Fucking My Sexy Lodger Pinki
- 2 years ago
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???????????????????????????????????????????????????? Pammys* Perfect Pink
Pammy knew she was privileged and thought that was cool.?
At the age of seven she had her own pony and at sixteen a sleek pink Austin
pimped out to her specifications was her parents gift to her on her birthday.
Always the Princess, she always got what she wanted and loved every moment.
She was accustomed to service and just expected that everyone would want to
please her.
Pammy had always been surrounded by servants eager to grant her every whim.
Her blonde hair and perky smile invited adoration. As she grew. she developed a classic *bubble butt* and as she matured boys followed her constantly. They begged to carry her
books or take her shopping. They would eagerly blow all their funds on the chance of her granting the favor of her smile. She loved to tease and generous boys got a peck on the cheek or her hard manicured nails might scratch at? their crotch as she giggled and flounced away.
Although she was very smart, she could have easily sailed through highschool on her looks and personality. Geeky boys lined up to do her homework and the jocks washed her car and bought her things that would make her smile. They had all? learned that being *macho* with Pammy got them nowhere. She dated a lot, gave a few handjobs and even let her prom date go down on her.
She had accepted Brads* invitation partly because he was a pretty boy and a star on the
football club but it was his fawning shyness around her that made her decide.
They had danced until? the music ended and returned to the car Brad had rented. They began to kiss and Pammy pressed his questing mouth to her bodice. She then raised her
dress and, after very little pressure, soon had Brad on his knees. She parted her legs and
he kissed her ardently.
Her firm thighs and sharp heels kept him in place. He was clumsy in his efforts beneath her satin dress but when he occasionally got it right Pammy knew she wanted more, more and better.
After she pushed Brads* head from beneath her satin dress she told him to drive her home. Brad reached for his handkerchief.
*Don*t clean your face or you wont get a treat* said Pammy.
Brad pulled in to the circular drive in front of Pammys house and stopped the car.
Pammy leans in and kisses his ear, *That was nice Brad, but I think you need practice.*
*I bet you liked it though, let me see your prick.*
Pammy slides his zipper down and brings his prick into her view. He is only half hard now
but his prick is wet. *Ewwh,* says Pammy. *it*s all gooey, did I make you do that?*
Pammy begins to stroke and Brads* prick is soon at fullness. Her slim hand strokes but
her sharp little nails mix some pain with the pleasure. Soon Brad erupts with all his
teenage lust landing on his clothes. His head falls back and for a moment he seems
asleep.? Pammy breathes in his ear, *Did you like it? Wake up. I have to get inside.*
Brad opens his eyes to see Pammys* smiling face. *Wow, you were really gone there
Brad, but we have a problem.*
*What?* asks Brad.?
*My hand, silly, it has your goo all over it. You need to clean that off if you ever want another date with me.* says Pammy.
After Brad has licked Pammys hand clean she exits the car but pauses.
*I hope that tux isn*t a rental Brad, it*s going to need some serious cleaning.* giggles
Pammy. As she glides toward her door Brad notes the heavy white stains on his black tux.
At school, Pammy always greeted Brad with a cheery *Hi Brad, miss me?*
Brad usually kept his head down and ignored her or goofed with his buddies while he
went through each day hoping for a glimpse of Pammy. He loved her intensely but
was afraid of the power she held over him. He was not a stupid lad and knew that
every time? he played her sexy game he would surely lose.
Lust won out and soon Brad was waiting at Pammys* locker each morning with a
pastry and latte for his pretty Princess. He carried her books and went through the
cafeteria line twice. First to get whatever Pammy wanted and bring it to her table.
Then, If there was time left, find something for himself. Little was left on his second run.
Brad ate a lot of overcooked hotdogs during this time but enjoyed watching Pammy
munch on her crisp salads and shrimp scampi.
He totally worshipped Pammy and? she responded by treating? him like the lovesick
servant he had become.
After a week she would barely notice as he brought her lunch tray.
Chatting with her friends she would dismiss him with a casual wave of her hand
as she and her girlfriends laughed at his tented trousers and puppy eyes.
Feeling defeated in his pursuit of love Brad focused on sports.
When Pammy was seventeen she was gifted with Yasmine. Yasmine was a beautiful Thai girl? of nineteen whom Pammys mother had hired to give her darling weekly pedicures and manicures.
Pammy was fast becoming a woman and felt many strange stirrings within her young body.
She was developing nicely. Her blossoming breasts were already a 34B. She loved the
feel of her taut nipples and had found a new use for her lifesized Teddy whose hard
little nose she often had between her thighs before driffting off to sleep.
On her first visit Yasmine found Pammy lounging by the pool. At first sight of the lovely
girl Yasmine licked her lips and was surprised by the growing moistness between her legs.
Realizing that her fulll lips were parted and her tongue tasting her own lipstick Yasmine
approached, sitting her kit next to Pammys* chaise.
*Miss Pammy, my name is Yasmine, I*m here for your pedicure.*
Pammy had been relaxing in her tiniest bikini, a brief white thong and top that barely
covered her pink nipples. Unaware of her own allure Pammy felt a quiver somewhere below her tummy as she looked at Yasmine for the first time.
She was glad for her designer shades that hid how wide her eyes became as she looked up at the lithe beauty standing before her.
Yasmine seemed a bit nervous as she swayed from side to side on her black three inch
heels. She wore a short tee that came just below her breasts. Her top and snug shorts
matched her shoes. Her sleek black hair framed her pretty face with dark wide eyes
and the fullest poutiest lips Pammy had ever seen.
Pammy knew that Yasmine was there to serve her, to work for her , yet her attraction
to the slightly older beauty made her think of the times she had pounded Teddys* nose
with her special spot. She hoped her suit was still wet enough from the pool to conceal
her personal moisture.
*Yasmine!? What a pretty name, said Pammy, but do you mind if I call you Yas?*
*You can call me anything you like Miss Pammy. It will be my pleasure to serve you.*
says Yas.
Even as Pammy could feel tiny trickles of her own arousal on her thighs she could see
the lust in Yasmines eyes.
*You can take some towels from the closet Yas,* says Pammy, *you know, to kneel on.*
Yasmine knows and cannot escape her attraction to this spoiled pretty brat, The idea of
kneeling before the sleek young goddess makes her panties very wet with girl cream.
Yasmine returns and places two folded towels on the pooldeck at the foot of Pammy*s
lounge. Yasmine kneels and lifts Pammys* foot. *You have beautiful feet Miss Pammy.
It will be a challenge to make them more pretty.*
Pammy smiles and wiggles her toes.
The pedicure goes nicely with Yas carefully shapeing each nail, trimming each cuticle
and laving Pammys feet with fragrant oils.
*Mmm Yas, that feels so nice, what color should my toes be?* *I can*t decide between
red or pink.* says Pammy.
Yasmine rubs the oils into Pammys* foot, just inches from her lips. * Oh Miss, I think
pink is definately your color. Let me show you what I have.*
Yasmine paints Pammys* toes several times before they finally agree that the hot pink
with gold gilitters is the perfect one for Pammy.? Yasmine blows her warm breath
on Pammys toes until the polish dries.
Flexible, as young women tend to be, Pammy brings her foot high to inspect the
work. *Oh Yas, thank you, I have the prettiest toes in the world.*
Pammy lowers her foot back into Yasmins waiting hands.
*Oh Miss Pammy, they*re beautiful and so are you, could I , please?*
* What Yas, what do you want?*
*Miss Pammy, I want... I need to.*
Yas just gives up and goes for it. She licks Pammys sole then takes all her newly
polished toes in her mouth and suckles each toe and licks between trying to take
all of Pammys* pretty foot in her mouth.
Pammy loves the look of those full lips and the nice feeling they deliver.
Her other foot goes beneath Yas* tee and her foot feels Yas* yielding breasts and
the hard nubs of her nipples.? Pammy giggles as the hard nipples caress her
sensitive sole and sees that Yas sucks her foot harder each time she pushes
harder on Yas* tits.
Pammy removes both feet, one from Yas* mouth and the other from the hard nubbin
that tickles her sole.
*Take it off Yas, I want to see your titties.* says Pammy.
Yasmine stripped off her top and Pammy was torn by jealousy and desire.
Yasmines 36Ds stood out proudly with hard half inch nipples atop her aureoles.
Pammy? hoped that one day she would have fuller beautiful tits like Yas but now she had
more immediate desires.
Pammy shoves one hand beneath her thong as she brings her feet to Yas* tits.
*You do it too Yas, this is my first time with a girl.*
Yasmine knows what that means and she loves the pretty toes with pink and
gold polish that squish and squeeze her titties while her own hand deftly works beneath
her shorts. She relishes the look on Pammys* face as she feels her nipples being
squeezed by Pammys* toes and the pressure of the pretty feet on her tittiesl.
Each girl is in her own world, they lock eyes as the moment approaches.
Pammys* toes grip Yasmines nipples. They pleasure themselve as they are
enraptured by this strange pleasure of tits and toes.
With her climax Pammy presses hard on Yas* tits, her toes squeeze the nipples.
Both girls continue to touch themselves in their special way until , with a final gasp,
they relax.
There is a moment, or perhaps an hour, of calm as Yas lays her face on Pammys*
thigh. She knows where she wants to go but Pammy is so young, in experience,
she might not understand,
She kisses Pammys* thigh and lays her head near the vee of Pammys*
bikini enjoying the fragrance.?
Yas pulls herself away and stands. It seemed Pammy could stay like that all day.
*I Have to go soon Miss Pammy. could I get you anything?*
*I*d really like a cola, Yas, diet with ice and a straw.* says Pammy.
Yas feels a lovely blush as she prances away, in her heels to serve her naughty
little princess.
Yas returns witn an iced cola for Pammy. Pammy is seated at the poolside table
as she takes her drink and takes a sip. Yasmine bends to place a kiss on Pammys*
face. Her lips linger hoping for more but gets no response.
*Well I guess I*ll go now, says Yasmine, I really hope you had a good day Miss Pammy.*
* Oh Yas, it was a really good day,* gushed Pammy, *I just loved how your titties tickled? my feet, and it was my first cum ever with a girl.*
*You did such a good job on my toes, would you like to kiss them again?* says Pammy as she puckers her lips to sip at? her drink.
Yas feels her knees grow weak. *That would be nice* says Yas as she kneels? and crawls beneath the table.
Pammy crosses her legs to conceal the girl cream wetting her bikini. It wouldn*t be right to reveal she was hot for her pedicurist.
Yas kisses each foot and suckles at Pammys* newly painted toes kneeling until her knees ache. Pammy sips her cola and holds her thighs together placing as much pressure as she can on her wet puss. She never knew her feet were so sensitive or that having a beautiful
girl lick them could make her want to cum so badly. She can feel herself losing control and
needs to take it back. Pammy uncrosses? her legs and spreads them wide.
Pulling her bikini bottom away from her slender slit Pammy grasps Yasmines* hair and
guides her face between her legs. * Kiss me there Yas, I think you want to and I know I want
you to do it. Lick my pussy Yas.*
Yas felt her tummy tighten as she saw Pammys* pussy. The sleek pinkness glistened with
Pammys* girlish? precum.? Yas thought of the dew drenched orchids she had seen in her
homeland but they had never aroused her like this. The dew of this elegant flower was
very special, and on this day. it was for her.
Yas licks gently at the pretty flower slowly bringing her tongue deeper into its* essence.
Pammy begins to move her hips and pulls on Yasmines* hair to guide her agile tongue.
Yas* tongue finds Pammys* clit and dances like a hummingbird on the sweetest of buds.
Pammy begins to lunge hard at Yas* face pulling hard on her hair until Yas feels and tastes
Pammys climax.
Yas slurps up all of Pammys* cream then falls to on her side and takes Pammys* toes into
her mouth. Only then does she consider the need of her own clitty and strokes it really hard
while sucking at Pammys* toes. Yas* orgasm is intense as she continues to place loving
kisses on Pammys* feet. She finally relaxes with her pretty lips on Pammys* toes until
Pammy speaks.
*Mom will be home soon Yas, you really have to go.*
Yas releases Pammys* foot from her mouth and stands.
*Miss Pammy, I... *stutters Yas.
*Shhh*, interupts Pammy. *This has been a really special day. We have both learned a
lot and I*m sure I*ll need your services again.*
*Don*t come back next week though.? I*ll just have to call you, OK?* *Please don*t be mad.*
Yasmine gives a slight bow, *Of course Miss Pammy, it was a pleasure to serve you*.
After Yas leaves Pammy nearly runs back to her room to give Teddys* hard little nose
the pounding of his inanimate life.
A few minutes later Yas parks her car and bounds upstairs to her apartment. She throws
her kit and purse aside as she races to her nightstand. With her vibe in hand Yas falls
back on her bed. She puts it between her labia and advances it to her expectant clit.
As soon as it hits she silently? screams. *Ooooh. Pammy, thank you Patricia, thank you.
Her climax is almost immediate
Pammys* Perfect Pink
knew she was privileged and thought that was cool.?
At the
age of seven she had her own pony and at sixteen a sleek pink Austin
out to her specifications was her parents gift to her on her birthday.
the Princess, she always got what she wanted and loved every moment.
She was
accustomed to service and just expected that everyone would want to
Pammy had
always been surrounded by servants eager to grant her every whim.
blonde hair and perky smile invited adoration. As she grew. she developed a
classic *bubble butt* and as she matured boys followed her constantly. They
begged to carry her
books or
take her shopping. They would eagerly blow all their funds on the chance of her
granting the favor of her smile. She loved to tease and generous boys got a
peck on the cheek or her hard manicured nails might scratch at? their crotch as she giggled and flounced away.
she was very smart, she could have easily sailed through highschool on her
looks and personality. Geeky boys lined up to do her homework and the jocks
washed her car and bought her things that would make her smile. They had all? learned that being *macho* with Pammy got
them nowhere. She dated a lot, gave a few handjobs and even let her prom date
go down on her.
She had
accepted Brads* invitation partly because he was a pretty boy and a star on the
club but it was his fawning shyness around her that made her decide.
They had
danced until? the music ended and
returned to the car Brad had rented. They began to kiss and Pammy pressed his
questing mouth to her bodice. She then raised her
and, after very little pressure, soon had Brad on his knees. She parted her
legs and
he kissed
her ardently.
Her firm
thighs and sharp heels kept him in place. He was clumsy in his efforts beneath
her satin dress but when he occasionally got it right Pammy knew she wanted
more, more and better.
After she
pushed Brads* head from beneath her satin dress she told him to drive her home.
Brad reached for his handkerchief.
clean your face or you wont get a treat* said Pammy.
pulled in to the circular drive in front of Pammys house and stopped the car.
leans in and kisses his ear, *That was nice Brad, but I think you need
*I bet
you liked it though, let me see your prick.*
slides his zipper down and brings his prick into her view. He is only half hard
but his
prick is wet. *Ewwh,* says Pammy. *it*s all gooey, did I make you do that?*
begins to stroke and Brads* prick is soon at fullness. Her slim hand strokes
her sharp
little nails mix some pain with the pleasure. Soon Brad erupts with all his
lust landing on his clothes. His head falls back and for a moment he seems
asleep.? Pammy breathes in his ear, *Did you like it?
Wake up. I have to get inside.*
opens his eyes to see Pammys* smiling face. *Wow, you were really gone there
Brad, but
we have a problem.*
asks Brad.?
*My hand,
silly, it has your goo all over it. You need to clean that off if you ever want
another date with me.* says Pammy.
Brad has licked Pammys hand clean she exits the car but pauses.
*I hope
that tux isn*t a rental Brad, it*s going to need some serious cleaning.*
Pammy. As
she glides toward her door Brad notes the heavy white stains on his black tux.
school, Pammy always greeted Brad with a cheery *Hi Brad, miss me?*
usually kept his head down and ignored her or goofed with his buddies while he
through each day hoping for a glimpse of Pammy. He loved her intensely but
afraid of the power she held over him. He was not a stupid lad and knew that
time? he played her sexy game he would
surely lose.
Lust won
out and soon Brad was waiting at Pammys* locker each morning with a
and latte for his pretty Princess. He carried her books and went through the
line twice. First to get whatever Pammy wanted and bring it to her table.
Then, If
there was time left, find something for himself. Little was left on his second
Brad ate
a lot of overcooked hotdogs during this time but enjoyed watching Pammy
munch on
her crisp salads and shrimp scampi.
totally worshipped Pammy and? she
responded by treating? him like the
he had become.
After a
week she would barely notice as he brought her lunch tray.
with her friends she would dismiss him with a casual wave of her hand
as she
and her girlfriends laughed at his tented trousers and puppy eyes.
defeated in his pursuit of love Brad focused on sports.
Pammy was seventeen she was gifted with Yasmine. Yasmine was a beautiful Thai
girl? of nineteen whom Pammys mother had
hired to give her darling weekly pedicures and manicures.
Pammy was
fast becoming a woman and felt many strange stirrings within her young body.
She was
developing nicely. Her blossoming breasts were already a 34B. She loved the
feel of
her taut nipples and had found a new use for her lifesized Teddy whose hard
nose she often had between her thighs before driffting off to sleep.
On her
first visit Yasmine found Pammy lounging by the pool. At first sight of the
Yasmine licked her lips and was surprised by the growing moistness between her
that her fulll lips were parted and her tongue tasting her own lipstick Yasmine
sitting her kit next to Pammys* chaise.
Pammy, my name is Yasmine, I*m here for your pedicure.*
Pammy had
been relaxing in her tiniest bikini, a brief white thong and top that barely
her pink nipples. Unaware of her own allure Pammy felt a quiver somewhere below
her tummy as she looked at Yasmine for the first time.
She was
glad for her designer shades that hid how wide her eyes became as she looked up
at the lithe beauty standing before her.
seemed a bit nervous as she swayed from side to side on her black three inch
She wore a short tee that came just below her breasts. Her top and snug shorts
her shoes. Her sleek black hair framed her pretty face with dark wide eyes
and the
fullest poutiest lips Pammy had ever seen.
knew that Yasmine was there to serve her, to work for her , yet her attraction
to the
slightly older beauty made her think of the times she had pounded Teddys* nose
with her
special spot. She hoped her suit was still wet enough from the pool to conceal
personal moisture.
*Yasmine!? What a pretty name, said Pammy, but do you
mind if I call you Yas?*
*You can
call me anything you like Miss Pammy. It will be my pleasure to serve you.*
says Yas.
Even as
Pammy could feel tiny trickles of her own arousal on her thighs she could see
the lust
in Yasmines eyes.
*You can
take some towels from the closet Yas,* says Pammy, *you know, to kneel on.*
knows and cannot escape her attraction to this spoiled pretty brat, The idea of
before the sleek young goddess makes her panties very wet with girl cream.
returns and places two folded towels on the pooldeck at the foot of Pammy*s
Yasmine kneels and lifts Pammys* foot. *You have beautiful feet Miss Pammy.
It will
be a challenge to make them more pretty.*
smiles and wiggles her toes.
pedicure goes nicely with Yas carefully shapeing each nail, trimming each
laving Pammys feet with fragrant oils.
*Mmm Yas,
that feels so nice, what color should my toes be?* *I can*t decide between
red or
pink.* says Pammy.
rubs the oils into Pammys* foot, just inches from her lips. * Oh Miss, I think
pink is
definately your color. Let me show you what I have.*
paints Pammys* toes several times before they finally agree that the hot pink
with gold
gilitters is the perfect one for Pammy.?
Yasmine blows her warm breath
on Pammys
toes until the polish dries.
as young women tend to be, Pammy brings her foot high to inspect the
work. *Oh
Yas, thank you, I have the prettiest toes in the world.*
lowers her foot back into Yasmins waiting hands.
*Oh Miss
Pammy, they*re beautiful and so are you, could I , please?*
* What
Yas, what do you want?*
Pammy, I want... I need to.*
Yas just
gives up and goes for it. She licks Pammys sole then takes all her newly
toes in her mouth and suckles each toe and licks between trying to take
all of
Pammys* pretty foot in her mouth.
loves the look of those full lips and the nice feeling they deliver.
Her other
foot goes beneath Yas* tee and her foot feels Yas* yielding breasts and
the hard
nubs of her nipples.? Pammy giggles as
the hard nipples caress her
sole and sees that Yas sucks her foot harder each time she pushes
harder on
Yas* tits.
removes both feet, one from Yas* mouth and the other from the hard nubbin
tickles her sole.
*Take it
off Yas, I want to see your titties.* says Pammy.
stripped off her top and Pammy was torn by jealousy and desire.
36Ds stood out proudly with hard half inch nipples atop her aureoles.
Pammy? hoped that one day she would have fuller
beautiful tits like Yas but now she had
immediate desires.
shoves one hand beneath her thong as she brings her feet to Yas* tits.
*You do
it too Yas, this is my first time with a girl.*
knows what that means and she loves the pretty toes with pink and
polish that squish and squeeze her titties while her own hand deftly works
shorts. She relishes the look on Pammys* face as she feels her nipples being
by Pammys* toes and the pressure of the pretty feet on her tittiesl.
Each girl
is in her own world, they lock eyes as the moment approaches.
toes grip Yasmines nipples. They pleasure themselve as they are
by this strange pleasure of tits and toes.
With her
climax Pammy presses hard on Yas* tits, her toes squeeze the nipples.
girls continue to touch themselves in their special way until , with a final
There is
a moment, or perhaps an hour, of calm as Yas lays her face on Pammys*
She knows where she wants to go but Pammy is so young, in experience,
she might
not understand,
kisses Pammys* thigh and lays her head near the vee of Pammys*
enjoying the fragrance.?
Yas pulls
herself away and stands. It seemed Pammy could stay like that all day.
*I Have
to go soon Miss Pammy. could I get you anything?*
really like a cola, Yas, diet with ice and a straw.* says Pammy.
Yas feels
a lovely blush as she prances away, in her heels to serve her naughty
returns witn an iced cola for Pammy. Pammy is seated at the poolside table
as she
takes her drink and takes a sip. Yasmine bends to place a kiss on Pammys*
face. Her
lips linger hoping for more but gets no response.
*Well I
guess I*ll go now, says Yasmine, I really hope you had a good day Miss Pammy.*
* Oh Yas,
it was a really good day,* gushed Pammy, *I just loved how your titties
tickled? my feet, and it was my first cum
ever with a girl.*
*You did
such a good job on my toes, would you like to kiss them again?* says Pammy as
she puckers her lips to sip at? her
Yas feels
her knees grow weak. *That would be nice* says Yas as she kneels? and crawls beneath the table.
crosses her legs to conceal the girl cream wetting her bikini. It wouldn*t be
right to reveal she was hot for her pedicurist.
kisses each foot and suckles at Pammys* newly painted toes kneeling until her
knees ache. Pammy sips her cola and holds her thighs together placing as much
pressure as she can on her wet puss. She never knew her feet were so sensitive
or that having a beautiful
girl lick
them could make her want to cum so badly. She can feel herself losing control
needs to
take it back. Pammy uncrosses? her legs
and spreads them wide.
her bikini bottom away from her slender slit Pammy grasps Yasmines* hair and
her face between her legs. * Kiss me there Yas, I think you want to and I know
I want
you to do
it. Lick my pussy Yas.*
Yas felt
her tummy tighten as she saw Pammys* pussy. The sleek pinkness glistened with
girlish? precum.? Yas thought of the dew drenched orchids she
had seen in her
but they had never aroused her like this. The dew of this elegant flower was
special, and on this day. it was for her.
Yas licks
gently at the pretty flower slowly bringing her tongue deeper into its*
begins to move her hips and pulls on Yasmines* hair to guide her agile tongue.
tongue finds Pammys* clit and dances like a hummingbird on the sweetest of
begins to lunge hard at Yas* face pulling hard on her hair until Yas feels and
slurps up all of Pammys* cream then falls to on her side and takes Pammys* toes
mouth. Only then does she consider the need of her own clitty and strokes it
really hard
sucking at Pammys* toes. Yas* orgasm is intense as she continues to place
kisses on
Pammys* feet. She finally relaxes with her pretty lips on Pammys* toes until
*Mom will
be home soon Yas, you really have to go.*
releases Pammys* foot from her mouth and stands.
Pammy, I... *stutters Yas.
interupts Pammy. *This has been a really special day. We have both learned a
lot and
I*m sure I*ll need your services again.*
come back next week though.? I*ll just
have to call you, OK?* *Please don*t be mad.*
gives a slight bow, *Of course Miss Pammy, it was a pleasure to serve you*.
After Yas
leaves Pammy nearly runs back to her room to give Teddys* hard little nose
pounding of his inanimate life.
A few
minutes later Yas parks her car and bounds upstairs to her apartment. She
her kit
and purse aside as she races to her nightstand. With her vibe in hand Yas falls
back on
her bed. She puts it between her labia and advances it to her expectant clit.
As soon
as it hits she silently? screams. *Ooooh.
Pammy, thank you Patricia, thank you.
climax is almost immediate
At twenty-five, everyone Brad knew said he looked a lot younger, more like nineteen. He'd still get carded at bars which both intrigued and annoyed him. He had a good if boring office job and had his own apartment. Like most guys, he also watched a lot of porn at home and would jack off. At first, it was just the usual stuff, large breasted women sucking and fucking big stiff cocks, drinking their cum or getting facials. After a while though, he'd ventured into more what he considered bisexual...
CrossdressingA beautiful teenager with naturally huge tits, young Pinkie becomes a prisoner of her new found lust when she joins a biker gang and volunteers her bountiful breasts to become subjected to their bizarre bondage and perverted torture games. Once exposed to the exciting and glamorous world of nude dancing, Pinkie repels her inhibitions and thrusts herself into a non-stop quest for extreme sexual experiences including gang-banging, cat-fighting and severe bondage rituals. As new-born...
This is a work of fiction based on a fantasy I developed over some abandoned pictures here on XH. It is a shame to have such wonderful pictures of a beautiful young woman and left in a long since forgotten gallery. I hope you enjoy.“Please call me Pinkie,” the young woman said to me as I stood at the open door to her apartment. “My parents named me Polly but schoolmates teased me with “Polly wants a cracker, you know the parrots that are named Polly.”Leaning on one elbow and showing me her...
I think Gods best creation of man and women is meant to make love and it’s to us that how beautifully, technically and perfectly you can enjoy it. Lovemaking is an art and it can only get matured with regular practice and our dear friend Mr Vatsayan had explored 184 Asans and most of us used only 2-3 Asans in which most of the time Man on top and totally ignoring women’s feeling and her desires. I had experienced and shared very light moments with my partners during love making and understand,...
The middle aged man sat alone on his bed. Frustrated. Not getting enough from his wife of twenty plus years, but getting too much work at his job. He worked early mornings through to afternoons or even sundown, at times. With what little time he did have to relax, he spent making repairs to the family house and whatnot. And when the family had a holiday (which would come around 3-4 times a year), he was lucky enough to be the one who would fork out the money. Yes, Steve was a giver. His...
© Copyright Mojavejoe420 2013-17 (Trent has written an erotic story on Sexstories.com, but he's afraid to tell his girlfriend, Whitney, about it. Her sisters know about it, however, and have threatened to tell Whitney. They're also seeing our man Trent in a rather different light. Please check out Chapter 1! Thanks for reading.) - The Imperfect Storm - Chapter 2 Whooshing noise. What the fuck? I'm dead asleep! Oh, it's my girlfriend Whitney's phone. Incoming...
This is a story from a few years back, when I first came to Mumbai. I didn’t get to write it earlier since Smriti didn’t appreciate my writing about it when I was with her. But Shoheli insisted that I write the story of how I lost my virginity before proceeding further with our adventures so here goes. As always, feedback welcome at Also, a warning. Most dialogues are in Hindi as they originally were said. I feel that if I translate it to English, the effect would be lost. So for people who...
Slater saw him at the bar, sitting quietly and blankly watching the news on the screen ??..When I wake up in the morning And the 'larm lets out a warning I don't think I'll ever make it on time?. This is what happens when I watch wholesome TV. Feel free to not comment ;) Pinkybell Slater saw him at the bar, sitting quietly and blankly watching the news on the screen. He was still gorgeous, all blond and blue-eyed and perfectly dressed ? Preppy had just become full grown, all GQ man now....
The Claudette who awakened after that cataclysmic orgasm wasn't the one who participated in it; she came up slowly and reality leaked in before she opened her eyes. Ted knew the difference; the first thing Claudette did when her eyes opened fully (she'd cracked them to see who was cradling her head and Ted had detected it) was to snatch her remaining blouse from the pile of clothing nearby and cover her breasts -- something Ted found amusing. "Are you okay?" he asked. "I guess so,"...
Due to their overly simplified design, at first, I thought that Pink World has nothing good to offer, but I was wrong and that does not happen often. I mean, I still stand by my words when talking about the overall design of this place, but their content ain’t bad at all. There is a lot of great shit you can see here, and I shall go over all the important aspects.Very basic design with user-friendly featuresHowever, even if the design is very shitty, it is not like you could get lost when...
Porn Link SitesThe name of the website doesn't say much about the content of Pink Fine Art. It sounds like some very innocent stuff may be found in here, but boy oh boy, it's quite the opposite. I mean, not a single girl in here has any clothes on. Well, some have underwear or bikinis on and stuff like that, but you know, they're still trying to expose themselves as much as possible. If they were paid more, the underwear would come off quite easily as well.Now, let's talk about the website itself and what...
Naked Girls GalleriesWinter and Mike “Hey Dad, I have a reservation at the Town and Country Inn tonight. Would you go with me? Actually, I upgraded the reservation from a table for two to a table for four. Mom made the reservations two days ago and I found out about it. She doesn’t know you and I are joining her.” “Sure, I always have fun dining with your grandmother. It is funny your Mom didn’t mention it to me. She said she was staying with Gram over the weekend and I’m always the one to pay the tab when they...
I can only imagine what life would be like with her. That future is perfect, immaculately flawless, yet I know life is never without an imperfection. There will always be a negative to a positive, bad luck to good luck, a downfall to an up rising. And yet I expect so highly and I expect perfection that could never be accomplished, even in a hundred lifetimes. Dramatic lies and brutal honesty contrast yet without one, the other ceases to exist. The pretense that I live and the limitations that I...
LesbianPart 5 So after another night spent with Pinky, I was feeling upbeat. I woke up, got ready for work and went to my job. I got the normal text from my wife, saying how her day was and plans for the today ahead. I rode though another shift at work, finishing up a bit later then normal. This virus expanded so quickly, that protocols at work changed to match the level of alertness. So this also meant longer hours, more work and more time with people at work. They made the plan to have the same...
The thing that I had nearly forgotten was that what I told my mother on the phone was only half a lie. I really did have a meeting with a guy from a gallery, just not that day, but the next- Saturday. Lucky for me it wasn’t until two, so even though I has slept till noon, I had (barely) enough time to pull my hung over, sex rumpled self together and get my ass to my appointment on time, and (hopefully) looking at least semi-professional. The man’s name was Guy, and he was about 65, with short...
© Copyright Mojavejoe420 2013-17 (Howdy folks. This story has been hanging around, unfinished, on another site for about four years. I’ve actually finished it now! It’s 8 parts, yikes! I have tried to revise chapters 1-6 to fix massive grammatical and tense errors, but it’s basically the same as it appeared 4 years ago, very trashy! Chapters 7 and 8 are the new ones. It’s related to the first story wot I ever did writ, “My Sister and Her Friends” from several years ago. You don’t have to...
Hello, people. This is Raj again with a new story which happened between me and my wife’s best friend. Let’s call her Pinky. Pinky recently got married and being my wife’s best friend she used to often visit our place. She has an awesome figure which I noticed only on her wedding day. Trust me in that lehenga and choli she was just looking wow. Since then I started dreaming of fucking her It was the day when my wife and Pinky had planned a dinner outside. My wife and Pinky were about to drive...
I had not seen much of Pinky (formerly Mort) around my college dorm for a couple days. I knew the bath house owner, Jerry had "put him to work," mingling with guests and frankly, I was missing my fuck boi! When I got to work at the bath house early that day, changed in to my bath robe and headed for Jerry's office to inquire of Pinky. I noticed the shades were drawn which meant that Jerry was having a private fuck session with his other boi toi but I knew I was privileged and knocked on his...
Here is my new story. Hi I’m Rocky, Thanks for amazing response to my previous story “Loosing Virginity To Maid” I’m happy to share my new story with all. Few months ago I got married and we shifted to a new apartment. Change of job and got good promotion. It was newly constructed apartment and so not all flats were filled up. My married life was very exciting and is very happy. My wife is very beautiful and has very healthy sex. After my marriage I thought of stopping sex with others and be...
Picture Perfect “Oh come on! It can’t be that bad!” Amy chuckled to herself in front of the glow of her computer screen. “There is no way on earth that I would sleep with a 50 year old pervert just to get my share of the rent together.” Sarah had argued for the past ten minutes with her roommate about the dangers of using Craigslist to make money, but as always with Amy, she had to feeling she was fighting a losing battle. “You don’t have to sleep with someone, you can just do what I...
I stepped out of the shower and began to plan my first night of freedom. What should I choose out of the many options like the all night keg parties, little get together parties, or should I just relax in my big empty house alone with my girlfriend Crystal. Yeah, I think I’ll pick door number three, so I grabbed my cell phone and gave her a call. Just hearing hear voice, even on the phone, just makes me want to do back flips. Finally I was finished getting ready as I heard the knocking...
Somehow, Autumn had snuck up on me. It seemed like just yesterday I was wearing sleeveless shirts, Capri pants, and sandals. The sun blazing from the crystal clear blue sky. The breeze, hot and heavy, full of humidity, that did little to cool you if one had to spend more than a few seconds outside. Heat so cumbersome, I could hardly drive with the top down in my new convertible, and when I did, I got a sun burn to prove it. However, the dog days of summer were over. The cooler, crisp air had...
I met him in an online chat room and within twenty minutes we were telling each other our deepest secrets and which way we preferred to get or give sex. I think it was my suggestion to go over to his place, but he was not against the idea and before you knew it I was scribbling his address and door code on the pad next to the computer. It took me all of ten minutes to drive over and another three to get into the building and up to his condo. Within those short minutes in the elevator I had...
I met him in an online chat room and within twenty minutes we were telling each other our deepest secrets and which way we preferred to get or give sex. I think it was my suggestion to go over to his place, but he was not against the idea and before you knew it I was scribbling his address and door code on the pad next to the computer. It took me all of ten minutes to drive over and another three to get into the building and up to his condo. Within those short minutes in the elevator I had...
Oral SexIt'd been sixteen months since Jessica broke up with me, and I was drunk. She'd been everything to me. Blindingly clever; a great cook; my best friend. She'd been a lab assistant with me under Professor Kingston while we both studied graduate chemistry at university. She wasn't the prettiest girl on campus, but she was cute, and funny, and as professor Kingston loved to point out with a chortle, we had great "chemistry." And then, after a year of dating, she left me. For her...
It was almost midnight when we finally pulled up in front of Mimi's building. My building, I reminded myself with a shudder. As I climbed out of the limo, the rich man handed me "my" things. "Purse, keys, and mobile phone," he said, tucking the latter two into the former. All three were cheap-looking and garish, bedazzled with various combinations of sequins, faux leather and false gemstones. Notably absent from the collection was any kind of driver's license, passport, or other...
Club Perfecto Xxx A short story giving a slightly different angle on someone's transformation. As always, love to hear some feedback on it (or any of my previous stories if you read them). Slip on some satin and enjoy - S.S. xxx Tall, muscular and handsome, in his late twenties with chiselled good looks, Stuart Cameron was a highly succesful broker with his own business. He should have been an extremely eligible catch, with his pick of women, but he had a slightly...
Candy Pink By Barbi Satin Chapter 1 Life pretty much sucked. I was the son of Ralph and Cindy Cassella. They named me Ralph Junior and my dad was thrilled to have a son he could raise to live out his past glory. My dad wasn't a bad guy and never abused me but I knew he was disappointed. He worked as a contractor in the present but he still lived in his glory days of High School. Dad was an all-state full back on the football team in the fall and the best hitter on the baseball...
This story takes place in the same world as my story Twisted. Twisted Pink "Go long," I called to my friend Cody as I threw a football as hard as I could. Cody ran down the length of the long yard beside my house, missing the ball and earning a few good-natured insults. "What's the matter?" I teased him. "Wash your hands with butter again?" "No Mark, you just need to learn how to throw better," Cody called back with a broad grin. Cody and I were best friends, having known each...
ALL CHARACTERS ARE ADULTS. ‘Wake up, Eugene!’ Eugene ‘Pinky’ Pinkham opened his eyes and looked around the dark bedroom. The female voice was familiar. A brisk night breeze fluttered and stirred the window curtains against the wall and glass panes. Pinky’s eyes adjusted to the dark quickly because the room was bathed in moonlight and laid strange white silhouettes around the room. He listened patiently for the voice but only heard a dog barking far away. ‘I must have been dreaming,’ he...
Groaning with pain from your massive hangover, your eyes open wide as you look down and see a big maze of fur blocking your vision. You try to sit up, but there is a heavy weight jiggling on your chest, and your head feels like it weighs ten times more than it should. You reach up to push the fluffy weight off your chest, and and see two giant pink fur cuffs wrapped around your wrists, and long pink nails have been attached to your fingers. Sitting up quickly, the weight on your chest...
I was on my way back from asking Alice if she would teach me to dance. At first she had given me that look she makes when her serve is off the mark by twelve inches, and then it changed to the same satisfied smile she has while shaking hands at the net with an opponent she has just defeated. After discussing what kind of dance I needed to learn, I didn't know, and why the need was urgent, Debra Simmons was the reason, she agreed to give me my first lesson. But she said we couldn't do it...
“Alamak! So sexy what!” grins Aini, eyes squinting against the tropical afternoon light as she looks up from the pool. Her bathing costume is a modest maroon one-piece affair, melding into the rich dark skin of her short round body, carefully conserving her full breasts from view.Her friend Heidi grins in reply, pulling off her towel and giving her tight buttocks a brief twerk, as if to prove a point. She wears a bright pink bikini, the ruched top barely covering her small pert breasts, the...
First TimeThere are many types of established comic book characters that I use in my stories. They are the rightful property of the comic book companies such as DC, which the ones in this story come from. No profit is made by me in the use of these characters, and the story is strictly fan fiction with a twist meant for my own and other enthusiasts enjoyment. The Further Adventures of Lois Lane A Picture in Pink, (Revised) by Steve Zink Coast City, California, is renowned the world over...
Pretty In Pink... A subsidiary of SRS By Anon Allsop She was eighteen and simply gorgeous. I worshipped the ground she walked on. I remember when she was about fifteen and sort of plain looking, I was only sixteen then. I loved everything about my big sister from her sweet disposition down to her beautifully sculpted body. I had been snooping around in my sisters room a few days ago and came across a bag from the mall with a few "interesting" items in it. Such as clothes, makeup,...
Thunder cracked its fiery whip against the verdant landscape of the Orelas Valley as Elizabeth descended inside the cavernous gash of the cave mouth. Rain pelted her luscious figure as though it were a desperate admirer, plastering her silk burgundy dress against her body as she escaped its smothering embrace and conjured a bright green flame to illuminate her path. She shivered as she descended down the narrow passageway holding her flame close to her body to keep warm, rain dripping down her...
FantasyIn the Pink By Argus Grunting with exhaustion, Matt Roper hauled the final box of objects into his new house and with a strained heave dropped it onto the carpet. He rubbed his lower back and stretched slightly, he was getting too old for this sort of thing, but he had always been a hands on sort of guy and had stubbornly refused to use a moving company. His bearded face creased into a grin as he looked round and took pride in his acomplishment, box after box of...
This is the FINAL Chapter of a female authoritarian sissy boy story, although with a softer touch than many others. It is a coming of age series with lacy trimmings and sweet creamy endings. There is sugar and spice and everything sissy-nice! So, if lots of frilly outfits, swishy milk-sop behavior and a little kinky sex are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fictional fantasy work. No references are intended to portray any actual...
I was on personal display for him. He would have me walk sensually while emulating the grace of a pretty blonde haired runway model. In my role of girlish temptress, I wiggle my sexy bottom in my exotic, six inch pink, high heeled, platform sandals. My body is slim, lithe, feminine and smooth.At the far end of his large living room he has me turn around, smile, and pose like a show girl for him. My exaggerated wink brings a genuine and enthusiastic smile to my bright red, pouty lips. As I...
CrossdressingDear Diary, Always with the pink. Why do I do this to myself? It's such a cute color!? It started with an after work trip to the drug store to fill out a prescription. As I walked down the aisle, I spot the area were the polishes are. I browsed around and the sales assistant kept coming down and kept looking at me through side glances, shifting items, pretending to be working. I know she's looking at me.? Well, not to be deterred and knowing that I would have the next day...
What does Cum Perfection mean to you? Is it a smooth, creamy homogenous texture or simply the feel of the stuff erupting from the tip of your pee hole after an exhilarating buildup? Others may define their ideal of seminal flawlessness in terms of volume, aroma, color or flavor. Honestly, though, if you’re a straight dude, there’s a good chance you’ll share the opinion of whoever’s running this next joint. To them, Cum Perfection is all about where all that sticky spunk ends up by the end of...
Premium Facial Cumshot Porn SitesHi readers and this is my first sex experience. I am Kumar, from Hyderabad. I moved into the city looking for a job last month as an effect to join a good company and I have been going to various companies for interviews but no success as a result I have to find new ways for income to sustain myself in this city. I have come to know about male escorts. I have created my own profile and decided to be one as it was my fantasy to be in bed with wild and unsatisfied married women. After one month...
By : Rohit_8inch Hi all, This is Rohit from Pune. I am a regular reader of ISS and was always thinking of submit my own story. I am 24, well built, fair, 5’7″ and 65Kg. So you guessed it right that I have the parameters that most girls will like. When I was working in my office, we were said that a new joinee is going to join today and she is a girl and will sit in my cubicle. Including me there is one more elderly guy from different guy who used to sit in my cubicle. I was quite eager to see...
I am Akki, I came across this site. I was excited reading some of the stories. I love sex. I am 19 person of 6’2 height and with a weight of 75 kgs fair and good looking . I stay in c.g.[chattisgarh] with my family. I am very fond of sex. It always was starving. I would like to narrate an incident which happened as I was always having fascinations of some sexy girl or married ladies looking for some hot time and which came true. I am staying in an apartment and we are in third floor. One family...
Please read the other parts of this story first! *** Sororal Twins, Part 5: Pretty in pink I followed Jenny's advice and spent some time walking around in my new black pumps. It was definitely a lot harder than it appeared. I didn't break my ankle, but I did lose my balance and tumble a few times. The pantyhose felt nice against my legs, and I enjoyed being caressed by Jenny's panties. On Saturday, I packed the pumps, pantyhose, and six pairs of panties into the duffel bag. I...
Bianca is unsure about sex in the dunes. I’m meant to keep a lookout. Seriously Bianca: with your body as the competing outlook. Bianca and I are at the beach; secluded in the dunes. Love the coastline at this beach. Rolling, undulating, tussocky, and pristine. Just what two young people in bonding lust need. We can see the shape of the world around us but we are nicely separate and private from other roaming inhabitants: we think. It’s a warm Saturday afternoon yet the coastal car park...
LovePretty in Pink: Mum and Dad had been listening to us argue and Dad finally interrupted us. "I'll tell you what," he said. "If your Mum has no objections we can settle this argument once and for all!" Mum looked at Dad and smiled. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking Edward?" she asked. "If Riley can take a holiday as Kate, why not let Philippa take a holiday as Phil!" "Sounds like a plan to me!" said Philippa. "I want to know what it feels like to be so inferior that you can...
Sunday morning, I think. A baby cried. Huh? I don't have a baby... oh my fucking head... somebody moved... where the fuck am I? "Never a dull moment around here!" said Kylie. Way too loudly, I might add. I was a little confused as to why she was in my bed. But, this wasn't my bed. Oh yeah. Ohhhh Yeahhhhhh! I watched Kylie's naked body move to her closet, and return with a robe wrapped around it. "Mmmmorning," moaned Whitney. "Where does she keep the...
Little Miss Imperfect by suki Boy, you really are dumb aren't you? How many times do I have to tell you to open the file menu first and then scroll down to open? I know you're doing the best you can. But really you have to start trying to pay attention. This last letter you printed out is full of typos and it has to go to a very important client. We really can't afford to lose a client like that. They take detail very seriously. Please just try to be more careful. I know you ...
(This story is pure fiction. none of it is nor will ever take place) What was a fella to do? I had a good looking girlfriend in the driver’s seat beside me, obviously she already have nefarious plans for me today. Then at home I had a little 10 year old sister that wanted me to guide her into womanhood. Both seem to know of my kryptonite weakness, and were willing to use it against me. Tina and I had an early class together, but from there on out we were on different ends of the school...
My First Sex: I love PinkNote: These events took place with minor alterations. The names of people and places have been changed to protect the promiscuous.DEDICATED TO A GREAT AND WONDERFUL LADYI was working in a shoe store before my last year of high school, a job I loved since I love ladies with sexy legs especiallyin stockings and sexy. I was 17 years and quite shy. I do have a slight speech difficulty.It was late on a Friday when this beautiful lady, well dressed wearing and pink satin...
This may be archived anywhere, in full or just-a-few. Remember though to give credit to where credit is due. Parodies in Pink By Pretzelgirl ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Thayer and French, Service and Moore; How to acknowledge these poets galore? From Shel Silverstein to the great Doctor Seuss Like goddesses ancient, they are my muse. Then Jennifer Adams and also Bill Hart, Inspired this somewhat; they did their part. My debt to these authors must be confessed: "Without whom I couldn't...
Note: These events took place with minor alterations. The names of people and places have been changed to protect the promiscuous.I was working in a shoe store before my last year of high school, a job I loved since I love ladies with sexy legs especiallyin stockings and sexy. I was 17 years and quite shy. I do have a slight speech difficulty.It was late on a Friday when this beautiful lady, well dressed wearing and pink satin scarf walked into the shop. She had quite a lot of shopping from...
An Unexpected Life In Pink By Chlo? Cameron Synopsis - A fairly successful young man dates a woman who upon discovering his most intimate secret, encourages him to take time off work and move in with her while dressing and being seen as a late teen girl and, in certain situations, an even younger girl in a beauty pageant. During a several week period, he experiences a lot more than he bargained for, as he also becomes involved with several men, each who view her differently. Working h...
Jenny was really tired of it, but it had become so much of a routine, she had long ago quit fighting it. Jenny was forty. Her husband was in his sixties. She had married him after a disastrous first marriage. Jenny was a late bloomer. She was fairly tall as an eighth grader; very skinny; no boobs; but could run like a deer. Her face was as good as any model. She was as good as the two youngest Jenner girls, only she had reddish brown hair. She was pretty insecure in junior high, but soon began...
"Leggings are not pants." My wife, 5'10" tall in her bare feet, with perhaps the longest legs on the planet, often used that expression when confronted by one or more young women whose shape was not suited for such a revealing garment. I, on the other hand, thanked the Lord when my gaze fell on young women - scratch that - any women, younger or older, who wore them and whose shapes were most definitely suited for them. It was another chilly winter afternoon, and we had just popped into the...
VoyeurKerry didn’t like Mr Harding, she thought he was a letch and she hated lecherous men. She had to start wearing looser tops just after she joined the company because he was always looking at her breasts, small as they were, and she could never wear short skirts or tight slacks. Strangely enough most of the other girls liked him. They found him jovial, well mannered and a kind and considerate boss. No one in the company had a bad word to say about him. She suspected however that a lot of the...
Office SexONE I considered the bra in my hands. It was gorgeous. Soft with lace trim that reached over the straps as well as around the banding towards the clasps. Three hooks and eyes. White with a delicate floral pattern. I allowed my arms to slide in, the straps sitting on my shoulders. Quickly, I put it down, on the bed. Confusion and fear getting the better of me. I was already wearing the matching panties, my manhood tucked neatly back to create as smooth an appearance as possible....