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Gretchen smiled as she moved her long nails across my purplish,
throbbing shaft.


?She looked so cute...A pale beauty with short,
slightly spiky hair.


Gretchen is a little on the chubby side, but in a
sexy T&A kind of a way.


She was wearing a tight top and snug
courdoroys as she leaned across the bed toying with my tortured Willy.

"What's wrong, Miles? Having a bad time?" Gretch asked me bemusedly,
as she stroked my quivering shaft with a sharp thumbnail.


"I guess
you're having a hard time with the 103 days so far?" Gretchen smiled
at me evilly.

Two and a half years ago when we'd started playing dominance games,
I'd confessed to Gretchen my desire to be put into chastity, and
to "earn" my orgasms.


"How do you mean?" Gretchen had asked at the


?She'd already begun to enjoy the whole aspect of all the oral
sex on her side, and my increased participation in the heavy


"Well, it's such a thrill making love to you." I had told her. "I
really think that your sexual favors should be earned by me."
Gretchen had laughed at the time.


"Well, I already cut you off when
I'm on the rag, or when you stay out too late with those idiots
watching MSNBC."


This was true, Gretchen would most certainly cut me
off even before we were married, just tell me no sex, because she was
mad, and make me do all sorts of chores and favors to get her in the


This really had thrilled me, though her previous boyfriend, who
had been a friend of mine, had told me many times that Gretchen was
a "ballbreaker"


When Gary had broken up with Gretchen, he'd warned
me. "No, I don't mind if you date her, man, but she's really high

Why had that excited me? The idea of trying to please this imperious
princess had been just possessing to me.


?I'd immediately begun to
prove to her that I was no insensitive Gary type, that I was
primarily focused on making Gretchen pleased.


We never switched the
check or any of that nonsense, I always picked it up.


After we'd married, it had been so gradual how we'd moved into a state of Gretchen being my dominant.


?I was an investment banker and brought home most of the bacon, and Gretchen did a little film-making.


It was her career, but truly much more of a hobby.


?Theoretically, Gretch was supposed to look after the house, and make things comfortable and relaxing for me, and I was glad to subsidize her projects.


But it had seemed from the start that whenever I got in at night, the house was a bit of a mess... Gretchen was quite often sitting in front of the TV.


"Oh hey babe." she'd say as I dragged in from a long day.


?"Didn't get too much done, but there's some kinda TV dinner thingie in the kitchen, you know I can't cook."


?And I could never get upset with her, and often I'd take off my jacket, put on an apron, and make us a good meal,as my mother had taught me to cook quite well.?


?Then I'd try to pick up her discarded deli wrappers and stray shoes, and sweep the carpet a bit.


?"Your ass looks so cute when you're sweeping, honey" Gretchen would say with a laugh.


I'd often make her a special dessert, and spend excessive time rubbing Gretchen's feet, hoping to get lucky at bedtime, and sometimes I did--


Gretchen was a great lover, and she had a tight vagina! But more often than not, she was tired from whatever she'd been doing.


?I'd warm her up with a little cunt-lapping, and then a little more.


"God you're so good, Miles!" Gretch would say, gasping. "Can I come up now, and stick it in?" I'd ask hopefully. "No, just a little more, please."


Gretchen would push my head further into her hot pussy, and I would lick her til? she was exhausted.


"I'm way too tired now for screwing, babe, I'm sorry." Gretchen would kiss me good night, and tickle my cock a little.


?"It's this damn project I'm on."


And there I'd be lying next to her beautiful body, my cock bouncing like a metronome.


Then I'd try not to bother her...though I wanted to touch her milky full buttocks, or if she was lying with her face to me, her full breasts.


But Gretchen got very annoyed with me if I disturbed her sleep. What a curse it would be, rolling around on the bed, my cock stiff and painful!


At first we still made love three times a week, with me eating her out about six times.


Once in a while I got a blowjob from Gretchen, which she was quite good at.


?But then it cut down to once or twice a week, and Gretchen was amused, and then irritated by my sulkiness when I'd ask her, pleadingly, why she only wanted cunnilinguis.


One afternoon, I'd been scrubbing the bathroom floor, and imploring Gretchen "C'mon dear, don't you think I want to make love, too?" Gretchen had laughed.


At the time she was wearing a halter and shorts, and I was working in only a long-underwear bottom.


"I get such a kick out of it when you roll around and moan on the bed, and then when you go to the bathroom and jerk yourself off."


?Gretchen had made an imitation of my light pants,and "a--ahhh", which was an exaggeration of my orgasm.


"It's just so funny, Miles. You're like a fourteen year old, still."


"And there's nothing, NOTHING funnier than a man who's pouting because he can't get any."


Gretchen laughed. "You just strut around looking miserable like you're going to have a tantrum, and I'm just fascinated by that.


I was telling some of the guys on the film site about it, they thought it was hilarious."


?My face had burned as I continued the scrubbing.


?All the guys Gretchen worked on her film projects with were tall athletic types, and I was a short little banker.


Several of them were ex-lovers of my beautiful wife, and then there were the "guys" who were beautiful girls who worked with Gretchen.


Some were?actresses, some film strippers, and it was so humiliating that she'd tell them that!


"Can't you keep our private?problems in the house?" I'd asked.


"What problems, Miles?" asked Gretchen implacably. "I'm not having any problems."


And neither was I after I began to come to terms with my desire for servitude.


?The problem was, I thought I just wanted it to be a weekend thing--and Gretchen was very good at that.


WHACK WHACK THWACK! "Ohhh!" I moaned after one of my early whippings.


?Gretch had tied me over the arm of the sofa with my pants and shorts ?huddling about?my ankles, and she'd exercised a bamboo cane she'd picked up at a flea market.


"What're you whining about, Miles?" Gretch had asked cheerily. "This is your dream!"


WHACK WHACK SWAT! "You wouldn't believe how your butt looks now, hon. You've got all these purple marks all over your right cheek."


I'd turned with tear filled eyes to look at Gretchen in a snug striped turtleneck, slapping the cane in her hand. WHACK WHACK! I'd burst into tears.


Gretchen had looked concerned and pulled me off the couch and began stroking my bottom.


Then she turned me around, pushing my scorched butt against the sofa, and she began to pull on my cock, which had lengthened.


?"You want this, right, Miles?" Gretchen had breathed in my ear. "God forbid I do the wrong thing by you."


I was biting my lip, trying not to sob further. "N-no Miss's what I need!" Gretchen had laughed.


"Miss Gretchen, huh?" She'd stuck a wet tongue in my ear and began toying with my cock all the more.


?My hands were tied, of course, to keep from jumping away when I'd gotten the caning, and now all I could do was writhe as she'd stroked my bulging cock.



Gretchen had pulled and stroked my cock until I began feeling the familiar pulsating at the base of my tortured penis, the pull of the cum, which was now rising.


?It had been several weeks since I’d had sex with Gretchen, and I at that time was not a masturbator, having given that up after college.


Gretchen had at this point become quite used to my oral ministrations, and depended on these for her release.


And she had learned to make me go through all sorts of measures to ?Get me in the mood? to actually? be allowed to stick my dick in her.

Gretchen’s soft, beautiful fingers were now playing a lullabye on my long-denied cock.


And her other hand was squeezing and pinching my bare bottom, welted as it was from the bamboo cane.


I was rather worried that our housemate might come home and wonder about...


Why my fully dressed, sexy wife was standing, and stroking her hubby’s cock while his pants and undies were down on his Hush Puppies.


God, Gretchen’s fingers were incredibly skilled. ?Having fun, baby??


Gretch’s voice tinkled, and now she was kissing my ear, her tongue exploring my sweating neck.


?I gasped and my stolid erection began drooling excessive precum.


?I was getting closer to release. Oh, to cum in her hand. I wanted it so badly!


My cock quivered as Gretch’s long, purple nails had tickled the vein crawling across the shaft.


?It’s such a thick, burgundy vein, honey? Gretchen whispered.


?It almost matches the shade of my nails, but not quite?.but I’ll make the vein purple in time.?


Oh, God, that voice. The way she could turn me into jelly! What kind of a monster was I creating?


As Gretchen’s forefinger moved back and forth across the vein, her thumb tormented my frenum, and my balls felt leaden with backed up spooge of several weeks!


?Are you excited, hon?? Gretch had asked me. ?Do you like this?? God, I was hotter than any sex experience previously?and I’d once been with a Playboy Bunny!


This was better than any blowjob, any time a girl had let me take her from behind?


I’d just had my ass blistered, and now I didn’t know if I was going to be allowed to cum!? Unbelievable!


Gretchen stopped for a moment. ?I think you need to service me a little, baby.


?You’re having all the fun.? Gretchen had then pushed me to my knees and pulled up her white miniskirt.


?No panties! I’d gotten between her legs.


?Gretch, undo my cuffs.? I mumbled. ? I need my hands to pleasure you.?


Gretchen laughed. ?No you don’t, just lick away. If I don’t like it, no more playing with Mr. Willy? she’d said.


On my bare knees, scraping the hardwood floor, I’d licked away until Gretchen had experienced two shuddering orgasms?


It had taken about forty-five minutes...


?Finally she’d dropped her skirt down and helped me up again, and resumed her operations on my sweating, painful organ.?


I began getting close to orgasm yet again—?Your legs are shaking, honey?I think you’re ready to have a wet one, eh??


?Gretchen laughed as she tongued my neck some more.


?I bet you believe you deserve it, because you’ve made me feel so good, eh?? I moaned, and my legs shook more and more.


?Well, I hope you liked your –oh-orgasms, Miss Gretchen.? I had said tactfully.


?Gretchen had laughed deep in her throat?and all of a sudden I felt very close. It was coming fast.


Damn! Gretchen now was slowing her masturbation a bit, and the semen receded back to my balls.


I relaxed, biting my lip and my cock drooped a bit, and Gretch began stroking faster again, pulling the frenulum.


?Watching Gretchen’s lovely nails as they played across my cock, I had begun getting more and more? excited.


Slam! The door to the kitchen opened and shut. My worst fears were realized.


It was Tom, our handsome housemate.


?Tell him you’re busy in here, honey.? I whispered to Gretchen as she toyed with my organ.


??It’s ?just weird..keep him out of the room.? I said again.


?Hey Tom!? Gretchen had shouted out, ?What’re you up to?? Tom had strutted right into the living room.


?Not much Gretchen, what about you??


His eyebrows had risen as he viewed me with my pants and undies down, my ravaged ass jiggling.


?Gretchen let go of my cock and stepped away.


?What the hell’s goin’ on?? Tom had asked.


Gretchen had smiled and picked up the bamboo cane, waving it about. ?I’m just having a little kinky session with Milesy here.?


Tom laughed as Gretchen lashed my bare butt once or twice. He watched me twist and bounce, my hands still cuffed.


?This is so weird, Miles.? Tom laughed. ?Gee, do any of the fellows know about this??


?Gretchen laughed, too, and whacked me a couple more times.


??Jesus-please Gretchen.? I begged, tears rolling down my cheeks.


?I’ll stop if you let me tongue kiss Tommy here.? Gretchen laughed.? I stood up indignantly. ?Absolutely not.?


WHACK WHACK WHACK! Gretchen lay the cane about me a few times, and I began crying heavily despite myself.


Tom was grinning from ear to ear.


?Whatever you want, honey?.but we’re married!? I had pleaded with her.


?Gretchen had laughed and gone over and given Tom a big, tonguy kiss?


Tom had ground his body against her as I stood, drawers down,?humiliated.


?I gotta go out, but we should do this again sometime!? Tom laughed, kissed Gretch again. ?Don’t be a bad boy there, Milesy.?


Gretchen grabbed my ear ?Say yes sir, uncle Tom.? She whispered in my ear?.


I gritted my teeth. WHACK WHACK My ass was roaring. ?Y-yes sir, Uncle Tom!? I sobbed, and his laugh was the last sound I heard.


Gretchen looked abashed. ?Poor thing, you’re not mad at Gretchie are you-ums??


She kissed me deeply, and her soft fingers dropped to my sweltering cock again, and she began pulling it gently.


?N-no, I just didn’t want anyone to know—discretion and all that.? Gretchen rubbed faster.


?Oh, honey, discretion’s not that important?you’re just a sissy-boy?.Tommy knows that.


Why do you think he has to do all the repairs around here?you’re not mechanically inclined, you say, but really, you’re just a sissy-boy!?


Gretchen’s long nails moved faster and faster and my cock got longer and harder.


My legs wobbled again, and Gretchen’s fingers slowed down. ?Please go faster, honey.?


?I begged. Gretchen looked annoyed.


?I’m not your honey?"she said. "I’m Tommy’s honey, maybe..but you’re just a wimpie boy, you know.?


I looked at the floor, sad and abashed.


?Tell Mommy you want her to go faster.? Gretchen whispered in my ear, and I begged. ?Mommy, please go faster?please??


Gretchen had smiled craftily, and nodded a bit, and the fingers began wandering more rapidly across my cock.


?My legs began trembling as I approached orgasm?her fingers slowed again

?Poor baby can’t cum?? Gretchen asked unsuspiciously.


I shook my head and tears rolled down my cheeks. Gretchen giggled softly and rubbed a bit faster.


I felt the impact of the backed up seed beginning once more to roll forth in my cock,.


Closer and closer I was to release. ?Close your eyes, Miles.? Gretch whispered in my ear.


?I’m going to give you a helluva surprise, baby, like you’ve never had.? I closed my eyes, bit my tongue and waited.?


?WHACK! THWACK! Suddenly my cock felt incredible pain, as I felt a sliver of fire through it, and I opened my eyes in abject horror.


Gretchen had taken up the cane again and was flailing at my cock!



?I tried to back off from her, but it was difficult maintaining my balance.


My hands were secured behind my back and my pants were clinging around my ankles.


I dropped to my knees, and finally the caning let up, Gretchen laughing, the stripes jiggling on the top.


"Poor baby. Don't you think that's funny, Miles?" Gretch asked as she helped me up.


At the end of that evening, Gretchen had removed the handcuffs, and allowed me to fuck her, though I hadn't been allowed to cum until she'd released three times.


. And although my butt was horribly sore, and I was unable to look Tom the housemate in the eye for many months.


But, I had had to admit to myself that it was one of the hottest experiences I'd ever had.


As time went on, Gretchen gradually began to take over. She did less and less around the house, and I was expected to pick up the slack.


?My pants and underwear began being taken down regularly, if there were marks on the baseboard or streaks on the windows.


Once, when I’d neglected to scrub out the garbage pail, Gretchen tied me naked to a ceiling loop on the back porch.


I was shuddering, wondering if the teenage girls next door might happen to peer over the fence!


Gretchen and I had traditional sex less and less. If I wanted to get into her pants, it became more and more of a reward.


??I don’t know, I’m just not that attracted to you?and you’re too grabby?


?Gretchen had begun telling me. She spent less and less time in states of undress in the house.


Gretchen still, of course wore tight clothes and cute little bustiers (?The guys at work dig it, you know, Milesy.?)


But didn’t undress around me much, except that I was allowed to eat her out late at night.


Still, she was teasing me beyond belief, twitching her full round buttocks across my crotch as she passed me while I was making dinner, or kissing my neck casually now and then.


I began to beg her for sex. ?I just am so horny, honey.? I begged.


?I mean, I work all day for you, and when I come home I want a little relief, you know??


Gretchen had laughed. ?But you understand, Miles, that after people have been married a while, sex stops being the prime focus of the relationship.??


We had been married for nine months.


?One night I was watching Gretchen paint her nails in the living room.


Clad in a casual tube top and tight jeans, she was mesmerized by the? frosty pink she was pouring all over her long talons, and I was gaping at her.


?The more we didn’t fuck, it seemed the more beautiful Gretchen was.


She looked up at me. ?What’s wrong, honey?? Gretchen asked.


?W-well, it’s been such a long time since—since we had um, relations.? I said.


?I know.? Gretchen had laughed. ?I don’t really feel that way about you right now, Milesy.?


?She turned to her frosty pink nail polish. I bit my lip. Goddamnit.


When I was in high school and college there were plenty of girls who’d told me they didn’t feel that way about me..but I was married to this girl!


What the hell was that?


?Gretchen, please.? I moved a little closer to her. ?It’s been nearly five weeks since we made love.


I try to be a good hubby to you, and we have something special.? I was babbling. I sounded like a Partridge Family album or something..


Gretchen had looked up at me again, amusedly. ?You’re that horny, huh?? she asked, smiling.


?Yes, please let me touch you, Gretchen.? I pleaded. ?Not even oral sex—I mean, you don’t have to suck me but—?


Gretchen’s brow furrowed. ?I know I don’t have to suck you, or blow you, you fucking asshole. How dare you imply that I’d ever have to??


?Gretchen had turned then to her nails and gritted her teeth. Oh shit, what was I going to do? I couldn’t alienate her.


?No, please, Gretchen, I didn’t mean it that way? I begged.


?I just want to make love to you, because I’m so horny?.


Don’t you want to take your clothes off and make gentle love, like we used to?? I was babbling at this point.


Gretchen had turned to me again. She toyed with her hair, and looked me in the eye in that sort of limpid way she used to—I grinned feebly at her.


Gretch put down her nail polish brush and began toying casually with her nipple through the tube top.


I stared as if hypnotized. ?God all this attention is so flattering, Milesy.? Gretch said, running a long pink tongue across her full lips.


The door opened and Tom walked in, and headed for the stairs. ?Hey, Gretch, Miles. How’re you doing??


?I’m trying to decide if I’m going to give Miles any action.? Gretchen laughed lightly. ?He’s begging me again?remember last? night, all the crying??


Tom laughed, and my face burned. His bedroom was right next to ours.


It was true, I had been sobbing because Gretchen had not let me touch her that evening, and oh, how cute she’d looked in her Merry Widow!?


Tom had ?winked at Gretchen. ?Good luck, Miles!?


He went upstairs. ?I wish you wouldn’t tell him our business dear.? I said feebly, but I knew it was no use.


I really should’ve gotten Tom to leave some time ago.


In the beginning I’d enjoyed having my old college roommate living with us.


Tom had a minor construction job as opposed to my fabulously remunerative investment banking career, and it was great to give him a low rent.


?But now that Gretchen was here, it seemed that there was something weird going on between them, though I couldn’t figure out what it was at the time.


?Poor Miles? Gretchen said now to me. ?You need a little attention, and I need a little entertainment.


We each have to give a little.? That sounded good, I thought, biting my lip.


?Why don’t you take your clothes off?? My eyebrows raised. ?Here in the living room??


I smiled shakily.??Let’s get upstairs, huh??


Gretchen laughed. ?No, let’s get wild here in the living room, take off your clothes, won’t you??


I excitedly stripped off everything, and stood in front of her, grinning unsteadily, with my cock poking straight out in front of me.


??Get me a drink, babe.? I ran and got her a gin and tonic, and came back with my big grin.


Gretchen burst into laughter. ?God you look like a porno version of Howdy Doody.?


She took the drink from my hand and sipped it.? Gretchen casually put out a long leg and used her clog to poke my cock.


?The wood was cold against my rock hard cock and I gasped.


?Oh, I was so horny. ?Gretchen honey, lets go upstairs and get it on, in the bedroom. I don’t want people to---?


As if to give reality to my fear, Tom came down the stairs. He saw me standing naked as Gretchen was playing with my dick with her shoe.


Bursting into laughter, Tom shook his head, and went on his way through the kitchen.


?Oh God.? I bit my tongue. I got mad then.


?You know, Gretchen, we should have the house to ourselves?so we can play around in the house naked. I’m going to tell Tom to move out next month.?


Gretchen moved her clog back and then lightly kicked me in the balls. I moaned.


?Don’t do that, Miles.? Gretchen said sharply. ?I like Tommy around?it’s good energy for me.?


What the hell did that mean? ?But anyway?you want to be more attractive to me, do you Miles???


?I nodded my head, suddenly totally aware of my nakedness and my potbelly.


?Whatever you think, dear.? Gretchen toyed again with my cock, now glistening with precum.


?Her clog pushed lightly against the scrotal sack that she’d just kicked so violently.


?I want you to do something interesting for me?make me amused, honey.? Gretchen said casually. ?How about you paint your nails with my nail polish??

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The Girls ClubChapter 13 A daddy Again

It was shortly after lunch, and a quick shower at the apartment that Tony arrived at Joan's house. Joan met him on the doorstep, and flung her arms round his neck. It was the same every time they had met, since her eviction of John. Tony had not pressed charges, after John's attempt to kill him, but only on condition that he stayed away from her. The warning had not been necessary, as he was now remanded in custody, waiting for trial on a long list of offences. Over the past few weeks,...

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Daughters Accident

When Chelsea was nine, her mother died of cancer, and I was left to raise her alone. This was not a problem, because Chelsea was smart, active, cute and all around, a “good” little girl. She was growing to be the spitting image of her mother, with bright red hair, brilliant blue eyes and a smile that would light up the room. When Chelsea was younger, up until about the age of six, I would bath her, periodically, but she was just a cute child, and not the object of any sexual attraction to...

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Part 2Introducing my ex to the life style with a

Introducing my ex to the life style with a bbc Part 2, All my stories are true experiences. Amy and I couldn’t stop talking about our night with Jim and after our Melbourne trip I really wanted to take Amy back up to see him knowing she loved it that much. I message Jim and we make plans to meet in couple weeks when he is free for the night. On the day Amy in such a great mood as she spends all day for something hot to wear and shaving herself nice and smooth, we get up there meeting Jim at a...

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The Underworld

He sat lazily in his black stone chair, his dark brown hair messily combed only so it would stay out of his bright emerald eyes, giving him the appearance of a much younger man. The chill of the Underworld never got to him, he was used to it by now. His eyes drifted closed as he sat there, straining to find some time to sleep in his endless days. Of course that was when the doors to his throne room were thrown open, two of his guards bursting through supporting a young petite blonde between...

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Kumar Apartment Part 1

Hi, sabko mera good wishes, mera naam Suraj hai aur mujhe kahaniya likhne aur padne me nahut maza aata hai. Isme mujhe ye maza milta hai ki me doosri ki zindgi aur unki kalpanao ko janne lagta hoon aur likh kar bhi mein apni kalpanaye doosro ko batane me maza leta hoon. Khaas kar ki aysi kahaniya jo kalpna karta hoon sirf sex me na ulajh kar reality ka ehsaas dilate hai. In sabhi kalpanao ke peeche koi na koi real life character hota hai jo mujhe is kadar likhne ka hunar deta hai. Mein 27 years...

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Halloween With Shelly

I'm Tony. I have been retired for the past five years. Sixty years young and living by myself since my wife's death two years ago. Sure, I still get horny sometimes but at my age it's pretty easy going without sex. An occasional masturbation session satisfies me for a week or two. I have to admit that it's lonely sometimes. There are only so many books you can read or movies you can rent. Once in a while one of my old co-workers will stop by for a coffee or maybe a beer. So I am not...

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The perfect guy Part 2

Hello! This is part two of my experience so if you haven't read part one then I suggest you go to my profile and do that. Now, Part two: I was sitting in my room thinking of what to wear. Jeans and a t-shirt or a button up striped long sleeve shirt with khaki pants and a hoodie, I decided to wear jeans with my long sleeve black t-shirt with rainbow stripes on the sleeve reading “Gay pride bitches” in white, then wearing my zipped up dark purple hoodie; All of which for laughs. I then walked...

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The Taboo Coffee Shop Chapter 3

“Knock knock I'm coming in!” I stir sleepily on the couch, sitting up and holding the blanket June gave me tight as I hear my uncle Ben open the door. “Yeawww, morning uncle.” I greet him, looking around the apartment to orient myself from waking up in a strange place. “I brought bagels, fruit, and the coffee is on downstairs. Rise and shine!” Ben says cheerfully as he looks around the small apartment and then his eyes settle on the leash and cuffs that June used last night. “Well it...

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Lockdown Vlll

Closing her mouth around Megan's breast, Savannah bit her nipple. Wincing in pain Megan moaned loudly. Reaching between her legs, Savannah rubbed her hand across Megan's sensitive clit area. As she arched her back sloshing sounds could be heard. Grabbing Savannahs hair, Megan pressed her mouth tighter against her breasts as the most powerful orgasm yet ripped through her body. Bucking liquid covered Savannahs hand. OH SHIT echoed off the walls. Pressing her vagina against her leg Savannah...

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Human ManChapter 27

The Holiday Inn at Fort Stockton was new. The only available room was a suite. Scott took it without complaint and found it cleaner than the last hotel room he'd stayed in. He felt a little lost. Joseph and Honour had taken the kids, and Jobe, to visit one of their parents for the holiday. Judge Upcott, his wife Bea, Sheriff King, and his lady friend were in Montana. Scott was contemplating a nap when the cell phone rang. He answered it without checking the name because he had a good idea...

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Escaping From a MurdererChapter 12

Margaret sat in Iain's front room and took a gulp of the whisky Shona gave her. "I'll look after it," Shona offered. "'Til your ready." Margaret downed the two shots and panted. "I can manage." "Ah know," Shona sniffed. "Ahh but ya've been through a lot," she was told. "Shock. Yer've had a big shock." Shona looked up at the solicitor. "Please." Margaret's eyes dropped and looked at the baby in her arms. "Ah want another bairn but Iain says no. Ah, for one...

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A sexy train mate

This is Kumar, I wanted to share one of my experiences with u guys hope u find it interesting. As part of my work I travel a lot to different cities inside and outside the country. During last December I boarded rajdhani express in premium class from Delhi to Calcutta. It was ice cold in Delhi at that time. I was wearing warm clothes. Let me describe myself. I’m 36 yr old. 5 feet 11 inches tall. Very short haired (I love that US marines type hair cut. Hope u guys like it too) .I’m strong faced...

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I Cant Have Her

This is a quick little something I’ve thrown together. I hope it’s mildly entertaining. Please vote and comment. On something this experimental, I need the feedback. * I awake from sleep, eyes starting. I’m not erect. My chest is hollow with pain and want. I can’t have her. How long have I known her? Not long, but I’ve waited the length of my life. We met when I wandered into a gathering place, where people go to talk, debate, flirt. She was already a regular. Her words were the first...

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My husband let me fulfill our fantasies but I dont

When I met my husband I was very sly, and not to talkative to the other sex. So my girlfriends were shocked when I got engaged to a very handsome man I met in the park a year ago. I was running beside the duck pond, when he went for the football past running into me knocking me into the pond. Ya maybe it was a different way to meet the man you end up married too. I wasn't a virgin when we married, but he was the first man I wanted to make love too. All I will say about the first man was to say,...

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My Wifes Revenge With My Friends

Wife gets back at husband for flirting by making him watch.Chapter 1I met Kat at work two years ago. She was 22, 18 years younger than I, but we had a connection from her first day. I was the owner at a small ad agency, and she enjoyed flirting with, and later dating the boss. She was so pretty and alive, with an amazing body. She didn't dress slutty, but her curves were never hidden in the sundresses she wore all summer or the sweaters she wore in the winter. Things moved fast, she had moved...

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This is my first submitted story so please be kind if you can though I’m definitely open to any constructive criticisms and also let me know if you think I should add more! She’s cold. Nipples tight and hard. Pressed firm against the narrow padded bench. Bent at the waist. Arms stretched forward. Wrists manacled with cold bracelets. Legs spread wide. Tight globes of her ass high in the air. Pussy on display. This was his fantasy. She’d promised him anything. She had no idea what else was in the...

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She Controlled Me More Than I Thought 7

We Finally Have SexFor the next couple of weeks everything kind of calmed down and fell into more of a normal routine. The last outing was very rough for me, and maybe she thought I had been pushed to hard. She was playing a much kinder role which I learned to enjoy every much. Now even when I came over I no long had to knock on the door, she just allowed me to enter into her home. We even had not done any sexual things within this time. Even though I still had to follow all her rules it felt...

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He Planned a Secret Ch 01

[Not a normal Romance story. This one could have been in the Group area as easily as here. The sex in this story begins almost vanilla except it includes three people. The story is fiction.] After the ceremony I walked back to my room. I’d been on the base for two weeks and had a room to myself all that time. As soon as I got inside the room my dress uniform came off and the shower came on. Twenty minutes later I was showered, shaved (again) and dressed in a new short sleeved Hawaiian shirt...

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A little understanding

Our parents are....ignorant, to say the least. My brother and I have desires for our lives that are far beyond what our parents want, and as a result, there's quite a few arguments, and an obvious disconnect between us.I parked in the driveway, and took a look to make sure my baby was looking beautiful before I went in the house. My baby is a '69 SS Camaro, black with an orange rally stripe, and it's my pride and joy. It was a gift from mom and dad when I turned 17 last year.The sounds of an...

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My maid my slave 4

Without conscious thought, my beautiful dazed servant obediently reached back behind her and took hold of the throbbing hard shaft, placing the swollen purple tip between her cunt lips. My huge inflated penis jumped in her hand and I thrust impatiently against her as she worked the bloated cock-head up and down the full slit of her naked pussy, lubricating the long stiff member with the warmly flowing sperm that still trickled wetly from her ravaged vagina. She still had not fully comprehended...

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Male Escort Diaries 8211 My First Client 8211 An MNC Worker

Hi fellas, its vincent again I am a male escort serving women from posch society who want safety and secrecy I giv companionship for reasonable rate Feel free to contact me at my mail id ( ) my services include massage dating house company and intimate services Now lets go to the story My last story is about a shy muslim woman with whom I made love this story is about a unmarried north indian women who is my first client After I registered as an escort I got my first call after 2hrs told her...

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My whore aunt

100% fiction! It was a cold fall night when I was visiting some family for the evening. My aunt was staying at their house due to a divorce and she had been drinking a lot since she moved there. She is a tall,beautiful nice big ass and some huge titties. Her face was very pretty as well,she always wore clothes that showed off her curves and tops that showed her dd breasts. She was dating here and there but nothing serious. I always wondered what she would be like in bed and always checked her...

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Mrs Succubus A Halloween Story

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! This warning is totally not needed for this particular story, but I am including it because it is needed for most of my stories. If you decide to read other of my stories make sure that you read the disclosures and warnings at the beginning of each story. All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to...

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Wife meets Hamburny in the dive bar

See he just wanted to get down her throat. But first he would like to expose, handle, fondle and suck her boobs in public, if that would be OK with me. So I wanted J to meet and spend time with this real sexy gentleman friend of mine. He has seen her pictures. He knows what her nipples look like. He knows she sucks cock for fun. He also knows she sucks cocks to make me happy. The guys are always happy, too. Recently J has been getting bold and daring ME to do things. One of her dares involved...

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You Fuck like a Girl PT2 Gay

I left Atlanta knowing I had made a big mistake.The whole ride home with my parents, I felt ashamed about letting Jim, a man old enough to be my father, ravish my 18-year-old male body the night before.I was especially disturbed because I had loved it so much, being his girl and following his orders. He had called me "Wendy," the name of my ex-girlfriend, and I loved it.I also had loved being naked for him. I loved raising my ass, spreading my legs, and feeling him enter me. And it bothered me...

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Becoming A Bitch To My Bestfriend

Hi guys.My name is Rajath.I am a regular ISS reader.Since the stories posted are real.I am here to post my true story.And people,if my stories turn you horny then you can contact me. Let me introduce myself.I am 20yrs old.I live in Bangalore with my family.I am doing my engg 5th sem.I have medium built body and my height is 5.6ft.I have this peculiar personality or behaviour that i wanted to feel myself as a girl or slutty bitch. I am a bi sexual and interested in men too if they treat me...

Gay Male
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Birth of a pantyhose fetish

Part of what I find erotic is the pursuit of the feeling you got in your belly those very first times you were sexually turned on. What was turning you on and how intense and erotic it was as your hands were shaking and you were all nervous and aroused. Probably similar to d**g addicts always trying to get that first buzz feeling. For me it was, and always has been, pantyhose. Not stockings and that, but nude or suntan pantyhose. Probably a symptom of growing up in the 70's. I don't even...

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HH8Shantis Pregnancy Helper

HH8: Shanti's Pregnancy Helper, part of the HH series TG adult fiction by talltglover. If you are offended by men or women having sex with transgenders or hermaphrodites, or live in an area where such activity is illegal, or are too young to be reading adult erotica, please do not continue. This story is unlike most of my other fiction, which concerns men turning into women (conceptually) or hermaphrodites and having sex with other men. This story was written as a special request,...

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Kidnapping From the Heart

Cold calling was no fun, but at least it wasn't telemarketing. His light flashed, indicating that one of the automatic dialers had found a real live person. Ethan Sanders took a deep breath and spoke into his headset, looking at his monitor to see the name. "Hello, could I speak to Mr. Houpt?" "Who's calling?" "This is Northeast Market Research. We are conducting a study, and if you qualify, you could earn $150 for giving us your opinions." "What's the catch?" "I understand...

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Role play with Daddys Little Girl

Belinda was a really good friend and almost as naughty as me. We decided that we would play Daddy's little girl. She said that she always had a fantasy of being a little girl wanting to seduce her Daddy. One day the little girl thought of a really sneaky way to seduce her Daddy.She told me that we would start with me coming home from work to find my little girl on the couch very upset and crying, then we would lve tit play out.I came home from work and my Little Girl was laying on the couch...

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My First Girl On Girl

This is a story about the first time i had sex with a girl .when i was 19 years old my parents usted to travel alot they always left me with ,Nicole was 20 years old she was a brunette with a smoking hot body and a big ass ,i was always into girls by the time i was 11 years old when i was in primary school i kissed my bestfriend...anyway the day that my parents left the country it was only me and nicole she said she would make us dinner i told her that i was going to my room call me when dinner...

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Victorias Vice

Victoria Jenkins stood nervously in the hallway outside the door of the study, unconsciously tracing arabesques on the carpet with the tip of her right shoe. Above her head a large, white-faced clock relentlessly ticked away the few minutes remaining before her latest uncomfortable appointment. It was not an unfamiliar situation for her. Pacing up and down the hallway as silently as she could, painful memories flashed through her mind; of her previous encounters in the same room; of all that...

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Learning TogetherChapter 11

Exam Week was a bastard. I had been forced to spend a perfectly lovely late May weekend indoors, cooped up in my stuffy bedroom revising; desperate to fill my brain with any fact that I could possibly later scribble down on paper and earn a mark for. The problem was, not everything we had been taught would come up in the exam, and I was learning a lot of useless information along with the essential stuff. I needed to cover the whole syllabus so that I would be able to have a decent stab at...

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Paradise Part 1

“You wanted to buy that fraking recorder!” he yelled back. Edward and I were supposed be on flight 997 to Rapture at 1400 hours Colonial Time. It was 1405. If it wasn’t for the fact star cruisers were never on time then we’d have most certainly been left behind. We finally reached the entrance to the star cruiser. The ticket checking machine scanned our tickets and allowed us access to the shuttle. “Thank the stars we aren’t too late,” I sighed. ...

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Hot Dream

Just thinking about the dream I had this morning .... guess it is because i really want to experience this I keep dreaming about it. Even right now, remembering my dream, I feel my cock swelling and stiffening in my shorts, my balls tingling just a little ... I just reached down to squeeze it to see how big it has gotten and it felt very nice.In my dream I was wondering what it would be like to be sucking another guy, he was uncut, like me. I was softly teasing around and under his balls, while...

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A Boy In Babeland chapter 6

He could hear her singing; she must have left the door open with it being just the two of them in the house. Looking at the clock on the wall Lee saw it was 1: 25 PM Trish was late for work. "Trish you'd better get a move on you’re late," he shouted up to his sister who appeared from the bathroom naked. "Oh shit what time is it?" she asked as she dried herself with a pink fluffy towel. "Five and twenty past one" Lee shouted back to his sister who was in her room now getting...

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The Nature Experience

I was on summer break from my first year at college at my grandparents’ house. It was a very rainy and gray day. Boredom had begun to sink in. And, as I have a tendency to do, I began to fill the bored time with self pleasuring. I put my hand down my pants and began to make myself horny. I thought I’d take a shower and release some of the tensions that I had built up. On the way to the bathroom, however, I looked out the window at the rain. I then had a brilliant idea: I would do this in the...

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For this story I am going back to the early 1980’s when I was just a slip of a lad living at home with my parents and my sister, an annoying little shit that was a couple of years my junior. Mum and Dad has to work so it was left up to my sis and me to make our own entertainment when school was out, we were trusted and how we got away with what we did beats me even to this day. My sister was starting to change, she was going through puberty and was starting to develop and I was just a lad,...

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Amy and Dave Nude on VacationChapter 6c

At Kelly's Farm Megan and Amy drove out into the country to Kelly's farm. Both girls were looking forward to going riding. While Megan went riding often, it had been quite a while since Amy had been riding. A friend's family had horses and every once in awhile, Amy would get to go riding. Amy wasn't that good, but she could ride without too many problems. Finally, they arrived at the farm. Megan drove down the road and parked next to the barn. The two girls got out of the car and as...

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GreeniesChapter 6C

The MPs guarding the main gate had the advantage of knowing exactly where their enemy was, in what numbers they were in, and what their plan most likely was. They knew that two squads and at least one battalion would push towards them from three directions, undoubtedly all at once. For many groups of trained soldiers this might have been enough despite the numerical and weapon superiority of the enemy. But the MPs were not trained as soldiers, they were trained primarily as a security force...

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Niharika8217s Fantasy Comes True 8211 Part 2

My girlfriend some years ago was Niharika A (34B-24-36). She is now Niharika D, married to Alan D, and stays at Powai in Mumbai. (All names and places are changed) Although we were very intimate, I did not penetrate her even though the relationship lasted for 10 years. Now continued from ” Niharika’s Fantasy Comes True ” (link on top) which we can now call Part I I untied her hands and she turned over and gave us a beautiful smile, and then said “ Thank you guys, for the wonderful birthday...

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My wife takes on three

This is another story involving my wife. Let me know what you think. I was recently staying at a hotel out of town when my wife came to see me unexpectedly. I was happy to see her, seeing as I was horny as hell. My wife is Native American and beautiful. Shes about 51 and 110 lbs. Long black hair about three quarters of the way down her back and smooth brown skin that makes my dick hard thinking about it. Her breasts are small but she has the hottest brown cone shaped nipples that are long and...

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Through the ThinVeil of a TV Screen

“Truman is the ultimate media sensation, truly.” - Peoples Magazine “So influential among people of all ages, he could shape the world into a better place.” - New York Times “You could make a religion out of this!” - An online fan “I touch myself every time I watch Truman and pretend he’s having sex with me ever since I had my first period!” - College student on campus who has shared too much. “The simple matter of fact is this. For a majority of the world, Truman is life. Truman is love....

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