Heather_(2) free porn video

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Chapter One:
In her fifteenth year life changed drastically for Heather. She had grown up with her mother, Angie, who worked every shift she could get as a waitress, leaving Heather to care for herself in a violently bad neighborhood. Every night Heather would lock the door against the sirens and screams, terrified someone would come to get her. This fear wasn’t entirely unfounded, as several young girls had been raped, beaten, even killed throughout the years, but no one ever came after her.
Angie wasn’t so lucky. Twice she had been attacked, but managed to get away with only minor bruises and cuts, and she couldn’t step outside their apartment without lewd catcalls being shouted at her. Then again Angie was such a bombshell that it might have happened to her in the nicest of places too. At twenty eight, she still looked twenty, with long shapely legs and, a trim waist and full perky breasts. Her hair was a silvery blonde, her eyes deep blue, and her lips as plump and ripe as a peach. Every night she left work, dropping a kiss on the top of Heather’s head, looking more like a super model in a costume than a minimum wage waitress and single mom.
Heather loved her fiercely, but at times she envied her mothers looks with such force it was almost hate. By the time Heather turned fourteen, most girls her age had a full b-cup, while she struggled to fill an A. In truth she had no reason to wear a bra, but was very self conscious of her nipples poking through her t-shirts, so she wore one at all times. While she did inherit her mother’s light blond hair and full lips, her eyes were a dark brown, and though she ached for the long slender dancer’s legs her mother possessed, Heather was a mere five feet tall. She often felt like a small unremarkable toad standing in her mother’s statuesque shadow.
Living in such a bad neighborhood, and plagued with social anxiety so bad it was difficult for her to even meet a stranger’s eyes, life was a miserable existence for Heather. That is, until she turned fifteen.
Her mother came home early one night, her blue eyes alight with excitement, and confessed to her that she’d been dating a man for some time now. Heather was slightly shocked to discover that she’d been keeping a secret from her, but forgave it quickly as Angie’s story unraveled.
“He is so handsome Heather, your going to love him honey, he’s going to make everything ok for us He came into the diner tonight, told my boss I was quitting and proposed to me ” Angie held out her left hand to show off a gold band encasing a huge diamond, and Heather’s eyes grew larger in her face.
“Wow mom,” she breathed, “It’s so beautiful. But why are you quitting your job? I don’t understand.”
“Oh Heather ” her mom practically shouted, tears of happiness springing to her beautiful eyes, “He’s RICH I mean really really rich Like I was before daddy disowned me, and he’s going to take care of all of us We’re moving in with him tomorrow, he’s so excited to meet you, he says you can finally get a puppy if you want, your getting your own room, nice clothes, going to a good school, everything’s going to be ok now ” Angie was so wrapped up in her dream come true that she didn’t notice the hesitation in Heather’s voice, when she asked,
“Tomorrow? We’re moving in tomorrow?”
“Yes Why stay in this hell-hole any longer? He has a big beautiful house, and a maid to clean everything, we are going to be so happy honey ...Oh and he has a son, Aaron...” Her joy seemed to waver here as she tried to describe him, “He’s a bit troubled I guess. But I’m sure he’s a good boy deep down, I mean he’s nothing compared to the kids here. Anyway we’re waking up early tomorrow to go meet them.”
“But I have school-“
”No way, your not spending one more day there. You can start up in your new school after we’re moved in. Well I better get to sleep, love you hon.” And with that, she was gone. Heather sat there, stunned with the load of information suddenly dropped into her lap. She might have felt resentful of the sudden changes about to occur, if her life weren’t already so miserable. Nothing could be worse than this right? Right. She lay down that night and tried to imagine what this mysterious man and his son would be like as she drifted off to sleep.
The next morning Angie woke her up, eyes still sparkling like sapphires.
“Get up Heather we don’t want to be late ” she cried as she dashed to their tiny bathroom to apply makeup, “Go put on your pretty dress, the powder blue one k? Oh and maybe some of that coral lipstick I bought you. We want to look our best.”
“All right.” Heather replied around a yawn, and began to drag a brush through her waist-length hair. As she dressed, feeling incredibly nervous to meet the men who would soon become her family, her mother called the school to inform them she’d no longer be attending, and then the apartment manager to let them know she was moving out. Heather heard her scoff when the manager warned her of a penalty fee for breaking their lease agreement, and she replied,
“Yes we’ll pay whatever. I’m leaving all my furniture too, you can let other people take what they want, and bill me for the cleanup.” The manager asked her something, and Angie giggled like a schoolgirl, replying “Oh you have no idea ”
Heather surveyed herself in the mirror, wondering what impression she would make on them. Her hair was shining, cascading down her shoulders, skin a pale alabaster. She’d applied the lipstick her mom suggested, which almost exactly matched the natural blush in her cheeks. Heather wasn’t completely blind, she knew she was pretty enough in the face, but as soon as she surveyed the flat state of her chest she felt her confidence deflate. Oh well, she thought, these men would be her brother and father, they wouldn’t care about her lack of breasts anyway. At the last minute she added a touch of mascara to her lashes, just as her mom was calling her to hurry.
Angie looked fantastic in a black dress that was casual but showed just enough cleavage and leg to be sexy. Her hair and makeup were perfect as usual, and she gave her reflection a satisfied glance before pulling Heather out the door.

They arrived at a fancy looking building, and were greeted by a doorman when they entered. Heather felt as out of place in this restaurant, with waiters in tuxedos, and a huge fountain, than she had in the ghetto. She clutched her mother’s hand tightly as a man led them to a table, but Angie jerked her hand free to wrap her arms around her new fiancé.
“George, I missed you.” she purred in a sultry voice, kissing him deeply before introducing him to Heather.
“This is my daughter Heather, she couldn’t wait to meet you.” George was incredibly handsome, as handsome as Angie was beautiful. His skin was a deep bronze color, his eyes green, his lips were full and curved into a kind smile. He took Heather’s hand into his own and kissed it gently.
“Your just as beautiful as your mother dear,” he said, “I’m so pleased to meet you Heather. I’ve always wanted a daughter.” Heather shyly looked away, but couldn’t help but smile in return.
“I’m pleased to meet you too.” she replied in a tiny voice, and then took her seat at the table.
It wasn’t until she sat down that she saw the other man at the table. He strongly resembled his father, with brown hair falling into his green eyes, and his deeply tanned skin, but that was where the similarities ended. While his father was impeccably dressed, he wore baggy jeans and a wife beater. A cigarette poked out from behind his left ear and he slouched in his seat glaring at Heather. She immediately avoided eye contact.
“Ah yes, Heather this is my son Aaron. As you can see he’s in a bit of a rebellious stage.” George waved his hand as if to clear the air of Aaron’s bad manners.
“Aaron this is Heather, your new stepsister. Why don’t you be polite for once and say hello?” As though her eyes were magnets, she was drawn back to his steely gaze. Aaron stared into her eyes, then to her lips, then paused at her chest before flicking back up to her face.
“Yeah, I’d fuck her.” he said casually, and a deep blush spread instantly through Heather’s body, making her feel rosy all over. There was a moment of silent shock before George’s face twisted in anger and embarrassment.
“Heather, my dear, I’m so terribly sorry. Will you ladies please excuse me while I have a talk with my son?” And with that he was pulling Aaron out of the restaurant.
“Oh honey don’t mind him, really. He’s just going through a rough patch.” Angie reassured her, patting her hand. Heather sat there, still incredibly stunned, and mortified that the feverish blush had somehow made it’s way between her legs. She was silent, marveling that a boy as devilishly handsome as Aaron had just informed her that he’s fuck her. It made her insides feel as if they’d turned to liquid, and just like that Heather had a huge crush on her bad-boy soon to be step brother.
When they returned, George’s face was once again a mask of happiness, Aaron looked a little pissed, but kept his mouth shut. The waiter arrived, George ordered omelettes for himself and Angie, then the man turned to Heather. Suddenly the spot-light was on her, and she stammered,
”Oh, sorry, um....I...” trying to find something-anything on the menu she could order. It seemed to go on forever before George smoothly broke in between her stutters,
“I think the lady would appreciate an omelette as well please. And an orange juice.” Heather nodded gratefully and heaved a sigh of relief as pressure was eased off of her.
“And for you sir?” the waiter asked, turning to Aaron.
“Gimme a beer.” he replied, smirking. The waiter seemed a bit ruffled, asking to see an I.D., but George cut in once again,
“So sorry, but that’s not necessary. We won’t be drinking this morning. You can just bring him the same. Thanks.” Nodding politely, the waiter disappeared to retrieve their breakfast.
The food was delicious, and Heather was happy to have something to focus on as her mother and George ruled the conversation, discussing wedding plans mostly. Aaron was also silent, though occasionally she would risk a glance his way, and he always seemed to be staring right at her. Each time she blushed deeply and looked away, unsure of how to respond to such a direct gaze.
When lunch was finally over, Heather rose, relieved to get home, when she tuned back into Angie’s voice.
“We’ll follow your car. I can’t wait for Heather to see our new home ”
“Wait, what?” Heather asked in a tiny voice,”We’re not going to our place first?”
“Of course not honey,” Angie replied,”we don’t need anything. George has promised to buy us all new things.”
“But...But mom..my stuff..” she floundered, thinking of the many keepsakes she kept in her room,
“Now Heather don’t worry. We didn’t own anything of value-“
”None sense,” George interjected, “if she has some things she’d like to collect that’s just fine..Aaron can take her.” Angie’s eyes flitted to Aaron, then back to George, looking unsure.
“Is he a safe driver?” she asked hesitantly, “I don’t know...Maybe I should just take her.”
“He’s very safe.” George assured her, then leaned over to whisper something in Angie’s ear that made her gasp softly.
“Oh..Ok. But take my car It’s not a nice neighborhood, you don’t want to bring the corvette.” Aaron rolled his eyes,
“Yeah whatever. Let’s go.” He snatched the keys from Angie’s hand and headed out the door, leaving a befuddled Heather to scurry after him.
In the car, alone with the boy she’d just developed a crush on, Heather’s heart pounded. Aaron was so intimidating, and it added a strange thrill to the ride. Eventually Aaron broke the silence and asked,
“How old are you?”
“Fifteen.” she replied, her voice just an octave above a whisper.
“Damn. I got some real live jail-bait in the car.” Heather had heard that word before, but never as a reference to her, and she blushed violently. She wanted to ask how old he was but couldn’t work up the nerve to speak. She guessed he was about twenty or so.
“You got a boyfriend?”
“No.” she whispered
“Ever had one?”
“Yeah I figured as much. Probably never even seen a cock huh?” he asked as they pulled into her apartments. Heather’s blush deepened and she hopped out of the car, too terrified to answer him. She approached her door, and he followed, handing her the keys to unlock it. As usual she looked carefully around before opening the door, making brief eye contact with a man sitting a few feet away holding a green bottle.
“What you lookin’ at bitch?” the man barked at her, and she quickly looked away, sliding the key into the door to escape. She was shocked to hear Aaron’s voice respond;
“She’s looking wherever the fuck she wants.” To her horror, the man stood and approached Aaron, glaring at him.
“You got a problem boy?” he asked, spitting the word ‘boy’ into his face, and Aaron smirked. Heather’s heart raced and she clutched the doorknob, ready to dash in to safety. Aaron leaned forward, causing the man to take a step back.
“How about you get the fuck out of here before I beat your ass?” he suggested in a mild tone that was much more threatening then any yell. The man stood there for a moment, spat and said,
“Shit. You ain’t worth the trouble.” as he turned around to leave. Aaron chuckled, and turned to Heather, who was still frozen
“We gonna stand out here all day?”
“Oh S-sorry.” she stammered, and turned the knob. Heather opened the door
She went straight to her room to gather her things, and was thrilled-and terrified- when he followed her.
“What a shit hole.” Aaron remarked, throwing himself down on her bed,“So how’d a fine piece like your mom end up here?” he asked from the bed, watching her scurry about her room.
“Mom used to have lots of money,” she replied in her tiny voice as she rummaged through her belongings, “But she got pregnant really young. Her dad kicked her out and her boyfriend left so it was just us.”
“Yeah makes sense. Your mom loves the cock. I’ve heard her fucking my dad, she’s a freak.” Heather had no idea how to reply to that, so she didn’t. As she crammed her most treasured possessions into a bag, she became aware that Aaron was lounging on her bed, watching her. Not only was a boy in her room, but he was on her bed
Just thinking of the possibilities sent a wave of tingles through here body, resting between her legs, where, to her embarrassment she grew increasingly wet. Her mind kept wandering back to what he’d said at breakfast. Could he really want her? Flat chest and all? She fumbled with her bag, trying not to imagine what he might look like under his clothes, and pulled open a dresser drawer. She was about to grab some underwear, when a strange feeling came over her. She turned around, and gasped sharply to see that Aaron had crept up behind her while her back was turned, and now stood only a few inches away. Once again her eyes were dragged against her will up, to meet his gaze, and he towered over her.
“You scared?” he asked quietly, using that same mild and yet threatening tone, and she swallowed hard, nodding her head. Her heart was roaring in her ears, and she had no idea what to do, she’d never had a man this close to her. Without breaking eye contact, Aaron leaned forward, and for a moment she panicked, thinking he was going to kiss her. Instead she felt his hand slide up her skirt, to cup the burning mound between her legs.
His touch was electrifying, and her knees nearly buckled when he squeezed her there.
“Yeah, but you like it don’t you?” he breathed into her face, and when he worked a finger beneath her panties and slid it up into her, she let out a low moan, leaning against the dresser for support. He pressed his finger deeper, twisting it, emitting another breathless moan from her, and began to plunge it in and out of her wet slit.
“You like it don’t you?” he repeated, “Say it. Say you like it. You’re so wet I know you do. Tell me.”
Heather was overcome with a swirling turmoil of emotions, a deep shame at how good this felt, fear of this rough man who handled her so boldly, she wanted to tell him yes, yes she liked it. She wanted to beg him to stop. She wanted to pull him close. She wanted to push him away, but she was too timid for any of those things, instead she writhed against his fingers like a helpless worm on a hook, waves of pleasure rolling through her.
“Say it Heather.” he urged, forcing a second finger into her, “Say it for me I wanna hear it. Say you like it. Tell me.”
“I...I...” she panted, “You what? Say it to me. Now ” He jammed his fingers up, hard to punctuate this, and she cried out in ecstasy, on the verge of something she’d never felt before, a pleasurable tingling building, building, so intense that she thought she was going to explode.
“I...I can’t ”she cried out, hating herself for not being able to say it, working her hips against him in a frenzy as her body drew closer and closer to the explosion she knew was coming. He paused,
“Shit.” he said, withdrawing his hand and stepping back to her huge disappointment. He regarded her coldly.
“Maybe you are too young.” and with that he turned around and left. Heather sank to her knees, humiliated, trembling with need, hating herself for being a coward. She buried her face into her hands and cried, the need between her legs eventually fading to a dull ache. Finally she pulled herself together, grateful that Aaron had given her the time to do so. She packed the rest of her bag, and stepped out of her room. He was lounging on the couch watching t.v., and she stood there silently, facing the floor, letting her hair cascade down to cover her eyes.
“You ready?” he asked casually, as if nothing had just happened. Avoiding his gaze, she nodded, and they left. They drove in silence, she chose to stay in the back seat this time for fear of eye contact. When they arrived at her new home, a huge sprawling house in a beautiful neighborhood, George and Angie rushed out to greet them, looking nervous.
“Was everything ok?” Angie asked worriedly, “You were gone so long.”
“Yeah it’s all good.” Aaron replied casually, tossing her the keys, “We stopped on the way and got some ice cream.” George’s eyes widened in surprise and he turned to Heather for confirmation. She nodded, and he slapped his hand on Aaron’s back approvingly.
“Thanks son.”
“No problem,” he replied, “I think I got to know my new sister pretty well.” As Angie and George beamed at each other he winked at Heather, who blushed yet again.


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We’ve all heard the saying, ‘good and evil exist in every single human being.’ History, culture, and religion have tried to show us what’s good and what’s evil. Robert Louis Stevenson wrote about these struggles in his famous novel, Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.Today, Jack and Pam experience the dark side; for one of them, it's the first time.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Like most fifty-five-year-old guys, Jack carried extra weight from bad eating habits, his hair loss was...

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You LIke It There

comes to your door step in nothing but a black silk teddy. You can see her perky nipples through the top and notice that she has nothing covering her bottom. You bring her in outside of the cold and pull her close to give her some warmth. Then you lead her to the living room and sit her on top of the piano and spread her legs so you can get a better view of her freshly shaven pussy. She enjoys you looking and moves her hand down to the top of her clit and starts to...

3 years ago
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My first swinging experience Part 14

This happened while I was still studying and worked for a company during my summer holidays to earn some money, because like most students, I was chronically broke. Unfortunately I had to take a room in the city where the job took place, the cheapest room I could find was a private family, renting rooms or rather apartments they built in the garden, the rooms where small but had everything I needed, and there was a bonus I was allowed to use the pool and garden. I moved in and found that there...

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6 Chasing CanariesChapter 9

Lori was now draped over Chet's side, tracing circles on his chest with a finger, her eyes languid. Chet knew it was about time to take her home, but he just watched her, savoring both the press of her body against his, and the joy at their miraculous reunion. Then her finger paused, and her eyes went wide. "What?" he asked. A grin slowly spread across her face. "Did you know Rhonda was the one that suggested I check you out in the first place?" she said slowly. "Yeah, she finally...

2 years ago
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Blame It On Monica

Well, I couldn’t blame it on anyone else!I mean, there I was, off on a course for a few days, staying in a sleepy little archetypal English village. Next door was a pub, next to that was the church, dating from the 1100s, next to that another pub. One called the Swan, the other the George and Dragon. The Bed & Breakfast overlooked the village green - more typically English would be quite impossible to imagine. Except that the housekeeper in my old English Guest-house was actually Hungarian....

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Trailer Trash

Tommy was sitting in his old well-worn recliner reading the paper one hot steamy Alabama evening. It was always hot and humid this time of year and Tommy sat there with the old electric fan running, trying to stay cool. He looked up from his reading as Bobbie Sue, his pretty young wife, came into the room. His eyebrows furrowed as he watched her walk towards him. She was not dressed in her usual around-the-house sweatpants and oversize t-shirt, but instead had on a cute little mid-thigh length...

4 years ago
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The Trail WestChapter 4

The Hobart wagon train was four days west of Amarillo and young Josh Kelly was scouting ahead for the best route, water holes, and a good spot to camp for the night. He had been doing the same thing for the last 40 days as the train made its way from Fort Smith through Oklahoma City and Amarillo toward Santa Fe. Hobart had shown a lot of faith in the 18 year old, giving him more and more responsibilities and the boy had blossomed into a very capable young man. The time Josh spent with Johnny...

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Back To School Days

“Two fifteen. Two fifteen. Where is it? Two oh three.” Ashley muttered to herself as she walked down the hall. Her first day, and if she didn’t find the room soon, she’d be late to meet with Mr. Hamilton. The early morning sunlight spilled in through the window at the end. Outside, the trees are just beginning to change from green to yellow and orange. A cloudless blue sky promises a beautiful day ahead. The fluorescent lights overhead were reflected in the shiny paint of the lockers and...

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Help at Home

Poorva is a 37 year old, tall, bulky, widowed mother. Her husband was killed in amry where he was serving. Unfortunately he didn't have life insurance and Poorva was forced to work two jobs. She works part time as a home healthcare nurse and late nights as an exotic dancer. Poorva 's dancing job keeps her body physically fit and she takes much pride in her 36 C breast and her long toned legs.Poorva has had her ups and downs when it comes to men.She arrived at her apartment at about 3am. Her...

1 year ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 32

The courtroom the next day was exactly the same. The Crown Attorney took up where he had left off and dealt with the next set of charges against Goldbalm. "Tell us what happened when you were chased by Mr Sinclair." I had a folder in my hand with my notes and went through them point by point. The courtroom gasped as I took out Mr Sinclair's eye then his testicles and jaw. I explained how I was hurt but still got the man into the car. I mentioned his gun but he was in no condition to get...

4 years ago
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Teenage Booty Sluts

Barely legal..." "But dressed to impress all the same..." "Cool outfit." Yeah, right. Most families spend July 4 slouched around the barbecue pitpassing wind. Mine spend it sprawled around a photo album, passing comment, and while I can't say I've ever contributed much to the conversation... I've certainly never brought one of my own albums along for inspection... it's hard not to get sucked into the occasion. Especially when cousin Margie is around, with half your own teenaged years in glowing...

2 years ago
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with my aunty 1

Hi This is Rakesh from Chittoor As i am great fan of Indian Sex stories i felt like i must contribute my story also I would like to share my story pleas forgive me is the story is long because if it try to make it short I am sure it will loses the eroticism I am 28 working in Hyderabad from the past 3 year and the story what I would like to narrate and share with you guys is 4 years back Right after my inter second year my father asked me to help him with his sugar cane work because he can...

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Kelly in the college 2

When her eyes refocused, I slid out of her and put her leg down. I took her face in my hands and kissed her deeply. “Oh God that was awesome. I think you ruined me!” she chuckled. “No problem” I joked. “Next time I’ll just do you in your ass.” I chuckled cheezily, trying to make her more at ease. The look she got was not one of laughter or revulsion. It was lust. “Would you? Seriously?” “Oh you have got to be kidding...

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Jeremy and I have been friends since elementary school. We were both frequent targets for bullies so it seemed natural that we'd become friends. He was a shy, skinny k** with sandy blond hair that fell around his shoulders and he never spoke about girls. I was too naive and inexperienced at the time to see that Jeremy was in fact gay. But this secret would be revealed during a sleepover at his house. Jeremy had an older sister named Alice who was quite cruel to him at times and frequently...

3 years ago
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Angel HeavenChapter 5

Paul couldn't believe his luck. Less than a month ago he was a loner, working crazy hours, with no hope of ever meeting anyone, let alone the girl of his dreams. Today, with Dave at his side, he was standing in city hall waiting for his future bride to arrive. When she walked through the door Paul's heart skipped a beat. She looked truly beautiful in a form-fitting black dress and heels, carrying a small bouquet of flowers. Her mother was similarly dressed and, although she was over twenty...

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A Family in Need a Mason Degraves StoryChapter 2

They woke to the chime and announcement at 6:00 AM, and Jim stumbled and blearily looked at his mother as she was moved to the pumping station. He smiled at her sleepily, and opened her robe and placed the cups over her breasts and pushed the button starting the machine. She gasped again, feeling her nipples stiffen, and Jim glanced at her again. She shrugged, and said “It’s a bit startling first thing in the morning.” He nodded, and went to the fridge, pulling another smoothie bottle out and...

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Legally Bound

Legally Bound By Carmenica Diaz Synopsis Henry always enjoyed the high life, even though it meant living beyond hismean and his addictions of gambling, drinking and womanising didn't help matters. Devlin Butterworth, a sophisticated criminal accumulated Henry's debts anddemanded payment, making it clear what the consequences would be for failure. Exhausting all avenues and with time running out, Henry reluctantly visitshis estranged wife, Virginia who is a very successful legal...

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Maine uncle ki gand me ghusaya

Ye kahani aaj se karib 8 din pahale ki he mere ghar ke pas ek uncle aur anty rahete he uski umar karib 55 sal ki he aur anty ki 50 ke aas pas hogi vo bahut khubsurat thi uske boobs kafi bade the vo subah ko sirf gawn pahanti thi aur me subah jab bhi uske ghar jata to uske boobs ko hi dekhta rahata tha aur uske jukne ka intejar karta taki muje uske boobs dikhai de uske do ladake he vo dono america me rahate he yaha par sirf uncle aur anty hi rahate he anty agar koi chij lani ho to muje hi bulati...

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Getting to know Amy The Final Part

It was a week until I was due to meet with Amy again, and it was quite a week! I now knew what it was that she wanted, or maybe really needed, and it seemed to fulfil a need that, to be honest, I never really knew I had. Now, I had played with ties and handcuffs, both using them with lovers, and also having lovers use them on me, but it was all in simple good natured sexual fun. It had never seemed an important part, just a bit of fun, much like fucking in a lift or outside where there were...

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First Blowjob

I’m a tgirl and have been crossdressing for as long as I can remember. Once when I was 17 I went to a Halloween house party dressed as a hooker. (yeah, yeah, been done before but it’s true). I wore a short and tight low cut black spandex dress, a silicone padded bra, black patent 5′ pumps, and fishnet stockings. I added a long blonde hair extension to my naturally long hair, and did my makeup on the slutty side with false eyelashes, heavy eyeliner, and deep red glossy lipstick. Big hoop...

2 years ago
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Why I love sucking black cock the most

So let's be honest! I've been a cock sucker from a really young age. I had a cock in my mouth before I had pussy in my face, so little did I realize that later in life that instead of looking for pussy that I'd be thinking about cock, but the truth is not only was I looking at every man as the next possible cock that I would feel grow in my mouth, but there came a point in time that it actually seemed that black men could tell that I was a cock sucker.It's really true! I can't imagine how they...

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Whos that Girl Pt1

“Eleanor!!”“Yes, Mr Harmon?” responded the slightly tinny voice through the intercom.“Can you bring in the guestlist for Saturday Night,” he released the speak button and knew once again that his 'please' hadn’t been transmitted.“As you wish, Mr Harmon,” she responded with her standard refrain and within a minute she knocked on the door and entered.Chris Harmon, founder, CEO and the continued driving force behind the Perfect Harmony Record Label looked up at his personal assistant as she...

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Pooja Auntyai Oothen

Hi friends, vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalaam. En peyar Kannan vayathu 26 aagugirathu, enaku innum thirumanam aaga villai. En paati veedu arugil oru sexiyaana thirumnama aana aunty irunthaargal, avargal peyar pooja vayathu 33 aagugirathu. Aval kangal kaama thee pondru irukum, mulai miga sexiyaaga irukum. Auntyku thopai irukaathu parka ilamaiyaana pen polave thaan irupaal. Avalai naan muthal murai paarkum pozhuthu apadiye urainthu poi viten endru thaan sola vendrum. Aval en paati veetirku...

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The White Mall

The story is centered on a person that finds themselves trapped alone in a seemingly endless mall-like architectural complex. They can continue their search for an exit on the condition of putting on impractical fetish items that lock onto their wearer. As if it wasn't hard enough, a second voice is planted in the character's head. Its task is to make them stay in the Mall by distracting, deceiving or overriding their mind and will. Please, don't forget to "Start Game". Your choices are going...

1 year ago
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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 6

Chuck Holy shit! There are babies everywhere. All of them are hollering/crying and they all need attention right now. Literally hundreds of babies were demanding diaper changes, demanding a breast to nurse, and looking for loving attention. All I could do is stand in the middle of the bedlam with my mouth open, too terrified to do anything. Someone was shaking me, "Wake up, Chuck, you're having a bad dream, wake up, Honey." I opened by eyes to find Brandy looking at me with a concerned...

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Two Part Three

Part ThreeThe next weekend, Amy invited Allison over for dinner. It was very cool to watch them kiss when Allison arrived. It was a quick kiss, but it still made my cock hard. Allison was wearing a green top, a neat, black skirt, and some simple, black sandals. She wasn't near as thin as Amy, but she still had beautiful legs. Amy was barefoot, and wore her normal jeans--she had about six pairs of the same jeans--but for once wasn't wearing one of my t-shirts. She had on a white top that showed...

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The movie was not all that interesting and after a while her attention diverted to me a bit more. Think she was quite amused by my dedication at licking her feet. And I was learning. Learning the nitty gritty of foot licking and how to please her. For example if I sucked her middle toe finger with my tongue hard under it, she almost always moan with pleasure etc etc. She was becoming quite playful – sometimes holding my nose or my tongue between her toes fingers, at times running her feet over...

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Happy Birthday

Melissa drove carefully, passing the quaint shops and bars of their small picturesque town. She didn’t want to stay at the 25 MPH speed limit. She wanted to drive as fast as her SUV would go. It was her birthday, but that wasn’t why she was so excited. Her lover was waiting. Shawn was waiting when she walked in the door, his full lips turned up in the cocky grin she loved so much. His tee-shirt stretched tight across his broad shoulders and Melissa felt desire pool in her belly at the sight...

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The Devils Pact the Cult of the GhostChapter 3 Winter

Wednesday, November 21st, 2013 – Deidre Cheshire – Cassia County, ID I hadn't been to my dead aunt's ranch since I was a kid. It seemed the same now as it had then, like time had stopped for this one spot and the rest of the world had moved on. Right into the hands of Mark Glassner. The main house was painted a faded blue, rising three stories at the center around several barns and sheds. My great-grand father had built it to house his rather large family at the turn of the last century....

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A Grand Plan 3

A Grand Plan By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Part Three "Oh this sucks!" said Devin sarcastically. "But what about us Trisha. Maybe we could try again?" "You mean a second chance?" said Trisha, smiling at him. "Sure, that would be great!" said Devin. "It's funny you mention that, because I was just talking about that with Kendra," said Trisha. "I'd love a second chance," said Devin, smiling. "Good, then this will all work out perfectly, as I was just about to...

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Blind LuckChapter 07

I wake up just after six and have my morning wash before waking the ladies to tell them they’ve got twenty minutes to get ready for breakfast. It’s a fun madhouse. I enjoy watching them scrambling to get washed and dressed in that short time. They’re still in various stages of partial dress when there’s a knock on the door. They rush for bedrooms while I check the door. It’s Room Service with the Deluxe English Breakfast for twelve I ordered by phone before I got in the shower, so I open the...

4 years ago
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Up Against the Wall

OH MY GOD…That feels soooo good, baby. You must want me bad, the way you pushed me up against the wall and pinned me there with your hand while you slid down onto your knees and started unfastening my belt. More than the way you’re man-handling me (can I say that, since you’re a woman?!), it’s the way your eyes are locked on mine and never look away through your every move. That’s so sexy, so intense, to see you look at me that way, totally possessive and powerfully controlling. I see the...

1 year ago
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The Life Plan Correction

In a world where finding personal purpose and success is guaranteed, how do people see those who — unsatisfied by everything — defy the odds to fail? With compassion and empathy of course. Seeing day-to-day suffering can only hurt an otherwise satisfied mind, can only do damage to a fragile psyche. Even for those who don't feel sorry for the social dropouts who can't find purpose, they can and do feel the pain of their fellow contributing citizens when those good citizens are harmed by the idea...

Mind Control
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Date Night With Uncle Dave

Introduction: Uncle Dave invites me to go on a date with him and his hot girlfriend. My young horizons have begun to expand. Wow! Uncle Dave just asked me to go out with him and his new girlfriend! The idea had me fairly dancing around my room. I mean, I just turned 13 and most guys didnt even look at me twice. I was skinny and except for puffy nipples, I was flat as a pancake still. So, I guess I was maybe fantasizing about going on a real date. Uncle Dave was kinda good looking, you know, for...

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