So This Is 40? free porn video

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So this is 40? By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter One "Welcome home professor!" Maryanne hugged her brother and kissed his cheek. "Thanks," replied a tired looking Dan. "Let me take something?" said his sister, grabbing the handle of his carry on bag. "I can see how exhausted you look." "I hate these damn red eye flights," said Dan, taking it back. "But I've got it for now. You can take it when I get the big stuff from baggage claim." "No need, and the macho shit stops now," said Maryanne, pushing her brother aside and taking the handle. "You're wiped and it's your birthday weekend, so how about just shut up baby brother and let's get you to the car." "Fine, and believe me I'm too tired to really argue." Dan let her take the bag as they walked together. "But I have to get my luggage first." "Yeah handled already!" said his sister, looping her arm through his, pulling the other bag. "I paid for it to be delivered to the house." "Maryanne, are you crazy?" Dan asked surprised. "You know how much stuff I just brought back?" "Yup! 4 suitcases, you freaking clothes horse," laughed his sister. "And it's handled, so stop being a pain in the ass." "I know, but I wasn't sure what to bring," smiled Dan. "Half the shit I'm even bringing back belongs to the boys." "I know," said his sister, patting his arm. "But you knew they wouldn't need winter clothes there but you're a stubborn old mule." "Well I figured, but what the hell do I know about Arizona?" said Dan. "All I know is the place is an oven and I hope they'll be happy there?" "They'll be fine, and they're old enough now," said his sister, giving his arm a little squeeze. "You're a good dad and I know how much you'll miss them, but you did the right thing?" "I fucking hope so," said Dan, feeling a little emotional. "They're so far away now." "No, just a red eye away and at least Corrine married well, so they'll live well," said Maryanne. "Now stop kicking yourself in the ass and you'll need to do the same." "I know, but do you have any idea how hard it was to move my boys across the country," replied Dan, getting upset. "Believe me, you can't imagine how I've tossed and turned every night?" "Well maybe if you didn't toss and turn quite a few nights with some of your students or some floozies, then you wouldn't have gotten divorced," teased his sister. "Now just get in the car." "That's not funny and wait?" said Dan, getting annoyed and then pausing. "You brought my car?" "Yup," said his sister. "I know how much you love the old girl, and being in this car always cheers you up. Now get your ass in, but I'm driving!" His sister was right that he loved his old mint suped up dodge charger as she unlocked the trunk, tossing in his carry on. He was too tired to even argue as he slipped into the passenger seat and the hum of the revved engine was a much needed comforting feeling. It had been a tough time for the last few years going through a nasty separation and divorce, but it was something he'd brought on himself with his cheating ways. He loved his two sons and did everything he could to keep their lives as normal as they could, sleeping in the basement and living separate lives in the same home but a new normal would be inevitable with his wife finally re-marrying. As painful as it was, he knew his sister was right though that they'd have a better life in a happy confrontation free home, as her new husband was well off financially but his promotion would take him towards the other coast, relocating to Arizona. Her marriage he could deal with, as at least it meant no alimony and he could manage financially on his University professor's salary. He got to keep his suburban Boston home and his lifestyle would be unaffected, yet so much still tore him up inside. His last few weeks with his boys felt like he was biding his time before the electric chair, yet he cherished the moments, knowing he'd soon have to be the bigger man and let them move on. They did everything together while their mother enjoyed her honeymoon and then he executed the most difficult task of his life, relocating his tween and teenage sons far from home. Out to the desert he flew with them, helping them get adjusted in their new home as he stayed in a hotel nearby for a few weeks. All this time being civil and preparing to let go would be the most stressful time of his life before finally returning to start anew himself. "You know I don't think I've ever been in the passenger seat before?" said Dan, trying to relax. "It feels weird." "Why, because you look at it like that's the chick seat?" joked his sister as she drove. "Not with my ex-wife I don't," laughed Dan. "She hated this car and barely ever sat there?" "Well chicks are free to sit there now," said Maryanne. "You know instead of just ducking down hiding or sitting where you mostly had them in the back seat." "That's so wrong?" laughed Dan. "Yeah well someone's got to lighten the mood here?" said his sister, turning the wheel. "Now loosen up, because it's almost your birthday and you didn't just get back from a funeral you know." "Don't remind me, and bad enough besides moving the boys I had to bite my tongue to watch my ex-wife get remarried," replied Dan, staring out the window. "I'm still not really over any of it." "Well you're about to fucking get over it," said his sister. "All of it, and party a bit this weekend." "Mar, please no," said Dan, turning towards her. "I told you I'm not making a big deal of this and I don't want to do much." "Yeah I know you did, and I don't give a shit!" smiled Maryanne. "You only turn forty once, and you're going to enjoy it. Now park the mid-life crisis bullshit and I'm running the show here this weekend. You got me?" "Oh gawwdddd?" smirked Dan, rolling his eyes. "You know I'm not up for anything crazy, and when you talk like that I get really nervous!" "Damn right you should, and you've taken care of me my whole life," said Maryanne. "Through both of my divorces, bankruptcy and even my drinking problems. Through every fucking thing, so its time I return the favor! Don't you think?" "You're my sister?" answered Dan. "Isn't that what I should be doing? and you don't owe me anything. What kind of brother would I be if I didn't do that for my big sister?" "A shitty one, and even if I didn't owe you a damn thing, I'd still be doing this because I love you," said Maryanne leaning over and kissing his cheek. "Now get out and don't say a word?" "Ok, but what are we doing here?" said Dan, getting out and looking over at her atop the roof of the car. "This is your spa you go to, right?" "Yup, and now it's yours too," said Maryanne, closing the door. "Trust me, you're run down and look like shit! No one could use it more than you and let's go, they're expecting you." "Expecting me?" asked Dan, following her. "Men go here too?" "Everyone's money is green, isn't it professor?" teased his sister, looping her arm through his. "Shouldn't you know that if you teach economics or finance or whatever some of those classes are that you teach?" "It's socioeconomics, and that's not exactly about money," Dan laughed before lecturing. "It's a theoretical construct encompassing individual, household, and community access to resources. It is commonly conceptualized as a combination of economic, social, and work status, measured by income or wealth, education, and occupation and...." "And please shut the fuck up," interrupted his sister, squeezing his arm. "Bore your masseuse with your socio-mumbo-jumbo and please don't tell me that's how you pick up co-eds half you age?" "Actually no?" smirked Dan, rolling his eyes. "Typically I use my wit and charm?" "Which is professor talk for you promise them A's," joked his sister as they walked together. "I'm not that bad, and I'm not a total pig," laughed her brother, stopping at the door. "So let's stick with wit and charm please?" "Which are in need of some adjusting," laughed his sister, opening the spa door. "Now just go in and I've already got everything booked?" "Why do I feel like I'm going to regret this?" Dan said, walking by her. "No one regrets a good pampering?" replied his sister, following him in. "You just may have forgotten how nice it's felt, but we'll see about that in a minute then won't we?" "Hello Ms. Woodridge," said the woman inside. "Wonderful to see you again, and I assume this is the professor." "In the flesh," smiled his sister, pointing to him. "I have a niece that raves about your class, professor," said the woman. "I hear you're an amazing teacher." "Oh how nice to hear, and thank you," said the professor, feeling good about her comment. "I always try to give my all to my students." "He certainly does," said his sister, interrupting and giving him a look. "And the reason we're here since poor dear is exhausted, so sorry we're a few minutes late." "No worries, and we're ready for you anyway," said the woman, handing him a white silk robe and a white cloth bag. "You may change in here. Put everything in this bag and then meet us in room six down the hall to the left." As she opened a curtain, into a changing room he went, quickly stripping down. It wasn't exactly how he expected to start his day back home, but the more he thought about it the more he figured a good massage maybe wouldn't be so bad. As he came out, the woman took his bag and then led him down the hall into room six. When she opened the door he stepped inside, looking around at the serene white room with stainless appliances. "I'll hang your robe and your masseuse will be right in," said the woman, unfolding a towel. "No need to be shy today professor, so lie on your belly please." "Aaahhh? Yeah I guess not?" smiled Dan, undoing his robe and then handing it to her as she turned her eyes away as he climbed on the table. Over his rear end went the towel now as he got comfortable and then in came his masseuse. He had no idea how long his massage lasted, but had to admit it felt wonderful and helped calm his nerves. It was like every muscle in his body would have the tension removed as he turned, allowing the big strong guy to squeeze away his anxieties until finally he lay lifeless, taking a cat nap until he was awakened by a tap at his calf. "Feeling better?" asked Maryanne, softly touching his cheek. "This is amazing?" grumbled Dan. "It's over already?" "Not just yet! No," laughed Maryanne. "I take it that you're not ready to leave yet then?" "I might never be ready?" sighed Dan, feeling so relaxed. "I can't thank you enough, and if I would have known how soothing this was, maybe I would have done this years "Well if I was a better sister, then maybe I would have forced you to do all that you should have a long time ago too," said Maryanne, touching his hair. "But I didn't want to interfere in your marriage, and just couldn't for the boys sake." "Maybe some hot chick delivering a different kind of massage would have been interfering, but I'm not sure some muscle head rubbing me down qualifies," joked Dan, enjoying her stroking his head. "Depends on your perspective, doesn't it?" joked his sister, tapping his shoulder. "I mean from the look of your towel, you didn't seem to mind." "That's disgusting, and not what you think!" yelled Dan, turning his body away from her. "You're my sister, and you shouldn't be looking there." "And I shouldn't know half of what I know about you Danny, but if I didn't we wouldn't even be here," said his sister, softly patting his back and then sitting down. "Now trust me, I don't even exactly know how to bring some of it up, but when I'm done today I'm thinking it'll be a lot easier to talk about." "Easier to talk about what?" groaned Dan, turning his head towards her. "Well since you asked?" replied his sister, looking down then right into his eyes. "I found your trunk." "What trunk?" said Dan, looking up at her nervously. "Really brother?" smiled his sister, sighing. "The one under your bed with the pad lock." "So?" said Dan, swallowing hard. "So you know I know all your codes?" said his sister, shaking her head. "I always have." "That's private!" Dan was getting upset. "You wouldn't open my private stuff?" "You mean I shouldn't have?" smirked his sister. "What the hell! You were just supposed to be helping clean!" said Dan, jumping up to a sitting position. "I..I.. can explain." "Don't," said his sister, stopping him and holding out her hand. "You don't need to but.... if you did want to talk about it?" "You're my sister?" grumbled Dan, looking away. "I..I.. can't talk about shit like this with you?" "Oh please," said Maryanne, flipping her wrist. "Why not?" "Why not?" Dan was upset. "Because I just told you why not? You're my sister! That's why not!" "You're going to have to do better than that, so don't stress out after dumping all the damn tension after your massage," said Maryanne, folding her arms. "Now come on, you've got the rest of the summer off without any wife and kids for the first time since you knocked her up after college, so guess what?" "I'm afraid to ask?" gulped Dan. "But what?" "What the fuck in that trunk were you planning to wear on your fortieth birthday, and don't say the evening gown, because that thing was not meant to be in a trunk like that!" smiled his sister. "It's gorgeous, but it's trash now as the thing has moth holes in it." "Oh gawddd you did open my trunk." Dan was mortified. "Oh stop! I've always known," chuckled Maryanne. "It's fine, and looks like it didn't take long for our talk to fix your towel problem." "No kidding? Always known?" asked Dan, horrified and looking down at himself with his towel no longer tented. "But how?" "Little signs. My clothes being moved? A few things missing that turned up in the hamper," smiled Maryanne, tapping her chin. "Really I didn't know one hundred percent, but suspected and then caught you sneaking in when mom and dad were away. You thought I was at college but snuck my boyfriend in for sex and then obviously someone else snuck in with hers." "Holy shit!" gulped Dan, mortified. "I wasn't exactly like that! And that was at least twenty years ago!" "Like it matters?" giggled Maryanne. "So then when's the last time you really dressed up? Maybe had a boyfriend or sucked a dick?" "I can't believe you're asking me this?" replied Dan ashamed. "Maybe not, but I'm possibly the only one who loves you unconditionally, so what's the answer?" Maryanne walked closer to him. "It's only us here, so what's to hide?" "Fine." Dan looked away and tossed up his hands. "And I guess nothing anymore, because you're not going to stop, are you?" "Nope," said Maryanne, tapping her cheek. "So what's the answer?" "Many years ago?" said Dan, looking down. "Really I'm not even sure?" "Seriously?" said his sister, lifting his chin and forcing him to look at her. "You're not even sure? You've got almost a photographic memory professor, but this you can't remember?" "Fine, I dressed up a few times away at conventions over the last four or five years but never got to enjoy it like I wanted to!" groaned Dan. "Like before marriage when I could.... You know, experiment." "So now we're getting somewhere here? Ok?" said his sister, listening. "And go on?" "Maryanne!" Dan said. "Please!" "Please what?" said his sister, folding her arms. "Because you only answered half the question?" "Because back then I could get a little more dressed up and was between girlfriends, so I didn't have to worry about much," Dan was turning beet red. "Especially when you or our parents were away. Then I could experiment and be free." "Free to be a girl?" questioned Maryanne. "Or just free to be gay?" "I'm still not sure I know, and I'm pretty sure I'm not exactly gay," replied Dan. "My marriage was ruined by my chasing sexy co-eds, and I've never really been attracted to guys except... you know?" "Except when you were wearing something from my closet, or I guess in that trunk of ours?" smiled Maryanne. "Pretty much," nodded Dan humiliated. " And I haven't sucked a... well not like I wished I could have in a long time." "Well that wish I can't make come true, but I did plan on increasing you odds, professor," said his sister, as a huge grin now filled her face. "So how about you do me a favor since I spent a lot of money today to make it happen, and don't fight me ok?" "A lot of money on what?" asked Dan, surprised. "You mean I'm here for more than just the massage?" "Come on? Who's the best sister ever?" laughed Maryanne, taking both index fingers and pointing to herself. "What did you do?" said Dan as his eyes got super wide. "Just a little something to allow you to have a little fun without having to sneak around for the first time in your life," smiled his sister, before rubbing her hands together, getting excited. "I figured we'd make this fortieth memorable?" "Maryanne, no!" sighed Dan. "No way! I love you and I just opened up to you, but you're still my sister and I can't allow you to do that!" "No, you're my sister Danielle, and this is what sisters do for each other," said Maryanne, walking over and knocking on the door. "Bianca, Marlene, she's ready! You can come in now and get started!" "Danielle? Oh gawddd Maryanne!" yelled Dan as two women came in. "What the hell are you doing?" "Leaving you in good hands, and you're turning forty, not ninety, professor," Winked his sister, hugging him and pulling out the scrunchie from his little ponytail before stepping back. "Now the scholarly grey pony might look distinguished for a frumpy old wiry haired woman teaching high school calculus, but it is not going to cut it for a cougar out on the prowl this weekend, sister. Behave yourself while I go pick up a few things Dani girl, and she's all yours ladies." "Holy shit!" Dan watched his sister hurry away. "Come back! I can't do this!" "Without our help?" smiled Bianca, sizing him up as the door closed behind her. "Maybe? Maybe not? But that's what we're here for honey, and believe me we know what we're doing." "And don't worry love, we're not going to hurt you," smiled Marlene in a soft British accent, coming over and squeezing his hand. "Stand tall and let us get a better look at you please." "I'm not so sure about this, ladies," said Dan, looking bamboozled. "Not sure about what?" said Marlene inquisitively. "We don't need you to be sure about anything, but this will go so much smoother if you just follow along and just breathe, dear. Now stand please." "Ok...ok! Holy shit!" said Dan, feeling his palms grow sweaty as he stood from the masseuse table. "It's just aside from what my sister just sprung on me, I'm not even exactly sure what we're doing here?" "Getting the birthday girl ready, which takes some careful planning and patience," said Bianca, pulling off the towel as they looked up and down at him as she jotting a few things on a clipboard. "But since this isn't your first time, and I'm told you're an educator yourself, I imagine we shouldn't need to tutor you much further, should we?" "Well no, but I'd feel more comfortable if you did?" Dan replied as Bianca circled him as she walked around the room. "Maybe, but it's your birthday present, so just prepare to be pampered, because I won't be the one to ruin the surprise," said Bianca, patting the table. "You can lie back down and get comfortable now, Dani." "You mean right here?" asked Dan shyly. "Like without my towel?" "Don't worry love, we're not going to hurt you," smiled Marlene, taking his elbow as he sat back down. "That I wasn't worried about?" said Dan, lying back with her guidance. "Good, because that's not exactly true, but the price of beauty, Danielle," said Bianca as he suddenly felt something warm being applied to his right calf. "And we ladies are a bit tougher than the fellas, so expect a pinch, prick or a rip here and there which can be a bit uncomfortable as I'm sure you're already aware, but unfortunately quite necessary." "Very necessary, and go ahead Bianca." Marlene cringed, not liking what she saw, sliding her hand across his slightly hairy chest as suddenly he felt the first rip. "Especially when ladies at times don't keep up on their maintenance." That now wouldn't be an issue for him as he wanted to jump off the table, as he now had experienced some waxing for the first time. Marlene's nails across his breast plate served as a barrier for his anguish, yet he took it like a man, trying to control his shivers and not whimper as the next section was waxed off. It had been almost twenty years since he shaved his legs, but back then he was nowhere near as hairy. He gritted his teeth as they lifted his right leg as he looked up, watching it turn smooth. He had always known after his divorce was settled and he'd be alone that'd he finally dress again, but never did he fathom this would be how it would begin. For the first time in almost two decades he wouldn't have to hide his legs under dark tights or several pairs of hose, as slowly but surely they made their way up his legs. He really couldn't fight the tears though as Marlene held his legs high and spread his legs wide open as the first rip sent a shock wave through his testicles. Every rip while they manipulated his private parts felt five times worse, yet nothing seemed to stop them as they ignored his sobbing. He was numb by the time they waxed his arm hair and they were numb to his groveling waxing around his nipples. When they flipped him overm the stray hairs on his back felt like nothing but in turn there would be nothing as sensitive when they parted his cheeksm waxing between them. The price of beauty she mentioned at first had now been paid with a heavy deposit as they rubbed him down, soothing his tenderness. As he looked over seeing all his body hair deposited with their wax strips in a trash bin, it would be hard to accept that it had all been removed from his skin but it had. "Almost a clean slate now darling," said Marlene. "Now come let's get you in the chair. We're right on schedule." As he stood from the table, she held open a robe and he slid his arms inside. Finally a moment of dignity would be restored as she looped the belt and then he followed her into an adjoining room. The soft silk's touch felt like a million dollars, and then the room's assortment of bright colors would shock his pupils. He'd always dreamed of being waited on in a salon like an actual woman, but that wait would now be over almost four decades into his life. To a slightly elevated chair in the private room they led him as he stared at the vast array of colorful varnishes that lined the wall to his right, and glittery artistry palettes to his left. He sunk into the chair, melting like butter on hot bread, forgetting his skin's anguish as Bianca pumped the pedal, lifting him upward before reclining his back. As Marlene stretched his left hand onto a small adjacent table and then Bianca dropped his head in a sink he was about to actually begin a period of pampering he never thought he would experience. A scrubbing at his scalp was like nothing he'd experienced during his infrequent visits to his barber, and never had he know the feeling of his nails being filed or his cuticles being trimmed away. His hands being touched and manipulated and his follicles being cleansed would be even better than his massage. When finally a thick conditioner sat entrenched on his hair, coating his more salt than pepper locks, the eye popping sting of a hot towel would awaken his facial follicles. Gone would soon be what was left of his feeble attempt at a scholarly goatee when she lifted it, rubbing some cream near his upper lip. He'd only seldom grown it anyway, so it would be of no issue as a long straight blade sliced beneath his nose. Like a surgeon, she expertly shaved away the last little traces of manlyness before wiping its trimmings on another towel. The final strokes would follow across his cheeks and neckline until his face was clean shaven, but then she'd start again against the grain. It would be a shave like none he'd ever experienced as she wiped the blade and then switched to a shorter razor before dropping a warm wet towel atop his eyes. With her thumb she pushed down on his eye lid when she lifted the towel away and then pushed up above his brow with her index finger. A feeling of his brows being combed would be followed by the sound of some shears and before the softest blowing from her lips atop his closed pupil. The hints of the warm cream would now be obvious as she dotted around mostly beneath his brow and was quickly followed by her blade slicing in his new arch. Back and forth she worked, thinning and shaping as she widened their part and sculpted. It was hard not to peek at her finger sitting on the bridge of his nose like a measuring stick when finally she allowed him to look up, as gone would be so much more than the few strays that normally poked up behind the middle frame on his reading glasses. Marlene looked up now from her work, giving a nod of approval before Bianca dropped his head again back into the sink. Warm water gliding off his now softly conditioned hair delivered a temporary feeling of tranquility, but that would be short lived once she squeezed away the moisture, elevating the back of his chair. He looked down, seeing the set of natural colored extensions attached to his left hand looking like a witch's daggers, and instantly a lump ran down his throat. He'd never dealt with more than a home polish job on his short nails for a pop of color, and years back struggled even keep his slightly longer active length press on nails to stay pressed on. "They're not even close to done, or even what they'll look like, so don't get stuck on them," said Bianca, seeing the look on his face as he stared down as she took a brush to his wet hair and lifted his chin. "Now look straight ahead, and trust me they'll be gorgeous when Marlene is done. She's amazing." "I'm sure you both are, and it's not like there's any turning back today after all this anyway?" sighed Dan. "Is there?" "After we've uncovered those pretty legs trapped beneath that hairy gorilla's?" joked Bianca, brushing some hair atop his head and twisting it before sliding in a long hinge pin. "Eeewww no, and like you'd want to? I heard those lovely calves have been waiting years to get out." "Maybe?" chuckled Dan as she took a comb, brushing down the left side. "By maybe I'm sure you mean yes, and looks like someone is starting to relax a bit," smiled Bianca, spinning some of his hair atop his head before clipping it. "Maybe excited about her makeover?" "If you're redefining excited as terrified?" smiled Dan, feeling the pressure on his fingers. "Oh what girl isn't worried when she's trying something new? but there's nothing to be alarmed about ok?" said Bianca, twisting some of his hair in the back now and sliding in another clip. "Ok," nodded Dan. "I'll try not to be." "Good, and while you're at it, try not to nod and keep your head straight, Danielle. I'm just two or three more strokes from ridding you of the last few knots and becoming your hairdresser," laughed Bianca, brushing a few more strands before putting down her brush and sliding her fingers between her shears. "And I know you're new at this, but you must know as your hairdresser you can tell me anything? So here goes, and I have something really sensational in mind for you." "Yeah really new at this?" gulped Dan, hearing the first snip in the back. "That seemed kind of high on my shoulder and I typically just wear this little stylish scholarly pony that sits on my collar! You can work with that, right?" "Scholarly, which makes you think it's stylish?" joked Bianca, stretching his hair in the back and then letting go before she trimmed again. "Yeah, and a sport jacket with patches on the elbows too I bet?" "Oh?" smirked Dan. "Most professors do. It's our dress code I guess and ..?" "And schools out for summer, which is why you're here professor, but its Danielle that will be leaving later?" Paused Bianca. "Right?" "Certainly appears that way, doesn't it?" joked Dan, hearing her shears near his nape. "Not when I'm done it won't, and chin forward a bit please?" laughed Bianca, pushing his head forward a touch, stretching in the back again. "It'll certainly be a certainty." "Touch? Bianca," smiled Dan as he could feel her nails on his neck as she lifted his hair. "Just checking?" giggled Bianca, tossing a clump of his hair to the floor. "Because I know she's not here to wear dweed coats that will not be working with those smooth legs you've got now? So we on the same page now?" "Obviously my sister's made sure she's not, but tell that to my pony tail that I think just rolled to the floor," said Dan, taking a breath and then nodding, turning back straight. "If I would have known you were this attached, I would have let you hold it to say goodbye before letting it hit the floor," joked Bianca as she trimmed. "Then that was it?" Dan sighed, twisting and half pushing from the chair. "Stay calm, and not exactly or I will have to do something even shorter to straighten out things if you jump and make it crooked," said Bianca, getting more serious and pushing down at his shoulders. "I ran your options by your sister and we both agreed this would be perfect." "Sorry," said Dan, calming down and sitting patiently again. "Please just don't get too crazy, and I'm sure whatever I say at this point doesn't matter anyway, so I guess we are." "Well it does and it doesn't, so just close your eyes, because you're going to thank me later, and trust me when it came to that pony the way it was, it was time honey," giggled Bianca before putting her fingers on both sides of his head, moving it a little and tilting it forward just a bit. "And later is still a long way off." With his chin resting forward, she began lifting his hair in the back and then trimming began in earnest as she stretched his hair. He had no idea how much she was trimming, as slowly but surely she made her way to the sides, as his stomach was churning from nerves. He'd not worn his hair outside of the professor-ly academia pony for longer than he could remember, so this deviation alone was sending shockwaves down his spine. He peeked open his eyes, able to see nothing in his line of sight at either side, but then glanced down, stunned by the volume of small shearings on his cape. If there would have been a hair left on his arm it would have stood up, as his anxiety elicited major goosebumps. Those would be undetected by Bianca as again she pushed his chin forward once again as her blade grazed atop his second vertebrae, turning those goose bumps to icicles with the cold steel snipping firmly across his neckline. After a few more trims, she moved his chin again level and untwisted the clip as down came the top before she brushed and attacked it with her shears. He was as curious as he was anxious, unable to stop his stomach from turning as she stretched and trimmed. It would only be a few more minutes until finally she put down her cold tools of anguish, and then it was not at all what he expected. "Ok, that'll do for now," said Bianca, running her fingers through his wet hair. "I know that may look like i took off more than you expected, but you needed it." "How short is my hair now?" Dan asked, a little panicked, watching her ruffle his cape, seeing strands fly off it. "Am I going to look like my mother? or worse maybe my grandmother?" "Well since they either gave birth to you or wiped your ass, I'm sure no matter what I do they'll be some resemblance?" said Bianca before a big smile filled her face. "I'm a beautician, not a magician, Danielle." "Yeah but..." Dan began to say. "But relax and don't fidget, or your nails will be fucked up. Now if they look anything like your sister, then you're lucky to have their genes," laughed Bianca as Marlene was working hard on his fingers. "She's still gorgeous in her forties, and I've done her hair for years, so I know what works on her, meaning I've got a pretty good idea of what'll work on you today too, ok?" "Sorry this is a lot to come to grips with," nodded Dan as she stretched his pinkie. "But that makes sense. A lot of sense." "See? Logic, my scholarly new client!" smiled Bianca. "I love that, and I'm not exactly used to chatting with my customers about things from a logistical perspective, but it's a start for us honey and we really still are just getting started." "Getting started?" gulped Dan. "You intend to cut my hair even shorter?" "Shorter not really, and your hair maybe has been on the long side, but honestly had no shape so now it will," replied Bianca, running her fingers through his hair, checking her work. "It's a process Danielle, and I'd be anxious too if I were you, but believe me we're already past that point." "I imagine we are?" thought the professor. "So just promise me then that it just looked like you made it really short, since I'm worried the next step would be me sitting under the dryer and then walking out of here with a helmet head." "Like that wouldn't be an improvement?" laughed Bianca, playfully tapping his wrist. "And I can't promise a little time under the dryer won't be in your future, but I already told you walking out of here with you looking like your grandmother will not be the result." "Sorry, this turning forty stuff really wears on you," acknowledged Dan. "I've just got so much stress between family issues, my personal life and then that just adds to it. It's a lot." "Which is why this is such a nice thing your sister is helping you with," said Bianca, dropping back his chair a little and sliding on her gloves. "So let it all out honey, and I'm listening while I'm working. The more you release, the better you'll feel and now I feel more like you're one of my regular girls. Tell me everything." "You mean the entire convoluted, befuddling, contrasting conundrum of my life?" spouted Dan. "I think so?" smiled Bianca. "Except maybe now it's you that needs to go easy on me, so save the big words, since remember I went to beauty school not college." Just that quickly the professor realized what it was like to slide into such a different role, as somehow he felt so comfortable with her smiling and began spilling his guts. Guarded teacher and closeted dresser had turned blabbermouth, releasing some of his most private thoughts to a total stranger as she saturated his head. They shared war stories about divorce, raising children and life experiences as she painted at his follicles and wrapped some sections in foils. Never could he have imagined the processes of pungent chemicals being added atop his head being so therapeutic, but by the time she tucked his hair inside a cap, he was putty in her hands. He had not only received a massage today, but hair dresser therapy, as she probed deep into the root of his issues while handling the roots on his head. He looked over as his right hand was now under the dryer as his new acrylic nails had now seemingly taken shape, while little did he knew there was still more shaping in the works. "So we're going to let that process a bit, gossip girl, and keep your fingers flat," smiled Bianca as she peeled off her gloves. "Now that was such a wonderful chat and not that I want to end our conversation, but those pretty lips will need a break while Dr. Evans does her thing, so we'll pick up where we left off after I rinse your hair out, Danielle." "Dr. Evans?" gulped Dan as suddenly his relaxed state became tense. "Why would I need a doctor?" "That you can take up with your sister, and Dr. Evans," said Bianca, tossing up her hands. "I'm just a beautician."

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This Vid is a pretty mundane name for a website. It’s generic as hell, and clean enough that it could even be the next obnoxious video loop app for teens. Well, maybe in an alternate universe. In our world, ThisVid is a free video-sharing site. In fact, it’s the #1 Place For Your Homemade Videos, according to the tagline above the logo. What kind of vids are we talking about? I think you already have a good idea.I am going to warn you up front, though: ain’t your typical free tube....

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Tricked by long time friend part 2

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Conference and vacation at Brazil

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The Superior Race

The year was 2047, and the world had been over taken by a dominated race from another planet   The year is 2047, and the world is dominated by a foreign race from another planet.These people are much more superior then our own race.They have come to experiment and turn the human race into their sex slaves, torturing them for their amusement and slowly eradicating our species.  

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XLGirls Tessa Orlov Are You Horny for Sex with Curvy Girls Like Tessa Orlov

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Arianna and Kyle pt 2

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Our weekend of Debauchery Chapter 3

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Bhabhi Ki Gaand

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Summer 3

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Susan and Stevenaked in SchoolChapter 4

Thursday Steve When we got to school, Susan and I undressed each other, and went in the building. Everyone must have heard the news about the conviction and sentencing; there were cheers, clapping of hands, and words of congratulations. It seemed like a hollow victory to me, as there was little satisfaction other than knowing it was over. Lori passed me in the hall, gave my dick a tug, and said, "Morning, stud". Susan heard this, and was none too pleased. "She's not making a very good...

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Alien The BeginningChapter 5

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A Short Hike

It was a typical Saturday for her. She got up in the morning and did her regular routine. She showered, ate breakfast and brushed her teeth. Just as she did every morning. I had told you the night before that I had a surprise for her today but she did not know what it is. I told her to be ready to go out for lunch around 11:00 am and to wear comfortable clothes and shoes. I knocked on the door and she answered. I saw her and she looked amazing. Well, she always look amazing. She was wearing...

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Proud Slave GirlChapter 14

When a weary and wounded Francine finished her ten mile run with two injured thighs - one of them quite badly injured - she was ready to drop. She drained the filthy water at a single gulp and felt like drinking as much again, she was so horribly thirsty. She had scarcely started to recover when Frederica came out. Francine was astounded to see that her lover was wearing golden sandals, a silk gown and fine white gloves. So the lady Fortescue had freed her! She was happy for her friend, but...

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Aunt Brenda Part1

I was totally transfixed, glued to the floor watching as she bent to remove her panties. Her back was to me and I caught a glimpse of the dark pubic hair between her legs. A brief view of her puckered hole as her ass cheecks opened when she reached to the floor to pick up the discarded clothing. A flash of her hair covered, swollen pussy lips. I couldn't move. I needed to see more. The violation of her privacy was not lost on me, but my urge was more powerful than my conscience.And then I was...

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ProeliatorChapter 16

The men marvelled at the toilet and Licinia said a bit smugly, "We can leave this room now and you can test it out. All our guests do. Jón said this will keep us healthy because the germs will be carried away." The men didn't understand but we left the room and I closed the door on Julian. It took a while but we heard the water flow into the toilet again. My toilet tank was high up like the way the English had it at one time. The distance the water fell caused it to go fast and clean the...

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Summer Dreams

The day was unusually hot, so Summer decided to shut the house up and turn on the air-conditioner to try to cool down. Finally, she thought, I have the place to myself. Kids and hubby were off at football as per the norm for a Saturday. Wearily she sat down in her comfy chair in the lounge room and started to think about all the excitement of the last few weeks. It had started with her decision to quit her job after 15 years with the same company. Summer had realised that career-wise, she was...

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World of Possibilities

So my story begins when I was exploring a old antique shop on the west coast. It was one of those disorganized and dirty older shops. With the dust thick in places and cobwebs clinging to everything out of reach. Had mostly seen the usual junk when a old trunk caught my eye. After haggling with the old shop owner I was able to get him down to 50 and he just said to keep the junk inside. Later that week when I got around to looking inside there was a old wood cigar box under the old news papers...

1 year ago
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Actress Me Part 5 The Awards

Things settled back down to normal. Shannon was back at acting school, doing long hours to make up for lost time. Also the tutor was over 3 nights a week for a couple of hours to work with her on her weak points. Meanwhile I was busy working on my first movie script. The title I chose was Winner Take All. It was loosely based on a beauty pageant, with back stage drama. Of course I am writing it with Shannon I mind for the lead part. Both girls having been in many pageants, were...

1 year ago
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Halloween Surprise

Let me start off by saying that Halloween is for kids. I would tend to think that most of you adults on this site would have to agree. It is not like I am anti-Halloween or anything, that would be far from the truth. Believe me, I thoroughly enjoy seeing the little ones come to the door dressed in their colorful costumes. Even better when they come to the door escorted by their hot looking moms. Not that I would ever even consider using a kid’s costume as a conversation starter just to make way...

3 years ago
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The Life and Times Of Piper

I guess, looking back on things, it was pretty inevitable it was going to happen to me; the odds were stacked against me, karma was being a bitch, and the universe must have held some grudge against me before I even existed. It all began, weirdly, when I was born; as the doctor was pulling me out, he called out to my parents 'you've got a beautiful baby gi..oh, you've got a boy. A beautiful baby boy. Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Hamlin'. I hated this story, but, of course, my parents...

3 years ago
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The Contest

Drew: The Setup I got into this thing kind of in the middle. But then I made it my own, so to speak. At first it was just a rumor being spread around the clubhouse. How the rumor started, I couldn't guess. Swear to God! Kinda. "Did you hear about the contest", I heard one asshole say to another asshole in the locker room. I had gotten out of the shower and was donning a clean, dry rugby shirt to clear my soul of another wasted afternoon swatting at balls. I barely heard the first asshole...

4 years ago
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The Innocent Neighbor Girl Part II

Introduction: The long awaited sequel for some of you. Enjoy! I stood there looking down at her innocent eyes, kind of surprised my dick had got hard again so quickly. I chuckled lightly, well then what do you want to do with him them. She sat there biting the tip of her finger nervously, can I make you squirt that white stuff out again? Then you can make me orgasm again, like we just did. I stood there wanting to burst out laughing, how about we try sex instead? I asked smiling at her. She...

4 years ago
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The Birthday Gift 8211 Virginity 8211 Part 1

Hey, all. I am Shah and from south India. Well, I went through few of the posts and cultivated the courage to post my love making an experience with wholehearted permission of my love. Well, I have changed my love’s name for safety & security reasons but this is a true incident which you all will enjoy to the core. I met her in a busy market as she was fully involved in purchasing bangles. It was an attraction at first sight. She was slender & sizzling with a homely face, mesmerising eyes,...

3 years ago
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Weekend in the mountains

Jimmy and Jenny had not had a chance to really be alone and intimate with each other for quite some time due to their work and family life. So, they decided to take a trip out of town to the mountains and rent a cabin for the night. They arrived, and the scenery was outstanding. A rustic cabin overlooking a crystal clear lake, and beautiful forests all around. It appeared as if they cabin was not visible from any other cabins or homes on the lake, so they knew they would both get the...

1 year ago
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Chapter 9 Chrissie gets her fix

Chapter 9Chrissie gets her fixI woke up drenched with sweat as a rush of hormones heated my body towhat felt like a boiling point. The sun was up and I could sense it wasrelatively early. I checked my phone for the time and saw it was 7:00 am.I lay in bed for a few minutes thinking of the events that happenedyesterday: my first day as a t-girl prostitute at Derek's brothel inMayfair and the package of my new maid's outfits that I picked up fromJohn Lewis and the new rules that had been laid...

2 years ago
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Spanking in Amsterdam part 2

It had been 2 weeks since young Jennifer arrived in Amsterdam, met up with Peter and was introduced to a new wonderful world of sex and spanking. Every waking minute Jennifer had her legs wrapped around Peters waist with his erect penis buried deep in her vagina while she smothered him with wet kisses, when he wasn't deep inside her he was adding a fresh coat of red color to her bottom. Peter was becoming exhausted and needed to get control of this young nymph, she was everything he...

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