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  Moira saw him standing at the door of a small restaurant. He was talking to a teenage girl, casting nervous glances around. He definitely had a reason to be nervous. This place wasn’t suitable for selling drugs. The girl had obviously caught him by surprise and had started talking dangerous things. Dangerous for a drug dealer of course.

  Moira hid behind a car, then took out her gun, feeling its reassuring weight. She was determined to catch him this time. She had longed to send him to jail. For almost two years now.

  She looked at her low heeled pumps, wondering if she would be amble to run fast.

  Dan slipped his hand in his pocket. Moira jumped out from behind the car and ran toward him. The man saw her immediately, his face turning pale, his lips twisting into a nasty smile. He pushed the shocked girl aside and disappeared into the crowd.

  She followed him, running as fast as she could. The people were moving aside frightened by the gun and the wild glare in her eyes. Dan disappeared. She stopped and bent over, breathing like an asthmatic horse. Her blond hair spilled over her face. She was on the brink of tears. A complete failure, again.

She steadied her shaky legs and looked back over her shoulder. Just in time to see Dan climbing over a high tin fence. Despite the fact that she was relatively short – 5’2 she managed to climb over the fence too. There was a deserted construction site on the other side.

  A six–storied unfinished building stood at the centre of the plot. The noise from the street was barely audible. Moira looked around her but could not spot Dan. She heard his footsteps though. He was moving up the stairs. She took out her mobile, then realized that she didn’t know where she was, and slipped it back in her pocket.

  ?I have a gun, Dan!? she cried out to him. ?Come to me, please.?


  Moira followed him up the stairs. She was determined to catch him whatever it might cost her.

  Moving slowly she lent an ear to every sound. She stopped on the fifth floor, looking nervously around her. Empty rooms and abandoned tools everywhere. A noise came from below, a distant footfall, and she hurried down the stairs. As she reached the forth floor landing she suddenly felt a massive blow to her left shoulder. Her body lurched to the right, to the gaping abyss under an unrailed balcony.

  Moira gaped sheepishly, trying to get hold of something. Dan giggled nastily behind her.

  ?Bye–bye, Mo.?

  She fell off the balcony, flailing her hands helplessly, screaming at the top of her lungs. Then, the images started to appear – the tricycle her mother bought her when she was four, her first-grade friend Norma, her father putting ice on her sore knee, her first boyfriend kissing her on the mouth, her graduation dress, the admission examination.

  Moira made a somersault and landed on her haunches with a sickening thud. Her scream died out. After a second her trembling arm reached up toward the sun, her fingers splayed. She parted her lips slightly, emitting a soft sigh. Then her arm dropped and her body got limp. 

  Dan burst into uncontrollable laughter.

  The pain spilled over her thighs, then shot up her lower back. Moira opened her eyes and tried to prop herself on her elbows. The pain pinned her down, its jagged teeth gnawing at her hips.

  ?Oh dear, look what happened!? said Dan sarcastically. ?Are you ok, Mo? You don’t look very well today.?

  ?Fuck off,? she hissed, trying to stifle the tears that were about to erupt.

  ?You scared the shit out of me, Mo. I thought you were dead. But you are a tough girl, aren’t you??


  He kicked her shin viciously. Moira clenched her teeth but didn’t give any other indication that she was in pain.

  Dan looked curiously at her then stared at the building.

  ?It was a hard fall, uh? Do you think you have broken something?

  Moira ignored his questions and fixed her eyes on the gun that lay close by. She reached towards the gun but her shoulder was too stiff and she could not get hold of it.

  Dan kicked the weapon aside.

  ?You disappointed me, Moira. Officer. I thought you were smarter.?

  Moira remained silent, the shooting pain had made her dizzy.

  Dan placed his hand on her thigh, just under the hem of her skirt, and kneaded it gently. Moira’s eyes filled with terror which for a moment replaced the pain. He slipped his hand over her knee and traced the curve of her calf.

  ?No,? she said with a trembling voice.

  He rubbed her ankle, then tickled her exposed toes. Her pumps had slipped off her feet.

  ?What do you feel?


  ?Just answer my question! Now!? he snapped.

  ?You are touching? my toes.?

  ?Good girl. I have to go now. You stay put.? Dan chuckled, then searched for her mobile. When he found it, he smashed it against a concrete wall.  



  As Dan disappeared behind the fence, Moira started to scream. Five minutes later, her screams getting weaker and weaker, she realized that no one would hear her. The fence was too high, and the street too noisy.

  She ran her hands over her hips, trying to find out what was wrong with her bottom. She thought she felt a swelling, but she wasn’t sure because the pain drove her trembling hands away, and forced her to stay still.

  Despite the fact that she was lying motionless, her thighs were tightening. But what troubled her most was the strange feeling in her pelvis. It was as if there was a worm there, a worm with teeth. She could feel it writhing inside her, digging into her bones.

  She had to do something, had to drag herself to the fence. Then she could?

  She hiccupped, her features contorting. Then she flexed her left knee, placed her foot on the ground, and gingerly rolled herself on her side. The broken bones in her pelvis moved, emitting a popping sound. Gasping for breath, she whimpered, then froze immobile. Irritated, the pain was tormenting her mercilessly, eating her alive.

  ?What are you doing, Mo?? Hands akimbo, Dan was standing above her, frowning. ?I told you not to move. Why didn’t you listen to me?? She didn’t answer, just groaned meekly. ?You will hurt yourself if??


  Dan smiled broadly and kneeled beside her.

  ?Here, I brought you some water,? he said and produced a bottle.

  ?Why don’t you just leave me alone?? The sharpness in her voice melted away as the pain stabbed her right hip.

  ?Oh, Mo!? he exclaimed theatrically. ?I’m trying to help you?

  ?Go to hell with your??

  He poked at her thigh with his forefinger, cutting her words short.

  ?Does it hurt here, Mo??

  ?Please, stop!? she said, her chin trembling uncontrollably.

  ?Ok,? he said and patted her shoulder. ?Did you try to stand up??

  ?No, I just?


  ?I can’t do that by myself. I think I’m hurt pretty bad. Call an ambulance ? please.?

  Dan remained silent for a moment, then roared with laughter.

  ?You are funny girl, you know that, Mo??

  Moira tried to turn on her back. The bone fragments made the same popping sound as they grated against each other. She cried out shrilly, then slumped awkwardly back. Her eyes were glazed and unfocused.

  ?Why did you do that, Mo? You should not move at all!?


  ?What, my dear??

  ?I can’t feel my leg anymore. It suddenly got numb.?

  ?Which one??

  ?Left one.

  Dan slipped his hand under her knee and lifted her leg slightly. Moira’s eyes bulged.

  ?What are you doing??

  ?You said your leg??

  ?Just call an ambulance and make yourself scarce. Now!?  Her voice was firm and controlled but her eyes were wet.

  ?Bad girl, bad girl,? he mumbled and shook his head sadly.

  ?But if you leave me here?

  ?I’m not going to leave you, Mo!?

  He rubbed her knee gently, then kneaded her calf muscles with both hands.


  ?You said you can’t feel your leg??

  ?I SEE what you are doing, wretch! Do not dare to touch me!?

  ?You know what, Mo, your feet are really cute.?

  He cupped her heel and traced his forefinger across her instep, enjoying her soft skin. Moira closed her eyes, cursed under her breath, and sighed pitifully. He caressed her delicate ankle, then fixed his eyes on her motionless toes.

  ?I’m sorry you got hurt, Mo. I didn’t want to?

  ?Dan, listen! If you help me??

  ?I will help you, Mo! Trust me!? he said with a trembling voice and started kissing her toes passionately.  


Dan stopped sucking Moira’s big toe for a moment and rubbed his groin with one hand. His eyes had a hectic glint.

  ?Tell me Mo, you really don’t feel anything? I tried to do my best. Do you feel my tongue now??

  Moira let out a groan and covered her face with both hands. Her fingers were trembling uncontrollably.

  ?I asked you something, Mo. It would be nice if you answer my question.? Dan knocked on her ankle, then licked her rosy heel and smiled sheepishly.

  ?There is a tingling sensation in my foot but otherwise?

  ?What, tell me honey, I would like to know everything!?

  ?Nothing, except tingling.?

  ?Gosh! You might have damaged your spine. My poor little girl!? He sniffed her instep, then rubbed his nose on it.

  ?I can’t believe all this is happening,? Moira wailed meekly.

  ?I was right, I was right,? Dan blabbered excitedly. ?I knew you would move, making the things worse. You poor stupid girl!?

  ?What are you going to do?? Moira asked apprehensively.

  ?You will see. I have a terrific idea? but for the time being I’m going to focus on you gorgeous paralyzed leg. By the way, is your right leg still functioning?

  Moira bent her right knee slightly, checking its mobility.

  ?Bravo, Mo! Maybe things are not that bad after all.

  ?I’m hurt pretty bad, Dan. I need to be in a hospital,? Moira explained as calmly as she could.

  ?It suits a pretty girl like you to be hurt pretty bad,? Dan said thoughtfully.

  ?You are mad!?

  Dan grinned like an idiot before looking at Moira straight in the eyes. Then he started massaging the sole of her lifeless foot. His motions were gentle and controlled. It seemed that he was trying to soothe Moira.


  ?What, sweetie??

  ?I think I’m going to pass out.?

  Dan raised his brow, then smiled mildly and patted her calf.

  ?Tell me, what do you feel??

  ?I think my pelvis is shattered, completely crushed. I can’t bear the pain anymore.? Tears started to roll on her pale cheeks.

  Dan put her foot gently on the ground and drew closer to her upper body. Moira gave out a squeal and instinctively lifted her hands to protect herself.

  ?Oh, Mo! I’m not going to hurt you; I’m your friend already.? He caressed her hands and started kissing the tips of her fingers. Moira was staring at him with her teary eyes.

  ?Dan, I need to be hospitalized immediately. I’m going to die if?

  ?Stop it, Moira! Don’t try to persuade me! There is no turning back.?

  ?But? it would be nice? you would sit by the side of my bed?

  ?No!? Dan grunted angrily. He slipped his hand under the hem of her skirt, reaching for her crotch. Moira tried to stop him, but she was too weak ? and too broken. He grabbed her panties and pulled them down. ?I feel your pussy, I feel it, it is moist. You like it all, don’t you? You little bitch!

  ?Dan, please stop! You hurt me!? She was crying, screaming and flailing her arms frantically.

  Dan froze and withdrew his hand, his face reddening. He had never felt so confused.

  ?Is something broken down there? There is a swelling, I felt it. The lips? oh, the lips.

  ?I told you, bastard! My pelvis is shattered into pieces!?

  ?I’m sorry, hon, I’m so sorry. I won’t touch you there anymore. You know what? You need to be placed in a cast.?


  ?I think you would look great in plaster.?

  ?The doctors probably??

  ?Me, Moira, me.?


Dan slipped his left arm under Moira’s knees, then, supporting her back gently with his right hand, lifted her up. Moira’s face drained off any color it had as searing pain rushed up her spine.

?I know it hurts, Mo, but there is no other option. We have to get out of here.?

Blinking dizzily, Moira rested her head on his shoulder and heaved a deep sigh. She had clenched her right hand into a fist, as though she intended to hit her tormentor.

?Have patience, it won’t take long, ?Dan whispered, smirking. Moira’s slightly unfocused eyes lingered on his face. ?Be a good girl and everything will be fine, I promise.?

?Where are we going?? she asked timidly. Her paralyzed left leg was swaying limply as he walked, the other one sticking stiffly in the air, its muscles cramped.  

?You will see. Just try to relax now.?

Dan headed toward the tin fence. A minute later he kicked open a rusty door and squeezed out. The people on the street were staring at them, but no one dared to ask a question.

Moira summoned all the courage she had left and yelled:

?Help! Help me, please! He’s abducting me!?

The pedestrians nearby were stunned, obviously wondering what to do. Dan poked Moira viciously in the hip with his thumb and her yells immediately turned into breathless sobs.

?My wife has a hysterical fit,? explained Dan. And that managed to do the trick - the people dispersed.

Moira hiccupped, then rubbed her sore hip with tremulous fingers. Dan buried his lips in her hair, moved them slowly toward her ear and hissed:

?Bad girl, bad girl. You betrayed me when I needed you the most.? He bit her earlobe roughly, tugging on it.

?Dan, it’s still not too late. You can just leave me here on the sidewalk and??

?No, no, sweetie pie, I won’t leave you. You need help and I will do my best to help you.?

Moira considered the idea to claw at his eyes, but decided against it – she didn’t want to be dropped on the sidewalk.

Dan stopped behind a white van with no windows at the back.

?Mo, could you please open the back door??


?You need to be transported to a safe place. Please, Mo, my hands are full and I don’t want to cause you more pain by placing you on the pavement.

Moira reached out her hand and reluctantly opened the door. Dan smirked.

?Well done, sugar,? he said and placed her carefully on the floor of the van. Moira’s moaned, her beautiful face contorting into a tortured grimace.

?Sorry, Mo,? he said and climbed in, slamming the door behind him.

?I hope you find yourself in my situation one day.?

Dan patted her on the knee, then took off his jacket and shoved it under her head. His gaze lingered on her unnaturally outstretched left leg.

?Still can’t move it, sweetie??

?Why are you so interested about it??

?Oh, just curious.?

?Can’t even wiggle my toes,? Moira said, sniffing pitifully.

?Poor little thing.? Dan kneeled before her, unzipped his pants and removed his erected penis. Moira looked at him fearfully, then tugged her skirt down and placed her hands on her crotch to protect her private parts.

Dan smiled thinly.

?I’m not a rapist, dear, moreover, I promised not to touch your cute, curve lipped, deformed by the fractures, and maybe impenetrable pussy.

Moira’s cheeks reddened. She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out.

Dan cupped the heel of her lifeless foot, squeezed it gently, and rubbed her insole with his thumb. Bending over, he placed his cock on her motionless toes and started rubbing them with its shaft. A blissful smile had spread across his face.

Moira closed her eyes and tried not to think about anything. She felt the soft thrusts via her shattered pelvic bones, which were sensitive even to the slightest movement.    




































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Comforting My Neighbors Daughter

It was four months ago when my new neighbors moved in. I was used to the neighboring house being empty since the previous occupants had moved out a few months earlier, which was no big loss because I never got on with them. That family seemed to think I was to blame for my wife leaving me, despite everyone else knowing it was my wife who had the affair and had left me. So it was good to have an empty house next to mine, but even better when the new neighbors moved in.I went out to meet John and...

4 years ago
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Good Vibes From a Big BrotherChapter 10

Beth quietly opened Lori's door and tip toed in. "I'm awake, Beth. Turn on the light on the dresser." She shut the door and turned on the small light. "You look happy." "Oh Lori, I'm really floating on air. I had no idea this might be so wonderful. Your brother is the most wonderful, gentlest, sexiest lover a girl could have." "That's a lot of 'wonderfuls' Beth. Sounds like a good time was had by all." "More than I ever dreamed possible. Thanks, Lori, thanks." "Okay,...

2 years ago
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Becoming a Slave

The day I met my future husband was the day he took my virginity and made me his slave. I can still remember even the tiniest details about that day, even though it was over 30 years ago. I was early spring, just before what was then known as "Easter Vacation." I could describe the weather, the exact hue of blue in the sky, the sounds, even the smells in the air. But you wouldn't be interested in that. I was a sophomore in high school, not a particularly outstanding student, nor a popular...

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My Life 8211 Part VII

Hallo dosto me apka samir .app logo ka mail milla apke sawalo ka jawab yah he ki meri is samay umar 35 ki he .me ye story 20 sall pahle ki likh raha hu . apke kaments mujhe pasand he par yad rakhe ab ve sari ladkiya jawan baccho ki ma he . me aaj bhi unke sath sex karta hu. kiyoki mery sexual powar aajkhafi achi he mujhe milane ke liye mera id He aap mujhe mail kar sakti he me story me ata hu . mery padai kafi achi chal rahithi mene 10 th me toppar tha par abhi mujhe ek sub. me dikat aarahi...

3 years ago
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Fucked Hard Sunita Aunty

Hi friends I am amar (name changed) from hisar and I am going to tell you about my first sex experience with my sunita aunty. Her family lives in the house next to ours.She is 25 years old and only 6 years older than me. Her fair colour and gorgeous figure can make any man horrible about her. When she was married to my uncle, I had not any wrong feelings about her. After her marriage I went to ambala for studying. When I turned 18 I started living in hissar again. At that time she had two...

4 years ago
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really great on the lawn

A number of years ago I live in a part of Birmingham called Kings Norton. My wife was part of a very large family, (10 brothers and 11 sisters) they were all married and most of them had c***dren, the strange thing was though that most of them would change partners and think it was an everyday thing. It was a common thing for them to get their tits out and push them in your face or rub their nipples to try and get you horny, many times I have been working under a car and one of my sister in...

4 years ago
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Xavier Corrupted Leader of the XMen

"Are you absolutely sure about this idea Fury?" asked a concerned Reed Richards. That he didn't only find friends with this commentar in this room was clear to him but as always he didn't care. "If you have a better idea, just say it Richards. I'm all ears." The head of SHIELD replied to the scientist, but the scientist failed to answer. Also the other scientists and heroes in the room looked rather insecure in front of them until finally Tony Stark took the floor. "I don't want to offend him...

2 years ago
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The BlizzardEpilogue

[Fifteen years later... ] I sat in my office reviewing the screen on my desktop. The department was half the size it was when I started here. Artificial intelligence and neural networks were now screening over half the claims being submitted. Quitting time came and I headed out toward the ride center, manipulating my handheld to order my ride home. The parking lot now held only a handful of vehicles, while the crowd at the ride center was growing. I stood to the side, watching the traffic...

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Rush Hour Surprise

‘One more day to go until I can get the fuck out of this city for the weekend’ I thought to myself as I waited for the next T. It was only Thursday but it had already been an incredibly long week. It seemed like I had a deadline for every hour of the day and had reached the point where I caught myself rushing to finish dinner before some imaginary clock struck zero on me and I’d have to move on to the next task. The proverbial carrot on the stick in front of me was a nice long weekend down on...

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The young woman slowly walked towards the water and a note nailed to a tree. Seth looked at her and smiled. The woman, named Barbara, was of average length and weight but her long red red hair was beautiful. In the pictures, she had blue eyes and rozy lips which Seth could not see right now but he would find out soon. The two had met on a forum about a superhero. As they send each other private messages, they found out that, not only did they life in the same country, Barbara lived only...

1 year ago
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LIXX Thralls

LIXX Thralls – the tales so farJahn and Gin looked longingly, even lustfully, at each other across their living room. Jahn slowly smiled at his wife, Virginia, and she returned a smile that tasted of sadness across her dry lips. It had been ten months since her much wetter lips had been around Jahn's lovely cock. It had been ten months since she had felt his lips and tongue taking her to a shattering climax. As they had gotten to know each other more deeply, the sex had been exploring and...

2 years ago
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Hot Sex With Guy From Building

So one day, I enter the lift to go up to my floor and as the lift door is about to close, out comes a hand from outside the lift to block it from closing. It was the sexiest hand I’ve ever seen. Veins popping out like rivers on a map. The lift door flung open again and in comes a man. A young man, in his early twenties, excruciatingly hot. He had a rough manly beard, and a lean body with a chiseled jaw that you can cut yourself trying to rub it. I instantly felt something for him. An...

4 years ago
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Angels Journey Chapter 13

I wake up squealing feeling a gag inserted into my mouth. I start to struggle immediately, but whoever is doing this is straddling me pinning my arms to my sides. I writhe and buck but they just giggle concentrating on getting the ball gag strapped in tight. Next they blindfold me, still in total control of my helpless body. Again it's tight.. I tense knowing they must shift their weight next to do anything further to me. Sure enough they rise and I start to break free! but they just...

3 years ago
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Aggy Book 1Chapter 77

"Where is Andrea, Millicent?" asked McCock as the Squadron approached the Maureen's Moon junction. "She joined "Infamous"." "Without permission makes you stowaways." Millicent smiled widely, "I think I'd prefer to call myself an official observer." They sat in McCock's cabin where Millicent Utah was almost inhaling her second helping. "Where were you?" "In the Boat Bay ready room. I was there before you left and your crews regarded me as part of the furniture. We never...

3 years ago
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Jumpstart And Then Some

At least 2 or 3 times a week my husband and I like to start the day with what we call the JUMPSTART. A nice slow fucking to start the day. But one morning I got more than what I bargained for. At 5:45 the alrarm went off as usual and I hit the snooze. I knew I was going to need a jumpstart as my pussy had a terrible ache that definitely needed attention. I usually just slide over and massage Big Daddy’s hairy chest and my hand makes it way down to his cock and I jack him off. I love...

1 year ago
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Swingerbesuch am Freitag

Es ist wieder einmal FreitagabendIch bin mit meiner Frau unterwegs Richtung Swingerclub.Beide gut gelaunt fahren wir am Ziel ein.Wir begeben uns in den 1. Stock zum Eingang, Angekommen Zahle ich den Eintritt. Oh je da schwirren ja eine ganze Horde Solo-Männer rum. Da werden wir heute wieder verfolgt. Der erste Gedanke. Der 2. Folgt sogleich, allenfalls hat meine Frau mal wieder Lust auf einen 2. oder 3. Penis.Wir gingen Duschen und uns gerecht ankleiden, sie diesmal eher Konventionell, mit...

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A lyrical little item, I hope, drawn in part from my real experiences and in part from the losses of others, friends. A love song to my wife, and long may she be just that. It always made me smile. Thinking about my wife, I mean, and the way we… well, the way we started off together. We were maybe a little older than most who meet and then marry for the first time, both of us twenty-seven, differing in chronological age by only a matter of weeks. By then, statistics tell us, most of us have...

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Joy of Their YouthChapter 25

Sue and Cindy had both thoroughly enjoyed fucking their sons Ryan and Bob for the very first time. They had also both enjoyed the erotic setting of doing it there in the same room so the two young men could feel some companionship of fucking their mothers with someone else there in the room doing the same thing. Now it was time for the two adult women to take their plans for their sons to the next step. They'd both planned to take their sons' sexual "cherry" and now they would swap...

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Private Sharon White Big Titted Bartender

Private Specials, Off Duty Therapist has the pleasure of introducing you to Sharon White, an absolute stunner with big tits and a perfect body that has come to www.private.com for her debut and this is one hot scene you won’t want to miss! After John Syx has a nasty fall at the bar, Sharon cheers him up with the taste of her sweet pussy and a nice blowjob, then watch and enjoy this sexy blonde go to town as she gets on all fours before riding her man back to front and finishing the night off...

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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 28 Bec and Mahler Part 1

Editor’s Note: The next pages are notes taken by Dr Koehler during the meeting between Bec Freeman and Detective Mahler on Monday, December 6th. Notes of meeting, Detective Mahler and Bec Freeman, Monday, 12/6, 3:40pm Present: Detective Mahler, Rebecca Freeman, Peter Freeman, Lorna Small (legal representative for the Freeman family), Dr Koehler Snr (psychiatrist) Comment: Mahler waited until we were all seated, then he pressed record on the camera. Mahler: This is an interview regarding...

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Unexpected pleasure

The Unexpected Pleasures.This is my first attempt at writing so please feel free to comment. I will go ahead and admit that my spelling and grammar is not the best so please take it easy.The characters in this story are not real and this did not really happen. If you don't like to read about incest please do not read. It all started about six days ago when I first noticed that my little sister wasn't so little anymore. She has been running around the house with skimpier and skimpier clothing...

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Jupiter Has Landed Ch 01

‘Do you touch yourself at night?’ The words where hovering on the screen in front of Zia’s eyes. What was this? A prankster. Calling himself ‘Jupiter’. Now that was adult. An astronomer out to jerk off through chatting was definitely a moron by her way of counting. She closed the message box and tried to concentrate on the article she was writing. It was another late night spent in the university. It had been several nights like this lately. Eating junk food in front of the computer screen...

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Dman2Chapter 5 Ann Arbor North England Toronto Montreal Ottawa Ann Arbor

Time seemed to speed up hen I finally got home. I had a pleasant afternoon with the ladies the next day when we met after lunch at the CK store. The dinner at Mitsy's restaurant was finally an eventless success and the sisters from England really enjoyed the whole Japanese experience. The General had called in the morning and let me know that they had caught the two people who were responsible for providing the information to Mr. Blake. One was a section head of the Secret Service which had...

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Sold Didi 8211 Part II

I am Abitjit 26 yrs boy and still studying, I have one friend Akki, who has friendship with many bad guys, one day I was with him and one person with 6 feets height came and started talking to him, his name was Ali, he said to Akki, you are in college if you get number of any call girl please let me know, I want to enjoy. Then college got end and it was vacations. My didi stays in same city with jiju. One day jiju called me home, and said he is going for tour to Germany for 2 months, stay with...

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Karen and Dave

Chapter 1 Dave had been invited to join three other couples at the nearby ski lodge for a weekend of fun in the snow and in the hot tub. Everybody else had a steady lover, but Dave really didn't so he prevailed on Karen, a 16-year old that he'd been having sex with to go along with his as his weekend date. Karen and Dave had fucked before and he occasionally would go over to her house and prevail on her to give him a good blowjob. Dave loved being with Karen because he'd already figured...

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Rear Window

Rear Window Draft I live for feedback [email protected] Rear Window is a 1954 film directed by Alfred Hitchcock and starring James Stewart and Grace Kelly. This fictional story is inspired by some of the characters and events of the film. It is in no way connected to the film and any resemblance is purely coincidental. For a while I wished I could go back and start that day again. It had all begun so well. The forecast was for a beautiful summer's day; clear blue skies and...

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Moms Passion

Note : This story is completely fictional! Heloo readers her is I am again I like to wrote Incest stories Especially MOM and son Incest this story is also that themed about a mother and son who accidentally fall into a passionate kiss after a back rub I assure that you will come in your boxers when this story finish.It was just like any other Saturday night, I came home late and everyone who was home was asleep. What I didn’t know was that it was just me and my mother who were home. My father...

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Affair of the Trainee the Manager Ch 05

Dorothy and I continued to have our ‘ups and downs’ so to speak. I was permanently assigned a promising position in the head office of the bank downtown. We met frequently for short visits a few times a week after work with the usual frustrations. During the past few months we also had managed a couple of rapturous Saturdays. But, of course, we couldn’t be together in the way that we wanted as often as we wanted. In short, we usually were hungry for each other but could do little about it...

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Lifestyle of choice 4

I got home from work on Monday & all was quiet, the bedroom door was ajar & when I peered in the lovers were entwined in blissful sleep on top of the sheets.Vicki's hand cradled his balls with her head on his chest & a leg was d****d over his, they looked so serene & there was a huge wet spot on the other side of the bed, my cock got that fimiliar feeling as it expanded in my cage, I had a severe case of blue balls.I sighed & closed the door quietly & went & sat with...

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My cuckold experience

Introduction: This is a compilation of emails that my Bull sent to my husband. Most of it is true and actually happened. I wanted to pay my husband back for what he had done. Julie came to me the other night and I told her to suck my balls so I dropped my pants and held my cock while she sucked on my hairy nuts. that felt so good that i started rubbing my cock across her face for about 15 minutes and when i looked down I had slimed her whole face but she never stopped sucking my balls. It felt...

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