Passionate Danger
- 3 years ago
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The fall semester of my sophomore year of college was just as lonely as the spring semester of my freshman year. I did well at school, got to know classmates as acquaintances, but still made no friends. The longer it went on, the more I was convinced that there was something wrong with me.
Halfway through the semester I went to a presentation by the International Office on Study Abroad. I was really keen to leave campus, but the cost of program seemed prohibitive. I knew Mom didn’t have the money, so I just filed it away.
As the leaves fell and the days grew shorter, I went back to working at the stables with Robin and Misty Sue. I had a frank talk with Misty Sue and made it clear that our sexual dalliance was over. She was disappointed but took it well. I think Robin was relieved to find me working in the stables again instead of avoiding her.
I had dinner with the two of them a couple of times a week. I told them about my hopes of studying abroad.
“Don’t you think your mother will support you?” asked Robin.
“Of course, she’ll support me,” I said. “That’s not the problem. The problem is that she will support me, but I know she can’t afford it. She’ll scrimp and deny herself all her little pleasures in order come up with the money. She lives very simply as it is, I can’t make things worse for her.”
“Hmmm,” said Robin. She was quiet through the rest of the meal and finally spoke as we were having tea afterward. “You’ve worked for me almost ten years, Johanna. I’ve never counted the hours, but it’s been a lot. I haven’t had to clothe you or give you room and board. It’s been a good deal for me.”
“I’ve enjoyed coming here, Robin,” I said.
“Misty Sue and I would like pay for your study abroad thing,” she said. Misty Sue nodded.
“Are you sure?” I asked, not quite daring to hope. “It’s not cheap.”
“We’ll cover it,” said Robin.
I got up, put my arms around her, and kissed her on the lips. I kept my eyes open and looked at Misty Sue over her shoulder. Robin held me for a briefly, but didn’t open her mouth to receive my tongue. I tried for a moment to get a response, but she pushed me away.
“Don’t, Johanna,” she said. “You’ve worked here for years, you’re like a daughter to me. Let’s leave it at that.”
Mom was initially reluctant to accept Robin’s offer, saying that it was her responsibility to pay for me. But I kept at her with Robin’s argument that it was just a repayment for all my years of work at the stables. Eventually, she agreed.
I worked with the university’s Study Abroad staff to get my paperwork in order. Just before the Christmas break of 2011, I got an acceptance from the University of Göttingen. I corresponded with their admissions office to finalize my student accommodation and course registrations.
In early January 2012, Mom drove me to the airport to begin the series of flights that would take me to Germany. As we stood together outside the security area, she hugged me tight, and kissed me hard. I was surprised to see she was crying.
“Write to me and call me every day, Johanna,” she sniffed. “I’ll miss you.”
“Of course I will, Mom,” I said. Faced with the reality of leaving her alone, I was beset with guilt. She looked so forlorn that I felt my own tears well up. “I can cancel everything and stay with you …”
“No, no,” she said, quickly wiping her eyes. “You must go. Have a lovely time and make new friends. Soar into the sky and see the world. But remember wherever you go, you will always have my love with you.”
I cried all the way on the flight to Newark.
Making the transition to my Lufthansa flight in the busy airport, I got into a conversation about my Study Abroad program with the person checking me in. As we talked about Göttingen, I got caught up in the excitement of my upcoming trip and began to feel more upbeat.
On the transatlantic flight, I read an Irmgard Keun novel in the original German. I spoke to the flight attendants in German. I was pleased when they all assumed that I was a native, and even asked if I was from Heidelberg. I was tempted to lie, but I ended up telling them the truth – that I am American and had picked up the accent speaking to a German professor from Heidelberg.
I flew to Europe every year, but it was always with Mom. This was my first trip by myself. I was feeling carefree and I guess my excitement showed only too clearly.
The flight was not very full and I had three seats with a window all to myself. I was able to spread myself out, sitting in the middle seat, but retaining the option of the window if there was anything interesting to see outside.
One of flight attendants was a cute, young guy and he came back several times to chat with me. He put a hand on my shoulder the first time and thereafter each time he came back, he grew a little more adventurous. He became bolder when the lights were turned down after the meal service and most passengers were drifting off the sleep or engrossed in watching movies.
The first time he cupped my breast through my blouse and bra I demurred verbally, "Wir sollten das nicht tun." (We shouldn’t do that). But I didn’t push his hand away. The next time when he unbuttoned my blouse, I whispered, Jemand wird sehen! "(Someone will see!) But when he leaned down and kissed me, I kissed him back.
Thus encouraged, he sat down in the aisle seat and took me in his arms. He pushed down the cups of my bra and my nipples hardened and stood out. He whispered that he liked my nipples against him as he held me tight. He pushed his hand up my skirt between my legs and his fingers teased me through my panties. I was breathing hard, but I knew this was more than I wanted. I managed to get his hand out from between my legs and put my hands on his chest to give myself some breathing room.
“Warum?” he asked. (Why?)
“Nur ein paar Küsse,” I murmured. (Just a few kisses.) I switched to English. “I don’t want to have sex with you. I don’t know you.”
“That’s the fun of it,” he responded in a low voice, also in English. “Come on, Johanna! You have gotten me so hard!”
“I’m sorry,” I said.
“Are you going to leave me like this?”
“I’m so sorry,” I repeated.
“Alles ist fair in Sex,” he said philosophically. “Küss mich noch einmal.” (All’s fair in sex; kiss me one more time.)
I kissed him again and he played with my nipples before I pushed him away.
He came by a few more times during the night, but I kept him at a safe distance. He gave me a card with his contacts and asked me to get in touch once I was settled. He formally wished me good day and auf wiedersehen as I deplaned in Frankfurt. I dropped his card in a trash bin on my way to immigration. I went to a restroom and sat in a cubicle crying quietly for a while. I felt like a cock teasing bitch.
I settled in quickly at the university in Göttingen. It was snowy, but much milder than the winters in Wisconsin. I made several acquaintances in my first week there. One of them was Dieter, a tall, lean guy with an easy smile and irreverent Bavarian country accent.
He invited me to a party on my first Friday there and I made the mistake of trying to keep up with him drinking beer. We stayed at the party, drinking, chatting and dancing till about midnight. We kissed and made out. When we left together, he put his arm around my waist.
He asked me to come by his place for another beer. I knew I was very drunk and refused, but he just laughed. I’m a bit hazy about exactly what happened, but we ended up in his place anyway. As he got me a can of beer from the fridge, he said his flatmate was out for the weekend. By this time, I'd sobered up. I didn’t really want the beer, but took it over my better judgment. We sat on the couch in the living room and he kissed me again.
I kissed him back hesitantly. I was not sure I wanted this, but I felt I had led him on and “owed” him, especially after the episode on the flight over from Newark. So when he pulled my top up over my head, I helped him take it off.
He unfastened my bra and kissed my nipples muttering, “Du hast kleine Titten, Johanna!” (You have small tits, Johanna!)
“Magst du sie nicht?” I mumbled. (Don’t you like them?)
“Ich wünschte, sie wären größer, Johanna,” he said in a low voice. (I wish they were bigger, Johanna.)
He hiked up my skirt and pulled down my panties.
“Please go down on me,” I asked, continuing in English.
He ignored my request and pushed a finger into me, using his thumb on my clitoris. It was not gentle, but I did begin to get moist. He grunted his satisfaction and led me to his bedroom. He undressed very quickly and mounted me with my skirt around my waist and my scarf still around my neck. He was not rough, and asked me if I was okay as he pushed his cock into me. I nodded. Once he was fully embedded in me, he lay there and kissed my throat, whispered in my ear in English, “Your pussy is tight and warm, Johanna. So lovely.”
His cock was rather small. Even fully in me, he was not very deep. I felt a yawn coming on and managed to stifle it. But when he began to fuck me, slowly with a straightforward in and out motion, I could no longer fight my tiredness. I fell asleep before he came.
I woke up in the morning with a splitting headache. Dieter was lying by me on his stomach, breathing the long breaths of deep slumber. I got out of bed cautiously to avoid waking him and got dressed. I went to the kitchen and drank several large glasses of water and felt a little better.
I put on my coat, walked back to my place, took two aspirin, and went to bed. I slept all day Saturday, waking up in the late afternoon. I looked at my cell phone and saw there were six texts, all from Dieter. They sounded increasingly worried, so I texted him back that I was home and fine.
One of things I’ve learned about men is that once you have sex with them, they assume that you’re going to let them have you again. I liked Dieter, but I certainly did not want to have sex with him again. I worried how he would take it when I told him. The week after our night together, he invited me out for dinner, and I accepted. When he tried to kiss me during the meal, I took the bull by the horns and told him that I really didn’t want to get physical with him again.
“What’s wrong?” he asked in English. “Did I do something wrong?”
“No, no,” I said. “It was all me. You asked me and I said yes.”
“Don’t you like me?”
“I like you,” I said. “As a friend, someone to talk to. But not as a sexual partner.”
“I see,” he said.
He was quiet for the rest of the meal. He walked me home and only responded in monosyllabic German when I tried to make conversation.
I assumed I would never see him again, but he texted me the next day – ‘I’ll be your friend, Johanna. Do you want to have coffee after class?’
I texted back – ‘Yes,’ and that was that.
Dieter was majoring in physics and we were in a statistical mechanics class together. My German was very good, but in the highly technical and jargon-laden class, I often had difficulty keeping up. Dieter helped me along with easy nonchalance, never making me feel stupid. As the weeks went by, my knowledge of technical German improved, in part from his tutelage.
Dieter was also the secretary of the university ski club. We were having our regular coffee after class in early February when he told me he was organizing the club’s annual ski trip.
“It will be in the semester break in the third week of February,” he said. “I’ve booked us a place in Zermatt in Switzerland. I have two questions for you. Do you have plans for the break? And do you ski?”
“No, I don’t have any plans and yes, I sort of ski,” I said. “I haven’t been on skis in about eight years. I was twelve when I skied last.”
“Well, come along,” he said. “I’m sure you can find slopes to ski on. There are lots of easier runs.”
“I can’t. I don’t have any skis. And I’m sure Switzerland is very expensive. I don’t have that much money.”
“Just join the university ski club. I can make you a member right now,” he said easily. “Just fifty euros. I have several pairs of skis you can check out. You can also check with some of the girls in the ski club. I’m sure we can find you good equipment.”
“But what about the expenses in Zermatt?”
“The ski club gets a subsidized hotel rate for its members. And we get funding from the university. It won’t cost too much. And if you’re still worried about it, I can pay for you.”
The thought of skiing again did catch my fancy. I’d never skied with anyone but Dad, and I’d never skied in a resort. Zermatt sounded so upscale, so sophisticated, so cool! So the next day, I paid Dieter fifty euros to join the university ski club. He took me to meet Ulrike, one of the girls on the university ski team, who was the co-organizer of the ski trip.
She was a tall, lean blonde in her mid-twenties with a long face and cornflower blue eyes. She had the easy grace of an athlete and asked me a series of questions about my height, weight, and what skis I had used.
“I don’t know,” I confessed. “Dad used to pick out all my equipment. I know I used pretty wide skis because we were often in deep powder in Montana.”
She had over a dozen pairs of skis in her closet. She went over each pair with me, explaining the pros and cons of each with unusual patience. Dieter chimed in from time to time. In the end we settled on a pair of all-mountain skis that were far better than any I had ever skied on. I also lucked out in that Ulrike and I had the same size in ski boots, so I just borrowed those from her as well.
Ulrike, Dieter and I drove down to Zermatt in his BMW, with our skis on the roof rack. He drove very fast on the autobahn, over 160 kilometers per hour whenever he could. He was quite casual about it, continuing to talk to Ulrike in the front seat and even turning to talk to me in the backseat from time to time.
“We’re staying at the Jagerhof,” he said. “Everything in Zermatt is pretty expensive, but its affordable with the ski club rate and the university subsidy. I’ve used our organizers’ privilege to book a two-bedroom suite for Ulrike and me. You’re welcome to join us. Then you won’t have any lodging expenses.”
“Thank you!” I cried.
We had dinner at an autogrill on the highway and arrived at the hotel quite late. I thought the Jagerhof was quite upscale, like everything in Zermatt. It had a Swiss chalet décor with everything finished in blonde wood and stags' heads on the walls of the lounge. It was nicer than any hotel I had ever stayed in thus far in my life. Dieter and Ulrike smiled at me as I looked around, round-eyed.
The “two-bedroom suite” the Dieter mentioned turned out to be open plan, with the “bedrooms” merely alcoves off a central common area that included sitting and dining spaces as well as a kitchenette. Each of the bedroom alcoves had a double bed.
Ulrike and I went to the bathroom with our toilet kits and brushed our teeth. She seemed to read my mind and said, “I’ll share a bed with Dieter, unless you don’t want to sleep alone.”
“I’m happy to sleep alone,” I said.
She mentioned the sleeping arrangements to Dieter as we traded places in the bathroom. I thought he looked a bit disappointed, but I may have been flattering myself. Ulrike stripped down to her sports bra and panties in the common area with unselfconscious casualness before sliding under the covers. Dieter emerged from the bathroom shortly after and also shed his clothes down to his shorts and joined her. I slunk away to the other alcove, changed into my nightie and got into bed.
A half-hour later, I heard the unmistakable sounds of their sex. The steady creaking of the bed and the thumping of flesh against flesh were impossible to tune out. I put a pillow over my head, but it was no use. I heard Dieter beginning to grunt and then moan. I listened intently, but I could not hear anything from Ulrike.
“Komm schon, Ulrike!” he cried. “Bewege deinen Arsch! Gib es mir, gib es mir!” (Come on, Ulrike! Move your ass! Give it to me, give it to me!)
Finally, I heard her panting. I imagined her arching her back, trying to lift his weight. I confess that I was tempted to sneak over and watch them. It was not long before he began gasp, “Ist gut! Es ist so gut! Ich komme!” (It's good! It's so good! I'm cumming!)
The bed creaked a bit more, there were a few more fleshy thumps, harder than those before. It was quiet for short while. Then I heard padding to the bathroom, first light, quick steps that I assumed was Ulrike. They were followed by a heavier step that I assumed was Dieter. I heard them settling back into bed and finally drifted off to sleep.
I got up about six-thirty and walked by the other bedroom alcove on my way to the bathroom. The bed was unmade and Ulrike and Dieter were gone. I hurriedly got ready, put on my skiwear – my Wisconsin winter jacket over a cable knit sweater and waterproof rain pants over my jeans – and headed down to the breakfast room.
I saw Ulrike and Dieter sitting together in a corner behind the coffee machines. I had to walk around the breakfast buffet to get to them and was out of their sight. They were talking in German and I realized they were talking about me. I stopped, unsure of whether to interrupt them. Curiosity got the better of me and I stopped by the coffee machine. I made myself a cappuccino and listened.
“… und sie scheint sehr jung zu sein,” Ulrike was saying. (… and she seems very young.)
“Sie ist jung. Sie ist erst zwanzig,” Dieter replied. (She is young. only twenty.)
“Schon so fortgeschritten in der Universität!” (Already so advanced in university!)
“Diese Amerikaner haben es immer eilig, Dinge zu erledigen.” (These Americans are always in a hurry to get things done.)
“Deshalb sind sie so unreif,” said Ulrike. “Und ungekünstelt. Du hilfst ihr im Unterricht?” (That's why they're so immature. And unsophisticated. Do you help her in class?)
“Ein wenig. Aber Johanna ist sehr schlau. Sie findet die Dinge jetzt selbst heraus und braucht mich nicht.” (A little. But Johanna is very clever. She's figuring things out on her own now and doesn't need me.)
“Hast du sie schon gefickt?” (Have you fucked her yet?)
“Nur einmal, als sie sehr betrunken war. Sie ist großartig im Bett, aber würde mich nicht wieder von mir ficken lassen.” (Just once, when she was a bit drunk. She’s great in bed, but she wouldn’t let me fuck her again.)
Dieter paused and I was about to come around the corner and join them, when he continued, “Ich frage mich, ob sie genauso gut Ski fährt wie sie fickt.” (I wonder if she skis as well as she fucks?)
“Nun, ich habe kein Interesse daran, wie sie fickt, aber ich werde bald herausfinden, wie gut sie Ski fährt.” (Well, I have no interest in how she fucks, but I'll soon find out how well she skis.)
“Bitte, Ulrike, töte sie nicht. Sie haben fast die Nationalmannschaft erreicht, und sie ist wahrscheinlich nur eine Anfängerin.” (Please, Ulrike, don't kill her. You almost made the national team, and she's probably just a beginner.)
I came around the corner with my coffee and said, “Hi!” and they asked me to join them.
“You should change into your ski clothes,” said Ulrike as we were finishing our breakfast.
“These are my ski clothes,” I said, surprised. Then I looked at the fashionable ski bib and silk underlayer that she had on and realized the inadequacy of my outfit. I continued nervously, “Not fashionable, but functional.”
She nodded. We shouldered our skis in the hotel foyer and walked the short distance to the gondola to meet the rest of the group. There were about twenty of us, roughly the same number of guys and girls. Like Ulrike and Dieter, everyone was dressed in the height of ski fashion. The women especially seemed to all be wearing tight outfits that showed off their svelte figures.
I looked like the round ball, and I could see the women exchanging glances when they saw me. Even Ulrike looked a bit embarrassed by my appearance, and I reddened. Nonetheless, I managed to sit next to her in the gondola.
“I hope you’ll let me ski with you, Ulrike,” I said.
“I’ll be skiing with the most advanced group, Johanna. Are you sure you will be able to keep up?”
“I’ll try,” I said.
“Well, don’t ski beyond your ability. Even if you lose us, the mountain is well marked. You can’t get lost. We’ll meet for après ski in the hotel bar at 1700.”
At the top of the gondola, we skied to a tram. I stayed on Ulrike’s tails and got on with her. We took another one to get to the highest point on the mountain. Our group mustered and quickly divided into three groups. Everyone seemed to know exactly which group to go with. I stayed with Ulrike and followed her.
She led the way to a black slope, and with a quick push of her poles, propelled herself over the headwall. I saw Dieter out of the corner of my eye launch himself on to the slope. He caught some air as he did so and was gone, streaking after her.
The long poles felt strange in my hands, for my memories were of the short stubby ones I’d used as a twelve-year-old. Nonetheless, I pushed myself forward and got on to the slope rather awkwardly. I pointed my skis straight downhill to get speed to try and catch up with Ulrike and Dieter. The slope was extremely steep and rather narrow, so I had to use my edges aggressively.
As I tried to carve my very first turn, I felt my edges running away from me and nearly ran into a rock outcropping. I had no control, and after two more slack turns, I managed to bring myself to a stop. What’s the matter? I thought. I’ve skied much harder terrain than this, but I’ve never skied this badly.
By now Ulrike and Dieter were out of sight. I wriggled my toes, and my boots felt loose. I looked down at them and realized the problem. My boots were unbuckled! I felt like a moron – in my haste to follow Ulrike, I had forgotten to buckle them. I did so now, cinching them as tight as they would go. Then I turned downhill again.
The difference was like night and day. My edges bit as I carved my turns and I quickly found my rhythm. The years seemed to melt away and I felt like I was back in Montana again, skiing with Dad. I whipped by other skiers, going so fast that most were just blurs. Ulrike’s carbon-braced skis hissed on the packed snow.
Their edges bit deeper and better than the cheap skis I was used to. I felt invincible. I finally saw Ulrike’s distinctive aquamarine jacket. I thought I saw Dieter’s red jacket just behind her, but there were so many red jackets on the mountain that I could not be sure.
I had grown up chasing Dad, so I was in my element. I raced after them in long slaloms. I saw a skier in front of me at a narrow chokepoint and I didn’t think there was room enough to pass him. I found an undulation at the side of the slope and took off from the lip. I sailed over him in a tight tuck, my skis above his head. I
felt the ‘whump!’ as I landed the jump and edged ever so slightly to line up behind Ulrike. She was going fast, but my jump had given me an extra burst of speed. I caught her just before the slope flattened into the shallow runout at the bottom. We came to a stop together and put up our goggles, breathing hard. Dieter came up a couple of seconds later.
“You were flying, Johanna!” he said. “I was almost flat out and you still came by me!”
“I got a slow start,” I said.
Then the skier I had jumped over came to a sharp stop just by us. He put his goggles up and started shouting at me. I realized he was speaking German, but his accent was so strange, and he was speaking so fast that I could barely catch a word here and there. I just looked at him dumbly. However, Ulrike and Dieter seemed to understand him.
“He says you jumped over him. He’s very upset, says you could have killed him. Did you?”
I colored.
“Yes, I did. I didn’t think it was dangerous, I cleared him easily. I wouldn’t have done it if I thought there was a risk of hitting him.”
The other skier continued to shout, holding his hands close together.
“He says your skis were just a few centimeters over his helmet,” said Dieter. “You really mustn’t ski like that. You’ll get yourself banned from the mountain.”
“Es tut mir sehr leid, mein Herr,” I said to the other skier. “Ich bin noch nie mit anderen Leuten in einem Resort Ski gefahren. Ich werde vorsichtiger sein. Danke, dass du mich korrigiert hast.” (I am very sorry, sir. I've never skied in a resort with other people before. I will be more careful. Thank you for correcting me.)
He calmed down and I looked at him more carefully. He was an older gentleman, and I had obviously shaken him up.
“Es ist in Ordnung, Fräulein. Lesen Sie die Regeln und seien Sie vorsichtiger. Ich wünsche dir einen guten Tag.” (It's all right, miss. Read the rules and be more careful. Have a nice day.)
I realized he was speaking Schweizer Deutsch (Swiss German), but he now spoke more slowly and enunciated clearly, so I could understand him. He raised a pole in farewell and skated off toward a lift station.
“What did you mean, you’ve never skied in a resort before?” asked Ulrike, when we were on the lift going up again.
“I’ve only ever skied with my dad in Montana,” I said. “We just hiked, climbed, and skied. Ropes, crampons, ice axes in our backpacks. ‘Earn your turns,’ Dad always said.”
“You’re a backcountry skier? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“You didn’t ask.”
“You’re fast,” she said. “I was going nearly as fast as I can, and you still caught me.”
“I cheated,” I said, smiling. “I jumped.”
When we got to the top, Dieter said something to Ulrike and she laughed.
“Dieter wants a picture for the ski club social media feed,” she said to me. “Let’s give them something to see!”
“What do you mean?”
She dropped her poles, took over her gloves and her jacket. Unmindful of the few other skiers going by, she unzipped her ski bib and slid it all the way down to her knees. She pulled off her over layer as well as her silk underlayer. She put her hands on her hips, with just her helmet, gloves, pink-and-blue sports bra, and white athletic panties.
“Come on, Johanna!” she cried. “You too!”
“I can’t,” I mumbled, looking at the nice swells of Ulrike’s breasts. “I’ve got nothing to show.”
“Take it off, Johanna!” said Dieter.
“I’m getting cold, Johanna!” said Ulrike.
I gave in to their pressure and stripped off the layers from my upper body. Ulrike put her arm around me, and I posed with my back to the Dieter. I had on a yellow sports bra and Dieter said, “Nice color scheme, nice setup – Ulrike’s tits, your nice straight back!” as he took a series of pictures with his phone.
“Make it exciting, Ulrike,” he urged. “Come on, come on!”
She pulled her sports bra over her head and whispered to me, “Come on, you too!”
I felt her nipples on my skin, stiff and hard from the cold. I wanted to get it over with, get my clothes on again, so I just complied and pulled off my sports bra. Dieter took more pictures. Then I hastily got my clothes on again, dressing faster than Ulrike, even though I had more layers.
Dieter, Ulrike, and I skied together for the rest of the day. They were much better technical skiers than me, as they had both been in ski school since they were little, whereas I had never had a lesson. However, we were well matched, for what I lacked in form and finesse, I made up with instinct and experience.
I also had good chemistry with them, and we chatted easily on the gondolas and trams going back up. We got back to the hotel about four, tired but happy. Ulrike went in to take a shower, and Dieter made to follow her, but she demurred. He gallantly allowed me to go after her. We both dressed while he was in there. I sneaked looks at her body as she snugged on her bra and panties. I envied her lean musculature. She had perfectly defined abs, delts and pecs that could only have come from workouts in the gym.
“Let’s go down to the bar,” she said. “I’ll buy you a beer.”
“What about Dieter?”
“He’s a big boy. He’ll find us.”
We were the first from our group at the après ski, and got a long table, waiting for the others. Ulrike went to the bar and got me a big stein of beer. We tapped and drank.
“You’ve had sex with Dieter,” she said.
“It wasn’t very good, was it?”
“No.” I took a deep draft of my beer and wiped the foam off my upper lip. “If you knew that, why did you have sex with him last night?”
“It was better than nothing.” She sighed. “I’ve told him a dozen times what I want him to do, but Dieter’s problem is that he doesn’t listen. Sometimes he gets me so close to cumming, then leaves me hanging, I feel like hitting him!”
“It sounded like that happened again last night,” I said.
“Yes, I’m sure you heard us,” she said, giggling.
She put a hand on my cheek. “Dieter said you’re a great fuck, Johanna. And you’re a pretty young thing. It’s a pity I don’t like girls.”
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xmoviesforyouBill Bennet watched the women come into the firelight. Val and Sharon were dressed formally, but in dark dresses to set off Gayle, wrapped in white. Val handed out the names, and he checked to see that his was included and handed it back. She went through a rigmarole while he watched Gayle. Gayle wasn’t precisely nervous, but she seemed to want the prelude to be over. Gayle reached into the box and drew out a slip of paper. She unfolded it and read: “Wayne Englehart.” She handed the slip to...
“I take it that’s bad then?” Sparks asked, startled by John and Calara’s shocked reaction to the mystery ship. “Who are the Kirrix exactly?” “They are kill on sight to all species in the Galactic League” John explained briefly. “They’re a parasitic insectoid species that use other life forms to incubate their young. When their larvae hatch, they eat their way out of their victims!” he said, his mouth twisting with disgust. “I can’t believe these pirates would capture slaves for them. That’s...
We fucked in the sea, going into the water up to our elbows, Lyn took off her bikini bottoms and wrapped her legs around me, l supported her while she fed my cock into her pussy, neither one of us realised how much further she could take my cock inside her when fucking this way, but it was when l shot my load that Lyn began to spasm, her legs and arms gripped me so tight, l didn’t think she was ever going to let me take my cock from her firm tight fitting warm pussy, it was great fucking in...
Courtney reminded me every day that she wanted to give a special birthday present to Albert’s dad for his ninetieth. Albert was the older guy she’d enjoyed the most at the recent deer camp outing. I figured she also wanted to spend some up-close-and-naked time with him too. I made the call and Albert was delighted to hear from us. Of course we were welcome to the celebration and could stay at his house. His father lived with them now too. Courtney had told him about her gift idea and he said...
Hello, friends, this is Sabu from Kerala. This is my first story in ISS, so please forgive my mistakes. I am 25 years old this is the story about how I got a chance to fuck my mom’s sister. Her name is Sheeja. Her husband is military and she has 2 sons one studying in 10th standard and other in 5th standard. She is 37 years old with a good body that has less fat proper amount of flesh at proper places. She has 34 boobs and a normal waist size and ass. She looks like Sona Nair actress not...
IncestIt had been unseasonably warm and sunny that morning as we pulled to the side of the road, next to a faded red dash painted on a tree. The three girls quickly got out of the car, eager for the opportunity to stretch arms and legs, and breathe in the fresh mountain air. Gravel crunched beneath their feet as they walked around.“I can’t get a signal,” Mei complained, waving her phone around.“Me either,” Shruti confirmed.“Pop the trunk, Justin?” Kaylee called from behind the car. I did. Then I shut...
OutdoorFAREWELL, RACHEL! "Rachel seems to be getting on well with young Edward." Edwina's young son was home from school. He had quickly taken to the red haired guest and at the moment was swimming with her in the lake. Prior to that he had been teaching Rachel tennis and pronounced her a promising pupil. Gloria had been somewhat irked at first, to put it mildly, to see the sixteen year old boy so effortlessly filch Rachel from under her nose, but had taken the loss with good grace. After all...
It was the first day of the new school year – Lizzie and I were in the same Technology class along with a handful of quite attractive boys and girls. I usually prefer girls, but am quite happy to suck the occasional cock or two. It seems we had spent most of the summer holidays in bed – sucking on each other’s pussy and her Step-dad’s lovely cock. He had taken us to the seaside, staying in a tiny holiday chalet on the South Devon coast– it had a kitchen, bathroom and just one bedroom, filled by...
I have been in the business of designing for 3 years now. I design light fittings that are custom made by my company for celebrities. I’m a beautiful, sexy and attractive girl of 22 years. My name is Maria and I’m engaged to Mahesh. I travel frequently to Mumbai for my work. My boss, Sachin is a 34year old handsome guy (I’ll share some spicy sex scenes sometime later with you) and I represent him for these client meetings. I’m here to describe how I lost my virginity (before my engagement). I...
My brother David was always a bit of a shit, he would fuck all of my friends then abuse them and make out they were sluts.I soon learned it was best to keep away from him and make sure my friends knew in advance what he was like.David and my cousin Andrew loved football and would get involved in all sorts of events or crazy situations around football ending in trouble or v******e.I really didn't want to get involved but he was my brother so I felt like I should support him.That all changed the...
NOTE: This is my first story ever, I hope you like it.....Joe patiently sat in the food court of the mall, finishing his greasy pizza slice and soda, wondering just how much longer he would have to wait to be able to go home. Christmas time at the mall is always a mad house and he never enjoyed diving into the crowds that pushed and shoved solely to get that last ugly sweater for Aunt so-and-so. He wouldn't have come at all if it hadn't been for the fact that he needed to find something for his...
TabooAngela White in a one piece bathing suit in the sun is a sight to behold! What an amazing figure! Her ass and legs are curvy and long, but her tits… HOLY SHIT! Her tits are astronomically huge and she is incredibly talented with how she uses them. These jugs are surprisingly perky and her nipple placement is flawless! You get to enjoy watching her pour oil all over those guns and all of that ass. She is truly sizzling in the sun. She is also able to do some amazing tricks with swinging...
xmoviesforyouGardening had never been such a pleasant chore, to please me she'd put on a tiny denim micro skirt over a little yellow thong and an almost sheer yellow vest top that did hardly anything at all to cover her generous breasts, whilst I wore black cycling shorts that accentuated the outline of my semi erect penis! We spent a very enjoyable couple of hours weeding and hoeing the flower beds and dad's vegetable patch, the occasional grope and slobbery wet kiss heightened our enjoyment not to...
I was forty when I was diagnosed with a very rare cancer, or cancers. I'd been suffering for a while, sore throats, headaches, bouts of sneezing, stomach aches, but when my food starting coming back up my GP threw me into the hospital for every type of test. The tests showed I had cancer somewhere, but initially no-one knew where. A specialist oncologist determined overactive cellular growth which had something to do with my immune system, and he isolated androgen receptors on white...
It was when I was a virgin mech engg working in delhi , I lived in a good colony in a rented accomodation with good chicks around, soon to my luck a punjabi family shifted to my next door, they had a daughter “neeru” who was 21 yrs old and had given exam for . She was a gal with though not too much beauty but was damn sexy and was too hot. She wore all kinds of dresses ranging from skirt and shirt to wrap around and short tops (the one thru which u could see her slim waist).Well I soon...
I had always been a little afraid of Tony Fox. He was a mountain of a kid -- as big and as quiet but not nearly as dumb. Though he was in my Advanced Algebra class, he didn't look the type. A football player of some sort, Tony had a look about him that said, "My mom let me dress myself today." He would have been an easy target to pick on if he didn't stand well over six feet tall and have arms the size of my thighs. As it was, I tried to stay clear of him. Despite my typical stance of...
Gay MaleSalla and Savva crouched low as they worked their way through the jungle flora. The waist high bushes provided perfect cover along with the camouflage of the leopard fur shorts and bras the duo wore. The two long brown haired jungle women would not easily be seen. The tribal explorers moved stealthy and silent as a jungle cat. They edged toward the strange sounds. If the sounds were voices they were not like any voices they ever heard. These voice-like sounds had a deep tone. Never before while...
SUFFER AbimimiThey arrived almost precisely on time. We had been listening to the?bug in the car?of course and knew he was on schedule,?though what we mostly heard was?the infernal pop music the girls insisted on listening to with their Father's occasional comment to help us plot their progress. " Wimbledon is terrible at this time of the day." " Well! Fast through Maidenhead!" Kaisu and I had exchanged a smile at that, for that is what we intended too. We had agreed that we would keep them...
“What’s the matter? Didn’t expect this?”I gawked, speechless. She was looking at me, a hint of a knowing smirk on her lips, eyes flashing mischief.“Weren’t so shy last night, were you?” She said it in accusation but there was no sting in her tone, just wry amusement. “So,” added my aunt, “tell me, what do you think? Am I what you’ve imagined?”As I boggled, not believing she was there, naked except for the deep girdle of the suspender belt, the stockings, and shoes.My father’s sister’s head...
The Apparition felt quite crowded. While she was designated a destroyer. and had been designed from the ground up to accommodate most Union members up to BaPhy II, she was not meant to accommodate a crowd of Petharian and Y’All volunteers. Xon, the Gray Nul prince, himself member of a species of considerable physical presence sat behind the Communications station. “I never dreamt of being part of a crew, that makes me feel small.” “What are you complaining about?” Ensign Salhof, one of the...
1.I am such a slut. I was soft a few minutes ago after cumming hard, but now as I drive to my motel I’m getting hard again. I keep pulling my cock out of the side of my panties and rubbing the sticky head as I remember the man behind me gripping my hips and pumping my ass. Precum lubes my thumb work. My ass is a little sore and leaking lube after a hot slow fuck from an older Hispanic man who was a little too gentlemanly and a bit too small for my tastes. I fixed my makeup but I should...
Prior: Kelsey – “No Dad Stop.” Prior: Kelsey - “Dad that cannot happen Again” Prior: Kelsey - “Paying The Rent” Prior: Kelsey – “Dad, how could you let that man do THAT to me.” Prior: Kelsey – “Dad – this is like really SICK.” Prior: Kelsey – “This Crazy. We can’t do it here.” Prior: Kelsey – “Dad. Please, NOT the Belt.” Prior: Kelsey - DAD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY GIRLFRIEND? Prior: Kelsey - “DAD, Don’t make me go inside that creepy Video store.” Prior: Kelsey – “Dad, what’s...
I've been a fan of Ranma for about five years. The whole cast and their situations are the creation of Rumiko Takahashi, and I'm just borrowing them for a little fun and with no expectation of anything other than amusement. Some "unnecessary" exposition had to be added for those not familiar with the Ranmaverse. Including the big key, that Genma Saotome is Ranma's father, the man responsible for Ranma's curse. Genma trained with Akane's father, Soun, and the two men long ago...
The Prosecutor's Sexual Mutilation Part I & 2 Provided By: BDSM Library Synopsis: Sick short, very brutal and violent. Not quite snuff-worse! This was quite a catharsis. Enjoy! The Prosecutor?s Sexual Mutilation By: Darklaw Part I: Why? Diana Shadeen was a filthy cunt of a prosecutor. She had no idea I had been watching her for days. I knew when the whore left that office of slimy pigs. I knew when she got home from work, the path she traveled, and when she got home. I...
Blonde beauty Beth in Britain on a bench interviewed by two guys who shoot her strip during a talkBeth talks openly about her early sexual development but the guys hardly listen as they are lookingBeth arouses my curiousity so I invite her for a serious sexual intimate interview in my sex studioBeth likes my idea as she was never ever in Amsterdam where I will host her during her long weekendBeth was dressed very casual in her first shoot but I like to see her more feminine in a sexy dressBeth...
Frida was doing her crunches on the padded mat when two of the new girls came in to practice on the weights and not really knowing what they were doing. She wanted to say something to them but figured the males in attendance would be more than happy to fill them in on the best procedures to use. So she just kept pumping the crunches out and sweating all over the mat. She glanced over at them making silly mistakes with the weights and saw that they both were more trim than fit and that they...
In Napier, NZ we bid our Vellamo II goodbye. The town was in recovery from the earthquake. The earthquake struck at 10:47 am on 3 February, killing 256 people. We were there in September, the beginning of summer. One of the more saddening stories of the quake was the near total destruction of the small ship yard and the deaths of its principal investors and staff. There was a nearly completed steel hulled schooner, launched but still fitting out when the quake struck. It was sitting in the...
Mission Impossible? Chapter 9 Amber woke slowly; her mouth felt like an aspirin bottle?dry and stuffed with cotton. She moaned, sat up, and pushed her hair out of her face. She wanted to retch. She moved to the edge of the bed, forced herself to stand and stumbled her way into the bathroom where she splashed cold water on her face to help her focus. "What happened?" Amber wondered. "I only had half of a Gibson." She looked in the mirror to see her hair messed, eyes...
It had been a very long dull week after Mrs Chester birthday party, all I could think about was how amazing it had been, and how great it was to fuck my old English teacher right in front of everyone, and eagerly waited for the next party, Mrs Tulley's.Now Mrs Tulley was a petite redheaded Milf around the same age as my mother, but who had two k**s younger than me, but still looked fairly young for her age, and kept her self fit by going running every other day as well, and I really wanted to...
This story is purely fictional. My wife and I have been married 22 years. Our sex life has been sometimes good, sometimes not so good. My wife's interests have waned a lot over the years. Neither of us are or ugly, but her hormones are for shopping, not sex. Her mother has always had some kind of medical problem. Female problems and back problems have taken their toll. Still, she is one of those great mothers-in-law who don't interfere with our lives, but is generous and loving. One day I was...
IncestHi dear ISS, Well I am Shanu. I got to know about this sight accidentally, when I was searching for some vulgar Hindi words and got a chance to read one of the sexy story. From that day whenever I got a chance I try to give some time to this site rather than watching movies of surfing a TV channel. This is good site for those who are really fan of reading hard core sex story, rather than anything else. After reading so many stories, I came to the conclusion that really not all are Fake (looking...
IncestHi friends, I am 24years average guy,5’8”ht and athletic build from a neat healthy background, i live in Rawalpindi and m doing Masters in engineering from a reputed Uni,Now coming to the story, Last year in July 2014 summers there was a wedding of relatives in our native village in Bahawalpur which is a small but well off city in south Punjab, all the relatives and cousins were gathered there and it were summers and weather was very hot + energy crisis added to it due to extra extra large...
IncestI Caught Her Masturbating!I had an ex-girlfriend, Elise, who claimed to have never masturbated. She said she didn’t believe a real “Lady” should EVER masturbate! As a guy, totally into watching women get themselves off, this was disappointing; VERY disappointing. I decided to try to test Elise, to see if she was telling the truth.Elise was a cute little package, standing about 5'1". She slept in thin nighties and lacy lingerie. Our first night together, it seemed like she was presenting herself...
This is the first time I have ever submitted a story to X-Hamster but I think everyone will love this story.This story took place yesterday. It had started out a pretty crappy day. My wife and I almost missed her doctor's appointment. While there, she was bitching about her girlfriend (my friend with benefits) coming over after the appointment. Well, needless to say, my wife finally agreed to have her over. We picked her up from the local library and brought her back to our apartment.Once in...
Rose Button finished her encore performance with a flourish. She left the stage while the crowd surged, cheering for her.Today’s performance had been so intense, more so than usual. She rolled her shoulders, feeling the knots in her back strain. Her tendons pulled taut.She needed to vent. She needed to do something to relieve this tension and stress. Rose had been feeling this way for some time--this desire to have her body worked over. She had considered a massage, but … that just wouldn’t cut...
Group SexI could tell something weighed heavy on her mind. I mentioned that I had noticed a change in her and was a bit worried and that she could tell me anything. After a long silence she crawled on to my lap, tucked her arms and legs in to her body and nestled her head on my chest. It is her favorite position to be in, after we had fucked. She said that she didn’t know how to tell me, that recently, each time she had an orgasm, it felt as if a little piece of it remained deep inside her. It had been...
BDSMAfter Margo had sex with Brad all she could talk about was how much fun it was.I myself had a great time and memories I will never forget. It wasn’t just watching them together but also seeing her passed out with her pussy oozing his cum. Margo would cuddle with me every night after that giving me details on what they did ,and how his cock fit nicely inside her.She would ask me what I thought about watching them . When I told her i enjoyed it she asked could have him over again. She didn’t seem...
It was the following week, and once again I had set off on my weekly long walk through the Chilterns. I went out through Shardeloes and up towards Beamond End, then heading off further through open grassland and through some woods, once again descending into the valley. There was a sense of anticipation, combined with apprehension, as I neared the village where Amy lived. Would she be in? Had she remembered that this was when we’d talked about meeting again? and what were those needs that she...
This story happened when I was about 30. I had a on-line guy I chatted with for years. We met on the web site, (which no longer exists). Well it does but it is nothing like it used to be. Anyhow, we would chat and write each other all the time. Occasionally he would come up with sexual tasks for me. And like I told you , I was out of control back then and thought some of the things he came up with were so fucking hot. I would dream about how it might go down and it always turned...
They were lead through the gleaming marble halls, past guards, servants, columns veneered with lapis lazuli, bubbling fountains and rare exotic birds on ivory perches. Eventually they stopped before two massive doors guarded by fierce looking men with scimitars. One of the Favorites nodded her head and each of the guards took hold of an enormous bronze ring and pulled the doors open. There they were welcomed into the women’s quarters … the harem. The sights they had seen during their brief...
Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly...
(The surrender heard around the world) It had finally come down to that fatal time of surrender and both sides knew that this represented the final chapter of a collapsing empire for Britain and an opening chapter for the new nation of the United States with its thirteen original colonies now a sovereign nation in the new world. I was fortunate to see the lead-up to the official surrender and was surprised that the British high command was so up-beat about the defeat. I occurred to me that...
August 176:50 pmUCLA- Scott HallRoom 113While Kelly couldn't shut up to save her life, Tori had managed to remain fairly quiet throughout their interaction, focusing entirely on texting Jade and unloading all of her stuff. Tori's mind raced, wondering how much, if anything, she knew about her, and her previous relationship with Beck.After a very tense lunch with her friends, Tori finished up the last of her unloading, she marvelled at her work, her half of the room looking pretty fantastic, but...
It was an autumn evening in southern England. The air was still quite warm but the light was fading early now. I’d just eaten a salad of lettuce, tuna, penne, and baby clams, which may be my own invention but I’ve been making it for so long I can’t remember where the idea came from. On top of that lot, you just squeeze a lemon and drizzle some olive oil, no need to mix them in advance. And you can add other things if you like: red bell pepper, capers, olives, that sort of thing. But not onions,...
Mature48DD breasts and an ass I knew other girls would kill for. Flat stomach to go with it. I finally decided it would be best if I put clothes on for when Ray came over. After all, he was just fixing the air conditioning in my car. *** My name is Melinda. I’m 24. Ray and his wife live next door. I’d never really gotten to know her but I wanted to get to know Ray if you catch my drift. He’s an “older guy” but barely looks it if you ask me. When I first met him and his wife, I thought he...
Danni stormed down the path toward the back door to the house and without knocking burst in. She stood silhouetted against the doorway, the morning sun shining through her nightdress. My damp panties in one hand and the vibrator that, I had witnessed her using a few moments ago, glistening with her juices. ‘Look Danni, I don’t know what to say, please, I wasn’t there for long.’ ‘You get off watching women then, you like to watch women pleasure themselves do you?’ ‘No, it’s not like that, I...
Over dinner in the mess, they talked at length of how to go with Flt Lt Miles. Once they had the act together they went back to work. Flt Lt Sue Miles paced in the interrogation room she'd been there all day. Her mind was racing she couldn't see a way out of her predicament. Was she the only one under suspicion, who else would they have picked up? It was half seven in the evening when the door opened and Sgt's Dave Bishop and John Peters came in. Followed by their token chaperone Cpl....
Introduction: Greg moves along with the con, enjoying success That night laying in bed with Jolene we ended up talking more than usual and I could tell she was a little frustrated. She had rarely had to even hint at sex before I would be all over her, desperately fucking the image of her amazing daughter out of my head. Her daughter Mandy was stunning in every way, and after a normal day of seeing her thighs, thick and wonderful, her breasts, massive for her age and her angelic face would...
Shot by benny and left for dead in a shallow grave the courier is saved by victor and healed by doc mitchell. Three days later she wakes up confused not because she was shot but why was she clothed. Journey through the mojave wasteland with are dumb nudist courier as she goes to find the men shot her and a long the way decide which faction rules the mojave, but don't worry she will not be alone as her equally nude followers with help along the way a "hopefully get her to let them wear...
Gwen and I met in college. The meeting was not an auspicious one and anyone seeing it would never in a million years have suspected that one day we would be man and wife. It was in the college bookstore at the beginning of the spring term. The last item on my list was the Managerial Economics text. There was only one copy left on the shelf and as I was reaching for it some one else saw that it was the last copy and they lunged forward and tried to beat me to it. The person bumped into me and...
My wife Vicki and I are in our late and mid-30s respectively. We've been married for over 10 years and have three c***dren together. Vicki is a brown eyed beauty. She is short but quite curvy. I've always found her body desirable but three c***dren had taken a toll on her figure but more importantly her confidence in her sex appeal. Vicki had never been one to wear provocative clothing but lately had become even less so. As sexy as I found her she just didn't feel that way about herself. We had...
Let me start by saying it’s was almost 4 years since we last played , it’s been so hard with the k**s being the age they are and always around . My wife and I decided we need a few days to ourselves so we decided to go to Atlantic City for the weekend , I purchased some party favors but we had no intentions of inviting anyone to join us , I should have known better cause once my wife starts skiing she becomes a sex freak and needs as much cock as possible . So Friday night we did very litttle...
It has been pointed out that some text from the final part of chapter 10 was missing when posted. This is the full transcript of that final piece (excluding the poker commentary). CHAPTER 10: KATHERINE IS TAKEN Despite the early finish, Daniel had still slept soundly but when the morning call that he had booked roused him, he felt an alarm go off in his head when he realised that Grace was not in the bed beside him. And from the look of the bed, she had not returned that night. Feeling a...
-Hello there im Nick, im 15 years old, Im a basketball player for my highschool, School just ended a week ago, and I was at my house on a Saturday night with my 15 year old girlfriend and this what happend. I was chillin at my house with my girlfriend, watching Disney channel for some odd reason. My mom walked in and said she was going out, And will be gone for about 3/4 hours. My mom yelled at me as she got to the back door, "NICK!" I get up and walk to where she was at, "Okay...
A month to die. By Tvstar Dear fictionmaniacs I hope you like this story comments are welcome, write me at: Prologue "Where am I?, where was I?, I was at work, wasn't I?.... My head feels like it was made of lead, hot lead; heavy, incandescent, pounding." "Why Are my eyes closed?, I can't see a thing, I can fell a blind fold... Where am I? I can feel I'm naked, but is not cold, there is a soft Surface under me like a leather couch, I should be scared but I...
"Tony's Cafe," he answered the phone. "Bruce, it's me Polly, when you have a minute walk over to the bar. I want to talk to you about this week-end." "Okay, Polly, I'll be over in a few." While waiting on a few customers, my mind kept wandering back to Bruce and myself. Wow, how lucky could I have been to stumble unto this wonderful friend/lover. We never made any demands on each other and remained best friends even after we became lovers. What a...