Celest and Epic 8217 s Exploration
- 4 years ago
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Whack! Ted held back a gasp. Celeste paused her slapping with the thick woodenpaddle, and stroked Ted's hair, as his head hung over her lap. ?Be a braveboy, Teddy.? She said this so gently. ?Don't cry. Can you be a big boy forMommy? Take your chastisement in a nice, manly way?? WHACK WHACK WHACK! ?Yes,ma'am? came the little voice from below, and Celeste looked at Ted's brightred buttocks with the purple marks and her tongue came through her teeth. Whatfun. Naked and over her lap?and what a baby he was! WHACK WHACK!
Ted was trying so hard not to make any crying noises, he knew Celeste hatedthat. He knew that if he could just take his medicine like a man, she wouldbe more well disposed to giving him a nice orgasm, and she might actually lethim cum in her hand! The strokings had gotten so slow and seductive. Ted hadnever, never been allowed to cum in his wife's hand. Or her mouth, or her pussy.It had always been in his own frustrated, pumping hand, usually while kneelingon a floor, sometimes while sodomized, or orally pleasing a male friend ofCeleste's. God, wouldn't it be nice?Teddy had always been of a hopeful nature!
Whack! ?Oh, please, Miss Celeste!? Whack! Ted gritted his teeeth, as his hardcock pressed against Celeste's tight jeans. Having just been seductively teased,it was stiff, but with the distraction of the slamming paddle, it was flaggingonce more. WHACK WHACK WHACK! The harsh wood of the paddle was scorching Ted'stender thighs like there was no tomorrow. ?Is it still hard, Teddy? It feelslike it. I guess I better hit a little harder, eh?? WHACK WHACK WHACK! Tedbroke down and began sobbing, and his penis finally began losing it's rigidity.
Celeste chuckled, and landed the thick wooden paddle right in the middle ofTed's rear, on his crack. She stretched out her arm a bit?it was getting cramped,and whacked again, this time a bit lower, bursting a small pustule from yesterday'spaddling. Ted screamed, and then came the small voice. ?I'm?I'm limp again,ma'am.? ?Oh, good.? Celeste reached an arm around to pull Ted up by the elbow,and he came off of her lap somewhat awkwardly. As he cowered before her, Celesteleaned over and kissed away the tears coursing down Ted's face. ?My littleman.? She cooed. ?You have to learn to be a big boy, and not have all thiswhining going on.?
Ted just gaped at her. Celeste was clad in a miniscule halter top that barelycovered her full breasts?the top had an engaging print of peaches and apricotson it. Through his tears, Ted thought of how beautiful she was, and he lovedthe little kisses on his cheeks, and ooh! Was that a tongue in his mouth. Instantlyhe began to forgive her. ?You poor baby.? Celeste crooned as she took Ted'slimp dick softly in her fingers.
Pulling the tip with her burgundy nails, Celeste tickled the frenum, the sensitivearea just under the glans. As Ted's wet face hovered near hers, she leanedover and kissed his neck again. ?What a big man you could be if you just learnedto be more manly, right?? Celeste whispered ?Wouldn't it be nice if you couldjust learn to be a big, brave, boy?? Ted stood in front of her, trying to lookmanly, but he really looked very silly with his puffy eyes. As Celeste leanedover to his now growing penis, Ted got a look at her cleavage?rarely did heget to see her breasts?and there was the predictable intake of breath. Celestesnorted. Men were such funny creatures. Just a look at her boobs, which werebasically fat?she'd always bemoaned her big breasts, as mostly it was the anorexiclook in now?sent Teddy over the bend. And a few other men really liked herT&A?she had a definite following.
Or just a little tweak on Ted's glans would make him gasp and moan like theboiler Celeste's Daddy had tended for forty years. Look at Teddy now?snot iscoming out of his nose, his eyes are all wet?but would he throw me out? Wouldhe find a nice girl like the ones that are always smiling at him at companypicnics? Not a chance. Celeste ran her tongue slowly across her lips, smudgingher Wild Cherry lip gloss a bit, and smiled at Ted, who began panting. Hispenis was turning back into a hot little rod in her soft hands once again.
Ted moaned more?looking at Celeste was such a high, man. She'd lightened herhair for the summer, and she had such an engaging tan! ?You're such a sweetbaby? Cel said to him, as she tickled his scrotum with the nails from her lefthand while playfully pulling his dick with her right. Oh, he was so ready tocum. What was going ON here? A week ago, Ted had reached his ninety day mark?every90 days he was allowed to orgasm, according to their agreement, barring anyserious misbehavior on his part.
They both agreed that Ted was more motivated to take care of the house, doingall of his chores and duties, and much, much more focused on pampering hisdarling wife when his orgasms were severely restricted. At first in the relationshipit had been a monthly deal, and then once every two months, but on their twoyear anniversary, Celeste had proposed moving the jerk-off date to every 3months, not even excepting Christmas and Teddy's birthday. ?I can give youa tie or something, baby.?
And God knew, Ted was just great when he was desperate to cum? long sessionsbetween his wife's legs, massages, driving her to her dates houses?and Celestecertainly did remove Ted's chastity belt now and then to play with his dick!It didn't happen as often as he read about on his newsgroups with the otherslave-boys?Cel usually preferred to leave Teddy locked, she was busy?but itwas a nice change every Saturday afternoon or so, for a few hours of strokingwith Lubriderm. And then she'd ice him up and lock him back in, as he pleadedwith her to let him cum, just once?but as Cel said ?You'd be so disappointedwith me, Teddy, if I gave in wouldn't you??
What Ted loved and hated about his orgasm dates was, Celeste always had somesort of gimmick he had to go through before she'd let him cum. Once she'd beatenhis cock and balls with a high-heeled shoe for half an hour. ?Like my highheels, Teddy?you now know how uncomfortable they are!? Another time he'd beenforced to jerk off in front of the picture window, and last summer at the beach?ohit was so humiliating. She had such an imagination, his Mistress did, and hewas always breathless to see what she'd do next. This time was really puzzling,and painful.
A week ago, Ted had been all happy and anticipatory. He'd brought Celestehome a diamond pendant just to put her in a good mood. ?Remember what tonightis, honey?? He had been terrified she might pretend not to remember?that wouldbe awful. But she'd remembered, and with quite an interesting codicil thistime. ?Do you like it? I bought it at the Leather Rack!? It was a large, thickwooden paddle. Ted had often asked Celeste why she didn't get into corporalpunishment more, as he fantasized about it, and she'd always maintained thatTeddy seemed a little too wussy for that kind of thing, and besides, he wasso well behaved, generally.
Ordering Ted to strip naked and cuffing him, Celeste had given Teddy his usuallong, hot handjob, the long nails making him jump, and unbelievably, it lookedas if she was going to let him cum, when suddenly she'd grabbed him by thehair, thrown him across her lap?soft legs that time, she was in a miniskirt?andshe'd whacked him with the paddle for half an hour until Ted was limp and crying.Then Celeste had teased Ted again, and then on came the paddle?and this timeshe'd stroked his hair and neck, trying to get him not to cry, and it had beena bit of a while before he'd burst into tears again?and then Celeste had lockedTed back up in the chastity belt?without his orgasm!
?But I thought this was my night to cum? he'd wailed. ?Why are you such adamn baby?? Celeste had asked, pretending to be angry. She'd made Ted spendthe rest of the evening eating her to numerous orgasms, listening to him sobbetween her legs. The next day she'd fussed over Teddy, telling him he hadto learn to be a brave boy, or she'd never let him cum.
Then, the next night, Celeste had again turned Ted over her knee after teasinghim to several near orgasms. She'd dressed in a hot little blue-striped bikini,and rubbed up against Ted's chest several times. This time after she'd whippedhim until his erection had nearly died for about the foruth time, she strokedhim even faster, her nails newly painted pink til he was on the total vergeso close to cumming after 92 days of celibacy?his precum was streaming allover her fingers. ?Are you ready, Teddy?? she'd asked softly. ?Yes Ma'am? he'dsaid, feeling the load of backlogged semen finally leaving his scrotum. Ohyes. ?You can cum now??
But then at the last minute, she'd thrown a cup of hot coffee on his penis,he'd screamed ?Bitch!?and she'd thrown him across her lap once again, thrashingaway with the paddle, and occasionally slapping his face. ?How dare you callme names!? She'd left Ted to spend the night on the basement floor, after ofcourse locking him back in his chastity belt. In the morning she'd rubbed coolemollients all over the little burns on his cock, cooing to him sweetly, andof course the cure had completely aroused him beyond belief?and then he wasrelocked and sent off to work?Ted was amazed that he had originally been theone to purchase the chastity belt five years before, and that he'd had to talkCeleste into putting it on him, initially. He must have been insane.
The night before had been especially hellish. Celeste had invited her longtimetrucker boyfriend Travis over, and he'd whipped Ted, much, much harder withthe paddle, and then Cel had done the teasing, and Travis had feigned jealousyand given Ted harsher whippings. Travis had an unusually strong right arm,andhad really flogged Ted unmercifully?And then more horrible, repulsive thingshad happened.
But then, the next day, Celeste had played a nasty trick on poor Ted. It turnedout that she'd tape-recorded the session with Travis?and a courier friend ofhers, Danny, had slipped into Ted's office, and strategically placed a boom-boxtape player behind one of the plants, turning it to blast level.
All of Ted's co-workers, most of whom thought he was a wimp anyhow, had gottenquite an earful. The office had rang with Ted's recorded screams and wails. ?Oh,please Miss Celeste, ow! Make Master (ow) Travis stop whipping Teddy (sob)Teddy be a good boy.? Then Celeste's voice: ?Teddy, will you wear a bonnetand diapers?? Ted again ?Yes, anything Ow! OW! Please no more, you can peeon Teddy if you want to?I'll suck Master Travis's Yum Yum if he want! Please,you can have Mr. Happy spit all over Teddy's face, don't beat him no more.!?
It was fortunate that Ted was a senior member of the firm, and quite talented,because in addition to all the cat calling and ?Mr. Happy? insults he'd hadto endure from his male co-workers, and the freezing glances from the prettyoffice girls, there had been a bit of tension between him and the managingpartners. ?Don't worry about it, Teddy.? Celeste had insisted. ?You're an accountant,they know you're a Nancy Boy!?
However, Ted had been so focused on his still denied orgasm that he'd notworried way much over what had been going on at work.
Part of the problem was Celeste was always just so thrilling to him! He wasconstantly in a state of arousal when she was around. Brushing by Ted in scantydenim shorts with stockings and high heels, occasionally flicking a long rednail on his engorged crotch, it was almost unendurable.
Celeste also was constantly kissing his neck and cheek, and enticinghim into long necking and petting sessions on the couch. It got him sohot that when she'd propose another paddle-and-tease session at the endof the evening, he was feverish in getting her to unlock him?hoping thatthis time he would be able to release and have a great orgasm!
Now, tonight, the seventh night in a row, Ted was gearing to cum,and it didn't look good for him?but Celeste was again, pulling him closerand closer to the finish. Her fingers pulled and moved his pulsating rodand it seemed closer, closer?Oh here it CAME! Ted looked at Celeste forpermission, and she nodded sunnily. ?It's okay, Teddy, shoot away!? Tedallowed himself to explode into Celeste's red tipped fingers. Oh, how goodit felt! It was an ORGASM! Yes! Ted's eyes rolled back in his head andhe shook with joy. He looked lovingly at Celeste again. What a great girlshe was?aaah.
?Well, are you going to lock me up again, Miss Celeste??Ted askedwith a rueful smile. ?Well, not quite yet, Teddy.? Celeste said, pickingup the paddle. Ted wanted to go to bed now, he was no longer horny, andit was all over, but here Celeste was pulling him to her once again. ?What'sgoing on, Celeste?? Ted asked curiously. My God, he was going over herknee! ?One last whipping, Ted!? Celeste said in a friendly way. ?No, pleaseNOT NOW!? How could he take a whipping when he wasn't horny at all? Itwould be pure punishment now! WHACK! WHACK! Ted screamed and hollered,and his cock now was quite limp?it was just misery and pain! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK!
The End
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Wednesday November 2 I had my bags packed and was ready to go to St. Louis. The plan was to go to morning classes and then leave at noon. The game was to be shown on ESPN, and the network wanted to do their prep this afternoon. Coach Hope had shared that we were one of only a handful of high school teams that had had their games televised on ESPN in back-to-back years. Until this week, I’d ignored this game for several reasons. Honestly, my focus had been on two things: recruiting and my...
Introduction: 5 Friends, 5 Slaves and a poker game that the slaves are just dieing to play. END GAME Story: #13 Copyright 2005 Written: January 09 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: PiasaBird2004 Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** The door slid open with a powerful crash as the light of day forced its way in to the dark metallic closet that was Jessicas resting place, when her master Jason...
Over the years, because of the many articles and stories that were written about my gaming prowess, the press anointed me with absurd sobriquet of The Gaming Master. It was reported, somewhat erroneously, that I had never lost a game of any sort, whether it was a board game, video game or sports. In truth my prowess at sports was limited, but I had indeed mastered most other forms of gaming. And my prowess along with my celebrity became the wellspring of my rather considerable fortune....
The year was now 1990 and the eighties were officially over. Big hair would stubbornly cling to life for a couple more years, but it was in it’s death throes. Cassette tapes were going the way of the dinosaur and cd’s were the big new thing. And I was half a year away from graduating . The rest of the year was mostly sedate for the most part; Beeder’s departure for some reason took the winds out of our wildness. Don’t get me wrong, I was still fucking up a storm every weekend. But gone...
Introduction: Go Cougars! Charity Jones here again, sending you back in the time tunnel to the sexploits of my wonderfully misspent youth. The year was now 1990 and the eighties were officially over. Big hair would stubbornly cling to life for a couple more years, but it was in its death throes. Cassette tapes were going the way of the dinosaur and cds were the big new thing. And I was half a year away from graduating . The rest of the year was mostly sedate for the most part, Beeders...
"Yo dude let's get a ranked game going. I wanna rank up to Global already, I'm almost there!" Zeke's squeaky voice cheered through his headset. "Bruh. You and me both," Kane replied through his mic. "I swear to god if we end up with shitty teammates again." "Boys do you want anything to eat or drink?" a woman's voice called down from upstairs. Zeke moved his headset off his head. "No thanks mom we're good!" "Okay have fun you two!" Zeke put the headset back on and moved his...
game of porn April is one of those months that makes you feel like you can never make any plans, since the weather could be anywhere from freezing your ass off cold, to boiling your nuts in oil, hot.Looking outside, today looked like it was one big horrible April Fool's day joke on the entire city.Though winter was officially supposed to be over more than a week ago, the first of April showed up with a rude surprise for anyone hoping to get anywhere. The streets were covered in a thick coating...
MatureShe could hear the five men in the next room anteing up, raising and folding as the regular Thursday night poker game heated up. They had been meeting like this for over a year, most of the time at the Morley house because the other wives didn't seem to understand the importance of this male bonding thing. Lacy didn't mind, the guys were always nice, they never made too big a mess and they always were genuinely appreciative of the way she would bring them beer so they wouldn't have to...
Introduction: sometimes things go a little too far Lacy Morley carefully applied her make-up. Her stomach was churning as she lightly traced across her eyebrows with the dark pencil. Her brown eyes stared back at her as she lightly brushed the blush on her cheeks. It was an unsure stare that Lacy couldnt answer, she wasnt sure what she was doing even thinking about what might happen tonight. Sure they had cooked this little scheme up together, but it wouldnt be Lees butt on the line it would be...
The Perfect Game By nanomage Loosing the Division championship was the lowest day of my life, at least I thought so then. That night I sat in the corner of the country club hall at the party thrown by a few alumni of Jefferson High. No one was in a mood to party at all, I guess the teams that had loosing seasons have the consolation of just not being good enough, but nothing bites more than being second best. Instead of partying I replayed in my mind, then as I have done a...
This is my final PLANNED addition to the Game On story, but I will write other things in the future. Once again, feel free to email me at [email protected] don't forget the _, or IM me with ICQ at 247193981. I do have to give credit to Zilvara Dejewels for the name of the game. I strongly recommend you reading 'Game On: After Party' before reading this, as it is its sequel. And despite the negative feedback, I decided to keep this in the present form, as the others were in...
Chapter Two: Danielle's Naughty Birthday Game By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 July 22nd, 2037 – Danielle Carter “A naughty party game?” Adelia Tash asked, the caramel-skinned talk show host leaning towards me. I sat closest to her on my loveseat, my half-sister Bethany beside me with Leah on the other side of her. On the opposite side of Adelia was another love seat on which set my other three half-sisters. Christina, Rebecca, and Lola sat there along with Lola's new wife, Jen. “Oh, it...
The Penal Game Inspired by the Bimbo or Billionaire stories on mcstories.com, originally by TheHandsThatLead (for example, https://mcstories.com/BimboOrBillionaire/BimboOrBillionaire2.html). Ross was the latest unwilling contestant on the new hit game show, The Penal Game. With all of the advances in nano technology in recent years, it wasn't long before the state put those advances to use in pacifying the masses and meting out punishments. Now, certain criminals could...
The past weeks had been terrible. My wife Suzie – well I should say ex-wife at that point – and I had just passed through all that divorce crap. It had taken us several months to get it all settled. It felt as if we had wasted more time fixing all that rights-stuff than during our three years of marriage . Well, at last it was over yet but I didn't really know how to feel about it. I couldn't say whether I was sad or happy or whatever... The only thing of which I was really pissed was the fact...
Straight Sex--- Eroji 2: The Next Game (mF, magic, mc, nc, parody, impreg) by Krosis of the Collective --- Kaden considered the Eroji box. He had found it on the shelf with the other games like Monopoly and Catan, but he had no memory of the old board game. For some reason, his dick started to get hard as he looked at the box. "Hey, Ava?" he called out. His babysitter came around the corner. "Yeah?" Kaden's breath caught as he beheld the tall, sexy 18-year-old redhead. At 15, he was too old to...
Listen up, cryptocucks, I’ve got a treat for you guys this time around. If you don’t know what the fuck a Bitcoin even is or how sites like Coinbase work, then this one might not be for you. Some people say that investing in any cryptocurrency is a gamble. Hell, the folks over there trying to rocket Dogecoin to over $1 know that shit all too well. People will invest millions in meme currencies, but Bitcoin is the big daddy of crypto. It’s the most respected and most used version of this stuff...
Betting SitesStory: #13 Copyright ©2005 Written: January 09 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: PiasaBird2004 Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** The door slid open with a powerful crash as the light of day forced its way in to the dark metallic closet that was Jessica's resting place, when her master Jason was not in need of her service's she was placed in this small metal closet,...
Just over a month into my final year of university and I was hosting another of my biweekly get togethers. As parties in the rat hole, the affection name given to my apartment, went this one was dead. It was about nine o’clock and, while all the regular crowd had been here, there’d been no spark all evening. Maybe it was because Rob, my goofy roommate, hadn’t been there.Apparently I wasn’t the only one that thought this way as half the group had disappeared over the last half hour. Along with...
College SexThe Stapler Game by Aesexual PseudonymJessica misbehaves at Grandma's house, and must then face her beloved Nelson for punishment and atonement, at which time he tries to cure the delicious jezebel of her unwholesome deathwish. This vignette is an excerpt from Story #1, for those of you who require enticement before committing to read a 500,000 word book. The voice mails from Jessica's maternal grandmother persisted on a daily basis, like clockwork. Jessica had been trying to avoid...
The Dice Game Few novels can change your life. This one will Luke Rhinehart Cockcroft* [writing as L. Rhinehart] describes the origin of the title idea variously in interviews, once recalling a college "quirk" he and friends used to decide "what they were going to do that night" based on a die-roll, or sometimes to decide between mildly mischievous pranks. It has content that includes the protagonist's decisions to engage in rape and murder, and is described as having been "banned...