A World Where I m Married
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Ainda observava com estupor enquanto o caixão do meu pai descia vala abaixo. Ao meu lado minha mãe e minha irmãzinha choravam inconsolavelmente os últimos “momentos” com esse ser familiar tão especial. Ainda podia ouvir as palavras que ele me disse quando o visitei pela última vez na ala da quimioterapia do hospital: “Cuide da sua mãe e irmã, me prometa isso”. Prometi a ele e farei de tudo que for possível para honrar a sua última vontade.
“George foi um bom homem, Liam, nunca se esqueça disso” Disse uma voz atrás de mim, o qual rapidamente o identifiquei como Robert, o melhor amigo do meu finado pai e vizinho da nossa família.
“Eu sei Robert, mas sinto tanta falta dele”
“Imagino, pequeno Liam. Lhe dou a minha palavra que irei acompanhar de perto a sua família nesse momento tão difícil.”
Só pude acenar com a cabeça silenciosamente e agradecer pelo apoio de uma pessoa tão próxima.
O sino tocou, o pastor terminou sua oração, assim como o enterro. Minha mãe, sempre destacada por sua beleza, hoje está com o rosto desfigurado pelas lágrimas e tristeza, e com ela minha irmãzinha com o rosto enterrado em seu peito. Abraço elas enquanto esqueço de tudo ao meu redor...
Andar pela casa ainda é um pouco estranho. Em todos os cantos há memórias que me remetem a momentos felizes com o meu pai. Risadas na cozinha, assistindo juntos futebol na sala, brincar no quintal... Mas tenho que por essas memórias em uma parte isolada da minha mente e mostrar força para o que restou de nossa família.
Cuide de sua mãe e irmã.
Esse é o mantra que me guia agora. Ashley acabou de completar 18 anos e minha prioridade é garantir que ela tenha total apoio para entrar na faculdade. Em contrapartida, provavelmente terei que trancar a minha faculdade de TI. As contas não estão fechando, então vou precisar procurar um trabalho em tempo integral.
O dinheiro de mamãe está sendo praticamente todo destinado a pagar as dívidas que o tratamento do meu pai deixou. Tenho certeza que ela não hesitaria em pagar novamente se houvesse uma chance de papai ainda estar vivo, mas é tudo tão caro...
George Mason, meu pai, já imaginava que não venceria a luta contra o câncer e deixou um pacote com coisas que ele acreditava serem especiais para cada um de nós. Não cheguei a ver o pacote de mamãe ou de Ash, mas o meu tinha o anel de noivado que ele deu para mamãe, um smoking, algumas fotos e câmeras de monitoramento, atrelada a um bilhete.
“Caro Liam, se você estiver lendo esse bilhete então significa que estou na terra do pé junto! Hahaha. Zelando pela segurança da nossa família, quero que você instale essas câmeras em pontos estratégicos dentro da nossa casa, odiaria pensar que algum criminoso poderia invadir facilmente essa casa durante a noite. Tenho certeza que você fará um ótimo trabalho cuidando da sua mãe e irmã, mas dê esse sossego a este velho e faça o que te pedi. Lembre que te amo muito.
Com amor, George.”
Decidido a honrar seu outro pedido, decidi finalmente sair do meu quarto para me dirigir à cozinha. Antes passei no banheiro para me aprontar, e ainda bem que estava vazio... Ash provavelmente ainda estava dormindo.
Podia ouvir o barulho das panelas, mamãe com certeza estava fazendo o café da manhã. Chegando lá ela estava de costas para mim, e sinceramente ainda não me cansava de observar as suas curvas. Mamãe, ou Ann Mason ainda era de tirar o folego com os seus 42 anos de idade. Seu cabelo preto sedoso, o que costumadamente ficava solto agora estava preso em um coque. Sua bunda é literalmente indescritível. Muitos diriam que ela é perfeita, ou grande. Não sei se é perfeitamente grande ou grande e perfeita. Ela não tem uma bunda gigante, mas é uma bunda que se destaca na multidão, certamente a ioga e as corridas matinais contribuíram muito para este fato.
Mamãe ouviu me aproximando e se virou para mim com um meio sorriso. “Bom dia, Liam. Com fome?”
Assim que ela ficou de frente para mim entraram em evidências os seus seios D cup. O roupão que ela usava não fez muito para conter suas grandes mamas, mostrando um grande decote que eu me esforcei para não encarar descaradamente.
Como você já deve ter imaginado, mamãe é o que as pessoas chamam de MILF. O qual estou bem acostumado com esse termo, já que os meus amigos de infância me infernizaram desde os meus 11 anos, onde foi a época que eles começaram a perceber que as meninas não são tão nojentas.
“Olha o tamanho das tetas da sua mãe, Liam” ou “Minha nossa, se ela fosse minha mãe eu amamentaria até os 30”. Sem contar o que eles diziam sobre a bunda dela, mas isso é para outro momento.
“Há ovo frito na frigideira e o pão está em cima da mesa. Além de café pronto”
“Obrigado, mãe. Você é a melhor.”
Ela sorriu brevemente e eu considerei isso uma pequena vitória. Desde a morte do papai que ela está em uma depressão e tenho tentado de tudo para fazer que ela seja um pouco mais feliz.
Coloquei ovo no meu pão enquanto lia o jornal em busca da seção de empregos. Sendo sincero, tenho a certeza de que para encontrar um estágio em TI eu precisaria me mudar para a cidade vizinha, pois lá há mais empresas nesse ramo. Nossa família não tem condição alguma de me manter em outra cidade, e como já dito, minha prioridade deve ser colocar Ashley na faculdade e dar todo o suporte para ela.
“O que você está lendo, mano?” E falando no diabo, ouço a voz de Ashley enquanto ela se senta na mesa.
“Só as notícias da semana, maninha” Minto para ela.
Mesmo com a cara sonolenta não posso deixar de perceber na linda jovem que Ash se tornou. Ela herdou o cabelo loiro morango do nosso pai, assim como seus olhos verdes, enquanto eu e mamãe ficamos com os olhos castanhos claro e cabelos escuros. Seu pijama cobria seus seios B cup, mas não faziam nada para cobrir os seus mamilos que espetavam o tecido.
Ash era uma garota pequena. Acho que tinha 1,64cm, mas tudo nela parecia proporcional, sua bunda era perfeitamente redonda, não tão grande como a de mamãe, mas muito bem construída a partir da sua ginástica.
Ela, porém, não é como aquela típica líder de torcida, apesar de cuidar bastante da sua forma física, Ash é muito mais inteligente que eu, eu diria. E farei de tudo que o seu sonho de ser doutora se realize.
“Ficou sabendo que o parque aquático finalmente foi concluído?” Ela perguntou com o máximo de animação que o seu estado sonolento permitiu.
“Oh, sim, que bom ein. Quer ir lá qualquer dia?” Não fazia ideia que ele havia sido concluído, não tenho grandes interesses em natação para ser sincero, só nas mulheres de biquini.
“Sim, não é o máximo? Esse mês estou atolada de trabalho, mas com certeza iremos no futuro.”
“Você quem manda, maninha, você quem manda.”
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May 23, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio “Good morning, Mike!” my mom said when I arrived at the kitchen table for breakfast. “Hi, Mom,” I said. “What do you have planned for today?” “It’s all on the calendar, just like it has been since I could write,” I replied with a smile. “I work from 8:00am to noon, then I have my Saturday karate class at 1:00pm. Dale and I are playing chess after that, and Vespers are at 6:00pm. I’m taking April to the movies after church.” “What are you going to...
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Sincere thanks to my editor Bobash Finney. I welcome the feedback. ***** CHAPTER 1 ‘Hey, are you OK?’ My best friend Jackson asked. ‘You are not thinking about her are you?’ He asked as if reading my mind. ‘No.’ I lied. ‘I’m good. Just mediating on my assignment for the next days.’ He looked at me intensely, as if not believing a word I just said. ‘I’m good.’ I said with more emphasis, hoping I sounded more convincing. Truth is I was not good. I was indeed a mess. I had fallen in love....
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Chloe is a college girl who needs some extra cash so she has been doing blind surveys for companies, trying various products to see which products are better. This one is a sex toy sample from Research Scientists Jon Jon and Isiah who have a set of Dildos which she’s supposed to give feedback on to see which product she likes better. They put the blindfold on and she proceeds to blow them instead of just handling them and says they are ok but not lifelike enough and not big enough. Then...
xmoviesforyouSweetFemdom sounds like an oxymoron at first. What’s so sweet about a chick smothering a dude with her pantyhose, squeezing his balls, or fucking him up the ass with a strap-on dildo? Maybe it’s all in the presentation, because this site is far more than just the dungeon-dwelling, leather-clad dominatrixes that are often expected from femdom or BDSM. Their motto spells it out in clear terms; this paysite specializes in Cute Girls Doing Mean Things.SweetFemdom.com has been around for nearly a...
Premium Fetish Porn Sites"Assignment done?" asked Wendy of Lin Tai. "Yes. Finished now. All work done." "Great, why don't we relax a bit?" Wendy knew that Rhonda and Paul were going to be together all afternoon and evening and would not be back until late. She was glad they had cleared up their misunderstanding for she had never seen Rhonda happier. She knew they were keeping their relationship secret, for with Rhonda still taking Paul's class, it could mean Paul's job if anyone brought it to the...
This is my first time writing and need your comments of improvement but I think the next one will be better and involve the same people. So I hope everyone likes it and those that dont at least give me a chance.--Reg and Kev Thug Fucking--I wanted it so bad that Kev asked me slow down sucking his dick. Slow up man or you r going to suck the skin off my dick, but dam your mouth is the bomb. We meet at the local club a couple of months ago, but talked over the phone or internet. Had alot of...
This and other stories by me are wholly true. Sometimes, and only sometimes, names are changed to protect the people involved. These stories are from my past and no doubt, some of the characters have gone on to lives of their own which may or may not have been affected by the accounts written here. Where do I begin? As an author of adult paranormal romance books, you’d think I could pull from some of these true stories for fuel in my writing. But you know what? I’ve never done that. Yes,...
Hi friends romil again from ahmedabad gujarat hi last story post ki thi kuchh din pehle bhumi ka bhumipoojan but unfortunately I wrote a wrong mail id by misteke jiski wajah se shayad koi contact kar raha hoga to b they didnt reach me sorry for that guys and hotties but read it I was amazing story and now tell me about myself romil as you all know from gujarat ahnedabad with good height average body and looks and really crazzy about bhabhis anf aunties I love to make relation with them so now...
The entire act felt divine of seducing her felt divine. With the little illumination that was in the room, her body was glowing effervescent. She tried to rise using both her arms for support. She got herself propped on her elbows as she looked at me, straight into my eyes. Her beautiful eyes seemed like an ocean. I was mesmerized by those looks. It was like her entire self was in her eyes. I reached up to kiss them and she turned her face to avoid feeling shy. I held her face and with a little...
My wife Sandy was very attractive and had a beautiful body. She dressed very conservatively and never flaunted what she had but men still looked at her. She taught the third-grade class at the local elementary school. My name is Ben and I work in the aerospace industry and make very good money. However, I have developed a serious gambling problem and even with my elevated income, I can’t keep up with my losses. Sandy is aware of this and is constantly on my ass to cut back on my gambling but...
Silvia Buntarka is home from a long day at work, but when she goes to the bedroom to change she spies a present waiting for her on the pillow. Labeled Let’s Play, the gift bag contains a remote control vibrator. Silvia texts her beau Thomas Stone to let him know he’s received her gift, then strips down and shoves it nice and deep into her cream filled coochie. When the toy is buried where it belongs, Silvia sends Thomas another message and he turns it on with his cell phone. Thomas...
xmoviesforyouMaid for Each Other By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Two "Wake up, Jamie," said Tony, shaking him awake. "Oh?" said Jamie, cracking open his eyes. "Sure. What time is it?" "8am and breakfast will be on the table in five minutes," said Tony. "Go take care of your morning business and I'll meet you in the kitchen." Jamie wandered into the bathroom, emptying his bladder and then brushing his teeth. He took a minute washing his face pretty well and then brushing his...
New year’s eve 2014 I was taken by my then girlfriend to meet her parents for the first time. We arrive and everything is nice and pleasant, her parents are lovely and welcoming (Her mum a total MILF and knows it)So they have planned for us to have dinner and then spend the evening together before my girlfriend and I go out and meet some of her friends. Turns out that they have forgotten something they need for dinner and they ask for us to go and get it while they continue cooking. -...
It was the month of November 2013 and i get call from unknown Number! I received the call and was greeted with a warm female voice! Pleasantries were exchanged and i asked the reason for call, the lady on the other end was on my list from a popular social networking site! She said that her husband wanted to do business with me and wanted to introduce me to him! About me,Well my name is Mr.S from a city down south of india! I’m in my late 20’s! After the introduction and purpose of the call we...
Introduction: The angel Aurora faces down the vampire Damien. But is she still righteous after falling from Heaven? The Vampires Kiss Chapter 7: Angels Stained Passion by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Aurora the fallen angel had thrown off the shackles of Heavens pathetic rules. All they did was constrain the forces of good and allow evil to flourish unchecked. To allow Jezebel to flourish unchecked and protect her client, Faust. Aurora would see the vampire Faust slain and Jezebels plans...
By the middle of April, I had been in Korea four months and still hadn’t come close to getting any action with a girl—not that I had put much effort toward finding any. I was a bit scared to venture out of the foreigner pubs where other English teachers gathered every weekend night. Also, I had heard mixed reviews from other guys about what it was like to sleep with a Korean girl. For one, you usually have to date for a while, they expect several romantic gestures beforehand, and when you...
Oral SexOne morning recently I was up before my hubby Jason who had pulled an all-nighter editing a hot new video we had just shot the night before. I was still feeling a little frisky from that shoot even though I’d been used every which way by a strong well hung military man (my contribution to the war effort). While hubby slept in I intended to make some coffee and perhaps sext with a hot BBC I’d met on Yahoo. But my morning plan was foiled by an empty coffee can. No caffeine buzz makes me a very...
First Time Out - Ending 3 By: Rachael Free I had dressed all my life but finally got the courage to go out as a girl. How I started and the progress over the years is typical of other girls. You may even think I'm writing about you at times. The fateful day was approaching to come out as I planned the evening for months. My wife went away for the weekend and I would be in heaven becoming Trina. The series of events broadened my experiences but sadly also changed my life forever. If...
"I'm going crazy. I'm looking for things that just simply are not there" he thought. He forced himself to look away from her. He needed some kind of escape from this constant sexual torture that he had felt all day. "Well I'm gonna go finish up some shool stuff real quick" she said He watched as she slowly got out of her chair and headed toward the kitchen. Then she dropped her fork... she glanced back at him before bending over and grabbing it from off the floor. Then she...
The next morning, as I drove over to pick Billie up, I was a little worried she might be having second thoughts after our first date had become amazingly sexually intimate. I arrived a few minutes early and Billie burst out the front door of the house before I was out of my car putting all my worries to rest.She was excited to see me, almost vibrating with energy and projected the personification of the girl next door with her long hair in a French braid down her back; wearing a simple cropped...
Love Stories“Look at this,” Minka says, lowering her pink dress to unveil her 44KK tits, a pair of the biggest headlights on the planet. The fabric slips down to reveal 56 inches of living fantasy fun-pillows, the kind you typically only see in an Otis Sweat or Duncan Gutteridge painting. Encircling her dark areolae and erect nipples, Minka’s bikini-created pale skin is itself surrounded by the darker tanned flesh, a turn-on for many who love tan-lines. The Korean Princess tries on a...
xmoviesforyouBeauty and the Beast My wife, Eve and I, Tom, have been married for 25 years. We decided to take a holiday to Gran Canarias to celebrate. We have never had any other partners, although we often fantasised about her with another male or female during our love making. A visit to the dunes at Maspalomas changed that. We were three days into our holiday when we met Mike and Sami whom we shared a table with at breakfast. We are both in our mid fifties and Mike and Sami mid forties. They asked us if...
Wife Lovers