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June 5, 2010

"All you care about is your fucking blowjob!" Ally screamed at her boyfriend, who sat in bed and smirked, "What about my needs?"

24 year old Ally's once-promising relationship with her 30 year old investment banker boyfriend was unraveling once again. She stood by the desk, hands folded across her chest, staring at him.

"Your needs?" her boyfriend asked sarcastically, "You're a freak. You want me to tie you up and spank you? Who's into that?"

"Well, it's just a fantasy, a turn on. Why can't you indulge me?" Ally bit her lip and fought back tears.

"You could act and look like a woman you know," he said, getting up from the bed and pulling up his pants.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

He motioned towards her crotch, "Grow some hair."

"Get out! We're through!" Ally threw a pillow at him. He swatted it away.

"Go find yourself a creepy dungeon master online. Maybe he'll spank you good." He picked up his bag and left the apartment.

"Maybe I will," Ally screamed as he slammed the door. "Ugh!" She sat down again an buried her face in her hands. She began to sob but managed to stop. She swiveled the chair around and looked at her computer screen. She opened her web browser.

With her family cutting her off, her job insecure due to the economy and her high flying boyfriend now out of her life, Ally desperately needed company and clarity. She went to her bookmarks and found her favorite bondage site. She looked at latest updates and then, for the first time, clicked on "Find a Master/Slave".

She perused the ads for a while, then got up and went into the bathroom. There she stripped off her negligee ("I wore this for that scum," she muttered) and jumped into the shower. After she emerged she dried herself and wrapped the towel around her waist and sauntered over to the computer. The curtains were drawn and the AC was set to low so she enjoyed the cool breeze on her bare skin. She looked at the clock. It was only 9:20. She went back to looking at the ads.

She found one at caught her attention. The picture showed a casual, rugged man. The profile said that he was 34 and owned a small business. She read on. She liked what she read. She dragged the mouse over to the "express interest" button. A tingle went up her spine. She closed her eyes and thought for a moment. Expressing interest meant nothing, she assured herself. She clicked the mouse.

Immediately a chat window opened. "Turn on your webcam now."

Ally scrambled and grabbed a t-shirt and pulled it over her head. She turned on the webcam and aimed it at her face.

"Pretty face. Just showered?"

Ally began typing, "Yes."

"Why me?"

"You seem interesting."

The conversation went on for a while. Around midnight, Ally could barely stay awake.

"You are ready to sleep." Came the message.

"Yes, if you don't mind."

"If you are willing to accept my direction, let me ask that you report to the webcam at 9 a.m. tomorrow. Wear the same attire. Do not shower. Do you accept?"

"Yes. See you at 9."

"Very well. Good night." The window closed.

Surprisingly, Ally slept well that night. She woke up around 8:30, quickly ate breakfast and positioned herself at the computer by 9. It was a Saturday and she had no plans. Well, she did but she dumped her boyfriend the night before so there was to be no brunch downtown.

The chat request came promptly at 9. This time he was on camera too.

"Do you have a microphone?" he asked, "Activate voice chat if you do."

She did and she heard his voice for the first time. Her heart was racing. This was exciting.

He gave her a chance to talk a bit before he took over, explaining who he was, what he did, and what he expected.

"I will send you a contract. Please read it carefully and e-sign it," he said.

"Yes, Sir. I will," Ally replied, pushing her thighs tighter together. She desperately wanted to reach for her dildo. The excitement was unbearable.

The e-mail arrived. Ally scanned the contract. She was to become a web slave from Friday 6pm to Monday 6 am, and then as desired during the week, but nightly checkins at 8 pm were required.

He pledged to keep all contact and shared information private. She agreed to place webcams in certain locations of the apartment. She also agreed to let him control every aspect of her life, and even carry out instructions when not on camera. She had an escape clause. She could cancel at any time during the first two weeks, else the contract ran for three months at a time.

"Is there anything you need to do this weekend that can't wait?" he asked, as he printed the signed contract.

"Groceries, but that can wait," she replied.

He signed the contract and put it in a file folder.

"I am placing an order for four remote USB webcams. You will go an pick them up from the store at noon. Here's the address. They are paid for, just show your ID. When you get back you will mount them in around the house: one in the kitchen, one facing your bed, one above the shower and the rotating one across from the shower," he instructed, "You will have them linked to this chat window. The rotating one must be facing out from the shower unless you are in the shower.

"Now go and get ready. Dress casual after you shower. I will sign off for now. I expect to see you back online at 3, with all webcams installed and activated. Bye." The window closed.

Ally jumped into bed and pulled up her t-shirt. She plunged three fingers into her soaking wet pussy and began to rub herself. She reached for the dildo with her other hand but before she could get it out of the drawer she climaxed. She sat up, peeled off the t-shirt and threw it to the ground. Her apartment was a mess. Her clothes had piled up all over the floor but she didn't care. She looked at the clock. It was close to 11. She jumped into the shower. She dried herself and pulled on a pair of denim shorts and a tight tank top. She dried her hair, grabbed her purse and headed out to the computer store. It was a 15 minute walk from her place and the weather was beautiful.

At 3 pm, she was back at her desk, waiting for him to show up.

June 8, 2010

"You look happy," her co-worker said as Ally ate her lunch, "Happy to have dumped that guy?"

"You know?" Ally asked, surprised.

"Yes. I thought you would call to get together or something."

"I took care of stuff around the house. Long overdue."

"We should get together this weekend."

"I'll let you know." Ally knew the answer would be no.

While she had one of her better days at work in a long time, she couldn't stop thinking about the weekend. She had bared herself, literally and figuratively to a total stranger, someone she trusted in an instant. As per his instructions, she kept the chat window open all weekend, and the webcams turned on at all times. At night, she had to sleep with the bathroom light on so that her bedroom, or the sleeping area in the studio, wasn't too dark. If he wanted, he could see her in bed, on the toilet, in the shower, in the kitchen, anywhere. The thrill was too much at times. It became unbearable when he handed down strict instructions at 4 pm on Saturday.

"Take off your clothes and clean your apartment now. It looks like a mess. Gather your laundry and tidy up before dinner."

He saw her naked for the first time.

Her studio had a washer/dryer combo. Ally did her laundry, made her bed and cleaned the bathroom. Then she swept the floors in the living area and kitchen. There were a few dishes to wash. She did that. She folded and put away her clothes. At 6:30 she was done and a little tired and hungry.

"All done, Sir," she said, sitting down at the desk.

"Good job. You are a natural. You may use the rest of the evening and night as you wish, as long as you remain naked and do not climax. You will leave the cameras on and the chat window open all night. I will wake you in the morning with further instructions."

He signed off.

June 15, 2010

"Why are you squirming so much? Is something hurting back there?" Lauren asked as Ally tried to reposition herself yet again on her office chair.

"No, it's nothing. My back's been bothering me since yesterday," Ally replied, not admitting that per instructions, she had a plug in her ass. A small shipment of toys had arrived on Friday and had kept her on edge all weekend. She even blew off lunch with another co-worker and didn't feel any remorse when confronted on Monday morning."

"Better see a doc else people will be wondering," Lauren said before turning his attention back to her computer screen.

"Have you seen Mel today?" Ally asked. Mel was short for Melanie, the Senior Analyst in Ally's division. Ally's boss.

"She was here early and I saw her rush off to the Veep's office at 9, looking rather flustered."

"Hope everything is OK," Ally said, adjusting herself again.

At 10:40, Ally saw an e-mail arrive with a red flag. That meant it was urgent. She opened it. "VP requests your presence at 10:50."

"That's odd," Ally said.

"Veep wants to see me in 10 minutes," Lauren said.

"You too?"

"Wonder what's up. And Mel hasn't been back."

Ten minutes later they were in the VP's office, seated across from him. Mel wasn't there.

"Ally. Lauren," he began, "I'll just cut to the chase. We're cutting Mel's division. It wasn't an easy decision. Both of you have done well here and will find something soon."

Lauren looked shell-shocked. Ally fought back tears. She gave up a lot to move to the city for her career and now they were cutting her loose. Where would she go? She forgot all about the plug in her butt that pushed deeper as she sat still on the chair.

The VP continued, "You've both been here for over two years so you'll get two months severance pay with benefits, which means you will remain on the payroll for that duration. Ally, you have 10 vacation days left, plus other leave so you can cash that out for an additional three weeks. Today will be your last day as a result. You can keep your corporate apartment for an additional month past the end of severance. Lauren..."

Blah, blah, blah, Ally thought to herself. What was she to do? She wanted to run out of the room but she figured that would be unwise. She had to find something and she had about three months to do so. Maybe her webcam Master would have ideas. Maybe she could... no, that would be too weird and scary. But wait, she was already taking orders from him and flaunting her naked self on a daily basis, and she was sitting in her VP's office, with a plug in her butt, getting a pink slip.

By the time they were done, they had been escorted out of the VP's office through a side door and a security officer handed them a bag with their personal effects. Lauren and Ally stared at each other, neither were crying, both were rather angry. They lived in the same building and sometimes rode in together but they never got close. Now they walked towards the bus stop, clutching what remained of their first corporate gig, their first real job.

Lauren mustered the courage to speak, "What will you do?"

"Not sure," Ally replied, feeling a lump form in her throat. "I'll relax for a few days and start posting my resume again, calling contacts. Maybe Mel might be of help. And you?"

"I'll go back to my parents for now," Lauren replied. Ally didn't respond. They didn't say anything else for the rest of the ride home. Once in the apartment building, Lauren whispered "good luck" on her way out of the elevator. "You too," said Ally.

Ally entered her 7th floor apartment and threw the bag on the bed. She threw off her shoes and lay down on the bed and stared at the ceiling for a long time.

"Home early?" the voice on the computer came alive.

Ally jumped up. She stared at the webcam across from the bed. "I got fired today," she said.

"How long are you supported," he said with a hint of sympathy.

"About three months."

"Then what?"

"I'll look for a job while I'm still here. Are you hiring?"

He wasn't on camera so she couldn't see his reaction. After a brief pause, he said, "You want to go from webcam to live-in? That's quite a jump."

"Never mind. Forgive me for asking."

"No it's OK. I like to vet for a while before hiring. I could use someone here but in a role that might be too much for you."

"I do as I'm told. What more should I do?"

"I'll be back at 4. Go out and get some air. We'll talk then." She heard a click.

Ally used the time to get some lunch and visit the salon for a Brazilian. For some reason, the mild pain from the waxing masked the anger and hurt from being fired but she felt that something good would come of it.

At 4 she sat at her desk, wearing her trademark denim shorts and tank top. He signed on and came on camera.

"If you find another job in the next 10 weeks, you can walk away from me. You can do what's necessary to land a job, but I will put you on trial for a position here. I am voiding your current contract and e-mailing a new one. It just puts you under my control 24/7 for 10 weeks, with exceptions made to post resumes and make phone calls during a one hour period each weekday. If you receive a call, you will let it go to voice-mail and then respond.

"If you get an interview, you will go. I will relax all rules for a reasonable period. However, the webcams and microphone will remain on the entire time you are at home. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir," Ally responded. She saw the e-mail notification. She glanced at the new contract and e-signed and returned it.

"Expect a delivery by Thursday morning."

"OK." Ally saw another e-mail notification. The subject said, "Your day." She opened the e-mail. It was a daily routine she had to follow starting the next day.

6 am: rise, report to computer, await instructions

8 am, 1 pm, 7 pm: meals

10 pm: bed

How boring, she thought.

June 10, 2010

This was Ally's second full day as a full-time webcam slave. Nothing exciting had happened since she made the transition after losing her job. Master was out of town on Wednesday so she got to spend the day relaxing after he checked in with her in the morning. But today was the day the shipment was due. She had no idea what was coming.

She looked at the clock. It was 5:55. She got up, straightened her pj's and walked over to the desk. She sat down, still bleary-eyed and waited for him. She squirmed a bit as her bladder was full.

An e-mail arrived promptly at 6. She opened it.

"Relieve, brush and eat breakfast. Remain in current attire until further notice. Put away bedding and fold sofa-bed. Clean area. Expect UPS at 10."

That was all. Ally did as she was told. She wanted to shower and change before the UPS guy showed up but she had to follow instructions. She waited patiently for him, reading "The Story of O" which he had sent her electronically. Was she his "O"? Or was she the secretary from the movie with the same name? Only time would tell.

Yesterday she had sent out her resume and made a few phone calls. She managed to get hold of her former boss Mel, who herself had been fired the same day and was not chasing leads herself. So she would be of no use. The webcam to live-in switch might be her only hope.

The doorbell rang at 10:05. It was the lobby manager, with the UPS guy. He had three medium sized boxes on a dolly. He wheeled them in, placed the boxes in the room, made her sign and left. Ally stared at the boxes. They were all addressed to her. They were from him. There were no labels to prove that but she knew. The boxes were numbered 1, 2 and 3. She heard an e-mail alert on the computer and walked over.

"Before you open the boxes, remove all your clothes from the closet, except for one interview-appropriate attire and two sets of summer casuals (shorts/tank and short dress). Keep three sets of underwear and socks, one pair of sneakers, one pair of formal shoes, and one pair of flip-flops. Carefully remove all contents of these boxes and place them on the floor. Put your clothes and shoes in these boxes and stack boxes in corner of room."

Bizarre, Ally though. Did he just send her a new wardrobe? She did as she was told, tense with excitement.

Ally opened the first box. It contained two smaller boxes. She opened the first one. There was a set of sex toys: dildoes, vibrators, plugs and beads of different sizes. How exciting, she thought. She opened the second box which was heavier. There was a steel collar, steel cuffs, ankle chains and more chains. She examined the cuffs. There were no keys but there were release buttons on each cuff. Interesting, she thought. She stuffed her shoes and bags into the empty box and set it aside.

She opened the second box. There was a slip of paper on top. She picked it up. It said, "throw away all open containers of food and condiments from your kitchen. Donate all unopened items. Do so by 3 pm today. Purchase two gallon jugs of water on your way back. Also make sure you have a two month supply of toiletries."

In the box there were six sacks, two labeled breakfast (serve one cup), two labeled lunch and two labeled dinner. Each sack had her name on it. The lunch and dinner sacks also said, "Mix one cup with one cup warm water." There was one steel bowl and a steel mug in the box.

She put everything near the kitchen. She went back to the third box. She opened it and saw instructions. Proceed no further. Await further instructions. She closed it. In the meantime she stuffed whatever she could into the second box, emptying her closet in the process. She proceeded to empty her fridge and cabinets into two trash bags. She took the few unopened items and put them in a third bag. She grabbed her keys and took the trash out to the chute. She came back to find another e-mail.

"Shower, dress, go and eat lunch as you please. Complete errands and be home by 4."

Ally was home by 3:30. She put away the things she had bought. She turned and saw an e-mail from him.

"Remove current attire, put away any unpacked clothes. Close all curtains. Relieve yourself. Stand naked before computer and await 4 pm visit."

He appeared at 4 Ally stood in front of the desk, naked again, nervous, glancing at the boxes of toys and shackles.

"Good. You've made progress," he said, surveying the apartment, "I will test your will and faith, your strength and resolve, and determine if you are obedient enough to continue to serve me.

"Is there a cabinet or space big enough for you to crawl into and sit with you back straight and legs folded?"

"Yes, Sir, the pantry. There are shelves but they are high enough."

"Very well. The first phase of your training will commence today. Open box 3 and remove packets labeled 1 and 2.."

Ally did as she was told. Her eyes lit up when one packet revealed a SmartPhone. The other had a wireless webcam and a small lamp.

"Go and fix the webcam in a corner of the closet so that you'll be facing it and it gets a good view of you. Fix the lamp high enough but turn it downward. It's battery-powered. Don't get too excited about the phone. It can only dial my number and receive messages and media from me. Keep it with you at all times."

Ally's head was spinning. All these instructions. All these changes. Why can't he just ask her to move in?

"All done, Sir," Ally said, returning to the desk.

"Very well. Now turn off all lights in your apartment except for the bathroom. Fill a bottle with water and go into the closet and close the door. Set the lamp to low."

Ally went into the pantry and closed the door behind her. She crouched onto the ground, knees folded to her chest. Her stomach growled softly. She drank some water. She looked at the phone. No instructions and no clock. She'd have no idea about the time. She sipped some more water and closed her eyes. She managed to fall asleep.

Surprisingly, he had left her alone. When she finally woke up she was a little stiff. Her stomach growled loudly. She drank some more water and realized she had to pee badly. She looked at the phone. Just as she picked it up a message arrived, "step out and make dinner. Eat with bowl and spoon provided. Use facilities. You have 20 minutes."

Ally came out and went to the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror. She smiled. She sat on the toilet and peed a river. She wiped, washed hands, splashed water on her face and went back to the kitchen. There she opened the sack labeled dinner, made a bowl of the stuff and slowly ate it while sitting on the floor. The mush tasted sweet but wasn't unpalatable. As she was washing down the last bits with water, she heard the message alert on the phone.

"Mount the dildo with the suction cup on the floor of the closet. Go in and ride it. Stop when you are close to orgasm. Resume when the feeling subsides."

Ally put her bowl in the sink, grabbed the dildo and mounted it on the floor. She positioned herself over it and lowered herself, letting it slide into her wet pussy. Grabbing her knees she began to move, lowering her butt to the ground and raising it again in rhythmic motion. She could sense an orgasm coming within minutes. She stopped and lifted herself off. She took a deep breath and resumed, repeating the process over and over again. Her legs were getting sore, her pussy was throbbing and dripping wet, sweat covered her. She was getting close to exploding when the phone vibrated. The message said, "Stop."

She did. She removed the dildo, washed it and wiped it with a paper towel and put it back in its case.

July 6, 2010

Ally hadn't been out of the apartment since the day she opened those boxes. She spent every minute following his instructions, spending a lot of time in the closet, coming out to use the bathroom or get something per instructions. She read several short stories about bondage and watched movies that he streamed to her computer or phone. The "no orgasm" rule was driving her crazy. The diet he had put her on wasn't too bad. It made her feel good. She hadn't received a single lead on her job search but she began caring less and less about that. It was clear that he was impressed with her dedication.

Ally had been naked continuously. She was very comfortable about that. Now she was sitting at her desk as he composed his thoughts. She had a collar and ankle chains on, her wrists were free for now. A stubble had formed over her pussy and it was beginning to bother her. She was due for a waxing, maybe he would grant her permission to go out and get one.

"You are making progress."

"Thank you."

"It's time for adjustments. I am feeling very charitable today. You know those clothes you packed away? It's time to donate those. Put them out in the hallway by 9 a.m. tomorrow and somebody will come by and pick them up. Throw on a towel when you open the door."

Ally hesitated and asked, "You want me to give away my clothes?"

"Are you using them?"

"Not for now."

"Do you have a new job yet?"

Ally kept quiet. It's not that she had a ridiculous amount of clothes but they were her things nonetheless. Now he wanted her to donate them all. This was a test. A test of her commitment to him. Maybe it was a step closer to moving in with him.

"I'll do it."

"Then cover the mirror in the bathroom with newspaper.  You will also sleep on the hard floor, on a sheet, unless you are in the closet. Put the pillows away."

"Yes, Sir." Ally was trembling.

"Log in to your bank account and transfer all your funds into a fixed deposit account, one that generates maximum possible interest. Remit that interest back into your checking account. Direct your remaining paychecks to the fixed deposit account.

"Inform the corporate housing office that you plan to vacate  this apartment on August 1. They only need 15 days notice so you're giving them plenty."

Ally listened. He was truly taking over her life. She was one step closer to being his live-in slave.

"On August 1, you will take whatever you have left with you and vacate the premises. You will go to the Ready to Roll Salon and Spa where a treatment program has been reserved for you: laser hair removal, mani/pedi, scrubs, soaks and cleanses. You will be prepared over three days for your delivery to me."

Ally was excited. She was beaming. "Thank you so much!"

"Don't get too excited. I could rescind the offer as late as July 31. Then where will you go?"

Ally was deflated. "I won't mess up. I promise!" she begged him as he smiled.

"I will send you a job offer and contract to cover all legalities. You will sign and return by July 15. Now go and do as I've told you to do and I'll check in after dinner."

Ally did the banking as directed. She calculated that approximately $110 would return to her each month. She neatly packed her boxes of clothes and shoes and got them ready for the next day. She looked around the relatively bare apartment and sighed. She looked at her phone. No messages. No voice mails. She checked her e-mail. Some junk, that's all.

She cried softly as she heard someone take the boxes away the next morning. She had spent a restless night on the hard floor, barely sleeping. She had covered the only mirror in the apartment. She went into the closet and curled up and buried her head between her knees and sobbed.

July 15, 2010

Another day went by and Ally remained shackled and collared. It was a hot evening and per instructions, she had kept the AC down to a minimum. She drank lots of water as he had her riding the dildo periodically. He had made her remove the final item from box 3, a steel pan into which she had to pee. It took a little getting used to but using the mounted dildo had certainly strengthened Ally's legs.

The formal job offer and contract arrived that evening around 6. Ally read it carefully, eating her dinner mush at her desk.

"You have been offered the position of Accountant and Office Manager. This is a live-in position with room and board covered. The company shall make FICA and 401-K contributions based on a salary of $24,000. However, no payroll deposits will be made as the salary will be consumed by room, board and insurance costs.

"This is a full time, live-in position, for one year, with unlimited extensions possible based on job performance and mutual satisfaction.

"Either party may break the contract within 45 days of signing."

Ally e-signed the first page and moved on to the second page.

"You are committing yourself to a Master who will respect certain limits.

"You will have limited privileges, no rights and many responsibilities.

"You agree to be obedient and respectful.

"You agree to follow every instruction.

"You agree to speak only when spoken to and ask no questions."

Ally e-signed that page as well.

She moved on to the final page.

"On July 30 and 31 you will clean your apartment. You will pack all the items you have received from your Master and arrange to ship them to him. This must be completed by 3 pm on July 31.

"You will include any clothing that you have retained, barring one set including underwear and footwear, which you will wear to the spa on August 1, after you surrender your keys.

"You will throw away any incidental items including toiletries when you leave on August 1. You will shower that morning and eat breakfast before leaving. Take nothing more than your purse, personal phone and shades."

She couldn't wait. When July 30 arrived she went all out to clean the apartment and get everything packed. On August 1, she handed the keys over to the front office. "No boxes?" the manager asked. "Shipped everything," Ally replied with a smile and walked out of the building, her first outdoor foray in weeks. The warm breeze was soothing as she walked towards the bus stop in her denim and tank combo, with comfy flip flops on her feet. She boarded the next bus and 20 minutes later was at the spa. After she checked in she was taken to a private room which had nothing more than a bunk, cubby and sink. She was handed a bag into which she placed her clothes and valuables. She put on a robe and waited.

First came the medical exam. It was the full deal, bloodwork, pee in cup, etc.  After all the questions, the pressing, the probing, Ally was sent on her way to the laser hair removal room.

The laser hair removal process lasted two hours. It stung a little bit, especially in the most sensitive areas. The technician slathered a cooling gel over her pussy and underarm and told her to relax as she went to work on her legs. "No more shaving or waxing for you," she said as Ally lay there, a dark curtain separating her at the neck from all the action. She stared at a TV screen on the ceiling. After it was over she stepped into the shower. From there she went for a mani'pedi and facial. By late afternoon she was tired and famished. She ate a meal of greens and fruit in her room. She turned in early.

The next morning she was woken at 6 and taken for a cleanse. She was made to drink an herb concoction that wasn't very appealing. Then, she was made to lie on her side as a tube was inserted into her butt. She felt a warm liquid enter her, filling her. The tube was removed and a second, wider tube was placed. She was asked to relax. The process was repeated two more times and she was directed to a tub where she soaked in sweet smelling water for over two hours.

All this pampering...

On the third morning, her hair was trimmed and tidied, she took a luxurious shower after a salt scrub. Then she ate a light breakfast and was asked to wait in her room. An attendant arrived around 11:30. She handed her a simple white floral print dress and a lace bra. "Wear this," she said, "per instructions. Sandals are outside."

"What about my stuff?" she asked, referring to her purse and phone and the clothes she came in.

"In the car already. It's time to go."


"No, he wants you to be commando."

Ally got dressed and headed out of the spa into a waiting town car. A black glass separated her from the driver. Her windows were darkened as well so she couldn't see where they were going. There were two bottles of water and some magazines. No clock. She slept for a good part of the drive. When she woke up she had to pee. She tapped on the glass partition. "Yes," said a voice over the intercom.

"I have to use the bathroom," Ally said, squirming.

"We are almost there. Another 15 minutes."

"OK. Hurry."

He was right. The car slowed down, a gate opened and they drove to the front of the house. She got out of the car, thanked the driver and headed towards the open front door. She stepped inside.

"Hello?" she called out. Then she saw an arrow pointing down. She saw the stairs and went down. She entered a room adorned with candles. He was sitting at one end. He motioned her towards a lectern where there was a scroll.

"Please read and do as it says," he said.

Ally looked at the scroll. "I have arrived to submit myself to thee."

"I remove my shoes at this altar." Ally removed her sandals.

"I remove this cloth that separates me from servitude." Ally stripped off the dress and bra.

"I present myself to thee, as thy slave." Ally took steps towards him. He rose from his chair.

"On your knees, head bowed," he instructed.

"With this collar, I enslave you." He locked a steel ring around her neck. Ally flinched when it clicked.

"With these shackles I bind you." He placed steel cuffs around her wrists and ankles and shackled her.

"With this gag I silence you." He made her bite down on a plastic ball as he tied the gag around her.

The lights brightened in the room. Ally stood motionless, collared, shackled and gagged, awaiting his next move.

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FTL Story of Woe

Copyright © 2006 All rights reserved. No use by pay sites allowed. All other uses require written permission from the authors. My Name is Compassion. I am a guardian of time. I am, by human definition, immortal. I do not age. I was birthed near the beginning, and given the gift of controlling time. Please understand that I was limited to the technology of my small race. My limit was that my ability to influence things was limited to that which had happened since my birth. That is to say, I...

3 years ago
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AudryChapter 4 Cattlemans Woe

I spotted the vultures circling the draw. Curious, I turned my horse in that direction. Probably a deer had been caught by coyotes. What I saw turned my stomach. A mare and a colt were lying at the edge of a small clearing, their bodies distended with the gasses of decomposition. We'd just turned them out into the south range a few days before. Both had been healthy and frisky-and the colt showed unusual early promise. Now they were both dead. The big birds lumbered off at my approach-but...

4 years ago
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So You Want to be an Escort

Today, I was chatting online with a very special friend of mine. We are very close but recently, we have stayed away from fantasizing about each other. Sometimes in life, the friendship takes the greater importance and it is not a bad thing. We were talking about her career goal. She is in her 40's and back in college after raising her children. As a business major, she was considering the Hospitality Sector: hotels, resorts, etc. I teased her about becoming an escort. "Great job," she...

1 year ago
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A Novel Approach

A Novel Approach By Jennifer White John Summers had always wished he were a girl. Ever since he was young, he had been jealous of his sisters. They clothes they got to wear, they toys they got to play with, the way they talked, the things they did... all what he longed for. As he grew older, he started to wear their clothes in secret. As he sexually matured, his first orgasm occurred when he lay on his stomach while wearing a plaid skirt. The rough fabric rubbed against his...

1 year ago
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Voodoo Dreams

Even by the raucous standards of Bourbon Street, the crowd at the Voodoo Doll that Friday night was unusually noisy. New Orleans was full of good ol' boys from the Carolinas, Texas and Tennessee that weekend, what with the NCAA regional basketball finals being played in the Super Dome. And the National Assault Weapons Association was having its annual gun orgy at the Convention Center. It attracted an especially interesting breed of redneck. So the crowd at the nightclub was excited. Most of...

3 years ago
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step dad

Im not much of a story teller so pardon any problems with flow orgrammer. Im 25 years old now, but when I was 17 my mom re-married a manabout 40 yrs old. He wasn't really tall, but he was husky in build;ex-military and not real friendly. He never had much nice to say to me. A few months after he settled in, he caught me behind the housesmoking. He told me to get inside, and when I did he was sitting in hischair glaring at me. He asked me if I knew what I was doing there, what Ihad done...

1 year ago
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Katherine Jackson

They wasn’t many black folk around where I grew up, but they was a few, and one by the name of Katherine lived right next to us. Her and mom was kinda friendly to each other and sometimes Katherine would come by to visit with us for a spell. We never did visit to their house, I don’t know why. Anyways, Katherine was the first woman I ever seen knocked up. I was just a young-un, about eight or nine years old, but I really took to studying Katherine and askin her and mom all kinds a...

2 years ago
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a very hairy girl 2

Me and Ariel were getting along just fine, and we were spending our afternoon there, talking and laughing till it got a bit chilly.Such a pretty girl, i now learned she was 17, skinny.. small breasts.. But I was still hypnotised by the hair coming out of her bikini bottoms.. I decided to make a bold move and asked her if she wanted to have a drink at my place.. And she gladly agreed!She did need to use the bathroom she told me, and the thought of her overly hairy pussy peeing before she went...

4 years ago
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Meet the Pornstars 2 Revenge of the Dominants

Joey, Meet us at the Hastings Hotel in the corner of Anywhere and Nowhere Streets, in Suite 605, Wednesday night at 8pm. Sincerely, Bree London and Claudette Jo I had to keep myself from shrieking. Another chance to meet up with busty porn stars? I certainly wasn't going to turn that down. Wednesday was today, and I couldn't wait. It was a short walk to the Hastings Hotel, so I left the house around 7:30pm, taking the letter with me. I showed the letter to the man at the desk and took...

3 years ago
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Freeuse for One

Author's note: Feel free to add onto the story yourself, but please use proper grammar and prose. Enjoy! You are Stephen, a 19-year-old living by himself in a modest apartment, who has just woken up after a strange dream. In your dream, a mysterious being told you that you had the power of something called 'freeuse.' You'd never heard of it before, but it was explained to you: "Anybody in the world must submit to your command. They may resent it, or love it - they have no choice but to follow...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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BOBBYs Fag Bitch BOY part two

I'd decided to change Leon's his name to "BOBBY", when I realized it was too late! So far, I've sent three million e-mails begging the site for help. But no one responded. You know? just enjoy the story. We're not calling him anything this time. I can't tell you how great it felt to get those 4 positive ratings. My only need was for someONE to feel what I felt while writing the story, and instead I got FOUR! Thank you guys, so much! . . . BOBBY's Fag Bitch BOY: part two...

1 year ago
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Habit Forming II

It was as though Snoopy himself was typing. "It was a dark and stormy night." The van sped along the Interstate toward the Capitol. I stared through the windshield into the wet darkness, my thoughts deep inside me, deep in darkness. I knew not what the future held for me, but whatever it was, I didn't like it. The miles ticked off on the odometer, the speedometer a steady 75, the tachometer comfortably in the green, the two men in the front seat talking about football or women or something,...

3 years ago
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Mortimer and Myrtle A Love Story

Note: This is not your usual Lush story. It is an experimental play in a theater of the absurd style. There is no sex but it is an entertaining comment on marriage. I encourage you to indulge in something different. I think it will make you laugh and maybe cry.Scene: A formal living room. Mortimer is seated on a sofa in the center of the room when Myrtle enters and sits on the sofa next to him. She is wearing a blue floral dress and a pearl necklace, her gray hair is tied in a bun. Mortimer is...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Daddy Loves Me This I Know

Marcie heard her father yelling up the stairs to awaken her. They had planned a weekend trip to visit Marcie's grandmother on her farm near Newton. Although the drive from Des Moines would be a short one, for Marcie it would be far removed from her city culture. "Hurry up, hon. Grandmother is expecting us for lunch and you know how she hates for people to be late to her meals." Marcie scrambled out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. After peeing, she grabbed her toothbrush and...

3 years ago
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Indian SteelChapter 11

Strasi had been busy in the time since her husband had become regent to The Heir. She allowed only certain loyal servants access to Butalus, and at a certain time, after her own son was born, she switched the two. Butalus was sent to live with a gardener's children, where he was well treated and free to run and play in the fresh air with the other children. He was actually much happier, and enjoying his third year of life as he grew healthy and strong. He was no longer called Butalus though,...

1 year ago
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Bobby and Scott

It had been a couple of weeks since I watched Bobby and Scott in the woods. I called the number they gave me, and surprisingly it worked. Bobby answered it, and we made plans to meet on the weekend. I met them at the restaurant and we had a few drinks and a good meal. They followed me back to my house and had an other drink. Scott reached over and unbuttoned Bobby's shirt. As he did I sat beside him and unbuckled his belt and pants. Scott leaned back and gave me a kiss. As Bobby stood up we...

3 years ago
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A Morning To Remember

Let me first preface this story by saying that my wife and I have a wonderful sex life. She is every man’s dream partner. She has an incredible body for a woman of forty who will watch porn at a drop of a hat. She allows me to look at women on the internet and will occasionally join me in one of my many masturbating events, by either stroking my dick or lie next to me and masturbate to what I am. She is a dream come true always giving me more then I ever want. She is also a wonderful mother to...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Anastasia Rose She Loves Anal

Pretty Anastasia Rose rubs her extra round ass and winks her sphincter. Pro stud Mark Wood oils her cheeks and slips his cock into her tight pussy, fucking her doggie-style. Anastasia opens her mouth wide to let Mark fuck her throat. He bends her over and stuffs her butthole with his veiny dong, and Remy begs for more. The anal reaming heats up till Anastasia screams in orgasmic pleasure. Her asshole gapes! She slobbers on his prick, giving a nasty, ass-to-mouth blowjob, and Anastasia tops off...

2 years ago
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Working with Sanya Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Brian takes Sanya’s oral and anal cherries The next night, shortly after the last person had turned off the lights in the rest of the building, we approached each other with little knowing smiles. I put my hands on her ass and gently pressed her pelvis against my hardening cock while she put her hands behind my shoulder. ‘So what do you want to do tonight?’ I asked her. ‘More of what we did last night,’ she responded. She stuck her hand down my pants and grabbed my almost fully erect...

3 years ago
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On The Beach3

I was walking along the beach. It was somewhat past dawn, the boulevard had closed, the other tourists had gone back to their hotels. It was just me and the sand, me and the water, me and the dark blue night sky, only tiny slivers or red and purple lingered around the horizon, remembering of the sun that was once there. After my husband had left me. I went on a holiday all by myself. My friends told me they respected that, that they couldn’t do it, they wouldn’t be able to go on holiday all...

2 years ago
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Lavender Ghost StoryChapter 13 We Have Ways Of Making You Stop Talking

Her sleeping mind was struck by a sudden absence as her hand reached out but found only emptiness, and vague warmth where once there had been a comforting presence. 'Not again... ' her mind muttered, and she pondered the thought for a moment as a sound filtered its way in. The door was slowly creaking open. "Miri?" Misty inquired, once again struck by a sense of d≠j... vu she couldn't place as she opened her eyes partway and smiled as Miranda stood before her with a tray. "I...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Alexis Dean I Said Free Me Not Grope Me

Alexis was getting ready to spark up that good good, until her stepbrother came and ruined everything. She begged him not to tell mom, and he begged her to think twice about what she puts in her mouth. After a few seconds, she caught is drift, sucked him off, and they made sure this little indiscretion was staying between them. The next day, Alexis somehow got stuck in between the windowsill. Luckily her stepbro was home, but too bad in order to get her out he had to stick it in. Sure enough...

1 year ago
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Dinner at the Firehouse

She had gone to bed flat out tired. She managed a late night shower before turning in but tumbled into bed quickly after that, not bothering with a nightgown tonight, since it was warm, this was a panties only in bed night. Kate had worked long into the night on some new menu ideas and wanted to make sure that they were all set and properly backed up on her laptop. She was pleased with the work that she’d done, and by bed time was simply exhausted. Her dreams were strange and disturbed. She...

2 years ago
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The Hitchhiker Chapter 11 Party Prep

None of that changed the fun that what was ahead of me today so I grabbed a crock pot then went to the grocery store and got the ingredients for my famous pizza chili and specialty pizzas. The thought of cooking for the girls and impressing them with my culinary skills was almost as intriguing as fucking them all day long. Then I thought, almost, but not quite. I also bought Mary Ann two dozen roses as a special surprise then stopped at the beer and liquor stores and bought a variety of...

3 years ago
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The Diary of a NIPgirl 1999 2000Chapter 14

Illiana had come up with a new dare for me. She wanted us, Illiana, Eva and I, to go to a little fitness center in the city. They have a small swimming pool there and a sauna and also a little gym. I'm not going to tell you what we have planned at this point. Just enjoy the story and I'm sure you will like what we did on that day. We decided to go there on a Wednesday afternoon. Because we hoped that there would be more people of our own age group around during that time of the day and...

4 years ago
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The Creature chapter six

CHAPTER SIX When I came to, it took a lot longer than before for me to fully wake up. I suppose that was because I'd been given a lot of the ginger. In the beginning of my waking up, I thought I felt someone stroking my bare belly, and then pulling my shirt back down to cover it. But I was so out of it that I couldn't be sure that I hadn't just imagined that. When I did finally manage to open my eyes, I saw that it was bright daylight, and I was in Roger's room, lying on his bed. He was...

1 year ago
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The Best Way to Wake Up

I stretched my arms and rolled over. I listened to the soft sound of your snores while I waited for the fog of morning to clear from my muddled head. Slowly my mind began to recall those elusive little details, who I am. who you are, where we are, what we did last night. That last detail brought a smile to my face. Flashes of last night played like rays of sunshine through my clouded mind. It started with drinks, reliving time gone by. The magic of the music and alcohol weaved their spell...

3 years ago
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Sea KingChapter 3

Much had changed topside in the short time it took to retrieve their belongings. The bodies, both merchant crew and privateer, had been removed, thrown over the side Dent assumed. Here and there crew from the captured ship were kneeling, scrubbing blood and gore off the deck. So, Dent thought, they didn't kill every man onboard. It seemed the privateers weren't that stupid. Now at least there would be a few able hands to bring the ship to port. Of the women there was no sign, something...

1 year ago
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You mean me

“You mean me?” I glance at the girls around me at the bar, but he is looking straight at me. He nods his head and beckons me over. When I reach him, he heads outside, walking ahead of me. He reaches behind him, so I take his hand, he grips my hand tightly. What is going on? I wonder. Outside in the pub’s summer garden he chooses a table for two and holds a chair for me. When I sit he sits—not quite opposite me, more obliquely, to sit closer. Once again he takes my hand and looks me straight in...

4 years ago
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Sorcerer the Inner CircleChapter 17

BOB My sweetheart's such a wonderful lady! She's smart, beautiful and modest in public and an uninhibited sex goddess in private -- and we considered the Matthews with George and Sherry to be family and friends, not "public." After we closed our door that evening, I wasn't at all surprised when she laid a kiss on me that would give a Buddha statue an erection. She nibbled on my ear and whispered, "Bob, I'm just getting warmed up. I sure hope you're up to some more adventures...

2 years ago
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The Start

Ok, my name's Mark and I'm 14. My mum and dad have been divorced for the best part of my life and I'm living with my mother on are own. Well I can't quite tell when it began; I think it was going on all the time.You see, ever since I can remember with my mum. We used to spend the time together, talking, playing games and all. She used to do strange things though. One particular thing she did was play with my dick. At that time I didn't understand such things so I didn't think about it. She did...

3 years ago
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College life 19

***********************After I turned out the light, I rolled over to my side. Being just aboutasleep, the light between our beds came back on."Matt, I'm sorry dude. I guess you had every right to get pissed at me,"Kris said. "Are you pissed that Colt fucked Monica in your bed?"I rolled over, "No, Kris I'm not really pissed that Colt fucked Monicahere.""Or are you pissed because Colt and I are becoming such good friends?""Kris that doesn't bother me either," I replied. "I'm glad we have a lot...

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The Seven

'Out of control' was written on the report which now sat on the Abbot's desk.The old Abbot read the report on the seven naughty teenagers who had not alone consumed alcohol ,but had made life a misery for many of the residents of the locality.It was a lengthy report made up of numerous statements made by people who had either witnessed or experienced the bad behaviour of the teenagers. Now the Abbot had the fate of the seven naughty teenagers in his hands and once he had finished reading the...

2 years ago
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: kamal EDITOR: Stacey Hi Dear Friends, Names Changed….He…He I am kamal 26 years old bi-sexual. Thou my preference is straight sex with women, I equally loves gay sex. My first exposure to sex was gay sex only at the age of 30. Till my age of 30 I never thought of a gay sex. All it happened to make my career. In 2008 I joined one company as Technical Director and work there till date. It was a growing organization having its branch office in US, Singapore, and India. I was appointed to...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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NFBusty Sofia Lee Stacy Cruz We Started Without You

Stacy Cruz and Sofia Lee are all dressed up and ready to play. They know that Angelo Godshack will be joining them eventually, but why wait to get their party started? Coming close together, the girls rub their hands and bodies against each other as they slowly work their way out of their dresses. As they unveil their matching bras, the girls take turn licking each other’s nipples through the sheer fabric before palming and jiggling those lovely jugs. The undressing continues as the girls...

1 year ago
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The Artist and I Ch 01

I was at this fraternity party. Usually I don’t go to these things, too much trouble, too many drunk guys, too many lost memories and way too many hangovers. Sophomore year, I thought Well, I am going to be here for the next couple years, I might as well go… I hadn’t drunken anything alcoholic when I got dragged in to play ‘Seven Minutes in Heaven.’ Of course they really meant ‘A Night in Heaven’ but why change the name? The game was being run by the Drake twins –who were in my class—Jared and...

4 years ago
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This is my first story.. would love feedback! I woke up lifting my head up and all I could see was darkness. I was standing and my arms and legs were restrained. It is chilly and I Realized I am completely naked. I hear an owl then I feel a breeze and smell the crisp night air. I am outside! How did I get here? The last thing I remember was I was walking to my car after my night class, and I remember nothing else. Someone must have drugged me and taken me here. Where am I? I start crying. I am...

3 years ago
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Memory Lane

Lying in bed last night I could not help but think back on the females I have past by; so many women, who for good reasons, bad reasons, and often no reason at all, with whom I never had any sort of relationship. I got to thinking: what would it have been like, if only I had said X? Or if I had done Y? Or if she had been Z? What would have happened if I had thrown caution and concern to the side? Primarily, these thoughts were of the carnal variety. Would she have touched this or even that,...

4 years ago
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Space Balls

I sat in my private chamber to scroll through the daily news on my hologram unit, as I did every evening after overseeing business at my secret palatial fortress on planet Droglar. I saw the usual stories about space pirates, economic disputes between the Qenons and Thorpions, and that the woman called Tawna Vex had saved the galaxy once again. Tawna Vex was the galaxy's most deadly super spy. A female human, a covert operative bounty huntress who either did contract missions for the Star...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Rachael Cavalli Cheating MILF Rachael Cavalli Loves BBC

Busty blonde MILF Rachael Cavalli has been cheating on her hubby with black stud Rob Piper, and today the Penthouse star adds some spice to their illicit interracial affair and invite him over to her home for a steamy afternoon tryst. The buxom babe strips down to reveal sexy pink lingerie worn for her lover’s eyes only, but it doesn’t stay put long for he needs to make way for his mouth to glom on her mouthwatering melons for titty sucking, tongue for pussy licking, and BBC for...

3 years ago
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Beach Bunni

BEACH BUNNI by kimmie oh Turn over, darling, I think you're done on that side. That's it, time to toast your buns a little. I know it's terribly uncomfortable lying out in the sun so long, but you do want a perfect tan, don't you? I like the way you look all nice and brown. Here, take a sip of water. Not too much. I don't want you to get a tummy ache. Remember, how you never liked to sit in the sun? You were always so white and pasty-looking. All you ever wanted to do was...

3 years ago
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Monkey WrenchChapter 28

I sat up, as did Zoë. All of the other girls were out of bed. It was baggy eyes and bedhead all around. Warmer, fuller, pajamas covered most of the tank tops and shorts I’d come to expect on any given morning. Pat, her bruises had grown more purple (that made my heart sink, ) was twisting a skipping rope. I don’t know what she intended to do with it, but I was intimidated. Connie had her barbell. Marin held the other 10 kg weight. Renée and Andrea each held 5’s. Elizabeth and Laurie stayed...

3 years ago
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The Pool

After my first year of college I was tired of being a broke college student, so during the summer I started looking for some work. A friend of mine worked at a pool and suggested I become I lifeguard. She said the pay was decent, you could look at all the cute guys, and she always had a great tan. I thought it was a great idea so I took a few courses to make sure I could perform CPR and administer first aid, and became certified. It turned out to be a fun job so every summer through college I...

4 years ago
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Mister Boggles Gets a Cell Phone

For a very long time, Hector Boggles only used the pay phone in the hallway of his apartment building. When he was working, which seems like a long time ago now, he liked to use the phones in the big red booths on street corners. It seemed like those days were disappearing very fast. Nowadays the best way to call people on the phone was to have a cell phone or a "mobile" as young people were fond of saying. Now that he was declared redundant and unemployed, he liked to classify himself as...

2 years ago
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Rakhi bandhai 3

Bua us din jab aapne khaha ki suman se dur rahoge main us din se suman ki taraf dekha bhi nahi. Main aapki sari baat manta hun bua aap meri ek chhoti si baat nahi maan sakti. Main minnate karta hua bola bua plz bus ek baar bua, bua main nahi chahta ki kabhi main kisi galat ladki ki taraf jaun. Isliye plz bua bas ek baar.bua thodi der chup rahi aur boli tu chahta kya hain ? Tera delhi me rahkar dimag kharab ho gaya hain teri mammi se sikayat karni padegi. Main dhire se bola soory bua aur udas sa...

2 years ago
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Untold Love 10

I know papa loves licking steamy pussies. I know, he is neither a whoremonger nor does he run after the call girls. He is very handsome, has a stout body and a huge meat loaf drooping down between his legs. I know; he is very probing with his tongue. He can make any woman wet in her panties and make her squeal in pleasure with the delicacies of his tongue; rolling along her delicate hidden assets. I have seen my mom squealing in ecstasy, thousands of times, our maids squirting hundreds of times...

4 years ago
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Hannes Eine Hure zum Achtzehnten

Jeder der möchte kann mitschreiben. Eine Hure zum Achtzehnten „Hier Hannes“, mein Vater deutete auf eine verhärmt aussehende Frau. „Das ist Barbara, aber du kannst sie auch Babsi nennen!“ Seine riesigen Hände glitten über ihr stramm sitzendes Shirt. „Das sind Oschis“, kommentierte Vater und zog das T-Shirt rauf. Babis dicke fleischige Oberweite quoll aus dem viel zu kleinen Büstenhalter. Vati strich mit einer Hand über ihre rechte Brust und sagte, „eine Milchkuh zum Achtzehnten. Live und in...

3 years ago
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I Belong to Snake NowChapter 2

Any hopes that my ordeal was over, at least for the day, were dashed. He tapped me on the top of my head painfully and said, “Nobody said you could rest, bitch. Lie down over there on the floor.” He positioned me on the floor with my feet toward the camera. He adjusted the camera so that it’s aimed down at me and then he sat back down in his chair and returned to sipping his beer. As soon as he was comfortable, in a calm voice, as if it was the most normal request in the world, he ordered me...

1 year ago
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I am auction off as a male sex slave in front of m

(This is a sequel to my "Before I am auctioned off ... story.") We slaves are are taken from the display area. to be prepared for auction. I am washed and looked at to make sure that all my body hair has been shaved off. I noticed that there were a few guards with rifles guarding us. That made me feel good. I felt that they thought we were valuable and did not want anyone to steal us. We were lined up and then ordered to walk through a tunnel to the auction arena. To enter the area we had to...

2 years ago
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My First Feminine Touch

By : Arundev Dayal I will gradually narrate my sex-linked life to all ISS Readers. This is the first episode. In my childhood days, I lived in a small village about 100 kms away from Lucknow. With me lived my granny, my mom and two younger aunts, my father being the eldest child of my grand parents. My grand-pa and his three sons worked in Lucknow and had a saree business. But we could not afford to be extravagant. Hence, our village accommodation was a one bed-room hut with a kitchen. The...

2 years ago
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Cut OffChapter 3

When I started telling Melly about the embryonic village just east of Branson I saw her eyes glitter. She became more and more excited. As her excitement grew my mood fell. I did my best to hide it. I felt that I owed her a chance at her own family. For the next month we taught her how to drive the semi and filled it full of bio diesel, as well as a home starter-kit. When she finally left, full of hope and ambition, my life crashed to the floor. I looked around and decided that I didn't...

1 year ago
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Kanes Cum Bucket Bitch ch5

Connie met me at the sliding glass door. She carried a bowl, now too late to catch Kane's cum from my dribbling hole. "The neighbor saw me!" I cried. I didn't have to suggest that Scranton would call the cops. "Get in here, you stupid, stupid cunt!" Connie grabbed my mussed hair and dragged me to my bedroom. "Where's your longest coat?" "Ow! On the rack by the door." I whined. My eyes were tearing up. My life was going to be ruined! She hauled my naked, cum dripping ass to the...

4 years ago
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The Headphones The Chair And The Helmet

My first thought for the morning was about school. The first day of high school. Excitement and trepidation in equal measure made sleeping until the alarm went off,.. impossible. I opened my eyes, bleary from a restless night, and gummed with sleep. My second thought for the morning was about my bedroom. It wasn't there. Neither were my pyjamas. Sitting bolt upright in alarm, stunned for a few moments as I took in the small room surrounding me. I was naked, in someone else's bed...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 183

From a friend of J & G. A college math professor and his wife are both 60 years old. One evening the wife comes home and finds a note from her husband that says, “My dear, now that you are 60 years old, there are some things you no longer do for me. I am at the Holiday Inn with my 20-year-old student. Don’t bother waiting up for me.” He returns home late that night to find a note from his wife: “You, my dear, are also 60 years old and there are also things I need that you’re not giving...

1 year ago
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I Love Being Nude Part 2

I love being nude and I spend most my time at home that way. I sleep nude, work around the house nude and at night i walk around outside nude. Only got caught one time by a girl walking her dog but that's a story for another time. Anyway, I had an experience two weeks ago while working around the house. My wife works part time and wasn't home at the time so I was just doing my honey's list. The doorbell rang and I went to the door to answer it, pulling open the door not thinking that I was...

First Time

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