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Letter 1 - Guilty By Accident

Dear Judge,

Now I was supposed to write you this and explain how come the woman I accidentally did was not illegally done after all. What she was turned out to be the party of the first part of the party. I been told I was supposed to use legal words because that is what the defrocked lawyer that went to a mail order law school and has a real diploma and everything and is in here on bad check charges said I should do. But I don't know any of that fancy lawyer talk.

Anyway, I admit I was the doer to the party of the first part, that lady cop, and she was the doee of the second part, as well as the party of the first part. And I was all drunk and had uncontrollable facilities or something. Anyway you know what I mean, you being a high class judge and all.

I mean after all I was drunk because that is what bars are for, to get drunk in, ain't they. Isn't it in bars where you go to get a little strange and get drunk? Otherwise why have bars in the first place? You know what I mean? Anyways, it all started over this pool game. We was playing eight ball on a coin table and one of the guys watching said as how his dick got way harder than a cue ball. And somebody else said that he was full of shit because no part of the hardest dude alive ever was near as hard as a cue ball. So he said that if his old lady was there to get him hard he'd prove it.

And one of the other guys there said, "Well here, use my old lady, she won't mind."

And so he asked her politely if she would mind and she asked him if he had took a bath that week. I guess she was kind of finicky. Anyway, he said yeah that he had a bath just the day before. So she got down on her knees started getting him hard. You know what a hummer is? No, I don't mean one of them big fat ugly cars that burns a shit load of gas going around the block ... This kind of hummer is where she chomps down on his manliness and hums a song. This is a real interesting thing to experience.

I was told don't say peter or cock in this letter so I won't. He said that you was real refined and had a shit fit every time anyone said stuff you don't like to hear as you being so high class and all. So I shall refrain myself and try to use highly toned language.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah she chomped down on his manly hood. To make a long story short, she was a real patriot type female and she hummed God Bless America and gave head at the same time. It was a real spiritual and uplifting thing to see and hear. It made me proud to be an American. Anyway, he stood there with a goofy grin and chugged another pitcher of beer while she is doing her patriotic deed on him.

Just before he started to go off, she quit and he staggered over to the pool table and said his dick was as hard as any cue ball ever made. So when he laid it on the table, I took aim (It was my turn to shoot) and I did a back reverse English shot on that cue ball and when it hit the head of his dick, that old boy went into shock from all the pain he must have been experiencing.

Now what was real funny was that with all that back English on the cue ball, it just sat there on the table in one place, tight up against his big old dick, and spun. In fact, it completely spun the foreskin right off him and he went into more shock. Now he weighed in at a good two seventy-five. And was a little under six feet tall. His big old fat face went red in places and white in places and his eyes crossed and tried to open real wide and scrunch closed at the same time. I mean it was a real awesome sight let me tell you.

Now I know for sure if Jerry Springer had been there he would of turned the cameras on the whole exciting episode. I mean, how often do you get to see a pool ball squish a dude's dick and then rub the foreskin off by spin friction? I mean Jerry Springer searches all over America for true to life odd events and this was true and odd both, believe you me.

Anyway, his buddy got pissed and hit me over the head with a cue stick and it broke. I got a steel plate from a bike wreck and it takes one hell of a lot more than a cue stick to put me out. So when I grinned at him, he got pale his own self and took off. He beat feet out of there like a herd of pit bulls was after him.

He left his old lady behind in a booth, so I took her across the street from the Humper Bar And Grill to the By The Hour Motel and carried her inside. She was some drunk her own self and couldn't walk too good. But so was I. So anyway, I laid her on the bed and went back to the bar and had another pitcher of beer and come back,

Now that was where all that brown stuff hit the fan like they say in refined circles. I went in and got undressed and I rolled her over and with great tender feelings shoved it in her mouth and went to work. Right from the git go she got wild as hell. I mean she was a wild one, all right. After I went off and I pulled out and she yelled like bloody murder and I saw that she was not who I put in that bed in that room.

Anyway, I did what any gentleman would do and I apologized for violating her lips. Hey, you would have done the same thing if you made a mistake like that. I mean you got to be real unsensitive not to apologize when one is due. But even after I apologized, she just turned up the sound knob and screeched louder.

Now let me back up and tell you what else happened. The desk clerk saw me take off and go back across the street and so he thought I was done with her before I didn't even have a chance get to started yet. So he took her back to the office and done her there. Two cops on stakeout wanted that very room for their stake out and so the desk clerk let them have it even though I had paid for two full hours. After all I was out of the room and he took the lady I was dating out of the room, so it was vacant as far as he was concerned.

Now this is where it gets all fuzzy like because some guy starts pounding on my head with a gun butt. At the same time The lady I just showed such a great time to pulled out a badge and somehow, while she was spitting and wiping her mouth was able to scream at me, "You are under arrest you filthy perverted son of a bitch!" That was the last thing I remember because a gun went off and the slug hit me in the middle of my steel plate and kind of knocked me out a little bit.

So you see, it was all a big misunderstanding and I didn't really mean to white wash that lady cop's tonsils. And if she hadn't gone in and laid down on my bed that I still had a whole hour paid on the rent yet, none of this would ever of happened.

Now I want to sue the cops for shooting me in the head. They claim that was accidental like. And if they can claim they shot me in the head by accident from just eight inches behind me, why can't I claim the eight inches I put in her mouth was a legal accident? After all, no man in his right mind would even dream of doing a cop in the mouth or anywhere else for that matter.

So anyways after I got a street lawyer and came up before you and you was nice enough to release me OR (That means on my own recognition, you know.) I swore I would stay out of trouble with no cops. What was you laughing so hard about? I did my level best to be real dignified.

Sincerely yours,

Elmo Thudpacker.

Letter 2 - Victimized By Circumstances

Dear Judge,

Well it looks like I got busted again. And let me tell you that this is again not my fault this time either. I am a victim of circumstances all over again. This shit just keeps happening to me and I am the victim of it all. I been trying to stay out of trouble because you being so tight assed about such things and all. I have been doing my level best not to piss you off. Because one thing I know for sure is that you never want to piss off a judge when you got to appear in front of him. You know that your own self.

So let me tell you what happened in my own words that is more honest than that lying cop who is full of shit about things. Besides, he wasn't even there when it all happened. I got me a job and I was on my way home when I got a big assed thirst and so I stopped in at the Humper Bar And Grill to have me a great hamburger and a pitcher of brew to wash it down. I was clear at the far end of the bar when the shit happened. I swear on my mother's grave when she dies that I never did none of the things they said I done.

Now I did say to the bar tender, a personal friend of mine that some fat women got holes on them that echoed when you yelled up inside them, but I was not directing it at nobody present. I just made my harmless observation and then I felt a clunk on my head and a broken half of a cue stick fell right down into my pitcher of beer. I knew immediately and without a shadow of a doubt that someone had hit me on the head with a pool cue stick. As I told you in that other letter about my misfortunes that I got a steel plate in my head and it takes a hell of a hit to even give me a headache.

So anyway I turned on my stool and I saw the other part of the broke pool cue in this fat gal's hand and I was smart enough to put two and two together and get an answer. Her eyes got real big that I didn't fall over. I am used to this reaction from people who smack me over the head and then crap in their pants when I don't fall over and be knocked out.

So anyways, she says to me, "Oh, I'm sorry that I stumbled. Excuse me."

I said something real clever about how she had to kiss me where it hurt and she smiled and reached over and patted my leg and I accidentally shifted on my stool and she accidentally patted me on the dick and her old man saw it and just like that cop jumped to the wrong conclusions.

Any way he said something impolite and I explained that he was full of shit and his old lady wasn't groping me and even if she was it was none of his business because those lesbians got liberations and women can now grope anyone they want to and that it was the law. I want you to know I have great respect for the law whenever it is convenient.

He said, "The hell it is," and brought his fist down on my head and broke his knuckles and I tried to slip off the stool and get away from the trouble I saw real clear was brewing. I slipped as I got off the stool and my knee accidentally came in contact with his nuts and he went over backwards and I accidentally tripped fell on his knee what was attached to his leg right then. He screamed as his knee was broke so I helped him over to his booth and was helping him into it and I slipped again and he fell on the floor and somehow I ended up face down in his old lady's lap, which is located right smack dab in the middle between her legs.

So anyway the cop was lying when he said she was grinning ear to ear like he said in his report. She was not grinning because she was giggling and you can't grin and giggle at the same time very easy. And she was giving a lady like giggle because my beard was tickling her thighs on the inside. And the cop was lying and I ask you, who would you rather believe, some lying cop or me who has been a real good customer of yours and all? Me too, I wouldn't never believe a lying cop neither.

So anyway, to make things worse, this cop is the brother of the lady cop who accidentally blew me last month in another bad case of mistaken identity that is already in your court, if you remember. What he done next was real impolite and he took out his gun and yelled, "That was my sister you messed with last month."

And, as soon as I could get my face unstuck from between her thighs, I yelled back that his sister was to blame for getting in my bed uninvited. So he got red faced and shot me in the head with his thirty-eight cop special. The results were the same as when that cop shot me in the head last time and I got a headache then too. But this time, it was worse because he shot me twice in the head. Now that was real improper on his part. Nobody likes to get shot by cop or anybody else.

Then his partner told him it didn't look right to shoot me three times when I was still faced head down between that woman's legs and not armed or nothing. And besides, his sister wasn't much of a lay anyhow. So her brother said, "yeah, you're right." And they drug me off to jail. That is where I am now waiting on your pleasure, which I hope comes soon.

Any way, the lady with the nice giggle, her name is Clarabelle Stedman, has been coming to see me while I am in here because she says that her old man Willy won't be out of the hospital real soon and she don't give a rat's ass no how because she is dumping him like a load of dirt and she wants to take up with me because I got such a nice beard and all. Then she blushed and laughed real shy like on account of she is a real lady and all.

Can you do something about these shitty computers the jailhouse has for us prisoners? The spell checkers keep going crazy and keep changing what I write by hand one key at a time. They are just plain old junk. Now if you are interested I know where you can get some real nice sort of surplus computers that are FBI surplus. Anyway, they have these stickers on them that say FBI on them. So they are surplus, I guess. But they are cheap and better than these junky ones.

I got to close now cause Clarabelle is coming to visit me and since I am a trustee we get to be alone in the broom closet for half an hour. She says that part of the visit is good, but that she wished that guard would change his shorts more often because they are grungy and put her off when he pulls them down.

What that guard don't know is that Clarabelle is faking her organism with him. She told me so. But she has to give him some or I don't get none. I guess it's probably like that all over.

Very sincerely,

Your friend and good customer,

Elmo Thudpacker

Letter 3 - A Hole New Bunch Of Problems

Dear Judge,

It looks like the shit hit the fan for sure this time. I am on a new computer in the hole. That is what they call solitary confinement, you know. It seems that they can't take away my computer rights because I am having to prepare my own case because that fucking PD. (That's what they call the public defender, you know), that fucking PD couldn't defend a steak sandwich from one of those veggie guys. (Or is it veggie gays? I get that shit all confused.) Any was it was his fault about every bit of what happened!

I tried to tell him about me and that female cop and how since she got in my bed, and she never said stop it wasn't rape to do her in the mouth that way. I mean after all, I am as sensitive as the next guy about all that women's lib crap. They just need a good horn dog stuck in them now and then and they would all of them straighten right out. But that PD, he is a real artsy artsy pansy ass and he told me he didn't have time to listen to my brainless tirade.

So I said, "Listen you skinny fucker, you're my lawyer and you got to listen to my side of things so you can defend me."

And looked me right in the eye and he said that it was not his job to defend me but to see if he could make a deal with the DA for me so that I could plea to a lesser sentence and not do so much time.

Now that is where all this misunderstanding happened. He is supposed to act like a lawyer and he didn't. So I told him right out that a PD was supposed to defend because that was the D in the word PD. And I tried to make him see where his head wasn't on straight.

He looked me right in the eye and he said, "You poor simpleton, if my head isn't screwed on straight and yours is, why are you behind bars and I'm not?" He looked at me and shook his head and then he really dissed me and curled his lip at me and I got pissed.

Now I am a peaceable kind of guy that wouldn't hurt a flea. But no man can get dissed in public and still hold his head up high and be proud. Besides if I let a little scrawny punk ass like him dis me, especially here in jail, then I will have to prove my manhood over and over again and it just ain't worth the hassle. So I dissed him right back. What I done was I reached through the bars and grabbed the back of his head and jerked his head to the bars. I meant to thump some good sense into him. I figured that if I just thumped his head and the bars together a few times he would listen to reason and stop that shit of pleading to a lesser felony. Well screw him. You being a high-class sort of guy you understand, don't you? Yeah, I thought so.

Well, anyways it was hot in there on account of the air conditioner not working and all and we was all sweating. And anyway, when I grabbed his head and give him a jerk, I didn't realize how small his head really was when his mouth was shut. So instead of getting a head thump on the bars, his head just sort of slid on through between the bars. His face was so sweaty and all that he only got a couple of little bruises on his cheeks slipping through and all.

Now that is where things got sort of complicated because there was a trustee on his side of the bars we nick named Junk Yard because he is as mean as a junk yard dog. He also has a real twisty mind and is one of them perverts that would get some head from a rattlesnake and not even jerk out its fangs. So when he saw that PD bent over and had his head stuck in the bars, he just grinned like Bill Clinton in a nunnery. He dropped that little dude's pants and dry humped him right up the butt. That was most unpolite of him. But since Junk Yard is six-three or four and weighs over three hundred pounds of mean, I wasn't going to say nothing. You see I know when to keep my mouth closed, not like that lady cop I had the little misunderstanding with.

Then Bubba, that big outlaw biker who is in here for throwing policemen through windows saw that PD with his mouth open and getting ready to yell. Can you guess what happened next? You're right! That little PD got his start in a new hobby big time. And this all happened because he dissed me and wouldn't keep his mouth shut. So you see, it was his own fault that things got a little out of hand.

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Dear diary september

September 1 Dear Diary, First of all, let me introduce myself, my name is Becky Ford and I can't believe I started my last year of high school today! I learned that there are over 600 students in my class, and over 2400 in the whole school, I doubt I'll ever get to know all of them, I just hope to recognize a few of them!!! They said that the senior year is the easiest one of all, I don't believe it!!! My locker mate seems nice enough, but we don't have any classes together, so I only see her a...

3 years ago
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Dear Cum The Not Very Spectacular Wife Lovers Omnium Spectacular Part Four

I think we can all heave a huge and much-needed sigh of relief at the knowledge that we've all nearly reached the end and there isn't much more of this shit. So, splash yourself out a glass of pink poison, give it a little swirl in the glass so it refracts the light, and then chuck it down your throat not letting it touch the sides on its way down. Just consider it a medicinal necessity. And with that, let's go 'to the letter'. Dear Crumbs in the bed Girl,I am fucking a "hot wife" almost every...

Wife Lovers
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Dear Diary10

He knew he was really trespassing by reading her diary, but he couldn’t help it. He was astounded at what he found in there, written only this week, too. “Dear Diary, I got a carrot from the fridge and peeled it smooth this evening. I felt so naughty! I brought it upstairs tonight and tried to break my hated hymen with it, but when I got in my hand and started rubbing on myself down there, it was just too gross, and I had to stop. Then I was too embarrassed to bring it back...

2 years ago
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Dear Waverly Lesbian

In the wash of new light, Tristy sat in a boring lesson. Yawn."Waverly, Waverly, Waverly," Tristy sang to herself in a daze. Oh, with Tristy and her dear Waverly currently walls apart, Tristy longed for her girlfriend's presence. With her hands on her cheeks, her elbows on the desk, Tristy rocked her head from side to side as she dreamt of her dear Waverly."Tristy, focus!" Michelle, the Arts Professor, snapped at a dreaming Tristy in order to wake her up. "You won't get anywhere by...

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Dear Will

Pushing the food around my plate, hardly satisfied, I am hungry, starved indeed. But unable to taste a morsel. It’s only been a week, yet the days seem to go by like years, waiting. ‘I hope he can write soon,’ thinking to myself, looking over the dessert trolly parked all too close to my corner table. The stout waitress, hovering over me asking, ‘Would you care for anything from trolly dear?’ ‘I’m sorry, did you say something?’ I say eyeing the older, heavyset woman. ‘Yes, would you like...

2 years ago
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Dear Kiki 2

Dear Kiki, My name is Bob, and I've never written to you before, but I understand you often give advice to people who find themselves in strange sexual situations, and I need your help with something. I've been seeing a girl named Lorna, and basically she's everything I ever looked for in a woman: Sweet, sexy, good-looking, athletic, and with a wild sense of humor! Maybe too wild! I first met Lorna on a camping outing with some mutual friends. All through the 4-day trip, she...

4 years ago
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Dear Steven A Fans Oral Fixation

Dear Steven, I know you list your stories as PETTYBOX, but always think of you as Steven in my fantasies, so I will keep it that way. I first read your Steven "Sig" Grayson stories when I was away from my home. I work in sales and spend 2 or 3 nights a week away and I began getting horny almost the first night I spent in a hotel away and alone. I love your perspective and style of erotic writing only because you don't get off the path of reality. Everything is feasible, where so many other...

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Dear Atnas Please Make Me A Girl

Dear Atnas, Please Make Me A Girl A little boy writes to a magical spirit about his wish to become a girl. Again when he's older, and again after he becomes a man, and... 1. (From the bedroom of Nick Walters, aged 7) dear atnas please make me a girl my name is nicholas andrew walters i am in elemntree school i am a boy i want to be a girl mommy says you are a magik and i should write eltters to you in the tree and you will grant my wish i want to be a girl they are pretty and have...

3 years ago
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Dear Mom and Dad

Dear Mom and Dad: Well, by now you'll have been notified long ago, but this message will confirm it: your little girls were picked up a month ago. Just like you told us to do, we both went to try to get a sponsor. Tiffany's sponsor is some guy with a 7.4 CAP score. She's with her best friend Katie and some couple with two kids about eight and ten. My sponsor is Gerry, a really nice guy with a 6.8 CAP score who is going to be doing Technical Analysis of the Swarm's stuff. My sister...

2 years ago
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Dear Adelle

The other night, after our exchange of e-mails, I asked my daughter Beth if she ever thought about sex. She said, in typical teen fashion, "Mo-om!!!" But then she admitted that she had become interested in her developing body and had played with herself a little bit. I asked if she would mind showing me her body, and she giggled, but eventually lifted up her t-shirt and let me see her young breasts. They are still cone shaped and pointy at the tips. . .a lovely mouthful to be sure. I got...

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Dear Boyfriend

(Of course, everyone here is over 18. He was 22. I was 21. So, it’s okay to talk about sex. He agreed to share these letters we saved with you.) * Dear Boyfriend, Don’t think because I don’t use your name that I’m recycling this letter. I have only one boyfriend, you, and I know your name. I said it in your ear last night, just before I bit your earlobe when you made me come. Thank you, BTW. Also, I think it was a good idea that we adopted the rule that we thank each other when we give...

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Dear Diary Entry 5 Paying Daughters Fee Not With Money

Dear Diary, Hello again. This is Reena. The mom. Hope your tummy is being filled enough with my family’s regular entries. At first, I had to force my daughters to write down their sex stories. They were not interested at all in the beginning. My elder baby Sindhu was shy to even think about the idea. Now, the tables have turned. They are more than willing to update each and every experience they have had. I couldn’t be more proud. Prakash was so happy seeing his daughters making their foray...

2 years ago
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Dear Mandy

Note: The following is a letter to my dear friend Amanda after a night I spent with her boyfriend Jake. Jake recently confessed to Amanda that he enjoyed when she dominated the sexual aspect of their relationship. He encouraged her to experiment in light bondage and role reversal. Now, Mandy is a sweetheart and tried her best to be accommodating, but confided in me that she felt somewhat uncomfortable trying to be a dominatrix, even if she did enjoy the control that she now exerted in the...

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Dear Husband

Hello dear husband, she said, never looking back. Could you come over here and take that down from the shelf for me? She pointed to a bottle of bleach on a high shelf. It wasn’t his fault that George had just gone out to the hardware store, telling Jim, his teenage helper from down the street, that he’d be back in an hour, maybe two. Why don’t you straighten up the workbench in the basement? He’d told the boy. So Jim went down to the basement and as he passed the door to the laundry room, Cindy...

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Dear Cum Captain Quentin Stocking

This morning I popped down to Pret a Manger to meet up with my good friend Albert Einstein for a slice of red velvet cake with a vanilla butter-icing topping and a medium cappuccino on the side. "Albert Einstein," I hear you say in a somewhat incredulous tone. Yes, Albert Einstein! THE Albert Einstein. I gave you all a perfect opportunity to invite me out for a yummy little Pret-fest back in Dr Flappyduck, but did any of you offer? Did you fuck, so it's just me and Albie yet again for our...

4 years ago
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Dear Diary

March 15 A disturbing development — my son has started staring at my breasts and sometimes "accidentally" touches them. He asks me questions that show he knows very little about female anatomy. I believe ignorance about sexuality can lead to major problems in life, so I got an illustrated book about the human body, and we sat down together with it. The book made me realize I didn't know all that much myself, but more than him at least. My problem is that now he wants me to show him. I point...

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Dear Prudence

"Cut and print it," the booming voice of the Director carried across the sound stage. The four actors on the set, a depiction of a typical mid-American household, froze in place. They had been at it for over an hour now, trying to finish a scene that seemed plagued by one glitch after another. The Director paused for a moment more, then said to their relief, "Okay people, that's a wrap for today." "Thank God," Brooke Hudson said to herself, thankful to get out from under the hot...

3 years ago
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Dear World

As the curtains drew back they reveled the big white screen. Darcy squirmed in her seat a little. She hated the seats at the theatre just as much as she hated the previews. Although they did give her plenty of time to reflect on everything that her mind was still trying to process. This week had been really hard on her fragile soul. Sitting on both sides of her was her really good friends. Voices in her head were constantly asking…do they know? The voices were very persistent and just...

3 years ago
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Dear Brother

DEAR BROTHER By GENEVA A young woman, Louise, is offered the chance by her rich brother to take revenge on a former seducer. She accepts and their scheme is successful, but she begins to have second thoughts. The background of this story is that of my three earlier stories 'Pretty Edith,' 'Plaything' and 'Remodelled', but written from the point of view of the character Louise. START I stared glumly at the road ahead as I turned onto the exit from the airport heading to the...

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Dear Diary4

I know it has been a while since I have written you. I have to admit, I have missed you. all the secrets you and I share. You know so much, and yet I feel it is because I can confide in you that I push the limits of morality. To what end does this stop? Are you destined to find your way into the hands of those who would ruin me? Or perhaps I am to go on in this fashion forever, going deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole. It really doesn't matter, does it? No matter the outcome, it is clear...

2 years ago
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Dear Diary2

I know it has been a while since I have written you. I have to admit, I have missed you. all the secrets you and I share. You know so much, and yet I feel it is because I can confide in you that I push the limits of morality. To what end does this stop? Are you destined to find your way into the hands of those who would ruin me? Or perhaps I am to go on in this fashion forever, going deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole. It really doesn't matter, does it? No matter the outcome, it is clear...

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Dear Diary Ch 01

The last time I remember having used or even seen my old diary was about four years ago, after my husband and I got married and found a new home. It was a new start for me, I did not feel the need to have to mark down every single event of my married life. I was on a path into a new territory, and I would remember everything. Every minute, day, and occurrence, every happy moment, probably every bad moment, too, everything would get imprinted in my memory. Or so I thought. Years went by and I...

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Dear Diary

12:45 PM Dear diary, its Austin again. Nothing new to report, except that I got stood up once again. Seems she had some important meeting that she had to attend. Her last words to me were, ‘Don’t wait up’. I guess it’s pretty obvious this is going to take all day and now my plans are wasted. It’s not so much the meeting as much as the timing. She knew I had this day planned. She didn’t know what I was planning, but she knew it was planned none-the-less. So here I am, writing to you once...

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Dear Diary 3 her

Dear Diary,Terri's parents arrived today, needing somewhere to stay on their way to their holidays. Bugger. Was hoping to have a nice night of passion with Colin. But we ended up going al fresco instead, and I'm sure someone was watching us. bloody certain of it. But I'm getting ahead of myself...Colin arrived, just as I was putting the kettle on. How he does it, I'll never know; it's like he's got radar for the kettle. I hugged him, gave him a peck, and filled him in on the situation.We dished...

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Dear Grandpa, it’s been a week since I have last seen you, and I can’t tell you how much I miss you. Our long walks in the woods, and talking about our wonderful loving family. But more then missing see your handsome face each day, I miss waking up in your arms every morning after a night of wonderful love making.I now know why mom send me to you, she wanted me to have the same kind of love that you give her, when she was my age. A man that would show me how to love. I will always hold the time...

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Dear Diary Entry 6 Avenging My Best Friend On Her Wedding Day

Dear Diary, That day, my eyes were closed slightly. Lips open, welcoming his sweet mouth to kiss me. Both my arms were encircling his muscular body. We both were lying down on the long dining table naked. Both cuddled up cozily. I was literally pinching his shoulder, unable to hold myself steady from all the sex. My breasts were already loosened from all the pinching and pressing. His right hand was cupping my left boob and his left hand was holding my head in the back, pulling me closer...

4 years ago
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Dear Diary

Dear Diary, I am typing this now as I’m watching my sweet hubby fucking my daughters. I took a break just now from giving a prolonged blowjob to my husband for almost 20 minutes and the bottom part of my tongue is aching from it. I wanted to relax for a bit before joining in the action, drink some water, and I also needed to give some time to my daughters to enjoy as I’m not selfish enough to have the fun all by myself. My younger daughter has already started to complain about me, blaming that...

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Dear DiarybySion Sierra©I was asked to write this story by a friend. I do hope that you like it. I would appreciate any feedback you would care to give.Chapter 1I shouldn't have done it, but I had to. My daughter was acting even weirder after her Eighteenth birthday. It was only a month ago, I just figured she just thought she was a full blown adult. So here after I heard her scream she was leaving for school, I ran downstairs to give her money for her lunch. She was already gone. I entered the...

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Dear Dirty Diary part 17

Dear Dirty Diary In the second week of October, a furnace inspector informed Louise we needed a new fuel oil tank and pointed out that the current furnace could never heat our attic apartment. A heating contractor quoted $15,800 for a new high efficiency unit with central air conditioning. The bed and breakfast income had been nominal at best for our first season so we had a situation on our hands. Neither Doug nor I wanted to forsake our spacious attic for the cramped but warm guest rooms...

3 years ago
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Dear Dirty Diary part 7

Dear Dirty Diary, I tried to relax but every thought led back to my ongoing string of bad luck. I thought back and brooded yet again over the theft of my car and the loss of my laptop computer. I got the car back after a week or so but the computer, with my shameful little diary in it was nowhere to be found. Then three weeks later, after the insurance claim gave me a new one, the police department phoned to tell me my computer had been recovered. I seriously considered getting it back, until...

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Dear Dirty Diry part 4

Dear Dirty Diary, A few days and Doug and I were shopping in the mall. We went into a restaurant for a coffee. To my surprise, we saw my sweet Louise who, as it turned out, was a hostess there. When our eyes met, her shone dark and sparkling. Her nipples swelled and poked through the bodice of her blouse. We flirted back and forth with coy little glances to the point where I licked my top lip as my mind swam through delightful little memories of her. When she spontaneously gave me a big warm...

4 years ago
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Dear Diary

Thursday, January 4th, 2018 Dear diary, Fuck you. And fuck you too, Dr. Swalley. Friday, January 12th, 2018 This is the stupidest shit I've ever done, I swear to god. Fine. Fine. For Kiera. "You don't talk much, Tony," she says. I mean, no shit. What's there to talk about? I just get mad, okay? Who doesn't? It's all bullshit. Trying to keep ahead, listening to your coworker's crap, all those fuckin' people on the road that don't know how to drive. Kiera...

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