Seasons Universe Recurring Character Outline
- 3 years ago
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I suppose I was something of a cad back in college, but I didn’t see it that way then. I thought I was just making up for the lost time of high school and then my freshman year. At the very end of that first semester in 1974, circumstances started to break in my favor. I wasn’t involved in casual sex or one-night stands, but I had several overlapping girlfriends for a while. Two of them even offered several threesome sessions to me, and I happily obliged.
In my mind, with pornography openly playing in Manhattan theaters and people paying for orgies at sex clubs like Plato’s Retreat, I imagined I was just following the standards of the times -- and at a relatively restrained level. I convinced myself I loved these women, sometimes simultaneously. I shouldn’t have been surprised when a year or less passed and I was dumped by them for other, usually older, guys.
At the beginning of my senior year in 1976 I was at a party and there, I met a Fordham University student named Donna Azzato. For a few months, I promised myself I’d be faithful to her and not attempt to date the women at my own school, which was the City College of New York.
The motto of my school was, Respice, Adspice, Prospice, which translated roughly as, “Look back, look at the present, look forward.” I started to look ahead to a possible post-graduation, adult relationship with Donna. Still callow, I hadn’t exactly defined what that would be, but it was the first time I had thought that far into the future.
However, it wasn’t my fellow students on Hamilton Heights who led me astray; it was one of the professors. At the time I used the excuse that she was the one who had initiated our trysts.
Professor Marilyn Janssen taught my French History: 1789-1940 class. At that time she was thirty-eight and had just received tenure. I enjoyed her class, and I had developed a bit of a crush on her. She had gotten her B.A. at Brown, and her master’s and doctorate at the University of Pennsylvania.
She was a fairly tall woman with dark-blonde hair that came down to her shoulders. Sometimes she tied it back in a bun; she always wore squared-off dark-rimmed glasses. Professors, except for the very youngest, usually dressed-up for classes more than they perhaps do now, and she was no exception. I looked forward to seeing her at each class and I took note of what she was wearing.
She was also one of the sharpest and most engaging teachers I had known at the school, and her intellect impressed me. If anything that made her even more attractive to me. After class I often felt a bit guilty that I had completely forgotten about Donna; I had to mentally shake myself as a reminder of my commitment.
I had gotten good grades at City, but my work habits ranged from mediocre to terrible. I tended to write papers in the last three days or so before they were due. In that era before word processors, I had to use a Smith-Corona electric typewriter. Usually, I had time to do one draft, and thus the next one had to be the one I turned in.
For this course, I had decided on an analysis of why the French had lost the Franco-Prussian War, with an emphasis on the final climactic battle at Sedan; Professor Janssen had approved my topic weeks earlier. Then in the next to last week of December, I got bogged down in my efforts. It seemed I only could write about the weapons and tactics used, and the deeper reasons for the defeat eluded me.
I felt that I should be doing a better job for a professor who as good as she was. Beyond that, I was ambitious; for me, a grade below an A was a “gentleman’s B." Yet, I couldn't finish my work in time for the last class. At the end of the session, I was at the front of the room trying to explain myself and not doing very well at that.
She was sitting behind the desk and she interrupted me, “I know what you want; you're going to ask for an incomplete, aren’t you?”
I had only asked for that in one other class, two years earlier, and it had been granted to me. “I can have it ready in three more days, I think.”
“You think? All right, see me in my office tomorrow at three. We’ll discuss it then.”
On the blustery and overcast afternoon of the following day, I walked up the steps of Wagner Hall, the vintage building that contained several of the liberal arts departments. I was aware of the history of the place. Back in the 1930s, before the city had purchased the South Campus, it had been a dormitory for a Catholic women’s institution called Manhattanville College. I wondered if alumnus Ethel Kennedy, née Skakel, had roomed in there once. I bet she had never asked for an incomplete; she didn’t seem like the type who would.
The building was quiet when I knocked on the door of Professor Janssen's second-floor office.
“It’s Paul, from your French history class.”
“It’s not locked; come on in.”
She was sitting at her desk. As usual, she was well-dressed; she had a dark jacket, a white blouse, a tight gray skirt, and dark stockings. She spoke before I could get a word in, “Don’t take off your coat, and don’t sit down yet. Also, lock the door.”
Shit, she's going to turn me down on the spot. I had made a trip down there just for this. The request about the door being locked didn’t register as important to me.
Then she said, “Frankly, you’ve got some fucking nerve asking me for an incomplete.”
I was shocked; I had never heard her curse before. Professors rarely did; in fact, people, in general, were much less apt to do so compared to now. I decided not to respond immediately.
She went on, “I approved your assignment eight weeks ago. Would you mind telling me what happened?”
Like with cops, professors gave you one chance to make your case. “Yes, ma’am, but I've been doing a lot of things, like with the newspaper I’m on.” I never called professors sir or ma’am, but some instinct told me to do it now.
“Yes, that rag; I’ve seen it.” So, I guessed she wasn’t a fan. “One of the things you've been doing is taking this course. Incompletes are a privilege, not a right. I’d be well within the protocol to just fail you.”
I wasn’t sure if that was accurate, but I was anxious anyway. “As I said, I can have it in about three days.”
“About three days? And why should I do that for you if all the other students have done their work on time?” Why couldn’t at least one other of those grade-grubbing snots have asked for an incomplete too?
“Please don’t fail me; I’ve never failed a course before.” I knew I was sniveling, and I hated myself for it.
“There’s always a first time for everything. I’ll have to give this some thought.”
She looked away and as she crossed her legs her skirt rode up well over her knees. I could hear the rub of nylon against nylon and I tried not to get rattled by that – but I did anyway.
I had the suspicion then – and I was sure of it later – that she had actually made up her mind earlier. In fact, the whole scene that followed was surely planned well ahead of my arrival. “Now Paul, I will consider giving you an incomplete, but first I will punish you quite severely for your – frankly, your inconsiderate attitude, just blowing off the course and expecting me to bail you out. If you can take that discipline to my satisfaction, I may grant you more time to finish your paper.”
“Thank you, professor.” I had no idea of what she was talking about. The only thing that came to mind was that she would limit my final grade to a B. Better that, than failing.
“Don’t thank me until you find out what my conditions are.” She opened a desk drawer and took out a magazine. She held it up and said, “Have you ever seen this?”
Indeed I had. It was National Lampoon's “Back to College” issue from the previous year. The most notable thing about it was the cover drawing, in full color, of a male professor using a slide rule to spank the bare buttocks of a female student. She was over his knees, her skirt was up, her blue and white panties were down, and she held a term paper with a big red F on it.
I saw no point in lying, “Yes, I’ve seen it.”
“Well, this is like what your punishment will be too. Just like this poor coed, I’m going to take you over my knees and beat your bare backside.”
She has to be kidding; but why would she joke at a time like this? Then some truth struck me, or at least part of one. This wasn't a joke, but neither was it a straightforward discussion about my grade. It was a pretext for something else; she had another agenda. I decided to play it straight and hear her out.
“When you are over my lap, the first thing I’m going to do is hand-spank you. Then, since I don’t have a slide rule . . . ” Of course not; you're not an engineer. “I’m going to use this instead.” She picked up a ruler from her desk. “Now this, this is eighteen inches of hardwood.” I noticed that it said New York Board of Education of the obverse side. She began stroking it, one hand sliding up and down the length of it. For the first time, she smiled at me.
“I’m going to whack your behind with this, really good and hard; maybe that will get your wandering attention. As I said, just like this girl on the cover, you're underpants will be down around your knees. Have you ever been spanked before, even by hand?”
I decided to lie about that, “No ma’am, I haven’t." Actually, I had been in spanking games with various girls, both as a top and a bottom.
“Then you’re in for quite an experience. I bet your ass is twitching at just the thought of it.”
She was right about that. I could guess more of her intentions now. She wanted to explore her own fantasies of being a dominatrix, and she had chosen me to be her subject. I wondered if she had ever pulled that stunt on students before, but I figured she hadn’t. Surely the word would have spread around campus if she had. Maybe she’d insist on my secrecy as part of the deal for my incomplete.
“All right, come over here, take off your coat; then drop your pants but not your underwear. If you don’t want to do it, you can get out of here right now.”
I briefly looked out the window at the tops of the bare trees of St. Nicholas Park and the blocks of old buildings down the hill. I bet those people down there in Harlem couldn’t imagine the weirdness that goes on up here in academia.
I did as she asked with my clothes and then she beckoned me to get over her lap. When I was in position, she put a hand in the waistband of my underpants and yanked them down. I noticed the feeling of air around my uncovered body, and I was aware that this woman was gazing at me. I liked both sensations. I think she knew that too.
“Now keep your feet on the floor and lift up your behind, present it for your punishment.” I had the impression now that she had mentally rehearsed most of this scene long before I arrived, perhaps even the day before. "So you want an incomplete? The nerve of you, waltzing in here and presuming I’m going to save your sorry ass.”
“It’s not like that, ma’am.”
“Shut up. You’re going to have to earn your damn incomplete. And that’s if I’m in the mood for it.”
She had the dominatrix’s knack for being stern. I wondered if she had picked up that talent instinctually or if she had seen some pornography about domination. I myself had seen photos showing female “bosses” punishing their male employees. One of my kinkier ex-girlfriends had that magazine. I remember that we had speculated that the office in the photoshoot was the real one for the publication.
Professor Janssen then patted and rubbed each of my ass cheeks in turn. I noted that her touch seemed affectionate. “There’s not a lot of padding on this skinny ass of yours. Well, too bad for you, I’m afraid. However, I’ll warm you up with a bit of hand spanking first.”
Instead of starting immediately, she continued to rub my behind. I enjoyed the feel of her smooth hand sliding on my skin. She was into it too because she said, “I like the feel of a young man's taut backside.” I suspected that much of this scene was going to be a tour of Marilyn Janssen's sexual interests.
After a few moments of this delightful stroking, he put her left hand on my back and began spanking with her right one. I found this kind of thing to be pleasure mixed in with the pain. She really got into it, whacking me harder and faster as the spanking progressed. After some of that, she stopped and rubbed me again. “Yes, you’re definitely warmed-up now; I can feel it in your skin.” Then she said, “Raise yourself up a bit, I want to see underneath. I knew I could feel it; you’ve got an erection, you dirty boy.”
“I can’t help it. I’ve had it for a while.”
“Be quiet; I know that the buttocks are an erogenous zone and that a man can get a hard-on from a spanking." That was certainly true from my own experience; it was notable that she was aware of that too. I fantasized about getting up and then she would put her mouth around my cock. Nice lipstick she’s got on today.
Of course, that didn’t happen. She said, “You're getting the ruler now; stick that ass out. Higher. Maybe a good paddling will make you rethink that erection of yours.” She pushed down on my back and then she slid my shirt up so that it was out of the way.
“I want you to count out the strokes, as in, ‘One, thank you ma’am.’ Got it?”
I almost said, sure, that’s such a standard procedure it’s almost a cliché. Instead, I simply replied, “Yes professor, I understand.”
Before I could answer she had swung back and then brought the ruler down on me. Being hit with a ruler was different from the spanking which had come before it. The wood seemed to have a real bite as it caught me on the ass. It probably wasn’t the hardest blow she was capable of, but she certainly got my attention
I gasped and said, “Ow, one; thank you ma’am.”
She gave me six before pausing. I could hear her breathing heavily. I suspected it wasn’t just exertion; she must have been excited by this.
“So, what have you been doing to waste your time this semester? Running around with those little coed sluts on that demented newspaper?”
I wanted to defend my female colleagues, “They’re not sluts.”
“Really? I think you’re fooling yourself. Girls nowadays drop their panties way too easily.” I wondered if she herself had been particularly chaste up in Rhode Island twenty years earlier. Before I could spend any more time pondering this, she gave me my next four whacks.
“I see you're up on tiptoes, always a good sign in these things. But let’s face it, if you could see your backside now, you’d be surprised by the change.” I glanced over my shoulder and I saw that she was assessing the condition of my ass.
She said, “I know this is going deeper; the ruler is bruising you, but hey, that’s the point of it.” I heard her laugh; then she said, “How about more to sweeten the deal?”
“No, ma’am, I think . . .”
I got three more, “Okay, good luck, a baker’s dozen.” She poked a sore place on my bottom, which definitely hurt.
“Please, ma'am, don't do that.”
She went into a baby-talk voice, “What’s the matter, does the little boy have a sore bottom? Should I kiss it and make it all better?” I couldn’t help but chuckle at that. Yeah, lady, kiss my cock too and it will be all better.
Marilyn expressed her own thoughts, “I know young men masturbate constantly.”
I felt a need to defend myself as something beyond a mere wanker, “I’ve had girlfriends here.”
“Yes, but you can’t fuck them as much as you would like.” They had seemed pretty pliable and eager to me. “You jerked off imagining your stiff cock in their sweet mouths and tight pussies.”
I should have been aware of judging by appearances, but this classy lady I had known for five months certainly had an explicitly lascivious mind. What was that Oscar Wilde quote? Those who go beneath the surface do so at their peril. The ruler certainly had an effect below the surface of my behind.
She said, “You have these interesting circles on you now; I’d say they’re in the purple spectrum surrounded by red patches.” Then she said abruptly changed her tone, “But really, boys in boarding schools endured worse punishment than this.” Yes, the English vice. That spanking magazine I had seen had been published in Manchester.
She wound up giving me thirty-five whacks; why that number, I couldn’t fathom. Once she caught me on the back of the thighs which almost made me jump up. She pushed me back and said, “Stay down, or you’ll regret it.”
Then she said, “One more, and the last one is always the hardest." She swung up high and brought her stick down on my butt. Without thinking I said, "Jesus, ma’am, that’s too much.”
“Okay, that doesn’t count. Here comes number thirty-six again.”
I tensed myself for it and it felt like the wood was going right through my ass. I clenched and groaned, “Ah, thirty-six," although it was actually thirty-seven. “Thank you, ma’am.”
She was breathing more heavily now. “Alright, you took that to my satisfaction. Go ahead, stand up, you may rub yourself.” I didn’t need any further encouragement. I got up and grabbed my own ass as if it might fall off, which was in fact how it felt. She was a bit merciful, perhaps; she gave me a bit of time to soothe myself. Then she said, “Now stand in the corner next to the window and put your hands on your head.” I only had to move a few feet to get there.
She got up and stood behind me. “I can see I thoroughly scorched your ass. A proper thrashing, I'd say.” A proper thrashing; that seemed like a phrase from that British spanking porn.
“Listen, my fine young scholar, you ask for an incomplete again and the colors on your rear are going to be black and blue.” She giggled, "Actually, you already are halfway there, I’d say. Anyway, I’ll beat you until my arm gets tired, like maybe double what you just got. Or maybe, I’ll use a cane on your hot little ass.”
She has a cane too around here? I tried to compare her present attitude with the refined woman I had known all semester. I tried for a joke, “Well, professor, maybe it would be best if I didn’t take any more of your courses.” I heard her chuckle at that.
“I noticed you didn’t hesitate to take a beating for your grade. You probably even enjoyed it. But then, men are always perverse.”
I thought, as opposed to you? I dared say, “Maybe you enjoyed it too?”
She didn’t answer; she moved between me and the window. She was close enough to touch; I looked over at her.
"What are you looking at?”
“I’m looking at you, professor.”
She pushed her glasses back on her head. I figured that she did that so I could look into her eyes. And her eyes looked wild. I couldn’t completely interpret her expression. She was obviously jangled but more than a bit excited. There was sexual arousal; that was obvious, but there was something else there too. She still held the ruler but she may not have been aware of gripping it. Her arm twitched a bit. I was now sure she had liked punishing me for its own sake.
Then she said, “So, what do you see? Do you think I’m attractive?”
I assumed she wanted me to keep looking, and I was curious about what she was going to reveal next. I said, “Yes, I do think you’re attractive, very much so.” No ma’am or professor now.
She flashed a look of anger at me. She put her glasses back into place, “You little shit, you think you can just breeze in here and fuck me?”
“I never said that.” It seemed she had given away what she expected to happen next.
She replied, “No, but I said it, and I know you’ve been thinking about it; it’s been going on all semester in fact. I’m sure you’ve masturbated about more than your fellow students; you’ve imagined me too.” Actually, I hadn’t – although I was sure I would after this. Let her rant; she needs to express more of her fantasies.
She continued, “You sat there for months trying to look up my skirt, and you thought about nailing me on my own desk.” It was true that she had a habit of sitting on the edge of her desk during class. Maybe it was more comfortable than standing, or maybe she was subconsciously teasing the male students.
Her tirade continued, “I teach here; I’ve worked for this, I demand some respect for it. I’m not one of those twats you’re used to banging around here. You’ve got some nerve, being in my office and showing off your erect cock.”
I looked down, “Ah, it doesn’t look erect to me now.”
She put her ruler down; she came up behind me and started rubbing my body. She was careful to avoid the sore places. Her warm hands went down the side of my hips and thighs; she brought them up and slid them under the tail of my shirt. In a few moments, she put her face near my ear and softly said, “It came back up again, hasn’t it?”
I decide to play it as cool as I could manage, “So, what are you going to do about it?”
She suddenly got worked up again. “Come over here and I’ll show you."
She sat down on her desk and pulled her skirt up. I shuffled over with my pants half down and looked between her spread legs. Her pantyhose were crotchless; there was a big open place that revealed her undersides. It wasn’t merely a slit; it looked like a whole panel had been cut out, but it was obviously designed that way. I had never seen anything like it; none of my girlfriends had owned such a garment.
There was something else notable. I said, “Professor, interesting stockings you have, but you're not wearing any panties beneath them.” Her thick bush was visible.
“Well I’m a full professor here; one of my perks is that I don’t have to wear underpants if I don’t want to.” All that and tenure too, I thought. She put a hand down and started rubbing herself. “If you want that incomplete, you’ll go down on me -– right now.”
“Whatever you say.” I knelt down and started by kissing her inner thighs and then her pubic area. Her flesh felt hot to my lips.
She moaned and said, “Please, don’t toy with me like that. Lick me, kiss my cunt; I'm sure you know how.”
For a second I thought, she’s more than a bit bossy, but I didn’t delay. Indeed, I did know how to give a good pussy-licking. I decided to enjoy the opportunity and deal with any drama later. As I licked her cunt I found out how wet she already was. Just from paddling me. Interesting how this lady has her deeply kinky side, but then I have one myself.
I held her thighs apart and said, “Professor, you’re such a hot lady, you know that?”
“Am I now? You have no idea what a filthy slut I can be.” That was getting down a bit lower, verbally, than I had expected her to go. I must have been thinking a bit slowly, but something else became obvious: she had prepared her little stockings surprise just for me.
I stopped for a moment said, “Do you like how I’m doing this?”
“Oh yes, very much. Could you lick my clitoris a bit more and then I’ll also touch myself there?”
While doing this I heard her say, “Not every man likes this. I’m very happy you do.”
I stopped again, “I’ve heard about that. So why don’t they?”
“Oh, some claim to not like the taste of cunt. But they indeed like getting their own cocks sucked.”
I would have liked that particular act very much, but I limited myself to a compliment, “I think you’re cunt is just delicious.”
We worked it out as if we had been lovers for a long time. She held one leg back and up while her other hand rubbed her pussy. I used a hand to hold her other leg up. She talked quite a bit during it, saying things like, “That's it, kiss my hot pussy, lick my clitoris; yes, that’s perfect.” As she approached orgasm she grabbed my head and held it in place as she gyrated her pelvis against my mouth. I lost track of how many times she chanted, “I'm coming, oh, I'm coming,” but it was at least a half-dozen.
Then she leaned back on her elbows and panted; I stayed kneeling on the floor. For a moment I appreciated the pleasure I had given to her, but then some doubts crept in. What happens now? I assume I’m getting my incomplete, but is she just going to send me on my way?
I heard, “I assume you’re still stiff?”
She’d see it anyway. “Yes, I sure am.”
“Then get up and use it for what it’s supposed to do.”
I wanted to confirm that, “Excuse me?”
"Stand up and fuck me right here on the desk. It’s not that complicated.”
It was a vigorous but brief coupling. I was twenty-one and very charged up; there wasn’t much I could do to slow it down. We held each other around our torsos as she rubbed my back under my shirt. She knew my ass was too sore to touch, and I guess I was grateful that she considered that.
She said a few things along the lines of, “Oh, please, I know you’ve fucked a lot of girls here; please stick it in me – it's my turn now.” Maybe she was concerned with competing with younger women on campus. Then I was beyond such thoughts. After about five minutes of thrusting I strained to say, “Please ma’am, I’m going to come; please let me do it.”
Her legs were spread wide, but her voice seemed almost matter-of-fact as she said, “Of course, please do; put your hot spurts into me.” I pressed into her as she pulled on my back, and then I shot off inside of her. Had there been anybody in the hallway they surely would have heard me yelling.
The immediate aftermath was strange; I had never in my young life had such abrupt sex before. We hadn’t even had coffee together yet, much less our first kiss. As I caught my breath, my first thoughts were a mixture of boastfulness – wow, you just fucked a professor right in her office! – and something more disconcerting: who the hell is this person, anyway?
I looked into her face – her glasses were again pushed back on the top of her head. I think she was more than a bit perturbed herself. Our coupling had been so quick that I was sure she hadn’t had her own orgasm during it.
She pushed gently against me – a sort of nudge – and I fell out of her. I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn’t think of anything. I suppose with her greater experience she was able to improvise for this situation.
“Would you like a drink?”
I did remember that alcohol was not served on campus. “Where?”
"Right here. I have some Amaretto in my desk. Sit down, over there.”
There was a small sofa against the wall, a meager-looking item that the college had provided. Most of the furniture at the school looked like caste-offs from car wash waiting rooms. I pulled my clothes together and got myself over there; she got up and retrieved the bottle and two plastic cups from a desk drawer. My battered ass pressed against the red vinyl-covered cushion and I winced as I sat on it.
She sat down next to me and offered me a cup. She said, “Amaretto; just the thing for the holiday season.”
I wasn’t able to reply. Just a short time ago I had come up the staircase dreading the negotiation about my grade. Professor Janssen now smoothed back her skirt and looked much the same as she had when I came in. Only her expression was very different, but I couldn’t deduce what she was thinking.
I gulped about half the sweet liqueur in the cup. As she sipped hers she looked away from me. For a little while, perhaps it was merely a minute but it felt longer, we just sat there drinking and staring at the far wall. I distracted myself with a colorful framed illustration that I later found out was a print of Ben Shahn's “Ohio Magic.” Then she looked at me as if expecting a comment.
For some reason, I said, “I haven’t had that many girls here a City.”
She seemed amused, I think, and she had a quizzical expression – and then she laughed, “Do you think I was accusing you of being a player of some kind? Okay, how many is it then?”
Why is that any of her business? But everything was different now. I said, “Four.”
She was on my left side; she moved closer to me and put her arm around my waist. “You’re still pretty young; I know I caught you by surprise.”
I tried for some masculine aplomb which I only partially achieved, “Hey, that was all pretty cool. I mean, you don’t have to explain yourself.”
That immediately struck me as the wrong thing to say, but she replied, “But now you know how perverse I really am.”
“Well, I am too, as you also just found out.”
She changed the topic a bit, “I’ve seen that girl who sometimes meets you after class.”
Now she was probing into my life, but I decided to reveal the truth, “She doesn’t go here; she's from Fordham, I mean Fordham University.” I left Donna's name out of it.
She pondered something for a moment. “Paul – and please, call me Marilyn – what I was going to ask you, would go downtown and have dinner with me and then come over to my apartment?”
For a second I thought of the most irrelevant details; I speculated about what kind of restaurants she went to and how I was expected to pay for one. I expressed my confusion by saying, “The kind of restaurant I can afford is something like Brew Burger.”
She laughed again. “I’m not worried about that. I mean, they do pay me well enough here.” Then she blurted out, “I’ve never had an affair with a student before.”
“Well, I’ve never had one with a professor before.”
I could see where I was being led. Why couldn’t someone so smart and attractive find someone of a suitable age for herself? Then I remembered the less than scintillating male faculty headquartered here in Wagner Hall. Pretty slim pickings. It seemed strange that this sophisticated Marilyn would pick me for a paramour – someone about seventeen years younger, with crummy clothes and also way overdue for a haircut. In addition, I wasn’t exactly “ripped,” as the expression is now, but maybe she was impressed by my interest in history.
I considered just spending the evening with her, getting my grade in about a week, and then bailing out. What could she do about it? It might be awkward to run into her on campus after that, but so what?
Maybe she was on a similar line of thought, because she interrupted my reverie, “You really aren’t surprised to find that I'm so kinky?”
“Not really. I should have told you this: I’ve done this kind of thing before, I mean spanking games – sometimes with the girl as the bottom.” I hoped that somehow reassured her.
She tried to make light of it, “Oh wow, how did we find each other?” You found me, Marilyn, I didn’t find you. “By the way, I’m sorry I acted like such a bitch during all of that."
I decided to placate her with a compliment, “That’s okay; I knew it was part of the game. You were quite convincing with it.” I didn't add, convincing as a dominatrix. Then I said, “Where do you live, anyway?”
“Perry Street, down in the Village.”
"Then you can pick the restaurant.”
I thought, well, this could be something interesting for the holidays – a mature lady girlfriend. Except, I already had a girlfriend. I had previously juggled more than one woman – spinning plates is the phrase used now – but I had thought I had matured beyond that. It now seemed that I had been wrong.
“Marilyn . . .”
“I know, I understand what you’re thinking – like about that girl at Fordham. Let’s just take it a step at a time.” It seemed that everyone in that decade took it a step at a time – and the future would sort itself out later.
Then she put her other arm around me and kissed me. It was the start of a very 1970s romance – first S&M, first muff licking, first intercourse, and now the first kiss. Marilyn said, “My, I can taste my pussy on your face.” Then she laughed at me, "You’re actually blushing." I hoped she found that endearing rather than ridiculous.
I attempted a joke, “I don’t think Lee Marvin would blush.”
"So he’s someone you want to model yourself on? Probably he would blush too! Anyway, my car is parked over in the lot by Convent. We should probably go soon.”
“You drive up here? I mean, I see why you don’t take the subway.” The New York subways have never been charming, but they were really rolling slums back then.
“It's something I treat myself to – I pay for a garage downtown. It’s a Volkswagen Dasher.”
I could detect something like pride of ownership. Considering the circumstances, I had a very odd thought. I admired the Dasher myself – it seemed so trim compared to waddling American cars – and I wanted her to let me drive. Probably it was fortunate that I stifled that request. Then she got up and said, “Before we go, I have to get my underpants.”
“What underpants?”
"The ones I took off before you came here. They’re right in my desk here.” Yeah, along with spanking implements and the liqueur – everything an ambitious academic needs in her office.
When she took them out I noted that they looked like bloomers, not the usual kind of feminine undergarments that I had seen removed for my benefit. Marilyn looked rather coyly at me as she pulled her generous drawers up. “Well, you didn’t expect me to put these under the pantyhose, did you? I got these at Sears.”
“Marilyn, I’m not up on everything women arrange to have under their clothes.” It didn’t feel natural yet to use her first name.
“Actually, in warmer weather, I like thigh-high stockings; sometimes even garters with straps. Old-fashioned, but they’re so sexy. You’ll see.”
I caught the hint; warm weather was months away and she expected me to still be around. I was on track to graduate in June – but I put that out of my mind. We would deal with that when it happened.
We put our coats on and then we stood there looking at each other. Before I could speak she interrupted me, “Don’t think; just act.”
"Who said that, William Blake?" I just made that up, but it sounded like something he might have written.
“No, I did. Now, there’s a very nice Italian place on Cornelia Street. Then, if you're not pressed for time, you’re invited to my place.”
I knew that invitation was for more than an after-dinner cocktail. She wanted that second sexual release she had missed while being hastily banged on her desk. I said, “The semester is over; I’m not exactly pressed for time.” I regretted my failed wit, and I continued, “Sorry, I’m not Cary Grant as you must know.”
She smiled and gave a dismissive wave, “Somebody else wrote all of his lines.” She took my hand in hers, “Come on, you’re doing fine. Let’s go already."
As we left the office I remembered that I did have one more task that semester; that was to finish the incomplete paper about the Franco-Prussian war. At that point, it had become a minor issue. I was about to start a romantic adventure for 1977 with two girlfriends. The first one had to never find out about the second. At least Donna and Marilyn were at different universities.
In a few moments, I was sitting in the Dasher as she started the engine. I said, “I have a question. Why do you have that National Lampoon? Do you like looking at the cover?”
She looked embarrassed for a second, then she said, “I admit, I often imagine being that spanked coed.” That was a bit of interesting information I filed away for future reference.
We glanced at each other and again I sensed there was an awkwardness between us. We had gone from a teacher-student relationship to lovers so quickly. Since she was older and more experienced, I waited for her to comment. She looked uncertain for a moment, and then she smiled. “As you get to know me, you’ll find out that I’m a real sweetie-pie. And, hey, Season’s Greetings!”
Joanne’s seventeen-year-old sister, Gabrielle, arrived home just after 4.30 that Saturday afternoon. She was happy. She had enjoyed spending time with her friends in town, doing some last-minute Christmas shopping and just relaxing for a change. Once she had locked the front door behind her, Gabby Wilson laid her shopping bags down in the hallway and walked into the front room, where her mother and older sister were watching television. The young woman smiled and sat down on the sofa next to...
SpankingJoanne’s seventeen-year-old sister, Gabrielle, arrived home just after 4.30 that Saturday afternoon. She was happy. She had enjoyed spending time with her friends in town, doing some last-minute Christmas shopping and just relaxing for a change. Once she had locked the front door behind her, Gabby Wilson laid her shopping bags down in the hallway and walked into the front room, where her mother and older sister were watching television. The young woman smiled and sat down on the sofa next to...
SpankingHello and welcome to Seasons, during this story you’ll meet nine people living their lives. They all interlink with one another in one way or another and culminate at the end. I WILL UNDERSTAND YOU, I WILL DEGRADE YOU, I WILL SUPPORT YOU, I WILL FORSAKE YOU, I WILL BETRAY YOU, I WILL KILL YOU, I WILL PROTECT YOU, I WILL SAVE YOU, I WILL ABANDON YOU, I WILL COMFORT YOU, I WILL HELP YOU, I WILL GUIDE YOU Remember the above as each will be portrayed. If you do like this story please click that...
"Seasons of Change" by Joel Lawrence (C) The train began slowing as it neared Westbury station. Michael knew this was the name of the station because the conductor had passed through the car and announced it, and around him other passengers were heeding the suggestion that they check to ensure they had all their belongings. Michael gathered his books and the remnants of the snacks he had bought on the train and watched out the window and the train came closer to the...
Growing up as much as any bit of life in this world, I found roots to call my own and drew sustenance. I began to find a taste for certain things, certain joys and ran after them with a zealous glee. I remember the wind flowing through my hair as I started to learn what it meant to truly chase after a goal, a dream. Laughter came first, then the crash of bodies and the smell of grass all over my clothes. The sun always seemed to rise and shower me with its’ warmth as I toss and turned under...
FALL, 1967 Sexually, I was a late bloomer. Not that I had no sexual feelings: I had been masturbating (to a dry orgasm for the first few years) since the age of 5. My practical experience with girls was, however, almost nonexistent. But from the first time Annabelle Lee sneaked away from the church picnic with me and kissed me under the big tree at City Park, flicking her slick tongue in to mine and running a knowing finger along the stiffening bulge in my crotch, I was in love with her...
WINTER, 1967-68 It was December 31, 1967, and for the first time in my life I had an actual date for New Year's Eve. It wasn't anything particularly exciting; but just the fact that I got to stay out past midnight—with Annabelle—made it extraordinary. I picked up Annabelle around 7 p.m. and we drove to Zeb Williams's house. Zeb was a friend from church who wanted us to meet his new girl friend. Zeb was the youngest of about eight children, and his widowed mom was pretty old compared...
The week following the incident in the museum was like a living hell for Michael, she was constantly goading him on in the class room, many time causing him to cower behind his podium or his desk to hide the growing erection she aroused. The things she wore to his class, he knew were meant to tempt him. He had never seen her in anything but jeans and sweaters, but all of a sudden she was wearing tiny little skirts, very low cut sweaters, and jeans and t-shirts tight enough to make him have to...
That weekend it was near impossible for Claire to concentrate on anything else besides the encounter in the café. She hadn’t thought anyone had seen, but just to be careful she didn’t talk about it. But every night as she lay between her crisp, cool sheets, her body burned, remembering the paths his eyes had traveled over her. She wasn’t sure if he was attracted to her or just appreciating a fine body. Either way, remembering the look he gave her made her shiver deep down in her core, a slow...
As Claire stepped from the shower much later, she realized how badly she wanted something to happen between Mr. Daughton and herself. Having it put to thought startled her, she had never, ever, imagined doing anything with a teacher. Quickly she understood what her feelings could make her do, and she made the decision to take the tact of propriety and maintain a safe, professional distance from Mr. Daughton, and not allow herself to encourage him any further than she already had. Though, God...
The next few days went off without many problems. Occasionally Claire would find him looking at her, his gaze intent on her, but other than looking, he made no moves for her. Part of her was disappointed, but on the other hand, she reminded herself, that that was what she had wanted. Finally the day of the art museum trip came and she and her classmates prepared for the trip. They would be walking, as the museum wasn’t far from the campus. As the students, bundled up in scarves and hats,...
It was a brisk fall day, the air slightly chilly as it swept through the trees sending bright leaves cascading to the ground. The afternoon sky was clear and bright, the sun shining down on the bustling college campus. It was the first day back from summer break and everyone was getting back into the swing of the educational system. Claire O’Malley was brimming with excitement, and her creamy, freckled skin was glowing with it and her sharp green eyes were alighted with passion. She loved...
Katherine Wilson sat at the kitchen table staring at the clock on the wall. She was angry. Fuming in fact. She had struggled to cook the family a roast dinner with her broken right wrist and here she was, waiting for them to return from the football match. Her husband and son were late. Not unusual, but this time they were spectacularly late. Nearly two hours after they had promised to be home, they had still not arrived. She had called and texted them but had received no reply. She had sworn...
SpankingKatherine Wilson sat at the kitchen table staring at the clock on the wall. She was angry. Fuming in fact. She had struggled to cook the family a roast dinner with her broken right wrist and here she was, waiting for them to return from the football match. Her husband and son were late. Not unusual, but this time they were spectacularly late. Nearly two hours after they had promised to be home, they had still not arrived. She had called and texted them but had received no reply. She had sworn...
SpankingHello friends jaisa ki aap sab jante he ki ye meri doosri story he fir bhi me aapko mere bare me fir se batana chahta hu mera naam hemang he aur me Gujarat ke junagadh city me rehta hu aur mere land ki size he 6 ki Meri ye kahani abhi 1 hafte pehle ki he jab Sunday ki sham thi aur me apne group k shath houseful movie dekhne gaye the mera email id he agar koi aurat,bhabhi yaa girl mujhse contact karna chahti ho to mujhe upar diye gaye email id pe contact kare.. Me aapke jyada bor nahi karunga...
Present Day “Just how much longer will this take?” asked Jenny Brownell. She was in the third row of the minivan, and not amused. Her brother Nick rolled his eyes at the complaint. One or the other of his sisters had been whining about the drive for hours. “Give it a rest, Jenny.” He was in the center row so that he could pass along any final directions to his father. “Shove it!” she grumped. “Yeah, really. Are we even still in North Carolina? Are we lost?” asked his other sister, Mandy....
December 19, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “I was surprised when you knocked on my door last night,” Samantha said on Saturday morning. “Jessica insisted.” “Your wife, whom you took to a party, while wearing that amazing tux, sent you to my bed? I almost don’t believe it!” “Yes, she did. Because it was Friday.” “But all we did was cuddle and sleep in each other’s arms.” “You snuggled close and fell back asleep,” I chuckled. “And that’s fine.” “You could have woken me up!” she...
To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. Our season was Christmas and we barely got home from Savannah in time to celebrate. Joanne arrived at the same time and we met her and Amy at the airport before we came home. I rode with Joanne and Amy while the five girls with me picked up my car from the parking lot and drove it home. "I'm going to the dorm," Amy said. "I'm just hoping there is still someone around who wants to play." "Just be careful of...
From what she could tell, Kayla was back in the living room. 'Jack' on the other hand, being unfamiliar with his surroundings, wasn't so sure. On the floor beneath their feet was a two inch thick foam mat. It was 72 inches by 72 inches square. Chloe had picked it up at a factory outlet store operated by an Atlanta based adult furniture manufacturer. Neither 'Jack' nor Kayla knew it at the time but they were standing facing each other at arm's length. Through their earplugs, they...
Season of Terror By Tigger Copyright 2002 All Right Reserved Introduction: A Moment of Crisis Her lips set into a fine, hard line against the emotion burning in her throat, Victoria Denato started to stride out of her pastel-and-chintz-decorated bedroom only to catch herself at the last moment. If her plan was to have any chance of success, she had to have Jane Thompson's full cooperation - and she was absolutely certain that cooperation would not be forthcoming if she failed to...
My high school years was going really good. I had learned about sex and was trying to fuck every girl I could. I was up to eight, two long term girlfriends and six girls that I banged several times and tossed. My best bud lived across the street from me. His mom, Rose, was like a second mom to me. Rose and I were pretty close. She was a short little Hispanic woman, not over five foot tall and chubby, like a ball with arms and legs. She had always flirted with me from the day I met her. Alot of...
Chapter One – Spring The phone rang, jolting me out of my sleep. I looked blearily at the alarm clock. It was 8:19 on a Saturday morning. Who the hell could be calling me? I cleared my throat and picked up the phone. ‘Hello?’ ‘Steve. It’s Jessica.’ Jessica. Just hearing her voice brought back vivid memories. I walked over to the coffeemaker, thankful that I’d had the presence of mind to brew a pot of coffee last night. I was going to need some caffeine to work my way through this...
Hooray! Hockey season has begun and, in case you’ve not read my earlier journal entries, I do not like any sports. Couldn’t care less about them. I am, however, married to a man who loves the Boston Bruins and he goes to as many games as he can. Obviously, I knew in advance that he had tickets for the season’s opener and that allowed me time to prepare myself for it. Put it another way: I had time to plan the fun I’d have while he was at the game.I had so many online options. First question,...
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It looked like it would be an absolutely terrible Holiday Break for me. As an orphan, having been abandoned by my mother just days after birth and having never known my father, I had no family to go home to, for I had never been adopted. Even though there were some 3,000 students at my college, it had just happened that all my friends were either from the southern or western states, and I could not afford the airfare and spending money to go with them for the Holiday Break to spend the time...
Season of the Wolf Part one: Running With the Pack Chapter 1 ‘Grace, you can’t be serious.’ My roommate glares at the cardboard box I’ve been packing for the last hour as if its public enemy number one. Impatient with my non-response she huffs and taps a manicured nail against her perfectly tanned forearm. ‘I mean, have you really thought this through?’ The tone of her voice hinges on begging, but even her dramatic, over the top pleas aren’t enough to convince me to change my mind. I don’t...
Although I’m happily married, with the consent and often assistance from my hubby, I’ve developed quite an appetite for young men, and they seem to have quite an appetite for me in return. Years ago I would have never dreamed of having sex outside of marriage but after years of being together my hubby started to talk about the possibility of us adding another to the mix and we’ve now been part of the lifestyle for years. More often than anything else, we bring in a single male to the mix but...
Monday was a normal day. I ate with Kathy and only said that I met an interesting girl named Nadia at Sunday school the day before. Of course, I said nothing about any deal. Tuesday morning, I sent Nadia a text. She responded moments later telling me to come at a quarter before twelve. I sent back, “Okay.” I told Kathy that I was having lunch with Nadia today. She grinned and waved me off. I left, giving me three minutes to get in my car and drive five hundred feet. I walked in on time. I...
I drove home and went to bed. Sleeping wasn't immediate as I thought about Laura and Jenny. I did sleep, eventually. In the morning, the girls came bouncing in with coffee and questions. April's first question was, "Did you kiss her?" "Kiss who?" "Dad, that's not funny." "We kissed very lightly. I have had more passionate kisses from you two. It was appropriate under the circumstances." May said, "I like her. I think you should bring her around more often." "May, we've...
Title: The Meet And GreetRating: NC17Summary: A lucky fan wins a meet and greet with Chris Evans. I had been trying to get a meet and greet with Chris Evans for months now.Such a hot man.It would be unthinkable NOT to have wild passionate sexy dreams about him.Imagine my yell of victory when I finally scored that meet and greet.I would get a set visit on Captain America 2.And of course I would see Him.I wondered if I had the nerve to tell him that I make manipped pictures of him.That and that I...
Despite being in a strange bed at a nearly-empty hotel, Christmas morning felt truly ‘right.’ I could hear the wind whistling past the window, and instinctively knew that virgin snow was falling upon the area. I was warm and cozy underneath the covers. And, most importantly, I was not alone. Megumi slept peacefully in my arms. I held a sleeping goddess, and I knew that a deity somewhere above was indeed smiling upon me. In time, I extricated myself from my girlfriend’s feeble hold and...
Novella 2: On the Hunt Chapter 1 The sky is gunmetal gray and the ocean turbid and violent. The wind is relentless and tears at my hair. Cold drops of rain splatter against my cheeks. I walk across swirling sands tossed by the storm and contemplate my next move. People who don’t know better think southern California is sunny and warm three hundred and sixty five days a year. It isn’t. Sometimes, it’s cold, damn cold, and today is one of those days. That’s ok. I don’t mind the weather. The...
Thursday December 13 had been the end of the first semester for me, for that was the night of my last final exam. One week later, the date would be forever memorable for me because it was the day my companion and I were rescued from our isolation. It was nearly sunset when the work crew had finally cleared away the snow from the north-side door. I sent Megumi out first, and someone quickly grabbed her suitcase while someone else wrapped a large thick blanket around her and hurried her to an...
The Wolf’s Den Chapter 1 Winter is my least favorite time of year. I’m a California girl to the very core of my existence. The relentless gray skies and blinding white of nothing but snow as far as the eye can see are certainly not as pretty in reality as they appeared in the glossy pages of the travel brochures I collected along the way. I hate being cold. Hate. It. I learned to tolerate and sort of like Indiana. I enjoyed going to bed with the landscape looking one way, with the lush...
After the harsh winter broke, the masses drove out to bask in the sun. Parks were filled with the sounds of play, picnics, and leisure. Lakes were a buzz with those brave enough to withstand the chilly waters. Others just sun bathed on the waters edge, soaking in the rays. I chose the less beaten path. Literally. I took the trails in the woods, still getting some sun while keeping in the shade to keep cool. At first there were many passerbys, but soon they became few and far between as I...
Being 2020, my Christmas wish to Santa had to be less frivolous than my normal request for a night with Mila Kunis. This year I would wish for the ability to avenge my most tragic loss. Many years ago my two siblings were captured and killed by a most-wicked witch. A very Grimm story. This year I would wish for the ability to destroy her. I realize I'm too old to be writing letters to Santa. But, I'm also too old to eat corn dogs and tater tots alone which I do every night. Always hopeful,...
Humor1 Spring - Sprit Man She leaned over and looked at her reflection in the clear cold water. Her hair was in twin long black braids and shined of the bear grease she had used in it. They were held in place by the leather band that was around her head. She dipped the skins into the still cold stream. The water still had the icy feel of the melting snows from the mountains. The air in the early morning had the bite of the passing winter, yet it also carried the sweet smell of the coming...
Everything went as planned. We had lunches and I took her to Chase’s Christmas party. We were careful in our drinking and, therefore, stayed sober. The next week was Bella’s party and I picked her up for it. We handled things similarly. Nadia was a hit at both parties being a clever, good-looking woman wearing an attractive dress. At her company’s party, both of us received many looks. She did because the clothes I had seen her wear during the week were noticeably more modest and I did simply...
In the morning, I woke and went in to work. It was a good morning. At a quarter before twelve, I received a page. I had a guest up front. I went up to reception and there was Lois looking really good. I gave her a quick hug and kiss. We went to the back and I introduced her to Kathy and Mack. The four of us went to lunch. It was delightful. When we finished and were back at the office, I walked her out to her car. She said, “I enjoyed meeting your friends. They’re good folks. Now, I want the...
The party progressed through the evening with nice people in attendance. I got to know Lois’ younger brother though he was older than she. Mark and his wife, Angie, were thinking about starting a family after the first. They seemed nice people and lived on the other side of town. The four of us talked for almost an hour. I got to know them both and liked them. I hoped they liked me. I learned more about Lois, too. I liked what I heard. I knew that she was an elementary school teacher for a...
Work was quiet. I had lunch with Kathy and another. I arrived home and was welcomed by Lois at the door. “How was your day, Lois?” “It was good. The kids are back and seem to have a renewed interest in learning for a day or two. They always seem to be that way after the Christmas holidays. Of course, we call it Winter Break now. We have guidelines about asking and answering questions about this time to be politically correct. It’s infantile but a number of parents are infantile, too.” I...
I slept happily all night. Lois woke me with a light kiss. “Good morning, Randy.” “Yes, it is that. It’s good to see you this morning.” We got out of bed and began our morning rituals. We dressed. Lois looked good wearing a pair of slacks that fit her bottom well. Her sweater looked good on her, too. I was wearing slacks and a sweater. Hand in hand, we walked to my car and got in. I drove us to a chain restaurant for breakfast. We were seated and ordered breakfasts. Coffee was brought with...
On a Saturday soon after the married and pregnant Daughter/Girlfriend had been there, Grandson wanted to talk to his Grandpa. He brought some beer and pizza and they sat on the back porch. After some small talk, Grandpa reached over and put his hand on his grandson’s arm saying, “Something is really bothering you, isn’t it?” “Grandpa, like I told you a few days ago, I made a big mistake when I was ‘young, dumb, and full of cum’. I lost the best girl I was ever with. I still love her and wish...
Lives were happier for a while after Grandpa’s counseling and therapy for Husband and Wife. With goals defined, and accountability to Grandpa, the needed improvements happened. Finally the couple was cut loose to be the independent people they needed to be. Life has a way of bringing change and, of course, these folks were not exempt. Girlfriend paid a visit to Mom and Dad to show off her new baby girl. Of course, she reconnected with her dear Grandpa and had a foursome of an evening with...
I arrived home and we spent the time cooking and then eating. We talked about our days. I told April about my visit with "Miz" Watson. I told her to be cautious about expressing her Christian views. She responded, "Dad, I will not set my belief aside for anyone. She is a lonely woman. I am trying to get her to come to church. I will stay my course." "Okay, April. I think you will have to be patient on that issue. She does seem to want to be fair though." May said, "Dad, it just means...
We went in and were seated at a table. A young waiter came by and poured water for us all. I said, "Laura, they have a very good house Zinfandel that would go quite well with the veal. I'm going to have a glass, would you join me?" "Yes, thank you." The waiter departed with our drink order. Laura said, "I'm surprised you drink." "I enjoy a glass of wine with a meal and an occasional mixed drink. In moderation, there is no harm in it that I've seen." She nodded. "I was...
We came in by the kitchen and my daughters said in unison, "Good evening, Miz Watson. We're glad you're here." May said, "Dad will take your sweater. He put a nice bottle of white wine in to chill. It should be cool now. Would you like a glass?" Laura blinked. "Yes, that would be fine." May said, "Very good. If you and Dad would be seated in the living room, I will bring you each a glass." Laura blinked again. She gave me her sweater and I led the way into the living room. We sat...
I had sweet dreams in which Jen and Laura met and smiled at each other while they stood on either side of me. I'm not sure but I took it to mean that Jen approved of Laura. During a break at work, I made a call, "Pastor George, it's Paul Sanderson." "Paul, it's good to hear from you. What might I do for you?" "I have a friend, the lady who was with us last Sunday, who will be returning this Sunday. She has made a profession of faith and wants to be baptized and to join the...
I removed my clothes down to my boxers. She watched. She came close and turned away and said, "Unzip me, please." I pulled the zipper all the way down. She stepped away from me and turned to face me. She was holding the dress up and, for only an instant, looked troubled. Then, she calmed and smiled. She let the dress drop and stepped out of it. She sat on the bed, kicking off her heels. She peeled her hose down one leg at a time. It was one of the most amazingly sensual sights that I have...
We drifted off to sleep holding each other. At some point, we turned over and I was snuggled in behind her and was gently clutching her breast. We woke that way and I don't know who woke first but I know she was holding my hand in place. I heard her murmur, "I like." "I like, too. I like very much." I gave her a gentle squeeze. "However, if we don't get up and put on some clothes and go to my house, we will have more trouble than we want." Laura chuckled. "You are too right! Start...
We woke up together in the morning. I sent the girls to their bathroom and Laura to mine. I went downstairs to start coffee and fiddle around. When it was ready, I took two cups upstairs. I came to my bedroom and knocked. I heard Laura say, "Come in, Paul." I entered and saw her pull her panties on. I was in love with the woman inside but sure did like the outside packaging! I thought for a second and realized I should say something. I walked to her and gave her a soft kiss and put her...
She looked at April. I said, "April, are you willing, as a condition of participating in this matter, to treat it in total confidentiality? You may not discuss this with anyone without my or Miz Watson's explicit permission." She looked at me and said, "Yes, sir, Dad. I understand and will do it." She looked at Laura and said, "Mom, he's being a lawyer and that makes it serious. I understand what it means to treat something confidentially." I said, "That's resolved. What kind of...
I heard, "Aw, aren't they cute?" It was April's voice. They were standing by the bed. My eyes shot wide open as I woke startled. "April, what are you doing? What time is it?" "We are watching our Dad and Mom sleep together and it looks like you are both very happy. Your clock will go off in less than five minutes." Laura purposively stretched and yawned. "Your father is a good man with who to sleep. I feel safe and warm. "Now, we'll see you downstairs. Close the door behind...
When we arrived home, I called my parents. I had told my dad by phone before our first date that I had met a wonderful young lady. I told my mom that the date had gone well and we were getting serious because she was a wonderful person. I also told mom that April and May loved her. When I called them, they both got on the phone. Laura and the girls were with me. I put my phone on speaker. I said, "I have put my phone on speaker with the four of us here. Mom, Dad, I want to introduce my...
Saturday morning, we woke up together. April and May were at our bedside when our eyes opened. I glanced over my shoulder. They were grinning "It's time to meet the 'rents!" May called out gleefully. April grinned. "Should we tell them that we woke you two up in bed together?" Laura's eyes popped open in terror. I said, "April Sanderson, do you see her eyes?" I could see the tears in Laura's eyes. She began to whisper, "Oh, God! I can't do this! It won't work! I was a fool to...
It was Sunday and started off well with a great Sunday school lesson and a great sermon. As we left and spoke to Pastor George, Laura said, "I was reading that passage two days ago during my lunch break. Your words now give it so much more meaning. Thank you, Pastor George." She gave him a quick hug. George just beamed. She was taller than he. With heels, he got a face full of chest. We talked to a few other people before we climbed into the car to drive to Jen's mother's house. I...
Everything was ready. It's Saturday. Mother Munroe is taking the ladies to the church to dress. All I had to do was show up. Our bags were packed and in the trunk. My clothes were laid out. After the rehearsal, the only mystery was my girls' gowns for the day. Laura had not let me see anything and the girls had supported her fully. I stopped to pray. I thanked God for Jen and her wisdom and for His grace in bringing Laura into my life. I asked Him to bless our wedding and life together. I...
It was a warmly loving night. In the morning, we rose to go to school and my office. We kissed good bye. April now rode with Laura while May still rode with me to her school. I let her off. She gave me a kiss and said, "We can talk more tonight, Daddy." I smiled and nodded. Fortunately, there was nothing important or pressing about my day. I headed home to talk to my younger daughter in particular though I wanted Laura with me while we listened to her. April could contribute much, too. She...