Hot Fun With a Stranger Chapter One
- 4 years ago
- 17
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Though he was more than happy to let Deana finish, once Damien realized she was just in it for the hot sex they were enjoying, and probably didn’t feel a thing for him, his heart wasn’t in it anymore, even as she gave him the ride of his fucking life.
Watching her full lush breasts bouncing so enticingly that she had his mouth watering for a taste, it still hurt to know that she was only in it for a little kinky fun and nothing else.
Mercilessly pummelling his cock, taking him so incredibly deep, with her head thrown back, long dark hair tickling his thighs, she dug her teeth into her bottom lip, eyes drifting shut, groaning with a deep sexy throaty moan when she finally came. He felt his body tensing as she quivered, going into a full-body shudder, coating his balls with the heat of her slick release. It all just felt too insane to be real and he knew he’d never seen anything sexier in his life than her lost in the feel of him filling her up and giving her just what she needed.
Tossing his head back and groaning, he came with the power of a volcano, flooding her pussy with everything he had, he dug his fingers deep into her ass hard enough to leave marks. Staring straight into her eyes so she could see what he was feeling, they climaxed together so wickedly hard it left them both breathless. But at least for him, no matter how good it felt -- it just wasn’t enough.
But he still couldn’t resist kissing her back when she’d finished by nearly kissing his face off, and wrapping herself around him so tight, he wondered if she’d ever let go.
Hugging her close with her warm, soft breasts pressed to his chest, he brushed her long, dark hair out of her eyes to see her pretty face. And as he gazed into her eyes, what he hated even more was that he knew he couldn’t do this with her anymore, at least if he hoped to keep his sanity. And he also hated how he lost himself in her every time they were together like this, especially knowing that she only needed him for one thing – his big fat cock.
After she’d gotten dressed, given him one last lingering kiss and taken a taxi and gone home to change her clothes before heading back to the office for the day, he knew he had some thinking to do.
Staring hard at his reflection in his bathroom mirror, Damien shook his head, wondering what in hell he’d been thinking, getting involved with someone like Deana Maxwell in the first place. Not only was she his boss’s daughter, which alone should have made her completely off limits the instant he’d learned who she was, but she was so far out of his league as far as wealth and class went, it was laughable. And he knew her old man would probably shit a brick if he ever discovered the way they’d been going at it with each other -- which would then leave him out of job -- a job he desperately needed if he was ever going to get his business off the ground and start making some real money -- so he could plan his future.
It made sense, that she only wanted him for a little naked fun and nothing else. After all, he was just a security guard, hired to protect the place, and she was not only a top executive in the firm, but was as close to the owner as could be, seeing as she was his only child. Still, whenever he looked at her, the unrelenting ache in his chest that just wouldn’t let up told him that what they had was just too real to be nothing but a fling, despite their differences.
As he reached for his razor and started to shave away the dark scruff on his face, heaving a sigh, he shook his head. He honestly couldn’t figure her out. If she was keeping herself detached and just having a few laughs with him, she sure had a funny way of showing it. Especially with how she’d wrapped herself around him like a second skin when he’d held her in his lap last night at her office, after they’d made each other come so hard they both nearly blacked out. And then again later in his bed, the way she curled into him so tightly when all they were doing was sleeping, it just felt so right to have her warm and close, so close they were breathing the same air. And he knew she had to be feeling something for him when she’d acted like that.
Then this morning, when she woke him up with his cock buried in her mouth, giving him the best blow job he’d ever had, and then nearly fucked him blind, she couldn’t have been faking how she felt about him – at least he hoped not, because he knew he’d never experienced anything even close to how good it felt with her.
So maybe what he needed to do was step back and give her some space and let her decide if the only thing she wanted from him was his cock, oh and his mouth, with the way she screamed her fucking head off when he went down on her and feasted on her delectable little pussy. Then he’d know for sure if she just wasn’t that into him -- unless of course they were naked and going at it.
So, later that morning when he went into the office, as much as it pained him to keep his distance from her, he told the other guard Davey that he’d take a turn at keeping an eye on the security monitors. And Davey could make the rounds that he normally did, checking out the building, where of course he’d come across Deana alone in her office, instead of him.
Coming on evening, sitting upstairs in her corner office, waiting to see if her sexy friend would wander in again, Deana was getting so anxious not only just see him, but to get with him again that she was nearly crawling out of her skin. Time just seemed to stand still while she waited for even the slightest sound that might be him. But no matter how hard she tried to concentrate on work, nothing seemed to make any sense. All she could think of was him, and how amazing things had been between them, even when he’d had her handcuffed to her desk, nearly fucking her senseless. She grinned, biting into her lip, or maybe especially when he’d done that. Her poor pussy was nearly screaming with need, already dripping just thinking about him.
Running her hands over the surface of her highly polished desk, closing her eyes and heaving a shaky breath, recalling every last detail, she knew the night before had to have been the best night of her life, having spent it naked with the most gorgeous hunk of a man she’d ever encountered. Now she could hardly wait for him to show up again, and rock her world all over again. At this point, she was so desperate to be with him, he could do anything he wanted to her, just as long as he gave her what she needed.
By six thirty she was so on edge, when her phone rang, she nearly jumped out of her skin. But when she glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was just her mother calling to say hello, with a roll of her eyes she answered and patiently chatted with her for a bit. But it was same conversation they always had, with her mother’s normal little digs: She wasn’t still at work, toiling away in her office, was she? And, she really needed to get out more and find herself a life away from work. But the funniest of all was when she asked her, “Deana, how on earth do you ever expect to meet anyone when you’re always tied to your desk?” The moment she said that, Deana almost lost it and had to fight not to laugh into the phone since just the night before, she’d never been more elated to be tied to her desk and fucked to within an inch of her life, by her very handsome stranger. But of course if her mother even had an inkling of what her daughter had been up to, she’d probably have a stroke. Thankfully, since they never talked long, Deana was saying goodbye and back to waiting him out within a couple of minutes, staring hard at the door, wishing that somehow he’d magically appear.
Though she was mostly done with her work for the night, she still waited, hoping like crazy he’d show up. She’d already set aside the print ads that would run in all the major magazines and newspapers, and had okayed the TV spots for the Christmas campaign which was about to start Thanksgiving weekend. And now she just had one thing left to do – get it on with the man who’d pretty much filled her thoughts non-stop since the first time he’d taken her from behind in that little out of the way courtyard.
At this point she was so desperate for him to come and give her what she needed, she’d happily do anything he’d asked; suck him off, let him tie her up – and then shifting her backside in her chair, she knew she’d even give up her virgin ass, if he’d just show up and stop making her wait.
A few minutes later, she’d just finished emailing copies of the print ads to her father for his final approval when she heard the sound of a door opening and closing and froze with her hands poised over the keyboard. Anxiously lifting her gaze to the doorway, she had to will her heart not to beat out of her chest, she was just so eager to see him again. Time seemed to stand still, feeling like an eternity as she listened to the sound of the doors being checked to see if they were locked, and she knew it had to be him. Her poor pussy was almost dripping with anticipation, and already beginning to tingle crazy hard, just imagining what he might have in store for her tonight, and she kind of hoped he’d have his handcuffs with him again. Training her eyes on the door, her breath tight in her chest, she couldn’t believe her eyes, or how deflated she felt when tall, lanky Davey poked his head into her office, smiled and said, “Working late again tonight, Miss Maxwell?”
Feeling her shoulders sag, she felt so disappointed she could barely focus on what he’d asked, but somehow she nodded her head and managed to get out, “Yes.” But what she really wanted to ask was where the hell Damien was. And why was he here instead of him?
But she knew he’d probably find it strange that she’d even want to know. After all, if they were just here to guard the place, she shouldn’t care one way or the other who made the evening rounds. And yet she felt so let down, she felt like wailing, knowing that for whatever reason, he wasn’t going to show up.
Normally she wouldn’t have cared, with most guys she knew, at least if he hadn’t given her the best night of her entire freaking life and then disappeared. Blowing out a disappointed breath, she never imagined he’d be such a bastard about it. Seemed once he’d gotten what he needed from her – one last good hard fuck – apparently he was done.
No wonder she’d sworn off relationships when they’d all left her disillusioned like this.
That Saturday night, the big formal Thanksgiving party the office always held prior to the Christmas launch of their latest ad campaign was normally something she enjoyed. But since she’d been saddled with yet another horrible date arranged by her parents, hoping she’d take the hint and find someone they approved of to marry, she was too annoyed with his inane patter to find it in her to relax and enjoy herself. This particular bore was apparently a lawyer that did some work for the company. Nearly bald, and a little on the short side with remarkably bushy eyebrows that looked like caterpillars wiggling above his eyes while he yammered on about himself, nearly bored her to tears, she could barely stand to listen to him.
Especially when her mind kept wandering back to Damien and how insanely hot he’d looked even in just his guard’s uniform, with his killer body, sexy dimpled smile and of course that giant monster he had in his boxers. There was just no comparison. Although Nigel the bore was decked out to the nines in what she knew had to be a ridiculously expensive designer tux, he did nothing for her – well, aside from making her want to scream and tear at her hair.
She also knew there was no way a guy like him could be hung like a horse. And not once in the entire time that he was talking to her, did he smile or say anything clever. The guy was an absolute dud, and all she could think of was losing him and finding a way to leave the party without being noticed. But since the dinner hadn’t even started yet, she knew she’d be missed and had to stay at least until the band struck up and the dancing started, which would happen once the speeches were over and she and the other department heads had been introduced by her father, which happened every year.
But since it was a surprisingly warm night for November, she politely excused herself, then instead of heading for the ladies room, where she told him she was going, she took a detour and headed out onto one of terraces of the grand old estate where the party was always held.
Tugging her black lacy shawl around her, she was just getting herself unwound, enjoying some fresh air and a fortifying glass of champagne that an attentive waiter had kindly offered her on her way outside. Happily staring out at the surprisingly green gardens, bathed in a soft moonlit glow, wishing she never had to head back inside, she nearly choked on her drink when she heard a deep familiar voice behind her, asking, “Why are you out here all alone, when your boyfriend’s waiting for you inside?”
Turning to face him, her jaw actually dropped at the sight of him, dressed completely in black including his shirt and bowtie, in a body-hugging tux, he just looked too delectable for words. Staring at him wide-eyed, she knew he could make big bucks if he ever chose to model, he just looked so incredibly hot, that every woman on the planet would want a piece of him.
“He’s uh… not my boyfriend,” she finally explained, at least once she remembered that he was waiting. “Unfortunately my parents are in the habit of setting me up with a different eligible bachelor every time I have to go to one of these things, so I wouldn’t even call us friends.”
Damien slowly nodded his head, as he feasted on the alluring sight of her with her dark hair in a pretty up do, with a few sexy tendrils framing her face, diamond earrings sparkling in her ears, and her slender neck just begging to be kissed. And the way the shimmery deep blue dress hugged every last one of her curves, he already wondered where the zipper was, so he could get her out of it, to see if she’d be naked underneath. His cock already thickening, just from looking at her, he wanted to taste her lips so badly, but knew he had to hold back. After all, he was here to keep an eye on things, while doing his best to look like a guest. But damn, though he expected to see her tonight, he never dreamed she’d tempt him to cross the line with her again, especially the instant he saw her, looking just too beautiful for words.
All he knew was that whoever ultimately wound up with her would be one lucky bastard, and he had to admit, it crushed him to know that it could never be him.
Still, against his better judgement, he wandered closer, and smiled into her eyes, when she lifted her glass to his lips and offered him a sip of champagne. Their gazes locked as he had a taste, slipping his hands around her waist and drawing her closer till they were hip to hip. “I’ve missed you,” he told her.
Searching his gaze, confused, she said, “Well, if that’s true, then why did you have Davey come around every night instead of you?”
He shrugged, leisurely tracing his finger along her jaw, loving the feel of her silky skin, even as he told her, “Maybe because I realized it’s for the best if we stop this thing before it goes too far.”
Refusing to accept what he’d said, leaning in and inhaling his intoxicating scent, he nearly had her whimpering, he just smelled so good, and she could feel the warmth of his body getting her all tingly, right through their clothes. And dear god, it just felt so good to be close to him again. And right now she knew she’d do anything he asked, if he’d just let her have one more night with him. “Are you here with anyone?” she asked, praying that he wasn’t.
He chuckled. “No, but some of the ladies that work in your office have been following me around so much tonight, that I came out here for some air – and to try and escape from them.”
She grinned, stroking his cheek. “Who could blame them when you look this hot? And I’m surprised a few of the men aren’t chasing, too.”
Damien rolled his eyes at the thought. Then as he ran his thumb along her full bottom lip, he said in a low, sultry voice, “I should probably go back inside and let you enjoy your drink.”
“Or…” She grinned at him coyly, playfully wiggling her eyebrows.
Unable to resist, because she just looked so damned tempting, he tipped up her chin, lightly pressed his lips to hers and whispered, “Or what, Deana?”
She gestured with a tip of her head at the garden below. “Or, you could walk me down to that little gazebo at the bottom of the garden and we could spend a little alone time together before we have to go back inside for dinner.”
Studying the glow of arousal in her eyes, he hesitated, and finally blew out an exasperated breath, knowing he wanted nothing more. Still, he said, “You know, Deana, to be honest, I just can’t see this going anywhere. Otherwise I’d love to get together with you again, and just as often as you’d like.”
Her brow furrowing, she asked, “What do mean?”
“Well, aside from the fact you’re the boss’s daughter, and I shouldn’t even be touching you. You’ve also made it pretty clear that you’d never want more than sex with a guy like me. I mean, being realistic, why would anyone like you want to do more than fuck around with the help?”
She actually pulled back and gasped when he said that. Feeling as hurt as she was confused, she stared at him hard. “Why would you even say something like that? Do you really think that’s who I am; some snotty society bitch, who’d just use you and toss you away?”
He nodded. “The thought occurred to me, yes. I mean we’re hardly in the same league, are we? I’m just a guy from the wrong side of the tracks, and obviously you’ve always been your daddy’s pampered little princess. And I think we both know that I have no business being with someone like you. You told me from the start that you wouldn’t want anything more from me than some naked fun. And I’ve got to tell you, as amazing as it’s been every time we’ve been together, that I need more than that.”
“But, Damien, you know with the job I have, I don’t have time for anything more. You’ve seen the hours I work, staying late every night and sometimes even working weekends.”
He heaved a sigh, as he tugged her closer, since somehow he just couldn’t keep his hands off her, even though he knew he had to. Running his hands down over her back, giving her tight little ass a good hard squeeze, he told her, “Then tell me this – how is that you’re the only one on your staff who works so late, and the rest of them go home at a decent hour?”
Deana began to stammer, trying to think of an answer, and finally she thrust out her chin and just decided to go with the truth, as sad as it was. “Well, the rest of them have families and loved ones to go home to. And since I don’t have anyone in my life, I don’t think it’s fair that they work the hours that I do, and risk ruining their lives at home, when there’s never been anyone waiting for me.”
Smoothing his hands over her delectable ass, he drew her tight against him, so she could have a feel of what being this close to her did to him. And despite the conversation they were having, he was so hard for her that he ached. But still, he had a point he wanted to make, and then he’d leave it up to her. “But I know you’re clever enough to see that if you were to share the load with the rest of your staff, that you’d be able to have a life, too -- a life that might include someone of your own to go home to at night.” And hopefully, if he was lucky, that someone might be him.
Biting into her lip, gazing into the compelling look in his warm brown eyes, and loving the feeling of his long hard length pressed tight against her belly, she often wished she could have just that, a life with someone she cared for, instead working herself to a frazzle to try and please her overly demanding father.
When finally it seemed she had nothing left to say, Damien let go of her and stepped away. “Well, guess I should head back inside. And your date’s probably looking for you, too.”
Though she nodded, she wanted to beg him not to go. Especially since she had a feeling it might just be the last time they ever talked.
Of course once dinner was served, he had to be facing her, seated at the table across from hers. And the sexy smirk he was wearing as he teasingly eye-fucked her as course after course was served, that she barely even touched, especially with her pussy nearly convulsing, only reminded her of just how desperate she was to get with him again.
So by the time her father had made the usual introductions and the band had struck up to commence the dancing, she knew that she could finally get up and get away from her boring date, who’d been droning into her ear so long, she was tempted to let out a scream.
Mumbling something about having to get some air, snatching up her shawl, she hurried outside, hoping that Damien would follow.
And when Damien glanced up after politely talking to an older woman sitting next to him and saw that Deana was gone, he was torn between hoping she’d gone home early and praying that she stayed, so he could find her and finish what they’d started.
Curious to see where she’d disappeared to, when Damien wandered outside after dessert had been served, he wasn’t too surprised to find Deana alone on the terrace, with another glass of champagne, staring out at the garden. Coming up behind her, slipping an arm around her waist, he whispered into her ear, “Why can I never get enough of you?”
Turning her head, she smiled, relieved that he’d come out to join her. “I’m guessing for the same reason I can’t get enough of you.”
Taking her by the hand, sure that he’d be kicking himself later, he said, “Come on.” And as he led her down the steps and along a dimly lit stone pathway into the garden, looking over at him Deana flashed him an expectant smile as they approached the closed-in gazebo. Her heart already racing, she just hoped they were going to do a lot more than talk this time.
He didn’t disappoint. The moment they got inside the dark little enclosure, lit only by a thin shaft of moonlight, shining in from an opening at the back, Damien took her in his arms, and kissed her till they were both breathless and desperately grinding their bodies together right through their clothes.
Gazing into her beautiful eyes, he hated that he needed her like he needed to breathe. But maybe, he tried to convince himself, if he had her just one more time, he could get her out of his system and be able to forget that they’d ever connected and driven each other nearly out their minds.
Deana was so lost in the taste and feel of him as they feverishly kissed each other senseless, that she accidentally tipped her glass and spilled some champagne down the back of his suit. But he just laughed and shuddered from the feel of it running down his back and into his boxers. With a menacing narrow-eyed smile, he took the glass and set it down on a little table between two padded lounge chairs. Then his smile widened considerably when he glanced up and noticed a pretty substantial looking brass light fixture hanging from the top of the high peaked ceiling – giving him an idea.
Slipping her lacy black shawl off her shoulders, keeping his eyes fixed so firmly on hers that he had her shivering with anticipation, he tossed an end over one of the arms of the light fixture, grabbing hold of it as it came down between them. Then before she could figure out what he was up to, he had her wrists tied with the ends of her shawl, and her arms up over head, trussed up and at his mercy all over again.
Her pussy was getting so wet, just imaging what he was what about to do to her, that she could actually feel it dripping down her thighs. Damn, the man was a demon, the way he loved to toy with her.
Taking his time, Damien slowly walked around her, muttering, “Fuck, you know I just love the look of you tied up -- so helpless and yet so eager for me to take you.” And his dick heartily agreed, already aching like a bastard in his pants to get at her.
Stepping in behind her, he delighted in seeing her shiver as he took hold of the zipper that ran down the back of her body hugging dress, and slowly began to slide it down her slender back. Totally blown away by how indescribably sexy she looked as the shimmery blue dress began to fall away, baring every last inch of her silky flesh to his hungry gaze. And when he realized she wasn’t wearing a bra, he almost came on the spot as her full pale breasts enticingly began to heave, softly bathed in a glorious moonlit glow. Her delicate pink nipples, erect and hard as diamonds, seemed to be just begging for him to claim them with his mouth and of course tug at them with his teeth to get her squealing.
He knew he’d never seen anything sexier in his life than her bound with her hands tied over her head, nearly naked, except for the wickedly revealing black lace thong and crazy hot garter she was wearing, of course perfectly framing her delectable little pussy. And seeing her like this, he needed inside her so badly that his balls felt like they were getting ready to explode.
But since he had her right where he wanted her, he smiled, watching her eyes go big and round as he picked up the champagne glass from the table and began to dribble little droplets of the cool bubbly liquid over her nipples, grinning as he watched it drip down over her belly till it slid inside her panties, soaking her pussy and making her shiver all over again.
Relishing the feel of wetting the rest of her in the cool liquid, he slid his hands along her sides from her ass, all the way up her body, and along the length of her raised arms, painting every inch of her. And as he did, he murmured over her lips, “You know you have got to be the sexiest woman alive, especially now, trussed up like this and just waiting for me to have my way with you, and I can smell your hot little pussy just begging to be fucked.” But of course, first he had to lick off the champagne.
He had her poor throbbing pussy clenching so hard at his words, Deana was already starting to quiver. But when he lowered his head and began to lap at her swollen nipples, he loved the sound of her desperately whimpering as he suckled each one in turn into his mouth, moaning at the delectable taste of her flesh, especially now coated in champagne. As if she wasn’t sweet enough before, she tasted absolutely amazing sliding over his tongue, so delectably warm and wet and sweet that he knew he could happily lap at her for days.
But then when he finally dropped to his knees, Deana thought she’d just about die. Holding her steady, with his hands on her hips, slowly trailing his tongue down over her quivering body and around her belly button, and dipping his tongue inside to lick the few drops he found in there, she cried out, desperately licking her lips and shamelessly thrusting her hips at him, begging him to do more than tease her.
No man had ever made her this crazy, or had her wanting him more. God, he was such a beast, the way he loved to torment her. And yet, she knew she wouldn’t have it any other way. Being trussed up and taken like this just felt so incredibly erotic that she wondered if she’d come just from the thought of what he was doing to her alone.
Trailing even lower, when he planted a warm lingering open-mouthed kiss over her sex right through her damp panties, licking all around her garter belt, even gently scraping at her pussy with his teeth, till she could actually feel her pussy flooding, she let her eyes fall shut and let out a deep desperate little growl. God he was just so wicked. And he was driving her so fucking crazy and her need was so acute, he had to know he had her nearly crawling out of her skin, never having felt as desperate to be filled and taken in her life. But cruel bastard that he was, he just kept taunting her to come, when all she wanted was for him to finally give her what she really needed, to feel him buried inside her so deep that she’d ache.
Looking up into her eyes, his heated gaze nearly scorched her alive as he unclipped her garters and grasping her around her slender thighs slowly began to slide her sheer silk stockings down over her legs. Licking and nipping at every smooth, soft inch of her as he went, he had her gasping as he slid his tongue into the sensitive spot behind her knees, even suckling at the warm tender flesh, till he had her whimpering even louder. And when he began to slide her panties down over her legs to her ankles, and then leisurely followed the same path with his tongue, he soon he had her squirming and squealing like a woman possessed, so overjoyed and relieved to finally feel his mouth on her needy little pussy.
Closing his eyes, he groaned, savoring the delectable taste of her on his tongue. Suckling her pussy lips into his mouth, circling her hot little sex button with just the pointed tip, fuck, he loved the taste of her. And when he looked up and saw that she’d closed her eyes and her mouth had fallen open, lost in the feel of what he was doing to her, a part of him wanted to turn and leave her like this, so she’d feel the same sense of abandonment he’d felt when she let him know that he didn’t mean a thing to her.
But seeing as he’d be depriving himself as much as her, at this point, he knew he had no choice but finish what he started. Relenting, he groaned deep, pushing her legs open wide, he hungrily lashed his tongue along her folds from back to front, smiling against her sex at the satisfying sound of her really beginning to make some noise. He could actually feel her pulsing pussy quivering against his lips, like a second heartbeat, he had her so aroused and so anxious to be plundered.
Even as he savored the feeling of eating her out, lost in the taste of her hot little cunt, he shook his head, wishing he could give her up.
But as he slid down his fly and fished out his achingly hard cock, he decided it wasn’t going to happen tonight, not when he was this stoked to get inside her. As he got to his feet, he was surprised to realize that his legs were shaking, he needed her so badly.
Tipping her chin up, staring into her lust-filled gaze, he slid a finger inside her dripping pussy and asked her, “Is this what you want, for me to lose myself in you again?”
She nodded, licking her lips as he began to work his finger inside her, and murmured, “Yes, Damien, the same way I lose myself in you.”
Finally clutching his cock he gave in and gave them both what they needed, thrusting up into her ruthlessly hard. And just the feel of her clenched around him so tightly inside her, had him instantly growling for more. Grasping her ass in his hands, he lifted her off her feet, and as her legs circled his waist, he pushed into her so deep with one hard penetrating thrust, they both gasped at the incredible feel of being joined so incredibly tight again.
God, he loved the feeling of being inside her more than any woman he’d ever known. Yet it slayed him to know that this would be all they’d ever have, just hot, raw sex in the dark where no one could see them or ever know of their need for each other.
And when she moaned and murmured, “Oh, god, I love the feel of you like this, deep inside me, Damien.”
He grunted and thrust into her even deeper and told her, “But this is all you love, isn’t it, just the feel of me filling you up, and fucking you hard?”
Deana looked into his eyes, and whispered, “I wish I could give you more than this. I really do. But I honestly don’t know that I can.”
Letting out a defeated groan, wrapping his hand around the back of her neck, claiming her mouth in a deep ravenous kiss, he gave in and just savored the taste of her filling his senses and made love to her mouth, their tongues desperately tangling as he claimed her body. He saw no point in trying to hide how he felt about her, especially when she could rock him to the very soles of his feet with just a kiss.
“Please,” she begged, as he broke their kiss.
“Please what?” he asked her, pulling back.
“Please take me, Damien, and make me come. I need you so badly right now. Please.”
Heaving a frustrated breath, he clutched her ass so hard, that she whimpered. And when he really started to pound her pussy, losing himself in the feel of her, she just clung to him tight and took everything he gave her. And even as he gave them both what they needed giving it to her wickedly hard, he told her, “I just hope you know this is going to be the last time for us. I can’t do this anymore, knowing this all you want from me. No matter how incredible it feels with you.”
Deana clamped down on him tight, clutching him inside her, hating to let go. With her arms tied, it was only way she could let him know how deeply she felt for him, since she couldn’t find it in her to say the words. But how could she promise him anything more than what she was giving him now, when she’d basically given her life to the company, even though part of her knew that her father didn’t care how long and hard she worked for him – or if she even had the time for a life of her own.
Angry with himself, Damien just shook his head, amazed to find himself lost in her again. If he was smart he would have stayed inside. But then of course he wouldn’t be buried balls deep in the sweetest little pussy in the entire planet, with the sexiest woman he’d ever known wrapped around him, making him want to come so hard, that he knew she’d be dripping with his cum for days by the time he’d finished with her.
Feeling a line of sweat trickling down his back, he groaned. “Fuck, why can I never get enough of you?” he asked her as he slammed her pussy punishingly hard with thrust after desperate thrust. As he squeezed her ass in his hands, amazingly she just gasped with the delight, as he fucked her harder than he’d ever taken a woman in his life.
Lost in how good it felt with him, she looked into his eyes and told him, “I can’t get enough of you either. And you just feel so good, this can’t be it for us, Damien, it just can’t.”
Though he hated to admit it, even to himself, he knew she was right, when it felt this good, it also felt like more, so much more. And like a moth to flame, he knew he’d be back, wanting her again, even if he knew it was going nowhere, and she’d probably end up tearing his heart out once she was done with him. But fuck, pounding her with all he had, when he had his cock buried in her like this, with her clenching him so unbelievably tight, like she never wanted him to pull out, it was hard to think about never having her like this again. And he couldn’t imagine never being able to feel her body wrapped around him, or tasting that pretty mouth, and giving them both what they needed just to survive. He just couldn’t deprive himself of being like this with her no matter if she eventually left him without a backward glance once she’d decided she’d had enough of him.
Then suddenly he turned his head and froze when he thought he heard a man’s voice calling out from the direction of the estate.
“Deana, are you out here?”
“Fuck me, what now,” he muttered. But he knew it had to be her date, trying to figure out where the hell she’d gotten to.
“Oh, please don’t stop,” she begged him, squirming in his arms, rocking her hips to try and get him moving again. “I’m so close, Damien, please. And I really don’t think he’ll come looking for me out here.”
Chuckling, he rolled his eyes, shaking his head. Though he knew he was crazy, he grasped her hips in a death grip and began slamming her pussy for all he was worth, tunneling in and out of her insanely hard and fast, he just hoped she was right. Because if they were discovered like this now, with her stripped naked and tied by her hands to the light fixture, and him with his pants around his ankles nearly pounding her pussy raw, he’d have a lot fucking explaining to do.
And he knew he’d not only be out of a job, but her old man would probably want to have him arrested and put in jail for assaulting his daughter, whether she was a willing participant or not. But damn, if the sense of danger didn’t make it that much hotter for both of them, making him wonder if they were crazy to be out here like this, especially doing what they were doing.
When he looked into her eyes, and he could see them sparkling with delight, obviously excited and thrilled to be out here like this with him, knowing there was a chance they might get caught, he just shook his head and laughed. Whether he liked it or not, they were two of a kind, and being together like this, risking it all for a hot little fuck, might just be why they were meant to be.
Just like that first time he’d taken her from behind in that little courtyard, he knew he could no more pull out of her now than stop breathing. He craved this wild sense of danger, as much as he craved her, and even if what they had was never going to go anywhere, being with her, even if just in the here and now, felt so fucking so wild and incredibly amazing, that he just couldn’t give her up, even if he knew he should.
When she started shivering in his arms, moaning deep and telling him, “Oh, fuck, Damien I’m coming, and so fucking hard,” that was all it took, and he lost it too. As he flexed his hips and pumped into her deep and hard, for a few more strokes, the sense of elation that washed through him as he clutched her to his chest and kissed her nearly breathless as he filled her clenching pussy to overflowing with every last thing he had, was beyond words. Damn, even if the cops came and hauled him away now, he’d never regret taking her like this so insanely hard, even out here, where knew they could be found.
Once he’d untied her and helped her back into her dress, he couldn’t resist just one more lingering kiss. Off in the distance, as they listened to the strains of the Nat King Cole song, “Unforgettable,” being played by the band, his eyes warm on hers he slipped his arms around her and took a moment to share a dance with her. Knowing this was probably the only chance he’d ever get, since her father would be alarmed to say the least, if her were to see his head of security dancing inside with all the other guests, with his precious daughter wrapped in his arms.
As she smiled up into his eyes, he stroked her cheek with his finger and told her, “Just had to have a dance with you before we say goodnight.”
“Thank you for this, Damien. I’ll never forget it,” she whispered, tugging his head down for one more kiss because she just couldn’t get enough of him.
And when they broke apart, she said, “Stay with me tonight.”
“At your place?”
She nodded. “I’m all caught up with work. All my ads are done and ready to go. And tomorrow’s Sunday, so we could spend the day together and just hang out.”
Smiling into her eyes, he smirked. “Just hang out, huh?” He knew if he had an entire day to spend alone with her, they’d be doing a lot more than just hanging out. Still, the idea of having her all to himself until Monday morning was a little too tempting to resist. “Sure,” he finally agreed. “But first we’d better get back inside, before they send a search party out to find you.”
Deana, grinned, thrilled that he’d agreed. Just the thought of having him naked in her bed had her pussy clenching like crazy all over again. God, she was already so hooked on him, it was crazy. And if he’d agreed to come home with her, she knew at least they weren’t done yet.
But what they didn’t know, as they carefully made their way out of the little gazebo together and quietly headed back up the path and into the party, was that her date for the night, Nigel, who she’d ditched to meet up Damien, was standing alone in the shadows, having a smoke, looking pissed off at being dumped and left on his own. But then his eyes lit up when he saw them sneaking back into the party together, a leering smile breaking out across his face as he watched Damien purposely hanging back while Deana quietly slipped inside without him. Smiling like the cat that ate the canary, he murmured to himself, “Hmm, I’ll bet her father would just love to know that she’s sneaking around with a character like that.” And of course he was still wearing that smug little smile on his face when he followed them inside…
Hey guys this is Teena again. Thanks for your love for my last stories. So now I’ll be telling my experience I had after about 2 months of the first time I had sex with my friends . So now to the story but before going to the story I will tell about me those who have not read my previous stories. I an quiet hot and sexy girl and my stats are 32- 29- 30. My skin tone is milky white and I have milky white breasts and thighs and beautiful pink nipples. So now the story- This incident took place...
PLEASURE ISLAND: THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 2B Stranger Danger Going with the "lighten up" theme you decide to go back to the room to catch Wendy before she leaves. You drop the lost and found box off hurriedly with the pool guy and head toward the main hotel on the beach. There are a lot of well lit paths on the way, but it's a tourist trap so they tend to wind toward every where imaginable to get you to spend your money on little key chains with your name on them along with...
Spread over her desk, with her hands firmly bound together in his black silk necktie, Deana’s mouth fell open and she let out a shuddering groan the moment she felt his big thick cock begin to push into her pussy, filling her up aching tight. “Damn, Damien,” she muttered, pushing back, hungry for even more.Chuckling, he bent over her body and sank his teeth into her neck, lightly grazing her flesh, loving the way she shivered. “All I could think of today was how much I wanted to get up here...
ReluctanceAfter my shower, I grabbed my backpack, my favorite Texans ballcap, and headed downstairs. I needed coffee, pain pills, and breakfast, in that order. My first class wasn’t until 11:00 am and it was only 8:00 so I had time to catch up on email and everything else I ignored yesterday. I made some toast, poured a cup of coffee and sat down at the island with my laptop. I had to give up and turn my phone off yesterday because it wouldn’t stop ringing. I plugged it in to charge and checked email...
This is my first story… Do send me feedback… Also this story is fictional… Just saying So, back to the day my wife said ok for threesome fun, I had already been posting on local sites pictures of her getting local guys all hard offering her (even though at the time she wouldn’t play)- so when she finally said yes, I had about 5 guys who already expressed interest in doing my wife. After a few online interviews, I felt comfortable meeting a local Man. He booked a hotel and agreed for all for one...
My name's Bill Tinker an' I am 12 years old at the time I'm tellin' you about late in 19th century Texas. I can pretty much hit anythin' with my slingshot, mostly rabbits but I can hit doves an' pheasants on the fly too. It's a good thing too or we'd most likely starve to death. I lived with my ma an' pa an' my two sisters miles from anythin' civilized tryin' to scratch out a livin'. My pa failed in everything he tried includin' farmin' an' ranchin' but him an' ma wuz never...
I twiddled my nipples, the way some people do with their thumbs. They were erect, buzzing with the anticipation I felt in waiting here, fully nude for the date my master set up for me. He was a cuckold of a Dom and he loved watching me get railed before ravishing me himself.I didn’t know what he would look like. I didn’t care either. My breasts rose and fell with each excited breath I took. My blindfold was secure against my eyes, though the light from the lone candle on my bedside table...
BDSMHi. This is madhu once again.Friends you might be remembering me in my story ‘honeymoon with grand father in law’. After that story I got very good response on my email If you like my this story, pl give me response once again.After huge response on email, many expressed their desire to see me, talk me, feel me, even fuck me. I exchanged each other’s photographs with many. Then I started conversations with few selected lucky guys. After sufficient conversations, I decided to meet and proceed...
When I woke up, it was getting dark out. The last remnants of sunlight were coming through the skylight. Tristan was still asleep. I glanced over at him, studying his face as he slept, noticing the way his nose curved, his lips, his long grayish hair and beard. Having a man in my bed was so strange after all these years. A few hours ago he was a stranger. Now, what was he? What would he become, if anything? What was happening to my safe, quiet life?I got up, slipped on my jeans, but not my top...
Straight SexAfter tossing and turning all night, I went in search of coffee. I found everyone in the kitchen. Brie and Jack were at the breakfast table, a laptop and a couple of books open in front of them. Fish was sitting at the kitchen island, watching Eddie make eggs and toast. I went straight to the coffeepot. Eddie handed me my favorite huge mug, and I filled it to the brim. The first sip was hot and tasted oh, so good. I closed my eyes and savored it. “Hey, Tess?” I opened my eyes and looked at...
Friday I’m sitting alone, in a pub in the middle of nowhere, when I first notice you. I booked this break - a few days away on my own in a quaint little cottage - back in the summer, as a belated birthday gift to myself. I’d had visions of being able to go walking in the countryside, catch a bus into nearby villages to look around the shops and Christmas markets, and generally make the most of the idyllic location. I simply overlooked the fact that in December, the weather might not allow for...
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The next day she decided to walk into the nearby town. It was a glorious summer day and she wanted see if she could buy some cloth for a new nightgown. She had given her father most of the money she made but saved a little for herself that the stranger had placed into her hand that night. She told her father she needed a new nightgown, he knew how threadbare her old one was so he didn't mind. He was always telling her it was obscene to wear it as you could see right through it so with his...
Anita told me that night she wanted to fulfill her fantasy about picking up a stranger at a bar for a threesome. Or it could be even me just watching her with another guy. Once there, we got some drinks and sat down at a corner table.For the second round, the waiter was taking too long; so Ana was a bit impatient and she went to the bar to get more drinks.After a while she returned with new drinks and told me she had met a guy there at the bar. She had been talking with him.Anita then brought...
Saturday morning, we lingered over our coffee as the kids got into their activities in the living room. No one needed chauffeuring that morning, which was good for us. Stacy was geared up with her questions for the weekend. I laughed at her thoughtfulness, and gave a gesture for her to start. Stacy said, "You sometimes travel for business, and your trips have been getting longer as you get more senior in your company. You used to do one overnight, but the number of nights you're away has...
Reddit FunWithFriends, aka r/FunWithFriends! Is there any sex that’s better than with friends? I’m not talking about the weird sex that ends friendships because the bitch couldn’t compartmentalize and, ‘accept what this was.’ I’m referring to the kind of sex where friends want nothing more than to fuck one another’s brains out, clean up, then go out and grab a beer before going home, taking a giant whiskey dump, then going to sleep. The kind of friend sex where everyone fucks because they want...
Reddit NSFW ListYou’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You both like sex. You: hi Stranger: hi You: asl? Stranger: f 19 Stranger: london Stranger: you You: m 21 texas Stranger: nice You: so you like dirty chat? Stranger: I mean bored home alone nothing to do so why not :p You: ok ya I am also alone and feeling lonely You: what are you wearing now? Stranger: long white shirt shorts … Hair in a bun You: I guess you are thinking much before typing. Lol Stranger: wbu You: just feel free and...
I was telling y'all about moving close to Austin an' getting another wife but I wuzn't gonna tell you no more unless you told me how y'all liked my story so far. Well, enough of you said you did that I decided to tell you a bit more. The other wife comes later in my story so I better not get ahead of myself. The ranch we bought belonged to a widder that wanted to move to Tarrant County where her son now lived. She already sold off the livestock an' everything else so there wuzn't much...
Thank you all for loving my previous stories. Your comments are appreciated. Here is a brief introduction for the new readers. Mom and dad got divorced when I was a kid and I got to live with my mom. She dated a lot of men and had a series of relationships that didn’t last. As she works during the week, she only went on dates on weekends. But As I grew up I began to realize how horny she was becoming. Mom has a damn sexy figure and a nice face. She has a proportionate sexy body with soft, round...
Amy was now very interested to see if the stranger could move as well in the bedroom as he did on the dance floor. She grabbed his hand and lead him back to the table where she was sitting. She pushed him into the chair behind him and straddled him. She put her hands on either side of his face and began kissing him. She opened her mouth a little and he slipped his tongue into it. Their tongues danced as feverishly as their bodies had just a moment ago. Amy told the stranger she doesn't...
By: Aditya The Taurian Bang! There was a bang on the door that suddenly brought Neelu out of her thoughts. She saw towards the window. It was morning and the news paper wallah had thrown the bundled Paper on the balcony. She got up and dressed her gown and came on the balcony to take the news paper. She tried to read it but she didn’t feel like she was not feeling like doing anything. She was still feeling an itch between her legs she tried to clasp her thighs and felt a kind of wetness there....
Dear ISS readers, thank you for all your comments and replies for my first story, which I described about my encounter with one of my chat friend. This time I would like to share my experience with one stranger girl whom I traveled with. Kindly share your feedback in As I told in the previous story, I recently moved to Bangalore, and used to travel on weekend my native in Tamilnadu, and the travel time is overnight. Just like any other week, I made my booking in the bus, which starts from...
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Marnie set the hot pot of stew onto the table. The sound of her husband chopping wood outside stopped. She knew he would be in to eat his lunch, as he did every day. Every day of the weekend, Dave worked on his large house. During the week he slaved as a bank loan officer. He loved the secluded house. She hated it. She was always alone, except for her husband. There wasn’t anyone within ten miles and she didn’t have a vehicle. And even if she could, Dave...
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Carla wanted to feel like an a****l. She wanted to happen across some body on the street, bend over, and get fucked with no introductions, no romance, no finesse, and no regrets. The closest she was going to come to it, was now. Her heels clicked and echoed in the parking garage as she walked to the almost empty far end. There were plenty of cars around, and some foot traffic, but he had parked at a fairly unoccupied section. It would give them the best view of people walking around, and even...
Caroline, a university student, decided to take a part-time job at her school’s local library. It was an easy way to make extra cash. All she had to do was put back books, make sure the space was clean, and help others with questions. Most of the time, Caroline found that she was left alone to wander the halls of books. After working there for a few weeks Caroline began to recognize familiar faces. One man, to whom she was never formally introduced, started to flirt with her whenever he saw...
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The StrangerHusband and wife let a voyeur join in their fun.John and his wife Jo were enjoying their holiday on the island of Corsica, spending yet another day on the beach they soaked up some much needed sunshine and swam in the warm crystal clear sea.They had picked a small secluded beach on the western side of the island, it was quiet, private and not too far from their villa, the sand was soft and white, a few clumps of palm trees dotted along the beach offered some shade from the fierce...
Lori and I checked into a classy hotel room in Glasgow. We shared a hot shower together and both got dressed up to attend a club that was situated only blocks away from the room. Lori put on her pink florescent matching thong and bra set to cover her ample tits and freshly shaved pussy. She threw on a pair of tight black slacks and a matching silk blouse. Her blue eyes ravished after she highlighted them. Her lips appeared luscious after she applied the red tone lip stick. She finished by...
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Standing on the platform heading coast bound, at 8:30am, Scarlett was stood up, slender back leaning up against a dirty grey wall, with a half ripped poster advertising a theatre, swigging a ice cold bottle of coke. A tiny bead of coke rolled from the bottle, down her chin and rolled on to her chest, her shirt was missing a tie, and was unbuttoned to the third one down. Her shirt looked like it had spent too much time in a tumble dryer on a high heat because her size d breasts seemed to be...
Wife fucked hard by stranger on cruise ship The first time was so exciting that we couldn’t wait until we had a chance to try it again. It's all we talked about for weeks after it happened in a San Diego hotel. It was such a hot fantasy fulfilled, that we fucked each others brains out dozens of times in the weeks following, with the catalyst each time, being the memory of that incredibly hot night! We knew we could do it better the second time around, but in order to even give it a try, we had...
'Oh my God! What is about to happen to me?' was the silent scream echoing through Catilin’s mind. Her heart was pounding, her mouth was dry and beads of sweat stood out on her smooth, naked body. She had never been so afraid in all her life! But at the same time she had never been so completely turned on. Caitlin could not see a thing through the pitch black darkness in the room. However, she could hear the sounds of breathing. Not only her own panicked gasps, but the deeper and harsher...
SeductionI had been thinking about getting my wife to have sex with a stranger for a while. It added a lot of heat to our sex life together, and to our fantasy life as well. I would get to her to imagine me as a stranger while we were making love, she would get so turned on by this that I knew she needed to be fucked by a stranger one way or another. She told me that she never wanted another man, but I knew that deep down she did.It took months of waiting for the right moment, until one night when we...
HotwifeI woke up during the night with Marcus cuddling me and playing with my pierced nipples, which once again was making me wet.I climbed on top of him and proceeded to rub my pussy all over his hard cock. It wasn't long after that I pushed myself down him which caused us both to orgasm again and then we fell back to sleep.We woke up about ten. We both needed a shower. Marcus proceeded to wash me paying special attention to my pierced nipples and pussy. I decided, 'Two can play this game.'I...
Wife LoversMike and Rachel were finally on a camping trip, which had been cancelled by them three times before. They were tired from trekking all day long and were resting on their bed inside their tent. It was 11:00 PM, but they were still excited as Mike was waiting to eat Rachel’s tanned body, under the open sky and stars. Rachel had gotten a tan on her fine legs, right up to thighs, and she was showing it off, just to seduce him. She also told the same to Mike on their way up to camp. Rachel wanted to...
CheatingHi, I am back with another adventure of my gf. This story is about us in a movie hall which is empty and an old stranger comes and sits with us. As you know we used to be pretty open about sex and experimentation. We loved to try all new things in sex except maybe a couple of things. We loved to talk dirty in Hindi and fuck while talking. We’ve always been open about sex and loved it together. One particular night we were watching a porn movie which had a stranger sit next to the wife and the...
I was in college and just turned 19. I attended a local community college and still lived at home with my parents. I had been reading gay stories on the net for many years year and trolling the ads on Craigslist. My parents were going out of town for the weekend and I decided to place an ad to find an older man. The responses I got were overwhelming! Who would not want to fuck a 19 year old boy? I decided on a man who was in his fifties and very muscular and hairy. He was built like a...
We met in the bar of the hotel lobby. I was killing time before going back up to my room, and he was wrapping up an after dinner meeting with clients. He wore a nice grey suit, blue tie, white shirt, and brown shoes. He had silver hair, and dashing features. He wore a very nice large wrist watch and I could tell he was full of class and charm. We initially made eye contact via glances from the corner of our eyes. Then, when I went to use the bathroom, he got up at the same time and followed me....
Saturday I wake early the next day and am initially confused as to whether or not I dreamt that a sexy stranger I met in the pub made love to me last night, or if that really happened. The reality is confirmed by the tingling feeling in my pussy that there has definitely been a hard cock in there recently and also, the sensation of the afore-mentioned cock pressing into my ass cheeks. You’re still asleep, an arm wrapped over me protectively as you spoon against my back. I lie there, savouring...
NovelsBobby slowly opened his eyes. It took him a few moments to remember where he was as he looked at the clock over the refrigerator. It was already three o'clock in the afternoon. Where had the day gone? He wracked his brain trying to remember. Suddenly, with a shock, it all came roaring back into his brain. "Could it have been a dream or had it really happened?" he asked himself. Down deep inside, he hoped that it had really happened, but he knew that the probability of that was small....
I didn’t know who was knocking on my bedroom door. It didn’t matter, really. They were going to be dead just as soon as I could scrape up the energy to get out of bed. You’d think after sleeping a good ten hours, I’d be ready to go. But, no. No, I was not. I had slept fitfully, tossing and turning all night. I dreamed constantly, searching for my stranger, and woke more exhausted than ever. A fist banged against my door, louder and more insistent. “Tess, if you don’t unlock this door now,...
A cool breeze stirred the underbrush growing around massive trees on the forest floor. Huddled in the lower limbs of one of those trees, beneath an inconspicuous bundle of branches, imperceptible to even the most discerning eye, two young women lay together sleeping. As they had done the previous four nights, Jaide lay on her side in the crook of the branches while Anna cuddled up behind and draped an arm across her slim waist. The youngest of the pair, with her silvery hair, had grown to...
I turn off the ignition and look around the parking lot, I’m not certain what Sir has in mind tonight, this is new, meeting in public. The thought turns me on and intimidates me at the same time. I’m suddenly worried about my choice of outfit, he had been specific, the skirt was to be short and top light in color, no bra, no panties. The black skirt barely covered my ass when standing, just the way he likes, but in this place I’m not sure he will be pleased. My top is white, fitted at the top,...
We were on holiday as a family staying at a resort on the beach, I hadn’t wanted to join my family on the holiday, I had turned eighteen a week before the start of the holiday and wanted to be with my friends, drinking, partying and having a good time now that I legally could but no, instead I’d been forced into this holiday where the best fun I’d had so far was sitting by the pool reading and checking out all the beach body ready people. I had to remind myself not to check out the men as...
'Well then, enjoy your drink.' The handsome stranger at the bar smiled at Sylvie and raised his glass in the air. He was drinking whiskey, she noticed, which wasn't helping her at all. Sylvie Adams had been in this situation many times before when working on the road and she knew how it was going to end up. She had sat there, still dressed in her work gear; a sleeveless dark grey dress that hugged her figure and ending just above her knee. All day, she had let her bra straps slip out and...
MatureContinued form A stranger joins us for some fun (cuckold, bisexual)- read that first please and don't forget to comment.So there we are, first night at our holiday villa at this amazing resort. We're horny, we're fucking and we have a couple of young italian men walking into our bedroom...We both slowed down as the boys walked in, Jane put her finger over her lips and said "shhhh" to them them pointed them to the two arm chairs that were by the bed, they quietly sat down without diverting their...
Twin Switch Chapter 15 By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction. It is recommended that you read the previous installments as they will provide important background information. This story features extreme female domination and if that offends you do not read. While there is no actual sex in these chapters' sexual activities may be described. Comments good or bad pertaining to the direction of the plot and grammar are welcome as long as they are NOT directed to the nature of this...
Georgina and Steve had just returned to their hotel room after an erotic visit to the club. They had been married for a year and tried to get away for a passionate weekend in a hotel every month. The cheap hotel was the change of scenery they both needed to escape their 9-5 lives and explore their sexual fantasies together. Steve had been telling Georgina his hotwife fantasies since they were married and she was always willing to play along to fulfill them. She would always dress as slutty as...
Georgina and Steve had just returned to their hotel room after an erotic visit to the club. They had been married for a year and tried to get away for a passionate weekend in a hotel every month. The cheap hotel was the change of scenery they both needed to escape their 9-5 lives and explore their sexual fantasies together.Steve had been telling Georgina his hotwife fantasies since they were married and she was always willing to play along to fulfill them. She would always dress as slutty as he...
My wife is a very attractive brunette; she has full breasts and a full figuire, one that I have always found very sexy and attractive. After 10 years of marriage I wanted to satisfy a deep desire and that was to see her having sex with a stranger. Marne has always been very shy sexually, very committed and loyal not one wishing to venture outside of the confines of marriage. I decided the best would be to take her out dancing and then see if I could get her interested in another bloke this way....
EroticIt was a dark and stormy night. Judy sat at the window, naked and alone, wishing someone would call or text, or that a meteorite would strike her neighbours house… anything to break the monotony. She had just decided to have another cup of tea and watch some porn, when there was a mysterious knock on the door.Instinctively reaching for the thin robe she had discarded by her chair, Judy paused, 'Was that a knock,' she wondered, 'or just the wind?' Another, more forceful knock, beat on the...
SeductionHello friends this is my first story on ISS and I keep often reading stories on ISS and I like to read it. M Sid from Mumbai and male 21. I’d like to share my incidence with you people without wasting much of your time I’d like to tell u the actual part! This incident occurred with me recently actually, I had problem with my cell phone due to which I had to visit the service center in my area. It was Tuesday, so around 11 am I left home, took my bike and went to service center. There was less...
My phone buzzed shortly after I was showered from basketball and back at my desk. That was my invitation to play. The text simply said ‘come now to suck two cocks’. I had fantasised about having two men for a long time. The Magician seemed to know my mind and how much I longed to be dirty. Although we had only known each other a few weeks, already I trusted him implicitly. Deep down I knew if he was there it was safe but the nerves were consuming me. A twinge of excitement grasped at my stomach...
After a long day at work, Michelle finally arrives home and strips to her red lace bra and matching g string, walking to the fridge she grabs a chilled bottle of wine and heads out to her deck which over looks the beach. With the waves crashing upon the sand and the sun setting its nice and calm maybe a little warm but just nice to sit back and breathe in the salt air, watching people play on the sand she suddenly notices a young couple in the sand hills as she takes a closer look, she can see...