Erotic City ~2~ free porn video

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~2~ Dangerous Games


The hallways are beautiful.


Gilded mirrors, red luscious carpet and claw footed velvet sofas. I love this kind of extravagance; I love that I can afford this lifestyle.

Looking around I walk over to the velvet piece and run my hands over the soft material, sighing appreciatively I drape myself over the seat and lay my head on the arm. The velvet caresses my skin and my back arches as an involuntary shudder rolls through me; this is true ecstasy. I let my hand snake its way down my body, pushing aside my French lace panties I slip a finger along my clit before pushing it inside.


My phone rings.


‘Oh for fucks sake’ I gasp, losing concentration. I sit up and slide my phone out of my garter, flipping it open I hear a familiar voice.


‘bonne soirée mon chéri’ the silky voice slides through the telephone and slithers into my ear, ‘ tout est en ordre? By the way, nice show in the elevator…of all the things I go out of my way to do for you and you still refuse to suck my cock - il n'est pas très agreeable.’


‘…Jacques’ I breathe

‘Well?’ the voice inquires calmly 'you know that I am tracking you, no? I see you baby, you're very easily yourself at that' he laughs quietly


So he is watching me then…I silently scold myself for not considering the possibility of Jacques interest in this particular exploit of mine. I didn’t doubt that Jonathon was telling the truth when he said there were no cameras in the lift – that is, no hotel cameras. Not that Jonathon would have known about Jacques eye in the sky.

The reality slunk into my mind and seemed to slip down through my veins accumulating between my legs, pulsing with anticipation… I was being watched!


Voyeurism is a favourite pastime of mine; I have studied men- and women for that matter in great detail. Whether they are cooking dinner, watching television or masturbating, I watch with great interest. it is my job to know what a person wants before they have to tell me, to plan my reaction and to make them cum exactly when I want them to…to be ready for them.


‘Yes my darling, I know how you love to watch. Me? I find it tortuous, I find it painful just to watch when I would rather be slipping my hands up your silky thighs, gripping your hips…sliding my fingers under your panties…’ Jacques sighs before continuing, ‘put on a good show for me tonight sweetheart…you have paying viewers, 50% is yours if you make it worthwhile.’


The line clicks. conversation closed.


If you call that a conversation.


I pick up my case and strut down the hallway with a little extra swing in my hip for my customers. Finally I slide to a halt in front of room 6888, quickly smoothing my hair I knock lightly.

‘Who is it?’ inquires a smoky voice, cracked but slithery and sexy at the same time.

I put my lips to the key hole and flick my tongue at it before answering…’good evening sir, I believe you requested room service’ my voice is lowered suggestively as I play to my audience. I stand up and smooth my hair as the door opens slightly.


‘Please, won’t you come in?’ The voice inquires softly. His words slither up my spine and make the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end – I suddenly felt cold with the knowledge I had no gun…this was no ordinary man.

Still clutching the carry handle of my case I slowly enter the hotel suite, scanning over the layout, noting windows, doors and potential weapons – namely the fire pokers leaning against the open hearth on the left wall. The furniture is of the same quality as the hallways, richly coloured and well made, glancing up I notice the ceiling is a black glass, offering a mirror-like reflection…interesting design.


‘My name is Henson, nice to see you Adele…however overdressed…’ the man says softly to me. He is sitting at a small card table (fold up legs, it had cheap written all over it) with a cigar in his hand, smoke curling up to the ceiling and smoothing out against the black glass. Although it is what is kneeling between his legs which holds my interest; a young girl… probably between 18 and 21, slim, dirty blonde hair - is frantically sucking Henson’s member, almost as though her life depended on it.


I narrow my eyes and slowly place my case on the Egyptian carpet, wondering how long it had been exactly since I had seen this girl.


‘Adele, meet Janie…we just met today, actually she was cleaning my room- without permission, naturally when I found her sifting through my personal belongings I became most distressed…and now Janie is being punished…aren’t you sweetheart?’ Henson gently stroked her hair with his free hand while Janie made suckling noises below.

suddenly the older man grabbed a fistful of janies hair and pushed her down onto his hard cock,   thrusting up into her little mouth forcefully, making her gag repeatedly.

I half wondered why she didn’t bite down when I noticed a red light winking at me from the building opposite. ahh, this one has been in the game for a while; he had a sniper set up, which originally must have been for me! How sweet.


Henson kept jamming his cock down Janie’s throat; I watch his eyes roll into the back of his head as a low moan escaped his throat. I knew the older man was about to cum, did she though? I decided to interrupt anyway.


I clear my throat, ‘well sir, if you aren’t in any need of my service this evening, I shall be leaving’ I began to walk over to my case when Henson slapped his hand down on the table loudly. I look over at him and met his sharp gaze.


Henson roughly pushed the girl off of him and stood up. ‘No Adele’, he said quietly with a slight chuckle,’ I still require you, my darling.’ He pulls a sobbing Janie up off the floor and hoists her onto the table. Her face is a mess, mascara running from her eyes like black tears, her hair stringy from sweat and her mouth swollen from the onslaught.

Still, I can remember a time when I’ve looked worse.

Henson forces her legs apart and dips his fingers into her submissive form, twisting them around he pulls his fingers out and pushes them into her mouth. ‘How is it my sweet? How do you taste? Answer me baby....’ he whispers into her neck as she sobs.


‘Come here Adele’ he says lightly to me, ‘come and have a taste, I want you to come and eat Janie’

I raise my eyebrow, what a peculiar man. I walk over to him and stroke the side of his face before slowly trailing my fingers down his chest and hooking them into his pocket.


‘Money first, old man’ I say calmly.

‘ahh Adele’ he says with a twinkle in his eye ‘you know, my man in the next building is somewhat fascinated by you, fixated…if you will’


‘Naturally’ I reply with a sweet smile. Defeated, I step over the chair and position myself between the girl’s legs, lowering the top half of my body down with my mouth a centimetre away from the girl’s pussy – which was still as nice as it had probably ever been.

Extending my tongue I slip it over her clit and into her, thrusting it as deep as I could, even in her state the girl shuddered. I engulfed her pussy with my mouth sucking hungrily and was just about to really get into it when I felt something scratching down the back of my leg. I withdrew and looked up; there in front of me was a silver fork which Henson dangled impatiently.


‘No, I want you to eat her’ he said with an eager tone in his crackled voice.

He thrust the fork in my hand and pulled me back slightly, ‘ you cant start where ever you like, doesn’t she just look delicious?’ he licked his lips with anticipation, ‘do it, slice her, cut her, taste her, savour her…’ I looked into Janies eyes, which were filled with horror, a silk cloth had been tied around her mouth – probably while I was busy between her legs, and I scolded myself for not seeing this coming.


I glanced at Henson who was vigorously pulling his cock next to me, I lightly slid the fork prongs along Janie’s thigh making Henson gasp and rub himself harder ‘come on baby, take a bite,’ he says in a shaky voice.


I look at the girl apologetically, but she already knew there was no other way out of this, ‘lights, camera - action, Janie baby’ I wink at her as she nods meekly. I felt Henson’s eyes follow my hand as I quickly raised the fork above my head...


‘Come on Adeline, experience the thrill’ he moaned into my ear, I could feel his hand hitting into my back as he wanked himself. Silently cursing my life, I brought the fork down swiftly into the table, nicking the girls thigh as it slammed into the wood. I didn’t want to touch her at all but I wasn’t sure anymore how good of an actress she was. At the cue I had given her the girl reeled back in exaggerated pain, the rag serving to muffle her screams…and I felt no thrill, only extreme distaste.

A trickle of blood spills down her leg from the surface scrape. I draw the fork out of the wood and brush it against her leg to catch some of the fluid. turning I stare Henson in his cold blue eyes as I lift the fork to my mouth. It tastes like any blood, metallic; my tongue licks the plasma off the silver prongs tenderly – seductively.


‘Share’ Henson hisses at me, he’s close to orgasm again. With his free hand he wildly reaches for the utensil but I keep it out of his reach smiling sweetly at the insane bastard.

‘I don’t think so’ I say shaking my head at him, ‘she tastes so sweet…its almost maddening, I just want to suck it from her…like fine wine…her blood is like a fine pinot noir’

Henson lunges for her thigh and latches his mouth on, drinking her blood as though he were a vampire; grunting and thrusting his cock harder into his own hand. I took this as an opportunity progress the situation. Sliding my knife out of its holder on my upper thigh I swiftly take a handful of the fucker’s hair and kick out the legs of the card table, sending Janie down to the floor just as a bullet rips through the window sending shards of glass all over the room, sending my heart into a fast rhythm.

Quickly I shove Henson down to the floor straddling him so his arms are locked down and his cock is pushing against my stomach, I feel the anger sizzling inside me as I whisper to him. ‘You weren’t letting me have any fun baby…that’s a nice cock you have, I’ve wanted to fuck it since I first saw Janie sucking on it.’ I moan slightly into his ear as I press my body onto his hard asset ‘before I get to riding you, I want to taste you first…’ I lick my lips and slide my tongue over his mouth.

I let go of his arms. Just as I thought he didn’t attack me, he just looked at me with lust and anticipation. ‘They said you were worth the money, Adele, they said “she’ll blow your mind”…make me cum baby, wrap those full lips around me and suck me. you’ll find your money at the front desk’

  I ran my tongue along the head of his cock and moaned, ‘oh it tastes amazing…it’s a pity you can’t try it...’ I smirk at him as his breathing quickens, ‘wouldn’t you like to try it, Henson baby? I ask him quietly.


‘yes yes yes’ he moans, thrusting up to my lips.


I raise my eyes to him and smile, ‘I know what you want…’ I purr softly, ‘Janie, come over here’

I hear Janie rise off the Egyptian carpet and stroll over to stand next to me obediently. I trail my fingers up her thigh and brush them along her clit before continuing. ‘Sweetheart,’ I say tentatively to my female partner, ‘how would you like to worship Henson’s cock while I fuck you from behind…’

she looks down at me while I continue to stroke her,’ excellent’ she breathes before lowering herself down between Henson’s legs, licking his erect cock lovingly.


I stride over to my case, flicking it open with my long manicured fingers. Sitting on at the very top of my bag of tricks was my trusty strap on. Ladies loved it, and it fit like a glove –in both respects. I lifted it out of the case and began to strap it onto my hips, listening to Henson moan and writhe on the floor. I smirk out of the corner of my mouth, ‘Janie, we both know you can do better than that,’ I raise an eyebrow as Janie stops to grin at me.


‘I want you to show Henson how exactly you’re going to suck his cock after you’ve serviced mine.’ I kneel on one side of Henson’s head with my companion taking her post on the other. ‘Suck it, bitch’ I command her, roughly pulling her face onto my rubber cock. Janie’s tongue slides over the black rubber skilfully, teasing the head before pushing two of her fingers inside me with a come hither motion, deep throating the toy. I feel her fingers moving quickly inside me, beckoning me to come as I pull her hair back tightly, watching her throat expand with every thrust.   I throw my head back, breathing in hard, loud gasps as Janie pushes two more fingers inside me. I pull her mouth onto my cock as I feel the contractions run through me, fucking her face in time with the vibrations.

breathing heavily I release Janie and smile down at Henson, who in truth I had forgotten about in my throes of ecstasy, his eyes were wide with lust, I could see the blood pulsating in his shaft…forget the sniper, forget the blood - this was the part where Janie and I made our money. Normally I wouldn’t have let myself actually come, but seeing as I hadn’t worked with Janie for quite a while, I thought I would treat both of us.


Moving into position behind my companion I watch as she takes the full length of Henson in one stroke, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. Time to finish this. I position the head of my cock in the opening of Janie’s pussy, sliding it up and down her clit tenderly, as if to remind her I hadn’t forgotten how she liked it…


Sadly, how Janie and I like to pleasure each other tends to be completely different from the preferences of our customer. In this case, Henson liked it rough, everything rough – fast fucks and drawing blood. She knew this though.

I slam the full length of my cock into her, musing as her screams are muffled by Henson’s member blocking her airway. Gripping her hips I start to fuck her fast and hard feeling her push back onto me.


‘come on baby,’ my voice slithers through my short breaths, ‘come for me, I want you to come’ Henson’s eyes lock onto mine, his mouth open and he struggled with the sensations of Janie’s tongue and lips slipping over his shaft, burying him in her warm throat. I know he thinks I’m talking to him, but I reach around and stroke Janie’s clit as I continue to slam into her wetness. ‘Come for me, it’s been so long…I’ll be gentler next time’ I wink at Henson – she knows I’m talking to her.


It’s enough to push him over the edge, a low moan rips from the older mans throat as he shoots his come down the back of her throat. Janie’s body quietly shudders under mine, expertly hiding her own orgasm from the customer. We know Henson doesn’t find pleasure in our pleasure.


Ah, the tricks of the trade.


Almost immediately Henson rises, disappearing into the bathroom before re entering the room wearing a red bathrobe.


‘Ah, girls’ he kisses us both fondly on either cheek, ‘you’ve always been best at playing my games’ he motions around the room. ‘Last time you cost me an absolute fortune in repair charges! This time could be even more expensive’ he chuckles while we survey the broken window- lucky it was a warm evening.


I smile at him wryly, ‘well, if you will set up a sniper’ I sigh.


‘In any case, what a brilliant show’, he praises us. ‘I’m going to forward an extra thousand to the front desk…consider it a token of my gratitude’

I frowned slightly, a thousand was a small tip considering I risked my life every time I came here. Henson always had some new scenario cooked up for his hidden camera’s, (the thought reminded me of Jacques. the motherfucker definitely owed me some paper after that show) always a little more dangerous, forcing me to rely on my many years of experience to work it all out before someone got hurt. This time was too close, a fraction of a second to slow and I would have lost an old friend.


‘Thankyou sir,’ I smiled at him like a sinister Cheshire cat.


‘I will be in touch, Adele’ he stated casually before leaving the hotel room. Henson always hired two suites, one for playtime, and the other for…sleep? Who knows?


I turn reluctantly to find Janie sprawled over the gilded lounge.


She smiles brilliantly ‘long time, no see…’ she purrs


I shudder involuntarily…I know what’s coming.





I hope part three doesn’t take as long to get to you guys as part 2 has...

Thanks for reading 






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Introduction: Seedy city life brings adventure and filthy fucking Moving my whores into town For the next six months I used Rachel as a source of much needed entertainment and to be honest I grew very fond of Rachel as I believe she did me. But I knew deep down that once my whores contracts at Donalds expired this coming Friday id be jacking my job and upping sticks with my whores to the middle of the city centre for a new start and to experience new things. Money wasnt a problem anymore as my...

2 years ago
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Mortal City

She never should have rented this apartment in the Mortal City The cold comes though every crack she puts her hand up to The radiator's broken, so she has to use electric heat. I hurried around the apartment, trying to get everything ready. There just wasn't time, wasn't time. It was nearly five; he was going to be here at 6:30. My apartment was a freezing cold mess. The damp December weather seemed to be slithering its way inside, rain pelting a drumbeat against my single-pane...

2 years ago
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Erotic Essay 2 Find Favourite Feature Fetish

EROTIC ESSAY 2: FOR FINDING FAVOURITE FEATURES & FETISHES OF READERS' CHOICESI FIND FINDING by SEARCH, Even I try find back certain Story, I Wrote Myself, NOT EASY Here.I FOUND FINDING a Single STORY, rare only one, with Unusual Feet FETISH Particularly HARD.I only remember HER NAME But Not Sure if I Use In that Story Lost From my Sight. She Tried. I APPLY ALL TRICKS & TIPS I know. She 'Dresses': 'Short Sexy Skirt' 'Net Nylons' 'High Heels'.I TAKE An HOUR @ Each SERIOUS SEARCH. TOOK ME...

1 year ago
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Moving my whores to the city

For the next six months I used Rachel as a source of much needed entertainment and to be honest I grew very fond of Rachel as I believe she did me. But I knew deep down that once my whores contracts at Donald's expired this coming Friday id be jacking my job and upping sticks with my whores to the middle of the city centre for a new start and to experience new things. Money wasn’t a problem anymore as my whores had worked wonders and had easily accumulated a multiple six fi My whores were...

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Literotica Voyeur

Do you enjoy porn? Don’t answer that; it’s a trick question. Of course, you fucking love porn. But do you like porn stories? Particularly, do you relish voyeur stories in the adult industry? Yes? Well, I have got just the place for you. I know you probably think it’s a tall order to wish some writer has written a story you’d enjoy. Or perhaps you hope to find something relatable in the erotic section of your local bookstore. I’m here to tell you that won’t be necessary. You won’t have to do any...

Voyeur Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Slob City

Scolb city was a freshly build community around the texas state highway 45, it was built with the intention to work on its own: residential area with houses and apartments on the west and activity area with offices and malls on the east. But that freshly made city quickly saw the drawbacks of modern day society, the well paid sedentary jobs were close to the multiple cheap fast foods, the proximity of the residential area made every restaurant deliver faster and cheaper than anywhere else, the...

1 year ago
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Amity 3 TempestChapter 7 Golden City

Storm, had his head buried between two very long lovely legs. While he was happily supping on the meal on offer, a very active tongue and a wicked set of lips were doing divine things to his family jewels. He had slept in her room and had woken to her cunnie in his face and her mouth on junior. He pulled her hips down to his wet face again and sucked hard as his hips flexed up. She shuddered and he blew, and she sucked him harder. He grunted into her twitching cunnie and then sucked her...

3 years ago
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Welcome to Transaton City

[This is a story game. so please click START GAME on the right hand menu otherwise none of this will make sense! Plus you will be missing out on the best part of the game!] A new town, a new start. That's what was on your mind as you drove past the "Welcome to Transaton City". You were headed to Transaton to get a fresh start after the last rough couple of months. Your company had downsized, and as a result you were laid off from your job. Your girlfriend dumped you as soon as you lost your...

3 years ago
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Erotic Education 1 Erica2

Erica is ignorant in erotics, slender sexy sweet tender tiny tit tasty teen blonde beautyErica comes along for a walk and a private talk, surely she comes for the very first timeErica shows soon her mix of submissive curiousity for erotic education by sex in practiseErica is born to be my tasty teen sweet sex slave, I hope her siblings share her talents!Erica's second sexy lesson in love and lust, after coming in my mouth, comes all by itselfErica grabs my half hard mighty manhood when it is my...

4 years ago
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Gods of GardheChapter 9 The City

Chad sat tailorfashion in the center of a small clearing amidst ancient trees, his muscles relaxed, his eyelids drooping nearly closed. Facing him, Charis and Ahlenya sat side by side, similarly intent. Between the three of them a fistsized lump of gold lifted inch by inch into the air, creeping steadily higher under perfect control until at last it came to rest several feet above their heads. Chad could feel the nugget's massive presence in the new way that he was still learning to...

2 years ago
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A New City

All my young life had been spent in the huge sprawling city of Dervish. It was a seaport on the very edge of the vast Gandish desert. It was known as the jewel of Gandish and was filled with tribes of nomads, merchants, traders and ... thieves. That's where I come in. I was the journeyman thief to the best master thief in the city. Slowly the guild had begun changing. Before, when a merchant or other victim wanted their belongings back they paid. When they demanded the thief it was ignored....

3 years ago
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Erotic Wet First Night 8211 Part 3

After an erotic and wild sex session, they fell on the bed in each other’s embrace. By the time the newlywed Indian couple had their third sex session, it was already too late in the night that it is almost dawn. It was not because of the sex, but for all the foreplay, all the arousal session, pre-sex session, dressing each other with different fruits, milk, honey, and all the other stuff and then proceeding for sex, it was that late. So, the couple got united thrice during this erotic night,...

4 years ago
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Erotic Scene 1 Salesman Suck My Cock

Hi all.. I’m Vishal and this is my first story on ISS.I am 26 fair Good looking guy. Have a cock size of 7.5 and thick. I have always been an erotic lover that includes erotic sights and situations. This is one of my many erotic situations (Obviously i try to turn into) that happened at one of the stores of Manyawar. For people who dont know what is Manyawar, its a store where you get all marriage clothing i.e Kurta pyjamas etc. To make the story more erotic and help u in shagging off, i would...

2 years ago
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Erotic Stories The Benefits

Julia was the senior project manager at the company I was contracted to. She was about forty, 5'6" tall and about 8st. (112lbs). She wore her dark hair to collar length. She was also quite attractive. I on the other hand am nearing 50, 6'6" tall, short grey hair and weigh in at just about double that of Julia. My contract was some 200 miles from my home and so I stayed in a hotel during the week going home just at weekends. After finishing my day's work there's very little to do so I...

1 year ago
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Erotic Massage

Debbie had driven by the house many times, always wondering if the subtle white house that was located just outside the commercial/industrial park was legit or not. She had contemplated getting a massage, and the thought of getting a massage from "one of those" places intrigued her. She had always been so conservative, never taking a chance, or do anything wild or out of the ordinary was actually thinking of pulling in, and if nothing else checking it out. Debbie had always been intrigued with...

2 years ago
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Eliminating Scum from the City

CHAPTER 1 Recently retired from the military Special Forces, Anna Guthrie sighed as she read an account in the morning newspaper of two more rapes of women outside an outlying nightspot. The 36-year-old had only been in the city of 27,000 for ten days and was angry that the dough-faced realty agent had not told her about the Mason Gang. Had he done so she may have chosen another city in which to settle. During that 10-day residency, Anna had read about eight rapes, two instances of arson,...

2 years ago
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Amity 3 TempestChapter 10 Iron City

Penny, Alexus, Kale and Selwyn blinked to Tinble City. They were sad to find that the shield had failed. The devastation suggested that it had failed many years before. When they entered the Citadel, they found it dark and quiet. They activated their wands, so they provided light and using the stairs they headed to the room that the SAI should be located in. They found that she had died. The dried out mess in the tank suggested that she had been dead for a year or possibly two. Kale...

3 years ago
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The FreshmanChapter 30 Americans in Danube City

The three Americans completed the final leg of their journey about 10 hours after beginning it in Chicago. Only a short time after rising to cruising altitude the plane began its descent into Danubian airspace. Jason and Cecilia looked out of their window at a range of heavily forested mountains that gave way to open farmland punctuated with villages and crisscrossed by railroad tracks. There was a large lake off in the distance that must have been the Rika Chorna Reservoir. The plane banked...

1 year ago
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Literotica Trans Stories

The first porn in the world was not drawn onto cave walls or carved into the ash of a recent fire. Instead, they took place inside the human mind. Cavemen would sit alone in the forest, picturing all manner of foul things they would like to do to the tribe leaders’ wives. This was the only way to masturbate for tens of thousands of years. Sure, you could draw on the walls, but they only served to fuel the imagination.In this age of extreme stimulation, few can still masturbate with their mind...

Shemale Porn Sites
3 years ago
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My Summer In The Big City

INTRODUCTION This is the second of four interrelated recollections by a man in the late summer of life, recalling the events of some unusual summers, and the members of the female persuasion who made them so unusual and worth remembering. My Summer In The Big City By: Zylux The time was the late sixty's and my friends and I had managed to survive our first year at a small university on the east coast. We had lived in on campus dorm rooms, which were cramped, noisy, and...

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Trouble in the City

Bamiji City is the capital of the small central African country of the same name, Bamiji, which is run under the thumb of an ex-military strongman whose regime is extraordinarily corrupt, kleptocratic, and repressive. Following a discreet coup in the early 1990s by a small group of middle-ranking military officers, which overthrew the country's long-time more or less democratically elected civilian administration, the new regime members resigned their commissions (so that they, too, could call...

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Jasons TaleChapter 28 Mountainside City

Tom had given Lord Black his freedom, as well as a ship and any of our prisoners who would swear oath to him. It was enough to make up a small crew. Most of them were sailors, and it wouldn’t take long to shake out into a proper crew. Andrew -Lord Black had asked us to call him that in private, as he was only “Lord Black” to us- asked if he could have some of North Harbor’s ships instead of us just sinking them. We had to think about that one. Wouldn’t the previous owners just take it from...

4 years ago
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Erotic Evening in Paris

The last of the arriving passengers had finally trickled out of the arrival gate at the Charles DeGaulle airport. 30th of December was not a particularly busy time for air traffic in Paris. Vitorrio DeLuca scanned the faces of every last passenger that passed by. What did she look like? They had not met or seen each other in seven years. Would she recognize him? He heard she had gained some weight since they were last together in New York in the summer of 2001. She had married some wall...

1 year ago
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Erotic Tale Of Dad And Daughter

Welcome readers, I am Abhishek, the following story is quite real and the changes have been made for literary freedom. I hope you guys will enjoy it and share it. Let me introduced myself. I am Abhishek, a lusty erotic guy who believes that one should enjoy every day of his life and try everything. I was married to my college girlfriend Pragya and together we had a daughter named Deeksha. We had a wonderful family and I had an as lusty wife as I was. Every day was just like a new wedding night...

2 years ago
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Erotic Comic Orgy Series The First Chapter

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter I“An Introduction”, with Vic and Madame (The Divine, Stramaglia)(Madame: )(This story is a work of fiction, based on erotic art/comics. Not done for any financial gain, just for sheer lust)Before I say anything, I must warn you this is not an ordinary erotic tale. Or your ordinary ‘fan fiction’ about people having sex.It’s more than that. It’s the adventure of men and women on the pursuit for happiness and orgasms. Men that jump out from ink and pencil to our...

1 year ago
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Erotic Experience With Classmate

Hello Readers, I am Manoj, 26 years old from a village near to Cochin, Kerala. I am very much fond of the stories published on this website and thought of explaining my first erotic experience in life which was with my engineering classmate who eventually became my long-term girlfriend. To describe myself, I am average built, dark and tall. Even though I had sexual interests since my school days, being a shy person, I never had the courage to approach a girl. The incident that I am going to...

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Erotic Experience With My Story Reader

Hi, All! I’m Vasanth Kumar from Chennai, Tamil Nadu. I’m working in a reputed IT Company in OMR. I write some stories in ISS. I also receive feedback from the readers. To send feedback, send me a mail @ looking for feed back from all, especially Aunt and Girls … Recently my Story published a few days ago. I got few responses and feedback from the ISS readers. Among them was a Young Lady from Chennai. Now to the story … She mailed me that my story was super and she felt very erotic by the way...

2 years ago
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Erotic 8211 Ultimate Pleasure And Fun With A Friend

Hi I am Roy (name changed), I am fan of Indian sex stories. I read it regularly & I liked the most of the stories of the writers. I am new, please pardon me for any mistakes I made. :) You can give the feedback to my story on Note : Story is divided in two parts Part 2 is very erotic. Now story is about 4 years back I was in 12 th. At that time I was average looking guy. I was not that open to public and I used to avoid an eye contact with beautiful girls because I didn’t felt gold to stare...

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