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FRATRICIDE By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 Warning: If you don't like reading Fiction Mania stories, then stop reading now. Author's Note: Many inspirations but especially the following gems: "In Blood Only" (2019) and "I Am The GOAT" (2017), both by Sarah Goodwoman, and "The Prodigy and Me" (2019), by Commentator. And a curtsy to Jennifer Adams. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. RT JULY -- SUNDAY MID-AFTERNOON Paul sat at his usual place, at the head of the dining room table. His wife Claire sat to his right, and his daughter Kim to his left. His son Greg sat at the other end of the table. It was 2:30 pm, too late for lunch and far too early for supper. All eyes were on Kim; she had summoned them to a family meeting. Everyone in Paul's family had the right to summon the others on the condition that the matter was significant and merited the participation, contribution, or knowledge of everyone. Paul and Claire had been philosophy and political science majors at university; they had encouraged involvement and teamwork within their own home. They had just taken their first ever week-long vacation without their children after 18 years of raising them. Mature and sensible Greg had turned 18 a month ago, and Kim was a clever albeit immature 14-year old. Their parents had felt confident in their children's ability to manage one week without parental supervision. Paul and Claire had come home happy. They had not been home for more than two minutes when Kim had rung the singing bowl to summon them all. Not yet unpacked, not yet freshened up in the bathroom, not yet having a tea in hand, Paul and Claire were somewhat anxious about Kim's insistence that the family meeting occur immediately, without any delay. Kim's parents looked at her with inviting but puzzled faces. Greg's expression was grimly blank. Paul started. "Well, Kim. You called this meeting, and your mom and I have to assume that you have a good reason to do so. What's up?" -----000----- Kim's face suggested only one adjective: serious. Kim sat staring at her hands, which rested on the edge of table. Her fingernails were bright pink and matched her lipstick. Kim began in a soft, measured voice. Her parents and their curiosity leaned toward her. "Dad. Mom. I will never talk to Greg again. I do not and will never trust Greg again. I will never be left alone with him again. Not for a week, a day, an hour, a minute. Never." Paul and Claire's eyes widened as Kim slowly spoke. They glanced at Greg, who was frozen in his chair. The parents scrutinized Kim, who displayed focused calm. This announcement wasn't the sweet homecoming they had been expecting. "I would ask that you please immediately arrange for him and me to live apart from each other. If you don't, then I'll find my own way to live apart from him; I'll leave this house and never come back. I want nothing to do with him ever again. I am not going to speak of any of this anymore. My position is unchangeable." Kim sat back, put her hands in her lap, and stared at them. Claire was horrified. Paul seemed both angry and confused. Greg merely glared daggers at his sister. -----000----- Paul studied his daughter's face. This was not play-acting. She showed genuine sincerity and honesty as she spoke. Her eyes betrayed a wound, a deep wound. Claire was stunned. "Kim, where is this coming from? What happened this past week that gets you saying stuff like this?" Claire glanced at her son. He did not move; he simply stared at Kim. "Did Greg do something to you?" she asked Kim carefully. Paul remained silent; his eyes narrowed as they now bore onto his son's face. "Greg," Paul said very quietly, "come with me." The devoted husband and father walked out to the backdoor, turned back, and waited for his son. Greg slowly got up and backed toward Paul. Greg's eyes hardly left Kim's face. He suddenly turned and walked out the backdoor. They went into the backyard. -----000----- Claire stared at her daughter who looked fine, healthy, and, well, normal. "Kim, they're gone now. It's just us here. Tell me, please, what's wrong, sweetie?" Silence. Claire moved next to Kim and wrapped her arms around Kim's shoulders. "Please, sweetie, speak to me." Silence. No: a whimper; then another; and then more. She's scared, Claire thought. And the collapse began. Claire saw Kim's eyes turn red and teary, and could feel her faster, shallower breathing. "Look at me, sweetie," she said more forcefully. Kim looked at her. "Kim, did Greg touch you?" Kim's body started to tremble. More tears. More whimpering. But no answer. Claire breathed deeply. "That's it. Upstairs to my bedroom." -----000----- Paul cornered his son between the shed and the cedars. Greg was a strong, growing 18-year old young man. But his father was a 45-year old muscular construction worker, much bigger and much more powerful than his son. Paul was also a firm believer that the shortest distance between two points was a straight line. "What happened?" Paul's tone was unmistakably aggressive. "I dunno." "What fucking happened?" "Like I said, I don't know. You and mommy went away. Kim and I stayed here. TV. Games. No one came over. Tanned in the yard. I dunno what's with her." Greg's eyes darted to and fro, everywhere except into Paul's eyes. Greg's voice wavered and was rife with diffidence. Paul knew his son was squirming. Paul took a bold step toward him, into Greg's personal space. Greg backed up nervously and hit the shed; he could not run away. Paul persisted in his interrogation. But Greg continued his equivocations and deflections. Paul now knew that Greg was lying, and now believed that Greg knew of the cause --- or himself had caused --- Kim's obvious stress. "Go to the basement TV room, sit down, and don't you dare fucking move." Paul's stern order was coupled to the most menacing look any child had ever seen or could dread. -----000----- Claire took Kim by the hand and, once upstairs, closed the door. She led her daughter to the bed, and they sat. Claire tried and tried to get Kim to explain herself. Kim remained emotional but would not speak; she stayed silent. Claire asked about the entire past week. No responses. Kim wept, her body shaking. But she said nothing. Claire was becoming frustrated and angry, not at Kim, but at the mystery. "Kim, I want to look at you naked. Now. Take all of your clothes off." She had to help Kim undress. Kim awkwardly unbuttoned her blouse. Her fingers fumbled over the pants' belt, button, and zipper flap. She almost lost her balance dropping the pants. She removed her bra after several clumsy attempts. Claire wondered whether Kim was suffering some diminished motor control. Drugs? The child stood naked in front of her mother. No bruises, no welts, no markings: nothing. "Let's get you dressed, sweetie," Claire instructed. "I'm going to go downstairs for a moment. I want you to stay here on my bed." She left and closed the door. -----000----- Claire and Paul stood by the kitchen fridge. She grabbed a glass of water, hoping it would imbue her with some insight into her children's tension; she desperately wanted a stiff drink. His eyes scanned left, scanned right, looking for something, some clue, that would shed light on Kim's ultimatum and Greg's evasion. They spoke freely, comparing their children's stories. Understanding eluded the parents. They recognized the immediate imperative to continue investigating. Claire would take Kim to Kim's bedroom. Paul would take Greg to Greg's. "Greg!" Paul shouted down the stairs. "Come up right now!" His son came and they went upstairs into Greg's room. Paul closed the door. Claire was already upstairs to lead Kim into hers; Claire closed the door. -----000----- "Sit on the bed." Again, Paul's tone was unmistakable. Greg immediately sat. Paul looked around the room. Greg looked nervous. "What's that shit? Paul asked, seeing several plastic bags under Greg's bed. "Nothing!" Greg said far too hastily. Paul emptied the bags onto the floor. An infant girl's pink romper. A toddler's floral T-shirt with a suspender skirt, and some other toddler clothing. Some young girl's skirts and various shirts, suitable for elementary school. Diapers, several packages of diapers. And lots of clothing that appeared to be Kim's. Paul's eyes bore into Greg as though his son was a freak or a monstrosity. Paul spied a couple of receipts. They were for the several purchases of the things on the floor; all the purchases were made during the past week. "What the fuck were you doing when we were gone?" Greg's face showed pure fear; given Paul's dark face, Greg's fear was understandable. But he still remained silent. -----000----- There was a knock at the door. Claire opened it: Paul. "You'd better take a look at the stuff Greg has gotten this week. Some of it he bought. Some he seems to have gotten from this room. Do you mind if I talk to Kim for a minute, please?" Puzzled, Claire went down the hall to Greg's room. Paul sat next to Kim on the bed. His daughter was normally a cheeky little brat. Juvenile. Crafty. Cheery. But not serious, not deliberate, and definitely not terrified of her older brother. He smiled at her. She looked up at him and tried not to cry. Claire's clear scream --- "What the fuck???!!!" --- streaked from Greg's room, down the hallway, and into Kim's room. Greg's bedroom door then slammed shut. Consequently, Paul could hear his wife's loud but muffled cursing and his son's occasional muted replies. "Kim," Paul gently said, "there's quite a bit of girl's clothing in your brother's room. Do you know anything about it?" He stroked her hair. Kim nodded and wept. "Tell me, Kim." Paul smiled and raised his eyebrows to encourage her. -----000----- There was a knock at the door. Claire opened it: Paul and Kim. Paul nudged Kim toward Claire: "stay by your mom.". Husband and wife exchanged glances. She was curious. He was incredibly determined. She deferred. "Greg." Paul's voice cracked across the room. Greg got off the bed and stood next to it; his breathing was rapid and shallow. "Greg, Kim's told me an incredible story. It's all about betrayal." Claire's eyes widened; Paul's face was super-grim. "Greg, you and I went backpacking a month ago. What happened the second night, when we tented at Sawyer Pond?" Silence. Paul pursed his lips. He turned to Kim. He warmly smiled at her. "Tell me, Kim, what happened at Sawyer Pond the second night?" A whimper, A tear. An answer: "A chipmunk got into your pack. You'd forgotten to take the trail mix out. We shared mine the rest of the trip." A sniffle. Claire's jaw dropped. Paul stood inches from Greg and calmly, given the circumstances, asked him a question: "Kim, where's the fucking magic necklace?" JULY -- SUNDAY EARLY EVENING Only Paul's threats of brutal, physical violence instigated the confession. And the magic necklace, in a plastic bag, now lay at the centre of the table. A week ago, the family had sat at that table and had enjoyed a meal together. Now, a horror within had been exposed, and the family --- as once it had been --- was destroyed. -----000----- Kim (Kim-in-Greg's-body) had confessed. She had found a cheap looking necklace in a gutter by a garbage can at the mall several weeks ago. She had discovered that it could alter her body, e.g. larger breasts, better teeth, be taller or shorter, and such. Then she had discovered that it could completely change her body, e.g. to look like her older cousin Mary whose shirt had been left in Kim's room, or to look like a nurse on the wrapping of the Halloween party costume, and such. As much as she begrudgingly sort of loved her older brother, she had also resented his supervision, loathed being compared to him, and was jealous of his relative liberty. That she would eventually grow out of these emotions (and that he would soon depart for university) was beyond the 14-year old's limited vision. Accordingly, she had planned to be the one left in charge when their parents went on vacation. The very Saturday their parents had left, Kim had put two of Claire's sleeping pills in Greg's supper, and later had switched bodies with him. Sunday, Greg had awoken startled: a) he was a 14-year old girl (Greg-in- Kim's-body); and b) his old face (Kim-in-Greg's-body) was sneering at him. It got worse. Bigger, strong, faster male Kim immediately started making smaller, weaker, slower female Greg's life an abusive hell. Cleaning the house and doing miscellaneous chores that first day was tame. And Kim had kept Greg busy, too busy to calm himself and too busy to rationalize his ordeal. And then Kim had used the necklace again, and Greg had become a 7-year old schoolgirl. More abuse. Then Rapunzel. More abuse. Then a baby. And it continued: Tiana, Mulan, a baby again, a 5-year old ballerina, and so on. As did the abuse. Each change throughout the week contributed to Greg's utter terror of his sister. Kim reduced Greg's confident, young male psyche into blithering mush. The worst of Kim's threats addressed the possibility that Greg would inform their parents of the body swap. To prevent that, Kim had deviously warned Greg that, were the parents told, the necklace would be disposed of thereby precluding Greg's return to his own body. Alternatively, Kim would change Greg into Maria, their neighbor's Mexican cleaning lady, and cause him to be deported. And Kim had admitted --- to her father, to her mother, and to her brother --- that she had enjoyed watching and imposing Greg's subordination and humiliation. The family might have survived all of the above. -----000----- But it could not survive Kim's most despicable, callous, vicious act. Friday morning, Kim had transformed herself into a WrestleMania brawler and Greg into his cousin Mary, a petite, blue-eyed, 18-year old brunette. And then Kim had raped Greg. Repeatedly. Vaginally. Orally. Anally. All day Friday and Saturday. And Sunday morning too. Just hours ago. Here, in this house, in these three bedrooms. "To see what it would be like," Kim murmured in explanation to her astonished parents. Claire had wailed, grabbed her son who was now sobbing uncontrollably, and led him upstairs. -----000----- Paul stared at Kim. How could this have happened, he wondered. Where had he and Claire gone wrong? There had been love under the roof. The kids had never wanted for anything. They had seemed to get along, subject to the normal brother- sister banter and teasing. What had they not seen, not known, of Kim? Impetuous occasionally, yes; she was but 14. Emotional? Of course, for hormones raced through her young adolescent body. But so vindictive, abusive, sadistic? His wife and ... Greg were upstairs. Claire, Paul thought, would be forever devastated that her pride and joy could commit such a shocking crime against a woman. Kim had but a year ago walked with Claire in protests against systemic misogyny, against racism, and against fascism. Claire, with his support and from time to time Greg's, had nudged Kim into fourth-wave feminism: to consider oneself empowered and to combat oppressive gender norms. Paul did not consider it conceivable that Claire could have failed in this instruction. Greg, Paul thought, had just cause to insist upon separation. Paul could not envision any circumstance in which Kim and Greg lived under the same roof --- or even associated with each other in any way. No matter the skin Greg lived in (which Paul now knew could occur), it would require super-human effort to the point of god-like ability for Greg to forgive Kim. Paul was honest with himself; he probably wouldn't be able to either. So, Paul thought, were could Greg go from here? To stay in Kim's body, a constant reminder of his torturer and rapist? Impossible. To return to his body? Unlikely given that Kim had inflicted significant trauma upon Greg while she was in that body. To live under this roof and daily see the rooms in which he had suffered a nightmare of sexual assault? He continued to stare at Kim. This one, Paul thought, was no longer part of the family. It would not matter how she looked; the three others had seen the monster within. Paul shook his head in the immutable knowledge that his daughter had died, after killing in many intangible ways his son, her brother. And a little switch went off in his head and he would never look at Greg's body as being a family member ever again. Paul knew that Claire would linger in constant anguish, haunted by her self-perception of her failing as a mother. Paul knew that Greg would live with the scars of the violations for years to come. Such memories could not be undone by sunshine and rainbows, nor hugs and kisses. Paul felt this unjust. Accordingly, he came swiftly to the conclusion that Kim would pay. NOVEMBER -- THANKSGIVING The new house still smelled. Off-gassing from the carpets and oil-stained oak flooring. And the paint; don't forget the paint. The developer guaranteed satisfaction, and there was little cause for dissatisfaction. The kitchen was spacious and well-windowed. The large living space accommodated the new dining room table. Each generously sized bedroom had its own walk-in closet and 4-piece bathroom. After careful reflection and much discussion with his parents, Greg had decided to remain female. To return to Greg's body was not an option. To be any other male would remind him that he had once been Greg. A radical difference, a bold new start: these were necessary and sensible. Not in Kim's body. Not in Mary's body. Claire had spotted a pretty 14-year old girl trying on a dress at a store. The girl put the dress back on the rack. Claire immediately purchased it and took it home. Greg trusted his mother and closed his eyes. He woke up in the body of an attractive, somewhat athletic-looking, tall girl with raven hair. He instantly felt more peaceful; this was a measurable new start to his new life. So was his new school, and his new friends. Paul and Claire applied to change their daughter's name from Kim to Darlene. Greg had picked it. Thus, Darlene went to her new school with her new friends. And Paul and Claire could cogently argue that Darlene was simply Kim after the early onset of puberty: Kim's body and Darlene's were 'same, same, but different'. Greg before becoming Darlene had sat expressionless when his parents informed him that Kim --- in an 18-year old male body --- had run away. "I don't care," he said. He and later Darlene never spoke of Kim again. Claire had cried for days upon learning from Paul that Kim had vanished. Kim's farewell letter was filled with apologies. It also plainly stated that Kim had judged herself unworthy to remain in the family. Kim's farewell exuded finality. Claire resolved to remember the good Kim, the cheery Kim, her precious Kim. The monster Kim had been eventually receded into the to-be-forgotten crevices in Claire's memory. -----000----- "Mom, this turkey is delicious!" Darlene said as she finished a piece of dark meat. "It's your stuffing that puts it over the top, my dear," Claire replied. Paul took a mouthful of garlic potatoes. He spread some butter on the remainder on his plate. He had never found mashed potatoes to be appetizing until he had tasted Claire's laden with garlic. "They taste great, Claire," he said. He looked at her with as much love as he had when they married. And he glanced at Darlene with the same degree of fatherly love that he had accorded Greg before the summer and Kim before... He snapped his fingers. Claire chided him, "Stop it. Don't do it at the table." He grinned back at her, took a piece of chicken breast, and gave it to the Maltese dog sitting obediently at his feet. The dog very gently took the meat from his hand, ate the meat, looked up to him, and slavishly licked Paul's lowered hand. "Good girl," Paul said affectionately to the dog, "my beautiful little dog." END By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020

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You: heyStranger: f 20 us hornyYou: m 19 hornyStranger: mmmmYou: want me to make you cum?Stranger: yesYou: can you talk dirty?Stranger: yesYou: show meYou: you wanna suck my dick?Stranger: i have pjs with no underwear onYou: I'm in my boxers..You: take off your pjsStranger: can you take them offYou: I'll tear them offYou: :PYou: ;)Stranger: and throw me on the bed and tie me upYou: sureYou: also use clothes pinsYou: on your nipplesYou: how big your boobs?Stranger: 48cYou: what color your...

1 year ago
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Celeste Spring Break

It was a year after I graduated, and spring was coming around. I had friends who lived in New Orleans. They had always told me it was a big party town. So I flew down there for a couple of weeks. When I got there, all we did was hit the beaches and got trashed every night. I didn’t have to work. I didn’t have to do anything but have some fun. I won’t remember the night I had the most fun. My girlfriends and I had gone to this rave. It was . There were hunks and hot chicks every getting down and...

2 years ago
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Narutos New Look Day One

~~Day 1 - Sasuke Uchiha~~ "Sasukeeeee!!" two familiar voices cried out. Sasuke Uchiha, genin prodigy and self-styled loner, sighed and massaged his temples as the blonde and pink-haired harpies came running up to him. A grunt of annoyance escaped his lips as he felt Sakura Haruno grab onto his arm. "So, Sasuke!" she spoke, her eyes shining lovingly. "Wanna go on a date, tonight? I know this really great place not far from the Academy..." "Eh, don't think so, Forehead!" announced...

3 years ago
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My Sissy Pet

My Sissy Pet part 1 My Christmas Present It all started over the Christmas break last year. I had come home from school when my father abruptly called me to join him in the study. There was some small talk about my grades and the University's sub-par football season, but things took a serious turn when dear old dad suddenly asked about my love life. I was a little embarrassed and tried to laugh off the comment. But father was serious. So much so that he got up and locked the...

3 years ago
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Daddy feeds his baby girl

It is lunchtime, are you eating baby girl?Yes, Daddy, I am going to eat right now.Good girl, I am proud of you for remembering to eat.  Daddy needs you to take care of yourself, honey.Yes, Daddy.Playful banter and naughty texts continued throughout the day while John worked his part-time job.  He missed his baby girl.  Going from working twenty-four hours at the firehouse to eight hours at the part-job was a long time away from her.  Texts, pictures, and videos helped him edge and feel the...

1 year ago
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JamesDeen Tana Lea Public Sex Adventure

Tana Lea and James Deen turn into children around one another. Super horny children. James visit’s Tana and within moments of arrival the two start fucking. I guess they were going to go out, or she wanted to show James some basement, it’s kind of hard to tell because they are talking about it while having sex. Don’t get me wrong, the sex is super hot. Tana has sexy tattoos and huge boobs. Her tight shaved pussy looks amazing getting fucked by James’ big dick. However,...

1 year ago
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First LoveChapter 6

They'd first started going out freshman year. She'd been together with this guy, Danny, since about the first week of school. She really liked Danny. Danny was fairly inexperienced as far as dating went, but she didn't know that, you wouldn't from the way he acted. Plus, he was gorgeous. Essentially, he broke up with her. It wasn't that he didn't like her. Actually, he liked her a lot. The problem was, he didn't know what to do with her. Should he call her every night? Eat lunch with...

1 year ago
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TheDickSuckers Alexis Tae Cock For Every Meal

Just take a look at the cum stain in Alexis Tae’s panties. It’s fresh, and it’s just another mark of her Slutdom. Her cunt gets wetter as she relives her tale, to you, of her initiation into cock sucking. It’s a real story, and listening to Alexis spin that that while she jerks her wet cunt is fucking hot; hotter yet is her oral fixation! She’s sucking away, first on a popsicle…then on a meat stick. She works Mr. POV’s dick until it unloads in her eager...

3 years ago
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Study Centre me hi Chod Dala

Hi to all iss readers. This is tarun… from kurukshetra…. I hope all of you know this place due to recent case of prince (the one who fell down in well)…. Oh leave it if you don’t know. Well, I am tarun…. 18 years old… a real hot dude…. Loves to do sex!!! Sex!!! Sex!!! This is my first story on iss……. I hope you like it…… This story is about me and a gal named kajal… let me tell you about her…. She is a real sex bomb…. So damn hot and sexy that agar koi use ek baar dekh le to na jaane kitni baar...

1 year ago
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Smokey and the Bandit Part 1

This is a work of adult fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, places, or events is purely coincidental. Readers who have reached the legal age of consent in their jurisdictions are welcome. This story may NOT be reproduced or posted anywhere without the express written permission of the author. SYNOPSIS: "What we're dealing with here is a complete lack of respect for the law." (Sheriff Buford T. Justice, with thanks to Hal Needham and his film.) A youthful outlaw...a

1 year ago
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Private Alice Klay Anal Debut

Debuting for you today as a Private Babe is Alice Klay, a beautiful young teen who has come to Irresistible Lassies willing to lose her anal virginity with her man Andrew Marshall. Things don’t take long to heat up and Alice immediately has her juicy pussy eaten before returning the favour with nice blowjob. She then opens up her legs for a good fuck, first warming up in her beautiful pussy and then offering up that tight ass for some great anal action that has her moaning and screaming all the...

3 years ago
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Megan By Paris Waterman It was a typical wedding. Two hundred or more guests, most from Sully's side. I learned that Shelly had a very small family and that only a few of her friends were making the trip from Philly to Jersey City. As best man, I was to be paired up with Tracy, the Maid of Honor. I wasn't getting laid there. She was engaged and her boyfriend was going to be there. Now I had banged Sully's kid sister Megan a couple years before, but between college and my baseball career it...

Love Stories
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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 11

Wednesday 4th to Friday 6th November 1970 Towards the end of October, Harriet became depressed again. “Three months since Kieran dumped her,” said Zena in the car on the way home. “He did it on the sixth of August.” “Hiroshima Day?” I glanced at her, “I hope the date wasn’t intentional on his part.” “I don’t think Harriet knows about Hiroshima Day. She’s still not over him. Mind you, I’ve seen him around and he’s looking thoroughly miserable as well.” I thought about it, as I parked...

3 years ago
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Chudail Ke Saath Kaali Raat

Hello friends mai arjun aaj aap ke saath apne saath ghati ek sachhi gatna share karna chahta hoon. Mere mann mai bahout dino se ye baat thi lekin kisi ke sath share nhi kr ska ye bat sirf mujhe hi pata hai ya ab ke baad aapko pata hogi.bahut se logo ko ye story fake lagegi jinhe fake lage to ise interesting samajhte hue padhe. meri email id hai Agar kisi gal , lady , ya bhabi ko mere artistic chudayi ka anand uthana hai to sampark kare sath mai di gayi details mai se kisi par bhi only contact...

2 years ago
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IncomingChapter 17

His next stop was Intrepid Security Solutions. He needed to talk to JJ. When he arrived, Carol at his side and with an armored Suburban leading the way, the receptionist tried to tell him that JJ wasn’t there. Doug just stared at her, then turned and wheeled past her desk, ignoring her protests. He pushed open JJ’s office door and barged inside, interrupting a discussion between JJ and a lady he had seen before, an employee. “Excuse me miss, I hate to interrupt, but I have urgent business...

1 year ago
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Fun in Vegas

We were planning a trip to Vegas. All of us are big gamblers, so we would prefer to spend our money at the tables, and hopefully bring home more of it than we had originally. As a result of this, we agreed to all stay in one room, and just kind of take shifts sleeping. Nobody really sleeps all that much when we're in Vegas anyway. This means that we had 8 people in one room, 4 officially, don't tell anyone ;). I'm a guy, 26, tall and in pretty good shape. The rest of my friends were a mix of...

Erotic Fiction
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Debbie does Alabama Part One

The stream of pre cum, translucent and shiny glistened in the sunshine as it hung from the tip of my very erect cock. Every now and then my over stimulated penis would jerk and a strand of pre cum would fling off falling to the ground. I was standing naked outside in the early morning sunshine in our secluded garden. I gently touched my cock again fearful of ejaculating and spoiling the moment. Another blob of pre cum gushed from my cock tip adding to the string of pearls already dangling...

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Sexy sisters and Mom

Introduction: I am still working on Tara series and in the meanwhile here is one.... Growing up with a single mother and two older twin-sisters is a pain in the ass. All three of them try to spoil me with their love and I loved the attention I got from them until I hit puberty. It was then I realized what a pain they were, sure they still loved me to death and tried to get my attention but it was me who tried to avoid them as best as I can. Hell they gave me a bonner ever time they gave me a...

2 years ago
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Gerade ist er von seiner Partei zum Kandidaten für den Landtag gewählt worden. Mitte 20, volles Haar, gut bestückt. Er guckt in den Saal. Omis, Muttis, Arbeiter mit dicken Bäuchen, Schlipsträger aus der Verwaltung. So sieht seine Partei halt aus. Die Leute stehen langsam auf, er wird kandidieren. Der dicke Lokalreporter vom Schmierenblättchen will etwas wissen, sachlich nüchtern antwortet er. Kaum ist der Lokalreporter weg, hat er ein Mikrofon vor der Nase. Sein Blick fällt auf das Mikrofon, er...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 48 The Proposal Explained

Thursday, April 14, 2005 (Continued) Carol was bawling all over me, using my face as her hanky, hugging me, kissing me, crying over me some more, thanking me, telling me how much she loved me, and generally having a great time expressing her happiness. Then Carol suddenly got a terrible expression on her face. She looked around in panic, saw Julia sitting on the bed, then leaped off me to start begging Julia for her forgiveness. A few semi-coherent sentences later, and it was possible to...

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First Encounters with JR JRD

An ad on Craigslist read : looking for nsa hookup now... serious replies only -m4m- 27 (11-17-07). The thing that intrigued me about the ad though was that the guy posted pics of him and his wife! So I decided to give it a shot.-have you found anyone yet?+no.. what u look like.. when you looking.. stats.. -23yo, 6ft tall, 245 lbs - stocky build, short black hair, dark brown eyes, light brown skin, 8" c, Black/Native/Puerto Rican. Very flexible schedule, but not sure if I have to work my...

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Joey and Susan Naked in SchoolChapter 8

Joey When I awoke on Friday morning it dawned on me that this was the last day of our week being naked in school. So much had happened in that time to radically alter my life that in one sense it seemed to have been much longer than just a week. On the other hand now that it was almost at an end it seemed to have flown in. It seems strange, that depending on your perspective time can be so contradictory. I got up dressed and showered and went down to breakfast. Sheila was already there and...

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Bhai Chod

yeh kahani us samay ki hey jab meri nayee nayee shadi huyee thi. Gaon mein pati patani ko milaney ke liye mauka dundana padta hey. Raat mein ya to pati chori se patani ki charpayi par aa jata hey varana koyi aur jagah doond kar milan hota hey. auraton ke liye alag va mardon ke liye alag sone ki jagah hoti hey. Isi chori chhupe milane ke kaaran hi yeh ghatana ghati jo meine apani aankhon se dekhi ke kaise chhote bhai ne apani badi behan ko choda. Meri badi nanand ki shadi ko char saal ho chuke...

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Taken by three horny men

I could not imagine, when I accepted to meet my office mate Rob for a drink after work, that I would end the evening being gang fucked in a filthy motel room during the whole night.It started in that little bar around our office building. Rob and I had a couple of drinks and chatted about his wife and my loving hubby.I was getting rather happy and starting to feel a bit fuzzy after the third drink. I suddenly felt I was just in a lusty mood; so I leaned in across the table and gave Rob a wet...

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Chapter 27: THE WOLF PACKb**st and I are back at the lagoon and discussing the success the team has had in formation and establishing a secure zone around the clan and village (even if they weren’t supporting the effort). During our discussion we were considering the timing for going to the NW mountain and making contact with the other people village and the other clan. I was interested in the dragon creature. I was estimating this expedition could take a considerable amount of time away. Part...

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Vacation with my family part I For LesLara84

(note: I am not the author. I have no intention of trying to plagiarize or take credit. When the real author, LesLara84, finally posts this story without any HTLM codes, I will delete this. I apologize for any harm or anything, Im just doing this because this seems like a good story. I added limited spacing but did not change any grammar, punctuation or spelling.) Vacation with my family Hi everybody! I am Stephanie or just Steph like all my friends call me and this story is about the first...

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Stress Reliever

I closed the front door, not even locking it yet. I was so physically and emotionally drained from today; I couldn't take it. I was relieved to see my boyfriend, Charles', car parked in one of our two reserved spots for our apartment. He drove a blue BMW, that had a silver 'C' on the driver's side window; courtesy of me. He was in the living room, watching a game. It may have been the look on my face, or my posture; but when I put my bag down on the table, he came running in there. "Babe,...

Straight Sex
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Stewardess Cindy Sindy Ch 10 a Frankel Humour story

Original story by Frankel Cindy and Sindy were glad to have a break. They had landed in Sydney, Australia and were looking forward to a week on the beach and shopping. Cindy thought it was the best thing for Sindy. Finding out her mother was a terrorist had been a terrible shock and she thought they really needed some time out to forget the whole thing. Their boss had booked them a room in a hotel overlooking the beach and all he asked in return was that they make sure his...

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Rosetta Chapter 6

Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 6 Her nap was not as refreshing as she would have liked. She almost attributed the things she heard to dreams, but they were not said "in the language of" her dreams. It was clear that the speakers had no idea they were being overheard - much less by a thirteen year old girl. The general consensus was that the ogre - her father - had scored a major coup of some sort and was in a position to parlay that into an even bigger score....

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Camping Gone Wrong 8211 Part I

Aditya, wake up bro! my cousin, Radzz Radhika said. Her bosoms were right above my mouth and I could smell her perfume. The wake up-call was indeed intoxicating. She was wearing a pink top and a low cut jeans. She was not wearing bra as a result the outline of her nipples were totally visible. The denims were so low-waist that I was able to see her panty. I controlled myself and reminded myself that she was my sister had she been anyone else I might have turned into an animal anyway, coming...

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Could The Past Truly Be Her Future Ch 03

She stood there for what seemed like hours, unable to move, like her legs were concrete, sad and alone. The door open, the Bouncer waiting patiently outside, giving her privacy, as one of the other girls comes in, oblivious to Ambers current emotional state, with a client, eager to take over the room. Amber exits the room, taking the money as she leaves, not even making contact with Charlotte, her co-worker, she knew she had to work the rest of her shift, she needed this job badly, even if she...

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MagicChapter 29

Sean lay on the floor looking up at the very beautiful and completely naked Suzie. She was seated astride his chest with her breasts lowered to his mouth. He had no idea how he had gotten there. There had been a short little walk from the kitchen, a couple of kisses, and then he was suddenly on the floor naked. Of course, he didn't really care how he had gotten there. He was at heaven and just minutes from entering the pearly gates. Every part of his body was in perfect working condition...

4 years ago
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New Beginnings Adams StoryChapter 42

Things changed after that incident. The fact was that no one was happy with our 'benefactors' anymore. Even I was tempted to call them 'the fucking aliens' as a result of what had happened and while things didn't change immediately, that anger and resentment brought things to a boil quickly. "I want to go back to the rift valley," I declared over my morning coffee. "What?" my wife exclaimed looking up from her meal. "I said I want to go back to the rift valley," I repeated...

2 years ago
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Finally Fucked My Mom

So for anyone who follows my page knows of my extreme attraction to my hot milf mother (which most of you have seen and can go see in my galleries). Well the this past Sunday I moved away to college, and Saturday was my going away party. The party was cancelled due to me having too much packing for the trip and family obligations. Of those obligations was to go see my mom who me and her have not been getting a long too well. About 2 months ago she went on my facebook and found that I had sent a...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 22 The Home Invasion and the Aftermath

Ed dropped in on Armand. "Boss, I don't think I should fuck this woman." Armand eyed him. "Why?" "If she gets a look at me, there will be problems, later." "You're not squicked, are you?" "Nah. Hell, Boss, if I was put off by a little recreational violence, I'd be long gone. It's just the complications. If you turn her loose some time and let ALL the boys dick her, I'll be in line with the rest -- but until then, I'll hold off." "Sensible," Armand nodded. "Witherspoon...

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