Falling Ch. 10 free porn video

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I suddenly awakened, gazing silently at the ceiling of the darkened bedroom. The soft sound of Stacey's breathing came from atop the bed, but that wasn't what had roused me. I listened carefully, feeling aches in every inch of my body.

Some of it was sleeping on the floor; the comforter puddled beneath me didn't do much to disguise the unyielding hardwood beneath it. I suspected I'd have felt the same way if I'd been in my usual location on the sofa; most of the damage had come from straining muscles I didn't even know I had as Stacey had teased me through an unending series of titanic orgasms.

My face heated at the memory, which was impressive considering I was a self-professed slut. Perhaps it was because none of the climaxes had been of the usual physically-induced variety; perhaps it was because my parents had witnessed most of them. Perhaps it was something deeper.

The soft hum repeated, disrupting my thoughts, and I recognized the sound of my phone in vibrate mode. I rolled silently to my feet, stifling a sigh as I flexed my protesting core muscles, and crept out of the bedroom without disturbing the rhythm of Stacey's sleep. Where had she left the phone?

I found it sitting on the counter with my keys. The display glowed brightly, displaying only three uppercase letters -- "JTX". As I looked at it, the phone vibrated again, triggering a rush of moist heat inside me. I bit my lip and couldn't resist the temptation to stroke my suddenly-throbbing clit.

"JTX" was Jenny in Texas, the stripper with whom I'd been having a torrid, if long-distance, affair. Like me, she was a slut who delighted in giving and receiving sexual pleasure, and if there were any two more compatible people in the world, I'd have to see them to believe it. The problem was that I was desperately in love with Stacey, and she was the jealous type.

Stacey had found out I'd been cheating on her the previous night, and it had been as bad as I'd feared. Jenny was safely out of harm's way in Texas, but I'd been right there to soak up all of Stacey's hurt and wrathful retaliation. I'd been mind-fucked to the point where I didn't even really care anymore, mostly. Just doing what Stacey wanted was enough to get me off.

The phone buzzed again and I gasped, my finger twisting the rings that trapped my clit between them. Touching myself that way definitely was not on the list of things Stacey wanted, but just now, the top of the list was "don't ever have anything to do with Jenny again."

Since I'd been talking and texting with Jenny every day for months and loved her just as much as I loved Stacey, I really wanted to answer the phone. Knowing that I was denying myself the pleasure of doing so, just because Stacey wanted it, had me wound up tighter than if the phone had been a vibrator buried in my sensitive ass.

The phone went quiet and reported, "Missed calls: 4". I'd been a good girl, and not answered. The thought left my knuckles white on the counter and my knees gave out. Liquid heat coated the fingers of my other hand and I moaned raggedly, unable to stave off my orgasm. I listened, but the rest of our apartment remained quiet.

A short buzz jerked me back to my feet. "JTX: r u there?" I moaned again, creaming like cheap bacon on a hot griddle as I swayed on my feet, caught between competing imperatives.

I knew I couldn't go on this way. I loved Jenny -- closer than a sister, more than a lover, like we'd become two halves of the same person. I didn't want to see her suffer at Stacey's hands. But the way it made me feel to obey Stacey -- it was like being fucked in the brain by Aphrodite. I knew I couldn't resist. A growing part of me thought Jenny would like it, too.

A shaking hand reached out and -- after two tries -- turned off the phone. Moisture trickled down my thighs like I'd peed, and no caress was needed to tease myself into another massive climax. I huffed for breath and pulled on my stiff nipples, trying to prolong the pleasure, but the physical sensation subsided beneath the knowledge that Stacey did not like me masturbating.

I mewed like a kitten as my hands fell away and the heat of obedience roused me once more. At some point I'd fallen on the floor, but I didn't remember it. I panted breathlessly, realizing that it wouldn't be long before I stopped thinking about what Stacey wanted and just did it -- like Daddy and Mommy and Michael.

The thought of that happening to Jenny was unbearable. I had to act while I still could.

A moment of careful listening confirmed the apartment was still silent. Quiet as a mouse, I crept down the hall to the closet which was where I kept my belongings. Burrowing through it on hands and knees, I found the unfashionable boots buried in a back corner.

They should have been donated or tossed years ago, but now they served a more important purpose. Stretching my fingers, I reached down the length of the left boot and hooked out the small zip lock bag stuffed up by the toe. I smoothed it gently, almost tenderly, on the floor and gazed at the hair clippings sealed inside.

Jenny had saved her pubic hair when she'd shaved it off, and given it to me just before we'd parted. In my hands, it was a silly sentimental keepsake; the ring riding beneath my clit was a more tangible expression of our mutual love.

In Stacey's hands, the hair was a weapon of unimaginable power. I didn't understand it, really, but she could work magic and hairs were the talismans she used to bend people's perceptions, thoughts, and desires to her will. They were the difference between a Jenny safely beyond Stacey's jealous vindictive rages, and a Jenny who might find herself doing... anything.

Perhaps it was unkind of me, but I did not imagine Stacey doing anything nice to Jenny. I loved both of them more than I could describe, and I couldn't let it happen -- no matter how much Stacey might disapprove. If I were lucky, she'd never find out and the issue wouldn't come up; if not, well... I'd take my punishment. Stacey loved me too, in her way, and hopefully it wouldn't be too bad.

Shaking aside my introspection, I picked up the bag and padded quietly to the bathroom. Offering silent apologies, I opened the baggie and carefully emptied its contents into the toilet bowl. I couldn't chance missing even a single hair, so I ripped the bag into pieces and dumped it in, too.

Relieved to have succeeded, I flushed the toilet and blinked rapidly as I got blinding light instead of the expected rush of water. I realized I was standing in Stacey's bedroom with my hand on the floor lamp chain.

Stacey sat up in bed and looked over at the contents of the popcorn bowl sitting on the chair in front of me. "And what do we have here?"

"Nothing," I mumbled, sounding as guilty as I looked, I'm sure. "Just some trash."

She leaned over and picked up the bowl, looking at it with interest. "Hair, and not your color, either. Whose hair is it, Linnea? Tell me."

The habit of obedience was already too strong to resist a direct request. "Jenny's," I gasped. The gasp was from the sudden heat inside me, not reluctance. "She shaved her pussy for me, and gave me the hairs," I added with a rush, feeling a bit juicy for being so helpful.

"How convenient," Stacey drawled, looking pleased -- I hoped it was with me. "Be a good girl and go fetch your phone, will you?"

By the time I returned with it, Stacey's lips were gleaming in the soft light and I could smell the hair in the pillar candle next to the bed. She spread her legs in wordless invitation and I fell to my knees and began tonguing her. Every twitch and soft sigh she made sent cream trickling down my inner thighs.

Well before either of us was satisfied, Stacey pushed me away, and then snipped a small lock of hair from my head. "I hope we won't be doing this too many more times, or you'll need a shorter cut," she quipped.

I hoped so too, since I owed my current style to her and knew it already was just the way she wanted it. I nodded, uncertain what she was driving at. I settled for watching attentively as Stacey trailed my platinum strands along her lips before sensuously swallowing them. I had to admit everything she did was sensuous.

"Listen carefully, Linnea," Stacey commanded, and of course, I did. "I know you love me, and want to please me, and doing what I want excites you, right?"

"Oh, yes," I panted, melting in her regard.

"Now I understand that you have minor attachments to other people, and occasionally you might want to do things for them on your own initiative. Things that might be different than what I would want."

I nodded, relieved she was being so understanding.

"Well, from now on, Linnea, if you do something -- or even think about doing something -- that you think might displease me, you'll lose control of your bladder, right away. Then you'll come and find me, before you do anything else, so we can decide together on the best thing to do."

"Thank you, Stacey," I whispered, glad that she trusted me to police myself. "I love you so much!"

"I love you too, Linnea," she told me, with an amused smile of approval that made me so hot I wanted to finger myself.

Instead, a small trickle of urine splattered on the floor. My face reddened while Stacey regarded me with a raised eyebrow.

"Already?" she asked, sounding faintly disappointed.

"I just thought I'd like to touch myself -- I wasn't going to do it!" I wailed. "I know you don't like me masturbating."

"Poor baby," she crooned understandingly. "You'll get better with practice. Now clean that up before it ruins the floor."

I didn't want to risk another accident, and I knew how Stacey's mind worked, mostly. I scooted backwards a little and bent to the floor, licking my piss from the polished hardwood. There wasn't really much of it, and the lack of comment was all the approval I needed. This time I concentrated only on the joy of making Stacey happy.

When I was finished, I looked up to see Stacey finish coating a healthy-sized lock of Jenny's hair with the nectar leaking from her labia. Half of the lock went into her mouth, to disappear down her throat. She held the remainder of the tuft over the candle.

I wet myself again, drawing Stacey's ire. "Oh, please!" I begged. "I love Jenny so much; can't you do what you did last night, to me? I know she'd love you, and she's so wonderful, you'd just adore her. We could all be together."

Stacey's expression was answer enough, and a powerful yellow stream gushed to the floor as I persisted in my entreaties. "Please, if you love me?"

"Love?" Stacey laughed harshly. "Jenny doesn't love you, Linnea; she's a home wrecker! Look at yourself! She's been trying to lure you into her web since you met, tearing us apart. Even now, when we should be together in perfect love, this Jenny is between us, hurting you. Why else would you be crying and pissing yourself like a baby instead of orgasming with me?"

She threw the hair into the candle, and I felt something break inside me. "Trust me, Baby; I know what's best for both of us. Today you're hurting, but some day you'll thank me for this. Now, call her."

I really wanted to call Jenny. I wanted to hear her voice one more time. I could tell her to run, to hang up; my empty bladder clenched. I turned on the phone and moaned with the pleasure of obeying Stacey. The phone booted in slow motion, each block in the progress bar marking time in my internal struggle. I was obeying; I could still save Jenny; the moment of decision was still in the future.

"Stand up!" barked Stacey; I complied without thinking. "Walk over here. Wipe off your legs on the sheets. Sit beside me."

Too late, I realized the series of innocuous commands had reasserted the habit of obedience and fanned the furnace of my body to nearly unendurable levels. When Stacey touched me, her hand felt like a branding iron resting on my thigh.

"Call her," she repeated.

It was Stacey's name I moaned as my trembling fingers hit the speed dial. I loved Jenny, but my body wanted Stacey more. I felt like a traitor. I felt like an incipient supernova.

"Linnea, you little slut! Where have you been?" Jenny's voice was a balm on my aching heart.

I cried, but my tears were silent because I knew Stacey wouldn't want the distraction. My teeth drew blood on the back of my hand when I exploded a millisecond after handing the phone to a triumphant Stacey. I tried to quiet my breathing so I could hear their conversation.

"Is this Jenny?" Stacey asked carefully.

"The one and only," Jenny laughed. "Hey, are y'all one of Linnea's friends?"

"Listen," Stacey said abruptly. She stared at the phone with ferocious intensity, her eyes almost seeming to glow in the dim light.

"You have never met a Linnea. You will gag uncontrollably any time you ever try to say the word 'Linnea'. Women repulse you; you cannot bear to touch or clean or groom yourself in any way. You only enjoy fried food, and cannot stop eating until you have vomited. Sex does not excite you unless you are paid for it, and then it is unbelievably arousing. When I hang up, you will immediately drop your phone in the nearest toilet. Enjoy your new life."

Stacey hit the end button and carelessly tossed the phone over her shoulder onto the bed.

"Jenny," I whispered, stunned at the totality of Stacey's retribution.

"There is no Jenny," Stacey told me. "Forget her; she's in your past." She swung a leg over me, muzzling me with her pussy, which was leaking more than usual. "But we'll always be together to look out for each other, Linnea. Now, clean me up, and since I'm in a good mood, I'll return the favor."

She was as good as her word. I extended my tongue, tasting her and feeling the pleasure return and suffuse my body. Just then, mindless rut seemed particularly attractive; the knowledge that Stacey wanted it for me just made it easier.

I rode the wave of orgasms higher and higher. It was so much easier to let Stacey make the decisions, and it felt so much better. I loved being her slut.


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I couldn’t believe it, I had just sucked off Robert in his office and been told that I would be expected at his and June’s house at 7:00 PM. My cock was hard as a rock and my mouth tasted of Robert’s cum and I wanted to masturbate and cum so bad. I sat in my cubicle with the thoughts of what had just happened and what had transpired the previous Friday evening running crazily through my mind when I was shaken back to reality by the ringing of my telephone. I slowly pick up the phone and said,...

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Best Regards

Best RegardsbyWhipsawThis story is fictional and the characters or the locations presented do not exist. With the exception of one state. This story develops very, very slowlyChapter One        Cheryl runs a critical eyes over her thirty year old nude body still damp from the shower. After an careful examination she nods and thinks "not bad at all, I can still turn heads, those hours at the gym haven't been wasted!"        The she dresses leisurely and enjoys the feeling of the smooth, soft...

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Follow UpChapter 5 Maureen

Bob Lacy was back from Korea and in law school for one month when he received a letter that had an APO return address. He opened it and was surprised to find that it was from Maureen, a girl he had known intimately in Korea. She was the Red Cross girl he had a great time with, just before he shipped back to the States. In opening the letter he caught the scent of her perfume on it. It brought back memories of a wild night they had in Seoul. She stated in the letter that her time in Korea was...

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The Doctors Home Visit

The following morning I had a lay in, I had nothing planned apart from the good doctor’s visit. I showered and then pondered what to wear, hell it was hot so a pair of baggy shorts and tee shirt would fit the bill.My morning was full of anticipation, I can’t tell you how many times my cock got hard just thinking of the Doc and how I was determined to get into her panties.Time was dragging but the afternoon arrived and I waited patiently for her arrival, I heard a car pull up and dashed to the...

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That SummerChapter 6

Kyle had finished his laps and was sitting in a lounge chair by the time the girls appeared. Emma wore a very light blue and white striped bikini that seemed to Kyle to be even smaller than the suit she had worn the previous day. Marcie's suit was the color of a tangerine, a brilliant orange that contrasted nicely with her tan, which was much deeper than Emma's. One look at her chest told Kyle that she was much further along in her development than was his cousin. "How is it that I come...

3 years ago
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Banged Horny Bhabhi

Hello friend, my name is Rony.I am 24. I love to read sex stories since I was young. When it was not available on internet, I used to read sex story books and now find sex stories on internet. I had read many stories here and wish I also must share my few sex experience with all of you. I am not a writer, so my story will in simple words however, I will try to make it little spicy. I reside in pune and I am a fitness freak person. I used to go for jogging every morning. When I used to come...

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watching her get done

It began innocently enough with a guy sending me some pictures of his wife, A few days of trading pictures and he said he wanted to bring his wife to Denver to meet me. He said his wife really liked the pictures of my big cock and wanted to sample it.He got a hotel Saturday night so I had most of a week to prepare. I went to the sex store and bought some toys, a giant dildo and some tiny nipple and clit vibrator bullets.We met at the hotel bar and had a few drinks, she had been drinking already...

3 years ago
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BBC for my Wife and Me CUCKOLD

When I arrived home she was in the kitchen finishing up dinner. I ask what we were having for dinner and she replied my favorite. I told her that didn't look like my favorite dish and she said who was talking about food. She took my hand and started walking toward the bedroom. She told me to get undressed. As I undressed she walked over to the corner and pulled out a kitchen chair.I ask what that was for and she replied for me to sit in. I couldn't imagine what kinky thing she had thought of....

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Judy at the Self Storage Place

I have a very unique job in that I am a property inspector for a large insurance company. My job takes me all over the country. I get to meet a lot of very interesting people. A rather large insurance company recently contracted with me to inspect a large amount of their insured properties. My inspection process is simple. The business owner or their designated contact is contacted and he or she sets up an appointment for time to gain access to the property. I have inspected everything from...

Office Sex
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The Eye Doctor visit

Scott had been married for 21 years and well, sex with his wife, when it occurred, wasn’t really fulfilling any longer. A case of too much familiarity seemed to be prevalent. He hadn’t really ever done anything about it, but, of course had fantasized about having an affair. He wanted that feeling of newness; that first time you’re with someone, when it’s all about exploration. The feeling when you kiss someone for the first time.It was time for Scott’s annual visit to the optometrist. ...

4 years ago
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Where the Mountain RisesChapter 30 A Fisher of Men

Summer 2052 Clark cast his fishing line back into the stream, hoping to catch a third fish one each for Sally, Katie and himself for their supper. The steady drizzle wasn’t helping much, although rain was dearly needed for the crops and hayfields. He would have been soaking wet by now, if he hadn’t given in to Katie’s insistence that he wear one of Brother Matthew’s robes to go outside. If Katie had been with him, she would have caught a dozen fish by now and he would be back inside...

2 years ago
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Useful Help To My SisterInLaw

Hi guys, I am Vinay back with another story. Thanks for your valuable feedback and comments for my previous stories. I hope you like this one also. Send your comments to Let’s get into the story .This story is about how I got into sex with my sister in law in the absence of my bro as a gift for my help. My bro got married a year ago, he works for an MNC company and goes out most of the days. To tell about my sister in law ( rekha ), she’s around 26, has a sexy body, most of them get attracted...

1 year ago
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From 16 yr old girlfriend to 17 yr old mother

I often hung out at the house of 2 younger girls I got to know in High School. Edna ,17, was the older sister and she had long brown hair and Jenny ,15, was a blonde 2 years younger. Edna and Jenny’s parents were older and didn’t pay much attention to what went on out of their sight. The sisters had a large dressing area outside the bathroom with a huge 8' long mirror over 3 sinks and a matching vanity. Edna was not shy about her looks or her body, and she had the reputation of being a...

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Personal Recount of My GFE with Indonesian MILF Li

In the hotel room, within fifteen minutes after checking-in, Liz, 163 cm tall, was completely naked on her back on the edge of the king-size bed bending and spreading wide her sexy legs, holding them tight to her chest locked under her arms lewdly offering me her exposed genitals for sexploitation. I was positioned on my knees in front of the bed between her thighs groping her sexy body with my hands while at the same time voraciously lapping away at her bald splayed cunt and asshole. I loved...

1 year ago
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A Come BackChapter 46 The End of Summer

I didn't wake up till long after the sun had. I felt sore and still mentally tired. "Billy?" I called, looking about. On the bedside stand there was a folded note: Rest well, help yourself to anything. I'll be just downstairs seeing to the horses. If you need me just call. Billy No Molly, No Cleo, and No Eddie. I rubbed my hands over my face and sighed. It's what I needed. "Billy, I'll take you up on your offer." I said to the note and went to his bath tub and turned on the...

3 years ago
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Men How to Last Longer in Bed

Men, think hard. Which is the best place you can think of. No, not the grandstand for your favourite sporting event. It's when you are in that delightful warm, wet and slippery place of love; inside your lovers body.We men are biologically programmed for sex. As soon as our basic needs (food, clothing, shelter) are dealt with, our thoughts turn to sex. It is a basic urge and we all experience a build – up of tension between one sexual encounter and the next.Unfortunately, we seem to be...

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Crossing The Street 2

‘Took you long enough!’ I blinked away the sleepiness that last night’s fitful slumber hadn’t resolved. ‘I said to be at the phone at ten. Where were you?’ Dana accused. ‘I…I was just here… I…’ My words trailed off, remembering last night’s dinner, the distracted conversation, the DVR shows Mitch and I had watched that I couldn’t recall, my brain occupied by yesterday’s events. Tossing and turning all night as Mitch snored, blissfully unaware of what his proper wife had been up to that day....

3 years ago
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Dolly Part One

Dolly Part Oneby theduck1930This story is true. It really happened and was one of the best times of my life. The names and places have been changed to protect the innocent if there are any.The year was 1965 and I was going through a divorce. My wife had become a party girl and was spending more money than I could bring into the house. That is what brought on the divorce. I could not stop her spending habits. Dolly was one of my favorites. I still think about her after 1969. We met at church...

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BadDaddyPOV Alexis Fawks A Little Girl With Huge Boobs

Alexis Fawks maybe all grown up now, but she still is her step daddy’s little girl. While she is over to help re organize the house after Mommy’s passing, Alexis snoops on her step father’s computer. She finds all the dirty movies he likes to watch since his wife died. Alexis is all grown up now with a pair of huge boobs to entice men with. She even looks a little like her mother did when she was alive. Alexis doesn’t care that she is his step daughter, this little girl...

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College experience

I was starting my second year in college. The first year has been hard for me in terms of commuting every day. Long boring hours on the trains drove me mad. I'm a girl who can't stay in one place for too long, so the long journeys were a killer. Luckily this year, my sister's colleague offered me a room in her house for one semester. Her name was Ciara, she was 31, short red hair, quite good looking but not to most men. She was married to Charlie. The first time I saw Charlie was the first day...

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PenthouseGold Sylvia Buntarka Hot For Teacher

Ravishing blonde schoolgirl Sylvia Buntarka has fallen in love with teacher Kristof Cale and of course he can’t resist when she reveals her true feelings. They start making out passionately and he gets the college cutie moaning like crazy as he sucks on her perfect perky natural tits and fingers her cleanly shaved pussy. Hotter, wetter, and hornier than ever, the nubile Penthouse babe gives a handjob and blowjob before getting the hardcore fucking and facial finale she’d been...

4 years ago
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Seth a Civil War StoryChapter 9 Escape

Confederate General Jubal Early and most of his staff spent Sunday evening near Gaithersburg, Maryland, a few miles north of Rockville, at the home of a very angry slave owner and Union sympathizer named John DeSellum. Mr. DeSellum was particularly unhappy because passing Rebels had pretty well cleaned him out of food and fodder before someone on the General's staff decided that his home would be a good place to locate the invading army's headquarters for the night. The few dark hours of...

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Fucking Paul In Ibiza

Fucking Paul In IbizaWe were on a holiday with a whole bunch of the family in the sunny island of Ibiza. On the second day of our holiday I had a huge row with my husband and he went off out with the k**s and his family leaving me alone with just his brother in law, Paul. Paul was married to my husband’s sister and she also went out for the day so there was just he and I alone. I have always had a soft spot for Paul and I don’t know why but I did. We lay on the sunbed’s next to each other...

3 years ago
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Hot Teacher

I wanted to fuck her so bad. She had golden blonde hair, with streaks of brown in it, and she always had it in a crazy bun. Her eyes were blue, and her face was smooth. She talked with a whisper in her voice too. Her body was great, with huge tits and a nice ass. She was young too, age 28, junior teacher. This was my chance. I had to report to her office, because I ‘accidentally’ grabbed her ass when she wasn’t looking. I sat down on the chair in the middle of the room, as we all did when we...

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Paradox InteractiveChapter 7

My future son is trying to change the past! Every time he changes something, the new memory pops into her head. Rory climbs out of the bed and grabs her keys. She has to stop him. Andromache lied about when she could travel. All she has to do is go to the lab, go back and stop him from doing what it he is doing. She runs out the front door and hops into her speeder, but before she can start the engine, another memory hits. She stares up at the stranger. “Nice to meet you, Far,” she says...

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AllGirlMassage Maddy O8217Reilly Carmen Caliente Teacher8217s Tramp

Carmen Caliente is on the phone with her friend talking about how epic her weekend was. She ended up hooking up with all sorts of girls and can’t wait to start college and find some new pussy. When her friend tells her that a new massage parlor opened up, Carmen asks her if that’s the one that Maddy O’Reilly is working at. Her friend tells her it is and that she should go check it out. Carmen hangs up the phone and starts thinking about how hot it would be to dyke it out with...

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LeefsticChapter 18

Tommy and Consti didn't make it to work for three days. The three women and I could see into the bio-dome and could see that Tommy though young was performing like a man. His puberty had started many years early then interrupted so he would not be continuously horny. The block was now off and his little testicles were getting a workout. Small pills were put beside his bed and they seemed to help along with the med unit. My work on the computer started again but this time everything was much...

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