Don't Judge A Book Ch 17 free porn video

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Friday 15th December 2017

Standing amongst the late-afternoon throng of greeters and family members, I felt decidedly lonely and alone. A father of three, a husband of twenty-plus years, but on that afternoon, standing in that crowd it felt like I was the only one without company. Without someone to chat to or hold. You know, the guy at the party awkward and by himself, trying to break into everyone else’s conversations.

That’s how I felt. A feeling accompanied by a nervousness I’d known since my early days of dating Jill. Wondering whether she’d show, wondering whether she liked me as much as I liked her, wondering whether we’d get beyond being friends, to the kind of relationship I’d known I’d wanted since I first set eyes on her.

I was nervous not only because I’d seen so little of Jill these last five weeks. But also because it the snippets of time I’d seen of the days and weeks she’d spent with Chris it was clear to me that they’d grown closer together. It was something I told myself was only natural, and that would work itself out when Jill was back home. But, nonetheless, I worried about it.

As I flicked my left wrist to check the time for the umpteenth time, for some reason my mind went back to the first time I’d met Jill. At that party just a few months after Callan had dumped her and broken her heart. The fateful party she’d only attended because one of her friends had dragged her to the party.

That moment seemed so long ago, yet in other ways seemed fresh and almost yesterday. I could clearly remember how she’d had such a coy but intriguing smile. How like a flower bud she’d slowly, inch-by-inch opened herself up to me as we chatted, her reticence from her recent heart-break gradually inching back as she warmed to another human. Something she didn’t find so easy, still hurting and wounded from Callan’s betrayal of her love. How I’d even on that first meeting sensed she was someone very special. Someone I wanted to know better. Someone, even then I thought had a wonderful mix of qualities, even though she was trying her best to stay guarded and wary.

But even in this quiet and withdrawn state of mind, her warmth, humor, and intelligence had shone through her three-sixty degree shield. Qualities complemented by a natural poise, grace, and beauty that I found magnetic and beguiling. Qualities she wore with a lightness that many beautiful women never approach.

As all these images and memories flooded back to me as I stood lonely in the busy airport I felt a tear come to my eye, wondering not for the first time why I’d been such a fool and agreed to the last month. But just as I was about to become even more maudlin and depressed, I saw that smile that had melted my heart all those years ago.


As Jill smiled and pulled her oversized suitcase I felt my heart soar with happiness. Every little corner and nook and cranny of my body flooding with adrenaline in a feeling I don’t think I’d ever quite known before. I couldn’t help but think how good she looked, her legs shown off by the swishing short skirt and heels she was sporting. Her top business-like but tight enough and showing enough cleavage to give me the first stirrings of a welcome home hard-on.

My mind was just turning to how good it would be to be naked in bed with Jill when my happy little world was spoiled as Jill turned her head and cast a look behind her. For a second I was confused, and then all was clear as he appeared around the corner. Chris, my wife’s boss and now her five-week lover.

Jill stopped walking toward me, waiting for Chris to catch-up, her head still turned toward him and away from me. Only when he’d caught up and they’d exchanged words and a laugh did Jill turn back toward me and start walking again. My welcome home hard-on had run away and hidden in that changing moment, even though Jill was still smiling at me with that same smile I’d loved all these years.


Jill had flown to her first meeting on Sunday 12th November and the five weeks she’d been on the road were different from what I’d expected in so many ways. We’d only had three short, truncated weekends together over the last month. Their intense travel schedule covering twenty-two plants nationwide meaning even on those three short weekends Jill typically arrived late Friday or in the early hours of Saturday morning, and had to leave for the airport again Sunday afternoon. The masochist in me had even calculated the hours we’d managed to spend together. One hundred and twenty-five hours in total, from the seven-hundred and ninety-two hours that had passed since Chris, had honked his horn and Jill had given me a farewell kiss and skipped towards his waiting car. One hour for me for every five Chris and Jill got to share together.

Not surprisingly through all the FaceTime calls over the last month I’d had a front-row seat as I watched Jill and Chris grow closer together. Day-by-day and week-by-week. The inevitable consequence not just of their ‘man and wife’ daily and nightly co-habitation. But also pushed closer by the shared experience of the intensity and challenges of the difficult discussions and negotiations.

What do they say? The closest friendships are often forged in times of war, facing and overcoming shared adversity. Well, I guess, on a smaller scale this was part of what had also pushed Chris and Jill even closer.

Through this month those three short-weekends together had been the vital lifeline that kept me from going crazy. Each time Jill and I were back together I could lose myself in our time together and love-making. Much of each weekend spent in bed. Making love, holding each other and talking. But each weekend seemed to go so quickly, with Jill having to leave almost as soon as she got home.

My other anchor-point was the daily calls I received. Calls which continued to be split nearly fifty-fifty between the calls Jill knew about and started, and the calls she didn’t know about when Chris fired up FaceTime without Jill’s knowledge or consent.

I continued to feel guilty at watching these calls and not letting on to Jill that they were happening and that I was enjoying them. That I was Chris’s accomplice in this, with him and me on the inside and Jill on the outside and blissfully ignorant.

But the truth is I was hooked on them and the window the secret calls offered into the soap opera that was the developing relationship between them. Watching them and then the quiet and thoughtful hours that followed was a turbo-charged whirlpool of emotional highs and lows. I loved watching the physical act between them. Watching Jill’s enjoyment of another man – her handsome boss with his big cock and imaginative and skilled love-making. A pleasure that was boosted by my bizarre enjoyment of the obvious growing closeness between them.

A large part of those quiet hours after the calls had ended was spent in contemplation of why the hell I enjoyed this growing closeness between Chris and my wife. Often it troubled and worried me, which was natural and didn’t require any thought or contemplation. It would have been like asking why fire burns. But why the hell did a part of me enjoy the growing closeness between Jill and Chris, with all the dangers and risks it entailed.

During those weeks it was Gemma and her husband Duncan who helped me understand it better. The whole excitement and rush of doing something I knew was dangerous and risky. They often likened it to the thrills people get from extreme sports. The kick and rush from facing risk and potential harm or death, calibrated to just the right level and only enjoyable because they know most likely they’re actually safe. With all these conversations with them came the realization that I only enjoyed Jill and Chris’ growing closeness because deep down I trusted Jill. That even if she grew closer to Chris, at the end of the day I was the one she truly loved and put first in her life.

But even knowing this, you can imagine there were many evenings and days when I doubted the wisdom of the game we were playing. However big the thrill and adrenaline rush I felt at other times.

On the three short weekends when Jill was back many times I thought of broaching the subject with Jill. But something held me back. Telling myself that there’d be plenty of time to discuss it when the five-week road trip was over. Thinking that in some way if I discussed it with Jill it would burst the bubble – reducing both my angst and pleasure.

The two most memorable episodes in this month were when I was a secret fly-on-the-wall when after making love Jill instigated conversations about their relationship and how things would be when they were back in Miami at the end of the trip.

It was weird in the extreme to be sitting there on tenterhooks secretly listening and watching as Jill talked about us and me with another guy. Surely the ultimate masochistic pain and thrill rolled into one. Our life of the last twenty-three years turned on its head, with me on the outside as Jill and another guy were on the inside talking about me.

During both conversations, Jill told Chris she was worried that things could never go back to how they were before between the two of them. Chris just smiled and asked ‘did that have to be a problem.’

“But what about Dave? How’s he going to feel about it? About the changes? It wasn’t part of the deal and what we agreed to and talked about with this trip,” she told Chris.

“Dave’s a smart guy, Jill. He gets it, I’m sure. He knows the two of us being closer is inevitable after all the time we’ve spent together. Anyway, it’s not like I’m trying to take you away from him. Or that you want to leave him for me. You and me can have feelings for each other without it meaning you love him any the less. You know that, right?”

Jill had looked thoughtful for a moment before simply replying, “I guess.”

There had been a couple of these conversations and for some reason, as I waited for Jill to close the distance so we could finally be re-united at the airport these two conversations came back to my mind.

After Jill and I had embraced and I’d breathed in her scent there had been a few minutes of small-talk with Chris, before he took the hint and headed off to collect his car, leaving Jill and me to walk hand-in-hand to the parking lot.

Walking through the parked cars hand-in-hand I felt a sense of relief and lightness of heart that Jill was finally returned. It felt like I’d played a game of Russian Roulette and survived. Getting to enjoy the highs without having to pay the ultimate price.

Re-united as a couple, with no third party, Jill and I spent all weekend like a couple of newly-weds. At least that’s how it felt emotionally, and we did pretty well in the physical stakes too. Although not as well as when we were really newly-weds, for obvious reasons.

But the conversation I knew we had to have about the growing closeness between Jill and Chris didn’t come until after that weekend. Until after our blissful weekend Jill rang me on Monday afternoon and asked me if it was okay if she invited Chris over dinner.


Monday 18th December

Chris wasn’t the only one invited to dinner that evening. It might have been a Monday evening, but we also asked Gemma and Duncan and Charlotte and Callan over. Jill was keen to see how things were going between Charlotte and Callan with their reconciliation and was also keen to say a big thank you to her new friend Gemma who’d kept me company on many evenings while Jill was away.

We all enjoyed a great meal – ordered in as neither Jill nor I had the energy to cook – but I sensed a keenness on Jill’s part for the two other couples to leave. I had a pretty good idea where things were headed when four of our guests left, just leaving the three of us there.

I had to make a quick pit-stop to the comfort-room, and when I returned to the lounge I wasn’t entirely surprised to see Jill sitting on Chris’s lap, their mouths locked together in a hungry kiss.

With a loud cough, I announced my presence, my guilty-looking wife pulling back from the kiss and blushing as she looked over at me. Chris barely moved, his arms still encircling Jill’s waist just as they had when I entered the room.

“Sorry, honey,” my wife stammered. “It’s just Chris and I kinda missed each other. He kinda got used to a few perks these last few weeks,” she added, trying to lighten the mood and make a joke of being caught in flagrante just three days after returning home.”

They both looked relieved when I didn’t look upset, matching Jill’s light-hearted quip. “Well, I guess that’s only to be expected. After all, much as it pains me to say it, the two of you were virtually living as man and wife for the last month.” My smile letting them know I wasn’t upset, just pointing out an obvious truth. Chris certainly knew that I couldn’t have been too upset by the last month, as I’d happily played along with our shared secret of the incognito FaceTime calls most nights. So the fact he was making out with Jill the moment they were alone was not exactly a big surprise.

Seeing my calm reaction, Jill’s nervous blush morphed into a sly grin. “Would my darling like Chris and me to put on a little show for him. After all, it’s not just Chris and me who’ve been missing our staple diet these last few days.”

Jill’s eyes locked with mine as we stared into each other’s eyes.

I sensed this was a true watershed moment in our marriage and life together. Barely three days back from a month nearly full-time with Chris, Jill had brought Chris back into our marital home and without saying the words was basically asking me if I wanted him to become a frequent part of our marriage. Something beyond the specific circumstances of a work trip that was unlikely to be repeated. And something beyond the one night when I’d manipulated things to get Chris and Jill into bed.

If I’d taken earlier decisions a little (or maybe a lot) in ignorance, after the last few weeks I could hardly claim the same defense. If I said yes to Jill’s suggestion, I had to know what I was letting myself in for.

As I looked into those hazel eyes I’d shared so much with over the years, I could see the hunger in those eyes and Jill’s eagerness for me to agree. This time I knew there was no putting it off any longer, later tonight we had to talk. Knowing that this time I really would force the discussion I’d been avoiding, I gave Jill the smallest of smiles. It was enough, she knew she had my answer.

She blew me a kiss and mouthed the words ‘I love you, honey.’ Holding my gaze just an instant longer before grinning impishly and turning towards Chris. Her boss and lover, the man with whom she was going to put on a sex-show for the benefit of her loving husband.


I’d loved watching Chris and Jill together through the miracles of Facetime and video feed. But watching them in the flesh, in full 3D life-size glory topped this a million times over. Their mouths were soon locked back together and their hands were soon exploring and slowly peeling away outer garments.

As their clothes disappeared like ice in a desert, I could see their impatience and lust. It was Jill who turned to me and asked the only remaining question. “Which bedroom do you want us to use, honey?”

I thought back to the first night when I’d watched Jill with another guy, and how she’d gently guided Daryl away from our marital bedroom towards the guestroom. At the same time, I thought how I’d already brought another woman into our marital bed. Gemma’s words about how her husband loved watching her in their marriage bed with another man echoing in my head.

If this was already a watershed night, I thought what’s the point in half-measures. Taking a deep breath I answered Jill. “Our bedroom, honey. I want to see you and Chris together making love in our bed.”

Jill smiled and I breathed a sigh of relief that we were on the same page on this.

I was soon standing in our bedroom watching as Jill led Chris by the hand to our bed and lowered herself on top of the duvet, legs parted wide ready for what all three of us wanted to happen now. Chris looked across at me in an inclusive way as he carefully positioned himself between Jill’s legs, running his bulbous cockhead up and down Jill’s love lips, causing her to moan and squirm.

“Thanks, Dave. For the last few weeks. And for tonight,” he called out, not moving his gaze away from Jill, and still gently teasing her a while longer. Then he did turn to me, repeated his thanks, and thrust upward in one urgent and powerful thrust.

“Mmmm,” came Jill’s instant reply, a sound I’d heard many times these last few weeks. And one I guessed I’d be hearing a lot more of over the next weeks and months.

His big cock fully embedded in Jill’s pussy, Chris was happy to support his weight and just enjoy the feeling of being deep in my wife’s body once again. There was just the smallest of movements from his hips and ass, as he strove for that final fraction of an inch. But Jill was more active. Having enjoyed the fullness and depth of Chris’s penetration of her body, she recovered sufficient to wrap her shapely legs around Chris’s muscular back, using her locked ankles to pull him even a little deeper.

The inevitable lover’s dance soon began, my mind totally filled with three thoughts. Firstly, how much better it was as an erotic spectacle in the flesh rather than on a screen. Secondly, how good the two of them looked together. And finally, the bittersweet thought that what had started as the three of us playing a game had now maybe inevitably become two people totally wrapped up in each other. Happy to let me watch, and partly putting the show on for me, but mainly now just lost in the moment and in each other.

Their love-making continued for some time, neither of them seemingly in a hurry, both of them wanting to take maximum pleasure from their first time together for three days. Chris brought Jill to three powerful, toe-curling climaxes before finally giving in to his need for release and triggering Jill’s fourth orgasm as they kissed and he cried out as his balls filled Jill’s waiting pussy.


Chris made love to Jill twice more that Monday night before heading home and leaving Jill and me alone. And it was only then that Jill and I finally had the conversation which maybe we should have had at the weekend. But no matter, at least we were now talking about all the things we needed to talk about.

This was such an important moment for us that in sharing our story we want to share it from both my viewpoint and also Jill’s.

Before I hand the baton to Jill, let me describe the key things from my side. One of the first things I wanted to get out in the open was the thing that I’d been keeping secret. How I’d often watched her and Chris in secret. I felt a whole lot better having got this off my chest and was surprised at how well Jill took it. Partly I think because she’d have had to get mad not just with me, but also with Chris because we were as guilty as each other. And I guess she didn’t want to be mad at the both of us.

When I saw that this hadn’t phased her, I gently raised the subject of how it seemed that when she thought I wasn’t watching, there seemed a greater closeness and intimacy between her and Chris.

I’d been nervous to raise this, but again Jill took my question calmly. She didn’t answer immediately, instead taking some time to think and choose her words. And I think this is a good point to hand the keyboard across to Jill, so she can tell in her own words how she answered me, and how things developed.


Hi, this is Jill. It’s a long time since I shared my side of the story in how Dave and my marriage and relationship was developing back in 2017. Lots of catching up to do! Lots of water had passed under the bridge since I described events with Daryl and then the infamous evening when Dave encouraged me to get intimate with Dave, and how I turned the tables on him by flirting and dancing with Rocco.

That all seems a lifetime ago. And in a manner of speaking it is a lifetime ago, as it was before the events of the last month when my life changed in so many ways. And before you, dear reader, worry too much, good changes, not bad.

Because over those four or five weeks, my work life and career moved forward in a positive and enriching way. As did my love and relationship with my wonderful husband Dave. And my relationship with Chris, my boss, and friend, changed out of all recognition. Spending five weeks on the road with someone who was already a good friend, experiencing both high stress and nighttime intimacy will do in a relationship.

Anyway, I’m getting ahead of myself. As a proud English major, as Dave keeps reminding you all, I should ‘begin at the beginning’. Going right back to that evening when Dave and I shared an evening of lust-filled sex in that hotel room with Rocco and Chris. That evening marked the death of my plan to put some kind of a brake on our new lifestyle. My ambition to put these new bedroom games on hold for four months didn’t survive the determination with which Dave pushed me into the arms of Chris and Rocco. And after that evening, Chris’ request for me to join him on a five-week national road-trip to explain the new deal to all the corporation’s plants placed a huge decision in front of Dave and me.

I think that evening with Rocco and Chris opened my eyes up to a number of things. Being shared in bed by two hunky virile guys was very much a first for me. Until that night I’d had a pretty normal attitude to sex. One which was typical for most women I guess. I enjoyed it, but as a married mother of three, very much saw it within the context of relationships and marriage. All those years ago back at college, away from the strictures of home and parents and free to explore, it had been different. But the passing years had pulled me back to all the conventional norms which society and peer pressure impose.

But it seemed to me in that hotel room on that Tuesday night my blinkers fell away. Or maybe more accurately, returned me more to the girl who’d been happy to explore those twenty-plus years ago at college. Laying in bed with two handsome men, exploring and being explored, with my handsome hubby happy to watch and occasionally participate, it was like I felt a new hunger to explore. To live life without limits imposed by others, after twenty-plus years focused on other people’s needs to wave a flag for my own needs and be a little more selfish.

And of course, this new attitude of mine was the context within which Dave and I had to consider and come to answers about the corporation’s road trip. I’d hate for you to misinterpret or misunderstand what I meant by me being ‘newly selfish’. Because this doesn’t mean I was blind to Dave’s needs and what he did and didn’t want to do. My marriage and love for Dave was still the bedrock of my everyday life, and even though I was hungry to explore, I’d never want to do anything which I knew would hurt him or be difficult for him.

But luckily for me, Dave seemed as keen as I was to explore this new world that was opening up in front of us. Maybe I shouldn’t have been surprised at this, as after all, he’d been the one who’d dressed me up in sexy clothes to go to work. And he’d been the one who’d pushed me into the arms of Chris in the post-negotiation meal.


During those five weeks away with Chris, we grew closer and closer in just about every way. During the working day, we were a team operating under pressure to try and sell the new arrangements to worried and often truculent workers and union reps. I was much more actively involved and challenged than I’d been during the last five years working as Chris’ PA. Mostly that had involved minor problem-solving and just being efficient and structured. This was in a different league.

Chris and I genuinely working as a team of two. Batman and Robin, rather than Batman and Alfred the butler. Tom and Albert were also there doing their technical HR and Legal stuff, but all four of us knew that Chris was at the core of this thing and that I was the one working most closely with him on this.

This change in my role would by itself have driven Chris and me to be much closer than before. Even when I was the crutch he leaned on during the most difficult parts of his split and divorce from Kat.

But of course, the fact that each evening after the four of us had finished dinner and discussing the day’s events, Chris and I would retire to bed and make love multiplied our growing closeness a million times over.

Being totally honest, after twenty years with just one man, however much I loved that man, the feeling of being together every night with a new man was amazing. It set every part of my mind and body alight with a wonderful lightness and tingling feeling. Each moment was wonderful, and the moment’s before when I was full of anticipation were almost as good. In some ways maybe even better!

It wasn’t that I loved Dave any the less. It was just that what Chris and I had during those five weeks was new and exciting. Intense and exhilarating. Not just the enjoyment of a newly discovered main course after twenty years of the same meal. It was like being carte-blanche to enjoy any new drink, dessert, starter and main course all at the same time. My senses and the feeling of freedom felt overwhelmed.

And when Dave described the growing closeness that he saw when he was secretly watching Chris’s FaceTime transmissions, this is pretty much what he was seeing. Or this was half of what he was seeing. Because of this new sexual freedom and exhilaration, what Chris and I were also experiencing was a growing emotional bond and intimacy. Even before this trip, five years together and the stresses and strains of Chris’s divorce had brought us close.

But as Dave had given us the freedom and approval to spend these five weeks together, it was like a giant handbrake had been released. Any married people who work closely together will know what I mean. Working closely as colleagues, of course, you’re aware of mutual attraction. You’d have to be a liar to pretend the attraction doesn’t exist or pretend that someone like Chris doesn’t have that charisma that first draws a woman to a man or vice-versa. To ignore the reaction from a look or the feeling created by a secret shared smile.

But like colleagues the world over, I’d always tempered these very natural human reactions with a giant big handbrake and warning sign that shouted in neon ‘warning – married’. And being a decent guy, Chris had done likewise.

Well once Dave gave us the green light for that first trial week, and then for the following four weeks, all thoughts of restraint and control were thrown out of the window. And, of course, after five years for both of us ignoring and denying this attraction, when the dam burst you can imagine the reaction.

And that was the other half of what Dave saw in those hours of secretly shared FaceTime calls that excited and tormented him so.


But as Dave said earlier, we only really came to discuss the growing closeness between Chris and me on the Monday night after my return from the road trip.

On the three short weekends, I had back in Miami, Dave and I never really found the time to discuss what was happening between Chris and me. We were too pre-occupied in spending time together. Both time in bed making love and re-connecting. And time emotionally re-connecting, talking and just being back together as a couple.

Which brings me on to the subject of the love and relationship between Dave and me. Because I’d hate for anyone to think that just because I was growing closer to Chris, it in any way meant things were weaker with Dave. If anything, I felt like I loved Dave even more. After all, he’d been the one to give me my freedom to have these five weeks. To both move my career forward and also to explore a new physical and emotional relationship with Chris. And while it was difficult for him at times, as he’s already shared, he also found it an exhilarating experience.

But it was only on the Monday night after Chris had finally left that Dave and I finally managed to properly discuss all that had happened over the last five weeks, and what it might mean for our marriage and relationship now that I was back home. And what it might mean for the three of us and a certain lady who’d developed quite a soft-spot for my husband. Something which, even after all I’d been allowed to do, I still found hard to emotionally cope with.#

(Thanks to cbears52 for his kind and patient editing.)



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Sharons Special time with Judge Cooke Judge Cooke Series 5

Introduction: To understand this true story, it is better to read Spanking and Sexual Awakening, Another time I was watching Judge Cooke, Catching Judge Cooke under the stairs and the last one,Our punishment at the hand Of Judge Cooke first, as one leads to the other. The day of our punishment, I was to spend the night so I was there the entire day, evening and night. That afternoon, after our punishment something happened that was to call ripples in this household. Between Sharons Bedroom...

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The Next Morning The Judge Cooke Series 7

Introduction: I hope that you all like this continuation, of the true stories in the Judge Cooke Series. The next morning, after I had watched Judge Cooke fucking his daughter, she and I went down to breakfast. As we entered the formal Dinning Room, Judge Cooke stood. He walked over to pull the chair our for me to be seated. He then did the same for his daughter, Sharon. We were served by the young black woman, that we had watched him fuck. As she moved to the left of him to serve, he reached...

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Spanking and Sexual Awakening Judge Cooke Series 1

Introduction: This is a true account of spanking that fueled a lifelong desire. This does contain descriptions of events that happened when I was young. If this offends you please do not continue to read this. Remember, that you are an adult, and you have the right to make your own decision to read this. Please let me know if you would like for me to post other events that happened in my friends home between her Father and others. Please feel free to PM me or email [email protected] I lived in...

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Dear Judge

Dear Judge, Now I was supposed to write you this and explain how come the woman I accidentally did was not illegally done after all. What she was turned out to be the party of the first part of the party. I been told I was supposed to use legal words because that is what the defrocked lawyer that went to a mail order law school and has a real diploma and everything and is in...

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Robin helps out a judge and a young man too

The Judge asks a favor of Robin By Robin Young As my salon's reputation grew the first three years our clientele of wealthy women also grew. Houston has some very wealthy areas of the city where the men drive Mercedes Benz automobiles and the women stay beautiful, well dressed and perfectly coiffed. We specialize in pampering our clients with champagne and fine wines while we attended to their beauty needs. My lead stylist Andie has gained a reputation for giving the full treatment. By...

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The Life and Times of Judge MoonbatChapter 3

I was becoming more and more convinced that Leanne was not responsible for this comprehensive clipping collection. Unfortunately, no one else seemed to fit the profile of my mystery mailer any better. The only mystery woman in my life was Eve and she looked nothing at all like the whacky judge, not even enough to be a relative I didn't think. At least I was probably now done receiving collections of clippings, I thought. Wrong. There was a brief respite and then a new collection of...

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dont call her a skank

Introduction: This happened about 3 moths ago My wife and I decided go to the mountains for a week. So we rented a cabin and everything was going fine except no sex. First night she was too tired, the next night she was dirty and had a headache, by the third day I had enough and decided to take her on a long bike ride and hopefully when we got back and she showered she would be too tired to say no and just give in. And after mountain biking with her only wearing a sports bra and shorts there...

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Another time I was watching Judge Cooke Judge Cooke series 2

Introduction: Please read Spanking and Sexual Awakening first, so that you will understand the relationship I had when I was young,with Judge Cooke. I have changed the names to protect the family. Please comment, PM me or email me [email protected] It excites me to read your comments As I have written in a previous story, Spanking and Sexual Awakening, most of my sexual education came from being in the home of my friend Sharon, whose Father was a Judge. This is a true account of another time I...

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Our punishment at the hand Of Judge Cooke Judge Cooke 4

Introduction: You must read, Catching Judge Cooke under the stairs, to understand this story, as it is a continuation. The stories about Judge Cooke are true. We waited in Sharons Bedroom for Judge Cooke to come up to administer our punishment for disturbing him, while he was under the stair case fucking the young black woman that worked in the Kitchen. I wanted to talk to Sharons about what had happened. I wanted to ask her how she felt knowing that her Dad was cheating on her Mom. How she...

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The Remainder Of The Night Of Sharons Special Time With Judge Cooke Judge Cooke Series 6

Introduction: I have had many emails regarding my stories. I would like to thank each of you. I thank all of you for your complements. ( For you Hariot) After Judge Cooke left the room, I wanted to talk to Sharon about what just happened. I wanted to know how it felt. Did she like it? I was hoping that she would turn over and face me, but she never did. I fell asleep, thinking the events were over. I dont know how long I slept. I awoke to a sound. The lamp was on and I could see clearly....

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Catching Judge Cooke under the stairs Judge Cooke Series 3

Introduction: As I have explained in my previous stories, Spanking and Sexual Awakening and Another time I was watching Judge Cooke this is another account of true events that added to my sexual knowledge Sharons Father, Judge Cooke provided most of my sexual knowledge . Later in life I realized that he had been kinky to say the least! I often wondered, why we never told anyone about the sexual events, but I guess we knew he was the ultimate authority. Today, was the same as most days,...

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Love Session With Judge

Hi everyone, so enjoying the winters, well how much good it feel if you get the chance for new encounter in such chilling month of Jan. Anyways I am not teasing anyone and just coming to story, well this is the incident which happened in new year party . This time I planned to celebrate the party in our own society and the main reason was the safety concern and also the hot and young bhabi whom I stare every day and was getting restless to at least fuck one among them. Even though I have many...

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Dear Judge

Letter 1 - Guilty By Accident Dear Judge, Now I was supposed to write you this and explain how come the woman I accidentally did was not illegally done after all. What she was turned out to be the party of the first part of the party. I been told I was supposed to use legal words because that is what the defrocked lawyer that went to a mail order law school and has a real diploma and everything and is in here on bad check charges said I should do. But I don't know any of that fancy lawyer...

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The Life and Times of Judge MoonbatChapter 2

As for Leanne, our divorce was now long final and shortly after the end of my trial her parents drove over from Cincinnati to pick up her stuff. About time! I suspect more than a few mice had burrowed into her clothing boxes to nest but that was her problem for letting the boxes sit for nearly a full year. She lived with her parents for a while, moved out and then became involved in an abusive relationship with a guy who soon tired of her shit too. Then she moved in with yet another guy who...

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Going to Visit the JudgeChapter 2

Pamela felt her pussy growing very wet as she tasted Judge Redding's cum spurting thickly down her throat. She swallowed eagerly, ensuring she didn't let a drop of his hot jism leak from her lips. Pamela bobbed her head up and down on the judge's large thick cock, letting him know she was eager to service him and take his hot first cumload. Pamela felt herself wanting to get him hard again as she loved the deep throaty moan of pleasure he let out when his balls released their first load...

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Going to Visit the JudgeChapter 4

That night Pamela could hardly wait for her husband, Stan, to arrive home from work. She met him at the door in the same outfit she'd worn to see Judge Redding in that morning. "Pamela, what have you been up to?" Stan asked as he could see in his sexy wife's eyes a hot lusty gleam that told him something very good was about to happen. "Wouldn't you love to know, honey?" Pamela asked coyly as she looked Stan directly in the eyes. "Would you like to know what your naughty wife has...

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dont cum sissie

I got picked up by that very cute ebony teen girl, who had invited for the frat party tonightI didn't know her much, she s taller and very pretty with nice perky titiesI didn't understand what was going on, i was walking with her into a basement condominium and was wondering where was the partybut she knew exactly what she was doingthere was a party i could ear the musici got inside with her and was soon met by 2 of her cute black girl friend, bot in very sexy skirt , shaking my hand''you are...

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Dont get hard

Faculty parties are always a good way to make friends when ou start a degree in a city you just moved itthat was his pitch to get me at his faculty partywell i tought it wasbut this faculty had some pretty weird secret group who every semester , had this scheme going onI wasnt the only white guy , we were 4 when my floor neighbor and me got at the partybut no girls were there yet only some black guys friends of my next door dorm neighbor Alex I was i the living room talking with a white guy...

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Judge Walter Cormell GregsonEpilogue

Laura had explained that she was intending to spin the story to her folks about needing some time to herself, and having gone to stay with a friend while she communed with nature. She’d find some way to gloss over not having gotten in touch for a month. I had real doubts about how well that was going to work out, but I reasoned that she knew them pretty well, way better than I did. She said that she wasn’t intending to give them any time to question her; she would be going onto the attack...

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Never Judge a Book

My friend Danny's wife Shelley is in her 30's, has big full breasts that look great on a petite woman of five feet three, and Shelley has a wonderful laugh and magnificent smile. She and I usually tease and flirt whenever I visit but have kept it cool until yesterday. Dan was in a shitty mood shaking off a whiskey drunk. A planned trip they had scheduled was going nowhere as he sat on the couch drinking water and yelling back at Shelley in the bedroom. He said, "go burn some good with her and...

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Judge Walter Cormell GregsonChapter 2

Week one, Day one, continued: I finished my coffee, returned indoors, and looked through the spyhole on the door. Miss Gregson was clearly still not at all happy with the standard of accommodation on offer, and seemed to be voicing her poor opinion of me quite freely. She didn’t seem to have taken to me one little bit. I could pretty much hear what she was shouting through the door, and the volume got a whole lot louder when I donned the ski mask and cracked the door open. Oh boy! Seemed...

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Judge Walter Cormell GregsonChapter 5

Week three Saturday morning, real early before dawn, I sneaked a whole pile of food, bottled water and a couple more books into her room while she was still fast asleep. With no sense of time other than the radio, I guessed her natural rhythms were screwed up. I’d seen the same in Iraq; when the bright electric lights were on day and night, and there were no windows to the outside, it was very easy to lose track of time. Heck, it was gonna be September in a couple of days; I’d have bet money...

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Judge Walter Cormell GregsonChapter 6

Week Three, Friday evening I held up the two pots of ice-cream that I’d just taken out of the coldbox. “Hi, honey, I’m home. Sorry to have been so long. I’ve got a question for you. Two in fact. Do we eat the ice-cream right now before it gets any softer, and if so, do you want the pistachio or the double chocolate chip?” She grinned very widely. “Hi, Grey. I like them both. I think the pistachio, please, but I reserve the right to dig my spoon into your pot. Or maybe we could swap over...

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Never judge a book

I've known John forever, we were next door neighbours as k**s, played together, stayed over at each others houses, did almost everything together, i had 4 brothers, John was number 5, growing up we explored life together, including our bodies, just silly stuff lol, i showed him my knickers, that kind of c***dish stuff but it reinforced our relationship, we became, and still are, completely at ease with each other and trust each other 100%, as teenagers we helped each other through the hard...

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Dont get caught playing with markers

Introduction: Sarah 9 this is a dark fantasie of my own, this story is not for the weak minded so please dont read it if you dont like young rape and dark fantasies. My name is Sarah, I have long auburn hair hazel green eyes Im 5ft1 short and slim with pale white skin and freckles on my cheeks and arms. I was 9 when my life utterly changed. My family was moving to Toronto from Montreal, we were listening to led zeppelin of course my dads favorite band when the moving truck spun out of control...

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Dont mix with bad lads

I was always told to stay out of trouble. Ever since growing up I always made sure of that. I had just turned 18 a few months before and was walking home from a mates birthday. I was on cloud nine having just arranged a date with a very attractive girl. I couldnt control my emotions as I skipped down the street. I guess if I was thinking better I would have chosen a better way to walk home. But I didnt.I took the mistake of walking through the park, then the council estate. Bridging the two was...

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The Sketchbook

The idea behind this story actually came from an episode of a show I watched almost 10 years ago. I remembered it last night, and wrote it this morning. Comments, questions, or criticism can be directed to [email protected] or [email protected] The Sketchbook By Allison Voorhees I was drawing a portrait of Christy, my girlfriend, in art class. She was standing over my shoulder as I shaded the strands of honey-colored hair that ran down her shoulders. "Are...

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Dont Judge a Book Part 2 Chapter 6

Tuesday 29th May 2018Always that disconcerting feeling. Waking up in a strange room. Your first few seconds spent disoriented and confused, trying to work out where you are. Memory and then location seeping back into your brain as the sleepy synapses do their jobs, linking neural pathways like rusty points on a foggy railroad as thoughts surface and link. ‘LA … Nighttime … Shitty day gone … Shitty day ahead … Jill. Jill!’As I looked at the insistent and flashing little screen, the microcurrent...

Wife Lovers
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Cheerleader Sleepover The Judge and Jury EditionChapter 2

While her husband was getting the boys to think about sex, and getting them over to the house, Linda was going over all sorts of subjects with her girls, both new and old. First on the list was the question "Are all of you taking the vitamins I issued to you?" The "vitamins" she was referring to were birth control pills she got from Phil Jenson, the pharmacist who worked at the local drug store. Phil traded her the pills for sex, pure and simple. He liked anal sex, and his wife did not....

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Dont Judge a Book Ch 09

Sunday 5th November 2017 My wonderful husband Dave left off the last chapter describing our decision to call a pause in the newly liberated lifestyle we’d just started tasting. I say our decision, but that’s a little unfair. It was basically my decision, which Dave was happy to support as he made clear to me that he didn’t want to carry on with our new lifestyle if I had any doubts. (He also made clear that he found watching me with other guys incredibly erotic, but that was as nothing compared...

Wife Lovers
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Dont Judge A Book Part 2 Chapter 13

Saturday 9th June 2018 It was a long walk down the street, past the long strip of bars, clubs and low-end stores and eateries. Following behind Jill’s shapely swaying ass, it struck me how this long walk was some kind of a metaphor for the long walk we’d been on as a couple this last year. I knew the literature-loving part of Jill would have laughed at the thought, probably finding a way to top my joke with one of her own.But Jill was walking a little too far ahead of me for me to call out to...

Wife Lovers
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Dont Judge a Book Ch 02

Saturday 26th August 2017Just over a month had passed, since out of the corner of my eyes, I’d observed Craig, Byron, and Callan rutting as three stags for the attentions of my sexy, but spoken for, wife.Jill and I were snuggled in bed enjoying a quiet and activity-free Saturday morning in bed. No lifts, sports matches, or driving lessons. The well-earned tranquility of proud parents whose kids were making their way in the world, at college or in the world of work. Coffee was steaming, the...

Wife Lovers
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Blog 3 1979 2000 Dont judge a book by its

After meeting Reinna when I was 19 yrs old and later some of her girlfriends. I had the opportunity to spend time with them, would go to The Motherlode during the daytime and spend hours with them. San Francisco is multicultural, girls either moved there or would visit. San Francisco was very optimistic and a safe haven for TSs, Transvestites and Crossdressers whom experienced discrimination or came from homophobic and transphobic locations.In the Tenderlion District they were embraced and...

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The Judge

Every year at least twice the judge left the courtroom and flew to an erotic island in the Atlantic to her favorite nude sex resort. Here she could lie naked and watch and be watched. She stayed three weeks and a few times had stayed longer. Every night she would bring a man of her choice to her room for good hard sucking and fucking. Today she was laying with her big tits oiled and her legs spread as she watched the other guests play naked in the pool. No one wore clothes not even the workers....

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Dont Judge A Book Ch 1

Sunday 12th May 2019It had been a long nine days.A very long nine days.The last nine days had marked the crescendo of a two-year period that had turned our marriage upside down. I’m one of those people who enjoys classical music but doesn’t know all the technical terms. But the last two years reminded me of one of those classical pieces which starts incredibly slowly and builds, bit by bit, through various levels of drama until a noisy and unbearable climax assails the audience that has been...

Wife Lovers
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The Green Book

This story was written as a serial story in my Yahoo group over a period of several months. When I first started the story, I had absolutely no idea where it was going to go from there. The Green Book By Morpheus Part 1 Matt frowned as he looked at the pile of clutter, which was spread out before him. The whole attic was absolutely full of it, of boxes, crates and countless other items, all of which were covered in dust and hadn't been touched in years. And unfortunately it...

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Dont Judge a Book Part 2 Ch 15

 Saturday 9th June 2018  “Give them some time, honey,” Dee’s soft Southern accent suggested. As her eyes looked into mine, trying to keep me from looking past her at the sight of my wife disappearing off into the night with a man other than her husband. Jill and my evening together was ending pretty much as it had started; with her hand-in-hand with this new man who’d burst into our lives over what now seemed a lot more than a week. I could only see her back and the sensual and exaggerated sway...

Wife Lovers
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my judge freind

To most people I'm a saint. I’ve had my share of hanging out with friends in bars, but the one night stand just never worked out for me. When I met my husband at 27 (pretty late) he was my first. My first kiss, my first time and I’ve never experienced anything with anyone else before or since. We’ve tried a few things, but nothing crazy. I've had fantasies of course, but they're just that fantasies, and unlike my husband who seems incapable of going 24 hours without getting a hard on twice,...

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Dont Judge a Book by its Cover

DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER Even before we were married Roxy liked to play a little game with me. At first I didn't like it, only because it felt wrong, but as time went on and it became more sophisticated, I found my inhibitions vanishing and I got to actually like it. 'It' was dressing me up in her clothes. "Time for you to get dressed, Michelle," she would say to me, using the feminine form of my name Mike. I would then allow myself to be treated like a life sized 'Barbie'...

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The Templar Book

THE TEMPLAR BOOK By GENEVA In early 14th century France, as part of his plan for revenge on a rival family for the destruction of his own family, a young man tries to use a magic book saved from the destruction of the Knights Templar. There are some unexpected results. START The time is the early 1300's. I remember that afternoon when I met my uncle and this started. I was practicing close quarter fighting with my friend Jean. Both of us were armed with wooden swords, and...

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The Bookworm

The BookwormPrologue---------------A bookstore.The clock on the wall behind the counter tinged five times.  Quitting time for the day, and the beginning of a long weekend.  As the remaining customers queued up at the register, Susan checked them out, confidently stacking and sacking whatever the customer had selected.   Totally at home with literate people, she kept up a friendly stream of conversation..."Good evening, Mrs. Harrison.  Find what you wanted?"   "They say that is a very good read,...

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BDSM by the Book

BDSM by the Book By Stefani Moore I was rather slow when it came to dating. My love life moved at glacial speed until I met my wife. In high school I was skinny and too short to be any good at sports. At school and in the town I grew up in, outside Sioux City, I got pushed around a lot by other boys, all of which translated into a lack of confidence. Particularly around women. When I got to college I felt like I was the only virgin on campus. I heard other...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 27 The Book

Introduction: Mark and Mary are off to New York to get their hands on the Magicks of the Witch of Endor while Brandon is in France to get his hands on another copy. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty-seven: The Book Visit my blog at The fire crackled in the clearing, fiery sparks rising up into the air like tiny souls. Tonight was Thursday, the Twentieth of June. The Summer Solstice. The coven assembled around the bonfire, all ten women...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 27 The Book

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty-seven: The Book Visit my blog at The fire crackled in the clearing, fiery sparks rising up into the air like tiny souls. Tonight was Thursday, the Twentieth of June. The Summer Solstice. The coven assembled around the bonfire, all ten women stripped naked, their bodies painted orange and red by the firelight. Ready to worship their Goddesses. After Lilith freed us from Mark Glassner's control and we pledged...

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Andrea reads a book

Andrea gave a long sigh. "Jeez, Markus, why are we here at a stupid bookstore? This is boring!" "Not everything is sex, Andrea," Markus replied. "I'm here to get you to at least try and develop yourself a bit, damn it." "Dear, the only way I want to develop is going through all the positions with you, you know that! Missionary is so boring, so then we switch to the more fun ones! Especially if I'm the one with the cock." She looked away from Markus, her gaze looked dreamily into the...

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By The Book

BY THE BOOK By Geneva In the late fifties I was twentyone, and just graduated from college. I'd been slow in getting a job lined up, and as I really wanted a break anyway, I went back to visit my sister Ellen in the family home. Ellen was the only one at home. Our father had been killed nine years previously in Korea, and our mother had died of cancer when I was still a freshman at college. Mom and Dad hadn't been rich, but Dad's parents had left us with some money in their...

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Another AirBNB Booking

I love playing games with Lisa, she is so good at the roles and we enjoyed a quiet evening until I got an alert from Anika that an enquiry had come through for another AirBNB booking. I logged on to see the following message:“Good evening, sorry for short notice but need to book your room for tomorrow evening, too s**tty and forgot, I am a 23yo medical student and in town for a conference on Tuesday and loved your easy going and friendly profile. I do drink (will bring wine) and smoke (happy to...

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