Sir free porn video

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I was alone in Darwin....finally a chance for a break and to catch up withsome dear friends.. I had worked a DBL that morning, but I knew the 3 hourdrive after shift was worth it. After taking a long hot shower, I decided thatit was time to head out for a snack before calling to see if anyone was homeand free for the evening.

I managed to find a lovely quiet pub for a meal and a drink with no one aroundwho knew me. As I was preparing to leave someone tapped me on the shoulder,damn that made me jump as I spun around ready to give some lip, I noticed itwas someone I knew by sight from my patrols. I relaxed instantly it was onlyone of the local policemen of duty.

He was a little pissed but then again so was I, I had taken a fancy to thisone awhile back but he had transferred out of my area, he was definitely cuterup closer than I had thought, average height, ready smile with a very niceset of shoulders on him.

We got to chatting a little not about much in particular though, as it wasgetting late I offered him a lift home as he had definitely had to much todrink to drive or so I thought. He accepted my offer, which actually surprisedme as I thought I would have had to convince him.

On the way to his place to drop him off, I thought I had better stop at myhotel and have a quick piss as it was quiet uncomfortable driving, he saidhe didn't mind at all which was gr8, he followed me up so he could grab a quickdrink of water out of the hotel fridge, I left him to the fridge as I wentto the toilet and just as I felt the golden fluid release pressure I couldhere him still at the fridge, I was washing my hands when a heavy push to theswinging door, sent it flying open behind me he came into the bathroom thedoor swinging behind him.

Before I had a chance to respond, his voice dropped to a husky whisper, butI heard what he said and terror gripped me hard......damn.... I realizedwith a shock that I also felt the beginning of sexual excitement that hewanted me as much as I had wanted him, but not this way. mmmm I'm goingto have so much fun with you, you little slut" Before I could evenscream I felt something being shoved roughly over my was hishand.. His other arm was holding me tightly around the waist. As I struggledto get free, I bit my lip and tasted the salty warm blood in my mouth.He was laughing at me as he shoved me into the shower whilst ripping offmy clothing and turned the shower on, now slut you will shower quickly.When I wasn't as quick as he liked he demanded "Spread them" whenthey were spread approx four feet wide with my very plump arse, now pointingat him. I was terrified what could I do, as he soaped me he run his handsover my ass, spreading my checks apart, as he started to run his fingersdown to my arse hole I turned and went to bolt, he grabbed me by hair andforced me back into the shower. I was to dumb struck to do anything I felttotally paralyzed as he started to soap and probe at my pussy and arsehe was laughing as he pressed against me, pinning me to the shower walltill he felt I was clean enough for his pleasure.

Then one hand was holding my face firmly over my mouth while the other moveddown to grab me between the legs....fingers squeezing and rubbing obscenelyshoving his hardness insistently against my ass. I started to kick and struggleand all the while he was laughing...pressed against me, pinning me to the wall...tyinga scarf or something over my eyes "Mmmmmmmmm When he rasped that frombehind me, I totally panicked and summoned all the strength I could get ina last ditch effort to get away....but my strength was, of course, no matchfor his. He swooped down on me then and seemed suddenly tender with the blindfoldon I couldn't see him, or what he was up to, but I didn't need to see him toknow he was strong!! I felt his lips gently kiss my lip where I had bittenit and drawn blood when he had his hand over my mouth as gently as a loveralmost, and while caressing my hair he asked ever so sweetly." Did that hurt?If you're a good little slut and don't struggle, maybe I won't have to do thatagain. Paralyzed with terror and embarrassed by the wetness between my thighs,I just nodded my head. "That's good".

He started to walk me in to the other room then all of a sudden the handcaressing my hair roughly grabbed a handful of it and I was yanked down ontothe bed "Then come on he said jovially as he flipped my body onto itsside spread your arse I want to see both your pussy and arse hole at the sametime. my heart was pounding so hard I felt it would burst thru my chest interror, I wondered how I'd gotten into this situation and did I really wantit to stop and if so how could I stop it. But I knew I had asked for it bythe little things I had done like letting my breasts show just a little abovemy top and I had been thinking of talking him into staying for awhile whenwe where driving to the hotel, or did I say it aloud? How dumb and naive couldI have been? After all what did I really know about this guy, just becausehe was a cop didn't mean he was an angel, And here he was.....taking totalcontrol of me a competent security person. Where the hell were my balls ata time like this. Before I could try to jump off the bed or even get my bearingshe was on me....holding me down....pulling cuffs from somewhere and restrainingmy wrists above my head.. He had effectively stopped any chance I had for escapingvery quickly. Soon I was helpless....more helpless than I'd ever been in mylife.....on my side with my legs spread for his pleasure of view, and my wriststogether and over my head......still blindfolded. Not being able to see anythingwas making me even more scared. I had no idea what he was doing was he justlooking? I couldn't feel him near me, what was he going to do next. I triedto ask him but had lost the power of speech. Every private part of me was laidbare to this man who had only known me as another person in the town. I feltmy body jerk and drew in a startled gasp as he began to touch my inner thigharea, as he touched my cunt lips he exclaimed, sounding surprised and delighted. "You'realready soaking wet!!

I knew you'd love this you slut!!" a steady wetness had begun deep insideme and was definitely moistening my thighs. Why now? How could I be so turnedon! Why was I so wet? I could feel my cunt pulsing and wanting to be touchedbadly, damn I hoped he didn't notice. Was he right? Was I a slut? It had alwaysturned me on thinking about a cop nailing me, but this was real!! I wasn't
just laying around day dreaming about what it would be like. I was captured,cuffed and helpless while the police officer was amusing himself with my openedpussy. I shuddered I had goose bumps on goose bumps and hated myself for respondingto this degradation in such a way. I could feel his fingers sliding along themoistness of my slit every now and then he would hit my clit, which was standingerect like a very small cock trying to get attention ..god I was burning Iwas aching for his touch, I am a slut I thought.. his hands were so firm butgentle and demanding all at the same time. Suddenly he stopped; I heard a smallvoice say "don't stop please sir" and realized it was mine, before I couldget embarrassed I heard the distinct sound of a zipper and of clothes beingremoved, and felt myself starting to panic again

One thought kept reverberating in my head.... there would be norescue and no escape.
This man was going to do whatever he wanted to me and there was nothing I coulddo to stop him.

I was shoved over onto my back and my knees were being spread I tried toresist but copped a quick slap on my cunt, god it stung and then I felt a bodybeing placed between them holding them open there was no way to resist thembeing spread, he shift weight and was now over my chest area.

I felt his incredibly hard cock between my heaving breasts. Thenhe roughly grabbed both breasts and squeezed them together around it andbegan to move back and forth. I could feel his pre-cum between my tits whenhe tired of that, I once again felt him turning my body as he pleased fromside to side.
"Ok slut ", he said." I'm gunna use that pretty mouth of yours. And you're not going to
make a sound are you?" He rasped at me as he yanked my head back by myhair, when I tried to sit up. Knowing what was next, I could feel the wetnessfrom my cunt and could feel the pulsing of an orgasm starting slowly, but Ishook my head no. ....then I felt the head of his cock at my lips. I knew whathe wanted, but couldn't quite bring myself to open my mouth for him. I normallylove the silky smooth feel of the head as I run my tongue over and around itbut this was different. I then gasped as I felt him trying to ram into my mouthover my already swollen lip.
"Come on Slut!!" he growled "open're gonna suck this dick and make it feel real good!".
"Ohhh yeah.." he chuckled, as he slid it between my lips and over my tongue, "suck it slut.....mmmm....gonna fuck that pretty face"

Desperately I tried to please him, maybe if he cam it would be over.As his hardness filled my mouth I began to suck....and run my tongue over,around and under it. "Ooohhhh hell yeah" he began stroking in andout of my mouth. As his excitement grew he pushed it in faster harder anddeeper. I felt my excitement ripping through me at the pleasure he appearedto be getting, as I felt it pushing against my throat he shoved in deep tillmy nose was in his pubic hair and his balls were resting against my chin.He stayed this way for what seemed an eternity, strangely though it feltcomforting, I felt his prick begin to jerk and with a roar and a mighty thrusthe began cumming god he tasted sooo good, I felt his huge load shooting downmy throat as he continued pumping. I swallowed and swallowed as then finallypulled out and I felt the remaining drops dotting my face and neck. I wasnow hoping against hope that maybe he would fuck me .god I wanted a fucknow. But of course that wasn't to be."Damn!", I heard him exclaim. "Whata hot mouth you got" then he laughed again..."Oh cool...I'm stillhard!" I groaned then...knowing he was far from finished with me, butI could never have predicted what he did next.

He then moved down my body till his face was next to my spread open legs. "yeah,just like I thought....wetter than ever hmm wonder how far it will spread, "youever seen a cunt right open" he demanded of me. "Yes sir" I said. Suddenlyboth his hands were on my breasts, twisting and pulling at my nipples, I drewin my breath sharply at the sudden pain but ooh god it felt soo good, thenI heard myself moaning as the pain seemed to turn into an electric jolt ofpure pleasure starting at my clit and shooting thru my legs, my cunt felt likeit needed to be filled real bad. I was gasping and began to thrash as I felthis tongue circling my clit, then licking my opening and finally his tonguewas thrusting inside me. Unexpected waves of pleasure coursed all thru me.There was no way I could deny that what he was doing felt like pure bliss,then he was back to sucking on my clit whilst he was driving his fingers inand out and in a semi circular motion in my cunt, god I was about to cum thenI flinched when I felt one of his fingers shove itself into my arse .He movedit around and around, then in and out while he kept licking and sucking atmy clit but kept stopping just short of my release, the feeling of a hand inmy pussy and his mouth on my clit made what pain there was lost in the incrediblepleasure. I felt my hips moving on their own...moving in time to his tongueand finger thrusts. But when he added a second finger to stretch my arse evenmore I loss a total sense of reality, but I continued to writhe under thisadded sensation as I could not and did not know how to.

I still knew I was in danger, but I had no way to defend myself andwas a t a state where I did not want to anymore, all I could feel was sensations,I heard his name whispered and realized it had been me. He new he had totalcontrol over my body and my mind was not going to co-operate with any attemptsI might make to escape, my whole body feel as if it were on fire with purelust, He removed the blindfold and made me keep my eyes on his as he wasnow just using his hands and his mouth was pulling on my nipples, I was goingto cum,, ooh yeah here it was ,,, Oh no he stopped and withdrawing his handsand fingers from me, he rose and was placing my ankles firmly on his shouldersI felt his hard cock at the entrance to my very hot, wet and definitely stretchedand slippery aching pussy....with shame I knew I wanted it in there....asdeep as it could go. He didn't disappoint at all. With a grin he thrust upinto me hard and fast...till I could feel
the entire length. "Watch my eyes slut" he demanded of me, Our moans mingledas he began fucking me steadily pounding me harder with each movement, I foundmy hips were thrusting involuntary up and out towards him. My wrists were beingpulled painfully as he was holding onto the cuffs as his entries became moreand more frenzied. Somehow this made me even more eager to please my hips meetinghis pounding thrusts the moans turning to cries of passion. Without warningthe waves of pleasure became so intense I felt as if every vessel in my bodywas beating a rhythm of its own. With a husky growl, I stiffened and thrustmy body up further while I gave in and received the most powerful orgasm Ihad ever had.

"Yeah baby let me see you cum I want to see your soul in your eyes" he panted I knew he hadn't cum again yet, and while I was getting my breath I heard him say with a devilish grin on his handsome face. "You loved it didn't you? Well let's see how you love this!!"
With that he pulled away from me, I didn't have the time to feel a sense ofloss though before he grabbed my legs and suddenly flipped me over. The waymy hands were cuffed made this easy. I was
suddenly on my stomach and the head of his cock was pushing against my virginarse!
In a panic I remembered being told how painful anal was, I began to plead withhim offered him anything if he didn't do it, "No oh please don't! Notmy arse, please I have never done it before sir" on and on I pleaded uselessly.This seemed to amuse him greatly.

"Yeah, it might hurt you some alright, but you aint got nothingto offer I cant take from you now anyway", he said with mock regret, "butbabe this is gunna feel so good for me!!"
I lost all hope then when I felt his hand pushing my head into the pillow,god I thought he is going to suffocate me, but he dragged my head back up bymy hair and growled "I am having it anyway I want it, you scream and I willput your head back there, but I am having this tight arse slut" I was thrashingand whimpering in total terror as I felt his cock pushing hard against my hole.He was spreading and
stretching my arse cheeks with his hands I knew my terror at the pain was makingit worse and appeared to be exciting him more, this was making my ass tighterthan ever. I had the dim hope that he wouldn't be able to get it in if I wastensed enough, The panic started to ebb away as he was definitely having troublestabbing at and sliding past his target on the cunt juices I had flowing everywhere,I actually with satisfaction for this small victory thought he may give upbut then with a determined shove and me having relaxed to much he broke throughthe resistance of my arse muscles and with a long loud groan slowly but steadilysank the rest of the way into me.

The fear of suffocation is all I had keeping me from passing out in pain .Mywhole body was writhing in such pain as I never thought possible, I feltlike my arse must be ripped wide open. I was pulling at the cuffs thatheld my wrists to the bed with all my strength in a stupid and desperateeffort to escape the intense pain. Then I couldn't breathe, god I thoughthe is going to kill me, I couldn't even struggle he was holding me downwith such force, I must have blacked out as when I woke I heard him sayin amusement "that's better, just relax, let me enjoy you" as he beganto move inside me "you're even tighter than I imagined you'd be! You'rea good girl"

As he stroked and stroked in and out of my arse, I began to tense again andsuddenly I realized I must relax to get through this. My poor little virginarse hole was completely stretched and filled with this seemingly endlesscum filled cock, it had to be over soon surely. His hand reached underme at this stage and began to stroke and rub my clit causing unexpectedwaves of pleasure to mix with the pain. Then he had his fingers in my cuntas well, I was now moving with him much to my horror, I began to moan asI could feel more intense pleasure mixed with the pain. This seemed tourge him to fuck me even harder and faster with both his cock and now hishand which was fully in my dripping cunt, I was so full and it felt sodamn good,

Suddenly it couldn't hold back a orgasm had snuck up on me between his groans,his fast pace and his fingers in my cunt and his thumb on my clit and the totaldirtiness and fear of the act or was it the utter helplessness of my situation.I don't know, but suddenly the pain and all fear seemed to disappear altogetheras I felt myself overcome with the hardest orgasm I had ever had! In a surrealstate i pushed my arse back to meet each hard thrust sounds I'd never heardnor made before were coming from deep within me I felt as if I had fire runningthru me, my heart was going to escape my chest I could feel it thundering bloodthrough my body in huge pulses. With pure satisfaction I could hear him gaspthen groan loudly as my tight arse hole suddenly clamped on and off his stillpumping cock making his thrusts stop for a moment as it became painfully tighton him. Once again he stopped and waited till I was spent I laid helplesslyflat on my stomach panting for breath. Once again I was pulled into a crouchedposition by my hair, without removing his cock from my now very sore arse,he gripped my hips tightly and started pounding into me again, god it was sopainful, amazingly this time he didnt call me all sorts of names, I had anotherorgasm starting to build,, god he was good and he knew it, he had total controlof me, harder and faster he pounded intent now on spending his cum, I feltthe heat of his cum shooting inside me with amazing force. This took me rightover the edge, but this time he didn't stop as wave on wave of pure ecstasytook a hold of me.

As he collapsed on top of me as my body continued to orgasm and my arse holecontinued to clench on and off his now slowly dropping cock. He finallywithdrew from me and laid there for what seemed like a long time. I'm surehe was exhausted; he had to be didn't he?
Later he wandered off to the bathroom after undoing the cuffs. I could hearthe shower running
then he came back and told me to have a shower and freshen up. When I had gottenout of the shower, I was still bemused by the whole thing, he had made me adrink "thank you sir" I responded.
Sounding a little sheepish but triumphant at the same time from what had happened,he stated
"you ok"

Then he laying back on the bed he motioned me to his side, still a little fearfulof another session I approached and lay cautiously next to him as he desiredit, then he was kissing me long and tenderly like I was something he cherishedand totally different to the way he had been in all the hours before, hishands were roaming absently over my entire body eventually, I fell asleepin his strong warm and comforting embrace.

When I awoke there was no one else there, had I dreamed it? No there weremarks on my wrists from the cuffs and a very sore arse and strangely my cuntwas aching for a cock.

Since then I have been back to the same pub but have never seen him again,did I do something to displease him.. I really do hope not!!

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Behold, all around you, Eyes eloquent but mute, Searching, staring, longing, Unable to refute Their consuming hunger, The undying fire That burns and keeps on burning In the prison called Desire!   Each night somewhere they gather, The so-called unattached And there rehearse in silence The lies that they have hatched. With restful ease abandoned And cool disinterest feigned, With laughter simulated And courage unattained. Victims of doubt and anguish, They choke upon the rope Bound tight...

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He walks into the room to her, approaching her from behind, silently. She didn't notice him coming towards her, and jumps slightly as he wraps his arms around her from behind. He smiles, and softly kisses her neck."Hey baby" he whispers in her ear. "His prince!" she replies as she leans her head back into him. "Have his told her how much his want her lately? How much his desire her...?" He whispers in her ear. "Mmmmm.... Tell me!" she whispers softly... "his'll show her..." He whispers back.He...

2 years ago
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Behold, all around you; Eyes eloquent but mute, Searching, staring, longing, Unable to refute Their consuming hunger, The undying fire That burns and keeps on burning In the prison called Desire!   Each night somewhere they gather, The so-called unattached And there rehearse in silence The lies that they have hatched. With restful ease abandoned And cool disinterest feigned, With laughter simulated And courage unattained. Victims...

Straight Sex
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"Pete? Where are you?" Gloria cautiously entered the dark room. She had flipped on the light switch, but it didn't turn on. Maybe it was burnt out, she thought to herself. Carefully she felt her way around the furniture. When she felt the light switch in the hall, she flipped it on; still nothing. "Pete! What's going on! This isn't funny! You're scaring me!" Suddenly she felt an arm grab her from behind and cover her mouth. She jumped, but then relaxed when she heard Pete's voice softly...

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Tim rolled out of bed, took his shower, and dressed for school still half-asleep. It had been a brutal week and week-end what with final exams and non-stop partying. This week should be a breeze, he thought, just show up and prepare for graduation. He stumbled blindly to the kitchen where his dad sat reading the paper and his mother stood at the sink rinsing off a few of the dishes prior to putting them in the dishwasher. Tim stopped behind her and leaning forward, reached for the cereal box in...

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For the last half an hour I have been sat here looking at this single point on the wall. No, looking is the wrong description as it would suggest that I was seeing and the truth is that I have witnessed nothing at all. The noise of the children arguing downstairs washes over me like as though some audible tide is forever on the turn. Only the slam of the front door as it settles back in its frame after the children have exploded out of it does my attention re-focus to the room. I walk languidly...

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For the last half an hour I have been sat here looking at this single point on the wall. No, looking is the wrong description as it would suggest that I was seeing and the truth is that I have witnessed nothing at all. The noise of the children arguing downstairs washes over me like as though some audible tide is forever on the turn. Only the slam of the front door as it settles back in its frame after the children have exploded out of it does my attention re-focus to the room. I walk...

4 years ago
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Meg walked through the wood. She was thinking about Guy again. He had saved her life. For that she was eternally grateful and would do anything for Guy in a way of thanking him. She ran her hands through her hair. She was so confused. Guy was such a brutal man, but he had shown her a side to himself that she had always known he possessed. She was walking to the clearing near to the river. It was one of her favourite spots and was always deserted. She liked to imagine that no one else knew it...

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Introduction to the story: this story will start out in a dark setting. you start out by finding yourself in a dark room whit no memory of what happened last night. And based on your decisions you will choose what happens next in the story which will eventually lead to an ending. i chose to Make it a moderated story so that i can approve certain chapters and so that i can control whether there are to many unnecessary choices which lead to no endings. There might be some as this is my first...

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Meg walked through the wood. She was thinking about Guy again. He had saved her life. For that she was eternally grateful and would do anything for Guy in a way of thanking him. She ran her hands through her hair. She was so confused. Guy was such a brutal man, but he had shown her a side to himself that she had always known he possessed. She was walking to the clearing near to the river. It was one of her favourite spots and was always deserted. She liked to imagine that no one else knew it...

Straight Sex
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"Ned? NEDD? " the Brown eyed, tan skinned woman shouted after her words and worries were ignored the first time from her husband. "What? oh, ok...ok... now what is it again you wanted to tell me" like an asshole, farting but with words, Ned managed to calm his wife. " he's been doing JACKOFF!" Jin shouted this time, her Korean eyes full of fire burned into her lifeless husband. "Jack off?" he asked almost in an ignoring manner. Folding his newspaper, just right, careful not to ruin...

3 years ago
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Is there something you want, my dear? Is there something I can... help you with? You look so beautiful, there on the bed, quivering just slightly. It must be uncomfortable, to be bound in such a way, trying to keep your balance on the unpredictable bed springs. But it makes me want you all the more. I have been standing here, just admiring you, for minutes, though it must seem like hours to you. Your hair, how it flows gently over your shoulders, except for those few strands in disarray. I...

2 years ago
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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 8 Submissive Genies Cherry Love

Chapter Eight: Submissive Genie's Cherry Love By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic College! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 63 Land of the Rising Sun Part IX

July 11, 1994, Oguni, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan “«Ohayō gozaimas» (“good morning”), Sakurako-chan,” I said when she woke up on Monday morning. She smiled, lifted her head, and looked intently into my eyes. “I invite you to stay with me as much as you wish,” I continued, “and as much as your grandmother will allow.” “I will ask,” she said. “But we must also not dishonor Grandfather by being rude or disrespectful.” “I understand. Outside this room, we are simply the best of...

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Fraternization Is Frowned Upon

New faces applied for jobs at my work place daily. I never paid too much attention because as soon as they started they’d be going. Young people looking to make some quick, easy cash, party for a few months and then quickly move on to the next trend or fad. Latisha wasn’t one of those young people. Everyone else that started with her already left, but she’s stuck it out for the last six months and impressed the higher ups and fellow staff.Anyhow, who gives a shit about all of that?About 5’5”,...

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The Meeting

She rose to greet her visitor. As he entered the office and closed the door, he extended his hand, opened his fingers and revealed her panties.  “Would you like these back?” he asked. She knew her day was about to get better. She had been thinking of the bus ride this morning, the one where she was ceremoniously flung onto his lap. The ride she had never expected to be so enlightening, enjoyable and so downright stimulating. This was the precise ride where she came to learn that anal sex, never...

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The Boys of Summer

Ah, summer and the joys of it: the rampant heat, the intense aroma of the night, the passion burning hotter than the air. When one mixes sex with baseball, it’s amazing how heady a mixture that is. The smell of fresh-cut grass, the sound of bat hitting ball, the taste of a hot dog, all these things mean summer to me. Oh, and the sight of those fit men in their tight baseball uniforms. I’ve always been a sucker for a baseball player. I don’t understand why. Maybe it’s all those things, maybe...

Group Sex
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Ms Marca One Night Stand part 2

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Waiting at the BluebirdChapter 7

Cal had just skipped lunch. He was impatient and full of questions as he sat in his law office. Edwin and Roxie—what could they want from him? Why did Edwin want the three of them to meet together? Why was Edwin so polite when he called for the appointment? Why did Cal care one way or the other? Should he put them on the clock? He answered ‘no’ to the last one. What would be the point? Edwin hadn’t yet repaid the money Cal advanced to Herb for the damages at the Dew Drop Inn. That had been...

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Her first bi MMF

Back in high school I dated this woman and over the years (20+ years) we kept touch. We never did anything over the years other than maybe alittle online pleasing each other via chat. As time goes on we slowly learn about each other fantasies and craving. I told her I was into swinging and swapping partners. One day she ask me if during any of my threesomes if I have ever had the urge to touch a guy. Thats when I reveal to her that I was bi and have done much more than just touch a guy. She...

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Our first Bi MMF

Our first FFMWe had been chatting for a while on here and loved chatting about all of the things we would do should we ever meet. We organised to meet at a local bar nice and quiet so we could get to know each other even better ;b Angel was wearing a short thin pink sundress and she looked fantastic. we met said all of our hellos and then orderd some drinks and after the initial akwardness wore off things really started to get interesting ;b After a few drinks i needed to use the restroom so i...

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Omg my gf cuckolded me with 2 pornstars yesterday

So the last couple years of my relationship the sex life has been non-existent. My girlfriend is frustrated by the size (or lackthereof) of my pee pee. She has kept me in chastity, but our regular bulled moved away which has really left a void our lives. For a while now we've been trying to reach two of her favorite retired pornstars Frank Towers and Jay Huntington. About a month ago she apparently exchanged emails with both of them through a contact we were able to make within the business. I...

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Riding the rails in Germany

Now I was stationed in Germany, and I was told the way to see the country, was to ride the euro rail trains. It is really quite amazing; you purchase a month-long pass and that entitles you to ride the euro rail anywhere you want to go, as often as you want. I had been making day trips for some time and thought I was ready for a night trip. The train compartments are really quite ingenious. Each compartment has four seats in a row on either side facing each other. The seats themselves slide...

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GO FIGURE This is a different sort of short story. I love the fare on Fictionmania, but sometimes get tired of the same bump-and-grind sex plots, just because there aren?t that many ways to present the material. This story is subtle, has no graphic scenes, no explicit language or descriptions, and really no transformations? all that is in the character?s future, and left to the reader?s imagination. Some language may be slightly offensive in it?s crudeness, so be forewarned. ...

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The Dark

Waking up suddenly from the dream as you start falling.. Suddenly realizing that I am not falling any more. Catching my breath and my eyes start to adjust Though they don't and it's still pitch black. And there is a faint hum in the back ground and I realize I'm still in the hotel room as the soft covers and smith sheets covering my naked body The silkiness rubs agaisnt me and my cock begins to grow. My hand reaches out and feels for you. My hand touching your bare smooth skin.My other hand...

2 years ago
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Donnies story part 1

When I was fourteen, I had plenty of friends but sometimes none of them would be around, so there was this kid named Kyle, about 12 years old, who lived two buildings down the street from me, and if he was around, I'd sit on his steps and talk to him. I didn't really think of him as my friend, but he didn't seem to have any friends, and he was rather slow. We were sitting on his steps one day just talking, and I noticed that I could see the tip of his penis sticking out of the bottom of...

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BigTitsRoundAsses Lilith Morningstar Roommate Owes Her An Orgasm

Brick Danger can’t stop spying on his sexy new roommate. Everything about her is perfect. Pretty face, big tits, and round ass. She catches him while he watches her masturbate and he ruins her orgasm. She can’t let that slide. Now, HE owes her an orgasm. She throws him on the bed and tells him he needs to make her cum. He’s got no problem with that. His huge dick can make anyone cum. She gives him an amazing blowjob before he fucks that pussy like never before. He nuts all...

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The Wicked Witches of Oz Ch 02

CHAPTER TWO THEODORA I woke in the morning all alone on a dusty chair in a ruined castle, at first I thought that it had all been a dream, and then something much worse occurred to me, I had been abandoned. I sat up and almost cried out in rage before I realized that it was Culane’s leather jacket that covered my shoulders. I settled back down and smiled, inhaling deeply the wonderful smells of his rough soldier’s jacket. The few times that I had wandered these lonely ruins I had felt as if I...

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Eyes closed.. arms embraced.. Soft lips barely touch.. Anticipation builds.. the kiss deepens..we search for more. Tongues caress.. lightly nibbling.. gentle sucking ... Passions flare.. shaking to the core. Hands roam.. fires ignite.. wanting.. skin on skin... Gasping breaths.. eyes glazed with lust.. heated to the brink. Moans escape.. with whispered encouragement... Wanting... needing... the desire.. in a daze... cannot think. Your shirt unbuttons.. fingers fumble.. my hands slide up ......

3 years ago
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Reminiscences about a Teachers Pe

This is a work of fiction and any resemblance of these over 18 year old characters or situations in this story to anything real is purely random chance. The seed of inspiration for this story came from reading a couple of other stories with similar themes that melded nicely with my own recollections of daydreams and wishful thinking about the assembled array of co-eds as a teaching assistant in college. Alas, none of it is personally true. The story takes a while to build. I put this one in the...

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The Taking Of Cassidy Lynn

Cassidy was in a foul mood. Everyone at the party could sense it, and the other guests were avoiding her as if there were a five foot quarantine around her. Stress was ever present for associate attorneys at Sinclair & Lewis and the others had far too much of their own to be interested in becoming involved in hers. For her part, Cassidy was vaguely aware that they were keeping their distance and that was fine with her. She glanced at the clock again and wondered if her obligatory appearance at...

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SurroundedChapter 2

"I don't think I have a current measurement, if that's what you're wondering." "Well, it sounds like I'll get to see it pretty soon," she laughed. "We also don't usually wear much around the house. Even nothing at all. What's your take on that, Brenda?" There I'd dropped the real question, our lack-of-dress code around the house. "Naked? All the time? Oh, I think that's so cool. Daddy, you are so much more fun than Mom. I'm gonna love this. I love being naked and this...

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This was something that I have done with others for a long time... the following is a hypnosis script that I use for the ones that want to experience hypnosis do it's deepest levels. This is just the start... but those that read it, wanting to be taken in the spell, can begin to feel what the depths of the mind can bring. If you believe, and if you know that it is real... or could be real... then you will be amazed at what you could feel. Please enjoy.I want you to pay attention to each...

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Hermione Granger and the Sneaking Spell

"Akobabae lumaho," Hermione read quietly, carefully going over every syllable. It was just after dinner, but she was already in bed. Her curtains were drawn shut despite Gryffindor's girls dormitory being nearly empty. The witch's heart was beating at a maddening pace that threatened to rip a hole through her tee shirt. She struggled to control her breathing enough to allow her to repeat the words, but her thoughts were whirling out of control. A high-pitched, mad, sort of giggle escaped her...

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