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The Contest


Deputy Duffy

Let the Contest begin. That sentence rings in my headevery morning I wake up. It's like waking from a dream. But this was no dream.

It all started innocently enough, one Friday night, when I was walking homefrom the video store where I worked. (I was saving up my money for college.)I had just turned twenty and was looking forward to a weekend off. My parentshad gone away camping and I had a bag of pornos, and the house all to myself.Yeah, looking back on it, it was pretty depressing, but since I was girlfriendless,that was the best I could come up with. I was hoping that college life wouldchange all that.

I was just about home when I saw a blonde across the street from my house.Instantly, I thought I recognized her.

("Fuck, that can't be her! She moved away after high school," I thought.)

I heard a male voice from behind me say my name. Before I could turn around,a large sack was put over my whole head and I was picked up off the ground,as I struggled in vain, and dumped unceremoniously into a vehicle. I couldhear tires screeching and it sure felt like we where moving quickly. Someonebegan tying my hands behind my back, while someone was sitting on my feet.I was doing my best to fight them off, but at 5'10" and 175 pounds I wasn'tfairing to well against my larger opponents. I was also trying to figure outwhat the fuck was going on. I kept asking, "Why would some one want to kidnapme?"

The same voice that I heard say my name, was telling me to "relax and calmdown", but for the next half-hour or so I don't think I ever did. The vehiclefinally came to a stop and I was picked up and carried like a sack of potatoesfor what seemed like miles. I was being as calm as I could be, trying to figureit out. Then I was forced to sit down in what felt like a chair. I felt myhands and feet being quickly tied to it.

"Just fucking sit there and be fucking quiet!" I heard a strong booming voiceyell into my ear, followed by a smack upside the head, as if I needed it.

I was starting to panic now, because I was hearing a lot of other voicesaround me. Not being able to see was driving me crazy. I could hear a coupleof screams from time to time that would jar me, but somehow I managed not topee my pants.

After what seemed like forever, my sack was removed, and water was splashedin my face. It was cold and startling, but, none the less, refreshing. Whileblinking my eyes, a cold towel was used to dry my face and when my eyes regainedtheir focus I saw her.

("It was her," I thought.)

"I see you recognize me," the blonde said, and then she moved behind me.

Yes I did, it was Alice Marsh. Alice used to live down the street from me.You could say she was the girl of my dreams -- unfortunately my dreams, nothers. We were even the same exact age, amazingly sharing the same birthday.I tried my best to befriend her throughout the years, but to no avail.

One amazing moment in history, cemented us together forever. It happenedin our senior year, shortly after our 18th birthday, at a house party. Theonly reason I was there (not belonging to the "IN" crowd) was because it wasbeing held at my best friend's house. (His brother was throwing the bash.)When asked repeatedly, we simply wouldn't leave. It was our payoff for nottelling his parents about the party. Well, it was a drinking party and as thenight went on the party picked up. All the good-looking girls were there dressedtheir best. But the fairest of them all was the one and only Alice Marsh.

You could say she was hard to miss. She was about 5'7" maybe 110 pounds.On this night, she was dressed in tight blue jeans and a small pink half sweater,unbuttoned at the top and bottom. Her face, made up to make her look like amovie star, maybe an adult movie star. You could tell she wasn't wearing abra, and with breasts like hers, I guess she didn't need one.

Every guy in the place was all over her, but while she seemed to love theattention, none of them were her boyfriend. They seemingly had no luck withher either, as it was a known fact that she only dated older, tougher guys.

I was so busy checking out her wicked body that I didn't notice that shehad caught me undressing her with my eyes. She motioned for me to come over.It was all I could do to walk over to her, as she was surrounded by a largegroup of onlookers, most of whom were laughing up a storm.

"What were you looking at?" She sneered. "What, you never seen a pair oftits before?"

The group roared with laughter, after some time and much teasing, she finallyheld her hand up and the crowd fell silent. My face felt like it was on fire.

"What, cat got your tongue?" She teased, as she pulled on her sweater, herleft breast nearly falling out. "I bet you never even seen a pair of live breastsbefore?"

What could I say? Because the fact was she was right. The only sex I'd hadup to that point had been in my head, and the only naked women I'd seen werein the movies and magazines. And with the way she was teasing me, the Englishlanguage was escaping me.

"The only pussy -- your cat," Alice teased, standing right in front of me,blowing hot air against my lips, pressing her chest into mine. Honestly, Iwanted to run away, but the group had circled around us. Plus her smell wasintoxicating. I was staring into her sparkling green eyes, as her long blondehair tickled my face. Since I had never actually been this close to her before,it felt like my head was going to exploded. I also lost all track of my environment.

Suddenly she grabbed me, by both wrists, and slowly brought my hands up toher chest, pressing them slowly into her breasts. (Oh, how firm they were.)She also used her leg to rub my groin. Taking the bait, I was slowly applyingmore pressure, effectively feeling her up. When she let me slip my right handinto her sweater, I was in puppy heaven. I swear I felt her nipple harden undermy touch. She pulled me closer. She began purring into my ear. The pressureincreased. I had a feeling rushing through my body like I'd never felt before.My knees went weak. My body trembled. And it felt like all my blood had rushedinto my groin area. She suddenly pulled my hands away, but kept a hold of mywrists. Simultaneously, someone from behind me pulled my baggy pants and briefsdown, in one swift motion. I cried out in horror, as my erect penis sprunginto the crowd's view -- cum still oozing from its head. Much to my surprise,it wasn't blood after all. The crowed roared with laughter. I quickly brokefree, pulled my sweats up, and high-tailed it out of there.

Back at school, I was the talk of the hallways. As you can probably imagine,it was pretty humiliating having an orgasm in front of a room full of people.Especially, just from a little leg rubbing and from feeling someone's tits.Even if they belonged to Alice Marsh. Everyone had their knick-name for me.They called me "The Minuteman" or "Quick-Draw" or my least favorite "The Sperminator",but as time wore on and we finally graduated, life got a little easier. I evenmade the favorite moments part of the yearbook, several times.

Most of my friends would just come up to me and say, "I can't believe yougot to feel up Alice Marsh!" or stuff like that. It was kind of cool, I guess.But honestly, getting a date after that night was pretty tough -- hence mypathetic social life. Alice moved away after graduation, at least I thoughtshe did. But now a couple of years had passed, and here she was again, backin my life. But still, "why would she kidnap me?" So it was the first questionthat I asked.

"She didn't kidnap you...we did!" A booming voice roared.

I was quickly spun around, and was now facing two rather large and imposinglooking men. They were dressed in leather and covered in tattoos. I tried toask another question, but someone came up from behind me and gagged me witha some cloth.

The larger of the two men spoke first. He told me that I wasn't going toget hurt if I played along and did a good job. He had a powerful voice thatsent shivers down my spine. He introduced his partner, Hack Saw.

Hack Saw did most of the talking. He introduced the rest of the gang andI did the best I could to keep calm and listen to him, even though I was scaredas hell. There were four guys and five women that I could see, but I knew therewere many more around me. He introduced me to Tank, (he was the first man whospoke, and I must say he was built like one, too.) The other two were namedCrazy Dave and Flash, but they didn't do or say much. They were busy fondlingthe large breasts of one of their (chicks) as they call them. The five girlsor chicks, were Candy, Dippy, Dee Dee and Alice. Oh, the other one that thetwo other guys were working over, well, they just called her "our bitch."

All the girls were dressed like the proverbial biker chick. Lots of leatherand lots of skin. But again, Alice stuck out. She was still beautiful. Herhair was short, all most spiked and blonder than ever. She wore tight leatherpants and a black silk like top that clung to her body. So clingy that youcould see each of her nipples poking out. I felt my groin stir.

("Oh no...not again," I thought.)

Hack Saw grabbed me by the shoulder and slapped my face a little. "Listenup buddy, and I'll tell you why we picked you up today."

He pulled up a stool next to me. "Listen and listen good, cuz we don't havemuch time. You have to believe what I'm about to tell you is true and is goingto happen, as much as you're not going to believe it. We picked you up becausewe needed a guy to enter 'The Contest.' You see it's a contest against ourbrother bikers...we do this every year. There are five teams each has fouror five brothers and four or five chicks...See...."

He spun me around and for the first time I saw what was behind me. Therewere groups of bikers huddled around in small groups like we were. They wereall different shapes and sizes. I also noticed that we were in some sort ofold barn. There were two large beams. One with five ropes hanging off of it,which got my heart racing, and the other thing that got my heart rate up waswhat was hanging from the other. Dangling with her feet just touching the groundwas a young blonde woman, dressed only in a small black bra and matching panties.Hack Saw spun me back around.

"I see you saw what we are playing for. She is something else. She goes tothe team that finishes first, with a shit load of cash. We need the cash andwe want the girl, so listen up good," Hack Saw said, and so far he was rightabout me not believing my ears. "Here I said it a contest and Alicehas specifically chosen you to represent us, because it has to be someone outsideof the gang."

("Why would Alice choose me?" I could only wonder, but didn't ask.)

"You saw the ropes hanging down from the beam? Well, all five teams haveone victim. Don't worry, we're not going to hang you or anything. But you willbe hanging from your wrists. Your feet will just hit the hers.The pain in your wrists won't be that bad. Plus, you'll have something to takeyour mind off of it. You see it's a 'Blowjob Contest.'" Hack Saw finished withthe first smile I saw. I just looked at him in disbelief.

"I know...settle down...we aren't terribly inventive. It's some rich dudesidea of a little fun. Well, Alice told us of your little history together andwe're hoping things haven't changed," he said, as he laughed.

("Man, am I ever going to live that down?" I thought.)

"You see it goes like this: the first team that can get their guy to blowhis load wins. But, before you get all hot and bothered, let me tell you howit works. This is what makes it a little interesting," Hack Saw said, as hemoved his stool even closer, so close that I could smell the cigarettes onhis breath.

"When all five of you are tied up and hanging from the beam, we will selectone member from our team. She will be doing the blowing. Oh, before that, anotherwill pull your pants down for yah. But anyways, now when the gun goes off,the chicks start blowing, it's that simple. But listen, there are rules, notthat we like them, but for this we have to follow them. You can't have a hardonbefore we start or be leaking pre-cum. So stay calm beforehand and then whenyou finally cum, which we hear doesn't take you so long, you have to cum inher mouth, so she can turn around and show the judges. Oh yeah, nobody is allowedto talk once the contest starts.

"Now stay with me here, there are five teams so there are five places. Soif you notice one guy blow, stay with it, because it goes right down to theend. I guess I should tell you the prizes for each place just so you know,because right now it might sound real easy. I mean, who doesn't like a goodfucking blowjob, and one thing our chicks can do it's suck a mean one."

He paused to take the gag out of my mouth and give me a sip of beer, whichwas much needed, as I was overheating from his spiel so far.

"Now, the first place team, they win the grand prize -- the cash and thegirl. Don't worry about the girl now, no one hurts her, if she behaves. Plusyou have more important things to think about. I'll tell you about second,third and fourth in a sec, but let me tell you about last place. The team thatcan't get their guy to spew, is fucked. I mean our chicks are all fucked. Yousee, the chicks on the last place team have to visit all the other team's clubhousesand do whatever their asked to do. Some of the clubs have fifty fucking membersand they're into some hardcore shit. Let me tell yah, the chicks on the lastplace team are never the same again."

I was looking at the girls as Hack Saw said this, and I could tell that theyall had fear in their eyes.

"If you limp out, I'll kill yah myself!" Candy, the toughest looking of thechicks, suddenly barked, as she ran her finger across her throat.

"You mean," I managed, before being cut off by Tank.

"If we lose our lose your fucking head."

I guess, I started to panic at this startling revelation, because I justremember being slapped across the face.

"Ok, now you see the down side," Hack Saw said, after the slap.

("Down side!" I inwardly screamed, as my stomach tossed and turned. It feltlike I was about to be physically ill.)

"And fourth place ain't no good either. Their chicks have to go around thebarn tonight, buck naked, while offering a free blowjob to any guy who wantsone, and we don't want to have our girls coming back with us covered in cum,unless it's our own. So for punishment we'll leave you hanging up there andafter, the chicks can take their frustrations out on yah."

I looked to Alice for help, but she just said to relax and try to put itout of my mind. (Yeah right...relax...while I was just informed that this couldbe my last night alive! You know that joke about, dying happy, well it's notso funny when you're starring it right in the face.)

"And what about third?" I asked with a gulp.

Well third ain't that good, and it ain't that bad. Our chicks are saved andwe still get the free bj's from team four and we get the last place chicksfor one night, if there is anything left after the first and second place teamsget to them. That's where we finished last year, so we are looking to improvethis year."


"If we finish second that's not that bad, but remember we want first. Forsecond we get new sleds and we get first crack at the free bj's from the fourthplace team and the second weekend with the last place team's chicks. Look,it's not like we want to fuck all of their chicks or anything, but there issomething about fucking another club's chicks. Plus, there's some stuff wecan do to them that we don't do to our own chicks, if you know what I mean."

I really didn't at that point, but one could only imagine.

"But remember that we want to be first, because it's a ton of cash and weget a smoking chick and you can never have to many hot babes."

Hack Saw finished his speech, and lined up the five girls, who looked noneto happy. "Now quickly, we have to decide who is going to do the blowing."

Each of the girls looked at me and I could tell they were nervous and fromthe sound of the rules they had a lot riding on "The Contest" as well. As forme, I was shaking like a tree. Heck all's I had riding on it was my life.

"Well, which one do you want to give the blowjob?" Hack Saw asked, this timewith his hand on my shoulder.

"You want me to pick?" I asked, surprised as hell that he would let me pick,and I could tell the girls were also surprised. He just snapped his fingersat them.

"Yeah and hurry up, it's almost time, just pick the one that you think willmake you shoot the fastest. I mean, they're all good cock-suckers, but it mightbe that little extra that helps."

I looked over the girls, still stunned. They were all hot biker babes, butI couldn't get past Alice. Plus, the way she was looking at me, with pleadingeyes, I knew she didn't want to be the one. Honestly, that turned me on. Iguess even with my life on the line, I figured a little payback was in order.Plus, I have been dreaming of having Alice for years, just never dreaming itwould happen like this.

"I guess the b-b-blonde...Alice," I mumbled.

"Fuck!" Alice snapped. "I found the fucking guy. Shouldn't that take me offthe fucking hook?"

"Shut your fucking hole!" Tank screamed. "If the guy wants your lips, thenyou're our best hope at winning."

I was still sitting, tied into my chair, when Hack Saw grabbed Alice's armsand began tying them behind her back, as she was still protesting.

"Oh, she can't use her hands," Hack Saw said.

One of the other guys started untying me from the chair when Tank gave mea pat on the head and asked. "Is there any thing else you can think of thatwill help you along? I really want to win this year."

I looked over at Alice, who had her hands tied behind her back, her littleshirt riding up her breasts with every breath.

"Well, I can think of one," I managed, without a smile.

"I'm listening," Tank answered.

"Well, it would help a lot if I could see her tits," I whispered, tryingto not let Alice hear me.

"Shit, that's all," Tank spat. "Heck, if we win, I'll even let you fuck theshit out of her...for one night she's all yours."

"What!" Screamed Alice. "No fucking way! Bad enough I have to suck his cock."

"You fucking heard me!" Tank said, grabbing Alice by the face. "You fuckingdo what I tell you and don't fucking forget it, Bitch. The fucking dudes beendreaming of your tits for years. Heck, he blew a load just touching them. Sohere's what we're going to do, right before the gun goes off at the start,I'll rip your top off. This ought to give us a head start. Fuck, there's nothingin the rules against it."

Alice pouted, but Tank just made a fist and thrust it in front of her face,and her whining stopped.

The next thing I knew I was being hung up by my wrists. I don't know whyI didn't even think to try and get away. I guess I was a little turned on bythe whole thing. I guess you could say I was risking my life to be with Alice.

I had to stand on my toes to stop from swinging, while the rope was diggingpainfully into my wrists. I looked to my left. The other four guys were alsoin place. I noticed a couple of them were openly crying and a couple of themwere still gagged. I was starting to get really nervous now. It didn't helpthat the guy next to me was panicking. He was screaming against his gag. Itseemed to me that some of them were fearing for their lives as well. It alsohit me that I was the youngest one of the group.

I could hear rain drops hitting the barn's roof, as the barn door slid open.In walking a man dressed in a three-piece suit, along with two huge bodyguardscarrying automatic weapons, one holding an umbrella. Following him were fivemen, pushing five black motorcycles, into the barn. The crowd roared. The well-dressedman climbed onto a wooden stage that was off to the side. He raised his handinto the air and the barn drew quiet, eerily quiet.

The well-dressed man took off his suit jacket and addressed the crowd.

"Welcome Bikers of the Northeast. I'm glad you could make it this year. I'mglad to see so many familiar faces once again. Looking around, I see that ourcontestants are in place and I know you saw the second place bikes roll in.Ah yes, I see our Grand Prize managed to make it as well. This year our prizeis a special one. Her name is Allison. She's nineteen-years-old and still avirgin. Well, at least for now, but the best part is that her father is a well-knownA.T.F agent."

The crowd broke into applause. I noticed the girl squirming about, but shewas just swaying back and forth. All eyes seemingly focused on the girl. Ieven watched with some reluctant excitement as a huge man approached the hanginggirl and pulled a large knife out of his sheath, quickly cutting off her braand panties, as the barn erupted with cheers. I noticed a gold chain connectedto each of her nipples, and that she lacked pubic hair.

A large women knelt down in front of the girl and seemed to lick in betweenher legs. "Yep, virgin pussy!" She cried out, and the barn erupted, again.

It took a couple of minutes for the barn to quiet as they seemed to enjoywatching her naked body squirm about. She did have quite the body, yet I feltbad for her. I couldn't even imagine what they planed on doing to her or whatshe must have been thinking.

One of the bodyguards fired a volley of shots into the air, which didn'thelp my nerves any, before the well-dressed man started again. "I also havethe cash for the winning team," he said, holding up a shinny suitcase. "You'llfind that I've been extra generous this year, having had a good run on WallStreet." More applause.

The well-dressed man held up his arms to let the crowd calm.

"LET THE CONTEST BEGIN!" He screamed out, and the crowd roared with approval.

Looking to my left, some of the other guys were squirming around like fishout of water. I did notice, however, that the guy on the opposite end of theline was looking pretty calm about the whole thing, so I figured he was mymain competition.

Things were moving quickly. My team gathered in front of me and Alice wasput into her place. She was kneeling about ten feet away from me. I lookeddown the line as the other four girls were also kneeling in front of theirguys. The girl right next to Alice was huge. She must have been two bills easily,but looking at her crew behind her, she was the smallest one of the bunch.The girl next to her wore a bondage uniform, complete with spikes and shit.While the girl next to her was wearing a schoolgirl uniform and had her hairin pigtails. But she was no schoolgirl, she had to be in her forties.

It was the last girl that I was worried about. She was stunning! She hadlong blonde hair that fell over her body, and what a body it was. She was wearingone of those super small bikinis that was really just three patches strungtogether. The last guy was watching her as a couple of other girls were oilingher up. I guess they had a plan, too. He suddenly looked at me with a smilewhen our eyes met.

("Ah shit." I thought. "But common you have wanted Alice forever and in acouple of seconds she is going to have her lips wrapped around your dick."

I suddenly felt my dick jump. "Ok, at-a-boy just stay focused, for once inyour short life you can be happy that you're a quick shooter.")

Candy caught my attention when she came over to me and pulled down my pants.My underwear quickly following. She tucked the bottom of my shirt into thetop and pulled it through.

"Just think of how long you have wanted this," she whispered into my ear.I quivered when she pulled my package out from in between my thighs. She wentback over to the group, as I was trying to get over the embarrassment of beingexposed to the group of strangers. I took some comfort in the fact that withall the abuse I took over my party incident, no one ever said I had a smalldick or anything like that. I began to gaze into Alice's green eyes, tryingto focus and block out what was going on around me.

("Fuck, if it worked a couple of years ago," I thought, as my gaze shiftedto her full red painted lips.)

I heard the well dressed man scream ready, and with that, Tank ripped offAlice's top, revealing her firm large breasts with shiny silver dollar nipples.They looked better than I ever imagined. The plan was working already as Ifelt my dick churning. I was worried about jumping the gun, but (bang) a loudgunshot was fired into the air, and with that the five girls scrambled, ontheir knees, forward.

I watched as Alice's tits shook with every motion. I looked down and watchedas her sexy mouth engulfed my twitching cock. She used her mouth for suctionat first, like she was trying to swallow it. She was also swirling her tonguearound it. I was relieved at how quickly my cock became hard. It helped thatAlice really knew what she was doing. She pumped her head back and forth, asslurping sounds filled the barn. Even given the circumstances, I couldn't believeI was actually receiving my first blow job, from my dream girl. I could feelmy body quiver, it felt better than I ever imagined it would, and in a fewminutes, I was getting close. Alice could sense this, I think, because sheclamped down hard with her lip-covered teeth, while quickly jerking back andforth. Her tongue was also hard at work. The feeling was erotically intense.

I'll never forget Alice's green eyes looking up at me, as I fired a shotof cum into her mouth, about the same time I heard a voice scream "first." Alicespun around a split second later, the judge behind her holding two fingersup over her head. My head was still a little foggy, but my crew behind herseemed pleased. I was even surprised to see Tank give a quick smile. The otherchicks were hugging each other. I looked down at Alice who had a relieved lookon her face. And yet, I was little disappointed at how I just missed first,and my chance to fuck Alice, by one second. That feeling went away howeverwhen Alice's lips returned to cock. She lovingly milked the rest of cum fromme, but mostly she just licked it or sucked the head in her mouth. I was startledwhen I heard a voice bark out "third." Lost in my own lust, I forgot the contestwas still going on.

Alice suddenly pulled away and looked down the line. I was a little disappointed,but I looked down the line as well, and boy was I surprised at what I saw.The judge standing behind the bondage girl had one finger raised in the airand the judge standing behind the heavy girl next to me was holding up threefingers in the air. It was down to the last two -- the schoolgirl and the gorgeousgirl in the skimpy bikini. I glanced down at Alice at this point, some of mycum still dripping from her lips and chin, still not believing it.

I turned my attention back to the contest. The guy in front of the schoolgirlhad a look of panic on his face. He was by far the oldest one in the groupof contestants. He had to be in his fifties, so I got the whole schoolgirlthing, but it just wasn't happing for him. The last guy in the row, who wasso confident before the contest, was having his own problems. I could quicklysee why. He was hung like a horse and the gorgeous girl, with her hands tiedbehind her back, was having trouble fitting and keeping his cock in her mouth.She was trying, but she could only get the head into her small mouth. I guessshe wasn't a deep throat expert. She might have looked like a model, but theyneeded a porn star for this guy.

I continued watching, until the older schoolgirl spun around, cum drippingfrom her lips. And since she had finished fourth, there was plenty more ofthat to come.

The barn broke into bedlam, as the contest was deemed official. People wereyelling and screaming, some where celebrating, some where crying. My crew gatheredaround Alice and me. The girls were thanking us for taking them off the hookand the guys were congratulating each other. Probably thinking of the bikesthey had just won, and the fact that their chicks were spared.

My chair was rolled back into place and I was thankful to finally be cutdown. My wrists were just starting to bleed. My hands numb. As I crashed downin the chair, the guys sprayed me with beer. I just sat there with my headin my hands. A feeling of great relief running through my body. A few tearsprobably being shed, too.

"Hey kid," Tank said, lifting my head up.

"I hope you don't have any plans this weekend, 'cause you do now," he said,as he poured some beer down my throat.

("Wow, what else could happen to me?" I thought, as more beer was pouredover my head.)

Candy suddenly sat on my lap, rubbing her tits in my face, promising to makeme into a man.

Hack Saw just looked at me and smiled. "I guess you won't need those pornoflicks this weekend after all."

"No, he'll be staring in one!" Candy said, and I felt my groin stir again.

"Let's take him back to the clubhouse for the initiation," I heard Tank say,before Alice protested. "But you said only if we won."

"But we won new rides, that aught to be worth one piece of pussy," Tank said,with growl. "Who says that he'll pick you?"

"Hear that," Candy purred into my ear. "Your dream might not be over afterall. But you have to do her in front of the whole gang!"

I gulped.

The End


Please send me your comments.

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The ContestI don't know how my wife found out about the contest but once she learned of it she couldn't stop talking about it. And soon she was trying to get me to enter it with her.My wife, Julie, was a slim brunet with small breasts and nice, well shaped ass. She had been a virgin when we married but she quickly learned to love any kind of sexual activities. She especially loved sucking my cock and swallowing my semen. Maybe it was her love of cock sucking that piqued her interest in the...

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The Contest

The Contest by Caleb Jones "Gee, Eric, I got this Email from Raven saying Mindy was changing the writing contest into a beauty contest!" "I got one from Raven too, Caleb! It was right after he sent out his great story for the writing contest." "Mine said that due to the co-sponsorship of HairMania and RollerMania, the contest had been transformed into a beauty contest, Eric." "Mine, also, Caleb." "Now we might not have time to write our stories for the contest!" The...

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DOLCETT DOLPHINS: WHALING CONTESTThe advert was discreet one found in a local health magazine and Roxie's curiosity was immediately aroused.Big Beautiful Woman? WIN at least $100,000 or more!! CALL 1-800-whaling Now!!BBW Swim Challenge! Are you aged 18 to 30, a Big Beautiful Woman who enjoys adventure activities?We're a sporting club with a unique love of your kind of woman and we invite you to come and join one of our weekend retreats.Deep in the heart of the countryside our retreat offers...

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Editing Reailty Book 3 Chapter 01 Naughty Contest

Book Three: Naughty Fantasies Unleashed Chapter One: Naughty Contest By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies Today, I'd won. My wife kept staring at the two angels, Anael and Jophiel. She could see them now thanks to my second edit of Linda. My contest with Seth Meyers, the other person who'd been granted the power to edit reality by the Most High, had ended. He'd forced me into a corner. He'd driven me into a place that he thought...

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Hotness Contest

*** Chapter One: It seemed like any other Wednesday, and I drove my girlfriend home fromClass. I would have liked to spend some time with Lisa, even justdoing boring things like shopping, but she'd told me at lunch that her Momwanted her home early that day to watch her little brother. I offered tohang out with her there, but she turned me down. So, I figured it was as good a time as any to drop the bad news. It waschicken-shit of me, but when I told her something that was bound...

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The Contest

I don't know how my wife found out about the contest but once she learned of it she couldn't stop talking about it. And soon she was trying to get me to enter it with her. My wife, Julie, was a slim brunet with small breasts and nice, well shaped ass. She had been a virgin when we married but she quickly learned to love any kind of sexual activities. She especially loved sucking my cock and swallowing my semen. Maybe it was her love of cock sucking that piqued her interest in the contest. I...

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The Radio Contest

The Radio Contest Author's Note: Many years ago this was an actual contest held by a radio station. I did not attend, but this is maybe how someone did get there. I was tired and sore. My back ached, my neck ached, my eyes ached. After sitting at the desk all day I was looking forward to getting home, eating some dinner and relaxing for a couple hours. I pulled into the driveway and extracted myself from the car with a groan. A forty-five minute drive in traffic is always so much...

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Katie judges a kissing contest

Scott softly panted, eyes closed. He stroked Katie's just-fucked cunt as his heart beat like a jackhammer. His head lay on her young chest, his shaggy hair flopped over her breasts. He could feel her crazy heartbeat under his cheek. Scott lazily opened his mouth and began suckling his sister's cherry-red nipple. Katie sighed contentedly, holding her brother's head in her arms. She had her answer. Ding, dong! "Oh my God! That's Josh!!" said Katie with a gasp. "He's here for our...

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Katie judges a kissing contest

Introduction: This story picks up immediately after the end of my first story, Katies dress is too small. Thanks for all the votes * * * * * * * So, did you like my pussy? whispered 14-year-old Katie, with a sleepy smile. Scott softly panted, eyes closed. He stroked Katies just-fucked cunt as his heart beat like a jackhammer. His head lay on her young chest, his shaggy hair flopped over her breasts. He could feel her crazy heartbeat under his cheek. Scott lazily opened his mouth and began...

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Katie Judges A Kissing Contest

"So, did you like my pussy?" whispered 16-year-old Katie, with a sleepy smile. Scott softly panted, eyes closed. He stroked Katie's just-fucked cunt as his heart beat like a jackhammer. His head lay on her young chest, his shaggy hair flopped over her breasts. He could feel her crazy heartbeat under his cheek. Scott lazily opened his mouth and began suckling his step sister's cherry-red nipple. Katie sighed contentedly, holding her step brother's head in her arms. She had her answer.Ding,...

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The Contest

The Contest - a story by D. Robins ([email protected])My wife, Lucy [28, 5 feet 8 inches tall, 9 and a half stone (about 130 lbs.), shoulder length brown hair, green eyes, pert 34B breasts, great figure] and I have been together for several years now, and although at first our sex life was great, it had started to become a little boring, so we decided to spice it up a little. The best way we thought to do this was to introduce some risk, danger and excitement.It was Lucy who suggested that...

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Tanning Contest

Lisa Williams pulled her car into the parking slip in front of the tanning center she'd been religiously going to as a client and now working at as an employee. She turned off the engine and twisted the rearview mirror to allow her to check the face looking back. It was a deep tanned face with striking blue eyes that stared back. She fluffed at the golden blonde curls flowing from her head with her hands and chuckled, not bad for a thirty one year old! I still look twenty! Opening the door,...

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The Contest

Contest Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Almost nobody could believe it when it was announced, yet I was almost beside myself with joy; I hid it well, but it was there. The club that my parents belong to announced that they were going to award three full scholarships, along with two $10,000 prizes. The catch? It was required that all contestants dress and live as a member of the opposite sex for one year, starting the day school let out then all the way through the following...

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The Contest

The Contest By Stats The two cosmetic surgeons friends were blind drunk. They were millionaires and both renown in their field, having performed the most difficult surgeries on countless celebrities. Randy was the first to speak. "I don't know, Adam, we have listened to each other's war stories for over four hours and the way I see it; we still have a bloody tie. What we need is a real challenge." The next morning while shaving Randy thought of the challenge. He...

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The Contest

The Contest I don’t know how my wife found out about the contest but once she learned of it she couldn’t stop talking about it. And soon she was trying to get me to enter it with her. My wife, Julie, was a slim brunet with small breasts and nice, well shaped ass. She had been a virgin when we married but she quickly learned to love any kind of sexual activities. She especially loved sucking my cock and swallowing my semen. Maybe it was her love of cock sucking that piqued her interest in the...

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B6 Chapter 2 The Contest

Chapter 2: The Contest It was now Sunday, the day of the first of the challenges or events between Jeanne and Jordan, to determine the ultimate fate of the Island. Both Barocca's group with Jeanne, as well as Tiffany's group, represented by Jordan, had filed onto the stage in the auditorium. On the opposite side of the stage, the other amazons on the Island filled almost every seat. No one wanted to miss the show. "All right everyone, " said Tiffany as she addressed the audience, "I want...

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The Costume Contest

The Costume Contest Belladonna "Where do you want to go for you birthday lunch?" David Paris inquired with his secretary. Veronika paused as she thought over her boss's question. Her mind parsed through the various establishments she had been treated to lunch at since she started working for the man. She shook her head as she answered, "I'm not sure." David was struck by Veronika's indecisiveness. She normally had the answer right at the tip of her tongue. Her slight...

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The Worlds First Futa 11 Futas Wild Presidency Chapter 4 Futas First Sensual Contest

Chapter Four: Futa's First Sensual Contest By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “For the next year or so, you had a good string of diplomatic success,” Adelia said as we neared the end of our interview on my life. As much fun as it was to talk about my life on my forty-eighth birthday, I was eager to finish this last segment. I needed a break. But I still had to be positive and sexy, to let the world see me answer her questions without showing my fatigue. I had to be in...

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The Contest

The Contest By RogerGirl Angelo was sitting in the waiting area at a bridal shop while his fianc?e, Amy, was making an appointment with the owner. Angelo was 5'7" and 120 pounds with no visible Adam's apple. He played guitar in a band and often dressed in an emo style with long straight hair, some makeup, occasional nail polish, smooth hairless skin so he could wear his tight jeans more easily, and lots of hoodies. While he had never dressed as a girl, he had come to a...

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Mr and Mrs Claus Contest

The holiday’s are always the busiest time of the year when you work as a housekeeper. After a long day of work, I was looking forward to relaxing, watching a movie. However, my friends had different plans in mind. I came home to a new message. ‘Hey Elizabeth, it’s Mary and Katie. We just heard that TIDAL is having a Mr. and Mrs. Claus contest tonight. The winner gets $200 and a date with Mr. Claus! We should enter, it’ll be fun. Call us back!’ So much for my plans, I thought as I called them...

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Coed Tandem Beer Pissing Contest

Foreword: This is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real. None of these events ever happened. This story is nothing more than words that came from my imagination. Any similarity to any real people, places, or events is purely coincidental. Operators of erotic story web sites and other collections, whether free or fee-based, have my permission to post and/or distribute my stories, provided that credit is given to "Hungry Guy" as the author. You may not make changes...

4 years ago
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My Gay Clubs Private Suck Off Contest

It was a somewhat long and widely almost horseshoe shaped semi circle line that contained s*******n different men either bare ass naked or with full frontal open fly cock exposure that special Friday nite last Dec. 24th. Yes it was the finals of our Private Gay Clubs BEST 2004 COCKSUCKER OF THE YEAR CONTEST. Just like each of the 11 preliminary monthly contests held before it, the rules of engagement were quite simple. Kneel, kiss, lick, stroke and suck each new Cock until it WILDLY BEGAN TO...

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The Sales Contest

The Sales Contest By Mister Double-U It was Thursday, and the sales force for EC Electronics, Inc. sat around the long table in the conference room. At the head, was EC Electronics himself, Mr. EC Morgan. EC started this company 15 years ago when the electronics field was just getting underway. We weren't really big; so we didn't have the means to mass-produce our product. Therefore, we were only concentrating in one or two states. This helped us keep a quality product for a...

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The Pissing Contest

The Pissing Contest Around Thanksgiving Dad’s parents were killed in an automobile accident. Dad inherited their big house on the outskirts of town and several insurance policies as well as a big settlement from the accident itself. A tractor-trailer driver ran a red light and broadsided them. Anyway about seven months later when school had ended we moved into their house. It was wonderful. There was a big four-car garage with a big work area attached. Grandpa built furniture and...

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The Contest

When my colleagues learned that I was still a virgin they started a contest to see who could seduce me. They pooled their money and purchased a nude statuette of Artemis, the virgin goddess of the hunt in Greek mythology. My seducer was to be awarded the statuette as a trophy. The statuette was more explicit than the statues made during the golden age of Greece. The nipples protruded. The hairless vulva had a slit in it. I did not learn about the contest until the man who won explained it to me...

Love Stories
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THE WHORE-FEST CONTEST Saturday night and all present -- Mary and John and their Toys James and Kelly. Their new friend Terri, who had the sex-change operation, was recuperating for another several months. And James was already promised the first fuck when she became a real female. “So, kids, as you already know because we figured this out last Wednesday, we are gathered here tonight for the First Annual Whore-Fest. Who’s the biggest and best Whore? You all have had a chance...

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Wet T Shirt Contest

**Disclaimer: This is adult fiction. It contains pornographic and fetish topics not suitable for kids. There’s also explicit language. Just wait till you’re older, OK? The last thing I want to do is corrupt the youth. Y’all got enough of your own problems… **This is a spin-off of the flesh alteration kit by 1999 BEAmer Award winner RandomKing. ‘It’s just that college is so expensive! PADIDDLE!!’ Brad exclaimed pounding his fist against the roof in the back seat of his friends Toyota. *THUD* ...

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The Futa Fairy Futa Fairies Naughty Game Chapter 6 Dr Rita Officer Cindys Naughty Contest

Chapter Six: Dr. Rita & Officer Cindy's Naughty Contest By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Ms. Ji-Woo Kim Triumph surged through me as I rammed my clit-dick into the Summer futa lying frozen on the banks of the Year's Divide thanks to my powers. I had just vanquished her companion, a young futa named Cassie. Now I would defeat another of Summer's champions. Two out of five down in minutes. We would win. I wouldn't lose my futa-dick and— When my crotch smacked into the Arab...

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The Spanking Couples Cocksucking Contest

The Spanking Couples Femdom Cocksucking ContestIt had been two months since Debbie had been sold into sexual slavery with Beth, and she was becoming very depressed.  She had thought that she wanted to be a full time sexual slave to a dominant woman.  And, she now is serving as a pussy eating, sexual slave to her friend, Beth.  And, her best friend, Marion, was also serving similarly to another friend, Jacki.  But, things were not as they seemed.  Debbie found the thrill of the chase was more...

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The Contest

When my colleagues learned that I was still a virgin they started a contest to see who could seduce me. They pooled their money and purchased a nude statuette of Artemis, the virgin goddess of the hunt in Greek mythology. My seducer was to be awarded the statuette as a trophy. The statuette was more explicit than the statues made during the golden age of Greece. The nipples protruded. The vulva had a slit in it. I did not learn about the contest until the man who won explained it to me before...

5 years ago
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The Staring Contest

"Let's have a staring contest," you suggest out of the blue. "What are you? Six?" I shoot back. "No," you say, pouting cutely. "Come on, I'm bored." 'Bored' doesn't even begin to describe the situation. It's Sunday afternoon and raining. Your military husband has been deployed for the past month. My wife's gone out of town for her work this weekend. Neither of us has much to do. We've been across-the-street neighbours for just about two years. You and your husband are like the All-American...

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Barb Wins a Dance Contest

A nearby bar offered amateur erotic dance contests on some Saturday nights that we found to be very entertaining. Women, housewives and girlfriends dance were encouraged to show off their naked bodies for cash prizes. The contests consisted of three dances for a round and 4 rounds with the ladies contests and men's contest alternating striving for 4 or 5 contestants for a final run-off. The audience would "elect" winners by their applause and cheering. One weekend after a couple martinis at...

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The Contest

Author's note: A Halloween story this time around and another of my fantasies. This one is inspired by the scores of Halloween stories out there. I know a lot of you want a story with just Kate and Anna. I promise the next one will be just them. A big thanks to Samantha for pointing out my inadvertent change of Alan to Allan in the last one. The Contest by Hazel M It was the evening of Halloween. In a shed on a remote industrial estate, two scruffy young men in...

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The Worlds First Futa futas Wild PresidencyChapter 4 Futarsquos First Sensual Contest

April 17th, 2047 “For the next year or so, you had a good string of diplomatic success,” Adelia said as we neared the end of our interview on my life. As much fun as it was to talk about my life on my forty-eighth birthday, I was eager to finish this last segment. I needed a break. But I still had to be positive and sexy, to let the world see me answer her questions without showing my fatigue. I had to be in control, presidential. “Yes, yes, the Dubai Accords were a smashing success, and I...

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Katha pt3 Drunk girls shit smell contest

The evening came, and there was absolutely nothing to do - in the living houses, there were TVs, but the signal qualitiy was so poor one could get eye cancer by trying to watch the snow on the screen, so watching TV was not a real option. The main building was closed, as I mentioned before, no swimming pool was available, no disco, no arcade, not even a bar or something (later, I learned the camp was specialized on much younger students, about 10 - 12 years old who don't need some evening...

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Cum Contest

"Mary, leave my cock alone!" I could not believe my ears. My husband was scolding me, pushing me away and telling me not to jerk him off. From the floor, I looked up at him with doe-like eyes. "But, Steve, I wanna do it. Come on, honey. Pleeease let me. Please. Please. Pretty please." All he did was shake his head. I was furious and clambered to my feet. I saw red, and like a bull I charged with my head down, crashing into his belly. Steve let out a loud oomph and stumbled backwards...

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A Contest

Back in the 1960s and 70s a French artist by the name of Joseph Farrel created a sizeable number of BDSM drawings. He felt that the drawings were works in themselves and that people should make up their own stories to go with them. Later the drawings were published with short vignettes by Robert Merodack and others. Joseph Farrel is sadly now dead and much of his work is out of print. For my own amusement I have written my own short stories to accompany some of the drawings. Here is one of...

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The Contest

I was feeling good. My Mistress Cherie had me in peak condition and here I was, naked body lightly oiled with a taught stomach showing a well developed six-pack. I tensed my tight buttocks and my erection jerked upwards, and the reason for this is that I was being paraded around a huge roomful of women.That in itself would have ensured my erection, but just at this moment Mistress Cherie was showing me to an attractive young woman who she addressed as Susan, and Susan was caressing my balls...

1 year ago
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Dance Contest

My name's Dan and I own The Glass Cat. The Glass Cat is a Female Impersonator club, although lately we're getting a lot of transsexuals, too. The club is pretty well-know, and and sometimes we get some big-name shemale porn stars in to do a show. Our biggest draw is Tuesday nights. Tuesday night is dance content night. Sheboys come in from all over and dance and strip for cash prizes and exposure. We get a lot of different folks in the audience, so it works out well for the contestants and the...

She Males
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The Contest

Emily and Kimberly are unusually close best friend, both of them are gay and while they tried dating each other when they were teenagers, it didn't quite work out. However that hasn't stop them from making out and even losing their virginity to each other. Hell even when Emily had a girlfriend for a few months, they were still fucking behind her back. They just knew that they were better best friend but it was nice to have someone to bang too. However all that didn't get them ready for what was...

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The Breeding Contest

Things were different in the breeder's world. In the hundred years since the great epidemic a great many things had changed from the way they were before. For starters, the epidemic had wiped out over three fourths of the world's population. Most of the males that had survived the original infection were rendered sterile. The ones that weren't were almost rendered obsolete by a radical feminist movement that took over governance for the next 75 years. Scientific advancements during this time...

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The Contest

When my colleagues learned that I was still a virgin they started a contest to see who could seduce me. They pooled their money and purchased a nude statuette of Artemis, the virgin goddess of the hunt in Greek mythology. My seducer was to be awarded the statuette as a trophy. The statuette was more explicit than the statues made during the golden age of Greece. The nipples protruded. The hairless vulva had a slit in it. I did not learn about the contest until the man who won explained it to me...

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Average Guy Contest

It had been a long day at work and all I wanted to do was wind down with a nice cold beer. As I sat at the bar I could feel the tension leaving my body. I noticed someone move in and sit on the stool next to me even though there were several empty stools on each side. I was looking down as I noticed two beautiful long legs being revealed by a very short dress. I was instantly snapped out of my funk as I raised my eyes. Her hips were slim and her stomach was flat as her dress pressed...

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Entering a stripper contest

My girlfriend Helena had told me about a bar which offered amateur erotic dancing on weekends allowing women to get as naked as they dared on stage.Helena said that she and her lovely hubby used to go there. She had got many tips as she stripped naked and had mounted some hard black dicks during some private dances; as her hubby watched her…My loving Victor had often wanted me to participate but I was afraid I could not turn back once I had a black monster cock in my hands.Or even worse; the...

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Fun Contest

Written by PM on 07-09-201507-06-2015 20h: I'm come back from pool ...Another fun time !I edge in cubicle before going to shower (I have a big spot on swimsuit ... LOL ... but nobody see it ...)With my red swimsuit, I catch attention !Two guys (+/- 20y) ask me if I work here. I say no but I know well the mouth to mouth (bouche à bouche / réanimation in french), with my best slutty face ... They turn red quickly ... We talk about. They don't have girlfriend, so I propose to have fun with them....

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Futa Fairies Naughty GameChapter 6 Dr Rita Officer Cindyrsquos Naughty Contest

Ms. Ji-Woo Kim Triumph surged through me as I rammed my clit-dick into the Summer futa lying frozen on the banks of the Year’s Divide thanks to my powers. I had just vanquished her companion, a teenage futa named Cassie. Now I would defeat another of Summer’s champions. Two out of five down in minutes. We would win. I wouldn’t lose my futa-dick and— When my crotch smacked into the Arab futa’s body she slid across the sandy beach like she was coated in grease. She popped off my dick as she...

1 year ago
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Slick Cum Contest

Jill and I had a masturbation contest with Jimmy and Ann last night. We'd all had way too much to drink and the conversation had drifted to wanking and different ways to do it. Soon Jim and I were bragging about how long we can keep it up and how far we can shoot. Ann rolled her eyes like she's heard it all a million times before. Jill, however, was more engaged. I could see her nipples swelling against the nylon cup of her bra and making very noticeable points in the front of her blouse. I was...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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The Reluctant Contestant

"Come on, George, it won't hurt anything and just by participating we'll get to do a lot of traveling to places we've always talked about going to!" George rubbed his chin and gazed at his still young-looking and pretty wife of 27 years. "I don't know," he said. "It's really not the kind of thing I'm into at all. In fact, I'm a little scared ... What if I win?" Dorothy laughed heartily. "George, this is YOU we're talking about! Do you really believe you can win?" George shook...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

Porn Trends