The Sales Contest free porn video

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The Sales Contest By Mister Double-U It was Thursday, and the sales force for EC Electronics, Inc. sat around the long table in the conference room. At the head, was EC Electronics himself, Mr. EC Morgan. EC started this company 15 years ago when the electronics field was just getting underway. We weren't really big; so we didn't have the means to mass-produce our product. Therefore, we were only concentrating in one or two states. This helped us keep a quality product for a reasonable cost. We sat quietly around the table; Ed Hall - Northern Division, Tom Dasher - Eastern Division, Andrea Servile - Western Division and Me, Bob Beverly - Central Division. "The numbers look great this month." EC said. He stood tall at the head of the table, his blue eyes bright. He wore a wrinkled suit and chomped on a soggy cigar. "Everyone's done very well. And again, the big winners this month were Bob and Andi. Congratulations!" He clapped and the others followed. I always did well. I have a great core of customers. Andi did well too, but for other reasons. I sat in my chair, staring at Andi. She was an attractive girl; 28 years old, long auburn hair, big green eyes, angelic face. Very innocent looking. But she had a body that could stop traffic; long shapely legs from hours at the gym, a petite, curvy body and a huge set of tits. "Andi's getting pretty close to your numbers Bob." EC continued. "You'd better be careful." He smiled. "Sure. No problem." I said sarcastically. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Andi yelled. I leaned into her. We've always had a healthy rivalry. I inhaled deeply. He perfume was intoxicating. Another weapon in her sales arsenal. "Doesn't mean anything, Andi." I replied. "Only that you'll never get close to my numbers. I'm just a better sales rep than you." "Is that so?" she replied. She stood up. Her breasts hung over the table as she leaned forward. Oh, how I'd love to jump her. "I know I can easily beat you." I laughed. "HA! The only reason you've gotten this far is because you have some 'extra' advantages over the other guys. If you were a man, you'd never be as good as you are." I thought EC would shit his pants. I smiled broadly and winked to the other guys. "Come on Bob." EC said. "Andi's as good as anyone here." "Oh wake up, EC." I said. "Look at her. She's adorable." I moved my hand up and down to show her off. She stood up and put her hands on her hips. "How DARE you!" she screamed. "I've worked hard to get where I am. And it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm a woman. I'm a damn good sales rep." Her screaming caused her tits to bounce up and down. Oh man!! "Whatever." I replied and leaned back in the chair. "Ok, Bob. If that's how you really feel, how about a contest?" She said. "No problem." I laughed. "I can outsell a girl like you with both hands tied behind my back. It's talent that really matters. Not looks." "Great. If you think that the only reason I outsell you is that I'm a woman, I suggest that we change roles. I'll dress like a man and you dress like a woman. Then we'll see who's the better rep." She said, smiling broadly. "Huh?" I replied. "You heard me." She continued. "I'll bet that I can sell more product as a man then you can as a woman." "I think you've finally lost your mind, Andi." I replied. "Chicken!" she yelled. "Or is it that you know I'm right?" "You're insane, that's what you are." I said. "How could you possibly pull this off?" "Don't worry about that." She replied. "Question is, are you man enough to take the challenge?" I sat quietly in the chair. How in the hell could she do that? She leaned over again, her breasts strained against her blouse. "All right, you two." EC chimed in. "This isn't the place to discuss this." "Ok, sure. What the fuck?" I said finally. She smiled. "But, it's got to be worth my while." I finished. "What do you want?" she asked. I smiled. I really wanted her. I wanted to be the guy to rip off those tight little dresses she wore and feast on the flesh underneath. I wanted to ram my cock into her tight pussy. I'll bet she's a virgin too. But no. She wouldn't go for that?.or would she? "You." I answered, taking a huge chance. "I want your body. For whenever and however I please to use it." She smiled again. "Done. And if I win?" "What do you want?" "I want your sales commissions for the past month. And I want you to admit that I'm a better salesperson than you. That I got where I am because of my abilities, not my looks." She said. I thought for a second. That's a shitload of cash. "Sure." I said. "But it's not gonna happen. I'm going to beat the pants off you." I smiled. "We'll see." She said. "Now, we can't do it in our regular districts. That wouldn't be fair." "Agreed." I responded. I turned to EC. "Is there a new area you want to try? A place we haven't been to before?" Andi reached into her briefcase and pulled out a file. "I took the liberty of talking to the R & D boys." She said opening the file. "They think that we have a great opportunity in the Southern Part of the state. We'd been reluctant to go there due to our lack of promotion. But over the past 6 months, we've had very good word of mouth and they think the time is right to try." She pushed the folder over to EC, who looked at it curiously. "Ok. We'll give it a shot." He said. "Ed and Tom will temporarily handle your areas while this little contest of yours is underway." Andi sat down. "We'll take a week. At the end of that time, the representative with the biggest sales volume wins. Ok?" I smiled. "No problem. You haven't got a chance." EC continued the meeting and when he adjourned, Andi walked over to me. "Ready to start?" she asked. "Sure." I replied. "Good." She smiled evilly. I wonder if I should have thought this through better. "Meet me at this address in two hours. Pack enough clothes for a weeks sales trip." She handed me a piece of paper with an address on the other side of town and walked out the door. I checked out her ass as she left. Oh man! Can't wait until I win and chew on that thing. I smiled to myself as I headed home. Once there, I grabbed my large suitcase and threw in the necessary items for a week's trip; suits, shirts, ties, shoes, underwear and socks, and all the necessary toiletries. I picked up my cell phone and dialed Andi's number. "I'm on my way." I said. "Great. I'll meet you there." She hung up. I hopped into my car and drove to the address that Andi wrote down. It was an old warehouse on the other side of town. One lone streetlight showed the address as I pulled in. The large sign above the door read 'Dolly Switch, Inc.'. What the hell was that? I stopped and walked in. Andi's car was already there and she was standing in the lobby waiting for me. "Come on." She said, picking up her suitcase. She led me through a door and down a long hallway. At the end was another door with an 'Authorized Personnel Only' sign on it. We walked through that door and into a large open area. At the end of the room, was a huge machine with two large glass tubes. An intricate control panel sat about 15 feet from the machine and behind it was another beautiful woman. I wonder if they all hang out together? "Bob Beverly, meet Dr. Christine Contares." I held out my hand and she shook it. "Christine's a leading expert on switching." "Switching?" I asked, putting down my suitcase. "What's that?" Dr. Contares was a short woman with dark black hair pulled up in a bun and black framed glasses. "Switching, Mr. Beverly, is a process by which two people change bodies." She turned back to the console and played with the controls. "It's a fairly new process but has been successful with laboratory animals." "Uh huh." I replied slowly. "I really have no idea what you're talking about. This seems impossible." "It's very possible, Bob." Andi said. "And this is how I plan to pull off our bet." She walked over to the machine and lifted one of the glass tubes. She ducked under it and sat down on a small chair inside. Dr. Contares walked over to the machine and lifted the second tube. "If you please, Mr. Beverly." I walked over and sat down in the chair. We sat facing each other. The tubes lowered and she spoke into a microphone. The straps on the chair closed around my hands and feet. "There is nothing to worry about, I assure you. Now, will both of you please pick up the headpiece sitting next to you and put it on." She said. I picked up the piece and watched as Andi put hers on her head. I followed and heard a loud buzzing sound. I looked at Andi again and noticed the lights on the headpiece starting to flash. I figure mine must be doing the same thing. "Please keep your eyes open." Dr. Contares said. "It is very important to the switching process." I shrugged my shoulders and looked closely at Andi. She was a beautiful woman. Her long red hair fell softly around her shoulders and stopped at the top of her breasts. Her nipples showed distinctly through her thin shirt. I can't wait to get my hands on her. I smiled broadly. The buzzing sound got louder and louder and suddenly a flash of white light burst through the tubes. "Remember, keep your eyes open." Dr. Contares repeated. I struggled to do as she asked as the light blinded me. I felt it burn through my eyes and deep into my brain. I screamed, but couldn't hear anything over the buzzing. I tried to pull my hands out of the straps on the chair, but couldn't. A minute or so later, the noise stopped and the light faded. It took a few moments for my eyes to adjust back to the dimmer light of the lab. I could see faintly Dr. Contares walk over and lift up the tube. She ducked under and loosened the straps on my wrists. "How do you feel?" she asked. "Like I've been hit by a freight train." I replied. Except the voice wasn't mine. It was Andi's. I blinked a few times and looked down. The hands were long and thin and had deep red nails on them. My legs were thin and covered in black stockings. "What the???" I jumped up and ran out of the tube. "What happened?" My body was still in the chair under the tube. Dr. Contares walked over and undid the straps on that chair. My body stood up and walked out from under the tube. "What happened?" I screamed. "What did you do?" "It's called switching for a reason, Bob." Andi said. "You're now in my body and I'm in yours. That's the bet, remember?" "I didn't expect this." I replied my hands on my hips. "What did you expect?" Andi replied. I wasn't sure how to answer that. I don't know what I expected. "I thought it was all a joke." I said. Andi continued. "Wonderful job, Christine." She said. Andi opened her suitcase and pulled out a map. She opened it on a large table next to the machine. I slowly walked over to it, nearly tripping on my high heels. "Not so easy, is it?" she said. I grumbled. "Ok. Here's the map of the area. I'll take this section." She circled a large area on the map. "And this is yours." She circled another area. "Each have an equal number of potential stores and clients for us." She closed up the map and handed it to me. "EC already reserved rooms for us at the Marriott and the Sheraton. You have a week. Good luck, you'll need it." She smiled and walked out the door. I grabbed her suitcase and followed quickly. I noticed that I had to take longer steps to keep up with her. These heels didn't make things easier and I fell two or three times before I got to the door. My car was already gone when I climbed into hers. I drove carefully out of the parking lot and into the street. The Sheraton was about an hours ride from the factory, so I had some time to figure out my new body. I took a quick glance at my breasts. They looked better close up then they did across the conference table. I moved a hand off the wheel and ran my fingernails over my breast through the thin shirt. Oh shit! That feels good. I looked farther down at my long legs covered in black. I moved my hand to touch them. Amazing! Fuck, that feels good. Oh, that kinky devil is wearing stockings and not pantyhose. A loud horn and bright headlights jolted me back to attention. I think I'll explore more when I get to the hotel. I turned on the radio. Wonderful, nothing on. There was a tape sitting in the player. I pushed it in. Andi's voice came on as soothing music played in the background. "Hi Bob. Just thought I'd use this opportunity to give you a few quick pointers. First, and most important; never, ever play with yourself while driving. Although, by now you might have already done that." I blushed. "Second, this body will seem odd to you. It's a lot smaller and more fragile than your old male body. You'll find that it's more difficult for you to do certain things. You'll have to adjust. Also, don't forget to sit down when you pee. There's nothing worse than a wet leg." Gee thanks, Andi. I listened to the rest of the tape as I drove. It explained important things like how to put on stockings and a bra and to remember to wipe after you go to the bathroom. It also included a detailed makeup lesson. "Go easy on the foundation." It said. "I have a very smooth and clear complexion and it won't take much to do what it has to." The tape ended with "Good luck, Bob. But I'm still going to kick your ass." She giggled. I pulled up in front of the Sheraton Hotel and stopped. A valet came over, took my keys and unpacked my suitcase. I went to pick it up and take it inside. "Oh no, ma'am. Allow me." He said. This is definitely going to take some getting used to. There was a tall man with white hair at the front desk. I could tell that he was checking me out as I struggled to walk over there. "May I help you ma'am?" he asked, his voice deep and booming. "Uh, yes. I have a reservation. The name is?." I paused a second. "Andrea Servile." I smiled back. He checked out the computer. "Ah. Here we are." He reached back and took a key off a large board. "Room 630. I hope you'll be very comfortable." He smiled broadly again. This was making me a bit nervous. I grabbed the key and he tapped a small bell. A bellhop walked over to the desk. He couldn't have been more than 17. "Take Ms. Servile to Room 630, please." The bellhop nodded and grabbed my suitcase. I smiled back again, nervously, and struggled to walk across the lobby and into the elevator. We rode silently up to the sixth floor. The door opened and he took me down the hall and into my room. "Thank you very much." I said, handing him a Five-Dollar bill. He smiled back and left. I picked up the suitcase and dropped it on the double bed. "Let's see what we have here." I said to myself. Opening the case, I discovered the worst; everything she packed was short dresses and skirts, sexy nightgowns, stiletto heels and thigh high stockings. "Wonderful." I said. I opened the map and checked out my new territory. I decided to start from the northern area and work my way south. That way I could cover more area in a week. I checked the clock. 10:30. I'd better get some sleep if I'm going to start bright and early tomorrow. I started taking off my clothes. Slowly, I removed the thin blouse and skirt, catching my reflection in the mirror. I've always wanted to see Andi naked. Wearing only the bra, panties, stockings and garter, and shoes, I walked over to the full-length mirror and stared at this gorgeous woman. I reached back and found the snaps for the bra. It took a bit of effort but I managed to undo it. Her tits?well, my tits now, bounced freely from their confines. The nipples were huge and hard. I ran a finger over them and got an incredible sensation over my entire body. Next, I reached down and removed the small pink panties. Andi was completely shaved. Oh shit! With one hand still playing with my breasts, I took the other and moved it slowly down this smooth body. The skin was like silk. I reached around the garter belt and found the moist pussy lips. My hands moved around until I was able to stick two fingers deep inside. It was like nothing I'd ever felt before. I stepped back, using my one hand to find the edge of the bed. I jumped on and looked back in the mirror. This beautiful woman, her long auburn hair falling softly over her firm tits with her legs spread, fingering herself stared back at me. The sight of myself clad just in stocking and a garter belt made me even more wet and excited. I needed something. On a hunch, I stopped playing with myself and opened the suitcase again. I rummaged through the nightgowns, suits and other clothes until I found a small plastic bag. I unzipped it and pulled out a few items, among them a long pink dildo and a short black butt plug. I put the plug down and lay back on the bed. The dildo easily slipped into my wet pussy. I stroked it in and out slowly, as I saw in numerous porn movies. I looked in the mirror again. This was incredible. I moved my free hand to the top of my lips and rubbed roughly. Waves of pleasure ran through my body. I moved the dildo faster and faster, in and out of my hot pussy. I wanted to scream, but didn't want to wake up the entire hotel. "Oh shit. Yes! Yes!" I said as quietly as possible. I bit my lip to keep from screaming too loud. After about 10 minutes, I came. Or at least I guess that's what it was. My entire body shook, my mouth was incredibly dry and I was sweating. I finished and stood up. My hair was a complete mess and sweat covered almost my entire body. I took the dildo into the bathroom and dropped it in the sink. I took off the stockings and garter belt and tossed them in a laundry bag next to the front door. All I wanted to do was go to bed, but I remembered that Andi had said on the tape that I should wash off my makeup before heading to bed. I pulled all the makeup supplies out of the suitcase and dragged my tired body to the bathroom. I washed my face and removed the makeup as she instructed on the tape, then found a small, white sheer nightie and crawled into bed. I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow. *** The phone rang and I leaned over to grab it. "Hello?" I said, my voice groggy. It threw me for a moment. Then I remembered where I was and how I'd gotten there. "Miss Servile? This is your 6:30 wakeup call." The cheery voice at the other end proclaimed. I hate happy people at 6:30 in the morning. "Uh, thank you." I replied. "You're welcome." He continued. "And thank you for staying at the wonderful?.." I slammed the phone down and crawled out of bed. I took off the nightie and threw it in a heap on the floor. I absently ran my hand over my face, forgetting that today I didn't need a shave. My hand dropped and brushed against my leg. That is, my face didn't need a shave. Ugh. I went into the suitcase and pulled out the toiletries; shampoo, conditioner, body wash and a razor with some shaving cream. This should be fun. I turned the water on and read the can of shaving gel. "Spray gel into hand and work into rich lather. Spread evenly across legs, underarms or bikini area. Use (our company) razor for best results." The hot water felt good against my naked body. I watched as the water bounced off my breasts. My nipples were erect. "Ok, let's not start that again." I said. I sprayed out the gel and did what the directions to me to. I smoothed it on to my left leg first. Andi's legs were so soft and creamy. I picked up the razor and ran it slowly across the leg. Not too bad. Twenty minutes and 5 or 6 nicks later, I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around my chest and another in my hair, like they did in the movies. Taking out the suitcase again, I found the necessary undergarments and put them on carefully. In the suitcase, were a number of short skits, tops and shoes. I took out all of them and hung them up in the closet, then stared at it trying to make some kind of sense of what I had here. I cautiously picked out a suit with a red jacket and skirt and a white sheer top. I put them on and noticed that I could clearly see my bra underneath. That can't be right. I rummaged through the case to find something else to wear. Oh well. I slipped on my shoes and headed slowly out the door and down to the lobby for some breakfast. The coffee shop was packed. Just about every table was occupied. The hostess managed to find me a small two-person table on the side of the room. The waitress came over and handed me a menu. "What would you like hon?" she asked. "Just coffee, thanks." I replied. She smiled and took the menu. An older man, probably in his late 40's, walked over to the table. "Excuse me." He said. "But can I buy you a cup of coffee?" He sat down in the chair across from me. "Uh, I already bought some." I replied, as the waitress put the cup in front of me. The man took out a dollar and gave it to the waitress. "No you didn't." he replied, smiling. "What brings you here?" I took a sip of coffee. It was ok. I poured a little cream and put some sugar in it. "I'm a sales rep for EC Electronics. We make components for small business computers, you know, memory, hard drives. Stuff like that." "How interesting." He replied. His mind clearly wasn't on the conversation. "How long are you staying in town, sweetheart?" Sweetheart? Who the hell does he think I am? I was just about to tell him what to do with his 'sweetheart' when the waitress came back over. "Need a refill, hon?" she asked. She leaned down and poured a small amount of coffee in my cup. "You really need to wear something under that shirt. We can see everything." She whispered and leaned back. I looked up at her and she nodded. I quickly got up out of my chair. "I need to run. I'm late for an appointment." I replied. The waitress was heading back towards the kitchen. I ran over to her. "I need some help." I said to her. The man at the table was checking me out again. She looked at me as if I had two heads. "Please." I continued. She must have felt sorry for me. She took off her apron and led me by the hand over to the hotel clothing shop. We walked over to the undergarments and she took a small, white top off the rack. "This is a camisole. You need to wear this under your sheer tops." She said, handing it to me. I felt like crying. I ran into the changing room and removed my jacket and top. I put on the cami and got dressed again. Major difference. I walked out and she was still standing there, smiling. "Much better." She replied. "Thank you so much. I really appreciate it." I said. "My name's Andi." I held out my hand. She took it. "Hazel." She said. "Haven't you ever worn anything like that before?" Had to think quickly. Why would a 20 something year old never known about this stuff. "In my last job, I wore T-shirts and jeans. Never had to bother with this sort of stuff." I answered. She seemed to believe it. She turned to walk away. "Hold on Hazel." She stopped. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a $5 bill. "An added tip for the coffee." I smiled. She smiled back and walked back to the coffee shop. I recomposed myself and headed out the door and into the street. It was much more difficult to walk in these heels in the street then it was in the hotel lobby. Even though the first appointment was only 3 blocks away, I decided to take a cab. The first stop was JR's computer shop. Looked like every other shop I'd ever tried to make a sale in. I walked in and a small bell rang over the door. The man behind the counter was an overweight, balding man in a "Planet Hollywood" polo shirt. I strolled up to the counter. "Hello, is the owner in?" I asked. "That would be me, little lady." He replied, smiling broadly. "What can I do for you?" I went into my normal sales pitch. I could tell that he wasn't paying much attention to what I was saying. His eyes drifted up and down my body. It was slightly unsettling. I showed him the latest products and told him how it would benefit him to purchase from us. A perfect presentation. "So, how many can I put you down for?" I said, when I finished. "I don't know?." He said, eyeing me again. "I'm really not in the market for any new product." He stared at my breasts and practically starting drooling. May as well use this to my best advantage. I was out to win this contest after all. I leaned in close so that my boobs were resting on the counter and few inches from his face. The blouse I wore showed off a lot of cleavage. "Well, what can I do to convince you that ours is the better product?" I asked, seductively. I felt very silly talking like that. He started to sweat. "Uh, well?" "How about if I give you a personal demonstration?" I continued. I put my elbows on the counter and rested my head in my hands. I'd seen girls do this plenty of times. It should work. "Uh, sure. Yeah, sure." He answered. "Come on back. Mickey, watch the store!" He walked away from the counter and opened the small door leading to the back. I strolled through the door and he led me to a back room loaded with computers. "How 'bout this one?" he asked. I put down the bag on the table and took out one of our processors. I grabbed a screwdriver and opened the computer and replaced what was in there with one of our pieces. There was a mirror above the desk and I could see that he was paying more attention to my legs than what I was doing to his products. I wiggled my ass as I fitted the piece inside. "Ok, let's turn this bad boy on." I said. He smiled nervously. It was simple to prove that we had better stuff than what he was using. I think I could have been selling pork rinds and it wouldn't have made a difference. I moved my leg and rubbed casually against his calf. "What do you think now?" I asked when I finished. He swallowed hard. "Very impressive." He said. I'm sure he wasn't talking about the processor. I turned around. He was about 5 inches from my face. "Can I put you down for 15 cases?" I purred. I grabbed a sales book out of the briefcase and wrote up an order. "Just sign here and I'll be back to deliver them in a week." I held the pen and pad up to his face. I brushed against his leg again. That was all it took. He grabbed the pad out of my hand and signed the order form. I took it back and dropped it into the case. "You can keep that one." I said, referring to the one I put in the computer. "I'll just take it off the initial order." I strolled past him and headed back out the door. He stood there, his mouth open, stunned. I blew him a little kiss, just for fun, smiled and walked out into the street. I knew that's how Andi was doing it. Touting her feminine wilds and getting all those sales. This was going to be easier than I thought. The next shop was a block away. I figured I could use the exercise and walked there. This store was Jaguar Computers. In the store window were 5 or 6 overpriced personal computers. Things that would be obsolete by the time the customer got them out of the store. I strolled in. A young man with thick glasses was sitting behind the counter playing Tech-monsters, one of the newer games on the market. Wasn't worth wasting any effort on. "Excuse me." I said strolling up to the counter. He never looked up. "Is the owner in?" "She's in the back." He replied, still not looking up from the game. "What do you need?" "I'd rather talk to her directly." I said. I strummed my fingernails on the counter. He struggled to defeat some monster in the game. "Oh damn!" he yelled as the familiar sound of a hero being eaten filled the room. He finally looked up. "Oh, hi." He said. "Uh, Miss Thompson's in the back. I'll get her for you." He quickly got up off the stool and came back a moment later with Miss Thompson. She definitely wasn't the typical computer geek. Tall, leggy blond with clear blue eyes. She wore a tight T-shirt and daisy duke shorts. She strolled up to the counter and I felt myself thinking about how I'd love to fuck her. "May I help you?" she asked. She had a deep, seductive voice. I quickly composed myself. "Hi, Miss Thompson is it?" She nodded. I continued. "I'm Andi Servile from EC Electronics." "Miss Servile, I'm really not interested in purchasing anything at this time. I'm sorry to waste your time." She said. I had this type before. Her mouth says no, but her eyes say 'Show me more'. "I respect that." I said. "But I'd only like a few moments of your time. If you don't like what you see, I'll leave and never bother you again." I put my case on the counter and opened it up. She sighed. "Fine. Fine. But please make it quick. I'm a very busy person." She walked seductively towards a room in the back. The kid with the glasses quickly buzzed me in and I followed her. She not only had a pretty face and nice tits, but a fantastic ass and great looking legs. The entire package. We walked into a small office loaded with computer equipment. She closed the door behind me and sat down at the desk. I sat in the small chair on the other side. I reached into the case and pulled out another processor. "I have to level with you, Andi." She said. "I don't really know anything about computers. My partner and I bought the shop about a year ago. I wouldn't know one end from the other." She smiled. "That's ok, Miss Thompson." I replied, smiling back. "Call me Emma." She said. "Ok, Emma." I said. "You won't need to know much about computers themselves. I'll show you exactly why we're better than everyone else without all the mumbo jumbo." I smiled again. "My partner makes all the buying decisions." She said, walking to my side of the desk. She sat in the chair next to mine. "But I'm willing to hear what you have to say." She put her hand on my knee and rubbed my stockinged leg. Oh man! She's a lesbian! I leaned over and softly pressed my lips on hers. She responded by passionately returning my kiss and placing her tongue deep into my mouth. Her hands started removing my small jacket and unbuttoning my blouse. I put my hand on her leg and moved up and under the shorts she wore. I maneuvered my fingers and found her pussy hair. I played with it with my fingers and she finally took off my shirt. I pulled my hand out and took off my skirt, revealing just my panties and stockings. She dropped to her knees and pulled down my panties. My hairless pussy stood there waiting for her. She licked up my leg and up to my pussy. She was so fucking good! I ran my fingers through her hair as she started eating me out. She moaned slightly as she continued. I helped her up and removed her small T-shirt. She wasn't wearing a bra. I leaned over and started nibbling and licking her nipples and running my tongue along the outside of her breast. With my free hands, I quickly removed the shorts. She wasn't wearing any underwear. My fingers went back to her pussy and again played with her pubic hair. I could tell she was getting wet. I moved my finger and ran them around her lips then, one I found her hole, stuck two fingers in and out of her. "Oh! Yes! More! More!" she yelled. I smiled. After a few moments, she stopped me and walked back to the front of the desk. She reached into one of the drawers and pulled out a dildo. It was two headed and about 20 inches long. The head looked like it would rip me apart. She walked back over and had me lay with her down on the floor. She expertly maneuvered the head into her wet pussy and slid the other side into me. I was only able to take about 6 inches of the dildo, but she slid in until she was right up against me. She wiggled around and I could feel my side of the toy moving inside me. It was amazing. I wiggled a bit and she started to scream. "Don't stop!" she yelled. She grabbed my hand and roughly put them on her breasts. I pinched her nipples and she moved faster against me. I felt waves of excitement building up inside me. I bit my lip as I felt myself cum. She followed quickly, but was far from quiet. "Oh!! FUCK YES!! OH OH OH!!" She screamed, then collapsed in a heap on the floor. I slowly and weakly slid myself out from the dildo. I was a complete mess. The cum had run down my legs and stained the tops of my stockings. She was lying next to me, breathing incredibly heavy. Her large breasts moved up and down with each breath. I stood up, my legs still weak, and put my clothes back on. She looked up at me. "What company did you say you're from again?" she asked, still out of breath. I swallowed hard. "EC Electronics." She stood up; her body was glistening from the sweat. She walked over to the desk and looked at the sales book. She signed the blank purchase order. "Put down whatever amount you want." She said. "I'm sure I can convince my partner to buy them." She walked back over and kissed me deeply. I returned the kiss and buttoned my blouse. "I will. Thank you Emma." I said. I grabbed my briefcase, tried to fix my hair and walked out the door. I decided that I needed a break before I went on to my next client. I headed back to the hotel. I managed to get across the lobby and into my room without too much trouble. I flopped down on the bed and kicked the shoes off my feet. The phone woke me out of a sound sleep. I groggily rolled over and picked it up. "Hello?" "Hi Bob. Are you having fun?" the voice on the other side said. The sound jolted me awake. It was my voice. "Andi." I replied. "Of course, silly." She replied. "Are you having fun?" "Oh yeah. Loads of fun." I said sarcastically. Actually, I was. "Good. How'd you like to meet for dinner? We can discuss our progress." I looked over at the clock. 6:30. "What time?" I asked. "Let's say 7:30. That should give me enough time to get myself together." She replied. Get together? What the hell did she have to do? "Ok. Sure." I said. "How about downstairs here at my hotel?" "Great. I'll meet you there." She said and hung up. I put the phone down and looked in the mirror. I looked like shit. My hair was all tangled and the makeup I wore was caked all over the sheets. I got up and took off the clothes I wore all day. In the shower, I washed off all the makeup and shampooed my hair. Was tough getting all the knots out. When I was done, I dried my hair and reapplied my makeup. I glanced over at the clock. 7:10. I went into the closet and found a short blue skirt and light blue top. I put the bra and panties back on. Decided not to wear any stockings this time. I finished getting dressed and took the elevator to the lobby. Andi was waiting there, wearing a dark blue suit. It's tough enough to look at yourself in a mirror every day, but it's more difficult to see yourself through someone else's eyes. I saw myself through Andi's eyes. I was still pretty good looking. But I was able to notice a few things; my hair was beginning to gray along the temples and thin just a bit on the top, My suits weren't fitting me as well as they did a few years ago, and I needed to buy a new pair of glasses. Maybe it was finally time for contacts. We met in front of the front desk. "Hello Bob." Andi said. "Or should I just call you Andi?" She smiled. "Call me, winner." I replied. "Since I'm still going to kick your ass in this contest." "We can discuss that later. How about some dinner first?" I nodded. We walked over to the restaurant and sat down at a small table. The waiter came over and lit a candle. How romantic. Yuck! "Now, let's get down to business." I said. "Order first." She replied. I sighed. The waiter returned with a bottle of champagne and two glasses. "What's this for?" I asked. "I'm trying to make nice." Andi replied. I sighed again as she poured us each a glass. "To healthy competition." She finished. We clinked glasses and the waiter returned. Andi ordered me a Caesar Salad and herself a steak for dinner. "Now, let's talk." She said. "How have you been doing?" I smiled. I certainly wasn't going to tell her. "I'm doing ok, I think. Got a few sales. Nothing much. How about you?" She leaned back in the seat. I needed to go on a diet when I returned to my own body. "Doing excellent." She said, almost gloating. "Got a 5 case sale today and two more to see tomorrow." She put her hands behind her head. "That's wonderful." I replied, not daring to tell her about the 15 I got this morning plus Emma's 'fill in whatever amount you want' order. "How are you finding sales as a man? Is it any harder?" "Not really." She said. "Just have to become a bit more manly and aggressive. Chat about football or some such nonsense and then close the sale. It'll be good experience for when this is over. I'll have a better idea of what goes through a man's mind." I smiled. I know exactly what goes through a man's mind. I experienced it twice today. "How about you? Is selling computer equipment more difficult as a woman?" she continued. "Not at all." I said. "I haven't had any problems today." "See, I told you." She said, gleefully. "I'm just as good a sales rep as you are. And it has nothing to do with my womanly charms. It's all talent and skill." Dinner came and I slowly ate my salad. Not really what I wanted. I'll grab something else later. She devoured the steak. She inhaled it. My mouth watered just watching her. The waiter took the dishes away and Andi poured another glass of champagne. "No no." I said, trying to get up from the table. "I think I've had enough." I only drank two glasses. I can usually down almost an entire bottle and not feel it. I fell back into the chair. "Guess I don't know my own limit." Andi walked over and helped me out of the chair. She reached into her pocket and pulled out two fifties and dropped them on the table. "Want me to help you to the room?" she asked. I thought about it a moment. "No. That's ok." I said. I didn't want her to see my sales books. I slowly walked out of the restaurant and across the lobby. I know I didn't do a great job walking. The desk clerk spotted me lumbering across the hotel. "Let me help you Miss Servile." he said, grabbing my arm. "Thank you." I said, slurring my words. Guess I was worse than I thought. He helped me across the lobby and up to my room. I fumbled for my key in the hallway. He took out the master key and opened the door. He helped me across the room and I fell down on the bed. I lay on the bed, looking up at him. He walked over and slowly started taking my clothes off. First my shoes, which he carefully put in the closet. Next, he sat me up and took off my top, then pulled off my skirt leaving me in my bra and panties. He rolled me over and undid the clasp on my bra. My tits spilled out. I tried to say something, but the effect of the champagne left me speechless. He turned and walked over to the drawer. He lifted a few items and smiled. "What have we here?" he asked, holding up the dildos. "Quite a collection you have here, ma'am." He finished, pulling out the battery operated one. He removed my panties and spread my legs. "This won't hurt. I promise." He said, slowly moving it into my waiting pussy. He turned the motor on and it began to hum and vibrate. He grabbed a few pairs of stockings out of the drawer. Quickly, he tied my legs together. The vibration of the dildo pressed against my body. I was shaking. Then he secured my legs to the bed with another stocking. He grabbed my hands and tied each one to the bedposts. "Uh?." I said. It was the only word I could get out. "It's ok." He said. He took my panties and shoved them into my mouth and put a piece of tape over my mouth. "So you don't wake anyone up." He took the remote control and turned it up a few notches. The vibrations increased and my body shook with excitement. My pussy was wet again and dripping all over the bed sheets. He walked over to the door and opened it. Andi walked in. "Should have let me help you to your room." She said, smiling. I tried to see what she was doing, but as I got more excited, it became hard to focus. Andi walked over to the other bed and looked in my briefcase. She opened it and pulled out my sales book. Serves me right for not sending them in right away. "A very nice 15 case order." She said, folding it and putting it in her jacket pocket. "That'll help me a lot." She walked over and ran her hands over my erect nipples. More waves of pleasure ran through my body. She leaned over and nibbled on them. My body arched, as I knew I must have cum another two or three times. She smiled evilly. "Enjoy yourself. Someone will be here in the morning to let you out." She turned towards the door. The desk clerk turned the controls up all the way. "That was always my favorite toy." They left the room and turned out the lights. The champagne still made my head woozy. I tried to struggle against my bonds, but this guy knew what he was doing. I lay there, the vibrator going at full blast. As soon as I started to drift off, the vibrator would hit a sensitive spot and I would wake up cumming all over the bed again. *** The sun showed through my hotel room window. The door opened and a young man in a T-shirt walked in. He dropped the key on the night table and walked over to the bed. He took the remote and slowly turned the vibrator off. My legs felt like rubber. He leaned over and untied my legs from the bed and then untied them. He did the same with each of my arms and took the tape off my mouth. I spit the panties out. "You won't be able to move for a few minutes, Miss Servile." He said. He walked over to the bathroom and took a towel out of the closet. He turned the shower on and wet the towel, then brought it over to me. He lifted my hips and placed it under my ass and swollen pussy lips. The cool water felt so good. He took out a washcloth, put it under the water and placed in on my forehead. "You'll feel better in a few moments." He said and walked out the door. My head was spinning and my pussy felt like it had been through a tenderizer. I turned my head and looked at the clock. 8:00. I was planning on seeing another customer at 9:00. I slowly sat up. Ugh! My head felt worse than my body. I made my way out of bed and into the bathroom. I made the mistake of looking in the mirror. At least I looked as bad as I felt. My hair was tangled, again. Tearstains ran down my face. My mascara was destroyed and my lipstick, of course, was gone thanks to the tape on my face. I turned and saw the sales book on the bed. I walked back and looked inside. I knew the 15 case order from JR's shop was gone. The blank order from Emma was still there though; all signed and ready to be sent in. I sat down and filled out the order. Sorry Emma, this is unfortunately going to cost you an extra 15 cases. I wrote up the order for 100 cases of product and slipped it in the drawer with my nightgowns, then went back into the bathroom. I took a quick shower, fixed my makeup, got dressed in a smart gray pinstripe suit and got ready to go. I grabbed the order for Emma and headed out the door. I found a fax machine and sent the invoice to EC. At least she can't take that one now. *** For the rest of the week, the orders were uneventful. I used the same feminine charms that got me my first order with JR's and managed to pick up an extra 30 cases. My last customer was going to be the chain stores. Most of them only ordered through their corporate offices located on the West Coast. And I already had most of those. This was a new chain; American Computers. I needed to get in and talk to the head guy. The store was huge. It was a warehouse style store with hundreds of pre built computers as well as parts and accessories. This would definitely put me over the top. I decided I would wear something special. Andi had packed a short gray skirt and tight top. I took great care to make sure that my appearance was perfect. I bought a push-up bra at a local department store and wore that under the top. I had seemed stockings and 5" black stiletto heels. "Hi." I said to the kid behind the counter. He wore a nametag; Bernie. "Hi Bernie. Can I speak to Mr. Godfrey?" I managed to find a copy of their annual report. Mr. Hiram Godfrey was the CEO and head buyer for American. I thought this kid's eyes would pop out of his head. He stared at my cleavage and picked up the phone. "Mr. Godfrey, front desk please. Mr. Godfrey, front desk." He said into the phone. A moment later, a tall, thin Middle Eastern man walked up to the counter. "I'm Mr. Godfrey. May I help you, miss?" He asked. I extended my hand. "Hello, sir. My name is Andi Servile and I represent EC Electronics Company. I'd like just a moment of your time to discuss our latest products, which I know would be a great fit for your organization." His eyes traced my body. I could tell he liked what he saw. "I don't have a lot of time today, Miss?." His voice trailed off. "Servile. Andi Servile." I said. "Sorry." He replied, smiling. "As I said, I don't have a lot of time, but if you'll step into my office we can discuss your products." He extended his arm and directed me to a stairway at the end of the room. I walked ahead, swinging my hips to keep his attention. The stairs led to a large office, overlooking the busy street. He sat down behind the desk and I sat in the chair on the other side. I crossed my legs, making sure that he saw my stocking tops. He leaned forward for a better look then cleared his throat. "What can I do for you?" he said. I brought out one of our processors and showed it to him. I went through a regular sales pitch, explaining the benefits and advantages of our products over our competitors. It was another perfect pitch, one that I think he liked. "And with all 100 of your stores, an initial order of 300 cases should be sufficient." I finished. "Can I write that up for you?" He held up his hand. "Not yet." He said. "Well, do you have any questions or concerns that can I address?" I asked. This should have been an easy sale. "I do have a few concerns but, as I said before, I don't have a lot of time right now." He stood up. "How about finishing this over dinner? We can go right from here. If that's all right with you." I didn't know what to say. I wasn't prepared for dinner. "That would be nice." I said. "Is what I'm wearing ok?" He smiled. "Yes. It will be fine." He stood up and took my hand. We walked out the door and into his waiting limousine. "Can I offer you a drink?" he asked. I remembered the champagne incident from earlier in the week. "Uh, no thank you." I smiled. He shrugged his shoulders and poured himself a glass of scotch. Hiram pressed a button. "Home, Johnston." He said. "Very good, sir." Johnston replied. Home was the Sheraton. He took my arm as we walked across the lobby. No one paid much attention to us. We walked over to a private set of elevators. A man standing in front of them moved as we strolled up. He jumped over and pressed the 'UP' button. The doors opened as we approached them. The man bowed and we stepped inside. Hiram pressed the button for the Penthouse. The doors opened into a spacious living room. There were 4 or 5 leather couches and a tigerskin rug on the floor. It had a fireplace, which was already burning, and plush carpeting throughout. He led me across the room and over to a large dining table in another room. He sat at one end and had me sit to his left. As soon as we sat down, the waiters brought over trays of food; beef, lamb, chicken, vegetables. One of them served us our dinner and left the room. I took a bite of the steak. It was the best I had ever tasted. "Do you like it?" he asked. "Mmm! Very much." I replied. "I haven't had meat like this since my days in New York." He smiled. "That's probably because I hired that chef as my own personal chef." "Wonderful." I said. I put my fork down. "Now, sir. What questions can I answer for you about EC Electronics?" He waived his hand. "Must we do this now?" he asked. "I hate discussing business while eating." I sighed. "If you'd rather talk about it later?.." he stopped me. "Very well." He said. Godfrey was a computer genius. He created and built computers for various armies throughout the Middle East. He knew exactly what he wanted. I was able answer every question he threw at me. "Well. I am very impressed with your knowledge, Miss Servile." He said. "Please. Call me Andi." I said. "Very well, Andi." He replied. He got up from the table and took my hand. We walked over to one of the couches and sat down. "You have completely impressed me." He said. I smiled. He leaned in and kissed me. I wasn't sure how to react. I was a woman thanks to Dr. Contares' machine. But in my head, I was still a guy. I wasn't sure if I could do this. "Are you all right?" he asked. "Uh. I think so." I replied. He smiled and kissed me again. This time, I responded. I pressed my lips against his. In my mind, I tried to imagine that he was someone else. My hands moved slowly down his hairy chest. He unbuttoned his shirt and moved my hands towards his belt. I tried to move them away, but he held them firm. He managed to maneuver my fingers to undo his belt and the buckle on his pants. He stood up and took off his pants and underwear. His erect cock was right next to my leg. "Please suck it." He said. I sat next to him for a long minute. He had a wanton look in his eyes. He took my hand and moved it on his cock. My long nails brushed against the skin and he got more excited. He stood up and it was now a few inches from my face. He moved in closer and I opened my mouth and cringed, not knowing what to expect. He slowly moved it into my mouth. I remembered back to all the porn movies I've seen and closed my lips around it. He smiled as he slid it in and out of my mouth. I could taste the cum on my lips as I sucked him. He took my other hand and moved it on to his balls. As I touched them, I could feel them tighten and tasted more of his cum on my tongue. His hand reached down and began to undo the buttons on my blouse. He slid the top off my shoulders, revealing my white pushup bra underneath. He took his cock out of my mouth and helped me to my feet. He undid the zipper on my skirt and let it fall to the floor. I stood there in only my bra, panties, stockings and garter belt. I knew what was coming next. But I wasn't sure if I would be able to do it. His hands quickly removed my bra and panties and I stood there almost naked. He lightly pushed me down on my back on the tiger skin rug and spread my legs wide. "Uh. Hiram?" I said. "Shhhhh!" was his answer. He lifted my legs and rubbed the head of his cock against my swollen lips. I was still feeling the effects of my adventure with the vibrator. He waited until he thought I was wet enough then slowly slid his cock inside me. I arched my back and tried to ignore the pain. He smiled and moved slowly in and out. My legs were over his shoulders. He moved faster and faster. The pain against my lips was unbearable. After what I thought was an eternity, he pulled out, flipped me over and moved me on to my knees and elbows. He lowered himself down and put his cock inside me again. It wasn't quite as bad from that angle. I reached back and placed the tips of my fingers against his cock as he moved in and out. I remembered seeing that in some porno flick. "Oh, yes. Just like that!" he said. I watched the roaring fire as I felt him move in and out of my body. Finally, he came. I could feel it filling up my pussy and dripping down my legs. He pumped for a few moments after he finished, then collapsed in a heap on top of me. "Oh my." He said. "You were wonderful!" He pulled himself out of me and stood up. I ran over to the bathroom and cleaned myself up. I really hope Andi is on the pill. "Now, about your order." I said. "What order?" he replied. "I said nothing about ordering from you." "You said you were impressed. I thought?." I said, my face in a mask of confusion. "Yes, I said you impressed me. And you have." He said, smiling evilly. "But you thought wrong." He walked into another room and put on a large wool robe. "You're being very naive. I wanted to see how far you would go for a sale. I wasn't disappointed." He smiled broadly. "You son of a bitch!" I yelled. He laughed heartily. "You're nothing but a whore, Madame." He walked over and pressed a button on the wall. Johnston, the driver, walked in. "Take this whore back where you found her." Johnston walked over to me. He towered over me by at least 3 feet. "Miss?" he said, holding out his hand. I picked up my clothes and slowly put them on. Tears were forming in my eyes. As I put on my skirt, I saw a letter opener on the table next to me. I picked it up and lunged towards Godfrey. Johnston easily disarmed me and slapped me across the face two or three times for good measure. It stung. It stung badly. Godfrey laughed again. "Get her out of here." He said, walking into the large bedroom. I finished putting my clothes on and walked with Johnston to the elevator. "I'm staying in the hotel." I said as we walked in. "Let me out on the sixth floor?" He nodded and pressed that button. He looked me over as we rode down and smiled. Obviously, I'm not the first person his boss has done this to. I wanted to cry right there. The door opened and I grabbed my briefcase and headed to my room. When I got inside, I walked over to the sliding glass door and stepped out on to the balcony. The city below me was bustling with activity. It was only 9:30. I peered up and saw the penthouse suite. How could I have been so stupid? I looked down and saw my cleavage pouring over my small sheer blouse. That's how. I dressed to seduce him and he wound up seducing me. "Shithead." I said. I should have expected it. Hell, I would have probably done the same thing if I could. There were plenty of sales meetings where Andi was just asking for it. Wearing that too tight sweater and those short short skirts and those super high heels. Not much I can do about it now. I sat on a chair on the balcony and kicked off my shoes. The cool breeze felt good against my feet. "I need a hot cup of Joe." I said to myself. I got up, picked up the shoes and walked back into the room. I bought a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt earlier this week. I took off my top and skirt and threw them on. At least this would be over tomorrow and things can get back to normal. I put on a pair of sneakers I picked up and fixed myself up as best I could. I washed my face and took off all my makeup, then walked out the door and took the elevator to the small coffee shop in the lobby. I walked in and sat down at the bar. "Coffee. Black, please." I said. The guy behind the counter nodded and poured me a cup. I took a sip. After the day I'd been through, it was the greatest thing I'd ever had. "Looks like you've had a rough day." He said. He was a middle-aged man with a noticeable paunch around his midsection. He wore one of those paper hats that you see coffee shop guys in the movies wear. "That's for sure." I replied, taking another sip. It felt so good going down. "Wanna talk about it?" he asked. "That's ok." I replied, smiling. "Thanks anyway." He shrugged his shoulders and walked away. I sat quietly drinking my coffee. A familiar voice caught my attention. "Mr. Beverly! A pleasure to meet you." It was Godfrey. Meeting Andi! I spun around so fast I almost spilled my coffee. Andi stood there in a dark suit shaking hands with Hiram Godfrey. I could have spit nails. "Same here." Andi replied. "Thank you for seeing me on such short notice. As I told you, I'm leaving town tomorrow and heading back to my office." "Come. Let us go out for a drink. I know the perfect place." He replied and led Andi out the door. Couldn't let them get away. I threw two dollars on the counter and rushed out the door after them. The two of them walked down the crowded street, laughing and talking like they'd been friends forever. A block later, they turned into a Men's Club. I walked slowly up to the window and tried to look in. The doorman stopped me. "Excuse me, miss, but you're not permitted to stare in the windows like that." He said. "I'm sorry." Had to think fast. "See, my boyfriend just went in there?." He stopped me and smiled. "Say no more. I get this all the time. Come with me." We walked down the street and into the alley. He took me to a side door and opened it. "Step in." He said. I went inside and we were in the club. It was a typical Men's Club; three long bars full of drinkers, two stages with women dancing, other girls walking around giving lap dances. I found Andi and Godfrey sitting at one of the small tables. A young blond was giving Godfrey and lap dance and Andi pulled out cash to pay for it. "You can stay here for a few minutes. They you'll have to leave." He said. I nodded and he walked back out. One of the girls walked by. She wore a small blue bikini top and a thong. I stopped her and motioned for her to come to the back. I reached into my purse and pulled out a $20 bill. "Why don't you take a short break and I'll cover for you?" I said. She smiled and took the money. "No problem honey." She said. "Dressing room's down the hall. Third door on the left." She walked away and I headed over there. The room was full of bikinis and costumes for just about every occasion. I walked in and found a small schoolgirl costume; white, short sleeve top, checked skirt, knee socks and saddle shoes. I found a hairnet and tucked my hair under it. I pulled a long black wig off the shelf and put it in pigtails. I threw on a bit of makeup and checked myself out in the mirror. Not bad. Just as long as neither of them recognizes me. I stepped out of the dressing room and headed back down the hall and into the main room. They were still sitting there, sticking dollar bills into girl's outfits. I strolled over and stopped right in front of them, my legs apart and my hands on my hips. "Hello there." Godfrey said. "What's your name, little girl?" I giggled. It sounded incredibly stupid. "I'm?.Cherry." I replied. He smiled. "I'll bet you are. Come sit down." I walked over and sat on his lap. I could feel that he was already getting hard. I wanted to grab a knife and cut the fucking thing off. "Isn't she cute, Mr. Beverly?" he asked. Andi looked at me. I hope he couldn't tell it was me. "Yes." She replied, touching my knee. "Very cute." Andi turned back to Godfrey. "Now, if we can get back to the deal?" Godfrey ran his hand up my leg and was fondling me under my skirt. I really wanted to throw up. "Have you ever seen such a hot body?" he asked. "Mr. Godfrey?" Andi said again. Godfrey leaned in close. "Do you know what I'd like to do to you?" he whispered. He licked my ear. "What?" I asked, knowingly. "Mr. Godfrey. We really need to discuss this deal. I am leaving town tomorrow morning." Andi replied. First rule; never interrupt a client when he's having fun. "Mr. Beverly. If you do not refrain from bothering me, we will have no deal at all. Do I make myself clear?" Godfrey yelled. "We will talk about this when I am finished." He turned back to me. "Now, I would like a private dance with this lovely creature." Andi sighed. "How much?" she asked. I thought about it for a moment. I could seriously screw Andi over. "Hundred bucks." I finally said. Godfrey held out his hand and Andi slipped him the hundred, which he then gave to me. I took it and carefully placed it in my skirt, the tip peeking out from the top. I stood up and led him out into one of the private booths. Each was a small room with a chair. I had him sit down and moved suggestively in front of him, grinding my hips over his lap. I got up and walked over to the far wall. A blindfold was sitting on the table. I picked it up and placed it over his head. He tried to stop me. "Uh, no. I don't want that." He said. "Come on." I answered. "It'll be fun. Besides, it really gets me hot!" I whispered. He smiled and moved his hand. I slipped the blindfold over his head and ran my hand along his leg. "Oh! That feels so good." Godfrey said. "I'm glad." I lied. "Sit here. I have more surprises for you." I walked out of the room and found some rope hanging on the wall. I took it along with a metal paddle. Godfrey was still sitting there, his hands gripping the arms of the chair. I walked back over and ran my hands along his legs again. When I reached his belt, I undid it and slipped off his pants. He sat there in his underwear with an incredible erection. I loosened his tie and took that and his shirt off. "You're gonna love this. I know I will." I said and hit him hard in the back of the head with the metal paddle. He slumped forward and fell on the ground. I picked him up, put him back in the chair and took off his underwear. I shoved it into his mouth and found some tape to seal it. I tied his hands and feet to the arms and legs of the chair. I also placed a rope tightly around his balls and threw it behind his neck. He sat there, completely naked, his face inches from his erect cock, tied to a chair. I walked out of the small room and looked into the club. Andi was still sitting there. She was looking at her watch and ordering martinis. I smiled and walked back towards the dressing room. That would be it for Mr. Godfrey. Someone would eventually let him out, but by that time I'd be gone. As I walked, I heard two waiters talking, both were obviously gay. A new, evil idea crossed my mind. "Excuse me, boys. Would you like to have a little fun?" I asked. They looked at me with their noses turned up. "You don't have the right?equipment girlfriend." The first said. I smiled. "Not with me. But I have a friend." I said. I led them back down the hall and into the small room. Godfrey was starting to regain consciousness. "Oh sweet!" He said and walked over to him. He immediately started sucking Godfrey's cock. A smile crossed his lips. I walked behind him and removed the blindfold. His eyes opened in horror at what he saw. "Have fun, Mr. Godfrey." I said and left the room. I walked back to the dressing room, got changed into my T-shirt and sweats and walked out the side door and back to the hotel. *** The phone rang again, waking me out of a sound sleep. The sun was reflecting off a tray on the dresser. "Yes?" I asked. "Ready to find out the results?" Andi asked. "Ugh! Yeah. Give me an hour and I'll meet you at the office." I replied. "No need." She said. I started to panic. "EC's coming here personally to give us the news. See you downstairs." Andi hung up and I dragged myself out of bed. I took a quick shower, did my makeup and got dressed. I had packed my suitcase last night and called for a bellhop. He showed up as I finished getting dressed and took it downstairs. I grabbed my briefcase and sales book and followed. Andi and EC were already waiting for me in the coffee shop. They were seated at a small table near the window. The sun shone in, reflecting off the car windows. I strolled in. EC stood up and kissed my cheek. Andi sat there. I sat down and EC pulled out a small manila folder. "Bob's been pestering me for 20 minutes to tell him the results." EC said, smiling. I smiled back. He opened the folder and took out a small piece of paper. "Are there any additional orders before I add up the numbers?" I shook my head. Andi pulled out a small piece of paper. "Not today. But they promised me they'd fax the request tomorrow." I held my breath. EC shook his head. "No good." He replied. "You had one week. That was the deal." Andi slipped the paper back into her pocket. EC took out a small adding machine and began to tally up the numbers. I was sweating. Andi looked pretty confident. Did she get the American Computers account even after what happened at the club? After 10 minutes, he put down the folder. "Ok. It was pretty close." EC said. "I have to say you both did great. And no matter who wins, I'm proud of both of you." He sounded like a fa

Same as The Sales Contest Videos

2 years ago
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The Sissy Contest

Author's Note: This is a quick one off story written from a reader request. I was especially motivated to write this as a genuine sissy training fantasy, with the hopes that somebody would read it and use it as a blueprint IRL. That certainly got my clittly interested! Enjoy! And as always, please feel free to comment here or contact me directly at [email protected] xoxox Emshoninque The Sissy Contest My phone rang just after 3am-caller unknown. I normally don't answer...

3 years ago
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The Bondage Contest

Note: English is not my mother tongue. Forgive me if sometimes it is difficult to read me, I?m not sure that I always used the right English term, or the correct grammatical form, and I apologize in advance to everyone who feel hurt!Chapter 1The website was very light. A wallpaper showing a naked girl tied spread-eagle on a wooden floor in an otherwise empty room. The ropes went from each wrist and ankle to four hooks in the four corners of the room. The room was empty but for a screen on the...

2 years ago
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Cum Contest

The following story is/was a project. It was an idea I had that just seemed fun to write. I am not sure if there is such a thing as a "Cum Contest" for real. Also, if you read this, I was contemplating making it a two part story, but thought that if I did, it would be much of the same and I would not be able to embellish it much from the original. If you have comments about, I would love to hear them! The night was very clear and warm with a slight breeze blowing that felt good on me and my...

4 years ago
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The Contest

Drew: The Setup I got into this thing kind of in the middle. But then I made it my own, so to speak. At first it was just a rumor being spread around the clubhouse. How the rumor started, I couldn't guess. Swear to God! Kinda. "Did you hear about the contest", I heard one asshole say to another asshole in the locker room. I had gotten out of the shower and was donning a clean, dry rugby shirt to clear my soul of another wasted afternoon swatting at balls. I barely heard the first asshole...

4 years ago
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The Sybian Contest

My name is Carolyn, and I’m twenty one and live with my lover. He’s much older than me, and I guess you could say he’s my sugar daddy. Brian is sixty-one and has been caring for me since I was eighteen. I was a stripper at a bar, and he came in one night and watched me dance. I must have come home that evening with five hundred dollars in my pocket. He was stuffing fifties into my panties. He loves to parade me all over the place. He loves for me to enter contests at bars. He really gets off...

3 years ago
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The Contest

The ContestI don't know how my wife found out about the contest but once she learned of it she couldn't stop talking about it. And soon she was trying to get me to enter it with her.My wife, Julie, was a slim brunet with small breasts and nice, well shaped ass. She had been a virgin when we married but she quickly learned to love any kind of sexual activities. She especially loved sucking my cock and swallowing my semen. Maybe it was her love of cock sucking that piqued her interest in the...

2 years ago
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The Contest

The Contest by Caleb Jones "Gee, Eric, I got this Email from Raven saying Mindy was changing the writing contest into a beauty contest!" "I got one from Raven too, Caleb! It was right after he sent out his great story for the writing contest." "Mine said that due to the co-sponsorship of HairMania and RollerMania, the contest had been transformed into a beauty contest, Eric." "Mine, also, Caleb." "Now we might not have time to write our stories for the contest!" The...

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DOLCETT DOLPHINS: WHALING CONTESTThe advert was discreet one found in a local health magazine and Roxie's curiosity was immediately aroused.Big Beautiful Woman? WIN at least $100,000 or more!! CALL 1-800-whaling Now!!BBW Swim Challenge! Are you aged 18 to 30, a Big Beautiful Woman who enjoys adventure activities?We're a sporting club with a unique love of your kind of woman and we invite you to come and join one of our weekend retreats.Deep in the heart of the countryside our retreat offers...

2 years ago
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The Contest

The Contest By Deputy Duffy Let the Contest begin. That sentence rings in my headevery morning I wake up. It's like waking from a dream. But this was no dream. It all started innocently enough, one Friday night, when I was walking homefrom the video store where I worked. (I was saving up my money for college.)I had just turned twenty and was looking forward to a weekend off. My parentshad gone away camping and I had a bag of pornos, and the house all to myself.Yeah, looking back on it, it was...

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Editing Reailty Book 3 Chapter 01 Naughty Contest

Book Three: Naughty Fantasies Unleashed Chapter One: Naughty Contest By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies Today, I'd won. My wife kept staring at the two angels, Anael and Jophiel. She could see them now thanks to my second edit of Linda. My contest with Seth Meyers, the other person who'd been granted the power to edit reality by the Most High, had ended. He'd forced me into a corner. He'd driven me into a place that he thought...

3 years ago
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Hotness Contest

*** Chapter One: It seemed like any other Wednesday, and I drove my girlfriend home fromClass. I would have liked to spend some time with Lisa, even justdoing boring things like shopping, but she'd told me at lunch that her Momwanted her home early that day to watch her little brother. I offered tohang out with her there, but she turned me down. So, I figured it was as good a time as any to drop the bad news. It waschicken-shit of me, but when I told her something that was bound...

4 years ago
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The Contest

I don't know how my wife found out about the contest but once she learned of it she couldn't stop talking about it. And soon she was trying to get me to enter it with her. My wife, Julie, was a slim brunet with small breasts and nice, well shaped ass. She had been a virgin when we married but she quickly learned to love any kind of sexual activities. She especially loved sucking my cock and swallowing my semen. Maybe it was her love of cock sucking that piqued her interest in the contest. I...

4 years ago
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The Radio Contest

The Radio Contest Author's Note: Many years ago this was an actual contest held by a radio station. I did not attend, but this is maybe how someone did get there. I was tired and sore. My back ached, my neck ached, my eyes ached. After sitting at the desk all day I was looking forward to getting home, eating some dinner and relaxing for a couple hours. I pulled into the driveway and extracted myself from the car with a groan. A forty-five minute drive in traffic is always so much...

1 year ago
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Katie judges a kissing contest

Scott softly panted, eyes closed. He stroked Katie's just-fucked cunt as his heart beat like a jackhammer. His head lay on her young chest, his shaggy hair flopped over her breasts. He could feel her crazy heartbeat under his cheek. Scott lazily opened his mouth and began suckling his sister's cherry-red nipple. Katie sighed contentedly, holding her brother's head in her arms. She had her answer. Ding, dong! "Oh my God! That's Josh!!" said Katie with a gasp. "He's here for our...

2 years ago
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Katie judges a kissing contest

Introduction: This story picks up immediately after the end of my first story, Katies dress is too small. Thanks for all the votes * * * * * * * So, did you like my pussy? whispered 14-year-old Katie, with a sleepy smile. Scott softly panted, eyes closed. He stroked Katies just-fucked cunt as his heart beat like a jackhammer. His head lay on her young chest, his shaggy hair flopped over her breasts. He could feel her crazy heartbeat under his cheek. Scott lazily opened his mouth and began...

3 years ago
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Katie Judges A Kissing Contest

"So, did you like my pussy?" whispered 16-year-old Katie, with a sleepy smile. Scott softly panted, eyes closed. He stroked Katie's just-fucked cunt as his heart beat like a jackhammer. His head lay on her young chest, his shaggy hair flopped over her breasts. He could feel her crazy heartbeat under his cheek. Scott lazily opened his mouth and began suckling his step sister's cherry-red nipple. Katie sighed contentedly, holding her step brother's head in her arms. She had her answer.Ding,...

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The Contest

The Contest - a story by D. Robins ([email protected])My wife, Lucy [28, 5 feet 8 inches tall, 9 and a half stone (about 130 lbs.), shoulder length brown hair, green eyes, pert 34B breasts, great figure] and I have been together for several years now, and although at first our sex life was great, it had started to become a little boring, so we decided to spice it up a little. The best way we thought to do this was to introduce some risk, danger and excitement.It was Lucy who suggested that...

3 years ago
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Tanning Contest

Lisa Williams pulled her car into the parking slip in front of the tanning center she'd been religiously going to as a client and now working at as an employee. She turned off the engine and twisted the rearview mirror to allow her to check the face looking back. It was a deep tanned face with striking blue eyes that stared back. She fluffed at the golden blonde curls flowing from her head with her hands and chuckled, not bad for a thirty one year old! I still look twenty! Opening the door,...

2 years ago
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The Contest

Contest Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Almost nobody could believe it when it was announced, yet I was almost beside myself with joy; I hid it well, but it was there. The club that my parents belong to announced that they were going to award three full scholarships, along with two $10,000 prizes. The catch? It was required that all contestants dress and live as a member of the opposite sex for one year, starting the day school let out then all the way through the following...

4 years ago
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The Contest

The Contest By Stats The two cosmetic surgeons friends were blind drunk. They were millionaires and both renown in their field, having performed the most difficult surgeries on countless celebrities. Randy was the first to speak. "I don't know, Adam, we have listened to each other's war stories for over four hours and the way I see it; we still have a bloody tie. What we need is a real challenge." The next morning while shaving Randy thought of the challenge. He...

2 years ago
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The Contest

The Contest I don’t know how my wife found out about the contest but once she learned of it she couldn’t stop talking about it. And soon she was trying to get me to enter it with her. My wife, Julie, was a slim brunet with small breasts and nice, well shaped ass. She had been a virgin when we married but she quickly learned to love any kind of sexual activities. She especially loved sucking my cock and swallowing my semen. Maybe it was her love of cock sucking that piqued her interest in the...

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B6 Chapter 2 The Contest

Chapter 2: The Contest It was now Sunday, the day of the first of the challenges or events between Jeanne and Jordan, to determine the ultimate fate of the Island. Both Barocca's group with Jeanne, as well as Tiffany's group, represented by Jordan, had filed onto the stage in the auditorium. On the opposite side of the stage, the other amazons on the Island filled almost every seat. No one wanted to miss the show. "All right everyone, " said Tiffany as she addressed the audience, "I want...

3 years ago
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The Costume Contest

The Costume Contest Belladonna "Where do you want to go for you birthday lunch?" David Paris inquired with his secretary. Veronika paused as she thought over her boss's question. Her mind parsed through the various establishments she had been treated to lunch at since she started working for the man. She shook her head as she answered, "I'm not sure." David was struck by Veronika's indecisiveness. She normally had the answer right at the tip of her tongue. Her slight...

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The Worlds First Futa 11 Futas Wild Presidency Chapter 4 Futas First Sensual Contest

Chapter Four: Futa's First Sensual Contest By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “For the next year or so, you had a good string of diplomatic success,” Adelia said as we neared the end of our interview on my life. As much fun as it was to talk about my life on my forty-eighth birthday, I was eager to finish this last segment. I needed a break. But I still had to be positive and sexy, to let the world see me answer her questions without showing my fatigue. I had to be in...

2 years ago
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The Contest

The Contest By RogerGirl Angelo was sitting in the waiting area at a bridal shop while his fianc?e, Amy, was making an appointment with the owner. Angelo was 5'7" and 120 pounds with no visible Adam's apple. He played guitar in a band and often dressed in an emo style with long straight hair, some makeup, occasional nail polish, smooth hairless skin so he could wear his tight jeans more easily, and lots of hoodies. While he had never dressed as a girl, he had come to a...

3 years ago
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Mr and Mrs Claus Contest

The holiday’s are always the busiest time of the year when you work as a housekeeper. After a long day of work, I was looking forward to relaxing, watching a movie. However, my friends had different plans in mind. I came home to a new message. ‘Hey Elizabeth, it’s Mary and Katie. We just heard that TIDAL is having a Mr. and Mrs. Claus contest tonight. The winner gets $200 and a date with Mr. Claus! We should enter, it’ll be fun. Call us back!’ So much for my plans, I thought as I called them...

2 years ago
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Coed Tandem Beer Pissing Contest

Foreword: This is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real. None of these events ever happened. This story is nothing more than words that came from my imagination. Any similarity to any real people, places, or events is purely coincidental. Operators of erotic story web sites and other collections, whether free or fee-based, have my permission to post and/or distribute my stories, provided that credit is given to "Hungry Guy" as the author. You may not make changes...

3 years ago
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My Gay Clubs Private Suck Off Contest

It was a somewhat long and widely almost horseshoe shaped semi circle line that contained s*******n different men either bare ass naked or with full frontal open fly cock exposure that special Friday nite last Dec. 24th. Yes it was the finals of our Private Gay Clubs BEST 2004 COCKSUCKER OF THE YEAR CONTEST. Just like each of the 11 preliminary monthly contests held before it, the rules of engagement were quite simple. Kneel, kiss, lick, stroke and suck each new Cock until it WILDLY BEGAN TO...

3 years ago
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The Pissing Contest

The Pissing Contest Around Thanksgiving Dad’s parents were killed in an automobile accident. Dad inherited their big house on the outskirts of town and several insurance policies as well as a big settlement from the accident itself. A tractor-trailer driver ran a red light and broadsided them. Anyway about seven months later when school had ended we moved into their house. It was wonderful. There was a big four-car garage with a big work area attached. Grandpa built furniture and...

3 years ago
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The Contest

When my colleagues learned that I was still a virgin they started a contest to see who could seduce me. They pooled their money and purchased a nude statuette of Artemis, the virgin goddess of the hunt in Greek mythology. My seducer was to be awarded the statuette as a trophy. The statuette was more explicit than the statues made during the golden age of Greece. The nipples protruded. The hairless vulva had a slit in it. I did not learn about the contest until the man who won explained it to me...

Love Stories
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THE WHORE-FEST CONTEST Saturday night and all present -- Mary and John and their Toys James and Kelly. Their new friend Terri, who had the sex-change operation, was recuperating for another several months. And James was already promised the first fuck when she became a real female. “So, kids, as you already know because we figured this out last Wednesday, we are gathered here tonight for the First Annual Whore-Fest. Who’s the biggest and best Whore? You all have had a chance...

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Wet T Shirt Contest

**Disclaimer: This is adult fiction. It contains pornographic and fetish topics not suitable for kids. There’s also explicit language. Just wait till you’re older, OK? The last thing I want to do is corrupt the youth. Y’all got enough of your own problems… **This is a spin-off of the flesh alteration kit by 1999 BEAmer Award winner RandomKing. ‘It’s just that college is so expensive! PADIDDLE!!’ Brad exclaimed pounding his fist against the roof in the back seat of his friends Toyota. *THUD* ...

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The Futa Fairy Futa Fairies Naughty Game Chapter 6 Dr Rita Officer Cindys Naughty Contest

Chapter Six: Dr. Rita & Officer Cindy's Naughty Contest By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Ms. Ji-Woo Kim Triumph surged through me as I rammed my clit-dick into the Summer futa lying frozen on the banks of the Year's Divide thanks to my powers. I had just vanquished her companion, a young futa named Cassie. Now I would defeat another of Summer's champions. Two out of five down in minutes. We would win. I wouldn't lose my futa-dick and— When my crotch smacked into the Arab...

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The Spanking Couples Cocksucking Contest

The Spanking Couples Femdom Cocksucking ContestIt had been two months since Debbie had been sold into sexual slavery with Beth, and she was becoming very depressed.  She had thought that she wanted to be a full time sexual slave to a dominant woman.  And, she now is serving as a pussy eating, sexual slave to her friend, Beth.  And, her best friend, Marion, was also serving similarly to another friend, Jacki.  But, things were not as they seemed.  Debbie found the thrill of the chase was more...

4 years ago
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The Contest

When my colleagues learned that I was still a virgin they started a contest to see who could seduce me. They pooled their money and purchased a nude statuette of Artemis, the virgin goddess of the hunt in Greek mythology. My seducer was to be awarded the statuette as a trophy. The statuette was more explicit than the statues made during the golden age of Greece. The nipples protruded. The vulva had a slit in it. I did not learn about the contest until the man who won explained it to me before...

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Bonus Wife Sex with wife motives the sales staff

It’s hard to pin down the moment when I first had the idea to become a pimp and make my wife a whore. Many thoughts were swirling around in my mind at the time. My beautiful wife Anne, my high school sweetheart, and I had just celebrated our tenth year of marriage. I had recently taken over management of my father’s company and needed to find a way to motivate my sales force. I didn’t at first put together my wife and my all male sales force in my head, but once I did, I couldn’t get it out. I...

2 years ago
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Nelson Enterprises VP of Sales becomes a Secretary

Nelson Enterprises - VP of Sales becomes a Secretary The VP of Sales - Dan Watkins - sexually harassed one of his talented sales ladies - Kelly Weir - to the point she quit and then he used his influence to destroy her career. He will now be inheriting that body and the remains of that career and must learn to interact with his 2 ex- wives from a new perspective - as their maid. Summary to date: Bill: Bill Nelson was a famous billionaire inventor and playboy but now finds...

4 years ago
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The Staring Contest

"Let's have a staring contest," you suggest out of the blue. "What are you? Six?" I shoot back. "No," you say, pouting cutely. "Come on, I'm bored." 'Bored' doesn't even begin to describe the situation. It's Sunday afternoon and raining. Your military husband has been deployed for the past month. My wife's gone out of town for her work this weekend. Neither of us has much to do. We've been across-the-street neighbours for just about two years. You and your husband are like the All-American...

2 years ago
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Barb Wins a Dance Contest

A nearby bar offered amateur erotic dance contests on some Saturday nights that we found to be very entertaining. Women, housewives and girlfriends dance were encouraged to show off their naked bodies for cash prizes. The contests consisted of three dances for a round and 4 rounds with the ladies contests and men's contest alternating striving for 4 or 5 contestants for a final run-off. The audience would "elect" winners by their applause and cheering. One weekend after a couple martinis at...

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The butchers meat sales

The butcher’s meat sales Author: RotnebSynopsis: Camilla were drawn into the weekly States Meat Lottery and had to follows the rules for human pigs.The story is only fantasyThe legal State Lottery- Then you are also within the meat lottery, Karen? - Yes, unfortunately I got my lottery ticket yesterday, as my 19 birthday gift from the State. I have been waiting for the lottery ticket, but I got a shock when I receive it. - It is not surprising to you. All we girls between 19 and 21 years are...

3 years ago
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The Sales Team Meeting

Roger managed the company sales group and it was a high-pressure job. Without sales, the company would fold. He knew and so did all the people that Roger hired.Roger knew that the sales job depended on him hiring the best people and since the business was a tool manufacturing distributor, he knew he had to think outside of the box.“Sex sells,” was certainly the thinking of the time-period. Roger was given a lot of leeway by the company CEO, who told him he could do anything to sell the products...

1 year ago
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Best Sales Job In The World 11

A WEEK IN THE EAST Cliff was in the home office planning the annual sales meeting with Vaughn and the support staff managers Ed and Mike. The meeting was to be held in two weeks and they were putting the final agenda together. It had been blockbuster year in sales the best the company had ever had. They did not know it but there was more good news on the way. The Arizona deal came through and Vaughn’s secretary interrupted the meeting to tell them. ‘Jesus that is huge,’ Vaughn reacted. ‘All...

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The Contest

Author's note: A Halloween story this time around and another of my fantasies. This one is inspired by the scores of Halloween stories out there. I know a lot of you want a story with just Kate and Anna. I promise the next one will be just them. A big thanks to Samantha for pointing out my inadvertent change of Alan to Allan in the last one. The Contest by Hazel M It was the evening of Halloween. In a shed on a remote industrial estate, two scruffy young men in...

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The Worlds First Futa futas Wild PresidencyChapter 4 Futarsquos First Sensual Contest

April 17th, 2047 “For the next year or so, you had a good string of diplomatic success,” Adelia said as we neared the end of our interview on my life. As much fun as it was to talk about my life on my forty-eighth birthday, I was eager to finish this last segment. I needed a break. But I still had to be positive and sexy, to let the world see me answer her questions without showing my fatigue. I had to be in control, presidential. “Yes, yes, the Dubai Accords were a smashing success, and I...

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Katha pt3 Drunk girls shit smell contest

The evening came, and there was absolutely nothing to do - in the living houses, there were TVs, but the signal qualitiy was so poor one could get eye cancer by trying to watch the snow on the screen, so watching TV was not a real option. The main building was closed, as I mentioned before, no swimming pool was available, no disco, no arcade, not even a bar or something (later, I learned the camp was specialized on much younger students, about 10 - 12 years old who don't need some evening...

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Cum Contest

"Mary, leave my cock alone!" I could not believe my ears. My husband was scolding me, pushing me away and telling me not to jerk him off. From the floor, I looked up at him with doe-like eyes. "But, Steve, I wanna do it. Come on, honey. Pleeease let me. Please. Please. Pretty please." All he did was shake his head. I was furious and clambered to my feet. I saw red, and like a bull I charged with my head down, crashing into his belly. Steve let out a loud oomph and stumbled backwards...

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Best Sales Job In The World 01

PRELUDE Barb entered Cliff’s office with the calendar in her hand. She closed and locked his office door and smiled as she moved to where he was seated at his desk. It was a Wednesday and the sales and technical staff were out of the office calling on prospects. At 36 years old Barb was a sex dynamo. She was in great shape with a 34-25-36 figure. Her legs were long and shapely on her 5’8′ frame and her ass was second to none. Barb had short blonde her and alluring blue eyes. She had that fuck...

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Mrs T The Sales Girl and Me Dressing Room

Upon Mrs. T requestI read her this story as she stroked my cockshe did not let any leak out her sexy red lipsI love to shop. It always better to go shopping with someone else. There is nothing more fun then going shopping with Mrs. T. We always seem to have fun. On some occasion we have a little too much fun. I usually buy her what ever she wants. On most shopping trips she buys everything with her husband credit card or cash. She likes to make a game out of shopping sometimes. She likes to...

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A Contest

Back in the 1960s and 70s a French artist by the name of Joseph Farrel created a sizeable number of BDSM drawings. He felt that the drawings were works in themselves and that people should make up their own stories to go with them. Later the drawings were published with short vignettes by Robert Merodack and others. Joseph Farrel is sadly now dead and much of his work is out of print. For my own amusement I have written my own short stories to accompany some of the drawings. Here is one of...

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Sales Team

A sincere thanks to LadyCibelle who helped me with this story. * It was a hot and muggy Atlanta summer day as I slowly walked to the second floor of my apartment complex. The morning had gone well, five sales calls and two of those turned out to be winners. My commission check would be a big one next month. It was a relatively new apartment complex—a lot of singles and parties—and I was glad I had decided to splurge and rent the two-bedroom model. I rationalized at the time that the second...

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The Contest

I was feeling good. My Mistress Cherie had me in peak condition and here I was, naked body lightly oiled with a taught stomach showing a well developed six-pack. I tensed my tight buttocks and my erection jerked upwards, and the reason for this is that I was being paraded around a huge roomful of women.That in itself would have ensured my erection, but just at this moment Mistress Cherie was showing me to an attractive young woman who she addressed as Susan, and Susan was caressing my balls...

3 years ago
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Garage Sales

I don't know what it is about garage sales but they seem to have a calming influence on me. It's not as though I am out looking for bargains and I don't go out looking for antiques. I am not sure that I would recognize an authentic antique if saw one anyway; I just like rummaging through old tools and household items. I like to browse and occasionally buy something that interests me. When I am feeling stressed out or angry, I find that getting up early on Saturday morning and going to a few...

2 years ago
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The Sales Trip

It was typical Monday morning, the traffic was terrible and I was late for work again. I work in the sales department of a large international company. Even though I work in sales I never get to go on any of the sales trips. I was number three person in the sales dept. and only the top two went on the trips. Jim was the top salesman, he was in his mid thirties and handsome but he was a real asshole in the office. Susan was the number two sales person; she was an attractive Asian...

1 year ago
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Roots Motel The sales reps

Roots Motel - The sales reps By: Friskee_cpl ([email protected])____What a view. Here I was watching through a balcony window my wife pull a cock out of the cleaner's arse, who was also sucking on a cock, and cop a face full of cum. Never mind that my wife was also getting sandwich fucked by two sales reps. It's a good thing that I had another sales rep on her knees in front of me sucking my cock while she shoved a vibrator into her pussy otherwise I would have been a touch peeved.How...

1 year ago
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Dance Contest

My name's Dan and I own The Glass Cat. The Glass Cat is a Female Impersonator club, although lately we're getting a lot of transsexuals, too. The club is pretty well-know, and and sometimes we get some big-name shemale porn stars in to do a show. Our biggest draw is Tuesday nights. Tuesday night is dance content night. Sheboys come in from all over and dance and strip for cash prizes and exposure. We get a lot of different folks in the audience, so it works out well for the contestants and the...

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