400 wallys edu kashun 3
- 3 years ago
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Having supernatural powers, Ann completely dominated her husband Albert. With his wife as boss, Albert had to do all the house work. Ann, on the other hand, did nothing of the sort. When arriving home from work everyday, she always told Albert to get dinner ready Further, after they ate dinner, and Albert had the dishes done, Ann ordered him to her feet telling him to kiss and worship her toes. Also, whenever it pleased her, she would stand up and pull down her skirt and panties, turn around, and finally say, “Kiss my ass. “Being an ass man at heart, he worshipped her rear quite well. All in all, life for Ann and Albert was very structured, having everything follow their command obey power structure. In general, she was the sadist and he the masochist. One day in the morning on a weekend, Ann decided to go to the mall shopping and take Albert with her. After getting dressed, both left the house and went down the driveway toward the car. However, despite his general subordination in their relationship, Albert all of a sudden got the idea that he could assert himself. Getting into the car first, he placed himself behind the wheel. Seeing this, his wife became angry, saying, ” Get out and go in on the other side, I’m driving!” Refusing to obey, Albert responded, ” No, I want to drive today.” Infuriated by his defiance, she resorted to witchcraft, snapping her fingers, and giving the man a evil grin. A few moments later, Albert began shrinking! Becoming smaller and smaller, he continued shrinking while seated behind the wheel. The shrinking process went on for about ninety seconds. Finally, it stopped with helpless Albert reduced to three inches in height!
Moving a bit closer to the open car window, Ann peered down at the man with a wicked smile, saying, ” Well now, what have we here?” Going on, she said, ” It looks as if you’re not driving anywhere; you’re so small, you can’t even reach the wheel.” Realizing his mistake, he began begging for mercy, ” Please make me big again, please, and I’ll never disobey you again!”
“I’ll bring you back as before when it pleases me, for now you’ll remain small.”, replied Ann.”
Next, she ordered, ” Move over to the passenger seat, now; let’s move it!”
Looking up into her piercing eyes, fear saturated his entire being. Quickly, the tiny creature crawled over, for now she appeared as a giantess with all the power in the world! After he repositioned himself, Ann got into the car. Setting herself down, she placed her beautiful curvaceous ass right next to him. Dressed in a light colored pair of slacks, she looked great with her attire presenting the full shape of her attractive body. As she sat next to Albert, he couldn’t help but look up and admire the elegant side of her rear. Gazing up at it, he remembered the previous night as he kissed her behind. Staring away, he now wondered if she’ll have him do the same in his reduced state! Starting the car, she next backed out of the driveway, driving off to the mall. When she got there, Ann turned to look down at her husband, saying, ” I guess you’ll stay in the car while I go shopping; I’ll be back in about twenty minutes; no use window shopping; since you’re not with me, this trip’s gonna be quite fast.” After saying these words, she got out of the car, taking her purse with her. A short while later, Ann returned to the car, opened the door, and entered the vehicle, again placing her gorgeous ass next to the tiny male. Starting the car, she said to Albert, ” Let’s go home now, I just bought something I would like to try on.” Shifting into gear, she drove off and headed home.
After pulling into the driveway, she turned off the engine, opened the car door, and got out, taking her purse and a package with her. Reaching over for Albert, she raised him up by one tiny arm, dropped him into her purse, and pushed the car door shut. Ann casually went to the house and unlocked the front entrance. Upon entering, she closed the door behind her. Standing in the middle of the living room, the sexy female emptied the contents of her handbag upon the floor. Everything fell out, including helpless little Albert. Just standing there like a fool, he looked about and saw female toilet articles way to large for him to lift. All about him loomed the images of womanhood, lipstick, a tampon, a mirror, and whatever else women usually carry in their purses. Like giant beings in their own right, the objects mocked him as he stood inept, feeling smaller than ever. Next, squatting down, Ann took everything up except for Albert, placing the items back into her purse, and finally throwing the leather object upon the sofa. Looking down at the little man, she said, ” You look so cute, I could just eat you alive!”
As she bent down, reaching for Albert, he put his hands up and yelled, “No, no, please don’t!” With the man in her grasp, she tore off all his clothes, saying, “You must taste pretty good.” Ann next began licking him all over his naked and tiny body. Licking away, she got him all wet from head to toe. Satisfied, the lady set him back down upon the floor. Feeling humiliated, he realized the complete insignificance of his being in relation to Ann’s total greatness. Staring down at Albert, Ann ask, ” Want to see what I bought at the store?” Walking over to the living room sofa, she picked up a small package that she previously dropped upon the couch after entering the home. Opening the package, she presented the contents to Albert, asking, ” Look, do you like them?”
“Yes”, he simply responded.
The opened package contained a black bra together with a black pair of panties.
“I think I’ll try them on.”, said Ann.
Right before the awe struck little Albert, she proceeded to undress herself, removing everything, and eventually standing naked before him. With no self control, he couldn’t help but stare up at her beautiful and magnificent body. Transfixing himself upon her breasts and ass, he said, “You’re the greatest thing in the world!” Being helpless to resist the power of her appearance, he stood belittled before the greater glory of the superior female physique. Taking up the new underwear, she put them on. Next, she went back into her sexy black leather high heeled shoes. Together with the footwear, the black lingerie generated the complete image of control upon his mind. Walking closer to her property, she looked down at him with one hand resting upon her hip, saying, ” Don’t you think I look sexy?”
“Yea.”, answered Albert.
“Show me you think I’m attractive and start jacking off.”
Obeying, Albert began playing with his tiny prick, masturbating until his dominant mistress told him to stop. Squatting down, she raised up her toy again by one of his arms, standing up straight afterward. Lifting him right before her face, she said, ” My ass and pussy need some adoration, why don’t you start to worship them for me.”
Watching her pull open the back of her panties, he yelled, ” Ann, what are you doing; c’mon, please!”
“Putting you in your place where you belong”, she replied.
Moving him toward her backside, she dropped him in. Sliding down her ass crack, he finally came to rest at the bottom of her panties between her asshole and cunt. Albert began moving around somewhat, causing her to experience pleasure, making her wet. As he felt the warmth of her genital area, he heard from way above, ” Yes, yes, keep moving, oh yea, that feels so good!” Albert continued moving about, more in an effort to crawl to the top of her waist line, yearning for fresh air. Slowly climbing upward, he constantly rubbed his body against her pussy. Being truly elated and stimulated, the witch continued to exclaim, ” Oh yes, oh yea, I want you inside of me, yes I do!”
After climbing for a while, Albert finally reached the top of her panties. Looking down, she saw his tiny frame and said, ” Oh no you don’t, you’re going right back where you belong, you little worm!” With that, sorceress picked up her victim, and with her other hand, pulled down her panties to her thighs. Taking a firm hold on Albert, she proceeded to push him up into her pussy! As he moved in, she couldn’t help but say, ” Yes, yes, that’s the feeling I’ve always yearned for; keep squirming about you little piece of shit!” She continued pushing him all the way into her cunt. Next, as she moved him in and out, the feeling of his tiny body was spectacular, nothing she experienced before could equal its sensuality. Truly, she was in heaven, a paradise made only for women who love dominating men. Not only was she overwhelmed with pure sexual delight, the woman was struck with a power surge, going through every corner of her being. For her, power and sex were the same thing, the domination of women over men, and an expression of female superiority.
After using Albert as a dildo for a long length of time, she was finally satisfied, reaching several orgasms. Ann pulled him out and placed him back upon the floor, asking, ” Wasn’t that great?” ” I think we’re gonna have to do this more often.”
“Please Ann, let’s not do it anymore, it hurts when you move me back and forth.”
” Tough shit little guy, it’s my way or nothing.”, she resounded.
Looking down at the helpless little male, Ann next said, ” You know, I’ve really got to shit!”
Albert just stood there and stared up in terror and amazement, pleading, “No, please Ann, no!”
Ignoring his words, she picked up Albert and walked over to the bathroom. After raising the toilet’s lid, Ann pulled her panties all the way down and set her ass upon the bowl. With Albert in her hand, she took a shit! Hearing the sound of her waste hit the water, he next smelled her shit as she did her business. When finished, she got up off the fixture and placed Albert upon the toilet seat, saying, “Look down at my shit, you little nothing, look at it, its greater than you are; yes, there’s more to my shit than to your entire existence.” While speaking, she got down on all fours, reaching for some toilet paper in the process. Handing him the paper, she said after pushing her ass directly in front of him, “Here, wipe my ass you little slave.”
Hesitating, he begged, “Ann please, don’t do this to me!”
“I said wipe my ass or I’ll push you over the edge and flush you down!”
Having no choice in the matter, he wiped her ass clean, taking a full ten minutes due to his small size. Nevertheless, the humble task was completed.
After he was done, she said, ” Throw the paper over the edge.”
With the paper in the water, she got up, turned around, and flushed the toilet. Standing atop the toilet seat, Albert watched the paper and shit swirl to their ends.
Looking down at him, she said, “That’s what’ll happen to you if you in any way cross me or make me angry.”
Frightened, Albert responded, ” Yes Ann.”
Ann pulled up her panties and then raised the little man by one of his arms. Going back into the living room, she placed him upon the floor, saying, ” This house needs some cleaning, I think you’d better start by picking up all the lint from the carpet; I want this place completely clean or you can join my shit down the pipes, you little piece of scum.”
Gazing upward, he yelled in desperation, ” At my size, it’ll take forever, please make me taller so it won’t be so difficult!”
Laughing, she exclaimed, ” Fuck you, that’s the whole idea, making you suffer gets me off!”
He stood there and begged further, ” Ann, c’mon, please!”
Raising her foot, she brought the sole of her stiletto shoe a few inches over his tiny frame, saying, ” If you don’t get to work now, I’ll have some work getting a stain out of this carpet.”
With the underside of her magnificent pump moving slowly downward above his head, he yelled, “Ok, ok, I’ll get busy, please don’t kill me!” Smiling, she moved her foot away. Albert began his work. His toil became a major task, for she insisted that he do all the house work with no regard to his small size. Further, she made him clean the bathroom with a toothbrush. In addition, she even made him do the wash. He had to clean all the clothes by hand. The work taking hours, he had no time for himself. Time and again, he pleaded with her, “Please make me normal again!” However, she only laughed and said, “I told you before, you’ll be back to normal when it pleases me, and I can assure you, that’ll be quite some time from now.” Albert had nothing to look forward to, save the slavery of everyday existence. Day after day, he worked and worked. She, on the other hand, would do nothing, only sit before the television or read a book Moreover, she mocked him constantly; he was nothing to her but a piece of property. In the end, she never returned him to normal. He remained an insignificant three inches in height for the rest his life!
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~~Chimera~~ He did not like where this was going. The ship moved at a slow pace, or at least he thought it was slow. In the middle of the night, the stars and breeze should have been more than enough of a guide, but the fog of the dead blocked his senses. It felt almost as if they were holding still, but the rest of the crew assured him they were moving, slow but steady. Crew. He sneered, and looked across the deck to the others. The two satyrs were chatting about the tale of Bellerophon,...
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Hello to all great ISS readers. I am Yash from Mumbai. Just few days back I come across this great site. I like the stories & experience of different people & got inspired to share something from my side. As this is my first attempt, I would be rather obliged to get suggestions from you people. By profession I am a nutritionist & help people for their weight management. It all happened once when I visited one customer to guide him to reduce few kg of his weight. Next to him a charming lady must...
Love was the sort of thing that happened to other people and not me.All that mattered was that I had a head for business and a bod built for sin and I rode that sucker as hard as I could for as long as I could. Love them and leave them was my motto. Hook up, fuck-hard, and screw regret.Men - and women - have come and gone over the years and not one - not a single one - has made me take so much as a second look and go back for more. For one reason or another, I always come away knowing that...
Love StoriesHey hey hey, how goes it you bunch of awesome perverts, hopeless romantics, total losers, happy boozers and jacuzzi users...Here's the deal. The gist as it were. A little background to get everyone up to speed. Let's call me Carol. I like Carol. It reminds me of Christmas which I love and since its early December, it fits perfectly. I'm a five-ten, twenty-nine-year-old, redhead with a good figure, big tits, and a take no shit attitude, which isn't as bad as it sounds and is probably the...
Love StoriesI still remember every detail of the day I saw the love of my new life for the first time. The date was Monday, October 10th, and Brad and I were walking together to go to our second hour class when suddenly, out of the blue, this drop-dead gorgeous girl that both Brad and I had never seen before appeared. “Wow, man. Who is she?” Brad asked me. “Gloria Harr, junior, just moved here from California,” I said as I scanned. “So far, she hates it here, and she only digs guys who...
After my HMO refused to work up the pain that I had return after my coronary arterial bypass graft (CABG) surgery following a heart attack, I wasn’t daunted. Since I was in a city rich in teaching and research hospitals, I called around until I talked to the principal investigator in a cardiac research unit. His major project was gaining better understanding of atypical chest pain. While my particular issue didn’t quite meet the program recruiting goals, he told me that he needed volunteers, on...
Hi Folks. First off, Thanks to all of the people who emailed me about my absence. It wasn't actually planned. But during the time that I didn't have the services Of a legendary editor, I started trying to finish the book I've been working on. And I sort of worked on it until it was finished. But to start us out again I wanted to write something that was more about feelings than most of my stories. I wanted to write something like Barney-R or Hermit or Jake Rivers would write. And while not...
It was first noticed during one of our history's most turbulent times. World war two was in full swing. The male birth rate doubled, initially seen as a blessing, More manpower for the war. At the end of the war, the birth rate was the same. Over sixty years the male population grew to twice that of the female population. Over those years discontent had risen. The displaced men with little chance of getting married, or having a family. They felt doomed to be alone. They demanded answers, They...
Welcome back to another episode of Case Study 301: I become a seductress Once again this is a story that has themes in which the characters go back to their childhood and reveal the myriad of sexual exploits that happened to them. Some of the themes will include the description of some underage kids fooling around. If these themes are not your cup of tea then please now. This is your warning before you start. For those of you who stumbled across this chapter as small synopsis will...
I like them young; usually the fresh out of school, barely legal type young. Preferably still virgins, so that I can teach and mould them into the sexual creature that they were bound to become. I’m into first experiences. First touches and first blowjobs, first inexperienced fondles and first penetrations. I’m into opening up whole new worlds for them and then teaching them what to do to make me (and all the other woman they bed in the future) feel good. But you are different…. You are older,...
SeductionThis story is fiction, all similarities to an actual person or persons is purely coincidental. Like it goes: "Well since my baby left me, i gotta find a new place to dwell, its down at the end of lonely street at HeartBreak Hotel.” My woman left me, I don’t know whose fault it was, I wasn’t listening. She was very pretty, she was petite, she had long blonde hair, and a curly smile, she wasn’t fat, she was far from it, she didn’t have huge tits, and I couldn’t get enough of...
GLORYHOLEI'd love to be in a booth with a woman while she does her thing to all of those unidentified cocks! I have taken my wife to a local porn theater and made her take off her bra and pantyhose. She was wearing a very short skirt so hiking that up was no problem. I had her unbutton her blouse so the guys in the row we were sitting in could see her tits. They would move close to her and in the beginning she would panic but I held her there and told her to settle down and go with the flow....
S2K: Your Heart's Desire By SueB Dan Talbot was once again cubby-holed in his den trying to take advantage of all the advertising he had seen to make this holiday season an "E-Season". Instead of getting in the car and driving from strip mall to strip mall, he and his wife Karen had decided that this holiday period, the Internet would do their shopping work for them. Dan had decided that his nephew, Tim, would really enjoy some books that had a Sci-Fi theme, which was his...
I woke up the next morning still inside her. My head swam. For a moment, I didn’t know who I was or what happened, and I didn’t fucking care as long as I could stay with this beautiful woman forever. It was her, the woman of my dream, Hearts. Hearts was a tall, slender Asian dream with great legs, perky breasts, tight ass and pussy, and fucked like a machine. I had assumed and dreamed all of that for months, but last night, I had seen and experienced it. I spurred a bet with her husband that...
Wendy, seducer of youth First a brief description of the lady, she is a white American, five feet six tall, auburn hair, brown sparkling eyes, she weighs an attractive 129lb`s has 34c tits a slim 29inch waist and a delectably smack able 36inch arse, though the odd spank is all that she allows as anal turns her completely off, however she keeps her Jack and Danny waxed and trimmed, Her hubby is Trevor and he works away a fair bit, and though a good man at home and in bed, he`s never quite been...
So far, a lousy Saturday night. Why was I in the basement of this asshole’s house losing at cards? True, my four good friends were here with me, but I had lost over $400 already. I was a little drunk and very horny and there were no women around, and I didn’t give a shit for cards at that moment, and I wanted to go home.King was cleaning up. This was King’s house, or his basement anyway. He always made up come in by the basement, but it was the ultimate man cave. It had a full bar,...
“Who’s next?” Hearts asked, pulling off the black negligee and sitting back on the poker table, stretching out her legs and sliding off the black panties. She sat up on her knees, pulling on my shirt until I was leaning against the table. Hearts was our nick-name for an incredible-looking 23-year-old Asian girl, about 5’8” and not much over 110 lbs. Her long hair and face still showed streaks of cum from the four blowjobs she had just given to my other buddies: We had all won a double or...
I love going to the local movie theater. my husband and i will go at a time that is not to crowded. normally there are a few couples there. we sit in the middle of the theater and begin kissing ... we get a few lookers. then i will pull up my skirt ( no panties - for easy access) and sit on his dick and ride him up and down. before you know it, we have people watching and wishing. it is amazing how hot that is. some have asked to join, but we tell them no, but are welcome to watch.Me and my...
Vesta's Hearth Chapters 7 and 8 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright© Frances Penwiddy 2012 This is a work of fiction, the characters and the Caf? are fictitious and any resemblance to places or persons living or dead is coincidental. Helen freezes and then goes shopping and the girls have a party. 7 Paul arrived with a mini-bus and with him as escort I had the feeling nobody was going to mess with us. He was six two with the shoulders and muscled chest of a heavy in a rugby t...
Wife Seduced, a true story. I told my husband about this when I came home after spending some time at a hotel on the beach. My husband just looked at me and asked questions about the affair. This story relates what I told him. It all started while I was staying alone at a nice hotel during a separation from my husband. During my stay the hotel manager paid me a great deal of attention, perhaps because I am nice looking with a good figure. He bought me drinks and chatted me up at every...
Hello friends, once again regards to Iss and all readers here and a million thanks to all of u who gave my post ” seductress ” such tremendous response . Your e-mails I received have built in confidence in me and I surely will continue my experience . Yes except a few around 5 % of you who did have doubts or didn’t get satisfaction , I’ll in my coming parts try to satisfy all of you . One reason is that I’m a housewife and not a professional writer so at times it’s tough to write some vulgar...
This story was previously posted on this site. The text below has been re-edited. *** ‘You’re a heartless bitch,’ he shouted as he stuffed his male parts into the jeans he had just snatched on over his legs. He yanked the fly closed and grabbed his T-shirt off the floor. Cramming his arms into the sleeves, he yanked it over his head, dragging it down to cover his torso. ‘They’re right about you. You’re the queen of glaciers.’ He dropped into a chair and pulled his shoes onto his feet without...
"It was midnight. On the water..."*In the dim dark recesses of the mind where dreams are born, my imagination created a world for me to live and play in without fear of consequence. And in that place, I could do and say the things I wanted to say to the one person I wanted to say them to the most.In this dreamworld, from out of the blue swirling void, the man took form and came to me with a smile. He was the light upon my dark and he took my hand in his as we walked along the moonlit shore of...
Love StoriesHay, I’m Kevin, first I thought sex with own mother is only is fiction, an untrue story and is disgusting. I was wrong, this happened to me six months ago, and I can’t believe that I’m having sex with my own mother and all that is due to one gentleman named Sultan with id or I thank him here for his help and support. Earlier the word incest itself was taboo in Indian society. I never looked at my mom as sex object until I read the incest stories on ISS. I’m the eldest son with 2 younger...
IncestSteam filled the enclosure, condensing on the Italian tile and running down the walls in a multitude of tiny rivulets. Moisture was everywhere and the spray was filling the air with a fog so thick it almost obscured the man's erection as she stroked his suds-covered length.Rebecca didn’t know him. She had met him in this very room in fact, but that didn’t matter much. She had never been shy about sex and if giving her body to him for a couple hours brought her closer to her goal, she was fine...
Straight SexKiller Tuna Redux – Chapter 4: Caddie Seattle, WA Bushwell Plaza, Apartment 8D Saturday, January 18, 2014 7:43pm It had been months since Freddie Benson had seen his best friends, Carly Shay and Sam Puckett. With Carly, it was kinda understood why he never saw hide or hair of her, she was on the other side of the world practically in Italy with her dad. He’d get a phone call every so often, but the timing was never right and she could never get the time zones right. And not long after Carly...
I first met Vince at my friend Lynn's wedding on August 23, 2014 (see photos in my Lynn’s Wedding album, and my posted story called Lynn's Wedding). Vince was, and is, all rippling muscles in his chest, arms, and legs. Cute butt, too! And... mmm... ten solid inches of mega-thick cock. Plus, he had, and has, the knowledge of how to use it on a woman to devastating effect. We had an amazing night together that first time, on Lynn's wedding night. And I knew that I got a much better fuck that...
Straight Sex