A Lady Knight's Tail free porn video

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       A Lady Knight’s Tail

       By Razor7826 (Copyright 2008)

       ?We should just burn the entire village to the ground.  Set an example for those who would dare defy our Queen.?

       I turned my eyes to Luther.  His insane grin terrified me, but I kept my poise.  ?Sir Luther, you know that was not what the queen ordered of us.?

       ?Heh.  Trust me, you’d be a lot better off if we skip this entire damn town and leave it in smoldering ruins.?

        ?What do you mean??

       Luther laughed menacingly.  ?You know the reason were here, right??

       ?Blasphemy, according to her Majesty.?

       ?Exactly.  The town is filled with a bunch of misogynistic religious fanatics.?

       I could see why my Queen sent me.  She was always on my side, supportive of the kingdom’s first female knight.  Religious fanatics such as those were the type of scum she wanted purged from her kingdom, and I would fulfill her wish.  These simple folk had no idea what was coming their way.

       Luther trotted ahead on his horse.  ?You coming, Gwyn??

       Together, we rode down from the overlooking hill towards the tiny village.  The sky was cloudless, and the grass glowed with a late spring green.    However, as they neared the village, the terrain got darker and dirtier, the townsfolk having paid no attention to the impact of their filth and pollution on the surrounding terrain.

The village was comprised of a patchwork of wooden huts and few genuinely carpentered houses, organized without any clear plan.  The streets seemed to randomly twist and turn in directions determined solely by the builders’ whims.  I was surprised there even was a path to the center at all.  The men and women of the small hamlet parted to allow our passage, but they never took their eyes off us.  We were outsiders, and their religious zealotry no doubt spurred xenophobia in addition to misogyny. 

       ?I wish to speak with your ruling council,? I demanded from atop my white horse.

       Gasps and murmurs erupted from the crowd.

       I looked to Luther, who was sitting atop his horse with a foolish grin across his face.

       ?I said, ‘I wish to speak with your ruling council.?

       Still, nobody spoke.

       I drew my sword and pointed it at the crowd.  ?Shall I ask again??

       ?That is enough!?

       ?Who said that?? I asked as I scanned the crowd for the man that dare speak against me.  Rarely had a man used such a tone against me and kept his head.

       The crowded hurried from the town square to reveal a single elderly man with a long white beard.  He huddled over towards us, supporting himself with a rudimentary wooden cane.  ?It was I.  I am the leader of this town.?

       ?Our Queen demanded we deliver a message.?

       ?Silence, wench!?

       Luther began to chuckle.

       ?What did you call me??  My blood boiled.  Nobody speaks to me like that, nobody!  I was the finest knight in the Queen’s service, and the only woman to ever be knighted, and the youngest squire to ever get promoted.  Nobody calls me wench, especially not elderly religious fanatics.

       The elder turned to Luther.  ?Why have you not silenced her??

       ?Sorry, sir, but she is a hard one to control.?

       ?Does she know what she does??

       ?Yes, she knows.?

       ?Luther, what is going on?? I asked, completely baffled by the exchange between the two men.

       ?Let us go inside,? offered the elder. ?We have things to discuss.  And not a word from the wench.?

       I was about to kill the man right then and there, but Luther placed his hand against my armlet and forced it down.  It was not the time to kill, but I hoped for the chance. 

       ?You’ve made a grave mistake coming to our town, and even graver one allowing the whore to speak out of turn.?

       ?I am not a whore!?

       ?You will be, you will be.  Now, sir knight, why have you intruded upon us??

       ?Our Queen wishes to make an offer of peace.  She knows that your people have harassing our caravans of late, and she demands that it stops.?

       ?And why would we comply after you allow her to break our sacred rules??

       Luther smirked.  ?We are offering her as a tribute.?

       Instantly my hand reached to my sheath, but it was too late; the tip of Luther’s sword was already pressing against my throat.

       ?Luther, how could you??

       ?I will do anything that my Queen demands of me.?

       My heart froze.  The Queen desired this?  What had I done to offend her?  I had spent my entire life as her prized servant and loyal lapdog, willing to anything to please her.  And now this?  ?What trickery is this, Luther??

       ?It isn’t much of a trick, Mi’Lady.  The Queen wants you out of her castle, and she knows how much the kind people of this town would appreciate your company.?

       ?Why would she request this of me??

       He chuckled, mockingly, and I wanted nothing more than to reach for my blade and take his head. However, I knew he would beat me to it.  He pressed harder with his sword but not enough to break my skin.  ?Can you really not figure out her reason?  I’d much rather see you deduce that yourself.  Now, good sir, where shall I place her??

       ?I think we shall begin with the stocks.  Take her outside.?

       Luther moved behind me and grabbed my shoulder.  I could tell what he wanted of me by his grasp, and we exited the elder’s tiny house with me as Luther’s prisoner.  The village elder led us to the East, through a small alley to another, smaller plaza.  Where as the main square was for general business, the smaller one had a distinctly different purpose: the punishment of women.

       I immediately understood the degree of misogyny that Luther had warned me about.  In a cage that hung ten feet above the center of the square dangled a small blond woman.  She mumbled to herself quietly, begging for food, and from her emaciated look, I could tell it had been days since she had last eaten.

       Besides her was another woman, this one middle aged.  Like the emaciated girl next to her, she was naked, but she hanged by her wrists to a large wooden pole.  Her arms looked stretched and sore, but I could tell she was alive from the heaving of her chest as she struggled to breath.  Though tears streamed down her face, she suffered without verbal protests, a likely answer to the village’s rules.

       My blood began to run cold. ?Luther? please, you can’t do this to me.?

       ?It is our Queen’s wish.  Did you not take a vow to serve her will at all times??

       I knew what he was going to say, and I didn’t like it.

       ?If our queen wishes you to be a good will emissary to these townsfolk, shouldn’t you oblige?  ‘There is no higher honor than service to the queen,’ right?  Isn’t that what you always say??

       I had no response other than my rationalizations for my own self interest.  There was nothing for me to say.

       ?Place her to the stocks,? commanded the elder. 

       Luther followed the orders and led me up short steps onto a wooden platform where the stocks were placed.

       ?Good, good,? he mumbled.  ?Henry!? he yelled. A teenage boy soon appeared from a nearby alley.

       ?Yes, sir?  You called for me sir?? asked the boy.  He was a street rat.  I had seen many during my time.  Dirty, smelly, and wearing whatever scraps he could find.

       ?Please, assist that witch into the pillory.?  He reached into his pocket and pulled a large iron key.  ?If you do this for me, I promise you a shot at her.?

       ?For me, good sir?  Thank you!?  The boy grinned with a childish enthusiasm.  I couldn’t tell how old he was, but his foolish smirk belonged on a mere pup that received more than coal on Christmas morning for the first time in his life.

       Luther beckoned the kid as he hurried towards the pillory.  ?Do you mind taking her equipment?  Wouldn’t want it getting in the way of your ceremonies, now would we.?

       The teenager turned to his elder, who nodded in permission.  He then unlatched the belt that kept my sheath in place.  It fell to the wooden floor panels.

       Next were my leggings.  He unfastened the straps behind my calves, and they too fell to the floor in a pile.  My greaves, my chest plate, my armlets, almost everything I counted on for protection was pried off of me, leaving me naked save for my shoulder guards, chainmail tunic, leather skirt, and white undergarments.

       ?My, my,? taunted Luther.  ?Is that why you always wear such heavy armor?  To prevent men from gazing upon your pure and supple skin??

       I wanted teach to reach over and tear out his throat, but his sword to my own calmed my fury.  Someday his throat would be mine, I thought, but I had no idea how unattainable that dream would soon become.

       The teenager unlocked and opened the pillory.  Luther pushed me down all the while holding his sword against my neck until my hip reached a ninety-degree angle.  It was as if the pillory was at a perfect height for the average woman.

       ?Now, your legs, witch,? asked the teenage boy.


       The elder jabbed his staff against my cheek.  ?Silence!? he yelled.

       I gazed at him with contempt, but there was no use in mouthing off needlessly.  I didn’t know what the teenager wanted, but I loosed up and let him do what he pleased.

       He grabbed my ankles, one by one, and pressed them against a wooden bar.  Once he was done, I realized the intent-- to force my legs apart and to allow greater access to my lower regions.  Is that what they did to woman?  In the Queen’s land, such tactics were a grave sin.  Did the queen know this is what they would require of me?  What had I done to cross her so?

       The elder bent over near my head and supported himself with his cane.  He grabbed a handful of dirt and pebbles from the ground and held the rubble to my face.

       ?This,? he said, ?is your punishment for speaking out of turn.   For the next six hours, you are to know and be your role in life.  To that end, you must hold these stones in your mouth and quietly accept whatever we do to you.  Should a single pebble but fall to the ground, your time in the square is renewed.?

       I opened my mouth to speak, to protest against the injustice, my betrayal, and their misogyny.  He viewed my mouth with a different purpose, and used my imminent cries as an opportunity to jam my mouth full of the stones. 

       My punishment had begun.

I’ll never forget the warmth of the first man’s legs against my rear and thighs.  It had been over a decade since my life was defined by the cold, smooth touch of armor. His heat felt great against my skin; a small solace to the piercing pain my vagina.

       He didn’t even pause to make sure I was ready.  The sudden shock pushed me to scream and the pebbles fell out of my mouth.  I let out a pained cry.

       ?Silence!? yelled the town elder.  ?You will learn not to make noise unless given permission.?  He reared back his cane and snapped it onto my back. 

Even against my chainmail tunic, the cane hurt.  Once again, I screamed, this time louder and more horrendous.

       The man at my rear did not stop.  I screamed and squirmed but he just dug his hands deeper into my waist.  He slammed his thing into me over and over, sending waves across my body that clanked my shoulder plates against the wooden stocks.

       I had vowed to live a life of celibacy in service to the King and Queen.  There was no higher honor in life than fulfilling the role of chaste Knight Maiden, and my family had been so proud of the many honors I received. 

       But now, that dream was shattered.  I could feel the warm cum overflowing from my vault and down my pale smooth thighs, and I had no choice but to endure their punishments, for without a weapon I was truly defenseless.  And, even if I did escape, where would I go?  The Queendom of Aluane extended hundreds of miles in each direction, ensuring I would receive no harbor no matter where I ran.

       No, this was it.  This was my new life.

       The town hoodlum that had helped me into the stocks bent over, recovered the spilt stones and returned them to my mouth.  Another man stepped forward and shoved his cock inside me.

       I wanted to scream, to cry, to reject the filth that filled my mouth, but I refrained, suppressing the urge and swallowing my pride.  The rapist continued to ram into my rear, but I accepted it, for there was no other way for the nightmare to ever end.

       Man after man continued to use my soar holes, but I thought I could make it.   But just after sunset, I began to nod off.  And, not from pain, but from exhaustion, a single pebble slipped from my mouth.

       The foolish looking street rat quickly pounced and raised the pebble into the air with a look of absolute pride.

       It was going to be a long night.


       I wish it ended then.  I wish I held out, but that was just the beginning of my plight. 

Once during the lantern lit night I cried out and spilled the stones.  By then I could feel the cum pooling around my feet.  The townsfolk must have each had their tries and been moved onto seconds.  They all laughed and taunted me while the women stood at edges of the square and stared.  I wondered how many of them had been sentenced to this same unspeakable horror.

From vacant looks on many of their faces, I knew the answer.


Again, just before dawn, I slipped into slumber and spilt the stones.  And, after that, I remembered nothing.


I awoke in a horse’s stall.  It reeked of equine stench, presumably from a horse that stared at me from across the stables.  Hay stuck to my skin, adhered by the unclean cum that still lingered to my body after the night of brutal assault.  Had I made it, or did they grant mercy on me?  I tried to stand but collapsed back onto the ground with a thump.

They told me I had passed out from exhaustion and failed my trial.  I would have to repeat it over, but not immediately.  Even a lowly woman was given time to care for their wounds.   And so, I rested in that horse’s stall, a chain wrapped around my neck and my arms cuffed together behind my back.

I was allowed that one day to reflect on my life.  From a young girl fighting boys in the city square, to a teenage girl disguising herself as a boy to become a squire, to full acceptance into her majesty’s service, my existence was one of pride and valor.  I did everything I could to serve my Queen, and I had no reason to believe that I crossed her.

       But, in that day of peaceful solitude among the neighing horses, I realized the moment where everything went wrong.

       It was his visit.  The Regent of a neighboring kingdom came to discuss matters with the Queen.  He was young, smooth, and attractive, and I loved being in his presence.  It was innocent, and led nowhere; he was just a young power monger trying to make an in with our military to get information.

       I gave him nothing but empty, flattering words, but he took so much more.  The night after his visit, the Queen spoke to me with an unfamiliar coldness.  I thought nothing of it at the time, but now I realize what I had done. I had offended the Queen.  Her young, prized knight had stepped in and stolen the affection of a noble, the only breed of mates the queen would ever allow herself.  She had wanted him, but my beauty stole him from her grasp.

And, for that single mistake, I am faced with this.  A life I never imagined, being everything that I never wanted to be.

Here I am facing down the pillory once again, no longer armored or chaste.

This time I will succeed.  As a knight, I mastered my mind and body to push myself past the limits.  Today, I will do the same, but for a distinctly different purpose.

Though I am now a slave, I will not die one.  I will be free.

And when I am? revenge will be mine. 

Against these villagers. 

Against Luther.

And, above all, against the Queen.

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The morning had started out like any other. When he opened his eyes his ears were met with the usual sounds of the early morning. Loud drunken laughter, gunshots and what he later determined was someone getting their ass beat drifted through his slightly cracked window. These were the usual sounds of the morning and thus received no more than a fraction of his attention. One issue that did attract his attention was the thought that today also represented the first he would spend at his new...

4 years ago
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Knights of the Sun

The horizon is wrapped into the colors of dawn, the sun-rays hit the castle walls of the "White Mountain". Being the headquarter of the order, it was situated in the valley of ravens. The valley was a dangerous place, home to predators and bandits, but more than that it was the passage to the outback. Only a few were in the outback and returned, those tell stories of alien Flora and strange weather conditions. It is rumored that in the outback the sun only rises three times a year. The outback...

1 year ago
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Knights of the Old Republic

"No no no...this isn't how it's done!" The Disciple, Mical, yelled. "When I was at the academy on..." "Oh will you shut up...you never finished your training" retorted Visas Marr. "I doubt you ever finished Master Suurik either" interject Mira, "I mean, she took that eye candy Atton with him. Must sting." "That's not what this is about!" roared Mical "We need to do this the right way. We need to be prepared to train padawans correctly, by the books. As history has dictated!" "To bad for you...

3 years ago
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Thundering Knights Part Two

The night was dark and cool; the night sounds of the Orcish Waste a strange sort of silence. Little lives as the plants and small animals had been wiped out by the Orc Horde that had risen after the shattering. Humans had ruled the land when the Jagged Pines had been at its peak, acting a shepherds and caretakers of the wood. Their small city had been burned and crushed when the Orcs ravaged and burned their way across this land of massive old giant trees. The Shattering had also collapsed the...

2 years ago
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Thundering Knights Part One

After boarding the ship, Tamalain met with the Captain of the good ship The Golden Mane, Captain Marian. Marian was not what Tamalain expected after her previous trip on a human run sea going vessel. Marian was tall, over six feet and heavily muscled from hard labor of working as a sailor. She also had a voice that carried loudly over the wind and noises of a ship under way. "What can I do for you lady Elf?" asked Captain Marian. "Will it be alright for me to sleep in the upper crows nest,...

1 year ago
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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 33 Isekai Life Knights of Esche

I knelt in front of Calliope, who was despondently flipping through her spellbook. She glanced at me momentarily, before looking back to the pages, chin in her other hand. I shifted to a sitting position and sighed. “Yeah, I’d be pretty disappointed in myself if that happened to me, too.” “Well, it didn’t,” she replied, “So you don’t have to worry about it. You’re not a burden on anyone.” “Except that it could’ve happened to any one of us, you just got unlucky. I’m sure you’ll have plenty...

2 years ago
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Journey OutwardChapter 36 Cold Knights

It is a few nights later when The Call comes. In the middle of the night, there is a scratching sound on our bedroom door as if someone was trying to come in. Then Saber is leaning over me trying to get me out and away from the other two. "What the hell is wrong with you people?" I grumble as I push Saber away. "Chronos, we have to go now" he says with such urgency that it stops me from tossing him out the room. "What is going on?" I sit up and finally look at him. He is looking more...

1 year ago
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Silver KnightsChapter 2

John called his lawyer when they got home. “John, I can see your problem, but there is not much that you can do about it. You have three choices: let the kids go to school and fight their own battles, sue the school and the Board of Education to try to force them to do a better job of controlling the bullies, or pull Jack and Nelly from school and go through home schooling. Frankly, home schooling is so early in its infancy in this day and age of 1983 that it still does not have a strong...

3 years ago
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Split Tail on a Soft Tail

My first day out ended early in Alabama. I checked into a motel, unloaded my bike and took a ride along the Gulf Coast. I rode from Mobile to the coast, saw the sights and rode back and put the cycle back on the trailer. This is how I planned to spend every day. Drive, stop, ride. The next morning I had been driving about two hours and I needed a piss break. I pulled into a rest area and parked beside a group of three motorcycles each with a different state plate. I took a leak, got a...

4 years ago
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Fairy Tail

You walk out of the Inn you were staying in to see a blue cat with wings, a girl with blonde hair and some kid with pink hair, a vest and scarf going to the Fairy Tail guild. 'This could be my chance!' you think to your self. Oh wait we should first go over what you look like. Okay so your have jet black hair that has the same style as the kid, you are 5 foot 11, you have white pale skin, abs and a 10 inch cock. You like to wear baggie jeans, and skin tight shirts. Okay back to the story. You...

1 year ago
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A Walk at the Beach A Morality Tale with a Tail

A Walk at the Beach, A Morality Tale with a Tail "Thirty bucks for this piece of shit? What a joke!" The man was clearly used to speaking his mind and getting his way. He loomed over the tired looking woman next to him. "Oh Larry," said the tired looking woman, "you don't have to buy me anything." She said it in the resigned voice of someone who knew that it made no difference. He turned toward the far end of the cluttered little shop where a frizzy- haired woman in a tie-dyed...

1 year ago
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Farber, Underwood, Carruthers, Kinshaw, Young, Oswald, Updike is its city's first openly transgendered firm. Follow the lives of its partners, associates, staff and clients. Today we learn the history of one of its members. GLADYS By Eugene Webber "Have you called the agency, Heloise?" John Farber asked his office manager. Heloise Farber, John's sister, older by three years, was taking a week off to visit their parents. Their father had retired eight months earlier and...

3 years ago
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Pussies and Boots A Piece of Fairy Tail

Pussies and Boots: A Piece of Fairy Tail Colonial America 1760 King George Highway (Prologue) Beggars and Bastards “Kind Sir, may I have a penny for a penny-loaf of bread?” the young man asked. He hung is head in humble surrender hoping against hope he would not receive rebuke. Little chance had he. “Get the hell away from our table, beggar boy!” my eldest brother did indeed reproach. “There is nothing more I detest than beggars!” My other brother objected, “Now,...

2 years ago
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Fast Fap Fairy Tail

Welcome John to fast fap, the interactive where you get to the sweet sexual action with you favourite fairy tail character without having to read about how it came to be. So if your ready let's start this fap train all I need to know is your gender and sexual orientation then your off to pick you fairy tail character and get to fapping! Ps be sure to check out the great story that gave me this idea: https://chyoa.com/chapter/Introduction.125213 Happy Fapping!

4 years ago
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Elanas Tail

Elana’s TailElana’s TailNine P.M. and another hard day at the Sunset Funeral Home is ending. At the front entrance, Sam the undertaker is bidding farewell to the last guests from the dinner in honor of the late Cathy Briggs, late guest in the undertaker’s basement prep room and, incidentally, the main course (in the guise of barbeque spare ribs, rump roast, pork loin, pork shoulder, etc.) at her own funeral.?Sam, you have really outdone yourself this time, this was the finest, albeit saddest,...

3 years ago
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Ladyboys Moving to Thailand and my first Ladyboy

After living in the Netherlands for 33 years I was ready for a big change. I had been toying withthe idea of moving to another country to get away from the stress of it all for a while.I had girlfriends in the Netherlands. Wives.I had one nighters and 2 nighters. I wasn't doing bad for myself.But, there was something missing on the girl side. I love variety. I think I've been withevery kind of girl I COULD be with in the Netherlands. I started thinking about other countries.Other girls. Other...

2 years ago
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Plug Tails

Plug Tails: Chapter 1 Mistress Lara took special pleasure in making her sissy maids keep butt plugs installed for long periods of time. She was well aware of the discomfort these wonderful simple devices caused her pansy little sissy maids. She also knew the humiliation of having to wear such a thing up their little butts was a source she could use when humiliating one of these pathetic creatures in front of her guests. One of her past inventions was the ball end plug. It...

1 year ago
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Heads or Tails

Heads or Tails. I was sitting on a fence with my mate Kev we were both doing nothing and just watching life traveling by. "Dave." "Yea wot," I replied. "Have you got any idea what you want to do this summer holidays?" "Nope," I said "why you asking?" "Well I was thinking that we could go camping for a couple of weeks in the lakes, I have a tent and everything." "Yea OK I said I will clear it with my step mum." Three weeks later I was in a field helping my mate...

4 years ago
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Ladyboy DP for Thai Wife

I opened my eyes and lay still in bed, awake unusually early. I could feel the warm presence of Noi snuggled up in bed bedside me. She was sleeping face down with her little bottom next to my right hand. I reached out and touched the warm butt cheeks of Noi's tight and shaped ass. I gave them a fond little squeeze and felt my cock stirring with desire. Noi was your typical lovely pleasure loving Thai woman, very petite with a slender shaped body and girlish hips. She had lovely soft silky brown...

2 years ago
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Teresas Tail

Predator & Prey Series  - Teresa's Tail by Aquaplod     Teresa Pearson permitted herself this one diversion. It wasn't a very nice one but she had convinced herself that no-one was being hurt, and more importantly, that nobody would find out about it. " Thanks for your help Rob, you're a dear," she called back to Rob as they walked towards the supply closet .    Carrying a ladder, Rob's attention was fixed on the rhythmic rise and fall of the young teacher's magnificent ass cheeks...

1 year ago
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A Tigers Tail

This is a story of first time sex between two sissy malesA Tigers TailHere we are, we are finally together, meeting after we speak, speaking soft words among two men with equal passion, passion to make love and do it with such vigor, desire. But first we must prepare ourselves dear, relish in it. We will take our time, we will hold ourselves back, and when our moment arrives we will explode in the fire of ecstasy. Come with me to the bathroom my love, lets play together.I want you to shave your...

3 years ago
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A Little Tail

A Little Tail By Lexi Lee I guess I knew that I was different when I was 13 or so . I wasn't very good at sports and really had no interest in them. What I did enjoy was sitting with the girls watching. They would talk of boys and clothes in a way that made me feel a longing to be like them. This led to my first experience at sex. His name was Chuck and he was tall and slim and 2 years older than I. We were in his room doing schoolwork one afternoon when he asked point blank if...

1 year ago
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The Mouses Tail

The Mouse's Tail By: Anonymous (as told to "The Narrator") Steven hunched his shoulders against the biting cold that seemed to cut through his long wool coat. Wayward snowflakes had dotted the coat in the twenty minutes since he'd been standing in the doorway outside the Pony Lounge, a place he looked about as classy as he was warm. Harry, another delegate at the conference he was attending, had gone in to meet someone and promised he'd be gone no longer than ten...

3 years ago
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A Fishing Tail

A few years ago, I had been dating this girl, Linda, for a few months, and we had been getting along real well, but although she seemed to like me, we kissed, a little bit of tongue, that was as far as she had let it go. I was getting a little bit frustrated to say the least.One day I asked her if she would like to go fishing in my boat. I have a 23 foot Pro-Line cuddy cabin which is set up for off-shore fishing. To my surprise she said she had never been and she would like to try it. I picked...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Kims Tail

Kims Tail By Rubberwolf 2008Chapter 1Kim walked into the solicitors’ office with a certain degree of discomfort.  She wore a simple black dress, with matching handbag and shoes, as befitted the occasion.  But even this nod to the conventions normally expected was a lie.?Hypocrite?, she silently cursed.  ?He was a complete bastard and you’re not sorry that he is gone.   The only reason that you are sitting here is for your chance to get your hands on 1.2 billion or at least a share.?Kim still...

3 years ago
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Predator Prey Series Teresas Tail

Predator & Prey Series  - Teresa's Tail by SirStroker88      Teresa Pearson permitted herself this one diversion. Itwasn't a very nice one but she had convinced herself that no-one was beinghurt, and more importantly, that nobody would find out about it. " Thanks for your help Rob, you're a dear," she called back to Robas they walked towards the supply closet .    Carrying a ladder, Rob's attention was fixed on the rhythmicrise and fall of the young teacher's magnificent ass cheeks under her...

2 years ago
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A Southern Tail

On a large Southern plantation, Lucius Buford Callaway 'just call me Bo' lived his entire life. So did his pappy, and his pappy before him and so on back several generations. Everyone knew the Callaway mansion and grounds. Bo's family was rich and have been a firm upstanding member of the local church community for many years. There are still things in town named Callaway. The Mall, a park, a wing at the church school and others. For many, many years they have been powerful and...

3 years ago
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Wife Fucked By Muslim Tailors

HI this is my first story. Any bhabhi,aunty or girls interested in my 9 inch cock can mail me on am gujarati and this story is about how my wife got fucked by 2 Muslim tailors,My name is sushmit and her name is sudeshna.On last Navaratris, or three days before the 1st day of Navaratri, we reached to Ahmadabad to meet my parents, and Sudeshna wanted to witness and play ‘Garba” festival. Well, she wanted me to get her few new sets of traditional ‘chania-choli’ for her participation in the...

3 years ago
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The Fortunate Tailor

The old Foole acknowledged the polite round of applause that was his due and he accepted another full blackjack of the good inn-brewed light nutty ale. He drained it in one long pull down into his thirsty throat and with a twinkling smile returned it to the serving girl to refill. She nervously looked behind across the tap room but Mine Host was absent, in the kitchen loudly berating the spit boy to turn the handle faster on the large joint hung over the roaring kitchen fire. The coast being...

3 years ago
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My wife tailor

I am Kishor . I completed Engineering degree course at the age of 21 and after five years of Job in a well reputed industrial organization I got married at the age of 26 with a sweet , attractive Ashu of 22 years of age. She was fair and of good health. She was not fat but healthy and having good amount of flesh at right places. She was 5”; 5”; tall and weighing about 55 kgs. I was 5’9”; and weighing 72 kgs . I was very pleased and excited to see lovely nude figure of my wife . Her...

2 years ago
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My wife tailor

I am Kishor . I completed Engineering degree course at the age of 21 and after five years of Job in a well reputed industrial organization I got married at the age of 26 with a sweet , attractive Ashu of 22 years of age. She was fair and of good health. She was not fat but healthy and having good amount of flesh at right places. She was 5” 5” tall and weighing about 55 kgs. I was 5’9” and weighing 72 kgs . I was very pleased and excited to see lovely nude figure of my wife . Her boobs were...

1 year ago
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Wife Enjoying Ladies Tailor

Hello Friends. I am Rahul, age 29 from Ahmadabad, first time writing the story based on real experience. Kindly excuse me for my English. Without taking much time let me narrate the real incidence happen in my life just few days back. I have been married since 6 year. My wife Neha(age 28) is a beautiful cum sexy woman. Usko dekhke kisi ka bhi man ho jaye aisi uski figure hain. She is having 38-30-38, and fair in colour and 5″5 tall. Her nature is kind of conservative and emotional too (at least...

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