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FRATRICIDE By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 Warning: If you don't like reading Fiction Mania stories, then stop reading now. Author's Note: Many inspirations but especially the following gems: "In Blood Only" (2019) and "I Am The GOAT" (2017), both by Sarah Goodwoman, and "The Prodigy and Me" (2019), by Commentator. And a curtsy to Jennifer Adams. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. RT JULY -- SUNDAY MID-AFTERNOON Paul sat at his usual place, at the head of the dining room table. His wife Claire sat to his right, and his daughter Kim to his left. His son Greg sat at the other end of the table. It was 2:30 pm, too late for lunch and far too early for supper. All eyes were on Kim; she had summoned them to a family meeting. Everyone in Paul's family had the right to summon the others on the condition that the matter was significant and merited the participation, contribution, or knowledge of everyone. Paul and Claire had been philosophy and political science majors at university; they had encouraged involvement and teamwork within their own home. They had just taken their first ever week-long vacation without their children after 18 years of raising them. Mature and sensible Greg had turned 18 a month ago, and Kim was a clever albeit immature 14-year old. Their parents had felt confident in their children's ability to manage one week without parental supervision. Paul and Claire had come home happy. They had not been home for more than two minutes when Kim had rung the singing bowl to summon them all. Not yet unpacked, not yet freshened up in the bathroom, not yet having a tea in hand, Paul and Claire were somewhat anxious about Kim's insistence that the family meeting occur immediately, without any delay. Kim's parents looked at her with inviting but puzzled faces. Greg's expression was grimly blank. Paul started. "Well, Kim. You called this meeting, and your mom and I have to assume that you have a good reason to do so. What's up?" -----000----- Kim's face suggested only one adjective: serious. Kim sat staring at her hands, which rested on the edge of table. Her fingernails were bright pink and matched her lipstick. Kim began in a soft, measured voice. Her parents and their curiosity leaned toward her. "Dad. Mom. I will never talk to Greg again. I do not and will never trust Greg again. I will never be left alone with him again. Not for a week, a day, an hour, a minute. Never." Paul and Claire's eyes widened as Kim slowly spoke. They glanced at Greg, who was frozen in his chair. The parents scrutinized Kim, who displayed focused calm. This announcement wasn't the sweet homecoming they had been expecting. "I would ask that you please immediately arrange for him and me to live apart from each other. If you don't, then I'll find my own way to live apart from him; I'll leave this house and never come back. I want nothing to do with him ever again. I am not going to speak of any of this anymore. My position is unchangeable." Kim sat back, put her hands in her lap, and stared at them. Claire was horrified. Paul seemed both angry and confused. Greg merely glared daggers at his sister. -----000----- Paul studied his daughter's face. This was not play-acting. She showed genuine sincerity and honesty as she spoke. Her eyes betrayed a wound, a deep wound. Claire was stunned. "Kim, where is this coming from? What happened this past week that gets you saying stuff like this?" Claire glanced at her son. He did not move; he simply stared at Kim. "Did Greg do something to you?" she asked Kim carefully. Paul remained silent; his eyes narrowed as they now bore onto his son's face. "Greg," Paul said very quietly, "come with me." The devoted husband and father walked out to the backdoor, turned back, and waited for his son. Greg slowly got up and backed toward Paul. Greg's eyes hardly left Kim's face. He suddenly turned and walked out the backdoor. They went into the backyard. -----000----- Claire stared at her daughter who looked fine, healthy, and, well, normal. "Kim, they're gone now. It's just us here. Tell me, please, what's wrong, sweetie?" Silence. Claire moved next to Kim and wrapped her arms around Kim's shoulders. "Please, sweetie, speak to me." Silence. No: a whimper; then another; and then more. She's scared, Claire thought. And the collapse began. Claire saw Kim's eyes turn red and teary, and could feel her faster, shallower breathing. "Look at me, sweetie," she said more forcefully. Kim looked at her. "Kim, did Greg touch you?" Kim's body started to tremble. More tears. More whimpering. But no answer. Claire breathed deeply. "That's it. Upstairs to my bedroom." -----000----- Paul cornered his son between the shed and the cedars. Greg was a strong, growing 18-year old young man. But his father was a 45-year old muscular construction worker, much bigger and much more powerful than his son. Paul was also a firm believer that the shortest distance between two points was a straight line. "What happened?" Paul's tone was unmistakably aggressive. "I dunno." "What fucking happened?" "Like I said, I don't know. You and mommy went away. Kim and I stayed here. TV. Games. No one came over. Tanned in the yard. I dunno what's with her." Greg's eyes darted to and fro, everywhere except into Paul's eyes. Greg's voice wavered and was rife with diffidence. Paul knew his son was squirming. Paul took a bold step toward him, into Greg's personal space. Greg backed up nervously and hit the shed; he could not run away. Paul persisted in his interrogation. But Greg continued his equivocations and deflections. Paul now knew that Greg was lying, and now believed that Greg knew of the cause --- or himself had caused --- Kim's obvious stress. "Go to the basement TV room, sit down, and don't you dare fucking move." Paul's stern order was coupled to the most menacing look any child had ever seen or could dread. -----000----- Claire took Kim by the hand and, once upstairs, closed the door. She led her daughter to the bed, and they sat. Claire tried and tried to get Kim to explain herself. Kim remained emotional but would not speak; she stayed silent. Claire asked about the entire past week. No responses. Kim wept, her body shaking. But she said nothing. Claire was becoming frustrated and angry, not at Kim, but at the mystery. "Kim, I want to look at you naked. Now. Take all of your clothes off." She had to help Kim undress. Kim awkwardly unbuttoned her blouse. Her fingers fumbled over the pants' belt, button, and zipper flap. She almost lost her balance dropping the pants. She removed her bra after several clumsy attempts. Claire wondered whether Kim was suffering some diminished motor control. Drugs? The child stood naked in front of her mother. No bruises, no welts, no markings: nothing. "Let's get you dressed, sweetie," Claire instructed. "I'm going to go downstairs for a moment. I want you to stay here on my bed." She left and closed the door. -----000----- Claire and Paul stood by the kitchen fridge. She grabbed a glass of water, hoping it would imbue her with some insight into her children's tension; she desperately wanted a stiff drink. His eyes scanned left, scanned right, looking for something, some clue, that would shed light on Kim's ultimatum and Greg's evasion. They spoke freely, comparing their children's stories. Understanding eluded the parents. They recognized the immediate imperative to continue investigating. Claire would take Kim to Kim's bedroom. Paul would take Greg to Greg's. "Greg!" Paul shouted down the stairs. "Come up right now!" His son came and they went upstairs into Greg's room. Paul closed the door. Claire was already upstairs to lead Kim into hers; Claire closed the door. -----000----- "Sit on the bed." Again, Paul's tone was unmistakable. Greg immediately sat. Paul looked around the room. Greg looked nervous. "What's that shit? Paul asked, seeing several plastic bags under Greg's bed. "Nothing!" Greg said far too hastily. Paul emptied the bags onto the floor. An infant girl's pink romper. A toddler's floral T-shirt with a suspender skirt, and some other toddler clothing. Some young girl's skirts and various shirts, suitable for elementary school. Diapers, several packages of diapers. And lots of clothing that appeared to be Kim's. Paul's eyes bore into Greg as though his son was a freak or a monstrosity. Paul spied a couple of receipts. They were for the several purchases of the things on the floor; all the purchases were made during the past week. "What the fuck were you doing when we were gone?" Greg's face showed pure fear; given Paul's dark face, Greg's fear was understandable. But he still remained silent. -----000----- There was a knock at the door. Claire opened it: Paul. "You'd better take a look at the stuff Greg has gotten this week. Some of it he bought. Some he seems to have gotten from this room. Do you mind if I talk to Kim for a minute, please?" Puzzled, Claire went down the hall to Greg's room. Paul sat next to Kim on the bed. His daughter was normally a cheeky little brat. Juvenile. Crafty. Cheery. But not serious, not deliberate, and definitely not terrified of her older brother. He smiled at her. She looked up at him and tried not to cry. Claire's clear scream --- "What the fuck???!!!" --- streaked from Greg's room, down the hallway, and into Kim's room. Greg's bedroom door then slammed shut. Consequently, Paul could hear his wife's loud but muffled cursing and his son's occasional muted replies. "Kim," Paul gently said, "there's quite a bit of girl's clothing in your brother's room. Do you know anything about it?" He stroked her hair. Kim nodded and wept. "Tell me, Kim." Paul smiled and raised his eyebrows to encourage her. -----000----- There was a knock at the door. Claire opened it: Paul and Kim. Paul nudged Kim toward Claire: "stay by your mom.". Husband and wife exchanged glances. She was curious. He was incredibly determined. She deferred. "Greg." Paul's voice cracked across the room. Greg got off the bed and stood next to it; his breathing was rapid and shallow. "Greg, Kim's told me an incredible story. It's all about betrayal." Claire's eyes widened; Paul's face was super-grim. "Greg, you and I went backpacking a month ago. What happened the second night, when we tented at Sawyer Pond?" Silence. Paul pursed his lips. He turned to Kim. He warmly smiled at her. "Tell me, Kim, what happened at Sawyer Pond the second night?" A whimper, A tear. An answer: "A chipmunk got into your pack. You'd forgotten to take the trail mix out. We shared mine the rest of the trip." A sniffle. Claire's jaw dropped. Paul stood inches from Greg and calmly, given the circumstances, asked him a question: "Kim, where's the fucking magic necklace?" JULY -- SUNDAY EARLY EVENING Only Paul's threats of brutal, physical violence instigated the confession. And the magic necklace, in a plastic bag, now lay at the centre of the table. A week ago, the family had sat at that table and had enjoyed a meal together. Now, a horror within had been exposed, and the family --- as once it had been --- was destroyed. -----000----- Kim (Kim-in-Greg's-body) had confessed. She had found a cheap looking necklace in a gutter by a garbage can at the mall several weeks ago. She had discovered that it could alter her body, e.g. larger breasts, better teeth, be taller or shorter, and such. Then she had discovered that it could completely change her body, e.g. to look like her older cousin Mary whose shirt had been left in Kim's room, or to look like a nurse on the wrapping of the Halloween party costume, and such. As much as she begrudgingly sort of loved her older brother, she had also resented his supervision, loathed being compared to him, and was jealous of his relative liberty. That she would eventually grow out of these emotions (and that he would soon depart for university) was beyond the 14-year old's limited vision. Accordingly, she had planned to be the one left in charge when their parents went on vacation. The very Saturday their parents had left, Kim had put two of Claire's sleeping pills in Greg's supper, and later had switched bodies with him. Sunday, Greg had awoken startled: a) he was a 14-year old girl (Greg-in- Kim's-body); and b) his old face (Kim-in-Greg's-body) was sneering at him. It got worse. Bigger, strong, faster male Kim immediately started making smaller, weaker, slower female Greg's life an abusive hell. Cleaning the house and doing miscellaneous chores that first day was tame. And Kim had kept Greg busy, too busy to calm himself and too busy to rationalize his ordeal. And then Kim had used the necklace again, and Greg had become a 7-year old schoolgirl. More abuse. Then Rapunzel. More abuse. Then a baby. And it continued: Tiana, Mulan, a baby again, a 5-year old ballerina, and so on. As did the abuse. Each change throughout the week contributed to Greg's utter terror of his sister. Kim reduced Greg's confident, young male psyche into blithering mush. The worst of Kim's threats addressed the possibility that Greg would inform their parents of the body swap. To prevent that, Kim had deviously warned Greg that, were the parents told, the necklace would be disposed of thereby precluding Greg's return to his own body. Alternatively, Kim would change Greg into Maria, their neighbor's Mexican cleaning lady, and cause him to be deported. And Kim had admitted --- to her father, to her mother, and to her brother --- that she had enjoyed watching and imposing Greg's subordination and humiliation. The family might have survived all of the above. -----000----- But it could not survive Kim's most despicable, callous, vicious act. Friday morning, Kim had transformed herself into a WrestleMania brawler and Greg into his cousin Mary, a petite, blue-eyed, 18-year old brunette. And then Kim had raped Greg. Repeatedly. Vaginally. Orally. Anally. All day Friday and Saturday. And Sunday morning too. Just hours ago. Here, in this house, in these three bedrooms. "To see what it would be like," Kim murmured in explanation to her astonished parents. Claire had wailed, grabbed her son who was now sobbing uncontrollably, and led him upstairs. -----000----- Paul stared at Kim. How could this have happened, he wondered. Where had he and Claire gone wrong? There had been love under the roof. The kids had never wanted for anything. They had seemed to get along, subject to the normal brother- sister banter and teasing. What had they not seen, not known, of Kim? Impetuous occasionally, yes; she was but 14. Emotional? Of course, for hormones raced through her young adolescent body. But so vindictive, abusive, sadistic? His wife and ... Greg were upstairs. Claire, Paul thought, would be forever devastated that her pride and joy could commit such a shocking crime against a woman. Kim had but a year ago walked with Claire in protests against systemic misogyny, against racism, and against fascism. Claire, with his support and from time to time Greg's, had nudged Kim into fourth-wave feminism: to consider oneself empowered and to combat oppressive gender norms. Paul did not consider it conceivable that Claire could have failed in this instruction. Greg, Paul thought, had just cause to insist upon separation. Paul could not envision any circumstance in which Kim and Greg lived under the same roof --- or even associated with each other in any way. No matter the skin Greg lived in (which Paul now knew could occur), it would require super-human effort to the point of god-like ability for Greg to forgive Kim. Paul was honest with himself; he probably wouldn't be able to either. So, Paul thought, were could Greg go from here? To stay in Kim's body, a constant reminder of his torturer and rapist? Impossible. To return to his body? Unlikely given that Kim had inflicted significant trauma upon Greg while she was in that body. To live under this roof and daily see the rooms in which he had suffered a nightmare of sexual assault? He continued to stare at Kim. This one, Paul thought, was no longer part of the family. It would not matter how she looked; the three others had seen the monster within. Paul shook his head in the immutable knowledge that his daughter had died, after killing in many intangible ways his son, her brother. And a little switch went off in his head and he would never look at Greg's body as being a family member ever again. Paul knew that Claire would linger in constant anguish, haunted by her self-perception of her failing as a mother. Paul knew that Greg would live with the scars of the violations for years to come. Such memories could not be undone by sunshine and rainbows, nor hugs and kisses. Paul felt this unjust. Accordingly, he came swiftly to the conclusion that Kim would pay. NOVEMBER -- THANKSGIVING The new house still smelled. Off-gassing from the carpets and oil-stained oak flooring. And the paint; don't forget the paint. The developer guaranteed satisfaction, and there was little cause for dissatisfaction. The kitchen was spacious and well-windowed. The large living space accommodated the new dining room table. Each generously sized bedroom had its own walk-in closet and 4-piece bathroom. After careful reflection and much discussion with his parents, Greg had decided to remain female. To return to Greg's body was not an option. To be any other male would remind him that he had once been Greg. A radical difference, a bold new start: these were necessary and sensible. Not in Kim's body. Not in Mary's body. Claire had spotted a pretty 14-year old girl trying on a dress at a store. The girl put the dress back on the rack. Claire immediately purchased it and took it home. Greg trusted his mother and closed his eyes. He woke up in the body of an attractive, somewhat athletic-looking, tall girl with raven hair. He instantly felt more peaceful; this was a measurable new start to his new life. So was his new school, and his new friends. Paul and Claire applied to change their daughter's name from Kim to Darlene. Greg had picked it. Thus, Darlene went to her new school with her new friends. And Paul and Claire could cogently argue that Darlene was simply Kim after the early onset of puberty: Kim's body and Darlene's were 'same, same, but different'. Greg before becoming Darlene had sat expressionless when his parents informed him that Kim --- in an 18-year old male body --- had run away. "I don't care," he said. He and later Darlene never spoke of Kim again. Claire had cried for days upon learning from Paul that Kim had vanished. Kim's farewell letter was filled with apologies. It also plainly stated that Kim had judged herself unworthy to remain in the family. Kim's farewell exuded finality. Claire resolved to remember the good Kim, the cheery Kim, her precious Kim. The monster Kim had been eventually receded into the to-be-forgotten crevices in Claire's memory. -----000----- "Mom, this turkey is delicious!" Darlene said as she finished a piece of dark meat. "It's your stuffing that puts it over the top, my dear," Claire replied. Paul took a mouthful of garlic potatoes. He spread some butter on the remainder on his plate. He had never found mashed potatoes to be appetizing until he had tasted Claire's laden with garlic. "They taste great, Claire," he said. He looked at her with as much love as he had when they married. And he glanced at Darlene with the same degree of fatherly love that he had accorded Greg before the summer and Kim before... He snapped his fingers. Claire chided him, "Stop it. Don't do it at the table." He grinned back at her, took a piece of chicken breast, and gave it to the Maltese dog sitting obediently at his feet. The dog very gently took the meat from his hand, ate the meat, looked up to him, and slavishly licked Paul's lowered hand. "Good girl," Paul said affectionately to the dog, "my beautiful little dog." END By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020

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It is a cold and blustery day and it is snowing out. I decide to call my friend Jayne and my friend Mark. They come over and we decide to watch a movie and have drinks. We put the movie in and start to watch it. About an hour later, we are all pretty drunk and feeling good. We start talking about things and we decide that we want to all get together and have a threesome. We all take each other clothes off slowly enjoying each others bodies, looking and dreaming of playing together. Mark...

2 years ago
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Amazing Experience With Unsatisfied Aunty

Hello guys, this is Rakesh again with my second story in iss. Thanks guys for huge response for my last story in iss. I am really happy to get positive feedback from everyone. Today I would like to share my latest experience with you all, which happened last month. Please excuse me for mistakes. From the responses I received for my last story, there was an aunty named Swetha (name changed), who liked my story very much. She is around 28, fair in color. She has very sexy structure which is 36”...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Real Wife On Holiday Trip

It has been a long time since my oriya wife and I were indulged in any serious fucking experience outside. So I planned the holiday visit at least for 10 days.I was feeling a high thinking that i will get to fuck her all these days. First had to travel to Kolkata and then to Kochi.I was looking at her through the train journey thinking when i will get a chance to fuck her.In fact during train journey also, my cock was getting hard many a times inside my tight undy. When we get into our hotel of...

2 years ago
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Cousin Ko Choda Hotel Ke Room Mein

Hii doston mera naam akshat hai ye ek saachi kahani hai jo kuch 1 hafte phele hi hui hai is kahani mein mein apko bataunga ki kaise mene apne chacha ki beti ko jamkar choda usi ke ghr mein Mein apko apni bhen ke bare mein bta du uska figure 38-28-34 hai dekhne mein ek dum sunny leone jaisi hai uske boobs dekh kar kisi ka bhi mn kr jaega usko chodne ka mein 5’7″ka hu acha good looking physicaly fit To ab mein story pe aata hu mere chacha ki beti riya jo ki abhi sirf 10th class mein hai or bhot...

1 year ago
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the Domination experiment big bang theory

This story takes place in season four. Also, it is only a oneshot, I am not going to continue this. Priya hated Penny. Priya hated Penny more than Penny hated Priya. She couldn't believe that Leonard was dating that dumb blonde from across the hall from his apartment for years.She wasn't sure when that hate turned into something sexual. She was definitely heterosexual, she was sure, but that didn't stop her from noticing... attractiveness of attractive women. And, she couldn't help but to...

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Sylvias mom part 2

Part 2 of a continuing series. If you have not read part 1, I suggest you do so in order to follow the flow of the storySylvia would be graduating from high school in a couple of weeks. She was going to visit her grandparents for the first week of her summer break before leaving for college in the Fall. I was already hoping Sheila, Sylvia's mother, would follow through on her offer of having sex with me.Sylvia's grandparents drove down and picked her up to take her home with them for her...

3 years ago
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Finding Penny at the Grocery Store

As I made my way around the store, everything was going the way it always did, but then I happen to see a nice looking, young lady doing her grocery shopping a little ways in front of me. Wanting to get a better look, I tried to move up, hoping to pass her. From behind, she was kind of petite, had blonde hair that was cut short, kind of bobbed and from a distance, even though the blue medium length wool coat she was wearing covered her, and the loose fitting black leggings hid her frame, I...

4 years ago
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Slumber Party Experiment

My story begins oddly enough with a funeral. It was a cool September day, the leaves had just began to fall upon the ground. I walked up a grassy hill leading to a cemetery plot surrounded by well wishers. I stood stonefaced as the polished Cherrywood casket was lowered into the ground, the priest began to speak but his words fell upon my ears as mere mumbles. My gaze shifted to the carefully chiselled Marble headstone. "Here lies Jason Brewster, beloved son and brother. 1984-2005"After the...

3 years ago
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Willow Book III Master CarlChapter 4

With each day and each meal he was feeling more and more human. The next morning, Lord Blackmon felt strong enough to ask for some real food for breakfast. Half an hour later Page, again dressed in a man’s button down white shirt but with only the bottom buttoned, came into the room with a tray of eggs and bacon with toast. He had eaten at some of the finest and most expensive restaurants in the world, but he could not remember something tasting as good as the simple breakfast before...

1 year ago
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The Hot Bangalore Fun

Hi to all ISS readers I’m Shiraak 22 year’s old guy from Bangalore. I am 5.7 tall and fair guy in my friends group everybody compliments me as I look like a hero. My big aim in life is to enjoy each moment and my quote is youth is to taste not to waste. I always think to have sex with desperate mature women. I am a fan of Indian sex stories and I want to share one my experience here which happened one month ago at Bangalore and so let’s begin how I found opportunity to satisfy mature women at...

3 years ago
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Her Blue Eyed Guy Part 1

She couldn’t stop thinking about him. It didn’t matter where she was, or what time of day or night it was, he was all that was on her mind. She couldn’t believe that a man who she had only met briefly on set could do this to her. What was it about him that made women go mad over him and did he even realise the effect that he was having? Sarah reached her flat and put the key in the lock, and her phone bleeped with a text. She took it out of her pocket and looked at the number, but didn’t...

3 years ago
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Prim and Proper Chapter 3

My mind was boggling me. Here I was sitting in a car with the only men to have ever parted my legs. I was sitting in the backseat with my husband. Who, by the way, was going to hook up with Tasia, who was sitting in the front seat. I was going to hookup with Tasia's step-brother Deshawn, who was driving. Deshawn was driving us in his black Caddy Escalade, and we were headed for a restaurant. Deshawn had driven a couple blocks when Ted asked him if he knew where Morton's Steak House was. "Been...

1 year ago
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Alien DebaucheryChapter 5

For the following week Serori can’t get back to the store. She has a myriad of things she has do from Dinn responsibilities to school activities to planned events with Jo and her family. After a few days, she really needs to suck some cock in order to get herself off. Her time with Jo is productive but not as much as she’d like. Of course she gets off, but not like she would in the store with a cock in her mouth. Then finally a day comes when she has a three hour window to get away from...

3 years ago
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Children of the LightChapter 13 Chain of Command

My name is Kru, and Camp Covington is my home. The camp doesn't have an official name, but that'll do until they come up with one. I hear the commandant wants to call it Camp McKesson but he keeps getting voted down. You can do whatever you want here. There have been people all over the place here yelling at me and telling me to go here, and go there, and do this and do that. Some of the guys here complain about that all the time, but not me. Because each time they yell at me to do...

2 years ago
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Love Games 8211 Part 3 My Wife8217s Story

Hello there and in this story, I will be sharing my wife’s story of the entire weekend swap trip. After boarding the flight and take-off we didn’t have near our seats. So I took the courage and asked Urmila, “How was your experience, jaan?” She blushed, checked the surroundings and said, “One of the best, thanks for the trip,” and kissed me. This is her story We left in the taxi and reached the hotel room. The moment I closed the room door, Arjun came from the back and hugged and started...

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The Schools locker room

Mike, Lewis, Tom, and Andrew are all in the same gym class. Mike and Lewis are in the closet Homophobic typed, but Tom and Andrew have been out for more than a year. These two guys decide to take Mike and Lewis out of the closet, and into the shower. But they need to decide, catch them off guard, or talk to them first?

2 years ago
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Voyeur hubby and wife get more than we bargained f

Voyeur hubby and his wife get more than we bargained for.Warning, this story contains non-consensual sex. This one is fantasy, partially based on a past experience. My wife and I enjoy playing with others from time to time. We also like the voyeur aspect of things as well as the hotwife scenarios. We discuss ideas during sex and when something seems to get us both a little more randy than the rest we revisit the idea afterwards and start to plan to make something happen. The following story is...

3 years ago
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He she and them

He could have been the inspiration for the caricature you see so often, you know, the little old, distinguished looking gentleman with the round face, a fringe of white hair around a predominantly bald head and a big white mustache. Expecting his arrival, it wasn't seconds from the time he rang the bell until the two attendants, one male, the other female, opened the front door of the big, brick, Victorian house.The male attendant disappeared while the female led him back to an isolated room in...

3 years ago
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Little Humiliation Fucktoy

________________ Little Humiliation Fucktoy He'd told me he'd call me whenever, so I expected him even when I went out. Today was one such day, I was out with my family, shopping at a mall when I got the call. I picked it up, lagging behind a bit. 'Hello?' 'Hey fuck toy, meet me in the largest stall in the men's bathroom in 2 minutes, pronto. I've left a bag in there, put all your clothes into it and be on all fours when I get there.' With that, he hung up, leaving me...

4 years ago
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Great Everyday Sex

Suddenly kisses get more intense and much deeper, and I feel your hand over my hip slowly sliding up my side and onto my breast. This is making me so horny. I already feel that my pussy is moist and ready for you. I feel your fingers teasing my hard nipples, your hand fondling with my breasts. I do the same with my hand, touching your body, hips first and then moving to your perfect bottom, sliding my hand up your back and down again, feeling the warmth of your body, softness of your...

3 years ago
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The Ark Part 1Chapter 2 Bonding with an Alien

During the period Bob and Sharna spent shifting meteoroids, they considered the ramifications of the virus killing over eighty-five percent of the Earth’s population. It was obvious that they could not save Earth’s entire population, so they reluctantly accepted that they would need to rebuild the population. They contemplated the different forms of male-female relationships that they had encountered on Earth and decided that some form of polygamy (i.e., one male and multiple females) would...

1 year ago
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Legacy of a LegendChapter 72

My head was resting on Serana’s lap, her hands brushing through my hair. I looked up into the face of my wife and asked, “I take it we won?” Her cheeks were dirty, with tracks showing in the dirt from the tears she had shed while tending to me. “Barely, my love, barely.” I could tell from the glow in the room that we were still underground. It seemed brighter than before, but that was probably because my eyes were more adjusted. The central glow from the Welkynd stones was much dimmer. I...

4 years ago
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When Wendy52 Breaks down by the park

It was a lovely summers day. I had the roof down on my car and was allowing the wind to blow through my air.I had noticed that it also buffeted around the neckline of my blouse and caused it to flap wildly the faster I went.I noticed my nipples were hard and poking over the top of my push up bra, it was at this point I also noticed the flapping had caused a couple of my buttons to come undone, allowing anyone looking at me as I drove past to get a good eyeful of my cleavage.I pulled up at a...

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Rough Draft Forever Ink

Jack prologue I saw her the first time ten years ago. Ben called me to the front of the shop for a customer. She was there with a friend looking at jewelry. It was easily discernible that she was no older than nineteen. Definitely a freshman out for her first bout of rebellion. Everything about her screamed ‘too sweet’, but still something about her stuck out. She wasn’t overtly beautiful. Pretty, I’d definitely had done a double take if I passed her on the street, but definitely no pin up....

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Angel and the OkieChapter 5 The Devil Comes To Humper

THE DEVIL DOWN IN HUMPER You might think you've heard about or even seen weird happenings. But until you get down here in my neck of the woods, you really don't quite know what weird is. We take pride in our weird. In fact, down here in the part of Oklahoma where I live, the weird is just every day goings-on. But there are times when it gets a little extreme, even for us. For the last fifty or sixty years Humper County was what they called a hub of supernatural shit. After that Angel lady...

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Rashmi Aunty Ka Deewana

Hello everyone! Mera naam rao hai mai kanpur ka rahne wala hu yeh kahani meri aur rashmi aunty ki hai. Rashmi aunty hamare ghar se thoda door rahti thi par wo hamari family friends hai. Mai rashmi aunty ko tab se pasand karta tha jab se mai 12th std mai tha. Aunty ki age 39 thi. Aunty ek dum jabardast thi. Mote mote chuche thodi fatty aur unki jabardast chuttad. Unke gand ka to mai deewana tha. Kai baar mai unke ghr jata to vo mujhe pyar se hug karti chicks par kiss karti. Issi mauke ka fayda...

2 years ago
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Hotel Sex with an Xhamster Friend

I'm meeting a new guy, Sandy today. He's coming from 12 hours away to have a fun weekend of sex with me. I'm excited and have booked a hotel room at the local Days Inn. It's far enough away from home, but still close enough to downtown or anywhere else he'd like to go see. That's if he wants to go any place besides to bed. The hotel has been built around the swimming pool and hot tub. I like it because you don't have to go outside to get to the pool area and each room has a view of the...

4 years ago
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A hand job on the walk home

I still remember it after all these years as if it was yesterday. We were both half way through our eighteenth year, our last year in school. She was in my class at school, quiet, average pretty with dark hair down to her shoulders and a good figure. The only thing I’ve forgotten is her name.I was walking across the park on my way back from school when I saw her ahead of me and caught up with her, not deliberately, I was just walking faster. She was in her school uniform: white blouse, necktie,...

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Licked in the Ass and Turned me on Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

My boyfriend was meeting me tonight for Valentine’s Day. I knew there would be flowers for me and anal for him. He loved it. Loved the way my tight ass took him, the way I moaned in pain and pleasure. So I waited for him that night, in my sheer blue bra and wanted to get licked in the ass. Then he entered the room. He was already getting undressed as he put the flowers on the table. He smiled as he saw me and he stripped completely. He stalked towards me and sat behind me. His roving hands...

1 year ago
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FuckFest Weekend

This all started in high school. Me and five of my bestest friends started going off on vacation together. We go and have a great time, drink, relax, and try to fuck as many guys as we can! We call this fuckfest. Now we are all in our late 40’s and this is what happened during the last fuckfest a couple of months ago. We all went south to Mexico to get away from the snow, our husbands, jobs, and the k**s. This was the first fuckfest that all six of us got together in many years. Though the...

2 years ago
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YumaChapter 10

WARNING: There is extreme violence in this chapter if you don’t like reading about scenes of this nature, please stop now ... and skip down to about half way of the chapter. The next morning, I helped Juan Carlos to the table, then went back to see if Luther wanted to try making it to the kitchen. “Les, I hate to lean on you like this, but if you’ll help me, I’d like to get out of bed and go in there to eat with the rest of you. I need to get on with my life and I can’t do it lying flat...

2 years ago
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Hijab- A head covering worn in public by some Muslim women. Essentially a scarf. Burqa- A outer garment worn by some Muslim women that covers their whole body when in public. Kuffar- Arabic for "Non-believer". ***** Fahima Begum sat in front of her bedside mirror unable to concentrate as she struggled to fix her hijab properly. Lately her mind had been plagued by doubts and sinful thoughts that no married Pakistani woman should have, and yet there they were. Fahima had been...

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Harleys Heroine Harem

Harley is at her hideout doing nothing. Lately she had been doing more hero stuff than villain, but she is starting to get a bit bored. Pammy left Gotham, so she is alone most of the time, no villains trust her after she switched to good, and heroes are wary of her for various reasons. Not a fun time. Suddenly there is a bright light surrounding her and she hears a voice in her head. "I am granting you a very powerful gift Ms. Quinzel. In the simplest of turns, it is a godly penis. It has many...

Mind Control
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Date with Pornstars

It all started when I won the Megamillion jackpot. It was $120 million before taxes. I had a little over $65 million left after every government took its share. There was not much I wanted to spend the money on. I had to get a new car because my old one was 14 years old and in poor condition. My house in Chicago was paid for and I had no plans or reasons to move. I have been divorced for 10 years. Suddenly my ex wants to get back together. I sure didn’t want to. I gave her a half million to go...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Jade Kush Creeping on Jade Kush

All Jade wanted was to have a nice relaxing day by the pool. She thought she was home alone, so she started playing with herself while oiling up. But little did she know, her step father was going to walk in and begin to spy on her. He watched her from a far for some time. Until he couldn’t take it anymore and began to jerk off as he watched her. Jade, eventually noticed what her pervert step father was doing. She confronted him. However, she wasn’t mad. She was so horny that she asked him to...

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Refuge Robledo Mountain 2Chapter 13

I was surprised the next morning when Miguel, Maco, Jesus, and Lupe joined us for breakfast. It turned out they always joined the Hacienda for breakfast, before leaving for Las Cruces. Alejandro watched with interest as Miguel and Maco greeted Anna. He seemed relieved that we were indeed cousins of all the Garcias. As we were preparing to leave, I told Alejandro to help protect his sister and the Hacienda while we were gone and got a grave nod in return. I gave Anna a big hug and kiss. As I...

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