Carolyns Client The Second Chapter
- 4 years ago
- 26
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Carolyn watched as her lover walked by. After all the years that she'd been with him, the sight of his tight ass and taut, marine's figure still sent a wave of lust tingling down her. She had come, twice, straddling him in bed that morning and was quite satisfied as she sat at her table sipping her morning coffee, raping him with her eyes. She watched as he gently tugged the leash he was holding and his two pets enthusiastically moved closer and swarmed round his ankles.
She thought that he spoiled them somewhat but knew that he had been absolutely delighted with them, as her gift to him; and that gave her incredible satisfaction. She knew that he found them fun, comforting and relaxing while she was away. They proved a nice distraction and hobby for him.
Besides, when he was away, she saw to it that their life was not so easy. Partly this was because of her insatiable, rampant sadism, but mainly it was so that when he did come home, they were incredibly eager to be with him and very appreciative of his affections.
At the end of the day, though, they were pets; sometimes they were fun, sometimes they were tiresome.
Carolyn had gone to incredible lengths to acquire the pair. Although they had been functionless, skinny socialites, they had both been celebrities and it was difficult to just make celebrities 'disappear'.
Andreas had so consistently remarked about what they were 'good for' when they had flashed occasionally across their television screen or had popped up in a magazine. An idea had then sparked and lodged itself in her wicked mind. When Andreas saw that the pair had even been given their own TV show, he had scoffed and suggested some of his own ideas of the sorts of things they should be filmed doing; up to and including very, very unpleasant deaths.
Andreas was the kind of guy who effortlessly bowled his lady over with the most thoughtful presents. He was a true sadistic soul-mate, who knew exactly what she would desire, even before she did; so she had risen to this new project-idea of hers as the ultimate 'thank you' challenge; for her man.
The particulars of getting hold of them were starting to become a real headache; they were both so used to avoiding the press and were well minded at all times. As it turned out it, finally, it was handed to her on a plate. The two girls had decided to end their bickering and seal the public rift between them by holidaying together in the Caribbean, on an island less then a hundred miles from Carolyn and Andreas?s own. For someone as experienced as Carolyn, it had been absolute child?s-play to arrange a boating disaster from which the girl?s bodies were never retrieved.
The rest of her project was conducted in the safety of their own, extensive, facilities and to make things even better, it was when Andreas was spending nearly all his time in Germany, supervising projects.
Carolyn had brimmed with anticipation as the two girls were delivered and then presented to her. Each had been locked into a sturdy, padded, wheelchair for their transfer. Their wrists and ankles were restrained with thick metal bands while their heads were pulled back into semicircular rests and secured there by steel bands around their throats.
Their clothes were cut from them. Carolyn admired them both as they sobbed and made pathetic pleas for their release. Fantastic sums of money were being bandied about by the two girls, but Carolyn would not have sold them for all the oil in Saudi Arabia. She loved to listen to the sweet music of a desperate bitch, begging for her life, but this was not a situation that was new to her. The girls, of course, didn't realise this, that their chances of bargaining with her were non-existent.
They were both extremely skinny; one of them she judged to be clinically anorexic. With that in mind she had them both installed with nasal feeding tubes and put on a building-up diet. This delayed her plans for a few days but she was patient and knew it would lead to better results; better wound-healing.
On the second day (she believed in making people sweat) she paid them a proper visit. Both girls were fully restrained on beds, light-brown leather straps, designed for psychiatric patients, held them immobile and fully captive. She had had them both fitted with large ball gags so that they would not interrupt her.
She sat on a chair in between them as they both renewed their struggling and snorted into their gags. They both had copious pools of runny snot pouring from their noses and their eyes were red-raw from desperate weeping that had not stopped since the moment they had awoken.
Carolyn laughed to herself.
'Ok girls. Now today we're going to make a few changes to you. You're not going to like them one bit, but you're not going to have any opportunity to object, so who gives a fuck?'
They both moaned loudly, they did.
'When you're healed up you'd better apply yourselves to your training, or you'll be in some really fucking trouble'
With that she stood up and signaled to her staff that the time was right. The first girl was pushed down the hallway towards the theatre. She screamed the whole way. A needle went into her arm and then she was out cold.
The next few days passed in a blurry haze. They could remember still being unable to move a great deal and being heavily drugged; but having pain, everywhere. Carolyn looked down at them, a broad smile across her face. Everything had proceeded perfectly.
Each girl had been tattooed over every inch of her body. They were now both a perfect milky white colour, everywhere. The only places that weren't, were their lips, their asses and their pussies; the latter of which had actually been deepened in colour.
Both girls had bandages around their hands. All their fingers and their thumbs had been neatly amputated, leaving just the pad of each hand.
Their legs had been cut away at the knees, a smooth rounded skin surface surrounding the lower border of each of their femurs.
One of the girls stirred a little, and looked up into Carolyn's eyes. She tried to gurgle a sound. She furrowed her brow quizzically when she found it impossible. Carolyn smiled again. Their vocal cords had been mutilated completely; neither would ever utter a word again.
In addition to that, their teeth had all been pulled out. They had been fitted with metal pins on either side, where their molars had been, on both the top and bottom, to prevent them from overly closing their mouths and making them look like edentulous hags. Additionally, the pins had fittings so that each girl?s teeth could be locked together. This would later prove helpful with their suction training as it would force them to use their lip muscles.
Each girl had been completely electrolyzed; every single hair had been permanently struck from their bodies so they looked strangely innocent with their milk-white, bald and eyebrow-less heads. Their external ears had been completely cut off so they both just had holes in the sides of their heads to hear with. It would make localizing sound more difficult, but they would get used to it.
Within their scalps a number of metal fastenings had been implanted. These had actually been screwed into their skulls deeply below the skin. All had been placed, ingeniously, using the wounds from their ear removal, this made sure that there was no unsightly scarring on the top of either girls head.
The other significant intervention that had been performed was to selectively sever a number of each girl?s facial nerves. All the ones around the eyes were left perfectly intact; it was the ones that let the girls ?mouth? words that they damaged. They would still be able to pout, suckle and bare their teeth; but only fairly crudely and at that, with practice. They certainly would not be able to produce anything that could be lip-read. In time, and with training, they would learn to do a few things well with their mouths, but little else.
The smaller of the two girls arose a little and tried to turn herself, pulling weakly at her wrist straps. She lay on her back. Carolyn could already see some signs of breasts engorgement from the massive doses of prolactin that were being infused into each girl. Additionally, a testosterone cream was being rubbed into their clitori several times a day and there was some slight, initial evidence that each girls nubbin was starting to enlarge. It was difficult to differentiate this from all the collagen that had been implanted around each girl?s pussy. Their flaps had been enlarged to obscene proportions by thick, generous, permanent deposits underneath their vulvas The implants puckered their darkly tattooed lips so that they billowed firmly outward, appearing to all the world that they were rampantly engorged and needy; like baboons in heat. Their clits already stood proudly out from their hoods, thanks to plastic subcutaneous implants, but Carolyn wanted them to be fleshy and enormous; the testosterone would make them grow as they strove to be mini penises.
As they lay in their beds recovering, they were constantly supervised and nursed. Their wounds were thoroughly scrutinized and meticulously re-dressed and they were kept in strict, confining bondage. The nurses soothed them a little, but also started to encourage a sense of helplessness in them. They explained what had been done to them and how, once they had healed, they had better apply themselves well to their training or terrible, further punishments would be inflicted upon them.
When they were finally fit enough to leave the 'hospital', Carolyn assigned her most thorough trainer to them; she wanted the highest performance from them when they were finished learning their new roles.
Both girls spent every night restrained in beds and every day learning to walk and behave properly. Their fingerless hands were fitted into white leather 'gloves' that laced up tightly to their wrists. They created the impression of three cute, round toes, on little paws. A wide strap buckled firmly about the lacing and locked with a tiny padlock, fastening the paws firmly about their wrists. Similar cute ?paws? were formed from padded 'shoes' that they wore over their leg stumps. These laced up to stocking height and again were locked with sturdy leather bands, also in white.
The two 'milk-girls', as Carolyn had dubbed them, would now, strictly, be quadrupeds. Even balancing on their knees would be difficult as the base padding of each rear paw was angled to support the girls on all fours, rather than 'standing' upright in what would eventually become the 'begging' position.??
After a few days, they were fitted with, and allowed to get used to, their 'ears'. White Alice-bands that had cute little, white leather, cat-like ears on the top were snapped onto them. As their real ears had been removed, the illusion was very effective and made them look extremely cute and pet-like.
The band magnetically attached to the metal deposits set in their skulls. That, and it's tight, elastic, fitted shape, served to keep the band steady and in place. Over each of their ear-holes the bands widened to soft, ring-like pads that covered their scars and allowed each girl to rest her head comfortably on either side. However, within these, their Alice bands ended in individually molded mesh pins. The fittings functioned more like solid pins but were mesh-like to allow the sound to penetrate. Each mesh was strong and had been perfectly shaped to fit each girl inserting fully into her ear canal. The Alice bands then joined onto the meshes.
Now because the bands were only held on magnetically, there needed to be a more robust system to stop the girls from dislodging them; and this was it. It hinged on the fact that the ear canal is not a straight tube that enters the head at a perfect right angle. Any rotation or movement of their bands, relative to their heads, would cause the mesh ear-pins to move to move in their incredibly sensitive housings. This was a deeply disturbing, painful sensation for the girls and from the first time they were fitted with their ears, they never, ever, tried to get them off; yet they could wear them comfortably; and permanently. It also made their ears 'sensitive', they would react if they were touched and, in that way, they became like a real part of them.
An additional touch was that the forward facing, inner surfaces of their false ears were lined with silk. This was soft bunny-pink in colour to make them look innocent and cute, but it could easily be swapped for different shades. This was Carolyn's concession to herself; although she would not make use of it for several months. (She not only dressed extremely well, but Andreas and her moved in circles with the kind of people who would enjoy the sight of the two little ?milk-pups?. It was clear to her that at a party, the girls would make fantastic 'fashion' accessories. This way, Carolyn could have their ear colours changed to match whatever other 'accessories' they would have. The girl?s colours would, of course, co-ordinate with and enhance her own outfit.)
The two little milk-girls found their new lives to be extremely distressing, humiliating and difficult. They would never accept the cruel way that their bodies had been altered and mutilated. They cried themselves to sleep every night for weeks, every day was the most unbearable experience for them as they were forced to 'walk', 'sit', 'lick' and 'eat' from their bowls, 'lie' and 'beg'; and those were just the absolute basics. After the first two weeks, their night time and spare day time was spent in their kennels. These were conveniently hidden around the back of the stables, where Andreas never went.
Their trainer, Jen, used a variety of techniques to encourage them along. As well as two crops, one with sharp metal barbs in, she use brutal nipple and vicious clit clamps and also a pair of dreaded nose pliers. She would laugh as the girl would try, in vain, to dislodge them with her paws, the pain driving her insane. It was no problem for Jen to train both the girls together, though she would frequently handle them one at a time, or simultaneously with one of Carolyn's other trainers. From the day they left the infirmary, snug leather collars fitted with shocking mechanisms were locked around their throats. Jen always held the remote for the punishment mechanisms; usually it acted as the handle for their leashes and she used it liberally at the start.
Within ten minutes of their first session, after they had both felt the shocks from their collars and had both had the nose pliers on; they had both largely resigned to accepting Jen's orders, each recognizing their utter helplessness and the ultimate futility of any resistance. Essentially they had both been spoilt brats; pampered heiresses; they had never really fought for anything in their lives, consequently they were especially easy to break into line.
Jen was a harsh critic of their behavior and had them on very arduous schedules. They were to be beautifully toned for their time of presentation. Both had feeding tubes installed just inside their nostrils for night feeding to help with their muscle reconfiguration. In the day, however, they would be forced to eat token quantities of dog meat and lap from drinking bowls of water and milk; this was for their role rather than for nutrition. As the time passed they were steered towards a balanced dried, dogfood-like substance that contained everything they needed but was not designed to be palatable. This would be mixed with a little dog meat and the girl would be forced to eat it all with the threat of punishment if she didn?t. They both soon learnt to quickly gobble it down.
Both Carolyn and Jen were delighted when after two weeks, the taller girl started to express her first breast-milk; this was followed only days later by the other girl. Their nipples were starting to enlarge and it was at this point that they decided to have their piercings installed. Each girl was partially anaesthetized while precisely measured rings were set around the base of each nipple. On the inside of each were a number of sharp points, so each ring resembled an inverse sheriff's star. The idea was that as their nipples grew, the teeth would bite into the flesh and lodge the rings in place. They were also held in place by a series of fine rods that were pushed from the rings deep into their breasts tissue aiming to meet about two inches behind each nipple. There were about ten wires to each nipple and they were installed in such a way that they met inside, creating an internal pyramidal structure of touching wires. The whole process was performed using ultrasound by one of Carolyn's friends from Texas; he specialized in this kind of work. When the wires all touched together, he heated them ever so slightly so that tiny solder droplets on their ends fused them together. The end result was that each girl had quite permanent nipple shields held securely in place. This method of installation minimized disruption of the duct system within the girl's breasts. Experience had shown that simply piercing the nipple was very destructive and proved to be a significant hindrance to milk expression.
With the rings around the bases of their nipples, which could accommodate fittings, it meant that they could be easily hooked up to a milking machine. As soon as each girl was ?producing?, she was secured in a tiny metal stall and then milked exhaustively. They were both slight girls with tiny breasts and this process proved to be incredibly unpleasant and painful for them; undoubtedly neither of them would have been able to breast feed normally for the pain in their little tits but there was nothing that they could do about it when they ?stood? locked in their milking stalls.
Milk production, Carolyn knew, was stimulated by demand. The more a girl was milked, the more milk she would produce. Obviously, both girls had been fitted with massive subcutaneous depots of prolactin to maximize stimulation, but it was necessary to squeeze every drop of milk from them. Their days were therefore spent, half training with Jen and half locked into their stalls with a hungry machine gnawing at their tender nipples. It was a living hell for them.
After a few weeks they were both exhibiting obvious breast growth and were producing impressive quotas of milk. As their breasts grew, their nipples became longer and fatter and the teeth of the nipple guards started to embed themselves. This not only made their nipples ache constantly and excruciatingly tender, but made the sucking of the milking machine mercilessly grate their nipples against the metal points of their spiky encircling snares tearing at their already sensitive flesh.
When they were not being milked dry, their daily schedule of walking was extended. Each girl was now able to walk for a good distance without tiring; she could also rapidly assume all the positions that were expected of her.
Knowing that it would not be much longer before she presented them to Andreas, Carolyn examined their clits. Both were now longer, fatter and more developed from the cream treatment. After making the necessary arrangements, she had them taken back the clinic and, one at a time, had them restrained. Her friend, the expert from Texas, was back over and he went to exacting lengths to fit each girl with their clitoral rings.
He examined them with his scanner and made sure that he drove the piercing needle right through the central nerve plexus, snug in the depths of each clitoris. For their torment, the ring that he installed had a ?ball? of spiky barbs on it. As each girl twisted and screamed, the needle cutting through them, he slid the ring on and rotated it and worked it in until the barbs all rested in this most sensitive central area. Because of its shape, to do this, the spikes tore through the fleshy nubbin to get to their final resting place making each girl buck against her straps desperately trying to free a hand to try and pull the terrible thing out. He could see when the spikes nestled perfectly and ominously, where they would make their presence known from now on. He then sealed the ring shut and left it there.
As their clits healed and grew around the barbs it made their removal impossible. Any movement of the ring became both incredibly stimulating and incredible painful. The Texan had pioneered this particular technique and was delighted to be able, not only to perform it on such well developed, large clits; but to be able to fit the largest rings he had ever fitted, with the most severe, penetrating and extensive spikes. He was eager to see how they would be when they were healed and set within each girl and Carolyn assured him that he would be invited back, in time, for a thank-you dinner and an opportunity to see the girls.
Both howled, bucked and tore at their bonds in silence as the whole thing was performed. He deliberately used no anaesthetic and he took his time with his meticulous procedure. He was of the opinion that a painful insertion led to a more sensitive ring in the end. He wasted no opportunity to wiggle the needle about inside each girls most tender, delicate clitoris, much their misery. The two white animal girls lay there, in tears as their most private area was set up to cause them lifelong torment.
After a week of healing and daily, stinging sprays with surgical spirit, each clit ring was fitted with a bell. A little silver bell dangled prettily between each girl?s legs and tinkled with her every movement. The two girls even had their own individual notes. They both found this hugely humiliating as now their every move would be announced and they would draw unwelcome attention to themselves.
Jen was seeing to it that they now spent their nights just chained by their collars to floor rings in their kennels. Increasingly, they would be left in their kennels for the whole day, with the milking machine brought over and applied to them while they were still on the same leash. This was to teach them to be still, docile and patient. It was so mind-numbingly boring for them as they could not even see each other either. This isolation was deliberate. Jen snapped their collar chains to rings at the back of their kennels; with not enough slack for them to get their heads out of the front entrances. After a while, they would come to crave some human contact, even as little milk puppies.
Jen also pointed out to them that their kennels were fitted with microphones, tuned to the tone of their bells, to pick up and record their movements. There was a camera in a plastic box in the roof as well, but certain bell patterns would especially alert someone to watch it.? If either girl was tempted to try and play with herself, for example, then they would know. Both girls blushed deeply as Jen told them that if they were caught attempting to pleasure themselves; they would be punished, severely. So they had little choice than to just lie there, they were not even allowed to masturbate. Being able to lie still for hours was an essential trait that they had to learn, a master does not want to be constantly bothered by his pet and they would learn to be meek for him.
As the weeks passed, they would start to get restless as milking time approached. Their breasts had now grown several times over and were producing enough milk to support several infants each. On each girl?s petite frame, they hung as fat, swollen and veined orbs. They had become large enough to swing as the girls walked. As the time between milkings elapsed, they became uncomfortable, to the point where not only was the nipple-tearing milking a relief, but they were actually starting to get impatient and needy for it. As the milking cups were being set up, they even started to jockey for position, wanting to be the first to get on the machine. At this time, they were on six full milkings a day, two of which were performed during the night in their kennels; although they could not sleep with the machine dragging their nipples so brutally and consistently over the metal points embedded so cruelly at their bases. This was the idea of their nipple shields, to be a constant pain and irritation to them and as they grew, the shields became more and more vicious.
Jen was quite happy with their behavior at 'walkies'. They both scampered along nicely, presenting their asses into the air. Their gait made it necessary for them to keep their legs apart, so their pussies were always on show to anyone walking behind; now with the ever present tinkling of their clitty bells.
Initially the girls were toileted frequently onto litter trays. Both had been reluctant to perform such humiliating tasks in public but Jen had convinced them. She had taken them both inside and had filled each of them with a painfully large enema of soapy, warm water, olive oil and just a little mustard and chili powder; then she had taken them on a longer walk than usual. Both girls had wept constantly as their bellies spasmed horribly. When she finally took them back to their litter trays and made them beg to shit, they both nearly bowled her over as they rose up to her on their hind legs in desperation. As each girl had her plug removed, she rapidly; and thankfully; smattered the entire contents of her bowels all over the tray. After that, they shat when they were told to.
Later on, the opportunities to do this became when they were moving between, for example, milking and obedience training.
A fundamental part of their re-orientation, as Jen saw it, was that they needed to become like animals - before they could become pets. After a while, the toileting opportunities were removed and each girl had to make her own opportunity during the day to both pee and shit. If she didn't, then she would be spending the night lying with whatever she had done, in her kennel. What made this worse was that their kennels were not even cleaned out daily. So they got to return at the end of the day to the previous nights mess.
They had to plan ahead and make sure they took advantage when they could. This was nearly always during their 'walkies', in fact, that was pretty much the only time that Jen would allow it and even then, the onus was on the girls to make sure their Mistress knew they needed to go; and they had to use an 'acceptable' place.
There was an incident when, desperate to empty herself, the larger girl took a shit on the stone driveway. Jen was livid. She grabbed the girl tightly by the leash, pulled her over to it and then smashed her face into her own turd, rubbing her nose in it. She never did that again.
The correct strategy the girls had to learn was to use the fields well beyond the lawns. They took a while to realise, though, that that was the right way to play it. They both fell into the same traps, initially, of not pulling on their leashes when they went past a tree or bush. They found themselves leashed up at night, bursting to empty themselves. When they could hold on no longer, they had no choice but to dirty their own kennels, spending the rest of the night wallowing next to their own filth.
Jen taught them to shit with their asses close to the floor rather than in the standing position, as nobody wanted their pussies smeared with their own excrement. She hooked wires onto their clit ring and fed them through a loop in the ground. Then she snapped her fingers. They would then obediently strain at stool. Jen would encourage them down into the difficult position with a gentle traction on their unbearably sensitive control rings. They soon mastered this new method, especially when she rewarded a poor attempt with a clit clip.
At the start, they were wiped clean after they shat, but they were later taught to wipe themselves on the grass and Jen saw to it that they learnt to do this thoroughly.
Partly to expose them to their new role as animals but also as a way of encouraging an effective hygiene strategy, Jen had seen to it that each of their kennels had a small finely meshed box installed at one of the rear, bottom corners. The mesh was easily strong enough to keep the contents from being pawed at. After the initial major accidents had been learnt from and the girls had learnt to scrabble towards anything that they could toilet behind during those few windows of opportunity, Jen upped the ante. She believed in using the natural ecosystem to its full advantage. To the girls despair, she made sure that a supply of horse-fly maggots lived in the boxes at the back of their kennels. Later on it got that if the girl had displeased her in any way, she let her see that her box was being re-filled. By the time they were learning to wipe themselves on the grass, the first pupae were starting to hatch. The flies buzzed their way out through the mesh of the boxes. They were immediately drawn to the tiniest remains around each girl?s anus and boy did they make their presence known! There was a moment that Jen wished she could have caught on film, when both girls were simultaneously straining at their leashes trying to get out of their kennels, both having just been bitten on their most sensitive anal rims. The tears streamed down their faces as the vicious bites left huge, inflamed swellings on their backsides. It wasn't just their asses though, the flies were a constant and evil irritation for them; eventually becoming one of their most effective punishments. They kept them awake, tortured throughout the night. Every time the buzzing stopped, the girl would shift herself round to try and see if she was going to be bitten; sometimes she would be. The gaps on the under side of her paws, between the toes, meant that they were not good swatting devices either. After the crop of maggots had all fully hatched, the girls would emerge from their kennels in the morning, tired, weepy and dotted with brutal bites.
Jen made it clear that the flies could be taken away or topped up, depending on each girl?s behavior. They both became much more eager to please after this.
It was at about this time; when the girls had learnt to be very obedient, were toilet trained and had impressive milk outputs, that Carolyn decided that they were fit to be gifts. There was plenty more training to subject them to but the banal things had been taken care of and they were probably at the point where Andreas would most enjoy receiving them. The thing that absolutely catalyzed her decision was when she heard that when the two girls had been left together, chained on two-metre leashes to the same stake, they had started to suckle each others nipples. This was something that she was keen that they should learn to do for themselves; out of necessity.
Not only did this practice bond the girls together but it provided an almost perfect nutritional replacement for each others losses. In fact, it was the absolute essence of her concept of them as two 'milk-puppies'. She took a photograph of them during their first '69' suckling session. The girls initially were a little embarrassed, but then they looked at each other and just carried on, there was breast work that needed doing. Their shreds of remaining dignity were worth far less than the relief they got from their tense, bursting tits.
At this stage of their breast development, milking and when it would be done, was the most important thing in their lives. A feeling of fullness would come first; this would soon become uncomfortable as the breast began to feel tense. From this point on the pain would get worse exponentially as more and more milk was secreted into already pressurized ducts. For normal women, this process would take many hours to develop, during which, they would probably have given their baby several feeds. The time scale was very different for a girl who had had her milk production aggressively and scientifically maximized over many weeks. The pain of an unmilked breast would become absolutely excruciating after about 5 hours. Any time after this was unbearable agony that would eventually be severe enough to drive the girl unconscious with sheer pain. The girls were now, essentially, woefully dependent on being milked; it was now an absolute necessity, an 'addiction' with terrifyingly painful 'withdrawal symptoms' if they didn?t get their milking.
Some of the milking sessions were dropped and the girls were left to suckle each other. To their frustration, now was the time that the pins were clipped into their teeth, locking them together. This forced them to use only their lips to suck the milk. This was to train their mouth muscles in the correct suckling technique; they were not to squeeze with their front gums. At first their mouths were sore and tired easily, but with the removal of the relief they got from their scheduled machine milkings, they were forced to re-double their efforts, for each others sakes.
To make sure that they continued to maximally stimulate each other they were made to drain one breast to absolute dryness before starting on the other. This made them wait in pain for the second breast to be milked and that hurried the along. It also meant that if they tried to swap early and the initial breast was examined and found not to be empty that they would be open to punishment. After nipple clamps were applied to each girl for trying to ?cheat? they stuck to the cruel rule rigidly.
Carolyn planned the day when she would surprise her man with his presents. She made sure that the girls had been heavily restricted in their kennels for the previous three days with only breaks for milking and toileting. She wanted them bored and eager for stimulation, as well as rested. She also made sure that the time of presentation would coincide with their urges for milking. Before his arrival, the girls were bathed and powdered and then were made up with lipstick, mascara and a little pink blush. Little pink ribbons were tied in bows around each of their wrists and 'ankles' and they were fitted with matching pink leather and steel collars that clicked shut with locks. Fine steel chains connected to each girl?s collar before merging, after about three feet, to a single leash. From each girl?s collar cutely dangled a little silver bone with their owner, Andreas?s name on.
The girls were told that their behavior would be critical upon meeting their new master. If Carolyn or Jen were in any way unconvinced by their enthusiasm, they would be made to suffer. In line with her current fad for 'biological deterrents' Jen had visited the girls with her tank of giant centipedes. At six inches long, each was capable of catching and killing a small bat. She made each of them watch as the creatures aggressively probed the sand of their enclosure, hungry for flesh. The inch long needle-like pincers on the front of each fearsome creature could inject one of the most painful bites in nature. Jen explained this to them in graphic detail and directed their attention to the cluster of eggs in the corner of the tank. She made it very clear that these would be going into their kennel boxes if their display to their master was anything less than wonderful. Jen helped by teaching them affectionate gestures like trying to climb up him; nuzzling around his legs; and rolling onto their backs, offering their ?delicate parts? to him.
As she took him outside and told him she had something special for him, he was completely taken aback. She had fully succeeded in keeping the project from him and when Jen led the two cleaned and prepared milk-puppies around the corner, each straining at the leashes to be the first to touch him, he was stunned; his jaw dropped.
'Are these.........?....NO!......but they can't be!.........My God they are!.......Oh My God!.........'
By this time the two girls were pawing up at him, trying to lick at his hands and generally making a total fuss over him. He bent over and turned the smaller girl onto her back, examining Carolyn's handiwork. She stood next to him, glowing as she basked in his pleasure.
'My God, look at this!? he pinched the girls clit ring lightly between his thumb and forefinger, instantly stilling her. He looked at the inch long, bulbous clit and then at Carolyn. She beamed back at him. He gave it the tiniest squeeze and could see from the girl's face that it was exquisitely tender. He lightly massaged it with his thumb while he looked her over. She relaxed and was pacified by the lovely touch, eventually giving in to her shame and lying back to hold her clit out to her master; it felt wonderful and no-one had done anything nice to her in the weeks since her capture. As he lifted his hand away, she suddenly opened her eyes and looked up, begging pitifully, at him.
He laughed happily thinking how amazingly cute she was and what incredible pets they had made
'Maybe later, little one', he said turning his attention to the other girl.
She wasted no time in rolling on her back and spreading her paws for him. She was starting to feel the need for milking as he ran his hand over her taut breast and started to finger her nipple. Her breathing quickened and she looked timidly into his eyes, pleading for release. Within a minute he was sat in a large chair with the larger girl lying in his lap while he hand-milked her. She pushed her breasts out to him as he squeezed gush after gush of milk. The two women, Jen and Carolyn, laughed and helped him as he collected the milk and poured it into a feeding bottle. When this was full, he screwed a teat on the top and offered it to the smaller girl. She was feeling the need in her own breasts but she obediently suckled at the plastic teat on his bottle, trying to rub her tits against his wrist to signal her need; all the while her clit bell tinkling excitedly as she restlessly hopped about to try and distract herself from her aching breasts.
Andreas loved his gifts so much! Leaving them both to Jen for a moment he took his lady inside the house and rammed her against the wall in a passionate kiss. He held her bottom cupped in one hand and after slipping his throbbing cock from his trousers, he gently lifted her, and, pushing her panties aside with his cock, he slipped her sopping cunt over his head. He pushed her firmly against the wall and then lowered her all the way onto his huge erection. Her head was back in ecstasy as his huge prick stretched her, and then he started to lift her and lower her, fucking into her at the same time. The had both come within two minutes and as he lifted her of him and back to the floor he told her how much he loved her.
That night, they fucked each other seven more times and they let the milk-pups come into the house for the first time. To the frustration of the larger girl, who had been the first to be milked, Andreas held the other girl in his lap and, as she gently creamed herself, he rubbed her soppy pussy and swollen clit to a mind-bendingly intense and humiliating orgasm. She lay, nestled at his feet, leashed, glowing with her own embarrassment under the gaze of the other girl, who was not only shocked but a little jealous. The smaller girl avoided her eyes and buried her head against her master's feet.
And so it continued. Andreas would often give the girls a little of his attention; sometimes he would walk them, and sometimes they would sit with him or curl up on him as he read. Occasionally, when Carolyn was away, he might let one or even both of them sleep on his bed with him, or more often, he let them sleep on the bedroom floor. They loved to be inside, away from the insects and near to their Master. Time with him was not anything like time with Jen.
The only thing to slightly sour things was one incident where a pool of dried urine was found on the bedroom carpet. It was within the range of either girl's leash and although she had probably struggled to hold it in, he was not at all pleased. What annoyed him the most was that neither girl was willing to step forward and take responsibility. It was clear that the smaller girl was trying to say that the larger girl had done it, but she was keeping her head down and not admitting it, paralyzed with the fear of punishment. As it turned out, this was a stupid strategy as Andreas delivered them both to Jen for a few days 'retraining'. Jen was more than happy to have them back for a few days, especially to punish them. Both girls spent three days each, locked in cramped, metal, slave-boxes. They were fitted with catheters, feeding tubes and milking teats and then made to crouch into tight balls in the little boxes that they had to squeeze to fit into. The lids were closed and then locked into place so that each girl had practically no room to move. Both girls had severe claustrophobia and as they first tried to lift their heads and bodies up, and they felt the lids of the boxes, they went nearly insane with terror. They both struggled and wept until their eyes were dry, silently begging that it would end and they would be let out.
The larger girl vowed to never pee anywhere ever again and the smaller girl wept with hatred for her treacherous litter-mate. What made the three days worse was the cooking that they got in the sun. They both sweated profusely, unaware that their losses were being replaced by the feeding tubes. They began to stink as the sweat started to cake their body odour onto them. The feeling of being hot and cramped was compounded as their need for milking came upon them. Jen adopted a slow strategy that kept them full and bursting the whole time, to really torture them. As the most terrible final insult, before they were locked into their boxes, Jen fitted them with mesh dildos and tiny mesh butt-plugs that nestled just inside their asses. The meshes were surrounded by a plastic cupping that encased the whole of each girl?s vulva and anus and pressed firmly into them, surrounding this area with a seal of firm rubber. The whole assemblies were secured to waist belts at the front and behind so that they were held very firmly in place. The effect was to enclose an area around their clits and lips, with their vaginas and asses held nicely open to the same container. On the third and final day, Jen lifted a flap at the back of each steel slave-box which gave her access to each girls 'genital flask'. Each 'flask' could itself be fitted with a small box, and once this was secured, a flap could be pulled out, allowing the contents to roam freely over each girl?s genitals and anus. The contents would also cook, unpleasantly, in the steel box with them, making their inhabitants more and more irritated and aggressive. Additionally, the heat added to the stench each girl produced, her tender crevices advertising themselves all the more to their new diners. Each of the girls prepared boxes contained a handful of fire-ants, two sand flies and a wasp.
Immediately prior to clipping them onto each girl and flicking the hatch open, Jen gave each box a furious shake to agitate, inflame and enrage the occupants. She then attached the box to the girl and quickly slid the communication hatch open. After doing this to the smaller girl, she closed the steel door flap and did the same to the larger girl. Within seconds of each, she heard a frantic bucking inside each box. Inside, each girl silently screamed themselves hoarse as their most delicate areas roared with the fires of horrendous stings and ferocious bites.? She smiled to herself knowing that the girls last days would be an absolute, living, hell.
When she did finally release them, they were exhausted, sweaty, covered in their own filth and thoroughly broken. She asked them again who had left the pee stain. The larger girl had struggled forward. Jen had explained that the three days in the boxes had been for the dishonesty. She then gave the larger girl ten hard but brutally hard lashes on her backside with the punishment whip; the one with the metal barbs in. The larger girl collapsed in complete submission after her beating was administered. She crawled to her Mistresses feet and begged for forgiveness, licking at them shamelessly. Jen smiled down at her
?Now don?t do that again?
After a day of recovery, they were returned to Andreas, both determined to always be on their absolute best behavior.
It wasn't long before Andreas was away on business again and, as luck would have it, Carolyn was back. Life became very different. Gone were the cuddles, the loving hand-milkings and clit strokings, in fact Carolyn had them back out of the house and kenneled again. She allowed them enough leash to reach each other so that they could suckle at night though.
One day, she had them both brought to her and prepared them as she was having company. She was having an evening gathering, dinner for about thirty, mainly close business associates. She had the girls scrubbed, dusted with talc and made up, as she had when they first met their master. Carolyn would wear a black and purple evening gown, so the girl?s ear-colours were swapped to match this. Thick purple ribbons were tied about their limbs and their collars were also of purple, the ever present shocking system still installed and their bones transferred across too. Carolyn held them on separate leashes but both by the same handle. She had the remote for their collars in her handbag but there was seldom need to use it, so keen were the pups to not be disciplined. As the guests started to arrive, she fitted the girls with a new torment. They were such simple things. When Carolyn screwed shiny mesh nipple caps onto each girl's embedded fittings and they felt them snap securely into place, both their hearts sank. They looked up at their grinning Mistress desperately and in horror when they realized that these would completely frustrate their attempts to milk each other. They both looked up at her, pleading with their Mistress to not do that to them. Somehow anticipating problems, Carolyn let the girls see that not only was she taking a cane with her but in her bag she had a pair of very nasty looking, toothed clips.
'Roll over', she snapped. The two girls were immediately on their backs.
Carolyn gestured at their bulging clitori
'I hope you won't make me put these on you', she said,' if they go on, they'll stay on'
The girls swallowed and then separately started to fret about the pain they would be in, in a couple of hours.
As the night went by, Carolyn exercised an iron discipline over the girls. They tried their absolute hardest to behave and please their Mistress, but their breasts were unbearable. Occasionally, an interested guest might give one of them a squeeze; they would almost pass out and silently scream out in agony. The caps had their desired effect though; they kept the girls active, unsettled and very restless. This gave Carolyn an opportunity to be the bastion of control as she frequently clicked them to sit, or with a tug on their collar, had them controlled at heel. As she sat with them at her feet after dinner, they were both counting to ten over and over to try and stand the pain. They tried so hard to keep still and not irritate their Mistress and it was so incredibly difficult for them. Finally, when the room was still crowded, Carolyn took the nipple caps off. With a snap of her fingers they both started to rabidly suck at each other, like they were literally about to explode. Carolyn was secretly delighted with them and they made her the envy of the room.
After a while more, after Andreas had had the girls brought to Germany for a while to stay at his mansion; and then returned home to the island. Carolyn decided it was time to move their training on again. They were taught to 'present' their pussies by spreading their legs and holding them as high as they could. They then had to wiggle their clitty-bells. It was a simple enough instruction, but the emphasis was on them to stay in that position until told otherwise. It was made very clear that if they broke position, they would be punished. After the boxes, neither girl would ever dream of disobeying even the most repulsive or painful order.
It was one warm, sunny morning when the girls were training on the lawn, that they were taken by Jen round to the back garden and leashed up on foot length chains to two foot high poles that were secured in the lawn. Something was going on. There were lots of chairs outside and soon there were people, lots of merry guests milling about, sipping champagne. Carolyn had her camera hanging from her wrist; the girls were both incredibly nervous. Andreas was there in a cream linen suit, laughing with the Texan. They recognized a few of the faces from Carolyn?s dinner party as well. Quite suddenly, a hush came over the party and everyone was looking to the far corner of the house.
The two little puppies eyes almost popped out of their sockets and their instincts were to immediately jerk against their collars when they saw Jen rounding the corner. She held, one in each hand, the leashes of two huge beasts. They were remarkable creatures, perfect milk-white but not albino, bull-terrier, greyhound crosses; brothers from a litter bred to Carolyn's precise specifications by Imelda her Columbian friend. Each of the girls started to panic.
'Sit, both of you, now!? Carolyn commanded. They both sat but kept their eyes fixed on the new arrivals. They managed to exchange frantic glances while Carolyn petted the two brutes and the rest of the crowd rippled with admiration for the stunning dogs. They had been subject to the most rigid discipline and were extensively trained, but in addition, each had been hormonally enhanced with testosterone implants. Consequently, they were naturally strong, aggressive and horny.
'Ok then, let's see how you little bitches fair. Now I want you to remember that if I'm not happy with either of you, you will spend at least a week each in the punishment boxes'
The girls started to panic at just the mention of the idea.
Giggling, Carolyn sat down so that she could watch the action took her camera out.
'Now these handsome suitors have been trained to respond to certain bell tones, each one has been trained to recognize his own personal bitch and he knows that he gets to fuck her good'
Both girls whimpered to themselves. Both the dogs had been fucking many times a day since they were able to, but they had been denied this for a week now.
'Present!? Carolyn snapped.
It was clear that this was not a time to disobey. Both girls reluctantly but immediately assumed the position and started to wiggle their bells. There was a frantic barking as each dog reacted at once. In a flash, Jen unclipped their leashes and they were upon their bitches. Each girl could only hold still in utter disbelief and horror as they felt first a nose nuzzling at their cunts, paws and then a weight on their backs. The looks on their faces were priceless and Carolyn got them all for the album. Each girl made no secret of her absolute misery, they blubbered in shame as they felt the stabs of the rock hard pricks against them. Then the dog on the smaller girls back managed to find the spot; her expression turned to a mixture of shock, panic and despair, her eyes bulging as he thrust his inhumanly large cock fully into her. Nudging her forward until she was caught by her leash he started to vigorously pound into her. She was stretched to her absolute limit, it hurt so much! The tears streamed down her face as she was so irreparably and terribly violated and so definitively humiliated. It wasn't long before the larger girls face popped too and the other dog was sliding his enormous length into her as well. Carolyn and Jen sat and watched in complete satisfaction as the girls obediently held themselves up, weeping and broken, fucked by a pair of huge dogs. In the background all they could hear was the laughing and taunting of the party. The Texan loudly remarked on the irony of the larger girl and her frantically tinkling clit bell.
?Come on little Tinkerbell? he yelled, slapping his hat against his leg in mock encouragement.
As they looked up, they saw the beaming grins, the laughter and the pointing, at them. They just died.
For the next few weeks, each girl was penned with her dog. To keep things convenient for the magnificent creatures, their bitches were clipped onto short chains in the middle of the pens with automated milking teats available for her to drop into so she could stay there for several days. Peddles were installed on the floor of the pens and the dogs had already been trained to press these when they were horny. These triggered the girls shock collar and had her up, presenting herself and ready for se in an instant. Each one of them became the dog?s personal fuck-toy.
When they thought that things could get no worse the dogs were treated with injections to lower their sex drives and measuring devices fitted to their balls. These detected when each one spilled his doggy mess. The girl was freed from her leash but was told that milking machine would only work when the dog had come. They tried to hold out, but within hours, with Jen and Carolyn giggling like schoolgirls on the outside of their pens, each girl was up ringing her bell in front of her dog. When they showed only a little interest the girls were devastated but the pain was there to guide them. With the loss of their last scraps of dignity, they buried their heads down and started to give the best head that they could. At last, after a little stimulation, the dogs got interested and finally each girl got her fuck, her mammaries screaming bloody murder all the while.
Andreas let them stay with the dogs for periods and for other times had them thoroughly cleaned and returned to him. They had newfound respect for him and their efforts to please him were re-doubled. No act of depraved sycophancy was beneath them as they would jump through hoops to stay with him rather than be returned to the torments of Carolyn?s imagination. She had made the most thoughtful pets a woman could ever give to her man. As she imagined how insane they would be driven when she injected poison ivy extract into their cunts and watched them frantically rubbing against everything in sight, she couldn?t wait to see Andreas?s reaction to his little bitches in heat. She knew exactly where he would send them.
The End.???
watched as her lover walked by. After all the years that she'd been with him,
the sight of his tight ass and taut, marine's figure still sent a wave of lust
tingling down her. She had come, twice, straddling him in bed that morning and
was quite satisfied as she sat at her table sipping her morning coffee, raping
him with her eyes. She watched as he gently tugged the leash he was holding and
his two pets enthusiastically moved closer and swarmed round his ankles.
thought that he spoiled them somewhat but knew that he had been absolutely
delighted with them, as her gift to him; and that gave her incredible
satisfaction. She knew that he found them fun, comforting and relaxing while
she was away. They proved a nice distraction and hobby for him.
when he was away, she saw to it that their life was not so easy. Partly this
was because of her insatiable, rampant sadism, but mainly it was so that when
he did come home, they were incredibly eager to be with him and very
appreciative of his affections.
At the
end of the day, though, they were pets; sometimes they were fun, sometimes they
were tiresome.
had gone to incredible lengths to acquire the pair. Although they had been
functionless, skinny socialites, they had both been celebrities and it was
difficult to just make celebrities 'disappear'.
had so consistently remarked about what they were 'good for' when they had
flashed occasionally across their television screen or had popped up in a
magazine. An idea had then sparked and lodged itself in her wicked mind. When
Andreas saw that the pair had even been given their own TV show, he had scoffed
and suggested some of his own ideas of the sorts of things they should be
filmed doing; up to and including very, very unpleasant deaths.
was the kind of guy who effortlessly bowled his lady over with the most
thoughtful presents. He was a true sadistic soul-mate, who knew exactly what
she would desire, even before she did; so she had risen to this new project-idea
of hers as the ultimate 'thank you' challenge; for her man.
particulars of getting hold of them were starting to become a real headache;
they were both so used to avoiding the press and were well minded at all times.
As it turned out it, finally, it was handed to her on a plate. The two girls
had decided to end their bickering and seal the public rift between them by
holidaying together in the Caribbean, on an island less then a hundred miles
from Carolyn and Andreas?s own. For someone as experienced as Carolyn, it had
been absolute child?s-play to arrange a boating disaster from which the girl?s
bodies were never retrieved.
The rest
of her project was conducted in the safety of their own, extensive, facilities
and to make things even better, it was when Andreas was spending nearly all his
time in Germany, supervising projects.
had brimmed with anticipation as the two girls were delivered and then presented
to her. Each had been locked into a sturdy, padded, wheelchair for their
transfer. Their wrists and ankles were restrained with thick metal bands while
their heads were pulled back into semicircular rests and secured there by steel
bands around their throats.
clothes were cut from them. Carolyn admired them both as they sobbed and made
pathetic pleas for their release. Fantastic sums of money were being bandied
about by the two girls, but Carolyn would not have sold them for all the oil in
Saudi Arabia. She loved to listen to the sweet music of a desperate bitch,
begging for her life, but this was not a situation that was new to her. The
girls, of course, didn't realise this, that their chances of bargaining with
her were non-existent.
They were
both extremely skinny; one of them she judged to be clinically anorexic. With
that in mind she had them both installed with nasal feeding tubes and put on a building-up
diet. This delayed her plans for a few days but she was patient and knew it
would lead to better results; better wound-healing.
On the
second day (she believed in making people sweat) she paid them a proper visit.
Both girls were fully restrained on beds, light-brown leather straps, designed
for psychiatric patients, held them immobile and fully captive. She had had
them both fitted with large ball gags so that they would not interrupt her.
She sat
on a chair in between them as they both renewed their struggling and snorted
into their gags. They both had copious pools of runny snot pouring from their
noses and their eyes were red-raw from desperate weeping that had not stopped
since the moment they had awoken.
laughed to herself.
girls. Now today we're going to make a few changes to you. You're not going to
like them one bit, but you're not going to have any opportunity to object, so
who gives a fuck?'
They both
moaned loudly, they did.
you're healed up you'd better apply yourselves to your training, or you'll be
in some really fucking trouble'
With that
she stood up and signaled to her staff that the time was right. The first girl
was pushed down the hallway towards the theatre. She screamed the whole way. A
needle went into her arm and then she was out cold.
The next
few days passed in a blurry haze. They could remember still being unable to
move a great deal and being heavily drugged; but having pain, everywhere. Carolyn
looked down at them, a broad smile across her face. Everything had proceeded
Each girl
had been tattooed over every inch of her body. They were now both a perfect
milky white colour, everywhere. The only places that weren't, were their lips,
their asses and their pussies; the latter of which had actually been deepened
in colour.
girls had bandages around their hands. All their fingers and their thumbs had
been neatly amputated, leaving just the pad of each hand.
legs had been cut away at the knees, a smooth rounded skin surface surrounding
the lower border of each of their femurs.
One of
the girls stirred a little, and looked up into Carolyn's eyes. She tried to
gurgle a sound. She furrowed her brow quizzically when she found it impossible.
Carolyn smiled again. Their vocal cords had been mutilated completely; neither
would ever utter a word again.
addition to that, their teeth had all been pulled out. They had been fitted
with metal pins on either side, where their molars had been, on both the top
and bottom, to prevent them from overly closing their mouths and making them
look like edentulous hags. Additionally, the pins had fittings so that each girl?s
teeth could be locked together. This would later prove helpful with their
suction training as it would force them to use their lip muscles.
Each girl
had been completely electrolyzed; every single hair had been permanently struck
from their bodies so they looked strangely innocent with their milk-white, bald
and eyebrow-less heads. Their external ears had been completely cut off so they
both just had holes in the sides of their heads to hear with. It would make localizing
sound more difficult, but they would get used to it.
their scalps a number of metal fastenings had been implanted. These had
actually been screwed into their skulls deeply below the skin. All had been
placed, ingeniously, using the wounds from their ear removal, this made sure
that there was no unsightly scarring on the top of either girls head.
The other
significant intervention that had been performed was to selectively sever a
number of each girl?s facial nerves. All the ones around the eyes were left
perfectly intact; it was the ones that let the girls ?mouth? words that they
damaged. They would still be able to pout, suckle and bare their teeth; but
only fairly crudely and at that, with practice. They certainly would not be
able to produce anything that could be lip-read. In time, and with training,
they would learn to do a few things well with their mouths, but little else.
smaller of the two girls arose a little and tried to turn herself, pulling
weakly at her wrist straps. She lay on her back. Carolyn could already see some
signs of breasts engorgement from the massive doses of prolactin that were
being infused into each girl. Additionally, a testosterone cream was being
rubbed into their clitori several times a day and there was some slight,
initial evidence that each girls nubbin was starting to enlarge. It was
difficult to differentiate this from all the collagen that had been implanted
around each girl?s pussy. Their flaps had been enlarged to obscene proportions
by thick, generous, permanent deposits underneath their vulvas The implants
puckered their darkly tattooed lips so that they billowed firmly outward,
appearing to all the world that they were rampantly engorged and needy; like
baboons in heat. Their clits already stood proudly out from their hoods, thanks
to plastic subcutaneous implants, but Carolyn wanted them to be fleshy and enormous;
the testosterone would make them grow as they strove to be mini penises.
As they
lay in their beds recovering, they were constantly supervised and nursed. Their
wounds were thoroughly scrutinized and meticulously re-dressed and they were
kept in strict, confining bondage. The nurses soothed them a little, but also
started to encourage a sense of helplessness in them. They explained what had
been done to them and how, once they had healed, they had better apply
themselves well to their training or terrible, further punishments would be
inflicted upon them.
When they
were finally fit enough to leave the 'hospital', Carolyn assigned her most
thorough trainer to them; she wanted the highest performance from them when
they were finished learning their new roles.
girls spent every night restrained in beds and every day learning to walk and
behave properly. Their fingerless hands were fitted into white leather 'gloves'
that laced up tightly to their wrists. They created the impression of three
cute, round toes, on little paws. A wide strap buckled firmly about the lacing
and locked with a tiny padlock, fastening the paws firmly about their wrists.
Similar cute ?paws? were formed from padded 'shoes' that they wore over their
leg stumps. These laced up to stocking height and again were locked with sturdy
leather bands, also in white.
The two
'milk-girls', as Carolyn had dubbed them, would now, strictly, be quadrupeds.
Even balancing on their knees would be difficult as the base padding of each
rear paw was angled to support the girls on all fours, rather than 'standing'
upright in what would eventually become the 'begging' position.??
After a
few days, they were fitted with, and allowed to get used to, their 'ears'.
White Alice-bands that had cute little, white leather, cat-like ears on the top
were snapped onto them. As their real ears had been removed, the illusion was
very effective and made them look extremely cute and pet-like.
The band
magnetically attached to the metal deposits set in their skulls. That, and it's
tight, elastic, fitted shape, served to keep the band steady and in place. Over
each of their ear-holes the bands widened to soft, ring-like pads that covered
their scars and allowed each girl to rest her head comfortably on either side.
However, within these, their Alice bands ended in individually molded mesh pins.
The fittings functioned more like solid pins but were mesh-like to allow the
sound to penetrate. Each mesh was strong and had been perfectly shaped to fit
each girl inserting fully into her ear canal. The Alice bands then joined onto
the meshes.
because the bands were only held on magnetically, there needed to be a more
robust system to stop the girls from dislodging them; and this was it. It
hinged on the fact that the ear canal is not a straight tube that enters the
head at a perfect right angle. Any rotation or movement of their bands,
relative to their heads, would cause the mesh ear-pins to move to move in their
incredibly sensitive housings. This was a deeply disturbing, painful sensation
for the girls and from the first time they were fitted with their ears, they
never, ever, tried to get them off; yet they could wear them comfortably; and permanently.
It also made their ears 'sensitive', they would react if they were touched and,
in that way, they became like a real part of them.
additional touch was that the forward facing, inner surfaces of their false
ears were lined with silk. This was soft bunny-pink in colour to make them look
innocent and cute, but it could easily be swapped for different shades. This
was Carolyn's concession to herself; although she would not make use of it for
several months. (She not only dressed extremely well, but Andreas and her moved
in circles with the kind of people who would enjoy the sight of the two little ?milk-pups?.
It was clear to her that at a party, the girls would make fantastic 'fashion'
accessories. This way, Carolyn could have their ear colours changed to match
whatever other 'accessories' they would have. The girl?s colours would, of
course, co-ordinate with and enhance her own outfit.)
The two
little milk-girls found their new lives to be extremely distressing,
humiliating and difficult. They would never accept the cruel way that their
bodies had been altered and mutilated. They cried themselves to sleep every
night for weeks, every day was the most unbearable experience for them as they
were forced to 'walk', 'sit', 'lick' and 'eat' from their bowls, 'lie' and
'beg'; and those were just the absolute basics. After the first two weeks,
their night time and spare day time was spent in their kennels. These were
conveniently hidden around the back of the stables, where Andreas never went.
trainer, Jen, used a variety of techniques to encourage them along. As well as
two crops, one with sharp metal barbs in, she use brutal nipple and vicious
clit clamps and also a pair of dreaded nose pliers. She would laugh as the girl
would try, in vain, to dislodge them with her paws, the pain driving her
insane. It was no problem for Jen to train both the girls together, though she
would frequently handle them one at a time, or simultaneously with one of
Carolyn's other trainers. From the day they left the infirmary, snug leather
collars fitted with shocking mechanisms were locked around their throats. Jen
always held the remote for the punishment mechanisms; usually it acted as the
handle for their leashes and she used it liberally at the start.
ten minutes of their first session, after they had both felt the shocks from
their collars and had both had the nose pliers on; they had both largely
resigned to accepting Jen's orders, each recognizing their utter helplessness
and the ultimate futility of any resistance. Essentially they had both been
spoilt brats; pampered heiresses; they had never really fought for anything in
their lives, consequently they were especially easy to break into line.
Jen was a
harsh critic of their behavior and had them on very arduous schedules. They
were to be beautifully toned for their time of presentation. Both had feeding
tubes installed just inside their nostrils for night feeding to help with their
muscle reconfiguration. In the day, however, they would be forced to eat token
quantities of dog meat and lap from drinking bowls of water and milk; this was
for their role rather than for nutrition. As the time passed they were steered
towards a balanced dried, dogfood-like substance that contained everything they
needed but was not designed to be palatable. This would be mixed with a little
dog meat and the girl would be forced to eat it all with the threat of
punishment if she didn?t. They both soon learnt to quickly gobble it down.
Carolyn and Jen were delighted when after two weeks, the taller girl started to
express her first breast-milk; this was followed only days later by the other
girl. Their nipples were starting to enlarge and it was at this point that they
decided to have their piercings installed. Each girl was partially anaesthetized
while precisely measured rings were set around the base of each nipple. On the
inside of each were a number of sharp points, so each ring resembled an inverse
sheriff's star. The idea was that as their nipples grew, the teeth would bite
into the flesh and lodge the rings in place. They were also held in place by a
series of fine rods that were pushed from the rings deep into their breasts
tissue aiming to meet about two inches behind each nipple. There were about ten
wires to each nipple and they were installed in such a way that they met inside,
creating an internal pyramidal structure of touching wires. The whole process
was performed using ultrasound by one of Carolyn's friends from Texas; he specialized
in this kind of work. When the wires all touched together, he heated them ever
so slightly so that tiny solder droplets on their ends fused them together. The
end result was that each girl had quite permanent nipple shields held securely
in place. This method of installation minimized disruption of the duct system
within the girl's breasts. Experience had shown that simply piercing the nipple
was very destructive and proved to be a significant hindrance to milk
With the
rings around the bases of their nipples, which could accommodate fittings, it
meant that they could be easily hooked up to a milking machine. As soon as each
girl was ?producing?, she was secured in a tiny metal stall and then milked
exhaustively. They were both slight girls with tiny breasts and this process
proved to be incredibly unpleasant and painful for them; undoubtedly neither of
them would have been able to breast feed normally for the pain in their little
tits but there was nothing that they could do about it when they ?stood? locked
in their milking stalls.
production, Carolyn knew, was stimulated by demand. The more a girl was milked,
the more milk she would produce. Obviously, both girls had been fitted with
massive subcutaneous depots of prolactin to maximize stimulation, but it was
necessary to squeeze every drop of milk from them. Their days were therefore
spent, half training with Jen and half locked into their stalls with a hungry
machine gnawing at their tender nipples. It was a living hell for them.
After a
few weeks they were both exhibiting obvious breast growth and were producing
impressive quotas of milk. As their breasts grew, their nipples became longer
and fatter and the teeth of the nipple guards started to embed themselves. This
not only made their nipples ache constantly and excruciatingly tender, but made
the sucking of the milking machine mercilessly grate their nipples against the
metal points of their spiky encircling snares tearing at their already
sensitive flesh.
When they
were not being milked dry, their daily schedule of walking was extended. Each
girl was now able to walk for a good distance without tiring; she could also rapidly
assume all the positions that were expected of her.
that it would not be much longer before she presented them to Andreas, Carolyn
examined their clits. Both were now longer, fatter and more developed from the
cream treatment. After making the necessary arrangements, she had them taken
back the clinic and, one at a time, had them restrained. Her friend, the expert
from Texas, was back over and he went to exacting lengths to fit each girl with
their clitoral rings.
examined them with his scanner and made sure that he drove the piercing needle
right through the central nerve plexus, snug in the depths of each clitoris. For
their torment, the ring that he installed had a ?ball? of spiky barbs on it. As
each girl twisted and screamed, the needle cutting through them, he slid the
ring on and rotated it and worked it in until the barbs all rested in this most
sensitive central area. Because of its shape, to do this, the spikes tore through
the fleshy nubbin to get to their final resting place making each girl buck
against her straps desperately trying to free a hand to try and pull the
terrible thing out. He could see when the spikes nestled perfectly and
ominously, where they would make their presence known from now on. He then
sealed the ring shut and left it there.
As their
clits healed and grew around the barbs it made their removal impossible. Any
movement of the ring became both incredibly stimulating and incredible painful.
The Texan had pioneered this particular technique and was delighted to be able,
not only to perform it on such well developed, large clits; but to be able to
fit the largest rings he had ever fitted, with the most severe, penetrating and
extensive spikes. He was eager to see how they would be when they were healed
and set within each girl and Carolyn assured him that he would be invited back,
in time, for a thank-you dinner and an opportunity to see the girls.
howled, bucked and tore at their bonds in silence as the whole thing was
performed. He deliberately used no anaesthetic and he took his time with his
meticulous procedure. He was of the opinion that a painful insertion led to a
more sensitive ring in the end. He wasted no opportunity to wiggle the needle
about inside each girls most tender, delicate clitoris, much their misery. The
two white animal girls lay there, in tears as their most private area was set
up to cause them lifelong torment.
After a
week of healing and daily, stinging sprays with surgical spirit, each clit ring
was fitted with a bell. A little silver bell dangled prettily between each girl?s
legs and tinkled with her every movement. The two girls even had their own
individual notes. They both found this hugely humiliating as now their every
move would be announced and they would draw unwelcome attention to themselves.
Jen was
seeing to it that they now spent their nights just chained by their collars to
floor rings in their kennels. Increasingly, they would be left in their kennels
for the whole day, with the milking machine brought over and applied to them
while they were still on the same leash. This was to teach them to be still, docile
and patient. It was so mind-numbingly boring for them as they could not even
see each other either. This isolation was deliberate. Jen snapped their collar
chains to rings at the back of their kennels; with not enough slack for them to
get their heads out of the front entrances. After a while, they would come to
crave some human contact, even as little milk puppies.
Jen also pointed
out to them that their kennels were fitted with microphones, tuned to the tone
of their bells, to pick up and record their movements. There was a camera in a
plastic box in the roof as well, but certain bell patterns would especially alert
someone to watch it.? If either girl was
tempted to try and play with herself, for example, then they would know. Both
girls blushed deeply as Jen told them that if they were caught attempting to
pleasure themselves; they would be punished, severely. So they had little
choice than to just lie there, they were not even allowed to masturbate. Being
able to lie still for hours was an essential trait that they had to learn, a
master does not want to be constantly bothered by his pet and they would learn
to be meek for him.
As the
weeks passed, they would start to get restless as milking time approached.
Their breasts had now grown several times over and were producing enough milk
to support several infants each. On each girl?s petite frame, they hung as fat,
swollen and veined orbs. They had become large enough to swing as the girls
walked. As the time between milkings elapsed, they became uncomfortable, to the
point where not only was the nipple-tearing milking a relief, but they were
actually starting to get impatient and needy for it. As the milking cups were
being set up, they even started to jockey for position, wanting to be the first
to get on the machine. At this time, they were on six full milkings a day, two
of which were performed during the night in their kennels; although they could
not sleep with the machine dragging their nipples so brutally and consistently
over the metal points embedded so cruelly at their bases. This was the idea of
their nipple shields, to be a constant pain and irritation to them and as they
grew, the shields became more and more vicious.
Jen was
quite happy with their behavior at 'walkies'. They both scampered along nicely,
presenting their asses into the air. Their gait made it necessary for them to
keep their legs apart, so their pussies were always on show to anyone walking
behind; now with the ever present tinkling of their clitty bells.
the girls were toileted frequently onto litter trays. Both had been reluctant
to perform such humiliating tasks in public but Jen had convinced them. She had
taken them both inside and had filled each of them with a painfully large enema
of soapy, warm water, olive oil and just a little mustard and chili powder;
then she had taken them on a longer walk than usual. Both girls had wept
constantly as their bellies spasmed horribly. When she finally took them back
to their litter trays and made them beg to shit, they both nearly bowled her
over as they rose up to her on their hind legs in desperation. As each girl had
her plug removed, she rapidly; and thankfully; smattered the entire contents of
her bowels all over the tray. After that, they shat when they were told to.
Later on,
the opportunities to do this became when they were moving between, for example,
milking and obedience training.
fundamental part of their re-orientation, as Jen saw it, was that they needed
to become like animals - before they could become pets. After a while, the
toileting opportunities were removed and each girl had to make her own opportunity
during the day to both pee and shit. If she didn't, then she would be spending
the night lying with whatever she had done, in her kennel. What made this worse
was that their kennels were not even cleaned out daily. So they got to return
at the end of the day to the previous nights mess.
They had
to plan ahead and make sure they took advantage when they could. This was
nearly always during their 'walkies', in fact, that was pretty much the only
time that Jen would allow it and even then, the onus was on the girls to make
sure their Mistress knew they needed to go; and they had to use an 'acceptable'
There was
an incident when, desperate to empty herself, the larger girl took a shit on the
stone driveway. Jen was livid. She grabbed the girl tightly by the leash,
pulled her over to it and then smashed her face into her own turd, rubbing her nose
in it. She never did that again.
correct strategy the girls had to learn was to use the fields well beyond the
lawns. They took a while to realise, though, that that was the right way to
play it. They both fell into the same traps, initially, of not pulling on their
leashes when they went past a tree or bush. They found themselves leashed up at
night, bursting to empty themselves. When they could hold on no longer, they
had no choice but to dirty their own kennels, spending the rest of the night
wallowing next to their own filth.
taught them to shit with their asses close to the floor rather than in the
standing position, as nobody wanted their pussies smeared with their own
excrement. She hooked wires onto their clit ring and fed them through a loop in
the ground. Then she snapped her fingers. They would then obediently strain at
stool. Jen would encourage them down into the difficult position with a gentle
traction on their unbearably sensitive control rings. They soon mastered this
new method, especially when she rewarded a poor attempt with a clit clip.
At the
start, they were wiped clean after they shat, but they were later taught to wipe
themselves on the grass and Jen saw to it that they learnt to do this
Partly to
expose them to their new role as animals but also as a way of encouraging an
effective hygiene strategy, Jen had seen to it that each of their kennels had a
small finely meshed box installed at one of the rear, bottom corners. The mesh
was easily strong enough to keep the contents from being pawed at. After the
initial major accidents had been learnt from and the girls had learnt to
scrabble towards anything that they could toilet behind during those few
windows of opportunity, Jen upped the ante. She believed in using the natural
ecosystem to its full advantage. To the girls despair, she made sure that a
supply of horse-fly maggots lived in the boxes at the back of their kennels.
Later on it got that if the girl had displeased her in any way, she let her see
that her box was being re-filled. By the time they were learning to wipe
themselves on the grass, the first pupae were starting to hatch. The flies
buzzed their way out through the mesh of the boxes. They were immediately drawn
to the tiniest remains around each girl?s anus and boy did they make their
presence known! There was a moment that Jen wished she could have caught on
film, when both girls were simultaneously straining at their leashes trying to
get out of their kennels, both having just been bitten on their most sensitive
anal rims. The tears streamed down their faces as the vicious bites left huge,
inflamed swellings on their backsides. It wasn't just their asses though, the
flies were a constant and evil irritation for them; eventually becoming one of
their most effective punishments. They kept them awake, tortured throughout the
night. Every time the buzzing stopped, the girl would shift herself round to
try and see if she was going to be bitten; sometimes she would be. The gaps on
the under side of her paws, between the toes, meant that they were not good
swatting devices either. After the crop of maggots had all fully hatched, the
girls would emerge from their kennels in the morning, tired, weepy and dotted
with brutal bites.
Jen made
it clear that the flies could be taken away or topped up, depending on each girl?s
behavior. They both became much more eager to please after this.
It was at
about this time; when the girls had learnt to be very obedient, were toilet
trained and had impressive milk outputs, that Carolyn decided that they were
fit to be gifts. There was plenty more training to subject them to but the
banal things had been taken care of and they were probably at the point where
Andreas would most enjoy receiving them. The thing that absolutely catalyzed
her decision was when she heard that when the two girls had been left together,
chained on two-metre leashes to the same stake, they had started to suckle each
others nipples. This was something that she was keen that they should learn to
do for themselves; out of necessity.
Not only
did this practice bond the girls together but it provided an almost perfect
nutritional replacement for each others losses. In fact, it was the absolute
essence of her concept of them as two 'milk-puppies'. She took a photograph of
them during their first '69' suckling session. The girls initially were a
little embarrassed, but then they looked at each other and just carried on,
there was breast work that needed doing. Their shreds of remaining dignity were
worth far less than the relief they got from their tense, bursting tits.
At this
stage of their breast development, milking and when it would be done, was the
most important thing in their lives. A feeling of fullness would come first;
this would soon become uncomfortable as the breast began to feel tense. From
this point on the pain would get worse exponentially as more and more milk was
secreted into already pressurized ducts. For normal women, this process would
take many hours to develop, during which, they would probably have given their
baby several feeds. The time scale was very different for a girl who had had
her milk production aggressively and scientifically maximized over many weeks.
The pain of an unmilked breast would become absolutely excruciating after about
5 hours. Any time after this was unbearable agony that would eventually be
severe enough to drive the girl unconscious with sheer pain. The girls were
now, essentially, woefully dependent on being milked; it was now an absolute
necessity, an 'addiction' with terrifyingly painful 'withdrawal symptoms' if
they didn?t get their milking.
Some of
the milking sessions were dropped and the girls were left to suckle each other.
To their frustration, now was the time that the pins were clipped into their
teeth, locking them together. This forced them to use only their lips to suck
the milk. This was to train their mouth muscles in the correct suckling
technique; they were not to squeeze with their front gums. At first their
mouths were sore and tired easily, but with the removal of the relief they got
from their scheduled machine milkings, they were forced to re-double their
efforts, for each others sakes.
To make
sure that they continued to maximally stimulate each other they were made to
drain one breast to absolute dryness before starting on the other. This made
them wait in pain for the second breast to be milked and that hurried the
along. It also meant that if they tried to swap early and the initial breast
was examined and found not to be empty that they would be open to punishment.
After nipple clamps were applied to each girl for trying to ?cheat? they stuck
to the cruel rule rigidly.
planned the day when she would surprise her man with his presents. She made
sure that the girls had been heavily restricted in their kennels for the
previous three days with only breaks for milking and toileting. She wanted them
bored and eager for stimulation, as well as rested. She also made sure that the
time of presentation would coincide with their urges for milking. Before his
arrival, the girls were bathed and powdered and then were made up with
lipstick, mascara and a little pink blush. Little pink ribbons were tied in
bows around each of their wrists and 'ankles' and they were fitted with
matching pink leather and steel collars that clicked shut with locks. Fine
steel chains connected to each girl?s collar before merging, after about three
feet, to a single leash. From each girl?s collar cutely dangled a little silver
bone with their owner, Andreas?s name on.
The girls
were told that their behavior would be critical upon meeting their new master.
If Carolyn or Jen were in any way unconvinced by their enthusiasm, they would
be made to suffer. In line with her current fad for 'biological deterrents' Jen
had visited the girls with her tank of giant centipedes. At six inches long,
each was capable of catching and killing a small bat. She made each of them
watch as the creatures aggressively probed the sand of their enclosure, hungry
for flesh. The inch long needle-like pincers on the front of each fearsome
creature could inject one of the most painful bites in nature. Jen explained
this to them in graphic detail and directed their attention to the cluster of
eggs in the corner of the tank. She made it very clear that these would be
going into their kennel boxes if their display to their master was anything
less than wonderful. Jen helped by teaching them affectionate gestures like
trying to climb up him; nuzzling around his legs; and rolling onto their backs,
offering their ?delicate parts? to him.
As she
took him outside and told him she had something special for him, he was
completely taken aback. She had fully succeeded in keeping the project from him
and when Jen led the two cleaned and prepared milk-puppies around the corner,
each straining at the leashes to be the first to touch him, he was stunned; his
jaw dropped.
these.........?....NO!......but they can't be!.........My God they
are!.......Oh My God!.........'
By this
time the two girls were pawing up at him, trying to lick at his hands and
generally making a total fuss over him. He bent over and turned the smaller
girl onto her back, examining Carolyn's handiwork. She stood next to him,
glowing as she basked in his pleasure.
'My God,
look at this!? he pinched the girls clit ring lightly between his thumb and
forefinger, instantly stilling her. He looked at the inch long, bulbous clit
and then at Carolyn. She beamed back at him. He gave it the tiniest squeeze and
could see from the girl's face that it was exquisitely tender. He lightly
massaged it with his thumb while he looked her over. She relaxed and was
pacified by the lovely touch, eventually giving in to her shame and lying back
to hold her clit out to her master; it felt wonderful and no-one had done
anything nice to her in the weeks since her capture. As he lifted his hand
away, she suddenly opened her eyes and looked up, begging pitifully, at him.
laughed happily thinking how amazingly cute she was and what incredible pets
they had made
later, little one', he said turning his attention to the other girl.
wasted no time in rolling on her back and spreading her paws for him. She was
starting to feel the need for milking as he ran his hand over her taut breast
and started to finger her nipple. Her breathing quickened and she looked
timidly into his eyes, pleading for release. Within a minute he was sat in a
large chair with the larger girl lying in his lap while he hand-milked her. She
pushed her breasts out to him as he squeezed gush after gush of milk. The two
women, Jen and Carolyn, laughed and helped him as he collected the milk and
poured it into a feeding bottle. When this was full, he screwed a teat on the
top and offered it to the smaller girl. She was feeling the need in her own
breasts but she obediently suckled at the plastic teat on his bottle, trying to
rub her tits against his wrist to signal her need; all the while her clit bell
tinkling excitedly as she restlessly hopped about to try and distract herself
from her aching breasts.
loved his gifts so much! Leaving them both to Jen for a moment he took his lady
inside the house and rammed her against the wall in a passionate kiss. He held
her bottom cupped in one hand and after slipping his throbbing cock from his
trousers, he gently lifted her, and, pushing her panties aside with his cock,
he slipped her sopping cunt over his head. He pushed her firmly against the
wall and then lowered her all the way onto his huge erection. Her head was back
in ecstasy as his huge prick stretched her, and then he started to lift her and
lower her, fucking into her at the same time. The had both come within two
minutes and as he lifted her of him and back to the floor he told her how much
he loved her.
night, they fucked each other seven more times and they let the milk-pups come
into the house for the first time. To the frustration of the larger girl, who
had been the first to be milked, Andreas held the other girl in his lap and, as
she gently creamed herself, he rubbed her soppy pussy and swollen clit to a mind-bendingly
intense and humiliating orgasm. She lay, nestled at his feet, leashed, glowing
with her own embarrassment under the gaze of the other girl, who was not only
shocked but a little jealous. The smaller girl avoided her eyes and buried her
head against her master's feet.
And so it
continued. Andreas would often give the girls a little of his attention; sometimes
he would walk them, and sometimes they would sit with him or curl up on him as
he read. Occasionally, when Carolyn was away, he might let one or even both of
them sleep on his bed with him, or more often, he let them sleep on the bedroom
floor. They loved to be inside, away from the insects and near to their Master.
Time with him was not anything like time with Jen.
The only
thing to slightly sour things was one incident where a pool of dried urine was
found on the bedroom carpet. It was within the range of either girl's leash and
although she had probably struggled to hold it in, he was not at all pleased.
What annoyed him the most was that neither girl was willing to step forward and
take responsibility. It was clear that the smaller girl was trying to say that
the larger girl had done it, but she was keeping her head down and not
admitting it, paralyzed with the fear of punishment. As it turned out, this was
a stupid strategy as Andreas delivered them both to Jen for a few days
'retraining'. Jen was more than happy to have them back for a few days,
especially to punish them. Both girls spent three days each, locked in cramped,
metal, slave-boxes. They were fitted with catheters, feeding tubes and milking
teats and then made to crouch into tight balls in the little boxes that they
had to squeeze to fit into. The lids were closed and then locked into place so
that each girl had practically no room to move. Both girls had severe
claustrophobia and as they first tried to lift their heads and bodies up, and
they felt the lids of the boxes, they went nearly insane with terror. They both
struggled and wept until their eyes were dry, silently begging that it would
end and they would be let out.
larger girl vowed to never pee anywhere ever again and the smaller girl wept
with hatred for her treacherous litter-mate. What made the three days worse was
the cooking that they got in the sun. They both sweated profusely, unaware that
their losses were being replaced by the feeding tubes. They began to stink as
the sweat started to cake their body odour onto them. The feeling of being hot
and cramped was compounded as their need for milking came upon them. Jen
adopted a slow strategy that kept them full and bursting the whole time, to
really torture them. As the most terrible final insult, before they were locked
into their boxes, Jen fitted them with mesh dildos and tiny mesh butt-plugs
that nestled just inside their asses. The meshes were surrounded by a plastic
cupping that encased the whole of each girl?s vulva and anus and pressed firmly
into them, surrounding this area with a seal of firm rubber. The whole
assemblies were secured to waist belts at the front and behind so that they
were held very firmly in place. The effect was to enclose an area around their
clits and lips, with their vaginas and asses held nicely open to the same
container. On the third and final day, Jen lifted a flap at the back of each
steel slave-box which gave her access to each girls 'genital flask'. Each
'flask' could itself be fitted with a small box, and once this was secured, a
flap could be pulled out, allowing the contents to roam freely over each girl?s
genitals and anus. The contents would also cook, unpleasantly, in the steel box
with them, making their inhabitants more and more irritated and aggressive.
Additionally, the heat added to the stench each girl produced, her tender
crevices advertising themselves all the more to their new diners. Each of the
girls prepared boxes contained a handful of fire-ants, two sand flies and a
prior to clipping them onto each girl and flicking the hatch open, Jen gave
each box a furious shake to agitate, inflame and enrage the occupants. She then
attached the box to the girl and quickly slid the communication hatch open.
After doing this to the smaller girl, she closed the steel door flap and did
the same to the larger girl. Within seconds of each, she heard a frantic
bucking inside each box. Inside, each girl silently screamed themselves hoarse
as their most delicate areas roared with the fires of horrendous stings and
ferocious bites.? She smiled to herself
knowing that the girls last days would be an absolute, living, hell.
When she
did finally release them, they were exhausted, sweaty, covered in their own
filth and thoroughly broken. She asked them again who had left the pee stain.
The larger girl had struggled forward. Jen had explained that the three days in
the boxes had been for the dishonesty. She then gave the larger girl ten hard
but brutally hard lashes on her backside with the punishment whip; the one with
the metal barbs in. The larger girl collapsed in complete submission after her
beating was administered. She crawled to her Mistresses feet and begged for
forgiveness, licking at them shamelessly. Jen smiled down at her
don?t do that again?
After a
day of recovery, they were returned to Andreas, both determined to always be on
their absolute best behavior.
It wasn't
long before Andreas was away on business again and, as luck would have it,
Carolyn was back. Life became very different. Gone were the cuddles, the loving
hand-milkings and clit strokings, in fact Carolyn had them back out of the
house and kenneled again. She allowed them enough leash to reach each other so
that they could suckle at night though.
One day,
she had them both brought to her and prepared them as she was having company.
She was having an evening gathering, dinner for about thirty, mainly close
business associates. She had the girls scrubbed, dusted with talc and made up,
as she had when they first met their master. Carolyn would wear a black and
purple evening gown, so the girl?s ear-colours were swapped to match this.
Thick purple ribbons were tied about their limbs and their collars were also of
purple, the ever present shocking system still installed and their bones
transferred across too. Carolyn held them on separate leashes but both by the
same handle. She had the remote for their collars in her handbag but there was
seldom need to use it, so keen were the pups to not be disciplined. As the
guests started to arrive, she fitted the girls with a new torment. They were
such simple things. When Carolyn screwed shiny mesh nipple caps onto each
girl's embedded fittings and they felt them snap securely into place, both
their hearts sank. They looked up at their grinning Mistress desperately and in
horror when they realized that these would completely frustrate their attempts
to milk each other. They both looked up at her, pleading with their Mistress to
not do that to them. Somehow anticipating problems, Carolyn let the girls see
that not only was she taking a cane with her but in her bag she had a pair of
very nasty looking, toothed clips.
over', she snapped. The two girls were immediately on their backs.
gestured at their bulging clitori
'I hope
you won't make me put these on you', she said,' if they go on, they'll stay on'
The girls
swallowed and then separately started to fret about the pain they would be in,
in a couple of hours.
As the
night went by, Carolyn exercised an iron discipline over the girls. They tried
their absolute hardest to behave and please their Mistress, but their breasts
were unbearable. Occasionally, an interested guest might give one of them a squeeze;
they would almost pass out and silently scream out in agony. The caps had their
desired effect though; they kept the girls active, unsettled and very restless.
This gave Carolyn an opportunity to be the bastion of control as she frequently
clicked them to sit, or with a tug on their collar, had them controlled at
heel. As she sat with them at her feet after dinner, they were both counting to
ten over and over to try and stand the pain. They tried so hard to keep still
and not irritate their Mistress and it was so incredibly difficult for them. Finally,
when the room was still crowded, Carolyn took the nipple caps off. With a snap
of her fingers they both started to rabidly suck at each other, like they were
literally about to explode. Carolyn was secretly delighted with them and they
made her the envy of the room.
After a
while more, after Andreas had had the girls brought to Germany for a while to
stay at his mansion; and then returned home to the island. Carolyn decided it
was time to move their training on again. They were taught to 'present' their
pussies by spreading their legs and holding them as high as they could. They
then had to wiggle their clitty-bells. It was a simple enough instruction, but
the emphasis was on them to stay in that position until told otherwise. It was
made very clear that if they broke position, they would be punished. After the
boxes, neither girl would ever dream of disobeying even the most repulsive or
painful order.
It was
one warm, sunny morning when the girls were training on the lawn, that they
were taken by Jen round to the back garden and leashed up on foot length chains
to two foot high poles that were secured in the lawn. Something was going on.
There were lots of chairs outside and soon there were people, lots of merry
guests milling about, sipping champagne. Carolyn had her camera hanging from
her wrist; the girls were both incredibly nervous. Andreas was there in a cream
linen suit, laughing with the Texan. They recognized a few of the faces from
Carolyn?s dinner party as well. Quite suddenly, a hush came over the party and
everyone was looking to the far corner of the house.
The two
little puppies eyes almost popped out of their sockets and their instincts were
to immediately jerk against their collars when they saw Jen rounding the
corner. She held, one in each hand, the leashes of two huge beasts. They were
remarkable creatures, perfect milk-white but not albino, bull-terrier, greyhound
crosses; brothers from a litter bred to Carolyn's precise specifications by Imelda
her Columbian friend. Each of the girls started to panic.
both of you, now!? Carolyn commanded. They both sat but kept their eyes fixed
on the new arrivals. They managed to exchange frantic glances while Carolyn
petted the two brutes and the rest of the crowd rippled with admiration for the
stunning dogs. They had been subject to the most rigid discipline and were
extensively trained, but in addition, each had been hormonally enhanced with
testosterone implants. Consequently, they were naturally strong, aggressive and
'Ok then,
let's see how you little bitches fair. Now I want you to remember that if I'm
not happy with either of you, you will spend at least a week each in the
punishment boxes'
The girls
started to panic at just the mention of the idea.
Carolyn sat down so that she could watch the action took her camera out.
these handsome suitors have been trained to respond to certain bell tones, each
one has been trained to recognize his own personal bitch and he knows that he
gets to fuck her good'
Both girls
whimpered to themselves. Both the dogs had been fucking many times a day since
they were able to, but they had been denied this for a week now.
Carolyn snapped.
It was
clear that this was not a time to disobey. Both girls reluctantly but
immediately assumed the position and started to wiggle their bells. There was a
frantic barking as each dog reacted at once. In a flash, Jen unclipped their
leashes and they were upon their bitches. Each girl could only hold still in
utter disbelief and horror as they felt first a nose nuzzling at their cunts,
paws and then a weight on their backs. The looks on their faces were priceless
and Carolyn got them all for the album. Each girl made no secret of her
absolute misery, they blubbered in shame as they felt the stabs of the rock
hard pricks against them. Then the dog on the smaller girls back managed to
find the spot; her expression turned to a mixture of shock, panic and despair,
her eyes bulging as he thrust his inhumanly large cock fully into her. Nudging
her forward until she was caught by her leash he started to vigorously pound
into her. She was stretched to her absolute limit, it hurt so much! The tears
streamed down her face as she was so irreparably and terribly violated and so
definitively humiliated. It wasn't long before the larger girls face popped too
and the other dog was sliding his enormous length into her as well. Carolyn and
Jen sat and watched in complete satisfaction as the girls obediently held
themselves up, weeping and broken, fucked by a pair of huge dogs. In the
background all they could hear was the laughing and taunting of the party. The
Texan loudly remarked on the irony of the larger girl and her frantically
tinkling clit bell.
?Come on
little Tinkerbell? he yelled, slapping his hat against his leg in mock
As they
looked up, they saw the beaming grins, the laughter and the pointing, at them.
They just died.
For the
next few weeks, each girl was penned with her dog. To keep things convenient
for the magnificent creatures, their bitches were clipped onto short chains in
the middle of the pens with automated milking teats available for her to drop
into so she could stay there for several days. Peddles were installed on the
floor of the pens and the dogs had already been trained to press these when
they were horny. These triggered the girls shock collar and had her up,
presenting herself and ready for se in an instant. Each one of them became the
dog?s personal fuck-toy.
When they
thought that things could get no worse the dogs were treated with injections to
lower their sex drives and measuring devices fitted to their balls. These
detected when each one spilled his doggy mess. The girl was freed from her
leash but was told that milking machine would only work when the dog had come.
They tried to hold out, but within hours, with Jen and Carolyn giggling like
schoolgirls on the outside of their pens, each girl was up ringing her bell in
front of her dog. When they showed only a little interest the girls were devastated
but the pain was there to guide them. With the loss of their last scraps of
dignity, they buried their heads down and started to give the best head that
they could. At last, after a little stimulation, the dogs got interested and
finally each girl got her fuck, her mammaries screaming bloody murder all the
let them stay with the dogs for periods and for other times had them thoroughly
cleaned and returned to him. They had newfound respect for him and their
efforts to please him were re-doubled. No act of depraved sycophancy was
beneath them as they would jump through hoops to stay with him rather than be
returned to the torments of Carolyn?s imagination. She had made the most
thoughtful pets a woman could ever give to her man. As she imagined how insane
they would be driven when she injected poison ivy extract into their cunts and
watched them frantically rubbing against everything in sight, she couldn?t wait
to see Andreas?s reaction to his little bitches in heat. She knew exactly where
he would send them.
The End.???
This story takes place immediately following the events found in the story Saved By A Goddess. It is highly recommended you read it before starting this one. Saved By A Goddess, Gifts By: StefB Edited by Sylvan Goddess and LorasPa (Thank you both so very much) My mind was racing as I walked outside to enjoy the peace and quiet offered by the massive front porch of the rural cabin my wife I were temporarily sharing. I looked over the quiet lodge while sipping a cup...
"Unequal gifts" by Jennifer Brock Sibling rivalry is a powerful thing. Sixteen years of his twin sister receiving obviously superior presents sends a boy into an unusual battle of wills with his father. How far is he willing to go to prove a point? Reagan had been living all his life knowing that his sister was their father's favorite, but the car was the last straw. The day after he threw her a massive Sweet Sixteen party, (technically it was Reagan's birthday party too, but...
Mary Mae felt terrible. Christmas was almost here and she was struggling to get gifts. When you’re sixteen and there are no job prospects and your family is poor, that makes it real tough. She’d made three trips down to the truck stop and made enough money giving blowjobs to buy gifts for her father and her boyfriend, the two most important men in her life. Her mom was long gone so that made it a little easier. She’d walked to Walmart and picked out a couple of pocketknives that looked real...
Prologue Pepper, the 23 year old President of the Gamma Iota Fi Tau Sorority, stood at the top of the staircase of the immaculate house where she and her sisters lived. Pepper has an athletic build, with sun kissed skin and dirty blonde hair that cascades down ending at her shoulder blades. She is wearing a leather biker jacket with a white vest top underneath and a pair of form fitting skinny jeans with a pair of block heel boots on her feet and a pair of stylish sunglasses on her face. She...
Tuesday, May 10, 2005 (Continued) Julia called me when the mansion shoppers started heading home, asking me to call for Lily to come with her presents. The mansion shoppers arrived first, Mom reporting, "We didn't find anything good this evening, but we didn't expect to. We've now seen all the possibly suitable properties that are on the market, so we'll draw up our shortlist and start reviewing them more carefully." Carol was especially looking forward to that, because she hadn't...
With Capt. Steinert back in her own universe, a few more paradoxes are satisfied, but now, a difficult secret must be kept. Two more Atlantis- Minor personnel receive their gifts just before Admiral Demmit's plane arrives. Will the Admiral need to requisition more aspirin or find something stronger? Episode 6 "Paradoxes, Galas, and Gifts" Citadel, Terra, 17:00, Median, Venusia 28th, 422 of the New Era "So why do I...
Chapter Nine: Daddy Unwraps His Virgin Gifts A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “Happy birthday to you!” sang my six daughters. They were clustered around the kitchen table that had my birthday cake on it, all six of them smiling and clapping. “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear daddy! Happy birthday to you!” The cake, covered in white frosting, had two candles on it, a Six and a Two. I was sixty-two...
“How many time should I tell you this, you don’t need to gift us Mxyzptlk,” Batman said, getting more than annoyed by the imp’s insistence. “He’s right,” Superman added, “we don’t want your gifts, especially after what you did last time.” “What, what did I do? You never trust me,” the small excentric imp answered with a shocked expression on his face while flying around the two heroes. “First, you almost created an international financial crisis when you caused millions of peoples to win the...
JUST WAIT--- Epilogue: the wedding gifts By "C.C." So I, once the powerful, wealthy businessman Ed Johnson, am now the feminized Sweetie--MRS. Ed Johnson! It's been hard getting used to my new role in life, cooking, cleaning and serving my Husband, who ironically is a wealthy and powerful businessman. But it's even harder because of the "wedding gifts" from my three Bridemistresses.... Carla's gift was an expensive and ingenious faux puss that bonds to the skin with advanced...
Jeanette Brennan turned from the stove as Bob came staggering in with the laundry bag over his shoulder. "Wrong holiday, Santa. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving." "Funny." He dropped the bag on the couch before meeting her at the doorway. "I'm getting out of shape. Maybe I'll go back to working road construction next summer instead of office stuff." They kissed. "Tired of me already?" she asked. He kissed her again and reached for her breasts. "Pot's boiling," she said. He followed her...
"Mom," Brenda yelled from just inside the front door while struggling under a load of wedding shower gifts, "you gotta come and see all of the cool things the girls gave me!!!" Her mother, still wiping her hands after washing the lunch dishes, caught a falling box that tumbled from her daughter's arms and replied, "My goodness Bren, you made quite a haul today didn't you!?!" "Uh huh," Brenda replied excitedly, "and you're just not going to believe it, but almost everyone there gave me expensive...
MasturbationIt became very clear six months into our five year relationship, which only ended when her family moved out of state to take care of her parents, that Carolyn loved me and really didn't care who knew it, including her family. When her brother, my co-worker, walked into the shop while she was giving me a lunch time blowjob, she simply waved at him and never missed a stroke of her mouth on my cock. He said later that he thought she was fucking me, but now he knew for sure. Her family life sucked...
Calendars are vicious things, Dave mused. Too empty and they scream "you have no life!" Too full and the scream "you have no time!" And as for just right—there was never a "just right." Just the continued lurch from one extreme to the other. Dave thumbed the pages in his Daytimer. There was certainly no "just right" here. The entire month of May fell on the "no time" side of the ledger and June looked just as bad. He was going to need a vacation. Hell, it hadn't been long enough...
Jaux woke up to find herself right outside the room with Theema's artifacts. Her back was propped up against the cold gray stone of the hallway. She might have believed she dreamt the whole interaction with the goddess, if her skin didn't feel so tender where the tendrils had carved in. She wasn't sure how much time had passed, but the hallway was still empty and it looked like no one had found her yet. Strangely enough, when she inspected her arms for the marks Theema left, she only saw...
There was a knock on the door. Shahid got up and opened the door. It was Prashant. “Hey, sorry to disturb you, kids, but I wanted to talk to you about something,” said Prashant. Roja laid there on the mattress, covering herself with the blanket facing us and listening to the conversation. “Ok… go on,” said Shahid. “Well, today is our 30th anniversary, and I want some wedding anniversary gifts for her, and it kind of requires your help,” he said. “What is it? I will be glad to help,” Shahid...
I hate the weekends that your job takes you out of town but also know that they are a necessary evil with your company. I had planned a spring-cleaning weekend, you know cleaning the house, mowing the yard, just general busy work and of course missing you, but only after sleeping half the day away. So I was very surprised to have the doorbell ring before noon on Saturday. Swearing and groaning, I stomped my way to the door muttering ‘this had better damn well be the neighbors saying they need...
"I want you hot in my arms So soft on my bed You get the key to my heart Oh when you wear that sweet dress But you're too physical, physical to me" - Physical (Nine Inch Nails) I left the shop and walked towards our apartment. Sandra's serious voice had me really thinking that something was amiss. Sandra had pointed out that Jessica could never leave me, at least not until her mission was completed. Did that mean that Jessica and Sandra had broken up? No, they were too much in love...
Carolyn didn’t really fit in at college. She’d been excited to go for weeks beforehand. She thought she was ready for a new adventure. High school had been so confining, so strange. College was where she would make some real friends, read some good books, really explore the world. But, two weeks in, it was turning out to be a real dud. No friends really, except for her chatty roommate Rachel. No good books yet, just a bunch of freshman crap that one had to read. And all anyone...
Several years ago, when I was 18, I started dating a beautiful young 16 year old girl named Carolyn. I had met her during the fall marching band season as she was a member of the drum & bugle corp and I played trumpet in the band. Carolyn was a petite young thing, about 5'-3" and around 100 lbs, with blondish hair, pert breasts, tight ass, and gorgeous dimples when she smiled. Everything about her was perfect, in my opinion, from her head down to her toes and everywhere in between. We...
Some would get a little bit aroused in anticipation that I might use some of these on them. And then the women who knew what they wanted would come right out and ask me if I would use a certain toy or vibrator on them. They were curious to try new things, sometimes just to see how it fit and felt. When I would get some new product, I would leave the brightly colored packaged near the top of my open bag so it would be hard not to miss. The regulars would be expecting something new each time I...
Last time I gave all three a massage, Sharon was hidden in the darkness with a birds eye view to see her mother and then her former neighbor cumming on my massage table. Just watching two people get a totally nude sexual massage to a climax had to have been more than enough for any voyeur to at least get their pants wet; if they were wearing any. Sharon didn't have any panties. After doing Rhoda and then almost done with Carolyn, (Actually I was done, she wanted to play with one of my toys...
After tucking my penis and balls away, I started dressing with the basics, panties first, a sheer yellow thing, and then my bra with the silicon helpers we girls so love, and then a pair of black stay up stockings. Next, I stepped into a short green miniskirt which I loved primarily because of house it would reveal my bottom when I bent over and shot pool. After that came my blouse, a long sleeve silky cream colored number that I left the top two buttons open. Dressed now, I went to the vanity...
CrossdressingAfter I left the office of my former employer I went immediately to see an attorney. There were two things I had to do: one see about suing the hell out of my former employer and two: I needed to get my name changed legally to Carolyn instead of Carl. I chose this attorney because I already knew him, very well in fact, right down to the birthmark above his nice cock. He wasn't surprised to see me in a dress nor was he surprised that I wanted to get my name changed. “Are you going all the way...
CrossdressingOnce I dragged my tenderized ass out of bed, tender because Mike had used a cane on me last night, I dressed in pantyhose, a navy blue, loose skirt, a cream colored satin blouse, black pumps with four inch heels, and a bra. After applying my makeup I took a look at myself in the mirror, making sure I looked good enough to conduct an interview at the leather goods store we were opening in just a few days. I decided I looked business like enough. My first order of business today was a stop at the...
CrossdressingPlease realize this is not meant to be a happy go lucky feel good Christmas tale. If you are looking for such tale then you may want to skip this one as it includes divorce, war, death, and a man who loses everything before finally discovering young love. It is light on erotica compared to my other writings. If this still intrigues you then please read on. This is what I wrote for CAW 9 before deciding not to participate. I release it as I always want to write something like this and appreciate...
"You sure you don't need me, Sir? I don't mind sticking around." "No, Don. Go on, enjoy a few days off before we get swamped." "All right, then. Thanks." Don left his boss, who was in remarkably good spirits considering how close Christmas was and how busy they would get in a week. However, he decided, if the boss said take some time, Don wasn't one to argue. He knew he'd be working his ass off soon enough, so he'd get while the getting was good. After speaking to the boss, he...
When I woke up I discovered Vicky lying across my chest and Jen's head comfortably resting on my left shoulder. Because both my girls wore their hair long, one red the other black there was this wonderful colorful display of feminine tresses all intertwined covering my torso as if on a painter's canvas. I felt so lucky. I knew there wasn't a prayer in hell of me making it out of bed without waking them but when nature calls and all that, what choice for mortal man. I wiggled my way out...
The day of the graduation dance arrives. I wait impatiently for Dahlia to come out of her room. The limo waits in the driveway, and we are beginning to be late. When she steps out of her room, it is worth the wait. She is in a red strapless dress. The skirt goes down to the floor, but there is a slit ending near the top of her thigh. The dress is stunning, and sexy, yet eloquent. It’s the perfect look for one of my girls. “You never cease to impress me. Right when I think you can’t get any...
First Name- Main Character Last Name- Main love interest Writer's notes: see guidelines Somewhere in Chile... "Look at this!" my colleague said excitedly, holding the torch to the ancient stones surrounding us. "An ancient text I guess, seems to be preceding the Incas! It looks like an animal of some sort is depicted, so maybe a farming manual or agricultural record?" I glanced at the letters, using my natural gift for languages combined with my major in South American Ancient Cultures. They...
Mind ControlMy husband, Mark, frequently invites his buddies over to the house for either poker or to watch the big game on our fifty-inch TV. On those occasions, I dress up in something sheer and revealing and serve the guys their drinks and snacks. My favourite outfit is a French maid uniform which has a sheer, white lace top through which you can clearly see my tits and big, dark nipples, a very short skirt that just barely covers my pussy, and black scanty-hose which are open at the pussy and ass.As I...
Wife LoversHi, my name is Carl. Barbara, my partner of 25 years and I had just moved into the house we built. It was to be the last place we live. We are in our early fifties and had been able to retire early due to some wise investments. This house is fully handicap accessible and has a guest quarters on one side of the house in case we need to have someone stay with us when/if the need arises. We’re still in pretty good shape but there are some health problems revealing themselves the older we get so we...
Halloween. Kids strolling from house to house, their plastic pumpkins half-filled with sugary treats. But that was in the happy parts of town. Not where I now stood. Here it was dark and lonely. Somehow the street lights seemed a little dimmer. The air was damp and chilly. I looked up and down the empty street before reading the sign once more, and even then I paused before entering. The sign was wooden and hand carved, perhaps once colorful, but now weatherworn and dull. It read: 'Madam...
Carol collared Tyson. He was taking a break for some lunch. She told him that she had a gift for him. He was a bit surprised, “I didn’t get you anything, sorry.” She smiled at him, “Oh, I think you can give me something I want.” A bit bewildered, he said, “What?” She smiled and taking his hand, she led him to her room. Her little sister had agreed to not come and annoy them. Carols family was headed for Copperton. She knew if she didn’t cart Tyson off soon, she would never find out...
Even with the shock and daring of The Blade, Rebecca considered her first gathering with the full circle on Lughnasad to have been a high point of her life. There were more celebrations, dancing, and even couples slipping into the shadows of the huge stones to make love. After the circle had dispersed, Rebecca and Mrs. Weed made their way back to the Bed and Breakfast in Keswick. Breakfast Sunday morning was a typical English affair with boiled sausages, beans, soft boiled eggs, and dry...
Our anniversary was coming soon, and once again we followed the tradition we had started 7 years ago. We each wrote down our favorite fantasy and handed it to each other. It had all started rather innocently when on our first anniversary my wife had written me a note which said she wanted to have me lick her someday on the beach. A few weeks later we went to Malibu and as we were walking along the beach at night I pulled the note out of my pocket and handed it to her.Hand in hand we walked to a...
Our anniversary was coming soon, and once again we followed the tradition we had started 7 years ago. We each wrote down our favorite fantasy and handed it to each other. It had all started rather innocently when on our first anniversary my wife had written me a note which said she wanted to have me lick her someday on the beach. A few weeks later we went to Malibu and as we were walking along the beach at night I pulled the note out of my pocket and handed it to her.Hand in hand we walked to a...
LesbianI’d only been in my apartment for a few days when there was a knock on the door. Who could know I was here? When I opened the door there was a middle-aged Hispanic woman who I recognized. I’d helped her when she was struggling with her groceries yesterday. Hey, it was just the gentlemanly thing to do. She was holding a plate of cookies and asked in heavily accented English, “You like cookies?” I nodded and invited her in. I asked her if she would like some tea or coffee or soda and she...
Lisa was so excited! She was going to live with her grandfather who she adored. Many happy holidays and school vacation times had been spent with him and her grandmother who, sadly, had died a year earlier. Lisa felt that this extended visit would be good for her grandfather who had seemed quite lonely. She had graduated early, being a very bright and motivated student, and was preparing to attend the community college just a few blocks from her grandfather’s home. Perfect! She wasn’t going...
Iam a horny slut now, a slut for huge black, hard Cocks. It all started few days ago. An old friend of mine send me a birthday present. I must say I was surprised when I opened the package and found a huge black fourteen-inches long and four-inches thick dildo, a porno-magazine and a birthday-card. -"Happy birthday Lisa! MORE WILL COME, Love You - Linda." I stared at the cover of the magazine. "White girls and Black men." Immediately I start to look through the pages. Especially the...
Later the next day, Lee went into the forest to talk to the wives. “Greeting Ladies, is it possible to have a meeting with you?” she asked. The faerie wives had been working hard. They were pleased with their progress. They wondered what the wizards needed. Ida hit the button Sean had installed to let the ladder down. Lee climbed up and took her seat on the cushions they had provided for her to visit. The wives gathered around to find out what she wanted. “I have a problem,” she told them....
Mom outdid herself, I thought to myself, as I watched her packing the picnic hamper with the Italian themed lunch she had prepared for my meeting with Eru. My screw-top pitcher was filled today with sweetened iced tea. There was also a thermos full of minestrone di orzo, a hearty Italian barley soup. The salad had oranges in it and was called 'insalata con le arance', which is just Italian for salad with oranges, I think. This was followed by two sandwiches of grilled Italian sausage and...
I’ve been happily married to my husband Mark for over 36 years, and during that time I’ve had a wide variety of sex with hundreds of men, including getting fucked, sucking cocks, DPs, gangbangs and more. I’ve always been proud of the fact that despite all that sex, I’ve never done anything with another guy unless Mark was there to enjoy the show or participate. This story is about the one and only occasion when I did start something with another guy on my own. However, Mark did eventually show...
This story is about a fun time that my husband Mark and I had many years ago at an exotic lingerie store, in which my tits played a key role. Mark is crazy about my tits, and though I don’t mean to boast, most guys seem to really love them, especially my big, dark nipples. Mark is always trying to pull my top down when we’re out and about, and he loves it when I flash my tits in public places. And I don’t mind his obsession with displaying my tits, since I’m not shy about my body and I’m proud...
It had been a couple of months since jade (formerly Carolyn Huffington-Smythe) had been abducted and brought to Master. During that time she had gone from a selfish, dictatorial bitch who took no thought for anyone but herself, to a submissive, docile slut whose only ambition was to please her Master however she could. She had undergone quite a transformation and her training in her new life had gone well, despite a rough and rocky start. But the time had come for her to move on to her new...
Chapter 1 We were married for over 20 years now. We met in college and had two years to before we graduated. As soon as we graduated school we got married. She went with an up and coming law firm and I began teaching in high school. I soon found out I did not like the teaching job. The students irritated me to no end. Kids had more money than I did. They would drive to school in new cars or very near new, while I drove a 10-year-old one. I quit the job after 3 years. I got a job in advertising...
EroticAfter tucking my penis and balls away, I started dressing with the basics: panties first, a sheer yellow thing, then my bra with the silicon helpers we girls so love and then a pair of black stay up stockings. Next, I stepped into a short green miniskirt which I loved primarily because of how it would reveal my bottom when I bent over and shot pool. After that came my blouse, a long sleeve silky cream colored number that I left the top two buttons open. Dressed now, I went to the vanity and...
After tucking my penis and balls away, I started dressing with the basics, panties first, a sheer yellow thing, and then my bra with the silicon helpers we girls so love, and then a pair of black stay up stockings. Next, I stepped into a short green miniskirt which I loved primarily because of house it would reveal my bottom when I bent over and shot pool. After that came my blouse, a long sleeve silky cream colored number that I left the top two buttons open. Dressed now, I went to the vanity...
After the show was over, Master came back into the viewing room where jade sat, speechless and still in shock from what she had witnessed. “I am sure this is a lot to take in and process for you right now. But rest assured, you will get used to your new station soon enough. I have done this for a long time and had many girls come through here for training. I have never lost one yet. But before we can get started on your training, slut, we need to make sure you are healthy and safe. Now...
jade had no more finished her breakfast the next morning, when the door to her small cubicle opened. But unlike the previous days, it wasn’t the Master or even one of his henchmen who came into her room this time. Instead a young girl, younger even than jade came in. She was shorter than her and smaller of build. jade guessed her age at about 18 or 19 tops. She instantly recognized her as the girl she had seen in the “demonstration” a couple days ago! “The Master wishes to see you,” she said...
jade woke the next morning stiff and sore. The first thing she noticed was that the tray had been removed and she didn’t remember anyone coming to get it. Then she looked at the door and to her amazement she saw that there was a small, almost unnoticeable crack in it – whoever had come to get the tray had forgot to close it completely! This was her chance to escape! jade slowly opened the door hoping it didn’t creak as it had in the past. She opened it just enough to poke her head out and...
jade woke up the next morning feeling a lot better. Her battered and abused ass had healed some and while she still had some lingering soreness, especially when she rubbed it, for the most part, she was back to normal. As was her typical routine these days, her breakfast came in and today she greedily ate it down. It still wasn’t the fancy, elaborate meals she had come to expect in her old life, but then this was not her old life! jade was just finishing up her breakfast when she heard the...
Everyone, with the exception of Eve, was seated around the breakfast table discussing their plans for the holidays. Nothing had really changed except for Eve's holiday plans. She had left the night before after telling Andrew that she was going to take a quick vacation for the holidays. She had booked a flight and flown off to Aspen saying that she'd be back after Christmas. Andrew took her excuse at face value. For Amber, Eve's sudden departure had caused a small problem that might lead...
The Gift Belladonna Ari woke with the taste of his girlfriend's juices lingering in the back of his mouth. He blinked his eyes a few times while he looked around his bedroom. With a groan that belied his youth, Ari pushed his body out of the bed. His nostrils flared at the welcoming scent filling the room. A smile came to his face as he followed the smell of pancakes into the warm kitchen. "Hey, baby," Ari said as he watched Penelope cooking in her red,...
It all started when Anna had insisted on taking Ellie out for drinks after work one Friday night. It’s not like Ellie knew Anna all that well, but their schedules meant that they often ended up eating lunch together, and a lunchtime talk had gotten to be a bit of a routine for them. And then one day Ellie found herself telling Anna about the breakup of her marriage, moving into a small apartment in the city, and how she was feeling a bit down about it all. Anna just listened to it all, offering...
JanuaryWe had been married for 30 years and our lives were pretty much routine and average. We had a nice simple house, big yard, two dogs, a cat, and were very much like every other house in the neighbourhood. I had a normal job with a little stress but nothing over whelming. She had her own job that she really did not need. She kept working just so she could get a discount and not get bored. But all of that changed last New Year’s Eve. It all changed because for my Christmas present, I...
He stood before me, silver hair glistening in the moonlight. I’m not sure what made me think he was a male but I knew that he was. His yellow eyes staring at me, yet they were softened and full of expectations rather than curiosity one would find in most wolves. From my position on the ground, he stood tall and proud, only his head inclined towards me. I also knew he was not here to harm me, but I did not know for what reason he was standing before me. Slowly I rolled over and rose up finding...
Jack's Gift by Olivia Evans Stacey Johnson pushed the gaily wrapped gift across the plush carpeted floor to her husband Jack. "Go ahead, honey, open it," she said excitedly. Jack and Stacey were sitting cross legged on their living room floor. Behind them, in front of the picture window that over looked their neighbor's snow covered driveway was a large, gaily decorated Christmas tree. Stacey had already opened one of her gifts, an elegant floor length pale blue nightgown...
Hi mera naam mihir hai main pune maharashtra ka rahnewala hu , main aapko mere jivan ki sachhi kahani batane ja raha hu . Ab main start karta hu. mery age 21 year hai , Mere ghar me hum char log hai mom dad mery badi bahan aur main. Mery bahan mujhse 2saal badi hai uska naam riya hai wo enginearing ker rahi hai wo ghar se bahar hostel me rahti aur mere dad ka bizness hai wo aksar bahar he rahte hai aur main mba final kar raha hu . Aur mery mom 44 years ki hai bahot sexy gori ab bhi ekdam 30 ki...