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The martial arts are arts

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Meditation ✓ Hollywood

Geniuses everywhere from Europe to East Asia seem to have deposited part of that knowledge right in the infrastructures of conflict (such as the martial arts), and then moved to balance this by developing culture to a high pitch . Unsurprisingly, genocidal tyrant Mao Zedong attempted to wipe out all knowledge of the martial arts in his campaign to exterminate all aspects of traditional culture, which might impede his efforts to enslave all the people of China under his totalitarian cult of personality. For example, kyudo is Japanese ritual archery, in which the archer moves through a very formal and precise set of eight steps in raising, aiming and firing the bow.

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This post is based on David B. Kopels Self-Defense in Asian Religions, [2 Liberty Law Review 79 (2007)].In a recent speech Meryl Streep announced that without Hollywood, youll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts. Although Streep won a well-deserved award for an outstanding acting career, the award did not confer authority to define what are the arts. The martial arts are called martial arts because they are generally recognized to be arts, even though they are not the particular arts at which Streep and Hollywood excel. Anti-martial hauteur was well-known to the ancient Taoists:In the space of one generation, the cultural and the martial may shift in relative significance, insofar as there are times when each is useful. Nowadays, however, martialists repudiate culture and the cultured repudiate the martial. Adherents of cultural and martial arts reject each other, not knowing their functions according to the time. [Thomas Cleary, The Taoist Classics (vol. 1, 2003), p. 314]Watching the martial arts, including mixed martial arts, can be entertaining, as Sonny Bunch pointed out in a recent Post article. More importantly, the martial arts, when properly followed, foster good character and transcendence of selfishness—virtues that Hollywood often congratulate itself for promoting via the cinematic arts.According to tradition, the martial arts were founded around 520 A.D. by Bodhidharma, a great Buddha who brought Zen Buddhism from India to China. During the journey to China, Bodhidharma was carrying valuable documents, and learned of the dangers to travelers posed by robbers. He meditated, and experienced a revelation that he should study a****ls. So he began to do so, and from the study, eventually developed the 18 movements of Lo Han.At the Shao-lin Temple in China, Bodhidharma saw that many monks fell asleep during meditation. He felt compassionate pity for the monks whose bodies were wasting away through purely mental meditation exercises. So Bodhidharma decided to teach the bodies and minds of the monks. He invented Kung Fu (or Chuan Fa), a form of boxing used for systematic exercise.There was another benefit to the Bodhidharmas martial arts: because the monks had undertaken vows not to use weapons, gangs of soldiers or ex-soldiers would often rob the monks who traveled outside their monastery. After learning the unarmed combat techniques of martial arts, the monks could journey safely, and so they traveled around China, Okinawa and Japan, disseminating the martial arts. The ideal martial artist was a Scholar Warrior, a person whose mind and body were well-trained and well-integrated.For practical self-defense, the martial arts have been especially important to people who are persecuted by the government. For example, when China was ruled by the Mongols, the arms prohibition on the subjugated Chinese was so severe that only 1 out of 10 families was allowed a carving knife. The martial arts have also been important for cultural defense. As Thomas Cleary described the period of the Ming Dynasty in China:It would seem that one of the concerns of the time, therefore, was the deposit of knowledge that would allow humankind to survive in the future. Geniuses everywhere from Europe to East Asia seem to have deposited part of that knowledge right in the infrastructures of conflict (such as the martial arts), and then moved to balance this by developing culture to a high pitch . . . . This whole process itself illustrates a principle of the I Ching, whereby waxing and waning balance each other. [Thomas Cleary, Classics of Buddhism and Zen (vol. 5, 2002), p. 97]For example, when Japan conquered Okinawa in 1609 and disarmed the people, Okinawans practiced martial arts as a means of preserving their cultural identity. Unsurprisingly, genocidal tyrant Mao Zedong attempted to wipe out all knowledge of the martial arts in his campaign to exterminate all aspects of traditional culture, which might impede his efforts to enslave all the people of China under his totalitarian cult of personality.Sometimes, the martial arts have been studied and applied in a morally degenerate fashion, as in 20th century Japan under the military dictatorship. More often, however, the arts have been used to build good character and self-control—including as a meditation practice. One advantage of moving meditation is that it is easier for the teacher to monitor the students progress. In sitting meditation, as long as the student maintains the correct posture, the teacher cannot see if the student is falling into error or bad habits. With moving meditation, the students physical actions help the teacher discern if the student is able to maintain calm and to overcome fear. The Zen master Hakuin (1685-1768) concluded that:The advantage in accomplishing true meditation lies distinctly in favor of the warrior class … mounted on a sturdy horse, the warrior can ride forth to face an uncountable horde of enemies as though he were riding into a place empty of people. The valiant, undaunted expression on his face reflects his practice of the peerless, true, uninterrupted meditation sitting. Meditating in this way, the warrior can accomplish in one month what it takes the monk a year to do.There is a certain amount of technique that a martial arts master can impart by direct instruction. Yet much of the learning must come through self-discovery by the student. Masters speak of a special transmission beyond instruction. The student studies ji, the techniques of the particular martial art. True mastery, though, comes from ri, the ineffable truths of the universe.For example, kyudo is Japanese ritual archery, in which the archer moves through a very formal and precise set of eight steps in raising, aiming and firing the bow. The first level of kyudo is called toteki (the arrow hits the target). The archer is concentrating on the technique of shooting accurately. He is more concerned with hitting the center of the target than with his form. In the first level, the target is seen as a goal.At the second level, kanteki (the arrow pierces the target), the archers body moves with beautiful symmetry. His breath control helps unify his mind, body and spirit, so that his shooting is smooth and extremely powerful. True kanteki is much more than a technique that can be taught. In kanteki, the target is seen as an opponent.Finally, the martial artist progresses to zaiteki (the arrow exists in the target). The target is no longer a goal or an opponent; the target is a true reflection of the archer. The archer aims to purify his thoughts and his actions, knowing that pure shooting will flow from a pure mind and body. Now, there is no distance between man and target, man and man, and man and the universe—all are in perfect harmony. [Hideharu Onuma, Kyydo: The Essence and Practice of Japanese Archery (1993)]One of the essential goals of spiritual growth through the martial arts is to forget oneself. The Zen Buddhist sword master Takuan explained that:The mind must always be in the state of flowing … When the swordsman stands against his opponent, he is not to think of the opponent, nor of himself, nor of his enemys sword movements. He just stands there with his sword which, forgetful of all technique, is ready only to follow the dictates of the u*********s. The man has effaced himself as the wielder of the sword. When he strikes, it is not the man but the sword in the hand of the u*********s that strikes. [Quoted in Joe Hyams, Zen in the Martial Arts (1982), p. 84.]The martial artist must learn not to focus on one part of the opponents body. Narrow focus creates blind spots that lead to the artist to receiving blows. As the martial artist learns in combat to adopt a wider perspective, so should he learn in all the rest of his life to see more completely. He should transcend the visual limit that ostensibly separates mind from body, or self from universe. He is no longer located in a particular sequence of time, but instead lives in the eternal present: In sports, time exists. In the martial arts there is only the present. [Taisen Deshimaru, The Zen Way to the Martial Arts (1982), p.23]Like psychotherapy, martial arts training may allow the student to experience a previously unknown state of self-awareness, and the awareness can lead to terrifying experiences of shame or guilt. The existential crisis might be analogized to what St. John of the Cross called the dark night of the soul. At the crisis point, some students will turn away, while others will confront their true selves.The martial arts are superficially a form of training to fight external foes. But the true martial artist must combat the enemy within—and if he is to prevail, he must fight without greed, ignorance or hatred. If he wins, then his internal demons can be harnessed into service of the good. Defeating self-deception is not a once-and-for-all battle. After one form of self-deception is defeated, a more sophisticated and insidious form may replace it. The psychological and spiritual struggle does not take place while a passive subject is lying on a psychother****ts couch, paying for advice. The inner combat is experienced through physical combat:Chuan Fa used the wordless strategy of direct interpersonal encounter to teach the words of personal self-encounter. It uses the words of personal self-encountering to understand the wordless doctrine of interpersonal encounter. Ultimately it sought to encounter the infinity known as perfect and complete Enlightenment. [Shifu Nagaboshi Tomio, The Boddhisativa Warriors (1994), p. 279]The whole energy (ki) of the universe flows through the martial artist at a single point in his body. By staying centered on this one point, the mind and body of the artist are united with the universe and can experience its infinite energy and freedom. Kyudo master Hideharu Onuma was asked by some students how they should practice after they returned to the United States, and he could no longer instruct them. He replied, Your practice should always center around these six elements: truth, goodness, beauty, balance, humility, and perseverance. [Onuma, p. 150]Some martial arts teachers in the United States specialize in empowering women and in integrating feminist values into the spiritual instruction. Some female participants report that the martial arts have liberated them from the notion that women must always be victims, that women are incapable of resisting successfully. The principle applies to physical attacks, and in more abstract social settings. Said one woman: If every woman in the world could defend herself, it would change the world; patriarchy would crumble … Physical empowerment for women is critical from the start; then women wouldnt be as intimidated psychologically by men. [Shirely Castlenuovo & Sharon R. Guthrie, Feminism and the Female Body: Liberating the Amazon Within (1998), pp. 67-90]Vernon Kitabu Turner was a weak and bookish American black c***d in the racist South. He was a descendant of Nat Turner, a mystic who in 1831 led the largest slave revolt in American history. Bullies would often attack him when he sat under a tree reading. When he was nine years old, in 1964, he heard about the Kitty Genovese murder. It was reported by the New York Times that in Queens, New York, a young woman was stalked, attacked repeatedly and stabbed to death outside an apartment building over the course of half an hour. Thirty-eight people allegedly heard her scream, but none of them did anything. Meditating on Psalm 144 (Blessed be the Lord, my strength, who teaches my hands to make war, and my fingers to fight.), Turner asked God to teach him to fight, to learn how to protect people. Turner promised that he would never abuse the knowledge. He took up the martial arts and eventually became an American Zen master.In church, Turner remembered, the congregants heard and believed the story of David and Goliath. Yet they refused to apply the story to their own lives. They could not believe that, with Gods help, they could bring down Goliath. Turner explains that the person who truly understands Zen will say, I will do no harm to others. I will not be a person who is aggressive and violent. But neither will I sit here and watch someone be destroyed when I know I should reach out and offer a helping hand. [Vernon Kitabu Turner, Soul Sword: The Way and Mind of a Zen Warrior (2000)]Not every person who studies the martial arts does so for the purpose of moral self-improvement and community service, just as not everyone in Hollywood works for the noble purposes for which Streep congratulated herself and her peers. Like many Hollywood filmmakers, some mixed martial arts fighters simply provide violent entertainment. Yet when practiced at the highest level, the arts are paths to self-transcendence, and the paths are equally available to practitioners of the cinematic arts and the martial arts. One step towards a better America is greater empathy and tolerance among the people of a diverse nation. The people who cheered Streeps remarks about empathy will, I hope, respect their fellow citizens who study the martial arts.

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Living Next Door to Heaven 118 Twofer

My personal cooking project was learning to bake bread. I'd tried twice so far with limited success. Let's make that no success. My first batch came out of the oven weighing two pounds and about an inch thick. The very center was doughy. I followed the damned recipe. The second batch was a duplicate disaster. Well, repeatable results, anyway. Wednesday, I took all my ingredients with me early to Foods and asked Miss Sullivan for help. "Okay. Everybody will be busy blanching green beans...

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BBC Assignment PT2

They flew me back to LAX on their private jet. I got back home about 5:30 p.m. on Sunday and told my husband that our flight had been delayed. He was so happy to see me and said he wanted to hear all about the trip. I told him it was fun and that we mostly drank and danced. He was really horny and suggested we go to bed early and have some fun. I told him "yes" but that I hadn't slept much and was pretty tired. I then lied and told him that all the girls had made a pact to shave their pussies...

2 years ago
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Leave It To Bea Part Seven

Part Seven Someone could write a decent doctoral dissertation on the subject of recognizing crossdressers. As time went on, and as I went out dressed up more often, I noticed an interesting phenomenon: about half of my friends who knew the "male" me recognized me immediately when I was dressed as a girl; the other half had no clue that it was me, sometimes, even when they were told who I was. What is that combination of facial features and body type and posture that some people...

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taking brothers cum how it all beganx

Taking brother’s cum, how it all began...xAs a young pritty girl I was all way’s surounded by boy’s and by fifteen I had my first boyfriend, his name was Brad and his cock was hard every time we kissed.One day as we walked home he pushed me into an ally way and we were soon kissing, I could feel his erection pressing against me through his pale blue jean’s and could not resist stroking it through his jeans as he fondled my boob’s and kissed my neck. Brad started to breath harder and then I...

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Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 11

‘How’d I get here?’ Béla asked, looking around her shared quarters. Then she understood. ‘You’re dream-walking!’ Béla exclaimed. ‘I’m still asleep outside the farmhouse!’ ‘What farmhouse?’ Elaine asked. Béla slid off the bed and held out her hand to Elaine. As Elaine reached for her sister’s hand, she found herself standing next to Béla’s sleeping body outside a farmhouse. She looked around, her eyes wide with wonder. ‘This is incredible!’ Elaine exclaimed. ‘Just trying to see the...

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Toman of the Cherokee 1

  I can only hope to be that powerful one day, though from what my grandfather said I will. Compared to what Merlin was I am weak though I have a secret that I know a lot of other mages would kill to know. Looking at the smoke I nodded, as a matter of fact a few had already tried, as many had been trying for centuries.   It appears that I got a little far into my cups one night at the mage academy. You know a school for mages. I opened my mouth about an ability I had and, that was the day I...

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Oh God What Did I just Do A wifes tale

We were down in the city for Christmas shopping, well at least I was. Husband was at some meeting and didn't know when he would get back to hotel but would phone to keep me up to date. I had spent four hours in the mall the day before and had got quite a lot christmas presents including one for hubby, a new sexy night attire loose top and skinny thong in black lace. So when I got back to hotel I had a quick shower and put the new sexy stuff on to surprise him when he got back.. It was getting...

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Coming Home4

“Jackson! Jacky boy,” he called, waving and smiling emphatically as he started toward me. “Hi Dad,” I greeted, smiling and grabbing him in a hug. “Jacky boy,” he said, hugging me back tightly. “I've missed you son,” he said, holding me out at arm’s length. Tears welled up in his eyes, quickly mirrored in mine as we saw each other for the first time in five years. After another long embrace, we collected my bags, went to the car and started for home. We chatted for a...

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Omega Hard Revenge

It happened when I was at the peek of my gullible no stage. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. But like they always say "boys will be boys". It's no secret that I stay hard. I can't help it even if I wanted to. It's just girls are so hot and sexy now days and you see them walking around in those (single most greatest creation ever made) leggings/yoga pants all the time. But that's beside the point. So my best friend tell's me that he did some lines of this fine looking girl and got...

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Jimmy was staying with his Aunt Susan for the summer. The 17 year-oldwished he could go home. He missed his friends and he resented thedisciplinary side of his aunt. Aunt Susan was his Mother's younger sistershe was only 24 and this was causing much friction between the aunt andnephew. Jimmy's parents made sure he understood that while he was in hisaunt's home he must abide by his aunt's rules and discipline. Jimmy was increasingly misbehaving as a way to rebel against his aunt'sauthority;...

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Brians New HousekeeperChapter 9 New Changes

The next morning, Kirstin awoke slowly, her mind slowly remembering where she was. As she tried to roll out of bed, she found her feet twisted in the sheets, and she remembered that Brian had kept her in heels all night while she slept. That was all it took for everything that had happened over the last few days, and weeks, to come back to her. She lay back on her bed, idly running her hand over her bare stomach, and remembered everything. The way she had felt standing naked in the basement...

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Recruiting My PA

To say that my dreams came true was a gross understatement. After years of donating one dollar, twice a week, I struck it rich! I won two hundred fifty four million dollars in the national lottery. Like everyone else that I knew I had fantasized about what I'd do if I ever won. Starting at the top, I'd bail out my brothers and sisters from their life of drudgery. There were others too, my work buddy named Joe that, by his actions, I was convinced that he would give me the shirt off of his...

2 years ago
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Auld Lang Syne

Club Amethyst advertised that it would be hosting a New Years’ Jam. The radio ad indicated that there would be free champagne for everyone at midnight. And, the coup-de-gras was to be a thousand dollars dropped from the ceiling at 11:58. Mandwell Varner heard as he was leaving work that Friday as a security guard in his blue 2013 Dodge Charger. The 24 year-old inactive Marine had a dark complexion, owned a muscular build, and stood at six-foot-one. With his square jawline and sexy smile, he was...

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Fucking My Sister8217s

Hi Vivek here. I stay in Hubli, I belong to middle class family where we have to tell our every needs to our parents we r 5 members in our family my mom,dad,2 sisters and me my sisters r 2 and 3 yrs elder than me. They both r very sexy with big boobs, beautiful face and very sexy legs. Their names r Arpana(25) and Vanita(23) our cousin(Manish) stays in a room with his friends in the neighbor area. He is around 26 yrs. He is good in flirting with girls. He is whenever he comes to our home he...

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Marlin Part one

It was a wild party, a celebration and an ending to four, very long years of grueling studies.I was ready to spread my wings and see the world. All I dreamt of was the big seas and the open skies.Anywhere in the world, where there were beaches and sand...I was ready and as able bodied as any twenty-one year old.Spent many lonely nights dreaming of all those places in the world that were exotic.Enough of the day dreaming, I had an interview for a day job on the following Monday morning.I had to...

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I love fresh air

Go easy on me this is my first story. It is mostly true and happened when I was younger. The names are changed, especially the lady's. After college, I got a job in Highway Construction. Our biggest job concern was always profit, so many times us foremen would work alone on weekends to keep things moving. Just before thanksgiving, I was clearing trees on the weekend while my girl, Laura, a very sexy 20-year old relaxed in the sun. A little about her, she was very well proportioned and very...

Quickie Sex
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My 1st sex with my sister

Day came when I was in 4rth std . My mom n dad were on job getting our disrolled life back on track. I used to be in school up to 2 pm and return by riksha wala along with my younger brother. We were tenants at tre place. They have two sons among eldest was 5years elder than me named Prashil. we used to play hide n seek. When ever i used hide Prashil also hide with me and used to have body contacts with me this went on and then he used to tell me to fondle his dick by which he used to get...

2 years ago
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SweetheartVideo Silvia Saige Danni Rivers Time To Make Up

After meeting Alice, Jill decides to go home and talk with her girlfriend Olivia. When she enters her room she sees Olivia between the legs of another women. Jill is in shock, and cannot find the words to confront Olivia. She leaves totally speechless. Alice on the other side thinks that she scared Jill way by being too upfront. Her friend Sam, thinks otherwise and offer her to share Chloe with her. Alice not impress by her best friend’s offer and refuses by hanging up the phone. The...

4 years ago
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Sravanthi 8211 A Sex Deprived House Wife

Hi all, Thanks for your feedback on my last stories . I am back with my another story about a girl called Sravanthi. This is rags. I am currently 30 years old working for an IT MNC in Pune as manager. Please contact me at . Please don’t mail me regarding phone numbers or email address or pics of ladies involved.Your requests will not be considered as I am a big believer of privacy.Gay dudes back off. Enough about me hmm not really I just need to describe me for starters I am 5 feet 10 inches...

2 years ago
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Pygmalion ProjectWeek 7 Late June

Saturday Greg had no trouble picking Laura out in the small crowd standing at the curb. It still seemed discourteous to him not to meet her in the terminal, but since he could no longer go down the concourse, and since she had only a carry-on bag, she had been able to convince him. Using their cell phones, they had been able to get the timing just right. It was late Saturday morning, and the airport traffic was light. She could only stay for one night, but with Rick's perks, she was used to...

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Mandy and I started dating in the seventh grade. She's the only woman I've dated and I've always thought I was the luckiest man alive to have her. Why she picked me, I'll never know. I'm an average man at five eight and one hundred forty pounds. Mandy's small, only five feet tall and one hundred five pounds. I'm average in appearance, too, but her appearance is far above average. She's beautiful with a delightful feminine figure. When we married before our freshman year in college, we...

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Lost my virginity with my mom8217s friend

Hello friends, I am a 25 years and software eng getting 5 digit salaries in Chennai. Before I start my story, I heartily thanks to iss, because this is a story, which happened to me in last week and I thanks to my darling for the permission to write this story. One of my mum’s friend she came 1st time to Chennai for her official and meet me. She is 48 years old, she called me that she arrived in meenambakkam and said that she is going to stay in the hotel. I scold and brought to my house which...

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The Best Fuck

Hello everyone…My name is Stan, 27 years old software engg working and settled in Bangalore. Well guess that should be enough about me. I have always enjoyed reading sex experiences of others and thought of sharing mine as well. I have had couple of relationships in the past, but there was one which I enjoyed the most and which let me actually fulfill all my sexual fantasies. It all started couple of years back. I was fresh from college and got through campus placement in a reputed MNC. It...

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Book 8 ZaraChapter 27

Allora lay in the dark, a whistle with the inscription: Allora, may you pipe in all your dreams, Willy and cracked crystal jar in her hand. She heard Connor come into the room and said quietly "good night, Breeton" Allora felt him sit on the edge of the bed, Connor reached out in the dark and gently brushed his hand over her hair "it's been a long day, in the morning we can talk about what happened" he said, his hand softly easing the pain away. Allora's fingers tightened around the...

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Wonders in the Park

To those who would read my thoughtful words, imagine if you will a day of peace, a day of dreams, a day destined to be anything but run of the mill…imagine the woman is you. I shall begin as I walk through the park on a sun drenched day, the afternoon is perfect, the sky clear blue, and folk are few as I take a walk to relax. I come to the edge of the park and see a young lady, reclined on a blanket, it is you, enjoying the peace of the day. I cannot help but look, your languished body laid...

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My First Fat Pussy

Always one to date thin, tight-bodied girls, I was between girlfriends for a couple of weeks and was getting horny for pussy, any pussy. It’s proven I guess that as the night at the bar goes on the girls get prettier, they also get thinner as you drink more. When I arrived that night a fat girl asked me to dance and I turned her down. My cousin always liked plumpers and he thought I was crazy. Finally, towards the end of the evening I spotted a pretty hot, black haired beauty with...

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Oren part 1

Introduction: So this is a thing I did because of reasons. Its always the quiet ones. Like my long-time boyfriend, Oren. He was the one of the most adorably shy guys Ive ever met. In fact, the first time I saw him he reminded me of the feminine guy in a Japanese yaoi. He was slender and quiet, with a cute face, long shaggy blonde hair and big blue eyes hidden behind large thick glasses. His wardrobe was filled with sweaters that were too big for him which consequently caused him to be even more...

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The Enemy Your Gag Reflex

The most important aspect of learning how to deep throat your boyfriend or husband without gagging is getting your gag reflex, also known as your pharyngeal reflex under control. While this isn’t an issue for the roughly 37% of women who are fortunate enough to not have a gag reflex[1], if you do have a gag reflex, then this section will teach you how to get it under control.Once you get it under control, deep throating becomes ridiculously easy. Your gag reflex is usually gets triggered when...

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