M.A.P free porn video

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????????? Water Springs. A small town somewhere in the middle of Alberta. That where his bitch of an editor told him to go, so off he went. What could attract a veteran reporter like Matthew Mansell to a small rural town like Water Springs, you asked?

????????? Well, the answer is very simple. Water Springs is the only place in Canada where woman do not have the vote. It all began 18 months ago. There was an election for the town mayor. The incumbent was a shoo-in. He was so strong that no one wanted to stand against him, except for a man named Richard Evans.

Evans was an ex-hippie. You know the serious kind who went traveling all over India, Nepal and China in the seventies. He formed a political party called M.A.P or the Male Alpha Party. He propose to go back to the old ways where only men matter. That?s means no vote for woman, only men for senior positions and that women are considered property of their fathers, husbands and (if they are deceased) sons. A roadmap back to where men matters. A map back to the time where men are men and women are women. All puns intended! No one, including Evans, took his bid seriously. He was the joke candidate to the straight mayor. All reports were that he just stood for election to give people a contest. No one was laughing a week into the contest though.

There was a fire in town which gutted 5 houses, seems that the houses were built without proper safety features. When it was discovered 6 months before the fire, the local property company paid off the mayor to look the other way. The resulting scandal destroyed the mayor?s chances for re-election. Which is probably a good thing as said ex-mayor is currently serving time for corruption. So, the joke candidate began the mayor.

Everything was fine at first. Evans didn?t do anything stupid. Then 9 months into his term, a guy half-jokingly asked him when he?s going to take the vote from the women. Evans said that it was important to keep his word. He then set a date for a vote on the issue fully expecting it to fail. To the amazement of all, the bill passed and the women found themselves without the vote.

That?s when the provincial government got involved. They demanded that the town get rid of the law. Evans offered to hold the vote again but the provincial government stupidly refused. Instead, they demanded that the law be struck off immediately. This got the town in an uproar. It was their vote and even if it wasn?t the result they expected, it was their choice. The town found strange support from outside. Everyone agreed that another vote was the best solution. Under pressure, the provincial government finally relented. Another vote was held and in this one, the bill passed in a landslide. It was the town people giving the finger to big government. Even the women voted for the bill and the provincial government washed their hands on the matter.

A year has gone by and now Matthew Mansell is on his way to write a dirty rotten story on the town; about the oppression of women right here in liberal Canada. The kind of story that?s sure to sell a lot of newspapers.

As he rolls into town, Mansell was surprise by the size of Water Springs. It was bigger than what his editor told him and seems to be a pretty normal place. But that was nothing compare to his shock that the motel was full.


?You?re full! You got to be kidding!?

?No. Sorry Mr. Mansell, we pretty pack. Lots of tourists you know, and only 2 motels in the whole town.? The man at the desk was Terry Bogart. He?s the son of the owner and the man delivering the impossible news. For a town like Water Springs to have a full motel was practically unheard of.

?Wait, you said there are 2 motels in town??

?Yes, the other one is across town. But it?s more popular than ours so your chances are even worse there.?

?You have nothing??

?Well?a couple is to leave today. But it?s only 9am; they don?t have to book out till 11. If you don?t mind the wait??

?Sure, I?ll wait.? Mat grimly agreed. ?Did you say the town has a lot of visitors??

?Sure do. Ever since the bill passing, the tourist hasn?t stop coming.? Terry happily agreed. ?Evans did a hell of a job so far. Passing the law was the best thing to happen to this town.?

?Why?? No need to ask which law Terry was talking about.

?Everyone wants to see the town. Last time, people just stayed on the freeway, but since the bill passed everyone stopped by to see Water Springs. It?s like they are obliged to stop and see the only place where woman don?t have the vote. The law put Water Springs on the map.?

No question there. Mat never even heard of the town before the bill. ?But some would say that it?s on the map for the wrong reasons Terry. You don?t mind me calling you Terry right??

?Not a problem Mr. Mansell.?

?Please, call me Mat.?

?Okay. Would we be having this conversation right now if not for the bill? I mean that?s why you?re here right. As long as people stop in town and spend money?I don?t care why they stopped by.?

?Oh?I guess that make sense. The bill is good for business I guess.?

?The fucking best. Before, we?ll be lucky to have this place half-full. Now, I actually have to turn people away.?

?What do the women thinks of this??

?There?s money to make for all. Most of them are happy as hell the town is booming.?

Mat heard an opening. ?Most, but not all. Who would you say is unhappy??

?Hell if I know. But there must be some though. Tell you what, there?s still about 2 hours till 11, why don?t you go to Harry?s across the road. Have some breakfast, they make a mean pancake.?

?That sounds like a great idea. Thanks.?

?Not a problem.?

????????? Mat walked out of the lobby and cross the street. He was vaguely troubled by his talk with Terry. That the bill had turned the town into some sort of tourist attraction was something he had not counted on. Still with such a law, there shouldn?t be too much of a problem finding someone who is unhappy. With that, Mat entered Harry?s Diner.


Somewhere in town,

????????? Richard Evans was less than happy when the phone rang. He was in the middle of something but he is the mayor and duty comes first.

?Evans here. Who is this??

?Mr. Evans, this is Terry. Some guy just came in and asked a truckload of questions. Might be some sort of reporter.?

?Another one? Where?s he now??

?I sent him over to Harry?s. But he plan on staying for 3-4 days and he asked about who was unhappy about the law.?

?Terry, you leave that to me. Harry?s huh, get your father and both of you keep an eye on him. I?ll send John over there. Good work Terry.?

?Thanks Mr. Evans. I?ll call my father now.?

????????? Richard Evans wasn?t too worried as he put down the phone. Reporters are always troublesome, but young Terry is a smart man. With his father beside him, the reporter has to be pretty damm good to find anything. And if he is that good, well that?s what John is for.

With duty over, Evans turns back to pleasure. The woman kneeling in front of him has a name, a name everyone in town knows. Evans however knows her by a different name. ?Shitface, I have a job for you.? Shitface smiled.


Harry?s Diner

Terry was right. The diner serves good pancakes. However, Mat was a born reporter and far more interested in information. The diner wasn?t full but there was a good crowd considering the time. All men and there?s not a single waitress. You want something; you go to the counter and order from the owner. The man Mat is digging from is called Mike Jenkins. Mike is the son of Harry. Took over the diner when his old man died. Like Terry, he wasn?t shy about his support for the bill.


?All I need to do is to look at my profit. It practically triple since the bill was passed.?

?I can understand your view from an economical standpoint, but what about the morality of the issue. Taking the vote from women? What about your daughter, don?t you think she deserve the vote when she?s older??

?The women voted for it as well. And most don?t regret their decision.?

?You sure? What about your waitresses, you don?t think they want the vote??

Mat didn?t know what to expect but Mike?s laughter wasn?t it. ?Considering that I have to raise their pay twice in the last year, I don?t think you will find them complaining.?

?Really? Business is that good??

?Oh yes sir it is. All the tourists need to eat somewhere right? And we have a lot of tourists these days.? A customer walked in. Mike saw the man and greeted him. Then he turned back to Mat.

?By the way, what are you?? Mike asked.


?Reporter, activist or tourist? That?s all we have since the bill passing?

?Reporter. Why??

?The way you spoke, I thought you were some sort of feminist activist or something. Those guys are nothing but trouble.?

?The town is having some problems with feminist activists?? This was unexpected, though Mat wasn?t that surprise. The bill must have been a lighting rod for the feminists? movement.

??Yup. You want people unhappy about the law, look for them. Come into town, set up picket lines all over the place. They held 3 rallies in front of Evans? house already.?

?Any arrests??

?Can?t do that without bad publicity. That?s what those guys want anyway. Publicity.?

?Really? Where can I find them?? A strange idea of a story began to form in Mat?s mind.

?At Spring?s Motel across town. Call Danny, he?ll tell you which room they?re in.?

?Danny is the owner of the motel??

?Yup, he can?t stand those guys as well.?


?His whole family voted for the bill. Those activists have been trying to ?convert? them over since the moment they found out. Driving him nuts.?


With that, Mat gave his thanks, paid the bill and went back to the motel. The case has suddenly become interesting in another level. The town people are happy about the law but not outsiders. The story might have just changed in the first 2 hours he had been in town. Now that?s the mark of a good story. Still, he needs to do some more digging. He looks back at the diner and saw Mike talking to the man who just walked in. Like most small town, it looks like everyone knows everyone here. Without paying it anymore attention, Mat continues walking to the motel.



?How did it go?? Mike look at John as he asked the question.

?Beautiful. You did the right thing steering him to those activist.?

?Will it work??

?Sure, the man is here for a story. Can?t leave without one, so let?s give him one.?

?But I doubt this was the story he was coming for.?

?So? It?s a good story and we need a way to get rid of those guys. Like you told him, those activists are driving the town nuts.?

?That bad huh??

?Richard can handle them, but when they go poking their noses at the townsfolk?something is bound to happen sooner or later right???

A man further down the diner call out, ?Hey John! Some service here.?

?Hold your horses man, didn?t Sarah cook you something today??

?She?s too tired from the fucking I gave her last night, so I have eat your useless shit.?

????????? The whole diner laughed. The men of Water Springs have a lot to be thankful for, and no nosey reporter or activists is going to get in their way.



????????? She was the town lawyer. The highest paid woman in town and seemingly the most to lose if Richard Evans continues to be mayor. So it was with some surprise to Matthew Mansell that Zoe Cusack was actually defending the man who should be her natural enemy.


?Ms. Cusack, I?m sorry but are you actually defending Richard Evans??

?Defending is strong of a word Mr. Mansell. I?m merely saying that people in Canada has made Richard Evans out to be some sort of monster. I have spoken to him on many occasions and I can assure you that he is no such thing. He is just a man who thought it was his civic duty to give people a choice. It wasn?t his fault the old mayor was corrupt.?

?But to do what he did! Taking the vote away from women. From YOU! Are you not angry with him??

?The only people I?m angry with are those morons in the provincial government. If they hadn?t got involved, the bill would never have passed the second time.?

?They were only trying to help. Trying to kill the bill.?

?They were nothing but glory hounds. Evans offered them a re-vote. If they had agreed at first, we would have defeated it easily. Instead they rejected the offer and that made to town people angry. And that?s why we lost.?

?But the vote was due to Evans. If he wasn?t there, there would be no vote.?

?Richard Evans put the matter to a vote. It was the people who voted it into law. That?s democracy at work.?

?The vote causes half the people in town to be without a voice. Tell me Ms. Cusack, why aren?t you as a smart intelligent woman angry with Richard Evans??

Cusack stayed silent for a moment, and said, ?I have to give credit where credit is due Mr. Mansell. Since Richard Evans came into office, Water Spring is booming. Business is good, jobs are easy to find and even the population has increased. The first time that happened in about 8 years. I hate to say it but the man is doing a good job.?

?The population has increased!? No wonder the town was bigger than he was told. But there?s something not right about that. ?Wouldn?t the population decreased because of the bill? I mean surely the women who can go will leave.?

?Some did, but they came back when the money came running in. With money came jobs; with jobs came even more people. You?re not going to find too many town people against Evans, Mr. Mansell.?

?So?you are okay without the vote??

?So far, it hasn?t hurt me yet. My practice is booming as well?

?What about his other ideas? Only men for senior positions and that women are considered property. Since women no longer have the vote, those bills might just pass.?

?That is true. But Evans hasn?t done anything on those ideas yet. And they will probably stay exactly right where they are; ideas.?

?You?re willing to take the chance.?

?Considering that I don?t have any vote, I don?t really have a choice in the matter.?


A few minutes later, Mansell left the office. Zoe immediately picks up the phone and dials HIS number.

?Evans here. Who is this??

?Master, the reporter has just left. I did everything as you commanded.?

?Any problems??

?No master, he seems unaware of the town?s situation. You do not have to worry.?

?You are a woman!? Her master sounded angry. ?Anything you women are involved in always cause problems.?

Zoe realized her mistake. ?Yes master, I?m a stupid worthless woman. I forgot my place; please punish me for my forgetfulness.?

?Get your ass over here Shitface.?

?Shitface hears and obeys, master.?



????????? Mat is not happy. How the hell is he to write a nasty story on the town when everyone is so happy about everything? Zoe Cusack was no help. When he found out from Terry that the town lawyer was a woman, he felt sure he can get some dirt from her. Instead, she ended up defending the every system she should be tearing down. Mat look at the time. 5.30pm, in a town like this, everyone would be at home. Mat decided that it was enough for a day, time to head back to the hotel.

????????? Water Springs. A small town somewhere in the middle of Alberta. That where his bitch of an editor told him to go, so off he went. What could attract a veteran reporter like Matthew Mansell to a small rural town like Water Springs, you asked?

????????? Well, the answer is very simple. Water Springs is the only place in Canada where woman do not have the vote. It all began 18 months ago. There was an election for the town mayor. The incumbent was a shoo-in. He was so strong that no one wanted to stand against him, except for a man named Richard Evans.

Evans was an ex-hippie. You know the serious kind who went traveling all over India, Nepal and China in the seventies. He formed a political party called M.A.P or the Male Alpha Party. He propose to go back to the old ways where only men matter. That?s means no vote for woman, only men for senior positions and that women are considered property of their fathers, husbands and (if they are deceased) sons. A roadmap back to where men matters. A map back to the time where men are men and women are women. All puns intended! No one, including Evans, took his bid seriously. He was the joke candidate to the straight mayor. All reports were that he just stood for election to give people a contest. No one was laughing a week into the contest though.

There was a fire in town which gutted 5 houses, seems that the houses were built without proper safety features. When it was discovered 6 months before the fire, the local property company paid off the mayor to look the other way. The resulting scandal destroyed the mayor?s chances for re-election. Which is probably a good thing as said ex-mayor is currently serving time for corruption. So, the joke candidate began the mayor.

Everything was fine at first. Evans didn?t do anything stupid. Then 9 months into his term, a guy half-jokingly asked him when he?s going to take the vote from the women. Evans said that it was important to keep his word. He then set a date for a vote on the issue fully expecting it to fail. To the amazement of all, the bill passed and the women found themselves without the vote.

That?s when the provincial government got involved. They demanded that the town get rid of the law. Evans offered to hold the vote again but the provincial government stupidly refused. Instead, they demanded that the law be struck off immediately. This got the town in an uproar. It was their vote and even if it wasn?t the result they expected, it was their choice. The town found strange support from outside. Everyone agreed that another vote was the best solution. Under pressure, the provincial government finally relented. Another vote was held and in this one, the bill passed in a landslide. It was the town people giving the finger to big government. Even the women voted for the bill and the provincial government washed their hands on the matter.

A year has gone by and now Matthew Mansell is on his way to write a dirty rotten story on the town; about the oppression of women right here in liberal Canada. The kind of story that?s sure to sell a lot of newspapers.

As he rolls into town, Mansell was surprise by the size of Water Springs. It was bigger than what his editor told him and seems to be a pretty normal place. But that was nothing compare to his shock that the motel was full.


?You?re full! You got to be kidding!?

?No. Sorry Mr. Mansell, we pretty pack. Lots of tourists you know, and only 2 motels in the whole town.? The man at the desk was Terry Bogart. He?s the son of the owner and the man delivering the impossible news. For a town like Water Springs to have a full motel was practically unheard of.

?Wait, you said there are 2 motels in town??

?Yes, the other one is across town. But it?s more popular than ours so your chances are even worse there.?

?You have nothing??

?Well?a couple is to leave today. But it?s only 9am; they don?t have to book out till 11. If you don?t mind the wait??

?Sure, I?ll wait.? Mat grimly agreed. ?Did you say the town has a lot of visitors??

?Sure do. Ever since the bill passing, the tourist hasn?t stop coming.? Terry happily agreed. ?Evans did a hell of a job so far. Passing the law was the best thing to happen to this town.?

?Why?? No need to ask which law Terry was talking about.

?Everyone wants to see the town. Last time, people just stayed on the freeway, but since the bill passed everyone stopped by to see Water Springs. It?s like they are obliged to stop and see the only place where woman don?t have the vote. The law put Water Springs on the map.?

No question there. Mat never even heard of the town before the bill. ?But some would say that it?s on the map for the wrong reasons Terry. You don?t mind me calling you Terry right??

?Not a problem Mr. Mansell.?

?Please, call me Mat.?

?Okay. Would we be having this conversation right now if not for the bill? I mean that?s why you?re here right. As long as people stop in town and spend money?I don?t care why they stopped by.?

?Oh?I guess that make sense. The bill is good for business I guess.?

?The fucking best. Before, we?ll be lucky to have this place half-full. Now, I actually have to turn people away.?

?What do the women thinks of this??

?There?s money to make for all. Most of them are happy as hell the town is booming.?

Mat heard an opening. ?Most, but not all. Who would you say is unhappy??

?Hell if I know. But there must be some though. Tell you what, there?s still about 2 hours till 11, why don?t you go to Harry?s across the road. Have some breakfast, they make a mean pancake.?

?That sounds like a great idea. Thanks.?

?Not a problem.?

????????? Mat walked out of the lobby and cross the street. He was vaguely troubled by his talk with Terry. That the bill had turned the town into some sort of tourist attraction was something he had not counted on. Still with such a law, there shouldn?t be too much of a problem finding someone who is unhappy. With that, Mat entered Harry?s Diner.


Somewhere in town,

????????? Richard Evans was less than happy when the phone rang. He was in the middle of something but he is the mayor and duty comes first.

?Evans here. Who is this??

?Mr. Evans, this is Terry. Some guy just came in and asked a truckload of questions. Might be some sort of reporter.?

?Another one? Where?s he now??

?I sent him over to Harry?s. But he plan on staying for 3-4 days and he asked about who was unhappy about the law.?

?Terry, you leave that to me. Harry?s huh, get your father and both of you keep an eye on him. I?ll send John over there. Good work Terry.?

?Thanks Mr. Evans. I?ll call my father now.?

????????? Richard Evans wasn?t too worried as he put down the phone. Reporters are always troublesome, but young Terry is a smart man. With his father beside him, the reporter has to be pretty damm good to find anything. And if he is that good, well that?s what John is for.

With duty over, Evans turns back to pleasure. The woman kneeling in front of him has a name, a name everyone in town knows. Evans however knows her by a different name. ?Shitface, I have a job for you.? Shitface smiled.


Harry?s Diner

Terry was right. The diner serves good pancakes. However, Mat was a born reporter and far more interested in information. The diner wasn?t full but there was a good crowd considering the time. All men and there?s not a single waitress. You want something; you go to the counter and order from the owner. The man Mat is digging from is called Mike Jenkins. Mike is the son of Harry. Took over the diner when his old man died. Like Terry, he wasn?t shy about his support for the bill.


?All I need to do is to look at my profit. It practically triple since the bill was passed.?

?I can understand your view from an economical standpoint, but what about the morality of the issue. Taking the vote from women? What about your daughter, don?t you think she deserve the vote when she?s older??

?The women voted for it as well. And most don?t regret their decision.?

?You sure? What about your waitresses, you don?t think they want the vote??

Mat didn?t know what to expect but Mike?s laughter wasn?t it. ?Considering that I have to raise their pay twice in the last year, I don?t think you will find them complaining.?

?Really? Business is that good??

?Oh yes sir it is. All the tourists need to eat somewhere right? And we have a lot of tourists these days.? A customer walked in. Mike saw the man and greeted him. Then he turned back to Mat.

?By the way, what are you?? Mike asked.


?Reporter, activist or tourist? That?s all we have since the bill passing?

?Reporter. Why??

?The way you spoke, I thought you were some sort of feminist activist or something. Those guys are nothing but trouble.?

?The town is having some problems with feminist activists?? This was unexpected, though Mat wasn?t that surprise. The bill must have been a lighting rod for the feminists? movement.

??Yup. You want people unhappy about the law, look for them. Come into town, set up picket lines all over the place. They held 3 rallies in front of Evans? house already.?

?Any arrests??

?Can?t do that without bad publicity. That?s what those guys want anyway. Publicity.?

?Really? Where can I find them?? A strange idea of a story began to form in Mat?s mind.

?At Spring?s Motel across town. Call Danny, he?ll tell you which room they?re in.?

?Danny is the owner of the motel??

?Yup, he can?t stand those guys as well.?


?His whole family voted for the bill. Those activists have been trying to ?convert? them over since the moment they found out. Driving him nuts.?


With that, Mat gave his thanks, paid the bill and went back to the motel. The case has suddenly become interesting in another level. The town people are happy about the law but not outsiders. The story might have just changed in the first 2 hours he had been in town. Now that?s the mark of a good story. Still, he needs to do some more digging. He looks back at the diner and saw Mike talking to the man who just walked in. Like most small town, it looks like everyone knows everyone here. Without paying it anymore attention, Mat continues walking to the motel.



?How did it go?? Mike look at John as he asked the question.

?Beautiful. You did the right thing steering him to those activist.?

?Will it work??

?Sure, the man is here for a story. Can?t leave without one, so let?s give him one.?

?But I doubt this was the story he was coming for.?

?So? It?s a good story and we need a way to get rid of those guys. Like you told him, those activists are driving the town nuts.?

?That bad huh??

?Richard can handle them, but when they go poking their noses at the townsfolk?something is bound to happen sooner or later right???

A man further down the diner call out, ?Hey John! Some service here.?

?Hold your horses man, didn?t Sarah cook you something today??

?She?s too tired from the fucking I gave her last night, so I have eat your useless shit.?

????????? The whole diner laughed. The men of Water Springs have a lot to be thankful for, and no nosey reporter or activists is going to get in their way.



????????? She was the town lawyer. The highest paid woman in town and seemingly the most to lose if Richard Evans continues to be mayor. So it was with some surprise to Matthew Mansell that Zoe Cusack was actually defending the man who should be her natural enemy.


?Ms. Cusack, I?m sorry but are you actually defending Richard Evans??

?Defending is strong of a word Mr. Mansell. I?m merely saying that people in Canada has made Richard Evans out to be some sort of monster. I have spoken to him on many occasions and I can assure you that he is no such thing. He is just a man who thought it was his civic duty to give people a choice. It wasn?t his fault the old mayor was corrupt.?

?But to do what he did! Taking the vote away from women. From YOU! Are you not angry with him??

?The only people I?m angry with are those morons in the provincial government. If they hadn?t got involved, the bill would never have passed the second time.?

?They were only trying to help. Trying to kill the bill.?

?They were nothing but glory hounds. Evans offered them a re-vote. If they had agreed at first, we would have defeated it easily. Instead they rejected the offer and that made to town people angry. And that?s why we lost.?

?But the vote was due to Evans. If he wasn?t there, there would be no vote.?

?Richard Evans put the matter to a vote. It was the people who voted it into law. That?s democracy at work.?

?The vote causes half the people in town to be without a voice. Tell me Ms. Cusack, why aren?t you as a smart intelligent woman angry with Richard Evans??

Cusack stayed silent for a moment, and said, ?I have to give credit where credit is due Mr. Mansell. Since Richard Evans came into office, Water Spring is booming. Business is good, jobs are easy to find and even the population has increased. The first time that happened in about 8 years. I hate to say it but the man is doing a good job.?

?The population has increased!? No wonder the town was bigger than he was told. But there?s something not right about that. ?Wouldn?t the population decreased because of the bill? I mean surely the women who can go will leave.?

?Some did, but they came back when the money came running in. With money came jobs; with jobs came even more people. You?re not going to find too many town people against Evans, Mr. Mansell.?

?So?you are okay without the vote??

?So far, it hasn?t hurt me yet. My practice is booming as well?

?What about his other ideas? Only men for senior positions and that women are considered property. Since women no longer have the vote, those bills might just pass.?

?That is true. But Evans hasn?t done anything on those ideas yet. And they will probably stay exactly right where they are; ideas.?

?You?re willing to take the chance.?

?Considering that I don?t have any vote, I don?t really have a choice in the matter.?


A few minutes later, Mansell left the office. Zoe immediately picks up the phone and dials HIS number.

?Evans here. Who is this??

?Master, the reporter has just left. I did everything as you commanded.?

?Any problems??

?No master, he seems unaware of the town?s situation. You do not have to worry.?

?You are a woman!? Her master sounded angry. ?Anything you women are involved in always cause problems.?

Zoe realized her mistake. ?Yes master, I?m a stupid worthless woman. I forgot my place; please punish me for my forgetfulness.?

?Get your ass over here Shitface.?

?Shitface hears and obeys, master.?



????????? Mat is not happy. How the hell is he to write a nasty story on the town when everyone is so happy about everything? Zoe Cusack was no help. When he found out from Terry that the town lawyer was a woman, he felt sure he can get some dirt from her. Instead, she ended up defending the every system she should be tearing down. Mat look at the time. 5.30pm, in a town like this, everyone would be at home. Mat decided that it was enough for a day, time to head back to the hotel.


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She was a loving and caring mother, in every sense of the word. A real selfless women, who would anything for the happiness of her family; a family she had dreamt of all her life, coming from a broken household full of abuse. Her husband was completely smitten with her, a dutiful husband who spoilt her rotten with lavish gifts. He afforded all this toiling away in his family accountancy firm; the work had robbed him of his time, and taken something away from himself - he no longer knew that...

4 years ago
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I was cruising the web the other day watching some porn videos as usual and came upon one in particular that brought back some memories of a time when I was still a very young boy. The video was of a Mother and young son taking a bath together. I began to remember how my Mother would let me get in the tub with her and wash me all over, and she had me wash her back for her. It was a normal thing at the time since I was not quite 10 years old yet. After I turned 10 the baths with Mom became less...

2 years ago
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The Blue Bikini

Just before we were married, Pam, my ex-wife and I were going through some of her old snapshots. We came on this one of Pam in a skimpy blue bikini. (Photo has been submitted for posting in my "Bikinis" album). I whistled and said, “SEXY! When was that taken?”Pam replied, “It was taken by Jack at Ocean City, MD last summer.” (Jack was her lover and dom for the three years just before we met in 1989.)I said, “I would like to take some photos of you in that bikini.”She said, “I don’t have it...

2 years ago
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Wifersquos Txtrsquos lubrication Part 2

After an intense start to the concert in part 1, which saw Debbie push the boundaries on a night out, by letting two guys who she had never met before, get her to orgasm just by touch, while in the middle of the crowd, she couldn’t have imagined where the rest of the evening would lead. This time when the band finished it’s set, and the people started to clear for a break, she was disappointed that the two guys stopped touching her, but her anticipation grew when instead of moving away, the guy...

3 years ago
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Total Woman Vignettes 07

Prologue Allan awoke with dawn’s sunlight splashing across his face. Gretchen was not in the bed. He sat up and scanned the room but she wasn’t there. He saw the ivory parchment envelop on her pillow. It was addressed to ‘Allan’ with a lipstick smooch beneath his name. Maybe she had gone to breakfast and wanted him to meet her there. He opened and read the calligraphic message. ALLAN, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BUDDY, FROM YOUR BEST CLIENT. I understand the reality of this message is going to be a...

3 years ago
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Wife is not sore after a party

That Friday night, my sweet wife Ana and I went to my company Christmas party. After getting a boring time there, a couple guys from another section invited us to another party, not so far from there.Anita had got many margaritas at the original our party and now at this new place she kept drinking more and more Tequila; so she very soon was looking a bit fuzzy and she stumbled every time she wanted to walk.When I came back from the toilet, I found these two guys who had invited us there, were...

4 years ago
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A Journey into Submission

A Journey into Submission A Journey into Submission Summery: This is a story about a woman named Elizabeth who comes home to an intruder in her home. The events that follow lead her into the world of D/s. At first Elizabeth is confused by what she is experiencing and feeling. By sudburyhousewife [email protected] Author?s homepage and self-introduction; (recommended for new author) I don?t currently have one. I?ll update when I do Story Code: M/f, toys, spanking, D/s,...

3 years ago
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The Suicide Show

It was a good two-mile walk to work, but when Mindy arrived at the SteelCo flange factory 7:00 Wednesday morning, there was a huge crowd milling about outside the main entrance gate. Forcing her way through the crowd, she came to the cause. A notice was stapled to the wall that the factory had closed down. Shit! Just what she needed! She recognized some of the guy's faces, but she didn't really know many of them. Sometimes the guys would come on to her, and she would always blow them off....

2 years ago
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Travis takes it all

Travis stopped talking mid sentence. In the silence he observed her lovely, long legs, taking in the way the silk of her stockings leant a light sheen to her skin. Around them, soft, bland but tasteful background music tinkled. The lights in the small bar were dimmed to a pleasurable level. Dark enough for punters to realise day had moved on, into evening, not so dim as to reek of pick-ups and Saturday nights. In small alcoves, candles burned. Travis made eye contact with the waitress behind...

3 years ago
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Expired Magic

The following is barely a story - more a list of fantasies strung together into a long read - it issmut and pornography containing consensual sex, gender changing, breast growth and pregnancy. If reading about any of that offends you, please stop now. Expired Magic -------- "Is there something the matter Mr. Matthews?" Rolling his eyes and turning to face the front of the class, Alex Matthews answered "No, Ms. Harris..." "Good, then we can continue on..." replied an...

3 years ago
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Blue Cafe

Andy entered his local coffee shop. He was on his lunch break and liked to spend his hour using the free WiFi to browse the web on his tablet, catching up with emails and so forth. On this particular day, the coffee shop was jam-packed and, as he looked around, he could see nowhere to sit. He joined the queue anyway, confident that by the time he had purchased his drink, there would be a free table. A couple of minutes passed and Andy reached the end of the queue, paid for his drink and looked...

3 years ago
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Lost Virginity To Naina Bhabi

Dear friends and this is Sidd () again and thanks for your great response, I am back with one more experience of mine. I was in my teen age at that time or I should say I just entered into teen age. My desired to get girl started increasing. Till that time, I had touched a girl but not fucked. Finally luck was with me and I got my first chance and lost my virginity to Bhabi, wife of my cousin brother. I had to prepare for entrance exams and I joined 2 months coaching classes in Delhi. My...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 474

???????????????? BLONDE’S DIARY ON A CRUISE SHIP DEAR DIARY - DAY 1 All packed for the cruise ship -- all my sexiest dresses and make-up. Really excited. DEAR DIARY - DAY 2 Entire day at sea, beautiful and saw whales and dolphins. Met the Captain Larry today -- seems like a very nice man. DEAR DIARY - DAY 3 At the pool today. Also some shuffle boarding and hit golf balls off the deck. Captain Larry invited me to join him at his table for dinner. Felt honoured and had a wonderful time. He is very...

4 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 184

Monday morning when I left for KCC, the 11 vehicles were in the parking lot at the gym. Mark, Bob and two of his engineers were already boarding the King Air for Altoona, Pa. The vehicles were going to the up fitters for the light and decal package. They promised to have all of them ready in the ten days we had left. A week from Saturday, they needed to drive through the gate at Rochester. Marcy's Thursday and Friday meeting with the Utility Coop had been postponed and was happening today...

2 years ago
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The Real Housewives Of McKinney Part 6

I was asked a while back to write about the housewives of McKinney, Texas, an upscale bedroom community north of Dallas. I declined to write about the ladies, my close friends, out of fear that I might be discovered. I was assured that if I didn’t give their true names, no one would know. Still. I was hesitant to write anything because, you know, ladies talk.Then one of our group members decided she would start chronicling our discussions, so to beat her to the punch, I decided I’d write down...

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The East0

Klaus was fast asleep when he was awoken by a gentle kick to his boot, he stirred slightly and his eyes opened. Slowly he remembered where he was, he had sat down a few hours ago at the entrance to the wooden bunker his squad and another had been posted to. Things had not been going well for the German armed forces as a whole. A few months earlier things were stable, granted there may not have been much ground gained for Army Group Center but at the very least none was being lost, in fact at...

4 years ago
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Sissy Faggot was horny

Hi all thanks for taking the time to read my post makes me feel do good knowing other enjoy them. This one is from early this morning hope you like it.I have been busy this week finalizing the art work for the fall woman's fashion like had little or no time for myself. I pampered myslef yesterday, lounged around the pool for a while. took a long bubble bath, did my nails, did a little shopping (so hot out). Went to bed early and woke up around 4 AM. Laying in bed wearing a bright yellow teddy...

3 years ago
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Sissy the Redhead Running the Show Pt V

After I finished quivering, Charlotte, Jim and I dove into their pool to rinse off the sweat and dried up cum. The two grown-ups caressed me as we floated there, and kissed my tight young body. I felt like a little goddess. I could make these people--who were experts on sex and making each other cum--get off like they never dreamed was possible. The best part, was that I was having better sex than 99% of the people on the planet, and I was only a little thirteen year old girl. As...

2 years ago
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Flight of the Wild Goose

It was Friday. Donald looked out of his office window and sighed. He could see a wild goose sitting on the grass by the building opposite. "Not many of those 'round here," he thought to himself. He continued to watch as the goose slowly flapped its wings and took off. Donald considered it curious how a bird so ungainly on the ground, with its undignified waddle and comical honk, could be so transformed when it rose into the air. The long neck stretched out in front of it and the spread...

3 years ago
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Whats the harm in swiping right

She had never done something like this before, but fuck it, what was the harm?Linda swiped right, and immediately a message came across her phone. Harry has sent you a message.H- Hey sexy lady - pics?Linda rolled her eyes and nearly closed the app all together when the little voice in her head whispered What’s the harm?Laying across her bed, she fanned her brown hair with its tinted blonde highlights around her head and tried to pose seductively; it had been a while, but after a couple of...

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Pamela gives me a special treatment

My sensual wife had asked me to purchase some sexy outfit for her, since those days she was in the mood for wild hard sex…But then, as I was entering a lingerie store in the shopping mall, I just bumped on a very sexy beautiful babe in her early twenties.She was hot; she apologized because she was looking backwards when she was walking out of the store. I helped her to pick up her bags and she then told me her name was Pamela…She went back inside with me and helped to pick up some sexy stuff...

1 year ago
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Spending Time with Zoe

I'm sitting at the counter of a bar, drinking a beer and watching the baseball game. Around the third inning, I spotted her, Zoe McClellan, Petty Officer Jennifer Coats on JAG. She was wearing a tight black skirt and the tightest, sheerest white shirt with buttons that seemed ready to pop that I had seen in my life. Her nipples could not only be seen through the fabric, but they could be seen standing erect at fifty yards. She sat alone. I watched her in the bar mirror, as she checked her...

4 years ago
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It had been an interesting week since that revelation: My son, Shane, had blackmailed me into servicing all of his morning woods; giving him daily blowjobs – usually several per day; and multiple fuck sessions whenever he wanted. He also required me to remain nude whenever he was home while his father was traveling for business. This way he could watch my big d-cup tits bounce all over the place whenever I moved around the house. This allowed him easy access to them whenever he was close...

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My first halloween night as a teen CD

This is halloween!! A day that everyone goes out and dresses up in costumes and other things, and go to parties and drink and show off their wild side until the wee hours of the next day. And I thought to myself, since everyone goes out and wears costumes, why not dress up myself into something wild and willy?? Or in fact, why not dress up in a manner of expressing who I am and what I feel inside?? That gave me a great idea. While I am still 16 and seeing many older men getting off on younger...

2 years ago
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Daddys Nympho Daughter

"God, but you're beautiful!" Paul Logan said as Lisa tucked her long legs up under her ass and pulled down on the hem of her short skirt. "How does it go?" she asked, smiling. "I'll bet you tell that to all your lady friends…" Paul laughed and gathered her into his arms as she laughed with him. He looked into her dark eyes for a long moment, then ran his hand from her shoulder to her chin and cupped it gently as he kissed her. Pepper watched as her father's hand moved slowly to...

3 years ago
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Recluse and GhostChapter 62

While I snuggled with Millie, I could hear John's question repeat over and over in my head as if on a recorder. He had asked, "Daddy, will we get another mama?" Only Millie could answer that question, and I wasn't going to tell her what John had asked. That Minya and Mato were both up and listening told me the three must have discussed the situation. Little ones do talk and can have serious conversations. I wish I could have heard that one. I could understand that Minya and Mato might...

2 years ago
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It had been a long, tedious meeting, broken by bouts of frustration. Fortunately, it had ended well all the same. Amelia checked her face and long, brown hair in the makeup mirror of her rental car, and decided she was still sufficiently presentable to have a drink in the hotel bar.A drink she desperately needed.Upon walking into the place, she saw the bar area was rather crowded. Worse still, most of the patrons there looked to be middle-aged businessmen, who were probably on the prowl,...

1 year ago
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Captured For Sex

She struggled as the two man held her. One pinned her arms behind her back, the other was fighting off her kicking legs. She was taught to fight her attackers. She had attended a rape protection class and they had shown her various ways to fight off her attackers. It seemed much easier in class with one attacker coming straight at her. With two, two strong men in was not so simple. She had been walking home from the store. It wasn’t dark yet, the sun just starting to set, the streetlights not...

4 years ago
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Seema Aunty Ke Sath Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hi guys I am Raj and I am back with part 2 of my story ‘Seema Aunty Ki Chudai’. Guys those who don’t know, ye story mere aur mere friend Suchit ki mom Seema aunty ki hai. Woh meri teacher bhi reh chuki hain aur woh dikhne mein bohut sundar aur hot lady hai. Unki age 43 years hai. Pehle part mein jaise ki aap sabko pata hai maine aunty ko unke affair ka blackmail karke fasaya tha. Ek week tak sab kuch sahi chal raha tha. Main aksar Suchit ke ghar jaata jab uske dad aur woh nahi hote. Fir aunty...

3 years ago
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Atonement sex

It is rare but we had a totally unnecessary dispute about a small thing. And of course, become the prestige of who was right. The evening came and I saw that she went into the bedroom. But I thought: She says well if she is sleeping. After about 20 minutes I opened the door and discovered that it was extinguished." mature" I thought and went to wash me. After I was finished and turn off all the lights in the house, I sneaked into the room. She lay on her stomach completely under the blanket ...

2 years ago
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A Little Irish Rose

It was a bit chilly this morning. Last night was still quite warm when we went to bed, so the window was wide open. I imagine it got its coldest around 4 AM, but now, at 6:30, I had to pee and that's what woke me up enough to be aware of it. I still had my personal body warmer, Susie, but my comforter had gone back into the Robinson's box and was sitting in its summer home in the attic somewhere. Thanks to global warming, I'd been able to get by for most of the week since Congress decided...

4 years ago
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Miss Mabel

This is my first attempt to write erotic fiction. It seemed natural to me to give my tale specific locations, Loughborough, Leicester and North London, and a specific time-frame, the 1850’s. I hope my tale gives pleasure, despite being so far removed from most stories on Literotica. Please bear with it. Almost all the characters are made up, but two, Alderman Biggs and William Perkin lived real lives. Much to my regret I totally lost touch with my first volunteer editor when my computer...

4 years ago
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Satisfied An Online Friend

Hello friends, I am raj from Hyderabad and back again with another story. Would like to thank all the readers who have read my previous stories and appreciated the same. This incident that I am going to share now happened a week ago post my return from my holidays. I am a regular user of meet my website and when logged in after I came back I received a msg from a lady stating that she is interested to meet me and chat with me, We started to talk over meet me then we shared our numbers and we...

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Just on her own

It had been a hard year for Debs and her husband and they had been counting the hours to their holiday for the past 2 months and now they were there, drinking and dancing in the warm night air. They had planned three weeks holiday in their favourite resort, staying in their favourite hotel. As a bonus, the hotel had overbooked so offered a free upgrade to one of their suites. It was on the top floor of the hotel. As they opened their door, they had been greeted with a massive room, with two...

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Honkytonk HeroChapter 19

Tommy showed up for work at seven-thirty on the Monday morning after his vacation, refreshed and relaxed, even though he’d only slept for four hours. His vacation had been great, but he was glad to be home. He was the first one in that morning, so he unlocked the side door to the warehouse and he and Rex slipped inside. Tommy heaved a satisfied sigh as surveyed his realm, noting with pleasure that it was almost as neat and orderly as when he’d left. He went to his locker, shed his jacket...

2 years ago
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Emma Watson Pays Her Boyfriendrsquos Debts Part Fiv

continued....“Put your hands behind your head Whore! You better give a great air start, because my cock needs some lubrication tonight! Where do you want me to cum Slut? Speak up!” he said.“I want you to fill my ass with all your white spunk! I want to be shitting your cum for a week!” Emma said.“Well...we have a dirty talking Slut here! But that’s the right answer. I could get to like her. Take my cock in your mouth and make sure it’s hard enough to force open your tight little ass!” he...

1 year ago
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RocknRoll LifestyleChapter 22

Corey lay back panting, till long after his prostate had pumped it's last and he'd felt Amanda's warm little channel clench around him in it's final spasm of pleasure. When he opened his eyes, both girls were smiling down on him lovingly, Amanda with her chin rested on Cindy's shoulder. "Wanna call it a night, love?" Cindy asked quietly. "You didn't get any sleep last night, and you look pretty beat." "No. Amanda, on your tummy, pillows under your hips." He decided. "Yes,...

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The Neighbourhood 01 20220615 Katie

Your opinions matter, so comments with your thoughts are welcome. Constructive advice preferred, of course. If you're interested in editing, I have another 45000 words so far, and could use some pre-post feedback. Each chapter is labelled with the themes in that chapter. There are a lot of other themes to this tale as the chapters progress, including: anal, BDSM, blowjob, BDSM, bondage and restriction, cheating, discipline, domination/submission, first time, group, humiliation, incest,...

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Adventures Of Sarah 8211 Part 3

DISCLAIMER: This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the sex story are fictional. I suggest you read the previous parts of this series in order to keep up with the plot. Any suggestions and comments are appreciated. Please don’t ask for personal details. I prefer my private life to stay private. Also, don’t ask for pics or video chat, such emails will not be entertained. (). This story is the second installment of the series. Here I explored my sexuality and...

4 years ago
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Game of Life Ch 0102

Game Of Life By Denham Forrest Copyright© 2008 by Denham Forrest, The Wanderer This story started out life sometime ago as one of The Wanderer’s short Nemesis tales, but as he wrote, he claims that the tale took on a life of its own. Thanks go to a reader and friend from down in the antipodes somewhere, for the basic plot device that was used in the early stages of the tale. It’s been well been over a year since he first pitched the idea to DF and but it took him some time to come up with –...

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The Girl Scout 16 PARTY

Previous: The Girl Scout-1; The Girl Scout-2 Daddy; The Girl Scout -3 The Tool Man; The Girl Scout – 4 Tag Teamed ; The Girl Scout -5 Die Bitch Die; Girl Scout 6 -Cum Faced The Girl Scout-7 HOGTied; The Girl Scout -8 Getting to Know You; The Girl Scout -9 Sleeping Beauty; The Girl Scout – 10 Work It Good The Girl Scout -11 Lights Out Bitch; The Girl Scout-12 Doctor Rosen The Girl Scout -13 Papa and Grand Daughter The Girl Scout -14 Exam Hell The Girl Scout -15 Training and...

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The New Neighbour Chapter 1

Upon arrival home...i was greeted with a beautiful sight..there you were busy cleaning out the garage next door.... i got out of the cab and moved up the driveway...you came out sweat running down your brow... i greeted you and we smiled and exchanged hand shakes as my hand took yours i could feel the excitement rush through me although you were in your sweats they clung to your body showing all that i needed to conjuror up a picture of your soft cures...you excused your appearance but i told...

1 year ago
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I Have No IdeaChapter 22

My step mom got me the fuck drunk. This was her plan. Make sure that when my brain was ready to hand me back to the billionaire me, I would be in no condition to walk let alone brain fuck everyone she needed to put me place. Amanda wanted to help. She had never drank with a Tanner before. I mean drank. I had images of a flute of champagne or a shot of whiskey. She made the mistake of catching up. Shani stopped after a Guiness. Said they were good for milk production. I may have drunkenly...

2 years ago
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Sex With A Stranger Hichat Friend Tho Sex Chesanu

Hi guys this is Kiran from Hyderabad . Let me introduce myself , Kiran , studying b.Tech final year in nearby engg. College . I do not know my cock size but it gets big when am on mood . This is my first story so sorry for errors. My penis is light brown in colour and pale pinkish inside. Naku sex ante chala ishtam . Nenu B.Tech 1st year unnappudu ma cousin naku oka free chat number ichadu adi airtel number ki matrame free( ippudu panicheyyatle ) number 55444. Ayithe nenu chat cheyyatam start...

2 years ago
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Hot for Sales Girl

When I was in my mid-twenties, I was friends with a buddy that worked up at an International truck dealership. On Friday afternoons, I would go up there and we would do work on shop employees personal vehicles. After a few months, I got to know most of the people up at the shop. One of them was a young (twentyish) girl named Mary-Joe. Mary-Joe was your typical Florida country girl and that she was a blonde only added to her sex appeal. Mary-Joe was around 5’7” and 135pds, with about 5% body...

1 year ago
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Slut Wife Strangers on the Subway

So we're lying in bed watching TV when out of the blue my wife Ellen says, "Honey, I've been a naughty girl..." Our car had been smashed up in an accident, so we had been relying on my company car to get around whilst it was in the repair shop. With me being away on the road a lot, this mean't Ellen had to ride public transport to get around. Her story was about her trip home from work a few days earlier. She said she was waiting for the train in the subway station when she needed to go to the...

Cheating Wifes
2 years ago
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My dream affair

With the success of my first story here is another story. So this happened to me a few weeks ago. Things were going kind of bad with Amber for about a few months there was a lack of sex even talks of divorce. I joined a particular forum for advice on these things and found Jess. Jess was 42 bisexual and was drop dead gorgous. I messaged her just a simple hello and since Amber was working I masterbated to Jess's photos (I'm a married man but Jess was that hot) she responded and we started...

3 years ago
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Check You Out

This was not what I had planned for my day off, I can’t stand supermarkets and do my utmost to avoid them. My girlfriend, Lucy, normally takes care of the grocery list, but had been called into work as they had some urgent order to complete, so the shopping list was left in my less than capable hands. I wandered up and down the aisles, trying to find the items from the list and to be perfectly honest, making an absolute hash of it. I tried to concentrate, but there were far too many sexy women...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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A Week With My Sister Part 2

A bright ray of sunshine on my face woke me up the next morning. It only took me a minute to recall what had happened the night before, my beautiful and sexy sister Kate had walked in on me jacking off to a porno and ended up giving me my first blowjob and 69. I would have thought it all a dream had Kate not been lying there next to me in the bed naked and facing me, still asleep. I stared transfixed at the sight of her plump round breasts moving up and down with her breathing. After a minute...

3 years ago
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My kaam wali

This is 30 yrs rinku (nickname). I happened to visit iss a week ago and after reading your experiences i decided to write my experience. We have a kaamwali from the past 3 years. Her name is deepa. She is 28 yrs, white skinned & has got a good figure. Within a week of her working with us i was lusting for her. She had large boobs and a large gand. I used to watch her shaking boobs when she used to wipe the floor and some times i would get a nice view of her cleavage. I was trying desperately to...

2 years ago
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The Fighting Finnegans Ch 03

Author’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Please note that the story is based in Australia and is written in Queen’s English therefore my American audience will notice subtle differences in wording or phrases. This is the story of a family deeply involved in the world of boxing and how decisions can change the course of many lives. Copyright© 2009 by David Paul Two Years later February Madison Square Garden Jack was in the fight of his life. Round 5 was a blur and he felt his left eye...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Facebook Friend

Hi friends this is arjun again, today I like to share one of my best experience in my life when I am searching for a good job for my life. So for searching job I use to go to internet center a lot to check my mail often so at same time I use to open facebook in order to pass some time like that, at 2013 facebook is like whatsapp now people use fb like a part of their body so me too use it a lot for getting engage my self busy like my friends. So like that I seen a beautiful girl who is mutual...

3 years ago
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True Love With My Forbidden Super Hero 8211 Part 4

Hii iam Shweta with the fourth part of my story, In the earlier part I’ve informed you about my husband’s one week visit, and he was going to arrive today evening. Continues….. I woke up in the morning, I was a bit dull coz I was going to miss amit for a week. Amit was also sad because he’s going to lose his privacy with me for one week. I had a bath changed my dresses and went to start my household works. I was making tea and suddenly I felt a hand on my navel, it was amit, he hugged me from...

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Sinister Bend

Copyright© 2002 by Carlos Malenkov This is a story of how two people lost their virginity. And how this plunged the nation into the gravest crisis in its history. Morris: 1955 the year was. It was late August and the Yankees looked like a sure bet to regain the pennant. The 283 Chevy V8 ruled the streets. Rock and roll music was starting to rule the airwaves. I had just turned 18 and was still a virgin, not that I lost much sleep over it. My parents were in the habit of spending...

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EarthquakeChapter 5

The first few days of our trip north of Hannibal were uneventful, but the situation started to change for the better about the time we approached Iowa. We began to see evidence of recovery of plant life from the devastating fires that had plagued both sides of the river. We started to find a few towns with only moderate damage; however, we did not see any people near the river. We wondered if that was in anticipation of the floods to come in the spring. Any levee that failed to hold was going...

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