A Christmas Tale (The Fourth) free porn video

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A Christmas Tale (the fourth) Kyorii Chapter 1 Goodbye to a Childhood Friend. It was late October, the trees in the graveyard were giving up their final leaves to the brisk autumn breeze as Linda Anders stood well back from the main group of mourners at the graveside, she watched the vicar read from a large screen tablet in his hand as the coffin was lowered into the ground by the funeral director's staff. Linda sniffed and dabbed at her eyes as the coffin vanished from view. 'Sally always seemed so cheerful, why on earth had she taken her life?' thought Linda or Lynn as she was sometimes called. Linda felt the occasional rain droplet hit her face and raised her umbrella, she watched as Sally's distraught now elderly parents and Fianc? walked slowly with the vicar on their way back to the small fleet of funeral cars waiting by the gates. Linda would not be going to the wake as she didn't want to become an unwelcome diversion from Sally's parent's grief. Finally once the mourners had gone she cautiously moved towards Sally's graveside. At the graveside Linda bent her legs and picked up a small amount of dirt from a small wooden box and sprinkled it on the plain wooden coffin in the hole then with tears streaming down her face said, "I am so sorry I was not there for you Sally, you were always there for me, please forgive me." Linda tried to stem the flow of tears with her small cotton hankie but couldn't. "Why didn't you contact me? I would have listened to you," she heard herself saying. Linda stood at the grave of her oldest and dearest friend and wept, her tears of genuine grief and loss falling down onto the coffin, two groundsmen waited patiently leaning against their spades until she finally moved away and headed out back towards the main road and on to the bus that would take her to work. As Linda sat in the bus stop waiting for her number to appear around the corner an old man shuffled into view, it was obvious to her that he was homeless as he approached the queue asking for spare change for a cup of tea from the people at the head of the queue. 'The poor man' thought Linda to herself as the old tramp politely asked each and every person and was rejected or ignored by all. "I'm sorry to ask but could you spare me a few pence please," the old man asked Linda, she took her purse from her bag and looked in but apart from a few coppers could only see a neatly folded ten pound note that she kept for emergencies, she looked up at the old man's kind looking face and thought to herself. 'What the hell.' She took the folded note out of her purse and placed it into the palm of the threadbare fingerless gloves of the old man's hand. "Have a meal on me sir." The old man looked at the note in his hand and then into Linda's eyes. "I'm sorry I can't take this it will leave you with no money." He tried to give the note back to Linda but she refused. "I can get more at the cash point on the high street sir." "But-" "I insist, class it as an early Christmas present, have a nice hot meal." "Thank you miss." "Oh I believe this is my bus." Linda got up from her seat and stood in queue with the others that wanted that bus. As the bus pulled away with Linda on board the old man with now bright eyes looked at her sitting in the window and said, "And for you Linda Anders it starts." Chapter 2 Work Linda had taken just over an hour's 'casual leave' off from her job that morning to attend the funeral and after signing in at reception went firstly to the disabled toilet to freshen up her makeup and change into her work clothes then to the first floor room where she worked. "I'm sorry I'm late Mr Leonard but it was my friends funeral today." she said as she entered and took off her jacket. A slightly overweight greying man with advanced male pattern baldness in his early fifties popped his head up from behind a partially disassembled computer and smiled sympathetically. "That's okay Linda I understand, it must have been difficult for you?" Linda nodded in agreement and sat at her desk, kicked off her heels and slipped her feet into a pair comfy flat's she kept under her desk. "The kettle is not long since boiled if you fancy a brew." "Thank you Mr Leonard maybe in a little while." Jackson Leonard was the company's computer support and networking manager and since the death of his mother seven years ago has lived alone with the exception of two ageing goldfish called Bodie and Doyle and a golden retriever called Colin. "Could you order me half a dozen 2 Terrabyte SATA hard drives, oh and a 500GB SSD as Melvin in accounts seems to think it'll make his laptop faster." "I'll get on it straight away Mr Leonard." "Oh and this afternoon would you help me in the server room please as there are a few hard drive swap outs that need doing before the raid arrays start to fall over, I'll change the drives over and you can monitor the rebuild status." "I'd like that Mr Leonard," said Linda as she opened the ordering screen on her computer. "Remember to take your cardigan with you though as it can be quite chilly in there." Linda really liked working for Jackson Leonard, he was always polite and pleasant but despite his apparent cheeriness seemed to have an air of resigned sadness about him. Linda and Jackson worked together until 12:32 when he finally said, "Right let's leave that lot configuring themselves, I have to go into town for a bit, do you have your lunch with you Linda?" "Not today Mr Leonard, I thought I'd just go up to the canteen and grab a bite." Jackson frowned a little. "Okay, see you back here at around half one then." As Jackson put on his coat Linda kicked off her comfy shoes and slipped her feet into her low heels, stood and brushed a couple of wrinkles from her skirt with her hand before taking her purse and leaving the office. Entering the lift Linda was confronted by two men in suit's who both stared for longer than absolutely necessary before finding something very interesting about their feet, as the doors closed Linda could almost feel both men's eyes staring at her, it made her feel uncomfortable. As Lynn left the lift on the canteen floor she distinctly heard one man whisper to the other, "Bloke?" And the other whisper back, "Uh hu." Linda sighed, entered the noisy canteen area and made her way to the serving area where she bought her food and paid. When she re-entered the seating area she noticed a space on a nearby table where seven chattering women were sitting. "Is this seat free?" she asked. "Oh no I'm sorry it's not," said one woman with mock sincerity, Linda turned to find another space on another table only to get the same answer. Linda stood in the canteen turning from side to side looking for a space to eat for several awkward seconds and was just about to resign herself to eating lunch in her office when she heard a booming male voice say. "Over here young lady, there is ample space at my table." Linda turned to see a stout bearded older man wearing a blue boiler suit and a large smile point to a position opposite him on his table. Linda smiled weakly at the old man and mouthed, "Thank you," to him as she walked over to his table. "Here let me," said the old man and as she arrived at his table he took her tray from her, placed it on the table then held her chair for her to sit. "Thank you," Linda said very quietly, the old man then returned to his seat and introduced himself, "Hello, I'm Nick and you must be Linda or would you prefer if I called you Lynn?" "Either I don't mind." "I must say some of your colleagues are really rather rude." He turned to his right furrowed his brows and said loudly to one of the secretaries who was now staring at them both. "I'm sure that Nan Jacobs would be very disappointed to find you staring at people Melissa Anderson, she taught you better than that." The woman's face registered shock followed by acute embarrassment, she immediately turned away and with tears in her eyes started to look down at her now empty plate. "I haven't seen you here before er Nick, are you a contractor?" asked Linda. "Yes, old boilers need an old and experienced touch to coax them back into life after being idle over the summer, I'm old and experienced so they sent me to attend to the old chaps." He smiled and raised his eyebrows a couple of times. Linda did not know why but she felt completely at ease with the old plumber and as she ate her Lunch she started to smile for the first time since finding out her friend had taken her life, the old man noticed. "That's the spirit, you have a lovely smile Linda." "Thank you, I appreciate the compliment." "You should dine in the staff restaurant more often," said the old man as he chased an errant pea around his plate. "Oh I don't think so Nick, I only did it today because I didn't have a packed lunch with me, usually I eat in the office with Mr Leonard my manager." "But surely you have just as much right to eat here as anyone else." "Theoretically yes but have you not noticed the way people look at me?" "I have," replied the old man. "They all think I'm a freak, of course it wasn't always that way, before I started my transition I was quite popular." Nick frowned at Linda. "I'm not an expert at this subject by any means but aren't you now who you were always supposed to be?" "You wouldn't think it the way some of my colleagues reacted to the news I was to become a woman." Linda paused thought for a second. "In this building we have unisex toilet facilities on the third and fifth floor, I can't use them, I can't use the ladies toilet's either lest I make someone feel uncomfortable, obviously the gent's toilets are a no-no for me now so I am relegated to the disabled toilet on the ground floor." "Does that make you angry Linda?" asked Nick. Linda looked into the old man's eyes and with her voice slightly breaking, "No not really Nick it just saddens me, I know that at 6 foot 1 and with my physique I still look like a man in drag, but that is my lot and I don't regret transitioning one jot." "Good for you young lady, would you like a pudding, my treat?" "That's kind of you but..." "So that's a yes then, back soon." Nick cleared his plate back onto his tray and left Linda alone to finish her meal. When The old plumber returned he passed Linda a dish and a spoon. "Apple crumble and custard." "Thank you, Nick it's actually one of my favourites." Linda and Nick talked as he ate his own pudding using a spoon he'd removed from his overall then as he wrapped it up in a handkerchief said, "Well that's my lunch, it's been an absolute pleasure talking with you this lunchtime, thank you for keeping an old man company." He then took Linda's hand in his own warm hand, kissed it and said, "Until next time young lady." Linda smiled at the old man but somehow didn't notice him leave the table. Chapter 3 Remembering Sally. When Linda returned after lunch Jackson noticed that her mood had lifted somewhat. "You seem brighter this afternoon Linda." Linda smiled at her manager. "Yes I suppose I am." Linda stepped out of her low heels and slipped on her sneakers then took her cardigan from the back of her chair, slipped it on and buttoned it up. "I was being given the usual cold shoulder treatment in the canteen but this old man a plumber, a real gentleman offered me a seat by him, he was lovely Mr Leonard and kept me company all through lunch." Jackson sighed. "I would have thought the novelty of your situation would have worn off with them by now, I am glad you found someone to talk with though," He paused and picked up a small toolkit, "well I suppose those R.A.I.D's won't rebuild themselves will they, are you ready for a cool noisy afternoon in the server room Linda?" "Yes Mr Leonard." "Good show." and with that Linda and Jackson entered the adjacent server room. That evening as she removed her makeup and exposed her face Linda examined her pock marked cheeks and forehead. 'Chicken pox followed by Acne really is a poor recipe for clear skin.' Linda undressed and caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. At 6' 1" and weighing in at 12 stone she could never be described as petite but Linda was now mostly happy with her body and for the first time in many years felt comfortable I her own skin. Linda's breasts were small and had not developed as she'd hoped leaving two small tubular breasts on her chest, Linda cupped one of her breasts in her hand looked down at the clinic brochure on the bedside table. "Another couple of grand, maybe three and it'll be new boobies for you my girl." She then slipped into her nightgown took her medication and slipped between the sheets of her bed. In the front street just along from Linda's house the stillness of the night was disturbed as patch of recently fallen sycamore leaves started to swirl in a breeze that came from nowhere followed by a micro blizzard. As the breeze and blizzard receded the figure of a man came into view and on removing the hood of his clothing it was the plumber that Linda had met earlier that day, he was no longer wearing a blue boiler suit and was dressed in layers of furs, the man walked slowly along the street until he stood on the pavement outside Linda's upstairs flat and looked up just as the light in her bedroom went off. "Sweet dreams child, remember your friend fondly," said Nick before turning and heading back the way he had arrived. Linda lay propped up by pillows on her bed and read a chapter of the latest Novel she'd purchased earlier that week but just couldn't get into it, she rearranged the pillows and snuggled down between the sheets and reached out for a stuffed toy duck. "C'mon Quackers. You can keep me company tonight." Linda held the soft toy to her chest and turned off the light. After a few moments she remembered that the cuddly toy had been bought for her as a present by Sally and in her mind's eye she could now see her sitting on the bed in his bedroom at his parent's house she was smiling. "It's for you Philip, boys can have soft toy's too you know." "But how did you know Sally?" "Oh Philip we've known each other since nursery, you don't fool me with your rugby and football and all that macho stuff, so I bought you this to hug in the privacy of your room." "Thank you Sally thank you so much." Linda could see and almost feel herself hugging her friend Sally. The images in her mind moved forward to the day that Linda finally came out to her friend, she hugged her cuddly toy hard as she remembered her friend's own hugs and encouragement, She remembered Sally always being there for her and even being her support as she took the first of the medicines she hoped would help to turn her from a boy to a girl. Linda remembered Sally helping her to shop for girls clothing and showing her how to use makeup, then as Jason appeared on the scene Sally slowly slipped out of Linda's life as her relationship with her new boyfriend grew and became more serious and the excuses for not meeting up became an almost weekly occurrence. A tear slipped from Lynn's closed eye as she continued to dream. Chapter 4 Daily Pilgrimage Almost every evening without fail Jackson Leonard could be found at his local public house, he never went before ten in the evening as he usually went for a long walk with Colin his dog, Jackson almost always left the pub left before the bar staff called last orders. Jackson always sat by himself and sipped his way through two pints of lager as he read that morning's newspaper before neatly folding it and placing it on the edge of the bar as he left for home. This evening started off as every evening had since the death of his mother seven years ago and Jackson had reached page four of his newspaper when a sudden and unexpected draught pulled the paper from one of his hands and he noticed an old man with a walking stick in one hand and a pint in the other looking around for a free table to sit at, there was none. Jackson rose from his seat. "Excuse me sir, there is room at my table," offered Jackson, the old man smiled and made his way over. "Thank you, I think my days standing at the bar with my pint have long gone, the old knees just not up to it anymore." The old man took his seat and sat opposite Jackson then offered him his hand. "Nicholas, pleased to meet you," Jackson reciprocated. "Jackson, Jackson Leonard." "I remember this pub when it first opened, just after this estate was built, it's changed a lot since then of course," Nick paused and seemed to think for a second or two before asking, "Leonard, Leonard, are you any relation to Moira Leonard?" Jackson smiled at the old man. "Yes she was my mother unfortunately she died a few years back." "Oh, I am sorry my condolences." "That's okay Nicholas." "From what I remember of her, she was almost always smiling." Jackson smiled at the old man and asked, "You knew her?" "Only in passing, she married a young engineer didn't she Brian yes that was his name." "Unfortunately he died when I was very young I can't actually remember him Nicholas, but my mum said that he was her prince. Mum worked really hard to make ends meet and to keep the family home when I was growing up but she always made time for me and my brother." "She sound's as wonderful as I remember her Jackson." Jackson smiled weakly at the old man. "She was, I can still see the look of happiness on her face when I found out I'd passed my Master's degree and how she sat proudly in the audience as I was given my award with all of the other graduates." Jackson took another sip of his lager. "I think I broke her heart when I moved away to work in London but she accepted my move with good grace and we talked almost daily on the phone, she even got the train down to London a few times to stay with me and my fianc? Laura. When mum became ill I packed in my job and moved back up here to be near her, she'd had a stroke you see? It weakened her right side and robbed her of her wonderful smile I looked after her until her death, a small price to pay for my wonderful childhood." "And Laura your fianc??" asked Nick "She had her own career to look after and pretty soon managed to find a nice hedge fund manager to marry." "And you Jackson what of you, are there any young ladies in your life at the moment?" Jackson laughed. "No Nicholas I think for me that boat may have already sailed." "Oh I wouldn't give up just yet young man." suggested Nick knowingly. "Well until she comes I'll always have my model railway in the Attic to keep me company on the long dark nights." Nick and Jackson talked all the way through last orders and then the manager calling time and finally left the pub together just after half eleven that evening, they walked together for several minutes before Nick finally said, "My grandson's house is just down there Jackson, thank you for keeping an old man company this evening." "It was a pleasure Nicholas, I'm usually in the pub for the last hour most evenings." "Thank you, I'll bare that in mind next time I'm passing." As Jackson walked the remainder of his journey home by himself his thoughts seemed to drift to Linda, he remembered the monthly manager's brief when he heard from the chairman. "And one final issue gentlemen, as you know Philip Anders in purchasing recently dropped the bombshell that he wanted to become a woman," Jackson remembered there being both deathly silence and the occasional snigger from the other managers "I've checked with the company's legal team and apparently there is nothing that we can legally do about it so in a couple of days he'll start coming to work dressed as a woman." The sniggers continued followed by many questions, some sensible, some not. "Philip Anders? Really? I mean he's built like a brick shit house." "Toilet's what toilets will he use?" "I've already had a delegation in from the secretarial pool and my girls are really uncomfortable with this chairman." "Well I'm certainly not taking a piss with some weird transvestite standing next to me." Jackson remembered with sadness the negative comments being bandied about in the conference room but didn't say anything and as he reached the drive of his home remembered seeing and hearing all of the negative comments over the next few weeks about Linda whilst on his rounds repairing computers and restoring network connections culminating in him accidentally coming across her sitting on a step in a fire exit stairwell crying whilst he was nipping down to his store to get a length of patch cable. "Excuse me, are you okay?" he asked tentatively of what still looked like a well-built man in a dress. "No I'm not." Jackson took out his handkerchief and passed it to her then sat to her side. "I'm Jackson Leonard head of I.T, Network specialist computer repair man and general dogsbody, completely ignored until something goes wrong and then general whipping boy." He offered his hand to the large very masculine woman with unconvincing wig hiding her cauliflower ears. She looked at him and reluctantly offered her hand. "Linda, I was until recently Philip, accounts associate and current Leper." "Pleased to meet you Linda." That evening as he prepared his supper Jackson thought more about Linda and how her colleagues had shunned her during her transition he remembered his proposition to the Human resources director when he'd heard through the grapevine that Linda was thinking of resigning. "Look Mr Tennant I can't really be manager of a department if I have no one to manage can I? The backlog of paperwork is building up and what with the rolling upgrade of our systems I can't be expected to be in two places as once." The manager rolled his eyes. "I understand your position Jackson but let's face it even if I do create a vacancy internally no one is going to want to be locked away in your little office all day doing paperwork and being your assistant, unless..." He smiled as he had just thought of a solution to two irritating problems simultaneously. "Unless?" "I'm going to be blunt with you Jackson I have a problem I need to go away, and you have just presented me with a ready-made solution, I can give you what you need but I'm prepared to bet that you won't like it." "Try me Mr Tennant." "Linda Anders." Jackson shrugged his shoulders. "Thank you Mr Tennant when can she start?" "Oh, Ah, well I'll put it to him." "Her." "I'll put it to her this afternoon and see if she accepts." "Thank you Mr Tennant." Late that afternoon there was a knock on the door to his office/workshop followed by the door opening and Linda entering, she did not look happy "Ms Anders." "I've just been told I'm being transferred down here with immediate effect." "Oh. In that case welcome to the IT department." "But I work in accounts and buying I know nothing about what goes on here." "I'm sorry but it appears that the decision has been made." "This is ridiculous, I'm going to see the head of H.R." "Before you do I'd like you to consider something." "Well?" "You are transferring to the engineering department." "And?" "Engineering admin staff are paid higher than standard admin due to the technical nature of the work." "But I know nothing of the work Mr Leonard." "Well I dislike doing admin work and I can teach you the technical aspects of my job, at least give it a try Ms Anders, you never know you might actually enjoy it." That was just over two years ago, Linda picked up the work quickly and excelled at it, her transition continued with a few bumps but eventually she had her surgery and belatedly became the woman she'd always wanted to be. Linda ceased to be an issue with all but a hard core of staff and still had to use the disabled toilet on the ground floor. As Jackson prepared for bed that evening he smiled to himself, the old man had lifted his spirits, it had been nice to talk to someone that remembered his mother as he did with an almost constant smile on her face. Chapter 5 A Softening of Attitudes Linda's life continued with little change bar a couple of curious incidents the first on the 5th of November when, due to picking up the wrong bag after breakfast, Linda left her packed lunch at home and she'd reluctantly used the canteen, as usual there were several tables with either male staff or female staff on them and as usual the noise in the canteen dropped when she entered but unusually after getting her meal and sitting down at an empty table she was approached by one of the secretary's from the third floor. "Excuse me, may I sit here?" Linda looked up and nodded. "Please yes." The secretary placed her tray down and as she unloaded it onto the table said. "Melissa Anderson." She turned to her colleagues on the table across the room "I was hoping you would come back, I wanted to apologise for staring at you a while back." "It's okay." "It is not, that old man reminded me of my Nan, it made me think." Linda smiled and offered Melissa her hand. "Linda." Linda ate in the canteen several more times over the next month and slowly more people started sitting with her and engaging with her over lunch and by late November as she sat at her desk she opened an official letter from the HR department Stating that following discussions with affected staff she could now use the female toilets and changing rooms if she wished. Linda stood almost tipping her seat and stared at the letter and at the text, her tears were real and when Jackson entered the room and noticed her state of distress he dropped any pretence of being her manager and offered himself as a literal shoulder to cry on and misunderstanding the situation as he held his colleague. "Whatever they are trying to pull, I'll stop it I promise, you are a bloody good and enthusiastic worker." Linda held Jackson for several seconds before finally releasing him. "I-it's not bad Mr Leonard, I'm being allowed to use the female toilets." "Really?" "Yes." Linda sniffed and started dabbing at her face with a tissue "It's wonderful news." Jackson broke into a wide smile. "Oh I'm really happy for you M's Anders." Linda then noticed Jackson's shirt. "I'm so sorry Mr Leonard but I've given you a damp shoulder and some of my makeup has rubbed off on it." "Ha no matter I have a spare or two in my locker, I'm just glad you're okay." That afternoon as the two got on with their work Jackson took several phone calls, Linda did not understand what was being said but slowly he seemed to be agreeing to something. "Okay I'll come, but only if you can provide transport for my layout." Jackson nodded as he listened to the caller and finally said. "Okay Saturday it is then bye Graham." Jackson then got up from his seat and left the room returning several minutes later with two cups of coffee and two sticky muffins. "A little celebration M's Anders." "Oh, so what are we celebrating?" "I've been asked to show my layout this weekend as one of the exhibitors has had to pull out." "Congratulations, I think." "Oh sorry it's my model train layout, there's a big exhibition at the Quayside this weekend and I've been invited to exhibit, it's only my 'N' gauge layout but it's a start." "Ah model trains, I've seen the posters on the bus ride in." "It's a bit of an honour." "Oh congratulations Mr Leonard, you must be so chuffed?" "Ha very good but seriously I am." Chapter 6 The Exhibition On Friday evening after a light evening meal Linda retired to her bed as she was feeling distinctly odd and on checking had found she had a temperature. On Saturday morning Linda had her usual lie in and after waking answered the door to the postman in her dressing gown then whilst sorting through her mail put the kettle on before going back to her room to change via the bathroom. As she cleaned her teeth Linda looked at her reflection. 'Something is different' she thought as she stared at herself in the mirror with toothpaste froth coming out of her mouth, after rinsing she decided to investigate, she traced her fingers over her skin and after several moments realised that the skin on her cheek looked a little smoother as though some of her acne scars had finally started to fade. "Oh I do like this," she said to herself as she also realised the more obvious chickenpox scars on her forehead neck and chest now seemed less deep, it was as she brushed her shoulder length auburn hair back over her ear to check for more scar's that she noticed the damage of her ears from the rugby she'd played whilst trying desperately to be a man seemed less pronounced. "Are my cauliflower ears getting better?" she asked herself. "Oh I do hope so I'd love to be able to wear earrings one day." She answered herself with a smile. Linda dressed casually for the day wearing faded jeans and a soft cotton peach coloured blouse. "Shopping next, now should I wear heels or Trainers?" "Hmm trainers it is." But quickly Linda found that there was a problem with her usual training shoes, they felt loose almost as though her feet had shrunk a little. Linda tried to tighten the laces but that just tightened the shoe at the top it still felt too loose around her toes. "My diet must be working though I didn't think diet affected feet." She rummaged through her cupboard until she found a pair of pink embroidered Sneakers she'd bought from an online shop that she'd found to be far too small but had never gotten round to sending back. "Now that is a pleasant surprise," she said to herself as although still a little tight they slipped onto her feet almost perfectly. "Might pop into town and get my feet measured." She continued to say to herself as she picked up her shoulder bag and coat. Linda felt a little exposed as she sat on the bus as on impulse she'd decided to let her skin breath and had only put on as little makeup as she thought she could get away with instead of the usual 'mask' she wore at work and when out in public, unfortunately she now had little to hide behind, fortunately nobody seemed to notice. As the bus continued its journey into town Linda noticed several small advertising placards for the model railway exhibition and wondered if she should pop in and see Mr Leonards exhibit and lend her support. 'Why not?' she asked herself and couldn't think of a reason not to so got off the bus at the station and started to walk down the steep hill towards the river where she knew the exhibition to be. After paying her entry fee Linda almost chickened out but something forced her to enter the busy hall that smelled ever so slightly of ozone, oil and stale sweat. The hall was bustling with lots of men and a few women and children looking at neatly laid out stalls of models spares and model making equipment with the edges of the hall showing the exhibitor's layouts Linda slowly walked along the displays and watched the model trains on the various layout's perform their pre-programmed functions or being controlled manually in some cases with small model trains whizzing through countryside scenes or pulling into stations. Linda bumped into a man as she was leaving one display. "I'm sorry I wasn't loo... Oh hello there it's Nick isn't it?" "Yes Linda you remembered." "The heating isn't broken here too is it?" Nick laughed heartily. "I don't believe so." "Ah so you are here to look at the model railway's then?" "Amongst other things yes, actually I could really do with a cup of tea about now, care to join me?" Nick smiled and offered his arm to Linda. "I'd love that thank you Nick." Linda linked arms with the old man and they headed to the small cafeteria area where she bought two tea's and two very gooey sticky buns. "So what brings you here then?" asked Nick. "Spur of the moment thing, I noticed the advertisements on the way into town and remembered that my manager had been invited to display his err layout, I thought I'd pop in and support him." "A kind gesture, have you seen him yet?" "Mr Leonard? Not yet as I've only been here a few minutes." "Well if you look over there towards the rear of the hall, just to the left of the 'Fire Exit' sign he's the one in a cheque shirt wearing the blue baseball cap. "Oh yes he's talking to the tall man with the beard." "That's him yes." "He seems to be enjoying himself doesn't he?" "He does, he'll be proud to show off his model making skills to other enthusiasts." Linda sipped at her tea and continued to talk to Nick but after a while noticed a strange burning sensation on her ears, she smiled and remarked with a smile. "My ears are burning someone must be talking about me, with my looks I'm used to it don't worry." "Actually Linda I think that people are thinking how lucky the old man is sitting with the lovely young woman." Linda could feel herself blushing. "Thank you Nick." Linda's ears still burned however, fortunately she put it to the back of her mind completely unaware that as they talked the scar tissue within the cartilage of her ear was dissolving away and her ears were returning to a pre Rugby state. Several minutes later as they drained the last of the tea from their cups Linda said, "Could you excuse me for a moment or two please." "Of course." Linda got up from her seat and headed towards the ladies toilets. As Linda was freshening up at one of the sinks in the toilets she inadvertently swept her hair behind her ear and as she did she started to stare at her ear, it looked a little red but otherwise it looked absolutely normal, something it wasn't only a few hours earlier! Shrugging her shoulders she smiled at the mirror and taking a small fabric covered elastic band tied her hair back into a ponytail. On returning she found that Nick was standing. "I gave up our seats to those chaps, I hope you don't mind? Oh I do like your hair like that." Linda smiled at Nick as he offered her coat and shoulder bag back to her." "Unfortunately I have to go now as I have duties to perform in a few moments but it was lovely seeing you again Linda." Linda smiled at the old man and uncharacteristically for her gave him a little peck on the cheek with her lips. "Thank you Nick." Nick beamed at Linda and smiled as he turned and headed into the crowd, she turned and noticed that the crowd around Jackson's table had temporarily abated so headed towards it hoping that her intrusion into his hobby was not unwelcome. As she approached Jackson looked up from what he was doing and noticed a smiling woman looking at him, for a second he didn't recognise Linda as she looked different from how he'd grown used to seeing her and even though she was dressed casually in jeans she seemed more feminine to him. "Hello Mr Leonard, I thought I'd pop in and give you my support." She smiled as she spoke and he just stood awkwardly for a second before finally answering. "Actually Ms Anders, it's nice to see at least one familiar face today, I never knew that these events could be so exhausting, I've been answering questions all day." "Those trains are really tiny Mr Leonard, when I was a b, child I remember my trains being much bigger." "Ah well that is because it was probably '00' gauge which are bigger whereas I'm using 'N' gauge, which is much smaller and easier to transport around, I actually have a much larger '00' gauge layout in the attic of my home." "Gosh, so do you control those little trains with a transformer thingy then?" asked Linda desperately trying not to show her ignorance of the subject." "Well sort of, I've designed my own control system to control my trains, come around here and I'll show you." Linda semi reluctantly joined Jackson and he patiently explained the control circuitry and systems to her whilst strangely enjoying her company, he'd never been good talking with women but today he seemed to be at complete ease with her. Jackson was a little disappointed a little while later when she apologised and said she had to go as she still had shopping to get in. As Linda left the exhibition she noticed in one of the corners a small grotto had been set up and small children were queuing excitedly with their parents to see Santa. Linda actually took a double take however when she recognised the portly elderly man dressed in a bright red Santa suit with a small nervous child standing by him with her parents. 'Nick the plumber certainly gets about' she thought to herself as she left the building to complete her shopping. That evening as Linda examined the new gold studs in her ears in her bathroom mirror as she prepared for bed she smiled at her reflection. Linda then took her hormone pills and vitamins before entering her bedroom carrying a hot water bottle with her, she placed it between the covers of her bed to warm it whilst she brushed her hair and as she brushed she looked over at her purchases. "Hmm I may need to take a couple of those pairs of heels back on Monday, silly girl you are just too tall for heels." As she was finishing her hair Linda felt a chill run down her spine and started to feel hot and a little nauseous. "Oh not again I thought I'd gotten over this." Linda removed two aspirin from her dresser drawer and took them, she then slipped between the covers and decided not to read her novel, she turned off her bedside light and snuggled under the sheets where within seconds she was deeply asleep. Outside Linda's flat Nick stood, he'd noticed the light go out and smiled. "Sweet dreams child, your body has lots of preparation work to do before you once more wake." Curiously three miles away mere seconds later Nick stood outside Jackson's home and smiled as he looked up to see the bedroom light turn on and Jackson appear briefly at the front upstairs bay of his home in his pyjamas as he closed his curtains. "An early night for you too? Good show." Linda didn't wake until Sunday lunchtime when she was woken by an upset stomach, she spent the early afternoon relaxing before taking the local tram service to the seaside and having a long bracing walk along the golden sand of the almost deserted beach to clear the cobwebs away as she still felt somewhat fuzzy from her long sleep. When Linda returned to work on Monday she was in a very good mood and even convinced Jackson to come to the canteen and dine with her at lunchtime. Later that week as Linda sleepily rose from her bed and she slipped her feet into her slippers she was surprised to find that they were full of individually wrapped sweets. "Now that is weird," she commented to herself as she inspected her slippers and took one of the waxed paper covered sweets from her slipper unwrapped it and popped it into her mouth, she sighed as the delicious sweet reminded her of many past Christmases when she was a small child. As Linda removed her sleep chemise she noticed that her small malformed breasts seemed different and cupping one in her hand she realised that they appeared to be slightly fuller this morning. "Oh am I starting to fill out finally?" she asked herself as she posed in front of her mirror. "Are my hips bigger?" she asked herself before dismissing their look as wishful thinking "No it's just your imagination you silly girl." Chapter 7 A Winter Chill Linda was happy in her work and enjoyed working for Jackson so in mid- December when she was offered a new position working on the second floor she turned it down for the simple reason she loved working in the I.T support department. One afternoon as Linda was happily hanging Christmas decorations in the office she realised she needed to use the office stepper to get to where previously the year before had just stretched to get into the corners. Jackson entered the office several minutes later and smiled. "I really should hang decorations at my home Linda, but it just seems such a waste with just me there." "Oh Mr Leonard you should, it's fun and makes the house look different even if it's only for a few weeks." She then passed him a card. "I got you a Christmas card Mr Leonard." Jackson looked at the purple envelope and at the slender hand and long painted fingernails of the hand holding it, he then looked into Linda's eyes and her smiling face. "Thank you Ms Anders, that was very kind of you." he took the card, opened it and after reading the message it contained placed it on his desk, it was his first card of the season. That afternoon Jackson kept catching glimpses of Linda as she went about her duties, she looked somehow different to him. "Penny for them." "Uh?" "Penny for your thoughts?" Linda was standing by his table; she was holding two mugs of tea. "I, I must have been daydreaming Ms Anders I apologise." "No apology necessary Sir, Tea?" "Yes thank you that is kind of you." As the afternoon was drawing to its close Jackson noticed that Linda was quiet and she seemed distracted. "Is there a problem Linda?" he asked out of concern. "Er I feel a little out of sorts Mr Leonard, I think I may be coming down with something." "Ah, I think we've pretty much finished here for the day, why don't you get yourself home? I'll cover for you." Jackson approached Linda as she got up from her seat. "T, thank you Mr Leonard I'll make the time up I pro, prom, promiseoooh." Jackson caught Linda and helped steady her until her dizziness subsided. "Actually err Linda I don't think you should be alone in your condition please allow me to call you a taxi, I'll escort you home if that's okay?" "I'm so sorry sir I feel so woozy." Jackson used his phone to call a cab for he and Linda and then escorted her out of the building and via the taxi to her home where he helped her upstairs, made her a hot honey and lemon drink and sat with her in her living room until she assured him that she was feeling better. "Are you sure that you are feeling better now Linda?" "Yes much better I promise you," she lied as she felt absolutely dreadful. "Can I get you anything before I go?" "No I'll be okay now I promise you." "Well if you are sure." "I am and thank you Mr Leonard." "It was a pleasure, if you need anything over the weekend just call me on my mobile." "I will I promise," replied Linda. That evening Jackson went to his local pub and as it was Friday it was quite busy but he still managed to get his usual table where he sat with his pint until he noticed the old man he'd been chatting to the previous month. The old man noticed him and came over. "Hello again Jackson, it seems I am in need of a seat once more." Jackson looked up and smiled. "Hello again Nicholas, yes of course take a seat." The well-dressed old man placed his pint on a beermat, his stick by his seat and sat. "I see the pub has decorated for the season; oh I do like this time of year." "I liked Christmas when I was younger Nicholas but since my Mum passed I've sort of let it slip, I was actually thinking of getting a few decorations though this year just to brighten the old place up." Nick smiled at Jackson and took a sip from his pint getting froth on his beard as he did. "That's the spirit young man, do you have anyone special yet to share Christmas with yet?" "No not really." "No friends, acquaintances possibly?" Jackson hesitated a little before answering. "Well actually there is one person I'm quite fond of." "Why not invite him or her over for Christmas dinner, what's the worst that could happen?" "I suppose." Nick and Jackson talked until well after time was called at the pub and Jackson walked with his new friend to within a couple of streets of his home. Jackson hummed to himself as he readied himself for bed that night and smiled at his reflection in the mirror, then looked closer at his head. "That's weird I seem to be getting less grey hmm all I need is for my hair to grow back now and my belly to shrink and I'll be a babe magnet!" He then started to laugh at his joke unaware that long dead follicles within his scalp were at that moment regenerating from his current receded line forward. At Linda's home she was wrapped up in bed in a deep sleep as her body continued to slowly change, a change that had been started by her own GP several years before but was now being accelerated by forces modern science chose not to acknowledge. Chapter 8 Preparations When Linda woke once more she was surprised to find that she had slept through an entire day and it was Sunday morning and although she felt a little weak she otherwise felt wonderful. Linda ate a hearty breakfast then dressed or at least attempted to. "What on earth is up with this Bra?" she said to herself as no matter how hard she tried she could not get it to be comfortable as it was both too tight on her breasts and too loose everywhere else, she went over to the mirror. 'Gosh I must have lost some weight whilst ill, my chest looks a lot smaller but my boobies look bigger, weird.' She paused and then smiled before saying happily to herself. "New Bra time I think." Linda completed dressing and noted that her clothes all seemed a little loose as did her recently bought shoes. "Being ill has some advantages at least," she said to herself as she was happy to have lost more weight. As she sat to do her makeup Linda noticed that the bump on the bridge of nose was far less prominent than it usually was and that the skin on her cheeks and forehead had cleared even more of the scarring from childhood chickenpox and teenage acne so she responded by using a little less makeup than usual, tied her hair back and after getting her coat headed off into town to treat herself to some new underwear and clothing. Jackson spent the morning shopping for food and the afternoon buying a Christmas tree and decorations before spending the evening decorating his large living room and dining room festively. On Monday morning Jackson arrived a little late for work as somehow leaves on the local railway line had impacted on the local bus service! He'd also stopped off to buy a Christmas card. "Sorry I'm late M's." Jackson hesitated as he looked at Linda who was for the first time he'd known her wearing a dress, he'd seen her in skirts and blouses but never a dress before, she was stretching up to get photocopy paper from a shelf and the stretching showed her waist and hips, she turned and smiled. "Oh hello there Mr Leonard I was just refilling the A4 drawer." Jackson smiled at Linda's smiling face. "I got you a card, hope it's all right?" "Oh thank you, may I open it now?" "Of course." Linda opened the card and placed it on her desk." "Are you feeling better today M's Anders?" "Yes thank you Mr Leonard, I slept through Saturday entirely but I feel really good today, it was probably one of those bugs that are going around." Linda opened her card smiled at the little poem inside then placed the card in a prominent position on her desk she then turned and said, "Thank you Mr Leonard, my first card of the year." Jackson smiled back at Linda and as she turned he got sudden butterflies in his stomach and quickly blurted out. "Want to do come Christmas dinner with me?" Linda looked at Jackson with confusion. "I, I mean would you like to come to my house for Christmas dinner Linda?" 'This is not going well, you idiot,' thought Jackson. "I'm sorry, you probably have somewhere to go it was silly of me to ask." "I'd love to." "You probably have lots of places you'd rather be at Christmas." Linda walked over to Jackson who was now looking at his feet and about to talk again she gently raised his head a little and looking into his eyes said, "I'd love to come your home for Christmas dinner." "Really?" "Yes really." Linda smiled back at Jackson, she was now feeling nearly as nervous as Jackson was and was also feeling butterflies in her stomach, she took one of his hands in both of hers and kissed it. Both Linda and Jackson went back to their desks and both of them got on with their work but were smiling inside. Linda went up to the canteen later for lunch than normal due to a problem with one of the network switches, she was alone as Jackson had told her he'd finish off swapping out the rack, unfortunately the canteen was almost empty now as most people had eaten earlier so Linda sat by herself and ate her meal and as she was finishing she heard, "Hello there, still sitting by yourself I see." She looked up to see the portly plumber she'd met recently standing before her in his blue boiler suit with a large wrench in his hand. "Oh hello there again Nick, have our old boilers gone wonky again?" "Not today, today I'm bleeding the system, there's a huge airlock on the third floor and as a result the accounts department is quite cold, I'm just playing detective trying to find where all of that pesky air is hiding so that I can liberate it. Are you here by yourself?" "Yes at the moment I am." "May I sit? The airlock isn't going anywhere is it?" Linda smiled at the friendly old engineer. "Yes please do, I was about to get pudding would you like some?" "I would like that yes, thank you Linda." Linda quickly returned with two puddings and two cups of tea and as Nick sat he commented that Linda seemed much happier than the last time he'd met her. "I think I am Nick, I'm not sure how or why but I almost feel like a different person almost as though every single day I change a tiny little bit more." "Yes I think I can see a change in you, are you wearing earrings?" Linda brushed her hair back with her fingers. "I am, I don't understand it but my ears started to heal I'd always thought that my old Rugby injuries would be permanent but the swelling and cauliflowering just seemed to go down and I'm almost certain my ears have shrunken a little, I had always wanted to get my ears pierced and wear earrings so I took the risk. I can't wait till I can wear lovely dangling ones." As she spoke Linda coughed once or twice as she felt a tickle in her throat as the next tiny stage of her transformation started and her vocal cords started to very slowly tighten. "So are you looking forward to Christmas this year Linda?" asked Nick as he tucked into his pudding. "I wasn't really until this morning Nick but now I think I am and you?" "I always look forward to Christmas and the Christmas holidays Linda." "Will your family be coming around or will you be going to them?" "I don't really have much family Linda but I will be dropping in on a couple of friends I recently made Magdelene, Martha and their friend Geoffrey." "Oh I am glad; nobody should be alone at Christmas time Nick." Nick noticed Linda's eyes brighten as someone entered the canteen area. "I think I've taken up enough of your time young lady, I'll leave you to finish your meal with your friend, I have air locks to purge after all." "Thank you Nick, for keeping me company again." "It was my pleasure." Nick got up from his seat and smiled down at Linda before leaving the canteen area. Jackson sat down at the now vacated seat and asked, "Who was your friend? He seemed awfully familiar." "He's a plumber, he's lovely, apparently we have an airlock." Jackson winced as he placed his small Tupperware lunch box on the table and started to open it. "Airlock, sounds painful that does." Linda started to giggle at his comment but stopped and started to look somewhat confused following Jackson suddenly saying. "Sprouts." "I'm sorry?" "Do you like sprouts?" "Not really but I will eat them at Christmas, don't like parsnips though." "Ugh Neither do I, I'll do sprouts then but not Parsnips." Linda and Jackson continued their conversation in the almost empty canteen with the staff tidying up around them for another twenty minutes before returning back to their department of two. Jackson noticed during the afternoon that Linda's voice was different and kept breaking from her usual low quite masculine tone into a high squeak, sometimes in the middle of sentences, he enquired if she had a sore throat and offered her one of his stash of mentholated throat sweets but she politely declined saying that she wasn't in any pain. Linda was not blind to the changes that had been going on recently with her body and with this latest one she hoped that it was her voice un- breaking. Since her transition Linda had thought many times of having various surgeries to correct the other deformities in her body and until they'd lost touch had always been talked out of them by Sally her oldest and best friend but now it seemed that somehow by whatever mysterious mechanism had recently come into play she was turning into the girl she'd always wanted to be and she wasn't going to let it worry her. That evening as Linda lay on her Sofa looking through the many photographs she had stored on her laptop she came across several really old ones of her and her friend Sally. "Oh just look at me with my short cropped hair, I was trying so hard to fit in and be a man then." Linda paused and looked at the picture and at her friend with her wide mouthed grin taken on a visit to a theme park. "She always knew but she was still my friend." Feeling a lump grow in her throat Linda involuntarily swallowed and as she did a tear splashed onto the keyboard of her laptop. "I miss you so much Sally." Chapter 9 The Party On the run up to Christmas eve Linda's body continued to change, her prominent Adam's apple receded then vanished, her voice after some days of adjustment became clear and very feminine and every night as she slept her skeletal structure slowly changed as her hips widened and shoulders narrowed along with tiny but significant changes to her jawline, skull feet and hands, It was curious that nobody but herself and Jackson seemed to have noticed the changes happening to her and by Christmas eve Linda's height had reduced so much that she could now easily wear heels without feeling awkward or out of place. As she looked at Jackson she noticed that his hair line appeared to have moved forward and that his normally shiny head was now sporting several very short patches of hairy stubble, his hairline seemed to have stopped receding and now appeared to be advancing back towards his forehead, Linda smiled as it made him look a lot younger. "Mr Leonard." "Yes Linda?" "What time would you like me to come tomorrow?" "About one for lunch at half past?" "I'll be there Mr Leonard I have your address in my notebook." "If you would like Linda you could go up to accounts, I believe that they are having a small party up there at the moment." "Will you be going Mr Leonard?" Jackson frowned a little. "I think I'm a little old for that kind of thing but you go, have fun." "No I think I'll stay here and help you finish off." Jackson noted that Linda seemed to be disappointed and offered a compromise. "How about we both go up to accounts for the last hour or so?" "I would like that Mr Leonard," replied Linda as she re opened the spreadsheet she'd been working on. Jackson finally noticed a few minutes later that Linda had taken a great deal of care with her appearance today with her makeup immaculate and her hair in soft curls and realised that although she was wearing clothing suitable for the office it would also be equally suitable for partying in, he started to feel a little guilty. "We're not doing anything that couldn't wait until the new year Linda." Jackson got up from his seat went over to where Linda was sitting and offered her his arm. "May I escort you up to accounts Linda." Linda looked up at Jackson a little confused at his change of heart but nevertheless smiled and accepted. Both Jackson and Linda were welcomed to the party that was now in full swing but stayed together each holding a plastic cup half filled with cheap sherry Linda started to feel awkward as she started to notice some of the other staff who'd known her when she was a man looking at her. "I think I've made a huge mistake Mr Leonard people are looking at me." Linda felt Jackson's hand slip into hers and grip it gently. "No Linda I don't think that is the case, I actually think they are wondering how on earth the nerdy guy from I.T has managed to come to the party with such a pretty young woman." Jacksons comment and his reassuring hand boosted Linda's confidence and made her smile. "Thank you Jackson," she said very quietly to herself, the party continued for another two hours with both Jackson and Linda becoming more confident but staying together until one of the drunken revellers appeared and dangled a sprig of mistletoe over their heads. Jackson looked resigned as he said, "I suppose it is tradition Linda." Linda leant over as did Jackson She had her eyes closed and as her lips touched his she experienced an emotion she'd never experienced before and one she hoped would never end as time seemed to stop for her with the realisation that even though it was just a simple kiss it felt absolutely wonderful and was sending shivers down her spine. Slowly the real world started to enter both her and Jackson's shared moment and they broke their kiss, both stood looking open mouthed and breathlessly into each other's eyes, Linda felt her lower lip start to tremble as she looked at her shocked Manager. "Wow," said Jackson breathlessly. "I, I have t-to go, I'm so sorry Mr Leonard." Linda left Jackson standing by himself stunned as to what had just happened and confused, he left the party soon afterwards and went back down to his office to finish off before going home. Linda meanwhile was sitting in a cubicle in the ladies rest room sobbing her eyes out as she was convinced she'd just destroyed her friendship with her manager. Chapter 10 A Nocturnal Visitor Christmas Eve is usually a time of great excitement and expectation but for Linda she felt miserable as she sat wrapped in an old duvet as she ate sweets and snacked on nut's crisps and cheese whilst she watched an old black and white adaptation of Charles Dickens classic A Christmas carol on her TV. She watched whilst Alastair Sim played the old miser perfectly as his old partner visits him in his bed chamber and warns him of oncoming visitations. After the old movie had finished Linda tidied up and readied herself for bed, she'd already decided not to go to Jackson's house for dinner the next day and had cancelled her Taxi and already typed out an apology on her phone but had as yet not sent it. Linda did not remember falling asleep but as she drifted back into consciousness she became very aware that someone was in her bedroom. "Whoooooo, groan klank whoooo." Linda sat bolt upright in her bed and heard a squeak from the bottom of her bed. "W, who's there?" she asked. "Bloody hell Lynn, you nearly gave me a heart attack," came the reply. Linda turned on her bedside light to check whether her ears had deceived her they had not. "Sally!" "Oh yes for one night only." "But you're dead." "Yeah that's right rub it in why don't you?" "I'm sorry but... hold on, this is a dream isn't it? It's all the cheese I ate whilst watching that Scrooge movie." "Nope, nice boobies by the way, they really suit you." Linda smiled at the compliment. "Thank you, no I mean what do you mean nope?" "Nope this is not a dream this is real, here let me show you." Sally leant over and pinched Linda on the arm. "Ow." "See it's not a dream." "Actually I think I'm supposed to pinch myself Sally." "Well go on then," replied Sally, Linda slowly moved towards Sally, her voice cracking as she spoke and tears brimming in her eyes. "Could I just have a hug?" "Gladly." Sally opened her arms and embraced Linda who immediately burst into floods of tears. "I miss you so much Sally." Sally gently stroked Linda's hair. "I know Lynn I know." It took Linda a while but eventually she broke her embrace with her friend, everything about Sally was as she remembered it especially her wonderful smile. Sitting on her bed in her nightie cross legged Linda smiled at Sally. "I just can't believe this sally what a wonderful Christmas present, how long can you stay?" "Not long I'm afraid as I want to see mum, dad and Carl before I return." "Oh they'll like that." Sally frowned. "They won't be able to see me unfortunately but they will feel me I hope, I just want to say a proper goodbye to them." "Oh." Sally's face then brightened up considerably. "And that brings me to." Sally paused for effect. "What the hell is that text all about girl?" "Ah." "You can't not go Linda; Jackson has been cleaning his house for over a week and is really looking forward to having you as his guest." "But when I kissed him Sally I, no it felt different, I mean I've kissed people before but this was, was." Sally who was now also sitting cross legged on the bed opposite smiled broadly at her friend. "And that is exactly why you should go and spend your Christmas day with him Linda." "But." "No Linda you must go! Jackson is confused at the moment, confused at why you left the party so fast and worried that he may have upset you in some way." "He is? But I thought I'd upset him." Sally started to laugh. "Upset him? Oh you complete eeejit, he was kissed by a pretty young woman how in a million years would he be upset? you made his year you Muppet." "I, I didn't realise, I thought." "Well you want to stop doing that, thinking is for work Lynn, let your emotions have some fun, at least for the Christmas holidays." "I'll try." "Good girl." "Sally, do you know what is happening to me? I mean my body has changed a lot over the last couple of months." "You noticed?" "Of course I did, it's been costing me a fortune in new clothes and shoes." "You're getting something that you've dreamed of since we were at junior school together Lynn, you are becoming the beautiful creature on the outside that you've always been on the inside and I couldn't be happier for you." Linda looked into her friends eyes and felt her lip tremble. "I'm still not actually sure if you are real or not but that was beautiful thank you Sally." "I meant every word of it now do you have something nice to wear for tomorrow?" "Yes I think so Sally, may I ask you a question now?" "Of course." "Why did you commit suicide, why didn't you call me? We could have talked; I would have been there for you as you've always been there for me." Sally became quite serious "I found out that I was dying Lynn and only had months to live. I did it to save the heartache of my parents, Carl and of course you, watching me deteriorate day by day. I know it sounds cowardly, but I did it with the best of intentions." "And now you are a ghost, are you going to be haunting me on a regular basis Sally? If so I don't really mind." "I don't think so as I think that this may just be a one-off thingy." Linda didn't notice becoming tired nor did she feel the bed clothes being gently pulled over her but she smiled in her sleep as Sally kissed her on the lips. "Goodbye Lynn I hope you like your gifts," she whispered at the door before leaving. Outside Linda's flat Nick waited patiently and watched as Sally appeared through her front door, Sally beamed at Nick as she approached and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you for allowing me to say goodbye Nicholas." Nick smiled took out a neatly folded sheet of lilac writing paper and unfolded it then passed it to Sally. "Do you remember writing this Sally?" Sally looked at the paper and gasped, it read: 'Dear Santa. I was going to ask for a Furby for Christmas or a makeup head but instead could you help my friend Philip because I think he wants to be a girl. Love Sally. PS If you do call mine is the house with the green door' "Ooh I got into lots of trouble for that note Nick, my mum and dad stopped me seeing Philip for ages, I thought they'd burned it." "They did but as you can see it still got to me in the end, shall we visit your parents now?" Nick offered Sally his arm and within seconds the pair were engulfed in a blizzard of snow and spiralling wind. Chapter 11 Christmas Day The weather forecast had stated that Christmas day would be cold but clear unfortunately the weather itself had not gotten the memo and just after midnight approximately sixty miles off the eastern coast of England high above the North sea clouds started to form and grow, the clouds drifted westwards and just before dawn the first flake fluttered down onto the freezing front path outside Linda's flat. Linda woke at around nine thirty and after a minute or two just lying in bed yawned, stretched and sat up. "What on earth!" she exclaimed as she noticed at the foot of her bed a stocking tied to one of the bedposts and draped over her comfy chair by the window the most exquisite party dress. Like an excited little girl Linda first went to the stocking at the base of her bed and whilst sitting cross legged she removed the first of the beautifully wrapped presents. As she carefully unwrapped the first package she wondered who had placed the stocking at the foot of her bed and then smiled. 'Was that really a dream I had last night or was Sally actually here? Oh, oh these are beautiful' Linda thought to herself as she pulled the softest underwear she'd ever felt from its wrapping. 'And a suspender belt too, oh thank you Sally." Over the next few minutes Linda unwrapped many items of clothing and underwear from the stocking including several pair of the finest stockings and other accessories finally finding a small note at the bottom of the stocking. 'Just a few little something's to help you along Lynn... think of me fondly, Sally." "Oh Sally thank you so much, you are my best friend ever." Linda then started to remember her friend and how when they were little girls they would sit together at school and at each other's homes would play dress up together and how as they grew up they were inseparable. It was at that moment that Linda realised that she had been given the gift of memories, memories of a happy childhood as a girl, the tears ran from Linda's eyes as she looked up and said. "Oh Sally, Sally you wonderful friend, I don't know how you did it, but thank you so much wherever you are." Linda left her room and headed to the bathroom where she started to run herself a bath before making herself a cup of tea and check her phone for messages and deleting the unsent message to Jackson cancelling Christmas. Linda bathed and shaved noting as she did how smooth her skin had become, then as she dried herself in front of her mirror she smiled at her now gently curving almost perfect figure and whilst still naked bar her dressing gown she dried and curled her hair before painting her toenails and fingernails and as soon as the varnish had dried took her new stockings from their packaging. "There is almost nothing to them they are so fine." Linda said to herself as she draped one of the fine delicate stockings over her recently shaved leg before balling it up and easing it over her toes on its journey up to the waiting suspender tab's dangling from the belt around her now slender waist. After the second stocking was secured Linda stepped into her new panties and pulled them up noting how soft the fabric was as it clung to her figure, the bra came next and after she'd fastened it and nestled her breasts into the soft cups she posed in front of her mirror once more and smiled broadly at her reflection. "No more 'granny' underwear for you my girl, this lingerie is delightful, it's such a shame nobody will see it." before putting on her dress Linda applied her makeup and as her ears now appeared to have healed fully from their recent piercing she placed tiny diamond studs in the place of the plain gold one's she'd been wearing. Linda looked at the petticoat and wondered if dress and petticoats was too much but after stepping into both and observing the effect the petticoats had on her dress decided to keep them at least for today, her recent practice in ever increasing heel sizes had prepared her well for the delicate red strappy sandals she now wore and as Linda posed her smile grew and grew until as she was gathering her coat and purse to wait for the taxi she realised. "Oh no, I cancelled it." Linda went straight to her mobile phone but before she'd unlocked it she heard the doorbell go off. Linda gathered her handbag and a present she'd bough for Jackson and headed down to her front door and as she opened it was confronted by a giant of a man wearing a very Christmassy jumper and a grey pleated skirt holding a huge black umbrella. "Meree Cristmass, Taxi." Stated the huge man as he turned and headed towards a large very old black car. It was only then that Linda realised that it was snowing and that there was a thick carpet of snow in the street with the exception of her path to the black car, she closed the door to her flat and followed the huge skirt wearing man. As Linda walked to the car the large man ensured that the umbrella prevented her from getting wet, the large man then opened the car door to allow her to enter and closed it after her. Soon after the large car was speeding through the snow covered streets but inside the car the ride was smooth and Linda felt perfectly safe, the car then entered a large housing estate and at the end of a long street the car slowed as it went through two stone pillars marking the entrance through a long stone wall, the car then pulling to a halt outside a large old house that must have once been quite grand. As the driver opened the car door for Linda he held his umbrella high and then escorted Linda to the front door. "Thank you erm." "Jeffree." "Thank you Geoffrey." Linda stood on her tip toes as the huge man stooped a little to allow her to kiss him on the cheek and at that moment the front door opened and Jackson appeared. "Linda, you managed to make it, I was worried because of the bad weather." She smiled at Jackson then turned to the large man. "I had a really good driver, thank you once more." The large man then made a rough growling sound and from apparently nowhere produced an overnight bag. "Forr yew." Linda recognised the bag but didn't recall packing it so simply shrugged her shoulders and accepted the bag thanking the hulking man with a smile and entered the large old house. As the front door of the house closed behind her Linda heard the old car leaving. "Let me take your coat Linda, I wasn't sure you'd make it but I'm so glad you did." "I didn't know that you lived in a mansion Mr Leonard," Linda said as she removed her coat. "It's not really a..." Jackson stopped speaking in mid-sentence and stared at Linda who smiled and asked. "I hope I'm not too overdressed Mr Leonard." "N, no you are absolutely perfect L, Linda, gosh you are beautiful." Jackson could feel his cheeks going red as he took Linda's coat and placed it on the coat rack adjacent to the front door. "I have a present for you I hope that you like it Mr Leonard." Linda passed over the small package. "Thank you Linda, please come through to the living room there's a nice warm fire burning in there. Linda followed her host into the living room and as she entered she smiled broadly at seeing the entire room decked out with Christmas decorations with a large Christmas tree adorned with hundreds of tiny twinkling lights in the corner and an old dog lying on the carpet half asleep. Linda sat on a large comfortable leather sofa. "I don't think I've seen a room so beautifully decorated since I was a child Mr Leonard you've done a wonderful job" Jackson was nervously hovering by Linda and asked. "Would you like a drink Linda?" "Do you have lemonade?" "Yes I can do lemonade." Jackson went over to a long sideboard with an impressive array of alcohol and other drinks on it and nervously fumbled with a bottle of lemonade, whilst he attempted to make polite conversation. "The house used to have quite a bit of land attached to it Linda, the housing estate you passed through is built on our land and we get rent from it each year, not a lot but it's just about enough to keep up with repairs, my back garden runs all the way down to the river Paul and I used to play there a lot when we were kids." "Paul?" "Oh yes Paul was my older brother, he was a pilot in the RAF, he died when I was seventeen." "I'm sorry Mr Leonard." "It was a long time ago now Linda, ice?" "Yes please." Jackson passed the tumbler of lemonade to Linda and sat opposite her. "May I?" he said as he picked up the neatly wrapped present. "Of course, I hope you like it." Jackson unwrapped his present and stared at the slightly battered box. "Oh Linda." "I'm sorry the box isn't in better condition but I've been told that the contents are in mint condition." "How on earth did you get this? I've been trying to get hold of this model for months." Linda simply smiled as Jackson opened the box and removed a tiny locomotive from it. "I'm glad you like it Mr Leonard." "I absolutely love it." Jackson got up from his chair, leant over and kissed Linda on the cheek "Thank you so much Linda." as Jackson sat back down Linda noticed that the Christmas card she'd given him was prominently displayed on the mantlepiece above the roaring fire, it was the only card on display. Jackson left Linda a minute or so later to attend to the food and over the next twenty or so minutes kept popping in and out of the living room as he made the final touches to their meal. Jackson entered the living room one last time and said, "Dinner is served, may I escort you into the dining room Linda?" "I would be honoured Mr Leonard." Linda took Jackson's hand and smiled as she felt the warmth of his hand in hers. The dining room was not as warm and cosy as the living room had been but there were a couple of portable electric radiators in the room and the temperature was not uncomfortably cold, Linda sat at the large old dining table whilst Jackson sat adjacent to her at the head, the table was laid out with several dishes of steaming vegetables along with gravy roast potatoes and small sausages wrapped in bacon, the turkey was massive and could have fed a large family. "This is a feast fit for a king Mr Leonard." "Or a beautiful princess Linda." Linda blushed at the compliment and as he started to carve the massive bird Jackson seemed to finally become more at ease. "I do have a present for you Linda, I'm not very good at buying presents for women and am a little out of practice you understand." "I'm sure it will be wonderful Mr Leonard." Linda accepted a glass of wine and the pair soon relaxed into conversation about themselves Linda smiling and laughing at Jackson's anecdotes and Jackson listening intently at Linda's stories of her adventures when she was younger a lot of which involved her friend Sally. "Of course I was still a male then Mr Leonard so I could handle myself," said Linda as she finished off one of her adventures Jackson looked into Linda's eyes. "Have you always known that you wanted to become a female Linda?" "Pretty much so, I didn't know what the problem was when I was really young but as time went on the feeling just grew, unfortunately so did I until when I was sixteen or seventeen I was six foot one and built like a brick toilet, when I finally started transitioning it was like a huge weight had been lifted from my heart." "And your friend Sally?" "She encouraged me every step of the way Mr Leonard If it hadn't been for her constant support and encouragement in the early days and your kindness at work I think I would have just given up and gone back to being a very unhappy man." "My kindness?" "Yes, don't you remember? When I still looked like a gorilla in a dress and nearly everyone in the building was shunning me, you offered me a safe haven in your department, I think you saved my life by your kindness." Jackson took a sip from his own wine glass. "I wasn't about to let you be hounded out of the company Linda that's why I agreed to take you, to give you a breathing space away from the gossiping idiots; but look at you now a very pretty young woman." Linda smiled but did not say anything as she knew she'd changed more in the last couple of months than should normally be possible and didn't really want to draw attention to it. "Actually Linda do you want to hear something strange?" "Err." "It's not weird or nasty or anything," Jackson reassured her. "Okay then." "Well it's a couple of things, firstly I think my hair is growing back." Linda looked at Jackson's head and she almost was sure that his hairline had moved forward a little more since she'd last seen him. "And the other thing?" "I had the weirdest dream last night I dreamed that I was visited by Paul my brother." Linda looked at Jackson and smiled. "So did I Mr Leonard, that is weird; but it was my friend Sally I dreamed about." She neglected to mention the stocking she'd found and the new clothes that had mysteriously appeared for fear of being ridiculed. "I'm afraid to say that I'd been having second thoughts about today and had been debating contacting you to cancel but in my dream Paul talked me out of it, I'm glad he did Linda." Linda reached over and placed her hand on top of Jackson's. "Oh Mr Leonard I nearly cancelled too, but Sally talked me back into coming; I was worried about our kiss you see." "Our kiss? Oh yes I upset you for which I apologise." At that very moment there was a loud whistle of wind outside and the curtains which had been drawn blew into the room as one of the large windows opened into the room propelled by the sudden gust, both Linda and Jackson got to their feet and between them quickly secured the window and re closed the curtains leaving a light dusting of fresh snow on the carpet. Emergency over, Linda looked at Jackson's smiling face and into his deep eyes and, feeling her lower lip tremble involuntarily, she leant forward and kissed him on the lips as she had done the previous day, Jackson immediately reciprocated and placed one hand gently in the small of her back and the other on the back of her head and gently cradled her silken hair as he kissed back. Finally Linda and Jackson's lips parted, Linda was overwhelmed by feelings she didn't know how to control and sensations she didn't until now know she was capable of. "I'm so sorry Mr Leonard." Jackson smiled warmly and traced his fingers down her hair. "Oh Linda I'm not, that was possibly the most wonderful kiss I think I've ever had; two Christmas presents in one day." Jackson then took Linda's hand and placed it on his chest. "Feel my heart Linda, how fast it's beating I don't think I've felt like this since my teenage years." Linda looked into Jackson's eyes, they were sparkling and as he talked she realised how much he cared for her, how much he'd always cared for her and also realised that she had feelings for him. Jackson gently guided the still unsteady Linda back to her seat at the table. "Linda could you do something for me please?" "Yes Mr Leonard I think so," she replied breathlessly. "Would you call me Jackson?" "But." Jackson smiled "Please." Linda nodded, Jackson poured her a glass of water and they continued with their interrupted meal but now as they talked they looked each other in the eyes as they spoke and the conversation became less formal. Jackson and Linda played board games all afternoon enjoying each other's company and after a snack evening meal Linda lay against Jackson on the large sofa, she'd long since kicked her heels off and snuggled into his side as they watched his television, she sighed with contentment as she closed her eyes to rest them just for a second or two. Chapter 12 Sleepover When Linda opened her eyes again she realised that she was alone on the sofa but that she was covered by a soft fur like throw, Linda slowly sat up and pulled the warm throw around herself just as Jackson entered the room with two mugs. "Ah you're awake I was just about to wake you, I've made cocoa." Linda glanced at the clock on the wall it showed quarter to eight. "I'm so sorry I must have dozed off." Linda took the offered mug of cocoa and sipped at the froth on the top, it was delicious Jackson sat beside her. "It's blowing a hoolie outside Linda and whipping the snow up into a real blizzard, I've just been watching it from the kitchen window." "I'd better ring for a taxi Jackson so that I can get back to my flat before the weather gets too bad." "You're welcome to stay if you get stuck Linda." "Thank you but I think I've taken enough of your time today; I have really enjoyed my day though I've enjoyed it a lot." Jackson smiled at Linda his smile was genuine, he'd also really enjoyed having company and would be sad to see her go. "That's funny I don't seem to be able to get a signal on my phone," said Linda as she prepared to ring for a taxi, "May I use yours please?" "Of course, it's in the hallway." Linda left the comfort of the living room and went into the large hallway, located the old telephone and dialled the local taxi company's number whilst moving from foot to foot quickly as the temperature of the parquet flooring was making her stockinged feet cold. "Oh hello there I'd like to book a taxi please?" there was a brief pause followed by. "None at all? Oh I didn't realise that the weather was that bad." Linda thanked the person on the other end of the line and placed the handset back on the receiver, she then went to the front door and opened it a crack and looked out only to see an almost complete white out. "Problems?" asked Jackson as he exited the living room with the two empty mugs. "Apparently the weather is so bad the taxi company has sent all of its drivers home." "Not a problem Linda I'll make you up a bed and you can stay here." "I'm really sorry to impose, I should have checked the weather earlier." Jackson who had now left the mugs on an occasional table came over to Linda. "It's no imposition really, I'd love to have you stay." Linda looked up into Jackson's eyes, without her heels on he was taller that her and it made her feel a little vulnerable, she then hugged him and with her arms wrapped around him and her head resting on his chest she said, "Thank you Jackson." "At least you brought an overnight bag." Linda then remembered the bag the huge taxi driver had given her. "Yes, the strange thing is I can't remember packing it." Linda went back into the warm living room with her overnight bag whilst Jackson prepared her a bed and after rummaging through the contents found her favourite slippers, she then went through into the kitchen which is where Jackson found her sometime later washing dishes and pot's from their meal. "Oh Linda you didn't need to do the dishes." "I just wanted to make myself useful." Jackson took the tea towel from Linda and gently guided her by the hand back into the living room. "I've put clean sheets on the bed and a nice warm duvet, would you like a nightcap before you go up?" "Actually I am quite tired maybe just a little something." Linda enjoyed her nightcap and soon after was guided up to her room for the night. "The bathroom is at the end of the landing Linda it is a little basic I know but it all works." Jackson kissed Linda on the cheek and placed her overnight bag on an old ottoman by the door. "Merry Christmas Linda," he said as he closed the door. Linda gently traced the cheek where Jackson had just kissed her with her fingers, Sighed and whispered, "Sweet dreams Jackson." Linda slowly undressed and carefully laid her clothing and most of her lingerie on the ottoman next to her overnight bag. "I wonder what I packed?" she asked herself still not remembering packing an overnight bag. Linda woke sometime in the night disturbed by the wind outside her room and found she was hugging a large pillow, she got up out of bed and pulled the curtains to one side and after wiping away the condensation on one of the large panes of glass she looked out over what she could see of Jacksons back garden. "Ooh that snow is deep." Taking a warm dressing gown off the bed she donned it and headed to the bathroom on the landing and once finished as she headed back to her room Linda noticed a dim glow coming from downstairs in the living room. 'Jackson must have left a light on' she thought as she decided to investigate. On entering the living room she quickly discovered that the glow was from the fire still burning in the fireplace but also noticed Jackson curled up on the sofa partly covered by a blanket which was in the process of slowly falling to the floor. Linda smiled at her friend and pulled the blanket back over him and gently tucked it in. As Linda returned to her room she was feeling a little guilty that she'd 'stolen' Jacksons bed forcing him to sleep on the sofa but it didn't stop her snuggling back into his bed and drifting quickly back off to sleep. The very next morning Linda was woken to knocking at her door. "Ughhh hello?" said a disorientated Linda as she woke. "I have breakfast for you, would you like me to leave it at the door or are you decent?" "Err I'm decent. Come in." Linda shuffled herself up in bed and rubbed sleep from her eyes as Jackson entered with a tray laden with breakfast goodies with his dog by his side. "I wasn't sure what you liked so I made a selection Linda," said Jackson as he placed the tray on the bedside table. "Lynn, my friends call me Lynn; thank you it looks lovely." "Did you sleep well; were you warm enough?" Linda took hold of Jacksons hand and pulled him towards her then kissed him on the lips. "I'm not sure what I've done to deserve such a good friend." She patted the bed beside her and asked, "Would you like to sit with me whilst I eat my breakfast?" Jackson sat. "This is your bed isn't it?" "Ah, err well the guest room is a little cold and musty and err well I only really use three or four rooms in the old house and..." "Jackson," Linda interrupted, "thank you for giving up your bed last night, you are a true gentleman." "I was thinking after breakfast we could go for a walk Lynn before you go home, u unless you'd like to stay for lunch that is?" Linda smiled at her friend but did not want to overstay her welcome. "If I can find something warm to wear I'd love to go for a walk with you Jackson." "And lunch?" he asked hopefully. "Yes, if it's no trouble?" Jackson hopped off the bed smiling. "I'll leave you to eat your breakfast and see you soon." After breakfast and as she went through her overnight bag Linda was surprised to find suitable and warm clothing along with a pair of thick woollen socks. "What no Wellington boots?" She said to the apparently cavernous overnight bag after finding a pair of carpet slippers, Linda tied her hair back into a high ponytail with a pretty scrunchie exposing her earrings and applied just the merest hint of makeup before going downstairs to meet with Jackson for their walk. "I found these Wellington boot's in the washroom Linda, if they are too big you could put on these walking socks." With the extra socks, the Boots fitted perfectly and after borrowing one of Jackson's warm padded coats Linda exited the front door of his home onto a thick carpet of snow. Linda followed Jackson around the large old house towards the back where they both encountered a recently fallen cable lying on top of the snow. The cable was covered in places by a thick coating of ice. "I think that may be my telephone line Lynn look it goes up to that telegraph pole over there." Linda nodded and the pair continued around to the back of the house where Jackson's huge back garden came into view. "It's a little run down like the house Lynn but I do as much as I can I'd hate to lose it as I have such happy memories of my childhood here." "It must have been wonderful Jackson?" Linda slipped her hand into his as they walked, Jackson accepted the cooler hand and held it firmly. The pair walked down to the small river at the bottom of the garden and then turned to see the old house in the distance up the gentle hill. "Your house must have looked quite magnificent once Jackson," said Linda as she looked up at the beautiful old family home. "My grandfather and my mum fought to keep it but even though I still own a lot of land the land to the north has the large council estate on, unfortunately I may soon lose the rent on it as I believe the council is going to start demolishing the estate soon and the land will revert back to me so I'll lose the income." "Is there not work that you can do on the house yourself?" "Yes but my heart isn't really in it, the house used to be so full of life when I was a child but now sometime seems such a lonely and depressing place." "I could help you," said Linda brightly. "I was pretty good at DIY once, of course I don't really have the strength I once had but I'm willing to give it a go." Chapter 13 A Little Fatherly Advice. The pair walked through the deep crisp drifting snow for a little longer until Linda suggested she'd like to build a snowman then like two excited children she and Jackson set about rolling giant snowballs and erecting their creation midway between the house and the river whilst occasionally throwing snowballs at each other, returning to the house only when Linda started to feel the effects of the cold on her hands and started to shiver. After returning to the old house she sat by the roaring fire whilst Jackson prepared her a warm drink she then snuggled up against him contentedly as they watched the last half of a seasonal movie on the TV before lunch. After a wonderful afternoon with Jackson playing games and being shown his model railway layouts in the expansive but cold attic that with a surprisingly heavy heart Linda stood by the front door waiting for her taxi's arrival to take her back to her flat. Jackson appeared from the living room, holding a small wrapped package. "I'm so sorry but I forgot to give you your present yesterday." He handed over the package and as its contents were revealed she smiled. "It's lovely Jackson thank you so much, may I wear it now." Jackson who was happy that he'd not screwed up responded by taking the fine gold necklace with its small heart shaped pendant and placed it around Linda's neck. "It suits you Lynn." Linda who was staring at her image in the large wall mounted mirror at her gift gently traced her finger down the fine gold chain to the pendant just above her now visible cleavage and started to blink in an unsuccessful effort to prevent the welling tears from flowing. "Don't you like it?" asked a now very confused Jackson. Linda turned and literally fell into her friend and hugged him tightly and between happy sobs said, "I love your present you wonderful, wonderful man it's so beautiful, thank you so much." Jackson held Linda to his chest and gently stroked her hair "I've really enjoyed you here this Christmas Lynn, I was wondering if you would consider seeing the new year in with me?" Linda was still being held and didn't immediately answer so Jackson continued "If you have other plans I understand." Linda broke their embrace as they both heart the toot from the Taxi's horn as it pulled up outside and dabbing at her eyes said, "Can I ring you?" "Of course." Jackson picked up Linda's overnight bag and kissed her on the cheek as she put on her coat. "I'll carry your bag to the taxi." Once inside the house again after seeing Linda off, Jackson stood by the front door and he'd waved as the taxi left his home on its way to Linda's small flat he sighed and closed the door behind him and went back into his large living room where he started to tidy up but stopped some minutes later when after picking up a throw that Linda had been using to stay warm her scent assaulted his nostrils. "Ohhh." He said to himself as a shiver ran down his spine and he remembered earlier that day them both hand in hand walking through his garden. "I hope she agrees to come over for New Year." Colin Jackson's dog barked happily. That evening, as Linda slept soundly in her bed whilst dreaming of a childhood she'd not experienced, changes that had only begun just over two and a half months ago were completing themselves within her and Linda's newest organ was preparing itself for its first ever cycle as a tiny little egg was released from her left ovary and was slowly drawn into her left fallopian tube on its journey into her womb. Although Linda had changed a lot recently, she'd thought the changes to be mostly superficial in nature and hadn't even dared to hope that they could be more, she slept on blissfully unaware. Jackson after spending the rest of the afternoon tidying and some of the evening in the loft poring over designs he'd been making for improving the automation of his train layouts decided to go to his local pup for a couple of pints. On arrival the pub was relatively quiet as the snow had probably discouraged people from venturing out, Jackson got his usual pint from the bar and turned to his usual table to find Nick the old man he sometimes talked to sitting there, the old man waved him over. "Hello there Nick, Happy Christmas." "And the same to you young man, did you have a good Christmas?" asked Nick as Jackson sat down and placed his pint on a beermat. Jackson smiled at Nick. "Yes Nick, this year I really did, a friend came for lunch and because of the weather ended up staying," Nick noted as Jackson was talking the enthusiasm and happiness in his voice. "Well I must say this person has really left you with a spring in your step, you actually look younger than last I saw you." Jackson took a drink from his glass pondered what he was about to say then. "Can you keep a secret?" "Ha, I should think so." "I think that she is wonderful, I always have done, so courageous." "Courageous?" "Yes, I won't go into it but she showed great courage and strength of will to become the person she wanted to be; I don't think I would have had that kind of strength in her situation." "And yet you helped her to keep her job even though management were looking for ways to get rid of her." Jackson simply did not notice Nicks apparent knowledge of Linda's history. "Yes but it would have been so unfair on her Nick, she's really intelligent, works hard and, and." "And now you are in love with her." Jackson placed his pint glass back down on the mat and looked down at the table. "Yes but." "But you think that it may interfere with your work and workplace romances are frowned upon within your organisation." "Exactly." "Poppycock, that is just an excuse." "I've invited her over for New Year." "And the time in-between have you anything planned?" "Well no but." Nick sighed. "You could ring her up and ask her if she'd like to go see a film or even just meet up in town for a tea or coffee." Nick knew that following years of nursing his mother through her illness and lack of any real social interaction Jackson was a little rusty when it came to relationships and was just nudging him in the right direction. "Do you think so?" "Just give her a ring and ask?" "What now?" "No I would wait until the morning as Linda is probably tucked up in bed now." "Oh okay then." Nick and Jackson continued to talk through last orders and time and finally left the pub together just before midnight, as they walked home through the compacted snow on the council estate pavements Nick mentioned. "I've heard that the council is to start demolition of part of the estate next year something to do with concrete cancer or something in the houses." "I'd heard a rumour Nick I'm not sure what that means for me though, oh before I forget did you have a good Christmas?" "It was busy but I did get to spend the latter part of the day with some new friends of mine." Jackson nodded and realised that they were nearing where Nick usually turned off. "Would you like me to walk with you to your door Nick as it's a little slippery out here." "Thank you for the offer young man but I will be all right." "Well just in case I don't see you before New Year." Jackson offered Nick his hand and they shook hands. "All the best for the new year Nick and be careful down your street." Jackson continued back to his own home and as he approached it he started to remember his own childhood with his big brother Paul, the tree house they'd made in the branches of the large old oak to the side of the house and the adventures in the woodland and by the river. "This was a wonderful place to grow up, thanks mum." Jackson placed his key into the front door of his home and entered and as he did he caught the slightest whiff of Linda's scent, he inhaled deeply and sighed. "She made the old house feel like a home again," he said to himself as he shut the door behind him. Chapter 14 The Old Year Slowly Gives Way Linda was in her kitchenette the next morning and had just buttered a hot crumpet fresh out of her toaster when her mobile phone started to ring, Linda's heart skipped as beat as she saw it was Jackson ringing. "Hello?" "Hello Linda, It's Jackson, are you free today?" "Err I can be, what did you have in mind?" "Shopping I was hoping you could help me do some shopping for my home as I'm really rubbish at such things." Linda's heart sank a little at this. "Oh and afterwards I was wondering if you would erm, if you would like to go bowling, or the cinema, I erm." Linda felt her tummy tighten and felt her face start to flush. "I'd love to Jackson; I just need a quick shower and I'll be ready where would you like to meet?" "You would? Oh great smashing, err I'll get the bus over to yours if that's okay and we can get the bus into town together." Linda and Jackson did indeed shop for bedding and a bed to go with it along with many other items to brighten and bring life back to his family home. After shopping Jackson kept good on his promise and took Linda bowling where they both enjoyed each other's company and sympathised and laughed with each other at their rusty skills. By the time the pair were walking to get the bus home they were holding hands and as Jackson stood outside Linda's flat they kissed each other and hugged before Linda entered her small flat and Jackson left her to get the bus back to his own home with a spring in his step. Over the next few days on the build up to New Year's Eve Linda noticed even more tiny changes to her body and mind the most noticeable of which was that her height was now about 5 foot 7 Inches as opposed to the six foot one she'd been since her original puberty. Jackson made himself busy too over the next few days on his own missions something however he became more and more aware of as the days flew by was that the grey in his hair was slowly vanishing and that the sandy colour of his younger years was returning, other things vanishing on Jackson was his stomach along with the general widening of his waistline that had come with middle age. On New Year's Eve Linda arrived dressed casually mid-afternoon and was greeted by Jackson, he kissed her on the cheek, and noted as he did that she seemed to be even prettier than even a few days earlier. "I'm so glad that you agreed to stay over Linda. This time I've prepared a room especially for you." "Thank you Jackson I'm looking forward to this evening, did you say we'd be going to your local?" "Yes if that's okay. It's not much of a pub but it's close." Linda was extremely impressed at the room Jackson had prepared for her it had obviously been redecorated and painted and sported a new bed and two wardrobes, Jackson held her hand and told her that the room was hers to use whenever she came over to visit him which he secretly hoped would be frequently. That evening Jackson proudly showed off his pretty girlfriend to the staff and regulars at his local pub and with a totally uncharacteristic break from his usual tradition didn't go into the bar but used the more comfortable lounge instead. Linda and Jackson talked and laughed all evening enjoying each other's company immensely and held each other's hands tightly as they walked home as snow slowly drifted down from the leaden sky. "Oh there's my friend Nicholas," said Jackson as he approached an old man walking with his cane. "Hello Nicholas." "Oh hello there Jackson, and you must be Linda, I've heard so much about you." Nicholas took Linda's hand and kissed it making her feel warm. "Have we met before Nicholas? As you seem awfully familiar," asked Linda. Nicholas did not answer but instead asked. "I was wondering if I could be your first foot Jackson, it is supposed to bring good luck." Jackson smiled. "I would like that Nicholas, it's been such a long time since the old place has had a proper first foot, do you have coal?" "I'll think of something most suitable for you both, I'll see you soon." Nicholas then took his usual turn and left Linda and Jackson with a wave of his stick. Once back home in the large house Linda helped Jackson make some sandwiches and snack foods for their guest and as midnight sounded on the Television they kissed, holding each other in a long warm embrace until two or three minutes later there were three loud knocks at the front door. Jackson took Linda by the hand and they opened the door expecting to see Nicholas and wish him happy new year but instead saw a man that both resembled Linda's acquaintance Nick the friendly plumber and Jacksons old friend Nicholas, except that he was now neither as he seemed larger, stronger and was wearing animal skins. Linda and Jackson were surprised but not scared to see Nick but were really surprised when two people stepped from seemingly just behind him. "Sally?" gasped Linda. "Paul? P-Paul is that really you?" asked Jackson. "Yes Jacky it really is," the man said whilst smiling. "May we enter your home Jackson?" asked Nick politely. "Cos it's bloody freezing out here," added Sally. "Of course come in come in," offered Jackson. Once inside the Leonard family home Paul spoke as he offered his hand to Linda. As Sally did the same to Jackson. "Happy New Year Linda, I'm afraid that we haven't been introduced I'm Paul, Jackson's big brother." Whilst Sally approached Jackson before hugging him. "Happy New Year Jackson, I'm Sally, Lynn's dead best friend, I must say she never mentioned how cute you were." She then turned to Nick who was now smiling broadly. "How long can we stay Nick?" "As long as you all need." Linda and Jackson invited their guests into the living room where snacks and sandwiches had been lain out Jackson served drinks and involved himself in conversation and enjoyed being in company once more after years of isolating himself, Linda also came out of her own shell and talked animatedly with Paul and Sally absolutely adoring the person she was becoming. It was around three in the morning when Lynn's eyes closed and she lay her head against Jackson's shoulder and roughly five minutes later that Jackson succumbed to sleep. "Do you think we should just leave them there?" asked Sally. "They will both sleep peacefully until morning but I do think they would be more comfortable in their own beds," Said Nick before turning to Paul and asking, "Would you mind taking Linda up to her room please, Sally could you prepare her for bed please? I'll take Jackson to his bed." Colin looked up disinterestedly and went back to dozing on his warm mat. Nick then lifted Jackson with ease and carried him out of the living room and up to his own bed. After undressing Linda and settling her into bed, Sally kissed her sleeping friend on the forehead. "I hope it all works out for you, goodbye Linda." Sally then Joined Nick and Paul on the landing. "I'm afraid it's time," stated Nick apologetically, Paul and Sally nodded and each took hold of one of Nick's hands. "I see a bright future ahead for that young couple," said Nick as he guided Paul and Sally into a forming storm on the landing. "Thank you Nick, for everything," said Sally. "Yes thank you, I'm really going to miss my little brother." The storm engulfed the three and as it abated they had vanished, leaving only a little loose snow on the landing carpet. Chapter 15 And in With the New Linda and Jackson woke to a brand new year and with a renewed vigour and energy for life and over the following weeks Linda spent a lot of time with Jackson who, she'd now taken to calling Jacky, the old house started to awake from its long slumber and once again started to resemble a home, on New Year's morning Jackson found in a cupboard whilst searching for a gravy boat several investment documents that once processed by the family solicitor yielded a considerable amount on owed dividends meaning that both the roof, electrical system and plumbing and heating systems could all be either repaired or updated, it also allowed him to pursue an idea linked with his hobby. It quickly became apparent to both Linda and Jackson that they loved each other and one evening in April as she sat with Jackson whilst he was operating his model train layout in the spacious attic area Linda's attention was drawn to something out of the ordinary on the front of the Flying Scotsman as it came out of the tunnel near to 'Chumley sidings' "There's something stuck to the front of the flying Scotsman Jacky, it looks a little like a ring of some sor... Oh Jacky" The small train came to a gentle halt next to Linda and as she turned to look at Jackson she was surprised to find him kneeling on one knee by her side, he took the ring from the front of the train and offered it to Linda and smiled at his completely shocked and now visibly shaking friend. "Linda Anders will you marry me?" Linda looked down into Jackson's eyes and at his hopeful expectant expression, her heart was beating so fast and her throat was dry, she could feel her face flushing and the tears welling in her eyes but these were not tears of sadness. "Yes," she squeaked. "Yes with all my heart you wonderful wonderful man." Jackson carefully guided the ring onto her finger and hugged her just as tears of relief started to pour from his own eyes, not fully understanding why he could be so happy and yet cry at the same time. Within weeks of becoming engaged Jackson and Linda set up a small company manufacturing small electronic control modules for model train layouts, with Linda leaving her job soon after to concentrate on their new venture. Jackson continued to work until the IT support department was farmed out to an external contractor, he left with an extremely generous redundancy package ironically about three weeks before he'd planned to hand in his notice to concentrate on his own business. Nearly four years later. "Mummy, Mummy when Sally has had her drink will you come and play aeroplanes with daddy and I?" Linda looked down at the beautiful child feeding from her and gently clawing at her boob with its tiny fingers as it sucked furiously and smiled." "Yes dear as soon as I have your sister settled I'll come and play with you and daddy." The little boy stood and watched. "Did I feed like that too mummy?" "Yes Paul you did, all baby's need to drink milk to start with it helps them to grow and become strong." "I think I like having a sister Mummy." Paul was then distracted further by his father. "Paul are you coming. I've got the kite with us too if you want to try that?" "Coming daddy." The barefoot little boy then ran a little down the grassy slope towards the river where Jackson his father was." Linda closed her eyes and let the sun warm her face and as she sat there on the large woollen rug on the grass in her garden and sighed with contentment. Nick watched unnoticed Jackson with his son and Linda with her newly minted daughter and smiled broadly. "Have a good life you have both earned it." The End (Will Nick return?) © Kyorii 2019

Same as A Christmas tale (The fourth) Videos

4 years ago
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A Grim Northern Fairy Tale

"What?" Cinders asked of her step sister as she she raked out the fourteenth fireplace that morning, "Coming to Saddleworth?" "Yes coming to Saddleworth," Gertie said, "He's coming to open our new Town Hall" "Oh!" said Cinders. "He'll be coming up our road our Cinders," said her step sister Anna,"You'll have to chuck ashes in canal or road will be dusty."me." "Dusty?" Cinders asked, "In Yorkshire, get real!" "It were dry on our Harry's birthday," Gertie...

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Christmas with My MotherinLaw

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Saga 3 8211 Encouraging My Brother To Deflower 8211 Sravya8217s Tale

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

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Fairy Tale Therapy

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The Grimm Twins III The Tale of Snow White

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Dreams of My Son A Spiritual Tale of Motherly L

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Christmas Creep

© 2011 All rights reserved Author’s note: Here’s my story for the Winter Holidays contest. I hope you enjoy it, and votes and feedback are welcome and appreciated. Thanks to LettersfromTatyana, MugsyB and Annanova and my husband for encouragement and beta reading. ================================== Joe Naylor stared at the department store display. ‘I can not believe this.’ ‘What?’ His girlfriend, Noelle Winters, gave him a puzzled look. ‘This!’ He made a sweeping gestures with his arm to...

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Christmas With the Devil

“There is a beast in man that must be exercised, not exorcised.”-The Satanic Bible*It was Christmas Eve, and Jolly Old Saint Nicholas had one last job to do. A job he dreaded.He stood at an iron door in the side of a mountain at the top of the world, hesitating as he lifted a rusted key from around his neck. Did he really have to go through with it? Maybe this year, just for once, he could skip this last chore. Maybe everything would be better off if he just left well enough alone…But no.; he...

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Christmas Story One

According to Webster’s New World Dictionary: Aureole is the radiance encircling the head or body of something as in halo or the illuminated area around the sun as seen in a mist or during an eclipse. Areola is a small ring around something as the dark ring around a nipple. Christmas Story One The Christmas Angel I was your typical good looking college graduate working my way up the corporate ladder. I was twenty-eight years old and single because I worked all of the time. It...

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Christmas Creep

Joe Naylor stared at the department store display. "I can not believe this." "What?" His girlfriend, Noelle Winters, gave him a puzzled look. "This!" He made a sweeping gestures with his arm to indicate the shelves. "It's October fifteenth and they're putting up Christmas decorations!" He scowled at the Santas, elves, miniature trees and other Yuletide paraphernalia that sat mere feet from more appropriate seasonal wares. Pumpkins, witches, and skeletons grinned at him from their...

1 year ago
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Christmas With the Devil

-The Satanic Bible *** Jolly old Saint Nicholas had one last job to do that evening. A job he dreaded. He stood at an iron door in the side of a mountain at the top of the world, lifting an old, rusted key from around his neck and wondering if he really had to go through with it. Maybe this year, just for once, he could skip this particular chore… But no. He shook his head, spilling snow from his crown of ivy. He was obligated to be charitable to everyone in need. And what...

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Thelma and her brother

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1 year ago
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Christmas Journey

Christmas Journey************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan December 2011The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.It was the day before Christmas Eve in the mid 1960s. I was facing a boring Christmas sitting in my office in Devonport Dockyard waiting for...

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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 1

Hi there and thank you for reading this little introduction. My handle is Branek, and what you are going to read is a joint venture of a group of Authors. Together Nuuan , Shadowsblade and myself are writing a Fan Fiction set in the Whateley universe. This tale will be readable from multiple characters and each of the main protagonist's is getting his or her own story. To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop around here is a short introduction. Angels...

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Christmas Overload

Joyce had barely made it back to the apartment from the grocery store where she worked as a checkout clerk and tucked the ham she’d brought home—the last one in the store—before it was time to go pick up the Christmas cake she’d ordered from Gleesons before they closed. She had already been cutting her time short—she still had to go buy a tree and figure out where she’d stashed the ornaments and lights—and she hadn’t gotten off shift when she expected to. She kicked herself for not remembering...

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Christmas Bah Humbug

It is only November 1, and the mall speakers are blaring Christmas music already. The Christmas season hasn’t been a favorite of mine for many years. And each year the commercialization Christmas seems to start earlier. Hell, we haven’t had Thanksgiving yet, and Halloween was just last night! The last Christmas I can remember that I actually got excited about, was nearly forty years ago. It was the last one before my mom died. Christmas was her time of the year. She saved a bit of the...

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Christmas Story Four

Christmas Story Four Stocking Stuffer I have been the community Santa Claus for a few years now and then one day I received a phone call from a woman trying to hire me for a Christmas party. I had a funny feeling about it so at first I said no but she was very persistent. She offered me more money than I normally charge and she said that there would be a lot of children there too. I was finally sold on the idea as long as there were kids involved. She said that I was to show up near...

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Christmas Angel0

By: beagle9690 December 2009 Gabriel: I awoke in a hospital room to sunlight dancing on the sleeping form of my angel in the chair by my bed. Her long unbound hair shone like a heavenly halo as it caressed her neck and shoulders. Peaceful and innocent in her slumber, Amy's deep contented breathing was a comfort to me knowing that she was safe. Amy is my angel, my salivation, oh how I loved my beautiful brown eyed girl... how healing her presence is to me. My heart swelled with...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Christmas Story Five

NOTE: This story contains pissing not water sports, sorry. Christmas Story Five Box & Bow One night about a week before Christmas I was awakened by mom letting out a scream. I got out of bed and started out of my bedroom door when dad shouted at me to get back in bed and go back to sleep. He looked at my sister coming out of her room too and told her to do the same thing. Mary Ann is my fourteen-year-old little sister. She is cute but I’ve know her my whole life and she can be a...

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Tattletale Tale 1

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Christmas at the Joness

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3 years ago
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Christmas Journey

Copyright Oggbashan December 2011 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. * It was the day before Christmas Eve in the mid 1960s. I was facing a boring Christmas sitting in my office in Devonport Dockyard waiting for something that probably wouldn’t happen. I was the most...

2 years ago
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Christmas Story Three

Christmas Story Three Sister’s Are Forever When I saw that coffee mug sitting on the store shelf all of a sudden it made sense. “Sister’s Are Forever!” That was what it said on it. My girlfriends have come and gone but my sister has always been there for me. This might be my last Christmas at home too. In June I would be out of high school and on my way to a college in another state. I bought the mug for my sister. Nichoël is my sister. My mother named her Nichoël because she...

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Christmas Lights

Marion sat upright on the bus seat, knees together, shoulder bag on her lap. She watched the dark streets pass by through her reflection in the window. Christmas lights shot their electric streams of coloured energy through the blackness, creating islands of cheer in the gloom. Some streets the bus passed through were more affluent, with lots of competing displays, making a cheerful vista to walk arm in arm through. She and Jack would have to do that some night. Other streets, poorer and...

3 years ago
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Christmas Wishes

I wrote this story several years ago and thought that I'd repost it for the holidays. Christmas Wishes By Morpheus The Carson family sat at their kitchen table in preparation for one of their families Christmas traditions. Mike, who was the father of the family, had a sheet of paper in front of him, carefully writing on it while his wife Lauren read over his shoulders, making occasional suggestions while their children, 17 year old Michelle and 15 year old Steve impatiently waited...

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Christmas Interludes

An English Christmas It was a long flight for Ethan and Nichole Smith. The two had to rush home after school to double check their suitcase to ensure that they had everything. Their father Nigel had already done the check for them and added some additional clothes that they had forgotten, particularly underwear and socks. He had had a hard time not shuddering at seeing Nichole's panties but it was for the greater good that he counted and made sure she had enough. Their mother Karen...

1 year ago
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Scotts Yucca Man Tale

Scott told me this tale at the Irish while Howie was being turned into Helen. Peace Belle. Scott's Yucca Man Tale I was just getting in from taking Connie back to Prince Eric. I had returned Connie back to her original form with Prince Eric's promise that he would send regular reports on the Count's behavior. I went to the Irish to get a beer or two along with a meal. I also wanted to catch up on local events and the Baseball scores. I was on the weekly board. I...

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Uncle Montys Tale

Uncle Monty's Tale This tale is how Scotty met Nicole's and Larry's father. Please read the tale of Oh No before reading this one. Peace. Belle. Greeting everyone. Scotty here. This tale deals with Anthony James Sargento. I told this tale after the interment of Anthony Sargento. Both Nicole and Larry wondered why both Capt. Starr and the leader of the Marine funeral detail saluted William Bonnie. Capt Starr, William Wallace, William Bonnie, and myself were in full uniform with medals...

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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 1

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

1 year ago
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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 2

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

4 years ago
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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 3

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 4

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 5Dark Ones rise

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. But remember all. I am not leaving Shadowsblade behind! I will start writing her soon! To have an idea about the main protagonist...

2 years ago
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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 7

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop around here is a short introduction. Angels Peril a...

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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 9 school meeting

Thursday August 9 2007 6:10 am Guest cottage area The green space in front of my house Homestake Paranormal Activities Research Center I am running through my morning routine, when Becky rolls up with a cart and Gunny driving. I glance over the carts back deck, to see traveling bags all laid on it? I walk over to see what is happening "Hi Gunny what is going on?" "Heya Kyley, Ahh I think Becky should tell you? As I don't want to get hurt!" "Haaa you old warrior. Your afraid......

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Tale of the Wizards Apples

Copyright© 2007 by Stultus Synopsis: An old fashioned Fairy Tale about a plucky young lad who finds love and happiness in a Wizard’s apple orchard. Naturally there is a wicked step-father and some naughty step-brothers that need to get their own ‘just desserts’ as well. No Sex. None at all. Sorry. Codes: Fantasy, Historical & Magic Sex: No Sex Originally Posted at SOL: 2007-05-22 ******* The old Foole sat by the fire and tried to warm his aching joints next to the roaring fire of the...

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Christmas at Hawkwood

Dear readers, this story was written by me and my partner Midnitehawk. I hope you enjoy our story. I am sure our love and lust for each other shines thru into the story. Please write and let me know what you think and I will show all mail to Ian. We love to receive feedback on our stories. * * * * * The kitchen smelt of apple and blackberry pie. Heat, from the oven, pervaded the whole room. It felt like Fran had been cooking all day. A streak of white gashed her forehead, and she swept some...

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Christmas in April

April awoke to the sound of a winter wind blowing outside her window. She shivered a little at the sound, then sat up and took a couple deep breaths. To her relief, she didn’t cough and her lungs felt more or less clear. After checking her temperature to confirm that her fever was gone, April jumped out of bed and stretched.“It’s over,” she said aloud to the empty room, “That fucking disease is really over.”April had been bedridden for most of the last month. It had begun with a nasty flu and...

2 years ago
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Christmas Angel

Melinda and her husband Mike used to go all out at Christmas time, decorating every inch of the house, inside and out. It was her favorite holiday. One of the traditions Melinda brought from her childhood was the family setting up the tree the first Sunday of December. Nowadays it was not just their kids, but grandkids as well. The sounds of children giggling, a serenade of Christmas melodies, make that day extra special. This year however just wasn’t the same, because her husband divorced her...

Straight Sex
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Christmas Love

2003 © Thank you Angel for all your wonderful help. It was a long five hour drive from the hospital. Seven year old Tim had bee n a constant visitor with his father, going there to see his mother since she had been diagnosed with cancer last spring. Tonight was Christmas Eve, and it was snowing very hard. They had to get home before Santa came. Tim was very excited about Christmas, even though his mother wouldn't be home. Spending the day with he r had helped young Tim a lot. They took...

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Christmas Love

A big thank you to Tigerjen for taking time out of her busy schedule to edit my story at the last minute… And I mean the last minute! * * * * * It was a long five hour drive from the hospital. Seven year old Tim, and his father had been doing it since his mother had been diagnosed with cancer, last spring. Tonight was Christmas Eve, and it was snowing very hard. They had to get home before Santa came. Tim was very excited about Christmas, even though his mother wouldn’t be home. Spending the...

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Christmas Cums

Dear Diary, Well, this has been another interesting Christmas for me, it is the seventh anniversary of my parents death, my seventh Christmas without a family. I didn't expect much for Christmas; only a few friends here at College know my story. The ones that had money and could afford them gave me presents. I got three or four small things, nothing major or worth mentioning and I gave my friends presents that I could afford. I did my usual bit for humanity by working in a soup kitchen and...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Christmas Cookies

Chapter One Twenty-eight days before Christmas I found myself in a remote, fortified camp in what seemed to be a million miles from nowhere. I am Lieutenant Eric Steiger, United States Navy, and I command a mixed unit of Marines and Navy SEALs. Our mission is to gather intelligence on arms being transported from Iran into Afghanistan. ‘Hey, Lieutenant. The supply helo is about ten minutes out. Do you have anything that needs to go back to headquarters?’ Chief Petty Officer Thomas Kincaid...

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Christmas on Duty

Christmas On Duty Copyright Oggbashan December 2012Minor edit December 2013The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.This story is set in the 1960s, long before texting and mobile phones. *************************************************Our office party was set for Christmas Eve...

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Christmas Climaxes

Step dad, mum and college lass: Everything under a Christmas tree should be opened with relish and delight....Some may say I’m lucky, others who share the same birthday as me, will take a different view. My birthday falls on Christmas Day. Yet here I was getting up excited and very early on Christmas morning just turned eighteen. I was prepared as usual for the ‘single double’ present that covered both birthday and Christmas. But at least it was under a tree. The tree I had helped decorate with...

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Christmas on Duty I have to work Why does she

Christmas On Duty Copyright Oggbashan December 2012Minor edit December 2013The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.This story is set in the 1960s, long before texting and mobile phones. *************************************************Our office party was set for...

4 years ago
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Christmas at Thanatos Manor

Christmas at Thanatos Manor – Part One Dear Reader. Here's a cruel and depraved little confection to brighten yourholiday season. So put down the ribbons and wrapping paper and spend a fewminutes with the members of the Thanatos Society as they gather at the Manorto celebrate Christmas. Like most of my tales, this one is not for the faintof heart. If you would like to let me know what you think of this story, youmay contact me at [email protected] Cerberus A leather-clad chauffeur...

2 years ago
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The Tale Of Swifty Black

THE TALE OF SWIFTY BLACK BY Dorothy StrangeloveSunlight shone through the window of the village church, beaming multicoloured rays of light through the stained glass, onto the man who was knelt in prayer at the altar. His voice echoed in the empty room as he said his piece to god, the light shone and bounced off his fine jewelled rings and the heavy gold cross and chain around his neck and it seemed to illuminate the whiteness of his embroidered shirt. "Oh Lord,"He said, "I am but a humble man,...

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The Tale of the Torch Singers Wife

THE TALE OF THE TORCH SINGER'S WIFE by enduringshades PROLOGUE Linda James was driving home in her husband's, Leo, SUV. She was distressed. She had been invited to the BRITs the night before, but her name was not on the guest list. Her husband's agency was supposed to have made the arrangements, but all they had done was book her a hotel room, just for her, and she had had to pay and she really couldn't afford it. She had thought the hotel room had been booked for her...

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A True TaleChapter 9

Mia only took a second to think and then quickly removed her dress step out of her slippers pull off her stockings and then blew out the lantern before pull down her underpants and climbing into bed. The next morning Mia was shocked at the fact that the old man only slept touching her in a kind manner but never made any type of sexual move. He was dressed and watching as she climbed out of bed and dressed. The both walked to breakfast where they met Lord Kronk. Kronk asked how they slept...

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Christmas Visitor

That was the awkward Christmas. I had come back from my sophomore year at college, visiting my parents for a few days — the first time I felt like a visitor in the house I grew up in. My younger brother, Randy, had accepted an invitation to go skiing with some cousins, a trip that my other obligations made impossible for me. His absence turned the time with my parents a bit more claustrophobic. Then, with only me and my parents in the house, they decided on a table-top Christmas tree instead of...

2 years ago
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Christmas Angel1

However, the coming Friday was Christmas. Instead of celebrating, she would spend the day sleeping late, enjoying a TV dinner, while watching one of her old taped movies, like “Gone with the Wind.” Or so she thought, the phone rang. When she answered it, it was her mother. She was calling to invite Melinda to come home for Christmas, after all she was only forty miles away. As usual, mom wouldn’t take no for an answer. “But Mom, I don’t feel like celebrating, it brings back too many...

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