Baby free porn video

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Mandy and I started dating in the seventh grade. She's the only woman I've dated and I've always thought I was the luckiest man alive to have her. Why she picked me, I'll never know.

I'm an average man at five eight and one hundred forty pounds. Mandy's small, only five feet tall and one hundred five pounds. I'm average in appearance, too, but her appearance is far above average. She's beautiful with a delightful feminine figure.

When we married before our freshman year in college, we were virgins eager to begin our lives together. Our first sex was on our wedding night. My hands trembled as I unrolled a condom while Mandy smiled sweetly up at me from our wedding bed.

"Don't use it, Sammy. Please," she whispered.

"You might get pregnant."

She wrapped her hand around my unprotected cock and pulled me toward her.

"I want to be pregnant. You know that."

"But we're just starting out."

"Let's start by letting nature take its course. Make love to me where I can feel you, not a condom, Sammy."

From that first night or maybe the night after, Julie was created. She was born nine months to the day after we wed. Our second child was another girl, who we named Jenny. She was born when we were juniors.

We struggled through college as we both worked and went to school. I graduated on schedule and went to work for a big company as an accountant. A year later, Mandy graduated and started teaching second grade.

Neither Mandy nor I are leaders. We're both content being followers, which reflects our passive personalities. Our peaceful life style reflects that, too. We worked hard, saved, played, loved our children, and enjoyed what Americans call the good life.

Ours was a placid marriage. The one major disagreement was the number of children. She wanted five, but I insisted we stop at two, which is one of the few times I stood up to her. Mandy was never happy with that decision. It was the only bitter point between us.

In marriages like ours, money's an issue because it's in short supply, but Mandy wasn't a woman who longed after wealth. She wanted more children. I was the one who longed for a more financially successful life.

Julie was fifteen and Jenny almost fourteen when Mandy and I went with friends to Las Vegas. We had a wonderful time, and I won $30, 000 gambling.

I thought I'd found a way to ease the money problems and give us a better life. I didn't know I'd sown the seeds of our destruction.

Gambling's a terrible, uncontrollable addiction in some people. I was one of those. I gambled on everything I could find: football, basketball, horses, numbers. After we returned from Vegas, I won a little, but then the losses came in waves. I increased the amount I gambled because I knew my luck would change. And it did change - for the worse. In six months, I lost our savings, the kids' college funds, everything. And I lost even more as my bookie gave me credit.

Mandy knew nothing about it.

"Sam Johnson, get your ass over here straight from work! Don't mess with me, boy!" the horrifying voice on the phone said.

The sweat oozed from my face as his violent disconnection rang in my ears. I was $20, 000 in debt to my bookmaker and not a dime to my name. They'd been trying to collect for a month. My time was up. I went to the bathroom and threw up.

I shook uncontrollably and my clothes were soaked in sweat as I entered the store front office. The bookie grabbed my arm, dragged me out the back door, and shoved me into a large van, which had been modified to allow a person to stand. Someone picked me up like a child and jammed me on the floor of the van on my knees.

I looked up at one of the biggest men I'd ever seen.

"I'm David Winston White. Leroy works for me. I understand you won't pay your bills."

"Look, I... "

He moved quickly, like a tiger leaping on its prey and I was the lamb he was devouring. His massive left hand crushed the back of my neck and lifted me several inches in the air. His fingers were so long and strong they held my jaw shut. And his right hand grabbed my cock and balls. I felt him began to squeeze as I stared into the coldest, most evil black eyes in the world. I whimpered, and tears fell down my face. The pain in my balls was unbearable.

He dropped me. I fell to the floor sobbing.

"I want my money now."

"I don't have it."

"But you have a way to earn it."

"How? Tell me how?"

"You have a wife and daughters, don't you?"

"No," I gasped.

"Janet, stand! Look at her, Sam!" he commanded.

A petite white woman stood in the corner of the van. She was naked. She had massive breasts and a sad, frightened face that looked sixty although her body looked much younger.

"Tell him your story, Janet!"

"I was a sales rep, but I got addicted to gambling. I'm paying off my debt by being a whore for Mr. White."

"Come suck my cock, Janet!"

She scurried to him, quickly kneeling and fishing his cock from his trousers. It was massive, easily the biggest I had ever seen, but it was proportionate to the rest of him. Mr. White was probably six six and two hundred fifty pounds. Janet sucked the cock head, but his hand on the back of her head forced it into her mouth.

"Watch, Sam! Watch the stupid white slut suck my cock. Tomorrow night I'm coming to your house. I'll leave with my money or I'll leave with your wife and daughters. They'll do what Janet's doing until I have my money!"

"No. Please. Have mercy," I whimpered.

"I've no mercy for you, boy. Your wife and daughters'll be my whores until they earn back my money. Now, come here! You need to learn what sucking my cock's like since you're forcing your wife and daughters to do it."

He shoved Janet aside and yanked me between his legs. I felt like a child, unable to resist even if I had tried. His huge cock barely fit in my mouth. He didn't care about that. He jammed it in and out. When I put my hands up in protest, he whipped his cock across my face like a hard slap. When he came, he pulled out to cover my face in his sticky goo. He shoved me out of the way.

I was too terrified to even wipe his dripping cum from my cheeks. Janet scurried between his legs again to clean his cock with her mouth, sucking and slurping, as I felt his cum drying on my face.

"Tomorrow night. Don't try to run or hide or call the police. It'll only make me mad! Now get out."

It was late when I got home. I'd cleaned up at a service station, then stopped at a bar for liquid courage. Mandy was asleep when I got home. I sneaked in the shower before I crawled in our bed, wondering if she'd ever be there next to me again.

I couldn't sleep. My mind, body, and soul were paralyzed by fear: fear of what I'd done, fear of what would happen to my family as a result. I left early for work the next morning before Mandy awakened. That night, I got home for dinner about seven. She was at the kitchen table, grading papers.

"Sam, are you all right? You've been acting funny lately. Is something wrong?"

"No. Everything's fine."

I heard the front door open.

"Who's that, I wonder?" she said as she disappeared into the living room.

"WHO... " I heard her say.

I wet myself, sitting in my own pea, paralyzed with fear.

Mr. White walked into the room carrying my wife in his arms like a baby, except her mouth was taped shut and her arms handcuffed behind her. She was frightened like I'd never seen her before, shaking uncontrollably, her face ashen and sweating. His associate pointed a gun at me as Mr. White ordered me to sit and cuffed my hands behind me.

He put Mandy in the chair next to me. She was sobbing, making a sound like a dying dove.

"If you can be quiet, I'll remove the gag," Mr. White said to Mandy.

She nodded and he yanked the tape from her face. She said nothing.

"My name is Mr. White. Has your husband explained your problem?"

She stared at me with questioning eyes before she shook her head no. He told her my whole gambling history. He knew I'd maxed out the credit cards and home equity loan for my addiction. Mandy said nothing. Her eyes flitted back and forth between us. I could tell she couldn't believe what I'd done, and the loss and danger it put her in. She was in shock from it.

"What are you going to do to us, Mr. White?" she asked, the hysteria in her voice barely controlled.

"You and your daughters'll come with me, Mandy. You'll be my whores, fucking men for money until I've recovered what I'm owed."

Mr. White looked as if he expected her to become hysterical. I certainly expected it. We both were surprised.

As if someone filled an empty bag with iron, Mandy appeared bigger and sat more erect. A determined expression grew on her face. She held his cold, dead eyes with her own, never blinking or looking away. When she spoke, her voice was calm, sincere and confident, not threatening, but not submissive.

"Mr. White, I'm a lot of things. I'm Sam's wife and a teacher and a woman. I'll be your whore, too, the best one'll you have and I'll earn all your money back for you. I promise. But you must understand me, most importantly I'm a mother."

Mandy stopped and for seconds they stared at each other.

"Do you understand? I'm a mother... and if you or anyone else touches my daughters, I'll kill you."

Mr. White's mouth dropped open before it snapped shut like a steel trap. Mandy stood, walked to him, and turned her back.

"Please remove the handcuffs. You've nothing to fear from me unless you harm my daughters."

He was stunned and her actions defused his natural proclivity to harm. He gave a sharp, hard laugh, removed the cuffs, spun her around, and jammed her to her knees between his legs.

A knife appeared in his hand and he pressed it to her throat. A tiny movement by either of them would pierce her throat with the knife point. She never quivered or moved or took her eyes from his.

Somewhere in those long minutes as they stared at each other, they reached an unspoken agreement. He smiled at her as he put away the knife. It was a soft, gentle smile, like a man gives his lover.

"Mandy, please show me your house," he said with sincere politeness.

"Certainly. Mr. White, may I call you by your first name?"

"Call me by the nick name my family uses. Since I was the last born, they call me Baby."

Mandy showed him the house, giving him the in depth tour as if she were showing our preacher her homey treasures. She seemed happy and positive, telling him our history, pointing out the pictures in the hall that recorded when this thing occurred or that thing happened. She stopped in each girl's room, spending a long time talking about her beloved daughters.

I could see that she enchanted him. When he took her hand in his, she squeezed his in return, giving him a warm and friendly smile.

"Coffee?" she asked when we returned to the kitchen.

"Yes, thank you, Mandy," Baby answered.

"Baby, you can understand why I'm so protective of my girls, why I said what I did."

"You're an unusual woman, Mandy. I know you honestly meant it when you said you'd become a whore for me, and when you said you'd kill me. You really love your children, don't you?"

"Yes. I love them deeply, but I understand your position, too, Baby. That's why I'll cooperate with you to the fullest, doing whatever you wish for me to do. I'll make every effort to get your money back."

She handed him the coffee and guided us all to the den. She sat on the couch opposite him. No one spoke as the two of them worked through their own private thoughts, their eyes never leaving each other.

"Mandy, can you still bear children?"

Her body language became extremely intense as her eyes slammed into me before returning to him.

"Yes. Why?"

The silence was killing me. I knew why. We all knew why! My God, was she really considering it?

"I'll forget Sam's debt if you'll have my child."

I could tell immediately she was going to agree. Mr. White could tell, too. Mandy wasn't ready to say it, not verbally anyway.

"Why would you want that?"

"I want children. Finding a woman to bear one is easy. Finding a woman I can trust to love and nurture them is difficult in my world, Mandy."

"Babies are a big responsibility. Babies need love and tenderness... "

He laughed. He threw back his giant head and laughed. She had a sheepish, crooked grin, like a kid who'd been caught stealing candy.

"What do you want, Mandy? Just tell me. We both know you'd love and care for a child more than other woman would, no matter who the father was, no matter the circumstances of the birth."

She walked to him, took his huge hands and put them on her waist. She took his giant face in her hands and gently held it to look at her. Again, there was a long silence as they communicated nonverbally. That silence was painful for me. She leaned down slowly to kiss him softly on the lips.

"I'd like having your child, Baby. I know you'll be a good father and never hurt me or any of my children."

She pushed him back into the couch with her body as she kissed him long and hard. Slowly his arms folded around her in a lover's embrace.

This giant, this criminal who hurt people for a living, asked my wife if he could impregnate her, putting his black seed in her belly to make it grow with child. She rewarded him with a passionate kiss.

"Baby, I'm not on the pill. Would you like to start now?"

"I'd like that very much," he replied with such softness and feeling in his voice even I was touched. She took his hand, leading him toward the bedroom, then she stopped.

"Is it all right with you if Sam watches us?"

What was that expression on her face as she looked back at me? Not hatred. Not happiness. I knew it made me feel small because that look expressed that I was making her fuck someone else and she resented it greatly.

"Come on, Sam," Baby said, not even looking at me. He had eyes only for Mandy.

I followed them into the master bedroom, the bedroom that had been hers and mine exclusively. Baby's henchman shoved me in a chair and stood by me, his hand on my shoulder. Mandy looked at us.

"Baby, Sam won't cause a problem. Would you please ask your friend to leave?"

"Here, Junior," Baby said handing him a revolver. "Why don't you watch TV?"

"Sure, boss," the man replied. In a moment, I heard the TV start in the den.

Baby took off his coat and sat on the edge of the bed. Mandy kissed him again before she began unbuttoning his shirt. She didn't look at me as she slipped the shirt off his massive shoulders. Her fingers slid across his torso lovingly before she sucked his nipples. She slipped to her knees to untie his shoes.

"Stand up so I can take off your trousers," she said to him.

She undid his belt and dropped his trousers to the floor. She looked up at him with a sensual grin as she yanked down his boxers. That giant black cock that only last night spilled his seed on me jumped into her face.

"Oh, my God, Baby. I can't take that!"

"Yes, you can. I wouldn't hurt you."

"I know you wouldn't, Baby, but he would. I'll bet you don't get many complaints about being too small."

"None so far," he laughed.

Mandy turned to look at me. Her small fingers daintily held his hard cock near her face.

"Have you ever seen a cock this big?" she asked.

I didn't respond.

"Answer me," she snapped.

"No, I haven't."

"What would you estimate, Sam? Is it twice as big as yours? Three times? Or more?"

"I don't know," I mumbled as I stared at my wife unable to tear my eyes away from her. I'd never seen the anger and, yes, hatred in her that I saw at that moment.

"They say that once a woman's had a big cock like this one that she can't even feel a tiny little thing like you have, and that your little boy's cock won't ever bring her pleasure. Do you think that's true, Sam?"

"I don't know," I whispered as I trembled in abject humiliation.

"We're going to find out, aren't we?" she said, her voice dripping with insincere sweetness.

She turned back toward him as her hand lovingly caressed his shaft. She kissed the opening.

"What's his name?" she asked Baby.


"Your cock. I thought all men named their cocks."

"I haven't named him. Would you like to do it?"

"Yes, but I need him in me first. I need to see how he feels so the name'll fit. May I suck him?"

His huge, ham sized hand guided her mouth to his cock. Mandy always enjoyed sucking cock although she'd never initiate it. Now she valiantly worked on the shiny black helmet head of a monster as big as her fist. Quickly, it was coated in her saliva, which hung in ropes of spittle as she moved back and forth on it. She was doing a yeoman's job, but her jaws quickly tired. Baby could tell and pulled his cock from her mouth.

"I'm sorry, Baby. I'll do better next time," she murmured. He lifted her as if she were a child to kiss her softly on the lips.

"Don't worry. You were wonderful, Mandy. I want to fuck you. I want to feel your delicious pussy around my cock."

As he quickly undressed her, she never acted shy or embarrassed. She stood proudly before him, displaying her body, letting his giant hands roam the lush territory that'd been exclusively mine.

"Do you have any K-Y?" he asked. "I don't want to hurt you."

"I won't need it. I'm dripping wet for you, Baby," she replied sultrily.

She lay back. When he crawled between her legs, the bed groaned with his weight.

"Let me show you the easy way," he said.

Gently, he pulled her legs up with her knees outside her breasts. He brought her elbows inside her knees to leverage them apart. He guided her hands to her pussy lips, which she held open for him as he put the head of his cock against her.

"Oh, Baby, I've never had a cock this big," she whimpered as he slowly pressured to push his monster in her tight wetness.

There was no question he would fit. Her juices poured down her leg, her pussy glistened from her own wetness. He worked slowly, letting her become accustomed to him until his cock head rested against her cervix.

She was moaning, squirming in obvious delight at being so full. Her ass and hips were in constant motion as her body struggled to accommodate the giant cock buried in her. When she finally relaxed, the tension flowed from her only to reappear as desire.

"Fuck me good, Baby," she murmured in his ear.

Groaning, sweating, whimpering, squirming under the masterful, well controlled fucking from his monster cock, Mandy orgasmed as she never had with me.

It was a strange feeling seeing him fuck her, seeing him bring her joy and orgasms like nothing I'd ever given her. I wondered if she'd ever enjoy me again. I felt happiness for her at being so well pleased, but I felt my own sorrow - my own deep and real sorrow - at having caused this mess.

I was the second best man in my wife's bed. I had no one to blame but myself.

While I felt a deep loss, I must admit, seeing another man fuck my wife had been a wild and deeply buried fantasy of mine. I was hard from watching because she was getting a royal fucking from someone else, as I'd fantasized.

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So during a scorching hot summer i didn't feel like going into the evil sun light and get sweaty sack so i stayed in my cool basement secluded from anyone. *(yes i sound like a creep)* But one day my mom wanted me to stop being a useless shit and go and do something so she told her friend that " I WOULD BE ABLE TO BABYSIT" Dumb bitch! well i got to go to this smoking babes house and it was TOTALLY WORTH IT! So I arrived at the house around noon sweating hot from biking up this crazy hill and i...

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In the sixties in the U.K. there were few "enlightened men" who believed that women were entitled to enjoy sex as much as the males did. It was quite common, for girls to remain virgins, until their marriage and married women never to have had an orgasm even though they were mothers of c***dren. A frequent scenario in the households was of the husband coming home from the pub, slightly drunk, taking his wife to bed, kissing her roughly, putting a finger into her vagina, wiggle it around then...

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My neighbours Sally and Jack had gone to visit her mother, apparently she wasn't feeling too well. "Will you please look in on Jean and Mandy from time to time. Make sure they're not wreaking the place and they have everything they need." "Sure Sally, be glad to. They're good kids. Hope your mum's feeling better soon." Jean and Mandy were fourteen and fifteen year old sex bombs. Blond, slim, tall, nice tits and gorgeous tans. They both had their navels and tongs pierced and when they...

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Cindy was babysitting for the Indian family next door to her at 16 she was 4 years older than the boy she was looking after who was in his room with his cousins who were all 10, one of the cousins came in said to Cindy ” show me your tits” Cindy looked at him and told him no your to young, the boy looked said ” in my country boys rule you girls obey us” Cindy told him to get stuffed, the other boys came in and all jumped on Cindy and dragged her on to the floor and held her down, Cindy tried to...

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Lasst mich mal ueberlegen, wie das alles anfing. Es muss letzten Sommer gewesen sein. Es war Samstag und meine Frau war mit einer Freundin shoppen gegangen. Sonja, die Tochter unserer Nachbarn, war bei uns, um auf unseren Sohn aufzupassen. Ich arbeitet im Garten und die beide waren im Haus. Nach einiger Zeit kam Sonja zu mir nach draussen. Mein Sohn schaute drinnen einen Film und Sonja war das zu langweilig. Aber am besten beschreibe ich Sonja erst einmal. Sonja war 19 Jahre alt und hatte...

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Scott Collins was your typical Spring Valley teenager. 5'9" with short sandy brown hair, the 17 year old had graduated last month in the middle of his high school class. Co-captain of the swim team, his record had been enough to get him a partial scholarship to State in the fall. With only part of his education costs taken care of, a summer job was a must, just as it had been for the last three years. Scott was lucky enough to have had a steady summer job as a councilor at the local...

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The Awakening of Toni "How much do I owe you John?""Nothing it's on me.""You can't keep doing these jobs for me and not charging, you must take some payment. You have spent all the afternoon repairing that leak." "I'll have a cup of your special coffee and a quick shower then." He said smiling at me. "It's hot and I could do with freshening up."I filled the kettle and plugged it in. "Your wish is my command." Was my reply as I spun around to face him.John stood in front of me in just a pair of...

4 years ago
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How he got me to crave his BBC

Introduction: True story of my first interracial experience in college with a black football player. This is my first story so please comment! This is a true story and also my first story so please comment and if you like it I will write more I am 5 6 with long brown hair that is naturally curly but usually straightened, medium toned skin that gets pretty tanned in the summer and big hazel-brown eyes. As for my body, I have 36-D boobs, and would probably be considered curvy because i have a...

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Kim Possible a Teen Titans

“So, explain to me again why we had to take the hover car all the way to Jump City?” Shego asked in a clearly bored tone. “I already told you, so we can get the trans-state-electro-redigifer-enhancement-module from the Wayne industries research lab.” Dr Drakken replied, yanking said device from its security field. “Ah huh, that I understand. But why do we actually need this thing?” Shego asked. “That’s what I was wondering too!” Kim Possible interrupted, she and Ron standing at the south...

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The Gamble

I sat and stared across the room at my son who sat with his head in his hands, his whole demeanour was one of defeat. He looked up at me with tears threatening to flow in his eyes, and then put his head back in his hands. "Tell me again what he said." I said softly with disbelief tingeing my voice. In a dull voice my 15-year-old son repeated what he'd told me no more than twenty minutes past. "Don said the only way to stop him bullying me was for you to beat his girlfriend in a...

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Amys Vacation Surprise

Amy didn't suspect a thing as I passed the card key over the lock and we entered our room. Tossing the key and my wallet onto the entry table, we noticed the lights were dimly lit and music was playing softly from the television.  Turning the corner from the hallway into the bedroom, Amy started to say that she didn't remember leaving the TV on, before stopping dead in her tracks with her words hanging in mid-sentence. Sitting quietly on the corner of the bed, a slender woman with blonde hair...

4 years ago
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Double Dating With the Parents Version BravoChapter 12

While the parents were talking, the kids were talking too, of course. "What happened?" asked Jack. "He finally did it." "Did what?" "The night before last, we talked and then I asked him to help me, you know like your mom helps you. And he did." "Really? My mom did too!" "I thought they'd be too mad to do anything like that," said Mandy. "But I was so horny! The thought of not getting to see you made me crazy." "Me too. I grabbed her boob!" he whispered. "All I did...

3 years ago
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Not all witches come from OZ

Tamera was sixteen, when she first knew she was different. She had a way about her the teachers and students knew it too. She would simply think of something and it would appear. She started off simple. She wanted a glass of water in class. Tamera would concentrate on the water, and it would appear on her desk in class. Soon, Tamera was changing her grades and getting the boys to fall for her only. It was fun for awhile but she always wondered why she was so different. Ten years have passed...

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Webmeets Diary Ch 02

Note to the reader: In this diary I will tell the true stories of my sexual encounters that have come about thanks to the Internet. Some more precise details such as names and places will be left out to protect other's privacy, and mine, and also because they don't matter, but otherwise I will try to be as accurate and truthful as possible. After my first experience with Ed, I took a break from looking for meetings through the Internet, mainly because I moved to a different country for a year....

Gay Male
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Cocooned Chap 5

Cocooned, Chapter 5 By EF666 After an evening complete with a spectacular dinner, incredible wine, sumptuous dessert and some playful nocturnal activity it was time to turn in for the night. We were spooning, her breasts pushing into my back, both of us likely only a couple minutes away from conking out. It occurred to me that in the day and a half since she'd been altered by Dave, Simone, the new and highly enthusiastic lesbian, formerly the straight and borderline mousy Collette,...

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Take off my panties

My Mom and Dad did their best to tough it out but, eventually, they both saw handwriting on the wall and decided to call it quits. Well, Dad and I ended up in a cheesy condo in Reseda for about 18 months while mom and my two sisters got the house and the cars. Dad and I were not too thrilled about all of this and those weren't particularly happy times for us. Then Dad met Cynthia. I had to hand it to him, she was fine! She was a widow and that was unfortunate but she and her daughter...

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A Little R and R Part 3

We sat in front of the fire talking about our lives and our passions and sipped our wine. The rain continued to fall outside in the darkness with no sign of stopping. I was caught up in her sultry voice and her dirty blonde hair as she flicked it over her shoulders. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her full lips as she talked. She kept stealing glances at my bare chest and I wondered if she was thinking the same thing I was. We finished our glasses of wine and I got up and went into the kitchen to...

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watching her get done

It began innocently enough with a guy sending me some pictures of his wife, A few days of trading pictures and he said he wanted to bring his wife to Denver to meet me. He said his wife really liked the pictures of my big cock and wanted to sample it.He got a hotel Saturday night so I had most of a week to prepare. I went to the sex store and bought some toys, a giant dildo and some tiny nipple and clit vibrator bullets.We met at the hotel bar and had a few drinks, she had been drinking already...

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How my pantyhose fetish began…I will never forget the first time I tried on an item of hosiery. One day I passed my parent’s bedroom and saw something d****d at the foot of the bed that caught my attention. I entered their room to check it out. What I found was a girdle with the suntan nylons still attached. I had never thought anything about hosiery until that moment. I touched the ultra sheer RHT stockings. The nylon felt cool and silky in my hands and I immediately had the thought that I...

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Two Can Play Ch 09

It was the morning after the night before. Rachel and Kate were very late up, they had missed breakfast and upset the chambermaid by being in their room when she wanted to clean it. ‘Do you think we should go to the conference?’ Rachel asked. Kate yawned. ‘I suppose we could put in an appearance, collect some papers and reports to impress Desmond, then do the shops.’ ‘Sounds good.’ A little before noon they entered the conference hall. Half an hour later they emerged into a chilly, faintly...

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Going for the Juggler1 Keeping My Balls in the Air

"My mother is trapped on an alien world. Do something!" Cadence demanded. Well, shit, yes. What am I supposed to do? Lisa had chosen to stay on Chaos so I could come back unencumbered to do battle with her husband—my brother, Wilson—and rescue Cadence. No one expected Wilson to try to destroy the wardrobe with an axe and instead damage our portal. What was I supposed to do? "Lincoln," Cadence moaned. She collapsed into my arms and sobbed. I retrieved our hotel room key from the bedside...

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our anniversary

Introduction: my wifes gift *************************************** our anniversary****************************** Last week was my wifes and I anniversary 12 years and still going strong. I asked her what she wanted and she said something different. I told her I had a nice fantasy for both of us to share if she was game.She agreed as long as it wasnt too wild. I started my plan, I put a ad on craigs list for a young guy (under 25)who was hung. After sorting thru bullshit emails I found Greg....

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One Of The Office Girls part 3

One Of The Office Girls part 3 I apologize for the long delay between stories. I am dealing with the loss of my daughter and being the primary caregiver for my mother. I will try to get the next installment out as time permits. Monday Monday morning I awoke very early with a flood of emotions. I was experiencing everything from the excitement of going out for the first time to the fear of how the girls would react. Heather rolled over in bed next to me. "I thought you may...

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I WonChapter 3

Kristina already had a bag packed so it was just a matter of helping her into the car and getting her to the hospital. We raced to the emergency room and I helped wheel her in. Things started to happen even faster after that because the baby just didn't want to wait any longer to get born. Cynthia left to park the car in the visitors lot. By the time she returned Kristina was already in the delivery room giving birth to her daughter. I was an uncle! I wasn't able to be in the delivery room...

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part two several cocks are better than one of cou

I had just had the most cum I've ever had in my mouth, and it was still on my neck and my chest. My new friend had left, I had dinner sitting there but I wasn't hungry. I had to wait for more cock and the anticipation was killing me. I took a plastic spoon off from my dinner delivery and I scooped up a whole spoonful from my face, neck and chest. I looked at it and thought do I eat it now or later? I decided to save it. I carefully balanced the spoon onto the table to keep it even not wanting...

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An unusual Threesome with a Surprise Ending

I asked Bill to write this story about a straight male, a bi-sexual female and a homosexual female. Hope you enjoy it!FROM BILL: Many men have the fantasy that a real man could make a lesbian go straight after he gave her a great man-fuck. I sort of half believed it, and recently had a chance to test the theory. My friend Monica was visiting Evonne at her house and invited me over to give her the $100 monthly allowance I owed her. Evonne is 100% lesbian; Monica is a switch hitter, and I've...

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The Shivers

(Almost all of this story is true. The variety and quality of the clothing and shoes is a fantasy, but the activities and sensations are all based on real experiences.) The Shivers I always got the shivers about an hour before I was to be left alone. They started in my backbone and shook me from my torso to my neck. I must have appeared to be having an epileptic fit. In fact, I did get mild seizures fairly often, but I don't know if they were related to the shivers. All I'm sure...

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Story Reader Ankita Se Chat

Hi friends its love gupta again with a little conversation with 1 of my sexiest and hottest reader Ankita friends ye meri 2nd story hai jo main yahan post kar raha hoon apni pehli story meri pyari bahen jo ki mere mama ki ladki thi ko post karne ke baad. main aap sabhi ka tahe dil se shukargujaar hoon ki aap logon ne meri aapbeeti ko pasand kiya or us par apne reply bheje. Par friends main sirf girls ko hi apni friends banane mein jyada interested hoon isliye aap logon se nivedan hai ki kripya...

4 years ago
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Not This TimeChapter 19 The Mill

It was like Lily, Bruce, and I were on a honeymoon. Not that we had sex all the time. But we had good sex. Satisfying. Sometimes dreamy. Yeah. But not all the time. The thing was that we were good with each other. Once I got my head out of my ass and wasn’t obsessing about selling condos or school or childrearing, I allowed myself to become fully a member of our family. We still had little arguments. Every family has its little ups and downs, as they say. But we worked it out. It became more...

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Dental CareChapter 2

Jack Merrick stood looking around the exam room. He'd been there before. In the center ofthe room was the familiar examination chair with a small instrument tray standing along side. Jack waited somewhat impatiently. The dental appointment today wasn't for Jack. It was for his teenage daughter, Tracy who had just stepped out to use the bathroom. Jack stared absent-mindedly at a sailboat mobile which hung from the ceiling over the examination chair. It revolved slowly in the re-circulated...

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CowboyChapter 7

“So, Mrs Johnson, how can we enable you to clear the debts?” “Is there no work I could do? I would even work in the saloon” She phrased that badly, it made him bridle. He had little patience with the ‘holier than though’ superiority of these church going people. “My girls in the saloon are not the dregs Mrs Johnson. Frankly I doubt that you have the required skill or knowledge to carry a tray of drinks on each arm without spilling a drop.” “I did not mean to imply anything, forgive me.”...

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Delta Developement Chapter 3

Mid Story Prologue: Well now what do you think my friend? Crazy twist of fate? Just punishment for my sins? Remember at the time of my second cancer surgery I was only concerned with staying alive. I didn't know there was a diabolical plot being executed as my "Just Punishment" for being unfaithful to my wife. Life is full of unseen twists. I guess the old saying is right "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!" From here until the end of my tale I want to shift the...

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