Mary Felix and the Cavalrymen
- 4 years ago
- 29
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The train arrived in Southampton at half past three, and I sat in the ladies’ waiting room until the London express’s departure at a quarter past four. When it was time to leave, I had trouble finding a porter to assist me with my suitcase but finally attracted the attention of an elderly, stooping, knobbly-kneed specimen who looked as though he should have been safely retired some years previously. Because of this, we arrived on the platform in something of a rush and with less than two minutes before the train was due to depart.
‘This way, madam,’ he called over his shoulder, heading for a first-class carriage, which was an indulgence I had allowed myself, intending to arrive at the Empire’s capital in style. The engine hissed and vented smoke and steam, whistles blew up and down the crowded platform, and the guard’s calls of ‘London Express, non-stop to London’ rose above the station noise. He pulled open the door of a compartment and peered in. ‘Room for one more, sir?’ he wheezed breathlessly.
‘If you must, damn you,’ came the less-than-encouraging reply from within. It was a man’s voice, cultured but with a faint colonial accent.
‘Wait and see, sir,’ the porter muttered in reply. He swung my case into the carriage and stepped back to allow me to enter. I handed him a tip and placed my foot on the step.
My appearance in the door frame was pleasingly impactive. The compartment ran crossways across the carriage with doors on either side of the train but no corridor and its solitary occupant was slumped next to the door at the far end. A quick glance was all I needed to take him in. He was a tall man in a well-cut travel-stained brown suit, a soft-collared blue shirt, and a red tie. Regimental, I think. Aged around thirty-five, I guessed, and sandy-haired with a tanned face and strong jawline. He looked lean, capable, and confident, and his hazel eyes took me in with a long direct stare.
A smile slowly replaced the scowl he had been wearing seconds earlier.
‘Everything all right, madam?’ the porter asked.
‘Thank you, yes,’ I replied.
‘Indeed it is,’ the stranger added – rather impertinently, as the question had clearly not been addressed to him. As the porter slammed the door, he stood up and held out his hand. ‘Good afternoon, Miss. Gabriel Chandos, at your service.’
‘Mary Felix, Mr Chandos. I’m sorry to have disturbed your solitude, but rest assured you will hardly notice me sitting here.’ I smiled inwardly, picturing a barrister protesting, ‘Leading the witness, your honour.’ Sure enough, he followed my cue.
‘Miss Felix, I cannot imagine any red-blooded male not noticing you. If you will forgive the presumption.’
I looked at him coolly. His eyes had flecks of gold in them, I noticed, and his cheekbones were quite pronounced. ‘Hmmm, Mr Chandos. That may or may not be the case, but I hope that either way, you will be a gentleman during our time together.’ I sat down by the door, as far from his seating position as possible, and looked out of the window, a poised and interested expression on my face. In the window’s reflection, I could see him still standing in the middle of the compartment, looking at me.
‘Please don’t remain standing for the entire journey on my account, Mr Chandos,’ I said, continuing to observe the comings and goings outside as the train pulled away. I waited until he had resumed his seat before adding, ‘But perhaps you’d be kind enough to put my suitcase on the rack.’ He rose again, did so, and then sat down again, an amused smile on his face.
He made a pass at me fifteen minutes later, of course.
They all want to. Some do, some do not, but Mr Gabriel Chandos was most definitely a doer. It was charmingly done and came at the end of a pleasant conversation in which I told him a little of my life and reasons for travelling and he did the same. The common currency of strangers thrown together en route to their destinations.
I had set the tone by permitting a little flirting. Not that it was planned, particularly, but I rapidly realised that he was indeed a gentleman and undeniably a very attractive man. He was from a South African farming family but had joined the military and was on secondment from the Natal Light Infantry, heading for the Foreign Office to take up a post there. He was very pleasant company, and as we rattled through the dark November evening, the atmosphere in the warm, dimly lit carriage became increasingly intimate.
‘It’s funny, isn’t it, the way one meets people when travelling,’ he observed. ‘So many of them are bores, wrapped up in their own affairs. Yet meeting you, I feel I could talk to you for many hours without getting tired of your company at all. In fact, just sitting looking at you would be reward enough, so to find you are also an intelligent and pleasant young woman is a happy coincidence indeed.’
‘You are not entirely without charm yourself, Mr Chandos. Indeed, I think that with hard work and application you may find a woman in London who will consider marriage to you to be tolerably acceptable,’ I replied a little primly.
He roared with laughter at that. ‘Marriage? That is not on my agenda, Miss Felix. Not at all. Although thank you for the compliment.’ He nodded at me, still smiling.
‘Then what is on your agenda, I wonder?’ I asked, smiling back. Which was apparently all the encouragement he needed, as he briskly moved to sit next to me.
I raised my eyebrows at him and awaited developments.
‘If I wasn’t a gentleman, I should be attempting to try and seduce you and to pass the remaining,’ he glanced briefly at his wristwatch, ‘hour and ten minutes in delightful congress.’
I let him see me shiver slightly and licked my lips before answering. ‘But you are a gentleman, aren’t you, Mr Chandos?’
‘Up to a point.’ He smiled rakishly at me. ‘But even a gentleman might attempt to steal a kiss from a woman as beautiful as you.’ He leaned towards me, his face close now. A faint masculine aroma of sandalwood and tobacco reached me and I felt the unmistakable stirrings of arousal. With Lucy and then Jules’s marriages it had been some time since the last time.
Knowing where it would lead, I raised my face to his, and the next moment his lips were on mine. We kissed gently at first, then long and hard. My hand reached up and held his cheek as I opened my mouth to him.
‘This is warm work, Mr Chandos,’ I said at length, breaking from him and gently pushing him away. ‘I think I will remove my hat and coat.’ Standing up, I did so, and he leaped to his feet, took them, and placed them on the opposite seat. Quickly moving behind me, he kissed my neck. I should say he kissed my neck in exactly, oh so precisely, that place that makes a girl tremble. And I should know.
I gasped and bent my head to the side as his hands encircled me, his own arousal only too apparent through my dress as he closed with me. I moved my buttocks gently, pressing backward as his hands reached upwards towards the top button of my dress and flicked it undone. There were five in total, I recalled.
I opened my eyes and saw he was looking at me in the window’s reflection. ‘I hope I am not going to disappoint you, Mr Chandos,’ I said, breathing rather heavily.
‘Gabriel, please,’ he muttered, returning to his delicious work on my neck for a moment before continuing. ‘And I can assure you, you are not disappointing me, Miss Felix. Not at all.’ He smiled at me in the window.
‘It’s just that there are four more buttons, and they are a guinea each,’ I said.
His stunned reaction was a delight to behold. He was a handsome man and I liked him, but he thought he was about to add another notch to his bedpost, and I must admit, bringing him down a peg or two held a certain satisfaction.
‘Four guineas to have me, Gabriel.’ I smiled at him in the window. ‘I hope you have the money because I will certainly enjoy it too and will endeavour to give complete satisfaction.’ I wriggled my bum again, pressing back against his hard cock.
‘Well, I’m damned,’ he eventually managed to say after a range of emotions from anger to confusion and finally, wry amusement passed over his face.
‘So have I disappointed you?’
‘You’ve surprised me, certainly. I had no inkling you were a professional lady.’
I turned to face him and kissed him long and hard again before reaching down and gently closing my hand over his cock through his trousers.
‘Well, someone’s keen. What say you, then? Do we have an accord?’ This time it was my turn to kiss his neck. I let my lips and breath run over the area below his ear and felt him shudder. His scent was intoxicating. ‘What’s it to be, Gabriel?’ I whispered, my hand squeezing away down below.
‘My God, yes, Mary. Yes,’ he replied, his voice thick with emotion.
‘In advance, my darling,’ I breathed into his ear.
Two minutes later, the funds were safely ensconced in my handbag and Gabriel was sitting in the middle of the seat taking off his shirt. He had a fine strong body, a chest lightly covered with sandy-coloured hair, broad shoulders, and well-muscled arms. Most acceptable, I thought.
‘Sit back and enjoy what you’ve paid for, Gabriel,’ I said. My fingers reached for the first of the remaining buttons on my dress. One by one, they popped open, and I slowly peeled the shoulders down, taking my time, before letting the dress drop to the floor. I picked it up and put it on the seat behind me before doing a slow turn for my admirer, who was making very approving noises from his perch and showing signs of advancing on me.
‘Do you like what you see?’ I asked innocently, well aware of the passion my thin lacy shift and tight drawers had generated in dear Jules on many occasions. ‘I worry that my nipples show through, especially when they are standing proud like this.’
I turned back to the window and struck a pose in the reflection, watching him as I pulled and stroked my nipples through the material. I was right; they did show quite clearly. In a second Gabriel was behind me again, his hands moving forcefully to bare my breasts by pulling the shift upwards. They were momentarily lifted by the material, then bounced free. He cupped them and groaned with pleasure before I turned and gave myself to him, my hands at his belt, my mouth open.
In spite of my head spinning with lust, I managed to remain in control of the situation enough to push him back to where he’d been sitting, and, kneeling down, I removed his trousers and underwear to reveal a very hard, good-sized cock.
‘I think this needs a sucking, don’t you, Gabriel?’ I said without further ado and leant over to lick the head of it.
‘Go on, then, Mary, earn your guineas,’ he said, then gasped as my warm mouth engulfed the swollen cock head and my hand started to firmly pump the shaft. I felt his hand reach under my arm and caress my breast, rolling the nipple around in his fingertips. His other hand wrapped itself into my hair, guiding my mouth, and I obediently followed his direction as we continued in this delightful fashion for some minutes.
‘I want you naked now, Mary,’ he said.
I pushed back off him and stood up. Raising the shift over my head, I turned away a little and pulled my drawers down, pushing my backside out as the cheeks were exposed before slipping them down to my knees and stepping out of them. I turned to face him, letting him have his first view of my cunny, dark haired, and nestling between my legs. I found being naked in what was in effect a public place very arousing, and without thinking, my hand drifted downwards and I touched myself a little. He grunted with pleasure at the sight, and his hand moved onto his cock as he eyed my nakedness.
‘You can leave your footwear on, Mary.’ He smiled and nodded at my neatly laced ankle boots. ‘Now come here.’ Leaning back on the seat, he stretched his long legs out across the compartment and held his cock upright.
It was clear what he had in mind, so without a word I straddled him, giving him my heavy breasts to fondle and squeeze for some moments before reaching down to grasp him and slowly slide on. We moaned with pleasure in unison as he sank deep inside me and his hands gripped my buttocks. I reached past his head and slipped my own hands over the top of the seatback, where a handy gap provided excellent purchase.
Well braced, I began to ride him, my knees splayed wide, cunny pressed down as far as it would go into his lap. We got into an excellent rhythm as I leaned forwards, licked his neck, and whispered what a fine stiff cock he had and how much he was pleasing me with it. At one point we even managed to match the clickety-clack motion of the train, which made us both laugh before his moaning and increasingly frantic mauling of my breasts indicated he was about to explode.
‘Let it go, my darling, fill me up with it,’ I gasped as my hips bucked powerfully and my own climax approached. Then suddenly he was coming inside me, and with a loud cry, I followed suit, waves of exquisite pleasure flooding through me. It lasted a long time for both of us, fused together as we were. I ground down onto him, extracting the last shuddering sensations of pleasure before leaning forward and burying my neck in his shoulder. We did not speak for some time, but I realised he was still hard; indeed, his orgasm seemed to have had no effect on his cock whatsoever. I squeezed him gently with my cunny and moved experimentally.
‘Another, Mr Chandos?’ I inquired sweetly.
‘Is it included in the price?’ he said, his voice muffled.
‘I think, given your excellent performance on the first occasion, a second fuck would be appropriate, my darling.’ I looked round the compartment and, seeing no inspiration, said, ‘I suggest like this again, as we have no bed.’
‘More work for you, then,’ he replied, his hands moving to my bum as I started to slide backwards and forwards again. We fucked again joyfully, and as we approached the climax I realised that the train had halted. Glancing through the window and up a shallow embankment, I saw the dark outline of a large house with a lighted and uncurtained bay window. A woman was standing in it, staring down at us. She was only twenty feet away at most and quite clearly visible, perhaps aged forty-five with a handsome, refined face, red lips, and dark hair piled high, dressed in crimson evening wear and pearls.
I turned a little to her so she could see my breasts bouncing as I rode Gabriel, head back and panting. Our eyes met and I held her gaze as I came, highly excited by the sensation of being watched by an anonymous observer. She quickly glanced behind her before unbuttoning the front of her gown and exposing her white breasts to me, pulling and stroking the nipples, her face expressionless. Gabriel had not noticed as, eyes shut, he concentrated on the job in hand.
‘Change of plan, my darling,’ I said, sliding gently off him and kneeling down on the opposite side to the window. Grasping his cock firmly, I pulled it upright and began to wank the shaft with my hand. I looked up at the window again. She was still there, eyes fixed on his member, one hand on her exposed breasts, the other now out of sight below the window frame as her elbow moved rhythmically. I saw her head go back a little and her mouth open as she watched me working his cock.
‘Are you going to show me how much you can come, Gabriel? Let me see what a big spend you can give me.’
‘My God, you’re a filthy bitch, aren’t you, Mary?’ he snarled, his feet braced against the base of the seat opposite.
‘I want to see it spurting right up onto your chest, as much as you can, darling. Then I’m going to lick it all up.’ That seemed to do the trick. He groaned and his body stiffened and rose clear off the seat as my hand worked its way up to full speed, squeezing his slick cockhead with every stroke.
‘Yes. Now. It’s coming,’ he panted.
‘Look out of the window. See the woman in the house. She’s touching herself while she watches you coming. Meet her eyes, Gabriel. Keep watching her as you come.’
‘Jesus Christ!’ His cock started to spasm and pump repeatedly as, face contorted with his orgasm, he stared open-mouthed at the older woman, now clearly masturbating in the window. As I watched, she came, her face slackening and her body juddering as her elbow worked frantically. Leaning forward, I licked his chest and nipples, swallowing it all before taking him into my mouth again. ‘She’s still watching you,’ he whispered, head turned towards her.
With a clank, the train suddenly jerked forward and slowly gathered pace. Our last sight of the woman was as she slipped her breasts back into her dress and raised a hand in salutation. Her face remained expressionless as she watched us until we were out of sight.
‘You might say she saw us come and go, Mr Chandos,’ I said as I curled up into Gabriel’s lap.
Hello everyone! This time I decided to do a story focusing Felix (Or Ferris) from Re: Zero, admit it, one of the best kitty traps of anime! As I often do in my stories, I'll add some foot fetish, so if it's not your ken you could as well either skip those parts or just stop reading. Also, for the story's sake I'll give Felix a certain extra of abilities. (A bit more offensive control of water, and two new healing techniques.) Oh, I guess it's obvious but, okay, here it goes.... I don't own...
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LesbianLast weekend Felix, Mandy's favourite lover, came to stay for a couple of nights again.As usual, I had to stop out for the first night, so they could have some special fun together. So that Mandy could be untainted for Felix, I had to go without nookie for several days beforehand, but Mandy insisted on me rubbing her to orgasm every night whilst she rehearsed all of the slutty commands she was going to use to instruct Felix to maximise her pleasure.On the Friday night Mandy dressed in a short...
A NOTE TO THE READER: This story takes place in 1949. ********** When the two goons burst through the office door behind me I leaped out of my chair. Both of them big boys. Both ready to put me down hard. The guy behind the desk had obviously put a toe to an alarm button on the floor to summon them. A big bore pistol lay on his desktop but I wasn’t too worried about that. He barked some orders at the pair of goons when they shoved in to take me. I saw one of them reaching inside his...
By daybreak, three inches of fresh snow had fallen in the region. Everything was white, and, had the snow stopped at three inches, two men plodding through the forest would have left very clear tracks for anyone in pursuit. But the snow kept falling, covering their tracks and making any forward progress more and more difficult. A forest in the midst of a falling snow can be a very quiet place. Sounds travel a long distance and yet the precise direction of their source can be confused by the...
FELIX becomes FELICITY Chapter 1 “Gynecomastia is the abnormally large development of mammary glands in males, resulting in breast enlargement……… In teenage boys this does not have to be linked to obesity……… The word Gynecomastia derives from the Greek for woman and breast” I logged off from my regular searches on the internet and felt sick as usual. I am 16 and a normal schoolboy, except I have this condition of Gynecomastia, the “woman” and “breast” bit ringing in my ears! Basically I...
CrossdressingMarie & Felix: Rein - Raus - Fertig. Nach mehreren Monaten unserer Beziehung war die Routine da. Der Sex war zwar vertraut, aber auch vorhersehbar und fühlte sich irgendwie gewöhnlich an. Unser Sexleben war zu einem ideenlosen, täglichen Pflichtprogramm mutiert, das keine Überraschungen mehr bot. Routiniert wie das abendliche Zähneputzen, spulten wir unser Standardprogramm aus Küssen, Blasen, Lecken und Vögeln ab. Wir befriedigten uns am anderen, ohne das besondere Kribbeln zu verspüren, dass...
A NOTE TO THE READER: This story takes place in 1949. **************** My answering service tracked me down just before midday. I had had a lunch date with Veronica, the beautiful new girl over at the bail bond place by the courthouse. When she agreed to go out with me I considered myself lucky. She’d come out west in hope of being in pictures and possessed both the looks and the proportions. Unfortunately she also possessed a prominent Bronx accent, a mountain too tall for dialect coaches...
FELIX becomes FELICITY Chapter 2 My Mum and Sister went downstairs and I had a moment to myself looking in the mirror. I didn’t recognise me in the reflection I saw a teenage girl, a very attractive teenage girl! I joined my Mum and sister downstairs. I was becoming better on the heels “Mum I have to reiterate that this all ends in 6 weeks time right?”, “Of course sweet that’s what Dave said and I’m so sorry but very proud of how you’ve dealt with this.” She touched my hand. “And we can...
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FELIX becomes FELICITY Chapter 7 …We both fell asleep almost immediately. I got up whilst he was still asleep in the morning and put on his shirt loosely over my naked body. I woke him up with breakfast , we kissed and he left late morning. I had been lucky to escape him not discovering my penis! I had to think hard about what to do about this. I would just have to have to tell him my secret, that I was really a guy! Bradley was going to take me out to dinner that evening, and I thought...
FELIX becomes FELICITY Chapter 1 “Gynecomastia is the abnormally large development of mammary glands in males, resulting in breast enlargement……… In teenage boys this does not have to be linked to obesity……… The word Gynecomastia derives from the Greek for woman and breast” I logged off from my regular searches on the internet and felt sick as usual. I am 16 and a normal schoolboy, except I have this condition of Gynecomastia, the “woman” and “breast” bit ringing in my ears! Basically...
FELIX becomes FELICITY Chapter 4 ..what a day I loved the tennis, Bradley was a pretty cool guy, but crikey what was happening! I only had something like 4 weeks left now so I was determined not to buckle under this, for my Mum and sisters sake. The next two weeks were quiet, I lounged around the house that suited me counting down the days. David continued to do our breakfast but work late. Mum pottered about. Jasmine continued meeting Thomas and kept coming back to say that Bradley had...
FELIX becomes FELICITY Chapter 5 ..My Mum and David had announced their impending marriage with a ceremony planned in about 6 weeks time. No guessing who was to be bridesmaids. The week before we were due to start back to school Jasmine mentioned at breakfast that Thomas wanted to take her to the cinema that night and that they had talked about a foursome me with Bradley . “Not a chance in hell,”I stated. My Mum smiled but then David butted in, “No I think you should go Felicity dear.” I...
FELIX becomes FELICITY Chapter 6 ..I put the gingham dress on that fit well and completed the ensemble with the shoes and cardigan. I looked like a fully grown woman in a school girl outfit. My breasts seemed to project and fill the dress with the buttons on the front tight. The fabric belt pinched in my already slim waste and the skirt part of the dress flared slightly emphasizing my hips and bottom. The cardigan was short and tight fitting. Umm I thought I look pretty hot, I giggled and...
FELIX becomes FELICITY Chapter 2 My Mum and Sister went downstairs and I had a moment to myself looking in the mirror. I didn’t recognise me in the reflection I saw a teenage girl, a very attractive teenage girl! I joined my Mum and sister downstairs. I was becoming better on the heels “Mum I have to reiterate that this all ends in 6 weeks time right?”, “Of course sweet that’s what Dave said and I’m so sorry but very proud of how you’ve dealt with this.” She touched my hand. “And we can...
FELIX becomes FELICITY Chapter 3 ..He bent forward and thrust his large hands up my skirt on my thighs with his thumbs resting on the root of my penis, and put his face close to mine, “You had better be a good girl for everyone’s sakes sweetness. I know you love your Mum and Sister!” He slowly moved his hands up to my breasts and squeezed them hard looking into my eyes. I was speechless. “Yes I have a soft spot for sexy little girls like you.” With that he pulled away and walked into the...
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LesbianFELIX becomes FELICITY Chapter 7 …We both fell asleep almost immediately. I got up whilst he was still asleep in the morning and put on his shirt loosely over my naked body. I woke him up with breakfast , we kissed and he left late morning. I had been lucky to escape him not discovering my penis! I had to think hard about what to do about this. I would just have to have to tell him my secret, that I was really a guy! Bradley was going to take me out to dinner that evening, and I thought it a...
CrossdressingFELIX becomes FELICITY Chapter 6 ..I put the gingham dress on that fit well and completed the ensemble with the shoes and cardigan. I looked like a fully grown woman in a school girl outfit. My breasts seemed to project and fill the dress with the buttons on the front tight. The fabric belt pinched in my already slim waste and the skirt part of the dress flared slightly emphasizing my hips and bottom. The cardigan was short and tight fitting. Umm I thought I look pretty hot, I giggled and...
CrossdressingFELIX becomes FELICITY Chapter 5 ..My Mum and David had announced their impending marriage with a ceremony planned in about 6 weeks time. No guessing who was to be bridesmaids. The week before we were due to start back to school Jasmine mentioned at breakfast that Thomas wanted to take her to the cinema that night and that they had talked about a foursome me with Bradley . “Not a chance in hell,”I stated. My Mum smiled but then David butted in, “No I think you should go Felicity dear.” I...
CrossdressingFELIX becomes FELICITY Chapter 4 ..what a day I loved the tennis, Bradley was a pretty cool guy, but crikey what was happening! I only had something like 4 weeks left now so I was determined not to buckle under this, for my Mum and sisters sake. The next two weeks were quiet, I lounged around the house that suited me counting down the days. David continued to do our breakfast but work late. Mum pottered about. Jasmine continued meeting Thomas and kept coming back to say that Bradley had asked...
CrossdressingFELIX becomes FELICITY Chapter 3 ..He bent forward and thrust his large hands up my skirt on my thighs with his thumbs resting on the root of my penis, and put his face close to mine, “You had better be a good girl for everyone’s sakes sweetness. I know you love your Mum and Sister!” He slowly moved his hands up to my breasts and squeezed them hard looking into my eyes. I was speechless. “Yes I have a soft spot for sexy little girls like you.” With that he pulled away and walked into the...
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This is a true story that happened to me 2 years back in London. I am not here to advertise myself as many others are, but I have been reading this site for a while and decided to post one of my true stories. To start with, I had come to the UK to do my higher studies. When you are out of your home country you start feeling lonely and spend more time on the internet. This is exactly what was happening to me. I used to sleep very late 2 or 3 am and used to surf on net, watch movies etc till late...
VOLUME-2 Chapter XI Out shooting. • A female carter. • A feel in the train. • Molly in London. • Giles in town.-Fred on the scene. • Molly at the Hall. • Copulation in uniform. • A sham illness. • An afternoon with Molly. • She turns harlot. • Gets clapped.-Her baby. I was in wonderful condition. Early to bed, out-of-door exercise, good plain living, everything to make me so. I felt as if I could fuck all day. If one day I had neither of the women, the next day my prick stood from morning...
The arrival of the Brigantine Sacrum Maya VI It is May 28, 1830, when Edward-Maximilian Williams went to work like every day. He is 23 years old and was born on December 31st, 1806 in London. Edward-Maximilian is 1.81 m tall, he has blonde hair, a mustache, gray-green eyes, a muscular body and his angular face usually has a smile on his face. Edward is an only child and his parents are. Skye is 45 years old and Edgar Williams is 55 years old. Edward's personality was characterized by friendly,...
FantasyThis is a true story that happened to me 2 years back in London. I am not here to advertise myself as many others are, but I have been reading this site for a while and decided to post one of my true stories. To start with, I had come to the UK to do my higher studies. When you are out of your home country you start feeling lonely and spend more time on the internet. This is exactly what was happening to me. I used to sleep very late 2 or 3 am and used to surf on net, watch movies etc till...
The blended cultures and people where I live, about eight miles southeast of London, are very different than those of the small city outside of Vilnius, Lithuania where I was born and raised. Most people in Lithuania are the progeny of ancient Caucasian tribes, while the London metropolitan area has a mix of people and cultures from all over the world.My name is Isabel, and I moved to London when I was twenty years old. That’s where I met my Portuguese husband, Pedro, and we have a wonderful...
CuckoldSome of you old-timers remember when banging a hooker meant trolling the seedy side of town, trying not to get shanked by a bum while getting a toothless beej from a crackwhore. The Internet has sure changed things, huh? These days, it’s safer and easier to find a girl to give you a handy for money. The girls at Angels of London are more than a few steps up from the local lot lizards, operates under the motto, “Maximum Pleasure Very Discreet”. It doesn’t take a fucking...
Escort SitesIt is coming up to Easter weekend and I suggest a weekend in London . “Let’ s see what sexy fun we can have” I say. I book a hotel in central London for the Friday and Saturday. You pack your suitcases for the weekend but I am waiting for a chance to do a little unpacking. While you have a bath I open your suitcases and remove all your underwear, pants and long dresses. I only leave you with 3 miniskirts, 1 see through blouse, 2 low cut tops and a few pairs of stockings and suspenders. I...
Another day of heavy rain in London. I listened from my bed as the latest storm drove rain into the window. Outside I could hear the wind howling. Without even opening the shutters I knew it was going to be grim.My mood was not improved by the radio news. Coronavirus, Trump and the latest post-Brexit fuck-up from our incompetent government.If all that wasn’t enough I had just been dumped again, by WhatsApp this time, a first for me. I was done with online dating, it was a disaster for me....
MatureThe following is a description of my day out in London on Monday 29 March 2011. Everything here really happened, I have made nothing up. For those of you waiting for further instalments to my stories, please be patient, I am working on them. Thank you to all of you who have left feedback to those stories. I have a blog, I plan to post some of the photographs that I took on Monday. Thank you, Sissy Graham. I went in to London catching the 06:48 train. I...
It is coming up to Easter weekend and I suggest a weekend in London . “Let' s see what sexy fun we can have” I say. I book a hotel in central London for the Friday and Saturday. You pack your suitcases for the weekend but I am waiting for a chance to do a little unpacking. While you have a bath I open your suitcases and remove all your underwear, pants and long dresses. I only leave you with 3 miniskirts, 1 see through blouse, 2 low cut tops and a few pairs of stockings and suspenders. I...
“Let' s see what sexy fun we can have” I say. I book a hotel in central London for the Friday and Saturday. You pack your suitcases for the weekend but I am waiting for a chance to do a little unpacking. While you have a bath I open your suitcases and remove all your underwear, pants and long dresses. I only leave you with 3 miniskirts, 1 see through blouse, 2 low cut tops and a few pairs of stockings and suspenders. I replace the missing clothes with a few towels. We set off...
Authors Note:Welcome to An American Fox in London! There is a cast page with pictures and a little more information on the main characters so please do have a look at that. I've set this story in London and used real places, landmarks, shops etc although some details are fictional. If you would like more info on what I have or have not invented then please feel free to PM me, I'd be happy to discuss. This is an incest based story but it will cross over to other kinks. Depending on your point...
IncestThis is the 4th part of my sex filled life story. Please send me your honest feedback to They all completed college got placed in different cities. They said bye to each other and left for their jobs. They said they keep in touch and will visit me frequently on weekends. We were in constant touch on phone and once in a month, they all would come for a group sex celebration. But after a few months, they got busy with work. Slowly the phone calls reduced. I faced the reality that I have to move...
An American Were-Hypnotist in London Author's Note: There are other Were-Girl stories out there by other authors, this story is not set in that universe. Everyone's heard of what happens if a werewolf bites you, but I'm telling you, there are even stranger were-creatures out there waiting for the moon lay heavy on the sky. Ok, here's the story, I was an archeology student, part of an expedition sent to deepest London to dig up a Roman mosaic; but that?s not important,...
Ich war jetzt schon einige Wochen mit Monika befreundet, aber es ging nicht so recht vorw?rts. Sexuell meine ich. Ein bisschen K?ssen und Schmusen, und das wars. Dabei war sie ausgesprochen attraktiv, fast so gro? wie ich mit pechschwarzen Haaren, die ihre Schultern umspielten. Dazu kontrastierte die bleiche Haut, die fast unwirklich hell erschien. Ihre zarten Augenbrauen waren zwei perfekte Bogen, und die Wimpern waren sehr lang. Wegen ihrer schwarzen Haare brauchte sie kein Makeup, um ih...
Welcome to sunny Florida, my name is Aaron, and I'd like to tell you my story. I'm your average American kid, spending my time trying to pick up chicks and stealing booze just for the hell of it. But this story isn't concerned with all of that, this story concerns a one, Mrs. Bridgette London, and more importantly, her affair with her young next door neighbor, me. She was a knockout, to the truest form of the word. She was about 5'5", bright blue eyes, and body like a brickhouse; 34 DD's and an...
EroticIntroduction: The magic of Christmas is in the giving For reasons of my own, I no longer allow comments, nor do I make them. If you would like to offer a critique, please send me a pm. I can only improve with your very valuable input. This is my entry to Calling All Writers, Chapter 9. Please join our website and go to the Sex Stories Forum to enjoy more stories, and to vote. Mary pulled up next to the barn at Nicks Christmas Tree Farm, the first Saturday of November. The farm opened for...
I?Oh, hi. You must be here for the room? I?m Mary.??Uh-huh.? First impression: very rude. Sandy pushed through the door and straight past Mary. Dragging her mud-caked sneakers over the carpet, tossing her jacket into the corner, she entered Mary?s apartment and her life. ?You must be Sandy?? Mary continued, determined to hold on to civility. She liked keeping her place tidy. She picked up the jacket, got a hanger, and looked at the other girl?s ample frame, the sweaty t-shirt, torn jeans,...
Introduction: This story was originally written for a competition on the XNXX Stories forum and is a relatively short story at 12,000 words. I hope you enjoy it. Authors note: This is a story, and the author is aware that it is not 100% historically accurate, although efforts have been made to ensure some degree of realism. It is a work of fiction, however, and intended to be no more than that. Marys Unexpected Journey MORE ALE, WENCH, MORE ALE! the man cried, slamming his empty tankard on...
(Could the mature, attractive wife be tempted)But I do love him, Bert. We have a comfortable life, lovely c***dren, a nice home and I know he works hard, but........!' and Mary tailed off from what she was really wanting to say.Mary was 49 and had spent her whole life living in the little village in Hampshire, down a tiny, leafy lane that led to a small bay by the sea. She had been married for nearly 30 years, and had inherited the little bungalow from her parents when they had died, so she had...
I walked into The Flamingo Lounge on the Block. I was bored at work, so I took the afternoon off last Friday to see the dancers. Hell, to touch and fondle the dancers. It was early June, and warm, over 90 degrees, so the street was quiet. I hurried to get from my car in the parking garage to the coolness of the basement bar. The Flamingo Lounge, like most of the clubs on the Block, was a nude club. You could go in and just watch the ladies dance, if you wanted. The ladies come by and talk to...
After a wide range of experiences as a gigolo, I developed a preference for a certain type of client: elegant, sophisticated women aged around forty-five years old, with bodies anywhere between size ten to fourteen and not overweight. They were often a long way from home on business. Almost without exception these women would be very good communicators, uninhibited and able to articulate their sexual preferences. And if they enjoyed what I had to offer and recommended me to others that was an...
I was apprehensive about going home with Darleen, I mean she had told me her family knew about her orientation and accepted it, but I was still too introverted to face others who would know about me. At times I regretted agreeing to go home with her for the weekend, but now felt committed as she was the type of woman who wouldn’t take no for an answer. We drove up on the Thursday after work, I was a bundle of nerves of course and wanted to get it over with. The traffic was really heavy going...
I was due to spend a week in London visiting the head offices of thecompany to present my ultimatum to the board. From Heathrow I took thecompany limo to my hotel in central London and settled in. I was a bit jetlagged from the trip so I enjoyed a quiet dinner in the hotel and an earlynight. The next morning, following an early breakfast and a jog in HydePark, I dressed carefully and conservatively for the first meeting. I tooka taxi, arriving at the company's City office building just after...
Ian glanced across at Susie, his daughter, as she sat next to him on the train as it pulled away from the station on its way to London. She quickly smiled back at him as they settled down for the journey, conscious that they were not alone – although the rest of the seats around them were empty, sat opposite her was Mike, her younger brother.They were on there way up to London to spend some time at a job fair. Although Susie was still at University, the fair was important in considering her...
My parents in Iowa went to London for two weeks and sent for me on 9/26/13 to see the Minnesota Vikings play at Wembley stadium. They had a package deal where I arrive Thursday and go back on Tuesday. The only problem was I was at a different Hotel. After flying all night I got the Heathrow Thursday around noon and got my ride to the hotel. I checked in, contacted my parents and agreed to meet for dinner later. The nice thing about central London was it didn’t take me long to figure out the...
I was apprehensive about going home with Darleen, I mean she had told me her family knew about her orientation and accepted it, but I was still too introverted to face others who would know about me. At times I regretted agreeing to go home with her for the weekend, but now felt committed as she was the type of woman who wouldn't take no for an answer. We drove up on the Thursday after work; I was a bundle of nerves of course and wanted to get it over with. The traffic was really heavy going...
LesbianMary Jane sets a trap (humiliation version)By lilguy [email protected] Jane finds out Black cat sleeping with Peter and sets a trap for a catfight Author note- This was a commission I did for someone else (aka Black Cat) sleeked through the roof tops in a skin tight catsuit. It was tight and leather hugging natrualy and tightly to her body. It had little mini pockets to hide all her gear. The pants hugged to her butt showing the...