Vegas Captive
- 4 years ago
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?Camille?s Captive?
By Arika Lee
?? 2006
Published by
All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author.
This material is presented as adult entertainment and is not intended for any person under the age of eighteen years. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this work, the author assumes no responsibilities for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of information contained herein. All characters and descriptions contained herein are purely fictitious.
The slightest jerk signaled the train?s departure from New York?s Penn Station. Camille Andrews settled back comfortably in her private compartment. Her fear of flying was a nuisance, especially as so much of her business had become bi-coastal. It turned what should have been hours in the air into a three night long and boring cross country expedition. Still, she would be comfortable. She had made the trip several times now and the generous gratuity she always left with the steward, Washington, guaranteed she would be well looked after. He?d assured her that he would be serving her car all the way to Chicago and would make sure her luggage was shifted onto the train for Los Angeles.
The adjoining toilet and its tiny shower stall were not much but at least they were private and always spotless. Camille changed into a fresh blouse and freshened up. A couple of strokes with the brush set her long raven hair in place. Her smooth tan complexion and violet eyes required little make-up. The lounge and dining cars were not far and she decided that a trip for a Martini and a look at the menu might be nice.
She was relieved to find the car almost empty and took a window seat at a table alone. Her drink was served quickly and, to her pleasant surprise, was icy enough. Perhaps Washington had already spread the word that she was a tipper. If so, she did not mind. Camille was used to paying for what she wanted and, as long as she got it, was happy to do so.
The car began to fill up rather suddenly. A glance at the diamond studded face on her wrist explained it. She?d arrived just before the dinner rush. A balding fellow in a bow tie appeared and placed a pudgy hand on the back of the chair opposite her.
?Do you mind??
He was half sitting as he asked.
?Yes, actually I do mind. In fact, I?ll order three extra meals before I suffer your company.?
It was said with irony but it arrested his descent and sent him hastily on down the aisle, muttering as he went. Camille smiled at the wrinkled pinstripes of his departing back and turned her attention back to the menu. She was just deciding that she would order something brought to her compartment instead of enduring the growing babble, when a body dropped down across from her. She looked up sharply with fresh barb on the tip of her tongue. It was never uttered though.
It was a young lady and a very attractive little thing as well. Suddenly, the long trip ahead held promise rather than boredom and Camille came alive in every nerve. An astute observer might have noticed the change in her as she coiled up in interest. A graceful and very intrigued cobra into whose presence a very sweet looking mouse had just ambled.
The girl looked up at Camille with cornflower blue eyes framed by glossy red hair in a loose pony tail. She made an apologetic face.
?Oh I?m sorry?I should have asked first but you are the only one sitting alone and...?
?No, it?s fine. I am pleased to have your company.?
?Ok. Thanks.?
Camille watched her fiddle with a backpack and come out with a pair of reading glasses. The girl looked up again and seemed a bit self-conscious to find Camille observing her.
?I lost a contact and haven?t been able to replace it.?
The explanation was defensive. Camille merely nodded and continued to watch as the girl studied the menu and then dove once more into the backpack. She took out a wallet and counted the bills in it. Camille saw only one dollar bills. It was then that the waiter appeared.
?We will have another pair of Martinis. After those, I think the veal cordon bleu for two and a bottle of your best white wine.? Camille declared.
?Yes Ma?am. Does the young lady have an I.D.??
?She left it in our private compartment. If you are going to be tiresome my niece and I shall retire there and Washington can bring our dinner and receive my tip.?
?Oh?I?m sorry. That won?t be necessary, Ma?am. Since she is your niece I?m sure all is in order.?
Camille smiled graciously and the waiter departed, leaving her to wink at the girl?s startled expression.
?But I am only eighteen.? The girl whispered, ?And besides the drink I don?t think I can afford what you ordered.?
?Shhh! What they don?t know won?t hurt them and as to the meal?that will be my treat. I remember what it was like to be a student with little money.?
?I don?t really know what to say, Ma?am. I don?t??
?Just a simple thank you ?and call me Camille.?
?Alright, then thank you?Camille. I?m Susan Parks.?
Camille shook the hand that was extended and enjoyed its fleeting softness.
?And where is Susan going to??
Camille was interested but keeping the girl busy answering questions also allowed her to study her prey without her focus seeming anything other than innocent. And so it went. The drinks and meal were served and Camille skillfully drew the girl out.
Susan had been a foster child in a less than pleasant home outside White Plains. By being very studious she had earned scholarship offers from several schools and had chosen a California college to get as far away from her immediate past as possible. Her foster parents had scoffed and insisted she stay and work in their cleaning business, where she had been little more than fed labor since they had gotten their hands on her. But with the little money she had squirreled away she had seized her chance and fled, leaving only a vague note of farewell.
Camille thought to herself that a more perfect girl for her needs could not have appeared in her dreams. The bobbing red pony tail and faint spray of freckles were fetching. The girl also had exactly the sort of tight, slender body that attracted Camille. The fact that she had showed some grit in attempting to escape such a dreary existence appealed to her as well. The bald fact was that little Susan had nothing to return to and no certainty ahead. The girl was warm, living clay to be molded.
By the time they had finished desert, the Martini and white wine had done their work. She had insisted Susan try a pony of Grand Marnier for good measure.
Camille explained to Susan that having claimed her as a niece that it would not do for her to make her way back to a coach seat. She had plenty of room in her private compartment and they could talk comfortably there. In Susan?s tipsy state, it seemed to her that this older woman she had just met was a good fairy incarnate. She happily followed Camille down the aisle.
Susan was in awe of the small compartment?s comfort. Never having traveled before she had no idea that trains offered more than the crowded seat she had found assigned her. While Susan was ?oohing and ahing?, Camille rang the service bell. Washington knocked almost immediately and entered at Camille?s word.
?Yes, Miz Andrews??
?This is my niece, Miss. Susan Parks. I thought she and I had missed one another at the station but she was able to get a coach seat at the last moment after all. Unfortunately, she has lost her ticket. She will share my compartment, so make out a new one for her with accommodations that match my own. Washington will take care of your luggage if you remember your seat number, dear??
?48B?it?s only a small suitcase under the seat.?
?We would also like another bottle of the Riesling we had with dinner and no disturbance after that until morning.?
?No problem, Miz Andrews.?
Camille handed him her credit card and another fifty in cash. Susan was taken aback by such uncalled for generosity from a near stranger. As soon as the steward left she began to protest such a gift but Camille hushed her.
?Just hush and don?t be silly. I want your company.?
Camille?s tone was definite and Susan?s protests fell away though she did rummage out her coach ticket.
?Maybe if you give him this it wouldn?t cost you as much??
Camille smiled and took it. She moved to the window, lowered it and tossed Susan?s coach slip to the wind.
?Lost is lost!? She laughed.
When Washington returned with Susan?s bag and new ticket Camille took charge of it and tucked it away in her bag while the wine was poured. Once the steward had again smiled his way out, Camille relaxed and sipped as she steered the conversation toward what Susan was expecting in L. A.
Susan confided that she did not know a soul in California. Apparently some student aide had told her that once she arrived to enroll someone from admissions would answer any questions she had. Camille decided it was almost too good to be true. This girl really was little Miss Na?ve. All the drinks and the train?s jostling finally forced Susan to ask for the toilet.?
?Go freshen up in the washroom and when you come back out we will pass the time with a new game I shall teach you.?
Susan reached for her backpack but Camille placed a hand over it.
?Use my stuff. It is already in there and there are fresh towels.?
No sooner had the door closed than Camille had the backpack?s side pocket unzipped and the girl?s wallet out. She looked at the girl?s driver?s license. Susan Parks?and she really was eighteen?perfect.? She dropped the license in her pocket. Behind the license, four neatly folded one hundred dollar bills had been hidden. There were no credit cards, only a couple of school photos and a letter of award for the scholarship the girl had mentioned. Camille debated chucking the lot but decided a bluff would be enough. She added it all to the license in her pocket. She remembered Susan?s glasses and hid them away as well.
With Susan?s empty wallet in hand she moved to the open window. She let the outside air blow her long hair back and hummed as she waited. This would be the acid test.
When Susan emerged from the toilet cubicle Camille turned to face her, smiling. She allowed the girl to register the wallet in her hand and then flipped it over her shoulder out the window.
There was a strangled cry as Susan lunged past her. She could only stare stupidly at the rush of receding track for a moment before turning her head back in. Camille met the girl?s incredulous eyes coolly.
Susan was still a bit addled from the unaccustomed drinks. She stared at Camille blankly as she tried to make sense of the older woman?s sudden change of attitude. Her dumbfounded dismay was replaced by a flash of anger and she started forward. She only made a half step before Camille?s palm smacked her cheek sharply. The suddenness of it halted her in mid stride.
Camille watched the tears well up with satisfaction. She had been correct. The girl was weaker than she. It only remained to show her that she was out in the world on a thin string.
?Sit down and listen!? Camille ordered.
Susan dropped onto the settee with her head in her hands.
?Stop blubbering and pay attention.?
Susan looked up through wet eyes and grew quiet.
?I told you I would be teaching you a new game. It is called pleasing Camille.?
?Pleasing you? You must be crazy.?
With a look of defiance, Susan stood back up.
?I?m leaving and I?m going to report this.?
?Go ahead. You think they will believe you over me??
Although greatly sobered, Susan?s head was still fuzzy. Camille saw the uncertainty as her words hit home
?Now you have nothing. If I call the conductor and tell him? you will be put off the train. It will be a momentary embarrassment for me. I will say that you told me you were destitute and I lied?claiming you were my niece to help you?but that then you became problematic and not worth helping. I might even tell them that I came out of the toilet and caught you going through my purse.?
Camille smiled at the irony and waited for the reality of the situation to take root. Once she saw the despair settle in behind Susan?s eyes, she relaxed and sat down.
?You would be stuck in the middle of God knows where with no money or identification. Hell, you can?t even see to read. I might even have you arrested as a thief.?
Camille paused for effect while Susan searched vainly for her glasses. Realizing they were gone as well, her shoulders sagged.
?Of course on the other hand?I may decide you are worth helping. If I do?things could be very easy for you?Are you worth helping, Susan??
?What do you want?? the girl choked out between sniffles.
?Since you are incapable of a simple answer, I shall decide for myself. For now just sit back down and be quiet.?
Camille took up a magazine and pretended to ignore the girl. She was very aware of the girl?s curled posture across from her though and knew that the little mouse?s mind was racing. Well, let her run about in the maze, she thought. She would find that all avenues led back to Camille.
Susan?s thoughts were indeed confused. She felt as though she was trapped in a disconnected dream. One of those nightmares where despite a need to move urgently, one?s sluggish legs refuse to obey. The more she thought about it the more she became convinced that any protest to the authorities would play out just as Camille had said. She really was at this strange woman?s mercy unless some avenue of escape presented itself.
As soon as Camille felt enough time had passed for the girl to fully appreciate the reality of her new situation she put down her magazine and stared at her until Susan finally raised her timid eyes.
?Take off your jacket and blouse.?
Susan gave the slightest negative movement of her head. Camille leaned across from her seat and gave her a light slap on the cheek and then leaned back again.
The slap brought forth fresh tears but there was fear in Susan?s glistening eyes as well. She thought about defying Camille but the idea of being kicked off the train with nothing?in the midst of nowhere, scared her. The vision of herself alone and stranded, defeated her. Slowly, she complied. Shrugging out of her jacket and then fumbling with the buttons of her blouse. Camille waited patiently. Time was her friend now.
When Susan at last sat with her upper garments clasped to her chest, Camille spoke.
?Toss the blouse out the window.?
Almost zombie like, Susan stood and did as she was bid and remained standing looking after her departed modesty. Camille let her linger, appreciating the long lines of the girl?s back for a moment.
?Come here.?
She enjoyed Susan?s hesitant approach. Unlike Susan, Camille knew where the game was going and knew that any hurry would only dilute her pleasure.
?Lean down to me, Susan.?
Even that concession was slow, but Camille waited patiently for the girl?s breasts to reach her waiting hands. She captured the nipples through the flimsy bra and twisted. Camille kept the girl bent over and gasping for a long moment and then reached back and undid the clasp. She pulled the bra down over the girl?s shoulders and watched as a pair of orange sized breasts dropped into sight.
?Hands behind your head.?
It only took a raised hand and the threat of another slap to bring compliance. Camille toyed with the girl?s dangling nipples roughly enough to fetch out another gasp and then pushed the bra into her open mouth.
?Out the window with it.? She directed.
It was done with the same slow obedience. Camille knew that in time this new girl would jump to obey. It was always a slow dance in the beginning but each hesitant step brought its own little thrill.
?Now, sit back over there and keep your hands behind your head.?
Once the girl was again settled across from her with her little tits on display, Camille returned to the magazine and a glass of wine.
She let Susan suffer in silence again. Occasionally she raised her eyes to find the girl watching her fearfully, the eyes would immediately lower. After several such charades, Camille decided to go a stage further. She sat aside the wineglass.
?Feeling neglected??
The reply was a mere mumble. Again, like a striking snake, Camille?s palm shot across the compartment. This time the slap was sharp enough to leave a hand print in red on the girl?s cheek.
?You must learn manners. That should have been?No, Miss Camille.?
A stubborn silence forced Camille to raise her hand again to gain a response.
?No?Miss. Camille.
?Much Better, Susan.? Take off your tennis shoes and socks.?
There was a resignation to the act and it was accompanied by a new freshet of tears. Camille waited until those items had been removed.
?Now your jeans.?
It was a clumsy little performance as Susan shifted from one foot to another against the train?s sway but the denims were finally discarded. Camille was pleased to see the girl standing hunched over in a final forlorn claim to modesty.
?Take your seat. Hands back behind your head.?
Camille watched with amusement as Susan did as instructed and yet kept her knees tightly together.
Camille slipped the heeled pump from her right foot and slid forward on her ass. With her leg extended, she used her toes to nudge the girl?s thighs open. They parted a bit.
?Don?t make me work, you little slut. Open wide.? Camille hissed.
Susan?s legs parted. With a pleased smile, Camille wriggled her big toe into Susan?s skimpily covered crotch. She noted with amusement the acute embarrassment that accompanied each twist of her toes.
Satisfied for the moment, Camille left things like that and pretended to go back to her reading. Occasionally she would flex her toes and was eventually rewarded with the expected moistness. She carried on until she had manipulated Susan?s crotch to a swampy dampness and then raised her sodden, nylon clad toes to the girl?s lips.
There was a bit of resistance but Camille?s intent was obvious and the pressure of the toes insistent. Susan?s lips gave way and her mouth was stuffed with Camille?s toes and the first taste of herself.
Susan had her eyes scrunched shut and her lips remained flaccid. Camille lost patience.
?Lick and suck, damn you, and look at me while you do it. If you fuck with me I shall beat your ass black and blue.?
Certain by then that Camille was not a woman to play with, Susan started her mouth working at the toes which Camille had begun pushing in far enough to gag her.
When she was at last satisfied that the girl had surrendered to her foot, Camille withdrew it.
?Take off those cheap panties now and toss them outside as well. Then close the window.?
There little resistance. Susan?s mind had numbed to the point where she was just wondering if she could placate Camille long enough to reach California and escape. Listlessly, she slid off her panties. She rose to drop them out of the window and pulled it down in its tracks.
?Come here.?
Susan moved to stand before Camille with her head down, still attempting to cover herself.
?Turn around and bend over.?
No sooner had Susan fearfully complied than she was slapped hard on her inner thighs until she was spread wide enough to suit Camille.
?Reach back and pull your ass open.?
With shaking hands the girl obeyed. Even under the incandescent light Susan?s flush of shame was apparent. Camille laughed softly. Red was her favorite color. Knowing the girl would flinch, she circled Susan?s brownie with a single manicured nail just to see it clench. She hooked a finger up through the girl?s still wet slit and wiggled it until her manipulation drew a sharp intake of breath. She pressed up slowly into the girl?s cunt and found that it was slick and narrow.
?I see you are not totally innocent.?
Susan was mortified that the privacy of her most intimate parts was being so violated. She had only had sex once. It was something that had been her secret. Now it seemed even more shameful. This coupled with Camille?s mocking tone proved too much. She burst out sobbing.
?You dirty old dyke! Can?t you just leave me alone???
In the wink of an eye she found herself down across the older woman?s thighs with her ass flaming as Camille?s palm laid into it. When her right hand began to sting, Camille shifted it to pull up hard on Susan?s long red pony tail and used her left to bring up a blush up on the other half of the girl?s ass. By the time she finished she was panting and the girl was sobbing. Camille knew she had not hurt the girl. It was the humiliation that had her crying.
?If you are going to be so difficult, I?ll give you tee shirt to go with what?s left of your clothes and we can call the conductor. We?ll each tell our story and then I?ll let him deal with you. Is that what you want??
There was a long silence, broken only by Susan?s sniffles, as she weighed that discouraging option against the better, if awful, one of compliance.
?No?. Miss Camille.?
?Smart girl.?
Camille dismissively dumped her off of her lap onto the floor. She stood, humming softly as she undressed for bed and then pulled out the berth.
Susan watched Camille apprehensively from the floor. The manner in which her body had been handled had left her in turmoil. Her ass was smarting from the spanking and yet her nerves had come alive in a strange way. The combination of fear and arousal had her vibrating. If the woman touched her again she was sure she would jump out of her skin.
Once Camille was snuggled into the crisp sheets, she looked down at Susan. She considered pulling her captive in with her and taking her then. Playing with her had made her hungry for it, but she knew it would be way sweeter if it was surrendered rather than taken. And there were plenty enough miles ahead for her to make it happen. She tossed a blanket down and turned out the light.
?Sleep down there, pet.?
Susan heard the words in the dark and sighed with relief.
?Camille?s Captive?
By Arika Lee
Published by
All rights reserved. No part of this publication
can be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
without the prior permission of the author.
This material is presented as adult entertainment
and is not intended for any person under the age of eighteen years. While every
precaution has been taken in the preparation of this work, the author assumes
no responsibilities for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the
use of information contained herein. All characters and descriptions contained
herein are purely fictitious.
The slightest jerk signaled the
train?s departure from
The adjoining toilet and its tiny
shower stall were not much but at least they were private and always spotless.
Camille changed into a fresh blouse and freshened up. A couple of strokes with
the brush set her long raven hair in place. Her smooth tan complexion and
violet eyes required little make-up. The lounge and dining cars were not far
and she decided that a trip for a Martini and a look at the menu might be nice.
She was relieved to find the car
almost empty and took a window seat at a table alone. Her drink was served
quickly and, to her pleasant surprise, was icy enough. Perhaps
The car began to fill up rather
suddenly. A glance at the diamond studded face on her wrist explained it. She?d
arrived just before the dinner rush. A balding fellow in a bow tie appeared and
placed a pudgy hand on the back of the chair opposite her.
?Do you mind??
He was half sitting as he asked.
?Yes, actually I do mind. In
fact, I?ll order three extra meals before I suffer your company.?
It was said with irony but it
arrested his descent and sent him hastily on down the aisle, muttering as he
went. Camille smiled at the wrinkled pinstripes of his departing back and
turned her attention back to the menu. She was just deciding that she would
order something brought to her compartment instead of enduring the growing
babble, when a body dropped down across from her. She looked up sharply with
fresh barb on the tip of her tongue. It was never uttered though.
It was a young lady and a very
attractive little thing as well. Suddenly, the long trip ahead held promise
rather than boredom and Camille came alive in every nerve. An astute observer
might have noticed the change in her as she coiled up in interest. A graceful
and very intrigued cobra into whose presence a very sweet looking mouse had
just ambled.
The girl looked up at Camille
with cornflower blue eyes framed by glossy red hair in a loose pony tail. She
made an apologetic face.
?Oh I?m sorry?I should have asked
first but you are the only one sitting alone and...?
?No, it?s fine. I am pleased to
have your company.?
?Ok. Thanks.?
Camille watched her fiddle with a
backpack and come out with a pair of reading glasses. The girl looked up again
and seemed a bit self-conscious to find Camille observing her.
?I lost a contact and haven?t
been able to replace it.?
The explanation was defensive.
Camille merely nodded and continued to watch as the girl studied the menu and
then dove once more into the backpack. She took out a wallet and counted the
bills in it. Camille saw only one dollar bills. It was then that the waiter
?We will have another pair of
Martinis. After those, I think the veal cordon bleu for two and a bottle of
your best white wine.? Camille declared.
?Yes Ma?am. Does the young lady
have an I.D.??
?She left it in our private
compartment. If you are going to be tiresome my niece and I shall retire there
?Oh?I?m sorry. That won?t be
necessary, Ma?am. Since she is your niece I?m sure all is in order.?
Camille smiled graciously and the
waiter departed, leaving her to wink at the girl?s startled expression.
?But I am only eighteen.? The
girl whispered, ?And besides the drink I don?t think I can afford what you
What they don?t know won?t hurt them and as to the meal?that will be my treat.
I remember what it was like to be a student with little money.?
?I don?t really know what to say,
Ma?am. I don?t??
?Just a simple thank you ?and
call me Camille.?
?Alright, then thank you?Camille.
I?m Susan Parks.?
Camille shook the hand that was
extended and enjoyed its fleeting softness.
?And where is Susan going to??
Camille was interested but
keeping the girl busy answering questions also allowed her to study her prey
without her focus seeming anything other than innocent. And so it went. The
drinks and meal were served and Camille skillfully drew the girl out.
Susan had been a foster child in
a less than pleasant home outside
Camille thought to herself that a
more perfect girl for her needs could not have appeared in her dreams. The bobbing
red pony tail and faint spray of freckles were fetching. The girl also had
exactly the sort of tight, slender body that attracted Camille. The fact that
she had showed some grit in attempting to escape such a dreary existence
appealed to her as well. The bald fact was that little Susan had nothing to
return to and no certainty ahead. The girl was warm, living clay to be molded.
By the time they had finished
desert, the Martini and white wine had done their work. She had insisted Susan
try a pony of Grand Marnier for good measure.
Camille explained to Susan that
having claimed her as a niece that it would not do for her to make her way back
to a coach seat. She had plenty of room in her private compartment and they
could talk comfortably there. In Susan?s tipsy state, it seemed to her that
this older woman she had just met was a good fairy incarnate. She happily
followed Camille down the aisle.
Susan was in awe of the small
compartment?s comfort. Never having traveled before she had no idea that trains
offered more than the crowded seat she had found assigned her. While Susan was
?oohing and ahing?, Camille
rang the service bell.
?Yes, Miz
?This is my niece, Miss. Susan
Parks. I thought she and I had missed one another at the station but she was
able to get a coach seat at the last moment after all. Unfortunately, she has
lost her ticket. She will share my compartment, so make out a new one for her
with accommodations that match my own.
?48B?it?s only a small suitcase
under the seat.?
?We would also like another
bottle of the Riesling we had with dinner and no disturbance after that until
?No problem, Miz
Camille handed him her credit
card and another fifty in cash. Susan was taken aback by such uncalled for
generosity from a near stranger. As soon as the steward left she began to
protest such a gift but Camille hushed her.
?Just hush and don?t be silly. I
want your company.?
Camille?s tone was definite and
Susan?s protests fell away though she did rummage out her coach ticket.
?Maybe if you give him this it
wouldn?t cost you as much??
Camille smiled and took it. She
moved to the window, lowered it and tossed Susan?s coach slip to the wind.
?Lost is lost!? She laughed.
Susan confided that she did not
know a soul in
?Go freshen up in the washroom
and when you come back out we will pass the time with a new game I shall teach
Susan reached for her backpack
but Camille placed a hand over it.
?Use my stuff. It is already in
there and there are fresh towels.?
No sooner had the door closed
than Camille had the backpack?s side pocket unzipped and the girl?s wallet out.
She looked at the girl?s driver?s license. Susan Parks?and she really was
eighteen?perfect.? She dropped the
license in her pocket. Behind the license, four neatly folded one hundred
dollar bills had been hidden. There were no credit cards, only a couple of
school photos and a letter of award for the scholarship the girl had mentioned.
Camille debated chucking the lot but decided a bluff would be enough. She added
it all to the license in her pocket. She remembered Susan?s glasses and hid
them away as well.
With Susan?s empty wallet in hand
she moved to the open window. She let the outside air blow her long hair back
and hummed as she waited. This would be the acid test.
When Susan emerged from the
toilet cubicle Camille turned to face her, smiling. She allowed the girl to
register the wallet in her hand and then flipped it over her shoulder out the
There was a
strangled cry as Susan lunged past her. She could only stare stupidly at the
rush of receding track for a moment before turning her head back in. Camille
met the girl?s incredulous eyes coolly.
Susan was still a bit addled from
the unaccustomed drinks. She stared at Camille blankly as she tried to make
sense of the older woman?s sudden change of attitude. Her dumbfounded dismay
was replaced by a flash of anger and she started forward. She only made a half
step before Camille?s palm smacked her cheek sharply. The suddenness of it
halted her in mid stride.
Camille watched the tears well up
with satisfaction. She had been correct. The girl was weaker than she. It only
remained to show her that she was out in the world on a thin string.
?Sit down and listen!? Camille
Susan dropped onto the settee
with her head in her hands.
?Stop blubbering and pay
Susan looked up through wet eyes
and grew quiet.
?I told you I would be teaching
you a new game. It is called pleasing Camille.?
?Pleasing you? You must be
With a look of defiance, Susan
stood back up.
?I?m leaving and I?m going to
report this.?
?Go ahead. You think they will
believe you over me??
Although greatly sobered, Susan?s
head was still fuzzy. Camille saw the uncertainty as her words hit home
?Now you have nothing. If I call
the conductor and tell him? you will be put off the train. It will be a
momentary embarrassment for me. I will say that you told me you were destitute
and I lied?claiming you were my niece to help you?but that then you became
problematic and not worth helping. I might even tell them that I came out of
the toilet and caught you going through my purse.?
Camille smiled at the irony and
waited for the reality of the situation to take root. Once she saw the despair
settle in behind Susan?s eyes, she relaxed and sat down.
?You would be stuck in the middle
of God knows where with no money or identification. Hell, you can?t even see to
read. I might even have you arrested as a thief.?
Camille paused for effect while
Susan searched vainly for her glasses. Realizing they were gone as well, her
shoulders sagged.
?Of course on the other hand?I
may decide you are worth helping. If I do?things could be very easy for you?Are
you worth helping, Susan??
?What do you want?? the girl
choked out between sniffles.
?Since you are incapable of a
simple answer, I shall decide for myself. For now just sit back down and be
Camille took up a magazine and
pretended to ignore the girl. She was very aware of the girl?s curled posture
across from her though and knew that the little mouse?s mind was racing. Well,
let her run about in the maze, she thought. She would find that all avenues led
back to Camille.
Susan?s thoughts were indeed
confused. She felt as though she was trapped in a disconnected dream. One of
those nightmares where despite a need to move urgently, one?s sluggish legs
refuse to obey. The more she thought about it the more she became convinced
that any protest to the authorities would play out just as Camille had said.
She really was at this strange woman?s mercy unless some avenue of escape
presented itself.
As soon as Camille felt enough
time had passed for the girl to fully appreciate the reality of her new
situation she put down her magazine and stared at her until Susan finally
raised her timid eyes.
?Take off your jacket and
Susan gave the slightest negative
movement of her head. Camille leaned across from her seat and gave her a light
slap on the cheek and then leaned back again.
The slap brought forth fresh
tears but there was fear in Susan?s glistening eyes as well. She thought about
defying Camille but the idea of being kicked off the train with nothing?in the
midst of nowhere, scared her. The vision of herself alone and stranded,
defeated her. Slowly, she complied. Shrugging out of her jacket and then
fumbling with the buttons of her blouse. Camille waited patiently. Time was her
friend now.
When Susan at last sat with her
upper garments clasped to her chest, Camille spoke.
?Toss the blouse out the window.?
Almost zombie like, Susan stood
and did as she was bid and remained standing looking after her departed
modesty. Camille let her linger, appreciating the long lines of the girl?s back
for a moment.
?Come here.?
She enjoyed Susan?s hesitant
approach. Unlike Susan, Camille knew where the game was going and knew that any
hurry would only dilute her pleasure.
?Lean down to me, Susan.?
Even that concession was slow,
but Camille waited patiently for the girl?s breasts to reach her waiting hands.
She captured the nipples through the flimsy bra and twisted. Camille kept the
girl bent over and gasping for a long moment and then reached back and undid
the clasp. She pulled the bra down over the girl?s shoulders and watched as a
pair of orange sized breasts dropped into sight.
?Hands behind
your head.?
It only took a raised hand and
the threat of another slap to bring compliance. Camille toyed with the girl?s
dangling nipples roughly enough to fetch out another gasp and then pushed the
bra into her open mouth.
?Out the window
with it.? She directed.
It was done with the same slow
obedience. Camille knew that in time this new girl would jump to obey. It was
always a slow dance in the beginning but each hesitant step brought its own
little thrill.
?Now, sit back over there and
keep your hands behind your head.?
Once the girl was again settled
across from her with her little tits on display, Camille returned to the
magazine and a glass of wine.
She let Susan suffer in silence
again. Occasionally she raised her eyes to find the girl watching her
fearfully, the eyes would immediately lower. After several such charades,
Camille decided to go a stage further. She sat aside the wineglass.
?Feeling neglected??
The reply was a mere mumble.
Again, like a striking snake, Camille?s palm shot across the compartment. This
time the slap was sharp enough to leave a hand print in red on the girl?s
?You must learn manners. That
should have been?No, Miss Camille.?
A stubborn silence forced Camille
to raise her hand again to gain a response.
?Much Better,
Susan.? Take off your tennis shoes
and socks.?
There was a resignation to the
act and it was accompanied by a new freshet of tears. Camille waited until
those items had been removed.
?Now your
It was a clumsy little
performance as Susan shifted from one foot to another against the train?s sway
but the denims were finally discarded. Camille was pleased to see the girl
standing hunched over in a final forlorn claim to modesty.
?Take your seat. Hands back behind your head.?
Camille watched with amusement as
Susan did as instructed and yet kept her knees tightly together.
Camille slipped the heeled pump
from her right foot and slid forward on her ass. With her leg extended, she
used her toes to nudge the girl?s thighs open. They parted a bit.
?Don?t make me work, you little
slut. Open wide.? Camille hissed.
Susan?s legs parted. With a
pleased smile, Camille wriggled her big toe into Susan?s skimpily covered
crotch. She noted with amusement the acute embarrassment that accompanied each
twist of her toes.
Satisfied for the moment, Camille
left things like that and pretended to go back to her reading. Occasionally she
would flex her toes and was eventually rewarded with the expected moistness.
She carried on until she had manipulated Susan?s crotch to a swampy dampness and
then raised her sodden, nylon clad toes to the girl?s lips.
There was a bit of resistance but
Camille?s intent was obvious and the pressure of the toes insistent. Susan?s
lips gave way and her mouth was stuffed with Camille?s toes and the first taste
of herself.
Susan had her eyes scrunched shut
and her lips remained flaccid. Camille lost patience.
?Lick and suck, damn you, and
look at me while you do it. If you fuck with me I shall beat your ass black and
Certain by then that Camille was
not a woman to play with, Susan started her mouth working at the toes which
Camille had begun pushing in far enough to gag her.
When she was at last satisfied
that the girl had surrendered to her foot, Camille withdrew it.
?Take off those cheap panties now
and toss them outside as well. Then close the window.?
There little resistance. Susan?s
mind had numbed to the point where she was just wondering if she could placate
Camille long enough to reach
?Come here.?
Susan moved to stand before
Camille with her head down, still attempting to cover herself.
?Turn around and bend over.?
No sooner had Susan fearfully
complied than she was slapped hard on her inner thighs until she was spread
wide enough to suit Camille.
?Reach back and pull your ass
With shaking hands the girl
obeyed. Even under the incandescent light Susan?s flush of shame was apparent.
Camille laughed softly. Red was her favorite color. Knowing the girl would
flinch, she circled Susan?s brownie with a single manicured nail just to see it
clench. She hooked a finger up through the girl?s still wet slit and wiggled it
until her manipulation drew a sharp intake of breath. She pressed up slowly into
the girl?s cunt and found that it was slick and narrow.
?I see you are not totally
Susan was mortified that the
privacy of her most intimate parts was being so violated. She had only had sex
once. It was something that had been her secret. Now it seemed even more
shameful. This coupled with Camille?s mocking tone proved too much. She burst
out sobbing.
dirty old dyke! Can?t you just leave me alone???
In the wink of an eye she found
herself down across the older woman?s thighs with her ass flaming as Camille?s
palm laid into it. When her right hand began to sting, Camille shifted it to
pull up hard on Susan?s long red pony tail and used her left to bring up a
blush up on the other half of the girl?s ass. By the time she finished she was
panting and the girl was sobbing. Camille knew she had not hurt the girl. It
was the humiliation that had her crying.
?If you are going to be so difficult,
I?ll give you tee shirt to go with what?s left of your clothes and we can call
the conductor. We?ll each tell our story and then I?ll let him deal with you.
Is that what you want??
There was a long silence, broken
only by Susan?s sniffles, as she weighed that discouraging option against the
better, if awful, one of compliance.
Miss Camille.?
?Smart girl.?
Camille dismissively dumped her
off of her lap onto the floor. She stood, humming softly as she undressed for
bed and then pulled out the berth.
Susan watched Camille
apprehensively from the floor. The manner in which her body had been handled
had left her in turmoil. Her ass was smarting from the spanking and yet her
nerves had come alive in a strange way. The combination of fear and arousal had
her vibrating. If the woman touched her again she was sure she would jump out
of her skin.
Once Camille was snuggled into
the crisp sheets, she looked down at Susan. She considered pulling her captive
in with her and taking her then. Playing with her had made her hungry for it,
but she knew it would be way sweeter if it was surrendered rather than taken.
And there were plenty enough miles ahead for her to make it happen. She tossed
a blanket down and turned out the light.
?Sleep down there, pet.?
Susan heard the words in the dark and sighed with relief.
This is a story I wrote several years ago for a men’s adventure magazine, but it folded before it got off the ground. No sex, but it has adventure and romance, and I hope you enjoy it. As always, feedback is encouraged. Thanks! * ‘Goddamn it, we don’t have time for this!’ The lieutenant’s big fist slammed down on the desk, slopping the lukewarm coffee over the lip of the styrofoam cup. Nick rubbed his temples, the pounding ache of his hangover a spike through his head. The glare of the...
This story is based upon real events occurring long ago, but having a lingering erotic effect on the writer, who has added his wishful thinking and shameful secret desires of how he longed for the story to end.My cousin Mark was only a few years older than me, but back at that age, the few years separating us meant a huge gap of wisdom, experience and awe, at least in my impressionable mind. In retrospect, he was a self-absorbed guy who thought he knew more than he did, a misfit always trying...
Gage Malone sat silently in the dark corner, surveying the dimly lit tables. People seemed to disappear and reappear in and out of the brighter lights of the hall. The only clue to his existence was the occasional orange glow from the Cuban cigar. Each pull momentarily bit his tongue before it was caressed with the salty-sweetness from the ground tobacco. The spicy smoke curled beneath his nose, tantalizing his senses, before floating upward, only to be beaten and chased away by the whirling...
BDSM[This is something that I wrote prior to Britney, it is not related to my series of stories called Britney.] CAPTIVE By britney kandey CHAPTER ONE: CLUBBING Me and my friend Toby had decided that it would be a good night to go hit the town, and paint it red in the process. We where both very horny after spending the previous 3 months working on a fishing boat. The first stop of the night was the local Irish bar "Saint Patrick's" where it lacked in talent it made up for with...
Prior: The School Girl Pinata Prior: The School Girl Pinata – STOP THIS CRAZINESS Prior: The School Girl Pinata – The Gangs All Here (School girl is taken for a gang member’s birthday party to be used for their entertainment.]. Her abuse continues and then she is held captive for the needs of the gang.) Gripped with panic Jenna awaited her fate. Hanging from the ceiling by her wrists, legs pulled up tied at her ankles Jenna was totally at the gangs mercy. Miguel rubbed his dick...
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The moon, riding high in the sky that night, cast a silvery light over the small town. In a brick bungalow at the top of a hill, moonlight shone through the bedroom windows, revealing a man on his knees beside the bed. Resting his elbows on the bed, he clasped his hands tightly. Reverend Paul Trent’s light brown hair was wavy, long on top and trimmed close around the sides. His face, neither handsome nor homely, was that of an everyday man. Only in his eyes could one see the fire and spirit...
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*This is a work of Fiction. Feedback will be greatly appreciated. * * * * * I was in my last year of college when I met Camile. She was a couple of years older than me, and was Nigerian, in Mumbai, India, doing an internship with a software company. We had met at a party and instantly clicked, and discussed subjects like politics, philosophy, literature etc.But that was all eye wash. Both of us were together primarily because both of us stuck out. Camile is about 5’10, black (African,...
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Honey was blond, with hair the colour of her name. Long and straight, it caressed her delicate features as she stared at her reflection in the bathroom. The foam of the toothpaste whitened her lips as she went through the listless motions of brushing. The activities of her limb as it manipulated the brushing of her teeth caused the soft swell of her breasts to jiggle restlessly. Nude, she paused to gaze at herself in the long mirror on the back of the bathroom door. Her soft blue eyes, falling...
Wait a minute, before anything else happens... Are you Roland Bates? Gender: Male Age: 25 Height: 5'11 Penis Size: 6 and 1/2 inches Hair: Messy and bushy brown hair Eye Color: Green Skin Color: Pale White Sexuality: Straight Or are you Rani Delmont? Gender: Female Age: 23 Height: 5'4 Breast Size: BB Cup Hair: Straight and brushed black hair Eye Color: Hazel Skin Color: Tanned Brown Sexuality: Bi-Sexual Now that the pawns have been placed, please answer the following question. Who are you?
BDSMHoney was blond, with hair the colour of her name. Long and straight, it caressed her delicate features as she stared at her reflection in the bathroom. The foam of the toothpaste whitened her lips as she went through the listless motions of brushing. The activities of her limb as it manipulated the brushing of her teeth caused the soft swell of her breasts to jiggle restlessly.Nude, she paused to gaze at herself in the long mirror on the back of the bathroom door. Her soft blue eyes, falling...
BDSMAmong the traumas of my early life (and there are many for a Jewish girl) was the fact that my dad never displayed any sexual interest in me whatsoever. The only meat he was interested in was the stuff he cut and sliced at his deli. My mom was equally neglected, which led to my first lesson about sex.I came home from school one windy autumn day, and immediately heard two things emanating from upstairs: Male grunts and female gasps. I had long suspected Mom had taken a lover to get the kind of...
Rebecca stands on the raised platform in the ball room, wearing the electric blue silk dress her husband bought her as a gift from his last trip to India. The material clung to her small waist, and down over her curvaceous hips, it glided down her long legs to her ankle with a suggestive slit up to her thighs. Her long brown hair is pinned back exposing her neck, and her cheeks were flushed pink not just with the make-up she was wearing, but from the heat burning deep inside, that she had not...
Reluctance?Feeling better after your shower? he asks, handing her a cup of tea ?Feeling better after your shower? he asks, handing her a cup of tea. ?Much!? Carrie smiles, wrapped in a towel, her damp hair framing her smiling face. ?Its so good to be here at last! Our new home! I wish I could have moved down here last month, when you did.?He smiles and sips his tea. ?All a cunning plot to get out of doing the unpacking, if you ask me? he teases. They chatter some more about her flight, her last...
You awaken from sleep... sensing something different... you try to move... and your met with resistance... you see that your arms and legs have been tied to the bedposts... silken ties have you bound... you feel my presence... turning your head... you see my stretched out along side of you... one arm propped i gaze down at you... a small sensual smile on my lips... gazing into my eyes... you see the fires of my desire for you burning bright... i lean close to you... you feel my warm...
It looked like an ordinary check point, one more in a series of small military outposts manned by various feuding factions, but when her Lebanese driver got down and handed over their papers to the soldier in fatigues, the officer beside him drew a pistol and shot the startled little man in the forehead. He tossed Connie's passport and travel documents aside, opened the door of the Jeep and pulled her out onto the sandy roadside. She landed n her hands and knees, rolled over and scrambled to...
The fight began about as expected – with flights of arrows. The soldiers deflected the missiles with their shields, but one or two of the archers got lucky, and the first soldier fell, an arrow protruding from his neck. The emissary began casting – some sort of lightning spell, from the feel of it – and I wrenched its mana away before it could do any damage. Faren engaged with a number of hurlocks, swinging his longswords in arcs, cleaving indiscriminately, and a few of the soldiers went...
Public Relations by Diana Kimberly Heche I shut off the overhead projector and the crowd of 300 applauded. I sighed with relief, that went better than I could have expected. I gathered the material from the podium and took a deep breath, after all I had been through, the speech itself was easy part. I smoothed down my skirt and left the stage. Dan Waterman, my boss, and his assistant Kirsten McDonald were waiting for me. "Bravo" Kirsten said, giving me a hug, "Bravo....
“Ms. Rhodes will see you now,” the secretary says to Mio and Malcolm. The pair looks up at the woman and smile. Malcolm tosses his magazine back on the table. “Well, here goes nothing,” he grumbles. “It will work out,” Mio assures him. “She’ll go for our proposal.” “Which one?” he asks, sounding less confident than he did before coming here. “If not the first, then she will the second,” Mio whispers. “Regardless, you don’t need to worry. We got this in the bag.” “I’m glad you’re...
Sanctuary, the Himalayas, Dawn It was the first sunrise of the new sun and everyone was celebrating. No one had seen a party like this, not even the Oceanics. Lycanthropes of all ages and in various forms were all out, basking in the sunlight as they ate and drank. The Oceanics had sought out the largest of the valley lakes and dived right in, revelling in the purity and depth of the water while the Fliers soared high in the sky. They sought out the homes occupied by their distant ancestors,...