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The martial arts are arts

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Meditation ✓ Hollywood

Geniuses everywhere from Europe to East Asia seem to have deposited part of that knowledge right in the infrastructures of conflict (such as the martial arts), and then moved to balance this by developing culture to a high pitch . Unsurprisingly, genocidal tyrant Mao Zedong attempted to wipe out all knowledge of the martial arts in his campaign to exterminate all aspects of traditional culture, which might impede his efforts to enslave all the people of China under his totalitarian cult of personality. For example, kyudo is Japanese ritual archery, in which the archer moves through a very formal and precise set of eight steps in raising, aiming and firing the bow.

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This post is based on David B. Kopels Self-Defense in Asian Religions, [2 Liberty Law Review 79 (2007)].In a recent speech Meryl Streep announced that without Hollywood, youll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts. Although Streep won a well-deserved award for an outstanding acting career, the award did not confer authority to define what are the arts. The martial arts are called martial arts because they are generally recognized to be arts, even though they are not the particular arts at which Streep and Hollywood excel. Anti-martial hauteur was well-known to the ancient Taoists:In the space of one generation, the cultural and the martial may shift in relative significance, insofar as there are times when each is useful. Nowadays, however, martialists repudiate culture and the cultured repudiate the martial. Adherents of cultural and martial arts reject each other, not knowing their functions according to the time. [Thomas Cleary, The Taoist Classics (vol. 1, 2003), p. 314]Watching the martial arts, including mixed martial arts, can be entertaining, as Sonny Bunch pointed out in a recent Post article. More importantly, the martial arts, when properly followed, foster good character and transcendence of selfishness—virtues that Hollywood often congratulate itself for promoting via the cinematic arts.According to tradition, the martial arts were founded around 520 A.D. by Bodhidharma, a great Buddha who brought Zen Buddhism from India to China. During the journey to China, Bodhidharma was carrying valuable documents, and learned of the dangers to travelers posed by robbers. He meditated, and experienced a revelation that he should study a****ls. So he began to do so, and from the study, eventually developed the 18 movements of Lo Han.At the Shao-lin Temple in China, Bodhidharma saw that many monks fell asleep during meditation. He felt compassionate pity for the monks whose bodies were wasting away through purely mental meditation exercises. So Bodhidharma decided to teach the bodies and minds of the monks. He invented Kung Fu (or Chuan Fa), a form of boxing used for systematic exercise.There was another benefit to the Bodhidharmas martial arts: because the monks had undertaken vows not to use weapons, gangs of soldiers or ex-soldiers would often rob the monks who traveled outside their monastery. After learning the unarmed combat techniques of martial arts, the monks could journey safely, and so they traveled around China, Okinawa and Japan, disseminating the martial arts. The ideal martial artist was a Scholar Warrior, a person whose mind and body were well-trained and well-integrated.For practical self-defense, the martial arts have been especially important to people who are persecuted by the government. For example, when China was ruled by the Mongols, the arms prohibition on the subjugated Chinese was so severe that only 1 out of 10 families was allowed a carving knife. The martial arts have also been important for cultural defense. As Thomas Cleary described the period of the Ming Dynasty in China:It would seem that one of the concerns of the time, therefore, was the deposit of knowledge that would allow humankind to survive in the future. Geniuses everywhere from Europe to East Asia seem to have deposited part of that knowledge right in the infrastructures of conflict (such as the martial arts), and then moved to balance this by developing culture to a high pitch . . . . This whole process itself illustrates a principle of the I Ching, whereby waxing and waning balance each other. [Thomas Cleary, Classics of Buddhism and Zen (vol. 5, 2002), p. 97]For example, when Japan conquered Okinawa in 1609 and disarmed the people, Okinawans practiced martial arts as a means of preserving their cultural identity. Unsurprisingly, genocidal tyrant Mao Zedong attempted to wipe out all knowledge of the martial arts in his campaign to exterminate all aspects of traditional culture, which might impede his efforts to enslave all the people of China under his totalitarian cult of personality.Sometimes, the martial arts have been studied and applied in a morally degenerate fashion, as in 20th century Japan under the military dictatorship. More often, however, the arts have been used to build good character and self-control—including as a meditation practice. One advantage of moving meditation is that it is easier for the teacher to monitor the students progress. In sitting meditation, as long as the student maintains the correct posture, the teacher cannot see if the student is falling into error or bad habits. With moving meditation, the students physical actions help the teacher discern if the student is able to maintain calm and to overcome fear. The Zen master Hakuin (1685-1768) concluded that:The advantage in accomplishing true meditation lies distinctly in favor of the warrior class … mounted on a sturdy horse, the warrior can ride forth to face an uncountable horde of enemies as though he were riding into a place empty of people. The valiant, undaunted expression on his face reflects his practice of the peerless, true, uninterrupted meditation sitting. Meditating in this way, the warrior can accomplish in one month what it takes the monk a year to do.There is a certain amount of technique that a martial arts master can impart by direct instruction. Yet much of the learning must come through self-discovery by the student. Masters speak of a special transmission beyond instruction. The student studies ji, the techniques of the particular martial art. True mastery, though, comes from ri, the ineffable truths of the universe.For example, kyudo is Japanese ritual archery, in which the archer moves through a very formal and precise set of eight steps in raising, aiming and firing the bow. The first level of kyudo is called toteki (the arrow hits the target). The archer is concentrating on the technique of shooting accurately. He is more concerned with hitting the center of the target than with his form. In the first level, the target is seen as a goal.At the second level, kanteki (the arrow pierces the target), the archers body moves with beautiful symmetry. His breath control helps unify his mind, body and spirit, so that his shooting is smooth and extremely powerful. True kanteki is much more than a technique that can be taught. In kanteki, the target is seen as an opponent.Finally, the martial artist progresses to zaiteki (the arrow exists in the target). The target is no longer a goal or an opponent; the target is a true reflection of the archer. The archer aims to purify his thoughts and his actions, knowing that pure shooting will flow from a pure mind and body. Now, there is no distance between man and target, man and man, and man and the universe—all are in perfect harmony. [Hideharu Onuma, Kyydo: The Essence and Practice of Japanese Archery (1993)]One of the essential goals of spiritual growth through the martial arts is to forget oneself. The Zen Buddhist sword master Takuan explained that:The mind must always be in the state of flowing … When the swordsman stands against his opponent, he is not to think of the opponent, nor of himself, nor of his enemys sword movements. He just stands there with his sword which, forgetful of all technique, is ready only to follow the dictates of the u*********s. The man has effaced himself as the wielder of the sword. When he strikes, it is not the man but the sword in the hand of the u*********s that strikes. [Quoted in Joe Hyams, Zen in the Martial Arts (1982), p. 84.]The martial artist must learn not to focus on one part of the opponents body. Narrow focus creates blind spots that lead to the artist to receiving blows. As the martial artist learns in combat to adopt a wider perspective, so should he learn in all the rest of his life to see more completely. He should transcend the visual limit that ostensibly separates mind from body, or self from universe. He is no longer located in a particular sequence of time, but instead lives in the eternal present: In sports, time exists. In the martial arts there is only the present. [Taisen Deshimaru, The Zen Way to the Martial Arts (1982), p.23]Like psychotherapy, martial arts training may allow the student to experience a previously unknown state of self-awareness, and the awareness can lead to terrifying experiences of shame or guilt. The existential crisis might be analogized to what St. John of the Cross called the dark night of the soul. At the crisis point, some students will turn away, while others will confront their true selves.The martial arts are superficially a form of training to fight external foes. But the true martial artist must combat the enemy within—and if he is to prevail, he must fight without greed, ignorance or hatred. If he wins, then his internal demons can be harnessed into service of the good. Defeating self-deception is not a once-and-for-all battle. After one form of self-deception is defeated, a more sophisticated and insidious form may replace it. The psychological and spiritual struggle does not take place while a passive subject is lying on a psychother****ts couch, paying for advice. The inner combat is experienced through physical combat:Chuan Fa used the wordless strategy of direct interpersonal encounter to teach the words of personal self-encounter. It uses the words of personal self-encountering to understand the wordless doctrine of interpersonal encounter. Ultimately it sought to encounter the infinity known as perfect and complete Enlightenment. [Shifu Nagaboshi Tomio, The Boddhisativa Warriors (1994), p. 279]The whole energy (ki) of the universe flows through the martial artist at a single point in his body. By staying centered on this one point, the mind and body of the artist are united with the universe and can experience its infinite energy and freedom. Kyudo master Hideharu Onuma was asked by some students how they should practice after they returned to the United States, and he could no longer instruct them. He replied, Your practice should always center around these six elements: truth, goodness, beauty, balance, humility, and perseverance. [Onuma, p. 150]Some martial arts teachers in the United States specialize in empowering women and in integrating feminist values into the spiritual instruction. Some female participants report that the martial arts have liberated them from the notion that women must always be victims, that women are incapable of resisting successfully. The principle applies to physical attacks, and in more abstract social settings. Said one woman: If every woman in the world could defend herself, it would change the world; patriarchy would crumble … Physical empowerment for women is critical from the start; then women wouldnt be as intimidated psychologically by men. [Shirely Castlenuovo & Sharon R. Guthrie, Feminism and the Female Body: Liberating the Amazon Within (1998), pp. 67-90]Vernon Kitabu Turner was a weak and bookish American black c***d in the racist South. He was a descendant of Nat Turner, a mystic who in 1831 led the largest slave revolt in American history. Bullies would often attack him when he sat under a tree reading. When he was nine years old, in 1964, he heard about the Kitty Genovese murder. It was reported by the New York Times that in Queens, New York, a young woman was stalked, attacked repeatedly and stabbed to death outside an apartment building over the course of half an hour. Thirty-eight people allegedly heard her scream, but none of them did anything. Meditating on Psalm 144 (Blessed be the Lord, my strength, who teaches my hands to make war, and my fingers to fight.), Turner asked God to teach him to fight, to learn how to protect people. Turner promised that he would never abuse the knowledge. He took up the martial arts and eventually became an American Zen master.In church, Turner remembered, the congregants heard and believed the story of David and Goliath. Yet they refused to apply the story to their own lives. They could not believe that, with Gods help, they could bring down Goliath. Turner explains that the person who truly understands Zen will say, I will do no harm to others. I will not be a person who is aggressive and violent. But neither will I sit here and watch someone be destroyed when I know I should reach out and offer a helping hand. [Vernon Kitabu Turner, Soul Sword: The Way and Mind of a Zen Warrior (2000)]Not every person who studies the martial arts does so for the purpose of moral self-improvement and community service, just as not everyone in Hollywood works for the noble purposes for which Streep congratulated herself and her peers. Like many Hollywood filmmakers, some mixed martial arts fighters simply provide violent entertainment. Yet when practiced at the highest level, the arts are paths to self-transcendence, and the paths are equally available to practitioners of the cinematic arts and the martial arts. One step towards a better America is greater empathy and tolerance among the people of a diverse nation. The people who cheered Streeps remarks about empathy will, I hope, respect their fellow citizens who study the martial arts.

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Dont Ask Dont TellChapter 9

We did talk about it what would happen if she got pregnant. It was odd for two reasons. First off we were having a serious conversation about things and were sitting there buck naked. But it was also odd because neither of us had really thought about planning for such an eventuality. I think it all boiled down to the idea that she wanted to know that I wouldn't abandon her if it happened, and that I'd try to make the best of things. That she even contemplated I might react negatively hurt...

3 years ago
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The Presumption of Guilt

The Falcons Rest is a bar and grill out old route 7. It is located where three counties intersect and is a little beyond the city limits. The Rest, as it is known, is what is sometimes referred to as a cop bar because a significant number of the patrons are from the members of law enforcement. As a place for a clandestine meeting, it would be last on most people’s lists which placed it first on mine. I parked in the well-filled lot and headed for the main entrance. As cop bars go, the Rest is...

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Not Maid But Mermaid

We were then staying at Vadodara and had recently come from Mumbai on transfer. For few months we stayed in Makarpura and then shifted to Tarsali. I was then 38 years old and my wife was 35. I had two children one daughter and one son. Since several months my wife was sick due to multiple reasons. It all started with pelvic inflammatory disease. Then severe stomach ache. Many gastroenterologist conducted many tests like endoscopy, colonoscopy etc and treatment was on. after few months she...

2 years ago
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A Weekend in the Smokies Part 3

Terri was totally spent. Her body drenched in sweat. I could feel every muscle in her body quivering beneath me as we both attempted to regain some composure. Her mind was racing through the events of the last few moments of her submissive captivity. ‘I can’t… believe… how hard… I just came!’ Terri whispered between exasperated breaths. I kissed her neck and shoulder as I grudgingly lifted my own exhausted body. My now flaccid manhood slipped from her tender folds as we both groaned our...

1 year ago
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Arabs Exposed

Some races get all the love in porn. Everyone loves watching little Japanese bitches getting torn asunder by cock. JAV has become one of the gold standards for porn production. Every tube site worth its weight in cum has a whole category dedicated to it. Japan is a small island but produces porn larger than its britches allude to.One of the most popular forms of porn right now is tiny white bitches being eviscerated by massive, throbbing black cock. I’m sure ninety percent of porn created in...

Premium Arab Porn Sites
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Slots VI

Slots VI By Julie O It was a late in the afternoon and Joe the mechanic/owner of the Empire Garage was killing time. It would soon be dark, and in the cool of the evening he would go hunting. Of course, he wouldn't be hunting animals; he would be hunting unwary travelers on the highway between the California border and Las Vegas. He was looking forward to seeing the results of the latest changes he had made to the slot machine. Joe sipped his beer and watched videotape that...

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His name was Mark

"FUCK!" Macy yelled at the phone in utter anger, her best friend couldn't come along with her to the bar. Macy slammed it on the ground and decided to get ready. She took a black g-string thong and a black lace bra then set them upon her bare skin. Macy walked to her closet and picked her favorite outfit for the bar: A red mini-skirt, black boots that stop at the thigh, and a black crop top. After putting them on she walked in the bathroom and started on her blonde hair by curling it a bit...

2 years ago
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The House Part 3

Disclaimer This my first story ever. I got the idea around Valentines day so it may be a bit more romantic and mushy than readers here prefer. As you may notice, I borrow ideas from stories like Camp but I hope I’m within acceptable boundaries when doing so. Please feel free to comment on grammar, spelling and whatever else you like to comment on. I really would like to get some feedback, If not verbal then at least by using the sites rating system. J....

3 years ago
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Makeup Mistake

This can be posted to any free site. Pay sites are forbidden. Makeup Mistake By Charissa Michelle Copyright 2000 John sat at his mother's vanity for the hundredth time. At 10 he had dressed as a girl for Halloween. The love of the clothes and the look stuck with him. He ate and kept himself in shape, making sure he did not develop muscles and overly noticeable masculine traits. He had snuck into his parents room and played with his mothers makeup and clothing ever...

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Cuckold Boyfriend Watches While I Fuck His Girlfriend

Hi everyone. This is Yash, back with my second story. Firstly I would like to thank everybody for your overwhelming response and looking forward to hear from you this time as well. I thank ISS for the great stuff you do as well. Before I start, just a little bit about me and the hottie I had sex with. I am a 25 year old male from Bangalore, 6 feet tall, athletic body with a high sex drive. The girl is 5.10’’, fair, big firm boobs with a really curvy ass. She was slightly plump on the waist...

3 years ago
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the halloween haunted house

''hey sam you saw my spiderman?''''no last time he was going to the haunted house''mommy coudnt find me , Spiderman was slurping on a jelly big candy on his knees ,a pillow under it , the big juicy cherry candy feeling way too nice and warm in his mouthMike on the other side of the wall was keeping himself full of that jelly cherry ooze, getting it back to the boy , his little mouth and tongue was feeling way too good , it felt wrong but at the same time sp right to let the young white boy...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 45 Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Wheels Resort Dining Area 2:38pm, Saturday, March 10, 1979 It wasn’t hard to believe that all of us students, coaches and parents were completely mesmerized by Viktoriya Kharlamov’s stories about growing up in the Ukraine. Not a single person mentioned heading off to play tennis or mini-golf as we originally planned. Instead, we commandeered a small corner of the Resort’s cafeteria and were regaled by the amazing tales we heard. Toxic and her mother had moved to a small town, Ivankiv about...

4 years ago
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Mowing More Than The Lawn Part 2

Waking up, I get out of bed and head to my master bathroom. When my parents had the house built, they insisted on having a master bath in all three bedrooms.Walking to the shower, my morning wood bounces with each step. Entering the shower, I turn on the taps and let the water cascade over me. Soaping up my body, the remnants of last night are soon washed away, leaving a mild scent of Old Spice. The temptation to jerk off is strong, but thoughts of what is to come today quells the urge.After...

2 years ago
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Being With Morgan

Morgan had blonde, steely blue eyes, a great shape, and a nice butt, especially in jeans. She was rather tall for a women, but very attractive, and she had an innocence about her that was alluring too. Morgan was always very friendly and I was definitely interested in her, but being I was a lot older than she was, I felt there was know way she’d be interested in me. I wanted to run into as much as possible, hoping to talk with her, and even if it was only in passing, I always hoped the...

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A guy and his 54 Remembrance

Gen - Jakes first Jinn                                                                Tina - Rita's daughter Jinn - What the genies are called                                             Trully -  second Jinn doc Rasmir's little sister Tommy Sinclair - Friend of Jake's and fellow worker           Nyrae - Juno's powerful Jinn   Mary - Boss's daughter                                                              Nuha - Leader of Deadly Trio     Juno - Jakes big Boss and Mary's...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Karma RX Anal Karma

Poolside, busty, heavily tattooed bombshell Karma Rx peels off her tiny bikini, oils up her cute, round booty, and squeezes her huge knockers for the camera. She uses a glass dildo to open her butthole. Karma kneels to give Mark Wood’s big cock a gagging blowjob. He fucks Karma’s juicy cunt and then porks her ass in an intense anal reaming. She eagerly bounces on his prick, sucks dick ass-to-mouth, and rims his asshole. Mark buttfucks Karma until her sphincter gapes, and she...

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Badge Bunnies I Have Known Episode Five

After pulling a second watch patrol shift, I dropped into Fred's Cop bar around midnight. I was hoping there would be a few Badge Bunnies looking for companionship, for a drink, and possibly a roll in the hay. The selection would be slim due to the late hour. The Bunnies looking for a serious fuck would have arrived around 9 pm. Fred's is a quiet bar in a quiet neighborhood. Most patrons are Law Enforcement Officers looking for quick and safe pussy. The Badge Bunnies are ladies who are...

Group Sex
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BackroomCastingCouch Sami 02012021

25 year old Sami is quite the little firecracker. If she’s 5 foot tall then she’s standing on a phone book, and if she’s standing on a phone book, she’s damn near falling over with those GIGANTIC DD tits hanging off her chest. If you look up bubbly in the dictionary, it’s just a picture of this chick. Needless to say we’re gonna have a blast with this one. Sami works in a nurse’s office, but what she truly wants is fame and fortune. She found my...

1 year ago
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Chachi Ki Chudai

Hi dosto me Rozar phir aa gaya apni ek aur kahani lekar ye us samay ki ghatna hai jab me 20 saal ka th aur meri chachi 28 saal ki thee . chacha – chachi ki shadi ke baad se hi bahar jakar naukari karte the aur saal bhar me keawl do mahine hi ghar par rahte the baki k 11 mahine wo bahar rahte the to chachi apne maa ke ghar chali jati thee lekin jab se ham log wapas ghar aaye to chachi ka maa ke ghar jana kam ho gaya aur kuch din baad chaca aaye aur chachi ke sath rahnae lage . Are main to batana...

2 years ago
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I Work in a Doctors Office III

After the rest of the staff went home for the day, the doctor asked me to meet him in one of the examination rooms. He told me that we had a new patient coming in the next day complaining that he was losing sensitivity in his penis. The doctor wanted me to do the exam because he had a full schedule and the sensitivity exam procedure usually takes quite a bit of time. Since I had never done one of these exams before and it had only been briefly mentioned during my schooling, the doctor was...

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Anitas secret drawer

Anita’s secret drawer After having a few drinks at a local pub, I drove home late. I wondered to myself if Ana even cared that I was getting home so late. When I got home she was resting at bed. I didn’t blame her. After the fucking she had just received from that giant black cock, it would be hard for anyone to stay awake. I crept silently into the bedroom and inspected her body closely. There was no evidence that anything had occurred. She was dressed in a pair of cotton panties, and a tight...

1 year ago
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22 November 2006Chapter 2

Several long minutes later, the sound of sirens filled the air. Dan briefed the paramedics on Doris’ condition, then stood back as they treated the fallen woman. They gave him some antibiotic cream to wash off his hands and face. The paramedics thanked Dan for the first aid he had given the woman in the car and on the ground. At least Doris was given a fighting chance to live. The paramedics put her on a gurney and slid it into the ambulance. Vicky stood beside Dan, her left arm touching his...

3 years ago
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I knew you were a Faggot

April 2015. It was the end of senior year. We were all 18, about to graduate, about a month left of school. I was one of those guys that was kinda cool with everyone. I was a skinny white k** with ear length hair, combed down the middle, kinda toned, some muscle. I had a few girlfriends through high school but stuck to the books most of it. Kissed and went on dates but I was too nice of a guy to go any further. Even though everyone knew me, I really only hung out with my boy Ray.Ray was a jock....

2 years ago
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Sisters By The Pool The Utah Chronicles Chapter One1

It was time to move away from home, become a true adult, and figure out who I really needed in my life. The only problem was, every time I thought about the people closest to me, I couldn't narrow it down. Danielle had become my best friend. I enjoyed every minute that we hung out, and we shared a lot of things in common. And, of course, she was the only one I knew worked with me in a relationship. She was sexy, and the type of girl any guy would kill for. Hailey had become so much...

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A Proper Goodbye

Copyright© 2005 -- All rights reserved. Gebriele Winder sat in a quiet booth towards the back of Sacker's, a local Bar and Grill just outside her home town of Plainview, Arkansas, near Nimrod Lake. It was the 23rd of August the time was 8:30, she knew the ritual, this was the sixth year in a row she had sat in this booth and waited, waited for the clock to strike 8:39 so she could tell him all about the year and maybe say goodbye. Glancing slowly around the interior of the local watering...

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Tales from StVincentsJanice the Penitant

Where does one begin when speaking of Janice.Janice was always unruly,always rude and always the schoolgirl that could be seen standing outside Reverand Mother Gertrude's private study.As she grew into an attractive young woman Janice still found herself getting up to mischief;not turning up for work,parking wherever she liked,;generally giving two fingers to everyone else.Janice had some hope at school where the nuns of St.Vincents tried to instill discipline in her by means of corporal...

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