Sweet Suzie's Enslavement free porn video

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Sweet Suzie's Enslavement

A Love-slave Story (fiction) by mgdspirit

I had managed to befriend her when, after she'd walked into the first day of art class late, and every guys head in the class turned to look and stayed that way far too long. In her white miniskirt, and blonde streaked hair, she was stunning, and she sat directly across from me in the big art room. I soon found myself with a bird's eye view of what every other guy in the room wanted to see, and given her sexiness, found myself, though knowing better, looking up her dress. I sensed she was aware of it, and slowly raised my eyes to meet her deep playful green ones, but instead of disdain, I saw the cutest knowing smile, and she never flinched or repositioned herself...as if to say; "Gotcha! Having fun?"

That day we were doing a nude study rendering of the same ballerina/paid model I had drawn many times, and who most every other guy in the class wanted to nail, but whom I detested. Toward the end of the class, as the instructor walked around behind us, evaluating our progress, when he saw my rendering, he immediately walked over and snatched it up, and raised it for all to view.

"It seems like some here weren't sure who the intended subject for the assignment was, and drew the wrong model."

As the laughter became louder around the room, I sat with my eyes fixed on Suzie, who's eyes had widened, and whose face had turned a deep blush.

"I drew the best model available in this room, as any decent artist would." I replied.

The sketch was a fully naked, blond, rather precise rendition of Suzie, in the same pose as the brunette ballerina had taken, but embellished with Suzie's curvaceous sexiness, so when I glanced at the ballerina, sure enough, I saw her glaring at me. By then the rest of the class had fallen out laughing.

Sure enough, after class, Suzie came over to inquire if she could have the sketch...or a copy of it.

"That was some little stunt you pulled in there" she said laughing.

I gave her a wry grin and replied, "That ballerina makes me tired. What she needs is a good hard whipping."

(it was because she loved twisting herself up into a pretzel every class, being excessively flexible, and as any artist knows, it's hard enough to just draw someone's weight-shift and shadowing properly if they're just casually standing, leaning against a pole.)

Susie's eyes widened and she said "From the way you said that I almost think you'd do it too."

"In a heartbeat" I said, "nothing new for me"

"You're kidding right?" she stared with an intensity I almost thought she might be finding it a turn-on. I just looked back at her, deep in her eyes then, but by the time I looked away, she knew I wasn't joking.

Though I'd made up my mind to not let her have the picture, I found myself utterly enchanted while looking into those big green eyes, and was amazed to hear myself saying;

"I drew it for you, but we have to get a proper frame and mat for it first."

So it was on this lame pretense I managed to entice her back to my apartment I shared with 2 other girls I worked with, and was very close friends with, platonically, as my own preference. Despite some tension with them by seeing the likes of Suzie walk in, she and I sort of hit it off, and I soon found myself listening to her complaints and concerns about her boyfriend, as we hung out and chatted after art class on my stupid waterbed, smoking pot.

By the 4th visit, we had become intimate friends, but she had flatly refused me now 3 times in long steamy chats on my bed, wearing those miniskirts, and having no qualms about her good buddy - me, seeing up her dress yet again. Catching her naked in my shower handing in the towel, she didn't flinch, smiled, and asked if I "liked her ass?"

"Hmmm, I need to come do a more thorough exam", wiggling my fingers "Mind?"

She giggled and pushed me back, and said;

"I wouldn't, but your hands are dirty, and I'm all clean"

Fucking pastels from drawing class!

Then, next visit, I was over-zealous, and after running my hand up her thigh, saying "fire-truck" jokingly, she got upset, stood up, and said,

"STOP!, Dont be an ass! I want you too, but I wont cheat, and I'm not trying to tease you, but I know I do, and I know you like it, and I like that you do. Guess I can't come anymore!!

"I don't want that" I said.

"Obviously", she said wryly, letting her eyes drift down to the large bulge of wood in my pants. "I'm so sorry" she said sincerely, and "it's just as hard for me."

"How so?" said I caustically.

She stood up again, lifted her mini skirt, pulled her panties down and for the first time ever said "Go ahead, feel" she was visibly dewy but I felt anyway, and said;

"Liar, hard my ass, you're dripping wet." she laughed the most tear filled, cutest laugh ive ever heard, and asked,

"Don't either of your pretty roommates have sex with you?"

"I haven't, and won't, but I doubt even you believe that one," I said, "...since they've cost me 3 really cute girlfriends already, but it's platonic."

She had yet to push my hand from her wet, blond patch, surrounded by tanned skin the like of which I'd never seen. Finally, there was her G-spot. No wonder her stupid boy friend couldn't get her off...way up deep. Yes...she began heavy sighing and asked,

"What on earth are you doing?"

Joe, (her bf, who didn't seem to care if she ever came she'd complained) She came after only 5 or so minutes....first time with a man (I learned later)...came again..(love it when honey drips down the legs.)

"Turn around and face the wall now" I ordered her, just to see what she'd do. As I suspected she would, she did first, then said "what for?"

"This" I said, pulling my woven leather belt from my pants, putting its tip back thru it's buckle then roughly grabbing one of her wrists. She tried to wrestle it away, but didn't make a sound, and I used a little of my old martial arts to quickly shove her into the wall. Her big breasts, could be seen squished into the wall. I grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her head back, standing very close to her face, and said in a cold stern confident voice:

"Cross your wrists behind your back..."

"Uh...no.. she quietly said in a whispery almost mocking voice I'd never heard from her, but then I pulled her hair hard, further back and up at the same time. "Ahhh!!" she cooed, still not very loud..

"NOW!!" I said very close to her hear suddenly, knowing it would startle her.

"Okay!" she replied, wincing at her hair being pulled so hard, and dutifully crossed her wrists as I'd bid her. I slid the belt loop around them no sooner than she' crossed them, cinched it tight, then made a secure double square knot from the excess belt, then took her by the hair again, and started kissing her for the first time. She tried to turn away at first, seeming unsure she wanted to, but pulling her chin back towards me, and holding her head in place with my other hand, I was soon kissing the lips I'd fantasized about many times. I took my fill of what I wanted there, and could tell she'd never had a man get physical and overpower her even slightly as I had. She was panting when I let her come up for air, and said "ok let me go now, I need to go" I spun her around, slammed her back against the wall just hard enough where I knew it hurt a little, and just as she opened her mouth to say "Owww", I had both hands at the top of her blouse, grasped firmly and tore it open, buttons flying.

She looked at me eyes wide and disbelieving, and opened her mouth again to protest my ripping of her nice blouse, but I'd already grasped the clasp of her front clasp bra, since she's told me once she wore them because the bf liked them. Seeing her breasts for the first time I was amazed at their size, and with her eyes even wider at my utter audacity, I took one of her nipples and pulled her towards me with it...only a few inches, then we were face to face...

"I'm sorry" I said in mock politeness, "did you just say something?"

"Yes, let me go now, I need to g-----aaaaaaiiiooowww!" she trailed off, me pinching her nipple so hard she couldn't finish...

"Ow! please..ow..ow...please stop...ow!, OOOH!!" giving her now protruding nip a series of tugs and twists.

Then I stopped abruptly, knowing this was too much for any first timer.

After a sec she got bold, and started babbling and talking fast and nervous about how she really had to go and I should untie her, and blah blah, till i walked over and did a fake, like I was about to backhand her, but didn't'... she stopped. scared.

"Shut up you little tease, you go when I say, I got plans for you, so you stay for now....or else.

"You're going to rape me aren't you?!"

Then I slapped her hard.

"Bitch!"(I'd never called this girl anything even uncomplimentary) "So is that what you think this is, and what I am?"

"No I---I'm just scared...and I'm... "her mouth turned town to the cutest pout, and her eyes looked so betrayed my heart melted. I went close and embraced her gently, slowly, as her naked body felt the roughness of my clothes. She was breathing deeply and her eyes followed mine, as I'd always dreamed they would ..needy, wanting me...her, this fucking blonde goddess. I kissed her gently and she kissed me back, and my hand wandered to her bare pussy...still quite wet, so I knew then this girl in my arms was on an adventure, but still scared to leave. She needed me to make her, to take her, but was uncertain if she could trust me to make it good for her.

I whispered in her ear "I know you're loving this aren't you?"

Big sigh and laying her head on my shoulder.. "God yes! ..it's just, unexpected."

"Just do as I say, and trust me babe, you're not ready for all this cruelty, but you have to obey or it will be"

"Will you?" I asked


I smacked her ass so hard she shrieked.

"What did you say slave?"

"Yes...Sir?" as she said it she gave a throaty inhale with a sort of reedy voice of a girl saying that for the first time, and who had always wanted to, and always dreamed of a man enslaving her.

"You are mine till I release you, slave"

"Yes Sir"

Reaching between her legs, now soaking wet. "All of you"

"Yes Sir" she said shuddering.

Embracing her again, "There is no guilt, shame, or remorse here, except what I give you, slave"

"Yes Sir" So sweet and whispery was her voice becoming, I knew i'd end up wanting her, and I'd made my mind I'd not...not this first time.

"A slave has only one purpose and one goal, you must know it or suffer"

"Yes ...S.Sir" she had no clue ..lol.

"Well?!" as I swatted her ass hard again...

"OOH!...I'm...to be good sir?"

Laughing, I swatted her ass harder, then again..."ahhh! ow! I...I don't know sir!"

"Don't move an inch slave"

"Yes Sir"

I went and picked out some lengths of ropes, got her heels, a blindfold , gag , a collar, a lead and a flogger..

I walked back, put the blindfold on, and instantly hated that I couldn't see her beautiful eyes, but saw much more she had which was pleasing to the eye.

I put her heels on myself. Awesome legs ..best I'd ever seen. I slipped the loop of rope behind her elbows, and said "touch your elbows together"

She seemed surprised .."WHA--Yes sir!" she arched and strained to do so, as I wrapped the length around, pulled it tight till they touched, "Ow!, that hurts" she complained, almost bitchy.

I picked up the flogger and lashed one of her breasts hard "Shut up, goddamnit!"

"Yes Sir" she sounded almost relieved.

"You don't talk again slave, or you get that gag. You won't like it, trust me"

"Yes Sir" very quietly.

I then applied the collar to her beautiful neck. She didnt like it, she'd never dreamed, im sure..."Sir may I ask--"

"NO!!...quiet!...I warned you didn't I?"

"Yes Sir" resume breathing hard, lower lip trembling and seemed very humiliated.

"Open up"

"But Si---mmmpgfh!"

Ball gag, quickly wrapped and buckled in back.

"Gnnnnnn-mmmmm!"she protested, face frowning for the first time.

I the attached a lead to the collar, and led her to the bath room, and said "you may now urinate" her head jerked sideways .."mmmnnneeii??!" shaking head rapidly. I knew that would freak Miss never-done-anything-but-vanilla-sex-with-one-boyfriend right out...lol.

Standing behind her, i reached around and began to gently caress her breasts, to which she quickly responded with moans, leaning back against me. I could feel her fingers at my crotch, gently tugging at my pants. I knew what it meant ..as she could grasp me nowhere else. she was grasping for me, some gentle genuine reality of the me she thought she knew. All the teasing and standoffishness because "she had a boyfriend" were gone now. She just needed a man, a real man, and she was confused as to which seemingly real man was real. Being tied, the little girl I'd always known waited inside her was all there was. Willing to risk anything and take anything to find and feel what her boyfriend whom she desperately said she "loved" wasn't giving her. She wanted me to love her...and was willing to allow herself to become enslaved to feel ..just loved. I sat on the toilet seat, and just looked at her...god she was a vision of bdsm loveliness like id never seen., back arched, tits high. Blonde pussy still wet, breathing with sexual frustration, laced with her first fear of the sexual unknown, since she lost her virginity. I reached over and turned on the bathtub faucet, to just let the water sounds fill her head, she turned side to side, wondering what was next. Body oil, which I'm sure she thought must be water, till she smelled its fragrance, I gently rubbed her with head to toe, and applied it generously till she gleamed like a Ferrari, and rubbed her tight muscles, whispering in her ear how she made the most beautiful slave on the planet, and how "this" was now mine, grasping her labia, to which she nodded in agreement, and "these" her oil covered boobs ..nipples totally distended, and these, firmly grasping her ass cheeks ..and smoothing more oil on them ..and then, knowing she suddenly feared i would, plunged my hand between her buttocks and entered her anus with my finger before asking "You're a virgin here, aren't you slave?

"mmm" she nodded her head, happy it didn't hurt her in there, because of maximal lubrication. Her ball-gag had a metal eyehook id put in its ball for just what i then did, attaching it to a small clip hook above the towel rack, then sitting on the toilet seat, and pulling her ass back towards me.

"Stick your ass up high!" I said.

"eeermp!" she protested, again shocked at such unladylike directives., then "mmmg" realizing she couldn't pull her head away from the hook, but with no idea why.

"NOT even close slut! i used the leather lead from her collar to sting her ass. "HIGHER and arch more, or Ill whip your pussy" More fearful muffled protests, and nothing she ever dreamed I'd say, and wanted to be angry and refuse to submit to it, couldn't, being tied so tight, gagged, and aroused she suddenly realized, because I called her slut, another first.

"Higher still! Damn, you aren't trying!...bitch spread your legs then"

she did and strained he ass up as high as she knew she could. quivering and whimpering. You must want your pussy whipped, right?

Arching a little more found a painful wince on her face, as she vehemently shook her head, actually still amazed at being threatened with a pussy whipping, but mostly scared of it..., but then my fingers were in her anus again, and she was just confused about that as everything else, but mostly feeling angry she wasn't angry, and couldn't have prevented any of this if she was.

I wiped some of the oils off her ass, and began gently threatening her, telling her she flunked her first slave quiz, and would soon be flogged for it.

Then I began to gently stroke her labia, and lightly kiss her beautiful upturned ass. As she soon began to moan, I was able to find wetness enough to cover all her inner ass, and my kisses began to land at the crevice, then around then back, but lower and then, knowing it would shock her little miss goody-goodysexual-naivet?, planted my tongue, deep in her anus. she inhaled sharply, made a show of seeming to dislike it...but i continued to hear her lower guttural moanings, and leaning back for a moment, saw she'd arched her ass up higher than I was able to force her to of her own volition. A rimmy is something of questionable necessity for many, especially women asked to give them, but once savored and enjoyed far longer than is seemly, one is loathe for them to end, and finds such leisure in the feelings of sexual arousal they amplify. She was just dangling from the wall hook by her tightly strapped gag now, and wantonly wagged her shiny ass toward the pleasures it kept finding. My favorite thing is giving it to prudish women who are humiliated by it, but cannot help but relish it, as anyone..

"You like this don't you?" poking my tongue in deep.

"mmmMMM!"she moaned, as if while annoyed I'd asked, damn well did, but as any young girl who fears it, was worried I was just priming her for anal sex.

SLUT!, you are soaking, and it seems your ass craves more.....ha! such an easy little meathole I've changed you into.."

"Ngggmmm! more gagged protesting sounds, she didn't like the sound of that "more" part I could tell.

"Don't worry my little gaggle-of-holes-for-use, Ill not fuck your tight ass here till you beg me, and soon you will."

"ngummmpfh! and tried to pull her ass away, when i grabbed it, and pulled it back to my face.

"That was dumb little cunt", and she started to recoil from such talk, but couldn't as I held her, but now started to bite.

Ahh! she cried over and over as my teeth bit soft butt-flesh, and my soaked fingers slipped inside her to her now very familiar spot. Soon she was writhing in fear of bites, as she hurtled toward her 4th orgasm there, while I now only nipped at the tenderest skin in her cleft with unforgiving teeth.

Her pelvis was now gyrating, and her legs quivered so sweetly, it was hard for me to say; "By the way my little pond scum princess, you're not allowed to cum"

emmmggth?!!" she revolted sharply, knowing it was about too late, as did I.

With cock already out, I stood, and began rubbing it between her asscheeks, and her moaning approvals, Let me know she felt I'd read her mind.

"Ready to be my fucktoy now?"

She instantly bobbed her head, and to tease her, I began to poke it at her bung...and laughing ..as the cock-head began to push in and widen her anus, she squealed, "eeeennnng!"

I made pretense of making her assfuck me, and even grabbed her hair to yank her back saying "EVERY LITTLE HOLE YOU HAVE is mine! Isn't it?...well slave?" The moment she began to nod, my well oiled thumb slammed deep into her ass, as I pulled her hair back hard, so she couldn't squirm away. pushing with my thumb, i said "Move bitch!"

making her step forward, but not before I heard a familiar change in her panting, and felt her ass begin to rhythmically clench my thumb.

"That's ok, you conniving little cum-slut, ill just add this to your punishment."

mmmhhh! she was rasping repeatedly, in the throes of orgasmic waves,

So I unhooked her ball gag from the wall, raised her, and pulled it off her drooling mouth, and pulled her face toward mine by the hair, and as she winced at the pain of it, our lips met, and my tongue plunged deep into her mouth, and the thumb was shoved then gyrated, while she got my roughest most abusive kisses until her earth-shattering orgasm finally subsided. I could tell she'd found nirvana, and wanted to just lay and hold her, but just had to see that beautiful ass take its due.

So quivering she stood, and the flogger did its work, and watching her take it I marveled, since with no gag, she didn't even protest, and just made "ungghh!" sounds with each stroke. As the last few came down, and her ass, now covered with pink welts, glowed, I said sternly:

"A slaves only purpose, is her masters pleasure, and enjoyment, and serving him."

"Yes Master!" with enthusiasm, and respect, by switching to Master from sir on her own.

"Say it slave"

"A slaves only purpose, is her masters pleasure, and enjoyment, and serving him." she repeated, as i whipped her lightly.

I removed her elbow ropes then, but left her wrists tied behind, and leaning against the wall, took her gently in my arms...light kisses and affection told her such as words could not, and I just waited, and she finally said "Oh my god...I so loved it Master!"

Giving her a wry grin, "I said, It isn't quite over, as you came un-permitted slave" she looked strangely accepting, and I said, "take your pick, a blow-job or pussy-whipping"

She instantly dropped to her knees, and I'll never forget the sweet way she looked up and asked "Master, will you teach me how, please?"

She was a mass of hormones and nerves when she left, and I could have easily taken it, but I knew better. Outdoing her boyfriend didn't amount to shit. She loved him. He didn't love her. All she wanted was for him to love her and marry her. I knew whatI had done with her would be hard to assimilate, living with some vanilla guy she thought she was in love with, and stealing another mans woman? Been there done that, and it was nothing I ever wanted again, but looks like hers always had the other man, always.

The tension was even starting with my roomies. Their trust and friendship was won by my never hitting on them, and they had both finally met a man who wasn't just after sex. But no woman wants what I was doing done in her home, and when a woman who's like the sun walks in, all the little stars must disappear. I was confused, depressed, but I knew it was just self pity. ..and why me? I know it has little to do with looks now, but then, I thought I just couldn't get a total babe ever because I was a dork.

Bad eyes, thick glasses, scruffy, edgy, sarcastic....and the quintessential young man...resenting any beautiful woman who wouldn't fuck me. Now, Suzie ..light-years out of my league. Yet she' submitted, albeit ambivalently, I knew what we'd done together was fifty times better and more intense than anything vanilla boy had given her...So why? ..then I knew. I was just a badly needed release valve, nothing more. Couldn't really blame her, or any woman of such seething passion. But I got pissed, then angry, not at her, or her boyfriend, or myself...but who?

God...motherfucker...who else. When I pray, I don't seek a mental vision, I just know he listens...I ask for what I want, kneeling. Before I finish, I know it's done, and the name of Jesus seals the deal. Don't ask how I know. Hell I don't know shit. I do know that I've done this every time. For a split second I know. I don't wish, don't hope, don't do anything but know. I take no action based on knowing, but I never let my mind take any other question or doubt. Its weird, but that is in essence, faith. It kind of takes nerves of steel, but is kind of easy.

Two days later she called. my roomie handed me the phone and said:" "It's Scuzzie"...loud enough so Suzie could hear. (lol, women) she asked why id been ignoring her at school.

"...was trying to be mad at you. then at what's-his-name. then at myself...then you again, musical mad at people...stupid game. I lost."

"No you didn't," she said, "I did, ..big fight, he wants me to leave...."

"Roommate's having a Colorado Bulldog party tonight, come?"

"Can I bring an overnight case?" (Thank you Jesus!)

"Sure, long as there aren't any clothes in it."

"Ha-ha, don't you like mini-skirts? ...and lingerie?"

"Eewww!...fine, whatever, but then you gotta bring some Fuckme pumps too, and those handcuffs he laughed at you for buying."

...When she arrived, she looked a fright, a basket case, just as I expected. In sweats, she mumbled something about not wanting him to think she was going to a party and that she'd dress upstairs....for me. I was tipsy on a couple of Colorado bulldogs, but not too drunk to know she was in need of a friend, and my prayers must wait. I made her a real strong drink, and got a Quaalude my roomie had, and when I got to my room, she already had on the hottest black party dress, and spikes...Jesus!, bent over doin' her eyes, no panties...the girl was heart and soul, but her hands shook, and when I looked in her eyes, I had to turn away, so how much she hurt, wouldn't hurt me.

"Here drink this" I said, handing her the milk, Kahlua, 4-5 shots of Vodka, a splash of coke, milkshake-sized "head howitzer". That's when I saw the bruise under her eye. Fucking bastard!....pissed, I rudely opened, and ransacked her suitcase. Handcuffs ....Good God!. dangling them from my finger, I walked back and said, "Are you really this tough?"

"Wha? ..you said..."

"Yeah right, I should use 'em, and punish you bad...unless he's in jail where he belongs!"

Throwing them on the bed, I said "Take off that dress, Dumbass."

I walked across the hall and got my roomies giant bunny rabbit nightshirt...

"Scuzzie cant wear that" my roomie said, half joking.

"Shup, or I won't let you see what she brought for you to wear, your size, and ultra sexy."

Her eyes widened, I knew she'd wanted Suzie's "look" and had enticed me several times in miniskirts...and was starting to scheme hard, not because I'm all that, but I'd made the mistake of hinting that I didn't want to... and now needed to make her think I wanted to, to scare her off and things could get back to normal.

No sooner back in my room, a naked blonde vision stood sobbing, with the handcuffs on. I put the clothes down, walked to her and took her face in my hands and said.

"I know you know I can be cruel Susan, but this..."lightly brushing her bruised cheek "...please tell me where he is, he and I need to talk."

"No, what you said first was more right, I'm the dumbass" then she looked into my eyes intently "Master, I need you again. Your guidance,,,(very hesitatingly) and punishment."

God I was torn, her standing there again naked in spikes, handcuffs, and asking nicely. It was all I could do not to look down at her wondrous body, and just grab her and use her like a fucktoy...then again ..why didn't I?

"Maybe later, but we've both been drinking, and I think you've had all the punishment from a man I want you to have today", I said as I brushed her hair aside, and inspected her bruise again. "And once I do catch up to Mr. Dom-with-his-fists, know what?"

"What?" she asked apprehensively.

"You're a dumbass and I'm not" I joked, she giggled.

"Stop..."she whimpered.

"Come here, dumbass", I said, and led her toward the bed "Take this" the black pill was in my hand. "Thought you might want this. Turns you into a happy, horny, rip van winkle, you'll want me to rape you, and whip you, but I won't, 'cause you'll be sound asleep before I get to 2nd base, ...besides, you still haven't paid for that last "massage and slave lesson".

By the way she giggled, I could tell she was feeling the vodka, and wouldn't have let her have the Quaalude normally, but such fucked-up shit happens to women's heads when the man they love punches them out, it's almost like she would have left him, but once he hit her, it made her nuts, thinking he really didn't love her like she suspected, but since he hit her, maybe she had hurt him by saying.....that's when I knew why he hit her...because of me and my stupid fucking massage bs,. duh!.

She had to somehow throw it in his face, and since I hadn't fucked her, felt justified. I guess threatening and ridiculing his manhood was supposed bring it out finally, but had the opposite effect.

I took the handcuffs with her hands cuffed in them still and held them up and said, "I think we should keep these on you, In case I decide to punish you later, but for now, request denied. Drunken dumbasses aren't worthy" she just giggled, looking up at me like she'd do whatever she was told.

"Lie down" I said, "I want you to take that" pointing at the pill.

"Yes Master" she did, got in my bed, and I tucked her in, and just sat caressing her gently, and we looked in each others eyes till her lids began to droop.

"Thank you.......Master" she said, just before she dozed off. I kissed her forehead and left her sleeping handcuffed, hoping I did the right thing. She was at a very fragile stage. I knew she hurt far more than she let on, and that to her, life, love men and the world were just a confusing mass if things that made no sense.

I took Suzie's black hot-dress, after she slept, and teased teh roomies with the dress, and they both oohed and ahh-d, and asked why I had just the dress, and wasn't getting any Suzie.

"She was unzipping my fly, and I came like a first timer, never made it to jack shit..." I lied,

"Wanna see the big mess I made?" I said, and started unzipping my pants, and they both scurried away grossin' out, like chicks gotta do about such things. But then I chased Tracy the "Scuzzie" culprit around the apartment with my own cuffs, as they both were scared and giggly about my Dom-ness, and had almost sealed my fate with other women one too many times with idle gossip, so this "Scuzzie" business was the last straw.

By the time I cornered her in the kitchen, we were both out of breath, and I told her Suzie was mad at me because of her snotty "Scuzzie" comment, and she was gonna get cuffed, spanked, and give me a bj now "or else."(She'd dumped her last screwy lil' bf because he kept trying to be makin' her swallow ..lol) She'd asked if mine tasted that bitter, and bitched about guys asking;

"Why do they all wanna get swallowed?"...blah blah. on and on...so after I clicked a handcuff on one wrist and she thought I was actually going to, she was about to cry, but couldn't for giggling, and the other roomie was lmao on the couch. Before I let her up, she'd started to get scared and say;


Pinned against the stove, one arm cuffed behind her, thinking I'd really make her be a blowjob-swallow-slut, I turned on a burner to scare her, and said, "Ok then, I'll let you go, under one condition."


"Quit being such a li'l smartass with the "Scuzzie" bullshit, and unless I get a hot bondage threesome with you two heartbreakers every night after work, mind giving a guy enough room to get some pussy?"

Both were shocked, and I get: "Threesome? we don't say nothing to girls you date...!??"

"My ass, Suzie thinks I'm tappin' both you anytime she don't be here...gee, thanks!"

Then the phone rang, and some strange chick was asking bout Suzie, and of course, I was handed the phone, and so was Joe, Suzie's boyfriend at the other end..

"Yeah Joe, Suzie's asleep in my room, real upset because some chicken-shit motherfucker blacked her eye." I said.

"Fuck man, who--"

"Don't deny it, she doesn't.... Fuckin' pussy."..

"Hey dickhead, mind if I talk to my fucking girlfriend.?" said he.

"Ill go wake her and ask".. I went and made a drink, took a leak, exchanged more affectionate flip offs and sticking tongues out with the roomies, then ended up in a tussle for pinching Traci's thigh (we wrestled, and play-fought far too much...she loved it...i guess it was like a sexual tension reliever or...whatever) ..as I'd hoped, waiting almost 10 minutes for me to get back to the phone brought out his angriest self:

"Finally!, she comin'.?"


"What? did she say why?"

"Pretty sleepy, but I know why..."

"You do huh?...why?"

"Cause' deep deep ....deep DEEP down....you're *pause* CHICKENSHIT!"

"Look motherfucker, what's your address ill come show you who's..."

"I'll be happy to see you, and will allow you to see her, but first, you gotta get past ME....then after I'm done seein' if the big tough dental student can punk me out like he does his sweet girlfriend, who happens to really love him, since he has such a way with the bitch-slap. Hope you can bitch-slap me down like you're so good at doing with the ladies, because if not, fuckin pussy, I'm gonna have every tooth outta your head before I'm done, so you can practice dentistry toothless."

Then I said, "Still want my address pansy-ass??" (*click*) ...as expected.

Well I was pissed, but I saw a pic of him later, not a big guy, but very wiry from a lotta sports...could'a punked me too maybe, who knows?, and it was the second time I'd played hero in one month, for a friend of the roomie, who's husband decided, his Rocky Balboa impersonation on her head and elsewhere would make her love him more. Guess so, she went back to him.

Why do women always go back to guys who punch 'em out?

After that of course, I had to then tell the roomies the truth on all of it, then joked it was all their fault, because I couldn't have my threesome...lol. We sorta all made up, bonded, then they went to bed, and I decided to go sleep with a finally peaceful Suzie...

After I clipped a length of chain to the still sleeping Suzie's handcuffs, I then pulled it taught so her arms were pulled over her head toward the top edge of the bed. She stirred a little, and opened her eyes and smiled, so I leaned over and kissed her and just said "you're mine again".

"Good Master" she sweetly replied, which had such an amazing emotional effect on me.

"Trust me now?" I asked, as I pushed her bangs out of her sleepy eyes.

"Completely Master" then added, "I loved being your slave, and this time I'll do better, you'll see!"

"Smart girl" I said, because I'm very tired, but in need of your sweet service slave. You perhaps should be scolded for being a dumbass, but I've decided that you were punished enough by whoever hit you, and want to continue training you how to please your Master, who now craves your affection, and warmth among other things"

"Anything Master!" she said sweetly.

I pulled the comforter back, and just looked at this woman, then more to see if she was learning my wishes. Sure enough, her heels remained on, and she was fully naked except for them. I smiled at her and said, "You're learning quickly, and how did you know not to remove your shoes?"

I didn't, but just knew you loved them, and hoped they'd make you ..want me when you came back."

"They do, and I do, pretty slave", and began caressing her breasts and making her sigh, as I continued, she just naturally responded, such a feminine, passionate, delicious young girl, who so many men dreamed of, and who didn't belong to me, but who wanted to learn to please, and give more, im sure to find out if her natural submissiveness could be a way to be more to her brutal, insensitive boyfriend or any man. I knew she'd forgiven him for hitting her, and she knew I likely never would. I knew she was at a crossroads, and needed to see me as teacher and friend, instead of interloper. This night she would learn how she could be enjoyed just as a woman.

After much affection, kissing and caressing, and only looking deep in her eyes. She was still cuffed hands above, but was in my arms, and beginning to want to go to a more physical passion  I continued slowly, and my hands didn't move below her breasts for some time, and when they finally did, I could tell she wanted them to badly, and wanted release, but dared not ask.

I pulled her toward me on her side, so my hands could take inventory, but shied away from any vaginal contact, and only touched her elsewhere. In circular patterns, her thighs in front, across her hips, gently reviewing her tummy, then back to her breasts. Gently, just feeling her, and as lightly as I could, although I was tired, and knew this was what she needed. I coaxed her womanly passion as slowly as possible, never rushing, or seeming to hurry. After many passes over her broad, regions, she seemed like she wanted just anything she could get from me, laying there cuffed, eyes closed, breathing heavily, lips now just staying parted fully, awaiting my next kiss, and finally gave me the subtle signal I'd been waiting for. Arching her pelvis, and hunching her hips forward, finally let me know it was time. and my hand moved to just over her pussy hair, and just stopped. and waited, lightly grazing her. She arched to meet hy hovering hand, then I moved it away, and repeated my previous caressing elsewhere. then same, again, arched more...moved away, and glancing at her face, saw the slight smile and seeming frustration of a woman being teased to her limit, but one who as a slave, knew she must wait for her Master.

As my hand finally entered her, she was flowingly wet, and having found her high place days back, had since figured out this woman was capable of experiencing far more pleasure than she'd ever dreamed. As my gentle rotating hand movements finally began inside her, I knew this time I'd properly prepared her, and her first waves of inner climax began shortly. Another followed soon after, but I knew as she did not, that with just the right touch and repetition of movement, and purpose, they would become more and more intense. Her 3rd climax told me we were almost there, and i said "hang on slave, gotta pee"

I returned with a towel, and put it under her, and went right back to work, and knowing it would make it better, detached the cuff from their rope, and pulled her arms around my neck. in just a few moments, she sighed heavily, and seemed to quiver, as her thighs involuntarily spread wider.

"Oh my god!" she said "Ohhh - my GOD!!" as she almost seemed to start to convulse. I grabbed a handful of her hair, and roughly pulled her lips to mine, as he began her most intense orgasm yet, She arched, and shook, and would have screamed I knew, but could not be released from my deep, enduring kiss. Surrendering her arms suddenly pulled me closer, and she kissed back like I just couldn't believe, and my hand inside her almost slipped out, as the flood of her ultimate passion was finally released for the first time. Her orgasm seemed to go on forever, but was but a 2 or 3 minute time till she finally crested and relaxed and was still kissing me sweetly. As our embrace released, she opened her eyes and looked at me with glazed droopy lids and said flatly, in a lower monotone "oh....MY ...god!" I couldn't help but laugh at her then, and knew the towel was likely soaked, and also knew she'd protest, as my hand began its simple work again." No, not again" she said.

"Shhh slave!, trust your Master"

She tilted her head back, and sighed with resignation, "Yes Master, I trust you .. I do trust you!" and was soon taken back again not once but 2 times more.

By the last one I let my fingers wander to her half open mouth, which she wantonly sucked in making her wishes plain. I then pulled her cuffed hand from behind my neck, and just waited a moment to see what she'd do. She just smiled and started to ask me, but I put my finger on her lips, and gently pushed down on her shoulder.

She seemed bent on showing me she could give and incredible blowjob, and while I have had some better, her enthusiasm was so very memorable, just new at it, and with little trained gag reflex, she supplemented sweet licks and kisses, for such depths she could not take.

The last thing I remembered was wanting to pull her on top of me, and fuck her brains out. But sleep overcame me, and the sandman visited the warmest, incredibly sexy dreams, and when I finally awoke, I saw why. I was still in her sweet mouth, and once aware, became hard very quickly. It was incredible to watch her be awakened by it, and her response was to just suck to increase to needed depth. but I knew what she'd done, she likely had never dreamed of doing, and took her head gently and she began to move it toward mine. "You're a very good slave, and incredibly beautiful". i said.

" I gotta pee Master!"...lol it still makes me laugh to this day, the way she said it, so uncertain and so insecure.

"No, you may not slave....long pause...I'm kidding, but hurry, I really need to fuck your brains out."

"Yes Master!" she said scurrying away...

When she returned, after popping out of the bathroom, getting her purse, and going back, she said "I started master" after crawling up on her knees beside me. I just looked at her, and her eyes locked on mine, and she said "You said I would, so I'm begging you now master...please..."


Please fuck my ass, and as hard as you want, it's yours now anyway, and I love that it is!"

The next hours and days were ultimately one of the sweetest, softest, hungry for true love, desperate for a tender touch, near wordless sexual encounters I'd ever had. She had me incredulous at how such a sweet submissive incredible hottress could be left so love hungry and orgasm-starved by arseholes who only want them for temporary sex till they enter their ritzy dental practice, then dump them for another, who I could never believe was anything close to his college tempfuck, Suzie. It sounds conceited to say I know God was answering her prayers that night, but I know damn well, the next day and a half, were when he answered mine.

But I knew she'd go back to her Joe, and knew she'd be torn, and want to come back to me soon.

All of which happened, and I was her Master on and off for some time. She could be awfully high-maintenance this girl, and after a while, though it hurt, I came to know, In her own way she needed us both. she wanted my approval somehow, and at one point asked me if I'd come over and meet him.

"I've wanted to for a while Suzie, and I haven't forgotten what he did."

"So if you come to visit, will you start something with him?" she asked, as we spoke on the phone.

"...And finish it, since I've wanted to so badly girl, and he's so richly deserving."

Of course she didn't want her champion beaten down, and prevented it as sweetly as she could. I didn't learn he'd dumped her right after college until years later, and had cheated on her all their last year together then married the new girl, once he'd moved far away to his new practice. She was left high and dry and bitterly heartbroken, having lost touch with me, after we'd finally drifted apart.

I've always hated dentists. All you need to do is ask them what their services cost, to know they are some of the greediest, most selfish bastards in this world, who seem the friendly, best friend you ever had while they do what they do, screwing you over as hard as they can the entire time. Fuckwads, all of them.

*Sigh* She was a Pisces, which I often think may be the sexiest women on this planet, but there just aren't enough of them to go around. Born under the sign of "Half Man-Half Asshole" myself (Sagittarius), I read somewhere I was not so compatible with them, and was already aware that I usually seemed to want them far more than they wanted me...something about Fire and Water, and mostly physical, primal, animal magnetism for both, with the more romantic, emotional Piscean at a great emotional advantage... Likely so, since at the time, just reading it made me cry, and it took this college boy a few months to get over Suzie...trust me.

I always regretted never telling her, how very deeply I loved her.


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Suzi 1

Suzi 1Jim – meSuzi – soon to be wifeKatie – friendSteve – Katie’s bfPlease note, this is a fictional story. All people, places, and events are just crazy thoughts I’ve had. No one really exists in this story. At 25 years old, I thought life was going well. I had just moved on from bartending to a professional job, finally making good money. About the only thing I didn’t really have was a steady girlfriend. Don’t get me wrong, bartending afforded me plenty of opportunities for causal encounters,...

4 years ago
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Lisa and Suzi Do HollywoodChapter 2

Over the span of six short months, Suzi went from being just another fresh-faced newcomer in the world of adult movie-making to the industry's biggest, most well-known star. Her road to success began in Ohio, where Suzi used to work part-time as an exotic dancer at a strip club. One evening during one of her performances, a casting-couch type from Los Angeles was in town and immediately took a liking to the 27-year-old stripper. And why not? Suzi was a stunningly beautiful young woman whose...

3 years ago
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The Geezer Part 2Teaching Rachel Suzy

Intro: This is a continuation of The Geezer Makes Out. It takes place after their first weekend together. Reading that story first will help make it easier to understand what happens here. I hope you enjoy it. Chapter 1 I figured that if I ever tried to describe the events of the previous 72 hours, people would surely think me delusional. Maybe I’d spent too much time in the sun (although it was winter) or fallen and hit my head (but I had no cuts, bumps, or bruises). It was real all right,...

First Time
3 years ago
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Making love to Suzie with her moms permission

It is true – but happened a few years ago. I am not married and the girl involved and I still see each other regularly but she no longer lives in the same city. Suzie is a flight attendant and based away from home and travels a lot. She says I am her only lover but like me she has had a few more experiences between the time we met and the time we declared our sole love for each other – true love not just sex now. Her mother and I still see each other occasionally and we still retain the...

3 years ago
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david and suzi

David pulled on his girls panties, he hated wearing these but suzi insisted, it was sometimes awkward like if he needed to pee in public but suzi suggested simply using a cubicle and siting down to pee so thats what he did, it was easier to agree with suzi. The same when he had brought up the argument about using the gym, "how can i get changed at the gym with these on " he asked "you cant " agreed suzi, david actually thought he had won a small victory until her next remark...

3 years ago
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Suzy Comes Of Age

Episode 1 A girl stands in front of a metal gate. She is alone. Simply dressed in a faded denim jacket, black leggings and grubby trainers. On her shoulder hangs a white PVC bag. The word 'SLUT' in huge black letters has been scribbled on the bag. At 18 years old she should have grown out of her selfish disposition but she looks grumpy and resentful, still very much a teenager.We are in a remote part of Melbourne, close to the sea. Large detached houses stand among ancient elm trees. The...

1 year ago
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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 6

Introduction: Suzi endures quite a lot of pain plus a gallon of water distends her stomach. Chapter 6 [starts Thurs night – ends Thurs night] Thursday night was the first time I had any real concerns about what shape my wife might be in when they were through with her and sent her back to me. I opened the email from Karl, read it once, and immediately called him on the phone. Karl, what the hell? We had an agreement… Tony, Tony, my friend, wait, let me explain… I was hesitant but his voice...

2 years ago
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Suzie Gets Even

If stories of heavy sex and incest turn you off then stop reading right now. Suzie Gets Even by Jenny Leeds Chapter 1 Jack glanced sidelong at Suzie as they rode the service elevator down to the street. She looked subdued. He guessed she was taking old man Bellows' death pretty hard. It surprised him--he would've thought she'd be glad. After all, the guy had been keeping her a slave, and he'd done--that other thing--to her. The elevator doors opened. She staggered...

4 years ago
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Suzannes New CareerChapter 5 Suzi

The next several days were spent wiping out all traces of Suzanne. I moved the clothes I had bought her to my apartment, and put them in a closet which I designated as Suzi's. I put the cosmetics and jewelry into a vanity table I'd purchased just for her. The rest of her stuff I sold to a local thrift shop for cash. Suzi and I went to Suzanne's bank to close her accounts. I threw out the cashier's check. It was a trivial amount of money compared to what I had, and cashing it would just...

3 years ago
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Lisa and Suzi Do HollywoodChapter 3

To get out of her contract, Suzi knew it was best to go straight to the top of the ladder. Thus, she telephoned the porn company's CEO and president, and requested that he be at her house later that afternoon. The man, whose name was Robert, asked for a reason why, but Suzi declined to tell him. She simply said that it was an important matter, and needed to be discussed in person - not over the telephone. Suzi had netted Robert's company millions upon millions of dollars over the past...

2 years ago
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“Wow, incredible, eight and a half inches long, and seven inches in circumference. That’s almost two inches in diameter.” I am now in my mid-thirties and after a wide range of experiences as a gigolo, I developed a preference for a certain type of client: elegant, sophisticated women aged around forty-five years old, with bodies anywhere between size ten to fourteen and not overweight. They were often a long way from home on business. Almost without exception these women would be very good...

2 years ago
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“Wow, incredible, eight and a half inches long, and seven inches in circumference. That’s almost two inches in diameter.” I am now in my mid-thirties and after a wide range of experiences as a gigolo, I developed a preference for a certain type of client: elegant, sophisticated women aged around forty-five years old, with bodies anywhere between size ten to fourteen and not overweight. They were often a long way from home on business. Almost without exception these women would be very good...

4 years ago
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Lisa and Suzi Do HollywoodChapter 4

"I can't believe you got Robert to let you out of your contract," Jessica said to Suzi, as the pair of porn stars sat together on the living room sofa. "I don't think he has ever let anyone out of their contract early before." "Lisa and I... we did some convincing," Suzi giggled. Jessica - or, Jessica Everett (as she was known to her legion of fans (a stage name)) - was one of the best-known actresses in the world of adult films. Although only 20 years of age, Jessica was a hardcore...

4 years ago
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Caning SuzyJayne Part 3

Following my visit to Suzy-Jayne’s house, the thought of the two hours I’d spent in her company were never far from my mind. Despite having led an active sex-life since my teens, I had always enjoyed, perhaps even preferred, the unrestrained pleasure afforded by masturbation. Even, during the two years I’d lived with Rosalind and where we shared intimacy at least once on most days, I had still relished the opportunity of being alone in the flat to pleasure myself to the thoughts of the things...

1 year ago
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Suzie had no idea how it had happened. One minute she was at a party, the next she was bound and gagged, in the boot of someone’s car, and being driven around. The ropes around her wrist, behind her back, would not budge, try as she may, and the ones around her ankles were also tight. She had tried rubbing her head on the carpet in the boot, trying to get the gag out, but straps around her neck and also over her head, made sure this did not happen.She tried to think back to what had happened,...

3 years ago
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Suggestible Suzie

Girlish giggles filled the room as Hargraves adjusted the settings on the Monitor console."It feels like you've brought me up to see your etchings," Suzie Masefield observed."I take my work very seriously, Miss Masefield," Jack replied, with a biofeedback sensor in each hand. "If you believe this to be some kind of deception, perhaps we should call it off.""Oh, no, I'm only kidding, Jack.""I suppose you might be nervous and trying to hide it behind a joke," Hargraves...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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SuzanneChapter 3 New Friends for Suzy

Suzy woke me up Saturday morning with the sweetest blowjob ever. It was in those moments of the morning where a man's bladder is just starting to become uncomfortable and his morning hard-on is raging. That was when I felt her lips wrap around my cock. I became fully awakened when I felt the head of my cock slid into Suzy's throat and her chin rest on my bloated nuts. Then slowly she began that wonderfully agonizing trip to the tip of my dick. Her tongue was very active on my gland and her...

4 years ago
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Caning SuzyJayne Part 2

It was a Thursday evening and almost a week since I’d met Suzy-Jayne at Blake’s party, the one to one session I’d done with her had never been far from my mind. I’d copied her phone number into my diary using my unique, personal coding system which I guess was hardly necessary now that I was once more living on my own, but old habits die hard as they say. Rosalind, my nymphomaniac, but sadly, very vanilla girlfriend of two years, had moved out of my flat four weeks earlier. It was an amicable...

4 years ago
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Chronicles of Suzy Lee Part 1

The phone rang and Julie answered. "This is Ms. Johnson at Lady of Care high school" "Yes this is Mrs. Lee how are you Ms. Johnson?" Julie asked already knowing the reason for the phone call. " Well Julie you know that we've come very close over the last year that you're family has lived here and Suzy has attended this school. However I've done everything I can and my hands are tied. I need you to come and Pick Suzy up from school. She's been banned indefinitely. I know how hard...

2 years ago
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Hi. I'm Wendy telling this part of the story. On Monday it was nearly 7:00pm and I was ready to lock up the long-day-care centre where I work. I went through all the rooms of the centre to check that no one was going to be locked in. But in the room where the young kids have a nap during the day, I found Suzie lying on one of the small beds. She was hunched up in a foetal position and sobbing miserably. “Suzie! What's wrong?” “I'm pregnant. Valerie noticed that I was starting to...

3 years ago
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The Geezer Part 2Teaching Rachel Suzy

Intro: This is a continuation of The Geezer Makes Out. It takes place after their first weekend together. Reading that story first will help make it easier to understand what happens here. I hope you enjoy it. Chapter 1 I figured that if I ever tried to describe the events of the previous 72 hours, people would surely think me delusional. Maybe I’d spent too much time in the sun (although it was winter) or fallen and hit my head (but I had no cuts, bumps, or bruises). It was real all right,...

4 years ago
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Episode 115 Suzys new dog

Hi my name's Suzy, you might remember that I used to be Annie's sub, then Her full-time slave when I retired.Then we split up, still friends of course, but now I'm in a regular relationship with my gorgeous Mauritian girlfriend Anita.Suzy had gone to the dog rescue centre to collect Toby her new 3 year old Red Setter.The rather attractive 40-something female vet insisted that Suzy needed a collar and dog leash.Suzy's hands automatically went to her throat to feel where the steel collar had...

3 years ago
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Suzy puts on a show

This is my first story inspired by the lovely SuzyK and her lovely webcamSuzy had two secrets, the first is that Suzy is a Nerd.When she was younger "questing" with her friends around the kitchen table, exploring strange new lands and levelling up her high elf Mage, was an exciting and enjoyable pastime, but as Suzy got older and more interested in the other more enjoyable ways a young women can spend her evenings, she put away her dice. After all, nerds have such an unfortunate stereo...

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