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Cow 13

©2004 by Cameron Smith

Part 1

He sold me! Can you believe that? The bastard sold me! Well, what else shouldI have expected? He calls me a cow and treats me like a cow, why should I besurprised when he turns around and sells me like a cow?

Actually, it's probably a good thing, considering what he did to Emily, notto mention what he did before the trial — sending those eight girls offto be cooked alive! And I'm pretty sure he had me lined up to be next on themenu. Of course, the police raid and the "Knobscot Monster" trial put an endto that stuff, even though it was too late for poor Christina, his eighth andlast contribution to the barbecues. Her and that newspaper woman died justa couple of hours before the cops arrived.

Old Tony, though, he got away through the woods, him and Eric. Mr. Thomas,who owned the place, blew his brains out, and most of the guests who was fuckingus "hostesses" while Christina and the woman was roasting got put away forlife. Me and the other girls was state witnesses and got off scot free, althoughthe defense attorneys chewed us up pretty bad, saying we was degenerate whores "whosewords are as easy to buy as their bodies." But when the jury saw what Tonydone to his girls, the ones who pissed him off in any way, they didn't haveno trouble believing we was all there against our will.

Much good it did for us to go free, though. Tony's thugs managed to graball fucking five of us the day after they let us out of jail. They actuallyhogtied and gagged us, threw us in a sound-proofed truck and took us to Godknows where. The trip took days, bouncing along on the floor of that fuckingtruck in the total dark with no food or drink, pissing and shitting ourselvesand suffocating in the stench. My throat was burning with thirst. My wholebody was in pain.

We had no idea what the fuck they was gonna do to us, but figured it wouldn'tbe good. Working for Tony and Eric had made us pretty tough, but we was allscared shitless and crying like babies by the time they finally opened thosedoors again. The truck had been backed into some kind of a warehouse and thefirst thing they did was drag us out of the truck and take off enough of theropes so we could stand up. Then they took out the gags. God, what a reliefTHAT was! Emily, a stacked dark haired girl with big brown eyes, who had justturned nineteen, immediately began to complain that her shoulder was wrenchedand she was in terrible pain. Tony walks up and stares hard at her.

"Jesus, Tony!" she says, "Untie me. My shoulder fuckin' hurts! I'm reekingwith shit and piss. You can't treat people like this. It ain't right."

Then he whacks her upside the face, first one side then the other, and tellsher to shut the fuck up. Blood wells up between her lips and she whimpers,but she don't say another word. It's too late, though. He grabs her by thehair and drags her in front of the rest of us.

He takes out a pocket knife and cuts off all her clothes, pulling them outfrom under the ropes. When she's stark naked, he shoves a pan between her feetand orders her to squat over it and piss. She tries, but we ain't drunk nothingfor days so not much comes out, and it's pretty rank. Tony scoffs at it, pullsout his dick and practically fills the pan with his own piss. Then he poursit from the pan into a mug and while one of his goons forces Emily's head backwith her mouth open, he pours it from the mug down her throat. She's sputtering,coughing and gagging, but she swallows every drop.

"You bitches hungry?" he asks.

No one moves, afraid of what he'll do next. He knows damn well we ain't eatenfor days.

He smiles. "I imagine you are. Guess we better take care of that," he says,and we all have to follow him through a long corridor as he forces poor Emilyalong by the hair.

We wind up in the kitchen of a restaurant which is either closed or out ofbusiness. There's this huge butcher block table in the middle and Tony's goonslift Emily up and set her on the table. They untie her bonds long enough tolay her back, face up, and strap her down on it, her arms bound to the legson one end, her legs spread with her ankles bound to the table legs at theother end. They also bind her down to the table top with ropes around her neck,belly and pelvis. She's crying from pain as they tie short pieces of rope tightaround her upper arms just under the shoulders and around her thighs just belowthe crotch.

Her arms and legs are beginning to turn blue and Tony asks her, normal asyou please, "Feeling a little numb in your hands and feet?"

She wiggles them a little and says in a whimpery little voice, "Yeah."

"Uh huh," he says, smiling evilly at her. "That shoulder still hurt?"

"Yeah," she sniffs. "Somethin' awful."

"Which one?" he asks, all commiserating like.

"The right shoulder."

"Well," he says. "Don't you worry. We'll fix that."

With us standing around the table watching, he casually picks up this bigfucking cleaver, goes to her left shoulder and with a roundhouse swing bringsit down just under the binding, whacking off her arm. Everyone screams, includingEmily, but he just catches the arm before it flops to the floor and holds itwhile one of the goons unties the wrist and carries the arm, dripping blood,to another butcher block table.

"Oops," Tony says. "I got the wrong arm. Sorry about that. Don't worry, I'lltake care of it." Then he moves around Emily's head and positions himself tolop off the right arm. I don't know about the other girls, but I shut my eyes.Just the sound of the cleaver smacking into the thick wood of the table mademe scream. I couldn't bear to actually watch her other arm fall off. The soundwas horrible enough. Two of the girls wretched, although there weren't nothingin their stomachs but nasty yellow bile.

But Tony don't stop there. While Emily is still shuddering and groaning fromthe horror of what he'd just done to her, he chops off both legs as well. Emilywas a voluptuous girl with well-shaped muscular legs, so it took three or foursolid whacks of the cleaver to cut off each leg at the upper thigh. The goonslug those off, too.

While two of the goons start skinning Emily's arms and legs, Tony takes abig boning knife, the kind with a sharp point and a curved blade, and carefullycuts off first one tit then the other, as Emily screams bloody murder. I couldactually see the tops of her ribs where he scraped down deep to get all themeat. As each breast is lifted away, one of the goons presses the back of ahot skillet against the open wound to seal it. Emily screams, passes out, andis revived with smelling salts. Tony places the tits, nipples up, on a broilingpan, brushes butter on them, sprinkles on some seasonings and shoves the panin an oven. In the meantime, another one of the goons at the other table isslicing Emily's arms and legs into filets and laying them out in pans on topof the big commercial ranges. We was all sobbing hysterically by now. The bindingsnear Emily's shoulders and crotch and the seared flesh where her boobs usedto be kept her from bleeding to death and she was forced to watch her own meatcooked on the stoves and in the oven. When it was done, an hour later, Tonymade the rest of us sit around a table in full view of Emily and eat a platefulof her leg meat. He even forced some of it into Emily's mouth and made herchew and swallow it. He had saved the tits for himself and his crew.

We had seen this stuff before, and been forced to eat the meat they tookfrom the other eight girls when we had to whore at the Knobscot estate. Butthis was worse, what with Emily still alive and watching us. We was all aware,of course, that Tony wouldn't let her live long. He was just tormenting her,making her wait to die in some way that was sure to be even more painful andgross.

Tony had a cattle prod and made us eat every scrap of Emily off our plates.The only thing we had to drink with it was urine that his goons had pissedinto our mugs. It was disgusting, but we was so thirsty we drank it anyway.

"What I'm doin' here," Tony said when we was finished, "is making a fuckin'point. The point is, you don't never tell me what I can and can not do. Notever. You cunts lost all your rights to say anything or complain about anythingor even think anything you're not told to think when you got up on that standand ran your mouths off about me and Eric. You sealed your own fates when youtold that jury we was there at them barbecues, or that we even knowed anythingabout them."

"But Tony," I piped up, being too stupid to have learned better, "your namewas all through that journal Mr. Thomas had wrote. He put down all kinds ofstuff about you. So how could we . . ."

I shut my mouth when Tony took a Sharpie marker out of his pocket and comestoward me with his eyes all hard and pissed off. He makes a downward slashon my forehead with the marker, and snarls, "Got any more helpful remarks,cow?"

With a quick glance at Emily, I finally clamp my stupid mouth shut and shakemy head.

"I don't wanna hear a single 'nother sound comin' outta that pie hole ofyours ever again. The only thing you're gonna use it for, from now on, is feedin',suckin' cock and cleanin' out ass holes. Got that?"

I almost said "yes, sir," but caught myself. I just nodded my head.

He looked disappointed that I hadn't fallen into his little trap, but hejust turned to the rest of the group. "I used to treat you decent when youworked for me. Let you keep more of your earnin's than you was worth. But that'sall over. When you turned traitor on me at that trial, you kissed off any chanceof bein' treated like a human. All you are to me now is a set of meat cowswith rental cunts. And that's how you're gonna be treated from now on. Livestockis all you are, and you'll stay alive only as long as it's worth it to me tokeep you around. Now stand up and take off all your clothes! It's ridiculousto see a bunch of cows standing around with clothes on."

After we'd stripped, Tony's goons tied our hands behind our backs and lockedone-inch wide metal collars on our necks. While they was doing that, Tony wrappeda much wider metal collar around Emily's neck. It was so wide it jammed upunder her jaw forcing her head back. When our own collars was in place, thegoons clipped a length of heavy chain to them and led us back out through thecorridor and into the warehouse. An enormous wire cage had been dragged tothe center of the floor and inside was two large Dobermans glaring at us likeit wouldn't take much to talk them into tearing our throats out.

"See what I managed to have rescued from the animal shelter where the fuckin'court was gonna have them euthanized," says Tony sauntering into the warehouse. "Recognizethem? These bad boys was the guard dogs at the Thomas estate. Remember howthey loved eatin' the girl guts that Doc threw to them while he was gettin'the cows ready for the spit? Well, do they have a treat in store for them now!"

Behind him through the door from the corridor comes one of the goons carryingwhat's left of poor Emily. She can't weigh much, being just a head and torso.Her mouth is open and she's making gasping sounds, blood bubbling out of theholes where those big beautiful boobs used to be. The Dobermans are pacinglike crazy now, but not making a sound. It's eerie!

"You'll notice these are very quiet dogs," Tony says. "That's because Docsliced their vocal cords, like he did the cows, so they can sneak up on spiesand prowlers silent as you please. Now watch this."

Tony took out his pocket knife again and without another word plunged itinto Emily's upper belly, then dragged it slowly downward, right through hernavel and on to where the blade ground against her pelvic bone, all the whilepoor Emily screaming. Her intestines bulged up through the gash. The dogs wentcrazy at the sound, smell and sight of it, lunging at the side of the cage!One of the goons slid open a door on the top of the cage and the guy holdingEmily in his arms tossed her through it. Her body bounced off one of the Dobermansand before she hit the floor of the cage both animals were tearing into herflesh. She went on screaming as the dogs ripped out chunks from the stumpsof her arms and legs. Unable to bite into her throat and kill her because ofthe collar, they had to be satisfied with tearing off pieces of her ass andface, and grabbing mouthfuls of her guts and other internal organs. The lastthing I remember seeing before passing out was one of those big black brickfaces sinking its teeth into her cunt, ripping one of the lips away from herbody along with a long patch of belly skin and swallowing it in two gulps.I remember the sound of her screams fading away with the rest of the world.

When I came to, I was strapped tightly in a chair and couldn't move. Evenmy hair had been tied down to the back of the chair in some way so that myhead was tilted painfully back and immoveable. Tony was glowering at me. Icould hear the dogs still chewing on Emily's bones behind me, but it was theleast of my concerns. The look on Tony's face frightened me so much that myheart began to pound and I felt warm piss trickling out of my slit and collectingunder my butt.

"Too bad you missed the best part," he said, "where they went for her eyeballsand tongue, the bitch screamin' all the time. Right after she died the boysfished out what was left and took off the collar so the Dobermans could enjoysome nice neck meat.

"Now it's time to complete your conversion into a cow." He waved a jaw spreaderin my face. "Open wide!"

I knew the awful thing he was going to do to me and my mind spun in mad circles.I had enough presence of mind not to say anything, but my lips involuntarilyclamped shut and I couldn't hold back a whimper, my body's pathetic refusalto be brave and accept this terrible mutilation as the only alternative toending up like Emily.

"Maybe you didn't hear me, little bitch traitor. Or maybe you'd rather Jerryram a cattle prod up your cunt. That'll make you open wide enough. Or maybeyou'd rather be tomorrow's supper for your cunt friends. I know Spot and Roverover there will sure enjoy snacking on the leftovers, now that they've tastedthe other traitor cunt. OPEN UP!"

Weeping, I opened my mouth and he shoved the spreader in, cranking it asfar as the tendons in my jaw would allow, putting me in terrible pain. He clampeda pair of those locking pliers that doctors use on my tongue, pulling my tongueout and holding it there with a cord attached to a toothed metal clamp on myright nipple. God it hurt!

"I learned how to do this watching Doc do it to the last six cows we sentto Thomas," he said, inserting a long handled scalpel into my mouth and downmy throat. "Don't move a fuckin' muscle or I'll cut into your windpipe. ThenI WILL throw you to Spot and Rover."

He looked up past me and nodded. I felt a pair of iron hands grab my earsand hold me steady while a fire erupted in my throat! I tried to scream butno sound came out, only a geyser of blood. The hands let go of my ears andundid whatever was binding my hair so I could bend my head forward and coughup the blood running into my lungs. I knew he had cut my vocal cords, but somehopeless optimist in me made me try to talk anyway, just to prove it wasn'ttrue, I guess. But it was. No sound came out. Whatever plans he had for menext, I had spoken my last words. To the end of my life (which will probablynot be long) I will be mute.

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My name is Tim and I am bisexual. I haven’t been with a woman in many years so maybe now I am just gay.I was married for twenty years and have been divorced for ten years. When my wife and I met we were both eighteen year old virgins. We married two years later. In the beginning our marriage was great. We had sex three or four times a week. Then fifteen years later my wife’s sex drive for me started to fade. We talked and decided to get some porno movies to spice up our sex life. That was the...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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It was late by the time we served everyone and cleaned up. This had been the busiest Christmas Eve I’d seen in the ten years I’d been volunteering at the shelter. Between the unusual number of people seeking shelter from the storm, and the volunteers who couldn’t make it because of bad roads, those of us who did make it, had to work doubly hard to see everybody fed. I myself had considered not coming, when I’d seen the road conditions, but my truck was good in the snow and even after ten years,...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Journey with Sangita

I am a 20 years old Indian boy. My name is Saagar. I am living in Mumbai. My father has got small business here in Mumbai. My Mother is Housewife. I have one sister, Name Sangita. My pretty sister is 25 years old. She lives with her husband at Delhi. Sangita and I are the most precious things to my parents. They love us more than themselves. Naturally, they were very sad when my sister got married and I left home for studying in engineering at Banglore two years ago. Ma cried for months and...

2 years ago
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Extraterrestrial Love

It was late one night and I was driving to get home. The night seemed more spooky than usual in our town. I'd grown up in a small farm town just outside of Del Rio Texas where everyone knows everyone and you actually trust your neighbors. The wind was brisk and the sky was covered with bright stars. I drove listening to "Here with me" by Dido playing quietly on my car radio. I felt the tears just stream down my face as I thought about the events that had happened in the last six months....

2 years ago
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Strawberries For BreakfastChapter 5 Relationships

It had been a couple weeks since George had filled in for me at the Ballet. I was standing in a swirl of smoke, tending the barbecued ribs for dinner for the three of us. I looked across the pool to where George sat charming Jody with another of his amusing tales. She was sitting on the edge of her chair in smiling attention. Ribs on the grill is one of my specialties, and I enjoy worrying over them the way some old men like to stand and water their lawn with a hose on a summer...

4 years ago
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A Husbands Desire To See His Wife Shared With Another With A Big Cock

Jim had always longed for the opportunity to see his beautiful wife Christina with another man. He never once mentioned it to her but had fantasized a number of times of it actually becoming a reality. He always had the dream of day of watching her being fucked with a very large cock. Christina was in her mid-forties and they had been married for more than twenty years. They had two adorable children and had a wonderful life together. Christina had been on a strict diet for the past year. She...

3 years ago
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Elle Runs Away

Elle ran away from home when she was fourteen. Tired of the way her mom and dad always yelled about the way she dressed, she decided she move to Hollywood and become a star. That would show them. Blonde and petite, hourglass figure and pert breasts, Elle was an expert cock-tease in school even though she had yet to actually see a dick. She just knew that when she flashed her big blues or twirled her locks, the boys in school and the male teachers tended to do what she wanted. Elle was bored at...

3 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife Carol

"Man, would I ever like to fuck that!" I was standing next to him at the bar and I turned to see who he was looking at. Couldn't blame him when I saw where he was looking; she was tall, well built and blonde and easily the best looking woman in the place that night. She was also the biggest slut. What the man next to me didn't know was that he could fuck her if he really wanted to; all he had to do was walk up to her and ask. If he didn't have bad breath (Carol was hell on bad breath)...

3 years ago
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Those Days With Bhabhi Pt 1 Bete Ki B8217day Party

Hi dosto, mera naam Arpit hai aur main Gurgaon mein it company mein job karta hu. Yeh story meri aur mere neighbour mein rehne wali Deepti bhabhi ki hai. Unke husband ek saal se Germany mein hai to meri line clear thi. This is my first attempt in writing a story so I request everyone to forgive me for any mistakes. Story thodi lambi hai but I hope apko pasand ayegi. Apke feedback ka mujhe intezar rahega. . Aap mujhe mail kar sakte hai aur hangout par message bhi. I will continue with the...

3 years ago
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Same Time Next YearChapter 2

It wasn't long before I was able to go home. I wasn't allowed to lift anything over five pounds. My girls understood but Andy didn't know any better and wanted to be held. At least he settled for climbing up next to me and sitting on the bed or couch. My girls were like two little mommies waiting on me hand and foot. Trina went to work every day and when she got home we were pleasant to each other. Jen stopped by for a couple of hours each day to see if I needed anything. She was a great...

3 years ago
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Auntie Mabel Ch 22

‘Fuck me John, look at the Tits on that,’ exclaimed John’s best mate Steve as they walked across the factory parking lot. Steve was a Tit man, and John knew he could spot a nice pair of tits at 100 yards. The young woman Steve was drooling over was certainly worth an erection, as Steve was fond of saying. She was about twenty years old, looked very suntanned, of medium build with long dark hair. She had a well-built figure, and of course large breasts. It took a great deal to wrench...

4 years ago
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After the pub

She was stunning, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I was at the pub with friends, enjoying a beer or two. We had attended the festival in the park and the day had been a scorcher. The air was finally starting to cool as day turned into night. The pub was quite crowded and we were sitting outside undercover, I was chatting to Tom, one of the boys I knew when I first noticed her. She was young, too young for me to be staring at but I couldn’t help myself. Long blond wavy hair with the face of an...

3 years ago
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Neulich ging ich am Parkplatz "wild pinkeln." Dann kommt ein Mann auf mich zu und nahm seinen Schwanz aus dem Hosenstall und pinkelte auf mich .Ich fragte sauer, was das solle! Er drückte mich hinunter und öffnete seinen Ledermantel und schob mir seinen mittlerweile angeschwollenen Pimmel frech in meinen Mund. Bevor ich was sagen konnte , schoss sein Strahl mir tief in den Rachen und drückte mit seiner anderen Hand meinen Kopf fest in den Kolben rein. Ich dachte, jetzt ertrinke ich im Urin. Da...

1 year ago
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MILF Chapter 1

"Look, it's just a couple of guys and they're really important to the company," her husband replied. "You could probably just give them handjobs or something." He went back to shaving. She was sitting up in bed, mouth open in disbelief as her husband calmly got ready for his day. She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and stood, tying the short silk robe at her waist and clutching it closed near the top. It barely covered her ass as she crossed to the bathroom, and she...

2 years ago
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Are you watching

Can you see? My heart pounding, lust racing, my life depending on you watching. Seeing. Wanting. I had taken my time, shaving every inch of my form, lingering over my legs, my thighs, finally culminating with wanton sensuality at my sex. Slow, slowly, each stroke of the razor speaking volumes, making exquisite promises. To make you hunger, your passion smoulder. I see you! The stragetically placed mirror has given you away. At last, my weeks of planning mean something. The lace panties...

3 years ago
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Almost but not quite

Pam and Ethan's sexploits continue... Part 19, Pam and Ethan take a chance Ch 2 & 3Chapter 2Mrs. Thorn and Mom were in the kitchen, talking about something. Pam didn’t stop to listen. She waved and said hi as she went through the kitchen to the back door. She did not stop to tell Mrs. Thorn that she found her panties in Ethan’s room.She pictured her in bed with him, lowering herself on his huge cock and bouncing on him until he filled her with his warm cum. The image in her mind made her...

3 years ago
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Please dont walk away 7

The minister said all of his vows and then it was time for our vows. I went first. “Steve, I love you, I love everything about you. You are an absolute saint in my book honestly. You have always been there for me. Maybe that's why I really fell in love with you. But I'm here now because there is absolutely no one I'd rather be with. I love you and no one else. In the end maybe we truly were meant for each other. I don't know, but what I do know is I'm more than happy to be with you. So I'm...

3 years ago
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Divine Love

Sister Divine took her faith very seriously. The Lord God had given everything, His love, His dignity and His life, for His people and it was only right that she should give up everything for Him in return. And so she had chosen sisterhood in the Convent of the Blessed Mary, in the very ascetic order of the Damascene Nuns. Here there were no soft options in her dedication to her faith. Her possessions were left behind in the secular world beyond. Her hair was shaved off her head and off her...

4 years ago
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"Oh no, no, no, no, please no!" sobbed Mandy, as the car just died on her. No lights, no power, just a car slowly freewheeling to a halt in the middle of Exmoor. No passing motorists either and no sign at all of civilisation. "Dammit!" she muttered when pulling out her mobile; no signal either, she really was stuck. "Why me Lord?" she asked prayerfully. "Sorry Lord, your ways are mysterious and I'm sure there's a reason." The car had drifted to a halt on the narrow road that...

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"Is that you, Bob?" "It's a burglar. I've come to steal a kiss." "Guess what ... Mmmmmph." "Mph, yourself. That kiss was worth stealing. And I love your outfit." "Must be the shorts. You painted in the shirt when it was yours." "Your style in bra. Besides you do things for the shirt." "'Off' isn't a style. I saw that gynecologist today, and guess what?" "She said that you've been overusing your genitalia and to give them a month's rest?" "No-ope!" "She...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 21

These are compliments of joevsr‎ Santa Claus’ 11 Reindeer. You have the first eight Donner, Bliztzon, Comet, Cupid, etc etc. 8 Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer 9 Bruno, the Brown Nose Reindeer, (He is 2nd in line behind Rudolf, He is just as fast, but he is not good at stopping as quick) 10 Then you have Olive, the other Reindeer. (in the song, Olive the other reindeer) How the Angel got on top of the Christmas Tree. It was a few days before Christmas and Santa was having a bad...

2 years ago
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The Travel Show

Feel free to comment on my stories and all comments, both positive and negative are welcome. Or feel free to email me comments or thoughts or ideas about stories on [email protected] For Patricia, my beautiful Muse, with love. X The Travel Show   Sunday Evening Patricia, who now only wearing a white lace bra, matching silky panties, hold-up black lace topped stockings and was lying face down across her boss’s bare legs. She squealed with a mixture of pain and...

4 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 82

Paul put his hand on John's arm when the young man reached for the Pena's doorknob. "You always knock," he said. "But you've been here thousands of times," John pointed out. "I have," Paul confirmed. "That doesn't make this my home. It's about respect, Bro. It's always about respect. We knock on the door and wait for someone to acknowledge us before we enter. Once we get inside, we greet Mariel and Miguel - and even Chuck if he's here. This isn't just because it's...

2 years ago
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Night Adventures With Didi 8211 Part III

When we came back from shopping in the evening, Jiju had come back home with children. Jiju had his drinks followed by dinner. After that he announced that we brother and sister can chat together and he is going for sleep in another room. Children were also tired by that time and they followed their father in the bed. My sister asked me to wait for her in the drawing room as she will be back after getting fresh and changing her clothes. I started surfing tv channels in the drawing room. Didi...

3 years ago
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CityWolf I Melissas Mistake

CityWolf  I  -Melissa’s Mistake Copywrite 1996 by The CityWolf [email protected] big school dance was that night.  Melissa planned ahead.  She came there earlier that afternoon and dropped off her clothes.  In a wooded area off the parking lot she placed a short skirt, tights, shoes, a blouse and a spare key to her car.  She covered them over with leaves.  Even the thought of what she planned excited her and caused her stomach to flutter.Melissa was a senior.  She was basically a normal...

4 years ago
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Nymph of the WoodChapter 9

I guess that's why it's called an accident. During my career, I had occasionally been required to fill out accident reports for my employees. According to management, almost every accident has a root cause. It's always our first reaction to say that it was, "just an accident." An event happens that is so unexpected. A key piece of equipment might fail. A freak storm might come out of nowhere. Your attention might be diverted for a split second as the semi-truck, with an unconscious...

3 years ago
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As we got to know each other betterhellip

Greg, Teresa and I would continue to go out and party like we did before, however things were different now. Although there were never expectations, there was an unsaid desire that we all continued to have. Teresa would continue to dress up for us and I made sure that her pussy stayed shaven. However when we were out in public, although Teresa would still be very friendly with Greg, we never let on that we were a threesome, which only added to the anticipation. One afternoon after spending the...

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Dianas Perfect Day

Diana’s skin tingled as she saw the lovely imposing frame of Remmy coming up to the front door. Quickly, she grabbed the picnic bag, checked her skirt, patted her curling black hair into place, and was at the front door before he reached for the bell.A wide smile creased his rugged face, and he gasped, “Wow, baby, you look so cool, and so keen. Give me the bag.”Diana returned his smile, but his appearance and demeanour rendered her anything but cool. Did he really emanate such heat? Hell, she...

2 years ago
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Master and couple part two

I left them for about an hour before returning to the room and I went over to the bed and untied Kelly and ordered her to stand. I moved away and went and grabbed a bench and moved it over so it was just in front of Steve. I then ordered Kelly to come over and lay on her back on the bench with her head closest to Steve. I grabbed a couple of cuffs and cuffed them round her wrist’s and I then did the same to her ankles and I then spread her legs and I grabbed a couple of short chains and...

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