Faith and the Thai episode
- 3 years ago
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Y.B.Y.W. – Episode 13 – Daniel & Kirsten
I would like to thank 'Quale' for his permission to use the premise and plot,from "You Bet Your Wife" to create an episode from the show. Thosewho have read "You Bet Your Wife" will notice similar dialogue, ifnot the same in places, this is because, like any other game show the introduction,and explanation of the rules are the same week in, week out. And I didn't wantto detract to far from 'Quale's' original show idea.
This is the first story I've wrote, so all comments are appreciated.
"Hello, and welcome to You Bet Your Wife. The show where only the contestant'swits can stop us from using his wife on national TV," boomed the unseenannouncer. "Now let's give a big welcome to our host and the sexiest,kinkiest star in Hollywood, Zoya Takoni."
A bright spotlight shot across the darkstage to reveal Zoya strutting across the stage.Her welcome consisted of nearly as much whopping as applause. Zoya as alwaysclearly enjoyed the attention and rewarded the audience with a confident sexywalk.
Today she was wearing a some what conservative outfit compared toher usual attire, apink figure hugging silk dressing gown.
At the center of the stage a sleek couch waited by itself for thehost.Just big enough for two people to both sit on it was clearly designed to forceitsoccupants into close contact. Zoya stopped in front of the couch waiting asthe audiencequieted and the lights rose on this stage. Zoya stood on the middle of a glassstageempty except for herself and the couch. This stage was now brightly illuminatedboth byspotlights and a multitude of small lights shining up through the floor butnearby the,outline of another circular stage was visible but its contents were obscuredby darkness.Flashing a naughty smile Zoya address the audience,
"Welcome to the 13 th and final showof this series! But don't despair, a new series will befollowing shortly!"
After the cheers died down she asked
"Are you all ready for me to win someone's wife again?""Well then let's meet tonight's contestant!"
The deep voiced announcer broke in again,
"Give a big hand to our contestant, Daniel from South California."
A new spotlight announced Daniel's entrance. He was fashionably dressedin dark anti-fit jeans and a named tight fit T-shirt. An athletic build along with shortblonde hair andpiecing blues eyes completing his look as an attractive young professional.Coming up to Zoya, Daniel lent forward and kissed Zoya on both cheeks in purefalseshow biz style. Zoya warmly kissed him back, slowly tracing her hand over hischest asthey meet.
"Hi Daniel, congratulations on qualifying for You Bet Your Wife."Following Zoya's gesture, Daniel and Zoya sat on the couch, its short lengthunavoidablypushing Zoya's bare legs up against Daniel.
"Before we start the game tonight maybe you could tell us a littlebit about yourself,Daniel." asked Zoya with an obvious attraction to the male contestant.
"Well I'm 25 years old Building Engineer" answered Daniel hisvoice sleek and smooth,keeping lustful eye contact with Zoya as he spoke.
Zoya noted Daniel's British accent.
"So do I detect a British accent?"
"Yes, I originally lived in the UK" replied Daniel.
"So what made you move to the USA?" Zoya probed.
"Work! I was offered an excellent opportunity within the companyhowever it meant memoving to the USA."
"So what does your wife do?" askedZoya"Kirsten is an Accountant.""Those are pretty different jobs, how did you two meet?""We meet back in the UK. We both had part time jobs at the same place while we were
studying for our currentjobs.""So when did you get married?""Six months ago, we went back to the UK to get married to be with our families.""So since you started dating, has anyone else slept with your wife?""Not that I know of," responded Daniel with a nervous little laugh."Does putting Kirsten on You Bet Your Wife make you nervous? You know you might
have to watch her sleep with someone else on national TV." "Sure,it's a chance that something can happen, but when I've played at home I normallyget to the 4 thor 5 thquestionwith no problem, so I can quit before she has to go through with anything andget a decent amount of cash as well" Zoya's smile became a little deviousat this response. It wouldn't be hard to tease Daniel into risking a lot morethan he planned, especially with the inside knowledge she had gained from theirfriends Steph and Joel.
Not questioning his response Zoya continued, "So what made youdecide to compete onYou Bet Your Wife?""Actually it was a wager with another couple our neighbours."At the mention of neighbours (Steph and Joel) Zoya smiled to herself."We were round at their house one evening. There was some banter about who was going the win the up and coming Soccer FA Cup, so my neighbours wife suggesteda bet, then she suggested that the losing couple would have to apply for thisshow as a forfeit. The forms were filled in there and then, so neither couplecould back out on the wager. At the time it didn't seem a big deals coz thechances of us being chosen seem slim!"
Lightly resting her hand on Daniels thigh Zoya said, "I hopethe wager was worth it! Areyou ready to start playing?""Sure""Do you remember the rules?"
"I'm pretty sure I know them""Well let me remind you and the audience," Zoya said launching into her well practiceddescription. "Before this show started we gave Daniel and his wife a psychologicalquestioner as well as interviewing their friends."
Including the very helpful Steph and Joel she thought to herself.
"Our experts have examined those responses and figured out a secret darkfantasy of Kirsten's. How much of that fantasy Kirsten has to act out in frontof our studio audience depends on how well Daniel can answer our questions."
"The questions work much like Who Wants to be a Millionaire. The firstquestion is worth one thousand dollars and each additional question is worthtwice the previous, question up to a total of ten questions. Like Millionairethe contestant can request a hint but he must 'pay' for his hint by removinga major article of clothing. Unlike Millionaire, a wrong answer doesn't causethe contestant to forfeit money, it causes his wife to have forfeits of a sexualorientation. The later the question the more his wife has to pay for the mistake.For instance a wrong answer on the first question might require the contestant'swife to strip down to a bra and panties. An incorrect answer on question two,whether or not the contestant got the first question right, then the next forfeitis worse just like the questions get harder." "We can't have contestantscutting and running once they start to lose so you can only ask us to releaseyour wife after a correct answer but the contestant can always choose not tospare his wife even if he gets the questions right. The later questions areharder than the earlier ones. There is also an extra special bonus for gettingthe tenth question right." Pausing Zoya suggestively licked her lips makingsure to move her hand to Daniel's inner thigh to make the beneficiary clear, "I'myour slave for the night." Rubbing her hand up and down over Daniel'sinner thigh Zoya suggestively continued, "I promise you won't be disappointed.Even better any couple getting all ten questions correct will have any reasonablesexual fantasy of their choice fulfilled. They may even select audience orstaff members of their choice to participate. Our lawyers assure us that thecontract our audience members have signed is completely binding. However, soas not to disappoint the viewing public the successful contestant must appointan audience or staff member, such as me, to take the place of the contestant'swife as if all ten questions had been answered incorrectly. On the other handif you get the tenth question wrong not only are you going to be publicly cuckoldedbut the contestant must follow my orders while his wife is exploited and ofcourse I get a large cash bonus. Contestants getting all ten questions wrongbecome the property of this show for one year."
"Alight Daniel, are you ready to see the situation we have arrangedfor your wife?"
"Sure" came Daniel's reply.
At his assent the second stage was sprayed with spotlights and burst intoview. The first thing Daniel noticed about the other stage was his wife standingin the center of the stage, Kirsten's tight red short figure hugging skirt,small skimpy red tube top, red high heels and matching bright red lipsticksaid to everybody there, complete SLUT. Kirsten's face burned bright red withhumiliation. Kirsten's nipples were visibly erect through the thin fabric makingher humiliation worse and confirmed the slutty look. Her erect nipples werekept hard thanks to the cold air blower directly above her head away from Danielsand the audience's view. Also on the other stage was what can only be describedas a leather shaped "H" lying flat with a central circular support under thecross bar of the "H". From the cross bar to the tip of the upper arms, theleather was about a foot thicker than the bottom halves.
Kirsten was joined by the usual shirtless well built men wearing only tightleather pants, one on either side.
As usual Mistress Dena stalked the stage. Tonight she was wearinga tight black latexknee length shirt, with black and white latex bra, knee high boots and blacklatex gloveswith her ever present riding crop in her hand!
Zoya returned to her role as the host. Zoya asked, "MistressDena, could you please tellDaniel and our audience what you plan to do with his wife."
Mistress Dena's responded in an evil tone,"Well tonight is going to be different from other nights, as Kirsten's dark secret is one ofHumiliation and degradation"
Kirsten's eyes flow wide open, she couldn't believe what had beensaid.
"So to add to her humiliation and degradation she will find out whatwe have planned asit happens" Mistress Dena cast an evil glance in Kirsten's direction.
"However I can reveal to you that if the tenth question is answerincorrectly, then up toten male members of the audience will get the chance to cum twice inside thesluttonight, once inside her mouth, and she will swallow! And then once in eitherher pussyor ass"
At that moment the audience erupted, Kirsten stared at the floor indisbelief for severalminutes until the cheering died down. Unbeknown to Daniel and the audience,Kirstenwas in a state of constant arousal! In-fact she had been since she was lastwith Danielover 3 hours ago. A little pack clipped to the back of her skirt, that lookedlike amicrophone pack was in-fact the power source for the little bullet vibratorsitting againsther clit.
"I can also reveal that, that won't bethe only time the audience gets evolved tonight!"announced Mistress Dena
Again the audience cheered loudly.
Zoya turned back to Daniel with a beamingsmile asking, "So how do you feel aboutwhat we have in store for your wife?"
Daniel didn't reply he just shrugged his shoulders.
"It turns you on doesn't it," Zoyasaid looking at his semi erect member already visiblethrough his jeans.
"Well there's no turning back now,hope you little wager was worth it!" she said with aglint in her eye.
"It's time for your first question."
"Question 1, this is worth $1,000 for acorrect answer and who knows for an incorrectanswer" Zoya said, giving Daniel a sexy wink.
"How many inches are in a foot?" Zoya asked.
"12" Daniel quickly responded.
"Correct" confirmed Zoya
Daniel gave a confident smile, and winkedat Zoya."Ready for the next question" Zoya asked licking her lips towards Daniel."Oh yes" Came Daniel's cocky response."Question 2 this is worth $2,000""If you were born on July 1st, what would your astrological sign be?"Daniel carefully double checked his answer in his head before, saying"Cancer"Zoya looked at him and asked"Are you sure?""Yep" came Daniel responseOnce again Zoya confirmed he was correct, before she slowly rose from the couchand
slipped out of her silk dressing gown touncover her very sexy and very revealing nurse's
outfit.Daniels eyes lit up. He was mesmerized by the sight, causing his cock to instantlybecome erect. Daniel had never been able to resist a nurse's outfit.
Zoya smiled at Daniel's reaction to theoutfit, knowing the information she had got from
Steph and Joel was correct."OK, Question 3 this is worth $4,000""What was the maiden name of Bill Clinton's wife?"
Daniel ponds the question, trying not tolook at Zoya outfit, before saying"I got two answer in my head but can't decide which one""You can have a clue, but it will cost you your T-shirt" purred Zoya"OK" said Daniel, slowly raising and removing his T-shirtWhen seated again Zoya moved her hands over his chest while giving him theclue"It begins with 'R'!"Daniel sits there enjoying Zoya hands roam across his chest, before answering"Rodham, Hillary Rodham"
"Correct again" Zoya hissed, a little annoyedwith herself."Question 4, this is worth $8,000" said Zoya, slow rubbing her hand over Daniel's erectcock, keeping his mind off the task in hand.
"In the 'Garfield' comic strip, what isthe name of Garfield's rubber chicken?"
Daniel instantly said "Pooky" but then he gasped as soon he'd said it, realizingthat he should have said Stretch.
"I'm sorry, the correct answer is Stretch" Said Zoya before Daniel had achance to kick himself for jumping in with both feet without thinking.
As soon as Mistress Dena heard that an incorrect answer had been given, shenodded towards her assistants, who quickly place a black ball gag in Kirsten'smouth and tightened it along with a red collar around her neck. They then removedher tube top to the delight of the audience. Next they bound Kirsten's wristbehind her back using red bondage tape; Kirsten arched her back thrusting herbreast out just waiting to be fondled. The final step was for her skirt tobe removed, the mini vibe was also removed unseen by the audience.
Mistress Dena then silently and casually walked up to Kirsten and clippeda leash onto her collar, she then proceed to lead her off the staged area towardsthe audience to Kirsten's dismay. As Kirsten moved away from the stage lightingshe could make out the audience area. It was split into 3 blocks, 1 centralblock about 8 chairs wide, and 2 side blocks slightly angled of about 5 chairswide. Mistress Dena continued to lead her towards to central block. As Kirstengot closer to the central block she realized that the front three rows of thecentral block were completely full of her friends, neighbours and work colleagues.She instinctively closed her eyes as to not make eye contact with anyone sheknew. She stopped walking when she felt her knees touching someone else's,still with her eyes closed she open her legs slightly as not to touch the otherperson knees. Kirsten suddenly opened her eyes as she felt somebody fondleher breasts, she look down to find herself straddling Steph and Joel's seats,with Joel groping her breasts.
Steph then put her hand on Kirsten's pussy and shouted
"The slut's wet"
Kirsten's face flushed violently, her next door neighbours hand then touchedher pussy and he confirmed to the audience that she was wet.
The audience were cheering and laughing, adding to Kirsten's humiliation.Mistress Dena then proceeded to parade Kirsten along the front row of the centralblock then along the front row of the left hand block for everybody to geta good look at her naked body before returning her to the stage.
Whilst this had been going on, Zoya had been licking Daniels nipples andhis cock was harder than ever trying to breakout of his jeans.
"Another question I think" said Zoya
"Question 5, and it's worth $16,000"
"The act of having several spouses at one time is called what?"
Daniel looked blankly at Zoya; it was obvioushe hadn't got a clue. Seeing this Zoya toyed with his cock through his jeans,before asking him "Would you like a clue?"
Daniel just nodded "It'll cost you your jeans" Zoya said as she slowly buttonedhis jeans, before ordering him to stand, so she could remove them fully.
After his jeans had been removed and they were both re-seated, she said "Itbegins with the letter P!"
Daniel was still none the wiser, he pondered for a few seconds before admitting "Idon't know"
"I can tell you the correct answer is Polygamy" Zoya said knowing that Danielhad lost all his previous confidence.
"Take it away Mistress Dena" announced Zoya.
Again a nod from Mistress Dena brought her assistantsto life; one disappeared off stage, whilst the other quickly fixed a spreaderbar to Kirsten's ankles forcing her legs apart.
Mistress Dena then sat Kirsten on the edge ofone of the arms to the leather 'H' facing the audience.
The other assistant soon returned with a bowl of water, a razor and shavingfoam. This brought the crowd to life and caused Kirsten to shriek through hergag.
Mistress Dena then began to quickly and expertly shave Kirsten's pussy completelybare. Massaging Kirsten's clit as she went along keeping her constantly turnedon. Once complete, Mistress Dena toweled off any excess foam and water, beforegrabbing the leash and forcing Kirsten to awkwardly walk with the spreaderbar still in place.
Again Kirsten was lead off the stage towards theaudience. This time she was taken to the middle of left hand block, where shehad the indignity of having the front row grope and touch her newly shavenpussy.
She was then led towards the central block before being halted about a meterfrom the front row; Mistress Dena then turned Kirsten around so she was facingaway from the audience.
Mistress Dena then pushed Kirsten's head down so that she bent over, shethen took the leash and threaded it through a ring in the centre on the spreaderbar, and pulled the leash up, ensuring Kirsten couldn't return from her bentposition.
With the hand holding the leash Mistress Dena toyed with Kirsten's clit,bring soft moans from behind the gag. With her other hand she slow traced theoutline of Kirsten's newly shaven pussy lips with her gloved fingers, beforeshe plunged two fingers into her sopping wet pussy, and began to finger fuckher.
Mistress Dena continued this for some minutes before stopping and holdingher fingers up to the lights to show the audience how wet Kirsten was, beforewiping her gloved hand over Kirsten's back.
"OK, Question 6 this is worth $32,000"
"What was the first U.S. state to enter the Union?"
Daniel instantly shook his head, and then looked down, before saying "AmericanHistory, the subject I was hoping to avoid!"
"Do you want a clue" offered Zoya, hoping he'd lose more clothing.
"What's the point; if you gave me a choice of two I wouldn't know the answer"
"OK, so you give up?" asked Zoya
Daniel paused for a few seconds before nodding his head
"Is that a yes" taunted Zoya
"Yes!" Snapped Daniel
"The correct answer is Delaware" gloated Zoya, before casting a glaceover to MistressDena.
Mistress Dena then slow walkout towards the audience, she alreadyknows who she isgoing to choose from the audience, but she stops half way between the stageand theaudience, she stood silently pretending to survey the audience in contemplation,beforeshe walked slow and sexily to Steph bending forward she whispered in her ear "Wouldyou like the slut to lick you out?" Steph's eyes lit up, before she gasped "Yes".
Steph rose quickly and smothered her skirt down and walked to thestage with abeaming grin, thinking to herself that tonight was going better than she couldhavehoped, not only was her friend getting humiliated in front of her friends,neighbours andwork colleagues, plus all those watching on TV, but Kirsten was about to beforce to lickher out.
Mistress Dena motions Steph to seat on the edge of the cross bar tothe leather shaped"H" where one of the shirtless assistants quickly kneels before her and removes herthong. Mistress Dena then grab's the dangling leash and pulls Kirsten towardsSteph,Kirsten struggles to walk with the spreader bar still in place, before turningher to faceSteph with her back to the audience.
Steph looks up with a cruel smile and reaches out with both handsand painfully grabsboth of Kirsten's nipples causing a muffled groan. She then said"Oh by the way I've won our bet slut"
Kirsten had completely forgotten about her bet with Steph made notlong after they hadbeen accepted for the show. If Daniel Quit before the 7thquestionSteph would matchthe amount they won be it question 1 or 6, but if Daniel went as far as question7 ormore, Kirsten had to be Steph's slave for one month doing anything she ordered.
"Kneel Slut" Mistress Dena suddenly barked, she emphasizesthis with a sharp crack ofthe crop across Kirsten's buttocks.Kirsten quickly dropped to her kneels to avoid another hit of the crop.
Mistress Dena then leans forward and starts to remove the ball gag,as she does thisshe whisper's in Kirsten's ear "Start licking her pussy you whore, anddon't stop till I tellyou"Once the gag was removed Kirsten shuffled forward and put her head under Steph'sskirt and began to lick the moist pussy in front of her.
Kirsten continues to carry on licking atSteph's pussy in the knowledge that she'll have to
see Steph over and over again day in dayout.Steph soon starts to moan, and then increases Kirsten humiliation by saying "That'sgood, oh god that's great"
"You've done this before, I can tell!""That's it just there, keep going you little pussy licker"Back over on the other stage. Zoya is teasing Daniel"Sounds like your wife is a natural or has she had some practice? Wouldn't mind letting
her have a go on me!"
Daniel just nervously laughed, but his faceshowed to all that the idea of his wife lickingZoya turned him on."It about time for question 7" Said ZoyaAnd just then Steph exploded into orgasm on the other stage."Someone's had fun, but not as much as your wife!" Zoya said with a smug look."Question 7! This is worth, - $64,000 for a correct answer""What is the name of the angel in 'It's a Wonderful Life'?"Daniel was clearly out of his depth with these harder questions. Zoya decidednot to
push him for an answer but to tease himto see how worked up she could get him
Zoya, started to kiss his neck before workingher way down his chest.Then onto to his sensitive nipples before giving them long lingering licks.Daniels through his head back, overwhelmed by the pleasure, he was unable tothink
Zoya winning the battle sat up slightly,and gently flicked her nails across Daniels nipplesbring loud moans from his mouth. Zoya seized on this opportunity and asked"You don't know the answer do you?""No" came Daniel response through more moaning"That's another one wrong" Zoya beamed followed by"The answer that could have spared your wife from further humiliation was Clarence"Daniel was too engrossed in the pleasure to notice the movements on the otherstage.The bondage tape holding Kirsten's wrist's to her elbows was cut away by Mistress
Dena, Kirsten still in her kneeling position facingaway from the audience moved her arms about to get the feeling back into them.
Whilst she was doing this the two shirtlessassistants stripped out of the tight leather
shorts to reveal large throbbing erections.Mistress Dena then order Kirsten to turn around she was then promptly meetby the twoerect cocks. Kirsten just knelt there staring at the large members before her.
Mistress Dena interrupted Kirsten's dazewith a crack of the crop across her buttocks,
then order her to start rubbing and suckingon the cocks before her.Kirsten then reached up and grabbed a cock in each hand and slowly startedto rubthem, she then reached forward with her mouth and started to suck on one ofthe cocks.
Mistress Dena stood behind Kirsten the wholetime giving her order's like, change the
cock she was sucking and to speed up.After 10mins of having their cocks sucked and rubbed the assistants were nearingorgasm, Mistress Dena then ordered Kirsten to stop what she was doing and putherhands behind her back where they were immediately bound.
Mistress Dena then walked around the front of Kirsten and stood in-betweenher two assistants, and took a cock in each of the gloved hands and began tojerk them off until they each came over Kirsten's face. Mistress Dena thentook each cock in turn and wiped the remaining cum over Kirsten's face beforeordering Kirsten to clean each cock in turn.
Kirsten then had to suffer the indignityof kneeling there with cum dripping down her faceunable to wipe it away because her hands were still cuffed behind her back."Question 8! A correct answer is worth - $125,000 and could save your wife""Whom did Bobby Fischer defeat in 1972 to become Chess World Champion?""What a question! Bloody chess!" was Daniel's response.Zoya decided it was time to get Daniel naked and worked up."Would you like a clue?" mocked Zoya"Yes" came Daniel's reluctant."I'll need you to take off you boxers first" said Zoya, itching to get hold of his erect cockDaniel rose and Zoya helped him out of his boxers while fondling his balls."B S are the initials" offered Zoya as his clue.
Daniel shuck his headbefore saying "No, I don't know""Boris Spassky" Zoya revealed, while slowly working her hand up his thigh towards hiserect cock.
"Time for the Violator" Mistress Dena announced, to the delight ofthe audience.Whilst the audience cheered, Kirsten was positioned on the leather 'H' on allfours withher legs on lowest parts of the arms, and her arms and elbows of the highestparts,
forcing her to be on all fours with a straight back. Whilst in this positionthe shirtless assistants secured her legs and wrists to the leather 'H'.
Mistress Dena the slowly turned the leather 'H' around so that Kirsten wason all fours facing the audience. She slowly traced her gloved hand down Kirsten'sback, dipping in to the creases of her backside, and then teased her clit.Mistress Dena then picked the Violator up from the table to the left of theleather 'H' and held it high for the audience to see. The Violator was madeof thick black ribbed flexible rubber, about 2 and a half inches thick and10 inches long with a hilt at the bottom then a 5 inch handle.
Mistress Dena walked behind Kirsten slowly tracing the violator down herback! She the rubbed the violator along Kirsten's exposed pussy causing therib's to stimulate her erect clit; this brought loud moans from Kirsten.
Mistress Dena then cruelly rammed the violator into Kirsten's wet pussy inone swift movement, prompting a loud squeal from Kirsten.
Mistress Dena furiously worked the violator in and out of Kirsten's pussy;it wasn't long before Kirsten was constantly moaning nearing any orgasm, MistressDena then stopped before Kirsten could reach orgasm, leaving the violator burieddeep in Kirsten's pussy and Kirsten frustrated, desperately needing an orgasm.
Mistress Dena then bent down and whispered in Kirsten's ear,
"Soon there will be real cocks sliding in and out of your pussy, not thisviolator! And you know what? I'm going to make sure that I choose members ofthe audience that are your friends, neighbours and work colleges to fuck yourbrains out"
"OK! Question 9 this is worth a cool $250,000"
"Which planet once had a 'Great Dark Spot' before it disappeared in 1995?"
Daniel let out along sigh, before pondering the question, then said
"Ok, let's look at this logically"
As he said this Zoya, started to slowly work his cock with one hand whilegently teasing his nipples with the other.
Daniels was trying not to concentrate on what Zoya was doing and think ofthe answer, but it was too good, so he blurted out
Zoya knowing he was wrong toyed with him
"Was that a guess?"
"Yes" came Daniels hopeful reply
"Sorry you're wrong again" Zoya said with a little chuckle "Neptune was theanswer I was looking for" said Zoya still gently flicking his nipples, Danieldidn't care he was still enjoying the sensation that Zoya was causing throughhis cock and nipples.
Over on the other stage, one of the assistants walked off stage, while MistressDena slowly walks and stands behind Kirsten slowly pushing the violator furtherinto her pussy, producing a loud gasp, before delicately teasing her clit.
The assistant returns to the stage holding a glass half full of something,and puts it on the table to the left hand side of where Kirsten is tired tothe leather 'H', next to Mistress Dena's crop.
Mistress Dena then bends down and whisper in Kirsten's ear "Beg to drinkthat glass of cum or I'll whip your pussy till it bleeds and then I'll getevery male in the audience to fuck the life out of you!"
Kirsten starts to softly whimper, Mistress Dena than goes over to the tableand picks up the glass, and addresses the audience holding the glass up "I'djust like to thank all the male members of the audience that contributed tothis glass cum, that the slut is about to drink!"
Cheers erupt throughout the audience. MistressDena waits for the audience to go quitebefore she continues."In fact she wants to drink it so much she's about to beg! Isn't that right slut?"
"Yes" was the weak response."We can't hear you" said Mistress Dena sternly as she picked up the crop from the table,and walked behind Kirsten.
This spurred a response from Kirsten "PleaseMistress Dena, please let me drink thatglass of cum""Tells us all why we should let you" said Mistress Dena adding to her plight"Coz I'm a slut, who enjoys drinking cum from strangers" said KirstenThis brought a smile to Mistress Dena's face "Do you like the taste?" saidMistress Dena"Yes, I love the taste, it taste so nice, and I can't get enough of it!""Good... But I'm still not convinced" came Mistress Dena reply"I do want to, I do.... Please Mistress Dena, Please I need to drink it""Errrmmm" Mistress Dena pretended to ponder the idea
"I' am a slut whoneeds that cum" Kirsten blurts out one last time"Very well" said Mistress Dena walking around to the table and swapping her crop forthe glass of cum.
She then brought the glass up to Kirsten's mouth and she slowly began todrink the glass of cum, to cheers and laughter from the audience.
Zoya then takes back control of the show but addsto Kirsten's plight "That's a strange party trick you wife has there" she sayto Daniel as she still toys with his erect nipples and cock.
"OK time for the last question" Zoya quickly moves on while Daniel is stillmesmerized by what he's seen.
"Question 10 the final question and it could win you $500,000 and save yourwife from getting gang banged by some of our audience" Zoya said with delight,as she increases the pace of the hand rubbing his erect cock.
She deliberately paused to give herself more time to work his erect cock,before asking
"The mathematical term 'e' stands for what number?"
Zoya then went back to licking his nipples. Daniel closed his eyes and startedto moan, nearing orgasm. Sensing this Zoya stopped, then knelt before him,and started to lick up and down his shaft. Every once in a while flicking hertongue across the tip of his cock, this brought loud moaning. Zoya stop andlooked up at him, with her sexy eyes, rubbing his cock and said
"Just say you don't know and I'll make you cum, you can even cum in my mouth"
Daniel was to close to orgasm that he couldn'tlet her stop. Zoya slowed down rubbing his cock to try and coax the responseshe desired. It soon worked and Daniel gave in and said
"I don't know the answer"
Zoya immediately stood up letting go of his cock and announced to the audience
"Gang Bang time!"
"And for those that care the correct answer is 2.71"
She turned to Daniel and said
"Now you're my slave! Come her and lick my pussy while I watch your wifeget well and truly fucked! And if you do it right I might let you have thatorgasm"
Daniel got to his knees ready to lick Zoya's pussy,as he did so, Mistress Dena announced
"As Daniel got 7 questions in-correct then that's how many audience memberswill get to use his wife"
With that she walked out to the audience, directly to the central block andcarefully picked 7 males from the first three rows containing Kirsten's friends,neighbours and work colleagues that were all of a similar build and stature.All 7 then followed Mistress Dena off set away so Kirsten and Daniel couldnot see who Mistress Dena had chosen. Minutes later Mistress Dena walked onto the stage followed by the 7 men, all had changed into matching black t-shirtsand boxers, wearing black masks and snoods to hide there identities.
Mistress Dena lined the men up in front on the leather 'H' before walkingbehind Kirsten and grabbed the violator and used it to rotated Kirsten andthe leather 'H' so that she faced the 7 men. Kirsten looked up to see 7 maskedmen standing there ready to use her. Mistress Dena then turned Kirsten so shewas parallel with the audience so they could get a good view of the action.Mistress Dena directed one of the men to use Kirsten's mouth and another touse her pussy. Whilst they were using Kirsten, Mistress Dena knelt down byher side and slowly whipped her breast with her crop, as she did this she softlyspoke to Kirsten, saying "Every time you look at a male you know, be it friend,neighbour or work collogue you'll think to yourself did he fuck me like a whoreand use my holes! This will eat away at you day in day out until you humiliateyourself and ask them if they did or did not! But then you'll still never knowthe truth as they could lie to protect themselves or lie just to fuck withyour mind. The only way you'll really know is to degrade yourself one lasttime and have them in your mouth once again to know for sure, just like theslut inside you wants to!" This got to Kirsten and she soon started to moanwith the rhythm of the fucking she was getting. This was soon interrupted asthe man in her mouth came causing her to quickly swallow. He was soon replacedby another.
Zoya was moaning loudly too, Daniel's tongue licking and caressing her pussyas she watched his wife be used by 7 men. The sight of Kirsten's throat andmouth re-flexing as the second man came in her mouth was enough to push Zoyaover the edge to orgasm. Zoya trembled with waves of pleasure as another manentered Kirsten's mouth. Zoya was still hungry for more so she then orderedDaniel to bend her over the couch and fuck her while they both watch his wifebeing used like the slut she was. As Daniel entered Zoya, the man in Kirsten'spussy announced he had cum with a loud moan, Kirsten's moaning subsided whileshe waited to be entered again. She didn't have to wait long as the next manentered her arse, causing a fresh wave of please to pulsate through her body.With this Mistress Dena turned the attention of the crop to Kirsten's clit,causing her to moan wantingly again. Hearing his wife's re-newed moans of pleasure,Daniels own breathing became heavier as he came closer to orgasm. Zoya sensedthis and began to push back harder encouraging Daniel to fuck her harder andfaster.
Kirsten tried with all her might not let the pleasure boil over into a orgasmand humiliate herself one last time, by coming from being gang banged by herfriends, neighbours and work colleagues. But the pleasure was too much andshe let herself go and came with an almighty orgasm. Hearing his wife cum sentDaniel over the edge as he orgasmed moments later, to the delight of Zoya whohad achieved her goal of causing Daniel to orgasm while watching his wife'shumiliation.
Hello friends, aap sabhi ko meri shubh kaamnaye. Aapke mail mile mujhe, behad khushi hui. Thanks sabko. Chaliye aaj ka episode padhte hai. Jo bhi ye episode pahli baar pad rahe ho unse kahunga ki aap ise padhne se pahle season 1 padhle jisse apko saari kahaniyo ki jad se pata chale. Jo bhi mujhe mail mein messages aur apni sujhaaw dena chahte ho, ye raha mera mail id ( ). Aur haan agar aapko meri series pasand aa rahi ho to mujhe vote karna na bhoole. PART 12: Cousin Sister Bharti – Intro...
Seinfeld: The Rejected TG Final Episode found by Cabinessence Seinfeld is a creation of Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David. Spells R Us is a creation of Bill Hart. Ellen Degeneris is a creation of her parents. Scene One: Spells R' Us store Paramus NJ location. Old Man: Jerry Seinfeld, I haven't seen you in here in oh about ten years. Jerry: Well I had this little TV show that has just about wrapped up. You may have heard of it. Old Man: I don't watch much TV. I haven't had...
T.V.'s Brothers and Sisters: A revised episode. Introduction: In a recent episode of the TV drama, 'Brothers and Sisters', Kitty (Calista Flockhart) and Nora (Sally Field) are attending a charity function to do with raising funds for a cancer cause. Kitty is hiding out in a washroom because her hair has just started to fall out because of chemotherapy she is receiving for her lymphoma. Nora approaches the door and begs her daughter to come out. I have...
A revised episode. Introduction: In a recent episode of the TV drama, 'Brothers and Sisters', Kitty (Calista Flockhart) and Nora (Sally Field) are attending a charity function to do with raising funds for a cancer cause. Kitty is hiding out in a washroom because her hair has just started to fall out because of chemotherapy she is receiving for her lymphoma. Nora approaches the door and begs her daughter to come out. I have altered the scenario that they have been kidnapped and are...
Hello to all my fellow Indian Sex Stories dot net readers. My name is Zerks, and I’m from the Western Hemisphere. I stand 5 foot 8 inches tall, above average built, with an average tool. I’m a very horny man by nature, and my hunger to have my first sexual intercourse grew as I turned 18. So this is a pilot episode on how it all began. On June 5th, 2011 | Garbage Girl | I was very bored at home, lonely to a point where I decided to head out and take some snaps with my new iPhone. While I was...
Succubus Episode By Jacquie Windsor ------------------- This story is fictional. The main characters are tributes to copyrighted characters somewhere. No infringement is expected to be taking place, apart from the usual. This story may be posted elsewhere in full only with the express consent of the author. Saturday, December 30, 2000. [email protected] Eric provided editorial comments resulting in a number of changes, although the ending wasn't quite what he...
Lost Episodes. Those Creepypastas with lost tapes, one and only time airings, and other hidden content. They can be television shows, unreleased cuts of movies for the big or small screen, and even various Commericals. All Evidence is usually destroyed before the episode could be proven real. These lost episodes are not Creepypastas. They are not horror, no matter how high or low quality they have. These are a different genre all together. No... these are the Lost Episodes of Erotic. Episodes...
========= Divorcee Mom and Son. First episode. ….. guided his penis into his mom’s wet cunt…. I am a divorcee of 33 years and had always enjoyed sex with my Dad since the age of 16 when my parents divorced. I thought I will get some encouragement and feel less guilty reading about the experience with other like minded people. One of the Lush members Franklin847 encouraged me to write about my incest experiences and also gave me a tip or two as to how to get my 16 year old...
IncestDear friends, The wedding happened smoothly and all guest thoroughly enjoyed the food and dancing, and I too enjoyed myself fully. The couple planned to leave the following day and Uncle announced that they also had planned to go to a nearby resort for a couple of days. Aunty Rita said she was not going as there was lots of shopping she wanted to do in Chennai , silk sarees, dresses etc and I should also keep her company to take her around. Only 3 days she said….I said ok and a bit disappointed...
IncestBrittney's Public Wig Shopping Episode I sat in my car intentionally a few blocks from the wig shop in a small town where I knew no one. I dug the white panties out of the shopping bag and removed them from their package. I pulled out the nude sheer pantyhose out of the bag and carefully tore open the package and removed the cardboard inserts. I pulled all the tags off my new dress. I pulled the tags off my new shoes. A pair of black flats. I pushed the seat back in the car...
Hi my dear ISS fans, I am Shanu back with the final episode with Sheena Di. I understand that I have taken time to complete the story, but at last I could. I kept on busy with some of my horny fans in satisfying their urges. Today I am sharing with you all the experience of having sex, body to body with My Teacher, who really taught me the great lessons of Sex and the secrets of Woman to satisfy all the urges. I always keep 100% secret of the female with whom I was in touch. So please mail me...
After that day incident, I became totally sex starved. One day when no one was there in my house, I became naked and observe my entire body. My small white penis, pink scrotum, and my ass with black holes. I am still not sure, how I got the idea, I started moving my penis foreskin in and out, and with each movement was giving me a big electric shocks. I don’t know why, but I was feeling very happy after getting naked. I closed my main entrance door of my house, and went to my parent’s...
IncestAs I was recovering from my concussion, foremost in my mind and heart were the new-found loving sexual encounters with my dear Daddy. While our first virginity-taking episode was painful, I was really proud of the blow job I had given Daddy on our next encounter. My first climax from the grinding stimulation of my clitoris over his erect member was truly life-changing. But, I greedily wanted so much more! I don’t know if my bitchy mother was suspicious, or if Daddy was afraid to proceed...
IncestThe old man had been an avid collector of movie memorabilia, but I soon noticed most of the items were not all that valuable. Well, that's not quite true. They would have been worth decent money for someone like me, but the fact was that selling them would not have made a noticeable difference to Wilson's bank account. I still accurately appraised and catalogued everything, since I was a professional and I wanted Wilson to consider me for further work in the future, but I was certainly...
He looked at her with a sort of fury that distorted his features, his desire for her, long fought and denied, had won at last. He wanted her with an urgency that rebelled against any kind of limit.She looked at him with a small smile fighting its way through her rosy lips and said, "Yes.""You do not know what you are saying yes to.""I know who. And I said yes."He approached her then, his eyes resting on her breasts and then traveling to the rest of her body."Just take your clothes off,...
Straight SexIn the night of Venice, there are no doubts. In the starred night, lovers can meet, no matter what, who or where... These were my thoughts when I had just arrived in the city; it seemed to me every dark street held a romantic story and every portal had been built just to hide lovers. I, for some reason, felt attracted to these ideas and never failed to cultivate them in my mind. As a result, they grew stronger until I was convinced I was destined to live one of those stories.It was with this...
BDSMTuesday, The Final DayThe sound of the headboard in the opposite bedroom banging rhythmically against the wall awakened me shortly after daybreak on the Tuesday morning. My first thought was that this was the last day of Tina and Jim's visit with us, and therefor my last opportunity to screw my voluptuous little blonde bed-partner, who was sleeping peacefully with her head on my chest. I automatically reached down for one of her huge breasts.My gentle caress of her nipple immediately woke...
Group SexThe bulge in the man’s jeans is almost comically large and it’s about all I can see in the video I’m watching. The cameraman has zoomed in such that the man’s crotch fills the screen. A woman’s hand glides over the bulge from above his beltline, her wedding band and solitaire catching my full attention. She takes her time, fingers and palm meandering fully south to cup his balls in her palm. She pauses to squeeze and chuckle a compliment or two about his size, then moves back north and...
"And where did you meet them?" I pondered, brushing my hair."At the strip club," she replied, strolling into the bathroom with me. "I bought at least ten lap dances from Mason as he only wore a black g-string.""A: bullshit and B: do you always have to prance around naked?" I questioned, seeing us both in the mirror."What?" she asked, turning to me. "Don't you like my naked body?" she inquired, shaking around somewhat.I turned to her too and scanned her body from top to bottom. "You have nice...
Group SexThis is your chance to take control over one of the living main lost characters, either Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Claire, or Charlie. Or be your own character. Where you was on the plane and where the other characters act differently. To keep characters in their normal personality take control over a character.
Following my night with the hockey club, I wanted to seek out similar opportunities. I was exhilarated, but this time not at all conflicted. The women were all from a distant suburb, and thus no threat to my standing as a future teacher. It was unlikely that I would meet Gwen again. However I had no luck finding other possibilities. I dare not just approach people and ask if they wanted me to perform naked at one of their parties. I advertised via an assumed name, and using a post office box...
ExhibitionismI must first and foremost thank Imhapless for being such a wonderful partner in inspiring me to write with him. Our first story went well, this one is different and such a joy to pen....more is on the horizon. My childhood was not always filled with the love and warmth that a girl dreams of. My Dad was great but my Mom was, shall I say, not as loving and nurturing as I hoped to be one day. When I was little she would rant about everything - my room being messy, leaving soap suds in the tub,...
IncestHello people of Indian sex stories dot net This is my first story which I am narrating today on this platform people believe me iss helps a lot to achieve ;) I am secretlust from Udaipur city I m 6 ft tall with an average tool of 6 inch not very fair nor a black guy just an average Indian guy and one more thing I would like to narrate this story in Hinglish(combo) because in English there is no masala types scene so please bear me Now coming to the story I live in a small town pursuing my...
I am NOT the simply sharing….. guided his penis into his mom’s wet cunt…. I am a divorcee of 33 years and had always enjoyed sex with my Dad since the age of 16 when my parents divorced. I thought I will get some encouragement and feel less guilty reading about the experience with other like minded people. One of the Lush members Franklin847 encouraged me to write about my i****t experiences and also gave me a tip or two as to how to get my 16 year old son involved. He suggested...
After Ashley came third time under the shower, Pete carried her to her bed.Ashley rested straight out on her back. Her arms stretched above her head.Her legs wide-spread to let her pussy cool off. Peter calmly dabbed her try.Pete whispered with a low voice to her ear: "Consider yourself tied up, honey!"Ashley sighed deep, in expectation and curiousity, what he come up with."I served you well, didn´t I?" Without waiting for response he added:"Now I´m going to take you. And you can´t resist me. I...
After those two tsunami orgasms on the beath, Ashley was glad that Peter helped her up, as she really felt weak in her knees, although she was glowing with joy.Seeing the state she was in, Pete decided to lead her back to her room. As he planned to please her some more. As they got up, he noticed that several students had been watching them from some distance. While they walked away with a happy smile, some applauded. The couple bowed as if they´d been on stage.Her room happened to overlook the...
The bulge in the man's jeans is almost comically large and it's about all I can see in the video I'm watching. The cameraman has zoomed in such that the man's crotch fills the screen. A woman's hand glides over the bulge from above his beltline, her wedding band and solitaire catching my full attention. She takes her time, fingers and palm meandering fully south to cup his balls in her palm. She pauses to squeeze and chuckle a compliment or two about his size, then moves back north and...
Wife LoversBy : Ranikomal (To be continued from “Tour of Srilanka- Part 2”, last part) My body was on heat and I was burning with the sex desire, as sunjay left me alone for 3 days in this hotel, and I was all alone, I told sam to take off his shirt and pant and let me see what treasure he have for me, Sam follow my words like a kid he take of his shirt and pant and was standing in his boxer, even his body was skinny, and one can count his rib bones, but I saw a very big bulge in his boxer, Sam came...
Hunter, Chasity, and I all made our way to my car. We immediately left and went back to our place. I didn't even ask if Hunter rode in with Mason, but he wasn't objecting to anything. Chasity sat in the back of the car, but that didn't stop her from rubbing Hunter's shoulders and pecking his cheek.I didn't get jealous and let it all happen. Considering how hot the night already was up until then, I knew all bets were off, so I was more than willing to find out just how far it would all go. I...
Threesomes“Grrrh, don’t go,” he grumbled, putting an arm over her. He had woken from a beautiful dream, he had felt that warm wet pussy nestled on his cock, those cheery tipped breasts hanging down, tormenting him. The face smiling down at him, the beautiful face…..of his daughter. “Stop it Harry,” Ann said, trying to wriggle out of his grasp. “Let’s not have a repeat of yesterday shall we, and stop pressing your erection against my bottom.” “Oh come on Annie,” Harry groaned, “just this once, you know...
Annie's tits seemed to grow bigger every week before she left for college. I was both aroused and worried, and needed someone other than Harriett to discuss it with. Someone knowledgable. I decided to make an appointment and stop after work at a storefront office of a breast reduction surgeon for a consultation. The specialist, Dr. Fleischmann, escorted me into his combination office/examination room with a paper-covered flat table on the side. "I'm worried about my daughter Annie. Her, uh,...
The streets around Dr. Crumholtz's office were a parking lot. Roll forward two feet and stop, over and over. Perhaps an accident, or maybe just the normal rush hour traffic jam. I didn't know for sure, since this wasn't my usual stomping or driving grounds near dinnertime. I'd just completed my second impersonation of Dr. Fleischmann, the breast enlargement/reduction specialist. The first time had been in his office, with a prospective patient. This time, it was in Dr. Crumholtz's office...
June 8, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “Pipe tobacco and bourbon?” Jessica asked, sniffing, as I climbed into bed. “Sorry. Want me to shower?” “Yes, please,” she said. I got up and went into the bathroom and quickly showered, making sure to wash my hair really well. I scrubbed my face and upper body thoroughly with Irish Spring, then rinsed off. I’d brushed my teeth before getting into bed, but did so again, and this time gargled with Listerine. I rinsed and went back to bed. “Better?” I...
"Can I say a couple of things to you, Dorothy, before we continue our fight?" "What, Julia?" asked the battered Dorothy, her eyes almost closed and her face a bloody mess after seven rounds, during which she had hardly landed a blow on the skilful Julia. The two combatants had just come out of their respective improvised corners to start another round. Dorothy sensed that defeat was near but had no thought of giving up. "Number one. You're a wonderful and brave girl. I'd be proud to...
Asia and Mia graduate from College. They are back in their hometown ready to start their lives. Both land their dream jobs. They are looking for a new house, and wind up meeting Lance and Idris, and the four of them hit it off perfectly Asia moves over close to Idris and gives him a kiss on his soft lips. He kissed her back hotly. While they were kissing, Asia reached her hand over and grabbed Mia’s plump nipple through her bathing suit. Mia giggled, she was high as fuck from the blunts...
BisexualFollow this template if you want to create an oc Name: date of birth (with age): place of birth: Height: Weight: Hair Color: Eye Color: Other notes:
Sorry, chala rozula taruvata malli mee mundu unnanu…………andariki diwali shubhakankshalu………….exams time kada anduke koncham busy……naa fans, naa boyfriends anu kondi…..spandu story raayu story raayu ani okate vedistunnaru prati roju………sare mee ishta prakarame oka recent incident chebutunnanu………… final year lo unnanu kabatti internal marks kacchitanga baga undali……….naake mo maa hod gadi tho padadu………..vadi favourite ammayilaku 18 or 19 outof 20 marks istadu internals lo……………sare diwali mundu oka...
Title: The Fun One Summary: The essence of a hot wife (sharing, gang bang, w/s) I walked up to the naked woman lying on a towel on the grass, “Bob said you asked for me. Your cunt sure is a mess!” Cum was in white flecks around her slit and running down over her asshole. She grinned and spread her thighs wider. I pushed down my half-hard pecker and a light yellow stream rinsed the pearly globs off the outside of her gaping pussy. She giggled when the hot liquid hit her clit. Bladder empty,...
He was amused by the sight...of me in lingerie..standing on the porch,it was obvious he was in a shock (or state of extacy?) and couldn't take his sparkling blue eyes off my firm body inside the dress...he closed the door behind,like he was worrying if someone could see us ..I don't know why but i felt the tears running down my cheeks as a result of this emotional discharge and hugged him,saying ''I was scared to death..of losing you...I thought you would never talk to me again''...Maybe i was...
Michael was my neighbors boy. He was pretty quiet for the 10 years I had lived next to them. He was a good looking boy and I had noticed he always had very soft features and had a skinny yet shapely body. He had an ass that girls would kill to have. It was June and school was letting out for the summer. Michael had just turned 18. It was summer and this year was particularly hot. I had the only pool in the neighborhood and all the k**s knew it, and took advantage of it. All except michael....
This is almost too many things for my already dazed brain to handle. Now, on top of everything else, I'm wondering if his little brother is home at the moment. I'm wondering how little, or rather how young his brother is. Most of all I wonder if he's someone I know. Wouldn't that be embarrassing?!! Lisa and I have been planning on there being three boys here, although I don't suppose there's that much difference between being fucked by three guys or four. I can only hope his little...
Mind Swapping Chapter 16 I strolled through the shopping mall on my way to the restaurant where I was supposed to meet Barbara. Most of the men that I passed either stared or attempted to make eye contact. I tried to ignore them. Some winked. A few whistled. One asked if we didn't know each other? Since I had been Carol Phelps for only two and a half weeks, I didn't know if we did or not. However, I had learned a lot about men and their pick up lines during my time in a female body. I...
“AAAAgg ... God yes!” Through the bedroom window, Lisa watched her daughter’s neighbor unload her car. Seems she had already been to the grocery store. This was the woman Lisa once deemed as the ‘nosey neighbor’. Ironic that being nosey is what saved her and her family’s lives. If Mrs. Carlson hadn’t been peeking out her window that night six months ago, she never would have seen the van that took her daughter away. With her description and James’ connections down town, James and Bill were...
I imagine you coming to me wearing only your newest, lacy negligee, black on black, sheer, tantalizingly sensual, subtly promising. One of my gifts to you, from earlier this morning. The one I could hardly wait to see you in! I’m sitting at my dining room table, laid out before us, atop the glistening finish is an assortment of delicious condiments, left over from the feast this afternoon, yet none so tasty as what I know you to be… As you saunter confidently and sensually towards me, emerging...
My name is Richard Baron, with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry, hopeful for a master’s degree, eventually. I always wanted to make some fantastic discovery that will change the world, and possibly make me some money at the same time! The University I go to is in the same town I grew up in and my parents allowed me to create my own Chem lab using half of the family garage. Dad doled out the money I needed. He was a big wig in the Financial Services industry. He made money in the World Stock...
Story originally created by arlingtonMan on October 11, 2010. Adopted by 57 (me) on June 28, 2017. Previous introduction: You feel like shit at work because you and your wife were fighting this morning before you left and you haven't gotten any texts or calls from her (usually at least a couple) and you feel like it was your fault you were fighting. You woke up in a bad mood because you were rejected last night by your wife and you wree tired of jerking off int he shower.... You decide to...
You're the school teacher for a class full of hot seniors in Jason Beck High School. You have been eying the members of the opposite sex for most of the year now, and with only three weeks left in the school year, it's either now or never. There are a few kids in your class, you realize, that you can easily take advantage of. The ones that are failing - Nancy Beck, granddaughter of Jason Beck, who founded the school. Jack White (If you choose to be a female teacher), a football player, and many...
The Potting Shed – Part 2 Life on the allotment, was never going to be the same for me, how could it be? James was there working alongside me every day, so naturally, we became close friends, with our love for horticulture and vegetable growing our common ground. But the sexual tension between us was hot and constant, neither of us bowing to it, but you could almost see the heat rising between us. It was only a matter of time, until it exploded, and we both knew that. At times, I sensed James...
Those of you that read my stories know Kat my wife and her band of horny wifes as she calls them well seeing as she is ofen off taking care of there hot holes I am ofen alone, not that I mind Kat's conqurest cause most of the time I too end up pounding there holes silly. Two weeks ago I went to eat alone and upon getting into the dinner I see Tracy this is one of Kat's new girls I think maybe juse two or three times in the sack but from all the moaning and pantting I'm sure Tracy has enjoyed...
The names in this story have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent, but the characters are real people. This is the true story of how one of them, an old fraternity brother of mine, finally lost his virginity.My fraternity was made up of some real characters. Many were severe party animals bent on the mass destruction of property… then there was Benji. Benji was Vietnamese. He was born in the States and grew up with a very traditional Vietnamese family in a predominantly Vietnamese...
College SexPrologue The breeze that came in from the Atlantic ocean did not do much to quell the baking sun on the beach of Marabogo. The small island laid approximately one hundred miles of the coast of Namibia, Africa. John Morton and Henry Larsen sat on the beach in their sunbathing chairs looking at all the skimpily clad women and ripped black men. Both men were nude, wearing nothing but chastity belts, something that was customary for white men on the island. John felt his penis strain against the...
InterracialClub 33 was so dimly lit that Jill, who was beginning to feel the effects of the considerable amount of alcohol she'd consumed already that night, stumbled and fell to her knees on the plush-carpeted stairs of the entryway. Erik Mortensen helped the blushing young redhead to her feet, allowing his hand to rest a little longer than necessary on her smooth- skinned upper arm. Jesus Christ, she felt so soft and warm there--how much better her full breasts and flaring hips would feel! As the...
THE ANONYMOUS ACCOUNTANT. It all started nearly a year before. Anthony, Tony to everyone, and Erica his wife were bored with their sex lives after nearly ten years of marriage and started various things to spice it up. For a while they tried some light bondage but neither of them were enthusiastic and didn't like to be the bound one, so they only carried on for a while, still looking for something they really enjoyed. A friend of Erica's suggested swapping, but she knew she'd be...
I like to introduce myself first. I am 19 years old, very good looking boy. My family consists of me, dad, and mom. My dad is a businessman and my sister is a college student and stays in the hostel. I would be all alone with my mom in our house most of the time. My mom looks like Tamil actress Jyothika so think of Jyothika when you read the story. Back to the story, I finished 12th standard. I started working with my father and studying in correspondence. It was the time when my friend...