My First Time With Marissa (revised) free porn video

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I glanced across at her and laughed. She was pulling a silly face at me from the other side of the bus, and I couldn't help but giggle along with her. 
Marissa was beautiful. She had long, platinum blonde hair that hung down to her shoulder blades, or at least she would have. At the moment it was dyed dark brown and was held in a loose bun atop her head. Her face was kind and seemed to promise a good time without her actually having to say anything. She had a short, slender build, about 5'2, and firm B-cup breasts. Today she was wearing a low cut green top with a dark, open vest and a floral patterned skirt. I was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. 
I had a massive crush on her, but she had a boyfriend, and I was content just to be her friend. 
"What are you staring me for, Ben?" she teased with a cheeky grin. I couldn't help but admire how adorable she was. I couldn't believe I was lucky enough to know a girl who was so pretty and funny. And she played video games! I was more of an XBox fan, whereas she played online games like League of Legends, but we still had that in common. She also had an incredibly cheeky and often dirty sense of humor. She was too good to be true. And yet there we were.
"I was just looking at your goofy face, how about?" I countered with another laugh.
"Oh, ouch." she said "I don't think I'll ever recover from that."
I laughed yet again, and we continued to trade jokes and friendly insults along with our other friends as the bus took us home from school. I was in 11th grade along with most of my mates, but Marissa was a year older. None of us even noticed the age difference, we all got along so well.

We soon neared my stop, and as I stood and prepared to depart with my best friend Matt, the small angel opposite me looked up.
"Oh, hey Ben? Can I be really annoying?"
I was surprised, but eager to help. "What do you need?"
"Well my parents are out of town and I'm staying with a friend, but she lives across town and this bus doesn't go anywhere near her place. Is it alright if I borrow your phone and give her a call so she can come and pick me up from my place?"
I had no problem with this, and quickly offered her my Mobile phone.
"Thanks so much, Ben."
"No problem." I replied with a shrug. As a skinny 17 year old virgin who had never been in a serious relationship, I could never say no to a pretty girl, even if I wanted to. I wasn't super skinny, or large, in fact at first glance I was in alright shape, but I wasn't especially muscly or sporty like a lot of the gym junkies I was friends with at school. I was more content to sit and read or play a video game than kick a ball around, though I was always more than happy to get a bit physical if the opportunity arose. I quite enjoyed dodgeball (whether I was any good at it was another story altogether) but it didn't help that I was an athsmatic. So it was no wonder girls didn't seem to see me as boyfriend material. I had lots of female friends, just none that saw me as potentially something more. Or so I thought.
Marissa finished speaking with her friend and gave a little pout that almost made me melt to the floor. She handed me my phone back and looked out the window.
"So what's the damage?" I inquired.
"Eh, my friend can't get to me very soon, so I'll have to wait at my place for a few hours before she can come and get me."
I saw an opportunity to spend more time with this amazing young woman, and so I seized it without hesitation.
"Well, you could wait at my place. We could play some games, watch some funny videos and just bum around until your friend can come get you, then she can pick you up from there. My mum might even give you a ride, even easier."
She smiled "That's sweet, but isn't that a bit difficult? I wouldn't want to impose."
I shook my head "No imposition. Mum and Amber (my younger sister) would love you, and you know I already do." I almost choked. Had I just told her I loved her? I had. Oh god. 
But she didn't seem to notice, so I pushed on. "I promise, it won't be that hard."
"Giggidy!" she said immediately, not missing chance to make a dirty joke. We all laughed, and she thanked me and agreed to come to my house until her friend picked her up. 
Matthew hadn't missed that I was taking the opportunity to spend time with Marissa, and nudged me in the ribs with his elbow as soon as she looked away.
"Eh? Eh?" he said, sounding amazingly like Eric Idle in that Monty Python sketch.
"Shuttup!" I chuckled, giving him a light shove. He laughed some more, but I was aced more hassle as he was distracted by another friend of ours.
I turned back to look at Marissa, who was gazing out the window again.
Whether she had noticed my little slip or not, I did love this girl. Even if she was spoken for, I couldn't help my feelings.

Upon arriving at the bus stop, I stepped out into open air with Marissa, my best friend and his twin sister. The four of us walked to the corner where I bid the siblings Au Revoir and wandered to my own home with a gorgeous goddess at my side. The two of us joked and laughed all the way there, and I was still chuckling when I opened the door and called out through our small house to let my family know that I was home. My parents had never married, and they had split when I was 5 and my sister was 2. We lived with mum, but saw our father often enough. I was glad that my parents were on good terms, which was more than I could say for many people I know.
Our house was small, but homely. there was just enough room for the essentials. 
I wandered into the kitchen, not surprised by the lack of response, and discovered a small note saying that my mum and sister had gone to stay with a friend for the night, leaving me alone with Marissa.
"Looks like it's just you and me for the next few hours." I shrugged apologetically.
"That's fine, I'm sure we'll survive."
"Oh, I don't know," I replied with a smirk."If I decide to turn evil while we're here I doubt there's a lot you can do to stop me." I then glanced at my skinny arms "Oh wait..."
"Haha, oh I don't think I'll be able to handle such huge muscles." Marissa laughed, and I laughed with her. 
I asked if she wanted to watch a movie, and she agreed, so I put on a funny movie for us to watch while I fixed us some popcorn and pizza in the kitchen. The way our kitchen and lounge room were set up allowed me to talk to Marissa and watch the movie while I made us food.
We both found Steve Carrell amusing, so Get Smart turned out to be a good choice. 
We compared it to other movies, and talked about our favourites, and continued to do so when we had finished the pizza and moved onto the popcorn. I sat on the same couch opposite her initially, but by the time the movie was almost over we had somehow moved ourselves right next to each other in the centre of the couch. There was a tense moment in the movie, so we had stopped talking to watch.
 I could feel the skin of her bare arm brushing against mine, and it was like an electric shock right through my body. I was taller than her, and as such had a great view down the top of her low cut shirt. My cock rose in my jeans, and I shifted so that it wasn't obvious. The closeness was something I wasn't use to, and I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to be rude by moving away, and I couldn't make a move on a girl who was spoken for, so I remained still, hoping I wouldn't do anything that ruined the moment. My breath was coming quickly, and I glanced again down her top. She was wearing a lacy white bra beneath and I was finding it harder and harder to hide the bulge in my jeans. If she turned and looked down, I'd be in hot water.
I looked up as she turned to me, and smiled. She smiled back and she was so close I could see the patterns in her irises.
I couldn't bear it anymore. She was too beautiful. I quickly stood, turning to hide my raging boner, and walked to the kitchen.
"What's up?" she asked.
"Nothing." I replied, fishing for a sprite from the fridge, then just stood there drinking it, hoping my erection would fade. 
"Come back over here, it's cold." 
I returned reluctantly, and sat down at the edge of the couch, but she moved along and lay down across my chest and rested her head on my shoulder, still facing the TV. 
What was she doing? She had a boyfriend, and he was a nice guy. We got along well enough, and I had nothing against him.  I decided it was prudent to bring up the fact that she was taken, more to discourage myself from doing something stupid than anything else. I was confused by her behavior, but didn't think for a second she would ever be unfaithful, and decided it was just my imagination that she was acting strangely.
"So, how's Jeff?"
She was silent for a moment, and I was unsure as to whether or not she'd heard me. But before I could repeat myself she spoke.
"He broke up with me."
I was shocked. Last I had heard they were a happy couple, no problems at all.
The next thing I knew she had turned around and was sobbing into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her instinctively, no longer worried about my problem downstairs, instead thinking of how I could make her feel better.
She started talking, about how Jeff had been very distant lately, about how he had finally told her he loved someone else, an old flame of his, and how she was single as of two days ago. 
I sat quietly and listened, dutifully nodding and shaking my head where necessary. She was really distressed, and I had no idea how I could bring her back to her old self.
When the story was finished, she looked up into my eyes. Once again, we were very close. She smelled wonderful, sweet and minty.
"Whats wrong with me, Ben?"
"Nothing." I responded immediately. "You are the funniest, coolest, most beautiful girl I know, Marissa. Jeffrey is a fool for letting you go. I can't believe he doesn't realize what a catch you are." I stared back into her eyes intently. I meant every word, and I needed her to now that. 
"Any guy would be more than lucky to have you. If you were mine, I'd never let you go."
She was silent for a moment, and I was worried that I'd gone too far.
"I've always thought you were a really great guy, Ben"
Then she closed her eyes and kissed me.
My mind went blank. Her lips crushed against mine, and her tongue forced against my lips. 
I didn't know what to do. Here I was, getting kissed by the girl I loved, and I was sitting there like a statue. That wouldn't do. I started kissing her back.
I opened my mouth and our tongues twisted and dueled, our saliva mixing and swapping mouths.  
Eventually we had to come up for air.
"Marissa..." I began, not knowing how to proceed. What does one say when one is kissing the most beautiful girl in the world?
"It's okay, Ben. I've been thinking about this for a long time. You've always been so kind to me, and I've noticed the way you look at me when you think no one is looking. I like it." she finished with a smile that melted my heart.
I felt her reach down between us and rub the front of my jeans. I was in heaven.
She unzipped my fly and started rubbing again, this time with only my boxers between her bare skin and mine. I didn't have a belt, so that made things simpler.
By this point the movie was over and the credits were rolling, but neither of us cared.
When I reached up and pulled at her vest, she broke the kiss so that we could pull it and her top off. I decided to do the right thing before we went any further.
"Are you sure about this?"
"Yes!" she panted "I need this so badly."
"What about protection?"
"I'm on the pill."
And with that her bra was fully exposed to the air and my eyes. It was lacier than I had initially thought, and I could see the dark spots where her nipples were, which only made me harder.
I only had a brief moment to stare before she crushed her lips against mine again.
I raised my hips so that we could pull my jeans and boxers down, and finally my cock sprang free. 
She eagerly wrapped her hand around it and started stroking.
I thought that the kissing was good. This was great. I gasped and arched my back some more, pleasure shooting through my body as her small hand slid up and down my rock solid 6 inches.
"You like that? Yeah? You like that don't you?" Marissa teased with a mischievous grin. This was a side of her I'd never seen, a sexier, hornier side. I liked it.
I had often wondered at whether a girl's hand would feel different to my own when stroking up and down my junk, and I now knew. It felt a million times better. I could almost feel every curve and ridge on her small palms as they rubbed up and down on the sensitive skin of my virgin cock.
She slid up my body and I helped her remove her skirt, and then her bra, and finally her panties.
I gazed at a body to rival that of Aphrodite herself.
Firm, perky breast with 10 cent nipples stood out at attention, just begging to be squeezed and groped.
My eyes travelled south to her beautiful pussy. It was topped by a tuft of dark curly hair, and I could see her engorged clit poking out of her folds, eager to be fondled and rubbed.
Reaching up and taking a breast in each hand I fondled while she continued to stroke up and down my member.
For about 5 minutes we just stayed like that, with her sitting on my leg, rubbing herself along me, sharing her wetness. I had no experience with women, but she seemed wetter than any woman I had seen in porn videos on the net. It was incredibly erotic, feeling her juices run down the sides of my thigh, while her pussy slid across the top if my leg.
I decided it wasn't fair to let her do all the work, so i reached down and started rubbing two fingers in between her folds.
The effect was instantaneous. She closed her eyes and purred softly, humping at my fingers slightly. Feeling more confident, I slid into her a little more, and she purred loader. Then I began moving my whole fingers completely in and out of of her, which she again responded to. As a finishing touch, I stretched out my thumb and gave her clit a slight rub/flick with every inwards stroke. At this point Marissa opened her mouth and mourned loudly. I discovered that giving this nymph pleasure was actually even more arousing to me than her hands on my manhood. 
Suddenly, she stopped stroking me and pulled away from my hands, moving above my dick and placing it at the entrance to her glorious hole.
"Marissa..." I started. I had to tell her I was a virgin. It didn't help that I hadn't masturbated in a few days and had no clue how long I'd last.
"Shhhhh... I know." and with that she impaled herself on my member.
Marissa herself was not a virgin, but she was incredibly tight. At that moment I didn't think I could enjoy anything in the world more than how much I was enjoying warm wet pussy wrapped around my virgin dick.
She slid up and down, up and down, not bothering to start out slow, just riding me with abandon, moaning and gasping as I pistoned in and out of her.
"Oh, fuck me, fuck me Ben, your cock feels so good inside me."
I happily obliged, humping up into her, matching her own thrusts. I found that I was able to hold off my climax for longer than I though I would, and so I got a bit bold. I reached down between us and started rubbing her clit again, eliciting a shriek of pleasure from her. She didn't stop, but after a few minutes that seemed like an eternity she slowed down slightly so she could stare into my eyes while I stared right back. 
"Oh Marissa, you feel so good" I groaned "Your pussy is so tight and warm."
"That's right, baby. You like the feel of my pussy? Its all yours now. I cant wait to feel all your hot cum. I want to come with you, Ben."
This encouraged me, so I gave an extra hard thrust up into her tight cunt, and she threw her head back and howled with pleasure.
We continued like this for about 5 more minutes, when all of a sudden, she stopped riding and looked me in the eye again
"Fuck me from behind. Give it to me, my love."
Those last two words affected me in a way I didn't think possible. She loved me. And I was most certainly hers. I had been for a long time. I stood, lifting her up with me, before her flip over with my dick still inside her and setting her down, letting her bend over the couch. I didn't know how I found the strength to do this, and I didn't care.
A started fucking her as hard and fast as I could. Marissa cried out in pleasure, arching her back, I saw her tongue roll out the edge of her mouth.
I leant down and rested my chest on her back, letting my left hand come up to squeeze her tit while my right reached under her, looking for her pussy. I found her own hand already there, so i took over, allowing her to use both arms to support herself on the couch while I thrusted into her cunt from behind.
The combined attention from my dick and my fingers was causing her to convulse and gasp more often, and I knew I wouldn't last much longer.
"I'm close, don't stop!" she cried, jerking back at my thrusts more erratically.
"Me too..!"
I pumped into her with all the might I could possibly muster, and felt the cum boiling in my balls. 
I grunted, and she screamed "Don't stop! Shoot it in me! Shoot all your cum inside me!"
I was past the point of no return. With one final thrust I pushed my cock into her depths as far as it would go, bottoming out at her cervix, before unleashing load after load of hot white cum into her convulsing body.
"OH! OH! OH! OH GOD YEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!" she wailed as her own orgasm struck her. I had never come as much or as hard as I was right then. The amount of cum that I was gushing into her felt unreal. She shook and writhed beneath me, her pussy tightening more than I would have thought possible around me as I continued to pump more semen than I had ever done before.
"I FEEL IT INSIDE MEEEEE!!!" her orgasm continued, crashing over her like a tsunami of pleasure, again and again. Our bodies were one, at that moment. There was nothing but she and me.

After what seemed like a beautiful eternity, we finally stopped thrashing and lay down on the couch, spooning. I kissed her neck, then her cheek, then finally her lips as she turned to me. This kiss was soft, passionate. 
"I love you." I said. Right there, holding her naked body in my arms, I wasn't afraid.
"I love you too." she replied with a soft smile.
We lay there for a while, neither of us wanting to end the moment. 

I had a feeling that everything was going to be better from then on.


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Becoming A Daughter Revised

Becoming a Daughter - Revised There were 60 seconds left in the football game. We were ahead 21 to 0 and going for another shutout. This shutout win would break the school's long-time record of shutouts. My dad, a big guy, was on the original team a number of years ago that set the school's shutout record. My twin brother Jack, 18, was big like our dad, while I, was much smaller like our mom. We were both on the current team. My brother was a very good athlete and he started at...

1 year ago
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A Flair For Trouble Revised

When Judge Carlson calls, I always know that the job is going to be interesting, and when he called me this time in the dead of night I just knew that this particular case is going to be 'unusual'. He had the talent for pulling the one 'odd ball' court filing out of a stack of about 100 other nearly identical ones, that seemed to have 'special features' of interest to him. The judge is a great guy and has given me a lot of business over the years and I've learned to trust his 'nose for...

2 years ago
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Second Honeymoon Revised

(Revised) Edited by Richard Loving wives Brian and Jenny had been married for 7 years and they loved each other very much. Due to an unexpected windfall on the lotto they had decided to have a second honeymoon at the same place as the original one. They booked into the same hotel/pub and were able to secure the very same room. When they got there they had the same views of the seaside and the long stretches of beach but the Pub was a little run down and the area had fallen on hard...

1 year ago
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18 year old Marissa loses her virginity

These are TRUE STORIES about a girlfriend. At time she was 18 and and about 5 months away from turning 19 and I was in my late 20's. She had never really been in a serious relationship nor had she ever fooled around with a guy more than a handjob. We dating about a month and she had mentioned that she was ready to have sex for the first time. I was going away for business and she was invited to come along. After arriving to our destination and checking into our hotel we got into our bathing...

3 years ago
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Mommy II Revised

Hi, all. After I posted the first version of this story, a lot of feedback was about how many holes had been left in the thing. Or if there was some hidden conspiracy to force Jack into becoming Jacqueline, why hadn't it been at least shown even briefly? This revision, in several installments, will hopefully fill the holes, and give explanations as needed or desired. I guess it won't be giving much away to tell everyone that there is indeed a conspiracy to completely...

2 years ago
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Abu Ghraib Revised

Chapter 01 Please take note! Adults Only LiteratureThe text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now.This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise is purely coincidental, etc.Email [email protected] with your comments.Copyright 2006 Chapter 1? ? Abu...

2 years ago
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SHAKE IT UP revised

Hermaphrodite: male or female with both sex organs Shemale: a female or male with the appearance of the other sex(guy looks like girl. girl looks like guy) All right people I know all of my other stories I created and copied off of were complete and total crap. I am not the best writer and this is where that will change. This is my try hard story if it is bad sorry the only thing you will see abused in grammar is a lot of run on sentences, but I will try to do better with...

4 years ago
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Beautiful Teacher revised

This is a revision of my first story. I hope you will enjoy it.I was in town for a comic book convention. I was promoting a new title created by me. I was sketching and signing autographs when I heard a familiar voice. I looked up and saw a woman I haven't seen in years. Her name was Pamela and she was my high school gym teacher. I had a serious crush on her. I used to daydream about her. "I'm your biggest fan Tony." she said. I didn't think she liked comic books. Boy was I wrong. She invited...

3 years ago
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Ill Dance at Your Wedding Revised

Thanks to DragonsWeb, OldFart, RastaDevil, WanderingScot and Sweet Sue for their innumerable edits to this gentle revision of an older story! I knew now that she was the one and only true love of my life. I'd fondly remembered Linda Monroe throughout the years, but it wasn't until I unexpectedly saw her again nearly twenty years later at a wedding reception that my heart reminded me with a loud thump just exactly what I had been missing. Mercifully, it wasn't her wedding, or even mine....

2 years ago
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Different Pastures Revised

Thanks to my original Editors for this story — Zaffan, Gandalf4217 & Duffiedawg, and also to Dragonsweb & Sue who offered their suggestions for this revision! I admit that I made a terrible mistake when I married Cynthia, and it was mostly my own fault. I had been terribly lonely that winter and, when I was introduced to her at a holiday party, I allowed myself to be smitten by her. She was a bit too young for me, being still in her early twenties while I was nearly twice that age,...

2 years ago
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2 times with 2 sisters revised

Brooke was a gorgeous blonde. She was about 5'10, had green eyes, a 32 c cup and a fantastic ass. Casey had brown hair and brown eyes. She was starting to mature physically. She already had an ass like her sisters and an extremely pretty face. My friends always wanted to stay at my house because of my two gorgeous sisters, and I always took a lot of shit from them. Every time one of my buddies would look at them lustfully I would start to turn green and become really jealous. Up until...

4 years ago
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First Panties Revised

First Panties -Chapter 1 Our neighbor, Mrs. Johnson asked me to help her on Saturday. Being only13, I could always use the money so I showed up at her doorstep on Saturday morning ready to go at 8:00 AM. I was to move a number of boxes full of clothes and stuff into her SUV to be taken to Goodwill. Her daughter, Sarah, had moved into an apartment for college and the boxes were apparently full of Sarah's old clothes and things. Sarah was a clothes hound and never seemed to...

2 years ago
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First Fuck Revised

Let me describe myself for you before I tell about my first sexual encounter. I am 18 and stand at 6'0 weighing 215 lbs. I'm not incredibly fit but I have a nice amount of muscle. I have a mohawk that is black and tipped with green. I have my ears, labret, and tongue pierced as well snake bites. I have 4 tattoos. 1 that was a cross with my dad and grandmother's death dates on my right arm, a hatchetman on my right pec and the word JUGGALO down my right side. The 4th was the...

3 years ago
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Mortimer and Myrtle A Love Story

Note: This is not your usual Lush story. It is an experimental play in a theater of the absurd style. There is no sex but it is an entertaining comment on marriage. I encourage you to indulge in something different. I think it will make you laugh and maybe cry.Scene: A formal living room. Mortimer is seated on a sofa in the center of the room when Myrtle enters and sits on the sofa next to him. She is wearing a blue floral dress and a pearl necklace, her gray hair is tied in a bun. Mortimer is...

Love Stories
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First Threesome Revised

The bbq was a spur of the moment decision, as Luke and Leanne couldn’t decide if they should go out to a restaurant and have a night drinking around the bars and clubs in Newcastle or should they stay at home, invite some people round and have a bbq. They invited quite a few of their friends however a lot of people had already made plans for that night and couldn’t make it, however Michelle, James and Paula had said they will come over. Luke and Leanne went round the local shops to get...

4 years ago
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Unforgettable First Time Revised

Now after working for a while and have gotten to know everyone personally in the office, I was now an official employee and actually getting a paycheck. I was now working with new employees by showing them around and introducing them to everyone. After just a few weeks of doing this I found her. You can’t even imagine how beautiful she was. Long, black, curly hair, dark skin, and beautiful green eyes. The best way I could describe it was “exotic.” “J I’d like to meet our newest...

3 years ago
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My First Time revised

Hello all this is my fist entry and feed back would be greatly appreciate My first time with Lisa. She was a hot blonde with big tits and a nice heart shaped ass. Lisa  stood 5' 6" tall, and was around 125 lbs. I am 6 foot  245lbs   I am just your average looking guy. We worked together at a small town pizza shop. Lisa had ask me for a ride home one night after work, and I  agreed out of kindness . We arrived at her place she ask me in for a cold drink, and I accepted I  ask about her husband...

First Time
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Justin Sleeps over for the First time Revised

My name is Chris,I was 17years old at a height of 5"3. I have Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes, with a slim girl like figure, I had a small tan. I was a in good shape because i was on the track team. I was only on the track team because my friend Justin asked me to join with him. He was 17 at the height of 5"4. He had Brown hair and Brown eyes. Justin was a jock so he had a 6pack, He was also tanned skinned From staying at the Beach too long. He was the kind of guy who everyone want to go out...

2 years ago
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My First Time revised

Hello all this is my fist entry and feed back would be greatly appreciate My first time with Lisa. She was a hot blonde with big tits and a nice heart shaped ass. Lisa  stood 5′ 6′ tall, and was around 125 lbs. I am 6 foot  245lbs   I am just your average looking guy. We worked together at a small town pizza shop. Lisa had ask me for a ride home one night after work, and I  agreed out of kindness . We arrived at her place she ask me in for a cold drink, and I accepted I  ask about her...

3 years ago
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The Liberation Of Father Mortimer

When Father Mortimer checked into the hotel it was eight in the evening.The room was a basic no frills double with a small bathroom. He would never stay in such a hotel if he was attending one of his ecclesiastical conferences but for what he had planned it was just perfect.He got down on his knees and bent his balding aged head over a black gilt leaf Bible he had respectfully placed on the edge of the bed.“Blessed Lord Jesus forgive me for my sins,” he muttered and crossed himself three...

3 years ago
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Lucky Night with Ashley Revised

She was obviously Latina, kind of tall, had long brown hair with blonde highlights, and even though she was thinly built and flat chested, she had a great figure, especially in jeans. She wore glasses that I think added to her allure a little, and even though she still had braces, “What an inviting smile,” I thought. Ashley had great lips, I think accentuated by her braces and as she walked past me and headed down the hallway with her friends, I couldn’t help but turn to watch. Long legs,...

2 years ago
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A night with Mariah Revised

It was a new school year, and being that Mariah had moved on to another school, I had kind of forgotten about her, however one day out of the blue, she started to visit the school. Seeing her again, the thought of being with her flooded my mind, which made me a little nervous, especially when she happened to show up at the door to my classroom. She was with a friend, very attractive in her own right and seeing them both smiling I innocently motioned for them to come in. I was teaching but as...

3 years ago
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Going Out With a Bang Revised

So, I sit here staring at my Italian sub while the food court teems with people. It's funny, how one tenth of a percent can change your whole life. I mean, it's such a small thing, not even a half, less than a quarter. A measly one tenth. That's what stands between me and getting off this damn rock. Hey, I may be a born loser, but I am not stupid. I've got the IQ to prove it too. I'm going to be here when the damn Swarm show up and they'll probably go, "HEY, there's a nice fat one, lets...

3 years ago
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My Life With Cassie Part 1 REVISED

Cassie was always a very shy girl and never really talked to much, hell I barely ever heard her voice! She never was talkative and usually kept to herself when I was around so I never thought much of her. But the few times I did hear her talk and actually got a good look at her I always thought she was adorable, cute and kind of mousy. My first real encounter with her was during my Birthday when I decided to stay the night at Tommy’s house. I woke up suddenly at about 3ish in the...

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My first timewith Mrs Jensen

Growing up in the neighborhood we all had a thing for Mrs. Jansen. Besides the fact that she was unbelievably sweet, she was also drop dead gorgeous. I would often find myself staring at her sunbathe in the afternoon and would often fantasize about her before I go to bed.With Mr Jansen working many hours I would always offer to help Mrs Jansen with some things around the house like carry heavy boxes, rake the yard, and move her furniture around. During my junior year, I was eager to go to the...

4 years ago
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Waiting Game revised

Introduction: Lalala Waiting isnt an easy thing to do I think to myself as I sit across the table from my date. I look at him and inspect his features. Strong shoulders, newly shaven face, and a wonderful sexy smile, like a little boy just wanting to be spanked. My eyes slowly travel down his arm, to look at the table where our hands are joined together. I very lightly begin to trace my finger across the palm of his hand, and I write out three words explaining what is going on in my head I want...

3 years ago
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A Quiet Friday His Story Part 4revised

----------------------------------------------------- Except from the end of Part-3 - ... I squeezed my first ejaculation forcefully into Susan’s hand. Then a second, and a third, and several more before the semen finally dribbled down my hand onto my pubic hair. It all happened so quick. My orgasm was over. I was totally spent, my heart pounding, and my chest heaving as I tried to catch my breath. She lay her head on my chest, and we talked quietly as a deep feeling of fatigue descended...

2 years ago
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A Quiet Friday His Story Part 2 revised

When I awoke, Barb had already taken the car and gone to work. Classes had ended for me. Having just graduated with a degree in Physics, I was preparing to teach a course in Computer Programming during the summer session before starting graduate school in the fall. The course didn't start for two weeks, so I was still planning my lectures and preparing materials for the students. I glanced over at Barbara's night-table. The silver tray had been cleaned and put away. I was thinking about how...

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The Retirement Village REVISED

After my retirement from the police department and the passing of my wife, I moved into a Retirement Village out in the Southwest. If you think old people don't enjoy sex, you are mistaken. I’m currently single. My most recent romantic relationship was Katelyn, my deceased wife who was the same age as me. She's been gone three years, and I miss her very much. My best friend is a retired municipal judge named Howard Cook. We get on well most of the time when we are not arguing politics. I...

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Katie and Ted and Reggie REVISED

This story is based on true events in the life of a happily married young coupe and a stranger who changes their life forever. Fate brings Ted and Katie into contact with “Reggie” Williams to help salvage their marriage. Ted Harrington and his wife Katie had been married 18 years. They live in a small city in Kansas and Ted owns the local Volvo Dealership. Ted is 38 and Katie 36. They are your average mid-western couple. He’s 5’11” 180 lbs with light brown hair and Katie’s 5’2” 108 lbs....

3 years ago
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East of Nowhere Part 4 Meeting Winter Revised

The wagon finally pulls up to the shop, Grayson immediately jumps down and embraces his family in a huge hug, exclaiming “How I’ve missed you!” as he kisses his wife quickly and hugs each of his kids. Turning, he motions towards Sasha. Sasha then turns to the girl, and says “Wait here, I’ll be right back.” As the girl is waiting next to the back of the wagon, Sasha walks over to Grayson and he introduces her to his family. “This is Sasha, she’s the knight who escorted me all the way here.”...

4 years ago
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East of Nowhere Part 3 Trying Again Revised

It was on the edge of a beautiful lake, crystal clear and deep. As she hoisted her pack higher on her shoulders she walks into the town. It was very seedy and run down. It only had a few rundown, small stone and mud houses, and a couple stables, some shops and one inn. It had one very huge, grand looking stone house in the distance. It looked like a small castle. In front of the inn was a big notice board with wanted posters, and job postings and such. That was the first place to stop when...

3 years ago
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East of Nowhere Part 5 Exploring Hartford and More Revised

Sasha grabs some armor, leggings, boots and gauntlets for Winter and heads up to the front of the store and sets them on the counter and told the shopkeeper, “I want to buy these, a one-handed sword, and if you could, could you repair my armor and boots? We’re leaving sometime tomorrow.” The shopkeeper says “Would you like to sell your old armor and weapons? I can repair your things, and here is your bow, arrows, sword and armor. Give me until later tonight to repair your stuff, come back...

4 years ago
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East of Nowhere Revised

(Man, I’m beat…. Working 13 hours on your feet all day, and dealing with rude ass customers and their kids is a living hell; especially when the parents aren’t paying attention to their kids, and the kids are running around and screaming like little monsters…) 25-year-old Carrie said to herself after she got off her shift at the diner at 9 PM. She clocks out in the back of the diner near the kitchen, swiping her keycard, and says good bye to her coworkers and best friend Kristie. After...

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