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Here I was, standing in the large marble room, on the second floorof The Temple. As my tired fingers were shaping the clay, I finally hadthe time to be with my own thoughts. No sounds, no bothering from the mastersand no distraction.

My imagination was slaved in the cold earth matter but my mindwas free to rove in my memories from the past months. What was going tohappen with me? Why me in first place?

The questions started to flow in my head like a mountain rivercurrent. The allusion with the water made me thirsty so I left my unfinishedsculpture and headed to the sink to drink some. It's always easier forme to narrate a situation to myself as I'm telling it to someone else.And of course this way I can hear my own voice, because here in The Templeyou can't talk much.

After I had drunk some cold water I started to speak to myselfwith a faint voice…

It was one of the latest days in October. I was swimming in the sea whenthe two men came to take me. They explained me that my parents enrolled mein a special art program and I should go with the black dressed men to my newschool. I was very perplexed then but I had no choice. I just followed themwithout seeing my parents any more. This happened just days before my 17 th birthday.After this, my whole life changed. I had lost my freedom. I never again sawthe waves of the Black Sea. I don't even remember much of that period of mylife. As if my mind was lost between the marble walls of The Temple, I'd leftonly with my instincts.

When I arrived I was feeling like I was in one of my dreams. I was walkinginto a strange Temple placed in the forest. The building was a compositionof one stone circle and a round tall tower placed into it. The outer stonecircle was actually another one-story building with an entrance witch allowedus to proceed to the inner one. The marble tower had a big door made of oak.Once inside I was leaded to a room in the end of the long round corridor, situatednext to the outer wall of the tower. A man in strange clothing was sittinginside the room. He told me that I have been chosen to participate in a specialprogram for gifted young men, because of my skills in Sculpture. He also toldme the rules of this temple – Amatorium and ordered me to go to my cell.I was very confused with the rules of this place but I was too tired to think.All I wanted was to sleep…

The first thing I spotted, when I opened my eyes were the rays of light,coming from the small window in my cell. I drew away my look from the whitespot, on the wooden wall and started to explore the small room I was in. Therewas just a chair, a table and a sink, with a small mirror above it. When Igot up, I noticed that I had been naked with no trace of my clothes. Instead,there was a small pile of white cotton fabric on the chair and a pair of pattensnext to the plank-bed I was sitting on. Before I had the time to raise evena single question in my head the miniature wooden door opened and a beautifulwoman came in to the room.

I was even more confused. I knew from the previous day that I'll have Masters,Mistresses and Guardians here in the Amatorium but I didn't expected what Isaw. The woman – my Mistress was tall and thin, with black hair and veryfeminine body. What I was surprised of, was her garments. She was wearing astrange black dress, snugly-fitting to her body. It revealed almost all ofher body naked. Only her torso was hidden behind that strange material madeof something like an amalgam of latex and vulcanite. Her long legs were uncoveredto her crotch. The dress revealed in depth her beautiful cleavage, formed bythe squeezing effect of her dress, over her incredible bust. I had never seena woman dressed that provocative as her and in the same time with so sternand Victorian look.

She just told me to follow her and she turned toward the door. As we werewalking in the small corridor I was feeling very scared. I was sensing theguard's silent body walking behind me, but my mind was obsessed by the nakedass cheeks of my Mistress pulsating with each step she was making. After wepassed cell number VII (I was in number IV), my Mistress and I entered in asmall bathroom with a solid metal tub, a sink and an empty shelf. The tallwoman unscrewed the faucet above the tub. Then she turned toward me and I heardher laud but soft voice again.

"Take off your band."

My heart started to beat fast. I was so ashamed but also incredibly excited.At the same moment my fingers unbound the thin cotton rope of my band. Thelast one felt and revealed erected my penis. She took my member in her handand stroke it lightly. After that she slid her black manicure of her indexfinger over the head and said:

"Get into the tub and wash yourself good. Masturbation is bad thing. It fogsthe mind. But what's worst is that it consumes man's potential."

I stepped into the tub and nervously began to rub myself, while she watchedme.

"Relax and keep going. You won't get out of that tub until I see you're clean.No one goes in the Temple dirty."

My first memories about my classes were blurred. The following days I wasfeeling tired and exhausted. I didn't eat much. A man has spent so much timealone he would have time to think. The truth was that the gray days were justa shadow of the clay sculptures, I was making for practicing for the classes.Nothing more or less. I just became a passenger in my imagination travelingfrom one artwork to another. No thoughts about my parents. No thoughts aboutmy previous normal life in my small town, situated by the Black Sea. No hopesfor this strange "school" either.

That was until the day I noticed the far classroom, visible from a smallangle from my cell window. In this particular classroom I learned that therewere girls here, too. I couldn't see whether they studied art and erotica asus but sometimes I could watch their Mistresses talking to them. What werethe girls' purposes here? Who were they? Why we hadn't had classes with them?My head once again started to fill with questions.

Few days later, my Mistress came for my routine bath. As we walked in thecorridor, I finally saw the girls. They were walking in a column one afteranother towards me. Their Mistress was preceding them and in the end of theline, there was their Guardian. For the first time I could see what their clothingwas. All of the 7 girls were wearing short, white-colored, cotton skirts similarto the boys' garments. The girls had cotton pieces for their chests, revealingtheir abdomens naked. The girls were wearing strange sandals placed on a strange-curvedmetal pipe. Their feet were producing ringing with every step they were makingon the marble floor. I was little ashamed and I couldn't look to their faces.I raised my head only once to see the most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen. Theybelonged to a girl in the middle of the group with long brown hair. My heartstared to beat fast and all I could do was just to inhale deep, to preservethis memory as a faint smell of clean skin.

While I was having a bath, my Mistress spoke to me:

"So, you like them. It's interesting how those girls look like in your imagination."

"I …"

"There's no need to answer me. Right now you have classes of erotica andthere you'll learn the things that all the boys of your age think they know.But before that I want you to make something for me."

The Mistress didn't finish what she wanted to say. Instead, she put herright foot on the tub. I could see her smooth leg in front of me, reflectingthe quanta of light coming from the water in the tub.

"Lick my toes."

I bent in the tub and gently started licking her toes, as if they were thetongue of my mysterious girl. Slowly… Gently…

"Very good," she suddenly removed her toes from my mouth. "I'll keep itin my mind for the ceremony if you act with same spirit. I want you to shapeexact copies of the toes you've just liked."

The Mistress was talking about the ceremony after few months, in which wewere going to be initiated for fellowcrafts. I didn't new anything more aboutit, except that after the ceremony, we'll have the right to work freely. Ourworks were going to be sold and depending on the success we would take ourplaces in the hierarchy of the Temple.

My Mistress went to the bathroom's door where my Guardian always stayedand commanded:

"Get dressed! It's time to go to classes."

We got into a room which was quite larger than the room I'd studied withthe other boys. The first couple of rows were taken by the girls who were sittingquietly. Most of the boys of my class had already had their seats in the backrows. It wasn't allowed to speak with one another, so everybody was lookingaround nervously not knowing what was going to happen today.

When I got in my seat I looked for my girl and quickly founded her sittingright in front of me. She was just sitting calmly and watching the Mistresseswho were talking quietly in front of us. One of them was my Mistress and theother was the red-haired Mistress, who I had seen in the girls' classes. Shewore a gray robe, which covered her entire body. The only visible parts ofher body were her delicate face, her hands and her feet.

The girls' Mistress was watching the girls as she spoke:

"Today, we've brought the boys, to make some of the practical demonstrations,we discussed last week."

After that statement she turned her head to the boys' rows and examinedeach one of us with eyes. She pointed at the boy who was sitting from the left.

"I want the tall boy to come here…Yes, you."

The boy was little indecisive but after a second went where the Mistresseswere. The boy, who I named "John", because of his resemblance to one of myformer friends, was studying Sculpture just like me. He was one of the tallestin the group, with well-shaped body.

"Take off your band," ordered the Mistress.

The boy quietly removed the white fabric and left it to fell over his feet.At the sight of his nakedness the girls' looks become more spirited and theystarted watching with really strong interest. The beautiful girl, whose occupationuntil this moment was to softly bite her wrist, stopped and watched with excitementtoo.

"I want you to show us how a boy masturbates," was the next order of thestern lady.

The boy looked a little stunned of what he had heard but his penis startedto harden. He began slowly to masturbate in front of everybody. I didn't knowwhat to think. I was really more curious about the thoughts flowing in "my" girl'smind. Sitting behind her I couldn't watch her eyes but by the parts of herfacial expressions, visible to me, I could guess, that she enjoyed what shewas seeing.

After the boy finished and his semen dripped on the floor the Mistress orderedhim to go to his seat. She, again, spoke to the girls:

"I see that you're all excited, that's why we'll finish today's practiceby looking at each of the fellowcraft candidates. I want all apprentices tocome here and undress themselves."

One after another we walked in front of the girls and got naked. I feltvery ashamed of being exposed like that but mainly, I felt miserable of theindifference I read in the eyes of the girl, I liked, when she saw me.

In the next few days my mind was wandering. Every time I was thinking abouther, I was wishing to forget her. I wasn't eating much or working with theclay either. Mostly I was sleepy and depressed. At that time we were studying,in classes, about the symmetry of the body; about the attraction of the sexes;about the key factors that could lead to attraction… My desires aboutwomen started to become obsessive. I was living only to be alone in my cellto fantasize sexual things and to masturbate on them.

One day my Mistress came again.

"Are my clay toes done?"

I shivered. I had completely forgotten about them after that day.

"I forgot," I tried to excuse. "I a… I will make them right away!"

My mistress came by and slapped me hard on the cheek.

"I expect them to be ready for tomorrow!" Then she left. I felt even emptier.In that moment I was so lonely, I hadn't felt never before. I sat by the tableand started to tear a piece of clay. My eyes filled with tears and I startedto cry.

Early in the next morning the Mistress showed up again.

"Take the toes and follow me to the bathroom."

We entered the bathroom and my Mistress filled the bathtub.

"Give me the big toe, undress and get on your knees with your stomach againstthe tub."

I did what I was told. I felt her wet hand opening my ass cheeks. A coldpress against my anus supervened. My Mistress was placing the clayed toe deeperinside me.

"Relax. Otherwise it's going to hurt."

I couldn't judge if it was the whole in but it felt disgusting.

"Get into the tub."

I got up slowly and got into the warm water. I was still felling the burningin my ass.

"Look how dirty you've become!" You are all stinking. And you're flaccidtoo! There's nothing sexy and masculine in your body. Do you think there'ssomething that Anika would like in you?"

That was the first name I had heard since I got here. So the girl I likedwas named Anika? I wasn't very sure. I didn't know for who the Mistress wastalking. It was just a hunch.

"I know that you are not allowed to know the names of anyone here but I'myour Mistress and I can decide what you can know and what you can't. When youcame here I was sure that you would become a great fellowcraft and a greatsculptor and that's why I've picked you. Now I see that you're just a stupid,ordinary kid that cannot control even his own emotions. "

I was just lying in the tub and inertly washing myself, not knowing if Ishould say something. I didn't know how to interpret the words of my Mistresseither.

"If you don't like yourself, how can you expect from the others to like you!Anika, I'm sure you know who I'm talking about, likes the beauty as any otherhuman does. And she's very pretty, also. What is more, she knows how to usewhat she has got. She likes the Supremes and the most talented. And you'renowhere. There are a few months left till the ceremony. You should use themto find yourself a place in the Temple, because otherwise you won't be needed!Take out the clay piece off your ass and get out of the water!"

After I dressed, the Mistress accompanied me to my cell and before she closedthe door she added:

"I want you to handle yourself and your art."

I was probably getting crazy. I realized that I was talking tomyself and in the same time finishing the first sculpture I was makingas a fellowcraft. As I was talking about the rest of my life here in theAmatorium I was watching how my hands were moving more quickly than ever;more precisely than ever; more stronger than ever; more separated frommy brain than ever …

"I can see your body is already shaped well. It's now clearly visible. Yourstudying is also going great." My Mistress was sitting on my plank-bed andI was standing nude in front of her. A week before, she ordered me to removemy body hair and now, she was inspecting how well I'd done the task.

"Turn around and spread your ass cheeks."

After I obeyed, I felt her finger tip sliding around my anus. The feelingwas so intense that I immediately got an erection.

"You've missed two hairs to remove, but the overall result is satisfying.You're restoring my trust in you."

For a first time I could see the Mistress's smiling. She took me by the armand guided me to get on my knees between her legs. It was also the first timefor me to be so close to the firm flesh of her thighs. My senses were focusedon the scent of skin and vulcanite. I could even see how her nipples deformedthe latex, they were covered with. My Mistress stepped with her high-heelson my naked thighs and leaned on the bed. She slid her finger underneath hercloth and inserted it deep inside her. I couldn't divert my eyes from her crotch,hoping to see something of what was hidden.

The Mistress took out her wet finger and wiped it on my chest. How I wishedI could taste her juices. I was waiting for the moment she was going to orderme to. At that moment the time was crawling even slower than the drop lefton my chest.

Her hand finally was raised, but went into her mouth instead of mine. Asmy Mistress sucked on her finger she looked me devilish. She extracted thewet finger from her mouth, removed her feet from my thighs and took back herprevious sitting position.

"I bet that you often fantasize how a girl sucks your member."

"I … don't … think …"

"Come on," she interrupted my weak form of excuse. "It's a very normal thing.All boys and men imagine those kinds of stuff. Especially, after so many classesof erotica. That's the main goal, young man," she smiled. "To expand your imaginationand to feed your fantasies."

"I thought the idea of the classes is to teach us how the things look like.And we, as future artists, don't have the right to use the learned, becausewe will waste our talent and erase our visions," I tried to explain.

"Stop quoting the words of your Masters!" she interrupted me again.

I felt very surprised and confused. I didn't know whether she was just testingme, to see if I'm capable of breaking the rules of the Temple.

"What I mostly like in you is your pointed docility, "the Mistress smiledat me mischievous. "Usually the artists are filled with fight and fire in theirsoul, but you are different. You can divert your fight of your spirit for yourperfection. That part of your character is your biggest element. The otherapprentices have been punished all the time, while you completely obey. Whenyou were brought here, everyone's crying for their families but you, I'm sure,don't even think about them. And yet your seeming emptiness, your soul is fullof ardor and innocence."

I felt very scared of her words. I sensed the truth in them, but I was afraidof thinking what she had just said.

"And you know why that is, because you're keeping your fight, in your fantasies.That's why you can use your imagination so dexterously."

I didn't know what to say. For the time I was in the Temple I'd never knownwhat to say or do. I was leaving myself to the time, to guide me towards theunknown.

"When was the last time you've had fantasies of being your penis sucked?"

"I …well… "

As I was wondering what to say, my Mistress put her already dried fingerin my mouth.

"Suck it just like you want to be sucked."

I slowly moved my tongue under her finger, while my mouth was sucking onit at the same time.

"You know, the girls have very different classes from yours. Last week theyhad practice in oral love." The Mistress put her finger deeper into my mouth. "Yourclassmate, who masturbated in front of you, was used as a practicing target.Hmm, judging by her playful fingers Anika surely enjoyed taking his big memberin her mouth."

The Mistress took out her finger from my mouth and once again rubbed it againstmy chest. Then she playfully added:

"Your little angel is far not as white as she is in your dreams."

After that the Mistress got up and left. The deceiving world of my own mentalpicture was falling apart and feeding my rage and envy . Ihad to become the better than the rest. I had to walk out as winner. I hadto show her who is the man for her...

Know I realized where the energy of my fingers came from. I wasfed by the memories of envy I felt for that guy from my class… fedby the desire to win the girl of my dreams. And that hunger was controllingmy body now. My soul had been surrendered …

I was excited all day long. Our masters had declared the exact time, forme and one of my classmates, for the ceremony, on the next morning. I was tryingto calm myself down, but my heart was beating fast and I was feeling unprepared. "Whatwas going to happen? Would my Mistress come to prepare me?" I asked myselfso many questions I could not answer…

In the late afternoon, she appeared at the door of my cell. She was shiningwith the biggest smile I had ever seen on her.

"So the day finally came for you!"

The Mistress headed to the small window of my cell, looked through it andcontinued:

"Tomorrow I'll come to lead you into the Temple's ceremonial chamber. I cannottell you anything more for now, but I'll allow to myself to inform you thatthere will be a nice surprise for you. The Masters are very pleased with theresults you are showing in Sculpture and if you pass the test, you'll becomefellowcraft with great privileges."

The Mistress emphasized on the last word and after that she just left thecell, without even look at me.

I was awakened by the opening of the door. I hadn't slept very good lastnight. My sweated body was shining under the rays of the morning sun. The Mistressplaced my breakfast on the table, which was very unusual since the only personwho was bringing me the meals was the Guardian.

"Get up and have breakfast. I'll wait you in the bathroom after an hour.The Guardian will come for you."

After one hour the Guardian took me to the bathroom, where I was hoppingto have a nice cool bath so I could relieve some of the pressure. When I gotinto the bathroom I immediately noticed the long black dress, with metal whalebone,my Mistress was wearing. On the wooden shelf were placed some kind of grayfabric and a pair of gray sandals with two metal talons built in front. Thistime there was no need of my Mistress to say anything. I got into the tub andonce again looked at the clothing on the shelf. I realized that the water wouldn'thave the power to calm me down. Not on this day…

I put on the long tunic and the sandals. When I got out of the bathroom theGuardian had left. I was walking only, with my Mistress through the oval corridor.She was very silent. I expected her to explain me what I had to do during theceremony but instead she just walked before me. When we entered the main buildingwe continued walking till the very end of the inside corridor. I had neverseen that part of the Temple. The corridor ended with a massive gate, madeprobably of ebony or of a similar tree.

On the two sides of the gate, there were Guardians standing. When we approached,the lasts opened the doors for us. When we entered I was amazed by the hallI was in. The hall was round and ornamented in various geometric shapes. Everythinghere was whispering about quality and ages. On the left and on the right sideof me a large number of Guardians were standing. The far side of the hall wasoccupied with a wooden tribunal where all the Masters and Mistresses were sitting.I wasn't allowed to look directly to them, so I couldn't observe them in gooddetail.

For my biggest surprise I was standing right next to the boy I hated somuch. It seemed that he was the other apprentice on the ceremony. He was dressedin the same way as me. And his Mistress was standing beside him too. My legswere shaking from the pressure but I was determined that I should not showweakness in front of my classmate.

Finally the doors behind us were closed and one of the Masters spoke:

"Apprentices, you will be given task and you must obey. Depending on yourreactions we'll decide whether you are qualified to become fellowcrafts. Thefirst test will be for the apprentice III. You may proceed!"

As the Master said his last word two Guardians brought a gray mat in thecenter of the hall. The mat was with the shape of a circle, about two and ahalf meters in diameter. While I was thinking what "apprentice III" meant,the Mistress of "John" pushed him to walk to the mat. It seemed the Masterswere distinguishing us by a number. "What was my number then?"

While my classmate was standing next to the mat with his Mistress besidehim, the Guardians brought two of the girls. Two other Guardians, from theother side, brought a strange device and placed it in the center of the mat.The device had the form of a lying "T" with straps on each end.

I was already nervous but when I recognized that one of the girls was AnikaI was really loosing control. My legs and body were shaking, I just wishedI could at least be sitting, but I knew this was unacceptable. I was alreadywishing bad luck for my classmate but with the two girls in the center I wasfeeling very envious.

"Apprentice III should be placed on the 'Tailor" and should be pleased fromservant 'O'," the voice of the Master once again echoed in the hall.

Before I even start to ask myself new questions, The Mistress of "John" guidedhim to lie on the "T" device. His hands were tied with the leather straps onthe sides of the "T", by his Mistress. She then tied his feet together on thebottom of the device. Anika approached the apprentice slowly. She bent on herknees and raised his cloth above his legs until she revealed his lower partof his body completely. The cute girl bent over him and slowly began to lickhis belly. She was exploring each part of his body with her tongue. She finallygot her mouth to his testicles and sucked them. After playing with his balls,she tried to probe between his legs to reach his anus. His legs were very closelytied with one another and her target was unreachable. She moved her tongueto his penis and started licking it.

I couldn't believe what I was watching! And that was a test!? The girl Iwanted was sucking my classmate off. I was loosing my adequate thinking…

She continued to swallow his cock with a great passion, wrote on her face.Anika gulped deeply his cock letting her saliva to fall, only to allow herto insert his member deeper. He was just lying there, watching her swallowhis penis in her mouth faster and faster. I couldn't see well her lips aroundhis penis, because of her hair but from my point of view she was acting justlike a sewing machine.

"That's enough! Remove the apprentice from the Tailor and bring apprenticeV for the next test!"

Once again the voice of the Master commanded and I realized that I was theone to be next. I was already quivering to be with Anika and I was refilledwith energy and passion. I was waiting for my Mistress to let me go to themat but instead I was watching how two of the Guardians were taking away the "T" devicefrom the mat.

"Bring the "Zealer". Apprentice V is going to be tested now!"

I knew already that it was me who was going to be next. I was ready to doanything, just to be with Anika.

"Servant 'A', proceed to the Zealer, where you'll be used! Apprentice V shouldhave sex with servant 'A'."

My Mistress nudged me to go to the center of the hall. The enthusiasm leftme because it seemed that I wouldn't be with the girl I wanted. The Guardiansbrought even stranger device. It looked like a standing "Z" made by two thickpipes, joint parallel with one another and bent in the shape of "Z". On itsupper part, the Zealer had a leather saddle curved, apparently for a lyinghuman torso. The girl I was about to have sex with, placed her chest and headon the saddle, with her belly down. Her legs were fastened to the diagonalparts of the pipes with straps. After securing her body's lower part, the Guardiansrestrained her neck with another strap, and then they bound her wrists andwaist. The Mistress lifted the girl's skirt and her perfectly shaped legs andass were disclosed in front of me.

I felt an instant lust. I was about to have sex in front of my Mistress'seyes; in front of all those unknown people; and most importantly in front ofthe gazed look of the girl I liked so much. I was going to show her what aman with power could do.

"Step on the Zealer," my Mistress said quietly.

I stepped into two small openings, attached to the lower part of the pipes,with the talons on my sandals. The girl's ass was sticking up, off the saddle,on the level of my erect penis. At that point the lust took control. I, quickly,took off my tunic and projected my cock to the girls opened asshole. I pushedit in hardly. The only sound I heard was a deep moan from the girl. After thatmy senses were overwhelmed by my vigorous pumping. I wanted to tear her up…

"That's enough!" The Master's voice came to my ears.

I felt reluctant to obey. My body shacked in convulsions. The Guardians cameand lift me by the arms. They started to carry me to the door from the otherside of the hall. The last thing I saw were the reverent eyes of Anika, headedtoward mine…

I finished the sculpture. I finally could examine it, in its completeness.The woman I made from the clay looked just like Anika; only older and sadder.From her eyes were flowing small drops of tears. The clay body of Anikawas naked. She was with spread legs. Her vagina was torn by the head ofa baby who was trying to come out.

I looked at the fiendish eyes of the baby. They looked so matureand evil, but they helped me realize what had happened to me.

A simple thought could be transformed into fantasy. A fantasycould be buried into matter. It was nothing more than a distorted reality,filled with morbid feelings.

Envy turned into lust; lust turned into fantasy and fantasy soakedinto the cold clay.

Tainted art, lacking virtue. But wasn't virtue only food for theSeven sins?

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Hi I am Kulla 26 years old, married and having beautiful wife which she satisfy all my need. I am from Villupuram – Tamil Nadu. Two years before I ran one Gift shop basically I am computer Hardware person and known DTP by experience. Opposite to my there is one Jewel banker shop. There one married woman working named Sudha age 26, have one 5 years old child. Her husband is running watch repair shop. Sudha is very beautiful woman and having big breast, her size is 34B, 30, 32 but she is...

3 years ago
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Boy Toy Part 2

The brunette girl didn’t have boobs as big as the blonde’s, but as they say, “a great ass is God’s way of making up for smaller boobs,” or something like that. Her ass was absolutely perfect. The blonde pulled me up and I lay on my back as the brunette sucked my cock. I got even harder as I stared at her beautiful ass while her head bobbed up and down. I wondered if they were all virgins. The blonde girl slipped away, back with the other brunette. The one on the bed climbed on top of...

3 years ago
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University Encounter

When I went to university many years ago now I was a virgin and I’d never even had a girlfriend. I arrived at university with high hopes of getting a girl straight away. Those hopes faded in my first few weeks as I had no success with girls. My frustration was compounded by being surrounded by innumerable young micro skirted girls. It was made even worse because in my last year at school, as a sex-obsessed eighteen-year-old I’d had a couple of “wank buddies”. Boys at school I masturbated and...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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The Girls Times Part Five

Reaming Sharon's restrictive pucker was something that I've always wanted to do.  But she'd never let us slip more than two fingers inside and never past the second knuckle.   That was only accomplished after extensive amounts of lube and some serious clitoral stimulation.  But, with her so clearly enjoying Linda's slippery gap, I figured it was my chance to abuse her rectum.I raised her hips as she did mine. However, I took the time to please both of her waiting holes orally first.  Knowing...

1 year ago
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Valentina Nappi 7300 943000

Do you ever need another Twitter baddie to follow that will post ass pics, OnlyFans clips, and sexy selfies? You're probably not following the Italian dime, Valentina Nappi. You've probably seen Valentina with her tongue down someone's ass on the hub, and then you probably busted your nut when you saw her take ten BBCs that turned into a bukkake. I knew Italian people liked their sauce, but Mrs. Nappi apparently prefers a mouth full of cum. When she's not entertaining her OnlyFans subscribers...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Shercock Holmes and the Case of the Haunted Attic

His fingers dug into her fleshy hips as his cock slipped between her thighs. Her tightness gripped his shaft as her back arched as he entered her. Joan could not help but moan as Holmes invaded her most intimate part.Her breasts began to sway as he pumped hard into her, his stomach slapping against her bubbly ass as she bent over the back of the sofa. She had wanted him to take her for so long. She could feel her orgasm begin to boil inside her.“It's six a.m. in Atlanta, time to rise and...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Welcome to Womanhood

Welcome to womanhood I woke shortly after dawn so that I could shower and get myself ready for work. Moving to the door of our bedroom I looked at my lover still sleeping, a contented smile on her face. As well she might be should be contented as we have made love for three hours the previous night. I picked up the strap on that she had used on me and took it with me to the shower so that I could give it a clean. Under the hot water, as I washed my large 36 D breasts and shaven...

3 years ago
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Dare YouChapter 11

I could barely contain my excitement as Elizabeth Chandler went into the school, she had long toned legs and did they look good or what? I suppose she could have been wearing flesh coloured tights but if that was the case, why had she stumbled when she saw me and blushed such a lovely shade of pink? I wanted to dance on the steps as I congratulated myself in arriving early this morning. Getting out of bed earlier, I'd had this sudden idea that I wanted to be there when the vice-principal...

1 year ago
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Taken By The Grey Folk

"So, do you think we can try for a baby then John?" "Is that what this has been all about? The picnic, the walk in the woods?" "I want kids John. You promised me we would try when we married." John turned around and backhanded her across the face. Susan span, and fell to the ground hitting her head on a ragged wall of stones. John panicked. Had he killed the daft bitch? He had only married her for her money. The old country house with 8000 acres of land was not to be sneezed at....

1 year ago
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My Race Is RoyalChapter 8

Donnie made a point of greeting Heather and her parents at Church that Sunday. Rob MacAuley introduced his wife, Isobel, who was an older version of Heather and just as bonny. The adults turned to talk with friends and neighbours, giving the teenagers a few minutes to themselves before they entered the church. "I really enjoyed yesterday," Heather told him. "Loch Tay was stunning and the meal was fantastic. I've told mom and daddy about the restaurant. They've never eaten there, but I...

3 years ago
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My thanks to Ephesus14 for his help with a final read-through and edit. Enjoy! “And, so,” Herb Maston said in closing out his speech, introducing the new automated home personal assistant product line, “in honor of, and in memory of, the loss of one of Maston Enterprises’ most dedicated employees, Ms. MacKenzie Willis, we release our newest product to the public. “Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you...” here, Herb paused as the screen above and behind him began to show the marketing video...

3 years ago
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Marketing Meeting To Sex Dinner Date With Adventure 8211 Part 2

A small introduction again about me for those who have not yet read my previous story of Part 1. Hi, this is Sagar from Delhi, age 33 ( height 5.8 inches, fair complexion ,well groomed, smart , perfect on verbal communication, average built in body structure, Attractive Features – Voice, Lips & Tongue) , been a very romantic man all time , started my first affair when I was in class fourth from school. It was always a liking for girls, crushes, attraction, infatuation. Gradually as I grew...

3 years ago
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Lost in thoughts

Shower, food, start the new book I found at the charity shop and maybe call David. It was weird how he had changed me, my life. Just two days ago I had been at his place, spent a whole weekend with him in fact, and I already missed him. Just as I was thinking of him the bus pulled up at a stop. People were getting off, others queuing to get on. As my gaze focussed I realized I was looking directly at the crotch of some guy. Faded jeans, tight fitting an leaving not much to imagination....

1 year ago
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Sweet Shock By My Sexy CousinPart 1

This is my first sex story, so let me explain about me. I am Kumar,23 years old born and brought up in Chennai.Completed BE and doing business. I have a great passion for spa services and massage. So, I completed a body massage course (I do doorstep body massage service for only women. So if someone interested, can email me in mobilespa2k15 at Gmail). I’ll always be selective abt girls. I like slim and sexy girls only. Coming to the sex story, my niece name is Devi. She is 1-year younger than...

3 years ago
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Sleeping Booty A Twisted Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there was a beautiful little princess. Her name was Aludra, which, in the language of her people, meant "unwanted one". Of course she didn't know this, because all the servants in the palace DID want her. They loved her dearly. She was sweet and pretty and fun to be around, whereas her mother was a stone cold class A Bitch. The Queen was such a bitch that, after her husband, the King, knocked her up with Aludra, she poisoned him. "Imagine" she thought. "That pig making...

2 years ago
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Twins Camping Trip

A full white moon hung low in the still dark blue night sky yet to be joined by an entourage of stars. If it hadn't been so damned cold it might have been beautiful. Instead it was just a reminder for Hannah that she was out on this camping trip with her sister Samantha. It was of course Samantha's fault that Hannah had chosen to wear a cute pair of pink shorts instead of long legged thermals. Normally in Seattle she didn't really have to sacrifice cute for comfort. It was also Samantha's fault...

3 years ago
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Ovid 5 The Jet Jockey

Ovid V: The Jet Jockey By The Professor It was a pleasant spring Saturday in Ovid. The sun was shining and the temperature was nearing seventy. Jerry and I had decided to make it a lazy day at the Patton household, letting the kids watch TV and play while he and I puttered at various small projects around the house. Jerry fertilized the yard, stopping at least twice for another beer. I did a little ironing and sewed a couple of missing buttons on the kids' shirts. All in all, it was...

2 years ago
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Black List IV MalevolenceChapter 7

Bridges tears through the jungle. He runs as fast as he can, jumping fallen logs and ducking low branches. Vines whip at his face striking him hard and drawing blood. He ignores them and continues his escape. gargs are right behind him. He can’t shake the feeling of them anymore than he can their pursuit. He can hear the shouts from the soldiers but can’t make out what is said. Finally his trek comes to an end as he slides to a stop short of flying off the edge of the cliff that now sits in...

2 years ago
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Adam and Eve Serial Killers

Hello, everybody. Tonight, I got a tale to share with you. You see, I have a problem and to solve it, well, I am forced to do things. The kind of things that law enforcement kind of frowns upon. I’ve always been that way. In the eyes of the world, I am just your average guy. I’m six-foot-one, slightly chubby but still alright, with dark brown skin and curly Black hair. My glasses kind of make me look nerdy. Mr. Ordinary Black Man. I attend Carleton University, where I study Criminology. I’m a...

3 years ago
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The Paperboys Dream

Brett had been the dutiful paperboy in his suburban town for the last two years, always out early, never missed a day, always a smile for his neighbors. Brett was tall and toned for his age easily passing for late teens even with his smooth skin, the handsome looks and good jawline saw that the girls around town always looked twice.Brett had done the same round this last year and had gotten to know some of his customers. The same faces, the same smiles, it had gotten boring. There was one house...

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Rebekas Story part 6

Rebeka's story....part 6 I was ready two hours before his scheduled arrival, trembling, squirming in my seat and barely able to breathe as the seconds ticked away with agonising slowness. My emotions had run the full course between helplessness, shame, desire and fear, round and round, each feeding off of the other. At exactly 8 pm the doorbell rang and faint with apprehension I let him in. He sat down in the lounge and I sat before him, crossing my legs demurely, and once again he...

4 years ago
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Banking For Beginners

Banking for Beginners  Most of the action takes place in and around Kolin, the capital of Kushtia. High on the fringes of the Hindu Kush, the small country of Kushtia is moving out of the shadow of its colonial past as part of the Soviet empire. Although trying to become a modern, secular state, Kushtia is still troubled by its immediate and distant past. Its distinctive way of life has been recognised under the Untied Nations World Heritage Cultures programme. (Described in ?Anthropology?) ...

3 years ago
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Lost at Sea book 2 Drifters chapter 11 part 1

Will’s head felt like it had been stuffed with cotton. He was cold. He was naked. He was stiff and sore.He was in a bathtub.Uncoiling himself was a process. He caught a whiff of himself and recoiled. What had happened?“Oh. Right,” he croaked as memories came flooding back to him. He reached over and started working the pump. In sputtering bursts seawater came flowing into the tub. It was comfortably warm. Probably daytime. The ocean was usually warm by noon this time of year. The charm hanging...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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JulesJordan Athena Faris First Interracial

Athena Faris gets a taste of her FIRST Black Cock with help from Rod Piper! Athena’s dressed in sexy pink and black lace lingerie with stockings and matching high heels. She makes her way onto the countertop and slides her fingers beneath her thong to play with her tight pussy before meeting up with her BBC. Rob joins her in the kitchen and carefully examines every inch of her body then sucks on her nipples before Athena gets on her knees and rubs his cock through his pants then pulling it out...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyVault Mia Ryder BBC Fucks Agent For House

Real estate agent Mia Ryder has a house for her client Mark today. He shows up and she gives him a quick tour of the place and lets him know what to expect living there. As they make their way upstairs, Mia gets down to business and lets Mark know how much the house is. It’s a little too steep for Mark so he gets ready to leave, but Mia really needs to close this sale. She’ll do anything…. like taking off her bra and letting Mark touch them. It was soft core for a little bit...

3 years ago
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Neutral Territory

Captain Shay straightened his helmet as he pushed the door open, heaving a deep sigh. He hated interviews. He walked up to the silver figure waiting for him at the end of the room. Feeling slightly stupid, he cleared his throat loudly, sure that his loud footsteps should have announced his arrival, already.The interviewer was tiny, her back turned to him, her mane of silver hair reflecting the halogens off in all directions. She turned around, and for the first time in his short life of...

4 years ago
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Mushkil Se Chudi Meri Girlfriend

Hi friend ,mera naam ravi hai aur main 19 years old hu. main hanumangarh (rajsthan) se hoon. main ISS daily reador hu aur main roj iski kahaniya padhkar muth marta hu. ye meri pehli aur sachi kahani hai.i hope ki aap logo ko pasand aayegi.plz send me your comments on Ab sidha kahani pr aata hu.thoda sa mera intro. deta hu.meri hieght 5.11 hai aur dikhne me gudlooking hu.and lund shayd 6 inch se bada toh hoga he. meri gf ka naam nikki tha..kyuki wo ab meri gf nhi hai isliye mene tha lagaya...

2 years ago
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Nuns Initiation by loyalsock

"Have them come over at eight" he told her. "They'll need to know a few things."She went and instructed the 3 new nuns to head over to the rectory as told. There were sisters Natalie, Maria, and Theresa. All were about 25. All were new to the parish. All of them were going to get instructions by Fr. Angelo and although he wasn't too much older he was going to have his way with the new and somewhat pretty looking nuns."Good evening sisters. Come on in. Let's go in here. Please. Sit down" he told...

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Lynns Sister Comes To College

This just happened this weekend, so I wanted to write it while it was fresh on my mind. Lynn has been my college roommate through our four years here at Heidelberg College. We are both bisexual, although Lynn didn't know it until I turned her on to having female sex. Lynn and I are both 24 now and are graduate students. We lived on campus in a dorm the first two years and then moved off campus in a large two-bedroom apartment. Lynn and I have one room, and we rent the other bedroom to two...

2 years ago
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Episode 143 Starting out in Porn

"It's OK mummy, Gina says this probably isn't i****t".Over the weekend Debbie my teenage step-daughter had found that with care she could now insert the short bulbous end of the Feeldoe into her vagina ready for sex with her mother without the need for tights to stop it falling out.Apparently they had tried a variety of fuck positions, but found that their favourite was the plain old missionary, with Angela underneath.Mum adored the feel of Debbie's hot skin against hers as the Feeldoe did it's...

3 years ago
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William Redman CarterChapter 12

It was past time for the weekly status meeting among the bodyguards and they had a problem. Rock and Colt had arrived, but Natalie and Nicole had not put in an appearance yet. Neither man was very happy. The absence of the two women at the meeting underscored the problem. For some reason, the women were furious with them. Everyone in the household, with the exception of William, was aware that there was a problem among the bodyguards. The first clue that Rock had of a problem was when he...

1 year ago
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Two Japanese girls in Vegas

I did deserve the holiday so I made sure I was a long way from home to enjoy it. I booked a hotel in Las Vegas to play some poker and perhaps get the money back. It was a hard time finding a hotel with vacant rooms. There was some kind of event going on and almost every room was booked well in advance.I didn't care. When I finally arrived at the hotel I only wanted to get to my room, take a hot bath and get to bed. The 10 hour flight had almost killed me. So when I got to my room and opened it...

2 years ago
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Teacher Betty and the house welcome party

This is continued from my first story, but long overdue to be written. Betty the sexy teacher from college and I kept on talking after I finished my degree. After some time, she left teaching and moved about hour away for a better job. I went to see her in her new place, at the house warming party. The party was a typical older simple party. Several teachers were there, along with a few former students. As the party winded down, Betty was slowly cleaning up. As 9pm came about, it was just me...

2 years ago
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FidleChapter 24

Kathryn shuddered at Faith’s bold declaration, closed her eyes while she steadied herself, then opened them again, looking straight at the model as she awaited the pronouncement of her fate. “Before we start, I assume you know about safe words.” Kathryn nodded. “I won’t make them complicated, but there’s a small personal deviation from the usual. If you need a short break, if something’s just not feeling right, if something hurts that’s not supposed to hurt, or if there’s something you want...

3 years ago
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Mirror Site Another Way Home

Mirror Site: Another Way Home By Bill Hart "It's such a fucking depressing night," mumbled Dave Kendricks to himself as he finally left the bar where he'd been sitting and drinking ever since he'd found that body sprawled out in pieces in the alley. "This shit fucking sucks." Clearly Dave had had just a little too much drink. Although no one who knew him would have considered him a teetotaler, Dave seldom drank to excess. He wasn't what anyone might consider a good drunk....

3 years ago
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Maid to Order Initiation

Maid to Order -- Initiation (Part 2) When she stepped through the door I thought "I've been had, this is really a housekeeper!" She was wearing the same uniform I had seen other housekeeping staff wearing--a short-sleeved pink polyester button-front utility uniform with a crisp white straight-waist apron. She didn't seem startled to see me, however, and stepped into the room, letting the door close behind her. When I started to speak she held up one finger as she turned to lock...

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HOBO Chapter Four

I graduated with a Masters Degree in Accounting in November well ahead of anyone’s expectancy. I was barely twenty-one years old and already studying for the CPA exam. I had contacted Amanda Peat once month prior to my graduation so she could prepare things for me. I was scheduled to be at Butler, Land and Reyes on December the fifth to meet with Richard Butler and get settled in. As expected, I was extremely nervous now, due to the fact that I was basically on my own now. Before the campus...

1 year ago
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Hentai School

HentaiSchool is a free hentai website with optional premium content. The site has tons of free hentai manga, hentai videos, 3D movies, and dirty flash games from the past decade. It's a dirty-ass porn site, but looks clean, until they start pushing popup ads in your face. The site is easy to navigate and has hundreds of manga uploads in high resolution, translated into English.I fapped to some of these mangas over 10 years ago. It's almost nostalgic to see this stuff still circulating the web...

Hentai Manga Sites
2 years ago
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Delhi Jazz Festival

Introduction: This story is about the fun time I had with moi homies What do men want? What do women want? These are the questions that most people really ask when in reality all they need to ask is what do you want?. Yes it is sex. Women love sex as much as men love footy. But Im not here to discuss my friends game. It wasnt the first time me and my homies had so much, neither it will be the last time. Delhi Jazz festival were the best three days in my life. The music was good anyway but the...

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It Happened One Evening 3

In the glowing light of my bedroom Liz uncoupled herself from me giving me a deep passionate kiss before exiting the room and creeping downstairs. I laid back warm and contented stroking on my nipples excited at what pleasures were still to come.It took only a few minutes before the naked form of Liz reappeared moving quickly around to the bed. I could make out in the light that she was carrying a small Purple Dildo that glowed in her hands. Sliding back next to me she turned to face me and...

3 years ago
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Jake and I have an amazing first time

Hi I’m Megan, this is the story of my first time. I will be writing the story in the present tense even though at the time I was 16 and I am now 19. I hope you enjoy! I should give you a little back ground info. I am 5’5 with longish brown hair with light sun highlights. I have chocolate brown eyes and slight freckles. I have a very petite body with nice full hips and a set of 32 B’s to match. I have a flat stomach. My boyfriend’s name is Jake. He is 17 and is 5’10 and has the ‘flipped’ blond...

2 years ago
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Hot Weekend Part Two

Hot Weekend: Part Two I think we must’ve dozed a little after our earlier fun, the sun was on its way down now, slowly, but surely. I couldn’t help smiling at the girls as I got up to go and dip my feet in the sea. They smiled back, cheeky grins, at the fact our friendship had advanced so much in one day. It’s true what they say about men and women, men like to be alone with their thoughts and women like to share their feelings. As I allowed the shallow waves to cool my feet, I looked back over...

First Time
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Princess Diana and Alexander the GreatChapter 6 Bring Out Bigger Cocks Please

Princess Diana, First Princess of the Amazon, slowly came from her sex induced sleep because of feeling wetness on her face. She opened her eyes and even as she realized she was finger fucking her cunt, she saw the dog licking her face. Her mouth opened and she sucked his tongue into her mouth, her tongue dueling with his as they French kissed. Diana freed a hand and reached for the dog's sheath, only to find his blood red cock fully emerged. Disengaging her kiss with the dog she drew him...

1 year ago
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Diplomatic BaggageChapter 3 Part of the Household

Back in the Bentley, Sir Patrick and Gerry headed back into town. "I'm not sure that I understand the problem," Gerry began. "Surely we just need to explain things to the Minister, and then off we go." "Diplomatically it's more difficult than that, I'm afraid. Let's look at it from his point of view. He's the Trade Minister, you're a Trade Envoy. A transaction occurred. You can't just turn up and say you didn't mean it. Where would that leave your credibility? No that wouldn't...

1 year ago
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Ahh Lochy Part 6

The water felt nice on my feet. It was really the only thing keeping me coherent with reality. The cold sea water and the slight waves rolling back and forth dampening the bottoms of my shorts before returning to dampen them again. Here, on this long but winding beach you can see a fair distance in both directions along it and the Esplanade, a road the travelled along the length of the beach was just as visible so you could imagine how weird I looked when I was constantly looking up...

1 year ago
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My Sons Girlfriend

I happened to notice that my son Sam had left his phone at home on the couch and a message popped up ?You know I would like to be spanked while we have sex in the doggy position? Ella’s text read on Sam’s phone.?Wow!? I thought ?what a little slut?. I knew my 18 year old son was a virgin and that he had been seeing Ella for a while but she hadn’t yet allowed him to have full sex with her, just a bit of kissing and cuddling. Ella was a gorgeous 18 year old with large firm breasts and long blonde...

2 years ago
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 15 Doctor Steven Taylor Wife Kyles surprise and Many Many Births

Characters Introduced: Dr. Steven Taylor, 48, OBGYN, white, married to Jessica, 8” cock Jessica Taylor, 28, wife of the doctor, 5'4, white, Brown hair Green Eyes, 36D breasts Bob, 45, drunken neighbor of Crystal's, white, 7” cock Gracie, 32, wife of Bob,5'4, white, Blond Hair Blue Eyes, 36DD Breasts Kelsi, 18, Gracie's daughter, 5'7, white, Red Hair Green Eyes, 36D Breasts Brook, 16, Gracie's daughter, 5'4, white, Red Hair Green Eyes, 34C Breasts Evelyn, 14, Gracie's...

2 years ago
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Teen Ladkiyon Ki Super Chudai

Maa aur pita g ke jaane ka time ho gaya tha. Wo dono meri bua ke ghar 2 din rehne ja rahe the. Mai hi ghar rukne wala tha. Thodi der baad maa aur pita g chale gaye aur Poonam aa gayi. Maine zor se uske hotho ko chuma. Wo mera lun meri pant ke upar se hi sehlane lagi. “Poonam tumhare liye ek surprise hai. Bas thodi der ruk jao.” “Kya surprise hai?” “Ruko to sahi.” 5 minute baad ghanti baji. Maine Poonam ko Rs.1500 diye(meri bachat) aur bahar se courier laane ke Liye kaha. Wo le aayi. “Kholo...

1 year ago
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Mistakes Ive Made A Few But Then AgainChapter 3

Jim decided to take the whole two weeks of bereavement leave. He stayed in and around his house, taking care of some maintenance things like painting his hallways and the living room. He spent a whole afternoon rearranging his closets and getting rid of the junk that just seems to accumulate when you aren't paying any attention. He laid new linoleum in his kitchen and replaced two leaky washers, one in the master bedroom's bathroom sink, and the other on a faucet in the kitchen. While the...

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