietal I had never heard of. Lastly the always-present BBQ a strong kick in the head Red. I forgot about myself, how I was, how C was, how I was dressed. I saw others I had met the first days almost unrecognizable, cobbled together with different outfits. Sammie introduced us to her husband Bob, now petite shyly wearing a sarong bottom and a t-shirt top. He kept twisting his hands in embarrassment until we all toasted and started talking about what we had done to save money for this trip. We all laughed with the war stories and solved all the worlds' problems as the insanely strong Red wine progressed. I feel fine, I feel so right. I love Charline so much; we are both right to be here, to be having this experience together. Another oddball digestif. Another night where we leaned on each other to make it back to the casita. This night I peeled off my tight clothes inside out. Helped Charline unzip her dress, which she stepped out of into a pile on the floor. We both crashed into bed, exhausted. It had been an eventful week. The morning found me blinking awake, looking up at Charline, sun again streaming in, the sensation of cool fog in the mostly open air casita. She was looking at me with astonishment, she slowly grazed the tips of her fingers over my now slender shoulders, mmmm her touch is so nice in the morning. Biting her lip, she slowly traced down my freshly grown breasts. I sat up like a shot, cupping them both with my hands shocked at the sensation. My mind reeled in these new feelings. They felt heavy and large an odd weight as ahhhh she moved my hands away, pressing them cupping them a strange feeling running up and down my neck my spine her grazing my new large hard nipples with the tips of her fingers. It felt like they were attached to my tiny remaining penis. I reached down to find more of a clitoris really oozing the last little precum it had, her other hand joining mine her finger tips surrounding swirly my little nub her mouth suddenly on my hard nipple. An explosion of every pleasure her long hair caressing my sensitive breasts they were so soft and needing her touch her tongue the sound of a little moan as she sucked my breast the sloppy sounds as she began to furiously stroke my slippery little nub. I came almost immediately, but it felt more like my nipple came in her mouth, my whole body a shiver little cries from my now doll like voice. And realized just as before I wanted to come again, was ready to come again right away. There was no release, there would be no more be that feeling of that spurt within my hard cock, just the urging the need of my little wet nub for more. Half opening my eyes I could see her fresh feminine looking cock, bigger, harder than yesterday. A long strand of silver oozing from her dick, dangling. I captured her viscous slippery passion, gathered it up like a string with my thumb, and began to slowly circle underneath the soft head of her beautiful hardness. We loved to jerk each other off. She twitched involuntarily, gasped pulling her mouth away from my firm tits, eyes tight, her mouth open in mid-cry, now breathing hard. Her beautiful cock began to twitch every time I hit a certain little spot, just with my thumb underneath the head of her cock, and I began to circle in on that little spot. Now she was intermittent furiously stroking my glistening little nob, and then forgetting her hand just shivers, her palm falling flat onto where my balls used to be giving me a tingling charged sensation I pulled her close, our tits mingling together my nipple feeling the chill of a breeze wet from her mouth kissing our tongues reaching for each other her moans vibrant I could feel them through our lips. My thumb fully focused on her spot now lightly firmly steadily she moaned loudly mmmph MMMPH into my mouth her warm cum shot up onto my tits, then my arm and wrist, then oozing over my hand. Her hand shaking in convulsions over my hot little clitcock I came again harder deeper pressing my need against her body moaning into her open heaving mouth our now longer hair draping each others shoulders. Our hair. I realized my hair was longer, much longer. Then I felt it Something so different, so alien. Her hand still warm against my groin, but her middle finger was exploring touching me differently somehow. She had found something A feeling of looseness, wet openness, her middle finger curious, then pressing. Into me. My little cock was now a large clit, the little opening oozing precum had gone, and a smooth slit had opened between my legs, oyster shell colored small lips pouting as she slowly pushed into me, then out. We looked at each other with eyes again wide with amazement. Too many new feelings at once I felt more shock than pleasure. Gracefully, tenderly, she put her full finger into me, touching deeply up inside my fresh vagina, touching something I didn't know touching something that set a little pulse shock through me every time I jolted the feeling of my breasts bouncing another pleasure. With a little growl Charline hungrily licked her cum off of my breasts, and in one fast motion forced my thighs apart her hot mouth suddenly sucking tongue flicking my unaware virgin pussy. It was my turn to just hang on mouth open breathing ragged holding my breath forgetting to breath a little cry then draw in another her tongue swirling around my little big clitcock two fingers now in me slowly then deeply into my soaking warmth her soft lips sucking firm tongue licking I really oh god now felt something big coming, a large wave from the ocean swelling, building, I am licking her cum off my hands grasping at my tits hips bucking her hand on my ass pulling me tight into her magic mouth pounding me now with her fingers ahh ahhhnnnnnggggg coming I am still Swiftly she stands up, roughly pulling my delicate waist her hands now on my wide hips on top of me spreading my legs apart. Coming I am still coming She plunges her hard again cock into me while oh fuck fuck fuck I am STILL coming she is fucking me fucking me fucking me both of us virgins her face this discovery of being in a pussy my warm drenched still twitching she is quickly out of control pounding me her tits bouncing wildly her eyes tightly closed almost a grimace on her beautiful face then eyes wide open quietly I'm coming then screaming I'm coming she is coming coming in me. Charline fell on me both of us rasping for air, sideways on the bed, a peace filling our room. The warm breeze rustled the large leaves outside, a gentle kiss mingling us together; we fell asleep a tangle of seaweed on a gentle shore. Her now soft cock slipping out of me wetly. We slept on a quiet afternoon in this impossible place, after this impossible moment. I was now her woman, she was now more beautiful a woman than she ever had been. I felt so in love, more than I thought possible. I woke up. And felt vividly now the differences in me. Now I was the nervous one, a spontaneous tear down my face, worried, not sure how to take what had happened. "Charline" "Yes love" "Are we okay?" She laughed. "We are better than okay!" I perched up on an elbow, my huge breast hanging strangely touching the inside of my arm. My thigh at what would have been a ball-crushing angle. "You know what I mean. Um, were you attracted to women, um, before? You just never told me?" "No" I felt a crushed somehow, more worried. She would no longer want me. It would be over. More tears welled up from me. But then she sat up, cozying up close to me, our breasts sliding across one another; she took my new face in her slender hands. "Did you like to suck cock before? Did you ever want to, but just didn't tell me?" "Um, no..." I sniffled. "So there we go. I wasn't attracted to women before. But I am now." Looking at me with her piercing eyes, "I am especially attracted to you. You are beautiful love, my beautiful love, more beautiful than I deserve, you are still the kind and sensitive person you were, but now in a vavoom package," She smiled, "And you know perfectly how to treat me. Yesterday I am so sorry, I was drunk, and out of control, and yet you accepted me and my... addition." "I love you, more than ever." "And I love you, more than ever." My whole body tingled, we held each other arms wrapped tight, and I realized I was still crying but now with happiness. Charline pulled away, "You are sure you are okay..." She kissed one of my tears off my face, dabbed the other one with her fingertips. I half laughed cried, "I am better than okay!" And we both laughed, tracing each other's hair, little kisses. That afternoon I salvaged what I could out of my former wardrobe. Charline offered what she had extra that would fit my new 34c-23-37. I held up the pretty little stretch black dress. On the dresser, some appropriate lingerie. Under my sensible yet cute stretch black dress a soft black padded bra, some "boy short" black panties, the pair of converse made sense and I was comfortable. Struggled with the bra, but then remembered how Charlene did hers with success. I pulled each full breast into the cups with awe. The shoes made me feel sort of normal and didn't have to embarrass myself in tottering around in high heels and an outlandish dress. The converse had been a bit tight but now a touch large. My former shoes would be a good donation to charity. She held up a pair of black thigh highs. "These would be cute with that!" I grimaced, and then looking down at myself shrugged. "Maybe tomorrow" and smiled at her. As it was my dress was mid-thigh high, and I kept tugging at it since it felt like my ass was hanging out for everyone to see. Charlene helped me with my hair into a clip pulling it back on one side. Another strange sensation. The bell rang this time to announce dinner. That was different. Something must be up. Charline had helped me with some very basic makeup, and a shiny clear coat for my nails. Strangely again, it felt very natural, not outrageous. She was as always perfect, manicured, sensual in her dark blue polka dot wrap dress; plunging neckline and sling back heels. With no indication of what slept waiting in those black panties between her strong silken thighs. "Darling, you look astonishing." She smiled devilishly, brushed my hair back from my eyes, "you look so elegant, so purely lovely." I blushed; I never blush but felt a rush from her kindness. Her hands in the small of my waist, pulling me close, lipsticks became another color. Holding hands we headed out into the sun. At the tasting this time there were what appeared to be large Rehoboam's of champagne. That seemed an unlikely rarity, but sure enough as they corked them gently with the familiar pop of champagne corks. These were different from the little split of champagne we had been enjoying every morning. The bottles were hand painted in the traditional style found around the compound. Old school tulip glasses in a pyramid, and the staff appeared, laughing in wrapped sarongs, some topless their breasts bronze and firm poured, bubbly cascading down all the glasses. Not a drop was spilled, they were relaxed yet expert in every way. The host, Rehema, took the top glass. The staff smiled, disassembled the impossibly fragile pyramid handing everyone a glass. "Good evening everyone!!" We looked around, many faces still looked a touch familiar, but new, soft. Some more makeup, some without, but all feminine, delicate, changed. Everyone looked happy, like they were reborn, found something lost in time was found. "Today is our last formal tasting. I am so happy you all are here with us today. And I am glad to see you all looking to happy!" "This wine is especially significant as the yeast is exceptionally pure, from an ancient origin. Our special secret, our deepest enduring tradition. Created hundreds of years before what you know as the discovery of Champagne, it was a legend in Europe until one of our members brought the technique to Saint-Hilaire. Where of course it was stolen by a man." Everyone laughed. It felt warm and amazing to be with this group, everyone reached out, held hands with everyone else, all touched and bound by their experiences. "So with this, you will be imparted with the final gifts. Long life. Beauty. Health. This will give you what we wish we could give the rest of the world if only it would accept it with peace. Drink deeply. Enjoy this time. Take what happens here, what you are, who you are back to the world. And be a bridge to a better life for everyone." The glass in my hand was cool, tiny bubbles streaming from the bottom of the glass fizzing like sparks at the top. From a distance it had the scent of freesia and lilies. I looked into Charline's grey-blue eyes, she was looking at my tits and I had to laugh. "My eyes are up here Lady!" "Oops sorry!" We kissed, and then a strong sip. It's flavor first obscured by the full fizziness of its carbonation, then a lengthening delicate wave, perfumed almost, smooth and lingering I suddenly realized I was feeling this flavor extending, unfolding, touching every part of my body, a warmth, I felt I felt something building in me. There were little cries from the group including Charline. She whispered in my ear "I just came, I, I... just came." Looking down at her beautiful dress I could make out the lines of her hard cock stretching above her thong, outlined in her tight polka dot dress. Her hand was clenching mine tightly, resting her forehead against my shoulder gasping in surprise. We took another strong sip. Charline hesitantly. And this time the rush was faster; I felt it like a brushing touch, a pinch, a tingling, and my clit suddenly hard feeling like it would burst into my old cock spurting wildly. Something was dripping down my legs only to realize it was my own wetness. Wave after wave, Charline clutched to me pressing her groin hard against my ass her hands on my waist, then her hands on my tits as another cry came from the crowd, more feminine higher as I suddenly came once, twice with my own girlish moan. Charline reached around and began gently stroking my clit under my dress. I stood up straight and turned around "Love we public..." and realized why the sarong girls were topless. Everyone was lost in their sensations now, except for a few of us "New Girls" who all had a "what the fuck" look on their face. Charline's friend Sammie lurched over to us, kissing me, kissing Charline her hands shaking like she was trying to resist pulling her beautiful Chanel dress up over her floral panties straining stained by her twitching rock hard cock pre-cum and cum. Another glass was presented hands shaking we downed that one and the rest of our first glass. Warmth, strength, vibrancy, purity of our love, our lust. All of this poured instantly into every aspect of consciousness. Charline pushed my dress up over my head, my boy shorts pulled down, bra expertly undone my breasts popping out. Spinning me around roughly Charline started banging my sopping pussy from behind with her juicy cock. Looking to steady myself there was Sammie, where I found my mouth suddenly full of her perfumed cock, my hand around her waist for support omg I was being spit-roasted, my other hand suddenly pushed deep into her husband's (Bob? yeah that's right Bob) hot and dripping vagina, her clit bigger than mine all of us raggedly moaning Charline reaching around her hand a blur on my clit, then slowly reaching back to stroke her smooth balls where our bodies met incredulous that she was deep in my fresh vagina, then back to my clit. A symphony of moans and cries, deep and animal, high and wanting. Coming, coming, coming, her cum Sammies cum was that her orgasm or mine I don't know am swimming in the pool naked birds and trees a breeze the rush of the sea the sun on my skin everything in this world beautiful Charline and her hands her mouth her cock. In this fever dream I looked up to see Rahema with an impossibly enormous cock, serviced by two ladies as she was being fucked in the ass by another one. Huge jets of cum sprayed across the writhing group below. Soon spent, we lay across each other gasping on the lawn. Another glass was brought. We weren't sure if we should, what would happen that couldn't have already happened. We took a long deep sip. It was still beautiful, lingering, and again felt it across the very fabric of our being. But this time, it brought peace; it brought stillness and pure feelings. Charline and I held hands, looked at each other, smiled, cried, laughed, so much said without a word. We realized there would be mistakes, pain, and difficulty. But that life would be nothing without the love we had for each other. I climbed on top of her, taking her hard love deeply in me. We barely moved, I held her with my vagina, she supported me with her cock, and we felt the sound without a sound, the universe and understanding what is beneath the beneath. What could not be described with words. The sun sank behind the trees, the blue hour, and she still quivered deep in me, slowly riding her whispering, humming, kissing, her hands full in my hair, her hands on my now impossibly narrow and beautiful waist. Every little slight movement so close, so close to both of us, until it snowballed over us both Cumming crying together in a supernova where we both stood in the light of full understanding, desire and adoration. The stars came out, she gathered me into her arms as the warm breeze of the night teased our skin. Cozy. Perfect. I was so happy to be a woman, so happy to be her woman, so happy with who she was and what she was. I had a dream of us living in the future, freely, simply her cock in my mouth, my pussy in hers, where we gave to each other simply with the need we both had for each other. I would wake up, our tits and legs a tangle, a million stars above, perhaps little moans from the others, but mostly the stillness of this crystalline night. The sun woke us; shamelessly we had slept naked on the lawn. We got up, hand in hand. I leaned on her shoulder. We took a nice shower she washed my hair. I washed her hair. She showed me how to do my mascara and eye makeup. She showed me how to do my nails (this time a secretary red color). Had me practice walking in her high espadrilles and other high heels. I tottered around, but soon got the hang of it. "Those make your ass look even more amazing!" I blushed again and then kissed her in my high high shoes. I wore the thigh highs today with my converse. Maybe some higher heels tomorrow when I am more confident. We went for a walk around the garden my hand on her arm, my tits still an unfamiliar movement, they still set me off with horny feelings, and just being in the body I was in did that. Charline certainly set me off with horny feelings with how she would touch me, look at me. I was a full four inches shorter than her now. She had a strong presence, a caring presence around me. I felt loved, I felt feminine, and I felt closer to her than ever. At Dinner, Rahema again led the evening. "Please feel free to drink and take whatever wine you would like for the evening. By now I am sure you have some favorites . We are still together for almost another 10 days, and I am sure you are wondering what is going to happen next. Over this time we are updating and changing your identities as needed. Some of you may want to decide on new names . You will be receiving new ID before you leave, which will match the ID of where you came from. This takes a little time, so you might as well stay with us until that is complete and drink more wine! Also during this time, we will be offering in-services about our organization, about what we are trying to achieve. About peace, understanding, openness and giving. There will be things here you will never learn the secret to. But we would like to give you what secrets we can give you, on how to succeed, be investigative and smart, how to work with and influence people to the ways of peace. There will also be classes for some of you, if you care to, about the ways of being a woman, about being a classy woman, an influential woman, a woman of substance in all things. One thing I should also tell you. Those of you new to the ways of womanhood, you cannot get pregnant. There is only so much that the ancient ways can do, and becoming fully fertile is not currently possible. My eyes grew wide. Holy crap. I had only had my vagina for two days and had fucked every cock within reachable distance. It never occurred to me I might have gotten pregnant. Charline's smiling eyes elbowing me, "Dodged a bullet cowboy!" and everyone around us laughed. Rahema winking at me said "We will also be supplying some special lingerie to those of you ladies who have a little something extra." I elbowed back at Charline shouting, "Or a lot extra!" She seriously blushed biting her lip. Rahema laughed. "I am so glad to see so much love in this place." She nodded at us. We both blushed now to have gained her attention. "These classes are also designed to learn, to be an ambassador of kindness to the rest of the world, to slowly seed the world with goodness. Join with us, be a part of us, go forth with your beauty, your health, your energy to do good. To bring lightness and happiness everywhere you go. You have all been blessed with an understanding that no one else on this earth has, the mysteries of the other, empathy for what is unknown. Take this knowledge, and do good" Everyone applauded, another warm clear night, wines made with mystery and care served generously. We all went down to the pool, me borrowing one of Charline's bikini's, she wore her low cut black one piece. Seeing so many beautiful women with bulges, yet happy and carefree. New girls picking at the back of their swimsuits as so holy crap so much of my ass is hanging out. Charline and I swam we kissed we walked in the sun, we explored the surrounding hills, we slept, we talked, we played and we fucked each other amorously inventively with exploration and wonder. I was in love with her, with her body, with our situation. Not saying anything to her I was also in love with my tits, proud of my firm slim waist, my great legs, I loved the way my ass would bounce when she was fucking me from behind her firm hands on my waist her urgency. I loved when we would make love slowly. I loved when she would furiously fuck my brains out. She would whisper to me when we got home she would introduce me to her little Lelo vibrator along with her tongue simultaneously. This would leave me damp between my legs for hours. Two days before we were to leave, a somewhat large box arrived for me. That evening there was to be the finale party. How do they get things here I still wondered. Inside were clothes, new clothes from Lord and Taylor, Asus, Anthropologie. Dresses. Pants. Blouses. Delicate bras of all kinds, panties all Tanga and Thongs yikes, garters, stockings, a low cut purple satin shorty nightgown, a baby doll. How was I going to wear that? I couldn't figure out how to get into it. Parfum. Moisturizers. Makeup. Really nice shoes, some sensible and some pure fashion. And then something special for the last night an very expensive looking box. On it a note. "I need to know what your name will be please. Tonight. Love, Rahema." Opening it, a glistening gold beaded halter dress from Valentino. With every movement it danced, sparkling. A very high thigh cut, matching sling back 4-inch heels, a built-in push up bra depending on the halter adjustment. With a special soft lace, almost translucent waist high garter built with a thong and 6-denier stockings to wear with it. Charline jumped around in a little circle. "Try it on! Try it on! Wait, OMG wear it tonight!!" Blushing, I didn't tell Charline inside I was bursting with excitement to try it on. Was wondering how I would look in it. Charline helped me with the garter thong undergarment, some tape on my breasts to make sure my top didn't slip, the many straps for my 6-denier sheer stockings. Then I hid in the other room to get dressed, to surprise her. Stepping into the surprisingly heavy dress. Adjusting the halter ties. Flexible arms easily zipped up the back of the dress and catching the clasp. Lastly stepping into the impossibly high shoes. A little spritz of parfum, the I-thought-discontinued Chanel #6. My hair crunched up high in a clip. I put my wedding ring on a simple necklace, dangling bouncing between my luscious breasts. I had been wearing my wedding ring on my thumb, the only finger it wouldn't immediately fall off of. But now even that was too loose. I didn't want to lose it. The odd sensation of metallic clip-on earrings dangled to my shoulders (I couldn't wait to get my ears pierced). Charline had promised me a new ring when we got home. I fluttered at the thought of her putting a new ring on my hand. What would it be?? I pushed a tangle of matching shiny bracelets fitting easily over my new small hands onto my delicate wrists. A deep breath. A moment at the mirror, I couldn't look. Here we go. Charline had also received a nice box for the evening, but had hidden it saying I would have to wait to see it. A gossamer paper thin Mestiza Clara dress, silver daringly low it clung to her incredible breasts, double daringly low in the back just above her perfect ass tied with a million strings looking like they were all barely holding on, would break any second. Silver heels with an ankle tie an ultra feminine bow. She was astonishing, impossible; I stood there with my mouth open. Charline gasped at the sight of me. She approached me slowly, like I was unapproachable, fragile. "My love, I have never seen a more dazzling woman than you. You look incredible!" She gingerly touched my face, my dress, pushed a little strand of hair from my eyes. I folded my hands in front of me shrugging, my huge perfect tits sliding against each other, the dress rustling a little. I couldn't help but smile uncontrollably I stood there like a 15 year old beaming giggling like an idiot. "Wait!" She dashed to our little fridge. And returned with a corsage of flowers. She struggled to pin it to my dress, I still stood there a full smile almost in tears. As I felt more graceful, more desirable, more perfect than I had ever in my life. And to hear my insanely exquisite wife compliment me. I trembled a bit with happiness, with desire for her. For the first time in my life, I knew what it felt like to be sexy, to be a true object of not just desire, but admiration. She drew close, hand tracing the high slit in my dress, grazing my legs, playing with the top of my ultra sheer stockings, the strap up to silken foundation. Then kissed me tenderly. "Marry me!" she said. "I will," I whispered. "Um, Charline?" "Yes." "I would love to be your wife. Um, what do you think of the name Heather?" "You mean like Heather Locklear?" She smirked. "Hey, I am being serious." I stamped my foot, hands on my waist. She rolled her eyes smiling. "Yes Heather." Then slapped my ass hard .

Same as Beverly, Ap?ritifs, and a series of Peculiar Mornings. Videos

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Beverly Taught Me

Beverly Taught MeBy: Londebaaz ChohanAlthough, I did not lose my virginity to the mom of one of my friends, but honestly, it was no less an experience than losing my virginity. She must be around 40, very shapely, good looking and divorced already. All of the young testosterone ravished boys dreamed of doing her; I was the lucky one to actually fuck her and fulfill my fantasy.We had graduated from the high school and this was the day; the army recruiters were coming to school to enroll the guys...

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Beverly Gets a Surprise

I was just carrying the last of my things into Sarah's bedroom when I heard the garage door opener start to run. I glanced at my watch and saw that it was only ten-thirty and I thought "That sure didn't take long. Only three and a half hours to wreck a marriage that had lasted twenty-three years. Actually, it had taken less than five minutes. I heard the door from the garage into the utility room open and then close and then I heard her high heels clicking across the tiled kitchen floor and...

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INTRODUCTIONThis isn't a story but what I really experienced in the year 1977 while Iwas enjoying my summer vacation in Spain. The magic, enchanting andfascinating places of the warm Costa Blanca enclose, as if in a beautifulframe, my true and secret experience. I've always talked about this journeyof mine with many people but never about what happened to me because ofobvious reasons even with peculiar people, I got to know, because theycertainly wouldn't believe me. Today I feel the need to...

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“Are you thinking about it?”Delicate nose cocked, ingénue eyes, the curl on her lips grew.  Such playful insolence expected an answer.  There was only one ‘it’ in our private lexicon.I grinned, raised an eyebrow, “I like what you have done with your hair.”It did not deter her.Sheltered from the winds of change, we basked in the diminished warmth.  Inside, the open kitchen, its copper pans on the wall, hummed with industry.  Happy chitchat competed with café music.  Imbued with a homely...

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Echo studied her hair in the rearview mirror of Hawke’s truck. He hadn’t done too badly cutting it, and it hadn’t taken her long to add a few finishing touches with the scissors. The change was simple, yet drastic enough she barely recognized herself. A sense of exhilaration played at the edges of her nerves. In a long sleeved blouse and oversized shades, Trey could pass her on the sidewalk and not have a clue who she was. She closed her eyes behind the shades and leaned against the headrest....

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Marissa Weiss very much enjoyed her mid morning run. On that Monday, her trainers pounded the smooth, black asphalt of this suburban residential street, one of a vast network in her upper middle class neighborhood. Mature oaks, poplars and sycamores spread their generous canopies over lush, well tended yards, creating a forest in the outskirts of Atlanta. The road wasn't anywhere near flat, with hills and dips that challenged Marissa to pound harder. She loved the exertion, her well toned frame...

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It had been two weeks since I’d seen Mrs. Vandermeer. Two excruciatingly long weeks during which I wasn’t even allowed to touch myself, let alone do something about the terrible hunger she’d set loose within me. It wasn’t too bad during the day. After all, I kept busy with my normal day to day routine; going to school, spending time with my friends, homework and chores, time spend with my family. Not that I didn’t think about Abby at odd moments. I’d be sitting in class while Mrs. Morgan tried...

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Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

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Mentoring Brandon Series Chapter 1

NOTE TO READER: The following story is a first attempt at anything like this. I hope that it at least is interesting. It is basically a true story, with the names/places changed to protect the guilty. Please let me know what you think and give me any suggestions that you may have. I tend to be long-winded and re-reading this, I am afraid that it may not “get to the point” quickly enough. Any and all feedback will be appreciated as I have a lot of stories to tell, but I want people to read them...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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The ringing of the phone awoke Borisovich Mikhailov, but he couldn’t really be awake. When he was awake, he could move his body, but since he couldn’t move a muscle, he convinced himself that he must be dreaming. When the ringing stopped, the noise was replaced with moans from the other side of his bed. The sound was not familiar to him; not because he hadn’t occasionally elicited a moan from his wife, but this moan was too deep sounding, and was definitely not a moan of pleasure, regardless...

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Beverly Hills 9021OH

Greetings, pervs, and pervettes. I'm Beth, a twenty-six-year-old, who's wandering aimlessly since graduating from UCLA with a degree in Italian Renaissance Literature. With such a practical degree I knew opportunity would soon come banging on my door replacing the student loan vampires currently camped at my Westwood double-wide.Broke and desperate, my nerves were as frayed as the jeans I've worn during my seven years of college. My baloney and generic hot dog diet were as tasteless as an...

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Beverly Takes It Rough

She sat on the bed beside me looking slightly uncomfortable. She knew that her husband was in the next bedroom over with my wife. She hadn’t really wanted to do this, but she loved her husband and it was what he wanted. I turned to look at her. While she was slightly overweight, it was not so much that she could in any way be considered fat. She had curves in all the right places and filled he white sweater nicely. Her blond hair was cut short and at 5’2″ she made me feel...

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Beverly Takes It Rough

She sat on the bed beside me looking slightly uncomfortable. She knew that her huband was in the next bedroom over with my wife. She hadn't really wanted to do this, but she loved her husband and it was what he wanted. I turned to look at her. While she was slightly overweight, it was not so much that she could in any way be considered fat. She had curves in all the right places and filled he white sweater nicely. Her blond hair was cut short and at 5'2" she made me feel like a giant even...

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Hi! I am Beverly and this a true story, not fiction, of MY first time 60 year ago. I was 18 years old and between my junior and senior year in high school. I had met this collage boy through a boy friend. Y He was the first boy I ever let undue my bra and play and suck my tits. One evening I was at his house alone, his parents had gone on a trip. We started kissing while sitting on the couch and before long my bra was off and he was playing with my nipples, it turned me on. Then he started...

First Time
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Swami Ghoshal 8211 Anand Ka 8220Santansukh Garbha Mandir8221

Sant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...

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Mandys sickest stories Mandy reloaded

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Andrew Running Part 1 of Andreas Stand

Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...

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Summer With My Granddaughter Series Ending Part

Our stay in Watson Lake was the last night of Mother Nature’s curse for Kristy and I was sure looking forward to our stop at Lairds Hot Springs. A relaxing soak in the warm pools and the later activities that I had planned were sure to get my juices flowing. We could re-introduce ourselves and get down to some good ol’ wholesome sex and I think she was as anxious as I was. We stopped well before the sun went down as we needed to get some groceries and supplies for the coming week and...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E12 Joyce Fernandez 30 from Luton

For the eleventh time this series, we fade in on our darkened bedroom set. An under-stuffed, badly sprung, dirty, stained mattress sits on a banged-up, old, metal bed-frame. The frame used to be smooth wrought iron, but is now covered in rusty flakes; the mattress used to be white, but is now various shades of gray – we can almost smell it through the camera, musty and bitter. We hear the familiar, click-click-click of high-heeled footsteps crossing the concrete floor of our studio – then...

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Candys Dandy

by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...

1 year ago
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Sissy Outed Brandon to Brandy

This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...

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Change Part Two of the Brandt Family SeriesChapter 27

Rockie pulled the car into the driveway and pushed the remote to open the correct garage door. She pulled into the garage and closed the door again before turning the engine off, disconnecting the communications with Bobby. The girls were unbuckled and out of the car before Rockie could get her seatbelt and the one securing her purse unhooked. The three walked into the mudroom together, but the girls then ran up the stairs to Katie’s room with their purchases ahead of her. Rockie went...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess9e8 Brandy Gardner 44 black widow

Series 9, Episode 8: Brandy Gardner (44), from Wolverhampton We pan around a gritty, pebble strewn road, taking in a commercial storage facility on one side of us, an electrical sub-station infront of us, and then coming to rest on a large building supply business. It’s one of those ‘trade only’ places that the regular DIY guy wouldn’t even know exists. And then the less-than-attractive, but very popular, ‘figure’ of our host steps infront of the big warehouse. All the way from the east end...

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Land of Smiles and Happy Endings Handjob Series

Do you know the story of Dominique Strauss-Kahn?  He was an IMF head who on a visit to New York had a go with a maid at his hotel.  It was a temptation that DSK should have resisted, because the maid claimed to have been assaulted.  He beat the criminal rap, but lost his job, had to pay out a cash settlement and his political aspirations were finished. What happened?  I haven’t a clue.  Like many no doubt, I had a sense of schadenfreude about the whole thing.  Well before today’s confabulation...

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Peculiar But Enjoyable Life Cycle

After seventeen years of marriage my parents had no child.They were in great tension.Medical consultation and medication could not make them lucky.Finally, they became ardent devotee of lord krishna and indulged in offering puja at the temple. After a year of dedication and devotion, I was born to my parents.They were extremely happy and delighted and named me radhamadhab since I was a gift to them from lord krishna. The family astrologer predicted that I will have a bright but unpredictable...

Gay Male
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 10 Armand Mixes in the Hernandezs Affairs

Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...

4 years ago
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by Oediplex 8==3~ The sweetest mom discovers her boy is both convenient and delightful. [She also recounts when her dad fucked her at nineteen!] Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only child, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the...

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Searching Part three of the Brandt Family seriesChapter 4

The entry gate sentry for the Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station was naturally a Marine. Katie exited the taxi after paying the fare and watched it drive away before approaching the sentry station. She already saw her next ride on the other side of the gate. “Good afternoon Corporal. My name is Katie Brandt, and I believe you have a pass for me.” The Marine Corporal didn’t salute her, but his demeanor noticeably stiffened as he said, “Yes Ma’am. If you can show me some ID I will get your...

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Searching Part three of the Brandt Family seriesChapter 11

Before Tyler could shut down his computer, it displayed a notification requesting a video chat. He checked the request and saw that it was from the Attorney General himself, so he sat back in his chair and accepted the request. As soon as Alfaro’s face filled the screen, it spoke, “I reviewed the administrative subpoena duces tecum you prepared, and it will do fine. I want you to serve it personally on this Blackwater Holdings as soon as possible. Check flights and let me know when you can...

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Change Part Two of the Brandt Family SeriesChapter 28

Her first sight of JR was his crestfallen expression as he watched her back out of her garage on Wednesday morning and then drive away without even acknowledging his wave. She had arrived home the previous evening around eleven o’clock and purposely done everything she could to hide her arrival from him. Had he not been on his patio when her garage door had started to open, he probably wouldn’t have heard her leaving. She felt that their pending conversation would require more than the few...

4 years ago
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His Daddys Car Part one of the Brandt Family seriesChapter 5 Saturday

Katie awoke and knew she was alone. She rolled over and felt the indentation in Bobby’s pillow where he had laid his head, and smiled as she remembered the romantic events of last night and how soundly she had slept in his arms. She missed him. Sliding out of bed, she put on a pair of cotton pajama bottoms and then chose Bobby’s polo shirt from yesterday instead of the top that matched her bottoms. It was far too large for her, but it would be under her robe anyway, and she just wanted to...

1 year ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess5e5 Andrea

Series 5, Episode 5: Andrea Fereday (29) – Uxbridge We open with our beautiful animation of the United Kingdom – from space... Our cartoonish, top heavy image of Charley appears, floating infront of us, smiling and giggling, then waves for us to follow her ... Turns and dives toward the country at hyper-sonic speed – and we follow - dropping from a low-Earth orbit – heading toward the south, toward London, then veering westward as we hurtle toward the ground ... Reaching ground level in...

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