Mathis the Mountain Man
- 2 years ago
- 62
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Is this Business or pleasure?
I’ve no idea why I agreed to go along with the girls in work. They got me into the mess this weekend or did they? Maybe I have only myself to blame!
To se the scene:
It was November 2004 and to celebrate one of the best years in the history of the company I worked for, we were going to have the party to end all parties. That was only half the story. The other half was that this mega party was to be a fancy-dress party and I agreed to let the girls in the office sort out my fancy dress outfit. That was my first mistake!
It was now Friday and the day of the big party. I’d worried about what was in store for me for the past eight weeks since I’d agreed to go through with the whole dress-up thing. I’m by nature, a very reserved, late thirties guy; heading up a team of around forty high tech call-centre staff; thirty-five of who are female and in their mid to late twenties. I think most of those girls were permanently on heat! I had gone out with them all on a few occasions but just to bars in the Glasgow area but never a company bash and never a fancy-dress.
So, back to Friday afternoon:
?So David, are you ready for the big night,? asked Kelly, one of the team leaders in my group of high-tech misfits.
?To be honest Kelly, I’m now a little worried about tonight and what you girls have in store for me but hey, I’m part of the team so I’ll go along with whatever you suggest,? I replied?
When it came down to it, I had no idea what they had in store but I agreed to their little plan and I was not one to break a promised! It was decided that Kelly and one of her team, Sonya would come around to my apartment at six-thirty and help me prepare myself for the big event. I guess they both knew that I’d probably not agree to what they had in store if I actually knew their plans but hey, I was a guy of the world so I’d take whatever they’d throw at me. As pre-arranged, we closed down early this afternoon and we all headed home at four to get ready for the big night.
My apartment was on the river, a few miles west of the city centre so I hadn’t long to wait once I got home so a few bottles of Bud and a hot bath, I was ready for whatever the girls had in store. I half wanted Kelly to get round sooner because I have to tell you that I had a secret crush on this gorgeous blonde that had led my team of misfits for the past two years. I had my own set of rules since my divorce three years earlier that I would NEVER have a relationship or sex to that matter with any girl in the company. Some-one once told me that, ‘you should never screw the crew.’
Anyway, I hadn’t long to wait because at six-fifteen the buzzer went and I saw Kelly and Sonya at the front door wearing what could only be described as school uniforms. As I pressed the button to let them both in, I had a lump in the pit of my stomach as I now half guessed what these two had in store for me tonight.
I opened the door to my apartment just as the two girls skipped out of the lift (elevator), with a wicked smile on their faces.
?Good evening David are you ready to join us tonight,? both girls burst out in tandem?
They dashed into my apartment and headed straight towards my kitchen and the bottle of white wine I’d promised would be waiting for them both. I think both Kelly and Sonya were in school-girl mode, never mind the school-girl dress. Sonya wore a St. Trinion’s pinafore with sheer black stockings. I could easily tell they were stockings because of the suspender belt could be seen below the hem of her pinafore, attached the tops of each stocking. Kelly wore a slightly more modern uniform with a very short skirt (black), white blouse, which was opened at the neck in a scruffy manor with a school tie loosely tied around her neck. Her black bra could easily be seen beneath the white blouse and her legs were clad in thick Black (opaque) Lycra tights (pantyhose). She also wore a wool cardigan and as she entered the kitchen she pulled it off along with the long school scarf that was previously wound around her neck.
?You two look fantastic tonight, so what am I to wear then girls,? I asked, half knowing already what they were about to say?
Kelly began as I closed the door behind them both:
?Well David, the entire team are going to the party as school-girls and so are you,? she explained!
?What Kelly, even the other five guys,? I asked?
?No David, they’re wimps and are not going tonight. When they heard what we were doing, they accepted to work the evening shift,? she replied.
As the two girls pored their glasses of wine, I opened my third Bud and told them to do their worst and while I wasn’t too enthusiastic about dressing as a girl tonight, I would go along with there plan but there was no way I was going to shave anything!
?Don’t worry David,? explained Sonya, ?You’ll not to shave a thing as we’re organised tonight to transform you into a slightly plump but we’re sure, terrific school-girl.?
Anyway, my third Bud down, it was time to get dressed and Kelly started to empty the contents of the plastic bag she’d brought with her. I’d given Kelly a hundred Quid (?100 pounds) to get the attire she had in mind and I’m sure she had spent the money well.
?Okay David, go into your bedroom and slip into this panty girdle. It will be tight but I promise you, it will be worth it,? explained Kelly as she handed me what seemed like a very thick and elastic pair of BIG PANTS.
I took the package and headed for my bedroom. I undressed from my male cloths and started to step into these new pants and boy they were tight! I’d never worn female cloths before and while I understood the need for these pants to be tight, I had enormous trouble pulling them over my slightly plump stomach. Once pulled up they felt bloody uncomfortable but after quick glance in the mirror, I knew exactly why Kelly had bought them. My upper thighs and bum were now a completely different shape and my stomach was now pulled in quite a bit. It wasn’t flat but hey, the result did it for me!
Once back in the living-room, both girls cheered as I entered. Kelly then told me to approach as she held up a black padded bra.
?This should fit just fine David,? as she turned me around and slipped each arms into the straps and buckled the strap at the back.
This bra already had silicon implants built in and did a fantastic job of providing me with a ready made cleavage.
?Right David,? said Sonya. ?We didn’t expect you to shave your legs so we’ve bought you a pair of the thickest black tights we could find. They’re completely opaque and at 90-denier, they should hide your leg hairs and give you a great pair of legs. They’re also maternity tights so the top should be extra tight and help pull in you tummy even more.?
With a little instruction from both girls, who had now polished off the entire bottle of wine, I slid my legs into the very soft black clingy material. I told Kelly to go and open another bottle of wine as I helped myself to the white blouse and short PE skirt that once on, left the thick tights to hide any of my indignity. The school tie was next and once finished I guessed I looked a tad like Kelly.
?Right David, to your face now,? explained Sonya as Kelly came back into the room with two full glasses of wine and fourth Bud for me.
I then set down and let Sonya loose with her make-up. I have to say that it felt terrible! I hated the feeling of make-up as Sonya seemed to slap it on thick, very thick. This process took the longest and once finished, Kelly produced a long blonde wig. Before she placed it on my head, Sonya placed a latex cap on my head, puling back my short hair into the tight cap that clung to my head. The wig then attached using Velcro to hold it in place and Kelly pulled the blond wig into pig-tails to match the one’s she wore in her hair. Two pink bows finished the attire and I was told to go and see myself in the mirror. To be honest, I didn’t recognise the person that stared back at me in the mirror:
?You two have done a brilliant job, don’t recognise myself here, well done,? I applauded the team.
?Right David, call a taxi,? requested Kelly as she handed me the last three items, a pair of over-sized girls shoes, a wool school blazer and a long wool school scarf.
I sat down to strap the shoes on to my ankles. Thank goodness, they had low heels but I made my second mistake of the night by letting Sonya kneel down decide me and padlock the straps, ensuring the heels stayed on.
?What the fuck Sonya,? I demanded?
?Well David, these ensure that you can’t take the shoes off until we say so. We’re expected to wear painful shoes so tonight you’re going to understand what girls have to go through,? responded Sonya.
I guess I had no option as I stood up, gained my balance on the low heels and slipped into the wool blazer. To finish my outfit off, I wrapped the long school scarf around my neck, leaving the two ends draped across my over-sized chest, bulging through the tight blazer.
?Right, we’re off,? explained Kelly as she threw a hand-bag to me and told me to put my house-keys into it!
By the time we got to the taxi, accepted the whistles and abuse from the driver, my feet were killing me already. How was I going to get through the night?
The whistles and abuse from the taxi driver was only the first of the night as we walked from the car all of 100 meters to the hotel and the venue for our company party. The whistles continued as we went inside and I joined the rest of the school-girls, sorry the rest of my team of misfits, all wearing various versions of girls school-uniforms.
The Party itself:
The evening was a success, a massive success! There must have been over three hundred people in the grand ball-room of the Glasgow Hilton. Everyone, both staff and special customers had all made a massive effort this evening and no-one had wimped out of the fancy-dress theme.
As the meal finished, the dancing began and I joined both my team and several customers on the dance floor for the many hits of the 80’s that set the tone for this evening. After-all, the 1980’s was the era for most of us, except a select few of the younger members of my team would remember. Hits from Howard Jones, The Thomson Twins, Ultravox, Human League or Erasure, that brought back many memories of an easier time of life. The drink (alcohol) also made us all a little more receptive to the dancing and approaches from many of the guys from the office. Everyone was impressed at my nerve of going as I was but everyone complemented me also. In fact, I even won the best-dressed guy award. The best-dressed girl award went to Jennifer Owens; a senior director in a fairly boring government department who came tonight as a police woman but no ordinarily police woman! She wore a very revealing short skirt and white shirt with various badges alluding to some made up American police department. The police uniform came complete with a thick leather belt holding fast the implements of her work like the genuine American S&W police handcuffs that took my fancy (mistake number 3).
As the winners of the best-dressed male and female of the evening, both Jennifer and I had the pleasure of a slow dance, in front of al our colleagues and clients. As we paraded around the dance floor, Jennifer whispered into my ear:
?I was hoping to bump into you tonight David,? she explained.
The alcohol was certainly taking over as I made my response:
?I’m also glad to bump into you tonight Jennifer. You look fantastic in that uniform and those handcuffs look so inviting,? I blurted.
I would have never let down my guard without alcohol tonight and certainly got given one of my best clients the idea that I was into bondage, which of course, I was.
?So David would you like me to arrest you,? asked Jennifer in an extremely alluring voice?
?Not quite yet Jennifer but defiantly later,? I replied as Culture Club finished another one of the mid eighties hits.
That was only the beginning of my third mistake to lead Jennifer on. For the rest of the evening we seemed joined at the hip, we sat on one of the comfy settees in the corner of the grand ball-room and chatted as long lost friends and not as the typical supplier / client relationship we’d had for the past five to six years. Yes, Jennifer was an extremely attractive lady. In her very early forties, she had looked after herself. She still had a great figure but then tonight she was looking particularly good in her police uniform. This was a pleasant change from the formal power-dressing business suits she normally wore when we met once a month in her government department. Her long auburn hair cascaded across her shoulders and rested just below the collar of her white police shirt. It was clear we had rather a lot in common. Like me, Jennifer was divorced or should I say, waiting on the paperwork from the local sheriff court that would dissolve a tiresome and lacklustre marriage that started in her early twenties. She was certainly a beautiful woman and we certainly got on very well this evening but maybe that was the alcohol talking. This growing friendship was getting off to such a great start, I forgot that I was dressed in the girls school uniform and looking very out of place from my normal grey business suit worn during our monthly account management meetings.
As the night ran on into the early hours of Saturday morning both Kelly and Sonya joined us. Both had worked this account very well over the past year and Jennifer complemented us all on how good a team we were in managing her account way beyond anything that our competition were capable of.
Kelly then produced the keys that kept my feet firmly locked in the leather strapped shoes that had torn my poor feet to shreds for the past five-and-a0half hours.
?You deserve these back David. You’ve handled tonight very well and the rest of the team are so happy to have a boss as daring and cheerful as you,? She complemented as popped the keys into my handbag and kissed me on the lips.
?So David,? asked Jennifer, ?are you ready for another dance?
?No problem Jennifer but first, can I have the next dance with Kelly,? I asked in the manor I would have asked a school teacher.
Kelly and I then danced a slow number from Dire Straights and towards the end, Jennifer and Sonya joined in. Little did I know they had a devious plan, which meant they both grabbed my arms and in only a few seconds had both wrists locked into Jennifer’s handcuffs behind my back. I did my best to ignore the fact I was now restrained and tried to act as cool as possible as both Kelly and Sonya both kissed me on the face, remarking on their lip-stick marks being left behind. It was then Jennifer’s turn but the kiss on the face ended up as a kiss on the lips and there was no doubt that her tongue was in my mouth. I had no control and funny enough both Kelly and Sonya didn’t seem that surprised by Jennifer’s advance. We al continued to dance, which was not too easy for me in these bloody shoes and my arms secured behind my back in Jennifer’s handcuffs. Soon the set ended and we headed back to our settee. Once there I ask Jennifer to remove the handcuffs but Kelly thought they should stay on and she produced a straw to ensure I was able to drink my G&T. We sat on until the crowd started to leave and the room began to look rather empty.
?David, should I call a taxi,? asked Kelly?
?No problem Kelly. I would do it for you but I’m a little tied up right now,? I responded.
Kelly then asked Jennifer where she lived and I said we should all get a cab together and I would get out last and pay. The taxi now booked and on its way, the girls all started to put on their coats and wrapped their school scarves around their necks, in anticipation of going out into the cold November air.
?Okay Jennifer, you’ve had your fun. Can I please have my hands back so that I can put on my blazer,? I asked in a slightly frustrated voice?
Before Jennifer even had time to answer, Kelly cut me off and suggested that it would fun to keep me cuffed for a little longer. Slightly pissed off, I stood up and allowed Jennifer to drape the blazer over my shoulders and wrapped the long wool school scarf around my neck. She tied it off a wee bit too tight but as I said earlier, I love bondage and to be honest, I was enjoying the attention of the girls.
The Journey Home:
Sonya was first to be dropped off and then next to Kelly’s apartment on the south-side. I was disappointed when she got out oft the taxi and kissed me good-night. I had hoped that Kelly would have advanced more but then I had my rules and she probably had hers, which didn’t involve sleeping with as colleague.
It was then back towards Dunbreck and the expensive part of the south-side where Jennifer lived. The taxi pulled up outside a large stone house and Jennifer said, ?We’re here.?
?Okay Jennifer, can you release my arms now, please,? I begged.
She started to rummage through her hand-bag but after what seemed like ages but only a few minutes I’m sure, she announced that she couldn’t find the keys. I wasn’t happy as my third big mistake of the night now meant I had to go into a client’s house. Come to think about it, I had no rules bout clients, only colleagues. Jennifer was a great looking girl and I was currently handcuffed with no keys. What choice did I have?
Jennifer then paid the taxi driver, he said, ?Good luck? to me as we got out of the cab and headed towards Jennifer’s large stone built house in this very exclusive part of Glasgow.
The Weekend Starts
?I’m so sorry about the keys David, I was sure I’d put them into this hand-bag,? explained Jennifer as she unlocked the front door and I followed her in.
Her house was lovely and while still her marital home, her husband had left her for another woman so currently she still had access to this wonderful and very large house.
?Go into the living-room David while I go and find the keys,? asked Jennifer as she directed me into the living-room and help me down onto the large leather couch.
It was difficult sitting down with my hands cuffed behind my back but Jennifer helped me until she lost her balance and collapsed on top of me. I’m not sure this was planned but very quickly our lips locked again but this time the kiss was much more passionate than the last on back in the Hilton. Jennifer then regained some composure and removed the heavy wool blazer, which had practically fallen off my shoulders, trapping my poor cuffed hands even more.
Jennifer then straddled me sitting on the couch and we kissed for the next twenty minutes or so.
?Do you want to take this further David,? asked Jennifer?
?Do I have a choice Jennifer,? I responded?
?Well you do David but I think you quite like me being in control,? purred Jennifer in an extremely sexy voice, teasing me even more.
She was right and told me that she was about to try something I might enjoy. I’ll not say that this was now another mistake of mine tonight since my third big mistake and the handcuffs started the slippery slope that I now found my self in.
Still straddling me, Jennifer untied the scarf that was around my neck and folded the soft wool into a thick band, before winding it twice around my face, cutting off all light. The scarf was now an externally effective blindfold that covered both my eyes and nose. It still allowed Jennifer to kiss me again before helping me on to my feet. Holding on to my arm, she led me totally blind through her house. I heard the key unlock another door and I followed her downstairs. We walked across a carpeted area before stopping on what felt like a tiled floor.
?Hold on a second David, I’m going to unlock your hands now,? explained Jennifer in a business like voice.
As the handcuffs came off both wrists, Jennifer told me that I could remove the scarf myself. As I did this, I heard a loud CLUNK of a heavy door closing and as soon as I blinked to regain some focus, I realised that I was now in a small jail-cell looking back out at Jennifer through bars of thick steel.
?What the fuck is this all about Jennifer,? I demanded?
?Well David, this is my play-room and I would like you to stay here for the rest of the weekend and enjoy it with me,? she explained.
Again I asked Jennifer if I had a choice and she once explained that I could leave if I really wanted but why not explore her fantasy world. I stood there for a few minutes, staring through the cell bars at this beautiful woman who until only an hour ago was a client of mine. I’ve idea if this weekend was now going to be business or pleasure?
?Well okay Jennifer,? I responded. ?I can handle this situation but I have to say that I am not into pain, is that clear?
Jennifer just looked back at me and promised that this would be a weekend to remember and one that I wouldn’t want to forget. I was then told to get some sleep and she would be back in the morning when the fun would begin.
?You’re not going to leave me in here all night Jennifer,? I shouted as she left the downstairs basement, on route for the stairs leading back up to the house.
?David, you love it, I know. Just enjoy yourself in there and I’ll be back in the morning,? she replied.
I then settled down for the night in this prison cell. It was warm and I had a wash-hand-basin, toilet and a bed, which felt fairly comfortable. I then began to remove the school uniform and clean my face from the horrible make-up that had been stuck to me for the past seven hours. I had nothing else to wear in bed so I climbed into the bunk after taking a well earned piss. There was no light switch in the cell but it was only another ten minute until it went out anyway and I was left to myself, locked in this cell in Jennifer’s basement.
As I said, it was warm and comfortable in Jennifer’s basement prison cell. After I got over the initial shock that I was locked in a tiny prison cell, under the house of one of my best clients. This was probably a sick fantasy of mine built how did Jennifer actually know. Soon after several hard-on’s, which I resisted to take through to conclusion, I finally fell asleep. Unfortunately, morning came far too fast and I was awoken by a rattle on the bars of my jail cell.
?Good morning sleepy head, its gone half-past-ten and it’s time to get up,? explained this incredibly sexy voice, which I failed to focus on as my eyes strained to get into the correct gear.
Finally the vision of beauty came into focus as my eyes finally cleared themselves and standing just the other side of the cell bars was Jennifer, dressed in a bright red leather catsuit covering her entire body except for her head.
?Do you like what you see this morning David,? asked Jennifer but even before I got a chance to answer: ?I can see you do,? she responded on my behalf.
I had forgotten that I’d jumped into bed with nothing on last night and what Jennifer could see now, couldn’t hide my reaction to her awesome choice of attire this morning.
?Okay David, I’ll unlock the cell door and let you go and take a hot shower. The basement has its own bathroom and I’ve also left you some Gillette and a razor, not to mention a toothbrush, toothpaste and some deodorant,? explained this red godess standing just outside my jail cell.
She unlocked the cell and let me slip out into the basement. I stopped and touched the luxurious leather that encased her body.
?You look gorgeous this morning Jennifer,? I complemented before we kissed for the first time this morning.
Jennifer then pointed me towards the basement bathroom and I left her to prepare myself for the day ahead, whatever it had in store. As I exited the bathroom after about twenty minutes of washing, shaving and some other stuff, Jennifer stood waiting, with a pair of handcuffs in her right hand. These were probably the same handcuffs that allowed mistake number three last night and what got me into this unbelievable situation. Without any prompting, I turned around but Jennifer explained that she was going to cuff my hands in-front this morning. Surprised as I was, I lifted both hands in-front of me and allowed Jennifer to cuff them. What I hadn’t notice before in the middle of the basement was a chain handing from the ceiling, which the end was soon padlocked to the chain connecting my two cuffs. Using a remote control the chain retracted slowly into the ceiling taking my arms with it. I was soon standing high, with my arms stretched out above me, well and truly trapped, enabling Jennifer to do whatever she wanted.
?Right David, I loved you in the school uniform last night but I’ve got some other ideas for today so please allow me to get you dressed. Please don’t resist because even though you might not like pain, I will not hesitate to whip your ass. Just enjoy the experience because I know you like wearing girl’s cloths from your reaction to the fancy-dress part night.?
With that I stood there and allowed Jennifer to first take out a wet sponge and wipe it all around my budging man-hood, causing my best friend to retreat immediately, which enabled her to grab and lump of steel and start placing it around my groin. I knew exactly what this was but my protests fell on death ears and she slid my dick into the sheave that forced him now between my legs. As Jennifer pulled the rest of the belt around my hips, I could see the full horror of the steel chastity belt that now meant pissing standing up would be impossible but more importantly, sex and masturbation would also now be impossible.
?Now David, if you serve me well this weekend, I will reward you by allowing you to cum on Sunday night but only if you’re a good boy and do exactly what I say,? explained Jennifer as she pushed home the two ends of my steel penis prison with an mind deafening sound, ?CLICK!?
That job done, Jennifer began placing an evil looking black leather corset around my torso and begin lacing it up. Fuck it as tight but everytime I told Jennifer, she pulled even harder on the laces until I stood there, hardly being able to breathe but as I looked at myself in the mirror six feet away on the far wall, my figure was looking even better than last night. The body shaper had done a good job but this thick leather and boned corset had reduced my slightly over-weight mans physique into a slightly over-weight hour-glass woman’s figure. The corset had built in boobs and boy they were large, much larger than the implants within the bra I wore last night. Next, Jennifer produced a pair of black stockings. These were nearly opaque and black to match the corset. Jennifer explained that they should hide my leg-hairs and while she would have shaved my legs, she did respect my wishes and these opaque stockings would just have to do. I lifted each leg under direction from Jennifer and she slowly pulled up each stocking and attached them to the suspended belt, hanging free from the leather corset. Next came a pair of very high-healed boots, leather boots. Jennifer slid my stocking’d feet into each boot, zipped them up and them padlocked the zip closed, ensuring these boots were staying on my legs until Jennifer decided they were coming off.
?Jennifer, I’m not sure I’ll be much use to you in these heels,? I remarked.
?Don’t worry David, you’ll be an expert by the end of the day,? replied Jennifer as she collected her next item, a strange looking plastic head.
?What the fuck is that,? I asked?
?Don’t be so rood David,? replied Jennifer. ?This is a very expensive female mask made from the finest Latex. You should be able to wear this all day. It will allow you to eat, drink, kiss but most importantly serve my needs this weekend when I require those services from you.?
With that I was instructed to lower my head to enable Jennifer to slip the rubber mask over my head. It was tight, very tight and with some tugging and pulling, vision finally returned to me via the two eye holes. My mouth fitted around the moulded mouth built into the mask and holes were even provided where my nostrils were so I guess Jennifer was right, I could wear this mask for ages, without too much stress. As I watched the goings-on in the far mirror, Jennifer came round behind me and started closing the mask using the built in zipped on the back of the mask. My facial transformation was nearly complete now Jennifer picked up the long blonde wig that was held tight on my head via the Velcro strips that covered the zip.
?Nearly done David, only one more item before I release you,? explained Jennifer as she returned with a band of thick steel.
?This will ensure the mask stays on David,? explained Jennifer as she held the thick steel collar in front of my eyes. On it was inscribed, ‘property of Mistress Jennifer.’
A chill ran down my spine as Jennifer closed the tight band of steel around my new neck and once again the CLICK told me that this fucking mask was staying on as long as Jennifer wanted it to.
True to Jennifer’s word, she then picked up her remote control and lowered the pulley from the ceiling, which meant my hands lowed too. Soon I was free of the chain and then the handcuffs.
?I’ll go and prepare breakfast David,? explained Jennifer. ?I’ve left a dress for you to wear in cell, go in and put it on please??
I did as I was told but as soon as I walked into the cell, Jennifer slammed the barred door behind me, locking me in once more.
?I’ll be back in fifteen minutes to get you David, I can’t wait to see you in the dress,? said Jennifer as she left the basement on her way back upstairs.
I forgot for a few minutes that I was once again locked in the jail cell in Jennifer’s basement, the same jail cell I spent all of last night. The dress was my next objective but first I couldn’t help staring at the refection in the mirror on the cell wall above the sink. Yes, I looked a little like a slightly over-weight Barbie doll but I was certainly not David anymore. The Latex mask removed David’s face and replaced it with a stranger’s face, a mask that took away any sign of my male inside. The tight leather corset and attached stockings were also not the type of underwear that a guy would wear so any sign of the real David had gone. I liked what Jennifer had turned me into but could I really handle what she had in store for me today?
So to the dress: -
It was a simple dress, a jumper dress as we call them in the UK or maybe a jersey dress or sweater dress. Whatever you want to call it, the dress was a long, black and white striped, long sleeved pullover with a thick roll down neck that would cover me in warm wool or wool like material. I’ve no idea if it was wool or not? Not the most sexy dress, baring in mind what I was now wearing under it but certainly the only dress that Jennifer had left me to put on. I picked up the bundle of wool and slipped it over my head and pulled the dress down over my body and smoothed it out. The dress came to just below my knees, which meant that all I could see was the leather boots sticking out below the wool. When I looked in the mirror, I’d no idea who was looking back at me! I knew it was me but it wasn’t as this female face was staring back with a very expressionless, plastic looking face with a long head of blonde hair cascading down to just below my shoulders.
Just at that point, Jennifer returned to the basement and stood in front on my cell bars:
?Fuck me David, you look great. Much better than I’d expected you’d turn out!?
I guess this was the only complement I was going to get this morning but I’d no idea how to take it. How did I get myself into this situation?
In Jennifer’s right hand was a thick black leather belt:
?David, can you buckle this around your wait please and slide the D-Ring to the front and the buckle to the back,? asked Jennifer as she handed the leather belt through the bars of my cell?
I immediately knew that this would now mean the dress was staying on, just like the mask and the chastity belt that meant no fun until Jennifer said so! Once the belt was on, Jennifer handed me a pair of handcuffs and asked me to lock one wrist into a cuff, then pass the free cuff through the D-ring on the belt and then lock the free cuff around my other wrist. The only good thing at this new round of restraint was that these handcuffs had a longer chain than normal between the cuffs. At least two feet of chain would allow some freedom but not nearly as much as I wanted.
Once I was secured to Jennifer’s satisfaction, she opened the cell door and approached taking hold of my waist and landing her lips on my plastic face. While I couldn’t really feel a lot, I returned her passion and our tongues soon met. Pushing me back towards the bunk, I fell without too much effort from Jennifer and soon she was on top of me and we kissed for quite some time. She felt good on top of me. Even though my wrists were trapped in the handcuffs, attached to the thick leather belt, I was able to give Jennifer some reassurance that I was enjoying myself, even if I was now this freak in a dress.
I soon realised that I could gain more reach but only with one hand by sacrificing the reach of the other hand. I was therefore able to grab the crotch zip on Jennifer leather cat suit and quickly found that she had no knickers on as I trust my fingers into her wet crack. She moaned as the pleasure built and soon she was on her side kissing me more vigorously as I used my cuffed hands to deliver pleasure to my leather clad captor. She was very horny this morning and it didn’t take long to make her explode! We continued kissing for a few more minutes and she thanked me for satisfying her already and told me that so far as I being a good boy and exceeding her expectations for me today. It was now time for breakfast and once we straightened each other up, we headed upstairs to the main house and the kitchen where Jennifer had already set the table in preparation. It was only as I started to walk out of the cell and up the stairs that I realised the true picture of my situation. I’d no experience of wearing high heels and these boots meant progress was going to be painfully slow today. I couldn’t really use my arms as balance due to the simple fact they were attached the leather belt and movement wasn’t going to be easy. This was also the same situation at breakfast. I could use one hand to eat with but it was a painfully slow process and one that Jennifer enjoyed watching.
?Your enjoying watching my misery this morning Jennifer, aren’t you,? I asked her across the breakfast table?
?Are you really that miserable this morning David,? asked Jennifer?
?I think frustrated is more the correct feeling Jennifer,? I responded. ?While these cuffs are driving me nuts, the chastity belt is more an annoying because while satisfying you this morning was enjoyed, I’m desperate for release myself.
Jennifer went on to tell me how much she was enjoying me struggling to do the simplest things like eat with my hands restrained but the fact that I was dressed the way I was, with the female face mask made her so horny.
?Would you like me to relieve you again Jennifer,? I asked?
?You are keen to please me
David, much more than I expected you would behave,? she responded.
Jennifer then instructed me to go back downstairs and wait in the cell for her, which I did immediately. Like walking upstairs to the kitchen was difficult, the return to the basement was equally difficult wearing these fucking high-heel boots.
As instructed, I sat on my bunk in the tiny cell. I guess I was fairly fee because the barred door was still open but not for long as Jennifer returned to the basement and the first thing she did was slam the door closed, locking it as well. Jennifer had taken the opportunity to change while she was upstairs. She was now wearing a black leather teddy, attached to black sheer stockings, which disappeared into long black leather boots. I was then instructed to lift my hands to the bars to enable Jennifer to unlock the cuffs, followed by the leather belt that was buckled so tightly around my waist. Next she asked me to remove the black and white striped dress, leaving me in the black leather corset, stockings and long high-heeled leather boots myself. I still think Jennifer was a much better looking female than I could ever be, even with the tight corset and female mask! Next she held up a pair of standard handcuffs and asked me to turn around so she could lock my arms behind my back. As soon as she was satisfied that I secure again, the cell was unlocked and she entered.
?You look great David, really good in that outfit. I want to take you up to my bedroom but before I do, I want to get this gag on you,? explained Jennifer as she held up another leather strap with a rubber / plastic attachment in the middle.
Without any argument, I allowed Jennifer to place the gag into my mouth and strap up the leather buckle at the back of my head. A quiet CLICK meant that it was now not coming off until Jennifer used a key. I then followed her upstairs to the main part of the house and then up some more stairs to the first floor and into her bedroom. There was nothing that special about her bedroom except the bed was clearly a supper-king-size with steel frame foot and headboard.
?Lie down please David,? instructed Jennifer.
I tried to mouth how difficult it was with my hands cuffed behind my back but Jennifer didn’t listen as she climbed on to the bed beside me. The next thing she produced was a massive black dildo, which slotted into the mouth piece locked around my head. I now had an enormous cock sticking out from my female face mask and Jennifer soon held me down and positioned herself over the humongous penis. It took a few seconds but soon she was sliding herself up and down on my face. I could smell her juices as they began to flow around the plastic cock sliding in and out, faster and faster! Jennifer began moaning more and more, louder and louder until she exploded and then calmed down immediately as she lifted herself off the dildo attached to my gag.
?That was fucking wonderful David, thanks,? said Jennifer as she removed the dildo from my gag but leaving me lying on my back, hands cuffed behind and wondering what was going one!
Fuck did I want release but I couldn’t help even myself for the two simple facts that my hands were cuffed behind my back and the steel chastity belt was still lucked around waist, cutting off any access to my man-hood.
Before long, Jennifer returned from the bathroom after cleaning herself up and led me back down to the basement cell. I struggled as Jennifer led me by the arm and pushed me back into the tiny room, closing and locking the barred door before I’d time to recover and make any escape attempt.
?Thank you David, that’s was wonderful but I have to go out now for a while. I’ll be back in a wee while so don’t go away,? explained Jennifer as she left the basement and me, locked in the cell still handcuffed and gagged.
I tried to scream at her but the gag allowed very little sound to leave my mouth and it was in0vain as the gorgeous girl that invited me back to her house last night and who now was my jailor, was now in complete control of my weekend.
I was so horny as I sat on the bunk, locked in the tiny cell with my hands cuffed behind my back and my mouth packed full with the gag and still wearing the same leather corset, stockings, leather boots and latex female mask that I’d been wearing from before breakfast. Even if I could reach my cock, I had no access to him through the layer of steel that allowed no access. It was therefore like being locked in two prisons. The large prison for myself and the smaller prison built especially for my penis!
Saturday therefore wasn’t turning into a good day! I had nothing to do but sit there and await Jennifer’s return. On a normal Saturday I would have spent the day catching up of TV programmes that I’d recorded on Sky+ from the previous week or caught up on my personal e-mails, not to mention surf the world-wide-web. Instead, I was locked is this tiny cell in Jennifer’s basement. Oh, why, why, why hadn’t I ignored her last night and not gone back to her place? On a similar note, why had I let the girls con me into dressing up as that slutty school-girl? If I had not let them do that to me, I probably wouldn’t be in the situation right now. Don’t get me wrong, it was a fantasy of mine to be imprisoned by a beautiful girl and here I was, locked in Jennifer’s basement cell. But where was she? I’m here alone and badly needing to take a piss, not to mention my jaw was beginning to hurt from several hours of being packed full of the leather gag. Certainly there was a toilet in the cell and I was no longer wearing the sweater-dress. I would probably have to get used to pissing with the chastity belt on so what was different except my hands were cuffed behind my back. I therefore went over to the toilet, sat down and let the pressure take its course, pushing my piss out under enormous pressure. Sure I was relieved but how would I clean the residual mess that had now built up around the chastity belt?
AS I struggled with the toilet-roll using my cuffed hands I finally heard the sound of Jennifer returning to the basement. She stood in front of the barred door and laughed at my disposition:
?So you little slut; you needed to take a piss and now you can’t clean yourself,? she taunted.
All I could do was mumph from behind the gag that packed my mouth. Jennifer then suggested I go over to her and turn around so that she could unlock the handcuffs. That achieve I was then able to clean as best I could around the steel belt that imprisoned my man-hood.
Jennifer was gone again but now I had a chance to explore the belt that imprisoned what I so much wanted to play with! The chastity belt gave me a smooth groin and hid the budge that would normally give away any idea of my man-hood. Fuck this was frustrating and was turning me on so, so much. I could gain no access to relieve my urge and every way I tried, made me even hornier! To be honest, I’d nearly forgotten about the gag that kept me quiet but like everything else, it was firmly locked in place and even with the use of my hands, I had no access to remove it. Now my hands were free, I could cover myself again. Yes, I’m sure I looked okay in the tight langrage but the black and white, stripped sweaterdress lay in a bundle at the foot of the bunk. I therefore slid it over my head and smoothed the soft wool over my new silky smooth curves. Just as I admired my self in the mirror, Jennifer returned wearing a black leather min-dress and knee high leather boots.
?So you thought you could dress yourself,? she taunted again.
She also laughed at my attempts to respond through the tight leather gag. I grabbed at it but it wouldn’t budge, which caused Jennifer great delight at my misery.
?Okay David, take the sweaterdress off and slip this on instead,? demanded Jennifer as she passed a bundle of black satin material through the bars! ?If you do as I ask David, then I’ll remove your gag but if you mess me around, then you can keep it on until bedtime!?
I didn’t wait to find out what Jennifer had given me to wear this time as I was keen to impress and get rid of the fucking gag! Soon I was standing in front of Jennifer wearing my underwear again. I handed the sweaterdress through the bars to Jennifer and then started to prepare to slip on whatever it was she had passed through the bars this time.
It was clear on further investigation that Jennifer had handed me a black satin maid’s uniform. It was made of very thick black, shiny material but as I was about to slip it over my head Jennifer said no and pointed to the zip at the back. How weird I thought but I soon realised that the neck was a tight frilly affair and I’d never have gotten over my head if it hadn’t been for the zip. It was only then that I noticed that I would have to step into this dress. While it had a medium length skirt, the dress had a built in bodice that meant it wasn’t coming off without the use of the zip. I could see Jennifer was tiring quickly so I stepped into the maid’s dress, pulled it over my corseted figure. It was only as I slipped my arms into the sleeves did I notice the major difference in this dress. Put simply, my arms didn’t appear out of the sleeves! Instead I stood looking at two leather straps hanging down where my hands should have been and it was then I realised this was a weird fucking straightjacket. A straightjacket made to look like an English Maid’s Dress.
English Maids Dress:
After a customer's request this nightmare was developed for all cross-dressing and?straitjacket fans! Under the finely shining layer of black and white satin and the wonderful, handmade frills, the nightmare?itself hides. The sleeves?have closed ends making a true straitjacket. A row of buttons are used to hide a very firm and sturdy closing zipper, which ends at the neck. The collar is very stiff leather effectively forming a neck corset which is trimmed with further frills. The dress consists of satin outer and an interior layer of heavy black canvas. From the inner sleeves 3 nylon straps extend and are used to provide normal security or can be linked to form a 'mono glove' type arrangement. Here are also other belts fixed around the dress to give many securing possibilities. The lower skirt frill has a hidden belt under the frill which can be used to further reduce movement and there are even?2 hidden walking belts which ensure removing the dress is impossible.
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Porn AggregatorsPreface: A year and a bit ago I decided that what I was getting back from posting erotic stories didn't justify the time spent so I quit doing it. I decided to share this recent event in my life just for fun expecting no recognition of the effort that went into writing it. I hope you enjoy it. Jackie Mixing Business With Pleasure I could have cried; as if I wasn't already feeling blue enough. My hairdresser and occasional lover of ten years informed me at our last appointment that she...
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6 or maybe 7 years ago I was working 6 days a week, 12 hour shifts with only a Wednesday off. So no time for a girlfriend so I started seeing escorts again.At the time I was still old school and finding them in back of the sport newspaper in classifieds section, there used to be around 5 adverts for Middlesbrough in northeast section, there was one think it said something like mboro female 6 days then had home phone number and a mobile number. I phoned talked to a very nice sounding lady who...
I could use a nice fuck. Hell, I think I can even do a nasty fuck after dealing with the shit with Gabriella’s and Jasmine’s families. The powerful women took us through her “brothel,” for lack of a better description, to outside a room marked private. She explained that the girls inside were excellent at their trade, which made them arrogant and cocky. It seems that they say no one can get them off. Girls can’t get their motors running, and guys can’t last more than seconds in their tight...
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Hi to everyone handshake to boys boobs shake to girls and thanks for your comments and appreciation to my previous stories. This time I’m going tonarrate how a client put his wife on work to grab the project. I was assigned the job of selecting the best company that can efficiently handle a project of our company rolled out advertisements and many companies applied to take up the project. Myself along with my colleague friends Manoj and Virender shortlisted three companies with lot of effort....
May 6, 1986, Los Angeles, California When Julia and I walked off the plane at LAX, it was the first time I’d been in Los Angeles since 1972, when my parents had moved our family to Tucson, Arizona, where we stayed less than a year before moving to Ohio. As we were only staying a single night, neither Julia nor I had checked a bag, which allowed us to walk straight out of the terminal and get in line for a taxi into the city. Just under an hour later, we got out of the taxi and walked into...
I must thank Caroline for her kind comments and edits. She knows which Caroline I mean. Once again, this is a work of fiction and errors and omissions are mine entirely. It's just business It was about 2 am on a warm Sunday morning. We had just returned after the party at the restaurant we owned. The event had been a great success and more than we could have hoped for some weeks ago. We had received many compliments and it seemed we had also found many new and regular patrons for...
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For the Business By Karin Roberts It started of innocently enough, an invite to a Halloween party for small business owners. "Darling we really need to attend this," my wife said as she opened and sifted through the day's mail. "I hate Halloween, it's just an excuse to get people to spend money," I replied "Oh lighten up Scrooge, anyway were going I could make some useful contacts there." "So that was it then, we were going, I suppose," I sighed as I glanced through...
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Purely a Business Arrangement Lady Caroline Westhaven gave a grimace of displeasure as her maid tightened the laces of her corset. "That's enough Minnie," she said sharply. "Sorry My Lady, I'm just trying to get your waist down a little so that you will look your best in your dress." "I don't give a tinkers cuss how I look in my dress," snapped Lady Caroline. She was immediately contrite. "I'm sorry Minnie, I shouldn't have snapped at you, but I do so hate these odious...
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SpankingDear all, aap sab ko mere but bahut dhanyawad. Meri 1st story Pooja aur Uski Business aap sab ne pasand kiya. Bahut sari mail aur messages aye hai. Request karta hu ki Isko padne se pahle please 1st part ko jarur Mai apko ab Pooja ki dubatane jar aha hu. Waise aap sab jante hai ki Pooja ki business mai sambalata hu. Aur apko ye bi bata du ki Pooja ne hamara businesses develop karne bahut khas role ada kiya hai. Pooja ki role kya thi, wo apko iss story me dikhai dega. Office me Pooja aur mere...
On the surface of it, Miles Mallison had everything that a man of his age and status desired. He had a business that had developed from a small real estate company that was a graduation gift from his wealthy father. It wasn’t, however, a gift given of love, because there was no love between father and son, it was a gift given of some filial obligation to a son. It was a sign of a father cutting all ties with a son that had been a disappointment to him. Miles had made it perfectly clear that he...
It's All For the Business Part II Please read Part I first to understand the background and to get to know the characters better. The continued adventures of Billy and Abby as they immerse themselves into their restaurant /bar as a LGBT venue. It had been several months since our restaurant and bar became a meeting point for the LGBT community in our town. Business was good and growing. We had finalized our agreement with Robert/Roxanne, now a partner; he was a great help in getting...
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Business, Not Quite As Usual By Julie O. Edited by Amelia R. This story features the characters from Tess's Transformations in supporting roles. Chapter 1 Dylan Matson sat outside of the CEO's office waiting to be called in. He tried to remain calm, but this was very difficult as he had never been called into the big man's office before. Dylan had just turned twenty-four and had been working for Wade Industries for two years. He had been surprised that Wade had hired...
Chapter one - Taking care of business David gets laid off I remember that fateful day, when everything changed as if it were yesterday. It was about ten o’clock in the morning on a Friday, nearly two years ago when my David called home. “Connie, I have some bad news.” “What happened?” I asked nervously. “I got laid off. Permanently furloughed is the actual term they used. They let sixty-eight of us go today. Rumors are that there will be more layoffs in other locations next week,” David...
CheatingHi beautiful friends. I am Seema with new exciting story for those who encouraged me for this. There is option in this site , on clicking author’s name you can access her all stories. You can read all my stories in just one click. That’s really good feature by iss. As usual this is another real story that I heard from conform source. Story goes That was an another business day in life of that couple. Yash (40) was dealing with his client in garden in early morning. They were talking some...
For the next few days the four of them just relaxed and had time out. At the pool Fred was reading the local paper and mentioned about a cargo plane company being run down by kids arguments. He showed the article to Helena and Suzanne. Suzanne replied “Looks like they need a white knight to fix.” Helena looked at Suzanne and smiled. Suzanne yelled “NO Helena, your on your honeymoon. NO.” Zac and Fred looked at Suzanne. Suzanne enlightened them “Helena is going to look to buy them out for...
Wednesday, September 27, 2028... God, the morning was really dragging. It was only nine, and I wasn’t due at Steve’s for lunch until twelve. Three hours and nothing to do will be boring. I decided to head to the CVS Pharmacy, so I could buy a spiral notebook and a pen. It didn’t take long to make my purchases. My next stop would be the Pacific Beach Library, which opened at nine-thirty on Fridays. The library would be a good place for me to start planning what I will do in the next few...
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Hi guys, This is Rakesh from Mumbai. I am 25 years old and work in private sector. I was traveling due to work to Bangalore and it was my first business travel. It was for 2 nights from Wednesday until Friday. Since I was in a new city and had no one known there, I installed many gay dating apps and had uploaded my profile pic and was looking to hook up someone since I didn’t have a lot of work on Thursday evening. I had some time post lunch and hence I decided to check out a couple of guys in...
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Karen arrived next Friday evening. She was not expected until Saturday, but both Lucy and Jo were very pleased to see her."Right, I have a print out of all your expected expenses and income. I have made lots of enquires about some things, so please raise any queries you have," said Karen.The girls looked at the printout and most of it did not mean much to them, it was just a whole lot of figures.Karen saw that the two girls were looking a bit confused."Let me go through the list with you,"...
SpankingIt's Just Business By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold Chapter 1 Twenty-three-year-old David Chambers was worried. Things at work weren't going the way he planned and he was concerned about his future at Bromberg Inc. He was in his sixth month of his current assignment as the personal assistant for Pamela Kennedy. Actually...
The Family Business (an alternative ending) Introduction I have long been an admirer of Belladonna's stories. The Family Business was one of the first I read and is still one of my all-time favourites. I especially enjoyed the obvious love that Taylor had for his wife and his wish to try to make amends for his many shortcomings. I began to imagine an alternative ending which focused on the changes in Taylor after his wife and mother feminized him. This story begins on Taylor's...
Copyright A Strange Geek, 2005 Last modified 10/11/05 (header adjustment only) Feedback welcome! Please send email to [email protected] ( lose YOUR MIND to email me ) Please inform me if you wish to repost this work. Keep this copyright notice intact on any redistribution. Keywords: MF, Fdom, oral, cbt(mild), bond, toys I walked out of the restaurant to find that the heat of the southwest desert plains had quickly dissipated after sunset. A dark sky filled...
The Business Woman (A Lambs Story) This is the next story in the Lambs Club series, and follows The Inception of the Club. Though like the previous story, it's complete and self contained. by Anyport As a taxi driver I get to meet some beautiful women, but Melissa is without doubt the most incredible looking person I've ever met. When I picked her up, I assumed she must be a model going to or from an assignment. She carried one of those make-up cases models use and seemed to...
Mid-July in the boardroom of Acme Consumer Products Corporation in New York. The stuffy room was filled with multiple members of the board of directors of the corporation as well as major shareholders and their proxies. It was supposed to be a routine directors meeting but the issues of the parts manufacturing division growing too large and influential and degrading the other divisions proved to be a hot topic. The division didn't fit in with the rest of the company as it was solely...
Lynn and her businessman lover relax and cuddle. She lays on her side with her breasts heavy against his rib cage and pubic hair brushing his hip. One of his arms is around her shoulder, lightly stroking her.“Did fucking a businessman in his hotel room meet your expectations?”She toys with one of his nipples and chest hair. “It did. I was so turned when Mike watched us kiss and enter the elevator, leaving him behind. I know he was turned on. But you made me so comfortable.”“Do you think he was...
CuckoldPurely a Business Arrangement Anna By Lorna Elizabeth Black These are parts two to four of a 4 part story from my short series entitled 'Purely a Business Arrangement'. Copyright - Lorna Elizabeth Black 2004 None of this work may be distributed as original...
Hello All, I hope you all are doing great,,Well I am back again with my recent incident, but before that let me introduce myself to all who are going to read this incident. I am Gomi Patel, I am 26 from India, Gujarat state, Ahmedabad city. My stats is 36 29 39 and I am very fair in complexion,Please read the incident and tell me how was it at gomigpatel4u at Well so let me start describing my incident straight forward. This incident happen recently when I was on business tour. My...
The elevator doors open a few seconds after settling to the bottom floor of my hotel, and I'm greeted by the sight of a pleasant-looking petite Asian lady. I step out past her, instinctively uttering a genial "hello.""Hello," she returns the informal greeting as she steps into the elevator. As the doors close, I take one more sideways peek. "Mmm, not bad," I say to myself, audibly but under my breath, just in case anyone else is around. She's just a bit out of place, dressed very nicely in...
CheatingI enjoy our conversations. At times they are businesslike and at other times, they are more personal. Either way, though, there is always a strong undertone of inner thought and emotion. When I speak to her on the phone, I picture her so strongly. That image and her soft mellow voice causes me swell so quickly. It happens every time we speak. Every time my wandered in her direction. I shall call her now. And even as I dial, I fantasized about what she might be doing. Maybe she was ...
MasturbationJo and Lucy could not believe how well their business was going. Karen was now employed every weekend and got fifty pounds per day and was happy with it. After all, she had been sitting around at home complaining she had no money.Jo thought she was not trying very hard to find work either. After all, Karen had finished college eighteen months ago and had a diploma in Business Studies. She had graduated with honours as well.When Karen arrived for the fifth weekend, she spoke to the girls."You...