One Day at a Time Part One
- 4 years ago
- 24
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Ainda observava com estupor enquanto o caixão do meu pai descia vala abaixo. Ao meu lado minha mãe e minha irmãzinha choravam inconsolavelmente os últimos “momentos” com esse ser familiar tão especial. Ainda podia ouvir as palavras que ele me disse quando o visitei pela última vez na ala da quimioterapia do hospital: “Cuide da sua mãe e irmã, me prometa isso”. Prometi a ele e farei de tudo que for possível para honrar a sua última vontade.
“George foi um bom homem, Liam, nunca se esqueça disso” Disse uma voz atrás de mim, o qual rapidamente o identifiquei como Robert, o melhor amigo do meu finado pai e vizinho da nossa família.
“Eu sei Robert, mas sinto tanta falta dele”
“Imagino, pequeno Liam. Lhe dou a minha palavra que irei acompanhar de perto a sua família nesse momento tão difícil.”
Só pude acenar com a cabeça silenciosamente e agradecer pelo apoio de uma pessoa tão próxima.
O sino tocou, o pastor terminou sua oração, assim como o enterro. Minha mãe, sempre destacada por sua beleza, hoje está com o rosto desfigurado pelas lágrimas e tristeza, e com ela minha irmãzinha com o rosto enterrado em seu peito. Abraço elas enquanto esqueço de tudo ao meu redor...
Andar pela casa ainda é um pouco estranho. Em todos os cantos há memórias que me remetem a momentos felizes com o meu pai. Risadas na cozinha, assistindo juntos futebol na sala, brincar no quintal... Mas tenho que por essas memórias em uma parte isolada da minha mente e mostrar força para o que restou de nossa família.
Cuide de sua mãe e irmã.
Esse é o mantra que me guia agora. Ashley acabou de completar 18 anos e minha prioridade é garantir que ela tenha total apoio para entrar na faculdade. Em contrapartida, provavelmente terei que trancar a minha faculdade de TI. As contas não estão fechando, então vou precisar procurar um trabalho em tempo integral.
O dinheiro de mamãe está sendo praticamente todo destinado a pagar as dívidas que o tratamento do meu pai deixou. Tenho certeza que ela não hesitaria em pagar novamente se houvesse uma chance de papai ainda estar vivo, mas é tudo tão caro...
George Mason, meu pai, já imaginava que não venceria a luta contra o câncer e deixou um pacote com coisas que ele acreditava serem especiais para cada um de nós. Não cheguei a ver o pacote de mamãe ou de Ash, mas o meu tinha o anel de noivado que ele deu para mamãe, um smoking, algumas fotos e câmeras de monitoramento, atrelada a um bilhete.
“Caro Liam, se você estiver lendo esse bilhete então significa que estou na terra do pé junto! Hahaha. Zelando pela segurança da nossa família, quero que você instale essas câmeras em pontos estratégicos dentro da nossa casa, odiaria pensar que algum criminoso poderia invadir facilmente essa casa durante a noite. Tenho certeza que você fará um ótimo trabalho cuidando da sua mãe e irmã, mas dê esse sossego a este velho e faça o que te pedi. Lembre que te amo muito.
Com amor, George.”
Decidido a honrar seu outro pedido, decidi finalmente sair do meu quarto para me dirigir à cozinha. Antes passei no banheiro para me aprontar, e ainda bem que estava vazio... Ash provavelmente ainda estava dormindo.
Podia ouvir o barulho das panelas, mamãe com certeza estava fazendo o café da manhã. Chegando lá ela estava de costas para mim, e sinceramente ainda não me cansava de observar as suas curvas. Mamãe, ou Ann Mason ainda era de tirar o folego com os seus 42 anos de idade. Seu cabelo preto sedoso, o que costumadamente ficava solto agora estava preso em um coque. Sua bunda é literalmente indescritível. Muitos diriam que ela é perfeita, ou grande. Não sei se é perfeitamente grande ou grande e perfeita. Ela não tem uma bunda gigante, mas é uma bunda que se destaca na multidão, certamente a ioga e as corridas matinais contribuíram muito para este fato.
Mamãe ouviu me aproximando e se virou para mim com um meio sorriso. “Bom dia, Liam. Com fome?”
Assim que ela ficou de frente para mim entraram em evidências os seus seios D cup. O roupão que ela usava não fez muito para conter suas grandes mamas, mostrando um grande decote que eu me esforcei para não encarar descaradamente.
Como você já deve ter imaginado, mamãe é o que as pessoas chamam de MILF. O qual estou bem acostumado com esse termo, já que os meus amigos de infância me infernizaram desde os meus 11 anos, onde foi a época que eles começaram a perceber que as meninas não são tão nojentas.
“Olha o tamanho das tetas da sua mãe, Liam” ou “Minha nossa, se ela fosse minha mãe eu amamentaria até os 30”. Sem contar o que eles diziam sobre a bunda dela, mas isso é para outro momento.
“Há ovo frito na frigideira e o pão está em cima da mesa. Além de café pronto”
“Obrigado, mãe. Você é a melhor.”
Ela sorriu brevemente e eu considerei isso uma pequena vitória. Desde a morte do papai que ela está em uma depressão e tenho tentado de tudo para fazer que ela seja um pouco mais feliz.
Coloquei ovo no meu pão enquanto lia o jornal em busca da seção de empregos. Sendo sincero, tenho a certeza de que para encontrar um estágio em TI eu precisaria me mudar para a cidade vizinha, pois lá há mais empresas nesse ramo. Nossa família não tem condição alguma de me manter em outra cidade, e como já dito, minha prioridade deve ser colocar Ashley na faculdade e dar todo o suporte para ela.
“O que você está lendo, mano?” E falando no diabo, ouço a voz de Ashley enquanto ela se senta na mesa.
“Só as notícias da semana, maninha” Minto para ela.
Mesmo com a cara sonolenta não posso deixar de perceber na linda jovem que Ash se tornou. Ela herdou o cabelo loiro morango do nosso pai, assim como seus olhos verdes, enquanto eu e mamãe ficamos com os olhos castanhos claro e cabelos escuros. Seu pijama cobria seus seios B cup, mas não faziam nada para cobrir os seus mamilos que espetavam o tecido.
Ash era uma garota pequena. Acho que tinha 1,64cm, mas tudo nela parecia proporcional, sua bunda era perfeitamente redonda, não tão grande como a de mamãe, mas muito bem construída a partir da sua ginástica.
Ela, porém, não é como aquela típica líder de torcida, apesar de cuidar bastante da sua forma física, Ash é muito mais inteligente que eu, eu diria. E farei de tudo que o seu sonho de ser doutora se realize.
“Ficou sabendo que o parque aquático finalmente foi concluído?” Ela perguntou com o máximo de animação que o seu estado sonolento permitiu.
“Oh, sim, que bom ein. Quer ir lá qualquer dia?” Não fazia ideia que ele havia sido concluído, não tenho grandes interesses em natação para ser sincero, só nas mulheres de biquini.
“Sim, não é o máximo? Esse mês estou atolada de trabalho, mas com certeza iremos no futuro.”
“Você quem manda, maninha, você quem manda.”
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My best friend was away visiting his grandmother and grandfather at their farm for three weeks and it was in the second week while he was gone that I finally got so bored that I walked across the street to see what Krissa was up to. Krissa had lived across from us for about four years now and, even though she's a grade level ahead of me, she's sixteen and I'm nine months younger at fifteen, we're friends, though not real tight friends. But, hey, I was bored. Now, don't get the idea that...
I, Nalini of 21 years old got married recently still enjoying my honeymoon with my husband Radhakrishnan who is into marketing and travels a lot. My size is 34-26-36 got medium sized breasts but fully firm with pink nipples and a bigger firm ass. My brother ravi is staying with me as he is having summer vacations, and since I was alone, to keep company. He was studying in 12th standard about 18 years of age. One day, as I was cooking breakfast and was alone as my hubby was on tour, I heard the...
LesbianThey had been out shopping, a pastime they both enjoyed. Their pleasure came from wandering through small street markets and back street shops. Jane enjoyed discovering strange and beautiful items. The ornate beads and a small piece of jade she found were her most recent finds. Samuel enjoyed watching the amazement in her face when she discovered something. Each item she discovered brought about a child like wonder in her– the discovery of something new, something she had never seen before. ...
Hi this is Raj from Ggn sector-15. I’m a smart gay or esliye he koi b ladki meri taraf jaldi attract ho jati hai.. ye jab m 19 saal ka tha tab ki baat hai or abhi m 21 ka hu. Mere frnd ki gf thi or uski 1 frnd thi jab b wo mere frnd ki gf usse milne aati thi tab wo sath mai apni frnd muskan ko lati thi..or m mere dost k sath jata tha..wo dono sath baithte thai or uski frnd or m 1 sath ..Ek 1din mera dost apni gf ko room mai le gaya or hm dono bahar wait kr rahe thai.. Tab andar se aaaaa uuu plz...
Note : This story is completely fictional! As per their lease, Natalie and Cora moved into their new apartment on the first day of November. However, the twins did not feel entirely settled in until about a month later. The first few days of December had passed by the time they were completely unpacked with no more boxes lying around, and they finally had the place arranged the way they wanted it. It was a smaller apartment; just a living room, a kitchenette, a cramped full bath, and one...
IncestThe world has many rules - even more in the future. Naturally, humanity strives to simplify life as much as possible. One such category that received such simplificatiosn was sex. After the steep decline in birth rates all around the globe, various countries have developed their own measures to counteract these trends, but the United States in particular had a rather... hands-on approach in mind. Capitalism, the heart of America's market, allowed the strongest to thrive, while those unable to...
Part six,In this part of the story Tony (ex-wife's husband) and the priest got their comeuppance. Oh and there's a wedding for the romantic amongst youAfter giving my ex-wife a glimpse of what we could make available to her myself and Cindy decided to mess with her head. Every day for the next two weeks we would arrange for Tracey to send some guy with a huge cock to visit us. Every day she would come into the living room where invariably Cindy was on her knees between my legs. She would Have a...
//intrusion by cyber warfare. //Countermeasures in place. //Main memory and cpu Firewalled. //Asses system damage. //Civilian and biological systems compromised, Standby mode active. //rebooting military cpu and primary A.I. Backups. Laura I couldn't feel or see anything, it was as if I was floating in one of those senosory deprivation tanks. In front of me scrolled an endless stream of raw data, I spent awhile trying to figure it all out. I was able to determine the main chunk was...
First time as a Tranny whore!When I was 30 with c***dren at home I would get dressed in the bedroom. When it was time to leave the wife would take the c***dren off for ice cream and as soon as they were out of the drive way I would head for my car. Of course when I returned home the c***dren would be a sleep. The plan worked for years. The wife had it much easier. She would get dressed for a night out with the girls, and then meet her boy toys for a night of fucking.On this night I wore a...
Narrated by Author Pichle baar aaplogo ne dekha ki kaise Shradha aur Payal aur unki saheli aur nayi hamari kirdaar Neetu milkar Amit ke sath khel khelte hai. Woh baad mein Neetu ke liye nayi musibat ban gayi. Shuruwat mein Amit ko nahi pata tha ki Shradha aur Payal ke alawa Neetu bhi thi. Uska muh kapde se Dhaka hua tha aur naa hi Neetu ye dekh payi ki Amit hai kaun. Lekin jab Neetu aur Amit ek dusre ko dekhe to un dono ki duniya hi palat gayi. 2-3 din pahle jab Amit apne dost Vishal se milne...
Humari aik chooti si family hai…Dad tau PIA mein pilot hain aur kayee kayee din tuk gher nahee aatey….Ammi ne gher ke kaam ke loye aik pathan nauker boy jiska naam Laddoo hai rakh lia hai….yeh humerey Pathan Chaowkidar ka larka hai…please email me…my email is … ya phir doosra email hai …please mujhey zaroor batain….Laddoo gher ka choota moota kaam kerdeita tha…gher ki safayi bhi wahi kerta tha…aur humere gher mein ooper chat pe mere room ke baraber waley room mein rehta tha… Aik din meri mom...
Gay MaleAfter a moment, the trio made their way to the corner area where there were a number of adult outfits on display, a couple of mannequins adorned with a risqué outfit on one of them and what looked like nothing more than a fishnet body stocking on the other. “Something like this would make it clear she had her clamps on, yet still cover her for the most part” Joanne said, pointing to a combination shirt and skirt hanging on one of the hooks. The skirt was red plaid and dangerously short, and...
Stefan had justed booted his terminal when the internal mail notified him of a meeting at Room 709. In his ten weeks at FIC he had never been summoned to a meeting. And never on the executive floor. When he reached the elevator Anna was there. "Whats happening?" he asked. "They're downsizing", she replied. On the elevator he examined Anna who was wearing the same outfitas she wore evefy day; herblack hairwas dyed a deeper shinier back, a black dress, black tights, big black boots. No one cared...
FetishIt seemed like we had been lying together there for hours, our bodies entwined together in the aftermath of our lovemaking. I kissed her one more time and pulled away, my cock sliding slowly from inside of her. ‘Oh honey,’ she purred. ‘Jesus, Gabrielle, you’re incredible.’ ‘You make me that way baby. I could fuck you all night long.’ ‘Hmm, nothing I’d like better sweetie but I’ve gotta think about getting home.’ ‘Home to her,’ she huffed with just a touch of sarcasm. We both knew she...
By : Harry89 Hello dosto my name is Harry or main himachal pradesh ka rehne bala hu meri height 5f8″ h.or jim body h mere lund ka size 6.5″ h.dosto meri story pdne k bab mujhe feedback jarur krna meri mail id h j meri iss per 1st story h ab aap ko jada bor na krte huye main story pe aata hu.bat tab ki h jb main 2year me tha.hum 4 dost ghumne k liye shimla gye huye the hum log baha pe 1 manth ke liye rukne bale the is liye humne 1 gher me kamra kiraye Pe leliya us gher me 3 log rehte the 1...
Kyler Quinn is as horny as she is sexy. She loves the warmer weather when she can wear loose tops and short shorts, anything to show off her sumptuous body. Later, when she is home by the pool, she peels off her clothes and basks in the warm sun. Then she grabs a glass dildo and presses it to her meaty twat, where it easily slides all the way inside her greedy snatch. A magic wand vibrator pressed to her clit really finishes her off. Kyler may have had one climax, but she’s still feeling...
xmoviesforyouWhen my father died suddenly, my mother and I were left almost destitute. With few options she moved us to her grandmother's farm in North Central Arkansas. Living there was wonderful for a young boy. There was the farm work. We had a tiny 18 head dairy herd and a 1 auto milker operation. The house was barely livable. The wiring for electricity was on the outside of the walls as it had been added years after the house had been built. To take a bath in the...
I entered the doctors office with anticipation. The doctor was very handsome and smiled as I came in. "So, Katie, you're here for your immunizations and it says here you're frightened of injections?" "Yes doctor, I'm terrified""Well, no need to worry, I'll be very gentle. Why don't you put down your bag and sit on the table while I prepare your shots."I nervously headed towards the examining table, my heart was racing at the thought of him sticking needles in me and I was very tense.I watched...
Hi friends my name is Sunny and this is my true story. I wish here to share the incident which change my relation with my chachi forever. For first to begin with I belong to a strict marwadi joint family where following orders of elders was the only thing which one should do. Beyond which we cannot think and cannot do anything of our own choice and wishes. There are nine family members comprising my grandparents, parents, chacha and chachi, their son, me and my elder sister and further three...
IncestSunday breakfast was later than usual. Everyone seemed to have trouble getting out of bed. People kept wandering from the cushion corner to look at something on the wall. Finally, Mary and Alex settled down to work on the statistics exam. The rest of us went back to sit on the bed. "Will, this is wonderful stuff." "Seems to have achieved my goal of being exciting, anyway." Anne giggled. "I'll say. Look at you. And you're the artist." "Hey, I do it because I enjoy it. Turns me on...
The crowd roared as the band took the stage. As the bass began to thump out a rhythm, the drummer soon joined in. The decibel level shot through the roof, and that was just the noise of the fans in the audience. The band knew these weren’t their fans. No, these fans were there to see Linkin Park. This band was just there as the opening act in their first ever major gig. Nonetheless, they were sky high on adrenaline as well as the heroin they’d earlier shot into their veins. Ten songs later and...
HardcoreAuthors note: This chapter was easier to write than the previous one, ’cause the stage was already set. So the story flowed like a river, and almost wrote it self. Enjoy it. ********** Part One (The threat) He was on cloud nine, and could stay there for ever, but reality came knocking. ‘PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!’ he threw her a white cotton bathrobe. While he regained his breath, he heard someone shouting, looked up, and saw the casino’s big boss, and the two big goons. ‘What’s going...