Hot Fun With A Stranger Chapter Two free porn video

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Oh, god, what the hell had she just agreed to?  Her nipples were so tight and so hard they actually stung, and her pussy was practically flooding, he was getting her so fucking hot.


As Damien took his sweet time sliding her buttons free on her white silk blouse, trailing a warm damp path with his tongue over every inch of skin he exposed, the hotter he was getting her the more convinced Deana was that she’d actually lose her mind before he even got her naked.  Her poor pussy nearly convulsing with need, what in hell made her think she could have a no-strings fling with a guy as hot as he was and come out of it unscathed when it was over?


Sitting behind her desk in his lap, softly whimpering, she could feel just how deliciously hard he was, pressed against her backside as he toyed with her breasts. And remembering just how good that big fat cock had felt pushing inside her, he had her nearly frantic to feel it again.  Enough with her tits already, no matter how good what he was doing to her felt – what she really needed was to be fucked.  And it had been months since she’d been with a man, not since he’d taken her in that little courtyard from behind when she’d been trapped in that damned device.  And now he had her poor neglected pussy almost screaming for some action.


“Have I told you that I love your tits?” he asked with a smile, cupping one in his palm and lashing it with his tongue, licking all around one achingly erect nipple.  Running his thumb over it he said, “So pretty and soft and smooth, with such nice pink nipples, you’ve got to have the nicest pair I’ve ever seen.”


Her arm wrapped tightly around his neck to keep herself from sliding off his lap onto the carpet into a mindless puddle of overwrought goo, all she could do was close her eyes and moan.  Reveling in the sensuous feel of him suckling and nipping at her girls, sending the most delicious shock waves she’d ever dreamed of shooting straight to her core -- how could he not know he was doing to her, nearly setting her neglected pussy on fire.


And when he pushed her blouse off her shoulders and suckled one tingling breast deep into his mouth, grazing his teeth over her nipple right through her lacy white bra, giving it a stinging tug with his teeth, and sending tingles skittering across her skin, she almost lost it right in his lap.  And it would serve the cocky bastard right too, if she soaked right through his security guard’s uniform, for him playing with her like this without quite letting her get off. 


But considering how they’d met, nothing he did should surprise her, since he’d slipped his cock into her before she’d even gotten a chance to see what he looked like.    


Letting out a startled gasp, her breath caught in her throat when she felt him sliding his hand up her thigh under her skirt, giving her hope that he was finally going to give her what she needed.  Lifting his head, smiling into her eyes, when he pushed aside her panties and slipped a finger inside her, his grin widened and he let out a groan when he discovered how incredibly wet she was, almost dripping into his hand. 


Her eyes drifting shut as he toyed with her body, she totally gave herself over to the erotic sensation of having him work both her pussy and breasts at once, deciding she’d just let him have his way with her.  Obviously he knew just what it took to get a woman off, and her delighted little snatch was elated beyond belief that she was lucky enough to have him working his magic on her.


As he tugged her panties down over her legs, cast aside her bra and yanked off her skirt, nearly setting her ablaze, now he had her sitting naked in his lap, convinced she was about to crawl out of her skin or combust from the way he was relentlessly toying with her breasts and teasing her poor pussy.  Deana looked down and began to moan at the pussy-melting sight of his mouth encircling her bare nipple and rolling it on his tongue.  “Umm, Damien?” she whispered on a shaky breath.  As incredible as it felt, with the way her heart was nearly pounding of her chest, she knew she needed more, like all of him -- right now -- especially with how he had her overstimulated pussy nearly convulsing with need.


“Hmm?” cocking an eyebrow, he murmured around her breast, smiling as he tugged at her nipple with his teeth.


Overwhelmed at how incredible everything he was doing to her felt, especially the shock waves he was sending straight to her poor throbbing snatch, she let out a ragged breath, trying to remember how to form a coherent thought. “Just wondering if you were planning on getting to it any time soon, or were you intending to just spend the night playing with my girls and teasing my pussy, and making me lose my fucking mind?”


Finally he released her nipple, grinning up at her as he ran his hands over her hips, giving her ass a nice hard squeeze. Chuckling, he said, “You know, eager as I am for the main course, when the appetizer’s this tasty, it’s not that easy to move on.”


Deana just rolled her eyes at his attempt at humoring her.  Then suddenly she let out a gasp when she felt two long fingers pushing into her pussy. “Oh, yesss,” she hissed.  Parting her legs for him, she murmured, “finally.” Sinking her hands into his hair, when he went back to suckling her breasts and giving her the nice little finger fucking she needed, she sighed.  “Ooh, now that’s more like it.”


Finally picking her up and spreading her lush body over the top of her desk, carefully pushing everything aside, just seeing how sexy she looked, beseechingly pleading with her eyes for him to take her, Damien let out a groan.  Damn, seeing her naked and at his disposal was like a veritable feast for the eyes, and his twitching cock really seemed to be enjoying it, too.


Bending over her prone body, trailing his hot, damp tongue first around each nipple, then sliding lower, down over her ribs, her flat belly, her mound, and finally planting a lingering open-mouthed kiss on her little pink pussy, he had every last inch of her tingling and desperate for everything he could give her. “Oh, god, Damien, that’s exactly where I need you,” she gasped, tugging at his hair as he spread her open wide and lapped into her deep, making her let out a delighted little moan from the feel of him going down on her at last.


Smiling up at the blissed out look on her face, he said, “You like the feel of my mouth on you, huh?”


Gazing into the heat of his warm brown eyes, all she could do was breathlessly nod. Truth was she loved every last thing he was doing to her, sure that she’d never been as turned on in her entire freaking life.  The guy was absolute genius at turning a woman on, and now if he’d just get out his cock and fuck her, she’d be over the moon.


Suddenly when she looked up and noticed a pair of shiny silver handcuffs dangling in front of her eyes, she let out a gasp, and said, “You wouldn’t dare.”  Her heart already pounding, her poor pussy clenching hard at the thought of being restrained again and used by him any damn way he pleased, she froze, swallowing hard.  Not that she wasn’t game -- but she just wasn’t too sure she could survive it again, especially after how wickedly hard he’d made her come last time when he’d had her trapped and had taken her from behind.


And from the feral look in his eye, she knew he had every intention of doing it, too, of tying her down and fucking her hard.


Spread across her desk, naked and completely at his mercy, Deana could barely believe it when she watched as he grasped her forearm and snapped a cuff over her right wrist. Then lifting both her hands over her head, he quickly slipped the loose cuff around a desk handle and then snapped that one closed around her other wrist, holding her in place, right where he wanted her.


And she could see from his evil grin and the wicked glint in his eye as he smoothed his hands slowly down over her naked body, how pleased he looked to have her prisoner again. Her chest heaving, poor pussy nearly dripping for him, she’d never experienced anything as erotic or, god help her, as unnerving. Though she felt she could trust him not to harm her -- at least she hoped -- her skin still prickled with a mixture of desire and trepidation, the whole thing was just so crazy. Especially doing something as insane as this right in her office, where someone could walk in and find them.


Staring down at her looking absolutely gorgeous, bound and naked on her desk, long dark hair spread around her, big, blue eyes wide, Damien shook his head, murmuring, “Damn, you look hot like this.”  Smoothing his hands from her slender ankles up over her calves and thighs, stopping his journey caressing her hips, his voice deep and hungry, his gaze steady on hers, he told her, “I swear I’ve never seen anything sexier than you right now.”


Anxiously licking her lips, Deana could actually feel her heart pounding in her ears, waiting for him to pounce. And with the way he had his gaze riveted to hers as he unhooked his belt buckle, let down his fly and fished out his incredibly long, thick cock, she nearly begged him to stop teasing her and just get on with the business of making them come.


And lordy, as he stroked his length in his palm, her mouth watering for him, she realized it was just as big and beautiful as she remembered. Oh, man what an amazing cock he had.  Which made her wonder if he’d ever won any prizes for it, if there was even such a thing – maybe something like ‘Cock of the Year’ or ‘Top Dong.’  And she couldn’t decide if she was more desperate for a lick of him, or just to feel him filling her up till he had her screaming his damn name.


Squeezing his erection in his hand, giving it a few good hard tugs, Damien murmured, “You know ever since that day when I found you nearly naked and trapped in that pillory, I’ve been hungry for more. Wicked little thing that you are, you’ve been haunting my dreams, remembering how crazy that was and what we did to each other.”


Blowing out a shaky breath, her heart really beginning to pound, she believed him too, since she’d woken up in a cold sweat more than once, reliving every minute she’d shared with him, too. And now she could hardly believe that she actually had him in her office, ready to go at it all over again, and she could almost taste him on her tongue, she was so eager for it to happen. 


Looking up into her eyes, Damien leaned his body over hers and carefully licked his way up her legs, savoring the taste of her silky flesh as he went.  Once he reached the juncture of her thighs, nuzzling his face into her pussy, inhaling her delectable scent, he groaned as the erotic memory of the first time he’d had her flooded back, thickening his cock even more.


Opening her up wide with his thumbs, the moment his tongue slid over the heat of her hot, slick folds, he felt his dick twitching hard with the need to get inside her, like it could almost smell her. “Damn, baby, I think you’re even sweeter than I remember,” he murmured lapping up her juices, savoring her essence as it filled his senses. Pushing a finger inside her, sliding it in and out as he wrapped his lips around her hard little clit, giving it a suck and rolling it with his tongue, he smiled at the way she lifted her hips feeding herself to him, practically begging him to make her come. She was just so fucking hot, and so eager, just he like he remembered, and he couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have found her again.


Her chest heaving hard, her hips rhythmically thrusting up to meet every thrust of his tongue, she was practically fucking his mouth with her pussy.  And as delectable as she was, he knew he wouldn’t last much longer if he kept lapping into her and feasting on her slick little cunt, especially with the room echoing with her desperate moans, just begging to be filled and taken hard.


And wouldn’t you know it, just when he knew he couldn’t wait another second to get inside her, ready to ditch his clothes and finally give them both what they needed, his damn phone pinged with a text. He rolled his eyes when he took a look at the screen.  Davey, the guy stationed down in the security office was letting him know that he’d noticed something suspicious on one of the monitors -- a car pulling up in back of the building at the loading dock and two sketchy looking dudes getting out and testing the back door.


Shaking his head and heaving a disappointed sigh, he put his phone away, straightened out his erection and zipped up, telling her, “Sorry, sugar, but duty calls. I’ve got to run, but no worries, I’ll be back to take care of you soon as I can.” 


He had to be kidding.  Eyes flaring, desperately tugging at her wrists, she yelled after him as he left, “You monster! You can’t just leave me hanging like this.”  Not when she was ready to burst into flames after the way he’d toyed with her body and had pussy throbbing like a second heartbeat, nearly screaming for relief.


Damien stopped at the door and looked over at her glaring at him. “You better behave yourself, baby, or I won’t come back.”


Her eyes popping open wide, she gasped. “You wouldn’t dare.”


Giving her a flash of his dimples, he said, “Guess we’ll just have to wait and see, huh?”

She just looked fucking so hot, naked and fighting against the restraints that he actually hated to leave her.  So he took a moment to walk back over to her desk, grasp her legs, and spread her open wide. Getting between her thighs, he pressed a surprisingly tender kiss to her quivering little pussy to show her just how sorry he was to have to go. Then straightening, and adjusting his dick in his pants again, he winked.  “Don’t go anywhere, okay? And hopefully I’ll be back soon to give you what you need.” she muttered under her breath as she watched him turn and walk out, softy chuckling as he clicked the door shut behind him. Annoyed that he could get her pussy humming that hard with just one little kiss, she couldn’t believe the power he held over her.

She considered herself to be a fairly strong-willed independent woman. And no one would ever call her a push over.  But for some reason with him she just couldn’t find a way to deny him, no matter what he asked of her.


And look where it had gotten her, naked and cuffed to her desk, with her legs spread wide, praying that he’d come back and give her the fuck of her life. And she knew if anyone happened upon her now and saw her like this, just waiting to be taken, she’d probably die of equal measures of embarrassment and shame.  And she could just see herself plastered naked all over the internet with the headline:  Thomas Maxwell’s daughter found naked and restrained in her office.  And wouldn’t her father love that?

As he pushed the down button on the elevator and waited for it to arrive, rereading his co-workers text, Damien blew out a breath, hoping it was nothing serious and that the guys who’d tried the door had just shown up at the wrong building.  Fully aware that a cosmetics company like this had a lot more than trade secrets to protect, he’d been told by Thomas Maxwell himself that some of the ingredients they used, particularly for their perfumes and cologne lines were worth a small fortune.  Though safely secured in a password protected airtight vault, it wouldn’t surprise him if the company had been chosen for a targeted hit, especially for the pricey musk, whale Ambergris and precious flower oils they used, that could easily be worth more than their weight in gold. 

When Damien strode into the security office on the main floor, an unmarked door next to the elevators, tall, fair-haired lanky Davey was busy replaying the video of the two guys trying the back door.  “So, have they gone?” he asked him the moment he walked in and came around the desk to get a look.

Nodding his head at the screen showing the deserted loading dock, Davey said, “Yeah, I think they were just checking to see how hard it would be to get inside.  But I’ve downloaded the tape in case they show up again so at least we’ll know what they look like.  Unfortunately the camera didn’t get a good shot of their licence plate, or we could have asked the cops to check out their ride.”

Damien stared hard at the screen, wondering why they might have tried the door.  “Well, let’s just hope they’re gone for good.  But be sure to write out a report about what you saw while it’s still fresh in your mind, just in case, though, okay?”

“Sure thing,” Davey said, already clicking away on the keyboard.

“You need me for anything else, just send me a text.  I’ll be upstairs finishing my rounds, and I’ll be leaving for home in about an hour, but don’t be afraid to call if you need me,” Damien said, already on his way out the door.

Knowing that Deana was still trapped in the handcuffs and probably mad as a hornet, he knew he had to get back upstairs.  But he also knew if the place was broken into while he was busy fucking the owner’s daughter he’d not only lose his job, but his reputation would be destroyed and he’d probably never get hired to work again – even at a burger joint.

And with the plans he had for his future, he could hardly afford to lose his job.  Trouble was, now that he’d found her again, there was no way in hell he wanted to lose her, even if he was taking a risk just by being with her, never mind tying her up and giving her the good hard fucking she was begging for.

Since he’d locked up her office after he’d left her, he had to use his pass key to get back inside.  And the narrowed eyed look she was giving him made him laugh when he strode back up to her still spread out naked across her desk, just the way he’d left her, looking so fucking hot, his cock was already twitching to get at her. 

“Nice of you come back,” she said in a deceptively calm voice, tinged with a heavy dose of sarcasm.

“You miss me?” he asked, grinning as he brushed his hands over her delicate little feet, sliding his thumbs over her slender ankles and gently massaging up along her calves, smiling at the way her chest was already heaving, just from his touch.

Glaring up at him, she said, “Could you at least tell me what was so important that you had to rush off and leave me like this?”

Shrugging, he told her the truth.  “A couple of guys pulled up behind the building and tried the back doors on the loading dock, but we’ve got it all on film.  And I doubt they’ll try anything again tonight.”  At least he hoped -- especially since he had her right where he wanted her, and sure as hell didn’t want to be disturbed again.

The fight gone out of her once he explained, Deana nodded thoughtfully, remembering the expensive shipment of ingredients they’d just received from their overseas broker, and just hoped that word hadn’t leaked out that more than a million dollars of prized essences were sitting down in their labs, waiting to be turned into pricey perfumes.

Standing at the end of her desk, just looking at her again, with her legs spread wide, pink pussy shimmering with desire and her lush pale breasts slightly heaving, Damien could feel himself growing rock hard.  Tugging down his fly, once he’d fished out his cock, he said, “Now, before I was called away, I think I was about to give you what you’ve been begging for, wasn’t I?”

Rolling her eyes, she laughed, watching him stroke himself in his hand, he had her pussy clenching just from the sight of him.  Grinning at him, she said, “Actually, if memories serves, I think you were.”

Just to be sure she was good and wet and ready for what he had in mind, he took his time and kissed his way up from her ankles, even licking into the tender flesh at the back of her knees and then sliding his tongue up higher along her slender thighs, he gently nipped at her ass, chuckling as she gasped at the shock of it.  Deeply inhaling her wickedly arousing scent, he caressed her bare pussy with a long lingering open mouthed kiss, dragging his tongue slowly all the way from her tight back hole through her hot, slick folds, and gently swirling the tip of tongue around her clit, loving the way shivered from the feel of his mouth on her.  Groaning as the enticing scent of her filled his senses, he muttered, “Damn, I bet your pussy smells better than any perfume ever made, you just smell so fucking good, I can’t wait to get at you.”

And when he locked his lips around her clit and began to gently suckle it and roll it with his tongue, Deana threw back her head, thrust up her hips and squealed.  “Oh, fuck me, that feels so damn good, Damien.”

Damien grinned and murmured against her sex, “Thought you’d never ask.”

Finally it was show time.  Grasping her calves, bending her knees up to her chest, parting her legs, he groaned deep at the sight of her hot little cunt spread open wide, desperately shimmering with the need to be filled with his cock. “Oh, damn, baby, you look hot like this, just begging to be fucked.”

And the moment he fisted himself cock in his hand and began to push inside her, Deana’s head fell back, her mouth dropped open and she softly moaned at the sensation of being packed so tight and full with him all over again, that every inch of her began to quiver.  “Oh, yesss,” she hissed on an elated breath as he flexed his hips and grunted his satisfaction at the erotic sight of his cock disappearing deep into the depths of her tight little cunt.

“Damn, you’re tight.  And you’re just so fucking wet, it’s like your pussies sucking me right in.  Fuck, I love this with you, Deana.”

Her eyes drifting shut, she murmured, “Mmmm, then please just never stop.  It just feels so good with you, too. Mmm, so damn good.”

Smiling down at the look of bliss washing over her face, he’d happily fuck her till the end of time if she’d let him, especially since he couldn’t believe how incredible it felt to slide every last thick inch of himself deep inside her willing body.  Withdrawing almost all the way out, staring down between them, the sight of his cock glistening with her juices was making him, if possible, even harder.  Too desperate to hold back, his jaw clenched tight, clutching her ass, tunneling in and out of her harder and faster with every flex of his hips, it just felt so insanely good with her, so perfect that already he knew he needed way more than just the occasional hook up to keep them both satisfied.  Though likely never going to happen, what he wanted more than anything was her – all of her.  The woman who’d haunted his dreams since the first moment he’d set eyes on her.

Seeing her now, sexy as hell, with her hands bound over her head, beautiful big breasts bouncing as he rocked into her, fucking her to within an inch of her life, slamming his cock into her wickedly hard, she just looked so swept away by what he was doing to her, that he knew he needed more.  Maybe it was fate that he’d stumbled upon her and her friend that afternoon.  And now that he’d found her again he wasn’t about to just let her go.  Not when it felt so fucking good that he knew once he came, he’d be overflowing her pussy till she’d literally be awash with his seed. 

“Oh, fuck, Damien, yesss,” she purred as he bent his knees, changing the angle of his thrusts to hit her just where he knew she needed him most, targeting her g-spot. Loving to see how hard she was panting and mindlessly tossing her head from side to side, as he rode her pussy relentlessly hard and daringly deep, he’d give her anything she wanted just to keep that elated look on her face. 

Finally, his balls felt so tight, and the need to come so strong it had him overpowered.  And he knew he had to let go.  Digging his fingers hard into her ass, grunting out his pleasure, he threw back his head and yelled, “Oh, damn, what a wild fucking ride.  Come for Deana.  Come good and hard, while I fill you up with everything I’ve got.”

And come she did, the moment he said it, her whole body visibly writhing as he felt his balls erupting in a jaw-dropping rush, and yet he still didn’t relent, and just kept pumping into her ruthlessly hard till finally they both felt ready to collapse, with how insanely hard he’d taken her.  Chests heaving, both breathlessly panting, he pressed his lips to hers and swallowed her elated cries as her body shook helplessly in his arms with his dick still buried deep inside her.

Once he finally found the strength to pull out, looking down and seeing the white milky river of cum slipping from her swollen pussy, he just shook his head and groaned, sure that he’d never seen anything as hot in his entire life than her dripping with his seed, naked and bound, eyes closed, her entire body still shivering with how wickedly hard he’d made her come. 

Wiping his arm across his brow, he shook his head.  Sex with her was like nothing he’d ever known.  Wild and raw, and so fucking hot, he wished he had it in him to take her all over again and could barely believe how badly he still wanted her, even after what they’d just shared, nearly losing themselves in each other.  And he had a feeling already knowing her the way he did, that she’d be up for it, too.  The way her pussy was still quivering, gushing with his seed, and her breasts heaving hard, already he knew that what they had together was too good to ever want to stop.

The moment he freed her wrists and lifted her off the desk and into his arms, the way she clung to him pressing her face into his neck and kissing her way up to his ear, had him rocked to his core.  Cleary she wanted him as much as he wanted her, and now all he had to do was convince her that what they had was something too special to deny.

Tipping up her chin, he took her mouth in a desperately hungry kiss, wrapping her tightly in his arms he hated the thought of having to let her go.  Finally, once they’d broken apart, biting into her lip, shyly looking up into his eyes, she whispered, “Thanks for coming back and taking care of me.”  And he just threw back his head and laughed, sure that wild horses couldn’t have kept him away knowing that she was waiting for him. 

Gazing into her big blue eyes, gently stroking his hand across her cheek, she was just so sweet and so damn hot, and so much more than just beautiful, and definitely the sexiest woman he’d ever known.  And he just knew that what they had together was more than just lust, though she could get him hard with just a look.  Already he knew he wanted so much more from her than just sex – he wanted everything a normal couple could have, like maybe even a life together.

Finally when she said, “Well, guess I should get dressed,” it actually pained him to let her go.  And when she crawled off his lap, turned her back on him and started to get back into her clothes, he just hoped this wouldn’t be it for them.  As crazy good as what they’d just shared had been, he knew he needed more and just hoped she’d felt it, too.

Once he’d pulled himself together and he glanced over and noticed the sad looking salad she’d abandoned, sitting wilting by her PC, he frowned and said, “Please tell me that pathetic looking bowl of greens isn’t all you were having for dinner.”

Glancing over at the forgotten container she hadn’t bothered to even taste, she shrugged. “I know it’s pretty sad looking.  But since I work so late and always eat alone, I usually just get a salad, or maybe some kind of sandwich, just to have something in my stomach.  To be honest, I don’t really think much about what I eat anymore.  It’s just food, and the taste doesn’t even matter.”

Shocked that she’d treat her body like that, Damien got to his feet, shaking his head and told her, “Be right back.”

And when he returned a couple of minutes later, he was carrying a big lunch bag.  And Deana moaned the moment he opened up a steel thermos filling the air in her office with the most delectable aroma she’d ever smelled.  “Ooh,” she asked, trying to get a look inside, “what have you got in there?”

“Arroz con pollo,” he told her, dishing it up onto two plates. “I learned to make it from my abuela, who was a genius in the kitchen.  The things she made for me growing up, still get my mouth watering just thinking about how good it all was.” 

Rolling her eyes, Deana absolutely loved chicken and rice.  It had to be her favorite thing in the world.  And she hadn’t had a good dish of it since she was in her teens, when their family’s Spanish housekeeper used to make it just for her.  Imagining him as an adorable little dark haired boy working alongside his grandmother in the kitchen, she smiled at him and asked, “And what else did your grandma teach you how to make?”

He took out another smaller container and set it down on her desk.  “My favorite thing has got to be her orange flan.  And I’m pretty sure you’ll like, too, and it’s probably the best you’ve ever had.”

Her eyes went wide, as she said, “Oh, my god, how did you know it was my favorite dessert?  Our housekeeper Jimena used to make it for me all the time.  I’d actually dream about it on the bus on my way home from school, hoping like crazy that she’d have made it for me, it was just so good.”

Damien tipped his head, looking confused.  “Wait.  Your housekeeper was named Jimena?”

She nodded, her face breaking into a smile as she thought of her.  “Yes, and I loved her to pieces, she was just so good to me.  She was like family and treated me like I part of her family, too.”

It had to be more than a coincidence that his grandmother Jimena had worked as a housekeeper for a wealthy family when he was young.  Then he asked, “Did she have a nick name for you?”

Wondering why he’d ask, she nodded. “Yes, she always called me, Carina, which I always thought was kind of sweet.”

His eyes going wide, he said, “And did you live in the valley growing up, in those estate homes near the river?”

Deana nodded, looking confused.  “I did, and my parents still live there.  But after I went off to college, Jimena decided to retire, and it was never the same going home knowing she wouldn’t be there.  I really missed her once she moved away.  And eventually somehow we lost touch with her.  And I don’t know where she is now.”

“But after she left you, she moved to Mexico for a while, right?”

Looking shocked, Deana pulled back her head, and asked, “How on earth did you know that?”

“Because I’m pretty sure your housekeeper was also my abuela.”

Her eyes flaring, looking shocked, she said, “You’ve got to be kidding, you’re Jimena’s grandson?”  Then she gasped and said, “You know I think we must have met.  Did you used to pick her up from work sometimes in an old powder blue Mustang?”

He nodded, “I did, and that was my first car.  I loved that thing, and drove it into the ground till it finally died just a few years ago.  And thinking back, I remember you, too, you were my grandma’s favorite, and she called you her little Carina, or beloved in English.  You were awfully pretty even then, a little young for me, but believe me, I noticed you.  But you wore your hair a lot shorter then, right?” When she nodded that she did, looking stunned, he chuckled and said, “And my grandmother used to tell to put my eyes back in my head whenever I saw you, I guess from the way I’d stare.”

“Oh, my god, Damien, I do remember you now, so clearly.  You were really cute, and you had a sexy beard back then, but you weren’t quite as buff as you are now.  And I remember I kinda had a thing for you.  Jimena had so many grandchildren, and when one of the others would come and pick her up after work, I’d always be disappointed when it wasn’t you.”  Then she felt her cheeks heating up, realizing she might have said too much, giving away how she felt about him, even back then.

Not even aware that she was blushing, sitting down on the edge of her desk, smiling, Damien shook his head. “Wow, talk about a small world.  I thought it was amazing when I realized you were Thomas Maxwell’s daughter and you worked here, too.  But to think that you even knew my grandmother and we’ve actually met before is just insane.”

“So tell me, how is she, how’s Jimena?”

He nodded.  “She’s good, a lot older than when you knew her, but she’s still doing okay.  She moved to California and lives with my mother’s sister, my aunt Maria and her family.  But I still see her sometimes when she comes up here for Christmas with some of the family.”

“Wow, this really is crazy, especially with how we know each other now.”

He smiled over at her, slowly looking her up and down, and said, “No kidding.”  His grandmother would tan his hide if he she knew he was screwing around with her old employer’s daughter, never mind if she knew that the man was his boss now, too.  The whole thing was just too wild to be real.  And to think, if he hadn’t offered to share his dinner, they might never have found out.

Eventually they sat down across the desk from each other and smiled at each other as they ate, both of them recalling how they’d looked as kids, and of course, still blown away by how well they knew each other now.  Especially once they got their clothes off.

Once they were done eating, Deana said, “Thank you so much for that, Damien.  It was just so good, and tasted just like what your grandmother used to make for me.”

Pushing the dish of orange flan across the desk for her, he said, “Then I’ll bet you’ll enjoy this, too.”  When she went to spoon a little onto her plate, and give him back the rest, he said, “Hey, I can always make more, so you go ahead and enjoy that.”

She grinned at him.  “Oh, come on, why don’t we share it?”

Shrugging, he went around the desk, picked her up and sat her in his lap.  “Only if I can feed you,” he told her, pressing a kiss to her lips.

They laughed as they enjoyed the pudding together, especially with the way she moaned after every bite and then opened her mouth for the next spoonful for him like a baby bird, both of them quickly realizing that they really liked and enjoyed each other, even fully clothed.

Once they were done with dinner, resting her head on his shoulder she heaved a little sigh and said, “I kind of hate that I have to go home.  This has been so nice with you tonight.”

Brushing back her long dark hair and pressing a kiss to her temple, he said, “Well, you could always come home with me.  And then you wouldn’t have to go home to an empty apartment and at least we could have the night together.”

Turning her head to look at him, not too sure if he was serious, she said, “But I just thought that this might be it for us after tonight.”

Caressing her backside, he shook his head, flashing that sexy dimpled grin that got her pussy melting for him all over again.  “No way, I think we’re just getting started, and there’s just so much more I want to enjoy with you.”

Her heart rate kicking up, just imaging what he had in mind, she licked her lips and stared mesmerized at the heat in his eyes, wondering if she’d even survive spending another night with him, but she was sure willing to find out.

Once they drove into the heart of the city to his apartment, she noticed his place was small, sparsely furnished, but tidy.  As he ushered her inside, Deana felt a little embarrassed when she realized looking around that she could easily fit his apartment into hers six times over, her condo was just so big compared to his little place.  Though too big for her on own, since it was a graduation gift from her parents when she’d finished college, she’d just accepted it and thanked them.

When he noticed she was looking pretty tired and starting to yawn, he asked, “You want anything before we go to bed?”  When she shook her head that she didn’t, he took her by the hand and led her straight into his bedroom.  Once they’d both gotten their clothes off and crawled into bed, Damien just tucked her into his side, pressed a kiss to the top of her head, and whispered, “Sleep tight, Carina.”

When he noticed the way her lips were curled up in a smile as she was went out like a light, he just hugged her close, happy just to have her in his arms and in his bed.

At least until he awoke with the first rays of the sun peeking through the curtains, looked down and realized she had her hand fisted around on his cock and her lips wrapped around him.   And holy shit, what a fantastic way to wake up, so much sweeter than a damned alarm clock and at least a million times more arousing.

Running a hand through her long dark hair, he chuckled. “Wow, baby, perfect way to start the day.”

Grinning up at him with her lips stretched tightly around him, she was just too sexy for words, naked with her big breasts pressed to his thighs and his cock buried deep in her mouth, he knew he could get used to waking up like this.   And now he wished he could wake up with her every morning, even without the blow job, though the way she was sucking him back hard enough to get his toes curling did feel utterly incredible.

“Oh, fuck yeah,” he murmured, slamming his eyes shut and clutching her hair in his fists as she used her mouth to give him pleasure like he’d never known, running the smoothness of her hot little tongue up and down his shaft as she sucked him back so wickedly hard, already his balls felt ready to explode and give her one hell of a mouthful.

Deana moaned around his cock, deciding she’d found heaven between his thighs.  Pulling back lapping at his big, long shaft from balls to crown, she murmured, “Wow, Damien you have to have the most beautiful cock in the world.  It’s just so long and thick and hard and feels so smooth gliding over my tongue. I could suck this bad boy all day long and it just feels so good that I’d still want more.”

Damien could hardly believe his ears, to hear her tell him that she was basically in love with his cock.  Talk about a dream come true.  To have the woman he was crazy about, gushing over his tool.  And it was so hard to fathom that the whole was really happening, he took a look around his bedroom, wondering if he was still asleep and was dreaming the whole thing up. 

But damn, the hot slickness of her mouth sucking him back felt real enough, and so fucking good, like only the best thing he’d ever felt, that he let out a growl, as he flexed his hips, fisted her hair in his hands, and fucked her pretty mouth.  The way she’d got his cock throbbing between his thighs, just ready to fill her up with a geyser of red hot cum, had him teetering right on the edge.  But he knew what he wanted even more than to shoot down her throat was to have her ride him, to see her straddling his thighs as he filled up her hot little cunt to the max with his raging erection.

She let out a startled yelp when he tugged her off his cock and slid her up his body till they were face to face, so he could give her a very grateful good morning kiss.  Smiling into her eyes, he whispered, “Good morning, gorgeous.” 

Being a smart lady, realizing what he wanted, she slid her hot little pussy back and forth over his cock, with her eyes slowly traveling over his bare chest and flaring appreciatively, seeing him naked for the first time, which was only getting him that much harder.  “I’m guessing you want me on top,” she asked him, lashing her tongue across his full bottom lip, and giving it a teasing little nip.

He nodded, mesmerized at the feel of her damp tongue sliding over his lips and murmured, “Yeah, it’s something I’ve been dying to see, you straddling my thighs and riding my cock.”

Grinning and wiggling her eyebrows playfully, she told him, “You know you had me at good morning, and you have to know I’d be more than happy to give you a nice hard ride.”

And watching her fist his cock in her hand, poising it at her opening and then biting into her lip as she slowly sank her body down till she was basically impaled on his shaft, and fully packed to the max, truly was a thing of beauty.  Naked with her big beautiful breasts flushed with arousal, the scent of sex filling the air, and his cock buried in her so deep he could see her trying not to wince at how full he had her pussy, was absolute fucking heaven.

Then when she started to bounce up and down, sliding his cock in and out of her slick little cunt, Damien thought he’d just about die, it just looked so hot to watch her fucking him.  Getting a finger in between them, he slicked it up in her juices.  And then reaching around her he stroked it up and down the crack of her sweet tight ass while she rode his cock like a jockey, sliding her body down low on his chest.  Her face filled with pleasure, he thrust the tip of finger inside her back hole making her let out a startled gasp as he carefully worked it in and out of her snug little rosebud to let have a little feel of what it would be like one day filled with his cock.

Watching her getting used to the idea of him toying with her ass, her mouth falling open and her eyes drifting shut as she began to enjoy the erotic sensation and got back to riding him again, while he gently worked his finger in and out of her ass, had him ready to lose his load and fill her up like he’d never filled her before.  Nothing had ever felt this hot, especially since it was her impaled on his cock and her tight little ass squeezing hard around his finger, obviously eager for more.  Fuck, she was an absolute dream come true.  And he’d had enough women over the years to know that she was something so special he just couldn’t let her go.

Then sitting up and letting go of her ass, Damien sat her onto her backside between his legs, careful not to lose their connection and told her, “Deana, look down between us, and see how hot your pussy looks filled up with my cock and how perfectly we fit together.”

When she dropped her gaze between them, she gasped out loud at the erotic sight of seeing her pussy stretched open wide, packed tight with the thickness of his cock and began anxiously licking her lips, convinced that she’d never seen anything hotter.  And as they both looked down, she could actually feel her pussy clamping tighter around him, like an erotic caress. 

Holding onto his shoulders she slowly started lifting herself off him almost all the way, and softly moaned at the incredible sight of his thick, shimmering shaft sliding out of her hot little pussy.  And then when she slid her body back down, letting her pussy suck him back in again, she rolled her eyes and both of them moaned out loud with how good it felt to be so tightly joined as they watched him disappear back inside her all over again. 

Overwhelmed by what they were doing, and how close they felt, joined together so tightly, when she looked deep into his eyes, wrapped her hand around his neck, drawing him closer, the moment she sank her tongue into his mouth, and kissed him long and slow, he was lost.  Just seeing her like this, naked in his bed, sexy and beautiful beyond words, and happily making love to every last inch of him was more than he ever could have wished for.

With her tight in his arms, clutching her to his chest, Damien looked up into her eyes, and said, “I don’t want this to end, Deana.  We’re just too good together, and I know you’ve got to be feeling it, too.”

But when she gasped and her eyes flared wide in alarm, his heart sank in his chest like a rock, because he realized that for her this had been nothing more than a fling.  And he’d been foolish enough to allow himself to fall in love with her.

Now what the hell was he going to do, as he realized that he could never have her?


©Smuttyandfun 2020

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Mystery Shadows And Desire Part 1 The Stranger Approaches

 'Oh my God! What is about to happen to me?' was the silent scream echoing through Catilin’s mind. Her heart was pounding, her mouth was dry and beads of sweat stood out on her smooth, naked body. She had never been so afraid in all her life! But at the same time she had never been so completely turned on. Caitlin could not see a thing through the pitch black darkness in the room. However, she could hear the sounds of breathing. Not only her own panicked gasps, but the deeper and harsher...

3 years ago
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Wife Knowingly or Unknowingly Used By A Stranger

I had been thinking about getting my wife to have sex with a stranger for a while. It added a lot of heat to our sex life together, and to our fantasy life as well. I would get to her to imagine me as a stranger while we were making love, she would get so turned on by this that I knew she needed to be fucked by a stranger one way or another. She told me that she never wanted another man, but I knew that deep down she did.It took months of waiting for the right moment, until one night when we...

3 years ago
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Hotwife Chapter 3A The Continuation Of My Hotwifes Weekend

HotwifeI woke up during the night with Marcus cuddling me and playing with my pierced nipples, which once again was making me wet.I climbed on top of him and proceeded to rub my pussy all over his hard cock. It wasn't long after that I pushed myself down him which caused us both to orgasm again and then we fell back to sleep.We woke up about ten. We both needed a shower. Marcus proceeded to wash me paying special attention to my pierced nipples and pussy. I decided, 'Two can play this game.'I...

Wife Lovers
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Fucked by a stranger in the woods while on a trip with BF

Mike and Rachel were finally on a camping trip, which had been cancelled by them three times before. They were tired from trekking all day long and were resting on their bed inside their tent. It was 11:00 PM, but they were still excited as Mike was waiting to eat Rachel’s tanned body, under the open sky and stars. Rachel had gotten a tan on her fine legs, right up to thighs, and she was showing it off, just to seduce him. She also told the same to Mike on their way up to camp. Rachel wanted to...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend Fucking Stranger

Hi, I am back with another adventure of my gf. This story is about us in a movie hall which is empty and an old stranger comes and sits with us. As you know we used to be pretty open about sex and experimentation. We loved to try all new things in sex except maybe a couple of things. We loved to talk dirty in Hindi and fuck while talking. We’ve always been open about sex and loved it together. One particular night we were watching a porn movie which had a stranger sit next to the wife and the...

1 year ago
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The Stranger

I was in college and just turned 19. I attended a local community college and still lived at home with my parents. I had been reading gay stories on the net for many years year and trolling the ads on Craigslist. My parents were going out of town for the weekend and I decided to place an ad to find an older man. The responses I got were overwhelming! Who would not want to fuck a 19 year old boy? I decided on a man who was in his fifties and very muscular and hairy. He was built like a...

2 years ago
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Hotel Sex With Stranger

We met in the bar of the hotel lobby. I was killing time before going back up to my room, and he was wrapping up an after dinner meeting with clients. He wore a nice grey suit, blue tie, white shirt, and brown shoes. He had silver hair, and dashing features. He wore a very nice large wrist watch and I could tell he was full of class and charm. We initially made eye contact via glances from the corner of our eyes. Then, when I went to use the bathroom, he got up at the same time and followed me....

2 years ago
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The StrangerChapter 3

Bobby slowly opened his eyes. It took him a few moments to remember where he was as he looked at the clock over the refrigerator. It was already three o'clock in the afternoon. Where had the day gone? He wracked his brain trying to remember. Suddenly, with a shock, it all came roaring back into his brain. "Could it have been a dream or had it really happened?" he asked himself. Down deep inside, he hoped that it had really happened, but he knew that the probability of that was small....

3 years ago
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Stranger in the DarkChapter 2 The Hockey Game

I didn’t know who was knocking on my bedroom door. It didn’t matter, really. They were going to be dead just as soon as I could scrape up the energy to get out of bed. You’d think after sleeping a good ten hours, I’d be ready to go. But, no. No, I was not. I had slept fitfully, tossing and turning all night. I dreamed constantly, searching for my stranger, and woke more exhausted than ever. A fist banged against my door, louder and more insistent. “Tess, if you don’t unlock this door now,...

4 years ago
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Beautiful StrangerChapter 2

A cool breeze stirred the underbrush growing around massive trees on the forest floor. Huddled in the lower limbs of one of those trees, beneath an inconspicuous bundle of branches, imperceptible to even the most discerning eye, two young women lay together sleeping. As they had done the previous four nights, Jaide lay on her side in the crook of the branches while Anna cuddled up behind and draped an arm across her slim waist. The youngest of the pair, with her silvery hair, had grown to...

4 years ago
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Shared With A Stranger

I turn off the ignition and look around the parking lot, I’m not certain what Sir has in mind tonight, this is new, meeting in public. The thought turns me on and intimidates me at the same time. I’m suddenly worried about my choice of outfit, he had been specific, the skirt was to be short and top light in color, no bra, no panties. The black skirt barely covered my ass when standing, just the way he likes, but in this place I’m not sure he will be pleased. My top is white, fitted at the top,...

3 years ago
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Stranger At The Holiday Resort

We were on holiday as a family staying at a resort on the beach, I hadn’t wanted to join my family on the holiday, I had turned eighteen a week before the start of the holiday and wanted to be with my friends, drinking, partying and having a good time now that I legally could but no, instead I’d been forced into this holiday where the best fun I’d had so far was sitting by the pool reading and checking out all the beach body ready people. I had to remind myself not to check out the men as...

2 years ago
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The Stranger In The Hotel Bar

'Well then, enjoy your drink.' The handsome stranger at the bar smiled at Sylvie and raised his glass in the air. He was drinking whiskey, she noticed, which wasn't helping her at all. Sylvie Adams had been in this situation many times before when working on the road and she knew how it was going to end up. She had sat there, still dressed in her work gear; a sleeveless dark grey dress that hugged her figure and ending just above her knee. All day, she had let her bra straps slip out and...

4 years ago
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2 A stranger joins us for some fun cuckold bis

Continued form A stranger joins us for some fun (cuckold, bisexual)- read that first please and don't forget to comment.So there we are, first night at our holiday villa at this amazing resort. We're horny, we're fucking and we have a couple of young italian men walking into our bedroom...We both slowed down as the boys walked in, Jane put her finger over her lips and said "shhhh" to them them pointed them to the two arm chairs that were by the bed, they quietly sat down without diverting their...

4 years ago
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Twin Swithch Chapter 15

Twin Switch Chapter 15 By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction. It is recommended that you read the previous installments as they will provide important background information. This story features extreme female domination and if that offends you do not read. While there is no actual sex in these chapters' sexual activities may be described. Comments good or bad pertaining to the direction of the plot and grammar are welcome as long as they are NOT directed to the nature of this...

3 years ago
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Steves Wife Taken By A Stranger

Georgina and Steve had just returned to their hotel room after an erotic visit to the club. They had been married for a year and tried to get away for a passionate weekend in a hotel every month. The cheap hotel was the change of scenery they both needed to escape their 9-5 lives and explore their sexual fantasies together. Steve had been telling Georgina his hotwife fantasies since they were married and she was always willing to play along to fulfill them. She would always dress as slutty as...

1 year ago
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Steves Wife Taken By A Stranger

Georgina and Steve had just returned to their hotel room after an erotic visit to the club. They had been married for a year and tried to get away for a passionate weekend in a hotel every month. The cheap hotel was the change of scenery they both needed to escape their 9-5 lives and explore their sexual fantasies together.Steve had been telling Georgina his hotwife fantasies since they were married and she was always willing to play along to fulfill them. She would always dress as slutty as he...

1 year ago
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Shy wifes first touch by stranger

My wife is a very attractive brunette; she has full breasts and a full figuire, one that I have always found very sexy and attractive. After 10 years of marriage I wanted to satisfy a deep desire and that was to see her having sex with a stranger. Marne has always been very shy sexually, very committed and loyal not one wishing to venture outside of the confines of marriage. I decided the best would be to take her out dancing and then see if I could get her interested in another bloke this way....

3 years ago
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Judys Night In Part One The Mysterious Stranger

It was a dark and stormy night. Judy sat at the window, naked and alone, wishing someone would call or text, or that a meteorite would strike her neighbours house… anything to break the monotony. She had just decided to have another cup of tea and watch some porn, when there was a mysterious knock on the door.Instinctively reaching for the thin robe she had discarded by her chair, Judy paused, 'Was that a knock,' she wondered, 'or just the wind?' Another, more forceful knock, beat on the...

2 years ago
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Hot Fun With Cute Stranger

Hello friends this is my first story on ISS and I keep often reading stories on ISS and I like to read it. M Sid from Mumbai and male 21. I’d like to share my incidence with you people without wasting much of your time I’d like to tell u the actual part! This incident occurred with me recently actually, I had problem with my cell phone due to which I had to visit the service center in my area. It was Tuesday, so around 11 am I left home, took my bike and went to service center. There was less...

3 years ago
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Sucking a complete stranger whilst being fucked wi

My phone buzzed shortly after I was showered from basketball and back at my desk. That was my invitation to play. The text simply said ‘come now to suck two cocks’. I had fantasised about having two men for a long time. The Magician seemed to know my mind and how much I longed to be dirty. Although we had only known each other a few weeks, already I trusted him implicitly. Deep down I knew if he was there it was safe but the nerves were consuming me. A twinge of excitement grasped at my stomach...

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