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Ch 1 The First Time


I guess the best place to start is at the beginning, so that’s what I’ll do.

The first time I met him, I was at The Dive with my girlfriend Jess. I know, I know, a dive bar named The Dive is pretty corny, and yes, the place is rough around the edges, but the beer is cheap and it’s only a couple of blocks away from my place, so it’s where you can find us most week-ends. Jess and I had been together for about seven or eight months, though the first few months it was a hook-up type arrangement, so we were still in the process of meeting each other’s friends. Today, it was her friends Liza and Ethan’s turn.

Jess looked so beautiful in her new blue dress and seemed happy as she introduced me to Liza. She was one of her best friends and someone she’d been wanting me to meet for a while. Liza seemed nice, tall and blonde with tortoise-shell glasses which gave her a bit of a sever, librarian vibe, but she seemed friendly and was obviously pleased to meet me. Said she’d heard good things and all of that. We made small talk for a few minutes and then she said, almost like an afterthought,

“Oh, Oliver, you haven’t met Ethan. Come on, he’s watching the game, I’ll introduce you.”

We turned and headed to the bar and there he was.

There. He. Was.

He spun his bar stool round slowly, leaning back against the bar, broad shoulders in a crisp white shirt, his legs splayed, feet perched on the stool as an easy, if slightly sardonic grin, spread slowly across his face.

There’s really no way around it, the very first thing you notice about Ethan is that he is handsome. I mean seriously handsome. Dangerously handsome. Olive skin, brown hair so dark it almost looks black. Light hazel eyes with wild flecks of green and blue. A slightly prominent nose, with a tiny hint of a curved bridge. Just enough to add interest to his face and forever excuse him from being accused of being just another perfect face.

Perhaps, I should add a preface here to say that in my twenty-six years, never once have I found myself taken aback or even vaguely interested in a man’s looks. Hell, I probably couldn’t tell you what color my housemates’ eyes are and I’ve known those guys since college.

But, back to Ethan, he was so good looking that the very first thing I felt upon meeting him, was a vague sense of annoyance. But annoyance at who? Jess? Irrationally, I almost felt that she should have warned my before I met him. You know, just a quick little;

“Just so you know, you should prepare yourself for the fact that Ethan is incredibly good-looking.”

But that would be completely irrational. So, no, I’m sure it can’t be that. I wrack my brain.

What the fuck is my problem?

I wonder if it’s a case of me being a bit of an asshole? There’s no way for me to say this without coming off as a dick, so I’m just going to have to come out and say it – usually, when I walk into a bar, I’m the best-looking guy there. Okay? And no, I don’t have a big head about it and no, I’m not into myself. Usually, it’s just a fact. So, maybe that’s it? Maybe I’m a little threatened and that’s it?

Yes, I think, that’s it.

I’m not proud of it, but I feel better as soon as I’ve mentally worked through this little conundrum. I introduce myself in a manner that feels perfectly normal and socially acceptable. With relief, I think I must be over my weird little blip.

“Irish, huh?” he says by way of greeting. His voice is deep. The type of deep that you easily pick out in a crowded room, as it seems to occupy a completely different octave from the voices of other mere mortals.

I’m surprised he made my accent. My mom and I moved to the States over ten years ago and most people can’t hear my origin in my voice anymore.

He shoves a hand towards me and as I reach out to shake it, I can’t help but notice how big his hand is. Wide palms with long, slender fingers. It feels hot to touch and from the way it envelopes mine…wait, what?

What the fuck!?

What is going on with me?

I haven’t even had a beer yet, but I feel like I need to sober up. I need to pull myself together. I take a quick deep breath, sit down and take a long, cool swig of the beer that’s appeared in front of me.

I focus my attention on the football game on the TV above the bar. Over the next hour or so, I find out that Ethan and Liza have been together for four years and that he is an architect. Other than that, it’s small talk and yelling the odd bit of advice to the referee. I’m in my comfort zone and I feel acutely relieved. That whole business earlier must have been an anomaly and nothing to worry about, I’m sure of it. Absolutely sure of it.

Jess has a dinner reservation for us, so as soon as the game finishes, we get ready to leave. Even though I’ve barely said two words to her, I assure Liza that it has been lovely to meet her, and she assures me of the same thing. Ethan lightly taps my arm says,

“Good to meet ya, Irish.”

His words land and dissolve, but the spot he touched on my arm burns into me like a brand.

What the fuck? I think, not for the first time that evening.

I’m not attracted to him, am I? Am I? I steal a quick, furtive glance at him.

No, I think. No, obviously not. That’s not me.

As we leave, I open the door for Jess and in years to come, I’ll often wonder what makes me do it, but as she walks through, I turn and look back at Liza and Ethan. She’s pressed up against him now, his arm is draped around her small waist, his hand snaking down, grabbing her ass. He cups her chin with his other hand, tilting her face to his. I see his lips part and the pink wetness of his tongue as it presses into her mouth. I’m transfixed. I tear my eyes from his mouth, track up along his jaw, his chiseled cheekbones and finally to his eyes. I fully expect to find them closed, but no.

No, his eyes are wide open.

And they’re looking straight at me. Into me. His gaze hits me square in the chest, literally making me physically recoil. My mouth opens in surprise, though I quickly clamp it shut. Blood rushes south. I feel myself stiffen.



It’s been a couple of weeks since our last, extremely odd, encounter and I’ve had plenty of time to work through it. I’ve analyzed the situation repeatedly and in minute detail and ultimately this is what I’ve come up with:

Firstly, Jess and I had not had sex on the day I met Ethan and I was obviously pent up. It happens. No big deal. Secondly, dicks are not all that clever and sometimes they do dumb shit. Also, no big deal.

Okay? So that’s it. Line in the sand. No. Big. Deal.


So, No Big Deal it is, until Jess and Liza make plans to get a mani/pedi together and unanimously decide that it will be nice for me and Ethan to hang out. I ‘um’ and ‘er’ about it a bit, trying to think of an excuse that’s not, “Your friend’s boyfriend gave me a look that made my dick hard.” But I’m coming up empty. Jess seems to have decided that Ethan and I are going to be friends and there doesn’t seem to be much I can do about it. I make a mental note to watch her for signs of being controlling in future, though to be fair, she’s been pretty much a dream girlfriend up until now.

I feel a bit like a kid being dropped off for a playdate as she drives me over to Ethan’s. I remind myself firmly about the fact that last time was No Big Deal. Still, I feel a little sense of trepidation as we walk up the stairs to his apartment. Ethan opens the door and lets us in while Liza greets us with a big smile. The mood is completely relaxed and neutral. Normal.

See? Absolutely No Big Deal. Yes, he gave me a look. Nothing wrong with that. Everything is completely fine.

The End.




It wasn’t the end, was it?

I could still hear the clatter of Jess’s heels on the staircase, when the mood in the room shifted. It’s hard to say what changed. On the face of it, all Ethan did was offer me a beer, get it out of the fridge and walk back over to give it to me. Under the surface, it was the edge in his voice, it was the way he moved, the way he looked at me when he handed to me. It’s hard to know how to describe it other than to say, there was a charge. I couldn’t tell you if it was a positive or negative shift, or if there was suddenly more or less oxygen in the room. I can only say that it was charged.

What happened next happened so quickly, that I didn’t even have a second to refer back to my No Big Dealpep talk. It’s vague and jumbled in my mind, but to the best of my recollection, it went like this:

He handed me the beer. I took it, but as I did, he gave me a playful little jab in the ribs. I jumped a little and might have said, “What the fuck, dude?” He jabbed me again, a little less playful this time, so I shoved him a little. His lips cracked open, in a crooked, dark smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes, as he reached down and tapped my dick.

He tapped my fucking dick!?

I’m unequivocally positive I said, “What the fuck?” that time.

I tossed my beer onto the floor and grabbed him by the scruff of his t-shirt and shoved him hard up against the wall. He still had that smile on his face and I couldn’t help noticing that his eyes were completely and notably without fear. So much so, that I couldn’t hold eye contact with him and maybe that was why my eyes wondered down, past his neck, his chest and to his belt, his buckle and to the little bit of skin I’d exposed by grabbing his t-shirt. Tanned skin, tautly covering his belly, which rose and fell as he breathed in and out.

Time seemed to slow, and then stop briefly as I raised my hand, clenching my fist, fully intending to punch him, though somewhere between curling my fingers to make a fist and drawing my arm back, I was distracted. Distracted by the heat of his body, the quickness of his pulse and the quickness of mine. Ultimately, what should have been a punch that ended a friendship before it even began, turned into an open palm pressing against that little bit of exposed skin. My open palm. His exposed skin.

Instead of getting the fuck out of there right then and there, that open palm turned into a hand grazing his belly and a sharp intake of breath, though I can’t be sure now, if that came from him or from me.

The next bit is a blur. My shirt came off, though I’m not completely sure how. I do remember his fingers in the belt hooks of my jeans. And I do remember him pulling me towards him. My hips against his hips. And I definitely remember the electric shock that ripped through me as my dick rubbed against his. Both of us were hard. So, so hard.

No way I could forget that.

I remember his hands on me. Grabbing my neck, my chest, my sides. The sound of a zipper coming undone. My zipper. I remember a tugging sensation. His hands again. My chest. My jeans and boxers yanked down. Cool air on my ass. Both of us stumbling back. Bumping into the dining table. Roughly being turned around. Bent. That was me, me being bent over the table. My jeans around my ankles.

My God!

If the first part was a blur, the next part was anything but. No, if anything, the next part is crystal clear and in painfully sharp focus. He had me over the table, ass bare, legs spread open as wide as my jeans would allow. He ran his hand up my inner leg, from my knee to my balls, barely touching me, the movement only felt as a reaction to the heat omitted from his hand and possibly, the slight disturbance of the coarse blonde hair on my leg. A shiver traveled up my spine.

What the fuck am I doing?

Finally! A conscious thought. My mind raced, confused and desperate to make sense of this dreadful chain of events. This is way, way passed dicks just not being that clever! I thought, frantically. He reached up and grazed my balls with his fingertips. I bucked and had the good sense to push his hand away and try to get up. My position was compromised, I was off balance and tangled in my own pants. He grabbed my wrist, twisted it back and easily pinned me down. I arched and struggled. I swear I did.



Only, by now he had my balls in his hand. Stroking them gently, but I’m sure you’ll agree, I was in a very delicate predicament. I’m sure you’ll agree that most people would have considered it wise not to fight.

Wouldn’t you?

He ran his fingers down my balls and then up again, this time travelling up, up, up across my taint. Slowly tracking his way to my…

Jesus Christ!!

What the fuck? I thought desperately, this certainly is a motherfucking Big Deal! But it was too late. Time stopped completely. I felt like a record on an old-fashioned gramophone. The record was spinning, but the needle had reached the end of the track, it had paused and then lifted. The room fell silent, yet the record kept spinning. I was the record, and I was spinning.

I glanced back to see him licking his thumb.

Oh fuck, fuck, fuuuuuck!

He barely even stroked my puckered little hole, before shoving his thumb into me. I wish I could tell you that I fought it, I wish I could say that I asked him to stop. But no, all I did, was rear my head back and omit a long, loud groan.

Appalled by the sound, I screwed my eyes closed tightly and pressed my lips together, desperately trying to stop another moan from escaping. His finger continued its assault, in and out, deeper and deeper until I was sure I couldn’t take any more. I gasped in relief as he pulled out.

Thank God.

My relief was short lived though as he grabbed my dick hard, jerking up and down quickly, flooding my body with paralysing pleasure. I felt the room spinning as he leant in close to me, and said, “Don’t. Move.”

He spoke quietly, the timbre of his voice washing over me. I glanced back frantically to see him walking quickly, purposefully down the hall. As he walked, he lifted his faded grey t-shirt casually up over his head, causing his defined delts and traps to ripple he brought his arms down and tossed the t-shirt to the floor.

Quickly! I thought, Get your shit together! You have to get out of here NOW!

I glanced around the room, doing a quick recon. My shirt was on the floor in a puddle to my left, my jeans were pooled around my ankles. I still had my shoes on. I could literally be out of there in a matter of seconds. So why wasn’t I moving?

Why the fuck aren’t you moving?

Maybe it was because of how hard my dick was, or maybe it was because of how heavy my balls were. Maybe it was the thick mist of arousal swirling around me, or maybe it was the way he said, “don’t move”. Like a dare. Like a promise. His words, his voice, had snaked their way around my limbs and bound me just as surely as if he’d used rope. So, you see, I didn’t move, because I couldn’t move.

I’m not sure I can ever really explain what I felt like right then. Rooted to that spot. Waiting. Knowing. And I really mean, knowing, as there wasn’t a single, solitarily part of me that didn’t know what I was waiting for. That waiting felt like an eternity, I can promise you that. In reality, it was probably no more than a minute before I heard his footsteps coming down the hall. I quickly faced forward, eyes straight ahead, a last-ditch attempt to hide my complaisance.

I willed myself not to look back as he set the bottle of lube and a condom on the table next to me. I kept my eyes closed as I heard the clinking, bone-chilling sound of him unbuckling his belt. I tried to ignore the tremor that went through me as I heard the quick, whipping sound of his belt being pulled free. I tried not to clench when I felt him spread my cheeks and I tried not to jump when he squirted a cold, generous dollop of lube on my ass. I tried not to gasp as I felt a long, thick digit slickly enter me. I failed there. I tried not to moan when he added another equally long, equally thick finger. I failed there too. My sphincter clenched and spasmed involuntarily as he shoved his fingers into me over and over until my limbs were nothing but liquid.

Slow, deep breaths, I told myself, as he withdrew his fingers.

Don’t panic, I thought, it won’t be that bad, as I heard the tell-tale rip of the condom wrapper.

Fear pooled and settled heavily in my belly. How many of my girlfriends had I taken in this exact same way, in this exact same position? Their soft, smooth, porcelain asses quaking gently as I held them firmly in place, as I thrusted.

It can’t be that bad, I thought, can it?

I purposely avoided looking back, as he rolled the condom on. I was facing a big onslaught if the bulge I’d rubbed against earlier was anything to go by, there was no point in adding to my fear. I heard the snap of the lube cap and the squelching sound of him coating himself in it and felt the cool slipperiness of him rubbing a little more on me. The fear in my belly swirled and twisted.

“Relax.” He said, drawling slightly.

What a fucking idiot, I thought. Relax? Re-fucking-lax? When I’m about to get reamed?

I wondered vaguely just how many times I’d said the very same thing to my partners?

Maybe I’m a fucking idiot too.

I lurched forward a little when his dick first made contact with my ass. He quickly caught my hips and locked me firmly in place against the table. He reached down and spread my cheeks with what felt like his thumb and forefinger while guiding himself to my knot-hole with his other hand. I clenched my teeth as he started to press. My ass rebelled, puckering and tightening.

“Relax!” he barked again, as he rubbed his head against me, pressing a little harder each time he swiped past my opening. I felt myself give way slightly, stretching just a little. He pressed harder and harder. My God! The pressure was unbelievable. I tried to wriggle away, but his fingers were digging into my hips like a vice. My ass pulsed and struggled as it stretched millimeter by millimeter. My tight little sphincter put up a valiant fight, but at last, with a little pop, it lost to the relentless intruder.

White hot pain ripped through my body as he forced his head into me. My eyes slammed shut and my mouth opened wide in a silent scream.

Holy fuck!

“Arrrrghhh!” I cried, when I caught my breath. I was frozen. Unmoving. Gasping for air.

What is it, what is it, what is it? I thought frantically. My executive function severely compromised by the extreme lack of blood flowing to my brain. What is it I always tell my partners? Relax? No, don’t be stupid, you can’t relax when you have a red-hot poker up your ass. What is it? Bear down. Yes! That’s it. Bear down a little and that will open your ass.

Even this well-meaning advice I’d issued countless times before, seemed a lot harder to follow when it was applied to me. Do you have any idea how terrifying it is to try to push out, when someone is actually trying to push something into your ass?

My God.

The pain was still wracking my body when I felt another surge of pressure. He was preparing to thrust again. I had no fucking choice. I bit my lip, as I bore down and felt myself give way to him. I groaned deliriously, as at least another inch filled me. He moved slowly, easing himself in and out, giving me time to adjust, before the pressure started building again and I had no choice but to let him in more. Over and over, we repeated this dance until at last, at last I felt his balls against mine. I was so weak with relief I hardly even registered the mortifying way I was moaning. Low and long, and so motherfucking loud. Just awful. I sank my face into my palms, trying to hide my face as each tiny movement from him, forced these fearsome sounds from my body. Sounds that were so low the whole room seemed to vibrate.

My shame was complete. Hot and all consuming. Here I was, bent over, bare, with an ass stuffed to the brim with dick. His dick. What’s more, it was hurting like an absolute bitch and even that wasn’t enough to put me off. Despite how horrific my circumstance was, the worst of it was, I couldn’t get enough. I could not get enough. I was wild. Insane with lust. The heavy, musky smell of him. Those big, rough hands on my back. The rasping, jagged breaths coming from him and coming from me.

So, yes, the pain was shocking. And yes, I confess I found myself wondering just how the fuck my girlfriends took this. Is this what it feels like for Jess? I wondered, as he injected what felt like pound after pound of himself into me.

My God.

But, while it was true that in each agonizing thrust there was pain, sure, there was also pleasure. Pure, unadulterated pleasure. A type of pleasure I’d never felt before.

Think of it like this. Pain and pleasure are different sides of a single page. Turn the page this way, and you’re reading a poem called Pain and turn the page that way, and you are reading a poem called Pleasure. So yes, each thrust started and finished with a deep, searing ache, but the in between part…Oh, my God, that part was pure rapture.

I gripped the edge of the table, gritting my teeth and holding on for dear life as the side of my face ploughed into the smooth, walnut surface, grating back and forth, as I struggled to take his punishing strokes.

“I gotta pound a little bit,” he rasped through clenched teeth, “I need to nut.”

A fission of fear tore through me. Oh Jesus, can I take anymore? I bent my legs a little, arching out just a bit and braced myself against the table. He grabbed my hips in both hands and started his final onslaught.

The speed and power of it made me see stars, I couldn’t get a breath. The sounds coming from me, now taking on a desperate, high-pitched quality. The slapping sound of his body slamming into me seeming to bounce off the walls. In desperation, I reached down and started stroking my dick. Pleasure found and engulfed me. The intensity of the pounding almost drowned out by my urgent need for release. Every ounce of my consciousness egging me to find relief.

When it finally came, it landed like the crack of a whip and drowned out my senses until I was aware of nothing but pleasure. Wave after wave after wave. At last, I became conscious of an unfamiliar, thin sound, swirling around the room. I felt his hand, clamped tightly over my mouth.

My God, I realized in shock, that sound is coming from me.

I was screaming.

Finally, my body calmed, and I held still and let him take what he needed until at last, his body stiffened and jerked, slamming into me with a series of animalistic grunts.

After a pause, he pulled out carefully, his bulbous head causing me to wince a little, leaving me sobered, shocked and wondering just how in the hell to deal with the aftermath of the frenzy that had just overtaken us.

“The bathrooms that way.” He said finally, indicating down the hall.

I pulled up my jeans, retrieved my shirt and headed to the bathroom with about as much dignity as a man who has just been thoroughly and unexpectedly fucked up the ass, possibly can.

I cleaned up as best I could, patting my ass dry gently, relieved to see that there was no blood or other evidence of lasting damage. Well, that’s something to be grateful for, I thought miserably, as I looked in the mirror. My reflection stared back at me. The same sandy blonde hair, the same blue eyes as I’d seen in the mirror this morning, and yet, now I found myself wondering, Who the fuck are you and what the fuck have you just done?

My awful quandary now, was that Jess had taken the car. I was effectively stranded at this guy’s house, with no feasible way to get away that wouldn’t draw questions from Jess. Questions I certainly didn’t want to answer. With no obvious better option, I headed back to the living room where Ethan was leaning into the fridge, making a second attempt at getting us a beer. He was fully clothed now and had cleaned up the beer I’d thrown on the floor earlier. All evidence of our indiscretion effectively erased.

“Pizza’s on its way.” He said, as he cracked a beer open, his voice remarkably devoid of any hint that anything untoward had transpired.

We watched the game, drank those beers and the next one’s quickly, and when it arrived, ate the pizza without so much as a sideways glance at each other. The dull ache in my ass the only evidence that I hadn’t hallucinated the whole thing.

To say I felt awkward would be the biggest understatement of all time. Never in my entire life have I felt so embarrassed or wanted so desperately for the Earth to swallow me up. I kept glancing at my watch, willing the clock to strike five thirty, when Jess had said she’d pick me up.

After what felt like hours, Liza finally called, letting him know that they were on their way back.

“The girls will be here in fifteen minutes.” He said.

Thank you, Jesus.

“I’ll meet Jess downstairs,” I said, only too bloody happy to get the hell out of there, but still with fifteen agonizing minutes to kill. He shrugged and kept his eye on the TV. The excruciating silence dragged on and on until finally, he broke it.

“You okay?”

“Yeah.” I said, with just a hint of defensiveness.

“You ever done that before?” He asked, his eyes still fixed on the TV.

“No!” I exclaimed, more than a little defensive now. I swallowed, and then managed, “You?”

“No.” He said quietly, the smallest trace of bewilderment in his voice.

After an eternity, I heard a car pull into the driveway and leapt up to leave. He got up too, showing me out. He swung the front door open, stepping aside for me. As I twisted my body slightly to get passed him in the narrow hallway, he casually said, “We should do this again some time.”

What the fuck? Quick fury erupted in me.

“Blow me!” I spat.

Now, in my defense, blow me is a phrase I use all the time. Someone honking at me in traffic gets the finger an angry blow me, my boss pissing me off at work gets a very quiet blow me, under my breath - you get the picture. It doesn’t mean anything, it’s completely innocent. Certainly, not a Freudian slip of epic proportion.

An awful, slow smile crept across his face, little lines forming at the corner of each glinting eye. He drew a deep breath in, his posture changing slightly. Menacing now. Tension flooded the narrow hallway with astonishing force.

“Maybe I will.” He murmured, running his thumb thoughtfully across his bottom lip.

My pulse surged, blood rushed to my loins, my traitorous cock stirred.


Houston, we have a problem.



















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Hi, friends my name is Rahul aur main luck now main rehta hoon ye meri pehli story hai iss pe jo sayad main kafi dino se soch raha tha likhne ko well main sabhi ladkiyon aur bhabhiyon ko apne baare main baata dun. Meri height 5.11 inches colour fair smart looking and average body and my dick size is 6.5 inch long and 3 inch thick ab main apni story pe aata hoon ye baat aaj se 6 month pehle ki hai meri girlfriend jiska naam divya hai Wo ak sikh parivar se thi wo dekhne main bohot sexy aur...

3 years ago
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Babs Benton

Babs Benton By ZeDD "Hi, Mrs. Benton," I called as I walked past. I've seen her a half dozen times and talked with her once, just enough to have introduced myself as she was new to the neighborhood, but other than that I didn't know much else about her. I assumed she was married for some reason because most women in their early thirties were married, but hadn't seen anyone else so maybe she was single, or divorced. She looked up from her flower garden, her dirt covered gloves...

3 years ago
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Divya Ko Mna Liya Tha Phr Vee Uski Fudi Naa Le Ska

Hello frnds Mera name aarmaan hai aur main punjab ka rehne wala hoon meri age 22 hai aur mera size 6” hai Yeh story meri bua ki ladki divya ke sath kiye sex k ware main hai Dosto aapko bta do ki meri sis divya ki age 19 hai aur uske boob’s ka size 34 hai uski figure buhat mast hai Yeh baat tab ki hai jab divya hamare ghar kuch holidays spend karne k liye aayi thi maine use 5 years baad dekha tha wo aab hot and sexy girl bn gyi thi use dekhe hee maine note kiya uske boob’s ka size increase ho...

3 years ago
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Divya And My Love Life 8211 Part I

Families are seldom joint these days. However, mine is a joint family, with my parents, my elder uncle, his wife, daughter and son, my younger uncle, his wife, daughter and two sons. I’m the eldest (24) of the cousins, followed by Divya (21), my elder uncle’s daughter, and his son Rajat (19), then Kusum (19), my younger uncle’s daughter, and his twin sons (16) Rik and Nik. As Rajat and Kusum are of same age, they would spend their times together, went to the same school and now read in the same...

1 year ago
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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Kee Sex Story 8211 Part III

You read that I fell in love with one school colleague and was ready to fuck with him. But he talked indecently and I backed out. Instead I had sex with an elderly man ,kaka of tea-stall and I liked his monster cock. Thereafter I fucked with father in law and he sold me to his friends ,i returned back after having another six lund in cunt and waited for more. Now Next part : Next day I returned back to my place . I am sure after I came , FIL must have told MIL regarding my slutness with him and...

3 years ago
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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Kee Sex Story 8211 Part I

I am Divya , not very beautiful lekin aas-paas , ghar ke andar , bahar school college mey loag sity bajaate thheye, hai meri jaan kah kar bulate thheye to achchhaa lagta thaa… lekin hai re kismat , 21 saal kee ho gaee lekin naa to kisee ne kabhee chuma, chuchi dabaya yaa lawda hee chusaaya…Tarasti rah gaee . Graduation kiya aur ek university mey B.Ed kaa admission liya aur saath hee ek school mey naukari bhee kar -lee. Me and father tried a lot but could not get job in any city school. Lack of...

3 years ago
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Divya Likes Her Guest Faculty 8211 Part 2

Hi all this is part 2 of  ” Divya Liked her Guest Faculty “. If you have not read the first part please read the first part (link at the top) so that you can understand the story better. I am assuming that you have read the first story and going ahead narrating this story. Please read the first story and email me at Divya came to Bangalore for doing her project. I was very exited to meet her. She was staying in a friend room and she called me to pick her up. This time is what I waiting for a...

2 years ago
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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Kee Sex Story 8211 Part IV

Next day school opened. I was normal and both driver and conductor behaved and talked normally. In evening I told them about next school holiday .. It was just after 7 days . Now conductor became more aggressive. He used to press thighs, finding opportunity pinch choot and caress hips. 7 days passed. I reached at corner and to my surprise they came in a car. I sat between driver and conductor… “Kisi aur ko nahi maalum naa..” I was afraid that they may share me with their friends.. “Nahi rani…”...

1 year ago
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Diva The Girl who tried to break Bens Dick

Diva was a woman who worked as a temp secretary in my company about a year ago. Everyone called her Diva because of her loud, brassy, bossy, and some called, obnoxious, personality. She was a tall woman; bottle blonde, fleshy but not fat, and noisy as hell. Occasionally after work, we'd stop off for a few drinks and some girl talk, and on a few occasions, Ben would stop by to pick me up after work. He didn't care much for Diva but tolerated her since she was a loyal worker and I found her...

2 years ago
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Divya My First Sex Partner

Hey frnds maine ISS m kafi story padi h then i think to narrate my first sex encounter with my first love”Divya”. Mera naam Rajesh h or m Jaipur m ek software company m work karta hu. Baat us samay ki h jab m 13 yr ka tha tab m Rajasthan pahli baar ya tha or Divya ko dhekha us waqt m sex k baaare m jyada nahi janata tha pr pata nahi. Divya ko dhekh kar mujhe wo itni pasand aai ki mane use kiss kar diya or wo waha se bhag gayi ohhh Divya mere gao ki sabse sexy ladkiyo m se ek h height-5.5 gori...

2 years ago
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Divya Mami Ki Nabhi Ki Chudayi

Hello,sabhi aunty,didi,bhabhi aur girls ke liye h. Mai abhi yahaan naya aaya hu. To plz mera thoda khayam rakhna aap sabhi.Ok to ab mai apne bare me btata hu. Mai 33 yrs ka ek naujawan ladka hu aur abhi tak single hu.Mera naam raj h aur mai agra se hu. Meri height 5feet 8inch hai, mera rang gora h aur mera lund 7.5 inch lamba h aur 3.5inch mota h. Mai hamesha se hi nabhi ka deewana hu. Muje gehri aur lamhi nabhi bahut psand h. Nabhi itni bdi ho ki usme lemon pura aa jaye fir chahe wo nabhi...

2 years ago
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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Ki Sex Story 8211 Part V

After sex with Vinay a colleague of mine at school against whom I made a complain last year at tea –stall ,he brought me to his house. I saw his wife Usha. Vinay desired to get his wife fucked by kaka of tea-stall. I just had one lesbian experience with our maid Sonia but seeing Usha , Vinay’s wife I got aroused . She looked at me smilingly. I hugged her and began kissing her passionately and simultaneously I pressed chuchi and hips. She pushed me away and without looking at me asked , “Kya ho...

4 years ago
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Divya Bhabhi Ke Sath Hotel Mein Sex

Hi dosto mera naam Raj hai aur meri umar 22 saal hai. Main Delhi ka rehne wala hu. Main aaj jo hotel mein sex wala incident aapko batane jaa raha hu usse pehle tak main virgin tha. Mere college mein mere kafi friends the jinki gf thi. Par meri koi gf nahi rahi kabhi. Main aksar try karta tha kisi ladki ka date karne ka par thoda shy hone ki wajah se kar nahi pata tha. Mujhe bhi apni virginity todni thi par pata nahi tha kaise tutegi. Mere final year ke exams aa gaye the. Mujhe ek subject mein...

3 years ago
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Losing my virginity

I'm a 21 year old attractive crossdresser from Mumbai, India. I am sharing a true story of how my roommate turned into a permanent fuck buddy!I've been crossdressing for 10 yrs now and have my own collection of all kinds of stuff you can think of. I moved into the city 2 years back and rented an apartment with a guy called Vishal who I didn't know at the time. The first few days went in unpacking and setting up my room and trying to build a decent rapport with Vishal, have some drinks once a...

2 years ago
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Sex with My Boyfriends Brother

Tyler and I had been seeing each other for over a year.  He thought he loved me and that we were going to get married.  He was sweet and funny and always polite.  He was tall with short sandy blonde hair and bright green eyes.  He was a year older than I, at 19.  The relationship seemed perfect from the outside looking in.  But there was one flaw; Tyler was abstinent and I wasn't.  Tyler and I had talked about having sex many times, and we fooled around a little bit a few times.  But Tyler said...

Straight Sex
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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Kee Sex Story 8211 Part II

Next morning at breakfast table I told both of them to take care that Sonia do not get pregnant. “Don’t worry, I am not at all unhappy or angry…” I patted girl… “You can have him as much you wish…we both can share young man. ” No hard feelings from my side. I got ready and went to bus stand. I ignored Vinay who was waiting for me and I boarded bus. Driver smiled seeing me but conductor gave me an angry look. “Madam , jagah nahi hai….” He said without looking at me. “Mere liye jagah nahi to...

3 years ago
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Divya the Diva

I was bored, since I came back into the country because my sexual urges increased, as there was no real outlet for it. I became frustrated and was itching for it. I wanted it badly and I really could not concentrate on anything else. That was when I laid my eyes on divya aunt. She was living in the same street and her house was on the other side of the road. I was in my vacation and all, so I had a lot of time to feast my eyes with her. With all the clothes on, you could still see that beneath...

2 years ago
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Divya Loses Her Virginity

Hello guys. In this story, I am going to narrate an incident which took place during my school days.   I was in college back then. I was an average student who topped only in maths. Everyone was shocked about my extraordinary skills in mathematics. I scores 60 in other subjects but was always the first marks scorer in maths. May be I was naturally good in mathematics. My friends used to clear their doubts from me.   They would come to my house and we would discuss the sums in my room....

3 years ago
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Divya Likes Her Guest Faculty 8211 Part 1

Hi this is Chinna again with a new Story. Thanks for liking my story and giving mails. Anyone want to mail me my mail id is Let me introduce me again. I am 32 years old and 5.7” height and well built. I have good length of my manhood which can satisfy any lady. I stay in Bangalore now and was working for a very reputed company while the story happened. Let me tell you this happened around 5 years back and I was taking Guest Lectures in reputed Engineering colleges. We had leave on Saturday and...

2 years ago
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DIVERSION    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? DIVERSION The pickup pulled into the small concrete lot and circled around in front of the employee entrance.? The building loomed over the truck, looking like a newly constructed warehouse clad in tan aluminum with stainless steel venting near the roofline.? The tops of the huge roof-mounted HVAC units were just visible from the lot below.? Regardless of its modern appearance, all the employees, even management, referred...

1 year ago
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It happened just as I took the second bite of my bacon/mushroom burger. I had been watching this really great-looking little pickup that was pulling into Denny's parking lot when the parking lot disappeared. Suddenly everything outside became gray and furry around the edges. I freaked! And I almost jumped out of my seat when Lisa, she's my sister, dug her fingernails into my upper arm as she screamed. She had just looked past me out the window and seen the 'nothingness'. Both of us were...

4 years ago
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Das Winterabenteuer

Nachricht vom Author: Hallo zusammen, dass hier ist meine erste Geschichte die ich veröffentliche. Daher habt bitte etwas Nachsicht. Da ich fast alles mit meinem IPad schreibe, habe ich immer etwas mit der Autokorrektur zu kämpfen. Für konstruktive Kritik bin ich offen und freue mich auf Rückmeldungen. Ich werde versuchen die Geschichte hier regelmäßig zu aktualisieren. Viel Spaß beim Lesen euer Uwe ************************************************************* Mein Name ist Ben Müller und mein...

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Sarahs Abenteuer

Die Mittagssonne brannte in den großen Garten. Die Luft stand träge, heiß. Einzig das Wasser des kleinen Pools versprach etwas Kühlung. Nichts regte sich, nicht einmal die kleinsten Blätter der dichten Hecke und der großen Bäume, die den Garten umstanden, rührten sich. Mittag. Sarah war eingeschlafen. Sie hatte ihren Körper auf einem gestreiften Badelaken ausgestreckt. Auf dem Rücken liegend, fühlte sie die Hitze der Sonne auf der Haut. Ihr Körper brannte. Schweißbedeckt erwachte sie und...

3 years ago
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Asiatisches Abenteuer

Nach meinem beruflichen Aufenthalt in Südost Asien hatte sich mein Asia Fetish gefestigt und so beschloss ich, zusammen mit meinem Kollegen Peter tiefer in die verruchte Welt des asiatischen Sexbusiness einzusteigen. Kurzer Hand flogen wir zusammen nach Hong Kong um dort unsere Sextour beginnen zu lassen. Unser Plan war recht simple: Asia Nutten bumsen und erniedrigend bis unsere Geräte nicht mehr können! Glücklicherweise spielt Geld keine Rolle, so dass uns quasi keine Tür verschlossen bleibt...

2 years ago
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Deanna Trois Abenteuer

Persönliches Computerlogbuch, Deanna Troi, Sternzeit 56892,1: "Wir sind mit einem Shuttle unterwegs von der Titan zur Erde um Wills Sohn zu treffen. Ja, Will Rikers unehelichen Sohn den er uns allen über Jahre hinweg verschwiegen hat. Vor 2 Tagen erzählte mir Will von ihm, und das dieser gerade 20 geworden ist und sein Vater ihn nocheinmal sehen wollte bevor wir mit der Titan zu unserer Deep-Space-Froschungsmission aufbrechen. Nun befinden wir uns im Anflug auf die Stadt Miami wo David - so...

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Johannas Abenteuer

Johanna ist gerade einmal 18 Jahre alt. Jungfrau (bis jetzt). 1,72m groß. Blond blauäugig, hat große Brüste, und einen geilen, knackigen Po. Curvy, nicht dick. Die Haare sind schulterlang.

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Tabeas erotische Abenteuer

Hi, mein Name ist Tabea! Und ihr könnt mich mal. Wortwörtlich! Denn ich bin eine notgeile kleine Schnecke! Meine erotischen Abenteuer starten im Alter von 18. Gut, eigentlich schon viel früher, aber mit 18 habe ich es so richtig abgehen lassen! Ich war immer schon geiles Schnittchen. Schon auf dem Gymnasium wollten die meisten Jungs nur eins, und zwar in mein Höschen! Was ich nun erlebte... Nun, sagen wir mal die fantastische Geschichte der Tabea G. nimmt nun ihren Lauf!

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Susanne Müller war Einkäuferin eines deutschen Lebensmittelkonzerns und war zum Einkauf von Gemüse in ein Anbaugebiet am Mittelmeer geflogen. Die Verhandlungen waren zügig verlaufen und erfolgreich. Susanne war inzwischen 39 Jahre alt, 1,75 groß und blond. Ihr Körper war eigentlich in guter Verfassung , denn sie betrieb regelmäßig Yoga und Gymnastik. Mittelgroße , noch relativ knackige Brüste und ein kräftiger , aber nicht fetter Hintern machen insgesamt eine durchaus reizvolle Frau...

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Ninas Abenteuer

Mein Name ist Nina, ich bin 23 Jahre jung. Mein Körper misst süße 152 cm, aber die haben es in sich. Meine langen pechschwarzen Haare sind seidig und legen sich glatt um meinen Kopf, meinen Hals und meine Schultern bis hin zu den Brüsten. Ich bin ein kleiner Fitnessfreak und für meinen Körper habe ich - wie mir gerne gesagt wird - Monstertitten. Meine Oberweite beträgt 75 D und zum Glück sind sie rund und straff. Meine Brustwarzen sind klein und hellbraun, meine Nippel ebenfalls. Meine kleinen...

4 years ago
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Theresas Abenteuer

Theresa sitzt in ihrer schmucken Dachgeschosswohnung mit Balkon vor ihrem Laptop und ist in diversen Chats auf der Suche nach Männern, die sich mit ihr treffen wollen. Theresa hat zwei recht ungewöhnliche Angewohnheiten. Zum einen verabredet sie sich mit wildfremden Männern, die sie über das Internet kennlernt. Sie verabredet sich mit diesen Männern in Cafes, Kneipen, Parks oder einfach irgendwo in der Stadt und spielt mit ihnen. Meistens lässt sie es nicht bis zum Äußersten kommen. Sie liebt...

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Tims Abenteuer

Hallo, mein Name ist Tim und ich möchte hier einige außergewöhnliche Ereignisse aus meiner Jugend berichten. Eigentlich hatte ich eine sehr normale und schöne Kindheit und Jugend, wie sie wahrscheinlich sehr viele andere auch hatten. Der einzige Punkt in dem ich mich wahrscheinlich von den allermeisten meiner Altersgenossen unterscheide ist mein Körperbau. Ich habe schon als Kind angefangen, recht intensiv Sport zu betreiben und im Laufe der Jahre habe ich wohl schon fast alle Sportarten...

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Alex alberne Abenteuer

Hi, ich bin Alex! Heute möchte ich euch von meinen außergewöhnlichen, außergewöhnlich albernen, außergewöhnlich unglaubwürdigen Abenteuern erzählen. Oder sind es nur Phantasien? Oder beides? Wer weiß? Aber Spaß wird's machen! (Achtung: male BISEX) Frühling! Jubel! Ich arbeite in einer Bank - kein besonders aufregender Job, möchte man meinen. Aber vielleicht denkt ihr da später noch anders drüber. Heute müsste ich eigentlich erst um 10 Uhr im Büro sein, da ich abends länger arbeiten sollte,...

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Blondies Abenteuer

Hy, ich bin Gina,aber alle nennen mich irgendwie Blondie, so nennen mich alle wegen meiner Haare, glaub ich. Ich bin 19 Jahre alt und wohne in einer ganz normalen Stadt die eigentlich überall sein könnte. Das auffälligste an mir ist meine Wahnsinns-Oberweite, zumindest sagen das die Jungs. Ich weiß nicht genau wie groß meine Möpse sind, aber zumindest so groß daß ich meine Füße nicht sehen kann ohne mich nach vorne zu beugen, hi hi. Das Gute daran ist, daß mir anscheinend alle Männer...

1 year ago
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The Bentons Ch. 1byRGB©Ch. I: Not So AverageLynn Benton had always considered himself an average guy, living a normal life. Right after he graduated from high school he moved into town from the family farm and went to work for the local factory. Now, after all of those years as a blue collar worker, at the age of 45, he was next in line for the low-level white collar job that was opening up at the beginning of the year. Not bad for a man with no college education. Between work, taking care of...

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Tuition with the Bentleys

Tuition with the Bentleys It wasn't that Andrew had had extremely bad grades or that he was stupid but his pushy widowed mother, being a bit of a snob, was convinced that a son of someone of her standing had to achieve well above average. So when one of her posh friends told her about Mr Bentley who, before retiring, had been the head-master of an eminent prep school and who was now available for private tutoring, she knew immediately what to do, although I doubt if her enthusiasm...

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Simones Abenteuer

Es ist Samstag und Alex hatte seinen Tag so geplant, dass er seine Freundin Simone Abends, als Überraschung, von der Arbeit abholen konnte. Sie ist 27 Jahre, hat brünettes, schulterlanges Haar und hat eine tolle Figur. Schon seit längerem arbeitet sie in einer Triumph Filiale in der Innenstadt und immer wenn es zeitlich machbar ist, holt er sie dort ab. Doch als Alex an diesem Abend Simone abholte, kam sie ihm total aufgelöst entgegen. Schluchzend vergrub sie ihr Gesicht in seiner Schulter und...

3 years ago
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At a PriceChapter 17 The Bentleys

The Bentleys came home. Ben, John, Mark and Dale turned up in their twin-cab ute Friday afternoon. They found Mary and Marty with the horses. They also found Marty in the middle of kissing Mary with his hands up under her shirt. When Mary heard them, she turned to face them and kept Marty’s arms around her waist. She knew they thought they had proprietary rights over her. However, she had decided it had to end. When she introduced Marty as her fiancée, they had all raised their eyebrows at...

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Tubent is enough proof that we are at an age where we no longer depend on sheer luck to get the best porn scenes despite what sites tunes, you’ll have to dance to. With lots of porn categories to choose from that are redirected to other sites specialized in that niche, this will basically be comfy home for most of you mofos. Well, I know it pretty much sounds dreamy and all that, but that is exactly the kind of thing that goes on here. And I guess that I don’t even need to tell your lazy...

Porn Aggregators
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Bent Box! The coronavirus has shaken up the pornography landscape, in case you haven’t noticed. On your end, I’m sure you’ve got more socially distant alone time to spend with your barrel of lube, but it’s also affected how new movies are made. It’s hard for a woman to gag on a stranger’s cock when everybody is hiding at home, guarding their toilet paper with a shotgun. That’s just one of the reasons more Internet sluts and sexy attention whores are turning to sites like

Premium OnlyFans Sites
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I jammed my fingers in my mouth and let out a shrill whistle as The Divine finished off their last song with a blistering guitar riff from Kara Devine. She caught my eye and grinned, aiming the head of her guitar towards the ceiling of the auditorium and tearing out the last notes like a professional rock star. Her brother, Adam Devine, had just put the microphone back in its stand after singing the final verse, and was nodding his head to his younger sister’s finale. The drummer,...

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Ludivine Astrid Twin srs

Ludivine & Astrid, Twin s****rs Fiction We are two cute twin s****rs. We are both blond and very much alike looking. We love to wear sportswear clothes. And sneakers. We like to wear those clothes directly on our skin. It is very pleasant to the skin either with the smoothness of the fleece or with the electrostatic sensation on our hairs triggered by the synthetic apparel. We have nice pussies that we do like to touch with our small fingers. We discovered how to please ourselves in our...

2 years ago
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Diversify Young Man Diversifyhellip

“Hi Chris! Punctual as always. Lola is just finishing off a promo with a newbie, she won’t be much longer if I know Lola… Grab something from the Green Room and I’ll call you.” The receptionist buzzed me through and I opened the third door on the right. Greenroom indeed! It was more of an office coffee bar and water station with a small fridge, sink, kettle, and basic-value-range microwave. The furniture was practical: just a couple of sofas and a small bistro table and chair set. I grabbed...

3 years ago
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Divyavai Matter Paninen

En peyar Vishal, vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Enaku oru thozhi irunthaal, aval en udan thaan vagupil padithu varugiraal. Aval peyar divya, ivaludan eppadi enaku kama uravu eer patathu enbathai solugiren. Aval en vagupil padithu irunthaal aanal avalavu nerukam kidaiyaathu, naan pengal udan athigam pesa maten. Eppozhuthum pasangal udane pesi kondu irupen, ithu engaluku kadaisi varuda padipaagum. Eppozhuthum kalluriku late taga varuven, ennai vagupirkul niraiya teachers ulle serka maatargal. Kaala...

4 years ago
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BareDivas FBB story

Sometimes when I'm alone I think about how far I've come. I used to feel old, I'm over 30 now and I'm not going to tell you just how far over 30 I am, but ever since I've been going to the gym I feel young again. Sure I'm mature in what I'm looking for and my life, but something inside of me changed when I started working out. The stronger I grew, the more excited about life I got. And not just life, sex. I think my sex drive had died just before I started my workout program, but now after a...

2 years ago
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Ludivine Astrid Twin sisters

Ludivine & Astrid, Twin sistersFictionWe are two cute twin sisters. We are both blond and very much alike looking. We love to wear sportswear clothes. And sneakers. We like to wear those clothes directly on our skin. It is very pleasant to the skin either with the smoothness of the fleece or with the electrostatic sensation on our hairs triggered by the synthetic apparel. We have nice pussies that we do like to touch with our small fingers. We discovered how to please ourselves in our...

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Idivettu Gracy 2

Thudarunnu.,Thudarnnulla raathrikal kittunna samayanghalil Gracey yente bedil thanne aayirunnu, idivettumaayi mikka samayanghalilum vaakku tharkkanghal aval naattilekku thirichu poakumennu bhaashani, nee yenghane ottakku kunju maayi poakumennu avanum; kaariyanghalude updation aval yennum parumaayirunnu.. angane 18 divasangal kazhinju adutha divasam raavile idivettu pokunnen munne vilichu kaariyangal dharippichu 2 divasam koodi maathrame thaamasikkan pattu, yevidennu vachaal vendadhu cheydhollan...

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Idivettu Gracyude Spongy Main Switch

By Jesolal (). Hello suhuruthukkale, yidakk kure naalathekk ninghalil ninnokke ozhinju nilkeandi vannadhil vysanamundu, joli thirakku thanne aayirunnu…. Yendhu cheyaam jeevikkende…. Yippol ningalude swastha jeevidham thadasa peduthi, ninghalumaai panghuvekkaan orungunnadh oru kinnari Graceye parichaya peduthi kondaakatte… sadayam sahikkumllo…. Ambi yude naattilekkulla parichu nadalum thudar nadapadikalum moolaam yeaadho nashtta bhodhathil Mumbai jeevidham maduthu thudanghiyappol mattu mechil...

4 years ago
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Dividend paid through commanding blackmail

Shyam was a very good student throughout his academic career and passed out from a renowned college. But even being a graduate, he could not get any job. He was already 22 and attended lot of interview, but in vain. In this world of competition he failed to get a service in mumbai as he did not have a strong backing. He belonged to a middle class family and at times got bored to spend his whole day idle, except chatting and gossiping with his friends of similar category. Ultimately he caught...

3 years ago
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Adivasi girl

I am bobby sans, 19yrs old, a college student. My original name is budhyodeb santra and i am by birth a hindu. But later, when i was only one year old, my family was converted to christian. My parents had divorced when i was 2yrs and i stayed with my mother who is an executive with a major company. As my mother had hardly any time to look after me, i was brought up by sangeeta murmu, an adivasi woman. Sangeeta had worked with my grandparents, and then came to work for us when my parents...

3 years ago
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Part One As the music played, I tried to make my legs do everything that was required of them, but I knew it was useless. I was nineteen, twenty in a couple of months, and I had only really taken up this course to keep my figure trim. The constant small details insisted on by my tutor were impossible for me to do. My heart wasn't really in it. Maybe if I'd had the little girl's dream of being a ballerina... But, I didn't. I had a good upbringing, if a bit loveless, and was rather...

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