Vile Gamer free porn video

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I am a hunter of sorts. Some guys hunt deer, others hunt rabbits, or geese, me, I hunt bitches. No not female dogs, women. I choose to hunt a prey that can think and plan and scheme. Therein is the real sport, who wants to hunt a stupid deer, or rabbit. I want a real challenge, and once the capture is made, the rewards are much more shall we say, entertaining.

I was following this one real lookers for days. Dumb bitch never even noticed me. I was there all the time, tracking her, marking her goings and comings. I knew all about her. I even rented a place across from hers and watched her through a telescope as she dressed each day for work. She was luscious. Nice big tits that make your tongue hard as your dick. Sturdy firm ass with nice rounded cheeks, and long legs. I had followed her, studied her, got to know her, and on this particular night, she was going to be mine.

I followed her little red mustang into her parking structure, it was adjacent to her apartment building. I had no problem getting past the guard as I had made a phoney ID for that building. That was easy to do, just pretend to be shopping for an apartment and when the agent turned her back, I swiped an ID and had it duplicated with my picture.

The red Mustang parked in her number 24 spot and I pulled into spot number 27, another little detail I had worked out. The owner of number 27 was on vacation the whole week. I watched her as she stepped from between the parked cars and started for the elevator. I moved in step behind her. She had flaming red hair that was hanging below her shoulder to the middle of her back. It swayed as she stepped as did her ass which was very pronounced beneath her skirt. She hardly noticed me, as the security guard at the entrance had given a sense of false security. I was on her before she got to the elevator and just as she got out of the guard's line of vision. I clamped my hand over her mouth, mashing her lips against her teeth. Her hands came up trying to peal my hand away and she tried her best to scream beneath my palm. The only sound that she could make was a low muffled whimper. OH that is such a sexy sound. I let my switchblade click open and pressed it against her neck.

" Now you just settle down or you will really get hurt" , I said to her in my most sinister voice. She went right on trying to struggle and whimpering against my hand. I pressed the blade a little harder and made my threat a little more vicious.

" You keep fighting me and I will slice that pretty neck of yours!"

She froze, her breath coming hard through her nose falling against the back of my hand on her mouth. I gave her a shove and we started to move back towards my van. I watched the guard booth closely and he was deep into his girly magazine, head down paying no attention. I shoved her against the side of the van and slid the door open, then pushed her inside. I quickly climbed in behind her and shut the door. She tried to move to the front of the van and the door but I caught her by her wrist and pulled her back, menacing her with the steel blade again.

" You aren't going nowhere cunt!"

" Please, what do you want?"

" What are you fucking stupid, the fuck you think I want?"

" Please let me go, I wont tell anyone."

" Shut up and lay down on the floor."

" No please donmmmppppppfffffffff."

My hand over her mouth cut her off in mid sentence. I pressed the knife hard against the soft flesh of her throat.

" Get your ass on the floor bitch!"

I felt a tear from her eye fall on my hand. I could smell her sweet scent as I held her head in my vice grip. Her hair against my cheek. We lowered ourselves to the floor.

" Now put your hands behind your back."

I moved my hand from her mouth and she started in with a chorus of pleads. I shut her up by pressing the knife against her again. She complied, almost sobbing now. I tied her wrist behind her with a strip of rope from my pocket, jerking the knot tight. She grimaced.

" Does it have to be so tight?"

" Shut up!"

" I have money, take it and let me gommmmpphhhhh."

Once again she was cut off in mid sentence. This time I shoved a wadded sock in her mouth. I tied a thick rag between her teeth and knotted it tightly behind her head. This must have really scared her because she started screaming for all she was worth, but all that came out were muffled whimpers. OH those heavenly whimpers.

I tied her ankles together and sat back to look at my handy work. Damn this bitch was sexy. Her long legs tugged at the rope that lashed her ankles. With each tug her ass would wiggle so seductively. Almost on it's own my hand went beneath her skirt and groped an asscheek. She screamed into the gag, and tried to scoot away. I laughed and squeezed her cheek hard.

" Ever been fucked in that pretty lil ass?"


I left her bound and gagged in the rear of the van and drove to an abandoned warehouse. Getting out of the parking structure past the guard was no problem. I just waved as I drove past him and he barely looked up from his porn magazine throwing his hand up in half hearted hurried wave. My prey screamed for all she was worth in the back but the gag muffled her cries so only I could enjoy them.

It didn't take long to make the drive to the old warehouse district in the city. I pulled the van into the warehouse and got out and shut the door behind me so no one would happen to see inside. I opened the van's back door and threw her over my shoulder. She struggled in my grip, her ass wiggling against my head. My steps echoed off the walls of the empty warehouse as I carried her to a table against the far wall. I laid her on the table, and she immediately noticed the toys hanging on the wall next to the table. As she saw the various gator clamps, chains, riding crops, dildos and vibrators she started wailing into the gag again. Her eyes looked up at me pleading desperately. This only fuels my lust to dominate her. I pulled my knife once again and let it slide beneath her blouse.

" Lets have a look at you." I said as I sliced the silky material down the front. She shook her head and pleaded but the blouse cut easily and the only thing between me and her tits was her bra. Slowly I let the knife slide beneath her bra. She became very still so as not to get the cut. I know the blade must have been cold on the flesh beneath her bra. Her chest heaved up and down violently as she gasped in fear. I sliced the bra in the middle and it fell away, revealing two voluptuous mounds. Her nipples were erect, begging for attention. She sobbed as I let the flat edge of the blade rub against them, first one then the other. Her eyes bulged and her breath was quivering as she sobbed and watched my every move.

" Maybe I'll cut one of them off and save it as a souvenir."


I grinned as I let the blade slide down her belly, over her belly button.

" I could carve you up like a turkey and no one would know."

She sobbed and started to shake violently. I knew that I had her intimidated enough to do whatever I told her too. I had no intention of harming her, but I counted on her not knowing that. I let the blade move down between her legs. It played against her clit.

" Now you are going to do what ever I tell you aren't you?" Her head shook up and down rapidly. Tears fell from her gorgeous green eyes.

" I'm going to take that gag off your mouth, if you scream, you will never live to finish it. You understand?" She shook her head again furiously. I pulled the rag from between her teeth and pulled the sock out of her mouth.

" Please" , she cried, " don't hurt me, don't kill me, I'll do whatever you want, just don't hurt me."

" Good girl."

" Please put the knife away."

" Oh no my dear, this is my insurance that you wont bite me, cause you are going to suck my dick now aren't you?"

She started to cry. I reached over and curled my fingers in her hair and pulled her head over to my pants. With my free hand I unzipped my fly, then pulled my cock free. It stood before her mouth, erect, precum dripping from the tip.

" Please" , she begged some more, " don't make me do that."

I love it when they beg, that is when I feel the power and control.

" Get on it!" I ordered, placing the knife on her throat again, " and I'd better not feel any teeth."

She opened her mouth and I felt a rush run through my body. My cock pulsed with anticipation of her surrender. She sucked my cock in. I felt a tear fall on my shaft as I pulled her hair forcing more of me in her mouth. She choked then adjusted. My cock must have tasted salty in her mouth, I knew she was smelling my manly smells as her nose moved closer to my pubic hair, more and more cock going in her mouth.

" Suck for your miserable life cunt!"

She started to bob her head up and down on my meat. Her mouth felt divine. Her sobbing made it even better. Her jaws protruded as she struggled to gulp my massive meat. I began to rock my hips back and forth plunging my cock deep into her throat enjoying the vibrations caused by her gagging. She tried to pull her head up but I tugged her hair forcing her head down. She gulped and whimpered around my assaulting cock as I fucked her mouth. She was quivering with each breath. Her mouth stretched over my cock. I rammed deep in her throat and pulled back only to ram again. She moaned, I am sure she didn't intend for me to hear that but I did. She began to suck hungrily on my meat like a babe on a bottle. She sucked hard and deep, pulling it, accepting it in her throat. She moaned again and I knew I was getting to her. She was going to be mine. Just like so many others. I was going to break this bitch.

I watched her sucking on my cock, my knife pressed firm against her lovely neck. Her hands bound tightly behind her back, she bobbed her head up and down on my hard shaft. My fingers gripped her fiery locks and pulled hard forcing my cock down her throat. Her gagging sent waves of pleasure stirring in my cock and slowly spreading throughout my being like ripples in a pond. I knew from her moaning that she was getting hot and that it was disgusting her to learn this side of herself.

" You are discovering what a slut you are aren't you" ?

She just sniffled and kept sucking. I love this feeling. The feeling of mastering a bitch, especially a snooty uppity bitch like this one. I pulled on her hair and thrust forward hard with my hips grinding my cock deep in her throat. She gagged and choked around my shaft and I felt myself explode in her mouth. She choked more profusely and her legs, bound tightly at the ankles, jerk almost spastically. I pulled out and let the next wave of hot jism spray her face.

" Bath in my cum you fucking worthless slut" , I taunted her. She sobbed but her tongue lapped hungrily at the thick white globs around her lips. I let the jism spray over her cheeks, forehead, nose, and eyes. I used my still hard cock to smear it all over her face and she moan involuntarily. She yelped as my finger went between her legs to her pussy. I pulled my finger up to her face and let her see the moisture.

" What is this?" , I asked her.

She sobbed and turned her head away. My fingers curled in her hair and jerked her head around so that my face was in her face. My breath was hot on her cheeks, I held my finger to her lips, " suck" .

" Please, haven't you done enough to me?"

I pressed the point of the blade against her soft neck and barked " You haven't seen anything like what I am gonna do to you if you don't do what I tell you now SUCK BITCH!!"

She jerk at the harshness of my voice and opened her cum stained lips and slid her mouth over my finger tasting her own juices.

" That is what a slut tastes like" , I taunted her. Her mouth sucked on my finger and again I heard an involuntary moan. She was loving it, what a fucking slut she was.

" You think you are a sophisticated professional, but you are just another cum whore ha ha ha."

She moaned over my finger and continued to suck. I pulled it from her mouth.

" How did it taste cunt?"

" FUCK YOU!!!"

" Ahhh, a little feisty, I like spirit in a slut. But it is I who will fuck you bitch, over and over until I am tired of you."

" Why don't you just kill me and be done with it?"

" Oh my dear, there are things that are so much more delicious than death as you will soon see ha ha ha."

She tugged at the bonds, her sexy legs flexing and straining to pull free. I shoved the sock back in her mouth and retied the thick cloth between her teeth.

" You ever been ass fucked?" , I asked her.

Her head shook violently from side to side.

" Well it is about time you had that experience."

Again she shook her head and whimpered beneath the gag.

" I don't know what kind of faggots you have had for boyfriends who didn't fuck your ass as pretty as it is."

I took the handle of the blade and pressed it between her ass-cheeks. She gave a start and jerked in fear and surprise.

" Maybe I should shove my knife up there first and cut it open."

She let out a blood curdling scream that was deliciously muffled by the gag. She bucked and jerked at the bonds, oh she was so sexy and I was getting hot all over again. I shoved the knife handle forcing it to breach the plume as she whimpered and bucked. She was expecting to feel the sharp cut of the blade but I was only shoving the handle into her tight ass. I ain't no total barbarian. I gave the handle a twist and she moan again in pain, and partly in pleasure.

" You know I like having you tied and gagged, I can do whatever I want to you and you can't do shit about it ha ha ha."

She screamed against the gag, and I laughed, " No one can hear you but me you stupid cunt."

I pushed the handled deeper into her tight ass, I could tell she was tightening her muscles which was fine with me cause it only made it hurt her more.

" Just think how my cock is gonna feel" , I said as I shoved the handle in deeper and twisted it.

She sobbed, and I got even more aroused, I love having this kind of power. I reached up and grabbed a nipple pinching it hard between my thump and forefinger, twisting and lavishing in her muffled wails. I pulled the pearl handle from her ass and shoved my thumb in, wiggling it, forcing it in deeper and deeper. She squirmed and wailed as I shoved my thumb in further. Her ass was tight indeed and it was taking some effort to get my thumb in.

" You are almost ready for my cock now."

She shook her head violently but her deep quivering breaths said otherwise. I had managed to get my thumb in as far as it would go. I held it there and wiggled it as she sobbed and moaned. I pulled it out.

" Now slut, the wait is over."

I untied her ankles and warned her not to kick, showing her the steel blade of the knife. I retied her ankles to rings bolted to the edge of the table forcing her legs wide apart as she lay on her stomach. I untied her wrists from behind her back and tied them to two more rings at the other end of the table, so that she was face down and spread like butter. She looked up at me, her eyes trying to plead. I met her gaze with my cold lustful eyes. She must have seen the sadistic frenzy that was driving me because she just laid her head down and sobbed. She looked so good with her legs spread and her ass so exposed. I took a moment to savour the sight of her.

Having took time to enjoy watching her I mounted the table over her. I curled my fingers in her hair and jerked her head up so that my mouth was against her ear.

" Now I am gonna shove my cock up your ass bitch, and ride you like a cowboy rides a bronco ha ha ha."

She shook her head in one final desperate attempt to plead with me. It was only half hearted as she was starting to surrender to the fact that I was in control and that it was going to happen. She sucked in a deep breath as she felt my cock press between her cheeks.

" This is gonna hurt you a lot more than it will me" , I said taunting her. She was sobbing almost uncontrollably now. I held my cock at her plume so that she could anticipate what was gonna happen.

" Maybe it wont hurt very much, nah it is gonna hurt like hell ha ha ha."

I pressed slightly into the plum and she wailed against the gag, but the wail was only partly due to pain. My hand slid beneath her to her pussy, it was dripping wet. She moaned in despair as she knew I felt her wetness.

" Yes you are a slut just as I told you."

Then without warning, I shoved my cock hard into her ass, shoving into the plume, bursting through the bud. She screamed for all she was worth into the gag.

" Aren't I a pain in the ass ha ha ha."

I pressed in further, taking my time but moving forcefully delighting in her whimpers. She struggled against the bonds which only made her ass wiggle on my cock. Oh it was heavenly. I shoved in deeper and deeper. I was pressing in slowly towards her bowels. I felt her muscles tighten then loosen as I pressed relentlessly. My hand went beneath her and pinched her breast nipples and twisted making her buck more. I started to pump my cock in and back in her ass. The cadence of my pumping became more furious as her ass adjusted to me. Soon I was rocking in her ass like some kind of wild bucking horse. I was stabbing her anus with my hard meat and she was loving it. Again and again I jabbed hard into her and she moaned in pain and pleasure with each stroke.

" You cannot deny what you are slut, nor can you ever again deny your desires," I told her as I fucked her ass. " You were meant to be ruled and taken by a man. You will never again be satisfied with those whining little punks you have been seeing. You need a man, a man who will take you and use you and put you in your place, you are a slut and you need to be treated as such" .

I punctuated each thought with a hard thrust into her ass. Her body was taking on a mind of its own. She was rocking with my rhythm, thrusting her ass up as best she could to meet my cock with each stroke. She was mine now, all mine. It was time to find new game.

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Privileged circumstances Part 1

Hai readers, it is a continuing story. So read it’s next episodes without fail. It’s one of the most erotic stories I have ever written. I'm sure u'll like it. It’s a read and Cum Incest series.When the phone rang, Kalyani was looking down the street from her living room window, at the teenaged boys carrying beer into her neighbor's house. "Is Jayan home?" "No," said Kalyani. "Is this Ravi?" "Yea," said the voice on the phone. "Ravi, I thought Jayan was with you." "No, he said he was going to...

1 year ago
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Privileged circumstances Part 3

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hai readers, it is a continuing story. So read it’s next episodes without fail. It’s one of the most erotic stories I have ever written. I'm sure u'll like it. It’s a read and Cum Incest.As Kalyani finished her shower in her bedroom bath, she could hear the shower running in the main bathroom. She laid down on the bed, still in shock, and tried to sleep. After a few sleepless hours of reliving the night's events, she went downstairs in her nightee in...

1 year ago
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Privileged circumstances Part 2

Hai readers thank you for read my story continuation. Jayan walked into Kumar's house. He said "hi" to a few guys in the hallway that he recognized. Jayan had been at another , and worked his way over to Kumar's late. Most of the boys were very drunk, almost in a stupor. Word quietly spread that Jayan was here. Kalyani was in a dark corner of the family room, where Kumar sat on a chair getting a blowjob from her, as another boy fucked her from behind. Some boys slithered away fearing trouble,...

3 years ago
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Privilege pt 03

Mollie knew she was speeding. She'd lost too much time enjoying being humped and the melon size of her dog Clawed's knot filling the entrance to her pussy as he'd squirted his hot seed into her. And now she was late. Her concentration was shattered by the squawk of a siren behind her. The blue,red and white revolving lights on the cruiser lit up behind her, stabbing her eyes in the rear-view mirror, so she lifted her foot off the gas pedal and coasted to a stop on the shoulder of the...

2 years ago
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The Kid

When he was 16, he found a stash of dirty mags at the bottom of his parent’s hamper. He was looking for a sweater and thought maybe his mother dropped it in there accidentally. As if he unearthed some hidden treasure from a sunken Spanish galleon, his eyes lit up with excitement. He breezed through the pages, heart racing and cock rock hard, wanting to stroke it but being terrified his parents would walk in on him. Up until that point, Jake’s jerk sessions had been strictly powered by sheer...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the NerdChapter 36

I did some advance work for my plan. I called his house when I was pretty sure he wouldn't be in. I spoke to Sunny and asked her to tell Jeff I would be by for him around 7:30, maybe a few minutes later. "Is everything okay?" she asked. "You sound a little funny." "No, everything's great." In that moment I learned a key lesson about lying. I had practiced lying all my life and I considered myself quite good at it. Pick the emotion, the stress level, the sincerity you want to...

2 years ago
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What happened to me under the weeping willow tree

It was wrong for me not to have reported the attack by Bruce, Charlie and Daniel. It was wrong for me to have allowed horse dick Harry and Bruce's uncle to take me and use me as their fuck toy. It was wrong for me to allow other guys to take me when they wanted. If I had done any of the before mentioned I would be satisfied with myself, I think it was some time after their third attack that I had the urging of taken huge cocks into my anus. Yes, it was painful yet satisfying to feel a thick...

3 years ago
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Hots for the Secretary

I work for the maintenance department of our school district. It is a pretty thankless job but some of the teachers are really hot and it pays the bills. Our 65 year old secretary retired and my boss started interviewing prospects. I was the youngest and most recent graduate from any school so I had been elected to fill in until a secretary could be hired. I was actually pretty good at it so the boss hired a data entry clerk and left me as the “titless secretary” as my co-workers titled me....

First Time
1 year ago
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The New OwnerChapter 18

Note 1: I love this story as it flows onto my computer. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it. As always constructive criticism is gratefully accepted and ways to improve this story are also accepted. In writing this chapter I discovered that I used the name Brenda for two different people, my future sister-in-law and my helicopter pilot. I am going to leave it for now and correct it on rewrite. I apologize for this error. I am still working with Markf52 as my editor. He has helped me...

3 years ago
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Charity Begins Next DoorChapter 6

I woke abruptly, confused. I was alone in a strange bed, the covers pulled up to my chin. Daylight was streaming in the window, and I sat up, disoriented. It took a few seconds for me to recall the previous evening, and I looked around for Sandy. I started to get out of bed, and realized I was naked, my clothes were still somewhere downstairs. I pulled the covers over my waist, and looked around for something to cover up with, before spotting my clothing from the night before folded on a...

2 years ago
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The VolunteerChapter 2 The Plan

It had been a little over two weeks since Brad had walked out on Terri and he still would not take her calls. As each day passed Terri's hopes of getting back together with her loving husband were slipping further and further away. The nights were unbearable and the days weren't much better. Even though Angie was still talking to her at work, their relationship definitely was nowhere as close as it had been. They hadn't been out to lunch together since the day of her confession and she...

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Merfolk Diaries

Beneath the ocean which is untouched by the time and space of the surface-word, lies a vast landscape of Merfolk societies scattered across the ocean bed. Weather the surface world is struggling in mid-evil times, chock full of mythical creatures, a steampunk apocalyptic landscape, a scientific metropolitan world or a futuristic society filled with space travellers of various alien races inhabiting your planet, it doesn't matter. The ocean is a realm upon its own, only on occasionally do the...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 16

The White House used serious juice to get me a G-6500 for the trip to Branson. Up until the last minute, I thought I was going to have a companion, but Carole backed out early Thursday morning. The idea of riding on a government jet didn't appeal to her as much as I thought it would. Constance had a fight with her boss, because he was under the impression that I couldn't so much as use the men's room without her company. Eventually he gave up when she informed him that attorney client...

3 years ago
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TNWS02 A Summer to RememberChapter 20 The Legend of MrKeithFromtheRiver

“Aha!” said the policeman. “I can tell by the look on your face that you DO know who this couple is.” As the policeman was speaking Keith Poata was looking at some photographs of the couple he had just sent off down the river. The snaps were not all that recent but there was still no mistaking who Keith found himself looking at. Keith paused then looked up at Emily and David Greene then at Gemma then at the policeman and policewoman who were all gathered together in the main office of the...

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The 416

Sitting at his desk in the late afternoon, David Kingsly heard his cellphone ring. He muttered a curse as he didn’t want to be disturbed but looked to see if by chance it might be Diane Murdock calling. David hadn’t heard from her since she married that wealthy rancher. David was surprised to see the call was from Edward Darden, a prosperous oilman whom he had met several years ago. He and Edward had hit it off right away and had spent several evenings together discussing the fine women of...

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Too Late To Turn BackChapter 7

Jen laid next to her husband in their room of the bed-and-breakfast. It had been a long drive in traffic, and after a quick dinner they had retired to bed. Mike was softly snoring. Jen was tired but couldn't fall asleep. She had finally figured it out. She now knew why she was so attracted to Steve. Why she was so in lust with him. It wasn't his big cock, or hard body, or his technique in bed. No, that's not why she couldn't control herself around him. It was how he treated her — the...

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My Daughters Roommate from Hell Part 2

My Daughter's Roommate from Hell - Part 2 As I drove home that night, I looked in the rear view mirror. I had pink lipstick on my lips, black eye mascara on my eyes, and cum on my cheeks. I tried to lick off the cum with my tongue. I could not reach all of it, so I just left it on my face. I didn't care. Before I went to bed, I washed my pink thong in the sink and hung it up to dry, just as Sara instructed me to do. Exhausted, I quickly fell asleep. In the morning, I found...

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Reminiscing about my first time

Part OneAt the moment I'm so frustrated and it feels like forever since I'd had anyone that I've felt a real connection with. I miss when I was younger, when I'd just started finding myself and watching my body develop, remembering how taboo self masturbation was for me, the smells, wetness, softness and that anticipation - that general all round naughty feeling of something new. But recently I'd chatted with a complete stranger online who made me go back to that feeling when I was that young...

3 years ago
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Tech Support

The call came in about ten to five-- and it was the kind he couldn't ignore and go home. A vice president, this middle-aged power female with blonde helmet hair and a big square ass who everyone was afraid of, needed tech support-- and he was up next. Why do I have all the luck, he grumbled to himself, as he picked up his briefcase and headed for the elevator, pressing up when everybody else was pressing down. He reached her office in the executive suite and she was on the phone, barking...

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Weather Woman

Rod was a true tekkie. He easily got a job working with expert systems for a large corporation and when the coronovirus hit, working from home was a great switch from headquarters. Being around other people was annoying anyway. He was recently given, however, the job of assisting a coworker who he found lived and now worked near his small and cluttered apartment. Via Zoom he got to know Hilda, an early sixties woman who was recently widowed from a long-time husband. Neither of her two kids...

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Fucked by Friend8217s Father

Dear friends, i am Aarushi sharing a nice experience with you after a long time. I’m from Chhattisgarh and my figure is 34-28-36, this is an unexpected sex encounter with my friend’s father. Richa and me are very good friends working in the same organization. We used to exchange novels. One day she asked me to collect the latest novels from her house. So i went to her house and pressed the buzzer. Her father opened the door. He wrapped a towel on his waist and totally wet. He said “come in...

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KittyChapter 11 The town takes new form

The first two weeks of summer vacation went by without incident. I stopped by the pool every afternoon to help Jane with the closing, but we didn't take advantage of having the key to the house the way I'd planned. Jane was patient with me. She must have known I was having trouble ridding my mind of the image of her with Berry, responding to his touches, urging him to 'put it in.' By the same token, it didn't seem to bother her that I'd been intimate with Janet, the girl that had...

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A visit to a film studio

I was very lucky to go to a film studio that I had been in touch with over the years and the told me that they would be filming when I was out there . They told my to ring them up them a checked into my hotel and they would arrange transport to me to get to the studios . I was eager to contact them when I checked in and I rang them after I had unpacked my bags . The person on the phone asked who I was and when I told them I had to talk to the person I emailed , they told me that he had just...

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When you check your e-mail, you see a new message from Cavalier Escorts; you had almost forgotten you had sent in an application a few weeks ago. It had been pretty thorough: a questionnaire about your physical, mental, and sexual health, photos of course, and a video presentation. It felt a bit strange to be posing naked for some company, but you weren't ashamed. Your body is well toned by regular visits to the gym, just slightly hairy, and 6 foot tall. Your cock, when fully erect, comes in at...

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Invited For Threesome But Enjoyed All Alone With My Juicy Classmate

Hi friends. I am Arun and I am 23 years old. I am here to share with you my real life sex experience with my classmate. Me, Mohammed and Karthika were friends and we got to know each other in a spoken english class. Mohammed is 2 years elder than me and Karthika is 3 years elder to me. Mohammed looks fine and Karthika is an awesome babe. She is fair with broad and fleshy arms, quite good structure and is very cute. Whenever she is not with us, Me and Mohammed used to talk wild about her as to...

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One Dark Wintry Night

By Jax_Teller I was searching for sexual entertainment one dark wintry night in Buffalo NY. It was hard finding any activity in a town covered in thirty six inches of fresh snow with wind chills of minus twenty seven. This night though I had just got off of a lake freighter from Port Huron MI. I had been working long cold hours with a crew of miscreant men who were at their best, not in jail. I was determined to be entertained. The water front bars were mostly closed dumps that had...

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The DAs New Job

THE DA'S NEW JOB Kate Wilson, big city attorney and now New York's newest DA justarrived a few days ago to start her new job. Kate a highly decorated lawyerhad gotten the promotion just a few days after the former DA disappearedunder mysterious conditions. Kate at just 28 years of age and standingat a mere 5ft4 and tipping the scales at 115lbs. The young lawyer was everywoman's nightmare and a man's wet dream she has a well toned body her 34-26-36cshape always gets her the hoots and whistles. ...

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Sister Fucked The Way She Wanted

Hi all I am back with another encounter of mine with my sister who’s elder to me by 2 years her name is priya name changed for the reasons best known to us, she’s happily married and having a wonderful sexlife having a kid. Her sizes are 38-30-38 her best part in her body is her boobs it’s huge and beautiful. This story happened a month back when her husband was traveling abroad and she wanted me to stay with her for a couple of days. She has a habbit of drinking and I used to stay with her...

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My little sister Nina sounded so excited to hear that I was finally about to come home, and even though it was late she said she would wait up for me. I was using the phone in the Pastor's office to let her know that we had driven into the night, and the bus had just pulled into the church parking lot.And just before I hung up, I whispered her that "IT" had finally happened, and she literally squealed with excitement.She gasped, "Annie, are you serious? You mean you really 'IT' really...

4 years ago
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The Bus Ride

It was a warm day. Warm enough for me to be wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Mum was wearing a nice low v neck tee shirt and a very short denim skirt that stopped about 5 inches above her knees. All day i had been catching glimpses down the front of her top when she lent forward, as the top was low cut with a couple of thin shoulder straps. She had big creamy white breasts and her bra barely contained them and her big brown nipples poked through her tight top. I even got a quick glimpse...

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Earths CoreChapter 32 Bin Binrsquos Desire

“ ... I’m begging you!” Rufer pleaded. ‘What a sorrowful situation... ‘ Zax inwardly could not help by sympathize. He recalled how much he had been through to fulfill the terms of his own inheritance and yet still had a seemingly bottomless chasm to cross. “The Star Scavenger’s missions are for the benefits of all Kingdom Earth and even our brethren from Valgarel. I can’t trade it to satisfy the whim of a single person”. He harshly stated. A glint of hope instantly lit in Rufer’s pupils as...

2 years ago
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A Lodi ChristmasChapter 4

The man who only lives for making money lives a life that isn’t necessarily sunny; Likewise the man who works for fame. There’s no guarantee that time won’t erase his name The fact is the only work that brings enjoyment is the kind that is for girl and boy meant Fall in love – you won’t regret it. That’s the best work of all if you can get it Loving one who loves you and then taking that vow Nice work if you can get it. And if you can get it, won’t you tell me how? George...

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