Pirates of Caledonia II
- 2 years ago
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Chapter I: Getting into trouble
Even though at the time I didn't know any different, growing up in Caledonia weird and eventful. The island nation, around 50,000 square miles big, had understandably few allies in the region. The female supremacist ideals that governed the nation, insular approach to International relations and perceived low morals hindered any negotiations between other nations that found little in common with us.
The capital town, and principal port of Hamilton on the east coast is the hub of the island nation and with the agricultural lands towards the north and south of the island and industrial heartlands of the west providing, so that the country could prosper.
For myself, a male, life certainly wasn't easy. Over 400 years of tradition were kept alive by Queen Catherine IV, her daughters and the almost all-female Government. Some of these as a lecherous man I could quite enjoy. Hair below the neck was widely considered dirty and unsightly with every man and woman I know shaving daily. Stockings and short skirts were part of almost every official uniform while spankings (often bare-bottomed) were administered in both the school and workplace to punish misbehaviour.
Humiliation, and especially sexual humiliation played a large part in justice throughout the country. For example, a popular punishment for thieves was to tie them to a public rape bench blindfolded for a few hours, so that the good people of Caledonia could take liberties with them, in the same way the thief took the property of others. I remember, a friend of mine being ordered to spend two hours on the local rape bench for the attempted midnight raid on the college tuck shop and heartily enjoying the rather sloppy fuck that I got!
I was lucky as I grew up and attended mixed-sex schools. My town of Cadder, thirty miles to the south of Hamilton and surrounded by untouched woodland and farmers fields was one of the last to convert to single sex education. I was therefore treated, quite often to the sight of a classmate being half-stripped (or even completely stripped) and disciplined! Occasionally for really serious offences, the student in question was denied the right to wear clothes, and on a number of occasions I had a voluptuous naked girl sitting next me proudly displaying her wares for all to see. This made her horny and my break times were often a lot more interesting that the average teenager at school.
Like all everyone growing up, I was under a curfew from 8pm to 6am, which got lifted for the girls when they got to 12 and the guys when they got to 18. My parents both worked at the same food processing plant, my mother the manager and my dad a driver. Both of my older sisters used to take advantage of being home alone and entertain their friends and partners. My first taste of sex was, as a 14-year-old being ?forced? to entertain my sisters' friend, Wendy, while my sibling was busy screwing her latest conquest. While I might not have lasted very long first, second or third time out, there was no substitute for my stamina and eagerness to learn. I remember the neighbours complaining to my parents about the amount of noise Wendy made one evening as I was fingering her and found her G-Spot. It was an epiphany for me, truly understanding and enjoying the delights of the female form that would shape the rest of my life. Both of my sisters were forced to apologise to the neighbours and were not prepared to admit that they were out on dates leaving me home-alone! They did get suitable revenge with a particularly sturdy whip and Wendy was asked to stop seeing me, which reluctantly she did when she started dating someone her own age.
After leaving education at sixteen, I hung around Cadder for awhile. The curfew that was still in place until I reached eighteen meant that I couldn't go far, and I was the wrong gender to try and strike out on my own at such a young age. My original plan was to move when I got to eighteen, but I had a stable job as a teaching assistant in my old school and then started dating the Baronesses youngest daughter, so things were starting to work out for me.
Caledonia has around forty baronesses, appointed by the monarch to oversee each town and its immediate vicinity. Baroness Helen Trent was well respected and much loved with conservative views, so I was not liked in her household. Virginia and I used to entertain each other at either my parents house, who obviously enjoyed the fact that we were dating, or local public places. In the back of mind, I knew Virginia was only dating me to rebel against her mother, but I didn't let it trouble me and enjoyed the constant sex and powerful drugs she would supply.
I know Virginia was far from faithful having a string of male and female partners in addition to me. Early on in our relationship, I resigned myself to her promiscuity and even began to embrace it. On several occasions she would arrive at my parents house, drag me to the bedroom and thrust herself on my face to eat her out, with lashings of cum dripping from her drenched pussy. Other times, I would find her kissing or screwing other people at parties, but she always came back to me. Despite having a multitude of partners, she openly admitted that no-one she found could eat pussy as well as myself and very few could find her G-Spot so easily and so despite my low social status and far from good looks, she was happy to stay with me.
In total, we dated for five years before her mother managed to find an eligible boyfriend for her that she would accept. The advances of Andrew, the nephew of Queen Catherine IV, were too alluring for Virginia, and even though she thought he was a vile human being who could not satisfy her in any way, they were married inside three months. Unsurprisingly, I was not invited to the wedding, but I managed to sneak in and I cuckolded her new husband within 30 minutes of the ceremony, devouring her clitoris and providing her with much needed release before spearing her with my rod and spewing my juice into her. I watched her return to her new husband from the gardeners shed with my cum seeping down her leg.
Having had such a serious relationship with one of the most of eligible sphincters in the area did wonders for my status and I entered into a string of failed relationships. I could never find any girl that I liked enough to stay faithful to, and after a few weeks of dating, none of my new partners really wanted to date a teaching assistant and so finally, at the age of 24, I did something I wanted to do at 18. I left home for headed to Hamilton.
I arrived in Hamilton in early March and using some meagre resources of what I had saved from my teaching job, I found a small room to rent with a husband and wife for three months not far from the Docks. Even though I all my job interviews were unsuccessful, I was enjoying Hamilton with a string of one-night stands with married women. I was however fast running out of money and even though I managed to extend my stay at the house by another month for providing the wife with the oral service her husband couldn't when he wasn't around, I was preparing for the nightmare of returning home before the end of the July.
I managed a further stay of execution when the Mark, the husband, had to go away for a couple of weeks to help look after his sick mother, who lived over 100 miles away. He asked me to make sure that no harm came to his wife while he was away, but in truth we spent little time out of the bedroom. Lucy was insatiable, demanding satisfaction several times a day, and even when she said she couldn't take any more multiple orgasms, I would continue massaging her G-Spot and feasting on her slit to bring her to untold levels of pleasure. In all the time I was in Hamilton, I only had full intercourse once. I learnt relatively quickly that my sexual technique and penis size are average and I could best please my partners by relentlessly devouring and probing their slits. It often left me feeling slightly unfulfilled, but as the years went on, I sought my pleasure through others and a hand-job after hours of heavenly pussy-eating would always leave me incredibly satisfied.
All good things must come to an end, and Mark returned home unexpectedly one lunchtime as his loving wife was bobbing up and down on my face. Humiliated and angry, I was told to leave and didn't hang around long enough to hear Lucy confess to him all her past infidelities with myself, and others before me and the reason why. Packing my bags in record time, I said my goodbyes and headed into Hamilton, with no money to return home and nowhere to go.
I remembered that one of the wives I had slept with repeatedly in my early days in Hamilton, lived on the Docks as her husband worked on the passenger ship while she worked at the freight terminal. She was well-connected and would certainly be able to arrange for me to get back to Cadder in exchange for a little fun. I had spent little time at the Docks in daylight, and vast areas of it were restricted to authorised personnel only. I remembered her house, one of a block of ten or so, was at the opposite end of the Docks to the ferry terminal and walked along the main road going South.
Machinery whirred almost everywhere as people hurried pushing huge trolleys laden with goods. As I walked further away from the passenger terminal, the amount of people thinned until I was almost on my own. Looking round, I thought I spotted the block of houses in the distance and walked towards them, oblivious to the surroundings. By the time I reached it, it became clear that it was a disused office building, and I looked around unsure of where I was. Behind me was a military guardhouse that was surprisingly unmanned, and coming towards it (and me), no more than 75metres away, were two squadrons of naval personnel marching along the quayside. Realising that I was in a restricted military area, and would be arrested, I scampered to my right, in between the disused office building into an alleyway that lead inland. Hoping that this offered another way out of the docks, I walked gingerly up it. I had walls 12ft high on both sides of me, and it can't have been more than a couple of metres wide but turned left sharply and began to follow the coast again.
After a few minutes, it opened out into a small abandoned plaza. A galleon with a gangway to the plaza was moored to my left, while a large building, currently closed and slightly derelict was to my right with no other way out of the plaza. I turned around to saunter back down the alleyway when I heard voices. Female voices and more than just a few. Panicking, I ran into the plaza, and with nowhere to go, ran across the gangway and crouched down on the ship, peering over the edge. Desperate to relieve myself, I found an abandoned cup and filled it to the brim before emptying it overboard
About thirty girls – the majority no older than me - walked into the building, and just when I was about to make a break for it, a handful of them started a football game in the plaza. People came out onto the plaza all afternoon and offered me no window of escape and by the time dusk fell the square was silent and the light from the drab building became the only source of illumination for the area. I was shivering with cold and fear, but realising that the plaza was finally empty, and that I had to make my escape now, I began to board the gangway to return to shore. My heart beating furiously against my T-Shirt I ran across the gangway to the plaza in the half-light.
I hadn't even made it a quarter of the way across the gangway when a female voice shouted me to `STOP' and emerged from the shadows of the building. Running towards the ship with a weapon, I turned on my heels, and threw myself down the nearest hatch, tripping over my bag as I did. I heard the hatch click behind me in the darkness and last thing I remembered was hitting my head on a beam and the world going darker than it already was.
Chapter II: Getting a job
For someone who had not been to sea before the feeling of the room going from side to side is an unusual one and guaranteed to wake anyone from their concussed state. There was little light coming into the room, but it was apparent almost immediately that I was not at the bottom of a flight of steps any more, but instead a curled up in room of no more than six foot by eight foot with just a hard wooden floor. There were no windows, and just one sturdy looking door which I assumed was well bolted.
My heart sunk as I sat up, rubbed my eyes and leant against the wooden wall staring at the door. I could hear voices on the other side of it and then footsteps but they faded as they walked past me. I had what must have been three hours to contemplate the mess that I had got myself in. A stowaway on a ship – a military ship at that – would have serious consequences for me. The military was secretive enough in Caledonia and in the back of my mind I wondered if I would even live to tell the tale but reasoned if they wanted to get rid of me they had the ideal opportunity to do so before we left port. I was sure that my fate would not be a happy one.
My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the door to my cell being unbolted and then flung open. The harsh light flooding into the room burnt my eyes and I instinctively closed them and buried my face into my hands. Rough hands lifted me to my feet and pushed me out of the room. With one person either side of me, I was almost carried down the ship and then pushed up some stairs. My eyes, acclimatising to the light were starting to function again and I was amazed at what I saw at the top of the steps. Believing at first that I was still concussed, I shook my head but it was real.
There were half a dozen girls all busy doing things, but dressed identically. A skimpy shiny black thong left little to the imagination, as did a skimpy white T-Shirt tied in the middle at the base of the cleavage. A dark red with black trim elegant jacket that extended down to the back of the bare knees and calf high black boots decorated with gold studs completed their outfit. I looked at my two escorts who were still ascending the steps and saw that they too, were dressed identically.
`Where Am I?', I blurted out, but was pushed along the corridor without being answered. Before too long, and around 15 girls later, I was at a door marked ?CAPTAIN?, and one of my escorts knocked loudly.
`In!', came the reply and I was pushed into the room. The door slammed shut behind me.
The captain's quarters were grandiose and imposing. Varnished wood lined the room, with pictures of important people and swords dotted around the wall. A double bed with tall sides was fastened to the floor in the corner of the room with portholes on the opposing wall and a large desk. Behind the desk was the captain, who didn't look much older than myself. She too was dressed in the same pirates outfit, as was another girl who was stood next to her. The captain was still reading something on her desk, but was easily 6ft tall, and had shoulder length brown hair tied in a ponytail. The cleavage of her more than ample breasts were proudly displayed in the outfit that she was wearing.
`Who are you and what are you doing aboard my ship?' she barked at me. Both women looked at me, inquisitively and felt myself shrink into the floor.
`My name is John', I replied and then repeated my story of getting lost on the docks and subsequently hiding before being spotted and falling down the steps. I thought about pleading for mercy but both of the women listening to my tale were frowning with icy looks.
After I finished, the Captain started immediately, `You have committed a number of offences both on land and at sea. One, you entered a secret military area. Two, you boarded a military vessel, twice. And three, you resisted arrest. The seriousness of these crimes would lead me to suspect that a Caledonian military court may seek the death penalty and at sea, I am entitled to enact the same justice you would receive on the mainland....'
`Please!', I interrupted. `I didn't mean to. I'm not from Hamilton and I didn't know...'. Without warning, her partner stepped forwards and kicked backs of my legs toppling me onto the floor.
`DO NOT INTERRUPT THE CAPTAIN', she barked at me.
`....the same justice you would receive on the mainland, and am therefore considering what to do with you.'
`Shall I prepare the plank, Captain?'
The captain looked at me in thought. `No. Not yet.', she finally said.
`But Captain with the greatest respect, we can't ever let him go. All of this has been top secret for centuries' she replied waving her arms around and I felt my heart leap.
`I am well aware of that Commander Helen, but I am not here to take life needlessly', she gestured her hands towards me, and then continued. `If I ever believe that he is a threat to my ship, my crew or this mission, I will kill him in an instant, but at the moment he is harmless. I don't think he is a threat to us at all........Anyway I've always wanted a Cabin Boy or Cabin Girl, like the Captains of yesteryear but was always told that the practice has died out. Well, I've found my guinea-pig. If he doesn't measure up you can have him for breakfast or the courts can when get back, if he does, then I will see about squaring it with the Admiral.'
`Captain, he has had no training to be at sea', the Commander continued. `Should we not have him just scrubbing the decks if we want to keep him?'
`To do what I need him to do, he doesn't need to have had any training. Ask Lieutenant Iona's team if they can sort out the old Commander's room next door and ask her to fish out a couple of uniforms with shorts in his size. Also get one of your seawomen to show the cabin boy around our ship and dig out the handbook he will need to read.'
`Yes Captain', Commander Helen said coolly.
The Captain turned to me as though I hadn't been in the room during the last few moments and addressed me directly. `I will give you a chance to serve me and save your life, but you will be the lowest rank person on this ship. You will serve myself and only myself. Disappoint me during our trip I will either hand you to the courts on our return or kill you at sea. Do I make myself clear?'
`Yes Captain', I replied meekly
`Excellent. I will explain your duties to you tomorrow at dawn when I expect you to be knocking on my door washed and dressed. At Dawn.'
Commander Helen pushed me out of the Captain's office as I thanked her and she called a pirate girl who walking past.
`Tabatha', Commander Helen barked.
`Yes Commander', she replied instantly.
`The Captain would like you to show the new Cabin Boy around the ship and show him where everything is. Afterwards, bring him to my room.'. The girl wasn't as tall at me; no taller than 5ft10 but like everyone I had seen was well toned and well endowed.
`Certainly Commander', she said and I began my tour of the galleon with one of the sexiest woman I had ever met.
`What are you?', I asked her after we had got out of earshot from Commander Helen.
She looked at me strangely and then replied. `We're pirates'
`What?', I exclaimed in surprise.
`Pirates. You know........sea bandits'
`I know what pirates are, but I just don't understand'
Tabatha led me out on the main deck and I breathed fresh air. The sails billowed out in the wind in front of us and she stood and faced me, her arms waving as she spoke. `Caledonia. 125 miles to the East is the Caledonian Reef. 220 or so miles to the West is the Great Reef. All the trading ships from Mercia, Brittania and so on need to go past Caledonia to reach the great kingdom of Northumbria or else they will sink on the reefs. Agreed?'
`Well yes'
`So thats thousands of cargo ships a year sailing in just 350 miles of water. Agreed?'
`Yes, but that's quite a lot surely. Isn't that like trying to find a needle in a haystack?', I asked.
`The Crows Nest is almost a hundred foot high......we can see for twelve miles. In each direction'. Tabatha pointed to a basket on top of the mast behind me.
`So we take their cargo. Only a handful a year. As I said there are thousands of ships that sail past, and we get the odd few. Loot their cargo and return to port'
`But why doesn't the Caledonian Navy do something? It can't be good for International relations?' I asked, still not totally believing what I was hearing.
`The Queen or the country can't have direct involvement in it as Caledonia officially does not condone piracy. But as you have probably worked out by now, it pulls all the strings', Tabatha told me. `Caledonia gets the luxuries it needs from our piracy. But that's why it's secret. Caledonia might be isolated but it still needs to do some trade with our neighbours so it sends out anti-piracy ships but we never seem to meet them!'
`Before we continue, I couldn't use the toilet. I'm busting', I asked.
`Certainly', Tabatha said and pointed towards the side of the galleon. After relieving myself, she insisted that I tell her my story and the subsequent Captain's warning.
It turned out that Tabatha was quite the chatterbox, enjoying her role as a tour guide. Apart from the Captain, there were three (was four) other commissioned officers that did shifts of eight hours each – Commander Angela, Commander Helen and Commander Catherine. The navigation team of four girls worked on the upper deck, navigation room and in the Crows Nest while there were six girls in the galley. Three girls worked in Domestics who were responsible for medicine, sanitation and cleaning and then there were three teams of seven girls (two officers and five seawomen) who did seafaring. These teams were named Delta, Sigma and Rho, with Tabatha a member of Delta. Lastly there was a team who looked after the armoury, the jail, where I was, and the security of the booty of four.
`So that's 41 pirates', I worked out.
`42. Don't forget the Captain'
`And everyone wears the uniform?'
`Of course. I quite like it' Tabatha told me quite proudly.
`So do I', I answered instinctively forgetting where I was momentarily. Tabatha was cheerful and full of enthusiasm, so I felt relaxed in her company.
Tabatha ignored me and continued. `We have a ceremonial uniform but we don't wear it that much'.
`When was the last time you came across another ship and plundered them?' I enquired. Tabatha looked round and noticing that there was nobody nearby, she answered.
`Not last mission, the one before', she half-whispered.
`Why the secrecy?',
`There are two piracy ships', she told me. `Sedna and Mazu. Mazu got a really good bounty last week so the officers weren't too happy'
`Absolutely', Tabatha responded.
`Isn't it boring, just waiting for days on end to find something?'
`Not at all. It's really fun', she told me and smiled. `I have a fight later with Catriona later, that I am looking forward to. I haven't lost to her for months'
`A fight?' I exclaimed.
`A catfight. The whole ship watches. It's awesome'
`There are games, cards, loads of sex, obviously. Not much alcohol at sea but everything else. One of the best bits about being at sea is all the games. I love being out on the ocean.'
Although I had probably taken around an hour and a half of Tabatha's time, and met around 30 of the pirates, I was disappointed when we were back at the officers quarters again. Apart from shinning up the mast to the Crows Nest I had actually seen every part of the ship, but felt quite relaxed with Tabatha, who rapped her knuckles on Commander Helen's door.
`Nice meeting you', she told me, before almost skipping off, her jacket riding up to show her buttocks.
Commander Helen opened the door with a set of keys in her hand. Her room was around a third of the size of the Captain's quarters and there was just a large bed and wardrobe in hers.
`This is your quarters', she told me and unlocked a door marked `COMMANDER INGRID', who I knew from Tabatha's guided tour wasn't on the ship any more. A large, but not double bed with the raised sides was bolted to the floor and three pirates outfits were hanging up on an open rail. It looked almost identical to the Commanders quarters.
`You are expected in the mess at 5.30pm sharp', Commander Helen pointed to a clock on the wall that showed it was around 2pm. `Be late and you go hungry'
`Yes Commander', I answered.
`Be wearing your uniform and make sure you read our handbook'. Commander Helen pulled out a thick A5 paperback book and gave it to me. `Ignorance is no defence'
`Oh and John, don't go wandering around the ship.' Commander Helen said as she left the room. `The captain may well believe your story, but I certainly don't'
`But....', I started, but the Commander stopped me.`And I'll be keeping a very close eye on you'
Chapter III: Tabatha's fight
Putting Commander Helen's hostility from the back of my mind, I tried on the uniform. It was, surprisingly a good fit. I had a skimpy white T-Shirt, a pair of very short black shorts, a jacket like Tabatha and the girls had, short socks and calf-high boots, that were probably a size too big but fit well enough. There was a small mirror on the wooden wall and I admired myself. I have never looked so smart in all my life. I noticed the jacket was a little dusty and brushed it off before sitting down on my bed to read the book I had been given.
At just gone a quarter-past five, I put the book down. After wearing jeans for so long, it felt weird wearing shorts and going commando but the girls had skimpier bottoms and I had little choice if I wanted to live. Any erections would be clearly visible and I knew I had to be careful looking at the girls in their very racy outfits or else my body might well do something I would very much regret. The officers quarters were located on the main deck and if I went left out of my room I would go past the Captains and the Commanders quarters and onto the main deck or go right, I would go past the officers showers and descend the steps into the bowels of the ship where the mess was.
Fortunately, I found Tabatha cleaning her cutlass as I went down the first set of steps and she offered to remind me where the mess was. We descended another flight of steps, turned left and found it.
I tentatively entered the crowded room to wolf-whistles and jeers guessing that news of my arrival and intended purpose for staying had spread quickly. The meal, meat pie served with some mash potatoes, a piece of honeycake and some Ginger Rum was given to me on a tray by one of the girls and I went to sit down at the nearest table.
`Delta only', the officer at the head of the table said and I looked up to the other tables. I was the focus of attention as a number of the pirates watched what I was going to do
`Cabin Boy', bellowed out a loud voice from my right. I looked up and saw a Commander who I did not recognise calling me.
I walked over to her, and she pointed to the seat opposite her. `You sit on the Captain's table unless you are told otherwise'.
`Thank you, Commander' I told her and she nodded her head and returned to reading a magazine that she had.
It didn't take long to eat my food but the Ginger Rum was strong and overpowering and burnt my throat.
`Too strong for you?', one of the pirates taunted from behind me as I sipped my drink. The Commander looked up from her document and the first girl was joined by a couple more.`He's sipping it!', she announced to the entire room.
I was half-terrified at what was happening, well away from the safety of the captain. `I'm enjoying it', I lied and she laughed.
`Down it!', she cried and as I put the tankard to my mouth she tipped it up so it flooded into my mouth. As I swallowed as quickly as I could, my mouth, tongue and throat, all started burning, but there was no end to what was pouring in.
Panting for breath, I could hear my tormentors behind me laughing when the Commander spoke to them.
`Catriona, Clara. That's enough. You can play with the Cabin Boy when the Captain says you can.'
I cleared my tray and made my way to main deck.
It was a refreshing evening and I enjoyed the fresh air that sobered me up very quickly. I took advantage of the peace and quiet to relieve myself again and then sat down looking out at the sea. We were many many miles from land obviously, but it was strangely relaxing watching the world go by. I saw a strange seat to my left at the end of the deck and it took me awhile to work out that it was the actual toilet. The seat hung over the edge of the boat with a roof over it. I looked round and saw another two down the other end, and watched one of the pirates leave it.
My tranquillity was interrupted by Tabatha who sneaked up behind me and pulled me backwards, pinning me against the wooden deck.
`AAAHHHHHHH', I cried as she pinned my head between her thighs. Her musky scent filled my nostrils and she gripped my head tightly.
`You'd be an easy conquest', she cried and then called out to her co-conspirators. `Get 'em down', she called out and my shorts were slid down by another pirate to reveal my inflating cock.
`I've seen bigger', she responded and then leaned forward to rub her crotch along my face. My cock was getting ever more erect until she let go and I hurriedly pulled up my shorts.
`Getting excited were we?', she taunted leaning over me. Still on my back I counted half a dozen pirates smirking and laughing before sitting up. She held out her hand and pulled me up.
`You sit there daydreaming, you'll miss the games', she told me.
`Thank you', I muttered.
The main deck was crowded with girls who had formed a circle around something. Tabatha strode confidently towards the group, that parted as she approached. A red circular mat of around twelve foot diameter was on the deck and Tabatha took off her boots, socks and jacket before passing them to the only black girl I had seen on the ship.
I stood, and watched, waiting as the girl that forced me to drink did the same as Tabatha before they squared up at opposite ends of the mat. A ringmaster, dressed in a dark blue jacket, blew a whistle, and the two girls pounced on each other.
Catriona was a couple of inches shorter than Tabatha, and a couple of inches wider (but was still fairly slim) with short blonde hair and a vicious look on her face. Tabatha kept trying to get on top of her, but Catriona was resisting well at the moment. On land, wrestling was often since as a vicious sport, that is still popular, but on the ship the crowd of 25 or so pirates were enjoying the spectacle, jeering and catcalling the two combatants. It was clear there was no punching allowed on this fight as the moment Catriona threw a punch, the ringmaster blew her whistle and ?fined? Catriona her top. She released an ample bosom, smaller than Tabatha's and I tried hard to suppress a smile.
Catriona did not seem disheartened by her loss of clothing and was still putting up a decent fight but after ten minutes or so began to tire and Tabatha took control and pinned her to the ground before swiping her thong down to her knees.
`I want the monster', she called out to the ringmaster and released her grip on the defeated seawoman. `She punched me, I want the monster'.
`Please not the monster', Catriona begged. `It's huge'
`Give me the fucking monster', Tabatha told her and the ringmaster opened her box and pulled out a huge dildo attached to some leather straps. Tabatha knew immediately what to do and pulled the straps over her black thong with the huge dildo protruding outwards. The ringmaster smeared a little gel over the dildo and Catriona looked up worried.
`Cabin Boy. I bet you wish you had one this big, eh?', she called out looking straight at me. `You might actually be worth fucking if you did!'
I shifted uncomfortably as the crowd howled in appreciative laughter.
`Tabatha, you know he is off-limits at the moment. For the captain only', the ringmaster told her and Tabatha laughed.
Enjoying being the centre of attention she continued. `He is only this big', she called pulling her hands a few inches apart. `Does the captain know how much of a disappointment he will be?'
The ringmaster looked serious for a moment, and told Tabatha to get started on Catriona and not me.
`This'll teach you, you vicious bitch', Tabatha called and pulled Catriona onto her back, hoisting her thighs into the air. The top of her sex, brushed the top of the dildo before Tabatha plunged the rubber phallus deep into her.
Catriona cried out, but Tabatha didn't wince as she ploughed her comrade's pussy with vicious thrusts.
I was transfixed but Tabatha was enjoying her lesbian fuck too much to notice.
Catriona moaned, and mewed as the artificial cock pounded her cervix.
`You're loving it, aren't you', Tabatha shouted at her. `Go on, come like the dirty slut you are.'
Catriona's breathing was heavier and she began to rock back and forth gently on the Tabatha's thrusting.
`Fucking come you weak vicious cunt', Tabatha screamed at her. A few of the other pirates also offered insults but Catriona was too out of it to notice. Her moaning increased and she bit her lips. Tabatha increased the rate at which she was thrusting and I could see her buttocks beginning to clench. She had a satisfied look on her face as the end of the dildo rubbed nicely against her clitoris.
`Oh yeah....Oh yeah......UUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHH---------------', Catriona cried out as Tabatha's fake penis drove her to her first orgasm. The act of Catriona going into orgasm, tipped Tabatha over the edge and she cried out, somewhat muted, in her own pleasure.
Tabatha withdrew and unhooked the strap-on harness from her waist.
`Clean it, you dirty bitch', she told her and inserted into her open mouth. Catriona scrambled off the mat as Tabatha milked the adoration from the group.
`I want to wrestle him next', she said and pointed to me.
`I've told you the cabin boy is off limits', said the ringmaster. `For the captain only'
`I don't want to fuck him when he loses, I just want to wrestle him.'
`I'll wrestle you', I found myself saying and the ringmaster looked at me as I removed my boots and socks
`No forfeits, otherwise the Captain while discipline us all' she told Tabatha who was rubbing her hands expectantly.
`Of course', Tabatha replied and sauntered over to me.
`So. I've spent the last fifteen minutes wrestling, and twenty minutes pounding her cunt, and come to orgasm. And I'll still beat you if you really want to accept the challenge'
Tabatha poked me in the chest and I could hear the jeers starting again.
`I've never been beaten', she proudly told me. `So you're going down',
As we took our position, the jeers started, but I blocked it out, concentrating on the nearly naked girl in front of me. Facing each other, the ringmaster blew her whistle and we locked arms before falling to the mat. Instinctively, I held onto her to stop her from getting on top but she was too strong and pounced on top of me. It felt so natural to have her there, but she pinned my arms to the mat. I could hear cheering behind me, but I simply used my strength to roll over so that I was now on top of her and pinning her arms to the ground.
We struggled like this for a couple of minutes, but she could not shake me off her.
From watching the previous match, I guessed I had to slide her thong down somehow and the moment I loosened my grip, her arm was around my neck and pulling me off her, but I swung my legs around her head and sat down on her face, in the same hold she had had me in, just half an hour previous.
With as much calm as I could muster, I leant over and slid her thong down to hear the whistle go. Almost oblivious to the noise around us, I stepped off of her, held out my hand and pulled her up.
`You bastard', she cried in between pants at me.
`I'm exhausted', I whined but she continued.
`You.....fucking.......bastard....... I've not been beaten........all fucking Summer', Tabatha screeched in between pants. `I want a rematch. When I've not been cumming. I want a rematch'
`Sure', I panted out and walked back to my boots and jacket.
`Who's next?', the ringmaster asked and a couple of new pirates came forward.
`You were so lucky', Tabatha told me again as I was putting my boots on..
`I know. Totally and utterly. But you were right. It is fun', I responded smiling at the infuriated girl. Tabatha's demeanour changed noticeably as I said that and held out her hand.
`Come on. Go get some Ginger Rum'
`More Ginger Rum?' I exclaimed, slightly horrified.
`Victors get an extra tankard after every match'
`Right', I answered.
`Catriona was right. You are a wuss', she teased
`Too strong for you?'
`If only I could have screwed you like you screwed Catriona. You wouldn't be saying that!'
`Pffffttt', came the response. `I'm not sure I would feel you'
Chapter IV: The Rules
A rap of knuckles on my door signified Dawn and sleepily I got up. The Commander promised that she would have one of the night crew knock on my door and if I didn't get up she would ensure that I was `thrown into the sea'. Having not been provided with any nightwear and knowing that sleeping in the uniform is forbidden (Page 16 of the rulebook), I slept naked. In the room there were some towels and a razor and so I grabbed one, wrapped it around me, and headed for the showers for the mandatory daily shower (Page 22) and all over body shave (Page 23). The showers were two decks below and the water icy cold but it soon woke me up and I was scampering back to my quarters to get changed into my uniform.
After using the deck toilet, I knocked on the Captain's door and she called me in. I expected her to be up and about, but she was still in bed, half-asleep.
`Almost spot on', she called out glancing at the clock and sat up in bed, her 36C breasts poking over the top of her duvet. She rubbed her eyes and pushed her jet black hair out of her face.
`Your duties. Each morning, you will have a shower and get dressed. You will then go down to the galley and collect two plates of food, and bring me mine. We will eat together in my office, before helping me shower and get dressed if we don't have time for a little fun. Then I will conduct my morning inspection and then I may or may not assign you jobs to do. I expect you to bring me my lunch and we will both eat in here, and then in the afternoon, I may or may not assign you tasks. In the evening, you will eat at the foot of the Captain's table before the evenings entertainment. Clear?'
`Yes Captain'
`Rules. You do not screw or touch any girl between her belly button and her knees without my express permission. You do not let any girl touch your cock, balls or arse without my express permission. You can kiss. You may fondle her breasts, but no further. I, on the other hand, will use you as often as I need to to satisfy my urges and if you are any good then I might consider letting you play with the girls. Understand?'
`Yes Captain'
`You report to me, you take orders from me, but don't forget you are the lowest rank person on this ship and if I get any reports of disobedience from you, I will punish you. Be warned I have a shocking array of punishment devices', she warned and pointed to the back of her door, where eight whips and paddles were hanging.
`Yes Captain'
`Now go and get me some breakfast'
`Yes Captain', I nodded and left the room for the empty mess, returning with two trays of toast and tea. By the time I had returned, the Captain had put on her jacket but was naked underneath and sitting at her desk looking over a chart.
`On here', she barked at me, and I set down the first of the two trays on her desk. `You will sit on the floor. I don't want crumbs in my bed'
`Yes Captain'. The wooden floor was not cold or uncomfortable and I had finished the meagre breakfast in no time while the Captain was still pondering over the charts as she ate her toast and tea, occasionally sweeping the paper of crumbs.
Eventually she got up and told me to get her a towel and spare uniform, which I picked up from the small wardrobe next to her bed. A couple of seawomen were treated to the sight of the Captain walking naked, apart from her jacket, in the corridor but did not seem to care. The Officers showers were located opposite my quarters and and unlike the main showers I had used provided lukewarm water. The small room only consisted of two shower cubicles and a changing bench, but the captain threw her jacket at me and stepped inside the shower.
Apart from washing the backs of her body and helping her shave, there was little for me to do but to admire her showering, and when she turned the tap to stop the water from cascading onto her, I held out the big bath sheet and she wrapped herself in it.
The Captain wanted little help getting dressed and after returning to our trays to the mess and our dirty laundry from yesterday to the laundry room, I returned to the Captain's office.
`Daily inspection', she told me and gave me a nearly-new notebook and pen. `You are to write what I tell you to write in there under today's date'
The Captain rang a deafening bell for 20 seconds outside her office, that I had not noticed before and within ninety seconds, the main deck started filling up with all the pirates, who were standing in seven lines of varying length in a vague circle shape.
Taking the seven junior officers of each team and the duty Commander, the Captain was thorough as we walked around the ship. She talked very little to me, but peered into every nook and cranny of the ship passing comments as she went. The Delta team's sleeping quarters had thick layers of dust in the corner, which got noted in the book, as did two empty tankards in Rho's. Rho's Lieutenant Laura fingered Bridget and Moira as the guilty culprits and their names were duly taken. I was passed the tankards to carry.
In total, the Captain found 14 faults on her ship before marching back to the main deck with her entourage to the waiting crew. She ordered me to fetch a whip of my choice from her office and I returned with a small whip with a thin leather strap and an exquisite burgundy ivory handle that matched my jacket.
When I returned to the main deck, two girls were being shouted at by the Captain in the centre of the crew with everyone watching and listening intently. She walked over to me and snatched the tankards from my right hand, launching them at the cowering girls a few metres away but they managed to duck the incoming metal pots.
`Get your jackets and bottoms off', she shouted at them and they hurriedly complied with the order.
`John, 10 whips on the ass, each. Fuck it up and you'll get twenty', she shouted at me.
`Yes Captain', I uttered confidently but my heart was pounding away in my chest.
`Against the rigging', the Captain cried and the smallest of the two girls, who I later found out was Moira, grabbed hold of the rigging about four foot from the ground and presented her pert ass for me to discipline. She was mixed race and her toned ass looked particularly appealing. I took my jacket off and gave it to Tabatha who was the nearest pirate and rolled the whip in my hands before straightening the strap. I had never whipped anyone before seriously, and was certainly nervous, but my mind raced back to the classrooms all those years ago and remembered the techniques Dr Taylor and my other teachers used.
Positioning myself directly behind the wincing girl, I held the whip in my right hand and brought it up to my left shoulder before striking it across my body and onto her rear. There was a deafening crack as the leather strap hit contact with the skin and left a red mark across the top of her behind. Moira screamed in agony and bit onto the rope in front of her.
Bringing the whip across my body again, I caught her, just below where it struck before and Moira screamed again, despite the rope in her clenched teeth. I altered my position for the next two strikes and stepped into the stroke so that she was struck from the opposite side leaving a tic-tac-toe board on her rump. By the time, I had finished the ten strikes, Moira was sobbing uncontrollably and I had never seen any of the recipients of school thrashings ever react like that.
Bridget was everything that Moira wasn't. Whereas Moira was petite, Bridget was robust. Moira was 5ft6in and Bridget nearly 6ft. Moira had small breasts and long black hair, Bridget had short brown hair and 36E knockers. Bridget, in her pirates outfit looked strong and powerful, but at the moment she was looking anxious.
I looked over at the Captain as Bridget got into the same position Moira was in, in the hope of seeing some approval, but all I got was a brief nod.
Bridget's screams were even louder than Moira's as the whip struck her exposed rear for the first time.
`FUCKING HELL', she cried out in agony. By the time I was on the fifth stroke she was screaming abuse at me. This spurred me onto hitting her even harder, the penultimate one blistered her skin and started to bleed. Bridget could feel the blood running down her buttocks and cursed me for cutting her.
The last strike on her raw ass saw her burst into cries, just as Moira had done ten minutes earlier. I stood there, not knowing what to do when Tabatha passed me my jacket. Thanking her, everyone looked at the Captain who nodded in approval, told the two girls that this should be a lesson to them and strode back to her office with me some way behind her.
When we returned to her office, the Captain passed a small notebook to me entitled `Punishment Log' and told me to write up the punishments that I had given and then sign it.
`Nice technique you have there by the way', she said as she went to leave the room. `Never seen anyone cry after ten lashes. Looks like you will be useful after all'
`Thank you, Captain'.
`I will be on the Upper Deck. Join me when you have written those punishments up and tidied my quarters' she ordered and then left the room. I spent a good ten minutes tidying the room once she had left. It was not particularly dirty, but I wanted to give her no reason to complain or punish me and I certainly did not want to be punished. The whip joined the seven other punishment instruments on the wall, but none as ornate as the one that I had chosen.
The Upper Deck, which was essentially just above the Captain's office was breezy and my jacket was billowing out behind me. A couple of the girls were having similar problems and I very much enjoyed the views that it gave me. The Captain was busy talking to Commander Helen when I reached them and so I stayed just out of earshot, but close enough to be called if required.
After about ten minutes, the Captain looked round, saw me and then beckoned me over.
`I will be having a meeting in the navigation room at 11:30. Make sure Lieutenant Anne from Navigation, and yourself are there. Oh and lunch for four'
`Yes Captain'
`Right...when you've done that, make yourself scarce for a few hours',
`Yes Captain' I dutifully replied as she went down the steps to the main deck and then doubled back on herself to go into the corridor that contained the Captain's quarters.
The Navigation Room was on top of the Captains quarters, in the middle of the Upper Deck but it did take me ten minutes to find as I went round in circles. My memory of Tabatha's guided tour, although less than 24 hours ago was fading fast. Luckily, Anne was inside, pouring over charts, and eyed me as I shut the door. The wind from outside had ruffled a few charts and her assistant hurriedly straightened them out.
The Lieutenant seemed unsurprised by the meeting request and sent me on my way to galley to arrange the food being brought up to the room. It wasn't even 9am when I had finished and went in search of something to do.
Although there was much activity, I was only really useful carrying some food into the galley from the larder for a particularly sexy Seawoman Hannah before I returned to the main deck for some fresh air. Tabatha, and a black girl, had bundles of rope in front of them that they were busy unknotting.
`You want any help?', I asked and they both looked at me.
`This is punishment duty', Tabatha replied mournfully. I heard a voice from behind me and I could barely turn around when the duty Lieutenant barked at me to leave them alone as they were being punished, so I skulked off to my room with absolutely nothing to do for some rest.
The wind was much stronger than earlier, and remembering what happened with the light breeze ruffling charts around the room when I first opened the door to the Navigation Room, I knocked loudly and waited for a few moments before opening the door slightly ajar and slipping in. Lieutenant Anne wasn't in the room, but her assistant was and she smiled as I came into the room. She can't have been much more than 21 and her impressively slim body, well proportioned bosom and cute face had my cock twitching.
`Cheers', she said and released her grip on the biggest chart. I peered over it, and then asked where we were.
`You shouldn't be seeing these', the girl told me, but after looking around to see if anyone was listening, continued. `This little red dot here'. She pointed to a magnetic pin in the middle of the ocean. `We've made really good time last night'
`Right. I'm John by the way', I told her, walking away from the charts to the long table.
`I know. We all know about you', she uttered. `I want to know why you came on board the ship in the first place?'
`Its a long story', I told her and then recalled the events of the last 48 hours.
I had barely finished when the door was flung open by a member of the galley with trays of food. I instinctively ran forward and held down the large chart, but the wind caused a few more to fly onto the floor before the door was closed again.
`Sorry!', the galley pirate said cheerfully and put the food down on a table that ran the length of the room.
The Captain, Commander Helen and Lieutenant Anne came into the room together just as the galley girl was leaving and Anne sent her assistant, Tara, out of the room.
The Captain beckoned for me to sit opposite her on the table and slid me a pen and pad. `Take minutes', she said and I opened the pad on the first page and wrote the date.
The meeting lasted for around an hour and involved them getting up repeatedly to check the maps before returning to the table. In a nutshell, they were entering the shipping lanes, and wanted to make sure that they didn't go too far near the reef, or get spotted. They decided, if they make similar progress to put the anchor down that evening and wait for a day or two before moving.
After the meeting, the Captain beckoned me back to her quarters.
Chapter V: Serving the Captain
The Captain leafed through my minutes and read them for a moment before putting them down. I was still standing by the door so she told me to bolt the door from the inside and take my jacket off.. I turned around to see her throwing her jacket onto the floor.
`It's time to see if you can satisfy me in the other way I need you to. Time to earn your reprieve', she told me seductively.
`Certainly Captain', I told her with a smile on my face and she held her hand out and pushed me onto the bed on my back roughly. Stepping out of her thong, she leveraged her sex onto my face, and I began to slide my tongue up and down her moistening slit. She tasted fantastic, as sweet as sugar and addictively fragrant.
I obviously could hear little with her thighs against my ears but I could feel her starting to rock back and forth on my tongue as it probed her sensitive slit. I could feel her clitoris poking out from its hood and I wrapped my warm lips around it and sucked gently.
The captain shook, and my hands drifted over her exposed midriff and past her flimsy top to touch her firm 36C breasts. As my tongue started flicking her clitoris, and my fingers circling her nipples, she started to buck. She leant forward and stroked my midriff and thighs, before rolling down my tight shorts to release my fully erect 6?in member.
Her hands slid down my cock and I felt some precum ooze out onto her hands. What she was doing felt great, but I knew she was near her own orgasm. My flicking of her clitoris with my tongue and stimulation of her nipples with my tactile fingers was driving her closer and closer. She squeezed my head tighter with her thighs and pushed down into my face as she rocked back and forth.
`AAAAaaaaaaaaaagggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh', she cried out in ecstasy, her last thrust across my face more forceful than any others. She leant up off me leaning forward, panting heavily but I wanted to give her more and brought my hands down onto the top of her thighs, pushing her crotch back onto my face.
`Oh no...no more....', she mewed, but I pretended not to hear her and devoured her slit regardless. `.....I've got a ship to run, I only wanted a taste------------'. Within moments she was fucking my face again.
`Oh god, OH FUCK, OH....OH.....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHH', she screamed as my tongue danced along her clitoris and her body brought her to another orgasm. My grip on her thighs was tight, and after her climax had passed, gleefully pounced on her slit again.
`Where the fuck did you learn to do THAT ----', she squealed as my tongue buried itself into her love canal and lapped her gushing fluids up. She bounced up and down on my tongue for a few moments before straining forwards to allow me to feast on her clit.
My tongue wrapped around her orgasm button, and she started screaming again as her body shot several waves of pleasure through her.
She slumped forward on my erect cock and kissed it passionately for a few moments. I could not reach any part of her crotch with my tongue but kissed her inner thigh instead. She swung her legs round and turned to face me.
`You did not take no for an answer', she muttered, still panting furiously. She lowered herself so that the tip of my cock was against her sex. `You should have stopped and not hold me down. That was naughty', she said quietly. `So as a punishment, there is no sex for you', she laughed as she flicked her body over the top of my member and watched my response as pleasure shot, for just a fleeting moment, through my loins.
The Captain cackled before dismounting me and throwing me my jacket.
`I have work to do, so I will send for you if I need you', she told me, still bottomless.
`Yes Captain. Thank you Captain'
I sauntered out of the Captain's quarters and then onto the main deck. Tabatha was busy eating her lunch with her crew in the sunshine on the deck.
`Psssst', Tabatha called and I walked over to her.
`So...was that the first?'
`Was what the first?'
`You know. The first climax you've given the Captain'
`How do you know?'
`You have a boner, and she has been screaming. Was it the first?'
`Well why?' I enquired
`Because Africa has this lunchtime in the sweepstake and its worth twenty-five guineas' Tabatha replied getting annoyed.
`Me', came a voice next to Tabatha. I hadn't noticed the black girl with long jet black hair sitting next to her and jumped.
`Yes, it was the first'
`Result!', exclaimed Tabatha. `So was royal pussy any good?'
`Yeah, she tasted awes...what do you mean royal pussy?', I asked her.
She turned round to face me. `You really are fucking thick at times, aren't you? You have worked out who our Captain is, haven't you?'
I looked at her blankly, `No. Who?'
Tabatha sighed indignantly. `Rachel. Daughter of Queen Catherine. What better way of preparing for being a monarch than running your own ship?'
`So that's what you meant yesterday....', I said thinking out loud.
`Lights are on now, are they?', Tabatha taunted. Africa nudged Tabatha and they looked down the end of the deck to see their Lieutenant striding towards them, so I said my goodbyes and skipped up to the Upper deck which was empty except Tara.
Tara beamed at me as I walked across the small deck, into the strong summer breeze, and with my jacket billowing out behind me. Tara had some sort of marine compass and was peering through it towards the Sun.
`Do you have to make so much noise?', she asked.
`We are right above the Captain's quarters you know'
`Sorry', I said looking sheepish. `But I didn't make any noise'. Tara smirked at me for a moment and then went back to what she was doing.
`What are you doing?'
`Plotting the sun on our chart. It will tell us exactly which direction we are going in', Tara replied nonchalantly.
`Do you want any help?' I offered and she shook her head, folding the hand-held compass away.
`Not the kind the captain will let you give', she replied smirking. `Anyway, I'm glad you made the captain happy. If you didn't she wouldn't let you stay, and I think I quite like you being around'.
`Thank you', I told her and she left to go back to the Navigation Room.
`Oh there is one thing you can do for us', she said as she reached the steps.
`Sure anything', I told her.
`Take this up to the Crows Nest'. Tara handed me a pair of binoculars. `They are stronger than the ones they have and I found them in a cupboard.
Tara watched my face fall as I peered up into the mast and the rigging. The Crows Nest was very, very high up but I didn't want to lose face, and took the binoculars from her.
`Not scared are you?', she teased.
`Me? No. It's not a problem', I told her, more confidently that I felt.
`The ladder starts from there', Tara told me and pointed towards the mast that came down onto the Upper Deck.
Getting to the Crows Nest was easy enough. There were six ladders, each going up around fifteen metres to a platform, where the next ladder would start. I put the binoculars around my neck and began to climb desperately not looking down. About half way up the wind got caught in my jacket and nearly blew me off, but I held on and made it to the top of the mast, and up a hatch onto the Crows Nest. What I saw nearly made me fall off the ladder.
Lying on the floor of the Crows Nest, was a naked girl with closed eyes, openly playing with her clitoris and clearly enjoying it.
I cleared my throat, but she did not hear me because of the noise of the wind. I saw her shudder, and then open her eyes.
Horror gripped her face as much as mine, and she let out a quick scream.
`Who are you?', she cried as a scampered into the Crows Nest.
`The captains cabin boy', I replied and passed her the binoculars. `Tara asked me to give you those'
`Only Tara and Georgina are allowed up here and they aren't due'
`Well I was asked to come up and give you those by Tara, I repeated, slightly indignantly.
She put her jacket round here and peered over the edge of the Crows Nest. I don't know what she was looking for, but didn't see it and returned her attention to me.
`I'll be going then', I told her and went to leave.
`You can stay if you want, and help me out with an itch I have', she told me and pointed towards her crotch. `And I think you want to' looking at my erection.
`The Captain will not allow me to', I muttered. `I cannot touch you and you cannot touch me'
`It's so lonely up here', she cried. `I won't tell her. Surely you want to'
`I really better be going', I told her and started descending the ladders.
`FUCKING FAGGOT', she shouted at me and slammed the hatch.
It took twice as long to go down as I couldn't always see where the platform was with my jacket billowing out. By the time I reached the Upper Deck again my legs were aching. It had been at least 30 minutes since Tara had asked me to go up and my legs were aching in pain.
Tara smirked as she saw me. `So how is Jacqueline then?' she called out not taking her eyes of the compass she was looking through.
`Naked', I replied. `And horny'. Tara shook her head.
`Not again. She was frigging herself yesterday. Oh, and the Captain sent for you about twenty minutes ago. Kathryn was told to fetch you' Tara told me.
`Oh fuck', I replied and shot off in the direction of the Captain's quarters.
Chapter VI: A minor indescretion!
`Cabin Boy. WHERE WERE YOU?', the Captain bellowed as I entered her quarters.
`Sorry Captain. Tara asked me to drop off some binoculars to the Crows Nest', I replied honestly.
`SHE DID WHAT?', the Captain replied and looked at me. I shifted nervously as her eyes bore through me. `Is there anything else you want to tell me, Cabin boy?'
`Yes Captain. Jacqueline was naked in the Crows Nest and playing with herself', I answered.
`And you did what?', she asked.
`I gave her the binoculars and left'
`Do you expect me to believe you walked out of her with a raging boner, you saw a horny naked girl and you did nothing?'
`Well...yes Captain. She really wanted me to but you told me I wasn't allowed to touch any of your crew without your permission so I did nothing'
`She did what?', cried the Captain, her eyes widening.
`She told me to fuck her and that you wouldn't ever find out but honestly, Captain, I just climbed down'
Well, we will see', the Captain said and stared at me. `You were gone a long time and if you've lied to me I'll slit your throat'
`I promise Captain, I haven't', I told her desperately wishing that I hadn't have mentioned Jacqueline and her horniness.
The Captain pushed past me and walked round her quarters and pushed open the Navigation Room door.
`Georgina. Go up to the Crows Nest and tell Jacqueline to come down here immediately. Any clothes she isn't wearing you are to throw overboard.
`Yes Captain', an older version of Tara said and left the room.
`Captain', said Lieutenant Anne calmly. `Is there anything wrong?'
`Yes', answered the Captain. `Tara, did you send my cabin boy to the Crows Nest on an errand?'
Tara looked anxious for a moment and then nodded her head. `Yes Captain'.
The Captain shook her head, and sighed. `Cabin boy, return to my quarters and select the punishment instrument of your choice'
`Yes Captain', I replied apprehensively. I returned to see Tara bottomless and leant over one of the tables used for charts. I had selected the shortest whip there was. The whip was no more than a foot long of knotted rope and the handle was plain wood.
`Cabin boy, 5 lashes. I will not have you sent on errands without my knowledge.' the Captain decreed and I positioned myself behind Tara.
I felt sorry for Tara but had to carry out the captain's order and bringing the rope up to my left shoulder, I brought it squarely across Tara's backside. She let out a little yelp and the knots made big red marks on her rear.
`Harder, cabin boy', the Captain cried.
The second hit was much harder and Tara screamed in agony.
`Better', the Captain called out and I brought the whip down for a third time.
The final two times, I did not hit her as hard, but Tara still yelped in agony and the Captain didn't say anything else.
`Let that be a lesson to you', the Captain told her.
`Cabin boy, take your shorts off, and your jacket and pass the whip to Tara'
I stared at her horrified for a moment, and then complied. Why was she punishing me?
`I told you to take orders from me and me only, and so you have disobeyed me'
`Yes Captain. Sorry Captain', I told her sincerely.
`You fucking will be', she uttered as I bent over the chart table.
`How many lashes, Captain' Tara asked
`Five', came the response and I closed my eyes. I heard some movement and then....
My backside erupted into agony as the whip sliced across my rear. I let out a yell of pain but I had barely time to think when Tara brought the whip down for a second time. It didn't feel as painful as the first hit but I still cried out in anguish. Tara whipped my backside three more times, and although none were as hard as the first strike, my ass was still in excruciating pain.
`Get dressed', the Captain told me and I happily put my skimpy shorts and jacket back on.
Jacqueline arrived almost immediately afterwards, completely naked.
The Captain looked furious and Jacqueline terrified.
`Were you playing with yourself while on duty?', the Captain asked and Jacqueline shook her head.
`I'll ask you again, were you playing with yourself, while on duty?', the Captain repeated.
`No Captain. I was naked but I was not touching myself' Jacqueline lied.
`Captain?', Tara ventured gingerly.
`What?', snapped the Captain.
`When I went up to give Jacqueline her breakfast this morning, she was playing with herself'
`Is this true?', the Captain asked Jacqueline who burst into tears.
`Yes, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry', she sobbed.
`Were you playing with yourself today?'
`Yes', she said through the tears.
`And did you try to seduce my cabin boy into fucking you?'
Jacqueline nodded and Lieutenant Anne looked angrily at her.
`Cabin boy, go to my quarters with Tara', the captain ordered and we left the room quite relieved.
`Thank you for not hitting me too hard', I muttered as we left the Navigation Room.
`Ditto', Tara replied.
`And thank you for sticking up for me in there. I thought the captain would believe Jacqueline and not me', I told her honestly.
`She came on to me this morning as well.' Tara admitted. `I don't like her much. Anyway, as I said I like having you around'
`For one reason, there are now 42 people, apart from me on this ship, and only one of them is considerate enough not to scatter my charts around the room when they come in.', Tara replied casually.
We waited in silence for The Captain, who took a few minutes to arrive, but flung open the door and sat down.
`I should put your punishments into my Punishment Log, but I won't.', she said quietly. `If you hadn't have spoken up Tara, then John would have been severely punished for lying to me when in fact he did no such thing. And John, I sent you out of my quarters horny and expectant but when presented with what you desired you turned it down, even though I would not have found out. I know you are both fairly new to this ship, but that is the sort of loyalty and expect and demand from my crew. Tara ?.you may go'
`Thank you Captain', Tara replied and left.
`Cabin Boy, do you know why I punished you?'
`Yes, Captain. It was because I made myself unavailable to you'
`Correct', she replied. `You are my Cabin Boy. DON'T forget that!'
`Captain, what is happening to Jacqueline?'
`Jacqueline, is currently in the cells, until I decide what to do with her but as Navigation is one person down you will be spending some time running errands for them. Now I have a job for you'
In all I ran a number of errands for the captain all afternoon, from helping to clear out the hold to delivering messages and by 6pm it was time for dinner. I escorted the captain down to the mess and brought her food over to her. There was a good atmosphere in the mess with almost every seat filled and laughter filling the air.
The captain sent a couple of girls to fetch the small mat from the main deck as she was finishing her dessert and a few minutes later, they struggled in with a smaller version of the red mat I had wrestled on the day previous. It can't have been more than eight foot by twelve foot and as they entered the mess a small cheer went up in the hall.
`Move those tables together', the captain bellowed and the mess was filled with the sound of tables being dragged along the floor. I hadnt realised it before, but the tables were heavily weighted and I could understand why it took several girls to move the tables by just a few feet.
`In the middle', she barked, rising from her seat and perching the nearest table to the mat.
`Cabin Boy', she called her eyes glistening with expectation. `Come here'. I got up from my chair, and the pirates parted to let me through to the middle of the room. Throwing a small piece of fabric to the nearest girl to me as I made my way through them, she called out. `Put this on him'.
Tara opened out the black fabric into a blindfold, and slipped it over my head, blocking out all light. I could hear whistles and catcalling from pirates all around me as I slipped into darkness. Poked towards the mat, I was ordered to lie completely down on it when I stumbled over the edge.
`Now cabin boy.....', the Captain cried out. `.....you want to join my ship. You've been here for one night, but let's see if you really know the crew!'
I felt uneasy as I could hear the laughter surrounding me. Disorientated, I had no idea of what would happen but had a vague idea that was confirmed as I heard some girl moving.
A few wolf whistles rang out, followed by a raucous thunder of over-excited voices.
I felt two feet positioned either side of my head and then warm thighs touch my ears. There was no mistaking the musky flesh being thrusted onto my face, and I instinctively used my tongue to find her slit.
I was hard instantly, but the firm thighs of the pirate girl covered my ears to block out any excited cheering or laughter that this might have caused. Instead I slid my tongue up and down her damp gash. She was totally smooth, as expected, and offered no resistance as my lips glided effortlessly along her dripping labia.
She started bobbing up and down on my face as my tongue began poking her opening, before I sucked gently on her engorged clit. My hands moved up to cup her largish breasts, but found she was still wearing her white top that were holding her breasts in. The girl firmly moved my hands to her thighs and she began bucking my face so my tongue was sliding up and down her slit.
In doing so, her legs moved and I became aware of the crowd again. I could hear my partner panting furiously, as I flicked her clit with my mouth organ.
`Aaaaaaaggggggghhhhhhhhh', she cried out, slouching forward on her hands. I felt hair touch my thighs briefly and I started flicking her clit again.
`MMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNN', her screams muffled. Her rocking on my face became quicker and quicker as I poked her clit forcefully. `HHHHNNNN'.....'HHHHHNNNNNN'......'HHHHHNNNNNNNNNN------'
Her groans quickened with every thrust across my tongue before she squealed in orgasmic delight and slouched her head forward against my thighs.
I became very aware of the background noise again as two or three dozen rowdy pirate girls were cheering and shouting at me. A hushed silence descended as the girl got off me and I heard the Captain speak.
`Boy, who was that?'
I thought for a moment. I knew she was slim with muscular thighs from when my hands went wandering. She certainly had long hair as I felt it swoosh against my thighs when she lent forward a few times and she was certainly not short.
`Hmmmmm....Tabatha?', I guessed thinking back to our wrestling match. An instant cheer arose from all four corners of the room before dying down very quickly.
`Spot on, Cabin Boy.....do you have a confession to make? Have you been disloyal to me', the Captain replied.
`No, its was just......', I retorted but was drowned out by the pirates laughter. Without being able to see the Captain, I was not sure on how to interpret anything she said!
The next pirate girl climbed on top and began to slowly slide up and down her moist slit. She was already horny and quickly began devouring her clit that was poking out. She rocked against my face and came too quickly but discovered my guess of Catriona was wrong. It was Commander Helen.
My third girl was average. In height, breast size and build. She was very well lubricated and enjoyed my tongue gliding up and down her slit so much, she was highly vocal. Squeals and screams are very hard to place, but by the time she had come for the second time and had to be almost dragged off, I was sure it was Tara from Navigation. To much cheering I was right.
I was right too with Hannah, the cook from the Galley who enticed me into carrying food for her. She was the biggest girl on the ship and had the biggest knockers out of anyone I had seen. Keen for me to play with her nipples as my tongue poked her hole and flicked her clit, it became clear that her tits were an F cup at least. Her stroking of my cock through my shorts earned her a rebuke from the Captain, but when she came and slumped forward into my lap, couldn't resist giving it a teasing kiss through the thin, tight fabric that was holding it in.
By the time the fifth girl got on, my tongue was beginning to tire. She also came very quickly but unfortunately was not very vocal. Anxious not to let my hands touch her breasts to feel how big they were, she kept my hands pinned to my sides as she rode my tongue to climax. It was the holding of my ankles and the firm thighs that made me think she was a wrestler, and guess Catriona.
`Four out of five, Cabin Boy', boomed the Captain. Firm hands removed my blindfold and my eyes squinted to adjust to the harsh light that was flooding in. Catriona stood half-naked at my feet smirking at me.
`Still got one wrong', Catriona muttered. `Don't know us that well'
`Think you would do any better?', I asked her and all eyes turned to Catriona.
`Of course. When I joined I got five right'
`Enough', shouted the Captain. `Cabin Boy.....I have a new responsibility for you'
`Yes Captain', I replied and waited for her to respond.
`As part of my duties as Captain, I have to ensure all of my crew are abiding by the rules of the ship and conduct regular inspections. One of the things I need to arrange is to ensure that all women under my command are suitable shaved, and therefore, every afternoon, I will expect you to spot-check a number of my crew to ensure they are shaved. Anyone who isn't properly shaved you may discipline the following morning. I, however, will do inspections from time to time, and for every pubic hair that I find on my girls, you will get punished'
`Yes Captain. Does that mean that I am able to touch your crew?' Mutterings broke out from the crew again but the Captain ignored them and continued.
`Of course. Only during the inspections, your fingers, AND ONLY YOUR FINGERS...', she said sternly, `may touch my crew for as long as you think is necessary. Any teasing of my girls, and I will flog you until you bleed'.
`Yes Captain'
Awesome. Absolutely fucking awesome.
Chapter VII: Samantha's dirty secret
The following day started for me with a shower, getting dressed, getting breakfast, getting the Captain fed and dressed. She read a navigation report before Commander Paula came into her cabin and updated her on the work done during the night crew. Suitably content with these two updates, she stepped out of her office and rang the bell to signify inspections were due to begin. A brief moment passed and all the crew were lined up on the deck.
`I shall conduct the inspections with just my Cabin Boy', she told Commander Helen, the duty Commander for the day. `Exercise all the girls until I return'
`Yes Captain', the Commander replied and she started by ordering the girls to do push-ups.
The Captain was ruthless with her inspection, noting every little detail. I took anything that she considered serious - a bag had been left out containing personal affects, along with a dildo that hadn't been returned properly to the cabinet in the quarters and three cutlasses. Arriving back on the main deck I was told to take the bag to the Captain's quarters and return with a punishment implement of my choice. I returned with the thin leather whip with the ornate burgundy handle.
`Favourite of yours', she muttered when she saw me bring it out.
`Who owns this?', asked the Captain, holding the bright pink seven inch dildo aloft. `It was found in the Armoury'
A meek hand rose from the left of the circle. `It is mine, Captain'. The girl, who was certainly only in her early twenties stepped forward. She was around 5ft 9in tall, with average sized breasts and short brown hair but with cheeky, mischievous glint in her eye.
`Step out of your shorts, Chrissie and against the rigging', the Captain ordered. Chrissie happily removed her shorts and presented her white ass to the Captain.
`Before you give her ten lashes Boy, insert this in your choice of hole', the Captain told me and held out the offending pink dildo. Chrissie looked round as I sized her up before spreading her legs. I expected to have to work the dildo in but she was so wet, it slid in with no resistance at all. I heard a slight moan as it glided past her lips.
`If it falls out Chrissie then you will get double lashes', the Captain told her.
I released my grip on the dildo but it didn't move as her muscles clenched the fake cock impressively. Picking up the whip I took one step back, brought it up to my shoulder and down onto her exposed rear.
`Aaaaaagggggghhhhhhhhh', she cried out, slightly muffled.
`Hhhhhuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh', she squealed in a higher pitch as the whip hit for a second....third.....fourth time.
`Hhhhhhhuuuuuuggggggggggggghhhhhhhhh', she cried out as the whip hit her reddening skin.
I stopped and turned to the Captain. `Captain, I believe the Seawoman is enjoying her punishment'
`Why?', she replied from several feet away.
`I think if I continue she will climax, Captain'
`Are you a dirty slut Chrissie that will climax from the hands of my Cabin Boy?'
Chrissie turned to face the Captain, her face flushed and red.
`I am Captain'
`MY OFFICE....NOW', the Captain shouted and Chrissie waddled off quickly, the dildo lowering itself slowly as she went. `THIS SHIP IS A FUCKING SHAMBLES!' she screamed. `WHO THE FUCK DOES NOT HAVE THEIR CUTLASSES?'
Hands swept to the sides and two pirates gingerly stepped forward.
`I HAVE THREE CUTLASSES. WHO IS THE THIRD PERSON?' barked the Captain looking round her ship
`Captain, there is no Cutlass by Chrissie's shorts', I told her and she peered at the discarded item of clothing on the floor.
Bridget had already been punished by myself previously during the last inspection and under in the warming morning sky she was set to be lashed again. Tentatively, she removed her bottoms and took the same position Chrissie had taken a few minutes earlier. Her bottom was still red from the strikes previously and each strike to the rear of the well-built, and well-endowed girl was met with increasingly loud yells and screams until she was in tears for the second time in as many days.
Kathryn, a well-built girl with mid-length red hair had already removed her bottoms and took Bridgets place. She was resolute and when the whip came down stayed silent. After ten lashes, she turned away her eyes streaming with tears and retrieved her bottoms, without saying a word.
The Captain passed the two cutlasses to the whipped pirates and then dismissed her crew after warning them that if they didn't get their act together, she would tie them to the rape bench.
Returning to her office, she ordered me to stay outside for five minutes while she tore into Chrissie, before Chrissie emerged from the Captain's office in a chastity belt.
`Look who owns that bag?', she said as I entered the room.
Emptying the bag, I fished out some official documentation and held it up to my eyes
`It's an ID card for Suzanne Easton', I told her.
`We don't have a Suzanne Easton. We don't even have a Suzanne'
I passed her the ID card to the Captain and went rummaging around the contents again.
`That's not Suzanne, that's Samantha' , the Captain told me and showed me the picture of a weary girl in civilian clothes. `Anything else?', she asked looking at the impressive haul on her floor.
I pushed the less interesting items to one side, consisting of a small jumper, some pornographic magazines containing both nude men and women and a huge black dildo. I passed the Captain some letters and she began flicking through them. I passed over a couple of smaller sex toys, a whip, a deck of playing cards and a book before being left with a small bag. Peering inside I was met with a strong chemical smell coming from a load of bark.
`Captain......', I called, trying to get her attention. She was still deep in thought reading Suzanne's letters and oblivious to me. After a few seconds, she saw me staring at her in her peripheral vision and looked up.
`.....I think you need to look at this....', I told her, handing her the bag of strong smelling bark.
The Captain took a deep breath and recoiled. `That's some strong stuff. I think we need a word with our Samantha. Find her and bring her to me'
Samantha returned with me a few minutes later and entered the Captain's office tentatively. The girl, in her mid-20s with an impressive bust and mid-length mousy brown hair looked shocked when she saw her bag contents strewn over the Captain's quarters and the Captain reading her letters.
`They're private', she exclaimed, but the Captain barely looked up.
`Why do you have official ID in the name of Suzanne Easton?' asked the Captain bluntly.
`Ummmmmm.....', Suzanne procrastinated.
`And why do you have a bag of Class A drugs?'
Suzanne looked shocked and moved her balance from one leg to the other.
`I've asked you a direct question.....', the Captain barked but Samantha simply shook her head and looked down at the floor.
`The way how I see it......', the Captain considered and then continued, `.....you were a drug dealer and the Police were onto you. As they were knocking at your door, you thought of the best way to get out of your predicament was to change ID so you ran off to Hamilton with some fake ID. But it wouldn't take long for your past to catch up, so you disappeared for a year or two in the military for the heat to die down and then you can start dealing again....'
`No, it's not like that', Samantha cried and the Captain look inquisitively at her, but got no reply.
`Cabin Boy, please prepare the plank. These crimes are worthy of the death penalty'
`No, please....', pleaded Samantha and the Captain peered at her again.
`My real name is Suzanne Easton, but you probably guessed that. I grew up in Riverside but my family moved to St Ethels Island when I was six. I kinda got involved with the local mafia after awhile and although it started tame at first....a few thefts to make a bit of money, followed by a shady deal or two, it soon escalated into gun-running and drug-dealing. We attracted the attention of the local police, and my parents moved back to Riverside pretty sharpish when they found out but it did no good and I still had contacts who was shipping drugs into the town and I was the main dealer. I didn't do any really heavy stuff, but the Police got on my tail and I did twelve months inside as I was still a minor at this point. After I got out, my family disowned me, so I disappeared to Hamilton. Got a new ID for Suzanne Marshalls and began working on the docks. I got a guy and settled down happily. No contacts or anyone could harass me, and then out of the blue, got offered a military scholarship from the Merchant Navy.'
`....well go on....', the Captain told her.
`....I wasn't expecting to be any good but I took to it really well and I was moved onto this ship a year ago after I passed every exam with flying colours.......I found my vocation of choice by accident and I know it was silly to run, but I was scared of being sucked back into that life and made a bad choice about not telling the Admiralty my past. If I could go back, I would...I promise'
The Captain shook her head. `This is a right fucking mess you're in. For a start, and this pisses me off as you are a cracking pirate, I can't have you on this ship as a Seawoman. You haven't spent your sentence for drug dealing and can't be in the Navy.'
`Please Captain, anything....I can't go back. I'm a pirate now', Suzanne uttered, her watery eyes peering up at the Captain.
`It might be harsh, and our Navy has been full of criminals over the years, but drug dealing is a major crime, and you are still in possession of some serious shit......but you are a good pirate.
`Hmmmmmmmmmmmm..............' The Captain pondered. `John....'
`Yes Captain?'
`Move Suzanne's belongings to your room. It can be a double room. And we will see what the Admiralty say when we get back to port'
`Yes Captain', I told her and left the room.
Chapter VIII: Earning her reprieve
I knocked on the Captain's office and was duly summoned into the room.
`I have moved Suzanne's uniform into my quarters, Captain'
`Good', replied the Captain beaming and sent both Suzanne and myself on our ways with a list of jobs. The first one was for Suzanne to hurl her illicit drugs into the ocean, and then we started on cleaning the main deck which had accumulated a surprising amount of grime and dirt from only three days on the open sea. Suzanne wasn't prepared to talk much and the Captain had notified the duty Commander, so word was getting round the crew pretty quickly.
It was tense with other girls on the deck as they eyed us suspiciously. I was grateful when the Lieutenant Anne asked the Captain if I could be sent to the Crows Nest, to pass food, and a message onto Tara.
The climb to top of the mast was difficult with the strong wind, but I managed in less than five minutes. Tara was busy relieving herself in a glass jar when I arrived and averted my eyes until she had finished.
`Well there is hardly a toilet up here', the slim 21-year-old muttered as she hauled her shorts up. I dragged up the basket into the floor of the Crows Nest and shut the hatch.
`I didn't say a word', I replied and handed her a flask of water and some meat pie wrapped in a red gingham cloth.
`Cheers!', she said downing half the water in one gulp.
`Have you heard about Suzanne?', I asked her.
`Suzanne who?', Tara answered, stuffing the meat pie in her mouth. I dutifully recounted the events of the last two hours and her eyes widened.
`Fuck! Well you never know do you? I thought she was sound', Tara told me and passed me back the empty flask.
`Well she only made one mistake', I answered and Tara looked at me.
`You need to be able to trust everyone on your crew. Everyone needs to be honest as when we board a vessel it's the difference between life and death', she told me forcefully.
`And you trust me? Or not? I made several mistakes before I ended up here, which on the face of it is a big fuck up'
Tara looked thoughtful. `Yes, I think I do. I don't know why but I think if I needed you, you would be there.'
`Hmmmmmnnn.....yeah I think so' came the reply from the bronzing girl. She was busy scanning the horizon as I was packing the remnants of her lunch into the basket.
`Fuck!', she cried out and reached for her binoculars. `There is a cargo ship, on the horizon due East'.
`QUICK!', she shouted at me.`OUT OF THE WAY'. Tara dived down the hatch and was nearly at the bottom before I had even made it to the first platform. I reached the deck just as the Captain was running into the Navigation Room. I instinctively followed them in, but stayed at the back of the room as excited voices poured over the map.
`Tara and John – go back up there and track the ship. I want hourly updates. If we are getting too close come down immediately and tell us to change course. We will strike at sundown. I want all the crew resting except for Tara, Anne, John and myself. No games. No alcohol, just rest.', the Captain ordered. Bodies filed out of the room leaving just the Captain and myself.
`Captain...', I ventured, and she turned to look at me.
`What?', she asked fiercely. `I want you up in the Crows Nest'
`Yes, Captain......'. I was floundering under her gaze. `It's just......will you let me fight with you tonight?'
`Cabin Boy.....you have been given an order. If you are not in that Crows Nest within sixty seconds I will throw you overboard before we even reach midday. OUT'
I scampered up to the top of the mast so quickly I had nearly caught Tara up. She smirked as I clambered into the nest and peered over the top.
`Long way down', I told her, but she was focusing on the ship.
`It's a big one', she told me, staring at the spot in the distance through her binoculars.
`Can they see us?', I asked.
`Probably not', Tara replied. `I checked when I was on the deck. You can't see it. It's only just visible up here'
`So if they had binoculars they might see the nest and the mast?', I asked.
`Yeah....but they would be getting away from us if they could, and they aren't changing direction at all'
Tara and I had a good chat in the Crow's Nest. It turned out that she came from Cadder too, but moved to Hamilton when she was young. She had a boyfriend, Dave, but was thinking of dumping him because he didn't stay faithful to her and wasn't exciting in the bedroom. He is her fourth boyfriend, who also previously dated her older sister, who in turn is a Captain in the Regular Navy. My life story, which Tara was interested in was constantly interrupted by me needing to give updates as to the position of our target and descending the ladders to reach the deck. On a number of occasions, Tara told me to order a change of direction as we were drifting too far away, or getting too close. Anne had plotted the approximate path of the ship on the map and estimated the direction we needed to take.
As the sun began to set, I was getting excited. Anxious to see if the Captain would let me be part of the raid, but worried about the risk too. This was easily the most exciting thing I had ever done and Tara sent me down to the see the Captain fifteen minutes before the Sun set for the last time. The sky was alight but it was dark climbing down the ladder and I nearly fell.
The ship changed course and we began to close in on the unsuspecting cargo ship. As quietly as possible, the three Commanders were organising the girls while I stood next to the Captain running errands. Music began blaring out from the ship as we closed in. Despite the low light, the ship was coming clearly into focus and thirty pirates were lined up on the side of the ship, with their cutlasses in their mouths. Ropes were ready to be thrown overboard to assist in landing but even though we were out of sight on the Upper Deck, it was clear there was no-one aboard.
`Cabin Boy', the Captain hissed at me.
`Yes Captain?' I answered as quietly as I could.
`Here is a cutlass for you..............Stay close to me and Suzanne.....I'd rather not have you killed.......yet'. The Captain passed me a eight-inch bladed sword, with a delicate wooden handle and I took it excitedly. `BE CAREFUL WITH IT', she hissed and I promised her I would.
I noticed Suzanne crouching behind the railings of the Upper Deck further up the ship and we waited for the signal.
There was a bump as the ship came alongside the cargo ship. With lightening precision, three girls took ropes and jumped down onto the cargo deck, tying the ships together. This was followed by everyone grabbing ropes and leaping the four feet drop to reach the wooden floor of the cargo ship.
Music continued to bellow out from below and the Captain sent the Delta team to investigate. It made it easier if they were all in the same place. The girls brought the sails in quickly and sliced the ropes that held them in position.
`No point in letting them be able to move too quickly', Suzanne whispered in my ear. The cargo ship was much longer than the pirate vessel and but only had quarters at one end of the boat. The rest of the boat was taken with cargo, which the Captain was eager to examine.
The music stopped abruptly, and I could hear shouting. The Captain ordered a few girls to find out what they were carrying and strode purposefully towards the steps that led down into their quarters. Suzanne and I followed at a small distance.
The room they were in was crowded but now much more sombre. Empty tankards laid strewn around the room with around 25 sailors. Tabatha was at the door, her cutlass in her right hand, looking worrying scary.
`All secure?', the Captain asked, peering into a room of frightened and drunken men.
`Yes, Kathryn is in the Captains quarters', Tabatha replied
`Kill any of them that causes any trouble', the Captain told her and walked on down the narrow corridor. The Captain's door was closed but she could hear voices behind it. Giving it a sturdy kick with her right boot, the door flew open to reveal four men struggling with Kathryn.
The Captain immediately lunged forward, but the burliest of the men – a 6ft 2in skinhead with bulging muscles and ferocious tattoos snatched a sword from his belt and raised it to the Captain. `Fucking pirates', he growled.
The next few moments happened in a blur, but Suzanne lunged forward with her cutlass and struck him squarely on the wrist, severing his hand from his body and dropping his sword.
Seeing the reaction of another member of his crew who was also reaching for his sword, I took my weapon and drove it into his body. My arm met a strong resistance as the weapon sliced through his ribcage and punctured his heart. Withdrawing my bloodied sword, before he collapsed onto it, I stepped back and watched his body shake slightly and then fall. I was oblivious to the rest of the room as I stared at the victim at my feet. Should I really have done that? He was ready to attack the Captain, but should I have killed him? What was the Captain going to say to me?
Suzanne was ready to assassinate her opponent when he put his arms up, blood pouring out of his right arm where his wrist was.
Kathryn wriggled free when the two other men who saw the bloodied mess of their comrades, joined them in surrendering. The Captain ordered us to take the Ships Captain and his companion to the pirate ship, while Suzanne's surrendered opponent joined Tabatha in the main room.
`He can face my justice', our Captain warned the deposed Cargo ship's Captain as Kathryn locked them into handcuffs, and we prodded them into the corridor and into the night-time air.
Alice and Taitleach were waiting for us as we gave them the first two prisoners, who were thrown into the cell I was in a few days previous. The deposed Captain had become a bit more vocal when he realised that our Captain was not happy just to take his cargo.
By the time we had reached the cargo ship again, its goods were being unloaded. Big crates, a few feet wide, and just as deep, were being loaded onto our ship by hand. I helped move them but they needed two people to carry.
`What do you reckon?', I asked Catriona as I helped her move one.
`Gold I hope', she said gleefully. `It's some sort of metal definitely'
Fortunately, a winch had been set up to help bring the cargo up the few feet to the pirate galleon but the rest of the movement was all done by hand. In two hours, we had moved over one hundred boxes and these were being stored in the hold. In addition, two girls – who looked like models but were probably ladies of the night, were escorted to the cells. They were dressed in just skimpy gold bikinis and were quite a sight clambering onto the deck.
`You can have some fun with them later', the Captain promised as she saw Tara, Tabatha, Africa and myself ogling the girls.
Before long, the ship was empty of its load and we were full. As quickly as we came, we left. Tabatha, the last pirate to board, cutting the ties that bound the ships together. After ten minutes, the ship was no longer in sight.
Chapter : Suzanne's punishment
The last few boxes of the cargo was moved down into the hold as the ship made steady progress through the waves. The wind and waves were much stronger, and it was harder to carry heavy boxes down narrow stairs as the ship bounced across the sea.
Morale amongst the crew was noticeably buoyant. The Captain smashed open the last box to be loaded and proudly held aloft a nine-inch long slab of gold metal.
`An ingot. A gold ingot. This is our greatest ever haul', she declared triumphantly. A few gold ingots wiggled their way out of the box through the hole the Captain had created and sprawled themselves over the deck, but the Captain did not care.
`Rum in the Galley', she continued and a loud cheer descended upon the ship with a mass of bodies fighting to get down the stairs.
Two hours of celebrating with drinking games were concluded when the Captain sent the crew to bed so that they could be up at dawn.
Suzanne and I had barely got undressed when the Captain came in. Both of us naked and eager to climb into the bed she stood for a moment, swaying slightly with the rocking of the boat.
`John......Suzanne.....you saved my life on that boat.'
`That's what we are here for....', replied Suzanne.
`I know....and I....er.....', pondered the Captain, `.....will do all I can to let the Admiralty let you both stay'
`Thanks. I really like it here', I found myself saying.
`Good', smiled the Captain. `And I would like you to earn your reprieve. My cabin immediately.'
I shot Suzanne a look and then passed the Captain in the doorway. It was weird walking down the corridor with nothing on, but there was nobody there and was inside the Captain's office is no time.
The Captain closed the door behind her and was shedding her clothes expectantly.
`It's been awhile since I've felt this good', she told me, her eyes widening at the sight of my inflating cock. `My life is incredible at the moment, and I want you to give me something special to top it all off.'
With no warning she pushed me back so I was laid out on the bed and eagerly climbed on top of my face.
`Suck Cabin Boy', she ordered. `Tease my cunt like you've never tongue fucked before'
Her musky loins descended onto my lips in no time and were dripping wet with sex. The Captain was incredibly horny and sighed in pleasure as my tongue slid down her slit.
`Hhhhhuuuhhnnnnn', she mewed.
`Come on boy. I know you can have me screaming. Make me cum', she cried out and began thrusting along my face so my tongue was sliding over her hole.
Sliding down the bed slightly, I managed to position my mouth nearer to her clit and began probing it with my tongue . Flicking it at first as her tasty fluids dripped down my face and into my mouth and then clamping my lips around it and teasing it with my tongue.
The effect was incredible as the Captain was crying and mewing louder and louder, her orgasm approaching.
`That's good', she squealed. `Oh yes, oh yes, oh, oh, OH, OHHHH----------'
Her breathing became heavier and heavier. Her squeals louder and her thrusting stronger as my tongue flicked her clit more vigorously.
I slowed my flicking down but the Captain told me to continue if I didn't want her to bite off my cock, and I gleefully sucked in more of her delicious juices. My entire face was soaked, with my saliva and her juices covering me, but the sensation of being so wet was incredibly arousing.
My tongue began flicking and sucking the Captain's clit, her pleasure button, once more and began grinding and pushing her loins into my face. I was struggling to breathe, with all my air coming from underneath the Captain, heightening the smell of her musky scent to me and increasing my arousal. I began bucking my hips slightly, not because there was any sensation on my rock-hard cock, but because it was natural to do so.
The Captain was crying out as her second climax was building. It was stronger than the first, as her body writhed and bucked on top of me. I held onto her thighs to stop her from moving and devoured her mercilessly. Her grunting and groaning was get louder and louder and she began to move up off my face, but my hands stopped her from removing her pussy from my eager lips and continued consuming her with renewed vigour.
The Captain's pussy throbbed as her orgasm released inside her, cascading through her body that flexed and writhed with the pleasure. Screaming in ecstasy, the Captain left anyone listening in no doubt what she was upto.
As the orgasm subsided, I pulled the Captain back on my face.
`I've got a ship to run tomorrow', she complained as she came to rest on my face again.
`Oh Fuck!.....OH yeah....Oh god', she squealed in excitement as my tongue probed her hole . She leant forward to give me better access to her and I slid my tongue up and down her slit.
The Captain put her hands on the bed, and seeing my erect cock in front of her face, began devouring it, like I was doing with her. Her tongue ran underneath my foreskin and along the head of my cock and I began squealing in pleasure. Could I really cum in the Captains mouth?
The Captain loved my tongue circling her butthole, and with my thumb swirling her juices on top of her clitoris, she was building up to another orgasm. The Captain was deep throating me with my cock impaling her mouth with every thrust. I could feel the fire burning in my loins. My climax was welling up in my balls, itching for release.
The Captain began squealing and grunting every louder and I probed my tongue into her butthole.
Screeching like she had been shot, the Captain lurched into another climax, her back arching as pleasure flooded through her.
I still wanted to continue with her, but the Captain was adamant. She leant forward and positioned her hands on the edge of the bed.
`Fuck me!', she ordered. `Fuck me good and hard. Give me your dirty cum'.
I didn't need telling twice and eagerly sat up on the bed. Kneeling on the soft material, I plunged my rod deep into her well-lubricated sex. It was heaven. I had not had intercourse for a number of months and knew I would not last long. Clenching my buttocks, hoping that it would maximise my performance I began pumping into her.
With every animalistic thrust, she cried out, louder and louder. Eventually, my body could not take any more and I felt a wave of euphoria strike my body as I unloaded several streams of juicy cum into her lovehole.
We stayed there for a moment, our hot sticky bodies in the warm summer night affixed after an hours passion. As my breathing returned to normal, I began to withdraw, my cock still stiff and her sighing as it slipped out of her well-loved genitals.
She span around to sit down and faced me. Her faced was flushed, her hair a mess, and her pussy leaking.
`Do you want me to clean that?', I asked her, my face ablaze with pleasure.
`No', she muttered her mouth smiling like I had never seen before. `I couldn't take any more.'
`In my past, I've been down there all night', I said tactlessly, but she laughed.
`I would love you to be down there all night. But I have a ship to run.', she promised. `And, that is the first time I have given a blow job in years. Think yourself fucking lucky'
`I do', I replied honestly. `I am very lucky'
`You can sleep in the wet patch', she told me and pushed me back on the bed. Cuddling up with the Captain after a hot sex session on the open ocean. Life just doesn't get much better than that!
The following morning started with a passionate kiss from the Captain and then a shower for me, breakfast, a shower for her which she did alone and then tidying her quarters. Guiltily I awoke Suzanne from our bed and she said nothing except that she had heard us the night before. The Captain did her inspection but surprisingly found nothing amiss.
`The crew are frightened of getting disciplined by your Cabin Boy', Commander Helen told her during her round. Upon returning to the main deck, the Captain called Suzanne into the centre of the circle.
Suzanne was going to get her punishment and I hoped that I was not going to exact it on her.
There was a noticeable intake of breath and a few pirates muttered, but the Captain continued and the murmur stopped immediately. `I WILL NOT TOLERATE SUCH BEHAVIOUR AND IT IS MY DUTY AS CAPTAIN TO ENFORCE THE LAW OF OUR LAND AT SEA. SUZANNE WILL THEREFORE BE THE FIGUREHEAD OF THIS VESSEL DURING DAYLIGHT HOURS UNTIL WE RETURN TO PORT'
Suzanne shrieked and began pleading with the Captain but she shook her head and snapped her fingers at Kathryn and Tabatha.
`Strip her and tie her up', the Captain told them and we watched as Suzanne was stripped, partly against her will, and then hoisted to the front of the ship. Two thin planks of wood, about two inches wide and four inches apart protruded from the front of the ship for around three foot towards the heavens and above the open ocean.
Thrown against them, Suzanne's feet were lifted slightly off the ground and she was bound tightly to the wooden posts. I could see them sagging slightly under her weight, and from the waist up she had no support and was clearly visible to any passing ship.
`LET THAT BE A LESSON TO YOU', cried the Captain at the helpless Cabin Girl. `And if anyone so much as talks to her until I order her down then I shall have that person whipped one hundred times'
I spent the rest of the morning helping to count the haul we had recovered from the cargo ship a few hours earlier. Each box held 25 ingots of precious metal, and with over 100 boxes (around two-thirds were gold and the rest silver), the Captain was sure it was the best package any Caledonian pirate ship had ever recovered.
By lunchtime, I was starving and eagerly demolished my meat pie for lunch. The Captain ordered me to the Navigation Room after lunch to minute a meeting she was having with Lieutenant Anne.
Our vessel was making such progress speeding back towards Caledonia, the Lieutenant was sure the high winds would cause us to hit port the following evening. If the winds got too high, there was a risk the sails could rip, and Lieutenant Anne wanted to bring one of the three in before nightfall to make it easier to bring them in if required. A ship with no sails was in serious danger on the open sea, and the Lieutenant was keen to protect one of them in high winds. The Captain agreed.
`Cabin Boy....', called Lieutenant Anne. `Could you please take this lunch upto Tara in the Crows Nest'.
I looked towards the Captain who nodded in agreement and I gladly took the small package Anne was holding out.
`And Cabin Boy....', called the Captain, `......I set you a task to check my crew were fully shaved. I warn you, I will be doing an inspection later'
`Yes Captain', I replied and started shinning up to the Crows Nest. Tara was happy to see me having had no company for a number of hours. She devoured the pie mercilessly and downed the water I had provided almost in one gulp.
`We are making good progress', she told me. `We must have covered 30 miles this morning alone'
`What happens when we get to port?', I asked.
`We go to the naval base in Waverley and stay for a few days. The boat gets cleaned and then we start a new mission. This only our third trip this season. We will do fifteen at least and then have a few weeks off. A bit of training for a few weeks and back on the boat for a number of weeks'
`And you are wondering what will happen to you?'
`Yeah...' I answered honestly.
`Jacqueline, you and Suzanne will be up in front of the Admiralty Disciplinary Panel. The Captain will make a recommendation and they will be interrogate you and her and decide. They have ultimate power and can issue death sentences or any sort of punishment'
`Fuck!', I exclaimed and Tara laughed.
`My sister, Rhona, is a Captain at the base and sits on the panel when in port, as does our Captain. I will warn her I wont speak to her if she is mean to you', Tara added.
`Cheers. Still very scary to have to face, right? I mean.....have you been up in front of the panel?'
`Me?............Never. And neither to do I plan to be'
`So what will happen to me. And Jacqueline and Suzanne?', I enquired
`I don't know to be honest, but I reckon the Captain will campaign for you to stay on the ship. They might enforce a punishment, but I reckon you will be here as a cabin boy. Same for Suzanne....unfortunately. The navy has been full of cons opting to run away and often they are given a second chance. As for Jacqueline, there are a multitude of sins and the Captain will want her off the ship. I reckon the Admiralty will agree with her and chuck her on a merchant vessel.'
`What sort of punishment?', I asked.
`Well, you know I said we get a couple of days rest in between voyages?...'
`You won't' she warned.
`Listen, it could be far far worse'
`Wentworth?', I asked.
`The Naval Prison. Every Captain and the Admiralty has the right to put any civilian or member of their crew in prison for as long as they want. It's not exactly a bed of roses. You have to spend 24 hours in there as part of your training and it is really tough'
`Anyway, while the Captain has a use for you, you wont go there'
`Ahh....that reminds me. Get your shorts down!'
`Pardon', replied Tara.
`Get your shorts down. This is a pubic hair inspection'.
`You can't inspect me!'
`The Captain said I could'
`Bastard', she said and slid down her shorts. Her snatch was wonderfully smooth and I ran my finger down her slit.
`Ohh.....that IS good', she told me. `Keep checking'
`I intend to', I muttered to her and began sliding my fingers up and down her warm, moist slit, circling her engorging clitoris.
`It's been quite a few days', she whispered to me as my fingers darted along her gash and into her hole.
`Ohhhhhh.....AAaaaaaaaaaaagggggggghhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnn', she groaned.
Fearing the wrath of the Captain if she found out I withdrew my fingers and looked longingly into her warm blue eyes.
`I wish I could', I told her. `I really wish I could, but I just can't'
She lay slouching against the wall of the basket.
`Don't tease me like that again!', she warned with menace in her voice.
`I'm sorry, I wanted to. I really did, but the Captain would kill us both'
`Get out of here', she ordered and I hurriedly climbed down the ladder.
I inspected six more girls before I sent for, but did not use my fingers to touch them. There wasn't a hair on any of them.
Chapter : Sleeping with Tara
`Captain, you sent for me', I said as I entered her room.
`Yes. Have you completed your inspections?'
`Yes Captain. I have examined seven women', I told her.
`Did you think of examining me?', she asked.
`Well no, Captain. You are above such rules.'
`Well Cabin Boy....I am not, I still have to abide by them, but I am sure you felt that I was smooth enough last night'
`Yes Captain'
`Did you have any problems inspecting my crew?'
`No Captain........', I replied but then continued. `......well one problem. During an inspection, I touched Tara too much and she got excited. I know that I am not allowed to pleasure your crew, but I left her unsatisfied. What should I do about this in future?'
The Captain looked at me. `You mean to say you teased a member of my crew?', she said fiercely, her eyes burning into me.
`Well not on purpose', I lied.
`I will not have you teasing my crew. If you turn them on, then of course you should give them what they need.'
`Yes Captain. Thank you', I replied relieved.
`But I will discipline you for it, of course. I shall speak to you later about this', she promised and strode towards me. `Time to see if you really have done your job properly'
She rang the bell outside her office and streams of pirates emerged from all angles until everyone, except Tara was there.
The Captain walked around the circle picking out four girls – Tabatha, Kathryn, Lieutenant Fiona and Lieutenant Tavia. I had already inspected Tabatha and Kathryn and knew they would be smooth.
Tabatha was the first to go and hoisted her skimpy shorts-cum-thong down. The Captain knelt down and ran her hands over her pubic area.
`You're fine', the Captain told her.
She repeated the procedure with Kathryn, before Lieutenant Tavia from the Rho team stepped forward. She had bright red hair that reached her shoulder blades, as well as deep green eyes. She looked like a whore, not a pirate, but was totally hairless. As was Lieutenant Fiona and the Captain looked almost disappointed when she failed to find a single hair on the four girls.
`Dismissed', she barked and ordered me to follow her. She went down into the bowels of the vessel and stood outside the room that I was locked in when I first arrived on board.
`Open up', she shouted at Chrissie, who was still sporting the chastity belt. Chrissie ran from the end of the corridor and unlocked the door. Inside was the Captain from the cargo ship who looked dreary-eyed. The room stank of shit with a huge turd lying on some straw that had been put down.
`Take him upto the showers and clean him up', the Captain told me. `I'll see him in my quarters in fifteen minutes.'
I was lucky that I passed Sandra from the Domestic team and requested some new clothes for the prisoner. She was happy to oblige and returned just as the guy, who I had since learned was called James de Montague, was getting out of the cold shower I had forced him to take. I had also forced him to shave all his body hair off, much to his dissatisfaction, and he had had so much to get rid off, had blunted the blade completely.
Sandra, a cute little 18-year-old with deep blue eyes and awesome tits, provided James with short dark green shorts and a dark green sleeveless vest. He objected to the lack of underwear but I told him to stop being so weak and traipsed up the steps to the Captains office.
`Who are you?', the Captain asked, before he had barely entered the room.
`I might ask you the same question. Who are you?'
The Captain sniggered. `I am the Captain of this vessel'
`I was the Captain of mine until I was kidnapped'
`Captured', corrected the Captain, `Now who are you?'
`James de Montague', replied the prisoner. `Now release me and my gold'
The Captain sniggered for a second time. `Why were you carrying the gold?'
`That is none of your business', he replied `It is my family's gold and silver'
`Your family's?', enquired the Captain. `I think you should talk.....'
`Fuck off', came the response.
The Captain turned to me. `Cabin Boy, please prepare the plank for our visitor.'
`The plank?', he asked. `But.....please.....you are making a mistake'
`I will not tolerate language like that......so unless you start speaking NOW.....I will have you in that ocean drowning to your death. I don't give a fuck either way', the Captain spat.
James took a deep breath, and began his story. `My family, the de Montague's own a large number of companies in Mercia. My father is Lord de Montague and advises the King. We are buying a number of companies in Britannia and expanding our empire. The gold was to go to our new bank and was transported using de Montague Shipping, of which I am a Captain'
`Go on', asked the Captain
`Well I was going to stay in Britannia and oversee our companies. My mother is the cousin of the Queen of Murcia and we have good relations with the country.'
`Well when we get back to Caledonia, you will be imprisoned. I will see you for a couple of days every fortnight and you will be working on the land. For the time being. In time I may decide to release you. I may decide not. That's up to me, but your chances of being a bank manager are pretty much dead'
`Why....what's in it for you? You have my gold'
`I want to because I can', replied the Captain.
`And anyway, I thought Caledonia was run by butch dykes. What's this little faggot doing here?', asked James
The Captains' smile vanished and she sat up straight.
`Do not offend my Cabin Boy.....'
`.....little poof got me to shave my body hair.....' interrupted James.
`........DO NOT INTERRUPT ME', shouted the Captain, `...........DO NOT offend my Cabin Boy. You surrendered to the little poof, remember? He is my Cabin Boy and only I am allowed to insult him'
James looked humble for a moment, and went to reply but the Captain cut him off. Looking directly at him, she ordered me to take him back to the cells until we reach port, which I did. Chrissie locked him in the room and I went upstairs for some dinner.
After tea, the girls started playing Strip Poker in the dining area. I was happy to join in, but the Captain ordered me and Tara to her quarters.
`Tara....', the Captain said, addressing the Navigator. `....I understand that my Cabin Boy teased you earlier when inspecting you. Is this true?'
Tara looked at me, and then the Captain. `Well just a little'
`A little?', the Captain said looking at me. Her eyes pierced my armour and I could tell she was reading me like I was a book.
`Captain, I did tease her.', I admitted to her. `.....and it was more than just a little. I wanted to make her happy but the thought of your reaction to it meant that I couldn't and I left her unfulfilled.'
The Captains' eyes wandered to Tara and then back to me.
`I gave you a task to complete that did not involve touching up my crew', the Captain told me. `What the hell were you thinking?'
`Tara has been so good to me since I joined and you let me go down on her in the games and I wanted to make her happy so I started something I could not finish. My conscience wouldn't let me'
The Captain shook her head.
`Tara. You may select a suitable punishment for my Cabin Boy for teasing you'
`I do not want to punish him, Captain', Tara replied and Captain blinked in astonishment
`He did the wrong thing to me but for the right reasons. I couldn't punish him for that'
`It's your choice'
Tara looked at me thoughtfully. `Yeah......I don't want to punish him for liking me'
`Now Cabin Boy. Please take Tara back to your quarters and give Tara the pleasure you promised her several hours ago'
`Thank you' , I said to the Captain and held out my hand for Tara who was beaming.
`And think yourself fucking lucky', she told me coolly. `I would have paddled you until you bled'.
`Yes Captain', I replied and Tara thanked her as we left.
`Thanks for not punishing me', I told Tara when we got into my quarters.
`As long as I get what you started earlier, I don't mind.......', she said with a twinkle in her eye. `.....and there is no way you are going to avoid giving me what I want'
`Of course not'. Tara stripped, her well toned body, glistening in the half light that originated from the orange candle flickering inside the lamp. Her breasts, firm and fantastically proportioned, invited my hands to caress.
`Strip!', she ordered and as quickly as I could I shed my garments.
Tara looked invitingly sexy, dressed in just her calf-high boots, her body sparkling, and welcoming. I cuddled her, our skin rubbing sensually against each other. Then this kiss; her warm moist tongue, early entwining itself around mine. Our lips massaging each other. My erection growing.
She broke off, and looked into my eyes. Falling back on the bed, she directed my head between her legs and I slipped my tongue up her slit. She laughed slightly, as my tongue massaged her moistening gash. She slid down the bed a bit more and opened her legs up to give me better access. Soaking her in saliva, my mouth organ glided from her hood, to her hole, to butthole and back again. As slippery as a ice rink, as sweet as honey, Tara moaned in anticipation of her climax she knew she was getting.
Using my hands, I poked her engorged clit from underneath its' hood and then wrapped my lips around it. Tara squealed in shock and groaned in ecstasy.
`Ooohhhhhhhhh......Hhhhnnnnnnnnnnnn.......Hhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnn........AAAAAAGGGGHHHHHNNNNNNNNNN', she squealed vocally, her hips rocking against my face.
`Oh yes......oh god.......oh yeah......UUUUHHHHHHHHHH HHHUUUHHHHH......more..........do it faster'.
I edged my middle finger along her thighs and slipped into her lubricated hole. She barely noticed, until I curled it at the knuckle and stroked the wall of her love canal.
Touching her G-Spot trebled her vocal output.
`Mmmmmnnnnnnnnn..........AAAAAAAAaaaaaggggggggghhhhhh', she repeated over and over as my fingers tickled her insides, while my tongue sucked away on her clitoris.
`AAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH', she cried out, as my tongue flicked her clitoris. Her thighs starting tensing, her muscles pulsing as my tongue swept back and forth over the tip of her engorged pleasure button. I felt our fluids, my salvia and her sweet juice, drip down my hand and onto the bed.
I upped the speed of my stroking as fast I could, and she jumped.
`Ohhhhh my god', she squealed. `That's...........AAAHHHHHHH.......I'm ccccuuuummmmmmmiiiinnnngggg----'
`Uuuuuuhhhh', she groaned. Her back arched and her groin stationary as her climax powered through her body. `UUUUUUHHHHHHHHLLLLLLL----', she screamed.
I waited for her body to stop bucking and then started flicking her clitoris again with my tongue.
`Oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh', she sighed, throwing her head back
`Fuck me', she said. `Fuck me doggy style'. Without a need for a second invitation, I withdrew from her and watched her flip herself over.
Sliding my expectant cock into her well lubricated hole, she sighed. Slowly I thrusted back and forth into her heavenly hole. Already still very horny, she was squealing with every forceful thrust.
`Ohhhhh yesss', she groaned in between catched breaths. `Hhhhhhmmmmmmmmm.....yes'
I too started groaning every time I rammed my manhood into her.
`OOOOOOOOO', she uttered. `Uhhh......uhhhhh.......uhhhhhh.... ooooohhhhhh.....fuck yes......OH FUCK YESSSSSS', she squealed as my rod plundered her young pussy. Skin started slapping against skin, as my thrusts into her got quicker and quicker.
I saw her reach around and began touching her clitoris. `HHHHmmmmmm YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS', she screamed and threw her head onto the bed. I felt her muscles clench around my cock several times as she screamed in pleasure.
`Don't fucking stop', she shouted and I began thrusting as hard as I could against her. Incredible sensations flooded my body but Tara was ready to come again. Her breathing was still rapid and she squealed as she exhaled.
`Fuck......uhhhhhh......uuuuuggggghhhhh', she cried as my cock rammed into her.
`That's incredible', she muttered as I smashed my cock home.
`I'm cummmmmmminnng', I warned her between my laboured breaths.
`OOOOOHHHHH YEAH', she cried. `Come into meeeeee.....come into meeee like the dirty slut I am'
As I felt the unmistakable glow in my loins catch fire, I clenched my buttocks. Tara was rocking forcefully against my thrusts.
`AAAAAGGGGHHHHHH.....', she screamed as my cock twitched and squirted my sticky juice into her. I saw Tara throw her head forward, unmistakably as she orgasmed again. Her muscles twitched around my cock as it pumped into her.
We stayed there for a few moments as bodily fluids seeped out of everywhere and dripped onto the bed. Tara sighed.
`That was awesome', she told me.
`Ditto', I replied as she sat up. `You're incredible'
Tara smirked and then looked at me, something clearly on her mind.
`What's up?'
`I really need to dump Dave', she told me. `He's a good bloke, but just not for me'
`Isn't what goes on at sea, stays at sea?', I asked her, slightly guiltily and she shook her head.
`No. I want this on the land as well. I need this sort of sex every day. Dave can't make me orgasm'
`How long have you been dating?', I asked hestitantly.
`Two....nearly three years', Tara told me. `I've been ummming and ahhhing for awhile though. My boyfriend before Dave could give me great pleasure but was an arse. Dave's great everywhere, except in the bedroom'
`I'm sorry', I told her truthfully. `I do really like you and I wouldn't want you to split up because of me'
`I thought you liked attached women', she shot back, recalling our conversation in the Crows Nest.
`I do. But I wouldn't want the woman to be unattached because of me'
`Because they might come after you for a relationship?', Tara asked.
`Depends on the woman', I told her.
`What about this one?', she said, her hands resting on her knees. `What would you say?'
`Ah.....', I answered shocked. `Well I do like you, but......'
`I understand', she interrupted, clearly upset. She began getting her clothes together and getting dressed quickly.
`Tara....don't be like that. I think that you would do far better for yourself', I answered but she wasn't listening.
Chapter : Duelling with Tabatha
We were interrupted when Suzanne appeared, looking bedraggled and exhausted. There was a slightly awkward exchange as Tara said her goodbyes and got dressed, while Suzanne pretended to not care that we had been enjoying ourselves in the bed she shared.
`You OK?', I asked her to break the stony silence.
`Fucking knackering being up there. All my leg muscles are in agony. And its just started lashing it down', she moaned. I resisted the urge to remind her that it was her own fault, and she continued. `You can taste little else apart from the spray and the Sun dehydrates you so quickly. Starving as well. Had to beg Hannah for some food and drink'
`Because I missed dinner and she didn't want to open up the galley just for me. Had to have just a couple of slices of stale bread'
Suzanne and I spoke for half an hour before going to sleep. She slept soundly, but I couldn't stop thinking about what Tara had said. I eventually got to sleep, and slept well until I was awoken rudely by the sound of my alarm. I awoke the Captain fifteen minutes later, who decided to eat her breakfast on the Upper Deck. The warm morning Sun and cool breeze was lovely, replacing the thunderstorms that apparently raged during the night.
I saw Tara come up the stairs with her sister, Georgina and walk past me. She eyed me, but did not acknowledge my presence and I resisted the urge to wish her good morning. I wasn't sure if she still wanted to talk to me after my non-committal last night, but still could not believe that she had said what she had said, or implied.
The Captain asked how the previous night had been and I told her all the details. She listened as I recounted every word, groan, tongue flick and cock thrust to her.
`We should be at land tonight', she told me. Her voice seemed excited and she looked out over the calm ocean.
`Captain', a voice from behind me spoke.
`Yes', bellowed the Captain who had turned to face Georgina.
`Lieutenant Anne wishes to see you in the Navigation Room'
`Sure. Cabin Boy....get rid of these plates'
By the time I had returned, Tara was waiting outside the Navigation Room.
`I wouldn't go in.....Lieutenant Anne wanted to talk to the Captain alone.', Tara explained. `I got kicked out', she added.
`Wind looks like it might change direction and I think unless we change course drastically we would drift too far South'
`So why the secrecy?', I asked.
`Navigation often is......', she replied.`
`Look Tara....'
`I know what you are going to say and don't', she replied icily.
`You don't', I told her, offended.
`I do. And I do understand. And it wasn't a proposition by the way. The Captain would not let you on the ship if you were going out with me'
`She wouldn't? Why not?'
The door to the Navigation Room was flung open and the Captain stood there. She addressed Tara. `Bearing 300 degrees for two hours.'
The Captain was a little rushed in the morning and I was sent on a number of errands getting various members of the crew for get-togethers and meetings. By the time lunchtime came I was nearly worn out, but the meetings continued, and it became apparent that the ship was likely to hit port tomorrow morning.
The Captain ordered an early dinner and addressed the crew. She explained that the wind had dropped and we would still dock in Hamilton within 24 hours. She looked magnificently regal and the crew listened eagerly. After dinner, the Captain addressed the crew again.
`It has come to my attention that a certain member of our crew may have been helping themselves to the Galley. By the power vested in me as Captain, I can convene a ship court to determine their guilt, which I shall do.'
There was a deathly hush and all eyes looked around the room.
`Sadie.......come HERE', the Captain ordered and a girl rose nervously from the Rho table. She had long blonde hair, that reached her pert, 36C breasts. She was a few inches shorter than me but was certainly carrying a couple of extra pounds.
`I will allocate you a defence.....my cabin boy'.
Sadie looked at me, who looked back shocked. I was no defence lawyer!
`Can I not defend myself, Captain?', asked Sadie as she reached the front.
`Is my Cabin Boy not good enough for you?', the Captain asked indignantly.
`I want to defend myself', Sadie replied resolutely.
`I want the Cabin Boy to defend you. And for the prosecution, I select Tabatha. Jury of Taitlech, Commander Helen, Mary, Penelope and Lieutenant Ruth. I will be the judge'
There was a shuffling of feet and bodies as everyone rearranged themselves.
`You have two minutes', the Captain told us as we went to the side of the room.
`So...did you do it?', I asked her. She shook her head.
`Of course not, you cunt', she replied. `Steal from this lot. I'd be fucking lynched'
`You might be', I told her who scowled at me. `Well what happened?', I said, quickly changing the subject.
She flicked her hair and shrugged her shoulders. `I don't know'
`Well, without any facts it'll be hard to mount a defence', I told her honestly.
`Well, you fucking better. I don't want to be chucked off this ship', she spat. Her hands waved aggressively in front of her and she poked me in the chest.
`Then tell me what happened?'
`I can't. I don't know where these allegations came from'.
Thinking that she was already lying to me, I stared at her intently. `You sure?'
The Captain called us to the front of the room shortly afterwards and was sat facing everyone.
To her right sat the five members of the jury, while to her left sat Tabatha. She looked just as nervous, having been briefed in just a few minutes by the Captain as to the charges Sadie was facing.
`How does Sadie plead?', the Captain asked.
`Not guilty', answered Sadie and the Captain glared at her.
`You have been present at these courts before and as such know that the accused has no right to speak unless spoken to. Do it again and you will be in contempt of this court and will be punished. Cabin Boy, how does Sadie plead?'
`Not guilty, Captain', I broadcasted clearly.
`Tabatha, if you could call your first witness', the Captain told her, and Tabatha summonned Hannah, the big-breasted galley girl.
`You understand that dishonesty here, is contempt of court' , the Captain asked her and Hannah answered. She then gave her story of having had half a meat pie stolen from the galley along with a quarter of rum. She refused to concede that she may have miscounted under cross examination but did point out that the loss of these items was not necessarily linked to Sadie.
Julia, the next witness confirmed that these items had been taken on the night before the raid, while Bridget claimed that Sadie had returned to their quarters a little worse for wear that night.
`Surely, Bridget, that you cannot be seen as a credible witness?', I asked her, to cries of ?objection? from Tabatha and Bridget.
`Explain yourself, Cabin Boy', barked the Captain, `or else you will be in contempt of court and I will personally flog you until you bleed'
`Sorry Captain, what I mean is.....you have been punished twice on this ship for forgetfulness. You forgot your cutlass, and you forgot to return your tankards. With such a history of disorganisation and forgetfulness, could you have not been mistaken and it was another member of your team that returned drunk?'
The Captain spied me as I spoke and then returned her attention to Bridget.
`No....!', cried Bridget. `It was her. I saw her. She was drunk. Just after the games in here with you and the girls'
`It was late when that finished', I told her. `The light would have been poor. Sadie could easily have been mistaken for anyone else in your team'
`No! It wasn't', Bridget retorted.
`No more questions for Bridget', the Captain said icily and asked Tabatha to call her last witness.
Sandra, a 25-year-old domestic with short green hair went to the front of the room. She claimed to have found a large amount of crumbs that day in the Rho quarters, which I did point out was shared by six other seawomen.
In concluding her case, Tabatha showed the links between the missing food, to the Rho quarters and then to Sadie.
And then it was my turn.....
`I would like to congratulate the prosecutor for successfully linking the theft of these items to a team of seven crew. But her failure is to not show it was Sadie. We know there was probably food stolen from the Galley as Julia and Hannah have said so. We know that it was probably eaten in the Rho quarters as Sandra has said so. None of these three has any reason to lie.....but Bridget does.....'
`I'M WARNING YOU', barked the Captain angrily.
`Sorry Captain', I said and turned to face the Jury again. `I ask you, ladies of the Jury, what Bridget would say if she had taken the items? Surely, it makes sense to try and pin it on a crew member in her own team? I ask you to look at the facts. Not one person saw Sadie enter the Galley. Not one person saw Sadie drink or eat anything. Not one person saw Sadie leave the Galley. You would be convicting Sadie on the strength of the evidence of one person, who has shown themselves to be disorganised and forgetful in this voyage....'
`CABIN BOY', yelled the Captain. `You are now in contempt of this court'
`.....Sorry Captain', I muttered forgetting where I was in the speech I had carefully worked out in my head. `So ladies of the Jury, the question is this, has the evidence before you, showed Sadie did anything other than be a victim to a scheming and dishonest member of this crew?'
The Captain banged her fist on the table in front of her and yelled at me to sit down.
`Can I finish my defence please, Captain', I asked bravely and she pointed at me.
`SIT DOWN', she ordered.
`This is a Kangeroo Court', I muttered to Sadie, which unfortunately the Captain heard
`Thumbs up for Guilty, thumbs down for Not Guilty. Count of 3', the Captain told the Jury and they all extended their hands out in front of them.
`1.....2......3', shouted the Captain and just two thumbs were raised in the air. Commander Helen and Lieutenant Ruth both found her guilty, but the remaining three found her not guilty. Sadie punched the air excitedly.
`Sadie.....you are free to go. Now Cabin Boy.....you are in contempt of this court. I sentence you to be flayed with an inch of your life tomorrow'
How did that work? I defend Sadie successfully but end up with getting punished.
Chapter: Tara's explanation
Tara, and indeed everyone except Sadie, shunned me after the Court and I was left to ponder my future alone. I was very aware of the ship docking in Hamilton tomorrow could spell the end of my time on the ship and if I ever needed a friend, now was it. She left to go on duty and I was left naked in my quarters with Suzanne for company.
Suzanne was not in the mood to chat and as I lay naked in the bed, nightmare visions of years in prison whirring round in my head. I needed to speak to Tara. If nothing else I did not want us to part on bad terms. Tentatively, I put my shorts on, I left the room without waking Suzanne, who was snoring slightly.
The deck was cold in the night air, it whistling past my exposed nipples. The sails billowed strongly in the wind, and flapped noisily. Quietly as I could, I crept onto the Upper Deck and started climbing to the Crows Nest. I was barely at the first platform when I realised this was a ridiculous idea. The wind, chilled my fingers to the bone, while nearly dragging me off the ladders when it got strong. The low light, meant I was searching for each step in the dark.
In total it took twenty minutes to climb to the top of the Crows Nest and I gingerly opened the hatch. I could make out a figure knelt over the basket on the opposite side of the hatch and I hissed Tara's name.
She jumped and looked.
`John....what the fuck do you want?'
`To speak to you'
`Do you have any idea what would happen if I told the Captain you were up here?'
`Yes, but you won't, will you?'
`I might', she told me. `Now what do you want?'
`I'll be honest....', I told her as I closed the hatch. `I'm terrified of the Court Martial when we land'
Tara snorted. `Well I can't help you with that'
`Tara please', I pleaded with her. `You've been growing up around the Navy for years. What's going to happen? I want to be out here rather than in prison or getting hanged. I like it out here and I like you and the Captain and everyone. What do I need to do to make them let me stay?'
Tara shook her head. `You are a twat aren't you?'
`I know I shouldn't have come onto the ship but that was ages ago, and if this all turns out....'
Tara cut me off. `I mean climbing up here. Do you know how dangerous it is to be climbing up here in the dark in high winds'
`Yes....but I needed to speak to you'
`Look, I can't tell you what is going to happen as I haven't been to a Court Martial at the Admiralty......but if the Captain supports your case they will probably let you stay'
`And if she doesn't?'
`Better work out what your last meal will be', she sneered.
`Fuck! Does it really come down to the Captain'
`Yep', Tara responded. `And if I was her I wouldn't be so sure especially after your performance in the court tonight. I mean, how many times did the Captain warn you?'
`I know. I just tried to do the best for Sadie'
`Who probably did take those items.....why do you think the Captain chose you to be her defence?'
I shrugged my shoulders, but Tara couldn't see it in the dark. `I dunno'
`Simple. To work out who your loyalty was with. Everyone hates people who steal on the ship but is it to her or a sudden fairweather friend', Tara said, happily ignoring the irony of pirates who suddenly seemed to have a rigid moral code.
`But if she wanted to punish her then why didn't she just do so?'
`You can be so thick at times. You don't get it, do you? It wasn't Sadie's trial, it was your trial'
`By forcing you to her defence spokesman, you had to decide between her and Sadie. And without upsetting anyone. You failed'
`But the evidence didn't support....'
`Shut up! Of course the evidence supported it. The Captain knew she was guilty, and you knew she probably was. So, where do your loyalties lie....her or a member of the crew you've not spoken to before, eh? She saved your life when you were found. You could have been chucked overboard'
`But I was told to.....'
`No you weren't. You were told to be her defence.....it was up to you to work out what the Captain wanted. And it was clear to everyone in that room except you'
`Then why did the Jury....'
`Find her not guilty? Because you made it so they could do little else. You discredited the witness'
`But they could have ignored it, surely?'
`It's a court. They have to make up their own minds based on the evidence. The Captain chose you to make sure that she wasn't found not guilty but you fucked it right up'
`So what do I do know then?......'
`Fuck off back down the mast and don't get killed', Tara told me.
`Tara, please'
`Then enjoy your whipping and last day on this ship. You won't have another.'
`Tara.....I know I have a lot a learn but I want to stay and I want to make amends. And I know I offended you but I didn't mean what I said to come out like that'
`I am not bothered about that. You caught me in my post-climax glow.......I couldn't really date a Cabin Boy'
`So what's the problem then? I said you could do much better for yourself and you could'
`I don't have a problem'
`Well you do.....you told me you wanted me to stay before I said that and now you are telling me to never come back'
`I can change my mind. You are an arrogant cunt and we will be glad when you have gone'
`I'm sorry I upset you. Will you please accept my apology before I leave'
`Yes', she said unconvincingly. `Now go before we are both walking the plank. The Captain will kill us if she sees you up here with me'
I let out a deep breath and sighed. `OK. Well thank you for your time, and I hope you don't remember me that badly'
I pulled up the hatch and started feeling for the first step in the dark.
`John.....if you really want to make amends and convince the Captain to let you stay then your next step should be obvious to you'
The trip down to bottom of the deck was even more dangerous that going up. On more than one occasion, my feet slipped and was left dangling tens of metres from the deck by just my hands as my feet scrambled to find a foothold.
It took longer to reach the deck but it took to climb to the top of the Crows Nest, but was relieved to be on solid ship once more. But what did Tara mean, if I wanted to stay my next step would be obvious to me?
Creeping into the quarters, I had to prod Suzanne to make room in the bed and settled down. Not that I got much sleep.
Chapter: Making amends
I was ready to wake the Captain up at dawn and hesitantly knocked sharply on her door. There was no answer, so I tried again and again. When I opened the door, the Captain was not there and so I walked up onto the Main Deck and then the Upper Deck.
`Ahh...Cabin Boy....I have no need for you this morning', she told me from the other end of the Upper Deck.
`Yes Captain', I told her and went to leave.
`Go and help the crew in the galley', she bellowed and I went off to help Hannah and Julia prepare breakfast. Neither of them were talking to me much even when I tried to make some conversation and began to realise what Tara had said was true......I was really was disliked all of a sudden. A pariah almost.
Feeling self-aware all of a sudden, I did all the tasks I was given as quickly as I could but was dismissed by Lieutenant Ivana at the end of service.
I found the Captain on the Upper Deck again who barely acknowledged my presence, as she chatted to Tara and Lieutenant Anne. Tara eyed me as I came up the steps but then went back to ignoring me.
`Ring the bell', the Captain told me after a couple of minutes of ignoring me and I descended the open air steps to bell outside the Captain's office.
She descended the steps as the crew assembled on the ship and I stood nervously awaiting my punishment from the court hearing.
Once everyone was together, the Captain spun round in the circle before resting her eyes on me.
`Bridget....go to my room and get the Cat O' Nine Tails', she ordered.
`Before I thrash you into a messy pulp Cabin Boy, do you have anything you wish to say'
`Yes Captain', my voice quivering nervously. `I want to apologise to you and your crew, but especially you for my conduct last night'. The Captain peered down her nose at me, and I continued. `I knew....we all did....that Sadie took those items, but I tried to discredit an honest member of your crew in front of you to get her off. I owe you and everyone a lot more loyalty than that.....'
`Go on', barked the Captain as my voice trailed away.
`......I know I have a lot to learn but I really do want to be part of this ship in future voyages.....'
`Why?', yelled the Captain. `Why do you want to be on my ship?'
`Because I want to serve my country, I want to serve you. I hope there is a role for me here and you will let me stay. I know I will fuck up as I learn. And I know I will get punished when I do, like now, but I do want to stay for as long as I am wanted.'
`I am not sure if you are wanted!', the Captain exclaimed. `And yes, you will get punished. As to your future, I have not decided yet what to do with you.'
I nodded in acceptance as she uttered the words. Bridget appeared with the whip and the Captain ordered me to remove my skimpy shorts and position myself against the rigging.
Thanking Bridget, she took aim with the Cat O' Nine Tails and brought it down sharply across my buttocks. A searing white hot pain slashed through me and I cried out in agony.
`You are.....',shouted the Captain as she brought the whip back down across my buttocks.
`......a despicable, lying,.....', she yelled over my screams and brought the whip down for a third time.
`......nasty little shit who I should have......', the Captain barked as the whip hit my buttocks for a fourth time, harder than it had done before.
`.....chucked overboard when we found you'. She brought the whip down even harder for a fifth time and I felt my rear explode in more pain than I had ever experienced in my life.
The Captain passed the whip to another member of her crew and cackled as the whip was brought down on my rear end. I yelled in agony, as one of the tips curled round my perineum and flicked my balls.
`Go on Tabatha', I heard the Captain say and the whip was brought down again, nowhere near as hard as before, but I still cried out.
After which I lost track of who was whipping me, but certainly Commander Helen, Lieutenant Ruth, Suzanne and Africa all got their chance. As I was being struck I could hear laughter from everyone around me, and yet I wanted to stay on board the ship even more than ever. I had been struck 23 times and I could feel my lower back and buttocks bleeding. Tears dripped down my face in pain and humiliation.
`Tara.......', the Captain barked, `.......give him one'
I screwed my eyes up in anticipation of the immense agony she would put me through, but the whip barely made contact with my skin and I breathed, and almost audible sigh of relief.
`Cabin Boy.....', the Captain said. `.....turn and face me'
Wiping my eyes with my hands, I turned round with my cock hanging out. I noticed a small pool of blood had accumulated around my feet.
`Do you know why you were struck 24 times?', the Captain asked.
`Because 25 strikes will kill a man, Captain', I replied, recalling a passage at the front of the book Commander Helen had given me at the start of the voyage.
`Correct! Legend has it that 25 strikes will kill someone so you have been flayed to within an inch of your life. Let that be a lesson to you'
`Yes. Thank you Captain'
The Captain looked around the crew and dismissed then. I tried to look at my bleeding wounds but could see very little. Tabatha and Sandra came over to me.
`You need to get those nasties dressed', Sandra told me and with Tabatha on tow, took me to my room.
`Does it hurt', Tabatha asked rather pointlessly as Sandra, the designated ship nurse, was cleaning the wounds.
`Just a little', I replied as I lay on the bed.
`I've not seen anyone flayed to within an inch of their lives before', Tabatha told me aimlessly. `I've been on quite a few voyages and not seen it or heard of anyone being flogged 24 times. It's a rare punishment.'
`I'm going to stitch these wounds', Sandra told me, cutting Tabatha off. `This will probably hurt a bit'
`OK', I replied.
`Mind you......', wondered Tabatha, '?..I wonder if this is the Captain's way of wiping the slate clean. I mean you won't offend the Captain again will you?'
I was clenching my teeth as Sandra's needle darted in and out of my painful skin.`Not-t-t-t-t bloody likely'.
There was a knock on the door and I heard Africa's voice who had been sent to retrieve Tabatha, so she could do some work that morning and to tell me to take the rest of the day off to recover.
It took Sandra another half-an-hour to finish and my back and rear were still agonisingly sore when she had.
`Well they've stopped weeping and bleeding', she told me, `but they won't heal for a good few days.'
I thanked her as she left, but was left with resting on my stomach as my back was too sore, and reading the book I had been given by Commander Helen.
Time simply doesn't fly when you are bored, and by midday I was anxious to get out of the room. Tentatively, I pulled my shorts up, and even though the wounds were sore, the pain was bearable. I was acceptable to walk, and carefully I ventured out of my quarters and into the corridor.
The Captain was in her quarters and I knocked loudly on the door.
`Enter', shouted a voice from within the room.
`Cabin Boy......', she called as I came in, '?...you were told to take the day off to recuperate. We will be in port soon'
`I know Captain.......but I am on this ship to serve you'
`Good', she smiled. `You can tidy my quarters before we dock. I was going to do it, but I can check on our progress'
`Yes Captain', and glad to be doing something, eagerly set about washing the floor and walls, tidying the bureau, polishing her brasses, making her bed and dusting her pictures.
She returned an hour later as I was finishing and nodded when she saw her room.
`We can see land', the Captain told me. `Come and watch Hamilton come into view. It's truly magnificent.'
`Yes Captain', I replied and followed her out of her quarters and onto the main deck and then the upper deck.
I could barely see the spot the Captain was pointing to, but she was adamant that it was Hamilton.
Tara appeared next to me and she gave my rear a playful and very painful pat.
`Twenty minutes, Captain', Tara told her and left.
It was weird watching the small spot get bigger and bigger. A coastline appeared and then the city of Hamilton came into view. When we There were a couple of extra ships in the harbour, but our ship navigated wide of these, and aimed directly for the plaza that was coming swiftly into focus.
With a soft bump, the ship had landed, and a number of the girls moored ropes to the jetty. One climbed up the wooden jetty and lowered the gangplank into position.
A number of smart naval personnel came running over from the dull office building at the end of the plaza and the Captain went to meet them.
`Good trip?', they asked.
`Excellent', replied the Captain, her face beaming. `Probably the best we have ever had'
The crew were watching this exchange with interest but focus turned to me.
`We had a stowaway', the Captain told them as their gaze fell onto me. `He has been my Cabin Boy but he will need to go to the Admiralty'
`Take him back with the girls on the train', came the response.
`Are you going to empty your vessel, or are the support crew going to do it?', asked the smart naval woman.
`Let the support crew do it. There is a lot'
There was a small cheer and the crew began to disembark. I was pushed by the Captain to walk across the gangplank and when we reached the plaza, the door to the office building was open. We had barely reached inside when my hands were handcuffed and I pushed into a little room with no light and no toilet.
Four hours later, and with Jacqueline, the nymphomaniac from Navigation, Suzanne, the fraudulent pirate and James and his partner from the ship. All had been handcuffed also, thrown into the room and the door bolted. James moaned for awhile but went silent when he realised that no-one was listening to him.
The door opened again and we were ordered out. Marched through the drab building, we went outside again to a little railway station, standing at which was a three carriages long train. I could hear a number of excited voices coming from the front two, but inevitably we were thrown into the third carriage that was dark, drab and uncomfortable.
It took what felt like just under an hour to reach our destination. The handcuffs were digging into my skin painfully and I was sure my back was bleeding again. The train was stationery for a few minutes before the door to our carriage slid open and the harsh sunlight flooded into my eyes.
Dragged to my feet, I was manhandled out of the carriage by two naval personnel and marched a short way through what was clearly a military base, through a gate in a barbed wire 8ft fence, and then into a white block-like building.
Chapter: Court Martial
My cell was a small room with a bed and a toilet in it. Hanging on the wall was a prison uniform and the guard told me to get changed. She brought me a meal a few minutes later of spaghetti bolognase and I then changed into the blue jumpsuit. My pirate clothes were collected by the guard and I settled on my bed in the cold room to sleep for the night.
Breakfast was also served in my room, alone and consisted of some lukewarm milk and cereal with a cup of tea. I had barely time to finish before I was marched out of my cell, and then the cell-block and across the base and into a large imposing building.
My destination was on the second floor. One of my escorts knocked sharply on the door of the unnamed room and was told to enter. I was prodded through the opened door.
The room was panelled in deep mahogany, with a large Caledonian flag hanging behind a long desk where five women were sat.
There was a chair in front of them and I was told to sit down.
I noticed the Captain on the far end, but did not recognise any of the other people. The women in the middle had more medals and was the one beckoning me to the chair. She smiled meekly at me.
`I am Admiral Helga Stafford and you have been summoned to this military court for a variety of offences. As you will be aware, as a civilian, you have no rights at this trial to legal representation, but if you get confused, we will explain it to you if you ask. Now I would like you to explain to us why you were on board the ship?'
I recounted the events of that fateful day from leaving Lucy and Mark's house to wandering onto the plaza and hiding.
`Why did the ship sail if you thought you had a stowaway on board?', asked the Admiral to the Captain.
`He had been spotted but not found. We did a sweep of the ship but he was in the cargo hold and we had to set sail immediately or lose the good wind'.
The Admiral nodded in approval and then asked, `So what happened when you were discovered?'
Leaving out the sex and games which I figured the Admiralty did not want to hear, I detailed what the Captain had me doing when at sea.
She laughed when I used the term `Cabin Boy' but allowed me to finish.
`The problem I have....well we have.....is that only women are allowed to be sailors, and the post of Cabin Boy, although legendary, died out 150 years ago, so it would prevent you from joining that ship, irrespective of useful you were.......so there needs to be a punishment for your offences, but you also have been subject to classified military secrets so you will have to stay in the military in some way.'
I felt the colour drain from my face as she said this. All my hopes....dashed in one sentence.
`Actually Admiral, there is something that may help here', said the woman on the other end of the desk. She picked up a piece of paper from the table and started reading.
`I've done some research and Cabin Boys were allowed from Queen Theresa II. Their status was enshrined in the Seafaring and Naval Act and this law has never been repealed although an Admiral's order, issued by Admiral Betty Carpenter stated that ships could only carry Cabin Boys if the Admiral had given them permission. There is no legal reason why he could not stay with Captain Rachel and stay on board if you decide to allow it'
`Well done Rhona. Rachel's proposal is that he stays on the ship as her Cabin Boy but he would be the only male in our navy at sea. And untrained.' the Admiral replied.
`Admiral, He would be the lowest rank on the ship and the Mazu has eight crew more than the Sedna, so there is plenty of room'
`I am worried about the lack of training', the Admiral told her.
`He will learn, and he did use a cutlass very effectively when capturing the bounty', the Captain answered in my defence.
`I did hear about that', the Admiral told her. `Impressive hit, I'm told'
`Lightning fast', the Captain replied.
`OK, are there any implications or requirements to him being on board?', the Admiral asked Rhona.
`Just one....', Rhona broadcast. `It is the law that he has a tattoo on his shoulder, naming the Captain that he serves'
`Well that won't be a problem......I'm thinking that the Cabin Boy or Girl position could be useful again, especially with the size of the crew our Captains command, and as he has already been on the ship, he would make a good guinea-pig, BUT the training worries me.'
There was silence for a moment and then the Admiral spoke again. `Rhona, what are you thoughts?'
`I think that if Rachel wants him, then there must be a good reason for that, and it would be a good way to test out the reintroduction of the Cabin Boys. I could certainly use one when I am at sea'
`Evelyn?', asked the Admiral. The slightly sour-faced older woman looked deeply at me and then spoke.
`He would be an untrained distraction. Our girls are the best of the best don't forget and he isn't'
`I am not convinced either way. Cabin Girls would be fine, but Cabin Boys....they used to work apparently but why did they die out?'
`The practice was ceased as the Queen wanted all-female ships', Rhona told her.
`Well.....it's a tough one'
`I did get a report from Intelligence on him', the Captain said.
`Well?' asked the Admiral.
`Came to their attention we he dated Virginia Trent a few years ago for awhile. Was known to experiment with mild drugs and alcohol but tolerated her promiscuity and bad behaviour. Did manage to sleep with Virginia on her weddng day, but apart from that there is nothing they have concerns over'
`Virginia Trent......I was there on the wedding day', the Admiral spoke. `Did you really screw her on her wedding day?'
`Errrr........yes Admiral'
`Nice work', she said approvingly. `Having carefully considered the proposal, I will sanction him joining the ship on three conditions. One, I will review this at the end of the season in two months time. Two, he is assigned a member of your crew who will train him while at sea. Three, any problems at all, other than usual discipline, and his time on the ship is ended immediately.'
`Thank you, Admiral', was all I could say but words could not express my happiness. Not that I knew why as I knew I would be disciplined most days but the feeling of elation of finally having had my future confirmed was great.
`Until you have been ended your probationary period, you can live at Portcullis House in Hamilton.', the Admiral told me and I was then dismissed.
In total, it had taken less than 15 minutes, but felt like 15 hours. I was exhausted, but three hours later was standing on the same platform I had left from less than a day previous before being ushered to a small room in the drab office block.
Portcullis House looked out over the harbour, and standing proud in its' small harbour was the Sedna, its bounty plundered by naval workers and ready to go salvaging again.
As I peered over the plaza, sitting on my hard bed, my thoughts naturally turned to Tara and whether Rhona had received a visit from her sister the night before.
For someone who had not been to sea before the feeling of the room going from side to side is an unusual one and guaranteed to wake anyone from their concussed state. There was little light coming into the room, but it was apparent almost immediately that I was not at the bottom of a flight of steps any more, but instead a curled up in room of no more than six foot by eight foot with just a hard wooden floor. There were no windows, and just one sturdy looking door which I assumed was well...
The following day started for me with a shower, getting dressed, getting breakfast, getting the Captain fed and dressed. She read a navigation report before Commander Paula came into her cabin and updated her on the work done during the night crew. Suitably content with these two updates, she stepped out of her office and rang the bell to signify inspections were due to begin. A brief moment passed and all the crew were lined up on the deck. 'I shall conduct the inspections with just my...
A rap of knuckles on my door signified dawn and sleepily I got up. The Commander promised that she would have one of the night crew knock on my door and if I didn't get up she would ensure that I was 'thrown into the sea'. Having not been provided with any nightwear and knowing that sleeping in the uniform is forbidden (Page 16 of the rulebook), I slept naked. In the room there were some towels and a razor and so I grabbed one, wrapped it around me, and headed for the showers for the...
I knocked on the Captain's office and was duly summoned into the room. 'I have moved Suzanne's uniform into my quarters, Captain' 'Good', replied the Captain beaming and sent both Suzanne and myself on our ways with a list of jobs. The first one was for Suzanne to hurl her illicit drugs into the ocean, and then we started on cleaning the main deck which had accumulated a surprising amount of grime and dirt from only three days on the open sea. Suzanne wasn't prepared to talk much and...
The Captain woke Tara and myself up by storming into my little room and throwing off the covers. We had slept little that night, and Tara had had several orgasms (and I even managed a couple myself) 'Come on Cabin Boy', she bellowed. 'Stop fucking my crew. We have work to do.' I came round quickly and she was holding out my razor and towel. 'Get showered, get dressed and get downstairs', she told me and have my naked rear a painful spank as I left the room. Tara quickly joined me in...
Tara, and indeed everyone except Sadie, shunned me after the Court and I was left to ponder my future alone. I was very aware of the ship docking in Hamilton tomorrow could spell the end of my time on the ship and if I ever needed a friend, now was it. She left to go on duty and I was left naked in my quarters with Suzanne for company. Suzanne was not in the mood to chat and as I lay naked in the bed, nightmare visions of years in prison whirring round in my head. I needed to speak to Tara....
My cell was a small room with a bed and a toilet in it. Hanging on the wall was a prison uniform and the guard told me to get changed. She brought me a meal a few minutes later of spaghetti bolognase and I then changed into the blue jumpsuit. My pirate clothes were collected by the guard and I settled on my bed in the cold room to sleep for the night. Breakfast was also served in my room, alone and consisted of some lukewarm milk and cereal with a cup of tea. I had barely time to finish...
Turned out Emma's dad had reiterated his offer to the Captain as a thank you for my deflowering of his daughter. He asked that the Captain give him a handful of the girls to help him and the rest to help the Chief around the village which she was only too happy to do. The following morning, Delta (Lieutenants Chrissie and Charlotte, and Seawomen Kathryn, Amanda, Tabatha, Africa and Holly) were joined by Emma's father and his assistant on the jetty. Their first task was to move the ship...
The last few boxes of the cargo was moved down into the hold as the ship made steady progress through the waves. The wind and waves were much stronger, and it was harder to carry heavy boxes down narrow stairs as the ship bounced across the sea. Morale amongst the crew was noticeably buoyant. The Captain smashed open the last box to be loaded and proudly held aloft a nine-inch long slab of gold metal. 'An ingot. A gold ingot. This is our greatest ever haul', she declared triumphantly. A...
'Cabin Boy. WHERE WERE YOU?', the Captain bellowed as I entered her quarters. 'Sorry Captain. Tara asked me to drop off some binoculars to the Crows Nest', I replied honestly. 'SHE DID WHAT?', the Captain replied and looked at me. I shifted nervously as her eyes bore through me. 'Is there anything else you want to tell me, Cabin boy?' 'Yes Captain. Jacqueline was naked in the Crows Nest and playing with herself', I answered. 'And you did what?', she asked. 'I gave her the...
The Captain leafed through my minutes and read them for a moment before putting them down. I was still standing by the door so she told me to bolt the door from the inside and take my jacket off ... I turned around to see her throwing her jacket onto the floor. 'It's time to see if you can satisfy me in the other way I need you to. Time to earn your reprieve', she told me seductively. 'Certainly Captain', I told her with a smile on my face and she held her hand out and pushed me onto...
I was ready to wake the Captain up at dawn and hesitantly knocked sharply on her door. There was no answer, so I tried again and again. When I opened the door, the Captain was not there and so I walked up onto the Main Deck and then the Upper Deck. 'Ahh ... Cabin Boy ... I have no need for you this morning', she told me from the other end of the Upper Deck. 'Yes Captain', I told her and went to leave. 'Go and help the crew in the galley', she bellowed and I went off to help Hannah...
We were interrupted when Suzanne appeared, looking bedraggled and exhausted. There was a slightly awkward exchange as Tara said her goodbyes and got dressed, while Suzanne pretended to not care that we had been enjoying ourselves in the bed she shared. 'You OK?', I asked her to break the stony silence. 'Fucking knackering being up there. All my leg muscles are in agony. And its just started lashing it down', she moaned. I resisted the urge to remind her that it was her own fault, and...
The Captain was happy to see me in the morning with my breakfast tray and accepted my humble apology for disobeying her. She gleefully teased me about it (and the drinking of Holly's piss) before checking the nightly reports and having her morning shower. By the time the Captain had completed her inspection, including a random pubic hair examination (of which all the girls that she checked passed), the Sun had disappeared and was hidden by dark thunderclouds. A few of the pirates eyed the...
The following day started weirdly. I folded the Ceremonial Uniform up and put in the bottom drawer in my room. Amanda was still sleeping there, but I managed to get in to get a spare change of clothes without disturbing her. Walking through the ship it was clear that I was the only one awake and the Captain asked me to 'fuck off' when I brought her some breakfast and two tankards of cold water. I left them on her bureau before descending the ships ladder and walking into the village. There...
The Captain was awoken at dawn by myself and massive spread of food. I was preparing myself for a hiding for bursting into her room, but she said nothing and was in a good mood so I wasn't going to drop myself in it by apologising and reminding her. Tara and I had heard the Chief and the Captain at it for the most of the evening and it had me incredibly horny but Tara could not spare the time to go inland for a quickie. By the time the Captain was fed, showered, shaved and then dressed it...
The Captain was awake when I entered her room. She was busy reading the reports that had been left under her door by the night crew and my first thought was that I was late, but she didn't say anything and I was awoken by the night crew at dawn. I had with me a breakfast tray for us and she nodded at my arrival. 'Morning, John', she called out and passed me the reports. I took them and skim read them. We were to hit Hamilton within eight hours and there had been no ill discipline during...
Holly seemed to avoid eye contact with me all day, which suited me fine. I think she must have thought that I had arranged her being woken from her bed, stripped, whipped and then abandoned, but I knew nothing about it. The Captain accepted that morning when she asked me again about the scenes we had witnessed the night before, that I was genuinely not involved, and was earning some sort of respect with her crew. She seemed happy at this, but was still not happy with the actions of the Gang...
It was 10pm and I had been backstage all evening. 31 balls were numbered and in a velvet bag. Every ten minutes or so, a bell would sound and the aged gentleman would pick a ball from the bag and call it out. I was number 31, and only me as well as a middle aged man with no teeth were left. I had seen all 29 men go, many needing the services of one of the two naked fluffers who were in the room. I was dressed in the ceremonial army uniform of the islanders, which was even more exposing than...
I was dressed and ready to continue my training in the afternoon, when Tara failed to appear on the Upper Deck when she promised. I gazed out over the unforgiving, choppy ocean when she re-emerged five minutes later with a small box and a bag on the Upper Deck. 'I have the afternoon off', she explained, 'So its some weaponry training for you. These are training swords, but the end is blunted' Tara removed two wooden weapons from the box and the ends of the blades were cut off and...
I awoke at dawn and eagerly got myself ready. I had a good feeling about the day and was raring to go. My muscles were aching slightly after the exertions of yesterday but after a quick stretch in the shower I felt rejuvenated. The Captain ate her breakfast in silence and I did not feel comfortable bringing up my issue of being the only person who got punished for Holly. Surely, Holly getting punished for Holly would be fair also! I cleared up the breakfast things and was outside the...
The sail proved to be a nice distraction for the Captain who seemed at ease ordering her crew around while her juices dripped down her legs and she was half-naked. I brought her some clothes and her boots out to her after tidying the room, which she did put on eventually. Tabatha gave me an all-knowing look but the amount of noise the Captain makes when orgasming I was sure that the entire ship knew she got herself off. Not that it bothered her, or indeed anyone else. It was after-all...
I woke up at dawn and got ready without disturbing the Captain. I was concerned at first by her complete lack of movement but her breathing indicated that she was fine and so I sought out the toilet, then a shower, then breakfast. The Captain stirred as I came into the room carrying two trays laden with food. 'Before you ask, I am fine', she told me as she swung her legs out of her bed. The Captain was a little exasperated with me trying hard to look after her, and when I offered to help...
The Navigation Room was not designed for comfortable sleeping, but Tara and I managed to use some old bedding, the towels and a musty duvet to fashion a mattress and bed and we settled down for the night. Tara was not in the mood to talk to me, being tired and so all I really got was a warm cuddle. The following day, Tara and I were awake and up before the rest of the crew. We had a quick shower, used the lavatory and got breakfast before I woke the Captain, whose wound was still weeping. I...
The Captain was awake when I returned naked from the shower with my clothes under my arm. Amanda was still in my quarters and I still had to go in for clean clothes. I had forgotten to do that prior to my shower and didn't want to get changed in front of Amanda who was beginning to stir. The Captain leered at me while I did get change and made a number of rude comments before dispatching me downwards to get her breakfast. I returned with a tray of toast with jam and two steaming mugs of...
Tara and I knocked on the Captain's door and upon being called in, two naked members of her crew burst in her office dripping wet. She burst out laughing and got up from her bureau. Looking down at Tara's thighs that had my cum dripping down it she scraped her finger up her leg and held it out in front of Tara. 'You have been a busy boy, haven't you', she said looking at me. I nodded, cold and self-conscious. It was irrational. I was often naked in front of the Captain but this time it...
Scott tried to think as he clutched his wife protectively. This had been Scott and Amy’s 1-year-anniversary pleasure trip, a cruise around the continent of Africa. It was supposed to be the perfect, idyllic adventure -- almost like a second honeymoon. And now only uncertainty gripped him. Terror shone in Amy’s pretty blue eyes. Scott wished he could provide some real comfort, but he knew that any words he might say would ring hollow. The sun rose higher, casting a beautiful ball of fire on...
Now all three were in the captain's quarters below deck, being tormented by Khari and the General's two nubile sisters, Lady Neka and Lady Kunto. Amy's poor husband, Scott, had been tied to a chair naked. Lady Neka had put a cock-ring around the base of his shaft and threatened to cut his balls off if he didn't come in 15 minutes. Then she'd proceeded to mount that shaft, humping him hard with her moistening slit as Amy and Jennifer could do nothing except watch in horror. Kunto knelt...
~ Pirates and Maidens by Pamela (c) 2002 Pamela ([email protected]) Miss Gilliam surveyed her sixth grade class. They were truly her favorite class among all those she had taught since she began teaching ten years earlier. What a nice bunch of kids, well, except for that awful Mary Lou Bogart who not only was unattractive, but was a downright tomboy. Many an anecdote about Mary Lou played out in the teachers lounge about her belligerent attitude, since she had...
At the rate Stanly was going, he would soon become the major ship owner on the west coast. He had to figure out a good use for all the ships he captured from the pirates. He would soon have one of the largest navies in the world! The problem was that he didn't have the sailors to man the ships. Once a sailor got to California, all he wanted to do was head for the gold fields. Well, Stanly thought he'd work on the problem, but, right now, there was the more interesting problem of attacking...
Princess Ayumi and the PiratesBy Shabbadew2002Contact me @ [email protected] 1The VoyageThe storm had been fierce and had blown the ship off course. The only girl on board woke and found that the ship was no longer tossing and pitching in the waves. The worst was over andshe might finally go up on deck. Her cramped quartersreeked and needed airing because she and her maidservanthad been seasick. Stressed, she yelled at the older woman to clean the cabin.?You are a lazy, old hen,? she...
The cannon was small, but Capt. Johnson had bought some grapeshot and cannister rounds for it. Either one would play hell with attacking pirates. I made a point of getting to know the three cannoneers, Jim Anderson, Bill Jackson, and Hiram North. They were all veterans of the Indian wars and knew how to handle cannon against gangs of attackers. We all felt a lot more secure when they signed on to the Lovely Louise. Between the cannon and our fast-loading rifles, we would be able to outfight...
The elevator swished open quietly and John, Alyssa, and Calara darted into their respective positions on the bridge. Sparks turned to face them as they arrived on the Command deck. “We’re getting an incoming distress call from a freighter. They’ve been disabled by pirates and are being boarded!” Sparks said with alarm. “Alyssa, plot a course to their location. Calara, shields up and weapons armed, we’re going to need to strike quickly,” John ordered decisively. The girls sprung into action...
I assume that everyone who could hear the cry and see the channel turned to watch, but I don’t know. I was too busy watching Gertrude cycle, and the rock arching up, out, and down. It was a good shot, and the lead ship slowly slid right into the target area. That first shot didn’t sink the ship, but it went through some rigging and smashed into something on the far side of the ship. Now, THAT caused pandemonium! The ship turned some, and then stopped moving. If they’d come at dawn they’d...
We made it! We managed to beat the ice, but it was close. We could see small chunks of ice floating passed us as we traveled down the Missouri River below the Sioux River. Capt. Johnson was pushing as hard as he could to get to St. Louis before other shippers had gotten there and depressed the price of furs. Again, we made it, though we were not the first ones there. Capt. Johnson got a very good price for his furs, but the word was that this might be the last year for the high prices he was...
Stanly wanted his wife, Elizabeth, to know where he was going so that she wouldn't worry if she didn't hear any news of him for a while. They sailed to San Diego and spent a few days there while Stanly got to "know" his wife, again. The seamen enjoyed their liberty among the cantinas, so there were no complaints about the short vacation. They sailed north, with a stop in San Francisco to visit the gunsmith who was making the special shotguns for Stanly. Three were finished already, so...
John stretched and then sat up, leaving the girls curled around him in bed. “You ladies have a rest then come and join me in the officers’ lounge in 30 minutes” he said “I owe you girls that celebratory dinner!” He manoeuvred his way out of the bed, being careful not to accidentally lean his weight on Calara as he climbed over her. The girls snuggled up together, watching him get dressed before waving him goodbye with smiles on their beautiful young faces. John strolled down the corridor...
What we were planning was a sucker trap for the pirates. Whether they attacked our men or not, we were planning to leave the gate open after they marched out. Why? Who knew? Maybe we wanted to give our men a safe place to run back to, if our attack failed. Maybe we were idiots and simply forgot that the pirates could rush in. While the Captain’s force was drilling one last time in the morning, we were going to assemble barricades inside the gate. I had cheerfully volunteered the shop’s two...
Pirates of the CaribbeanA work of erotic fiction by Wolf Ferret ([email protected] )This is entirely a work of fiction and all characters and events are products of the author’s imagination.Chapter 1. A Dangerous VoyageLady Maria Gomez gave a sigh of relief when she woke and found that the ship was no longer tossing in the storm. She and her two teenage daughters might finally be allowed on deck. Their cabin reeked and needed airing because all three of them had been seasick.But when the...
It was only a few days after Eric had come through town that second time that the pirates arrived. Our first warning was the signal fire from the headlands watch post. Soon after that, one of the watchers galloped into town with details. They had seen four ships standing in for the channel and, as agreed, felt that there was no legitimate reason for four trading ships to all arrive at the same time. The moat was nowhere near dug deep enough to stop anyone, but it was at least down low enough...
The first ship the two Captains swam around had several lines, and wreckage hanging over the side. As the two swam around the vessel, in addition to what was hanging over the sides, they could also see lots of debris hanging down from the masts and yardarms. Looking up through all the wreckage, they were not encouraged by what they could see. Finally they picked what they felt would be the two easiest ropes for them to climb, and then started the long crawl up to the deck. Once they climbed...
I sold every one of my shotguns at Rock Island. They were much more popular than the rifles. Even an Indian band pooled their resources and bought one of the shotguns. That was the kind of thing that was going to kill the nomadic life of the Indians. Once they learned how much easier it would be to obtain food with the shotgun, they would be buying powder, shot, and caps. That meant that they would locate near a trading post and not want to wander very far away. We didn't pick up much...
The Monastery Get. Get. Get. Get. "Get me a blanket son." "Get one of the Brothers to drop by my room at 7." "Get another bottle of wine for me young man." I headed down into the wine cellar thinking, 'I got your GET right here old man.' You have no idea how much it sucks to be raised as an orphan on a monastic planet... no idea. All day long, 'do this son' or 'could you get that for me youngster?' Running around for a bunch of old farts telling other old farts how to live, what...
Captain Joseph McFadden, the man hired by Stanly to captain the Elizabeth, was a firebrand when in a fight, but was cool and calculating when presented with a sailing problem. In between the two extremes, he was a good fellow and the best kind of leader for his men. Everybody liked him, but, also, everybody obeyed him without hesitation. He and Stanly held a meeting aboard the Elizabeth to discuss their next move. They planned to take on the smaller of the two remaining pirate gangs the...
As a new member of the crew, you are assigned to engineering. It is a busy department that keeps the ship operating at all times. Your duty is to stand a watch on the engineering station each day, helping the ship’s engineer keep the ship’s warp drive running smoothly. Your watch partner is a female engineer who has been assigned to monitor the warp core. She is a little older than you and she seems to enjoy showing you the ropes. "gee thanks for the help i just didn't guess that this was so...
The Ohio River could and would be very treacherous if it was ever given the chance. Sand bars abounded and the channel was almost impossible to find when the river was in flood. Capt. Johnson had a man on the bow taking depth readings every few yards. The Lovely Louise was barely moving just fast enough to keep up steerage. Any faster and they would not have been able to correct for changes in the channel. Fortunately, the Lovely Louise drew very little water, even when heavily loaded. She...
The toll road ended at a little town in the middle of nowhere. From our point of view, this was a good location, because we were now in the rolling plains that we had been told about. We turned west and headed out. Except for some big rivers where we would need a ferry, we were supposed to be free of major travel hazards, except for bandits. But we were not afraid of bandits! The trip through the rest of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois was pretty quiet, but we were in a hurry, now, since we...
Elizabeth knew what the boredom of living in San Diego was doing to Stanly, so she was easily persuaded to agree to his plan to spend the summer chasing pirates. Stanly spent as much time as possible with Elizabeth while he waited for Capt. McFadden to pick him up. Elizabeth was actually glad to see him leave; she'd had about all the "mothering" she could take from Stanly. Stanly had them head for San Francisco; he wanted to order more of the special shotguns and shells made by his friend...
Wednesday, August 4, 1971 “Absolutely not!” Catherine said. “I am afraid I cannot support you in this, Michael. While the company has sufficient cash flow at the moment, most of it is earmarked for other projects. A wild-goose chase looking for buried treasure is not something that would be easily explained to the board, and...” I was seated at a conference table in one of the many small meeting rooms Kalani had in her office suite, along with my grandmother, Catherine, and my sister,...
While an alarm could come at any time during the day, it was most likely at dawn when all of our lookouts first got a good look at the sea. And, until the sun was up, the eastern lookouts couldn’t see any signal-fire smoke from the western towers. We had an alarm gong at Jayport, hanging next to the docks. It had been hammered out of brass and it didn’t make a loud noise that could be heard over cars and trucks and all the sounds of a modern industrial Earth city. It was plenty loud enough...
Most of the passengers we had brought from New Orleans booked passage for the return trip. The few new passengers we picked up were almost all women. Capt. Johnson asked me to check discretely to determine whether or not any of these women were prostitutes. I did find one of them was a prostitute, so Capt. Johnson met with her before we left Kansas City. He told her that he personally had nothing against prostitutes, and, if she was traveling with us as a normal passenger, she was welcome....
I was not what you would call feminine, though in many ways I was. I wore dresses and cared greatly for the state of my hair, in which I carried so much pride. Groomed to perfection it was, shone in the light with shades of pale blonde and light brown. It was my eyes that my father always said he loved, a pale grey-blue, but they changed in the light. Sometimes they looked as pure blue as the sky above them; for they only showed that particular shade when the sky was clear and the sun was...
Held By Pirates Tanya and I had been trying to keep out of the way of the men on the Pirate Ship ever since we stowed away after they sunk our ship. We had climbed aboard during the night 2 weeks ago, stole some simple clothes so we would dress like men and threw our dresses overboard. The Pirates figured we were just some young boys from the powder magazine and didn’t pay much attention to us but that was not to last. It was a very humid day with no breeze, the ship was becalmed and one...
Prologue Following the development of the Flettner Ion Drive in the late 22nd Century, United Mankind's interstellar explorations began. Initially, exploration vessels crewed by pilots, scientists, soldiers, technicians and medical personnel were sent to star systems that were determined to have planets capable of human colonization. Many were never heard from again. Such was the case of the exploration vessel 'Copernicus' which discovered an Earth style planet the size of Jupiter in the...
Fuck. This obviously wasn't going as she'd hoped. The cannon were low on ammo, though they'd ingeniously improvised with some chains, and even cutlery, doing a fork load of damage to the Royal Marines' vessels (pun intended). They hadn't been expecting an attack, and HMRM had been far more informed than the crew of the Ascent had thought. Rounding into the cove, the Ascent was stuck between three HMRM ships - one on either side and a third blocking their exit. Marisol had been on the stern deck...
The Monster Island Sea was largely ignored by the great naval powers of the world. It was too far away and too dangerous. The Canine Empire was far to the west, the Feline Theocracy began leagues to the east and the Equine Collective positioned far to the north. The sea had temptation though. Each of the three powers denied engaging in any trade with one another but if for whatever reason they did want to send a merchant vessel or two, perhaps carrying silk, spice or salt, then the Monster...
FantasyIntroduction: Real pirates I heard the bell ringing. I knew that the boat would be here in a half hour or so. I noted my bank balance on the computer, our only outside contact with the world. Double checking the recent deposits totaling well over $135,000 dollars silently cursing to myself, that we were not charging enough. As it would barely cover our monthly expenses. But, it had been a slow month for sales, vowing that next month I must raise our sales price to increase our profits. My...
The wind gave such a boost of speed, those last miles, we shot right up on the beach. The crew lurched forward, and the ship stopped hard. Then over the side, the men leapt to the sand. "Praise Poseidon! Praise Zeus! Tonight we make an offering." Several dropped to their knees, grabbing handfuls of sand and letting it spill through their fingers. They looked with rapt eyes at the firm earth beyond. Captain Miltiades released his tight grip on the railing. He smiled at me. "Have you any...