Dean Corll's Diary (Screenplay Version) free porn video

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(Screenplay Version)




Corll in his bedroom, shirtless, writing at his desk, using a yellowpad and pencil (nothing fancy like a real diary). He is a fairly ordinary-lookingman in his early 30s, clean-cut, a bit stocky but not fat. The room istypical male messy, but not over-the-top. Corll stops writing for a momentto open a pill bottle. He gets a pill, pops it into his mouth, takes aswig of a bottle of beer he is drinking, and then resumes writing.


DEAN: Well, I never thought I'd have me one accomplice,much less two. Wayne he's got his problems--has he ever!--but he's a lot moreinto it of the two of 'em, even so. David he likes to keep his distance. Squintin'out behind those funky little granny glasses of his, pretendin' he ain't soengrossed as Wayne and me is. Even after all this time he likes to pretendthat. But what he did with Robbie G. last month. Well, that tells the story,now don't it? I mean there's fuckin' and then there's fuckin' and little oleRobbie G. got hisself well and truly ass-wreckin' fucked! And David did itall by his little ole lonesome too. Hell, by the time Wayne and me showed upthere was hardly anything left for us to even play with!

Corll stops writing and tilts his headas he remembers:


Corll and Wayne come home, go in, hearnoises coming from the back of the house--muffled boyish groans, low coldolder male laughter. They go down the hall to where the noises are originating.The sounds get louder the closer they get. They come to the door of theroom, push it open.

CAMERA SHOT through the door past Corlland Wayne of a bed, David sitting on it, stripped naked, his back to thedoor. A body lies face-down in front of him, tied, spread-eagled. It appearsto be a fairly small kid, maybe 13 or 14 years old, though it's hard totell from the distance and angle of the camera. David turns to look backover his shoulder, having heard something--Corll and Wayne at the door.Blood is all over David's chest, chin, a speck or two even spot his glasses.

[ Wayne and David are about the sameage--17 or 18. They are about the same height and build as well: maybe5'10" and both teenage-slim. Wayne's hair is rather long and has an unwashedlook. Brook's hair is shorter, tidier, his face more sensitive than Wayne's.He has a somewhat studious appearance, partly because of the glasses. ]

DEAN: What the fuck?

WAYNE moves forward, peers around Davidto see better, and says : Goddam! What you done gone and doneto Robbie's asshole, David?! Goddam!

DEAN, who moves in to get a better lookas well: Shit, David! What you done done? Tore his guts out?

DAVID lifts into camera-view a big, blood-covereddildo, then says with another low cold laugh, the kind Corll and Wayneheard when they came in : I'm just havin' me some fun on myown, Dean. That's all. Hell, I got tired a-waitin' on you two to git backand little ole Robbie here [ David bops the back of the headon the bed in front of him with the bloody dildo .] well hewas somethin' to pass the time with is all. 'Sides, I'm guessin' it wasabout my turn to play with one like I like for a change. You and Waynehog most of 'em we git and you cain't deny it.



DEAN: And that kid had a cute butt too. One ofthe cutest in fact. That I done come across so far, that is. I think. Truthis my mem'ry is startin' to slip a bit about some of the boys I done had. Whichis why I thought I'd keep me a sort of diary for a while. I don't know exactlyhow long I'll keep it up actually, but it's been fun so far and I ain't throughwith all this yet. No, sirree. The clock it is still tickin' on this here business.I know the clock is still tickin'. The only chance I really take is with themtwo. Wayne and David. I know that. I mean, I ain't stupid! Wayne says the pillsare startin' to make me stupid. But Wayne he's the stupid one. 'Cause his timewill come. Yeah. It will come and I'll up and have his scrawny little no-accountteenage ass as well. Nothing lasts forever, AS THEY SAY! Ain't no rush yet,though. Specially when Wayne can still up and bring me guys like young BillyB. here.

FILM ROLLS IN MEMORY FLASHBACK asCorll continues to talk in voiceover. FOOTAGE of Billy B. The camera shouldseem like a voyeur, going up and down Billy's body as he moves around--maybeshots of him working out or on the football field during practice or justsitting and drinking a beer or even just coming down the street or outof school at the end of the day.

I mean, talk about a cute ass! [ Camerashot of Billy's ass in motion ] Not that I actually done goneand seen it yet. But I can tell. The way those worn old jeans of his hugthose hard high rounded hips of his? The way that skin on his neck andchest and arms glows, just glows, man? [ Camera shots of Billy'sarms, neck, chest ] And not a zit to be seen anywhere! Hormonesracin'--you can tell that!--but not a single fuckin' dirty disfigurin'little zit to be seen anywhere on his body that I can see! And strappin'!Shit! Billy's one tall strappin'-for-his-age motherfucker! Only sixteen,but he's already six sweet feet of Houston's finest honed-and-toned high-schoolfootball boy-meat! I mean, Billy's got it all. The face, the body . . .the dick. [ Camera shot of Billy's crotch ] I ain'tup and seen that either yet, but I can tell what's what about it too. Primegrade-A Houston-born-and-bred cowboy boy-beef! That's what we're talkin''bout here. "Go Steers!" That's what they call the team. Hmm, hmm. If Iwas into eatin' 'em as well as killin' em, I could have me one mouth-waterin'lip-smackin' man-sized meal on Billy B., that's for sure!

A sound interrupts CORLL. It's Wayne, who has let himself in.

He shuffles into the room, goes and leans against the wall, lookingpretty bored, drugged out a little, smoking a joint.

WAYNE: What you doin'?

DEAN: What's it look like I'm doin, asshole? I'm writin'!

WAYNE: 'Bout what?

DEAN: None a your fuckin' goddam business!

WAYNE: I's just askin'. Ain't no need to go and bite my head off.

DEAN mutters : Yet. But the time may come I'll upand do just that.

WAYNE in his thick drawl : Yeah. Right.

DEAN changes the subject : You seen Billy today? Thetime's comin' up on him, don't you think? I mean, he's ready for the takin'if we can just figure out the best way, I know he is.

WAYNE: Wish he'd just up and sniff that there glue or the paint like therest of 'em. It'd be a whole lot easier if'n he'd just go and do that.

DEAN laughs . It's been a good trick on many a oneof 'em, that's for sure.

CUT-AWAY to Dean and Wayne with akid in the living room. They are all three sitting on the couch. The kid--let'scall him Casey--is holding a small open brown paper bag up to his chest.Casey is perhaps 15 years old but looks a bit younger. He has a rathersweet innocent face, is shy and thin, and poorly dressed. Wayne has a canof glue in one hand, the glue brush in the other.

WAYNE: Go on! Ain't you done done it before? It's hot shit. Really!

Casey hesitates, bends forward, takes a tentative sniff of thebag, pulls back .

CASEY: You done made it real strong, Wayne. I don't know.

WAYNE: It has to be strong to be good, Case. Trust me. Go 'head. You won'tb'lieve the rush, kiddo. Man, it's something else, a glue rush!

DEAN: Yeah, you don't git the full effect unless it's strong, Casey, andyou want the full effect or why bother, right?

Dean takes Casey by his wrist and lifts the bag toward Casey'sface.

DEAN: Just put it up over your mouth and nose like you saw Wayne do. Thenbreathe. That's all. Wait'll you feel how good it feels. You done saw how highit made Wayne feel. [ Corll nods toward Wayne who nods back. ]Besides, we here if it zaps you too hard or somethin'. Hell, you even sittin'down, right? I mean, you can't even fall down nowhere even if you wanted to.Go ahead. Just do it!

Dean is still holding onto one of Casey's wrists . Waynenow catches Casey by his other wrist . Together Deanand Wayne bring the bag up to the boy's face. Casey smiles kind of shylyas it gets close, then expels his breath, covers his mouth and nose withthe bag, and inhales. The bag crackles and shrinks. Casey tries to pullaway at once, but Wayne and Dean force his head back onto the back of thecouch and keep the bag over Casey's nose and mouth as he continues to breathe.They are not so much violent about it as encouragingly insistent that hekeep breathing into the bag. Casey ceases to resist and soon starts togo limp. His eyes glaze. His hands begin to sag and let go of the bag,but Wayne and Dean reach up and hold it in place. Casey is soon out likea light. His eyes close. Wayne and Dean look across him and smile an evilsmile at each other.

WAYNE: 'Nother one bites the dust, hey Dean!


BACK TO WAYNE AND DEAN in Dean's bedroom.

WAYNE: You want me to go and see if'n I can locate Billy somewheres, seeif I can git 'im to come back with me? He might try the glue yet if'n we putit to 'im right. He ain't too old for it even if he says he is.

DEAN appears to think, then says : No. I can wait.He's ripe for the takin, though. And soon. Yeah. [ He smiles .]Real soon.



In Dean Corll's living room, which features a big couch, lookinga bit worse for wear. An old TV set. Tables. Chairs. A lounge chair maybe.The blinds and curtains on the windows are drawn.

Dean ushers Billy in, his arm casually draped over the young man'sshoulder.

DEAN: Yeah, we been wonderin' where you was, hot shot. Here you was practicallymovin' in over here for a while it seemed like, then you just up and disappearlike you done gone and forgot who we are or where we even live even.

BILLY breaks free of Dean's arm, but carefully, so as not to offend.He moves toward the couch and throws himself down on it and says :Life sucks! It just fuckin' sucks, man!

DEAN: Ain't the first time I done heard you say that, cowboy.

BILLY twists his body about and props hisfeet up on one of the couch while laying his head flat back against theother end, and says : Well it's true, ain't it!

DEAN: So you keep tellin' me. But you ole Houston Heights boys is spoiledis what I think. You don't know what bad is, you boys. Not like me anyway.I know what bad is, b'lieve me! You guys you don't have a clue! Not one fuckin'clue!

WAYNE: Like hell! [He puts his hands behind his head and flexeshis whole body along the couch, clearly performing for Dean, as the slylook he gives Dean reveals.] I don't wanna hear 'bout howbad you done had it when you was young. I don't b'lieve half what you sayanyway. Why don't you jest stop lecturin' me like everybody else does andgo git me a beer. A Lone Star if you got it.

DEAN: I got it.

He smiles at Billy and moves off to the kitchen.

The camera stays fixed on Billy who smiles to himself now. Hereaches down and adjusts his crotch, clearly in an effort to rearrangehis cock so it can be seen running up underneath the worn denim jeans he'swearing.

Dean returns with a six-pack and plops it down on the coffee tablein front of the couch.

He stands there, looking down at Billy. Billy stares back up,a teasing look in his face.

There is silence for a minute as they stare off, then BILLY says:

BILLY: Well, ain't you gonna open one of 'em for me?

DEAN: Like hell I am. You can open your own goddam beer.

Dean sounds gruff but not really angry .

Billy grins and twists himself back up into a sitting position.He then reaches forward and gets a beer and opens it, upends it, and beginsto chug it down. A good long drink at one go.

DEAN watching, says : You drink like a fish. You tooyoung to drink like that. The dope you do too. I mean, you gonna up and ruinyourself that way. How can you play good football if you get all doped up anddrunk the way you git?

BILLY momentarily suspends his drinking : I hold myliquor real good. You done said so yourself. 'Sides, I always hold off on thedope and the booze 'fore a game and that ain't for two more days yet. So fuckoff and let me enjoy myself, man! That's what you been sayin' you like to see,right? Young guys like me enjoyin' theyselves? Well [ Billy holdsthe beer toward Dean like a toast ] that's just what I'm a-doin.'[ He quickly finishes the beer and reaches for another one .]

DEAN: So what's done pissed you off this time? Your dad? Your mom? The coach?That's his job, to bust your balls, right? Why you complain about him? Youdon't have to play no football.

DEAN takes and opens a beer for himself, but drinks it much moreslowly than Billy drinks his.

BILLY wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, chugs some morebeer, then says , I done up and lost my latest girlfriend iswhat. And she give good head too! [ Billy tugs at his crotchas if to make sure Dean understands what he's talking about .]Mouth on her like a wet vacuum cleaner that one! Goddam she was good! Madeit seem even better'n pussy and that's sayin' somethin' 'cause pussy isway the best when you can git it. Damn! Damn! Damn! Just thinkin' 'boutit git's me horny all over. [ He slouches back on the couch andtugs at his crotch again .]

DEAN lets Billy talk, smiling, sipping his beer the while. WhileBilly talks Dean takes a pill bottle out of his breast pocket and removesa pill, pops it into his mouth and then chases it down with a swig of hisbeer.

BILLY: What's that stuff you take anyway? Thosepills you keep a-poppin'? You got a disease or somethin'? You always doin'it ever time I look around, it seems to me.

DEAN: They're good. They make you feel real smooth.Or, if you want the other kind, then they can jazz you up like you a goddammotorboat if that's what you like instead. You wanna try some?

Dean holds the pill bottle out towardBilly, who eyes it suspiciously.

BILLY: I think I'll just stick to the shit I knowfor now. [ He hoists his beer in the air .] Maybe later.

DEAN: You don't know what you missin' but it'syour choice.

BILLY: Fuckin' right! I don't do nothin' I don'twanna do.

DEAN: I done already figured that out.

BILLY: Good. [ Like it's damned goodDean has or there could be trouble .]

DEAN: So what you gonna do for head then? Or pussy,if that's what you like the most? Until you can find you another little cuntwho'll go down on you, that is.

Dean, who has been standing the wholetime, now moves over to the couch and sits down next to Billy. Close. Enough sothat their knees touch anyway .

BILLY: Oh I'll find me somethin'. Cunts is a dimea dozen. Specially if you is a football player like me. [ He liftshis arm and makes a muscle .] Not bad, right? And I got musclesyou can't even see that is better'n that. [ He means it to soundsuggestive. It does. ]

DEAN: I bet.

Billy has finished his second beer. Henow reaches and starts in on a third.

BILLY: Word gits around. Girls they hear aboutwho's got it and who ain't. Well, I got it is all. So I won't have to waitthat long.

DEAN: But in the meantime?

BILLY frowns a phony frown and says: Yeah,in the meantime, it's just me and the old ever-ready hand, I guess. [ Hemakes a masturbating motion .] And that's not the same at all!Shit! [ He swigs on his beer, then closes his eyes and lays his headback against the couch while bopping his knee against Dean's knee but actingas if he is not aware he is. ] Too bad a guy can't suck himselfoff, don't you think? I done tried it more 'n once and even though I'm prettyfit, it's hard to get myself lowered down that far. I bet you done tried itwhen you was younger too. Don't tell me you ain't.

DEAN chuckles like this is such good,funny stuff, then says : You bet. I know exactly what you mean.But there we are. We stuck needin' somebody else to have a real good timedespite ourselves, it seems like. But then, as you say, if we patient theyturn up one way or the other. Cunt or pussy or whatever else might do thetrick, right?

BILLY: Fuckin'-A right. Fuckin'-A right.

Billy gives a big sigh and stretcheshis legs, spreading his thighs, slouching even further down on the couch.He has kept and continues to keep his eyes closed.

DEAN sips his beer and then quietly bringshis hand down on Billy's thigh. Billy pretends not to notice.

The rest unfolds in silence. Billy takessome more slow swigs of his beer. As does Dean. Then Dean's hand slowlybegins to rove up and down Billy's leg, finally working its way over intothe boy's crotch. Billy reaches with his free hand and undoes the top ofhis jeans. Dean gets the zipper. With his eyes still closed Billy liftsup for Dean to get the jeans down enough to get at his cock. Dean carefullyfishes it out of the jockey shorts Billy has on.

Dean places his beer on the coffee tableand then proceeds to give Billy a quick, vigorous blowjob. Billy crackshis eyes open, peeks down at the top of Dean's head, silently grins, thencloses his eyes again and cums to climax in a fairly short time, groaningas he releases his load.

Dean takes it all down, wipes his mouth,then reaches back for his beer to gargle and wash the rest down. Whilethis is happening, Billy begins to get his underwear and jeans back togetherand zip up. His eyes remain closed. He moves slowly as if he is doing itall in a dream.

Then, once his pants are re-done, Billyyawns and stretches, then suddenly pops his eyes open and says: "Oh,Dean! Sorry. Guess I drifted off. [ He rises from the couch,not like he's in a hurry so much as wonderfully rested and reinvigoratedafter a short nap and now ready for the road .] Hell, I gottago, man, or the coach will find out I been missing school today and killmy ass for sure come practice this afternoon! Thanks for the Lone Star!

DEAN, with a double meaning :Anytime.

Billy turns, looks back at Dean, whohas remained seated on the couch, grins and then winks at Dean.

BILLY: See you round then.

It is Dean's turn to wink.

DEAN: Like I said. Anytime, cowboy.



Corll is back at his desk, writing. He is wearing a baggy sleevelessundershirt and boxer shorts. He has a disgruntled look on his face as hescribbles away.


DEAN: Anytime, I said, but it's been no-show Billy all day long. Selflishlittle bastards. All of 'em. All take and no give. That's how they live. Well,when the time comes, I show 'em I can take as good as they can. Can I ever!I can take more 'n they ever fuckin' dreamed of!

Wayne shuffles in, brushing his hair out of his face.

WAYNE: You pissed, ain't you? 'Bout Billy not showin'today.

DEAN, steely-eyed, looks over his shoulderat Wayne and says : I ain't that surprised.He's just selfish like all yawl. I mean, you guys sure don't mind gittin'head but you don't give it none too freely, do you?

WAYNE: Yeah, you pissed.

DEAN: I ain't pissed, I'm just remarkin' on howit's all take and no give with all yawl boys. That's why I have to go and takewhat I want the way I do.

WAYNE: You don't exactly mind the rough side, though,I been sorta noticin'. You like to force it on 'em, don't tell me you don't.You like makin' 'em hurt too. [ Wayne has moved over behind Corlland now peeks over his shoulder in an effort to see what Corll is writing . Corllquickly flips the yellow pad over and slams his hand down on it . Wayneshuffles away, unperturbed at the rebuke .] I mean, you the onewho thought up that there pube hair-pulli', one little pube hair at a time--Ouch!Ouch! Ouch!--not me. And you the one who likes to stick stuff up their littleweenies. I don't think I woulda ever even thought of that and I been thinkin''bout and doin' this here kinda thing for a while now.

DEAN: Yeah, you Mr. Experience all right. [ Heshifts to face Wayne, who has gone and flopped backwards on the bed. Heprops himself up on his elbows, with his feet dangling off the end of it. ] Itwarn't so long ago you was whining when I gave you that first boy of yoursto do. [ Corll changes his voice in order to imitate as wellas mock Wayne's thick Texas drawl .] "It's hawd work killin'these old boys, Dean! It's hawd work!" I thought you never WAS gonna gitthat little motherfucker's neck wrung and he warn't that big either.

WAYNE, defensively: Wellit IS hawd till you git the hang of it! 'Sides, you a lot bigger 'n stronger'n me.

DEAN: And don't you forget it! You gonna git onmy wrong side one day and I'm gonna break your neck [ Dean makesa breaking motion with his hands .] like that!

WAYNE: And who'll go and git you the boys then,huh? David he's a pussy come right down to it. I know you think he's a lotsmarter 'n me, but he's a real pussy even so. I know you knew him first andall and you two had somethin' goin' more with each other than we ever has hadbut I'm the one who's been more good at it, now admit it. Admit it.

Dean smiles from where he is sittingin his chair .

DEAN: Okay, I'll give you that much, Wayne. Andyou keep a-bringin' me boys like Billy here and we will git along fine. Justfine. I fuss at you, I know I do, but you done brung me some pretty fun boysand I can't deny it, no sir.

Wayne's expression gets serious for amoment.

WAYNE: Billy he may not be so easy to deal withas some of them others though.

DEAN looks disgusted and says :Wayne, how many we done done together by now?

Wayne shrugs, a habit he has.

WAYNE: I dunno. Ten maybe. [ He strugglesto think, clearly something of an effort .] Maybe twelve. Idunno.

DEAN: Any of them ever been a real problem?

Dean is clearly expecting the answerto be no, but Wayne surprises him .

WAYNE: Mark.

DEAN grudgingly accepts the correction,and growls : Well, that's true, I guess. But he's the onlyone.


Mark, a good-looking boy about 17 yearsold, is on his back on the bed in the back room. He is wearing jeans aswell as his shoes and socks, but he is shirtless, revealing a good, smooth,tanned, hairless upper body. His two arms have been raised and separatelysecured to the headboard, but his legs are still free. At first, he doesnot appear to be conscious, but as the camera slowly circles him he beginsto recover from the glue-sniffing that has led to his present situation.

Mark suddenly starts to breathe deeply, then moan a little. Hetwists his upper body or tries to. Finally he gets his eyes open and slowly--indisbelief--starts to take in what has happened to him.

MARK: What the . . . ?

He pulls at his restraints. The left one seems tight, but thereis a bit of give in the right one, and he pulls more vigorously on it.The camera zooms in on both of the bound wrists but lingers over the looserright binding.

MARK calls out into the empty room : Wayne? Dean?What the fuck, man?

He jerks more strenuously at the ropes, then raises his kneesand tries to get more leverage so that he can pull even harder. The cameralovingly surveys his struggle .

Corll enters.

DEAN: Well, howdy do, Mark. You been out a real good while, boy. I'm gladto see you finally comin' round at last. I was startin' to think that all thatglue had up and killed all your braincells or somethin'.

MARK: What the fuck, Dean? This some kinda fuckin' joke or somethin', man?

Dean goes over and sits down beside Mark on the bed.

DEAN: Joke on you maybe, that's all. [ Dean places his hand onthe center of Mark's nice, firm chest and begins to rub there. ]Hmmm, hmmm. You sho is a pretty boy, Mark. Yeah, a real pretty boy.

MARK, incensed, disbelieving : Take yo fuckin' handsoff me, you fuckin' queer! [ Mark again jerks at his bonds. The camerazooms in to show the right one loosening a little bit more as he does so .]I KNEW you was a fuckin' queer! I KNEW it!

DEAN smiles a sarcastic smile : More fool you thenfor keepin' comin' round here, don't you think? I mean, if you really thoughtI was such a queer, why'd you run the risk and hang out here the way you been?I'll tell you. 'Cause of all the dope and the booze and other good stuff Ijust happen to have on hand here that you can't git at home, that's why. AndI know this too. [ Dean drops his hand down on Mark's crotch andgrips where his cock would be .] You thought 'cause ole Wayne wasaround you was safe, right? Well, guess what? Wayne he likes a bit of boybutthisself once in a while. [ Dean calls out over his shoulder .]Wayne! Wayne! Git your ass in here, Wayne! Little ole Mark done's gone andwoke up finally. It's partytime!

Dean massages Mark's crotch .

DEAN to Mark : Come on, honey. Git it up for me! Letme see how big a one you got. I bet you got you a big one.

Mark twists and turns in protest, but Dean continues to rub hiscrotch.

DEAN: Wayne! You here me? Git your ass on in here, I say!

The camera shows the rope around Mark's right wrist getting moreloose still .

Wayne finally appears, wiping his eyes as if he has been asleep.

WAYNE: He up you say?

Dean laughs, his hand still moving on Mark's crotch .

DEAN: One way for sure, and he's startin' to git up the other way too whetherhe thinks it's queer stuff or not.

MARK to Wayne : This ain't funny, Wayne. Make thishere queer stop maulin' on me! Make 'im take his fuckin' hands off me and letme go, Wayne!

WAYNE shrugs, says : He gonna have yo ass now, Mark.Ain't no way I can stop 'im now.

DEAN: Here. Help me git the rest of his clothes off, Wayne.

Dean moves down Mark's left side toward his left foot.

DEAN: You git his right shoe, I'll git this one.

Camera focuses on Mark's face. He is dumbfounded, rendered temporarilyspeechless .

Wayne does as Dean asks. Dean begins to untie one of the boy'stennis shoes, Wayne the other one. Mark lets them do it without protestingfor a moment, then the shock finally wears off and he begins to kick. Hejerks his feet free, one and then the other, and then raises his legs andslams his feet into both of them, or tries to .

MARK: Let go a me, you motherfuckers! Let go a me! NOW!

DEAN: Grab that 'un! [ He gestures toward the leg nearest Wayne .]Get aholt of it, Wayne! I'll git this one.

Dean and Wayne have a hard time, but they finally manage to subdueand then straddle the kicking legs, Wayne on top of one, Dean on top ofthe other. They are now facing the bottom of the bed, their backs to Mark,who is still struggling to get at least one arm free.

DEAN: Your ankle rope's tied right there on the corner by you, Wayne. Gitit and loop it round the foot you got. I'll do the same for this one.

Lengths of rope have been previously tied to the footboard ofthe bed. Dean and Wayne now stretch forward to get the rope nearest tothem in order to secure Mark's legs .

As they do, Mark finally jerks his right arm free. Because theyhave their backs turned to him, neither Wayne nor Dean notices.

DEAN: He won't cooperate, we'll just cut his fuckin' jeans off is all. Don'tmake no difference to me. He won't be usin' 'em again.

Wayne laughs a kind of stupid, high-pitched laugh .

WAYNE: It's kinda fun when they fight like this, don't you think, Dean?I mean, I don't like to git hurt none myself, but it do git the juices goin'when they up and resist some at least. It gits MY juices goin' anyway.

Dean laughs in turn, a lower, more manly laugh.

DEAN: Yeah. It always make 'em break a sweat and I like a little boysweatas you know.

Without their realizing it, Mark has begun to fish in his rightjeans pocket. He finally succeeds in pulling out a black pen-knife, bringsit to his mouth and works it open. Once it is open, he hesitates, uncertainwhether to use it on Dean or Wayne or whether to cut his other bond withit. He decides to cut his left arm free. But the twisting he has to doto reach that arm gets Dean's attention, who turns back, looks over hisshoulder and sees what Mark is doing.

DEAN: Goddam! He's gittin' free, Wayne! Goddam! You tied that there no-accountrope, didn't you? Well, it done gone and come loose, you idiot! Look! He'sgot him a fuckin' knife too!

Dean and Wayne have more or less managed to get Mark's legs tied,but it looks like he is going to have his arms free if they don't act quickly.

Dean launches himself toward Mark and attempts to grab the free,knife-wielding hand. Mark is violently slicing at the rope that still bindshis left arm but he does not manage to cut through it. Dean clutches theboy's right wrist, but Mark manages to break free for a moment. In thatmoment, he pulls back and then strikes out at Dean, badly slashing Dean'sleft forearm. Dean yells and drops back.

MARK brandishes the knife and says : I'll cut you!Don't you come near me no more or I swear I'll fuckin' cut you both!

Dean and Wayne freeze. There is something like a stand-off, butit only lasts for a few seconds. Then Mark quickly twists toward his boundwrist again in a last, desperate effort to cut himself free.

Dean and Wayne both pounce as he does so. Together they quicklyget control of Mark's free arm and together they pull it back down in frontof the boy. Dean bangs on the hand gripping the knife in an effort to makeMark drop it. Finally, Dean literally pries the knife from Mark's grip.Once he is disarmed, Mark immediately sags and gives up.

Dean picks up the knife and straddlesMark's chest.

MARK: Shit! All right! All right! You win! All right!

Dean runs his hand down his bleeding arm, his face going whitewith rage as he does so.

DEAN: You cut me! You done fuckin' cut me!

MARK, now not only defeated but scared by what he sees in Dean'sface : I'm sorry, Dean. I'm sorry, man! I won't do it no more.Okay. I won't do it no more, man!

Mark lifts his free hand up in a gesture of surrender, the palmout.

DEAN , still livid, says : No. You sho as hell won't!

In fury, Dean then begins to stab Mark in the chest. Again andagain and again. Mark tries to use his free hand to ward off the blows,but it's no use. They continue to rain down.

WAYNE in shock : Dean! Fuck, Dean! You killin' 'im,Dean, and we ain't even fucked 'im yet!

DEAN still in a rage : Fuckin' right I'm killin' 'im!The little motherfucker up and stabbed me! Well he ain't never gonna do thatto nobody ever again!

Dean continues to bring the knife down. Mark soon ceases to struggle.One can hear the sound of blood gurgling in Mark's perforated chest in-betweenDean's blows. Blood covers Mark's chest, his face, his badly cut righthand and arm. Some blood even mixes with the foam that now begins to oozefrom Mark's mouth and nose. His eyes slowly glaze over, but Dean continuesto bring the knife down.

Wayne gets off the bed, stands back and looks down, disgruntled .

WAYNE: You done gone and spoiled it, Dean! He woulda been a good fuck too.I just know he woulda been a good 'un. I got a good look at his ass at therec pool more 'n once. It was a beaut just made for fuckin'! A real beaut!Shit, Dean! Shit!

Wayne stamps on the floor like a thwarted child .

Dean abruptly stops his stabbing, turns and glares at Wayne .

DEAN: You say one more word, shithead, and I'll use this on you. [ Hepoints the knife toward Wayne .] This is all your fault 'causeyou didn't fuckin' tie his arm tight enough. Jesus! [ Dean exhales,begins to calm down a little. Looks back down at the now dead Mark. ]Fucker! Stab me will you, you little fucker! Well, don't nobody stab meand git away with it! No way!

Dean examines his wounded arm again, then in a final brutal blow,buries the blade in the middle of Mark's chest and gets off the bed.

Holding his bleeding arm, he points at the body.

DEAN: Clean that up. That's all your fault so you can sure as hell cleanit up. And no backtalk either or like I said I'll do to you what I just donedone to him. You understand?

Wayne sighs, shrugs and then slowly movesforward to do what Dean has ordered.

WAYNE: Yeah. I unnerstand.



DEAN: Ain't no need to worry 'bout Billy, though. He ain't gonna be no problemlike that there Mark was. Live and learn they say. Well, we done done that,right? You especially. No. Billy ain't gonna pull no surprises. We way toosmart for that by now. Once we up and decide to git one of these little fuckersthese days they stay got. Right?

WAYNE , nodding but still a little doubtful : Right. . . I guess.

DEAN: No guessin' 'bout it, Wayne. Hell, I'm up in the 20s now, that's howmany boys I done had and I ain't ever lost a one of 'em yet. We didn't evenlose Mark, if you think about it. He just got botched is all. Well, we ain'teven gonna botch it with Billy. You'll see.

Dean smiles an encouraging smile.

WAYNE shrugs and says : May be. May be.

DEAN: No maybe about if we can just git Billy back here again. Which wewill. Hey! Let's go see what happens at the football game tomorrow night. Isuspect it could be Billy's last damn game in this here life. We wouldn't wannamiss that, right!



Corll is alone in his living room. He is restless. He is drinking.Not beer this time but whisky straight from the bottle. He has on a pairof soiled tan workpants and another sleeveless undershirt, no shoes orsocks. He moves about, mumbling as he goes, not so much incoherently asangrily .

DEAN: Little shits . . . pricks . . . down a peg or two all of 'em . . .Billy yeah . . . last game . . . last . . . cocky bastard . . . [ Deanpauses, upends the whisky bottle, resumes his pacing . Moremumbling .] Pussy . . . shit! Stinkin' cunts . . . all of 'em .. . Hell!

Dean stops, seems to realize he is wasting his time and energy,heaves a great sigh and puts the top back on the whisky bottle, then clumsilydeposits it on a nearby table.

DEAN: Bedtime for Bozo. Bozo. Yeah, that's me.

Dean checks his wristwatch, once again sighs, and makes to leavethe room when there is noise at the front door. The door is unlocked, butwhoever is trying to enter is having some difficulty.

DEAN: Wayne, that you? David?

Before Dean can reach the door it swings opens and Wayne stumblesin with Billy drunkenly propped up against him. Wayne is clearly havingto expend a considerable amount of effort to keep Billy on his feet.

WAYNE: Here. Hep me, Dean. He's done gone and got drunk as a skunk.

Dean quickly moves to assist Wayne.

WAYNE: Where you want 'im?

DEAN: On the couch.

Together they get Billy to the couch.Billy giggles and hiccups as they sit him down on it. His head comicallywobbles and sags. He burps.

WAYNE: They all went off after the game, Billy anda bunch a buds a his. Billy says they had some special kinda moonshine fromthe Red Hill country. Shore looks like it. I ain't never seen Billy like thisbefore. He can usually hold his liquor pretty good.

DEAN: Well, they did git their asses whipped tonight. I guess they wantedto git three sheets to the wind and then some.

BILLY giggles from the couch, says : Whipped our butts!Yeah. [ He drops his head back onto the back of the couch and laughs,then snorts, then laughs and giggles some more .] Piggy, piggy,piggy! Piggy, piggy, piggy!

Wayne looks at Dean and shrugs .

WAYNE: He been doin' that piggy piggy thing off and on ever since I got'im in the car. Don't ask me why.

DEAN: Anybody see you git him?

WAYNE shakes his head no, then says : I looked round,made sure. They just dumped 'im out over near 'is house. Thought he'd justwalk on home the rest of the way I guess but he then up and started off inthe other direction, goin' where who knows, but I innercepted 'im and got 'imto come on along here with me, but I made sure nobody seen us first.

DEAN: I b'lieve you. You always been good at that.

WAYNE nods toward Billy :So there he is, just like you done wanted.

DEAN scratches his chin, says :I had done give up, was 'bout to go on to bed even. I know you said you'd hangout, see what you could do, but I didn't think you'd do it. But dadblame me,Wayne, you fuckin' up and went and did it!

WAYNE: Well, then. Unless you need some more hep,I'll go along.

Even as he speaks Wayne begins to movetoward the door.

DEAN is taken by surprise :You not planin' to stay? I mean, look at that. [ Dean gestures towardBilly on the couch. The boy's head has dropped back, tilting his adam's appleup toward the ceiling. As Wayne and Dean look, a slight snoring begins to soundfrom Billy's nose .] Don't you want a piece a that? I mean, that'sprime Texas beef, son. Lone Star fueled and fed too!

WAYNE shrugs : Could, I guess.Go for 'im, that is. But I feel kinda bad.

DEAN: What do you mean you feel kinda bad?

WAYNE: I sorta know 'im. More 'n the others anyway. [ Wayne shrugs .]I dunno.

DEAN: You knew LOTS of them others! Even better 'n this 'un. Now you upand start feelin' like some kinda good friend all of a sudden? [ Deanshakes his head, partly in disgust, partly in disbelief. ] Comehere and help me get his fuckin' clothes off. Then help me tie him to the board.You can do that much at least.

Wayne shuffles back to help .

DEAN: You do his feet. I'll git his t-shirt off.

Wayne slowly moves over and kneels down to tend to Billy shoes.Dean goes around behind the couch, leans over and begins to tug Billy'st-shirt up over his torso. Billy laughs when Dean takes his arms and attemptsto raise them in order to get the t-shirt further up.

BILLY moaning erotically : Baby! Baby!

DEAN laughs : I swear he thinks I'm some cunt tryin'to git him stripped for action. Hell, he's actually helpin'. Look.

A giggling Billy struggles to keep his armsup over his head. With Billy's clumsy help, Dean finally does succeed ingetting the t-shirt all the way off.

BILLY drops his arms and begins to rubhis gorgeous, newly bared chest, repeats : Baby! Baby!

DEAN: I think he's done gone and got a hard-on already just thinkin' aboutit! Look, Wayne.

Wayne does not look. He is having trouble with Billy's shoes.

WAYNE: There's all these here knots in his shoes. I cain't git 'em undone.

DEAN huffs : Asshole.

Dean goes around to the front of the couch. Wayne slips to theside to allow Dean access to Billy's feet.

DEAN, working on the laces : Boy, Billy here shorecould use hisself a new pair of sneakers, couldn't he? [ Dean getsthe first sneaker off .] Socks too. [ Dean sniffs theair as he pulls the first sock off .] Wonder when was the lasttime these was washed. [ Dean leans forward toward Billy .]I think he took a shower after the game, though. I can still smell the soapsome. [ Dean gets the other shoe and the other sock off and thenstands up. ] There. So far, so good.

Billy is lightly snoring again. His hands have dropped limplyonto his lap.

DEAN to Wayne : These jeans look tighter n' even theones he had on on Wednesday. Help me git 'em off, Wayne.

Wayne goes and sits on one side of Billy, Dean on the other. Deanunfastens the top of the jeans, then works the zipper down .

DEAN: Wait'll you see, Wayne. He's got a good dick, a real good dick. Nottoo big, not too small. I can see why those girls wanna go down on it.

The jeans are now undone.

DEAN: Okay, you pull on your side, I'll work 'em down from over here.

The effort to get Billy's jeans down finally jostles Billy intoa state approaching consciousness. He eventually lifts his head and looksdown at what is happening, struggles to take it in. In a flash, he does.Confusion is instantly replaced with consternation, then anger. Billy suddenlylurches forward, pushing Wayne and Dean away.

BILLY bellows : Fuckers!!!

Billy actually manages to shove Wayne hard. As a result, Wayneflies off the couch and bangs his head on the coffee table as he goes down.Wayne screeches and rolls over on the floor, momentarily paralyzed, clutchingthe side of his head.

Dean continues to clutch at Billy as he stands up. Dean gets himaround one leg, but Billy still lurches his way toward the door, pullingDean along with him. Dean struggles to pull the boy's pants lower, figuringif he can get them down his legs they will retard Billy's progress. Butthe jeans are so tight that Dean only manages to get them down a little.

BILLY is shouting things like :Fuckers! Queers! Faggot!

Despite Dean's best efforts, Billy nearsthe front door.

It looks like he is actually going tomake it out of the house.

When, SUDDENLY, the front door swingsopen and David is standing there, a baseball bat in his hands.

Billy realizes his way is blocked andstops. Dean is on his knees, his arms around Billy's legs, trying to bringhim down that way.

David steps through the door, swingsthe bat back, and then slams Billy upside the head with it.

Billy staggers and then falls, with Deanbreaking his fall to some extent. Even so, Billy goes down fairly hard.

Dean lets go of Billy's body and movesaway, breathing hard, sprawled on the floor.

He looks up at David, smiles throughhis heavy breathing, and says : Well, talk about good timin',pardner! I guess you done gone and won first prize for sure!



David puts the baseball bat in the corner, then goes and shutsand locks the front door.

Dean is still sprawled on the floor, laughing now.

DEAN: Whew! That was close. We were gonna lose him for sure once he gotout that there door. Yellin' for all the neighborhood to hear too. And himwith his pants down past his knees practically. I can't b'lieve you just showedup like that. I can't hardly b'lieve it.

David says nothing, just come over to Dean and helps get backup on his feet .

DEAN: You a lifesaver, David! That's what you are!

Dean slaps David on the back. David accepts the gratitude withlittle reaction .

Dean gestures toward Billy, who lies proneand unconscious on the floor.

DEAN: Help me git him on the board while he's still out. [ Hepoints toward the couch .] It's under there. But you know that.

David makes his way over to the couch, sees Wayne still moaningand clutching his head, and laughs a kind of cold laugh.

DAVID: Billy up and gave good ole Wayne a headache,huh.

DEAN to Wayne : You ain't kilt yet, Wayne. Stop themoanin' and groanin' for God's sake.

WAYNE whining : It hurts! It hurts!

Dean and David look at each other, both amused.

David bends down and pulls the bondage board out from under thecouch .

The bondage torture board is a thick piece of plywood about threefeet wide and six feet long. It is nailed to two parallel lengths of 2x4s,also about six feet long. The 2x4s run along underneath the board likethe blades on the bottom of a sled. They are the "feet," the foundationon which the plywood board rests. The plywood board itself has pairs ofholes cut in it at the top and at the bottom. The holes are relativelysmall but big enough for lengths of rope to pass through. The ropes areused to tie the person to the board once he is placed on it. Lengths ofrope are already in place in some of the holes, ready for just that eventuality.

While Wayne is getting the board out from under the couch, Deanhas gone to a closet and pulled out a sheet of plastic that is slightlywider and bigger than the torture board once he unfolds it. He spreadsthe plastic out on the floor, then helps David put the torture board downon top of it.

DEAN to David : You cleaned up the board real goodfrom the last time, David. I mean, there's still some stains and stuff, butI can't hardly tell it got that much blood and stuff on it like it did.

DAVID, who never has too much to say, says simply :Thanks.

DEAN stands up, says : Now for those goddam jeansa his. I'll be glad when boys git back to wearin' loose jeans like they usedto. That's why me and Wayne got into trouble with him, tryin' to git thosedadblamed tight jeans of his off.

They go over to where Billy lies on hisback, unconscious.

DEAN: He's still breathin.' For a moment I thought you mighta up and killedhim you hit him so hard.

DAVID without humor : I judged what it would take.

DEAN nods, laughs, says : I guess so.

Together they work Billy's jeans off. Then Dean removes the jockeyshorts as well.

DEAN, nodding toward the now nude Billy : Nice, ain'the. More strappin' than some of them kids we done had recently. I'm ready fora little muscle, how 'bout you?

DAVID: I wouldn't mind it.

Wayne has left the room. Neither Dean nor David seems to noticeor care .

DEAN: I once did a hitchhikin' college kid who looked somethin' like Billy.He was one of my first actually. He was lookin' to get his rock off and 'greedto go back to my place which is where I took 'em off for real once I got 'imgood and drunk and strapped down and all. You should a seen his eyes when Ifinally sliced 'em off. Bug-eyed don't even come close!

David smiles but says nothing .

Together Dean and David haul Billy's body over to the tortureboard .

DEAN: Flip 'im over onto his stomach. I wanna plug his ass right off. Oncehe comes to, that is. I like 'em to know what's happenin' to 'em, you know.

DAVID, with a little more animation : I know.

Billy is placed face-down on the board. Because of his height,his feet are off the board.

DEAN, who begins to loop and then tie the ropes around Billy'swrists : He's almost too big for this here thing, ain't he?One day I gotta make a new torture rack. I once had two but they both upand got busted one way or the other. Just tie the ropes round his legsanyhow. He ain't gonna go nowhere.

The ropes are soon tied, top and bottom, but there is a certainamount of give in them. Billy, once he is conscious again, will be ableto jerk and pull on the board to some extent, even though the knots thatare actually tied around his legs and wrists are fairly tight.

DEAN looks around : Where's Wayne done got hisselfoff to?

DAVID: Pissin' or nursin' his head, I guess. One or the other.

DEAN: Prob'bly the other. You know how Wayne hates to git hurt. He suredon't mind dishin' it out but he's a real pussy when it come to bein' on thereceivin' end.

DAVID laughs a knowing laugh : You right there.

DEAN, standing up to survey their victim : Jesus!I knew he was a good 'un but I didn't know he was gonna look this damn good.

DAVID: Lotsa nice boy there, sho-nuff.

DEAN: He's even got some muscle in his ass just like I thought.

DAVID, who now assumes his task is done, walks over and sits downon the couch and says : Hmmm. [ agreeing, but notactually paying much attention ]

DEAN: You saved the day, so it's only fair if you wanna go at 'im firstonce he comes to.

DAVID: Naw. I know how much you been wantin' to git your hands on this 'un.I'll just sit here and watch for a while. Wouldn't mind havin' me a beer though.

DEAN grins : Least I can do by way of thanks, I guess.Your wish [ Dean bows a mock bow .] is my command.

Dean leaves the room to get the beer.

Billy begins to moan while Dean is away. David tilts his headand watches, smirking a bit, as Billy starts to move his limbs a little.He pulls against the restraints on his wrists and legs but is still basicallyunconscious, not really aware yet of the predicament he is in.

Dean returns with the beer. He has also opened one for himself.He hands David his beer, takes a swig of the one he opened for himself,then fishes a pill bottle from his pants pocket, opens it and pops a coupleof pills into his mouth, which he then washes down with another swig ofthe beer.

DAVID, having taken a few gulps of his beer : He'scomin' round.

DEAN: I can see. I thought it might take a lot longer.

DAVID: 'Parently not. [ He sips his beer .] He's ahardheaded guy, I guess.

DEAN: All the better. Means he's strong and will last a while maybe. A fewdays at least. I wouldn't mind that at all. It's been a while since one wasgood enough to keep around for any length of time.

Dean goes over and squats down by the board .

DEAN: Yeah, he's definitely comin' round all right. His eyelids is flutterin'all up and down. Guess I can git myself ready.

Dean begins to disrobe, tossing the clothes onto the floor bythe couch. His t-short comes off; then his workpants. He leaves on hisboxer shorts. For now.

Billy painfully lifts his head a few inches up from the board.

BILLY, moaning : Ohhhh, shiiiit! What the fuuuuck?

He tries to push himself up but can't. He slips back down, confusedand consternated. He tries again. Fails again .

Dean stands by and watches, rubbing his crotch as he does so.

DEAN: Look at the way his butt does. It up and dimples every time he makesa effort. Ain't that sexy as hell!

DAVID peers over from the couch, murmurs : That'sreal nice, yeah.

Billy finally seems to get some focus on the situation. He appearsto take in that he is tied down, restrained. He next turns his head andsees Dean massaging his crotch.

BILLY, in a surprisingly loud voice for someone who has so recentlybeen unconscious: You ain't gonna fuck me! You ain't gonnafuck me!

DEAN laughs, says to Billy : I knew you was a smartone. Lots of the little motherfuckers I done done don't seem to know what'shappenin' to 'em even when I'm actually in the act of bustin' their littlebutt-cherrries wide open. "What you doin'? What you doin'?" they ask even asI'm a-pokin' away at 'em.

BILLY, staring up from where he lies tied to the board :Don't you fuck me, I say! You fuck me and I'll fuckin' kill you! I swear I'llfuckin' kill you, you fuck me!

DEAN laughs again, bends down and says : Sticks andstones may break my bones but threats they never done hurt me. So far anyway.And as for fuckin', I'm afraid we are. Yes indeedy we are. More 'n once too.

Billy begins to violently jerk and strain at the ropes tied aroundhis wrists and legs. He is strong enough, and the bindings have enoughgive in them, that he actually manages to make the board move, slip andslide and skip and jump a bit.

DAVID laughs from the couch, says : Goddam! You suregone and got yoself a live one on that there line this time, Dean. The lastone who went on like that was that there Ruben guy. 'Member him?

DEAN: Sure, I remember Ruben. He had that wiry body and cute little pugnose. He was a nice kid really but he sure did put up a struggle to start with.I almost let him go there at the end, you know. Or maybe you don't. He saidhe'd help like you and Wayne do. Gittin' me boys, that is. But I couldn't trusthim. I just couldn't trust him


A cute, pug-nosed kid is nude, face-up on the bed in the backroom. His arms are tied together to the top of the headboard, but his legsand feet are free. He is seventeen, maybe even eighteen, but slim and attractivelyboyish-looking.

RUBEN: I promise I'll hep you, Dean. I know I went and yelled and all atthe start of this here thang but you done seen now how I settled down and all.I give good head as well as tail, you done said so yoself. And I like it, Ido. My stepdad, the one before this one I now got, he made me suck 'im offsometimes when mama was away or angry at 'im, and I didn't mind it much. NowI don't mind it all. I ain't lyin.' You know me real good by now. We done hadsome good talks and all. So you don't have to kill me none now 'cause I doneproved myself, right?

A gun comes into camera-view . . . and the hand holding it.

RUBEN looks nervous but tries not to : Don't jokearound with that there gun, Dean. That makes me nervous your jokin' round withthat there gun.

DEAN is heard but not seen, saying : Bang! Bang!

RUBEN laughs, again a bit nervously . Way funny, Dean,yeah! Way funny!

The gun lifts toward the boy's nose. There is a pause. Then thegun really explodes.


The screen fills with white for a second, then snaps back ontoRuben's shocked face. Where his nose was, there is now a mangled but surprisinglycontained circle of damaged tissue. Blood is streaming down from the nose,but Ruben is still conscious .

RUBEN , astonished, opens his mouth, which begins to fill withblood, and says : You done gone and shot me for real, Dean!You done gone and shot me for real!

The camera follows the gun as it slowly rises to the middle ofRuben's dramatically sweating forehead .

There is a second huge BANG! And the screen goes while again,this time for good.


DEAN , remembering : Yeah, Ruben he was a nice kidmostly.

The sounds of Billy's renewed struggling return him to the presentmoment .

DEAN: Not like this here little prick. This is one of those little pricksthat whatever he gits he's gonna have deserved bigtime. [ Dean directshis attention to Billy .] Ain't that right, Billy boy? You deserveto be fucked up the ass, don't you? Considerin' all the fuckin' round you donedone yourself ever since you was what? Nine or ten, I bet. Not to mention allthe shit you done caused your dad and your mom and your teachers and all, allthese years, right? Hell, you deserve more 'n a dick up your ass is what Ithink, but a dick'll do for now. Oh, yeah.

Dean finally strips his boxer shorts off and moves in to get atBilly's ass.

It is not easy. The bonds give Billy enough leeway to both liftand turn and twist his hips and upper body some.

DAVID from the couch : You not gonna use no petroljelly or nothin'?

DEAN, struggling to get properly positioned over Billy's anxiouslyflexing, constantly twisting ass : No. This boy's one of thosedry-fuck types, I'm thinkin'. Look at that crack of his. If I can justgit 'him to hold still long enough it'll direct me straight on in and thenhis own sweat'll be all the lube I'll need. 'Sides, I'm ready for a dryfuck for a change. I don't mind if pokin' this 'un is a little hard thefirst time. What I know is it's gonna be a whole lot harder on him thanit's gonna be on me.

DAVID begins to laugh as Dean continues to have trouble breachingBilly's ass .

DAVID: I wouldn't be so sure 'bout that. From where I sit, it's lookin'as hard on you as it is on him at this point.

Dean continues his struggle to penetrate Billy's ass, but Billycontinues to successfully resist, yelling such things as :Git off me you fuckin' queer! Git the fuck of me! I'm gonna kill your fuckin'pansy ass soon as I git loose from here, swear I am! You not gonna putthat thang in me! No way! I'll die 'fore I let you put that there fuckin'thang in me!

David begins to toss about on the couch with laughter.

DAVID: It's like one of them mechanical bulls theygot down to the Iron Cowboy dancebar! Hahaha! It's just like somethin' outof the goddam rodeo!

Dean is clearly getting less amused by the minute.

DEAN, finally angry and frustrated, turns toward David and yells :Stop yo damn laughin' and git your butt over here and help me, you jerk!

David slowly gets up off the couch and makes his way over to thetorture board, but he continues to laugh.

DEAN to David as he gets close : Can it, you asshole!Now grab his fuckin' arms or somethin'!

DAVID squats down in front of Billy's head at the top of the board.He reaches out and bops the top of Billy's head and says :Quit it! You just makin' it hard on yoself though it is kinda fun watchin'Dean work up a sweat like this. [ David bops Billy on the heada second time ].

Billy lets fly with a torrent of x-rated expletives !

David's face immediately darkens, then goes livid. All of hishumor has vanished in an instant.

DAVID in a low, furious, menacing voice : Don't nobodytalk to me like that, buster!

David draws back his fists and begins to pummel Billy in the face.Non-stop and hard!

Dean, who is still trying to plug Billy's ass, tries to swat Davidaway .

DEAN: Hey, stop that! I didn't mean for you to do THAT!

David ignores Dean and continues to punch Billy in the face.

DEAN: Stop it, I said! You gonna go and kill the sombitch and you know Idon't like no dead fuck!

Finally Dean lands a pretty solid blow himself in the middle ofDavid's chest. David gasps and falls back. He then rises and turns away,rubbing his fist as if it might be bruised. In a huff, he goes back andsits back down on the couch where he takes his glasses off in order towipe away the spots of blood that spattered up from Billy's face when Davidwas hitting him.

David's assault on Billy's face has momentarily stunned Billy.That gives Dean his chance, and he finally manages to sink all the waydown into Billy's ass.

DEAN: Ahhhh! That's it. I'm all the way in at last! Ain't gonna be no turnin'back now! Ha!

Dean now begins to hump Billy without much difficulty.

Wayne finally returns, walks over, and looks down at Billy's face,which is bruised and streaming blood.

WAYNE: What you gone and messed up his face for?

BILLY, seeing Wayne : Help me, Wayne! Get 'im offme, Wayne! You my friend, Wayne! Make 'im stop!

WAYNE is quiet for a moment, then says : You suckme off I will.

Billy looks as if he hasn't heard right.

BILLY: What?

WAYNE: I said you suck me off and I'll make himstop. Not until though.

Wayne promptly unzips, whips his cockout, and then playfully waves it in Billy's face.

BILLY, in a whine : I cain'tsuck on that, Wayne.

WAYNE: Yes you can. You bite it, though, I won'thep you at all. I'll let Dean kill you straight off in fact 'cause that's whathe likes to do most of anything. Kill good ole boys like you dead. Speciallyif they don't do as they's told.

Dean is watching as he humps, enjoyingthe new twist on things.

DEAN winks at Wayne and says :Suck him like he says. Then if he really wants me to let you go after thatI will.

Another wink conveys that this last statementis a lie.

At the sound of Dean's voice, Billy goeswild. He let loose again with all the cuss words he can think of. He alsostarts to buck again, but Dean stays on (and in him) despite the new effortBilly makes to throw Dean off.

Finally Billy begins to tire, of thebucking and the yelling.

WAYNE takes advantage of the lull andsays : Come on, Billy, it ain't hard to do.

Wayne moves closer to Billy and catcheshim by the hair and lifts his head up, but relatively gently, as if notto hurt Billy too much.

WAYNE: Come on. Suck on it, Billy. Least a little.Then we'll let you go. Promise.

Billy sobs, sniffles, hesitates, thenseems to lose all power of resistance.

He closes his eyes and lets Wayne sliphis cock into his mouth.

As Dean continues to fuck Billy, Waynemakes him give head. Billy gags a couple of times but does not upchuck.

WAYNE: Slurp on it. Do more slurpin' on it. That'sright. Oh yeah.

Dean picks up his pace, nears climax,then suddenly comes, fairly violently. He digs his fingers into the fleshon Billy's shoulders as he does so, leaving red marks when he finally pullsout and gets off Billy. Wayne immediately pulls his dick from Billy's mouthand moves around to the boy's ass to take up where Dean left off .

WAYNE: My turn!

Wayne quickly strips from below the waist,kneels, moves forward, and promptly plugs Billy's ass himself.

DEAN from where he is now sitting onthe floor, watching Wayne fuck Billy : He's a tight one. Ain'the, Wayne? He's a good and tight one.

WAYNE: Oh yeah! Oh yeah!

BILLY grunts and sobs and says :You didn't have to do this. Why'd you all got to go and do this to me?

Dean notices that his dick is dirty frombeing in Billy's ass. He gets up, gets Billy's discarded t-shirt, and beginsto clean himself with it.

DEAN, while wipingat himself : You mean you woulda let us poke you up the assif we had just gone and asked you to pretty-please let us do it? I don'tb'lieve that for a minute.

Dean finishes wiping his dick and throwsthe t-shirt down on the floor .

BILLY: It ain't right. You ain't oughta do thisto another guy. It ain't right.

DEAN: You let me blow you without much complainin'if I remember correctly, and I didn't think guys was supposed to let otherguys do that to them either.

BILLY: A blowjob's different.

Billy's face twists in pain as Wayneslams harder, then harder as he get closer to releasing his load .

DEAN, sounding both accusing and triumphant :Yeah, ones you git but don't give. You ole boys are all selfish little pricks,that's what I know. So I don't even bother to ask you no more. I just takewhat I want when I decide I want it. And I was wantin' your ass the first timeWayne done brung you over here. He knew I would. Well, now I done had it, that'sall.

Wayne cums, doing a little high-pitchedsqueal he does.

Dean and David both laugh in reactionto the sound.

DAVID to Wayne : You shodo make you a funny sound when you cum, Wayne.

WAYNE, as he slips out of Billy, thenslides off and over onto his back beside him : Fuck you!

But Wayne laughs a bit himself .

BILLY in a spent, depressed tone of voice :Let me go now. You all done had your fun. Let me go like you said.

DEAN: And let you kill us? 'Cause that's what yousaid you was gonna do if we fucked you, right? Well, we done up and fuckedyou real good so I guess our lives is in danger now. So's we can't take thatchance and let you go, now can we? No way!

BILLY: Come on, Dean. I ain't gonna kill you. How'mI gonna kill you? I don't even wanna act like I know you no more once I getouta here. Honest. I don't wanna even know your name no more.

DEAN: Nice try, Billy. But too many boys done gonemissin' from round here. And you would talk. I know you would. That or go andgit yourself a gun and come back and kill us like you said you would whetheryou now say you won't or not. No, we can't let you go now. 'Sides, we ain'tthrough havin' our fun yet. And if I ain't mistaken it's David here's turnnow. Right, David?

David nods, smiles, and get up off thecouch, unbuttoning his jeans as he does so.

There is now a series of fairly quick,feverishly edited cuts: David fucking Billy, Wayne fucking Billy a secondtime [during which we hear Billy saying to Wayne: "It hurts,Wayne. Stop. It hurts, Wayne."] followed by Dean for his secondtime, followed by David with a dildo, which he proceeds to push up Billy'sass while jerking off [during which Billy yells, "I cain'ttake that! I cain't take that!"]. Billy screams and throws upwhile being humped with the dildo. More quick, feverish shots: Dean poppingmore pills, then Dean, Wayne, and Billy untying Billy and hauling him upwhile holding tightly to him, then leading him off to the bathroom, whereDavid mops Billy's face and chest and crotch and ass with a sponge whileDean and Wayne hold Billy up, then to the bedroom, where Billy is securedface-down on the bed, resisting as his right arm is about to be tied, butfinally forced to submit by Dean and Wayne.

The camera finally resumes its normal survey of the action:

DEAN, with his hands on his hips, tiredbut content, looks down once Billy is fully secured, yawns, and says toBilly: Well, I'm off to my trundlebed, as my mom use to callit. I've never quite known what a trundlebed is actually but that's whatshe used to call it, and I still do sometimes. It must be goin' on fiveby now. In the mornin', that is. We all done done in. Almost as bad asyou are even. So rest up and dream sweet dreams now, you here?

Dean laughs, turns, and slowly leavesthe room.

Final shot of Billy spread-eagled on the bed, bleary-eyed, bruised,and defeated, slowly closing his eyes as exhaustion pitches him into adeep sleep.


Dean is nude, sitting at the table in his bedroom, and once againwriting on the yellow pad.


DEAN: I went the whole dang day yesterday without poking Billy once. That'show tired I was. But Wayne he came over and did. I heard him and Billy talkin'while he did it too but they didn't know I was listenin' which made it allthe more fun.

FLASHBACK : The camera gazes over Dean'sshoulder through the partly cracked door into the back room where Billylies secured to the bed. Wayne is in the act of fucking Billy, but we hearBilly talking.

BILLY, twisting his head around so as to be heard better :You gotta let me go, Wayne. I won't tell nobody 'bout any of this. Promise.But you gotta let me go.

Wayne mumbles something. It's not quite clear what, given thatWayne's face is pretty much buried in the hair at the back of Billy's neck.

BILLY again : He got you intothis, right, Wayne? I know he did. He's one sick motherfucker, Wayne. You better'nthis. Hell, you like girls, I know you do. But that there Dean he's queer allthe way through, man. He's queer all the way through and he's done gone andmade you catch it, man. But you ain't really queer, I know you ain't.

Wayne again mumbles unintelligibly .

BILLY: You should kill him, Wayne. Let me go and I'll help you to do it,I promise. He couldn't do nothin' 'gainst the two of us, Wayne. Aiiiii! Thathurts, Wayne! Don't go so hard at it! Why you got to go and do this to me,Wayne? I was a bud, man. I was a bud.

Wayne lifts his head up and is actually intelligible his time.

WAYNE: He pays good. Reeeaaal gooood. Where'm I gonna git the money fromif'n we kills him, even thinkin' we could? No. I'm sorry Billy but he alreadydone said he's gonna pay me five hunnerd bucks for you, friend or no friend.It's just your bad luck is all. 'Sides, you wanted to come over here. You washot for a blowjob. You didn't say that but I knew that's what you was thinkin'.But now you know the whole. It's a lot more 'n blowjobs, ain't it? Which iswhy Dean cain't let you go now and I wants this car I done seen and like Isaid anyway that thousand bucks, well it'll sure hep.

The camera returns to Dean's face. Dean grins, even laughs a little,but quietly, so as not to be heard, then turns and goes away.

End of flashback: Return to scene in progress .

Dean continuing to write:


DEAN: Well, I was back to my old self today. Didn't even need any of thempills to get me up and goin' either. I called in sick even since I felt sogood and want to play with Billy some more while he's still fit enough forit. Billy he was a-lookin' a little bit parched to start with--his lips bein'sorta cracked and all--so I went and got him a beer, then two, and he drunk'em both down like he ain't never had nothing to drink for days and I guesshe hadn't since Saturday night maybe.

FLASHBACK SHOT : Deanstraddled Billy's back, holding his head up while helping him drink a bottleof Lone Star.

VOICEOVER continues:

I think he's pretty much cleaned out in the shitdepartment but I had to change the towel David had under his dick 'cause hehad peed again at some point. Not bad, but it was still a little damp and all.

FLASHBACK SHOT: Deanchanging the towels under Billy's groin .

VOICEOVER resumes:

That skin of his still looks real pretty, though. Girl-pretty again, evenif he's all boy otherwise as I proved by pullin' his dick out from down underbetween his legs and strokin' it till it got hard. It's a real nice bone actually.I can see why all them girls been wantin' to go down on it.

FLASHBACK SHOT : Deandoing what he just described.

VOICEOVER continues over the flashback: I made 'imcum too, which he did even in that position. There was a little blood in thecum, which there was a surprisin' amount of--given how he ain't been eatin'or drinkin' much since Wayne brought him in. The blood probably comes fromwhere his prostrates done gone and got ruptured or something. I've seen ithappen before after a guy's had his butt hard-fucked over a short period atime like Billy has. Some bleed from the ass too, but Billy he ain't done thatonce. That's how well built for fuckin' he is.

A pause as Dean finishes masturbating Billy and now prepares tofuck him again.


DEAN: Then I fucked 'im again.


Dean fucking Billy on the bed. Dean pushes Billy's hair away fromthe back of his neck and randomly bites down on the neck.

BILLY: Dean, I'm gittin' where I kinda like it, Dean. I mean, it don't feelso bad no more anyway.

DEAN, pausing in his biting of Billy's neck : Thatright?

BILLY: Yeah. So what do you think? I could promise to come by anytime youwanted . . . you know . . . to play . . . and you could . . . you know . .. do this or whatever . . . you know.

DEAN, while continuing to hump Billy, but getting a bit breathlessas his climax nears : Likely story. I know what you'd do. You'dgo tell somebody. Maybe that hard-ass dad of yours or somebody and I'dbe in deep shit. No thank you! That or you'd come back huntin' for me yourselflike I said. No thank you again.

BILLY, with desperation : But you cain't just KILLme, Dean! I mean, why would you just KILL me? You'll get caught for sure youdo that. Caught and sent up for the 'lectric chair. You cain't just kill peopleand get away with it.

DEAN: Billy, honey, I been killin' me kids like you for several years nowand I ain't been caught yet. Know what more? I ain't gonna ever BE caught either.Know why? 'Cause I'm smart, that's why. I got me a routine down pat by now.Wayne and David they help. When they stop helpin', well, then they go bye-byetoo. That's all. You can even tell Wayne I said that next time you two do anymore lovey-dovey pillowtalk the way you was doin' yesterday. It won't makeno difference, though. I wave me some Uncle Sam dollars in front of Wayne'sface and he does just what I want. That's how it's worked. That's how it'sgonna keep workin' until I get too old for this shit. Which, I have to tellyou, ain't gonna be any time soon. Not soon enough for you to save your assanyway. Speakin' of which . . . .

And Dean humps hard until he cums.

Return to Scene in Progress: Dean writing at the table

Dean stops writing. Listens as if he hears something. Gets upand leaves the room. Heads for the back where Billy is tied to the bed.

Dean enters the room and looks at the boy on the bed. Billy isgagged but moaning, pulling, tossing to the extent he can.

Dean sighs, goes to the bed and ungagsBilly.

BILLY in a weak-sounding voice :Dean? . . . Dean?

Billy turns his head around to look atDean.

DEAN: You spoke?

BILLY, teary-voiced : I don'twanna go to hell, Dean. And I know that's where I'll go if you . . . . Pleasedon't make me go to hell, Dean. I ain't been good. I ain't been good at all.

Dean seems partly irritated, partly turnedon by Billy's anguish. Dean begins to rub himself, get hard.

DEAN: There ain't no heaven and there ain't nohell, and even if there is I don't give a damn either way.

BILLY: I think there is. I think there is. I didn'tbut now I do.

DEAN begins to move in to fuck Billyagain, says : The only place you gonna go is into a hole inthe ground out there by the reservoir. But if'n it makes you feel any betteryou won't be alone out there anyway. We been plantin' kids out there forsome time now. Must be over a dozen or so.

BILLY: I don't wanna go to hell. I don't wannago to hell.

DEAN, positioning himself to enter Billy :You done started to repeat yourself. Why you boys always up and start repeatin'yourselves?

BILLY: I don't wanna go to hell. I don't wannago to hell.

DEAN , now just irritated :You 'fraid of hell, Billy? Well, this is hell, Billy!

And with that Dean violently splits Billy'sass. Billy utters a loud groan, then drops his head forward onto the mattress.The violent fuck now proceeds in silence, except for the various snortsand moans Dean now makes as he fucks Billy as hard as he has perhaps everfucked anybody. Billy appears to faint halfway through it.



BEGINS WITH : A second series of quicklyedited shots to suggest the passage of time. Billy being cleaned, tended,fucked again. Dean writing, taking a shower, going to work, returning home,drinking, popping pills, going in to see how a gagged Billy is doing, feedingBilly more beer, more fucking.

FINALLY the camera settles down :Dean is sitting on the couch in the living room. He is dressed except forbare feet.

Wayne enters, shuffles over to the couch, nods toward the backof the house.

WAYNE: How's he doin'?

DEAN, who is sipping a beer : Just fine, thank youvery much. You want to fuck 'im some more? He's still givin' good tail considerin'.

WAYNE shrugs, says : Maybe next time.

DEAN, between sips of his beer : There may not bea next time. He's startin' to wear on me if you wanna know. Been talkin' 'bouthell and heaven and shit like that yesterday.

WAYNE shrugs again, but there is a new energy in voice as he says :You want me to hep when you git ready to do him?

DEAN, looking amused : I sometimes think that thepart you like best. The actual killin' time part.

WAYNE smiles a wan smile, says : Sometimes it is.

DEAN laughs, says : Sure. You can help me then whenthe time comes.

WAYNE: When?

DEAN appears to think, says :Tomorrow after work.

WAYNE grins an excited little grin, says :Good.

DEAN, grinning back : Yeah.Good.



Dean returns home from work. Enters the house. Looks around. Cockshis head to hear. From a distance we hear BILLY saying: "Please, Wayne,let me go. I won't tell nobody. Please, Wayne, let me go. I won't tellnobody." There is a sudden silence, then Wayne enters the living room,zipping his pants back up.

DEAN: So you ARE here.

WAYNE: Thought I'd git one more in 'fore good ole Billy bit the dust. He'sstill a hot fuck. You sure you wanna off 'im today? There's still some goodpokin' to be had if what I just had is any innication.

DEAN: No, he's dead as of today. I done got tired of 'im. I git tired of'em all after a while. You know that.

Wayne shrugs, says: Your choice. Then goesout to get himself a beer.

David now enters through the front door .

DEAN: Well, hello, stranger. Thought you'd done up and forgot where we livehere.

DAVID smiles a cold smile, says : Been busy. [ Hegestures toward the back .] He still around?

DEAN, finishing his beer, stands up : Wayne and meare just about to put 'im out of his misery actually. Wayne says he'll helpme out to the reservoir but the more's the merrier if you want to join in beforethat. This'll be your last chance, though.

DAVID considers, smiles, then says : Where's thatdildo? I wouldn't mind doin' that one more time while I jack off.

DEAN laughs, says : You really done gone and got intothat dildo, boy.

DAVID: Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks.

DEAN laughs again, replies : You said it, I guess.Come on, then. It and him is in the back, ready and waitin' for you.

They head for the back room. Wayne joins them, chugging his beeras he brings up the rear.

CUT to the bedroom. Dean, David,and Wayne enter .

Billy hears them, lifts and turns his head back, takes them in,then drops his head back down on the bed.

Wayne goes to the corner, sits in a chair, finishes his beer,and then begins to unzip and dig his dick out of his pants.

Dean goes to a chest of drawers, opens the top one, removes thedildo, and hands it to David.

DEAN: Here 'tis. Let 'er rip, cowboy!

David smiles, takes the dildo, gets up on the bed, and positionshimself between Billy's secured, splayed legs.

BILLY begs : Please, yawl! Don't do no more! Please!Please, yawl! Don't do no more. I cain't take no more. I swear I just cain'ttake no more.

DAVID: Wanna bet?

With that, David begins to work the dildo into Billy's ass.

Billy squeals, groans, moans, etc. as David begins to shove thedildo in and out while unzipping and freeing his dick in order to jackoff while he does so.

WAYNE , while jacking off in his corner : Oh yeah!Oh yeah!

Dean unzips, frees his cock, and climbs up on the bed next toBilly's head, where he straddles Billy's tied right arm, then lifts Billy'shead and turns and pulls it toward him until Billy is positioned to takehis cock into his mouth. Billy is in great discomfort, as well as awkwardlypositioned, but he opens his mouth and does his best to suck Dean off.

DEAN: Yeah, motherfucker! One good blowjob deservesanother, right? Now you know that. Right, you little motherfucker?

As each makes his own unique orgasmic sounds, all three cum atthe exact same time.

ALL: Ahhhhh! [ or variations thereon ]

A long moment passes as they all recover from their respectiveorgasms.

David is the first to really move and begin to put himself backtogether.

DAVID, re-zipping his pants :You and Wayne can take it from here, I guess. I'm gonna go git me a beer butI'll hang around to help you load him up anyway.

David leaves.

DEAN looks across to Wayne, says :The usual?

Wayne has gotten his zipper stuck andis focused on it but answers: Sure. The usual's good.

DEAN shakes his head, says :You a real asshole, Wayne. You know that?

WAYNE protests, still struggling withhis zipper : Ain't neither. I just got my zipper stuck is all.Could happen to anybody.

DEAN: Yeah, it could, but somehow it always seemsto be you when stuff goes wrong, don't it?

WAYNE: Fuck you!

Dean laughs and goes and gets a ropeout of the chest of drawers. The rope is thick but soft-woven and aboutfour feet in length.

Billy has recovered enough to follow Dean's movements. He watchesDean approach the bed with the rope and says:

BILLY: Don't kill me. Don't kill me. Please don't kill me.

DEAN to Wayne, who has finally managed to zip himself back up :Why you think so many of 'em always got to go and turn into broke records likethis at the end. [ In a mocking tone ] "Don't kill meme. Don't kill me. Please don't kill me." [ Directs his words toBilly now ] I mean, fuck, Billy. Can't you be more original thanthat?

BILLY: Please, Dean. I'm only sixteen, Dean.

DEAN: Sweet sixteen! Perfect age to die if you ask me. I mean, think aboutit Billy. If me and Wayne don't do you this way, you just gonna go and gitold and bald and fat and mean like your dad, whereas right now you at yourphysical and sexual peak or pretty damn near. [ Dean slaps Billyon the butt .] Yo ass sho is anyway. 'Sides, your little life don'tmean shit. You done realized that yourself long before now, Billy, don't tellme you ain't. All you little shits never was worth anything anyway. Trash eachand every one. Pretty trash, some of you. I'll give you that. But you are no-accountHouston Heights redneck boy-trash even so. No, Billy. We doin' you a favorhere, Wayne and me. Yeah, a real favor.

Billy tries to speak again but sobs instead.

Dean and Wayne move up onto the bed, one on one side on Billy,one on the other.

Dean leans up and loops the rope around Billy's neck, then handsoff one end to Wayne while keeping the other end in his own grasp.

DEAN to Billy : So. Any last words, cowboy?

BILLY has buried his face in the mattress as if he doesn't wantto see what is happening, but we hear him plead : Please don't.

DEAN: Pathetic.

DEAN looks across to Wayne, who has tightened his grip on hisend of the rope, says : Ready. Set. Go!!!

Dean and Wayne pull back on the rope.

Billy immediately arches back, all his limbs flexing and pullingagainst the restraints on his arms and legs.

Billy--his head pulled up by the tautly-held rope--makes strangled,gasping noises.

DEAN: Look at that ass, Wayne! Look at it flex, man! I mean, that's justbeautiful! Aint't that just beautiful?

WAYNE: I guess.

DEAN: What do you mean you guess? They don't git no better 'n that!

Billy begins to jerk at the ropes around his feet and arms. Whatstarts out as a willed if useless effort to pull free, however, soon turnsinto unwilled erratic muscular spasms as his body slips into severe auto-cathecticshock.

The camera scans Billy's violently jerking, flexing, twitchingbody. Shots of his tightly bound hands, his radically flexed fingers andtoes, his bulging biceps, his taut thighs and calves, his tightly boundankles, his arched back and straining shoulder blades, his ass. Then thecamera zeroes in on Billy's face from the side. The face is red and reddening,darkening even as the camera moves in. Billy's eyes are slightly popped.Red veins have appeared where the whites once were. The tip of his tongue,looking a bit blue and swollen, pokes out of the painfully stretched, grimacingmouth. Billy has bitten down on his tongue, and blood begins to drip fromhis mouth as well as from his nose.

Dean and Wayne enjoy the show in silence for a minute, then:

DEAN says : So who we gonnagit next? You got anybody lined up?

WAYNE: I'm workin' on a couple. You done seen oneof 'em. Tony. That other Billy's brother. The other Billy we done a while back,that is.

DEAN thinks, then recalls :Oh yeah. He's cute. Even cuter than his brother was maybe. Yeah. Git him 'roundhere. They think his brother up and run off and got a job down on the coast.We made 'im write that letter sayin' that before we killed him, remember?

WAYNE: Yeah, I remember. That was smart. We oughtado that again maybe. Prob'bly should a done it with this 'un here.

DEAN considers, nods : Well,maybe. Too late now though.

WAYNE nods, agrees : Yeah,too late now.

Dean and Wayne go silent again, boththinking, both keeping a tight grip on their respective ends of the rope.

The camera revisits Billy's body whichis slowly slowing its spasms, gradually going rigid in the legs and arms.

Finally DEAN laughsand says : This 'un sho was an asshole,warn't he?

WAYNE: You could say so.

DEAN: I always like bringin' the cocky ones downand Billy here he was REAL cocky. [ Dean jerks on the rope to makehis point .]

WAYNE: The football done it to him.

DEAN: That and what a hunk he was. I mean, evennow. Look at 'im. That's about as pretty as boy-flesh gits in this here worldI tell you.

Wayne shrugs but says nothing .

DEAN: You can shrug all you want but you know it'strue.

Billy has now gone completely still.

WAYNE, with more excitement than he hasrecently shown : I love to think how 'is brain is just burnin'up right now. 'Cause that's what's happenin' without the oxygen. It's justblazin' away in there. [ Wayne nods toward Billy's head .]

The camera fixes on Billy's unnaturallystill, blue-red, pop-eyed profile .

DEAN: We got enough lime for this 'un or do weneed to stop and git some more on the way out to the reservoir.

WAYNE ponders, says : He'sa lot a body to cover, but I think we got plenty. This time anyway.

David finally reenters the room, drinkinga beer.

DAVID: So's he gone yet?

DEAN tilts his head to get a look atBilly's face, says : Might be. What do you think?

DAVID comes around the side of the bed,leans down to peer at Billy's face, and says : Oh yeah. He'sdead. I done seen me a lot of dead faces by now and that's a dead boy forsure. Yawl don't have to go on riskin' gittin' a hernia no more. He's agoner for good.

Dean and Wayne let go of the rope. Billy'shead thuds to the mattress.

The camera draws back as Dean and Wayneand Billy look at each other and then at Billy in approval.

DEAN: Some fun, huh?

Wayne and David nod as they both smileand say : Yeah. Some fun.

A bouncy country-western song swells up as the camera freezes andthe credits begin to roll.


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A Maids Diary Part I

This is my contribution to the glory that is Fictionmania. Hope everyone likes it! A Maid's Diary, Part I By Connietgrrrl Friday, September... Dear Diary, I am on needles and pins, and butterflies in my stomach and...! Oh well, I am just nervous and excited all at once by my plan for tonight. I've spent all week getting ready. Good thing I had quit my job 2 months ago, because I needed the whole time to work up my nerve. I've wanted to tell my wife about my cross-dressing...

2 years ago
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Jonquils Diary

June 1st Dear Diary: Please excuse the messy writing; it is so hard to have good penmanship on a train. Yes, Diary, I am on a train traveling from London to York and thence to Brasethwaite Castle. I am going there for a month of Bed Training. Poppa says that all the smart people are taking it and so must I before I go away to Girton College in the fall. Momma was worried about the idea until Poppa reassured her that virginity has no value in a bride any longer. After all, my dear little nephew...

4 years ago
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Diary My Son Made Me Topless Naked Model Part l

Son- janu aaj mausam kitna suhana hai. tumhe kuch feel nahi ho raha hai? Mom- haan! ho raha hai na! Son- kya? Mom- yehi ki aaj mai phir se chudne wali hoon. TO READERS: Ma wrote this photography session in her diary. I read this many days later after our first copulation. I think it is better for reader to study her version instead of my narration. You can read full story separately in title-“Long Dong King Kong in Mom” with son’s (me) narration. “Tonight my son made me model. Not an ordinary...

3 years ago
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Diary 8211 My Son Made Me Topless Naked Model 8211 Episode III

(Chapter Menstrual Pain Aggravate) Diary, I landed straight on my baby’s body. Though he is strong man but abrupt force-full fall of 60 Kg lady grounded him too. All due to his fault. The enormous pain didn’t allow me to think anything else. I hold my belly and rolled in floor in foetus position. Now my son too became panicky. He hold me and starts shouting—Ma’, Ma’, Ma’. He understood that he didn’t administer anti inflammatory injection in the evening, so pain triggered once again. He said-...

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Burn This Diary

This diary belongs to Cody Swanson. If you find this then please return it to : 3521 Beach Road, Deerhead Harbor, Maine/Hare Island 12/8/2019 Dear Diary, Tommy was raving on and on about lights in the old Beckstein-Manor. No one believed him. I mean that building wasted away for the last century. Ever since that family of German migrants gruesomely died. At least, that is the legend. No one in their right mind would try to live there. Not to mention that it would take a...

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Vickys Pink Diary 01

There he is sat on my bed, my Uncle, Uncle Creep, well that's what I call him. I'm just staring in shock as he flicks through it. "Put that down, it's private," I manage to blurt out. "Don't worry, you poor little thing. I've read it right through a few times. I won't tell anyone, Vicky, isn't it?" I'm shaking in horror, my diary, my pink diary with all my secret thoughts and wishes, my fantasies, and things I've done, embarrassing things. Well how many 18 year old boys get a kick out of...

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Dear Diary

This story is papers taken out of Heather’s diary. It is a prequel to: (A Phone Call: You can read the two stories in any order you like._________________________________________________________________Dear diary,Today was my father’s funeral. I’m so sad that he left us. I can’t believe that we lost him suddenly like that! He was caring, tender, and kind. He was the best dad and the best man I’ve ever seen or heard about. How did he work as a...

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Sophias Diary

Sophia's DiaryLastnight, I dreamed of a black horse. Upon waking, I looked in the dictionaryof dreams I keep in my bedside table, to see if there is any significanceto this particular night time vision. It seems a dream of a black horseis a dream of passion. Considering all that has happened in the past weeks,I am not surprised. Iread it again, noticing she had written those words the previous night, andslyly returned her diary to the walnut table where I had found it. It hadbeen a mere whim...

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Her Diary

Copyright©2003 There was a young lady named Gilda Who went on a date with a builder. He said that he would, And he could and he should, And he did and it damn well near killed her. "I don't care what it says, it was wrong Carol!" My husband pulled the duvet up to his waist and settled the book on his over-sized round stomach. My anger was about to explode. "God damn it Darren - our daughter may be sexually active!" I stood at my side of the bed with my hands on my...

1 year ago
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Sorority sisters diary part one

September 3 Dear Diary, I can't believe I was accepted into the TAU UPSILON OMEGA sorority, it is the absolute best one on campus!!! What a place, I share a room with sophomore girl from New Orleans who seems really nice, I think her name is Betty Sue, anyway it's one of those two namers all those southern girls seem to have!!! By the way diary, since this is my first entry, let me introduce myself, my name is Kim, I'm from St. Louis, and this is my second year at Tech!!! This place is a lot...

2 years ago
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Dear Diary aka Coping with Coming Out

Sun 10/17/04 I feel foolish writing in this book. I've never kept a diary before. I don't even like the word "diary". It is a silly word. A child's word. I think I made a new friend a little over a week ago. His name is Ricky. I am writing this on his advice. He says it will help me cope with my emerging feelings. So, here I am, trying out his advice. It can't hurt, right? Okay then, here it is. These first entries will be very long Dear Diary. So many new sensations, longings,...

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Diary of my Emergence

Diary of my emergence Susanna says: This is how lucky I was with my neighbour, it could've been so much worse. Where is this club I talk about, well if I told you then I'd probably start losing money to more competition! Monday Dear Diary, over the weekend my whole life changed, things shifted ever so slightly away from my normal routine. My dear diary, although I was really scared at first, once things happened I was in absolute heaven. It all took place on Friday night. I...

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Chapter 4 My diary

Chapter four: My diary Wednesday August 23, Dear diary, I love you so much. We are going to be such good friends for ever and ever. I am going to keep your secrets and you are going to keep mine. Please forgive me if I do not know the etiquette of talking to you correctly. But I am too excited so I just have to blurt out that I just have to tell you that tomorrow we are going to take an adventure together to buy me a bra. It is going to be the utmost greatest day of my life and I...

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This Is Me Pt 4 Diary

On Wednesday, February 28, 2018, 11:55:15 PM GMT, Kirsten Clarke wrote: Wednesday 28th February. My period started tonight, just before going to bed, so I'm lying here wearing one of the black, lace trimmed underskirts I sleep in, wearing a bra as a treat for an hour or so - lemon, Chloe by Boux Avenue. It's a touch tight, but I'm hoping to lose a little weight one day. Besides, when I've been fitted in the past the women have always said to wear my...

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Nancys summer diary june

June 1 Dear Diary, Finally, the last day of school, twelve long years, I feel like I've been released from purgatory!!! Isaac asked me to go with him to the lake tonight, and I can't wait, he's such a hunk!!! I told Amy right away and she turned green, I love it!!! I just bought a new swimming suit and I hope he likes it!!! Well, wish me luck, diary! Seeya later!!! June 2 Dear Diary, Issac's dad has a new boat and we were flying all over the lake, I even water skied for the !!! After it got...

1 year ago
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Diary Of A White Slut

Dear diary today is April 1 and Last night I was very, very . I met this guy last night at the store and he was just drop dead gorgeous. He asked if I wanted to go for a drink and I said sex being cute. We had a couple of drinks and then we walked out back of the place. We were both hot and horny from all of the kissing we did inside. He had me up against the wall my hands were in his one large hand behind my back and then other his hand was up under my skirt and rip went my thong, his hand was...

2 years ago
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Our New Neighbors Supplement 01 Claras Diary

Introduction: This is a special chapter that is outside the flow of the storyline. I wrote it as a gift for the fans of this series, especially Rinoa, who took the time to PM me some ideas and constructive criticism, which I really appreciate and encourage. Rinoa thought there was something missing about who Clara is and how she came to be such a slut. This should help… The following diary entries have been edited for spelling, grammar and punctuation only. These entries provide some...

4 years ago
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Diary of a Young Slut Ch 01

September 8, 2006 Dear Diary, Donny and I have been going together since we met in the fourth grade at Revelations Evangelical Elementary School. Donny was by far the most pious and devout boy there, and since I had always thought of myself as the most pious girl, we were just naturally a ‘pair.’ Both of our parents were equally god-fearing people, so they heartily approved of our relationship. But my Dad just got laid off last month and so, after all those years together at revelations and...

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Dear Diary

This story and all it contents and names are fictional.January 1st.Dear diary,This is my first diary entry ever, so I suppose I better tell you about myself. My name is Ashley, I'm 19 years old. I have long blonde hair with blue eyes. I think of myself as a very attractive girl. I like to stand in front my full length mirror and admire my naked body and of course play wife myself, I love looking at my pussy when I orgasm, sometimes my juices even spray on the mirror, I lick all my juices off my...

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Cindys Diary Daddy

October 4th I’m sorry I haven’t written in you for some time now diary but life was moving too fast. However if I’m ever going to be a writer I know I need to write in you ever single day. I know you want to know about my Daddy and me. My little sex diary.Daddy, Mama, and I had a little talk. Of course nothing about the talk was realistic. My Mama is totally clueless about what is really going on with our little family. My Daddy just wants me to stop being angry at him. I just want sex.Yes, you...

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My Sissy Diary

MY SISSY DIARY by Throne I guess it's my own fault because I accepted that glass of white wine my wife offered me. On the other hand, I couldn't have refused it. And she knows how poorly I handle drinks. Even before she turned me into the sissy I now am, I would get giddy after just one drink. So maybe she just gave me that fatal glass of wine to amuse herself. But the result is what you're reading now, my sissy diary. Wendy's sissy diary. My male name was Wendell but she...

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Kittens Diary

Kitten's Diary by Throne Monday. Okay. Marnie says I have to write in this diary, so that's what I'm doing. The other night we were talking and she wanted to know what I like about her. I didn't really think it through and said something about her big tits. I mean large breasts. She got mad because I didn't start with her smile or how smart she is. So, I tried to cover up by saying how I like that she's short, the way I am. That seemed to help. I even mentioned that I'm not a...

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Diary of a housemother part two

October 13 Dear Diary, A truly incredible thing happened to me the other day, so mush so that I'm still a little shaken when I think back on it!!! It was early Saturday morning when my door bell rang and standing outside my door was Bonnie Jenkins and a girl I had never seen before! Bonnie asked if they could come in for a few minutes, and even though I was still in my bathrobe I said "sure" and invited them inside. It was then that I really got to give the other girl the once over, and to say...

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Our New Neighbors Supplement 01 Claras Diary

November 22, 2006 Dear Diary, This thing about Daddy, it’s gotten so weird. I mean, these feelings are just not right. I know I’ve always had them, since before I started keeping this diary. But now they are getting more and more vivid. I tried to sneak a look at Daddy naked today. I failed, because he shut his bedroom door just at the last moment. I even thought about hiding a camera in his room. I mean, it would be so hot to secretly have pictures of him, or maybe a video of him and Mom...

2 years ago
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Dear Diary Ch 01

The last time I remember having used or even seen my old diary was about four years ago, after my husband and I got married and found a new home. It was a new start for me, I did not feel the need to have to mark down every single event of my married life. I was on a path into a new territory, and I would remember everything. Every minute, day, and occurrence, every happy moment, probably every bad moment, too, everything would get imprinted in my memory. Or so I thought. Years went by and I...

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Paige From Her Diary

Michael unlocked the door with a sigh, knowing that he had to go through with this, no matter how little he wanted to.The place still felt – even smelled – like home.  He’d grown up here, after all, and upgrading to new apartments every time a promotion made it possible meant that he had never really gotten attached to anywhere else.He had to let it go, though.  After much soul searching, he and his sister Paige had decided that it was ridiculous to keep paying property taxes on a house that...

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Dear DiarybySion Sierra©I was asked to write this story by a friend. I do hope that you like it. I would appreciate any feedback you would care to give.Chapter 1I shouldn't have done it, but I had to. My daughter was acting even weirder after her Eighteenth birthday. It was only a month ago, I just figured she just thought she was a full blown adult. So here after I heard her scream she was leaving for school, I ran downstairs to give her money for her lunch. She was already gone. I entered the...

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Singles The Diary of Jane

Singles - Diary of Jane Author's Notes: This story is inspired by the Breaking Benjamin's song "Diary of Jane." I will be rewording some of the lyrics in the story and want to give songwriter, Benjamin Burnley, credit. I also hope that I give his work the respect it deserves. ************ Derrick drove over to his best friend's apartment for he was so sick of not hearing back from George. George wanting to spend time alone was normal, and Derrick respected his best friend's choice...

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Paige From Her Diary

Michael unlocked the door with a sigh, knowing that he had to go through with this, no matter how little he wanted to. The place still felt — even smelled — like home. He'd grown up here, after all, and upgrading to new apartments every time a promotion made it possible meant that he had never really gotten attached to anywhere else. He had to let it go, though. After much soul searching, he and his sister Paige had decided that it was ridiculous to keep paying property taxes on a house that...

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Dear diary september

September 1 Dear Diary, First of all, let me introduce myself, my name is Becky Ford and I can't believe I started my last year of high school today! I learned that there are over 600 students in my class, and over 2400 in the whole school, I doubt I'll ever get to know all of them, I just hope to recognize a few of them!!! They said that the senior year is the easiest one of all, I don't believe it!!! My locker mate seems nice enough, but we don't have any classes together, so I only see her a...

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Dean of Discipline

St. Angela's College was renowned for it's educational excellence. It's student's very often went on to outstanding academic success and very well paid positions,however this academic excellence was tempered with the use of corporal punishment. St.Angela's was a very strict place to study,the student's understood the rules and tried very hard to break them,for the student's of St.Angela's demonstrated a rebellious streak against their very strict religious educators. The Nun's and Monk's who...

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diary pt2

The doorbell then decided to ring. I walked to the door, frowning in wonder as to who that may be, since no one I knew lived around and I didn’t know anyone from around. Looking through the peephole, I saw a sweet looking blonde woman with sparkling green eyes, standing with her hands tucked into a tight pair of jeans, waiting. I smiled and straightened out my clothes. I didn’t mind getting to know that cute blonde though. I opened the door and smiled in greeting, ‘Hi. May I help you?’ I...

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Dear Diary I Cheated My Husband

Dec 3 2015 Dear Diary, I love my FB friend, but I’m afraid, I’m married and he’s seven years younger. It’s hard to believe how soon everything happened, seems as if yesterday that Ajay sent me a friend request on Facebook and started chatting with me. In no time we became close, I shared my joys and sorrows with him and he did the same. This brought us so close in a year’s time that he got some courage to propose me. And even though I told him no and tried to make excuses like age and me being...

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Dear Diary

"Raaaaaaaaaab!" My wife's shrill voice cut through the damp basement air. Geez, it's as if she had dropped a brick on her toes while in the middle of saying my name. I answered quietly, but it didn't matter what I said because it was a reply so low she couldn't hear me. I remember when I enjoyed the soothing sounds of her voice, but today the sultry voice had been replaced by that of one with the same jarring noise to my senses as fingernails sliding down a chalkboard. "Raaaaaab, have you...

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Diary 8211 My Son Made Me Topless Naked Model 8211 Part II

(Chapter Q) My right leg was on floor and my son put my left leg on table. Within a fraction of second, I opened in front of my son. Material of V-String was so less, that both lips of my crack goes out of panty. As if moon came out from cover of clouds. A faint sound erupted from my son’s gullet- Maaaaaaa. My little baby licked his dried lips and with faint voice ordered me to put hands back of my head. With his quivering hands, he attacks on my crack with camera. As a true (un)professional he...

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Dear Dirty Diary part 7

Dear Dirty Diary, I tried to relax but every thought led back to my ongoing string of bad luck. I thought back and brooded yet again over the theft of my car and the loss of my laptop computer. I got the car back after a week or so but the computer, with my shameful little diary in it was nowhere to be found. Then three weeks later, after the insurance claim gave me a new one, the police department phoned to tell me my computer had been recovered. I seriously considered getting it back, until...

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Cindys Diary Mama

October 5th  Diary, mmmm, I wish you were a real person and could see me just lying here with my sore and stretched open pussy ready for anyone to come in and use me in any way possible. But that isn’t going to happen. I’m going to do what Mama told me. What did she say? Well let me start from the beginning.  “Cindy, open up.” Mama demanded outside my door.I didn’t open it, diary. My heart was beating so fast I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Just like that old black guy from the...

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diary pt2

The doorbell then decided to ring. I walked to the door, frowning in wonder as to who that may be, since no one I knew lived around and I didn't know anyone from around. Looking through the peephole, I saw a sweet looking blonde woman with sparkling green eyes, standing with her hands tucked into a tight pair of jeans, waiting. I smiled and straightened out my clothes. I didn't mind getting to know that cute blonde though. I opened the door and smiled in greeting, "Hi. May I help you?" I asked...

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Dear Diary Today I Caught My Son Spanking His MonkeyChapter 3

The handwriting on the note was from my son. He was probably the only one with the audacity to snoop in my room and challenge me. I assure you that when I walked up to his room, I was calm and collected. I thought it may be a simple matter of demanding the return of my diary and my sex toy. I did not believe that Michael would dare push me on the issue when I strode up to his room. I was more than willing to lay off of him and not spank him again – at least for a while. I assured myself that...

1 year ago
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Sorority sisters diary part two

October 3 Dear Diary, Kim here and glad to be back at Tech, it was a really nice visit back home in St. Louis, but I think of this as my home now!!! I got an unbelievable welcome home from Betty Sue, it was like she hadn't seen me in a year instead of just a few days!!! When I walked thru the door, she practically tackled me, hugging and kissing me all over my face, she was so hard nipples and we just kept rubbing them back and forth across each other!!! We were grinding our pussies together...

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Episode 29 Ellies Diary

Hi, my name is Robert; my bratty little sister is called Ellie and she's still a virgin. I was checking through her underwear drawer the other day and found this diary hidden behind all her knickers. I pulled on the pink ones covered in cuddly bears over my cock and stole her diary back to my bedroom. Author's note: It's often quite difficult to separate fact from fantasy in ch1ldrens diaries: little Ellie rarely stops thinking about sex – who will take her virginity? When will her breasts...

2 years ago
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Poor Amy Diary

Amy Jameson was mortified. She had ripped apart her whole room, and she could not find her diary anywhere. If someone got their hands on it... Amy knew that she should never have put all her secret desires into a place that might one day be compromised, but she had to get it out somewhere. She could not just live with them bottled up. But now it was gone. Unless she had misplaced it somewhere - her fervent yet unlikely hope - someone else had access to her innermost thoughts, and her...

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Little Stephanies Diary

July 14 Dear Diary; Happy Birthday to me! Mommy and Daddy gave me you, my first diary today. Sissy's always writing in hers, and hiding it away. She didn't know that I knew where to find it all the time. Finding it and actually being able to read it were different though. She wrote what looked liked scribbles to me. It was frustrating sometimes, but, you're my diary, and I'm not going to write about Sissy all the time. Sometimes, I may write about Timmy, our big brother. He's...

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Little Stephanies Diary

Introduction: Curious little eyes…. Horny Teen Brother… Sleeping Parent Day 1 July 14 Dear Diary, Happy Birthday to me! Mommy and Daddy gave me you, my first diary today. Sissys always writing in hers, and hiding it away. She didnt know that I knew where to find it all the time. Finding it and actually being able to read it were different though. She wrote what looked liked scribbles to me. It was frustrating sometimes, but, youre my diary, and Im not going to write about Sissy all the...

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Dear Diary part 2 Tracys First Time

Introduction: Nika tells her Diary about Tracys first time with the monster cock. ​ Dearest Diary, Ok, sorry about that, I just had to get the tingling out, it was really distracting me. Whats amazing is it fit so much better this time! Oh yeah, I didnt tell you about the first time. Sorry. So Tracy and I were in bed together and she had just admitted to her relationship with her, as I found out, adopted Dad. So while I admit I was entirely disgusted at the thought of someone letting their...

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Daddys Daughters Diary pt2

Disclaimer all characters in this story are fictional and are over 18 years old. Daddy's Daughter's diary chapter 2The story so farCrystal writes a diary hoping her Daddy will read it and know her true feeling for him! James looked up at Chrystal ,he quickly pulled her hands from his face and pushed her away .“No Chrystal , it's not right!” James cried. Jumping off the bed, tucking his now limp cock in his trousers he ran from the room.“I am going to work, I will see you later. I love you as a...

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Friends Dear Diary

Friends: Deleted Scenes - Dear Diary"Now where did she hide those damn candlesticks?" Rachel asked herself.Chandler was moving in with Monica, and that meant that Rachel was moving out. She was very happy for them, even though she and Monica had been passively fighting over a pair of candlesticks that each girl thought she owned. Rachel was alone in the apartment so she decided to do a little searching. She went into Monica's room and quietly began looking through some boxes in her closet.Near...

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Diary Of A High School Cum Queen

Dear Doctor Lewis, I am sending you my diary like you asked me in our session the other day. It goes back about three months. That's when I got it for my fifteenth birthday from my Mom, who lives in Arizona. I thought it would be neat for me to write some of the things that happened to me each day in it. Somedays, I forgot to write though. My Daddy says that it is a waste of time for me to keep a diary. He says I can always talk to him if I ever have a problem. My Dad is a really good father. I...

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