- 2 years ago
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Cow 13
©2004 by Cameron Smith
Part 1
He sold me! Can you believe that? The bastard sold me! Well, what else shouldI have expected? He calls me a cow and treats me like a cow, why should I besurprised when he turns around and sells me like a cow?
Actually, it's probably a good thing, considering what he did to Emily, notto mention what he did before the trial — sending those eight girls offto be cooked alive! And I'm pretty sure he had me lined up to be next on themenu. Of course, the police raid and the "Knobscot Monster" trial put an endto that stuff, even though it was too late for poor Christina, his eighth andlast contribution to the barbecues. Her and that newspaper woman died justa couple of hours before the cops arrived.
Old Tony, though, he got away through the woods, him and Eric. Mr. Thomas,who owned the place, blew his brains out, and most of the guests who was fuckingus "hostesses" while Christina and the woman was roasting got put away forlife. Me and the other girls was state witnesses and got off scot free, althoughthe defense attorneys chewed us up pretty bad, saying we was degenerate whores "whosewords are as easy to buy as their bodies." But when the jury saw what Tonydone to his girls, the ones who pissed him off in any way, they didn't haveno trouble believing we was all there against our will.
Much good it did for us to go free, though. Tony's thugs managed to graball fucking five of us the day after they let us out of jail. They actuallyhogtied and gagged us, threw us in a sound-proofed truck and took us to Godknows where. The trip took days, bouncing along on the floor of that fuckingtruck in the total dark with no food or drink, pissing and shitting ourselvesand suffocating in the stench. My throat was burning with thirst. My wholebody was in pain.
We had no idea what the fuck they was gonna do to us, but figured it wouldn'tbe good. Working for Tony and Eric had made us pretty tough, but we was allscared shitless and crying like babies by the time they finally opened thosedoors again. The truck had been backed into some kind of a warehouse and thefirst thing they did was drag us out of the truck and take off enough of theropes so we could stand up. Then they took out the gags. God, what a reliefTHAT was! Emily, a stacked dark haired girl with big brown eyes, who had justturned nineteen, immediately began to complain that her shoulder was wrenchedand she was in terrible pain. Tony walks up and stares hard at her.
"Jesus, Tony!" she says, "Untie me. My shoulder fuckin' hurts! I'm reekingwith shit and piss. You can't treat people like this. It ain't right."
Then he whacks her upside the face, first one side then the other, and tellsher to shut the fuck up. Blood wells up between her lips and she whimpers,but she don't say another word. It's too late, though. He grabs her by thehair and drags her in front of the rest of us.
He takes out a pocket knife and cuts off all her clothes, pulling them outfrom under the ropes. When she's stark naked, he shoves a pan between her feetand orders her to squat over it and piss. She tries, but we ain't drunk nothingfor days so not much comes out, and it's pretty rank. Tony scoffs at it, pullsout his dick and practically fills the pan with his own piss. Then he poursit from the pan into a mug and while one of his goons forces Emily's head backwith her mouth open, he pours it from the mug down her throat. She's sputtering,coughing and gagging, but she swallows every drop.
"You bitches hungry?" he asks.
No one moves, afraid of what he'll do next. He knows damn well we ain't eatenfor days.
He smiles. "I imagine you are. Guess we better take care of that," he says,and we all have to follow him through a long corridor as he forces poor Emilyalong by the hair.
We wind up in the kitchen of a restaurant which is either closed or out ofbusiness. There's this huge butcher block table in the middle and Tony's goonslift Emily up and set her on the table. They untie her bonds long enough tolay her back, face up, and strap her down on it, her arms bound to the legson one end, her legs spread with her ankles bound to the table legs at theother end. They also bind her down to the table top with ropes around her neck,belly and pelvis. She's crying from pain as they tie short pieces of rope tightaround her upper arms just under the shoulders and around her thighs just belowthe crotch.
Her arms and legs are beginning to turn blue and Tony asks her, normal asyou please, "Feeling a little numb in your hands and feet?"
She wiggles them a little and says in a whimpery little voice, "Yeah."
"Uh huh," he says, smiling evilly at her. "That shoulder still hurt?"
"Yeah," she sniffs. "Somethin' awful."
"Which one?" he asks, all commiserating like.
"The right shoulder."
"Well," he says. "Don't you worry. We'll fix that."
With us standing around the table watching, he casually picks up this bigfucking cleaver, goes to her left shoulder and with a roundhouse swing bringsit down just under the binding, whacking off her arm. Everyone screams, includingEmily, but he just catches the arm before it flops to the floor and holds itwhile one of the goons unties the wrist and carries the arm, dripping blood,to another butcher block table.
"Oops," Tony says. "I got the wrong arm. Sorry about that. Don't worry, I'lltake care of it." Then he moves around Emily's head and positions himself tolop off the right arm. I don't know about the other girls, but I shut my eyes.Just the sound of the cleaver smacking into the thick wood of the table mademe scream. I couldn't bear to actually watch her other arm fall off. The soundwas horrible enough. Two of the girls wretched, although there weren't nothingin their stomachs but nasty yellow bile.
But Tony don't stop there. While Emily is still shuddering and groaning fromthe horror of what he'd just done to her, he chops off both legs as well. Emilywas a voluptuous girl with well-shaped muscular legs, so it took three or foursolid whacks of the cleaver to cut off each leg at the upper thigh. The goonslug those off, too.
While two of the goons start skinning Emily's arms and legs, Tony takes abig boning knife, the kind with a sharp point and a curved blade, and carefullycuts off first one tit then the other, as Emily screams bloody murder. I couldactually see the tops of her ribs where he scraped down deep to get all themeat. As each breast is lifted away, one of the goons presses the back of ahot skillet against the open wound to seal it. Emily screams, passes out, andis revived with smelling salts. Tony places the tits, nipples up, on a broilingpan, brushes butter on them, sprinkles on some seasonings and shoves the panin an oven. In the meantime, another one of the goons at the other table isslicing Emily's arms and legs into filets and laying them out in pans on topof the big commercial ranges. We was all sobbing hysterically by now. The bindingsnear Emily's shoulders and crotch and the seared flesh where her boobs usedto be kept her from bleeding to death and she was forced to watch her own meatcooked on the stoves and in the oven. When it was done, an hour later, Tonymade the rest of us sit around a table in full view of Emily and eat a platefulof her leg meat. He even forced some of it into Emily's mouth and made herchew and swallow it. He had saved the tits for himself and his crew.
We had seen this stuff before, and been forced to eat the meat they tookfrom the other eight girls when we had to whore at the Knobscot estate. Butthis was worse, what with Emily still alive and watching us. We was all aware,of course, that Tony wouldn't let her live long. He was just tormenting her,making her wait to die in some way that was sure to be even more painful andgross.
Tony had a cattle prod and made us eat every scrap of Emily off our plates.The only thing we had to drink with it was urine that his goons had pissedinto our mugs. It was disgusting, but we was so thirsty we drank it anyway.
"What I'm doin' here," Tony said when we was finished, "is making a fuckin'point. The point is, you don't never tell me what I can and can not do. Notever. You cunts lost all your rights to say anything or complain about anythingor even think anything you're not told to think when you got up on that standand ran your mouths off about me and Eric. You sealed your own fates when youtold that jury we was there at them barbecues, or that we even knowed anythingabout them."
"But Tony," I piped up, being too stupid to have learned better, "your namewas all through that journal Mr. Thomas had wrote. He put down all kinds ofstuff about you. So how could we . . ."
I shut my mouth when Tony took a Sharpie marker out of his pocket and comestoward me with his eyes all hard and pissed off. He makes a downward slashon my forehead with the marker, and snarls, "Got any more helpful remarks,cow?"
With a quick glance at Emily, I finally clamp my stupid mouth shut and shakemy head.
"I don't wanna hear a single 'nother sound comin' outta that pie hole ofyours ever again. The only thing you're gonna use it for, from now on, is feedin',suckin' cock and cleanin' out ass holes. Got that?"
I almost said "yes, sir," but caught myself. I just nodded my head.
He looked disappointed that I hadn't fallen into his little trap, but hejust turned to the rest of the group. "I used to treat you decent when youworked for me. Let you keep more of your earnin's than you was worth. But that'sall over. When you turned traitor on me at that trial, you kissed off any chanceof bein' treated like a human. All you are to me now is a set of meat cowswith rental cunts. And that's how you're gonna be treated from now on. Livestockis all you are, and you'll stay alive only as long as it's worth it to me tokeep you around. Now stand up and take off all your clothes! It's ridiculousto see a bunch of cows standing around with clothes on."
After we'd stripped, Tony's goons tied our hands behind our backs and lockedone-inch wide metal collars on our necks. While they was doing that, Tony wrappeda much wider metal collar around Emily's neck. It was so wide it jammed upunder her jaw forcing her head back. When our own collars was in place, thegoons clipped a length of heavy chain to them and led us back out through thecorridor and into the warehouse. An enormous wire cage had been dragged tothe center of the floor and inside was two large Dobermans glaring at us likeit wouldn't take much to talk them into tearing our throats out.
"See what I managed to have rescued from the animal shelter where the fuckin'court was gonna have them euthanized," says Tony sauntering into the warehouse. "Recognizethem? These bad boys was the guard dogs at the Thomas estate. Remember howthey loved eatin' the girl guts that Doc threw to them while he was gettin'the cows ready for the spit? Well, do they have a treat in store for them now!"
Behind him through the door from the corridor comes one of the goons carryingwhat's left of poor Emily. She can't weigh much, being just a head and torso.Her mouth is open and she's making gasping sounds, blood bubbling out of theholes where those big beautiful boobs used to be. The Dobermans are pacinglike crazy now, but not making a sound. It's eerie!
"You'll notice these are very quiet dogs," Tony says. "That's because Docsliced their vocal cords, like he did the cows, so they can sneak up on spiesand prowlers silent as you please. Now watch this."
Tony took out his pocket knife again and without another word plunged itinto Emily's upper belly, then dragged it slowly downward, right through hernavel and on to where the blade ground against her pelvic bone, all the whilepoor Emily screaming. Her intestines bulged up through the gash. The dogs wentcrazy at the sound, smell and sight of it, lunging at the side of the cage!One of the goons slid open a door on the top of the cage and the guy holdingEmily in his arms tossed her through it. Her body bounced off one of the Dobermansand before she hit the floor of the cage both animals were tearing into herflesh. She went on screaming as the dogs ripped out chunks from the stumpsof her arms and legs. Unable to bite into her throat and kill her because ofthe collar, they had to be satisfied with tearing off pieces of her ass andface, and grabbing mouthfuls of her guts and other internal organs. The lastthing I remember seeing before passing out was one of those big black brickfaces sinking its teeth into her cunt, ripping one of the lips away from herbody along with a long patch of belly skin and swallowing it in two gulps.I remember the sound of her screams fading away with the rest of the world.
When I came to, I was strapped tightly in a chair and couldn't move. Evenmy hair had been tied down to the back of the chair in some way so that myhead was tilted painfully back and immoveable. Tony was glowering at me. Icould hear the dogs still chewing on Emily's bones behind me, but it was theleast of my concerns. The look on Tony's face frightened me so much that myheart began to pound and I felt warm piss trickling out of my slit and collectingunder my butt.
"Too bad you missed the best part," he said, "where they went for her eyeballsand tongue, the bitch screamin' all the time. Right after she died the boysfished out what was left and took off the collar so the Dobermans could enjoysome nice neck meat.
"Now it's time to complete your conversion into a cow." He waved a jaw spreaderin my face. "Open wide!"
I knew the awful thing he was going to do to me and my mind spun in mad circles.I had enough presence of mind not to say anything, but my lips involuntarilyclamped shut and I couldn't hold back a whimper, my body's pathetic refusalto be brave and accept this terrible mutilation as the only alternative toending up like Emily.
"Maybe you didn't hear me, little bitch traitor. Or maybe you'd rather Jerryram a cattle prod up your cunt. That'll make you open wide enough. Or maybeyou'd rather be tomorrow's supper for your cunt friends. I know Spot and Roverover there will sure enjoy snacking on the leftovers, now that they've tastedthe other traitor cunt. OPEN UP!"
Weeping, I opened my mouth and he shoved the spreader in, cranking it asfar as the tendons in my jaw would allow, putting me in terrible pain. He clampeda pair of those locking pliers that doctors use on my tongue, pulling my tongueout and holding it there with a cord attached to a toothed metal clamp on myright nipple. God it hurt!
"I learned how to do this watching Doc do it to the last six cows we sentto Thomas," he said, inserting a long handled scalpel into my mouth and downmy throat. "Don't move a fuckin' muscle or I'll cut into your windpipe. ThenI WILL throw you to Spot and Rover."
He looked up past me and nodded. I felt a pair of iron hands grab my earsand hold me steady while a fire erupted in my throat! I tried to scream butno sound came out, only a geyser of blood. The hands let go of my ears andundid whatever was binding my hair so I could bend my head forward and coughup the blood running into my lungs. I knew he had cut my vocal cords, but somehopeless optimist in me made me try to talk anyway, just to prove it wasn'ttrue, I guess. But it was. No sound came out. Whatever plans he had for menext, I had spoken my last words. To the end of my life (which will probablynot be long) I will be mute.
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There was one more working day before the weekend. When the weekend finally came I spent almost all of Saturday on the bike riding all over town. I enjoyed taking in the sights and sounds of life in Aster. The sights and sounds prompted memories which were so real they made ache for the old days. At least as much as I could manage to ache with the equipment I had on hand at the time. I stopped at the dog house and relived the memory of Gus for a few minutes. The man behind the counter...
It was an interesting school semester for Faith. She turned sixteen a few weeks before her junior year started. She was growing up fast. Living in this foster home and learning so much while becoming a woman was exciting. Fred was teaching her a lot about giving a man pleasure with her mouth. She didn't mind doing that. Sucking his cock could be really fun. It made her all tingly through her whole body, especially when he called her a little slut and then filled her mouth with his cum. It...
TabooHi Friends, Mera nam Ravi hain aur main 23 years ka hu. Yeh kahani meri mados ke flat ke aunty Rashmi ki hain. Woh hamare pados mein 3 sal se reh rahi hain. Unke husband Reliance me marketing ka kam karte hain toh jyada tar waqt bahar he rehte hain. Aunty ki age 36 years hain but wo dikhne mein 26 ki lagti hain aur unka figure 38c-30-36 hain. Rang gora hain. Unke ek 10 sal ka beta hain jo apne nani ke yaha rehta hain but unhe dekhke believe he nahi hota. Toh Bina bore kare main apko apne...
Totally exhausted from the California to Florida flight plus the fact I fucked my dad for the first time, I flopped into bed. Just another day in the life of a thirty-five-year-old flight attendant, right? I thought about my eventful day as I drifted off, my last thoughts about Dad's friend, Steve.The dazzling Florida sun blasted through the glass wall. Dad had left a thermos of coffee, a mug and a note saying he was playing tennis with Steve until mid-morning. And to not forget today is game...
IncestThe period of time from the 1960s to the 1980s has been defined as the ‘Sexual Revolution’. This was a time when premarital and extramarital sex were much less stigmatizing and homosexuals were gaining more acceptance by society. This was also a time when birth control medication was becoming mainstream, and our culture was much more accepting of sex in the media than in the past. It was in this backdrop that my wife Linda and I graduated from college in 1972 and we moved to Atlanta for my new...
Chapter 1The BeginningDaniel, an Italian boy in his late teens is starting a fine arts program at a college in the US. He had been awarded a full scholarship as part of an exchange program with the international arts community. He arrives before classes begin and has to stay in a hotel at his expense as the residence on campus in not available for a week. He is happy to be there as this is freedom for the boy as he can now begin to express his true desires to be gay and effeminate. At home it...
Chapter 11 - The DirtballsThe next morning the cycle began again. Elois, the young negro attendant prepared Shanika for the day."Yo' coochie so smooth, girl!" she observed, stroking the slave girls waxed pussy. "Won't be needin' to shave you for a while!"The experiences of the previous evening were still fresh in Shanika's mind. She closed her eyes and remembered the touch of Mr. Richards on her as he masturbated her to orgasm for the amusement of his dinner guests at the anniversary gala. It...
She wished Phillip paid a little more attention. After all, they had been married long enough for him to remember a simple thing like her birthday. None of her staff had remembered either, although if she were honest that was mostly by design. She had carefully cultured a professional distance in her role as manageress. Friendly, with an open door but very private nonetheless. "Oh well, brush off your tarnished tiara, Princess. Communicate your needs a little better in future." Phillip would...
Aaron Sanders was shocked when he heard that his father had remarried. His mother had died when he was young, and it had always just been him and his dad. When he was going to college at Pitt, his father told him during his senior year that he was dating a woman, but getting married only three months into their relationship was a huge shock. Heather was a woman who had been divorced a long time and he guessed they just fell into a mindset of hurrying up because they were both in their forties....
WITH THE SHIP... Lana and Lydia worked quickly once the construction team arrived. They removed all the proper paneling for quick access to the computer core, and then, with the help of the construction team, got the core and loaded it onto a truck, after which the truck took it off to a secure location. After they were finished Lana and Lydia heard Kendall think, {Are you available to talk? I tried to contact you earlier, but I felt you concentrating really hard and decided it...
It was late into the semester and the college announced that there would special classes for certain Students. For all did I know that these classes would turn out to be really “special” for me. IAM a 20 year old, good looking, (and since this page is about sex), I do have a medium sized penis but I can fuck like the animal she wants me to be. Coming back to the story. I attended classes only for this sexed out and curvy professor in my college.. beaula.. shes 5’4 in height big titties a bubble...
"Get her legs," Tony snapped as Jennifer suddenly tried to clasp her thighs together. "No!" Jennifer cried. "You must be joking. I can't take you. I can't!" Ignoring her apparent terror, the other two youths seized her ankles and pulled them out far apart. The delicate sensitive pussy-slit nestling in the soft blonde hair flowered into full view between her thighs as Tony levered higher upon her prone and helplessly pinned body. Writhing in mortifying terror, Jennifer shook her head...
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STATUS REPORT: Further research into Diane's family shows that she has a daughter and a son, both of consenting age. Diane looks surprisingly young to have k**s this old. I am going to use her family as further test subjects.END STATUS REPORT.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Adam cursed silently as he left his English class. Miss Shelly had been absent all...
The discovery It was a warm sultry early morning in the suburbs of Los Angeles. John Malkvic was preparing to enter the morgue. That's right, he was a mortician. Most of his days were spent grooming dead corpses for the funerals that awaited them. He in truth, hated his job. At first, John was fascinated at the concept of death; and thought it would be cool to work with the dead one on one. But as the years had rolled on he found it interlay too dreary. His shift began at 1 A.M., and...
Two days later, Franck was nervously looking over his shoulder, hoping thatMrs. Wharton, or Mavis, hadn't entered the fast food restaurant that morning. "Why the fuck did I ever tell her I loved her?" He asked himself for the thousandth time, then gnashed his teeth and jumped to his second and primary concern - Argie and how to get back in her good graces. Jenny sauntered by and bumped him with her hip, but he chose to ignore her. For the first time in memory, John wasn't horny and it...
"Do you miss Danny?" Krissi asked. "It's been almost a month." Devlin nodded. "Sure. I miss the sex three times a week, the chance to get inside a guy's head and find out what men really think—" "That assumes they think." "Well, they think with a certain part of themselves." "I'll give you that," Krissi said. "They think with their little head. What else?" "That's about it," Devlin said. "Oh, I'm sure there are other things I miss, but those were the ones I thought...
So I don't know if it'll be a good story or not but I will say that it's 100% true and it has something to do with the girl in my Gallery (Sexy Teen Slut) if you want more info Message me. Anyways so back in January of this year, she was dating an older guy named Bryce (keep in mind she's young, message me to know her age) Tall, white, crazy hair, yknow... Teenager. And one night he decided to take her and her friends on a walk around the neighborhood and it was 2 in the morning and it was a...
My sleep was interrupted a second time by a ringing phone, but at 7:45 Bell's invention was only robbing me of 15 minutes of divine sleep. "Hello my sweet prince. I spoke to Lisa when I saw her go for her bus this morning and I think I know what happened last night. Thank you very much for rescuing me. I was very, very stupid to do what I did. I underestimated you. What you did you would only do for someone you cared deeply for. How I could turn you out or doubt you is beyond me. If you...
My girlfriend Diana and I decided to take a ride, to see a little of the Bay Area from Skyline Boulevard south of San Francisco. It was one of those hot, sun-drenched days and we were chatting about nothing much in particular when the inevitable topic came up: sex. We were both turned on and before either of us knew what was happening, she had my pants unzipped and by cock was standing up straight as she stroked the shaft in a soft, teasing way. She laughed as she watched the pre-cum ooze...
Sexy brunette Sophia Burns teases in a sling bikini, showing off her chunky butt and perky tits. The sassy sex doll smirks and strips seductively. When famed stud/director Mark Wood steps in, Sophia spanks her bum and talks dirty to the camera, soon prepping her plump rump with massive dildos. Stretching herself open through a nasty intro, she lets out a fart when she yanks out her anal toy. Mark’s thick cock enters view, driving straight up Sophia’s asshole. The foul-mouthed babe...
xmoviesforyouMarigold woke when she felt Thule's weight settle at her feet on the couch. She rolled over onto her back and pulled the blanket down from her face. Thule was dressed in his suit and tie again, ready for another day of meetings. He smiled at her uncertainly, "Morning." Marigold stretched as best she could without exposing herself with Thule sitting on the end of her blanket. "I want to get a look at you," he said. When Marigold hesitated, he added, "to make sure there's no lasting...
It was late Friday night and my boyfriend Bobby was driving me home. I'd had such a wonderful time that night. We'd gone to our High School's football game and then Bobby took me to Bob's big boy for food afterwards. While we were at Bob's, I went to the ladies room, and, on a whim, I took off my little white panties. When I got back to the table I wondered what Bobby would think if he knew that my pussy was bare beneath my skirt. We rode along in Bobby's dad's Impala and I was...
The door to the missile simulation room opened quietly. The instant it finished moving I could hear shouting from inside. “Don’t rush!” a female voice shouted. It sounded like Morgause, but the anger in the voice surprised me. “I’m trying,” was the response. This clearly came from Ingrid, and sounded more than a little petulant. There was a bit of a buzz emanating from the room. Worriedly I rushed through the door and looked around. I could see that Morgause and Ingrid were sitting side...
If you haven't read my story on how I unknowingly fuck my sister then let me say we both were surprised when it happened. She was married and having an affair with Joe and put up an ad on craigslist that I responded to. They wanted to do a three some and so did I ,she was blind folded when it all happened . We both were in shock when it was over and she took the blind fold off. Luckily my wife wasn’t home at the time when she dropped by so it made it easier to talk about what happened....