- 2 years ago
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????????? Water Springs. A small town somewhere in the middle of Alberta. That where his bitch of an editor told him to go, so off he went. What could attract a veteran reporter like Matthew Mansell to a small rural town like Water Springs, you asked?
????????? Well, the answer is very simple. Water Springs is the only place in Canada where woman do not have the vote. It all began 18 months ago. There was an election for the town mayor. The incumbent was a shoo-in. He was so strong that no one wanted to stand against him, except for a man named Richard Evans.
Evans was an ex-hippie. You know the serious kind who went traveling all over India, Nepal and China in the seventies. He formed a political party called M.A.P or the Male Alpha Party. He propose to go back to the old ways where only men matter. That?s means no vote for woman, only men for senior positions and that women are considered property of their fathers, husbands and (if they are deceased) sons. A roadmap back to where men matters. A map back to the time where men are men and women are women. All puns intended! No one, including Evans, took his bid seriously. He was the joke candidate to the straight mayor. All reports were that he just stood for election to give people a contest. No one was laughing a week into the contest though.
There was a fire in town which gutted 5 houses, seems that the houses were built without proper safety features. When it was discovered 6 months before the fire, the local property company paid off the mayor to look the other way. The resulting scandal destroyed the mayor?s chances for re-election. Which is probably a good thing as said ex-mayor is currently serving time for corruption. So, the joke candidate began the mayor.
Everything was fine at first. Evans didn?t do anything stupid. Then 9 months into his term, a guy half-jokingly asked him when he?s going to take the vote from the women. Evans said that it was important to keep his word. He then set a date for a vote on the issue fully expecting it to fail. To the amazement of all, the bill passed and the women found themselves without the vote.
That?s when the provincial government got involved. They demanded that the town get rid of the law. Evans offered to hold the vote again but the provincial government stupidly refused. Instead, they demanded that the law be struck off immediately. This got the town in an uproar. It was their vote and even if it wasn?t the result they expected, it was their choice. The town found strange support from outside. Everyone agreed that another vote was the best solution. Under pressure, the provincial government finally relented. Another vote was held and in this one, the bill passed in a landslide. It was the town people giving the finger to big government. Even the women voted for the bill and the provincial government washed their hands on the matter.
A year has gone by and now Matthew Mansell is on his way to write a dirty rotten story on the town; about the oppression of women right here in liberal Canada. The kind of story that?s sure to sell a lot of newspapers.
As he rolls into town, Mansell was surprise by the size of Water Springs. It was bigger than what his editor told him and seems to be a pretty normal place. But that was nothing compare to his shock that the motel was full.
?You?re full! You got to be kidding!?
?No. Sorry Mr. Mansell, we pretty pack. Lots of tourists you know, and only 2 motels in the whole town.? The man at the desk was Terry Bogart. He?s the son of the owner and the man delivering the impossible news. For a town like Water Springs to have a full motel was practically unheard of.
?Wait, you said there are 2 motels in town??
?Yes, the other one is across town. But it?s more popular than ours so your chances are even worse there.?
?You have nothing??
?Well?a couple is to leave today. But it?s only 9am; they don?t have to book out till 11. If you don?t mind the wait??
?Sure, I?ll wait.? Mat grimly agreed. ?Did you say the town has a lot of visitors??
?Sure do. Ever since the bill passing, the tourist hasn?t stop coming.? Terry happily agreed. ?Evans did a hell of a job so far. Passing the law was the best thing to happen to this town.?
?Why?? No need to ask which law Terry was talking about.
?Everyone wants to see the town. Last time, people just stayed on the freeway, but since the bill passed everyone stopped by to see Water Springs. It?s like they are obliged to stop and see the only place where woman don?t have the vote. The law put Water Springs on the map.?
No question there. Mat never even heard of the town before the bill. ?But some would say that it?s on the map for the wrong reasons Terry. You don?t mind me calling you Terry right??
?Not a problem Mr. Mansell.?
?Please, call me Mat.?
?Okay. Would we be having this conversation right now if not for the bill? I mean that?s why you?re here right. As long as people stop in town and spend money?I don?t care why they stopped by.?
?Oh?I guess that make sense. The bill is good for business I guess.?
?The fucking best. Before, we?ll be lucky to have this place half-full. Now, I actually have to turn people away.?
?What do the women thinks of this??
?There?s money to make for all. Most of them are happy as hell the town is booming.?
Mat heard an opening. ?Most, but not all. Who would you say is unhappy??
?Hell if I know. But there must be some though. Tell you what, there?s still about 2 hours till 11, why don?t you go to Harry?s across the road. Have some breakfast, they make a mean pancake.?
?That sounds like a great idea. Thanks.?
?Not a problem.?
????????? Mat walked out of the lobby and cross the street. He was vaguely troubled by his talk with Terry. That the bill had turned the town into some sort of tourist attraction was something he had not counted on. Still with such a law, there shouldn?t be too much of a problem finding someone who is unhappy. With that, Mat entered Harry?s Diner.
Somewhere in town,
????????? Richard Evans was less than happy when the phone rang. He was in the middle of something but he is the mayor and duty comes first.
?Evans here. Who is this??
?Mr. Evans, this is Terry. Some guy just came in and asked a truckload of questions. Might be some sort of reporter.?
?Another one? Where?s he now??
?I sent him over to Harry?s. But he plan on staying for 3-4 days and he asked about who was unhappy about the law.?
?Terry, you leave that to me. Harry?s huh, get your father and both of you keep an eye on him. I?ll send John over there. Good work Terry.?
?Thanks Mr. Evans. I?ll call my father now.?
????????? Richard Evans wasn?t too worried as he put down the phone. Reporters are always troublesome, but young Terry is a smart man. With his father beside him, the reporter has to be pretty damm good to find anything. And if he is that good, well that?s what John is for.
With duty over, Evans turns back to pleasure. The woman kneeling in front of him has a name, a name everyone in town knows. Evans however knows her by a different name. ?Shitface, I have a job for you.? Shitface smiled.
Harry?s Diner
Terry was right. The diner serves good pancakes. However, Mat was a born reporter and far more interested in information. The diner wasn?t full but there was a good crowd considering the time. All men and there?s not a single waitress. You want something; you go to the counter and order from the owner. The man Mat is digging from is called Mike Jenkins. Mike is the son of Harry. Took over the diner when his old man died. Like Terry, he wasn?t shy about his support for the bill.
?All I need to do is to look at my profit. It practically triple since the bill was passed.?
?I can understand your view from an economical standpoint, but what about the morality of the issue. Taking the vote from women? What about your daughter, don?t you think she deserve the vote when she?s older??
?The women voted for it as well. And most don?t regret their decision.?
?You sure? What about your waitresses, you don?t think they want the vote??
Mat didn?t know what to expect but Mike?s laughter wasn?t it. ?Considering that I have to raise their pay twice in the last year, I don?t think you will find them complaining.?
?Really? Business is that good??
?Oh yes sir it is. All the tourists need to eat somewhere right? And we have a lot of tourists these days.? A customer walked in. Mike saw the man and greeted him. Then he turned back to Mat.
?By the way, what are you?? Mike asked.
?Reporter, activist or tourist? That?s all we have since the bill passing?
?Reporter. Why??
?The way you spoke, I thought you were some sort of feminist activist or something. Those guys are nothing but trouble.?
?The town is having some problems with feminist activists?? This was unexpected, though Mat wasn?t that surprise. The bill must have been a lighting rod for the feminists? movement.
??Yup. You want people unhappy about the law, look for them. Come into town, set up picket lines all over the place. They held 3 rallies in front of Evans? house already.?
?Any arrests??
?Can?t do that without bad publicity. That?s what those guys want anyway. Publicity.?
?Really? Where can I find them?? A strange idea of a story began to form in Mat?s mind.
?At Spring?s Motel across town. Call Danny, he?ll tell you which room they?re in.?
?Danny is the owner of the motel??
?Yup, he can?t stand those guys as well.?
?His whole family voted for the bill. Those activists have been trying to ?convert? them over since the moment they found out. Driving him nuts.?
With that, Mat gave his thanks, paid the bill and went back to the motel. The case has suddenly become interesting in another level. The town people are happy about the law but not outsiders. The story might have just changed in the first 2 hours he had been in town. Now that?s the mark of a good story. Still, he needs to do some more digging. He looks back at the diner and saw Mike talking to the man who just walked in. Like most small town, it looks like everyone knows everyone here. Without paying it anymore attention, Mat continues walking to the motel.
?How did it go?? Mike look at John as he asked the question.
?Beautiful. You did the right thing steering him to those activist.?
?Will it work??
?Sure, the man is here for a story. Can?t leave without one, so let?s give him one.?
?But I doubt this was the story he was coming for.?
?So? It?s a good story and we need a way to get rid of those guys. Like you told him, those activists are driving the town nuts.?
?That bad huh??
?Richard can handle them, but when they go poking their noses at the townsfolk?something is bound to happen sooner or later right???
A man further down the diner call out, ?Hey John! Some service here.?
?Hold your horses man, didn?t Sarah cook you something today??
?She?s too tired from the fucking I gave her last night, so I have eat your useless shit.?
????????? The whole diner laughed. The men of Water Springs have a lot to be thankful for, and no nosey reporter or activists is going to get in their way.
????????? She was the town lawyer. The highest paid woman in town and seemingly the most to lose if Richard Evans continues to be mayor. So it was with some surprise to Matthew Mansell that Zoe Cusack was actually defending the man who should be her natural enemy.
?Ms. Cusack, I?m sorry but are you actually defending Richard Evans??
?Defending is strong of a word Mr. Mansell. I?m merely saying that people in Canada has made Richard Evans out to be some sort of monster. I have spoken to him on many occasions and I can assure you that he is no such thing. He is just a man who thought it was his civic duty to give people a choice. It wasn?t his fault the old mayor was corrupt.?
?But to do what he did! Taking the vote away from women. From YOU! Are you not angry with him??
?The only people I?m angry with are those morons in the provincial government. If they hadn?t got involved, the bill would never have passed the second time.?
?They were only trying to help. Trying to kill the bill.?
?They were nothing but glory hounds. Evans offered them a re-vote. If they had agreed at first, we would have defeated it easily. Instead they rejected the offer and that made to town people angry. And that?s why we lost.?
?But the vote was due to Evans. If he wasn?t there, there would be no vote.?
?Richard Evans put the matter to a vote. It was the people who voted it into law. That?s democracy at work.?
?The vote causes half the people in town to be without a voice. Tell me Ms. Cusack, why aren?t you as a smart intelligent woman angry with Richard Evans??
Cusack stayed silent for a moment, and said, ?I have to give credit where credit is due Mr. Mansell. Since Richard Evans came into office, Water Spring is booming. Business is good, jobs are easy to find and even the population has increased. The first time that happened in about 8 years. I hate to say it but the man is doing a good job.?
?The population has increased!? No wonder the town was bigger than he was told. But there?s something not right about that. ?Wouldn?t the population decreased because of the bill? I mean surely the women who can go will leave.?
?Some did, but they came back when the money came running in. With money came jobs; with jobs came even more people. You?re not going to find too many town people against Evans, Mr. Mansell.?
?So?you are okay without the vote??
?So far, it hasn?t hurt me yet. My practice is booming as well?
?What about his other ideas? Only men for senior positions and that women are considered property. Since women no longer have the vote, those bills might just pass.?
?That is true. But Evans hasn?t done anything on those ideas yet. And they will probably stay exactly right where they are; ideas.?
?You?re willing to take the chance.?
?Considering that I don?t have any vote, I don?t really have a choice in the matter.?
A few minutes later, Mansell left the office. Zoe immediately picks up the phone and dials HIS number.
?Evans here. Who is this??
?Master, the reporter has just left. I did everything as you commanded.?
?Any problems??
?No master, he seems unaware of the town?s situation. You do not have to worry.?
?You are a woman!? Her master sounded angry. ?Anything you women are involved in always cause problems.?
Zoe realized her mistake. ?Yes master, I?m a stupid worthless woman. I forgot my place; please punish me for my forgetfulness.?
?Get your ass over here Shitface.?
?Shitface hears and obeys, master.?
????????? Mat is not happy. How the hell is he to write a nasty story on the town when everyone is so happy about everything? Zoe Cusack was no help. When he found out from Terry that the town lawyer was a woman, he felt sure he can get some dirt from her. Instead, she ended up defending the every system she should be tearing down. Mat look at the time. 5.30pm, in a town like this, everyone would be at home. Mat decided that it was enough for a day, time to head back to the hotel.
????????? Water Springs. A small town somewhere in the middle of
????????? Well, the answer is very simple. Water Springs is the only place
was an ex-hippie. You know the serious kind who went traveling all over
was a fire in town which gutted 5 houses, seems that the houses were built
without proper safety features. When it was discovered 6 months before the fire,
the local property company paid off the mayor to look the other way. The resulting
scandal destroyed the mayor?s chances for re-election. Which is probably a good
thing as said ex-mayor is currently serving time for corruption. So, the joke candidate
began the mayor.
was fine at first. Evans didn?t do anything stupid. Then 9 months into his
term, a guy half-jokingly asked him when he?s going to take the vote from the
women. Evans said that it was important to keep his word. He then set a date
for a vote on the issue fully expecting it to fail. To the amazement of all,
the bill passed and the women found themselves without the vote.
when the provincial government got involved. They
demanded that the town get rid of the law. Evans offered to hold the vote again
but the provincial government stupidly refused. Instead, they demanded that the
law be struck off immediately. This got the town in an uproar. It was their
vote and even if it wasn?t the result they expected, it was their choice. The
town found strange support from outside. Everyone agreed that another vote was
the best solution. Under pressure, the provincial government finally relented.
Another vote was held and in this one, the bill passed in a landslide. It was
the town people giving the finger to big government. Even the women voted for
the bill and the provincial government washed their hands on the matter.
A year has gone by and now Matthew Mansell is on his way to write a dirty rotten
story on the town; about the oppression of women right here in liberal
he rolls into town, Mansell was surprise by the size of Water Springs. It was
bigger than what his editor told him and seems to be a pretty normal place. But
that was nothing compare to his shock that the motel was full.
?You?re full! You got to be
?No. Sorry Mr. Mansell, we
pretty pack. Lots of tourists you know, and only 2 motels in the whole town.?
The man at the desk was Terry Bogart. He?s the son of the owner and the man
delivering the impossible news. For a town like Water Springs to have a full
motel was practically unheard of.
?Wait, you said there are 2
motels in town??
?Yes, the other one is across
town. But it?s more popular than ours so your chances are even worse there.?
?You have nothing??
?Well?a couple is to leave
today. But it?s only
?Sure, I?ll wait.? Mat grimly
agreed. ?Did you say the town has a lot of visitors??
?Sure do. Ever since the bill
passing, the tourist hasn?t stop coming.? Terry happily agreed. ?Evans did a
hell of a job so far. Passing the law was the best thing to happen to this
?Why?? No need to ask which
law Terry was talking about.
?Everyone wants to see the
town. Last time, people just stayed on the freeway, but since the bill passed
everyone stopped by to see Water Springs. It?s like they are obliged to stop
and see the only place where woman don?t have the vote. The law put Water
Springs on the map.?
No question there. Mat never
even heard of the town before the bill. ?But some would say that it?s on the
map for the wrong reasons Terry. You don?t mind me calling you Terry right??
?Not a problem Mr. Mansell.?
?Please, call me Mat.?
?Okay. Would we be having
this conversation right now if not for the bill? I mean that?s why you?re here
right. As long as people stop in town and spend money?I don?t care why they
stopped by.?
?Oh?I guess that make sense.
The bill is good for business I guess.?
?The fucking best. Before, we?ll
be lucky to have this place half-full. Now, I actually have to turn people
?What do the women thinks of
?There?s money to make for
all. Most of them are happy as hell the town is booming.?
Mat heard an opening. ?Most,
but not all. Who would you say is unhappy??
?Hell if I know. But there
must be some though. Tell you what, there?s still about 2 hours till 11, why
don?t you go to Harry?s across the road. Have some breakfast, they make a mean
?That sounds like a great
idea. Thanks.?
?Not a problem.?
????????? Mat walked out of the lobby and cross the street. He was
vaguely troubled by his talk with Terry. That the bill had turned the town into
some sort of tourist attraction was something he had not counted on. Still with
such a law, there shouldn?t be too much of a problem finding someone who is
unhappy. With that, Mat entered Harry?s Diner.
Somewhere in town,
????????? Richard Evans was less than happy when the phone rang. He
was in the middle of something but he is the mayor and duty comes first.
?Evans here. Who is this??
?Mr. Evans, this is Terry.
Some guy just came in and asked a truckload of questions. Might be some sort of
?Another one? Where?s he
?I sent him over to Harry?s.
But he plan on staying for 3-4 days and he asked about who was unhappy about
the law.?
?Terry, you leave that to me.
Harry?s huh, get your father and both of you keep an eye on him. I?ll send John
over there. Good work Terry.?
?Thanks Mr. Evans. I?ll call
my father now.?
????????? Richard
Evans wasn?t too worried as he put down the phone. Reporters are always
troublesome, but young Terry is a smart man. With his father beside him, the
reporter has to be pretty damm good to find anything. And if he is that good,
well that?s what John is for.
duty over, Evans turns back to pleasure. The woman kneeling in front of him has
a name, a name everyone in town knows. Evans however knows her by a different
name. ?Shitface, I have a job for you.? Shitface smiled.
Harry?s Diner
was right. The diner serves good pancakes. However, Mat was a born reporter and
far more interested in information. The diner wasn?t full but there was a good
crowd considering the time. All men and there?s not a single waitress. You want
something; you go to the counter and order from the owner. The man Mat is
digging from is called Mike Jenkins. Mike is the son of Harry. Took over the
diner when his old man died. Like Terry, he wasn?t shy about his support for
the bill.
?All I need to do is to look
at my profit. It practically triple since the bill was passed.?
?I can understand your view
from an economical standpoint, but what about the morality of the issue. Taking
the vote from women? What about your daughter, don?t you think she deserve the
vote when she?s older??
?The women voted for it as
well. And most don?t regret their decision.?
?You sure? What about your
waitresses, you don?t think they want the vote??
Mat didn?t know what to
expect but Mike?s laughter wasn?t it. ?Considering that I have to raise their
pay twice in the last year, I don?t think you will find them complaining.?
?Really? Business is that
?Oh yes sir it is. All the
tourists need to eat somewhere right? And we have a lot of tourists these days.?
A customer walked in. Mike saw the man and greeted him. Then he turned back to
?By the way, what are you??
Mike asked.
?Reporter, activist or
tourist? That?s all we have since the bill passing?
?Reporter. Why??
?The way you spoke, I thought
you were some sort of feminist activist or something. Those guys are nothing
but trouble.?
?The town is having some problems
with feminist activists?? This was unexpected, though Mat wasn?t that surprise.
The bill must have been a lighting rod for the feminists? movement.
??Yup. You want people unhappy about the law,
look for them. Come into town, set up picket lines all over the place. They
held 3 rallies in front of Evans? house already.?
?Any arrests??
?Can?t do that without bad
publicity. That?s what those guys want anyway. Publicity.?
?Really? Where can I find
them?? A strange idea of a story began to form in Mat?s mind.
?At Spring?s Motel across
town. Call Danny, he?ll tell you which room they?re in.?
?Danny is the owner of the
?Yup, he can?t stand those
guys as well.?
?His whole family voted for
the bill. Those activists have been trying to ?convert? them over since the
moment they found out. Driving him nuts.?
that, Mat gave his thanks, paid the bill and went back to the motel. The case
has suddenly become interesting in another level. The town people are happy
about the law but not outsiders. The story might have just changed in the first
2 hours he had been in town. Now that?s the mark of a good story. Still, he
needs to do some more digging. He looks back at the diner and saw Mike talking
to the man who just walked in. Like most small town, it looks like everyone
knows everyone here. Without paying it anymore attention, Mat continues walking
to the motel.
?How did it go?? Mike look at
John as he asked the question.
?Beautiful. You did the right
thing steering him to those activist.?
?Will it work??
?Sure, the man is here for a
story. Can?t leave without one, so let?s give him one.?
?But I doubt this was the
story he was coming for.?
?So? It?s a good story and we
need a way to get rid of those guys. Like you told him, those activists are driving
the town nuts.?
?That bad huh??
?Richard can handle them, but
when they go poking their noses at the townsfolk?something is bound to happen
sooner or later right???
A man further down the diner
call out, ?Hey John! Some service here.?
?Hold your horses man, didn?t
Sarah cook you something today??
?She?s too tired from the
fucking I gave her last night, so I have eat your useless shit.?
????????? The whole diner laughed. The men of Water Springs have a
lot to be thankful for, and no nosey reporter or activists is going to get in
their way.
????????? She was the town lawyer. The highest paid woman in town and
seemingly the most to lose if Richard Evans continues to be mayor. So it was
with some surprise to Matthew Mansell that Zoe Cusack was actually defending
the man who should be her natural enemy.
?Ms. Cusack, I?m sorry but
are you actually defending Richard Evans??
?Defending is strong of a
word Mr. Mansell. I?m merely saying that people in
?But to do what he did!
Taking the vote away from women. From YOU! Are you not angry with him??
?The only people I?m angry
with are those morons in the provincial government.
If they hadn?t got involved, the bill would never have passed the second time.?
were only trying to help. Trying to kill the bill.?
were nothing but glory hounds. Evans offered them a re-vote. If they had agreed
at first, we would have defeated it easily. Instead they rejected the offer and
that made to town people angry. And that?s why we lost.?
the vote was due to Evans. If he wasn?t there, there would be no vote.?
Evans put the matter to a vote. It was the people who voted it into law. That?s
democracy at work.?
vote causes half the people in town to be without a voice. Tell me Ms. Cusack,
why aren?t you as a smart intelligent woman angry with Richard Evans??
stayed silent for a moment, and said, ?I have to give credit where credit is
due Mr. Mansell. Since Richard Evans came into office, Water Spring is booming.
Business is good, jobs are easy to find and even the population has increased.
The first time that happened in about 8 years. I hate to say it but the man is
doing a good job.?
population has increased!? No wonder the town was bigger than he was told. But
there?s something not right about that. ?Wouldn?t the population decreased
because of the bill? I mean surely the women who can go will leave.?
?Some did, but they came back
when the money came running in. With money came jobs; with jobs came even more
people. You?re not going to find too many town people against Evans, Mr.
?So?you are okay without the
?So far, it hasn?t hurt me
yet. My practice is booming as well?
?What about his other ideas? Only
men for senior positions and that women are considered property. Since women no
longer have the vote, those bills might just pass.?
?That is true. But Evans
hasn?t done anything on those ideas yet. And they will probably stay exactly
right where they are; ideas.?
?You?re willing to take the
?Considering that I don?t
have any vote, I don?t really have a choice in the matter.?
few minutes later, Mansell left the office. Zoe immediately picks up the phone
and dials HIS number.
?Evans here. Who is this??
?Master, the reporter has
just left. I did everything as you commanded.?
?Any problems??
?No master, he seems unaware
of the town?s situation. You do not have to worry.?
?You are a woman!? Her master
sounded angry. ?Anything you women are involved in always cause problems.?
Zoe realized her mistake.
?Yes master, I?m a stupid worthless woman. I forgot my place; please punish me
for my forgetfulness.?
?Get your ass over here
?Shitface hears and obeys,
????????? Mat is not happy. How the hell is he to write a nasty story
on the town when everyone is so happy about everything? Zoe Cusack was no help.
When he found out from Terry that the town lawyer was a woman, he felt sure he
can get some dirt from her. Instead, she ended up defending the every system
she should be tearing down. Mat look at the time.
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Gina-Marie and I lay in bed, exhausted after a recent sex session. She was panting, her eyes glazed over from the multiple orgasms that racked her body over the past hour. Her breasts were rising and falling with her chest in the evening light as I lay next to her trying to catch my own breath."Wow..." she panted. "I've never felt you that invigorated before.""Well, now that we have really started to open up to each other, I feel comfortable with everything we do, and I guess that fuels my...
(btw all fictional,but hope it happens to the person reading someday ;))Random day,unusual stuff about to happen,Damsel in distress runs into the bathroom,Hiding in the empty shower,Hiding from the creepy stalker,Usual day,just wanted to be clean,Grabbed my towel and what happened next i hoped it wasn't a dream,Two suspicious fellows looking around,Shook my head and bumped in the vacant shower making a hard sound,With my head down i thought something was wrong with my eyes,There was a woman...
Raini is a beautiful Native American business woman who ran intellectual circles around us during the interview. With a Bachelor’s degree under her belt, an MBA within reach, and a high profile job in the business world, our leggy scholar may well be one of the smartest girls in the office – ever. When we ask her why someone like her would want to pursue porn, she gives one of the most brilliant left-field answers of all time. The way she speaks and carries herself is heads above...
xmoviesforyouThe limo took us to the opera house, and Cam and I headed in the stage door with Marilyn and Sam giving us the "break a leg" stuff. I know it's traditional theater, but that's one saying I've never warmed up to. I mean, suppose you really did? I'm not much on wishing people things I don't seriously want to happen to them. We both made it into our dressing rooms with both legs intact, though, and I could hear her starting her final, now-it's-for-real warmup as she changed into her...
Pursuit of Happiness Part I ? by: Amanda More At last I was at liberty. Free to explore the real me, free to do what I wanted to do. Married for ten, often painful, years from the age of 22, my divorce was finally through, I had a new job and was living in a new area far away from my ex-wife and old 'friends'. Now only fear of the unknown would stop me from leading the life I needed to live. My problem or gift depending on how you view it was that I was a TV and I was...
Dear readers, I am Ravichandran 39 yrs old I live in Tamilnadu. I am a regular user of this site and I enjoyed all the stories, today I have decided to share one of my own story which happened to me few days ago. I am an engineer working in gulf country came on vacation to home located in Thanjavur city. The incident happened 15 days back at my home with my tenant Jaya whose family is living in first floor of my house. Jaya is 41 yrs old, a medium height, fair in complexion, not so bulky body,...
The Sunday Coin Toss The Toss As I watched, the coin seemed to flip in slow motion as it looped lazily through the air. It was Jane’s turn to call it, and this time the said “tails” just as the quarter reached the apex of its flight. As the coin began the drop into my hand, before it even landed, I sensed I had lost the toss. A sense of excitement sent a rush of adrenaline into my stomach. Tails it was. Jane smiled with a sense of satisfaction, as if she had been waiting for this moment.
We had been sitting in the garden chatting about her latest ‘client’. I was trying to come to terms with what she was telling me. What she said next changed my world forever.“Would you like to meet her?”I couldn’t believe my ears. Was I really being invited to meet her ‘client’ who she claimed was naked and locked in her cellar?“I warn you,” she said standing up, “she may not be in the mood for idle chatter, but your presence might be beneficial.”As she headed towards the gate, I knew I should...
Philip Johnson Chapter One ‘What do you mean we’ve been selected?’ ‘Gwen Hargrove has chosen our studio to do their formal portraits.’ ‘Lee I know you’re a good photographer but…you?’ ‘Thank you for that vote of confidence.’ ‘You know what I mean Lee, people like that go to New York or someplace to have their work done, not here in Memphis.’ ‘I met Gwen when I photographed the executives at Hargrove Industries and she seemed to like me.’ ‘You mean she selected you because she...
Maggie flew up the stairs ignoring the elevator in Nadine's town home with Alexis on her heels. The couple had been in the south of France on vacation when Murine, Nadine's assistant, had contacted them concerned about Nadine's well-being. Maggie knew it was because of Josephine. It had been over three months since Nadine's girlfriend left Paris. "I'm sure she is fine, love." Lord Alexis Bellamont had taken Maggie to the south of France to ask her hand in marriage. He knew that marrying...
"Can we do this without the gag?" Jay asked. "Yeah, I guess so; if you can stay quiet while we shoot of the fuck scene," Shaniqua replied. Jay was bound with Velcro straps to a hefty padded hotel desk chair to the left side of the queen-size bed in the room. His fingers were visible, especially the one on his left hand that now wore a gaudy wide man's wedding band that he had been provided from the set's prop handler; Catherine had been given a matching woman's wedding and engagement...
We pulled into a parking structure, and Kate tugged a pair of short shorts on over her tiny bikini and a sheer white tshirt, while I pulled on the top I had been wearing before our stop with the cops. I slipped my feet into the tall sandals and grinned at Kate over my sunglasses, “Ready baby?” Kate nodded and smiled back at me, “Hell yeah! We’re in VEGAS!” It took us all of ten minutes to check into our hotel room, and get our room upgraded by flirting shamelessly with the cute little front...
Group SexI sat there stunned. My original plan to meet The Users was for all of my girls to stay with me and only leave in groups. We were all supposed to leave together. None of my girls were going to be left to the tender mercies of that ... woman. I sat there trying to figure out a way for all my girls and Mandy to leave with me, but the request was so simple I couldn't see a way around it. Erin brought me out of my deep thoughts. "Ral, what are you thinking?" I looked into her bright green...
It was a Monday and my Mom left a note on the dining room table. I was to stop by her work and pick up some grocery for a friend of hers who lived across town. It was noon when I picked up the grocery and got directions to Mrs. Gloria Beam house. She lived in the rich part of town. Her husband had violated his parole and was sent back to jail for a few more months to serve out his sentence. After putting away the grocery I was to ask if she need any help around the house.It took about 30...
It was a cold winter night. A few friends had gathered at my place to watch a ball game. We had drunk a couple of beers each and we were looking for something to do. The game was due to start in an hour or so. Suddenly, an idea came to my mind."Let's play truth or dare," I said triumphantly."Good idea!" Chris said and the other two guys, Pete and Paul, agreed.Chris was a tall, athletic guy and a great gambler as well. After a few rounds it was his turn to play."Truth or dare?" Paul asked."I...
Chapter 49 Bzzt,Bzzt. Bzzt,Bzzt. Bzzt,Bzzt. Nothing again... C'mon Fay-fay, where are you? Rach couldn't remember the last time she'd been so hard to get to on the phone. It made her wish she could cry over something so trivial. Rach felt her eyes dampen. She knew it was the painkiller they'd given her. She got all emotional the last time they gave it to her; which, oddly enough, was due to a completely different snowboard injury. They'd gotten her out on the snow, fitted...
One summer day When I was fifteen my mom sent over to my granny's house to help her go shopping. I had brought my friend Joe and granny had her friend Maggie join us. We set off to the mall. My granny looks like Mrs. Howell off of Gilligans Island if any of you remember that show. She was about five foot five, small boobs-b cup I think, bottle blonde hair. She was very upscale classy looking lady. Her friend Maggie was much the same way. We must have a million stores that day. Granny and Maggie...
I decided that I was going to go to a swingers club when the time came i was very excited and nervous and I was dressed in a nice grey suit and smelling nice as I got to the door head another few people coming up the stairs and when I looked to see who it was and I saw a guy in his sixties and also a two couples about mid twenties and the girl was blonde with a great figure and the other was dark haired with a more curvy figure and the blonde girl saw me looking at her with her mini dress and...
Singer’s back was resting against Flan’s. Their rifles were raised, but both knew their weapons were useless against the mist. “Disappear!” Flan silently ordered. “Like Jerome did!” Singer closed his eyes briefly, his mind slipping into that nothingness he had felt from Jerome. ‘I’m not here.’ he repeated in his mind. He opened his eyes again. The mist was still there, but it wasn’t acting with the certainty it had been acting with a moment before. It was still waving in the air, searching...
You've finally arrived to your resort after a long flight. You have a couple of bags that you can't wait to get rid of, including a few choice articles of clothing. Namely, all of them. The hotel that you're visiting is known as a swingers resort but it was really more of an "anything goes" type of place and the few dogs you see are a testament to that. Well, that and the brunette with pig-tails stepping into the elevator with an older gentleman. She was rubbing his crotch and calling him...
Helen’s prodigious bust line aside, there was the Department of Defense and my role as Secretary. The world according to Harry S. Truman was a black and white, zero sum game, played behind closed doors and by rules that were never fully disclosed. Looking at the first six months I served as his Secretary of Defense, Truman managed to enrage Churchill, while sucking up to Stalin and making overtures to the newly formed Italian government. Mussolini was executed by popular demand, shortly...
Pete and his 14-year old sister, Samantha, had quickly become very hot lusty lovers once they'd passed the first night of seduction and loss of Sam's virginity. That had been a milestone in their relationship as brother and sister that would last for 3 long wonderful lusty years. They had fucked several times now and Pete found his sexual desire and hunger for Samantha growing every time they spent an evening in bed. There was one new experience that Pete really wanted to share with...
Zig Tube! Do you want to zig on a tube site when they really want to zag? What the fuck does that even mean? I don’t fucking no – and why the fuck should I care, anyway?Fuck it. Get your ass over to ZigTube and get off of my ass. If you want to find a fuck ton of videos that have a little bit of everything, ZigTube may just have exactly what you are looking for. See what you can find on ZigTube today, and see what kind of pornography that you can expect to find on ZigTube right away!Loads of...
Free Porn Tube SitesIt seemed to be forever that we had been searching for the slavers. In fact, for five weeks now, we had been cruising the southern islands of the Caribbean. We had sighted them once, two ships close to the horizon, but near enough for the best top man to be able to make out their sail rig, we knew it was them.Their course had suggested that they were making for Guiana in South America, they were trying to run the blockade of the Royal Navy, that had been set up after most European countries had...
InterracialHi readers, This is your one and only JJ back with a bash with a horny lesbian love making session. I am extremely happy by seeing the response some of you have sent the below story is an extension of the previous 3some. Here is a treat to your mind, body and soul by way of a lesbian encounter. Now also I have used the ladies hostel behind Chennai Egmore railway station all about room mates. We are about to encounter a subject as to how a female carves for the womanly sex once again ignoring...
LesbianAfter that weekend, I went to King’s Bay whenever I could. June somehow turned into July without me noticing. I spent as much or more time at Callie’s place than I did at Manny’s. Manny invited me to various parties and barbeques and get-togethers, but I always begged off. I wanted to be with Callie as much as possible. One day I came down with some kind of virus that made me as sick as a dog, and only Manny hiding my car keys kept me from going to Callie. ‘For fuck’s sake, what is wrong...
Hai Friends, I am Raj (Name changed) 25 yrs from Ahmedabad. I am a great fan of indiansexstories & have read almost all the stories. So today I decided to share my first experience. I was alone so I came to my aunty’s house. Since I have no other relative in the town I have to stay with my beautiful aunt (younger sister of my dad) who was a widow and was about 36 yrs old. My uncle died in a accident. After that she will not accepted to marry. So that they will stay in single in his house. She...
IncestI was smoking pot on the balcony of my condo with my new boytoy, Shawn. Since we began fucking on a regular basis, he was at my condo quite a bit and I was reverting to my porn star partying ways from the summer before. I had never done d**gs at my place before, especially out in public, but Shawn had a way of making me do a lot of things I didn't want to. When I moved into my condo, I wanted to keep it as a sanctuary against my job and work life. A place where people didn't know me as the...
It’s time for the newest challenge going around social media, and Coco Lovelock wants to be one of the first to try it out. She enlists her stepbrother, Jay Romero, to help her out. Coco tells Jay that she’s going to put on a blindfold and he’s going to put various things in her mouth to taste. She stresses that she will try anything that hot girls will put in their mouths. As Coco kneels with her mouth open, Jay does just what she has asked. Eventually, though, Jay gets the...
xmoviesforyouMrs. O'Toole called in for Molly on Tuesday, too. Josh told me that Molly was feeling better, but she didn't want to come to school limping so badly, so she wanted to wait until Wednesday. I had the feeling that she also didn't want to face Joey or Jilly, either, and I couldn't blame her. All the Bulls were walking around the school hallways like puffed-up peacocks, telling tall tales of glory and conquest to any fool that would listen. Josh also said that he wanted us to meet again at...
Deirdre leaned back and pinched her nose. She stared at the paper sheets in front of her. Should she just return them now or try to find errors? No. At this point she was too tired. She would probably introduce more new errors than she could correct. Rotating her shoulders she sat straight. Then she exhaled and shuffled the forms into a neat pile before she put them in the folder and sealed it. Packing her writing utensils, her pack of tissues, her water bottle, and her box of Mars mini bars,...
AUTHOR'S NOTE: The writing for this story is mostly going to be a bit sporadic. I'm mainly writing this to have a story that isn't so black and white, not every interest will be rotten to the core and our protagonist won't be fully free of remorse. It's going to attempt to have several choices without falling into the trap of having a few fleshed out plot lines with many dead ends. Most choices will be the illusion of choice, eventually reconvening with one main plot but letting you spice...
Mind ControlPam and Ethan's sexploits continue... Part 18, Pam and Ethan take a chance Ch 1Ethan stopped the GTO in front of Darien's house and shut off the motor. The blinds in the big front window were open and the light from the television flickered on the wall. He let out a deep breath. He hated coming here.He walked up to the house and knocked on the screen door. The inside door was open and Darien's father was on the couch in his undershirt with a can of beer in one hand and a bag of potato chips in...
Ah, HentaiFoundry. One of my favorites! Puberty is such a weird time. All of a sudden, you’re flooded with hormones telling you to fuck everything you see. A minute ago, you were just trying to watch cartoons, and now you can’t even see an animated pair of breasts without wanting to whack off. It’s no wonder, so many of you pervs grew up still wanting to look at drawings of superheroines while getting your porn fix. If you’re into comics and cartoons cunts,, aka hentai...
Hentai Porn Sites“Thank you,” Ghok says as he exchanges cash for the two heavy plastic bags the deliveryman has brought to the front door. “Keep the change,” he smiles. “No problem, alien dude!” the young man replies, turning on his heels the second the bag is clear of his fingers and bounding back toward the street without really looking at Ghok. The guy’s arrival is a welcome relief. Ghok still doesn’t have much of an appetite, but dinner will put an end to the painfully awkward wait he has been enduring...
'hi dr how long before jack can have his casts off' julie asks'well this is just a checkup to see how things are going it will be a while yet before they come off ' says the elderly lady dr board 'do you have any concerns anything i can help you with ?''uh no just want to get these casts off' says jack'i have one question dr board is it usual for a young mans cock to get hard when his mother is holding it for him so he can pee ?' asks julie 'i just try to help him but he gets an erection...
Ti racconto la mia storia, un po’ per il piacere di farlo e anche per una forma di piccola vendetta personale nei confronti di mio marito, affermato professionista calabrese. Un bell’uomo di buona famiglia e, a modo suo, bravo padre e (secondo la mentalità disgustosa e antiquata che ci circonda) anche buon marito. Il mio “bravo” marito però non sa che uno dei suoi amici di gioventù è gay. Amedeo è molto affezionato a me sin da ragazzo; mi confidava tutto e mi avvertiva anche quando “il...
We sat there naked on the couch trawling through the porn. The conversation was light and fiull of innuendo . We both had semi-erections and enjoyed the young lovelies appearing on the screen but then up came a young guy with a nice stiff cock and slim, tanned body.I could feel the blood start to surge in my cock. Oh no, don't do this I thought and tried to fight the erection. Then Roy chose another of the same guy, from behind this time, his balls hanging nicely, his hole begging to be poked....
Cliff returned to his office at one o'clock to find Charles Purcell pacing the floor waiting for him. Sensing a confrontation, he asked Sandy to join them. Cliff was right: Purcell was loaded for bear. He immediately launched an attack on the decision to close the dining room and Cliff heard him out. When he finally ran out of steam, Cliff explained, "There are two reasons for closing the dining room. First, it is a luxury benefitting only the highest-paid people in the organization. As...
“Tim, we have got to talk!” Leslie said in a strange tone the moment I showed up for work the next day. I assumed I was either in trouble or getting fired or both.“What’s up Les,” I asked nervously.“The ladies don’t want Ellen back as their lifeguard. They want you,” she said. “You made such a nice impression on them that they want you to be their regular lifeguard. And obviously naked, of course,” she grinned. “Did you ever think that you would be paid for walking around nude?”“I don’t...
MILFIt was a beautiful sunny day and I decided to have my coffee and cigarette outside, as I sat there minding my own business I was looking across the road where the neighbour was having some work done in their house. I saw an older man about 40 plastering a wall and his younger assistant, probably about 20, was helping him.Then the older guy pushed him against the wall and started to kiss him, his hands were somewhere else as the younger man had his arm across his shoulders and his head in the...
Dueling Desires Session Six Ava stared blankly at the clock, feeling the weight of each second settle into her body. Anxiety rushed through her when she realized that in exactly one hour she would be sitting across from Dr. Prescott. Everything had changed since their last session. She understood everything with renewed clarity, but there was a war waging inside her. Ms. Ambani had given her the freedom and acceptance that she had spent a lifetime striving for, and for the first time ever,...
The events in this story are true therefore the names of characters locations have not been mentioned I am 23 years old male living with my parents in a city. I have two elder sisters who are now 28 and 30 and both are married. They live with their husbands now. I am not a story writer and whatever I am narrating in the succeeding paragraphs is all truth. I am a hot and honey guy since I was a child and a voyeur by nature and always very curious about opposite sex. I always wanted to peep at...
IncestI realise that I am leaving myself open to being pilloried by the ‘Anonymous’ brigade with this story. In a previous story, ‘A Good Year’ I attempted to delineate between the story, and my comments on the writing process, by italicising these comments. But it didn’t work and, of course it was all my fault! I should have italicised the comments I was told. Then, in a comment on my story ‘Learning to Love’ a member of the ‘Anonymous’ brigade commented that he had stopped reading because Giovanna...
She was mad. She was furious. Jessica failed to understand how she could, day in and day out, tolerate a legion of imbeciles at her cousin’s office. One of her subsidiary companies was in financial crisis. For three quarters, the results were the same and became worse. Its revenue plummeted instead of skyrocketed. Bad call to allow her cousin to run that business, just because she felt obliged to repay her uncle for loaning her some start-up money despite the fact that the debt had been fully...
Quickie SexDirty girl Aurora Snow and stud Nick Manning are our sexual revolution role models in this seventies throwback Penthouse porn scene. After a flashback intro in their retro attire, the blonde bombshell is on her knees giving a gagging blowjob. Then with all the flower power in her sweet snatch, the all-natural beauty rides his rock hard rod in reverse cowgirl. Watch the horny babe get her trimmed pussy fucked hardcore in doggy style and in missionary until he’s “dropping loads”...
xmoviesforyouHello, this is raj from india. Jab me bcom part 3 me tha tab mujhe femdom ka chaska lag gaya, samay ke saath wo badta gaya. Ghar me mast sister thi jiski shaadi ho gai thi. Gradution ke baad mene job start ki. Meri job basicly office job thi. So I was happy with my job. Office me meri TL ek smart girl Tanya thi. Abhi meri job ki starting thi to mujhe kafi kuch sikhna tha. Meri tl bahut coprative thi khas kar ke mere saath. Jab kabhi mujhe koi bhi problem hoti me direct uski kabin me jakar...
My wife Jenny has always had an ass that made guys crazy and she knows it. But until recently she had no idea that her feet were getting just as many dicks hard as her backside. Jenny is a stripper in the neighboring town to ours, she lives a respectible life here and no one knows how she makes her money. We live in a nice upper middle class neighborhood, the kind where strip clubs are looked down on.Jenny came home last week and told me that apparently not everyone in the neighborhood is...
Me and my friend having been hanging out forever over breaks from school, Being a 15 year old I was always horny all the time my friend was 14 , so one day I asked to see his cock he wouldnt show me it but after alot of convincing he showed me and damn he had a small penis it wasnt thick it was pretty thin he had small testicles and no hair.....PERFECT!!! I felt good because my small cock was fatter then his and longer then his, Once I saw his cock I really wanted to get my hand and lips on it....
, when I wasn't expecting anything. This happened to me last night when I was coming back from my girlfriend's home. I left my girl's place and stopped at the Burger Hut to grab something to eat. Got my stuff and couldn't find a table to sit as it was downtown and there were people everywhere. After searching upstairs, I saw there was a very sexy teenager sitting alone so I went to ask if I could share the table. She said yes. At that time I wasn't even paying attention to the girl opposite to...
Chapter 1 Mai Lin knew she was cute and sexy and she knew that men enjoyed looking at her shapely young figure and secretly wishing they were in bed with her. She was a very vivacious and lusty young Asian woman and Mai Lin used her sexuality and her hot lusty sensuality not only to pleasure the men she found herself with but also to help herself get off and to satisfy her own personal sexual needs on a regular basis. Mai Lin knew that her long dark thick black hair that hung clear down to...
I ran into my room, but he followed me. "Holy shit, my heart is racing now," I muttered, sitting on the bed."Holy crap, Michelle, I have no idea what to say," John confessed, walking towards me. "I don't know what came over me, Gianna was just there, and she threw herself at me."I took a deep breath. "John," I said, slanting my head up and clenching my fists. "You can stay in here if you want, but shut the fuck up and don't touch me. I just want five minutes, okay?"He nodded and sat on the...
TabooI want to tell you about a wonderful lady I have met, called Anne.She lives in south wales at Llantrisant. I was staying over at the Vale hotel, a very nice hotel with plenty of bars, gym and pool. I usually stay once a month on a business, as I have a couple of clients in that area.Anyway, I checked in one day and went to one of the bars for a solitary drink. I got my drink and sat down. I noticed there were two ladies talking to each other on the sofa near to me. Two guys went over to them...
He knows I'm horny, he's known since the moment he saw me, and now he's just going to make it worse.I wrap my hands around his thick arm and strain up to kiss his neck as we stand in the queue for the theatre. He smirks impassively as I desperately try to get his attention. I'm wearing my sexiest clothes, had my hair and makeup done, especially to turn him on. How dare he even try and resist me."Later, Suzy," he says, his deep voice reverberating through my body.I pout at him, annoyed and...
BDSMTues 9:20 PM Ben and Bari: And while Kara and Judy finished off one bottle of wine and opened another downstairs, Ben and Bari sequestered themselves in his room and Bari told him about her latest adventure with Paula. “She made you think there was someone else touching you while you were blindfolded?” “Not just touching me, Ben. Kissing and licking me. I was so humiliated and yet so excited at the same time. When I think back I can almost get off again that’s how good it was. Then after I...